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This is a little different from what you hear in “Finding

The truth is all Clownfish are born as a male, and they live
in schools (groups). In one school there’s only one
breeding pair (dominant female and dominant male),
while the others are not sexually active yet.
In a study published in the journal Nature, evolutionary
biologist Peter Buston and colleagues report that clownfish
in Papua New Guinea reefs can change their sex at will for
social reasons.
This is because clownfish live in strict hierarchy
communities. Hierarchy means a group which is
structured. In other words, the members are given ranks.
So, each neighborhood is dominated by a top-ranking
female breeder. Her male partner is next, followed by up
to four progressively smaller, non-breeding fish.
When the dominant female dies, her mate changes sex and
becomes female. The top-ranking non-breeder becomes a
sexually active male, and all the other fish shift up a rank.
Why? Well, Clownfish performs Sequential
Hermaphrodites. Which means they are born as one sex
(male), but can later change into the alternate sex. This
change is common among fishes and shells, such as
Teleost fish, and Common Slipper Shells. Sequantial
Hermaphrodites have 2 types, Protandry (starts from male
then becomes female), and Protogyny (starts from female
then becomes male). The sex transfer is a fixed change, it’s
permanent. So when these clownfish changes sex, there’s
no turning back.
Clownfish also appear to control their size so that they
could remain part of the group. Each fish keeps its body
mass 20% smaller than the fish directly above it in social
rank, probably to avoid conflict.
Fish who outgrows their higher rank fellow are considered
disrespectful, and soon they’re rejected by the clan.

As you grow older, you tend to lose both muscle and fat.
When this happens gravity forces the vertebrae in the
spine to degenerate, compress and eventually collapse into
one another, resulting in a loss of height.

Between the ages of 30 to 70, a man may lose about three

centimeters as he ages, while a woman may lose five.

As a matter of fact, we are actually shrinking everyday!

This is because water in the spinal column is condensed
after a day of activity, so people can be slightly shorter at
night than they were that morning. This is only temporary,
however, and after a good nights rest, the person will be
back to their normal height.

Another factor that can cause people to shrink is

Osteoporosis, which happens when the spongey tissue
inside bones breaks down and is not replaced by new
tissue. Over the course of someones life, the body begins to
lack in essential minerals such as calcium. This, too, can
cause the breakdown of bone mass.

In serious cases it can result in the vertebrae becoming

crushed together; that's why some old people who suffer
from it are stooped and can't stand up straight. A lack of
calcium in older people could also result in a loss of bone
density and consequent shrinking.
When the queen of a clownfish school dies,
a male clownfish changes its gender to
become female and takes her place.

From the age of 30, humans gradually

begin to shrink in size.

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