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Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders Review

Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction Ther Adv Neurol Disord

(2010) 3(3) 161!171

syndrome: an under-recognized
DOI: 10.1177/
! The Author(s), 2010.

clinical emergency Reprints and permissions:

Shih-Pin Chen, Jong-Ling Fuh and Shuu-Jiun Wang

Abstract: Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is characterized by recurrent

thunderclap headaches and reversible cerebral vasoconstrictions. RCVS is more common than
previously thought and should be differentiated from aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
RCVS can be spontaneous or evoked by pregnancy or exposure to vasoactive substances.
Patients tend to be middle-aged women but pediatric patients have been seen. Up to 80% of
sufferers have identifiable triggers. Thunderclap headaches tend to recur daily and last for a
period of around 2 weeks, while the vasoconstrictions may last for months. About one-third of
patients have blood pressure surges accompanying headache attacks. The potential compli-
cations of RCVS include posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, ischemic strokes over
watershed zones, cortical subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage. Magnetic
resonance images including angiography and venography and lumbar punctures are the stu-
dies of choice, whereas catheter angiography should not be implemented routinely. Patients
with a mean flow velocity of the middle cerebral artery greater than 120 cm/s shown by
transcranial color-coded sonography have a greater risk of ischemic complications than those
without. The pathophysiology of RCVS remains unknown; sympathetic hyperactivity may play a
role. Open-label trials showed calcium channel blockers, such as nimodipine may be an
effective treatment in prevention of thunderclap headache attacks. In severe cases,
intra-arterial therapy may be considered. Most patients with RCVS recover without sequelae;
however, relapse has been reported in a small proportion of patients. Correspondence to:
Shuu-Jiun Wang, MD
Department of Neurology,
Keywords: reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome, thunderclap headache, posterior Neurological Institute,
Taipei Veterans General
reversible encephalopathy syndrome Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan;
Faculty of Medicine,
National Yang-Ming
University School of
Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan
Introduction Kaye and Fainstat, 1987; Margolis and Newton,
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome 1971], etc., have been proposed to describe the Shih-Pin Chen
Institute of Clinical
(RCVS) encompasses a constellation of disorders, same clinical-radiological syndromes. To avoid Medicine and Faculty of
which are characterized by multiple acute-onset confusion, RCVS was proposed as a unifying Medicine, National
Yang-Ming University
severe headaches and reversible cerebral vasocon- term in 2007 by a panel of experts [Calabrese School of Medicine, Taipei,
striction (Figure 1), with or without neurological et al. 2007]. Taiwan, Republic of China;
Department of Neurology,
deficits or seizure [Calabrese et al. 2007]. A variety Neurological Institute,
of eponymic names, including the Call!Fleming Etiology and associated condition Taipei Veterans General
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan,
syndrome [Call et al. 1988], thunderclap head- With the advance of knowledge, RCVS has been Republic of China
ache with reversible vasospasm [Chen et al. increasingly recognized in recent years although it Jong-Ling Fuh
2006b; Dodick et al. 1999], benign angiopathy is still an under-diagnosed disease entity. RCVS Faculty of Medicine,
National Yang-Ming
of the central nervous system [Calabrese et al. can be either spontaneous [Chen et al. 2006a; University School of
1993], postpartum angiopathy [Singhal and 2008] or evoked by various factors [Ducros et al. Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan,
Republic of China;
Bernstein, 2005; Bogousslavsky et al. 1989], 2007]. The possible etiologies and associated Department of Neurology,
migrainous vasospasm or migraine angiitis conditions of RCVS that have been reported in Neurological Institute,
Taipei Veterans General
[Jackson et al. 1993], and drug-induced cerebral the literature are summarized in Table 1 Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan,
arteritis or angiopathy [Singhal et al. 2002; [Calabrese et al. 2007; Ducros et al. 2007; Republic of China 161
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 3 (3)

Figure 1. Cerebral vasoconstrictions (a) and their resolution (b) on magnetic resonance angiography in
patients with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.

Table 1. Potential etiologies and associated conditions of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.
Primary (idiopathic, spontaneous) Primary thunderclap headache
Headache associated with sexual activity
Bath-related thunderclap headache
Pregnancy and the postpartum period Postpartum angiopathy (± use of vasoactive drugs)
Exposure to vasoactive substances Recreational substance: cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy,
amphetamines, LSD, binge drinking
Ergot and ergoline derivatives: ergotamine tartrate,
methergine, lisuride, bromocriptine
Sympathomimetics and nasal decongestants: ephedrine,
isometheptene, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine
Serotonergic drugs: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, triptans
Immunosuppressants: tacrolimus (FK-506),
cyclophosphamide, interferon-a
Nicotine patches
Catecholamine secreting tumors Phaeochromocytoma, bronchial carcinoid tumor, glomus tumors
Extra or intracranial large artery Cervical dissection, unruptured intracranial aneurism,
disorders or procedures dysplasia, postcarotid endarterectomy
Exposure to blood products Erythropoietin, intravenous immunoglobulin, red blood cell transfusion
Intracranial disorders or surgery Cerebrospinal fluid hypotension
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Spinal subdural hematoma
Head trauma
Others Hypercalcemia, porphyria

S-P Chen, J-L Fuh et al.

Chen et al. 2006a; Singhal and Bernstein, 2005]. Thirty-four patients were diagnosed to have pri-
Despite etiological heterogeneity, the clinical pre- mary thunderclap headache initially due to lack of
sentations are rather similar. The differential lists evidence of MRA vasoconstriction. Given the
of secondary RCVS are sizable, but except for potential limitation of MRA in detecting vasocon-
puerperium or exposure of vasoactive substances, strictions in the distal arteriole, some patients with
the other inciting causes are only mentioned in primary thunderclap headache might be diag-
case reports. nosed as having RCVS. Female predominance is
distinct in spontaneous RCVS (the female to male
In a French cohort, use of vasoactive drugs ratio ranged from 2.6 : 1 in the French cohort
accounted for more than half (55%) of patients [Ducros et al. 2007] to 10 : 1 in the Taiwan
with RCVS [Ducros et al. 2007]. Hence, it was cohort [Chen et al. 2006a]), while this sex predi-
recommended that a history of drug exposure lection was less significant in secondary RCVS
should be sought in detail. The vasoactive drugs [Ducros et al. 2007]. The median age of onset
tended to be sympathomimetics or serotonergic among female patients is about 50 years, while
drugs, with the three most common being canna- male patients are reported to be younger
bis (30%), selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors [Ducros et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2006a]. Pediatric
(SSRIs) (19%), and over-the-counter nasal patients are occasionally seen and all of them have
decongestants (12%) [Ducros et al. 2007]. been boys [Liu et al. 2009; Kirton et al. 2006].
It was also identified that the use of cannabis or
multiple vasoactive drugs was significantly more Clinical features
common in men, whereas the use of SSRIs was Multiple thunderclap headaches were reported in
more common in women. Immunosuppressants up to 94!100% of patients with RCVS [Ducros
or cytotoxic agents were occasionally incrimi- et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2006a], and they are the
nated, and the diagnosis of RCVS should be most important clinical hallmark of RCVS.
kept in mind in patients with autoimmune dis- Thunderclap headache is defined as a severe
eases or undergoing chemotherapy who experi- headache reaching its maximal intensity within
ence a sudden severe headache. 1 min. When a patient reports having the worst
headache that he/she has ever experienced, aneur-
On the other hand, patients with idiopathic or ismal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and a
spontaneous RCVS appeared to be more number of intracranial disorders such as intracra-
common than previously thought. The propor- nial hemorrhage, cerebral venous sinus thrombo-
tion of spontaneous RCVS ranged widely from sis, pituitary apoplexy, or intracranial
37% in a French cohort [Ducros et al. 2007] hypotension, etc., should also be considered
to 96% in our study conducted in Taiwan in addition to RCVS [Schwedt, 2007].
[Chen et al. 2006a]. The proportional differences However, when the patient experiences multiple
could be attributed to the variance of patient thunderclap headaches within 1!2 weeks, RCVS
populations between institutions or ethnic predis- is often the diagnosis.
position. It was recently noticed that primary
headaches associated with sexual activity have The thunderclap headaches in patient with RCVS
characteristics resembling thunderclap headaches are generally explosive at onset followed by throb-
and could exhibit reversible cerebral vasocon- bing, with a median duration of around 3 h. Most
strictions [Ducros et al. 2007; Chen et al. of the headaches are bilateral and frequently
2006a; Schlegel and Cucchiara, 2004]. These involve the occipital regions. In some cases, the
headache disorders can form a spectrum of spon- headaches do not match the definition of a thun-
taneous RCVS. derclap headache, but they are nonetheless acute
and severe. These excruciating headaches prevent
Demographics patients from carrying out daily activities; for
The actual prevalence of RCVS is unknown. In a example, 90% of patients with bath-related thun-
hospital-based headache clinic in Taiwan, 83 out derclap headaches changed bathing habits to pre-
of 4200 headache patients (2%) had multiple vent attacks [Wang et al. 2008].
thunderclap headaches [Chen et al. 2006a].
Twenty-three of the subjects (including one with Besides thunderclap headaches, nearly half of the
postpartum angiopathy) had magnetic resonance patients have mild baseline headaches during the
angiography (MRA) reversible cerebral vasocon- course of the disease. Migrainous features, espe-
striction, fulfilling the diagnosis of RCVS. cially nausea, are sometimes mentioned and 163
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 3 (3)

hemorrhagic complications [Ducros et al. 2009].

Thunderclap headaches in RCVS tended to
resolve within 2!3 weeks, but the recovery of
vasoconstrictions might take up to 3 months. In
some protracted cases, vasoconstrictions might
persist for longer.

In addition to multiple thunderclap headache,
the diagnosis of RCVS requires the demonstra-
tion of segmental vessel constriction (string and
beads of the vessels) of the cerebral arteries and
its reversibility (complete or marked normaliza-
tion of arteries) within 12 weeks of onset by ini-
tial and repeated cerebral angiography, such as
MRA, computed tomography angiography
(CTA), or conventional angiography.
Figure 2. Posterior reversible encephalopathy
syndrome on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery Imaging studies
image. In patients who experience a first-ever thunder-
clap headache, emergent brain CT study is indi-
patients might have comorbid migraine, but the cated to exclude SAH or other overt intracranial
abruptness of headache onset and excruciating lesions. For those with a negative CT study or
severity distinguish the headaches from migraine. those who have experienced multiple thunderclap
Up to 80% of sufferers have identifiable triggers headaches within a short period, brain MR
such as Valsalva-like maneuvers (e.g. exertion, def- images including angiography and venography
ecation, sex, cough, etc.) or ‘bathing’ [Ducros et al. are the studies of choice. The MR sequences
2007; Chen et al. 2006a; Liao et al. 2003]. About should as a minimum include T1, T2, fluid atte-
one-third of patients have a surge of blood pressure nuated inversion recovery imaging, gradient-echo
(SBP) (systolic blood pressure > 160mmHg) (T2*) imaging, diffusion weighted imaging, and
accompanying the headache attacks. apparent diffusion coefficient mapping for differ-
ential diagnosis and evaluation of complications.
Focal neurological deficits, either transient or per- Cervical MR using a T1 fat-saturation sequence
manent, are found in 9!63% of sufferers with contrast and carotid duplex should be con-
[Calabrese et al. 2007; Ducros et al. 2007; Chen sidered if cervical artery dissection is suspected.
et al. 2006a]. These focal deficits could be conse- The rationales for utilizing these MR sequences
quences of associated complications, such as tran- are summarized in Table 2.
sient ischemic attacks (TIAs) (up to 16%),
posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Conventional angiography, by definition, is the
(PRES) (9!14%) (Figure 2), ischemic strokes gold standard [Calabrese et al. 2007]. Catheter
(4!54%), cortical subarachnoid hemorrhage angiography however, is invasive and not feasible
(cSAH) (up to 22%) or intracerebral hemorrhage for frequent follow-ups [Dodick, 2002]. In addi-
(ICH) (up to 6%) [Calabrese et al. 2007; Ducros tion, it was reported that up to 9% of patients
et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2006a]. Complications experienced transient neurological deficits after
occur with different time courses: hemorrhages catheter angiography in one large series [Ducros
(cSAH and ICH), and PRES are early events et al. 2007]. Consequently, we suggest that cath-
occurring during the first week, while ischemic eter angiography should not be routinely consid-
events including TIAs and cerebral infarcts ered for diagnosis. MRA, surpassing the
occur significantly later, during the second week limitations of conventional angiography, is a
[Ducros et al. 2007]. Seizures, either focal or gen- non-inferior tool widely used to evaluate vaso-
eralized, occur in up to 21% of patients. A recent constriction in patients with RCVS [Chen et al.
poster abstract disclosed that hemorrhagic com- 2006a]. A recent large-scale study demonstrated
plications could occur in up to 34% of patients that MRA evaluation in patients with RCVS is
[Ducros et al. 2009]. Female gender and history valid [Chen et al. 2009]. The study also found
of migraine were two independent risk factors for that vasoconstriction was pervasive and outlasted

S-P Chen, J-L Fuh et al.

Table 2. Recommended magnetic resonance imaging sequences for evaluation and diagnosis of reversible cerebral
vasoconstriction syndrome.
Magnetic resonance sequences Indications and utility
Necessary Suggested for everyone
T1, T2 To exclude intracranial structural lesions that could lead to
thunderclap headache, such as pituitary apoplexy, ICH, SAH, etc.
FLAIR To evaluate white matter lesions, subtle aneurismal SAH, cortical SAH,
PRES, and distal hyperintense vessels, etc.
Gradient-echo (T2*) To evaluate subtle aneurismal SAH or cortical SAH
DWI/ADC To evaluate vasogenic (PRES) or cytotoxic edema
(ischemic stroke or severe PRES)
MRA To evaluate vasoconstrictions and to exclude cerebral aneurysms
or arterial dissections, etc.
MRV To exclude venosinal thrombosis
Elective If clinical symptoms/signs are suggestive of alternative diagnosis
T1 with contrast To exclude spontaneous intracranial hypotension
(axial, coronal and sagittal)
Cervical T1 fat-saturation þ contrast To exclude cervical artery dissection

ADC, apparent diffusion coefficiency; DWI, diffusion weighted image; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; ICH, intracerebral
hemorrhage; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; MRV, magnetic resonance venography; PRES, posterior reversible encephalo-
pathy syndrome; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage.

headache resolution in patients with RCVS. Cerebrospinal fluid studies

CTA has been reported to be a highly sensitive Spinal tapping should be considered, especially
and specific tool in evaluating intracranial vascu- when SAH is suspected in a patient with a nega-
lature [Forsting, 2005], and could be a useful tive brain CT scan. It is also valuable in helping
tool in evaluating vasoconstrictions in RCVS; to exclude infection or inflammation of the cen-
however, radiation exposure and contrast tral nervous system (CNS). However, when a
medium are concerns if the patient requires fre- patient has experienced multiple thunderclap
quent follow-ups. headaches but no neck stiffness, and his/her
MRA has demonstrated multifocal segmental
vasoconstrictions in the absence of aneurism, a
Transcranial color-coded sonography cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) study seldom increases
Transcranial color-coded sonography (TCCS) the diagnostic yield.
has been widely applied and validated in the
study of vasospasm of intracranial vessels [Sloan Diagnostic criteria
et al. 2004; Aaslid, 2002; Lysakowski et al. 2001] Diagnostic criteria for the eponymic syndrome of
and is ideally suited for monitoring hemody- RCVS ‘headache attributed to benign (or revers-
namic changes in patients with RCVS. Our ible) angiopathy of the central nervous system
recent publication on TCCS in patients with (code 6.7.3)’ were proposed in the International
RCVS proved its utility [Chen et al. 2008] and Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition
demonstrated that the risk of PRES or ischemic [Headache Classification Subcommittee of the
stroke was high in those with a mean flow velocity International Headache Society, 2004]
of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) greater (Table 3) prior to the proposal of RCVS as the
than 120 m/s and a Lindegaard index greater unifying term. Calabrese and co-workers also
than 3 [Chen et al. 2008]. Additionally, summarized the critical elements for the diagno-
we found that patients with RCVS experienced sis of RCVS upon the proposal of RCVS
prolonged vasoconstriction, making the risk of [Calabrese et al. 2007] (Table 3). Most patients
PRES and ischemic strokes outlast headache res- with RCVS could generally fulfill these criteria.
olution. Based on the study results and easy However, we proposed that CSF studies might
accessibility of TCCS, we suggest routine neuro- not be necessary if the clinical presentation and
sonographic follow-up beyond 1 month of head- angiographic findings are characteristic of RCVS.
ache remission until a consistent flow decrement In addition, the duration criterion and definition
approaches normal. However, TCCS is limited of reversibility need to be refined. Normalization
in patients with bilateral transtemporal window of vasoconstrictions within 3 months is found in
thickening. the majority of patients; however, we noticed that 165
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 3 (3)

Table 3. Diagnostic criteria for reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.

Current diagnostic criteria of benign (or reversible) angiopathy of the central nervous system in the International Classification of
Headache Disorders, 2nd edition
1. Diffuse, severe headache of abrupt or progressive onset, with or without focal neurological deficits and/or seizures and fulfilling
criteria 3 and 4.
2. ‘Strings and beads’ appearance on angiography and subarachnoid hemorrhage ruled out by appropriate investigations.
3. One or both of the following:
(a) headache develops simultaneously with neurological deficits and/or seizures;
(b) headache leads to angiography and discovery of ‘strings and beads’ appearance.
4. Headache (and neurological deficits, if present) resolves spontaneously within 2 months.
Diagnosis criteria of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome proposed by Calabrese et al. (2007)
1. Transfemoral angiography or indirect computed tomography angiography or magnetic resonance angiography documenting
multifocal segmental cerebral artery vasoconstriction.
2. No evidence of aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
3. Normal or near-normal cerebrospinal fluid analysis (protein level <80 mg%, leukocytes <10 mm3, normal glucose level)
4. Severe, acute headaches, with or without additional neurologic signs or symptoms.
5. Reversibility of angiographic abnormalities within 12 weeks of onset. If death occurs before the follow-up studies are com-
pleted, autopsy rules out such conditions as vasculitis, intracranial atherosclerosis, and aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage,
which can also manifest with headache and stroke.

some patients would have a more protracted dissection is frequently considered to be a sec-
course. If the vasoconstrictions had improved ondary cause of thunderclap headache.
greatly by 3 months, even though not completely However, it was recently identified that cervical
normalized, ‘reversibility’ could still be claimed artery dissection could be a comorbid condition
in our opinion. of RCVS, and should be carefully sought in
patients with suspected RCVS [Ducros et al.
Differential diagnosis 2007]. It is uncertain whether the arterial dissec-
Aneurismal SAH should be recognized early tion is the cause or consequence of RCVS. More
because of its devastating outcome. Multiple studies are required to elucidate this enigma. The
thunderclap headaches and absence of neck stiff- comparison of RCVS with these disorders is
ness are the most convincing clinical characteris- summarized in Table 4.
tics to help in distinguishing RCVS from SAH
prior to neuroimaging studies. In other words, Pathophysiology of RCVS
if the patient presents with a first attack of thun- Despite gradual delineation of its clinical presen-
derclap headache or neck stiffness, enthusiastic tations, the exact pathophysiology of RCVS
work-up for SAH should be carried out. cSAH remains enigmatic. As RCVS is a collection of
is not infrequent in patients with RCVS, but similar clinico-radiological syndromes, the
these superficial SAHs are usually few, overlying underlying mechanisms could be multi-factorial.
a few cortical sulci, with disproportionate wide- Some pathophysiological mechanisms have been
spread short-segmental vasoconstriction [Ducros proposed (Figure 3).
et al. 2007]. In contrast, the location and severity
of delayed vasospasm in aneurismal SAH tend to Dysfunctional regulation of vascular tone
be long-segmental and have a close spatial rela- A disturbance in the control of cerebral vascular
tionship with the bleeding site [Calabrese et al. tone seems to be a critical element in the patho-
2007]. In primary angiitis of the CNS (PACNS) genesis of RCVS. This alteration in vascular tone
the angiographic findings resemble RCVS. In may be spontaneous or evoked by various exo-
PACNS, there is often small vessel involvement genous or endogenous factors, one of which is
(92%), but large vessel involvement is not aberrant sympathetic response [Dodick, 2002].
uncommon (71%) [Salvarani et al. 2007]. Heightened sympathetic activities are plausible
Hence, it is difficult to make a distinction between with observations of SBP and triggers with ele-
these two syndromes at an early stage based vated sympathetic tone in a great proportion of
solely on angiographic findings. Nonetheless, spontaneous RCVS patients [Ducros et al. 2007;
repetitive thunderclap headaches have never Chen et al. 2006a]. In addition, evidence from
been reported in PACNS. In doubtful cases, secondary RCVS, such as patients with pheo-
CSF studies or even brain biopsy may provide chromocytoma [Heo et al. 2009; Im and Kim,
an ancillary diagnostic yield. Cervical arterial 2008; Armstrong and Hayes, 1961], acute

S-P Chen, J-L Fuh et al.

Table 4. Differential diagnosis of disorders that may mimic or be comorbid with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.
Reversible cerebral Aneurismal: Primary angiitis Cervical artery
vasoconstriction subarachnoid of the central dissection
syndrome hemorrhage nervous system
Incidence ?, (<1% in headache 1/10,000 2.4/1,000,000 2.6/10,000
Age, median, years 40!60 50!60 40!60 40!50
Sex F"M F/M ¼ 2/1 M>F M¼F
Headache Multiple TCH TCH 63% headache, 80% head or neck pain,
characteristics insidious and 13% as TCH
Cerebrospinal fluid Mostly normal, some High opening pres- 80!90% abnormal, Normal
studies have slight eleva- sure, increased modest elevation
tion of RBC, WBC, RBC, of WBC and protein
or protein xanthochromia
Brain computed tomo- Mostly normal, some SAH (5% computed 97% abnormal, around 60% infarction;
graphy/magnetic complicated with tomography nega- including infarc- crescentic intramural
resonance imaging posterior revers- tive), cerebral tion (53%), ICH, hematoma may be seen
ible encephalopa- edema, delayed gadolinium-enhan-
thy syndromes, ischemic infarc- cing lesions (1/3)
borderzone tion and/or hydro-
ischemic stroke, cephalus
ICH, cortical SAH subsequently
Angiographic findings Multifocal Vasospasm develops 50!90% angiography Long-segmental tapered
short-segmental 3!12 days after positive, string and narrowing, double
narrowing, mostly SAH, beads appearance, lumen, intimal flaps;
in medium to long-segmental, 92% small vessel 10!20% multi-vessel
large vessels, with spatial corre- changes, 71% involvement; could
sometimes with lation with hem- large vessel comorbid with revers-
adjacent focal orrhage; resolves changes; variable ible cerebral vasocon-
dilatation; takes with time, but course, mostly striction syndromes and
weeks to months some are irreversible thus has multifocal
to resolve irreversible short-segmental

ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; RBC, red blood cells; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; TCH, thunderclap headache; WBC, white blood
cells. (Modified from Calabrese et al. [2007]; additional information quoted from: Birnbaum and Hellmann [2009]; Brisman et al. [2006]; Chen
et al. [2006a]; Ducros et al. [2007]; Lee et al. [2006]; Salvarani et al. [2007].)

hypertensive crises [Tang-Wai et al. 2001], or Pathophysiology of PRES suggests causal links
ingestion of sympathomimetic drugs [Kaye and The presence of PRES or watershed zone infarcts
Fainstat, 1987; Margolis and Newton, 1971], in severe cases stresses the role of vasoconstric-
also support the significance of excessive sympa- tion and its underlying pathogenic factors [Chen
thetic activity or an abnormal vascular response et al. 2006b; 2008; 2009; Singhal, 2004; Dodick
to circulating catecholamines. However, since the et al. 2003]. Hypertensive encephalopathy consti-
vasoconstrictions persist for a protracted course tutes a substantial proportion of PRES; however,
beyond headache resolution [Chen et al. 2008; 20!30% of patients with PRES are normotensive
2009], there should be some factors regulating on disease occurrence [Bartynski, 2008]. In our
vascular tone other than heightened sympathetic latest study in which 77 RCVS patients were
activity participating in the pathogenesis. recruited, 19 (24.7%) had a history of hyperten-
Although the absence of blood in the subarach- sion, and 35 (45.5%) had SBP during thunder-
noid space basically distinguishes RCVS clap headache attacks [Chen et al. 2009]. The
from SAH, it is conceivable that numerous mean maximal systolic blood pressure during
immunologic and biochemical factors known to the headache attacks was 156.9±30.2 mmHg
regulate vascular tone from studies of (range 101!220 mmHg). PRES was noted in
SAH-related vasospasm might play some roles seven patients (9.1%); six of them had ictal
in the pathophysiology of vasoconstriction in SBP. It was likely that hypertension was a bystan-
RCVS [Nishizawa and Laher, 2005; Pluta, der as a stress response to the excruciating head-
2005; Dietrich and Dacey, 2000]. aches but could also be a player in the 167
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 3 (3)

Reactive blood
pressure surge
Sympathetic hyperactivity

Precipitating factors:
Vasoactive substances
Endothelial dysfunction
Triggers Vasoconstriction
Pregnancy/puerperium... Borderzone

Proangiogenic factors,

ischemic infarct

Figure 3. Proposed pathophysiology of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. PRES, posterior

reversible encephalopathy syndrome; TCH, thunderclap headache.

pathogenesis of PRES. It has been proposed that autoregulation of the posterior circulation
in PRES the endothelial control of vascular tone [Beausang-Linder and Bill, 1981].
is overwhelmed as a result of autoregulation
breakthrough, which progresses into a vicious
cycle of homeostatic failure, leading to progres- Overlap between postpartum angiopathy
sive increase of vascular resistance and, which, and eclampsia
in turn, further worsens endothelial dysfunction. As one variant of RCVS, postpartum angiopathy,
Increased vascular permeability, attributed to has many clinical, laboratory and radiographical
endothelial dysfunction, may contribute partly features overlapping with eclampsia and
to the vasogenic edema in PRES [Bartynski, pre-eclampsia, it has been proposed that these
2008; Bartynski and Boardman, 2008; Chen disorders might belong to the same disease spec-
et al. 2006b; Singhal, 2004; Dodick et al. trum and have some shared pathophysiological
2003]. In contrast, the progressive increase of mechanisms [Fletcher et al. 2009; Singhal and
vascular resistance phenomenologically presents Bernstein, 2005; Donaldson, 2000]. Recent stu-
itself as diffuse vasoconstriction, and when dies have demonstrated that placental growth
severe, may lead to irreversible ischemic change, factor (PlGF), soluble PlGF receptor (sFlt-1)
especially over the watershed zones with posterior [Rana et al. 2007; Levine et al. 2004], and a sol-
preponderance [Bartynski and Boardman, 2008; uble transforming growth factor b1 receptor (sol-
Chen et al. 2006b]. We found that more severe uble endoglin) [Levine et al. 2006] correlate with
vasoconstrictions in the M1 segment of MCA the presence of eclampsia and also predict its
and the P2 segment of the posterior cerebral development. It was also found that the ratio of
artery contributed to a higher risk of PRES in sFlt-1 to PIGF could be used to predict the
patients with RCVS [Chen et al. 2009], which occurrence of pre-eclampsia [Rana et al. 2007].
was consistent with the concept. In addition, It is uncertain whether the balance of these
our study noticed that a history of hypertension anti-angiogenic and pro-angiogenic factors
may make P2 more inert to vasoconstriction, but could also play a role in postpartum angiopathy;
a sudden SBP during a thunderclap headache however, a recent case report had drawn a link
attack was associated with a more severe vaso- between them [Singhal et al. 2009]. Nonetheless,
constriction of P2 [Chen et al. 2009]. The latter these mechanisms might not be applicable to
might be explained by the relative paucity of patients with RCVS not related to pregnancy or
sympathetic innervations and defective puerperium.

S-P Chen, J-L Fuh et al.

Prognosis any efficacy of nimodipine has not been proven

Despite substantial risks of ischemic or hem- against the hemorrhagic and ischemic complica-
orrhagic complications, permanent neurological tions of RCVS, and increasing the dose of nimo-
deficits were noted in only 3!6% of patients in dipine could possibly be deleterious in patients
two large prospective series [Chen et al. 2009; with ischemic complications due to the lowering
Ducros et al. 2007]. In a retrospective study effect on blood pressure [Ducros et al. 2007].
using the Barthel index for long-term assessment, Close blood pressure monitoring and avoidance
it was found that 29% had mild disability and of hypotension should be exercised during dose
none had severe disability after a mean follow-up escalation. Hypotension (systolic blood pressure
of 35 months [Hajj-Ali et al. 2002]. However, <100 mmHg) should be corrected immediately
mortality has been noted in some case reports by dose tapering and hydration. Dizziness,
[Singhal et al. 2009; Singhal, 2002]. In the nausea, facial flushing, tachycardia, or allergies
French series, no angiographically proven recur- were other potential adverse effects [Liu et al.
rence had been identified after a mean follow-up 2009; Chen et al. 2006a; Lu et al. 2004]. Other
of 3.2 years (range 26!62 months) [Ducros et al. calcium channel blockers such as nicardipine
2007]. However, in a subsequent review, two [Liu et al. 2009] or verapmil [Bouchard et al.
patients experiencing recurrence of multiple 2009] had been tried, but their efficacy and
thunderclap headaches were identified, one safety remain to be established. Magnesium sul-
after smoking cannabis and the other after fate has been tried in the treatment of eclampsia/
using SSRIs [Ducros and Bousser, 2009]. In pre-eclampsia in a small subset of patients with
our experience, recurrence was noted in 6 out postpartum angiography with acceptable out-
of 77 (8%) RCVS patients at a median follow-up comes [Chik et al. 2009]. Prospective,
of 25 months. All reported a clinical recurrence large-scaled, randomized, placebo-controlled
with multiple thunderclap headaches and their trials are required to investigate the efficacy of
MRAs showed reversible vasoconstrictions the above drugs in patients with RCVS.
[Chen et al. 2009]. Nonetheless, no definite
prognostic indicators have been identified. Prophylaxis
No studies have specifically investigated prophy-
Treatment lactic measures for RCVS. Given the possibility
Given the risks of potential complications, RCVS of recurrence, it is advisable, as prophylaxis, for
should be treated as an emergent condition. All patients to avoid further exposure to possible
of the diagnostic evaluations including neuroima- implicated substances or conditions (Table 2).
ging studies and/or spinal taps should be carried However, evidence is still lacking on which sub-
out as soon as possible. Interventions should be stances should be avoided. Studies employing
employed immediately after a tentative diagnosis pharmacogenetics might be helpful.
of RCVS is made, starting with the avoidance of
triggers and withdrawal of secondary causes. Future therapeutic approaches
Regarding pharmacological treatment, unfortu- In patients with refractory vasoconstrictions,
nately no treatment has gained enough evidence intra-arterial therapy might be considered.
of efficacy. Our previous open-labeled trials sug- Calcium channel blockers such as nimodipine
gest that thunderclap headaches in patients with [Elstner et al. 2009; Klein et al. 2009] or the
RCVS might be responsive to the calcium chan- phosphodiesterase inhibitor milrinone
nel blocker nimodipine within 2 days [Lu et al. [Bouchard et al. 2009] have been employed in
2004]. The patients were given oral nimodipine some cases and led to satisfactory outcomes.
30!60 mg every 4 h, adjusted according to the However, more studies are required. In addition,
severity of vasoconstriction. When oral nimodi- the risk of reperfusion injury should be consid-
pine was ineffective, exacerbated vasoconstric- ered [Singhal et al. 2009]. It may still be
tions disclosed by sequential MRA or TCCS, or speculative, but considering the potential patho-
the presence of PRES or ischemic stroke, intra- physiological implications, therapies targeted at
venous nimodipine (0.5!2 mg/h) was adminis- the restoration of endothelial function might be
tered via a central venous line, with blood promising and deserve further investigation.
pressure monitored every 2!4 h. The efficacy of
nimodipine in aborting thunderclap headache Acknowledgements
ranged from 64% [Ducros et al. 2007] to 83% This study was supported in part by grants
[Chen et al. 2006a]. It should be stressed that from National Science Council of Taiwan 169
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 3 (3)

(97-2628-B-010-007-MY3) and Taipei Veterans Chen, S.P., Fuh, J.L., Lirng, J.F., Chang, F.C. and
General Hospital (V98C1-143). Wang, S.J. (2006a) Recurrent primary thunderclap
headache and benign CNS angiopathy: spectra of the
same disorder? Neurology 67: 2164!2169.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare that there is no conflict of Chen, S.P., Fuh, J.L., Lirng, J.F. and Wang, S.J.
(2006b) Is vasospasm requisite for posterior leukoen-
cephalopathy in patients with primary thunderclap
headaches? Cephalalgia 26: 530!536.

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