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Dinacharya is the practice of a daily routine that helps us live our lives with

ease and vibrancy. At Garbh wellness, We teach a specific routine that has
been designed taking inspiration from the various systems of healing that
have worked wonders for children with special needs and many other
conditions .We teach these to children, parents and caregivers as tools to
empower them to have the keys to their own health and happiness in their
everyday lives. Practice these techniques regularly and observe the changes
within yourself and your surroundings
This is an example of Dinacharya which can be followed:

6.30 Agnihotra or sitting in front of a ghee lamp, some candles or fire.

6.40 Sun gazing

6.45 3 Omkar chantings

6.48 Chanting mantra of choice at the top of the voice

6.55 40 Breaths with ujjayi with tongue touching the upper palate followed
by meditation

7.05 Nabhie correction

These practices can be followed anytime in the day:


Massaging the sides of the neck with roller

Pressing points around ear,eyes and nose
Pressing ear lobes

Cranial touch​ :
put your thumb into the upper palate of the child and tune into the vagus
Shearing along the neck following the vagus pathway

Trauma Releasing Exercises

Standing on your toes like a spring
Back to back exercises

Holding ears and rolling as in birthing
Rolling with folded hands
Lying on the flanks of your body sideways putting your whole body weight
on one side repeat the other

Chi Kung
Travelling through your digestive system plucking and throwing things
Heaven And Earth
Solar plexus
Chanting A U M

A with tracing the vagus around the neck clasping hands behind

U holding below your jawline hands in namaskar around the nose

Suck in through mouth and chant uuuuuuSuck In Through Mouth And

Chant Uuuuuu

Brahmari thumbs in the ears hands behind occiputs and chant


Rebirthing Breathwork

Rebirthing is perhaps the most valuable self-healing ability that
humans can learn

‘Rebirthing’ is the gift that the world has received from Leonard Orr. His
discovery is also called ‘Conscious Breathing’ or ‘Intuitive Energy
Breathing’. Rebirthing is the ability to breathe energy as well as air and
helps to relive and release birth trauma, death urge and all kinds of limiting
human conditioning.
Method and Process of Rebirthing

The practice of Breath Awareness is through ​Conscious Connected

Breaths​. In the normal process of breathing, we have a pause both before
inhalation and after exhalation. In Rebirthing, the inhalations and
exhalations are merged and here the inhalations are longer than the

1 inhale of 1 Breath should be followed continuously by Connected Breaths

so that all the Breaths form a series of connected breaths.

The emphasis should be on inhalation.

The exhalation will automatically follow naturally.

We should let the natural rhythm of the breathing flow.

We should not force or control the flow.


A self-healing process has been created by nature in the body itself to

relieve any unnatural changes or situations that occur in the body by
twisting a finger or by pressure on certain points. This natural act of healing
has been systematically analysed and structured and termed as
Acupressure. Here acupressure is either with colours or seeds or magnets.
Eye Orbit Massage
Relieves Eye stress, pains, pittaj disorders of brain, provides mental
relaxation, good blood supply near eyes, good for eyesight problems, etc.

Nose Massage
Relieves blocked nose, congestion, kaphaj disorders of brain, breathing
disorders, etc.

Ear Massage
Helps in ear disorders, hearing power, restlessness, relaxes brain, brain
vataj disorders, tremors, trembling, nervousness, good for mental stamina
Delayed Milestones
Gut Issues

Bladder Control
Hyperactive child
Vagus Walk

These various walking techniques activate the Vagus nerve and regulate the
heart rate variability.

1. ​8 Walk


● Any Neurological disorders like epilepsy, autism, paralysis, nervous

debility, sciatica, etc. are benefitted.
● Improves eyesight.
● Hearing power improved.
● It reduces the sugar level in the blood and reverses your diabetes.
● Headache, digestive problems, thyroid, obesity, knee pains,
rheumatoid arthritis and constipation is reversed.
2. Backward Walk : Knee pain, cerebral palsy are benefitted.
3. Walk on sand : Relaxing, calming for hyperactive children, grounding,
improved proprioception.
4. ​Standing on Toes​: Activate the Vagus Nerve and regulate Heart Rate
For Children on the Spectrum
1. Parents to be given breathwork one on one.
2. Attending Seminar.
3. Holding Child’s hand and practicing 40 breaths in a day.
4. Holding hands and sitting with the child in front of fire/a few candles.
5. The child and mother sitting back to back, the mother breathing,
father breathing and holding the kid’s hand.
Prana Yoga of new babies
Haidakhan Babaji calls it American form of Prana Yoga - First breath
Techniques used to get breathwork done by children on the spectrum.
(Children with no grasping power and immobile)
1. Teach the parents 40 breaths.
2. Make them attend a 2 day breathwork seminar.
3. Give them one on one session.
4. Tell them to do 40 breaths daily 3 times with their children by
holding their hand.
5. Giving breathwork to the children by the therapist holding hand and
breathing in the presence of the mother or father breathing for the

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