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Geologische Rundschau 76/1 I 213-232 ] Stuttgart 1987

The Cordillera Blanca Batholith: a study of granite intrusion and the

relation of crustal thickening to peraluminosity
By M. P. ATHERTONand L. M. SANDERSON,Liverpool*)

With 18 figures, 1 plate and 2 tables

Zusammenfassung fonds. Les observations chimiques, isotopiques et g~ologi-

ques montrent que la source les leucogranodiorites est un
Der Cordillera-Blanca-Batholith liegt axial iiber der ver-
manteau enrichi, tel qu'on peut en voir plus au sud au Chili.
dickten Andenkruste (> 60 km). Er besteht aus Tonaliten
Les modifications de composition consistent, notamment,
und Leukogranodioriten; letztere haben einen ~,S,,-Typ-
en un accroissement de Sr et des rapports C%/YbN et
Charakter. Es ist das letzte Ereignis w~ihrend der Entste-
hung der kontinentalen Kruste mit Ahern von hSchstens 3
NIio Jahren, Der krustale Charakter der Leukogranodiorite KpaTKoe co~ep)KaHHe
geht auf eine Fluidereaktion mit umgebenden alluminium-
reichen Graphitschiefern zur/,ick und hat kein tiefer gelege- BaTOnHT Kop~n~bepbl BnaHKa 3aneraeT eaonb OCHHall
nes Ausgangsmaterial. Geochemie, Isotopengeochemie yTOYIIIIeHHOI;I KopoI~I A H ~ (6once 60 KM). OH COCTOHTH3
und der geologische Rahmen lassen erkennen, dai~ die nopo~2: TOHaYIHTbl H YleI~IIcorpaHO,aHOpHTbl; r i o c n e . a H H e
Quelle der Leukogranodiorite aus angereichertem Man- THHa " ". E r o o{Spa3OBaHHe - iioc.rle]iHee GO~bITHe IlpH
telmaterial besteht, das welter siidlich in Chile zu sehen ist. pa3BHTHH MaTepHKOBOI~I KopbI, B o 3 p a c T KOTOpOI~I, c a M o e
Bei wechselnder Zusammensetzung zeigt sich eine Zu- 6onbtuee, COCTaB.rI~IeT 3 MHnYlHap2Ie .rleT. O MaTepHKO-
nahme der St, Cen/Yb~ und Ta/Hf-Verh~ilmisse. BOM x a p a K T e p e JIelTtKorpaHo~HopHTOB MO~HO 3a-
Abstract KTIIOqHThno peaKRHH~H~ICOCTeI:tCoKpy~a~OUlHMHrpa-
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith, Peru is emplaced axially H H3 TOFO qbaKTa, qTO HHKaKOFO F.rly6HHHOFO HCXO,/1HOFO
over the thickened crustal keel of the Andes (>60 kin). It is
MaTepHa.rla /lyl~l H e r o He yCTaHOB.rleHO. ~ a H H b l e FeoxH-
made up of tonalite and leucogranodiorite, the latter having
MHqeCKHXH H3OTOrlHblXHCCfIe,aOBaHHISI,a Tali~e reo.rlO-
an >~S,~type character. It is the terminal component in con-
rr~tecKa~ CHTyauHa Ha MecTe pa3petuaeT caenaTb
tinental growth with ages as young as 3 Ma. However, the
B~,IBOZI, ~tTO HCTO'mm~OM neI~KorpartoaHopHTOB noc-
crustal character of the leucogranodiorlte relates to fluid in-
teraction with the surrounding aluminous graphitic basinal nymH~ o6oratueHHhI~ MaTepHan MaHTHH,ycTaHoBaeH-
rocks and not to any deep seated source material. Chemi- rlofi iaa I ~ u o f i qaCTH qHne. COCTaB MHKpo3neMertTOB
stry, isotopes and geological evidence suggest the source is 3~ecb HeHOCTOSHeH H rla6~rOaaeTc~ yBenH,~eHHe co-
enriched mantle akin to that seen further south in Chile, aepaiariHst CTpOHUH•, a TaK~e 3Ha~teHH~ICOOTHOmeHHfi
and variations in composition e.g. increases in St, CeN/Yb~ CeN/YbN H Ta/Hf.
and Ta/Hf ratios, of granitoids, from the trench into the
continent relate to changes in this source. Introduction
Understanding the growth and generation of con-
R~sum~ tinental crust requires a knowledge of mantle and
Le batholite de la Cordill~re Blanche s'&end dans la par- crustal components in granite. Optimally granites
tie axiale de la crofite ~paissie des Andes (> 60 km). I1 est studied in this context should occur in a clear geotec-
constitu8 de tonalite et de leucogranodiorite; cette derni~re tonic setting, be y o u n g without a complex overprint
pr~sente un caract~re de type S. Avec un ~tge de 3 Ma, il history and have features characterising mantle and
s'agit du composant le plus r&ent de la croissance continen- crustal components.
tale. Cependant, le caract~re crustal de la leucogranodiorite A study of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith (Fig. 1)
indique une r~action par fluides avec les schistes alumineux
is particularly apposite in these respects as:
et graphiteux encaissants et non avec des mat~rieux pro-
(a) It is intruded axially over the thickened crustal
*) Author's address: M. P. ATHERTONand L. M. SANDER- keel (>60 km) of the Andes classically described by
SON, Jane Herdman Laboratories, Department of Geologi- JAMES(1971). It occurs in a simple geotectonic setting
cal Sciences, University of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147, Li- with oceanic Nasca plate descending beneath the
verpool, L 69 3BX. South American continental plate.

unit). They also mapped a ,,roof,~ facies (Ridge gra-

nodiorite) and a more basic tonalite (Tulparaju), and
noted that the leucogranodiorite was occasionally in-
timately associated with diorite at the contact. Por-
phyries and aplites are common plus rare garnet,
muscovite pegmatites and quartz tourmaline veins
associated with the leucogranodiorite. As detailed
mapping of the batholith is incomplete and our re-
sults are compatible with Egeler and De Booys detai-
led work we have extended their field divisions to the
rest of the batholith. The work of Egeler and De
Booy showed the mutual contacts between the units
were usually sharp and the intrusion order was tona-
lite (Tulparaju) - granodiorite (Ridge) - leucograno-
diorite (Cohup). Very clear evidence of this sequence
includes (a) replacement of older material at the con-
tact by the newer phase; (b) apophyses of the youn-
ger in the older units; (c) the angular inclusions of the
older units in the younger rocks (Plate l(f), from
EGELE~ & DE BooY 1956). These data indicate the
younger magmas intruded already solidified carapa-
ces, and together with the homogeneity in composi-
tion shown by the modal data (Fig. 2) led EGE~R &
Dz BooY (1957) to conclude the different magmas
Fig. 1. Map of north west Peru, showing the relation of the
Cordillera Blanca Batholith to the Chicama basinal rocks ,,were formed at depth~ (op cit. p. 75). Although
and to the Coastal Batholith, and the Mesozoic marginal only 4 units were defined by Egeler and De Booy it is
basin (ATHERTONet al. 1983). Note the western fault- apparent that there are other units of similar compo-
bounded nature of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith and the sition making up the Batholith (see chemistry). Also
thrust faulted eastern boundary of the Chicama Formation. WILSON& GA~AYAR(1967) noted the leucogranodio-
rite in the north was sometimes cut by monzo-gra-
(b) It is the youngest member (10-3 Ma) of a linea- nite containing biotite and hornblende.
ment determined Batholith sequence starting in the The Cordillera Blanca Batholith is emplaced
Jurassic, and is therefore the t e r m i n a 1 c o m - axially almost entirely into the shales of the Upper
p o n e n t in continental growth. Jurassic Chicama Formation of the Chavin basin
(c) It is made up of tonalitic units which are characte- with its western flank terminated by the Cordillera
ristically ,,I~( type, that is, probably mantle derived, Blanca Fault complex (Fig. 1). The Chicama forma-
and leucogranodioritic units of ,,S,, type, that is, tion exceeds 1500 m in thickness and the upper part
peraluminous rocks with a crustal component. The includes black shales with much plant debris, while
the lower part is made up of dark pyritiferous shales
field relationships of the two types are relatively well
of marine origin. The rocks are deformed, probably
These properties make the Cordillera Blanca Ba- during the Encaic phase prior to 40 Ma (NoBL~ et al.
tholith an ideal scenario to study crustal growth. 1979). The batholith clearly cuts these Cretaceous
structures and the form at the present erosion level is
a steep sided, flat roofed pluton, forming the crest of
Previous work and geological setting the mountain range, so that most of the highest peaks
Previous work on the Cordillera Blanca Batholith are of the Chicama formation, not granite. A promi-
has been limited to a detailed field study of the nent rodding plunging 18~ ~ N W is present in the
southern part by EG~LER& Dz BooY (1956); the re- shales near to the western margin of the batholith
gional survey by WILSONet al. (1967) and more re- with a similar orientation to the mineral foliation in
cently, limited Rb-Sr isochron and lead isotope stu- the granite. It has been related to batholith emplace-
dies by Br et al. (1985) & MU~;ASA& TILTON ment and is cut by the rising batholith, or the faulted
(1984), respectively. The work of E6E~ER& D~BooY contact. These and other features led COBBINGet al.
(1956) showed the main rock type of the southern (1981) to follow WILSONet al. (1967) in suggesting a
Cordillera Blanca was leucogranodiorite (Cohup forcible intrusion model for the batholith.
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 215

The thermal metamorphism associated with the (6768 m) indicate the aureole extends over a vertical
batholith generally extends to 1 km or more from the height of 3000-4000 (CoBBING et al. 1981).
contact. This must be somewhere near the true extent
as the western contact is steep and in part fault boun-
ded. EGELER& DE BooY (1956) indicate the first im-
Petrology of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith
portant effect, the formation of chiastolite, can occur
up to 2.5 km from the nearest contact in the southern Modal data for the analysed rocks is given in Table
area. Cordierite and garnet also occur in what are cle- 1 and plotted on a modified Streckeisen diagram in
arly contact s c h i s t s , as well as sillimanite near to Fig. 2. Individual rocks range from quartz diorite,
the contact. Similar rocks from the top of Huascaran through tonalite, granodiorite to leucogranodiorite,

TT Range 146 141 142 RG Range 144 135 134 LEUC Range 143 137 136 138 P

Quartz 24.1 20.3- 10.7 23.6 21.5 22.7 18.6- 29.5 36.9 35.4 26.9 17.9- 27,8 44.5 31.1 32,5
28.8 25.4 34.5

K-Feldspar 9.6 7.4- 5.7 2.9 I I .0 13.5 8.8- 10.2 15.4 21.3 22.9 16.3- 20.5 14.5 25.5 18.6
12.0 17.6 29.9

P1agioclase 52.7 49.7- 50.4 s'~..t 49.5 51.2 43.8- 47.7 39.1 40.2 47.0 41.7 - 47.6 35.1 37.0 46.0
56.4 56.9 52.9

Biotite I I ,I 12.4- I0,6 21.2 9.2 8.3 5.5- I I ,0 5.9 2.3 3.2 0.7 - 2,7 3.6 1,5 2.0
18.0 10.9 5.3

Hornblende 2.1 0.I- 19.2 None 6.1 3.4 0.0- 1 .I None None 0.0- None None None None
6.9 12.1 O.l

Muscovite None None None None tr None 0.8 2.1 3.5 0.8

Opaque 1.0 0.2 0.I tr 0.4 0.4 0.I 0.2 0.3 0.I

Chlorite None 0,3 0.9 None 0.7 None 0.4 None 0.7 None

Accessories 0.4 O.l - 2.4 0,6 1.7 0.6 0.2- 0.3 1.5 0.4 0,2 0,6 - 0.I tr tr tr
0.8 1 .I 0.6

Tab. 1. Modes of rocks of the Cordillera Blanca

TT, RG and LEUC are average and ranges of modes for Tulparaju tonalite, Ridge granodiorite, Cohup leucogranodiorite
from Southern Cordillera Blanca Batholith (after EGELERand DE BOOY a1956). P is a porphyry.

0 0
Z~ Q Granodiorite
= (~ Tonalite
9 Q Leucogranodiorite
o Analysed rocks
9 Marginal "diorite"

Kf Plag Rag
a b
Fig. 2. Modified Streckeisen QAP diagram, showing:
(a) the modal data of EGELERand DE BOOY(1956) for the three main rock types; new analysed rock modal data shown as
(b) fields for the three main rock types and modes of the diorite/leucogranodiorite mixed rocks from the contact (data from
EGELER and DE BOOY 1956).

with leucogranodiorite dominating. The new data dote. Idiomorphic plagioclase is strongly zoned;
can readily be related to the original field classifica- Anas to intermediate oligoclase at the rim. Oscilla-
tion into three petrological types, although there is tory zoning and complex overgrowths on corroded
some overlap of the granodiorite with the tonalite. cores are common, and in K-feldspar rich variants,
Notable on this diagram is; the slight tendency to poikilitic K-feldspar (mostly microcline) encloses
monzonitic character, the granitic character of parts ideomorphic plagioclase. Perthite, myrmekitic in-
of the leucogranodiorite, the discrete nature of the tergrowths of quartz and albite, and fine granular al-
fields, particularly the leucogranodiorite and the to- bite grains along the border of large feldspar crystals
halite, and the horizontal basic to acid trend seen in suggests late recrystallization. Quartz is often strai-
the batholith caused by a marked increase in K-feld- ned and fractured. Biotite either as large plates or
spar. This latter is at variance with trends due to frac- small flakes exceeds bluish/green hornblende in
tionation (ATHE~TON& SANDERSON1985) which tend amount. The latter is often prismatic and may in-
to cross the diagram diagonally or lie on curved paths clude small biotite crystals, and in some rocks forms
(LAMEYRE& BOWDEN1982). Locally the leucograno- very numerous small euhedral crystals scattered
diorite has a quartz diorite border zone with an inti- through the matrix. Notably the tonalite is devoid of
mate transition zone (1 kin) of mixed tonalite and inclusions.
granodiorite. EGEL~R& DE BooY (1956) thought the B. G r a n o d i o r i t e (including the Ridge gra-
~diorite~ was an earlier intrusion into which the leu- nodiorite). The rock is even grained, rich in inclu-
cogranodiorite was intruded and the transition zone sions, similar in mineralogy to the tonalite but biotite
represented various amounts of interaction of the much exceeds amphibole, which may he absent, and
leucogranodiorite with the diorite. the K-feldspar content is greater; magnetite and py-
Modal data plotted in Fig. 3 shows the rocks and rite are accessory ore phases.
fields on an APM diagram; the data from the present C . L e u c o g r a n o di o r i t e (including the Co-
work lying within the fields defined by the Egeler hup leucogranodiorite). The bulk of the exposed ba-
and De Booy data, except for the two most mafic tholith is made up of units of this composition occa-
rocks which appear to be more akin to the marginal sionally grading into granite. The composition is re-
diorites. latively constant throughout and rocks contain phe-
A. T o n a 1i t e (including the Tulparaju tonalite). nocrystic K-feldspar (perthitic microcline, 5 cm or
The rock is characteristically speckled and contains more in length), which includes plagioclase and bio-
plagioclase + quartz + K-feldspar + amphibole + tite in a preferred orientation considered by Frasl
biotite, with zircon, apatite, allanite and sphene as (1954) to be due to small plagioclases aligned on
accessory minerals, and secondary chlorite and epi- ideomorphic surfaces of the growing K-feldspar, fol-

~ ~ Granodiorite ~ ///~
9 ~ Tonalite / ~ / ~
- ~ Leucogranodiorit/e ~ /

7 2 L o\ 7."i"

Kf Hag Plag
a b
Fig. 3. KfPM diagrams with the same detail as in Figure 2.
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 217

lowed by inclusion; a feature frozen in the porphy- rocks. They may contain andalusite, both prismatic
ries. K-feldspar is often soda orthoclase- 35 % albite and irregular in form, tourmaline, and occasional
(EGEL~R & DE B o o r 1956) with perthitic inter- cordierite and spinel, all of which EGELER& D~ BOOr
growths linked to late albitization (?). K-feld- (1956) thought were the result of assimilation of
spar/plagioclase and biotite/hornblende ratios are country rock, as they occur in veins which intersect
greater than in A and B and hornblende is often ab- the aluminium-rich hornfels. Pegmatites are rare,
sent. Accessory minerals are sphene, apatite, zircon, and both they and tourmaline rich veins are restricted
epidote with allanite cores and magnetite. to country rock adjacent to the leucogranodiorite.
Muscovite is a very minor phase, in the K-rich Structurally confined mineralization associated with
rocks, and texturally appears to be a subsolidius pha- the batholith includes galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite
se, as it (a) forms very small crystals; (b) is confined and sphalerite, with a single occurrence of cassiterite
to recrystallized biotite as epitaxial growths or fine in the SE at Tambillo.
flecks mantling biotite; (c) occurs within deforma- A notable feature of the Cordillera Blanca Batho-
tion zones and along grain boundaries and in fractu- lith rocks is the strong deformation and associated
res in feldspar; (d) occurs in the fine grained matrix of mineral growth, specifically near the contact. The re-
the porphyries (Plate 1). Only in the most potassic crystallization and new growth contributes to the
rock studied was the muscovite large and euhedral. mineral foliation. This is associated with deforma-
Notably it tends to be restricted to deformed rocks of tion of the minerals resulting in strained extinction
the western margin adjacent to the Cordillera Blanca and curved crystals of biotite, plagioclase and quartz,
Fault complex (Fig. 1). The secondary nature of which may develop a mosaic texture with polycry-
muscovite was also noted by EGELER & DE BOOr stalline aggregates (ribbon texture), often strongly
(1956). elongated into lensoid forms, parallel to the folia-
Sporadic porphyries are commonly associated tion. These features indicate strong deformation du-
with the tonalite. They contain phenocrystic plagio- ring the closing stages of, and post, crystallization,
clase (An4o), K-feldspar and quartz; the latter often particularly near the margins of the batholith.
rounded and corroded, plus biotite. Feldspar and
quartz make up the granular groundmass. Apatite,
zircon and magnetite are accessory minerals.
Chemistry of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith
Aplites, both granitic and granodioritic in compo- A. M a j o r e l e m e n t s ( T a b l e 2 ) . O n A F M a n d
sition, are commonly associated with the leucogra- La Roche and Leterrier diagrams the rocks follow a
nodiorites, and are present in the pluton and contact calcalkali trend (Figs. 4, 5), while on a


~g~~ ~Coast
Santa RosaSuperUnit/ ~ /Ak Coastal Batholith
0SantaRosaSuperUnit /
. CordileraBla7
\ /
Bat \ 0

Fig. 4. AFM diagrams showing: Cordillera Blanca Batholith rocks compared to the Coastal Batholith, and Cordillera
Blanca rocks compared to the Santa Rosa Superunit of the Coastal Batholith.

Plate 1. (a) Small, secondary muscovite (M) flakes fringing and growing epitaxially along biotite (B) 001 planes, in leucogra-
nodiorite. Bar represents 1 mm in (a), (b), (c) and (d). (b) Very small muscovite flakes bordering biotite crystal and growing
in the fine grained matrix of a leucogranodiorite porphyry. (c) Fine muscovite (M) flakes within a deformation zone in leu-
cogranite. (d) Muscovite (M) growth along fractures in plagioclase feldspar, in a leucogranodiorite. (e) Mobilized hornfels
(with andalusite and biotite) in ,,granitized rock,, (after EGELERand DE BOOY 1956), showing interaction of leucogranodio-
rite with adjacent country rock. Bar represents 2.5 cm. (f) Xenoiith of granodiorite in leucogranodiorite near to the contact
(after EGELERand DE BOOY 1956).

K a O - N a 2 0 - C a O plot (Fig. 6) they show a slight in- with increasing SiO2 content, although again the leu-
crease in K a O / N a a O + K a O ratio (0.36-0.50) with cogranodiorites show some spread in KaO and
decreasing CaO. However, the most acid rocks N a a O at a given SiO2 value; the N a a O contents seem
show some scatter. O n H a r k e r diagrams clear calc to show a slight dip at the most acid compositions
alkali trends are seen viz: C a O , TiOa, Fe(total), (Fig. 7).
M n O , M g O decrease, while N a a O and KaO increase
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 219

7.146 7.141 7.142 7.135 7.]34 7.138 7.143 7.137 3000

5i02 56.8 64.8 66.3 70.3 70.8 72,2 73.6 74.0
TiO 2 1.08 0.76 0.58 0.30 0.32 0.24 0,30 0.16
A1203 18,1 16.9 16.6 15.2 16.3 15.4 15.2 14.9
Fe203 2.34 0.57 0.90 0.56 1.18 0.24 0.36 0.15
reO 4.20 4.66 2.57 0.97 I.O5 0.96 0.95 0.69 ~ 061r162
t'lnO 0.10 0.07 0,08 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05
MgO 3.27 2.11 1.85 1.02 0.62 0.50 0,79 0.56
CaO 6.53 3.56 3.95 2,18 2.34 1.08 ] .93 1.62
Na20 3,50 3.60 3,83 4.04 4,20 4.35 4.03 3,70
K~O 2.00 2.65 2.83 3.74 3,26 3.38 3.23 3.57 I~
Total ~
0.12 0,07 0.07
lo~,z 3T7~ 100.5
0.09 0.07
977.7 co / 142-1

Ba 660 599 422 651 619 817 438 917

Co 21" 13" 10" 3,5" 3 1.8" 5 1.4" L ~~
1OOO 200 3000 4000
Cr 13 I0 23 7 4 5 5 4
Cs 4.2* 7.1" 4.8* 5.5* 2.2* 1.7"
4Si - 1 1 ( N a + K ) - 2 ( F e + T i )
Hf 4.5* 4.1* 4,4* 3.4* 4.0* 3.l*
Ni 8 8 34 lO II II 12 I0
Fig. 5. La Roche and LeTerrier diagram showing the calc-
Pb 14 12 9 16 18 21 18 20
Rb 70 133 51 177 122 llg 122 113
alkali character of the rocks of the Cordillera Blanca. Num-
Ta 1,1" 0.87* 0.98* 0.59* 0.74* 0.57* bered rocks indicate a basic to acid sequence which is dis-
Th 10" 35* 13" 41" 9 19" 18 51" cusses in the text.
U 4,2* I0" 4,6 ~ I0" 3,8* 6.1"
V ]62 105 166 28 36 16 21 II
Y 18 8 II 2 5 7 7 8
Zn 106 87 125 55 69 50 6] 56 B. T r a c e e l e m e n t s (Table 2). Some of the
Zr 239 156 464 184 221 236 220 261
trace element variation is predictable on the basis of
La 28 ~ 35 ~ 27 ~ 28 ~ 39* 45 ~ 23 the calc alkali major element chemistry and the mine-
6e 59 ~ 64 ~ 51 ~ 48* 63* 8] ~ 57* ralogy; thus transition metals (Co, Cr, V, Sc and Zn)
Pr 7.8 ~ 618 ~ 7.2 ~ 9150
Nd 33 = 32 ~ 27 ~ 15 ]8 16 41 ~
decrease with increasing SiO2 content, as does Sr.
Sm 4.6 ~ 4.7 ~ 4.7 ~ 7.2 ~ However, Zr shows little variation with a slight dip
Eu 1.7 ~ l.l ~ ].2 ~ 0.5" 0.8" 1.4 ~
at the most acid compositions; Ba shows no clear va-
Gd 4.6 ~ 3.4 ~ 3.7 ~ 5,6 ~
Tb 0,66 ~ 0,38 ~ 0.40 ~ 0.24* 0.34* 0,51 ~ 0,36* riation, and is quite variable in the leucogranodiori-
Dy 3.2 ~ 2,1 ~ 2.4 ~ 2.9 ~ tes, and Y and Rb show no consistent variation above
Ho 0,73 ~ 0.38 ~ 0.44 ~ 0.55 ~
Yb l.lO ~ 0,61 ~ 0.68 ~ 0.93 ~
65 % SiO2. K/Rb and Rb/Sr ratios show a slight and
LU 0.16 ~ 0.08 ~ 6,II ~ 0.17 ~ marked increase above 65% SiO 2 respectively, al-
though the latter shows considerable variation.
Tab. 2. Representative analyses of Cordillera Blanca Batho-
Major and trace analyses by XRF, exept for asterisked data
by instrumental neutron activation analysis and 0 by radio- K20
Coastal I9 L i m a - T r u j i l l o s e g m e n t f
chemical neutron activation analysis. Instrumental NAA BatholithfA Arequipa segment /
by M. S. Brotherton.

The rocks of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith are

notable in that they are almost all mildly peralumi-
nous, the two porphyries (CB7 and CB8) having the
highest normative corundum ( ~- 3.0%). The aver-
age tool. A12OJCaO + N a 2 0 + K 2 0 is 1.09, or
1.07, excluding the two porphyries 9 On a modified
A C F diagram (Fig. 8), the rocks plot in three distinct
fields, which are, with increasing SiO2 content,
hornblende-biotite-plagioclase; plagioclase-biotite;
plagioclase-biotite-muscovite. Extra phases include
quartz, K-feldspar and albite (in s.s. in plagioclase).
This is consistent with the observed mineralogy. No- Na20 CaO
tably it is the late, more siliceous rocks that tend to Fig. 6. K 2 0 - N a 2 0 - CaO diagram for rocks of the Cordil-
peraluminosity and muscovite in the mode. N o rela- lera Blanca, and Lima-Trujillo and Arequipa segments of
tion was noted between F J + / F e 2+ and A / N C K . the Coastal Batholith.

0 Cordillera Blanca Batholith AI-Na-K

20 F 9 9 Coastal Batholith t TC'r::lit~~ //~Muscovite
9 Leucogranodiorite // \
0 Porphyry ~0 0 ~
12[ . . . . I1~ " Plagioclase//~_~ . . . . . \
lo[ 9149~
I- " .

2 0
Wt %
e 9e 9 9 . Hornble
MnO 0.1 9ow o ' ",,I,,,,l & ~ b ' 9
9 9~ ,, Ca Fe%Mg
O" ' ' ' ' ~ Fig. 8. Modified ACF diagram for rocks of the Cordillera

MgO 4
On Rb, Sr, Ba, Zr plots trends are absent or poor
(Fig. 9) and a simple fractionation descent or mixing
line relating the basic rocks to the leucogranodiorites
does not exist.
CaO .~%~~. Furthermore the Sr, Rb and D.I. v Rb/Sr plots are
dissimilar in form from those normally found in se-
quences showing clear fractional crystallization. The
C a 9 v Y plot is compatible with hornblende - pla-

gioclase fractionation producing leucogranodiorite
.a,O ... o, from the more basic rocks but the variation in the
9 6O o -~0 9 former is large and the data forms a field rather than a
trend. Inconsistent behaviour is also seen on a Y v Zr
9 I I A I I plot (Fig. 9) where there is a trend to low Y values
Wt~ 9 compatible with about 88 % hornblende extraction;
however, the decrease in Y is not systematically rela-

il ~o ted to increasing Si20 content nor is the amount of

K,o %%.%o 9 hornblende required sensible. On a TiO2-Zr plot
evolution of the leucogranodiorites from the tonali-
~ tes suggests biotite and/or magnetite precipitation
0 I I I I could be responsible, but as in the Y-Zr plot the data
are not systematically related. On a PEARCE et al.
I~I 9 9
0.8 ~". ,, .o (1984) discriminant diagram (Fig. 10) the rocks lie as
expected in the volcanic arc field, the most evolved
T,O:~ " lying on the boundary between this field and the col-
0.2 f Q lision granite field; the broad trend reflecting biotite
0 ~ 6~0 7() The mantle/normalized trace element plots (Fig.
SiO2Wt % 11) are similar, suggesting a connection exists bet-
ween all the rocks. The most basic rock: Carhuish
tonalite (146) has a shape very similar to the most ba-
sic units of the Santa Rosa and Linga superunits of
Fig. 7. Harker diagrams for major elements of rocks of the the Coastal Batholith (AT~ERTON& PLANT1985, Fig.
Cordillera Blanca Batholith and the Coastal Batholith. 5), except for an enrichment in LREE and Sr in the
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 221

. . . . . . . . 2000
) intrusion sequence

Rb \ C o ~ 1000
ppm /~/v ~ / Ba
10C 500 Linga la~ t

40100 500 1000 100 sb 18o 260 ~o

Sr p p m
300 , ,
Rbppm, , ,

8~7o 200
86e _l
8 5 ~ 163 Zr
o82 ppm
ppm 100 e" ~ ' - ~

9 , , , , , , h , , , , ,,i
Y b//o0,'7
100 1000 0 100 200 300
Zr ppm Rbppm
Fig. 9. Rb-Sr, Ba-Rb, Y-Zr and Zr-Rb plots of rocks of the Cordillera Blanca. The trends for the Linga Superunit of the Co-
astal Batholith are shown for comparison, and numbers by the rocks refer to DI values.

Cordillera Blanca rocks relative to those of the Co-
astal Batholith (Fig. 11). Th/U ratios vary from
2.4-8.3 indicating some U loss and perhaps gain rela-
ted to U mobility. It is perhaps no coincidence that
, Linga~L rock 137 a strongly foliated marginal leucogranodio-
SynColg 5 rite has the highest normative corundum (apart from
the two porphyries), the highest Th/U ratio and has
thin veins of muscovite clearly cross cutting feldspar
100 and running along grain boundaries parallel to the fo-
Generally, Ta decreases with acidity, as do Ti and
ppm WP(
P, which may be due to fractionation at depth or
source retention by rutile, sphene, ilmenite and apa-
tire, as minima of these elements occur in the most
VAG basic rocks. The decrease of Sr with increasing Si02
content seems likely to be due to limited fractiona-
J Fig. 10. Discriminant diagram for geotectonic setting of
9 Cordillera Blanca Batholith 3RG granites (PEARCEet al. 1984). Syn. Colg-syncollisionaigra-
, , , , , , , , ,
.... nites, WPG - within plate granites, VAG-volcanic arc gra-
10 100 nites, ORG-ocean ridge granites. Fractionation path for
(Y + Nb)ppm Linga Superunit show.

100( 100(


10( 10c

m m
r- C
E 1( E lC

0 0
s s

O- 0.1
L;stSal~b U I h K Nb L a L ; e b r N d V L r I i Y CsBaRbUTh K NbLaCeSrNd P Zr Ti



~= lC

Leueogranodiorites I I I
t ~a~a~
CsBaRb U Th K Nb LaCeSrNd P ZrTi Y L , s ~ a r ( ~ u m i~l~lDLaL.eorl~l(]Kz.r II T

Fig. 11. Mantle normalised trace element diagrams for rocks of the Cordillera Blanca: (a) the most basic rock anlaysed com-
pared to equivalent rocks in the Coatal Batholith; (b) plot of trace elements of inclusion 142 in tonalite 141 ; (c) plot of trace
elements of leucogranodiorites compared to Cafias, a late ieucogranite from the Coastal Batholith; (d) plot of trace elements
of tonalite and ieucogranodiorites wich could be related by fractionation.
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 223

tion, but there is no depletion relative to adjacent RE LREE, Sm to La should not produce the parallel pat-
elements (Fig. 11) for the most basic (primitive) rock. tern shown but a concave upwards shape, with La,
This suggests there has been little or no plagioclase Ce, Nd being relatively enriched. Although the de-
fractionation or plagioclase residue in the source. crease in Sr (952~,39 ppm) suggests plagioclase pre-
The same is true for most of the more acidic rocks. cipitation (as does the qtz-orth-alb-an(-H20)plot,
This latter is in strong contrast to the Coastal Batho- Fig. 13) modal plagiociase and biotite contents are
lith where high level plagioclase fractionation has very similar in both rocks, and are unlikely, to be in-
produced very marked Sr minima in rocks with ab- volved, as biotite has very similar KD values (< 1) for
out 75% SiO2 e.g. Santa Rosa granite (ATH~RTON& light and heavy REE, while plagioclase tends to en-
PLANT 1985, Fig. 5). Of the leucogranodiorites stu- rich the liquid in H R E E relative to LREE. More si-
died, with very similar Dis to the latter, only 143 has gnificantly, the concentrations of Co, Cr, Sc, V, Ni
a marked Sr minima (Fig. 11) and this rock also has a are all much higher in 142 than in 146 which is clearly
Eu anomaly; the remainder show only slight or no at odds with Dis of 70 and 50 respectively. It would
depletion in Sr. This suggests that most of the leuco- appear they came from a similar source, but with dif-
granodiorites did not evolve by dominant plagioclase ferent enrichment characteristics and/or fractiona-
fractionation. Further evidence of the lack of a tion history (see also Rb).
simple fractionation relationship between individual Similar arguments can be put forward for rock 141
rock types comes from the xenolith of tonalite (142) (64.8 % SiO2) and its inclusion 142 (66.3 % SiO2). In
in tonalite (141). The xenolith lies well off most Har- 141 the H R E E are slightly depleted and the LREE
ker type trends and 141 could not have evolved from (Pr-La) are enriched relative to 142 and both have
142 as implied by the inclusion geometry as it is less slight europium anomalies. This is compatible with
evolved with respect to major element chemistry e.g. hornblende (and plagioclase) dominated precipita-
DI 66 as opposed to 70, while LIL elements, inclu- tion, with hornblende KDS between basaltic/andesite
ding LREE, are enhanced (i~ig. 11). and dacite (ARTH et al. 1978, Fig. 10). Note the mo-
Furthermore evolution of a tonalite to a leucogra- dal, major and trace element data are consistent with
nite i.e. 141 (DI 66) to 143 (DI 86) or 137 (DI 87) this, and with the minor role of accessory minerals
(Fig. 11) would involve non-systematic behaviour of such as zircon, apatite, sphene and allanite. Thus U,
rnost trace elements implying these rocks are not di- Th, P, Hf, Zr, either increase or show no change, al-
rectly related. though the decrease in Ti cannot be explained by
REE plots for 4 rocks are shown in Fig. 12. The hornblende precipitation alone, so magnetite may
trends are similar and suggest a common source/hi- have been involved. However, 142 is chemically exo-
stories for all the rocks, which include both the tona- tic (see earlier) and on a qtz-alb-an-kf(-H20) dia-
litic and peraluminous muscovite containing leuco- gram both rocks are nearly coincident and clearly
granodiorites. They are highly fractionated cannot have belonged to an evolving sequence invol-
(LaN/YbN 17--39) and apart from the most acid rock ving plagioclase precipitation. Indeed, the more
(143, SiO2, 73.6%) they do not have significant Eu evolved rock, on the basis of SiO2 content has a grea-
anomalies (143 has an Eu/Eia* value of 0.65). Rock ter amount of normative mafic minerals than the less
146, which is the most basic rock, may have a slight evolved rock (14.5% and 10.3% respectively).
positive anomaly. It is also different in having high Fig. 12 shows REE plots for two rocks (141,143)
HREE and possibly LREE for its low SiO2 content from the Cohup unit which may be related by frac-
compared to the other three rocks, which tend to tional crystallization. Note these two do not contain
show increasing REE with increasing SiO2 content. hornblende. Considering a possible evolution of 143
Comparison of the mode of 146 with 142, (Table 1) a (leucogranodiorite) from 141 (tonalite), the REE
possible, more acidic comagmatic rock, suggest they patterns can be modelled quite closely by about
may be related by hornblende separation. This com- 30-40% precipitation of plagioclase (67%) + biotite
positional region is just that where KDS for horn- (33%). Using the Rb and Sr and SiO2 values only
blende change radically from values less than 1 to va- 18% is required (KDS from HENDERSON 1982). The
iues greater than 1, and the H R E E values tend to be incomplete knowledge of partition coefficients at
similar (ARTH et al. 1978). Note the slight europium these compositions for all the mineral phases make it
positive anomaly changes to a slight negative one impossible to determine whether the difference in
while the LREE are only slightly depleted (Fig. 12). amount of fractionation is significant or not. What-
It is not possible to accurately model this as the ever, from the quaternary plot qtz-alb-an-kf(H20)
hornblende KD s vary radically through these com- (Fig. 13) derivation of 143 from 141 would require
positions (ARTH et al. 1976), but the decrease in KD precipitation of a near pure An plagioclase. From this

n l u l u u n u ~ n n u u l u i r i u n f n i ~ ~ i i i i


~ ~ . i ~ t~


c- a b
c- n i i i I I I I t i L L I i i i i i a i u i i i

o i l U l l r u i n

~.1oo 9 142 included in 141- 'monaiite ' '

~ s0


C d
i i u n i i = i I I

La, Pr E u , T b , H o l Tm, Lu ' ~' 4 ~. . . . . ~ Eu, { b,Ho Trn Lu

La . . . . . .

Ce Nd Sm Gd Dy Er Yb Ce Nd Sm Gd Dy !~r '~b
Fig. 12. REE diagrams showing (a) general >,family,<likeness of all rocks analysed; (b) HREE enriched character of 146 the
most basic rock analysed; (c) similarityof REE in host rock 141 and its inclusion 142; (d) traces of REE in rocks which could
be related by fractionation.

An diagram it can also be seen that 138 could not be deri-

ved from 141 for the same reason. N o liquid or liquid
+ crystal path could lie through these rocks (see si-
milar arguments on the basis of Sr, Ba, Rb values).
In conclusion, the major, trace and RE element
data are not compatible with a simple consistent mo-
nogenetic evolution of the different units of the Ba-
tholith, involving the phases seen in the rocks.

Comparison of the Coastal Batholith with the

/ \ Cordillera Blanca Batholith and the n a t u r e of the
The main rock type of the Cordillera Blanca is leu-
cogranodiorite which contains biotite as the major
mg/fe phase. As such it contrasts with the mainly to-
Ab Or nalitic units of the Coastal Batholith (A~ERTON &
Fig. 13. An-Qtz-Or-Ab(-H20) diagram for rocks of the SANDERSON1985), but it does resemble the late grani-
Cordillera Blanca; note the bunched nature of the data. P tes of the Lima segment, viz Sayan, Cafias, Pativilca
relates to a porphyry. and Pariocoto although they all tend to carry minor
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 225

hornblende. However, the tonalite (Tulparaju type) 1000 g , ! ,

is hornblende bearing and in one instance contains Cordillera

clinopyroxene surrounded by zoned hornblende. In
these and other respects it is very similar mineralogi-
cally to the major tonalitic superunits of the Coastal 800
However, although it has been divided into super-
units, detailed mapping of the Cordillera Blanca Ba-
tholith has not been completed (see COMBINGet al. 600
1981 & BECICINSALEet al. 1985), and no clear basic to
acid rhythms have yet been noted.
Important differences are the xenolithic character
Sr ppm
of the Coastal Batholith, in contrast to a general lack
of xenoliths in the Cordillera Blanca Batholith. Fur-
400 Ic'r="~176
thermore the inclusions that do occur in the Cordil-
lera Blanca Batholith are of the earlier units within
the younger units (EGELER & DE Boo'c 1956 and
here), and basic dykes are absent while pegmatites
and particularly granite veins are common, especially
at the margin.
The major element chemistry is similar to that of

l i
Coastal Batholith

i i I I
the Coastal Batholith except for the higher alumi- 10 20 3O
nium content (Fig. 7), which gives rise in part to the
corundum normative character of the later more acid Fig. 15. Sr v. Hf/Ta plot illustrating the low Hf/Ta rations
parts of the batholith. The difference in A1203 is only of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith rocks compared to most
rocks of the Coastal Batholith. L 1 and L2 - Linga Super-
apparent at higher S i O 2 values, so that at extreme
unit, SR-Santa Rosa Superunit. T-Tiabaya Superunit, SB-
acid compositions the aluminium is nearly 2 % higher Senal Blanca Superunit (see ATHERTONand SANDERSON
than that in the Coastal Batholith. 1985).
The AFM and N C K diagram indicate the calc al-
kaline character and similarity with the Coastal Ba-
tholith and show there is no k-h relationship.
In detail there are other slight differences, thus, in There are similarities in that both relate to major
the Cordillera Blanca Batholith, N a 2 0 is a little linear structures; in the case of the Coastal Batholith
higher throughout, with a slight decrease after 72% intrusion occurs in three very different environments
SiO2; T i O 2 tends to have higher values at the basic viz from N to S; pre Ordovician schists and Meso-
end but is similar at the acid end; total iron is lower at zoic rocks of the Olmos arch; Cretaceous rocks of
more acid compositions, as is MnO. With regard to the marginal basin, and the Precambrian Arequipa
trace elements the most obvious differences include massif (ATHERTON1984), the whole forming a major
higher Sr (Fig. 14) lower HREE, while Zr and Y are megalineament (PITCHER 1972). The Cordillera
generally lower and Zn higher than in the Coastal Ba- Blanca Batholith is axially emplaced almost entirely
tholith, and the Ta/Hf ratio is distinctly higher (Fig. within the Jurassic Chicama series of the Chavin Ba-
15). sin, and along the Cordillera Blanca Fault, a major
structure forming the western boundary of the East
Peruvian Trough (CoBBING et al. 1981). Indeed,
COBBINGet al. (1981 ) specifically relate magma ascent
1000 o o Cordillera Blanca Batholith /
800 9 Coastal Bathotith 1 from depth via the Cordillera Blanca Fault which was
600 0 o
/ initially responsible for the basin subsidence then la-
9 o o
Srppm 9 ~ 9 ~s 9
40o 0 . a:" @ _ _ . . " 9
o ~ o
o o %
ter formed a conduit for magma ascent. Both MYERS
(1975) and COMBINGet al. (1981) imply this major
20O .~l"lh;...
fault system dissected the whole crust.
o ~,~ r~ 6'5 ~'o 7s Surface features related to the Coastal Batholith
sio2wt % indicate emplacement into a zone of brittle fracture,
Fig. 14. Sr v. SiO2 plot of rocks from the Cordillera Blanca with little internal foliation or structure, neither is
Batholith compared to the Coastal Batholith. the country rock deformed and thermal metamor-

phism is subdued (ATH~t~TON& BRENCHLEY1972). Comparison with the Coastal Batholith with re-
This is in marked contrast to the Cordillera Blanca gard to corundum normative values shows this to be
Batholith, which is often strongly deformed, as are a poor indicator, as 50 out of 93 rocks from the
the envelope rocks and which develops a large ther- Coastal Batholith have corundum in the norm, albeit
mal aureole, up to 5 km wide. However, to some ex- only 9 exceed 1%. Notably most of these mildly pe-
tent the difference in envelope rock competence may raluminous rocks are hornblende bearing. On an
be responsible for this. The Chicama formation de- ACF diagram the tonalitic units of the Coastal ba-
formed plastically while the volcanic rocks of the tholith and the Cordillera Blanca overlap. It is only
Lima segment deformed by brittle failure. Strong the leucogranodiorites which lie in the muscovite
contact i n t e r a c t i o n s between country rock and field and show ,,S, type characteristics.
the Cordillera Blanca Batholith are in contrast to the The textures (see earlier) clearly indicate the mus-
Coastal Batholith where such interaction is minimal. covite in the leucogranodiorite is secondary and due
The Tulparaju tonalite shows little interaction with to late subsolidus fluid reaction occurring during the
the contact rocks apart from sporadic growth of por- deformation producing the foliation and new fabric.
phyroblastic feldspar and very rare apophyses Thus the most deformed leucogranodiorites from the
and aplite veins. However, the leucogranodiorite in- western margin (136, 137) have the highest modal
variably shows strong interaction with the contact muscovite while the central and eastern marginal leu-
sediments, and according to Egeler and De Booy cogranodiorites lack muscovite and are relatively
(1956) produced marked granitization, involving the undeformed.
sequential production of plagioclase, biotite and K- The aplites, and the pegmatites, which are all
feldspar in rocks varying from biotite quartzite to common in the contact zone of the leucogranodiorite
andalusite hornfels (Plate le). Apophyses and aplite show evidence of strong fluid interaction with the
veining in the country rock is very common, up to aureole rocks. Thus the aplites contain andalusite,
100 m away from the contact. Sometimes interaction both prismatic and irregular in form as well as, less
takes place over several 10s of metres and is made up commonly, cordierite and green spinel, while the
of every gradation from sediments to ,,migmatitic~, pegmatites are often very mica-rich and may
type rocks (EG~LER& D~ BooY 1956). Strong inte- contain beryl (WiLsON & GARaYER1967). The anda-
ractions are also seen at the borders formed by the lusite etc. in the aplite is found o n 1y near the con-
early quartz diorite and in the Carhuish Pluton. The tact where the veins intersect strongly metamorpho-
rocks of the contact zones often show mobilization sed aluminous pelites of the Chicama Formation.
(Plate le) with plastic deformation of the country Dehydration water generated on metamorphism of
rock and a rotation of fragments within igneous ma- the Chicama appears to have moved into the granite
terial made up of plagioclase, quartz, biotite and during deformation. It was buffered by the alumi-
cummingtonite (EGELEt~& DE BooY 1956). Tourma- nous rich aureole rocks and muscovite crystallized as
line is a common late mineral. Various microscopic described earlier. In aplite veins, also containing
and macroscopic features of this ,,metasomation<< or tourmaline, andalusite is replaced by white mica in-
granitization were ascribed by EGELEt~& D~ BooY dicating the presence of later fluids containing K and
(1956) to permeating solutions which in extreme ca- B, both derived from the sediment. The relation of
ses produced mica-tourmaline rock. We agree that peraluminosity to deformation is well seen in sample
these phenomena associated with strong deforma- 142, which is included in 141. This latter has higher
tion are clearly related to granite-country rock inte- normative corundum, is more deformed and crystal-
raction mainly via a fluid phase. lized at a higher structural level, presumably within
Previous workers (McCouRT 1978, COBBING1981, the Chicama schists, where it gained its peralumi-
PiTCHEr. 1974, PITCHER1983) have emphasized the ,,S~< nous character. Three of the four porphyries show a
type affinity of the Batholith. However, in spite of similar feature, they have the highest A / C N K values
some ,,S~<type characteristics such as mild peralumi- (1.19, 1.22, 1.17), the highest normative corundum
nosity and the presence of muscovite in the leucogra- and lie nearest to muscovite on an ACF diagram (Fig.
nodiorite, the Cordillera Blanca rocks have very 8). Euhedral or corroded phenocrysts of biotite, pla-
clear ,,It, type characteristics i.e. high N a 2 0 (>4 %) gioclase, K-feldspar and quartz, which may all be de-
over 70 % SiO2, hornblende in 45 % of the rocks and formed are present in a quartz, feldspar, fine-grained
(modal date here and ECELER & DE BooY 1956), granular matrix with biotite and very small musco-
magnetite, sphene and allanite as common accessory vite flakes. In these rocks the muscovite is related
minerals. They also lie in the ,,I,, type field in the texturally to chlorite and stilpnomelane which frin-
Streckeisen diagram. ges the phenocrystic biotite, and occurs as a matrix
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 227

mineral. Other textures involving muscovite include tholith (ATHEt~TON1984, A~RTON & SAND~RSOZ~,
all those mentioned earlier seen in the leucograno- 1985, BECKINSALZet al. 1985) and considering the si-
diorite. The restriction of muscovite to the matrix, milarity in mineralogy and chemistry to some units
which we interpret as a quench texture is significant; of the Coastal Batholith it is likely that the Cordillera
it indicates this liquid was peraluminous and may Blanca Batholith had a similar source, although in-
have quenched as fluid from the aureole leaked into board from that of the Coastal Batholith.
the porphyry, or as soluble alkali complexes moved Initial 87Sr/86Sr data calculated to an age of 10 Ma
out of the system in a volatile phase. The association (BECKINSALEet al. 1985) forms two groups, relating
with chlorite which fringes biotite and stilpnomelane to the tonalitic type (Carhuish) and leucogranodio-
suggests that the biotite is Al-rich. Note however, rite (Cohup) type units (mean values of 0.70492 + 6
the chloritization in the porphyries is very limited (6), and 0.70528 + 9 (7) respectively) which are less
and could not account for the position of them on the than some values in the Coastal Batholith (Fig. 16).
ACF diagram, nor for the amount of muscovite in These authors concluded the Cohup unit could not
the fine grained matrix. have been formed by melting old continent crust, but
Both the microscopic evidence from the aplites, both units were mantle-derived and the Cohup unit
granite veins, pegmatites and porphyries indicating had probably ~assimilated,, some pelitic material
fluid reactions producing muscovite and the macros- from the Chicama formation. MUKASA& TILTON
copic evidence of ~metasomatic~, reactions via a per- (1984) used lead isotopes to constrain the source and
meating fluid, are sufficient we think to account for found the Cordillera Blanca rocks and those from an
the mildly peraluminous or ,~S(~type character of the associated slightly older stock (Surco) had values si-
leucogranodiorites, which is therefore a superficial milar to the Lima segment plutonic rocks of the Co-
o v e r p r i n t on the primary ,A,, type character. astal Batholith and show no detectable old crustal Pb
component. However, the more acid components in
Source of the magma: isotopic evidence b o t h batholiths show a Pb component likely to
have been derived (by assimilation) from the respec-
From the evidence presented earlier it is clear that tive envelope rocks (Fig. 17). In the case of the Cor-
the Cordillera Blanca Batholith has an ~I~ type cha- dillera Blanca Batholith this component is clearly
racter and the )~S~, type imprint on the leucograno- from the Chicama series, but we are sure it is not
diorite is considered to be a high level phenomena as- derived by bulk assimilation of rock, but by fluids
sociated with deformation on intrusion and involved buffered by the Chicama Formation which were
interaction with the Chicama Shales. We have postu- drawn into the Batholith during the crystallization
lated a dominantly mantle source for the Coastal Ba- and deformation associated with intrusion.


705 t
__ .~_][ Bulk earth

Sr 87
Sr 86 704

Depleted mantle
o Cordillera Blanca BathOlith
9 Arequipa Segment
9 Toquepala Segment
9 Gabbro
9 Lima Segment
tOO 80 BO Ma 40 20 0

Fig. 16. ~TSr/S6Srv. Age (Ma) for rocks of the Coastal Batholith (including the gabbros) compared to rocks of the Cordillera
Blanca Batholith (data from BECKINSALEet al. 1985). The increase in age is very crudely related to distance from the coast.

the SW Finland trondhjemitic suite (Awi~ et al.

1978). Thus the REEs from Eu to Lu (Eu, Gd, Tb,
PS Dy, Ho, Yb, Lu) decrease continuously rocks with
if- a9 SiO2 values as follows: 56.8, 73.6, 66.3, 64.8. These
data are not simply consistent with varying degrees
LenEal,b, L,r l l l e ~ L- / of partial melting, either of garnetiferous or amphi-
bolitic mantle, both of which may be capable of pro-
ducing HREE depleted melts at considerable depth
or more shallow depth respectively. Thus if horn-
,57 . . . . . . . is :# :,iii{iiF blende is a residual phase, and melting took place at
Cordillera B less than 60 km (ARTH & BARKER1976), this would
Q- p .... occur in the crust/mantle boundary, for according to
Central,S.C JAMES(1971) the M discontinuity lies between 50-60
Q_r ~ P G granulite ~ /" km beneath the Cordillera Blanca. Melting of basal-
tic type material PH20 ----5.0 Kb) within the stability
"15"5 field of hornblende produces strongly quartzofeld-
spathic material whose natural analogue is tonalite
t i
17 18 19 (and trondhjemite) and which is corundum norma-
2~176 tive (HELz 1976); the liquid being produced by a re-
Fig. 17. 2~176 and 2~176 v. 2~176 dia- action of the type
gram (after MUKASAand TILTON 1984). PS-Pacific Sedi-
ments; P, L-rocks from the Pisco and Lima Segments, re- hbl--+ cpx + ol + liq. (peraluminous)
spectively, of the Coastal Batholith; Central, S. Chile-
Quaternary volcanic rocks and ores from Chile (TILTON However, "KusHIRO& YODER(1972) produced melts
1979). within the system CaO - MgO - A12Oa - SiO2 at
PN2o = 10 kb, 1025 ~ C, which are also corundum
normative, although hornblende is not present. This
suggests peraluminous compositions may be produ-
The dominant Pb component in the plutonic
ced without hornblende, and may be characteristic of
rocks, according to MUKASA& TILTON(1984), came
melts produced at high water pressure in the presence
from an isotopically homogeneous reservoir very
of a phase containing modal and/or normative diop-
like that found by TILTON(1979) and TILTON& BAR-
side (HELz 1976). Furthermore, comparison with the
REIRO(1980) for plutonic and volcanic rocks in cen-
Coastal Batholith which also contains mildly pera-
tral Chile, which they thought might well be enri-
luminous rocks (> 50 % are corundum normative), is
ched sub continental (lithospheric) mantle.
apposite. The NEE data have consistently flat
HREE, about xl0 chondrite, so it is unlikely horn-
Source of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith -
blende (or garnet) were important residual phases
chemical evidence
(ATHERTON & SANDERSON1985). Clearly the mildly
The petrological, field and chemical data indicate peraluminous character does not neccessarily relate
that the units are individual melts and that high level to amphibole in the source, which in the case of the
fractionation is not responsible for the time sequence Coastal Batholith was in the mantle (ATHERTON&
diorite-granite, as the Sr contents of the most SiO2 SANDERSON1985, MUKASA& TILTON1985, LE BEL et
rich rocks is not radically depleted although plagio- al. 1985). The composition of the lower crust in we-
clase is clearly a liquidus phase. stern Peru is unlikely to be mafic according to JAMES
The high Sr indicates incompatible behaviour, so (1971) or cool. He thought the lower crust was hot,
that feldspar was not a major residual phase in the anhydrous and not dissimilar chemically from parts
source, furthermore this high value is not due to in- of the upper crust. This being so and by analogy with
creased crustal contamination inboard from the the Coastal Batholith and from the isotope evidence,
Coastal Batholith, for this would give a reverse varia- the source must lie in the mantle. Two facts may be
tion. relevant to the proposition that this is garnetiferous,
Hornblende fractionation is not responsible for firstly below about 60 km hornblende is unstable in
the HREE depletion (down to x2 chondrite), as there tonalitic compositions (LAMBERT& WYLLIE 1974).
is no clear decrease in HREE with increasing SiO2 Secondly the configuration of the REE plots is more
content cf. Tuolumne intrusion (FREYet al. 1978) and compatible, especially at the HREE end, with gar-
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith 229

net/liquid partition coefficients which consistently 1975). Similar trends for Sr, initial Sr ratio and La/Yb
increase from Gd to Lu e.g. PY80 Gr20 coexisting have been noted in the Cretaceous Peninsula Ranges
with H 2 0 saturated haploandesite - haplodacite Batholith of S. California (GROMET& SILVER1977).
composition liquids at 1000 ~ C and 20-25 kb (MYsEN Trends in the Sierra Nevada however involve K, Rb
1978), and garnet from the garnet rich megacrysts and Sr initial ratio (KIsTLER& PETERMAN1973). These
from the Breziny andesite and other similar rocks changes have been related to deep seated sources near
(Fig. 8) in IRVING& FREY 1978). In contrast horn- the mantle crust boundary.
blende/matrix partition coefficients are either con- Comparison of the Coastal Batholith and the Cor-
cave downwards over the range Eu - Lu, peaking at dillera Blanca show very clear differences specifically
about H o for rhyolite/dacite compositions or almost in the dominance of higher SiO2 rich rocks, higher Sr
unchanged or slightly decreasing over the same ran- and A1 contents and larger CeN/YbN ratios in the
ge, for andesites and basalts (AR~ et al. 1978). If Cordillera Blanca Batholith rocks (Fig. 18). Minor
these arguments can be applied to the rocks of the differences occur in TiO2, MnO and total iron,
Cordillera Blanca, the source clearly contained resi- N a 2 0 as well as Zr, Y and Zn (see earlier). Notable is
dual garnet, and may well have been enriched garnet the absence of a systematic change in K, Rb and Th.
lherzolite (ATHERTON & SANDERSON1985, MUKASA& In fact the Cordillera Blanca rocks have much lower
TILTON 1985). K/Si ratios than the Linga superunit which is the
most K-rich superunit of the Coastal Batholith
(A~ERTON & PLAYr 1985). Notable also is the in-
Variations across the Peruvian Andes
crease in Ta/Hf ratio (Fig. 15). Compatible elements
A general characteristic of Cordilleran plutonism such as Co, Cr, Ni, V, Sc are much the same. Accep-
is the migration of the site of melting and crystalliza- ting the difference in A1 is mainly a high level effect,
tion with time. However, in the Coastal Batholith al- the other major differences, e.g. Sr, CeN/YbN, are
though there is a tendency for magmatism to young similar to those seen in Chile and the Peninsula
eastward, e.g. the youngest units, such as Pativilca Range (op.cit.), and with the increase in Ta/Hf ratio
which lies on the eastern border is dated at 37 Ma must relate to a systematic change (enrichment) in
(BEcKINSAL~et al. 1985, MUKASA& TILTON1985), the source region (mantle?) into the continent. The wi-
persistence of the batholithic lineament from about despread similarity of these variations suggest this
100 Ma to 37 Ma is impressive. Later Mid Tertiary enrichment might characterise E. Pacific continental
magmatism produced the intermediately positioned margins.
Eastern Stocks (including Surco and Acos) at about
20 Ma and finally the Cordillera Blanca Batholith at
10 Ma or less (Fig. 1).
Generally eastward migration of plutonism has
been accompanied by a compositional change, often 30
relating to variations in incompatible element abun-
dances, as seen in Recent arcs (e.g. WHI~ORD et al. Cordillera Blanca t
1979 and others). Looking specifically at plutonic
rock systems, SAUNDERSet al. (1980) demonstrated a 2O
systematic increase in K/Si, Rb/Si, Th/Si and to a les-
ser extent Ce/Si and La/Si with increasing distance Ce
from the trench across the Antarctic Peninsula. They Coastal Batholith

relate this to an enriched subcontinental mantle vary-

ing laterally which they considered an alternative ex-
planation for the K-h variation observed there and in '~ I. i I .. ol .
many other arc systems. In Central Chile the L P,P IT LM,S,Sd S,C P
easternmost Upper Tertiary Batholith granodiorites 100 ' 80 ' 60 ' 4J0 ' 20 ' 0
are relatively enriched in Sr and compatible elements Age Ma
(Sc, V, Cr, Co and Ni) and U; they also have greater
N a 2 0 contents than the westerly, older granitoids Fig. 18. Ce/Yb v. Age (Ma) plot of rocks of the CoastaiBa-
tholith and the Cordillera Blanca Batholith. Capital letters
(LoPEz-EscOBAR 1979). Considering only the Creta- refer to specific superunits" L-Linga, P-Pampahuasi, P-
ceous and Tertiary Batholiths (plutonism associated Paccho, I-Incahuasi, T-Tiabaya, LM-La Mina, S-Santa
with the Andean >>orogeny,,) there is also an increase Rosa, SJ-San Jeronimo, S-Sayan, C-Cafias, P-Pativilca (age
in La/Yb ratio and Sr initial ratio (McNu~r et al. data from BECKINSALEet al. 1985).

Conclusion source, it is difficult to relate them by high level frac-

tionation. The lack of a marked Sr depletion in the
I. The Batholith is made up of at least 5 distinct acid rocks, in contrast to some acid units of the Co-
units which, from oldest to youngest, form a basic to astal Batholith, suggests high level plagioclase frac-
acid sequence in which the younger members pro- tionation did not occur and the magmas are separate
gressively pierced the older members to form a melts from depth from a source lacking plagioclase.
younglng upwardly nested batholith. The age data confirms this as there seem to have been
The units are: (a) discontinuous diorite and quartz differences in age at least with respect to the tonalite
diorite at the contact defined in the south and consi- and Ieucogranodiorite magmas (BECKINSALEet al.
dered to be an older intrusion invaded by leucogra- 1985).
nodiorite (e). (b) Tonalite, (including the Tulparaju IV. Isotopic and chemical data suggest a mantle
tonalite). (c) Tonalite exemplified by rock 142 inclu- source for the batholith, in many respects similar to
ded in (b), which is more primitive in some trace ele- the enriched mantle in S. Chile defined by TILTON
ments than (b) and presumably relates to a unit at (1979) and others. Increases in Sr, Sr initial ratio,
depth. (d) Granodiorite: (including the Ridge grano- CeN Yb, ratio when compared to the Coastal Batho-
diorite) - a roof facies with some intermediate cha- lith are similar to those described from Chile (LoPEz
racteristics of (b) and (e), but texturally distinctive. ESCOBAR1979) and the Peninsular Range (GROMET&
(e) Leucogranodiorite, including the Cohup leuco- SILVER 1977) and have generally been considered to
granodiorite. There may well be other units, as yet be related to a deep seated source either in the mantle
unidentified; or mantle/crust boundary. Noting this consistency
II. Tonalitic units of the batholith, although and the increase in Ta/Hf towards the continent it se-
mildly peraluminous, are very similar to the equiva- ems to be possible to relate these changes to a mantle
lent ,,I,, type units of the Coastal Batholith. They are source systematically changing with time and or di-
also no different in REE, Pb and Sr isotopes to the stance from the present trench. This subcontinental
leucogranodiorites, which contain muscovite. The mantle source appears to change from spinel bearing
presence of the latter is related to marked fluid inter- to garnetiferous. Increases in some other elements
action of the leucogranodiorites with the alumi- towards the continental interior may also relate to
nous-hydrous envelope rocks activated during de- the deep source, although for A1203 and possibly
formation. This ,,S,, type character is therefore a su- N a 2 0 , the increases in the acid rocks appears to be
perfical imprint imposed by a high level buffered mainly due to interaction with the country rocks of
fluid on an ,,I,~ type magma, and is not related to deep the Chicama series at a high level.
crustal melting or contamination on ascent. Al- V. The lack of a K-h relationship indicates a con-
though the Cordillera Blanca Batholith lies over the nection to an active Benioff Zone source may be ob-
thick keel (50-60 kin) of the Andes, and is the termi- scure and plutonic magmatism in the Peruvian Andes
nal component of the Andean crustal growth, the may be related to tapping of enriched mantle by ma-
lack of a deep crustal component indicates recycling jor deep fault structures. This connection is almost
of lower crust of Pre-Cambrian type d i d n o t oc- certainly not unique to S. America (ATHERTON &
cur. PLANT 1985).
III. Although the individual units are clearly rela-
ted (see REE data Fig. 12) probably by a similar


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