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Are young people invincible to Coronavirus?

Good Morning Britain – 23rd March 2020

With Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid (reporters) and Dr Hilary (guest)

1) What two things is Piers Morgan not sure of (at the beginning of the clip)?
-he not sure at the end of this situation if the corona will come back
2) What do you think he means by ‘unanswerables’?
without an answer
3) What does he think is the most logical thing now to do?
Total quarantine

4) What does Dr Hilary say people do not understand about the virus?
The verulance the power of the virus

5) Why does he talk about the age of the people dying?

6) Why does he say, ‘it is not just the vulnerable.’

because people say that only people who have less resistance can be confined by the virus

7) What is the average age (50%) of the people in ICU (Intensive Care Units) in New York City?
Under 50

8) Give a synonym for ‘frightening.’

rightening, fearful, terrifying, awful, dreadful, 

9) Piers Morgan says that this fact should do three things. Can you say what they are?
Get people of their bike and car and get them back to home

10) What does Susanna Reid say young people think?

11) Dr Hilary repeats that young people do not understand the ‘virulence’ of the virus. What does
he mean? The power of the virus and what it might do to them

12) He says sometimes people need ‘stark warnings.’ What example does he give?
Publich fotograf of black looking lungs

13) Piers Morgan says warnings are not enough. What does he say we need?
we need to ban it

14) How does Dr Hilary say the virus gets into our bodies?
Once he goes to your nose or eyes
15) What does it invade when it is in the body?
Invide the cells of your body
16) What does he say people can die from with this virus?
Die of liver failure and kidney failure
17) What does he say he thinks the virus attacks specifically?
The mucus producing glands of the lungs
18) What effect does it have on our lungs?
It cause pneumonia
19) How do people die?
20) What does he say there will not be enough of?
21) How will doctors make the choice of who to treat?
Based on the chance of recovery

22) He says ‘If you don’t get this now.’ What does he mean by this?

23) He says that people who do not pay attention to this virus will be putting others at risk. Who
does he mention specifically? Family and relatives
24) How many deaths will occur if people continue behaving as they have been? *hundred of

25) What does Dr Hilary say has to change?

People have to understand what the vire=us can do

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