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Pregnancy exercises are motion therapy therapy to prepare pregnant women, physically

or mentally, for fast, safe and spontaneous labor. Pregnancy exercises aim to prepare and

train the muscles so that they can be utilized to function optimally in normal labor.

Pregnancy exercises are intended for pregnant women without abnormalities or there are

no diseases accompanied by pregnancy, namely heart disease, kidney disease, pregnancy

complications (pregnancy with bleeding, pregnancy with abnormalities), and pregnancy

with anemia. Pregnancy exercises begin at around 24 to 28 weeks (Manuaba, 1998).

B. Destination Pregnant Gymnastics

Pregnancy exercises are sports exercises for pregnant women that aim to:

· Strengthening the muscles of the limbs, bearing in mind the limbs will support the

weight of the mother's body which is getting heavier with the increasing gestational age.

· Prevent varicose veins, namely segmental dilation of veins that are not uncommon in

pregnant women.

· Extending the breath, because as the fetus grows, it will push the contents of the

stomach toward the chest. this will make the chest cavity narrower and the mother's

breath cannot be optimal. with pregnancy exercises the mother will be invited to practice

so that her breathing is longer and remains relaxed.

· Special breathing exercises called quick breathing are mainly done when the stomach

feels tight.

· Straining exercise, this exercise is specifically for dealing with childbirth, so that

straining correctly so that the baby can smoothly come out and not be held in the birth


· Most importantly, consult your obstetrician before performing pregnancy exercise.

C. onditions to Follow Pregnancy Exercise

· A health examination and pregnancy have been carried out by a doctor or midwife

· Exercise is done after pregnancy reaches 22 weeks

· Exercise is carried out regularly and in a disciplined manner

· Exercise should be done in a hospital or maternity clinic under the leadership of a

pregnant gymnastics instructor.

D. Management of Pregnancy Exercise

a. Parts and Stages of Pregnancy Gymnastics

This pregnancy exercise consists of 4 parts, namely:

· General Exercise. What can be done by pregnant women whose gestational age is more

than 22 weeks and is permitted by the Gynecologist for pregnancy exercises.

· Special exercises for 22-30 weeks gestational age.

· Specific exercises for 30-36 weeks gestational age.

· Specific exercises for 36-40 weeks gestational age.

b. Pregnancy Exercise Implementation

The procedure for implementing pregnancy exercises as follows:

General Training

1. Chest breathing exercises

Mother on her back with knees bent and hands intertwined above the chest.

Exhale the breath from your mouth as long as possible while your hands press

against your chest on a count of 5-6-7-8. Then take a deep breath by inflating the

chest on a count of 1-2-3-4. Repeat until count 8 X 8.

2. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises

Position as above and hands above the stomach, do the same thing and start on the

same count. Repeat until count 8 X 8.

3. Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening and Strengthening Exercises

Mother on her back with knees bent and hands beside the body. Wrinkle the

muscles in both thighs until the buttocks are released from the sleeping device.

Don't make the thigh lift on purpose so that this exercise is effective. Then release

the wrinkles slowly so that the buttocks touch the sleeping pad again (1-2). Repeat

until count 8 X 8.

4. Strengthening and Stretching Leg Muscles

Mother on her back with the left knee bent with the right leg straight, hands on the

side of the body. Lift your right leg straight then move your ankles back and forth

then realign in 1-2-3-4. Repeat until count 8 X 8. Do the same with the left leg

with the right knee bent.

5. Stretching and stretching exercises for the muscles of the waist, abdomen, thighs

Movement 1:

Mother on her back with her left knee bent and right leg straight, arms by the side

of the body. Move your legs evenly on the sleeping pad, towards the buttocks (so

that the legs are like short) and towards the ankles (so that the legs are like a long)

on a count of 8 X 8.

Do the same with the left leg by bending the right knee.

Movement 2:

The mother is supine, the right knee is bent and the left leg is stretched and the

arms are at the sides of the body. By tapping your right foot, move your knee
toward your foot (so that your thighs are stretching) then tread your right leg

again and keep your knee straight. Within 1-2.

Repeat till count 8 X 8.

Movement 3:

Mother is supine with both knees bent and arms open at the sides (like wings of

an airplane) then roll both knees to the right by keeping the body in position, then

roll left in a matter of 1-2.

Repeat until count 8 X 8.

Movement 4:

Mother sat with her hands behind her back, both legs stretched shoulder-width

apart. Ankle movements forwards and backwards alternately, in a matter of 1-2.

Repeat until count 8 X 8.

Movement 5:

The position of the mother as above only ankle movements to the outside and


6. Shoulder and Breast Joint Exercises

Mother sat cross-legged, both hands holding the shoulders of the same side.

Shoulders rotate inward by bringing the elbows to the front of the chest and by

pressing the upper arm to the breast and shoulders rotated with full rotation (until

the armpit is open): one full turn in one count. Repeat until count 8 X 8. Then do

the same thing by turning the shoulder out.

Attitude Correction Exercise

This exercise aims to reduce the burden that must be supported by the waist while

the mother is pregnant.

Mother stood with both legs straight but relaxed. So that the mother's position is

not too upright then arrange so that the chest and abdomen are pushed back

slightly and the buttocks are pushed forward. Maintain this position as much as

possible at all times.

7. General Relaxation Exercises

These movements are performed when the mother is resting to achieve relaxation

for the muscles of the abdomen and legs which are the muscles that are very

instrumental during pregnancy. The movements below can be chosen by the

mother when she is resting.

Movement 1:

Sleep on your back on the head supported by a pillow, and both legs propped

bolster almost toward the buttocks.

Movement 2:

Sleep on your side with your head supported by a pillow, your upper leg propped

up by a pillow (either on top of your lower leg or resting on a sleeping pad).

When the stomach is big enough on the side between the stomach and the

sleeping pad, a thin pillow or folded blanket is placed.

Movement 3:

Sit position on a chair that has a backrest but face facing towards the back of the

chair. Both legs are on the sides of the chair, arms folded over the top of the seat

for a head rest.

E. Special Training:

Pregnancy Age 22-30 Weeks

1. General exercises are repeated

2. Exercises for Strengthening - Muscle Strength of the Legs and Stomach

Movement 1:

Mother's position is crawling, upper arms and legs perpendicular to the floor. Bloated

lower back while lowering your head, then lowered lower back while tilting your head

with a count of 1-2.

Repeat until count 8 X 8.

Movement 2:

Mother's position is crawling, upper arms and legs perpendicular to the floor.

Raise your left arm, then turn your body to the right and return to its original position.

Count 1 - 2.

Raise your right arm, then turn your body to the left and return to its original position.

Count 3 - 4. repeat to 8 X 8 count.

Movement 3:

The position of the mother standing or sitting (in a chair or in bed), both hands at the

waist, raise your left arm up, turn your body to the right, back to its original position.

Count 1 - 2.

Lift your right arm up and turn left. Count 3 - 4. repeat to 8 X 8 count.

3. Lumbar Muscle Exercise (Pelvic Tilting Laterally)

The position of the mother standing arms straight beside the body and arms open to the

side. Move your right hip up with your legs straight so that your right foot is taller than

your left foot, then return to its original position.

Count 1 - 2.

Perform the same movement for the left pelvis, with a count of 3-4.

Repeat until count 8 X 8.

4. Abdominal muscle exercises - pelvic floor muscles - back muscles and stretching Inner

thigh muscles and increased pelvic rocking forward and backward movement.

Mother stood up with her legs shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Put your

hand holding the pelvis (SIAS) with fingers on the front side and thumb on the back side.

Move your pelvis forwards and backwards with a count of 1-2. Repeat until count 8 X 8.

5. Exercise for Body Rotation

Mother stood up and her legs were shoulder-width apart, hands at her waist. Turn your

body to the right and look straight ahead and legs stay straight, back to its original

position with a count of 1-2. Do the same move to the left with a count of 3-4. Repeat

until 8 X 8 black weight.

6. Breathing Exercises

Movement 1:

Breathing exercises during general practice are repeated.

Movement 2 (panting quick breathing):

Exhale quickly and violently through your mouth and then breathe in through your nose

with your mouth closed, count 1 - 2. repeat until 8 X 8 count.

F. Special Training:

Pregnancy Age 30-36 Weeks

1. General exercises are repeated.

2. Movements at the age of 22-30 weeks are repeated until a 4 x 8 count.

3. Resolve complaints:

Low back pain

a. Infrared

b. Flatten the 4 x 5 spinal curve.

Swelling of both limbs

a. Stretching of the calf muscles

b. Raise both legs at rest.

G. Special Training

Gestational age 36-40 weeks

1. Sit cross-legged, both heels meet as close as possible to the groin. With the help of body

weight press both knees with your palm 4 x 8 count.

2. Holding on to something heavy (table, etc.) then crouching up to the heel without lifting the

heel then returning to a standing position, do the 4x8 count.

3. Breathing exercises when opening the birth canal (heartburn) is repeated again (panting

quick breathing) 4 x 8 count.

4. Straining / straining (valsalava).

Mother sleeps on her back with a pillow to be tall. Before doing the straining breath first,

hold it in the chest area, followed by the knees bent open to the side and both hands

holding the ankles, lift the head by pushing the head toward the birth canal. This

movement is maintained until it is no longer strong. Then the breath is released through

the mouth suddenly.

5. Massaging breast once a day.

6. Reduce low back pain with warm compresses.

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