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Destiny of life: -

Even a single thread is enough

to overcome us from the
hardest defeat. But this aid
lives only in our self from the
very first beginning.
Our birth starts with the
triumph in the womb of mother
where darkness exist on its tip,
smallest space to draw breath,
still a child survives with full
confidence and comes to this
beautiful creation of mother
nature of face new struggles,
hardships and challenges which
are set by destiny to fulfil the
need of their survival in this
chain of mortality.
We all fights over and over,
only in the search of victory
with the hidden believe that
someday, somehow, we will
attain our place in the revolving
and continuous cycle of life.
Wrestling with the tides of
eternal and infinite violent
ocean holds the real essence of
happiness. They give the true
meaning to the joy to enhance
the crux of real happiness
which can only be seen after
the daunting night.
Life is always a complete
package of misery and
pleasure. They go hand on
hand till last petal of rose
Ultimate purpose of every
fleshly being is to reach at the
shore after delivering their
defined purpose to become one
with the light of pre-eminent.

Life always tries to let us down,

This is the destiny of life,
“And winning over all is OURS”

Society as we know it: -
Society, where we live with our family
freely and happily but is it really true?
Don’t we Spend each day with some
kind if hidden trepidation which is
indirectly violating all laws of freedom
and Independence specially for the
particular gender? Why I am trying to
highlight one the specific gender while
writing this post? It is only because
somehow today I have realised that all
of us has given up our false hope to
make this place a better world either
knowingly and unknowingly.
On a daily basis, we are all coming
across with many fresh cases in various
medias where some mentally sick,
psychopath and insane morons are
showing all way to the world to go
beyond all imaginary limits of
inhumanity. Today, It looks, humanity is
nothing but just a word, fate to be used
in fancy articles only.
It may or may not be equally acceptable
for each one of us that the reality of this
great nation, its system, and its not so
great culture stands nowhere when we
compare it with many Gulf and
European countries in terms of
protection, justice and care. We may
definitely have one of the most
glorifying history of great warriors and
fighter but while looking at the present
scenario, I can clearly conclude that we
together failed them. We have achieved
this milestone collective. Hence, none of
us are entitled of rise finger against
anyone. It is a hardcore fact that ‘it is
the citizens of the nation who decides
what their nation will look in the future,
it is only we who make it great or
modest’. Whenever the debate of
protection, safety, standard of living and
respect arises, deep inside we all knows
in our hear that we are at the wrong
place today.
Generally, the citizens of our so-called
great nations only cares about money
and social standing. These (riches)do
some hefty donations for various cause
in the name of humanity and
development to improve the condition
at the upper level but the real question
is where the real problem exists. Don’t
you think, the problem lies in the core,
mentality and upbringing of many of our
surrounded or co-resident of the society
is completely hallow and shallow? Can
money ever be able to change that?
Don’t you think, the donated money
also indirectly feeding these pests of
this so-called society? Aren’t these
creatures the real example of fiend
brute which I think don’t even exists in

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