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INTRO . . . 3 
WEEKS 1-4 . . . 5-14 
WEEKS 5-8 . . . 15-23    
END NOTE . . . 24       


It is strongly advised that you consult with your

physician before beginning this workout program.
You should be in good physical condition and able
to participate in the recommended workouts.
Amber Gianna has no medical experience or title and
is not able to suggest what specific exercises and
workouts will benefit an individual. The
information provided is based on Amber Gianna’s
personal experience and is for educational purposes
only. This program should not be used as a
substitute for professional medical advice. You
should understand that when participating in any
exercise or exercise program, there is always the
possibility of physical injury. If you engage in
this exercise or workout program, you agree that
you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily
participating in these activities, assume all risk
of injury to yourself, and agree to release and
discharge Amber Gianna from any and all claims or
causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of
Amber Gianna’s negligence.  


Hi there! 
My 8 week booty guide is a gym program designed for 
someone who wants to build a bigger butt that is toned 
and perky. This program consists of 3 workouts per week. 
Each workout contains 5-6 exercises along with the name 
of each exercise, number of sets and reps, description, and 
a fun animation.  
For the last 3 years I have been consistently working 
towards achieving my dream body. My main focus has 
always been towards growing my booty. Within my fitness 
journey I have gone through a lot of trial and errors in 
order to find what works best for me. When I had finally 
figured it all out I was able to transform my body and 
couldn’t be happier. Since the routine I have constructed is 
what has been most beneficial to myself, I know it can be 
for you as well.  
Let’s get these booty gains! 


● When trying to build muscle it is important that you are drinking 
enough water, consuming enough protein, and are in a caloric 
surplus. What a caloric surplus is, is a state in which you are 
consuming more calories than you are burning. While 
consistently weight lifting, your body will use the extra calories 
to build muscle. There are many online macro calculators that 
can help you keep track and I suggest you use one.  
● Make sure you are not deficient in any vitamins. I get my vitamin 
levels checked every few months to make sure I am not lacking 
any important vitamins. In the past I have struggled with a 
vitamin D deficiency and it had made growing and maintaining 
muscle hard for me. I feel checking vitamin levels is often 
something that is overlooked so I like to remind people of its 
● Getting proper sleep is essential for muscle growth and 
recovery. While we sleep human ​growth hormone is produced 
and protein synthesis occurs. Without good sleep, your muscles 
will shrink! 
● You always need to allow your muscles at least 24 hours to 
recover. Meaning, if you workout your booty on monday you 
should wait until at least wednesday to workout your booty 
again. If you train the same muscles everyday this will not allow 
your muscles to grow due to insufficient rest. I like to workout my 
booty monday, wednesday, and friday. 
● Before and after each workout I recommend stretching and 
foam rolling. Doing so before a workout can help loosen your 
muscles, promote a better warmup, and prevent injury. 
Stretching and foam rolling after a workout can help your 
muscles better recover.  
● Last but not least consistency is key!​ ​The more consistent you 
are on keeping a healthy diet and training the better your 
results will be. Results won’t happen overnight but they sure are 
possible with time and effort. Stay motivated and have fun.  


During weeks 1-4 each day will begin with body weighted jumps. 
These explosive jumps will mimic the exercise you are about to 
perform and warm you up.  
Once you have finished your warm up set, you will begin the next 
three exercises. These three exercises will be with moderate 
weight with moderate repetitions. It is important when building 
muscle to lift heavy, but since these are the begining weeks you 
first need to get in the groove of things, gain strength, and 
properly prepare your body for heavy lifting.  
After the three moderate weighted exercises, you will transition 
to your two burnout sets. Burnout sets involve lighter weight with 
higher repetitions. These are important to do at the end of your 
workout to completely fatigue the muscles you have just trained 
for maximum muscle growth. 


WEEKS 1-4 
DAY 1 
Start with your arms by your side, feet shoulder 
width apart, head up, and back straight. Keeping 
your back straight and chest up, squat down 
until your upper thighs are parallel, or lower, to 
the floor. Pressing mainly with the balls of your 
feet, jump straight up in the air as high as 
possible. When you touch the floor again, 
immediately squat down and jump again.  
Repeat for the recommended amount of 
Begin with the barbell supported on the back of your shoulders. Point your 
chest up and face your head forward. Stand hip-width apart with your feet 
turned out as needed, and squat down. Refrain from moving your hips back 
as much as possible and make sure they stay align with your feet. While 
keeping your torso as upright as possible, 
continue all the way down, keeping the weight 
on the front of your heels. The moment you 
reach 90 degrees, reverse the motion driving 
the weight upward back into starting position. 
Squeeze your glutes.  

Sit down on the abductor machine and select a 
weight. Position your legs, grip the handles on 
each side, and keep your upper body stationary.  
Slowly press against the machine with your legs 
and move them away from each other. Hold and 
feel the contraction for a second then begin to 
move your legs back to the starting position. 
Repeat for the remaining repetitions. 
Begin seated on the ground with a bench directly 
behind you. Have a loaded barbell over your legs. I 
suggest using a pad to avoid discomfort. Roll the bar 
up directly above your hips and lean back against the 
bench so that your shoulder blades are near the top 
of it. Begin to drive your feet forward while extending 
your hips vertically through the bar. Your weight 
should be supported by your shoulder blades and 
your feet. Extend as far as possible squeezing your 
glutes, then reverse the motion to return to the 
starting position. 
Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart with 
a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward with one leg, 
descending until your rear knee nearly touches the 
ground. Your posture should remain upright, and your 
front knee should stay above the front foot never over 
it. Drive through the heel of your lead foot and extend 
both knees to raise yourself back up. Step forward with 
your rear foot, repeating the lunge on the opposite leg. 

Position a bench in front of a low pulley cable station 
and attach the cuff above your right ankle. Kneel and 
put your left leg on the middle of the bench while 
positioning your hands under your shoulders. Extend 
your right leg forward, keeping your knee unlocked. 
Begin to bring your leg back behind you until it is fully 
extended. Do not hyperextend your back as you pull 
against the weight. Squeeze your glutes, hold for a few 
seconds, then slowly return back to the starting 
position. Repeat for the remaining repetitions. 


​WEEKS 1-4 
DAY 2 


Go into a lunge stance position- one 
foot forward with the knee bent, and 
the rear knee nearly touching the 
ground. Extending through both legs, 
jump as high as possible, swinging 
your arms to gain height. As you jump, 
bring your feet together, and move 
them back to their initial positions as 
you land. Absorb the impact by 
reverting back to the starting position. 
Place a box or bench 2-3 feet behind  
the smith machine. Set the bar on the height 
that best matches your height. Once the 
correct height is chosen and the bar is loaded, 
step under the bar and place the back of your 
shoulders across it. Hold onto the bar using 
both arms at each side (palms facing forward), 
unlock it and lift it off the rack. Position your 
legs by placing one foot slightly forward under 
the bar and extending your other leg back. 
Place the top of your back foot on the 
box/bench. Begin to slowly lower the bar by 
bending your knee as you maintain a straight 
posture with your head up. Continue down 
until the angle between the upper leg and the 
calf becomes slightly less than 90-degrees. 
Make sure your knee never goes past your 
toes. Begin to raise the bar as you push the 
floor with the heel of your foot mainly as you 
straighten your leg again and go back to the 
starting position. Switch legs and repeat the 
Seat yourself on the machine while planting your 
feet on the platform widely spaced apart. Before 
you begin make sure that you are pushing your 
knees out at all times, NEVER allowing them to 
cave in. While keeping your head and chest up, 
fully extend your knees and unlock the sled. 
Lower the weight by flexing your hips and knees, 
continuing as far as flexibility allows. Do not 
move your pelvis while performing this exercise 
and keep your back pressed against the back of 
the seat at all times. At the bottom of the motion, 
pause briefly and return to the starting position. 
Grab a bar using an overhand grip or a mixed grip. Stand with your torso straight and 
your legs shoulder width apart. If you prefer having a narrower stance, bring your legs 
closer. Do whatever you feel works your hamstrings/glutes better. Having your knees 
slightly bent and stationary, lower the barbell to over the top of your feet by bending at 
your waist. Keeping your back straight, move forward as if you were going to pick 
something from the floor, until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings/glutes. Bring your 
torso up straight again by extending your hips until you are back at the starting position 
and squeeze your glutes. Remember it is always very important to keep your back straight 
at all times when deadlifting to avoid any injuries. If you feel the weight you are lifting is 
making it harder for you to keep your back straight lower the weight.  
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms down by your side 
with a dumbbell in each hand. Cross your left leg behind your right and lunge as 
far as you can to your right side, keeping your weight in your heel. Return to the 
starting position, then repeat with your right leg, lunging to your left. 
Begin standing a few feet in front of a low pulley with 
a rope or handle attached. Face away from the 
machine and begin to straddle the cable with your 
feet wide apart. Reach through your legs as far as 
possible while bending at the hips and keeping your 
knees slightly bent. While keeping your arms straight, 
extend through your hip to stand straight up. 
Squeeze your glutes then repeat.  

WEEKS 1-4  

DAY 3 
Begin with a box of an appropriate 
height, 1-2 feet in front of you. Stand 
with your feet shoulder width apart. 
Perform a short squat in preparation 
for jumping, swinging your arms 
behind you. Rebound out of this 
position, extending through the hips, 
knees, and ankles to jump as high as 
possible. While swinging your arms 
forward and up, land on the box with 
your knees bent, absorbing the impact 
through your legs. Step down one leg 
at a time and repeat.  
Start at a squat rack with a box at 
the appropriate height behind you. 
Step under the bar and place it 
across the back of your shoulders. 
Remove the bar from the rack and 
place your feet wide for emphasis 
on your glutes. While keeping your 
head facing forward, sit back with 
your hips until you are seated on 
the box. Pause when you reach the 
box and relax your hip flexors. 
Keeping the weight on your heels, 
drive upward off of the box until you 
are back in starting position. 
Squeeze your glutes. 
Seat yourself sideways on the machine with your 
side against the seat. Place one foot on the 
platform with your toes slightly outwards. Before 
you begin make sure that you are pushing your 
knees out at all times, NEVER allowing them to cave 
in. While keeping your head and chest up, fully 
extend your knee and unlock the sled. Lower the 
weight by flexing your hip and knee, continuing as 
far as flexibility allows. Do not move your pelvis 
while performing this exercise and keep your side 
pressed against the seat at all times. At the bottom 
of the motion, pause briefly and return to the 
starting position. Repeat for the remaining 
repetitions for one leg then switch to the other.  
Begin seated on the ground with a bench directly 
behind you. Have a loaded barbell over your legs. 
I suggest using a pad to avoid discomfort. Roll the 
bar up directly above your hips and lean back 
against the bench so that your shoulder blades are 
near the top of it. Begin to drive your feet forward 
while extending your hips vertically through the 
bar. Your weight should be supported by your 
shoulder blades and your feet. Extend as far as 
possible squeezing your glutes, then reverse the 
motion to return to the starting position. 
Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart 
with a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward with 
one leg, descending until your rear knee nearly 
touches the ground. Your posture should remain 
upright, and your front knee should stay above 
the front foot never over it. Drive through the heel 
of your lead foot and extend both knees to raise 
yourself back up. Step forward with your rear foot, 
repeating the lunge on the opposite leg. 
Position a bench in front of a low pulley cable station 
and attach the cuff above your right ankle. Kneel and 
put your left leg on the middle of the bench while 
positioning your hands under your shoulders. Extend 
your right leg forward, keeping your knee unlocked. 
Begin to bring your leg back behind you until it is 
fully extended. Do not hyperextend your back as you 
pull against the weight. Squeeze your glutes, hold for 
a few seconds, then slowly return back to the starting 
position. Repeat for the remaining repetitions. 


During weeks 5-8, day one will be heavy weight with low 
repetitions, day two will be light weight with high repetitions, and 
day three will again be heavy weight with low repetitions. This 
allows you to push yourself to lift your absolute heaviest, recover 
while still working out your booty, then lift your heaviest again.   
To begin, on day one and three, you will start your workout with a 
warmup set using moderate weight with moderate repetitions. 
Once you have finished your warmup set you will begin the next 
three exercises. These three exercises will be with heavy weight 
and low repetitions. Go as heavy as possible while making sure 
you are keeping perfect form and completing the suggested 
amount of repetitions. If you start to compromise your form or 
the amount of suggested repetitions, lower the weight.  
After the three heavy weighted exercises, you will transition to 
your two burnout sets. Burnout sets involve lighter weight with 
higher repetitions. These are important to do at the end of your 
workout to completely fatigue the muscles you have just trained 
for maximum muscle growth. However, instead of using light 
weight with high repetitions as you did for weeks 1-4, you will now 
be using moderate weight with high repetitions. This way you are 
burning out with a tad bit of heavier weight to really help you 
improve your strength and muscle growth.  
Day two will be all the same except with low weight and high 
repetitions for all exercises. Have fun! You get to take it easy! 

​WEEKS 5-8  


Seat yourself sideways on the machine with your 
side against the seat. Place one foot on the 
platform with your toes slightly outwards. Before 
you begin make sure that you are pushing your 
knees out at all times, NEVER allowing them to cave 
in. While keeping your head and chest up, fully 
extend your knee and unlock the sled. Lower the 
weight by flexing your hip and knee, continuing as 
far as flexibility allows. Do not move your pelvis 
while performing this exercise and keep your side 
pressed against the seat at all times. At the bottom 
of the motion, pause briefly and return to the 
starting position. Repeat for the remaining 
repetitions for one leg then switch to the other.  


Begin with the barbell supported on 
the back of your shoulders. Point 
your chest up and face your head 
forward. Stand hip-width apart with 
your feet turned out as needed, and 
squat down. Refrain from moving 
your hips back as much as possible 
and make sure they stay align with 
your feet. While keeping your torso 
as upright as possible, continue all 
the way down, keeping the weight on 
the front of your heels. The moment 
you reach 90 degrees, reverse the 
motion driving the weight upward 
back into starting position. Squeeze 
your glutes.  
Sit down on the abductor machine and 
select a weight. Position your legs, grip the 
handles on each side, and keep your upper 
body stationary. Slowly press against the 
machine with your legs and move them 
away from each other. Hold and feel the 
contraction for a second then begin to 
move your legs back to the starting 
position. Repeat for the remaining 


Begin seated on the ground with a bench 
directly behind you. Have a loaded barbell over 
your legs. I suggest using a pad to avoid 
discomfort. Roll the bar up directly above your 
hips and lean back against the bench so that 
your shoulder blades are near the top of it. 
Begin to drive your feet forward while extending 
your hips vertically through the bar. Your 
weight should be supported by your shoulder 
blades and your feet. Extend as far as possible 
squeezing your glutes, then reverse the motion 
to return to the starting position.   

Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart  
with a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward with one  
leg, descending until your rear knee nearly touches  
the ground. Your posture should remain upright, and  
your front knee should stay above the front foot never 
over it. Drive through the heel of your lead foot and 
extend both knees to raise yourself back up.  
Step forward with your rear foot, repeating  
the lunge on the opposite leg. 
Position a bench in front of a low pulley cable 
station and attach the cuff above your right ankle. 
Kneel and put your left leg on the middle of the 
bench while positioning your hands under your 
shoulders. Extend your right leg forward, keeping 
your knee unlocked. Begin to bring your leg back 
behind you until it is fully extended. Do not 
hyperextend your back as you pull against the 
weight. Squeeze your glutes, hold for a few 
seconds, then slowly return back to the starting 
position. Repeat for the remaining repetitions.  



WEEKS 5-8 

DAY 2 
Seat yourself on the machine while planting 
your feet on the platform widely spaced 
apart. Before you begin make sure that you 
are pushing your knees out at all times, 
NEVER allowing them to cave in. While 
keeping your head and chest up, fully 
extend your knees and unlock the sled. 
Lower the weight by flexing your hips and 
knees, continuing as far as flexibility allows. 
Do not move your pelvis while performing 
this exercise and keep your back pressed 
against the back of the seat at all times. At 
the bottom of the motion, pause briefly and 
return to the starting position. 


Start at a squat rack with a box at the 
appropriate height behind you. Step 
under the bar and place it across the 
back of your shoulders. Remove the bar 
from the rack and place your feet wide 
for emphasis on your glutes. While 
keeping your head facing forward, sit 
back with your hips until you are seated 
on the box. Pause when you reach the 
box and relax your hip flexors. Keeping 
the weight on your heels, drive upward 
off of the box until you are back in 
starting position. Squeeze your glutes. 
Place a box or bench 2-3 feet behind the smith 
machine. Set the bar on the height that best matches 
your height. Once the correct height is chosen and 
the bar is loaded, step under the bar and place the 
back of your shoulders across it. Hold onto the bar 
using both arms at each side (palms facing forward), 
unlock it and lift it off the rack. Position your legs by 
placing one foot slightly forward under the bar and 
extending your other leg back. Place the top of your 
back foot on the box/bench. Begin to slowly lower the 
bar by bending your knee as you maintain a straight 
posture with your head up. Continue down until the 
angle between the upper leg and the calf becomes 
slightly less than 90-degrees. Make sure your knee 
never goes past your toes. Begin to raise the bar as 
you push the floor with the heel of your foot mainly as 
you straighten your leg again and go back to the 
starting position. Switch legs and repeat the 
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms down by 
your side with a dumbbell in each hand. Cross your left leg behind 
your right and lunge as far as you can to your right side, keeping 
your weight in your heel. Return to the starting position, then repeat 
with your right leg, lunging to your left. 



Begin standing a few feet in front of a low pulley with a rope or handle 
attached. Face away from the machine and begin to straddle the cable with 
your feet wide apart. Reach through your legs as far as possible while bending 
at the hips and keeping your knees slightly bent. While keeping your arms 
straight, extend through your hip to stand straight up. Squeeze your glutes 
then repeat.  


​WEEKS 5-8  

DAY 3  

Sit down on the abductor machine and 
select a weight. Position your legs, grip 
the handles on each side, and keep 
your upper body stationary. Slowly 
press against the machine with your 
legs and move them away from each 
other. Hold and feel the contraction for 
a second then begin to move your legs 
back to the starting position. Repeat 
for the remaining reps. 
Begin with the barbell supported on the back 
of your shoulders. Point your chest up and 
face your head forward. Stand hip-width 
apart with your feet turned out as needed, 
and squat down. Refrain from moving your 
hips back as much as possible and make 
sure they stay align with your feet. While 
keeping your torso as upright as possible, 
continue all the way down, keeping the weight 
on the front of your heels. The moment you 
reach 90 degrees, reverse the motion driving 
the weight upward back into starting 
position. Squeeze your glutes. 
Begin seated on the ground with a bench directly 
behind you. Have a loaded barbell over your legs. I 
suggest using a pad to avoid discomfort. Roll the 
bar up directly above your hips and lean back 
against the bench so that your shoulder blades are 
near the top of it. Begin to drive your feet forward 
while extending your hips vertically through the bar. 
Your weight should be supported by your shoulder 
blades and your feet. Extend as far as possible 
squeezing your glutes, then reverse the motion to 
return to the starting position. 
Grasp a bar using an overhand grip or a mixed grip. 
Stand with your torso straight and your legs 
shoulder width apart. If you prefer having a 
narrower stance, bring your legs closer. Do whatever 
you feel works your hamstrings/glutes better. Having 
your knees slightly bent and stationary, lower the 
barbell to over the top of your feet by bending at 
your waist. Keeping your back straight, move 
forward as if you were going to pick something from 
the floor, until you feel a stretch on your 
hamstrings/glutes. Bring your torso up straight 
again by extending your hips until you are back at 
the starting position and squeeze your glutes. 
Remember it is always very important to keep your 
back straight at all times when deadlifting to avoid 
any injuries. If you feel the weight you are lifting is 
making it harder for you to keep your back straight 
lower the weight.   
Position a bench in front of a low pulley cable station 
and attach the cuff above your right ankle. Kneel and 
put your left leg on the middle of the bench while 
positioning your hands under your shoulders. Extend 
your right leg forward, keeping your knee unlocked. 
Begin to bring your leg back behind you until it is fully 
extended. Do not hyperextend your back as you pull 
against the weight. Squeeze your glutes, hold for a few 
seconds, then slowly return back to the starting 
position. Repeat for the remaining reps. 


Hi again! 

I hope you had fun and love your results! 

It means the world to me knowing that my booty guide helped 

get you closer to achieving your dream body.  

Feel free to email me any before and after photos and any/all 
details regarding how you liked my 8 week booty guide.   

This way I can share your results on my fitness instagram at- 

♡ ​@ambergiannafitness ​♡ 

Which will only be open to those who have purchased my 

guide! So please make sure to request it to be approved.  

Let’s start a community of body positivity, fitness motivation, 

and women empowerment!  

Stay you and keep up the hard work! 


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