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State-of-the-Art Review of

Pressure Relief Valve Design,

Testing and Modeling
It is well known that the response of a rail tank car to exterior heating (e.g., fire
P. M. Petherick engulfment) is significantly affected by the operating characteristics of the pressure
relief valve (PRV). If the valve jams or fails in some way, it can lead to a violent
vessel rupture; therefore, PR Vfailure modes and mechanisms must be understood.
A. M. Birk This paper investigates the studies which have been conducted in the area of PRV
Department of Mechanical Engineering, technology. The original focus of the paper was to conduct a literature search to
Queen's University, find the state-of-the-art for the PR V's which are presently installed on railway tank
Kingston, Ontario, Canada cars, highway tankers, and stationary LPG storage vessels. When few papers were
found which had concentrated on this particular topic, the authors continued the
search by considering both the nuclear power and chemical processing industries,
where similar technologies are found. The results of the literature search suggest
that the PR V's currently installed on tank cars and highway tankers are based on
designs more than 30 yr old. Controlled fire tests and industry's maintenance pro-
grams suggest that PRV's could be improved. Most experimental studies of PRV's
have concentrated on flow visualization techniques and have not considered PR V
dynamic characteristics. The lack of understanding of valve dynamic characteristics
has slowed the development of improved PR V dynamic computer models.

Tanks cars carrying liquefied gases, such as propane, are Experimental Studies
equipped with a PRV similar to that shown in Fig. 1. The Several experimental investigations have been conducted on
spring-loaded PRV, based on designs more than 30 yr old (King PRV's in the last decade. Specific areas of interest have in-
(1981)), operates in the following manner during a relief scen- cluded valve performance during vibratory excitation, valve
ario. As the driving force (tank internal pressure) overcomes performance using various flow regimes, flow visualization
both the spring force and the force caused by the atmospheric and determination of valve pressure and flow-rate coefficients.
pressure acting on the upper side of the disk, the valve starts These tests are summarized in Table 1, and are discussed in
to allow the tank-medium to escape. Further increases in tank greater detail here.
pressure lifts the valve disk from its seat and the flow rate By conducting a series of shaker table tests, Bordelon et al.
increases. (1979) studied the effects of vibration on the functioning of a
On occasion, the PRV malfunctions, resulting in slow re- PRV. He observed that during a dynamic disturbance, the
sponse, partial opening or in some cases failure in the closed "free" bodies within the PRV, namely the spring, spindle,
position. In the most serious cases, the malfunctions can lead disk and disk holder, may rock or move laterally, depending
to the uncontrollable rise of the tanks's internal pressure. Un- on the relationship of spring load, component flexibility and
der controlled fire tests, these increased pressures have been levels of acceleration. The test data obtained indicated that
shown to cause the catastrophic failure of tanks. when PRV's were subjected to vibration, the force balances
Because of the serious consequences of a PRV malfunction, on the valve components were different from those observed
it is important that PRV operating characteristics be under- under nonvibratory conditions. If vibration was sufficiently
stood. This paper reviews the research, both experimental and severe, the actual opening pressure of the PRV was different
theoretical, which has been conducted in the area of PRV from the opening pressure expected under nonvibratory con-
technologies. A brief discussion of the findings of existing PRV ditions. Opening pressure was lower when the PRV was sub-
maintenance programs and of PRV performance during tank jected to increasingly higher horizontal accelerations. When
car fire impingement tests are also presented. the valve was subjected to vertical accelerations, the opening
pressure changed in a random fashion. The latter observation
was explained by the fact that vertical base excitation only
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in
slightly disturbs the spring force system in the valve. The effect
Division, March 21, 1990; revised manuscript received August 13, 1990. is too small to cause a consistent drop in valve opening pressure.

4 6 / V o l . 113, FEBRUARY 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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pressure; 2) pressure in the valve rose with increasing receiver
V I . 1/ pressure; 3) the two-dimensional tests showed the same char-
acteristic internal pressure and valve coefficient trends as the
three-dimensional tests. Sallet (1981) observed that valve coef-
ficients decreased during incompressible flow tests with water.
The decrease exceeded 30 percent when compared to the choked
flow tests.
Sallet et al. (1982) conducted a series of tests to verify flow
characteristics within two types of PRV's, commonly installed
on rail tank cars- transporting liquefied gases. Flow visualiz-
ation tests were carried out for liquid flows, vapor flows, and
two-phase flows. Figure 2 shows the outline of the model of
the PRV's in the fully open position. It also shows velocity
profiles of water taken in the mid-plane of the model at 6
stations, namely, in the throat, at the edge of the seat, at one
radial and three axial sections in the outlet annulus of the valve
for two conditions. The two conditions presented here are
1) pure water flow at 1.1 L/s and 2) two-phase flow at 0.7
L/s of water and 0.4 L/min of nitrogen gas, with the volume
of the nitrogen gas being referred to standard atmospheric
s v.
Fig. 1 Schematic of a typical pressure relief valve. Redrawn from Sallet
Sallet et al. (1982) observed during these tests that entrain-
(1979a). ment of liquid droplets decreased the mass rate of vapor flow,
yet increased the combined mass rate of flow; that an increase
in droplet size increased the combined mass rate of flow; and
that for a given liquid flow rate, the droplet size very strongly
Coffman et al. (1980) investigated the flow-induced sonic influenced the pure vapour flow rate, with finer spray de-
vibration in boiler safety valve nozzles, which had been ob- creasing the vapor flow rates. Sallet et al. (1982) also observed
served to cause premature valve wear and failure on large model the following: 1) valve coefficients remained nearly the same
boilers at Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company. The report when pure liquid flow changed to very low quality two-phase
investigated possible causes of vibration and possible reasons flow; and 2) entrainment of liquid droplets significantly de-
for the success of a tapered shape reducer in eliminating the creased the vapor flow rates, the decrease being most pro-
vibrations. The limited design guidance available for safety nounced during choked flow.
valve placement was discussed and the report concluded by Sallet (1984) conducted a literature review of some of the
presenting the results of a safety vibration experience survey. most recent work on PRV's. His paper included a discussion
Coffman et al. (1980) suggested a two-parameter guideline for of the fluid dynamic phenomena that lead to valve disk vi-
safety valve placement, involving steam velocity and valve brations and a presentation of some experimental results de-
location. scribing one and two- phase flow through PRV's. Sallet (1984)
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, D. W. Sallet at the Uni- found that the minimum cross-sectional flow area is dependent
versity of Maryland conducted several experiments on PRV's on the flow separation within or at the valve exit, and that it
under contracts from both the Electric Power Research Insti- could change in size and location for any particular valve. Its
tute (EPRI) and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Fed- location depends upon both valve disk position and valve ring
eral Railroad Administration. Most of Sallet's efforts were adjustments. Test data presented by Sallet (1984), showed that
towards understanding the flow within PRV's under different a decrease in valve coefficient could be expected when the flow
medium flow, and the effects of the different flow regimes on changes from choked vapor flow to liquid flow. The decrease
valve performance. Sallet (1978), (1979a), and (1979b) devel- ranged from 16 to 27 percent for the valves tested. It was
oped and reviewed methods of sizing the PRV's installed on observed that the streamlined pattern in a valve does not change
tanks containing compressed liquefied gases. These papers fall abruptly when the flow regime changes from a pure liquid to
outside of the scope of this literature search, and thus are not a gas/liquid mixture at very low void fractions and low ve-
discussed further in the present work. locities.
Sallet (1981) studied the flow and pressure distribution inside Sallet (1984) described the fluid dynamic phenomena that
a typical PRV, as well as other parameters such as valve ge- may lead to valve disk vibrations. He suggested that the most
ometry, extent of opening, etc., which affect the performance important causes of valve disk vibrations in PRV's are the
and relief capacity of the valve. The types of tests which were type of coupling between flow forces acting on the valve disk
carried out included 1) flow visualization, 2) choked air trying to increase valve disk lift, and the spring force trying
flow tests, 3) incompressible flow tests with water, and to restrain valve lift. Other causes include the dependence of
4) two-phase choked flow tests with Freon and water. Flow valve lift on total mass flow rate, and the dependence of total
visualization tests were performed on a double-scale, two-di- flow rate on the flow losses. He explained that flow losses
mensional plexiglas half-model of the PRV to determine the were generally higher in liquid flows than in gas flow, and that
flow pattern in the valve. High-velocity gradients and changes the losses were higher, again, in two-phase flows. Sallet (1984)
in flow direction indicated that flow separation occured within also suggested that the interaction between shock waves and
the valve. A large vortex at the exit of the valve was noted, flow separation could cause oscillating flow fields in a safety
and from photographs it appeared that the minimum valve valve.
cross section was even further reduced due to flow separation. Sallet et al. (1985) conducted tests on PRV's using saturated
The choked air flow tests used two and three-dimensional water flow as the medium. It was observed that the volume
models of a PRV. The disk and adjusting ring were moveable flow rate was greatly decreased when the flow medium was
in both models. A series of twelve tests were performed using saturated liquid as opposed to subcooled liquid. At a vessel
four different disk positions for each of three ring positions. pressure of 100 psia the decrease in flow rate for saturated
The following trends were noted for the twelve experiments: water amounted to 60 percent of the flow rate observed during
1) the valve coefficient decreases with increasing receiver subcooled liquid conditions. When saturated or nearly satu-

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology FEBRUARY 1991, Vol. 113/47

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Table 1 Survey of experimental PRV tests


Vibration Effects on Bordelon, T.R. - to study vibration - opening pressure drops when the valve is sub- - no comment
Pressure Relief Valve Lai, Y.S. effects on the function- jected to a vibratory excitation.
Function ing of a PRV by conduct- - horizontal base excitation produces larger
ing a series of shaker effects than does vertical base excitation.
1979 table tests. - to reduce vibration: adjust valve under
expected vibratory conditions or decouple str-
uctural dynamic effect between valve and sup-
porting elements.

Failure of Safety Valves Coffman, J.T. - to develop a 2-parameter - a graph of valve location versus steam velo- - more plots are needed to
Due to Flow-Induced Vib- Bernstein, M.D. guideline for SV place- city is presented. The plot is divided into 3 extend & confirm results
ration ment, involving steam sections: potentially strong vibrations, mild obtained thus far.
velocity and location of vibrations, and usually vibration free.
1980 SV with respect to up- - by finding where on this plot a proposed SV
stream bends. installation falls a designer can assess the
- this is accomplished by likelihood of the occurrence of vibrations.
conducting a survey of
SV installations.

An Experimental Investi- Sallet, D.W. - to study flow and press- - the flow pattern in the SV is complex and has - additional work dealing
gation of the Internal Nastoll, w. ure distributions inside several separation points. with various aspects of
Pressure and Flow Fields Knight, R.W. a typical safety valve - separation decreases the effective minimum 2-phase flow: the quest-
in a Safety Valve Palmer, M.E. (with fixed valve disc). flow cross section and decreases mass flow ion of thermal equilibr-
- types of tests carried rate. ium during flow through
1981 out: flow visualization, - increased upstream reservoir pressure de- the valve and the problem
choked air flow, incomp- creases the amount of flow separation. of flow separation.
ressible flow tests with - future tests should in-
water, two-phase choked clude valve dynamics, ie.
flow with Freon & water. valve disc free to vib-

Effects of the Flow Condi- Popov, D.N. - to examine the effect of - vibrations of the valve can occur if there are - no comment
tions in the Valve Slots Otroshko, P.V. the unsteady state of unsteady eddy zones in the output chamber.
and of the Flow Structure fluid flow caused by - to avoid vibration: a) loading conditions must
on the Stability of a cavitation on SV char- not change the natural frequency of the valve;
Safety Valve acteristics. b) back pressure should be absent; c) the
period of eddy formation must be less than
1982 half of the valve's natural frequency.

The Flow of Liquids and Sallet, D.W. - to perform a series of - valve coefficients for low velocity vapour - no comment
Gases Through Rail Tank Weske, J.R. tests to verify flow and liquid flow are 30% less than choked vap-
Car Safety Valves Guhler, M. characteristics of PRV's our flow coefficients.
being frequently instal- - valve coefficients are nearly equal for liquid
1982 led on rail tank cars. and low quality two-phase flows.
- flow regimes studied: - entrainment of liquid droplets decrease mass
liquid, vapour and two- rate of vapour flow yet increase combined mass
phase flows. rate of flow.
- increased droplet sizes increase combined flow
- for a given liquid flow rate, decreasing the
droplet size decreases the vapour flow rates.
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Table 1 (Cont'd)


Determination of the Flow- Kolenko, N.N. - to determine the depend- - flow-rate factors of all examined valves incr- - no comment
Rate Factor of the Medium Dedkov, A.K. ence of the flow-rate ease monotonically with an increase in valve
in High-Lift Safety Valves Mulyukin, O.p. factor of the medium in lift height both for sub- and supercritical
Kondrashov, Yu. I. high-lift SV's on the flow of medium.
1984 height of lift of the - flow-rate factor in supercritical flow is
valve. lower than in subcritical flow.
- author develops eqns. to estimate the flow-
rate factor which approximate satisfactorily
experimental data.

Study of the Characterist- Borzov, B.A. - to obtain functions of - working medium flow is found to be supercriti- - no comment
ics of Angle-Type Safety Grishin, Yu. M. flow-rate and pressure cal when (outlet pressure)/(pressure at valve
Valves Kozlov, V.M. coefficients versus inlet) < 0.3
valve lift height for - deflector on disk increases lifting force be-
1984 high lift, angle-type cause of increased disc area and reaction of
safety valves the flow deflected by the disc.
- for a disc with a deflector, force is constant
over entire range of disc travel since the
force is mainly determined by pressure drop.
- using different disc configurations permits
effective control of power characteristics.

Flow Capacity and Response Sallet, D.W. - to study the effect of - the volume flow rate of saturated water is - experimental results
of Safety Relief Valves to Somers, G.w. exit to nozzle area much lower than that found for subcooled water point towards the need to
Saturated Water Flow ratio on the flow capac- - for highly compressed liquid and saturated address cures for valve
ity and on the stability liquid restricting valve outlet does not decr- disc vibration.
1985 of a valve. ease volume flow rate unless exit to nozzle
- to study mass flow rates area is 5 or less.
of saturated liquid and - bellows significantly increase the volume flow
low quality liquid-vapor rate of saturated liquid for valves of exit to
mixtures through valves. nozzle area ratios less than 4.
- no valve disc vibration occurred with a highly
subcooled medium.
- the valve discs experience large amplitude
vibrations when saturated fluid was flowing.
- severe valve vibrations occurred for the valve
with bellows and with exit to nozzle area
ratios greater than 10.

Hydrodynamic Characterist- Borzov, B.A. - a study of the flow rate - for valves with conical deflections & with low - no comment
ics of Safety Valves for Grishin, Yu. M. and force characterist- lifting heights of the slide valve, the press-
Two-Phase Heat Carriers. Kozlov, V.M. ics of valves subjected ure of moisture in the stream has practically
to two-phase streams. no influence on the stress exerted by the str-
1986 eam on the slide valve.
- at large lifting heights stress exerted by the
two-phase stream on the slide valve is reduced
by 30% in comparison with the 1-phase stream.

Effect of the Rate of Seal Borzov, B.A. - to determine the power - the use of power characteristics obtained with - no comment
Movement in the Power Kozlov, V.M. characteristics of a stationary conditions is appropriate when de-
Characteristics of the Kuznetsov, O.V. valve with and without signing nonstationary operational processes
Safety Valve. seal movement. for valves.

Test Conditions

I. Water only 1.1 1/s

/"Water 0.7 1/s
V Nitrogen bubbles 0.4 1/min

AREA. 8.1 cm2


Fig. 2 Measured velocity profiles and streamline patterns of flow through the 2-D
valve model. Redrawn from Sallet et al. (1982).

ratedfluidflowedthrough the PRV, the valve disk experienced in flow structure. By developing a mathematical model of the
large amplitude vibrations. These vibrations were not present flow within the valve, it was concluded that three conditions
when the flow regime was a highly subcooled medium. The had to be satisfied if the observed type of vibration was to be
presence of vibrations led Sallet et al. (1985) to conclude that avoided. The three conditions were: 1) that loading conditions
the cures for valve disc vibrations must be addressed. must not change the natural frequency of the valve; 2) that
Using flow visualization techniques, Popov et al. (1982) back pressure be absent; and 3) that the period of eddy for-
studied the effects of the flow conditions in valve slots and of mation be less than half of the valve's natural vibration.
the flow structure on the stability of PRV's. He explained that Many experimental studies of the flow rate and force char-
vibrations observed within valves were caused by the unsteady acteristics of PRV's for single and two-phase working media
state of the flow in the valve slot, owing to the periodic de- have been conducted in the Soviet Union. The experiments of
tachment of eddies when there was a change in the structure Kolenko et al. (1984) dealt with the dependence of flow rate
of the flow caused by cavitation. He observed that for factor of the medium in safety valves on the height of lift of
Reynolds's numbers of less than 6.1 x 103, closed pockets the valve above the seat. For all valves examined, the flow
were present within the valve. As the flow rate increased, the rate factors increased monotonically with increasing valve-lift
pockets got longer and immobile eddy regions appeared in the height. This was true for both sub and supercritical flow. Flow
output chamber. When the Reynold's number exceeded 6.1 x rate factors with supercritical flow were observed to be lower
103, the flow changed with the result that two fluid jets ap- than those obtained with subcritical flow. After completion
peared. The jets were inclined at approximately the same angle of experimentation, Kolenko et al. (1984) developed empirical
both to the axis of the valve and to the walls of the valve slot. relationships to estimate the flow rate factor under both sub
With further increases in the flow rate, the inclination of the and supercritical conditions. The factors predicted using these
jets from the valve axis became greater and fluid was expelled equations approximated experimental data satisfactorily.
from the pockets of the output chamber. With increases in Borzov et al. (1984) experimentally obtained functions of
back pressure, eddies began to appear in the pockets. The nondimensional flow and pressure coefficient versus valve lift
formation and removal of the eddies occurred periodically. A height for high-lift, angle-type safety valves, using various
change in the angle of the flow was observed when the eddies flow-path configurations. When superheated steam was used
were being removed. After removal of the eddies, the jets were as the working medium, the flow was found to be supercritical
suddenly inclined at a greater angle when (atmospheric pressure) / (valve inlet pressure) was less
Analysis of the test results of Popov et al. (1982) suggested than 0.3. Lifting forces were increased with the addition of
that one of the causes of valve vibration was the periodic change deflectors on the disk because of the increased disk area and

50 / Vol. 113, FEBRUARY 1991 Transactions of the AS ME

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the reaction of the flow being deflected by the disk. Since the characteristics, geometry of internal parts, adjustment ring
main component of the force exerted on a disk with deflectors settings, and bellows, which influence PRV dynamic behav-
was caused by a drop in pressure, disk forces were constant iour. The model, although based on a similar approach to that
over the entire range of disk travel. Borzov et al. (1984) also taken by Ray (1978), represented the fluid dynamic force acting
presented a semi-empirical model of a safety valve actuation on the valve disk in the form of an explicit analytical expression
process. The model was not, however, compared to any ex- in an attempt to minimize empiricism. Singh (1982) observed
perimental results. that valve stability and duration of full opening could be in-
Borzov et al. (1968a) conducted further experiments to de- creased by lowering guide adjustment rings, by using a softer
termine PRV characteristics when two-phase flow was present. spring, or by reducing back-pressure effects. Stiffer springs,
The presence of moisture in the heat carrier steam had a sig- higher backpressures, and the lowering of nozzle adjustment
nificant influence on the main dynamic characteristics of the rings led to instabilities and fluttering of the valve. Singh (1982)
PRV. For valves with conical deflectors, the presence on mois- concluded by suggesting that further work needed to be done
ture in the stream had practically no influence on the stress to calibrate the model against test data on actual PRV's.
exerted by the stream on the slide valve, when the lifting height Catalani (1984) studied the dynamic stability of PRV's and
of the slide valve was low. As the lifting height increased, investigated the effects that various assistance devices have
however, the stress exerted by the two-phase stream on the upon that stability. Main factors found to affect PRV per-
slide valve was reduced by 30 percent in comparison with single- formance were: 1) ring setting; 2) upstream fluid conditions
phase streams. It was found that the passage of a two-phase (whether vapour or liquid discharge); and 3) upstream piping
stream through the seat-slide valve section was characterized length. It was found that when the upper ring was positioned
by both the sharp separation of the phases and the occurrence somewhat higher than its optimal setting the less favorable
of a stratified flow regime. Pulsations in the forces acting when disk thrust could not cope well with the valve pressure drop.
the lifting height of the slide valve was low, noted by Borzov The stability was negatively affected by increased piping
et al. (1984), were again noted and the conclusion was drawn lengths. This was explained by both the longer time delay
that this type of safety valve was not appropriate under these needed to recover from the initial pressure drop on valve open-
conditions. ing and the subsequent greater pressure decrease at valve inlet.
Borzov et al. (1968b) continued his study of the power char- With upstream saturated fluid conditions, although PRV dy-
acteristics of PRV's by conducting tests with and without seal namics were found qualitatively comparable to steam discharge
movement. It was discovered that the characteristics observed conditions, the stability margin was reduced owing to stronger
under both scenarios were similar. Borzov et al. (1986b) con- pressure fluctuations on opening. Due to the unfavorable force
cluded that the use of power characteristics obtained in the balance on the disc under subcooled conditions, the PRV
stationary conditions was justified when designing nonsta- showed a degraded performance. This resulted in high-pressure
tionary operational processes of direct-acting PRV's. accumulation.
Catalani (1984) found that PRV performance was greatly
Modeling Studies improved by employing assistance devices. Devices considered
As Stoves et al. (1983) explains, computer simulation is were pneumatic dual assistance and electromagnetic assistance.
inexpensive in time, manpower and facilities once the computer Due to the addition of two forces on the valve disk—the first
software is available. Before simulation can be used to aid one being a closing force and the second being an opening
design, the performance requirements and system parameters force—pneumatic assistance was found to lead to both im-
which significantly effect performance must be identified and proved tightness, even at pressure levels near the spring load
incorporated within a design specification. To this end, many opening set point, and enhanced valve stability on opening.
authors have attempted to develop dynamic models of spring The precision in opening and closing pressures were greatly
loaded PRV's. These models are summarized in Table 2 and improved. The electromagnetic force, being set point operated,
are discussed in greater detail here. created, at a pre-established lift position, an additional re-
Dokainish et al. (1978) developed a computer model to ana- straint on the valve stem that opposed any eventual further
lyze the free and force vibratory response of a relief system. downward movement. This eliminated valve stem fluctuations
The valve system consisted of a valve having a mass, resting and chattering and provided stable opening characteristics even
on a seat having nonlinear spring characteristics, and retained on liquid discharge.
by a helical spring. The response curves of the first and third It is an accepted fact that PRV chatter, which is characterized
harmonic and one-third subharmonic, the amplitudes of which by violent oscillation of the disk, is a dynamical phenomena
vary with the frequency of the external force, were investigated. representable by differential rather than algebraic equations.
It was found that the harmonic, higher-harmonic, and sub- MacLeod (1985) explained that by determining the behavior
harmonic response of the system became unstable within cer- of the differential equations in the region of certain critical
tain ranges of frequency. The valve model exhibited free points, the conditions necessary for avoiding chatter could be
vibration characteristics of the "hardening spring" type in that determined. MacLeod (1985) investigated the stability by em-
its frequency of free vibration increased as the vibration am- ploying Routh-Hurwitz's criterion. He concluded by suggest-
plitude increased. Dokainish et al. (1978) concluded by rec- ing that the dynamic stability of a PRV depends on the pressure
ommending that actual PRV tests be performed to verify his vessel, the piping system as well as the actual PRV character-
analytical studies. istics, and that it is necessary to have an accurate set of dif-
Using fundamental principals of rigid-body motion and fluid ferential equations for the complete system if an accurate
dynamics, Ray (1978) developed a semiempirical steady-state analysis of stability is going to be completed.
model of a PRV. He observed that the fluid inertia in the valve With the majority of existing dynamic computer models, a
orifice produced a damping effect on valve motion; that the time-varying pressure distribution condition at the valve inlet
opening time of the valve was approximately proportional to has been assumed. A model developed by Grolmes et al. (1985)
the ratio of orifice length to radius; and that, as a result of is one of the few codes which couple the PRV with a source
high frequency pressure vibrations at the valve inlet, the mass- appropriate for incidents involving tank cars and LPG storage
spring combination could generate oscillations and chattering. vessels. With this model, the source, a pressurized cylinder
Ray (1978) did not, however, compare any of his analytical subjected to a high heat flux, can be used to represent fire
results with actual experimental results. engulfment of a tank car. Other computer codes developed by
By developing a one-dimensional model, Singh (1982) stud- Taras'ev et al. (1985) and Taras'ev et al. (1987) have modeled
ied the effects of different parameters, such as spring-mass the nonsteady-state processes taking place as a result of over-

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology FEBRUARY 1991, Vol. 113/51

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Table 2 Survey of valve dynamic models


On the Nonlinear Response Dokainish, M.A. - to study the free and - harmonic solution is not a sufficient approxi- - actual relief valve tests
of a Relief Valve Elmadany, M.M. forced vibratory resp- mation. Generation of higher harmonic terms is should be performed to
onse of a relief valve required. verify the analytical
1978 subjected to dynamic - harmonic, higher-harmonic, and subharmonic re- studies.
loading. sponses of the system may become unstable
within certain ranges of frequency.
- the valve model's frequency of vibration in-
creases as the vibration amplitude increases.

Dynamic modeling and simu- Ray, A. - a nonlinear dynamic - fluid inertia in the valve orifice produces a - no comment
lation of a relief valve model of a relief valve damping effect on valve motion.
is formulated from fund- - opening time of valve is approximately propor-
1978 amental principles of tional to ratio of orifice length to radius.
rigid-body motion and - mass-spring combination may generate oscillat-
fluid dynamics. ions and chattering as a result of high frequ-
ency pressure vibrations at the valve inlet.

An Analytical Study of the Singh, A. - to develop a one-dimen- - in general, valve stability and duration of - further work needs to be
Dynamics and Stability of sional model of a safety full opening can be increased by lowering done to calibrate the
a Spring Loaded Safety valve and to study the guide adjustment ring, softer spring or small- model against test data
Valve effects of different er backpressure effects. on actual valves.
parameters which influe- - a stiffer spring, higher back-pressure, or
1982 nce its dynamic behavi- lowering of nozzle adjustment ring may lead to
our. instabilities or fluttering of the valve.

Dynamic Stability Analysis Catalani, L. - to develop a computer - for no assistance devices: - no comment
of Spring Loaded Safety model of a safety valve - more upstream piping reduces stability.
Valves - Elements for and study valve stabil- Cause is longer time delay req'd to recover
Improved Performance ity with and without from initial pressure drop on valve opening.
Through Assistance Devices pneumatic and electro- - saturated fluid reduces stability margin
magnetic assistance de- (compared to steam) due to strong pressure
1984 vices. fluctuations on opening.
- subcooled liquid reduces upward force on
- with assistance devices
- pneumatic assistance (2 additional forces;
to open & close valve disc). Advantages: im-
proved seat tightness near set opening pt.;
enhanced valve stability (from extra opening
force); opening/closing precision improved.
- electromagnetic force (additional force on
valve stem to oppose downward movement; set
point operated). Advantages: valve stem
fluctuations and chattering eliminated.

Safety Valve Dynamic Inst- MacLeod, G. - to determine design cri- - by considering the roots of the characteristic - no comment
ability: An Analysis of teria for valves which eqns. valve stability can be determined.
Chatter will allow chatter to be - dynamic stability of SV depends on the press-
consistently avoided. ure vessel and piping system as well as valve
1985 characteristics.
- it is usually possible to stabilize valve op-
eration by damping valve disc motion or by in-
creasing spring stiffness. Both of these re-
sult in slower valve opening.
pressurization of a system. Each system consisted of a tank this data, PRV performance can be determined. In an alarming
supplyng a pipeline, a PRV, and a delivery pipeline. In both number of cases, the PRV's have performed poorly. Some of
codes, the PRV model was developed by relying upon empirical the more recent findings are discussed here.
relationships. Appleyard (1980) conducted a series of fire impingement
tests while investigating the ability of EXPLOSAFE material,
an expanded aluminum foil honeycomblike structure, to reduce
Maintenance Programs the hazard of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosions
As Woolfolk et al. (1984) explained, all of the effort spent (BLEVEs) when LPG containers are exposed to fire. The pres-
sizing and engineering a system to give adequate protection is sure-time histories observed during the series of tests varied
of little value if it is not followed by an adequate inspection widely. During two of the tests, the PRV failed in the open
and maintenance program using established realistic inspection position, causing all of the vessel-contents to be released to
frequencies. Unfortunately, as Pylyshyn (1986) suggests, PRV the environment. During one of the other tests, the PRV cracked
maintenance programs are either nonexistant or are very in- open for some unexplained reason. It remained in this cracked-
adequate in many industrial settings. This portion of the paper open position until the set pressure was attained, at which time
describes the findings of some of the superior maintenance it began to cycle in the expected fashion.
programs presently in existence. During investigations conducted by Moodie et al. (1985), it
Hunter (1982) discussed the results of an EG and G Idaho, was observed that in one of the five tests, the relief valve cycled
Inc. 's test program, which demonstrated the adequacy of safety once before failing in the closed position. The failure allowed
and relief-valve systems under anticipated reactor operating the internal pressure and the vapor space wall temperature to
and accident conditions. Ten designs of relief valves were tested rise uncontrollably. When the vessel finally ruptured, the in-
under PWR (pressurized water reactor) operating steam con- ternal pressure had reached 35 bar and the maximum wall
ditions. The results revealed many problem areas. Problems temperature was approximately 600°C. Moodie et al. (1985)
identified included incorrect trim installation within the valve, was unable to establish the cause of the relief valve failure.
plug/cage material incompatibility, and improper dimensional During the other four tests the relief valves remained in the
tolerances on valve stems. open position until the internal pressure was eventually down
Between 1980 and 1982 the Electric Power Research Institute to atmospheric or thereabouts. This fail safe behavior was,
(EPRI) conducted a safety and relief valve test program at upon subsequent examination of the valves, attributed to fire
three sites. As O'Keefe (1984) explained, fluid conditions dur- damage to the valve seats and to a weakening of the valve
ing testing included steam alone, steam-to-water transition, springs.
and water at several temperatures. Very discouraging results Roberts et al. (1983) observed the variability in opening
were observed. Such defects as bent stems, failed welds, de- pressure for relief valves. During testing, he witnessed opening
fective machining in bellows assemblies, and washout of cage/ pressures which ranged from 0.7-1.8 MPa when actual set
body gaskets in relief valves were encountered. Operating de- pressures were 1.7 MPa. Roberts et al (1983) suggested that
ficiencies such as sticking of internal moving parts, causing possible causes of this variability were either weakening of the
partial lift, closure delays, and failure of relief valves to close spring or damage to the valve seating by the effects of fire.
fully were observed. With safety valves, water caused chatter Moodie et al (1988) observed initial opening pressures which
or flutter, and any amount of this resulted in internal damage. were within 5 percent of set pressures for all tests. He observed
O'Keefe (1984) concluded by suggesting that his tests indicated that subsequent openings/closings were at progressively lower
that either many minor improvements in design, quality con- pressures, but gave no indication of possible causes.
trol, and application were needed, or else that fundamental
rethinking was called for in safety and relief valve technologies. Conclusions
Woolfolk et al. (1984), of PPG Industries, Inc., Lake During the course of the literature search, it was discovered
Charles, La., described the ongoing safety relief valve testing that the design of PRV's currently installed on tank cars and
program which operates within that company. The program highway tankers dates back more than 30 yr. Other than changes
employs two full-time, factory-trained mechanics who are re- such as different valve materials, the technologies have re-
sponsible for maintaining the 2800-plus safety relief valves on mained unchanged.
site. Tests are conducted using a clampdown table with a 1/4 Much of the experimental research of these PRV's has been
in. tubing from an 85-/ pressure cylinder. conducted at the University of Maryland under the direction
Woodfolk et al. (1984) identified the need for the removal of D. W. Sallet. Such topics as the flow patterns within PRV's
and testing of new safety valves during the pre-operative stage under both single and two-phase flow conditions, and tank
for all new installations. On two projects, PPG found that depressurization phenomena have been addressed. During most
more than 30 percent of new safety relief valves did not func- of Sallet's tests, the seat was set at a pre-established height.
tion within ASME Code (2) tolerances. It was realized that During the tests where the valve seats were free to vibrate, few
after manufacturers had set and sealed safety valves to their measurements of dynamic characteristics were obtained.
satisfaction, they had very limited control over the handling Few modeling studies of PRV's have compared the analytical
and storage of the safety valves. Such factors as rough han- results obtained with actual test data. Those that have, con-
dling, mud, rain, sandblasting, painting, and chemical expo- tinually observed a poor correlation between theoretical and
sure from adjacent plants were identified as causes of safety experimental data. The validation of these PRV dynamic
valve malfunctioning. Some of the actual problem areas iden- models will not be possible until the operating characteristics
tified included minute leakage through the seat, chattering, of new and old PRV's are better understood.
and corrosion of parts. . Where limited testing has been conducted by industry, results
have indicated that either many minor improvements in design,
quality control, and application are needed, or else funda-
mental rethinking is called for in some PRV technologies.
Tank Fire Engulfment Tests Very little information was found which related directly to
Very little information regarding PRV performance during PRV performance during emergency releases from tanker cars.
emergency releases is in existence. The information that is The only data available, obtained during controlled fire tests,
available has been obtained during controlled fire tests of pres- suggests that the PRV's performance, in some cases, was ques-
sure vessels. Instrumentation monitors and records the tran- tionable. In the most serious of cases, their malfunctioning
sient pressures within the vessels during testing. By analyzing has caused the violent rupture of the test vessels.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology FEBRUARY 1991, Vol. 113/53

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Acknowledgments 1988, "Fire Engulfment Tests on a 5 Tonne LPG Tank," Journal of Hazardous
Materials, Vol. 20, pp. 55-71.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Transportation De- O'Keefe, W., 1984, "Performance Test on Valves Highlights Rigors and
velopment Centre and the National Sciences and Engineering Dilemmas of Nuclear Service," Power, Vol. 128, No. 1, p. 23.
Research Council (NSERC) for the financial support received Popov, D. N., and Otroshko, P. V., 1982, "Effects of the Flow Conditions
in the Valve Slots and of the Flow Structure on the Stability of a Safety Valve,"
during the course of the present work. Soviet Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 6, June, pp. 5-9.
Pylyshyn, S., 1978, "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Relief Valve,"
SCS Simulation, Vol. 31, No. 5, Nov., pp. 167-172.
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Method of Controlling the Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion Roberts, A. F., Cutler, D. P., and Billinge, K., 1983, "Fire Engulfment Trials
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Bordelon, T. R., and Lai, Y. S., 1979, "Vibration Effects on Pressure Relief 4th International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the
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Pressure Vessel and Piping Division, San Francisco, Calif., June, pp. 179-186. Sallet, D. W., 1978, "On the Sizing of Pressure Relief Valves for Pressure
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54 / Vol. 113, FEBRUARY 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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