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Camtasia installation step to

step guide
 Download Camtasia from your email (
 Open folder where you have downloaded Camtasia. Look at the following picture, if
camtasia is not in zip form it means your device don’t have the software to unzip the
compressed file. Now you will text me and I will send you the software which you
will install first to open compressed file.
 Zipped/compressed Camtasia software should look like this, it means your
computer can unzip it. Otherwise text me

 Now right click on it, Click on Extract file. Now zip folder will be converted into
following form

 Open above folder. There will be 3 folders inside it. Open the first one.
 Click on first one to install software

 When you see following window click on “ I a have key option”

 Open the following file having name “ Serial”

 Copy one serial key and put in above form, in name section write your name

 After writing name and key, click on next

 When you see this window click on next don’t remove this “ Tick”
 It will take few minutes. And your software is installed 
 Now open a blank power point presentation, Camtasia will guide you for first time, how you can
record presentation

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