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Name : Rani Ahsani Alfi

Class :1KA-01
Week 4


Exercise 1
Make negative sentences from the words given.

1. I didn’t attend (not/attend) the meeting yesterday because I was late.

2. Jack didn’t take (not/take) a bath this morning because he didn’t have
(not/have) time.
3. We didn’t eat (not/eat) anything because we are not hungry.
4. I didn’t rush (not/rush) because I was not in a hurry.
5. He was not fat because he didn’t like (not/like) eating.

Exercise 2
Make interrogative sentences from the responses given.

1. Did we sleep well last night ? “Yes, we slept well last night.”
2. Did you have breakfast this morning ? “No, I didn’t have breakfast this morning.”
3. Did you go anywhere yesterday ? “I didn’t go anywhere yesterday.”
4. Did you get to your office by taxi ? “I got to my office by taxi.”
5. Did they arrive at 9 pm ?“They arrived at 9 pm.
6. Did you hear the news ten minutes ago ? “Yes, I heard the news ten minutes ago.”
7. Did you pay the bill ? “No, I didn’t pay the bill.”
8. Did you come on time this morning ? “Yes, I came on time this morning.”
9. Did your sister do it ? “My sister did it.”
10. Why did you come late ? “Because the bus was late.”

Exercise 3
Complete the text with the verbs in the brackets.

When Abby (be) was (1) seven years old, she (do, not, like) didn’t like (2) piano
lessons. She (do, not, like) didn’t like (3) to practice, and sometimes she even (cry) cried (4)
when it (be) was (5) time to practice. Finally, she (stop) stopped (6) taking lessons.
Some of Abby's friends (do, not, quit) didn’t quit (7) their lessons. They (continue) continued
(8) to play. After much practice, they (learn) learnt (9) to play very well.
About ten years (pass) passed (10) before Abby (become) became (11) interested in music
or the piano again. After she (graduate) graduated (12) from high school, Abby (decide)
decided (13) that she (want) wanted (14) to study music in college. She (call) called (15) the
lady who (teach) taught (16) her when she (be) was (17) a little girl. The lady (say) said (18)
she would teach Abby again.

Exercise 4
Write a story about your childhood

When I was seven years old, my family and I went to Malang by train. We
arrived at Malang at 11 am, we ate Malang Meatballs and it is so delicious. After that, we
continued our holiday to JatimPark. In JatimPark, we tried some rides, I didn’t try a roller
coaster because my body is not tall enough. I sawed a nice view and I felt cold air in there. I
felt very happy that time.

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