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Quiz International business

1. the classification of China country and why?

- China is considered a Developing Nation within the World Trade Organization.
- began the process of joining the WTO in 1986, it was, in fact, quite poor. Its GDP per
capita, taking into account purchasing power parity (PPP), was around $677,
compared to $19,078 for the United States.
- social change and carefully manage political and social problems that threaten China
s future economic performance.

2. Reasons of economic transition happened in China

- China's leadership must deal with increasingly rapid economic and social change and
carefully manage political and social problems that threaten China s future economic
- the nations leadership has poor relations with ethnic minorities and skirmishes
between secular and Muslim Chinese in western provinces still occur.
- political leaders limit the refinement of advanced democracy to a large extent.
- Unhappiness with economic progress in the countryside and the difficulties migrant
workers face are potential sources of social unrest for the Chinese government.
- Another potential problem is unemployment, largely as a result of the collapse of the
country's industrial integration.
- China regained control of Hong Kong in 1997 after 99 years under British rule.

3. State the solution of the issues above (refer to question 2).

- The Chinese government provide equal rights to provide jobs regardless of religion.
- The Chinese government needs to put more emphasis on the Chinese people in the
sector than foreigners.
- The Chinese government needs to maintain good relations between people and
regardless of religion
- political leaders need not limit large-scale democratization of advanced democracy.
Exercise 1

1. Five (5) international financial institution and their functions

a) International Monetary Fund
- overseeing the world financial system
- provide financial and technical assistance to member countries that make this
organization the last international lender.
b) World bank
- Give lending to poor countries with the aim of reducing poverty.
- promoting foreign investment, international trade, and capital investment facilities.
c) Central bank
- responsible for the oversight and management of all other banks
- responsible for conducting monetary policy and supervision and regulation of
financial institutions.
d) Credit Unions
- serve a specific demographic per their field of membership, such as teachers or
members of the military.
e) Investment Banks and Companies
- Help individuals, businesses and governments raise capital through the issuance of
- Provide them access to the broader securities market.
2. Multinational companies around the world and their business industries.
a) Autodesk
- Media & Entertainment, Manufacturing & Industrial.
b) Marriott International, Inc.
c) Walmart
- Walmart Canada
- Asda Store Limited
d) General Motor Company
-GM financial
-AC Delco
e) Ikea
-Task Rabbit
-Tts Mega Omsk
f) For Motor Company
-Automotive Components Holding
g) Citigroup Inc.
-Bank Handlowy
-Citibank India
h) Hewlett-Packard Company
-Boonton Radio
-Sanborn Company
i) Atento
-Business Process Outsourcing
j) Novo nordisk

Exercise 2

1. Element of hostede theory

a) Power Distance Index
 High power distance index indicates that a culture accepts inequity and power
differences, encourages bureaucracy and shows high respect for rank and authority.
 Low power distance index indicates that a culture encourages organizational
structures that are flat, decentralized decision-making responsibility, participative
style of management, and places emphasis on power distribution.
b) Individualism vs. Collectivism
 Individualism indicates that there is greater importance on attaining personal goals. A
person’s self-image in this category is defined as “I.”
 Collectivism indicates that there is greater importance on the goals and well-being of
the group. A person’s self-image in this category is defined as “We”.
c) Uncertainty Avoidance Index
 High uncertainty avoidance index indicates a low tolerance for uncertainty,
ambiguity, and risk-taking. The unknown is minimized through strict rules,
regulations, etc.
 Low uncertainty avoidance index indicates a high tolerance for uncertainty,
ambiguity, and risk-taking. The unknown is more openly accepted, and there are lax
rules, regulations, etc.
d) Masculinity vs. Femininity
 Masculinity comes with the following characteristics: distinct gender roles, assertive,
and concentrated on material achievements and wealth-building.
 Femininity comes with the following characteristics: fluid gender roles, modest,
nurturing, and concerned with the quality of life.
e) Long-Term Orientation vs. Short-Term Orientation
 Long-term orientation shows focus on the future and involves delaying short-term
success or gratification in order to achieve long-term success. Long-term orientation
emphasizes persistence, perseverance, and long-term growth.
 Short-term orientation shows focus on the near future, involves delivering short-term
success or gratification and places a stronger emphasis on the present than the future.
Short-term orientation emphasizes quick results and respect for tradition.
f) Indulgence vs. Restraint
 Indulgence indicates that a society allows relatively free gratification related to
enjoying life and having fun.
 Restraint indicates that a society suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it
through social norm

2. Element theory T Edward Hall

a) Context
High context
In a high-context culture, there are many contextual elements that help people to
understand the rules. As a result, much is taken for granted.
This can be very confusing for person who does not understand the 'unwritten rules'
of the culture.

Low context
In a low-context culture, very little is taken for granted. Whilst this means that more
explanation is needed, it also means there is less chance of misunderstanding
particularly when visitors are present.

b) Time
Monochronic time
M-Time, as he called it, means doing one thing at a time. It assumes careful planning
and scheduling and is a familiar Western approach that appears in disciplines such as
'time management'.

Monochronic people tend also to be low context.

Polychronic time
In Polychronic cultures, human interaction is valued over time and material things,
leading to a lesser concern for 'getting things done' -- they do get done, but more in
their own time.

Aboriginal and Native Americans have typical polychronic cultures, where 'talking
stick' meetings can go on for as long as somebody has something to say.
Polychronic people tend also to be high context.

c) The need for space

High territoriality
Some people are more territorial than others with greater concern for ownership.
They seek to mark out the areas which are theirs and perhaps having boundary wars
with neighbors.

This happens right down to desk-level, where co-workers may do battle over a piece
of paper which overlaps from one person's area to another. At national level, many
wars have been fought over boundaries.

Territoriality also extends to anything that is 'mine' and ownership concerns extend to
material things. Security thus becomes a subject of great concern for people with a
high need for ownership.

People high territoriality tend also to be low context.

Low territoriality
People with lower territoriality have less ownership of space and boundaries are less
important to them. They will share territory and ownership with little thought.

They also have less concern for material ownership and their sense of 'stealing' is less
developed (this is more important for highly territorial people).

People with low territoriality tend also to be high context.

3. Type non-verbal communication with specific example
a) Peace
-Showing her genitals (England, Ireland, and New Zealand)
b) Thump up
Showing something positive (Malaysia)
Show something porn (Greece)
c) Call with hint
-Call dog (Filipina)
d) Open arm
- Defective (Greece)
- Animal (Africa)
e) Cross the index finger
-Hope for good (European)
-Showing the vagina (Vietnam)
f) Corna
- Rock metal
-Your wife cheating (America)
g) The thumb is the teeth
- You're dead (Pakistan)

Exercise 3
1. Three legal system
a) Common law
The common-law system prevails in England, the United States, and other countries
colonized by England. It is distinct from the civil-law system, which predominates in
Europe and in areas colonized by France and Spain. The common-law system is used
in all the states of the United States except Louisiana, where French Civil Law
combined with English Criminal Law to form a hybrid system. The common-law
system is also used in Canada, except in the Province of Quebec, where the French
civil-law system prevails

b) Civil law
A body of rules that delineate private rights and remedies, and govern disputes
between individuals in such areas as contracts, property, and Family Law; distinct
from criminal or public law. Civil law systems, which trace their roots to ancient
Rome, are governed by doctrines developed and compiled by legal scholars.
Legislators and administrators in civil law countries use these doctrines to fashion a
code by which all legal controversies are decided.

c) Religious law
Includes ethical and moral codes taught by religious traditions. Different religious
systems hold sacred law in a greater or lesser degree of importance to their belief
systems, with some being explicitly antinomian whereas others are monistic or
"legalistic" in nature. In particular, religions such as Judaism, Islam and the Baha’i
Faith teach the need for revealed positive law for both state and society, whereas
other religions such as Christianity generally reject the idea that this is necessary or
desirable and instead emphasis the eternal moral precepts of divine law over the civil,
ceremonial or judicial aspects, which may have been annulled as in theologies of
grace over law.

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