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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)
3.4.4.A1. Understand that tools, materials, and skills are used to make things and
carry out tasks.
3.4.4.B1. Describe how technology affects humans in various ways.

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)
The student will use information learned about the Solar System to create a
puzzle on Discovery Education Puzzle Maker for a peer to complete with 90%

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)
The determination if lesson objective has been met is the ability to
successfully complete the puzzle. The students will each be assigned a peer that
they will create a puzzle for using the program. The student will hand in their
creation of puzzles and one copy will be made for a peer and a second for the
teacher. After the students complete the puzzle, there will be a discussion
regarding making puzzles. The teacher will also look over the puzzle and
determine its success using a teacher made rubric.

 Computer lab with 20 computers
 1 Teacher computer with projection screen
 Access to internet for each computer
 Tutorial for puzzle maker
 List of Solar System words to input into the program (provided by teacher)

Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:

For students with special needs, the following adaptation could be made:
 Audio playback for typing letters/words
 Enlarged print of word list
 Highlighter to highlight words after they are typed
 Close proximity to teacher during activity
 Peer partner for assistance

Enrichment Techniques:
For students who are advanced, the following techniques could be made:
 Increase in number of puzzles to create
 Increase in number of puzzles to solve
 Ability to become a monitor for other students who may need assistance

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL

students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson):
All students will have access to the following:
 A word list with correct spelling of words
 A computer and teacher to monitor during activity
 Opportunities to create a puzzle and solve one
 Opportunities to be successful at their puzzles
 Modeling by the teacher on how to create the puzzles

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set (10 minutes):
 I would begin with handing out a simple puzzle created by me to the
students to complete. The puzzle would have a hidden message, “You will
be making a puzzle today!”
 The students would complete the puzzle to find the hidden message.

Detailed Teaching Sequence (30-40 minutes):

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson.
Bulleted statements are preferred)
 Once the students have completed their puzzle, I will model how to get onto
the website, chose the type of puzzle, and actually create a puzzle with
random information (possible spelling words for the week).
 I would hand out the brief tutorial to the students to reference.

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities:

Guided Practice:
 The teacher will demonstrate ask students for help to create a crossword
puzzle. The teacher will have students pick random words from the
classroom word wall and the students will create a puzzle with those words.
 The goal would be to model for the students the simplicity of using the
program and reinforcing the important parts of including a title and making
sure your words are spelling correctly. The teacher might demonstrate what
would happen if a word was spelled incorrectly.

Independent Practice:
 Once the students have a clear understanding of the program, they would
then have the opportunity to create a puzzle. They should be aware that
their peers would be completing their puzzles.
 Allow time for the students to create a puzzle and walk around to monitor
the assignment.

 Explain to students that this program can be used at home. Challenge them
to create a puzzle at home to have a parent/sibling complete. Explain if
they bring in a puzzle they created and completed they will get extra credit.
 End the lesson with another puzzle with a hidden message puzzle of

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