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Group :1

Name : Muhammad Rizky Maulana

Muhammad Shidqi A
Nisrina Nurmilah
Iin Inayatillah
Intan HerLisna
Sri Jayanti
Class : 2A
Title Text : Forgetting

In 1914, Freud published an English edition of his The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. In
this book he endeavours to show that many 'lapses of memory' and 'slips of the tongue' are
not inexplicable accidents but can be readily understood if fitted into the personality picture
of the individual. The reader is recommended to look at this well-written book for himself
and discover the wealth of intriguing anecdotal evidence with which Freud supports and
develops his thesis.

Freud is at his best when discussing those seemingly accidental mistakes of speech and
writing where one word is substituted for another and, especially, where the substitute word
means the opposite of the word intended. A physician is writing out a prescription for an
impecunious patient who asks him not to give her big bills because she cannot swallow them-
and then says that, of course, she meant pills. An arrogant lecturer says that he could count
the number of real authorities on his subject on one finger - he means the fingers of one hand.
A President of the Austrian House of Deputies is opening a session from which he fears little
good will come and announces that, since such and such a number of gentlemen are present,
he declares the session as closed; amid laughter, he corrects his mistake and declares the
session as opened. All of these examples clearly derive from the person saying what he
actually thinks without checking himself to make his insincere but diplomatic statement.No
doubt we have all encountered similar examples in our everyday life. Certainly writers of
fiction have long been aware of this phenomenon, and have exploited it to good dramatic
effect by putting such lapsus linguae into the mouths of characters. In Shakespeare's
Merchant of Venice, for example, Portia has lost her affections to Bassanio but is under a
vow not to reveal it. She directs a speech to this welcome suitor in which, throughout, her
love for him is thinly disguised and finishes with the words: 'One half of me is yours, the
other half yours - Mine own, I would say.' The same expression of our thoughts and wishes is
seen in some erroneously carried-out actions. Thus, one physician reports that he is quite
often disturbed in the midst of engrossing work at home by having to go to hospital to carry
out some routine duty. When this happens he is apt to find himself trying to open the door of
his laboratory with the key of his desk at home. The two keys are quite unlike each other and
the mistake does not occur under normal circumstances but only under conditions where he
would rather be at home. His error seems to express his wish.

When Freud begins to discuss 'lapses of memory' in terms of repression, he seems to move on
less firm ground. He does not, of course, claim that all lapses are due to repression. His
concern is to show that at least some are and, to this end, he gives examples in which a name
or a word is unexpectedly forgotten and proceeds to demonstrate that the forgotten item is
associated either directly or indirectly with unpleasant circumstances.Here we may cite two
of his most convincing examples. The first concerns a man (X) who repeatedly forgot the
name of an old acquaintance and business associate (Y). When he required to correspond
with Y, he had to ask other people for his name. It transpired that Y had recently married a
young woman X himself had hoped to marry. Thus X had good reason to dislike his happy
rival and want to forget all about him. The second example concerns a man who set out to
recite a poem, got so far, and then could recall no more although he knew the poem well. The
line on which he blocked was descriptive of a pine-tree which is covered 'with the white
sheet'. Why should this phrase have been forgotten? Asked to relate what came to his mind
when he thought of this phrase, it was found that it immediately reminded him of the white
sheet which covers a dead body, and of the recent death of his brother from a heart condition
which was common in his family and from which he feared he too might die. The phrase
referring to the white sheet appears to have been forgotten because it was associated with
circumstances which the man did not wish to recall. In Freud's other examples, the link
between the forgotten item and some unpleasant circumstance is not so easily demonstrated.

(From Memory: Facts and Fallacies, by Ian Hunter.)

Analysis of the txt :

A. Summary
Forgetting happens because someone doesn't want to recall the memory because of bad
circumstances or having bad memory about something, for example, this man from paragraph
3, line 12-15 called X to keep repeatedly forgot the name of an acquaintance and business
associate or Y.

B. First palagraf analysis

 S: Frued
 Verb : published
 Object : The Psychopathology of Everyday Life.
 Complex noun phrase it can be founded in 1,2,3 line.
 Unfamiliar Verb :

1. Endeavours : to try to do something (berusaha keras)

2.Inexplicable : unable to be explained or understood (tidak bisa dijelaskan/difahami)

3.Intriguing : very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious(menarik)

4.Anecdotal : anecdotal information is not based on facts or careful study (anekdot)

5.Seemingly : according to the facts that you know (tampaknya)

C. Second palagraf analysis

 Subject: Frued
 Verb: Discuss
 Object: Mistake
 Connective word: thus, when
 Relative clause there are some relative clauses such as who, which, that. It can be
founded in second paragraph, line 5,7.
 Unfamiliar Vocabulary :

1. Impecunious : having very little money (miskin, melarat)

2. .Amid : in the middle of or surrounded by; among (ditengah tengah dikalangan)

3. Derive : to get something from something else (mendapat, memperoleh)

4. Insincere :pretending to feel something that you do not really feel, or not meaning what

you say (bermuka dua, tidak jujur )

5. Encountered: to come upon or meet with unexpectedly (menemukan: untuk datang atau
bertemu secara tak terduga)

6. Lapsus: slip or fault of the tongue (lapsus: slip atau kesalahan lidah)

7. Vow: a solemn promise, pledge or personal commitment (sumpah: janji suci, janji, atau
komitmen pribadi)

8. Suitor: a man who courts or woos a woman (pelamar: seorang pria yang merayu atau
merayu seorang wanita)

9.Erroneously: containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong (keliru: mengandung kesalahan;

salah; salah; salah)

10. Engrossing: fully occupying the mind or attention; absorbing (mengasyikkan: sepenuhnya
menguasai pikiran atau perhatian; mengasyikkan).

D. Second palagraf analysis

 Subject : Man(X)
 Verb: Forget
 Object: Old acquaintance (Y)
 There are some relative clauses such as which, that and who. It can be founded in
third paragraphs, lines 7, 9 and 13.
 Unfamiliar Verb :

1. Pine : tree is any conifer in the genus Pinus of the family Pinaceae. Pinus is the sole genus
in the subfamily Pinoideae.( Pinus - pinus pohon setiap konifer dalam perlombaan dari
keluarga Pinaceae. Pinus adalah satu-satunya genus dalam Pinoideae subfamili. )

2. Immediately : means like "right now." Like a parent would say to their kid if they were out
really late, "You need to come home immediately!"( Segera berarti seperti "sekarang."
Seperti orang tua akan berkata kepada anak-anak mereka jika mereka keluar benar-benar
terlambat, "Kamu harus segera pulang!" )

3. Dead : body is another language for a corpse or Cadaver.( mayat adalah bahasa lain untuk
mayat atau bangkai. )

4. Unpleasant : it gives you bad feelings, for example by making you  feel  upset  or 

uncomfortable. Synonyms: hostility, animosity, antagonism, bad feeling   More Synonyms
of unpleasant( Menyenangkan, memberikan Anda perasaan yang buruk, misalnya dengan
membuat Anda merasa marah atau tidak nyaman. Synonyms: permusuhan, kebencian,
permusuhan, perasaan buruk lebih sinonim dari menyenangkan )
Questions :

1. How can I did identify the people who have psychopathplpgy ? (Leni Silviani)
It can identify by yourself , for example lapse of memory psychopathology is happened
your self because and of course you can identify it.

2. Would you give me simple conclusion of text “Forgetting”?(Rido Laksono)

It's important for the brain to forget unimportant details and focus on things that will
help make decisions in the real world. If you try to navigate the world and your brain
keeps bringing up old memories, it makes it hard for you to make decisions based on

3. What cause of forgetting in Psychology ? (Chintya Fitria R)

- High levels of blood sugar in the body

- Lack of rest

- Getting depression

- Snore

- Frequently taking sleeping pills or allergy medicines

- The oge is more than 65 years

- Reduced Metabolism

4. How can I sharpen my memory ? (Dena Tsalist S)

If you want to sharpen your memory you can read repeatedly, wrote and then give your
brain workout. Or maybe you can have a laugh with your friend or best friend. Don't stress
and keep your healthy.

5. What the different between forgetting and amnesia ? (Dicky Kurniawan)

The different is forgettin can caused by doesn't want to recall bad memory or having bad
circumstance, but amnesia caused by accident such as crash that causing damaging brain cell.

6. Is the game online bring down our memory ? (Andi Herdiana)

There is already plenty of evidence that shows that online games can affect the brain and
also cause changes in certain parts of the brain It is known that video games not only change
the way the brain works but also its structure. For example, the use of video games is known
to influence the level of focus and thinking ability of the brain. In addition, most research
results state that people who play online games can actually be more focused than those who
do not play it.

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