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AMERLCAN LANGUAGE PART |= LISTENING birecttanes Lor quest fons 121. Yeu at 1 by Select the one Item a, b,c, or d which and mark your answer sheet, DO NOT MRETE 1. a engineer vo b. chemist c. neteorologint a. phystologist 2. a. fifty Mn b. fifteen fe) last alght @. Mr. Sintch a, a warm wind 12, b. a cold wind c. a wet wind d. a high vind 4. ae a Loud ine 4 bean untand ar noise cy a familiar noise a. a bad noise 5. a. Carry the pie 4 b. lave sume pie. don the pie 1, Buy the ple. 6. as one month after dolivery 5 b. during delivery ¢. before deliver @) tight after deliv 7, as nade a fire 15. b. extinguished the fire cs reported the fire é. put the fire 8, two quarters uv bla half-dol lar ¢. twenty pennies 4. two dimes and a sicko! a, sour = sven i b. beautiful - uply ean = hapny 1. buy = purchase counsi, PLacibirnT ‘Th: mW Le XQ quest Fons on (he best tapes rs une question correctly IIR TEST BOOKLE 9 the washroom for a break at seven thirty vo a place to eat late wo fly ' before take off sent a letter hone went boi see his wife missed his class bought some envelopes: thirty minutes before five thirty minuces after six half past five half past si lie refi tled my tank. lle filled the thre wi lie patched the ttre. hie removed the tire. Tt was small. twas distinc ‘here wasn't any Tt was unimportant. on top of the engine front of the engine bellind the engine on the left aide of the engine last night yecause he wasn't busy heeause he didn't heve a party because he had a party Ho {8 golng for a boat ride. Ne In peting to gett a boat, He 1s poling to a sale. lle is going te look at soma 19. 4. ylelding to Tom's suggestion 23. a. 1 measures valufall, b. agreeing to his own suggestion, 14 measures atuospherie c. giving up skating pressure. 4. refusing to po He measures che Lonperature. 1. U moasures the velocity 20.) a. because of the cold veather of the wind. “ b. because of the work at hone €. because of the heat 4. because of the humidity 21, a. He's going co work in a hospital. b. He's going to vench medicine. €. He's going to see the doctor 4. He's going to study medicin : 22.\ a. fold the cablecloth on the table D. spread the tablacloth on the table c. foll the tablecloth on che cable d. take the tablecloth away from the table Directions for questiow 24-69. You will mat hear statements om the costs tape. Choose the one item a, bye, OF d that comes vtoawst to the mosilig OF the Statement and mick your answer sheet 24. a. Jack was early 28. a. She was cold b. Jack was lace. bo She was hoes e. Jack was on tine €. She uss catching a cold. a. Jack was absent (She was getting sleepy. 25. a. te 4s a slow driver 29. a. Las delayed, bs le ds a coveful driver b. | was cobbed. c. Me drives cheorfully. | was arrested, a. lle drives carelessly denis 1D 26. as Clean the room 30. a. 1 Saw him walking D. Tell me about the room bs saw tia gotng down. e+ Look ac this room. ef so Mim cunning. 4. Leave the room V saw hin deintcing. Wi) ast wollbliaye porgtsiee, die wo acnm. tv dita b. T have to go now. b. The hw tdLey is litgin. c. I am already Late. es the weather Is dry. a. don't have to yo The weather ts very pleasant 3. 35. ra 38.) (40./ 4a. bv. a. We don"t mind it. We do nor want it We wt dhe withont te We are 42. Me We He He Es never on tt Likes to punch holes. is always late. 4, le always on tine Le was a Ic vas Tt wa Tt was square hole. very deep. a big holo only a small My arm hures Hy arm has patnt on tr. LE have a cut on my T have no feeling The flying bird rescued him. the swinmer pulled ty The safety patro! prot him. the helicopter rescued tim. 46 He Tikes te watel pen lle Likes to lle likes to lle likes to play. games read tall about spert We WLLL Ret some moun le has only a Litels He has a Jot of swalt cl He hasn't any money. ‘They are loarning to drive. They drive fairly wol| Ane Their driving is very good. Medving Js hard for then The indicator moved far The indicator woved rapidly. 49, The tank was enpty. ‘the indicator changes posit ton. Ie won't Tt will po very fast L keep Te owtstde at n EL have bonght a new one. a db. L did not know ide name. T reaenbored vhat he looked Ike V rnddenty reneubered Me TE vouldute say hte name. Ne Isn't going to buy a car. lle bought a car. He vould ke to buy a ear. Ne is golng to buy @ car. the car is made well The workman likes this car The men are working on a ship. The man working on the car is good. The engine is all right. The engine can be repaired. The engine cannot be repaired. he engine will be replaced. You mist tell him what you want You mst see hin right away. You must encourage him You must tease him, Twoutt have tomato Juice. Hu qolug te have tomate juice. Fhaven"t mde up my mind yot. E E had tomato juice yesterday. They fired a lot of them. They employed a lot of them. The men wore retired, They promoted a lot of them, Supper was prepared by my wife Ny eupper the children can't cook at ie The and T prepared the children did all the x.) sl. s2.) 35 37. He He he lle put on his brakes suddenly. 59. fell on his brakes. broke the brakes. ropalred the brake Classes are four There are four afternoon. There are classes in Room 4 Classes are finished at four blocks classes his | 60. lle is le 1s He is He is an impolite person. a good Looking person. a polite person. always ina hurry. ol. lle Likes to wash cars. lie thinks de's necessary to vash cars. Mis car should be washed. He wants a car to wash. 62. Ne studied often. He didn'e study. He studied when he could. He took Lage of the books. 3. We must attend school. We may go to school if we wish. We must check attendance in the schools School attendance fs normal here. Someone else was talking on 64. the line There were many wires bu The line vas out of order. Oscar was too busy to call. You could see the wires. 65. The wires were in front of the walls. You could not see the wires. The wires were outside the walls The cadee was given a fine. The cadet was found innocent. The cadet sentenced Lo priser The cadet vas Cound gut ley. Ne killed the lle killed the le killed the fat animals, sick animals injured svt s Ve killed the dying antmals. ‘They postponed their work. They stopped doing their work. They continued doing their work. vhey cancelled their work. Ie ts all right to park here, the parking lot is in front ef the area. It is against the law to park here. Parking 18 allowed for a shore Chie: lie has been here all the tine, lie has Leen here sinee he nrew up. Hie has been here most of his life. lle has uever Lived here. They agreed to think it over They vanted to make up their Leds first. They decided to be at the party hey deeded not to worry bout the party. You are near the door, Close the door, please. Your are near the * clothes: crows are by the door. Only one student is taking the test A number of students are taking the test. A great many students are tiking the test. re is no student caking Cost 66. a. Most of them are shipped to Detroit. hb. Most cars are male ontetde of Det rait 6. Moat af dem are damaged te Derrntt A Mant af them cite wate ty tet red ts 67. a. T's a good practice to sp b. You have a chanen bn speale ©. You'd learn gngtish quickly. d. You von! have any ak Fngl ish. pli, easton te apeak English. 68. a. The hotel has no rooms for Mr. Marks. b. The hotel cannot wake any reservations. ce. Mr. Marke Tikes th @. The hotel wilt keop tun rooms for him oo. a ch FYROM Ie the spoof ie job of an engineer. b. Each system Is planned to dos partleular job. c. Each system must have several functions. d. Designing the systen is a particular job. PART LL - READING COMPRENENS LON Divoctions for questi © 70-]20. Chowne the one correct anaver and mark your answer sheet. 0 NOT WRITE IN TUE TEST BOOKLET 70. A gnot Wie mo as | left the butldtup. a. angry person bd. small car ec. eudden what A. falling stone TL. the propeller relates at a very Gest rate a. turns b. clo! ©. stops d. starts 12. Sometines 1 go shopping by mysell. a. usually >. never c. occasional ly a. often 73. The whole family turf in at vine PM, a, awoke b. went te bed ‘ c. cama hone a. watched IV The 78. 76. 7. 78. 7. 80. 8h. This road 1s narrow, a. smooth b. stratght ce. not wide de But very mach Many hemaa are ayuippod with the latedt modern wluctrteal appliance: @, decorated b. lacking ce. repaired a. furnished The mess hall is convenient for all students. a. crowded b. far away ce. handy d. a place to eat Please give mo a ning wien you get back Into Lown. a. give me a piece of jevelry bd. visit me c. telephone me, d. look me up Today is Friday. The day after a. Wednesday b. Thursday c. Saturday d. Sunday Your chin is a part of your a. family b. Leg c. religion d. face Razor blades are used for a. measuring b. shaving c. weighing a. playing Tam studying English _ a. to be at 4. from Language Sehool. n, 83. 8, 86. a7 an. ay. It 1s @ secret between you and 1d be me, ce he a. they I like to choose kind of work. a. those = be thts ce. many d. these Mrs. Miller towk the flowers the table a. besides be tare ce. from d. upon John bought a new vehicle. te bought a bo typewriter ce. hearer a. car He 4s flying better now than he before. a. flies b. has Clown ce. fly a. Tlown TEL be tnoking Forward to you snow bd. having, seen 1. seotng The room we visited was the commander's office. a. whom b. that ce. when d. who you moot as al the Flight Line? Wave b. Ought to ce. Couldn't d. Maybe 90, I have been studying English _____ two hours a. at b. for ce. in dc. since 91, ALL seudencs muse thelr names before getting thede pay a, signing b. signed c. sign d. signature 92 class may go for a picnic tomorrow. Tt determines wales c+ depends dé. relies the weather. 93, I drank too a. much b. > many c. few 94, They didn't hav to do last nty hing = something, any thing thing 95. Food spoils If de Is noe in a refrigeratar b a. easing 96. Did you enjoy all over the world a. travel bd, to travel c. traveling d. to traveling 97. We're very sorry a. for hearing from hearing + to hea to hearing at Fisher fs sick on. 99. Loo lol. 102. 103. 104. 105. cece, Mone al know he ataulentes wen Chere? 5 Poor he ee 18 he knowl a Knew he Phey arent je tea bette next werk, 1 A. are they unt t they c. are they d. they aren't The shop has a great deal of business. no business at all be hardly any bus cs some bus bie much business here ts 3 The post office is straight ahead. ie is a. to your loft be bebind you &. very cle edn Front of you Excuse me, 1 a. must go b. mart vt ll go ec. mst Dement te pe "Tt was a very inter ing movie. Would you ke to see a. Ves, T saw it. b. Yor, 1 did ce. Yes, 1 would. a Liked t Joe this trip for a long ttme. a. has plan b. has been planning c. has been plan a. has p aintng, Everyone money Le the new 01 a. has contribute bd. has contributing ce. has contelbuted d. have contribute ganization. it again?" 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. aun 13. 10. “ave you studi a. No, I haven'e: b. Yes, 1 haven't. c. Yes, I was in wy room. d. tle, I didn't go to clas: I didn't go te town last nigh a. I must study b. I should study ce. Thad to stuly d. I'd better study because This contract is than the previous one a. satisfactory b. in a satisfactory manner €. more satisfactory d. the most satisfactory "Are you the kind of person { can count on?” “Yes, i; WE count b. realize you can't ce. can learn everybody's name d. am dependable Boing a. being hungry b. having Lots of money c. having some non 4. not having enough money ‘The phruse Moe G0" axes a. 1 belles b. I'm sure about tL c. I'm not sure about it a. I don'e Like ity John will be in school for an extended period of time, te vill be there a. for an dndefinite lenge of ime b. for a longer time c. for @ brief Lime d. for a chorcer Line I'm going to stay here, ‘his expression ts a. T should stay here Db. T must stay here. c d I can stay here. LLL stay hese. it. Thin magazine contatas miny or Choler an currant cuenta, these actteles pertaly {0 - ae Chet lon b. jokes and vartaons co. Present happen tir de stories ahowt the pa LS. You would [ike ie borrow a pencil. Uhieh af the following is the correct request? a. Would 1 borrow your pened)? b. Muse f borrew your pencil? ce May T borrow your pencil? d. Should Lborray your pencd LG. John bs walking. George ts cunwingy and ihe ts ftytag, Join is eraveting Faster than George b. the slowest of the tired ce. faster than Jim de the Castest of the threr 17. Excuse a. where is it the Admiral Move Sir. fle you knew ? b. the Admtral Motel where is it c. where 1s the Admiral Herel d, where the Admiral Hotel + 118. The polfceman said to the stadent, a a. ‘The post office Just crowd the eoewor ta b. Just around the vorner the post of five i. Is just around the earner Che post af bier The post office is just around che earner, 119. Choose the carrer! sent ene a. TDL later have eather, please. be TIL have Tater coffer, please ce I'L have coffee later, ploares d. Please, coffee later [11 have. 120. Choose the correct sentences a. Weren't you by Nr. Broun taught Iasi year? b. Weren't you last year by tr. Brown caught? ce Weren't Nr. Brown taught by yeu Inst year? d. Weren's you caught. by Mr. Brown Jase year? ‘ive Coe WOULD ae i aw ‘on wens yume __uswa_apa__ tat ao gwuN

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