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Whistling in
La Gomera
An anciem language of whistles that enabled long- djstance
comnHmic:uion long befo re the invention of the mobik
phone will bt• sawd from t•xcinction on a volcanic island ofr
the wesr coast of Africa. TIK· island is part of the Camry
lshlnds and is called La Gonwra.Thc: language, Silbo Gomero,
which sounds ]jkc: birdsong, was ust·d bv the: pcopk o n the
isl:tnd to communic:ue up to three kilonwtrcs across the deep
valleys that r.1diar~· f"rom La Gomera's ccmraJ volcanic peak.

W ith the opening of the island t(> tourism and the arrival

1 The pictures show different methods of

10 or th e telephone. Sil bo (;omc:ro had started to die Ollt.
Luckily; the isbnd authorities realised what they wt•re losing
communication. With a partner:
before it was too late- and, since '1999. Silbo Gomem has
• put them in order of how often you use them been part of the school currirulum for ch ildren up to the
• say what you last used them for. age of 14. About 3.000 smdent~ spend 25 minmes a week
, ., learning it. which is eno ugh to understa nd the basics. The
EXAMPLE: I use text messaging most. I last sent a text
name, Silbo Gomcro, comes 6·om the Spanish verb 'silbar·
message to tell my friend where to meet me.
n1eaning to w histle ;md 'Gomao' meaniug 'romin{! from
the island of La Corn cra ·.
The languagt• is madl· up of fi>t1r vowels and UlUr
zo consonants, which cur be whistled co make more than
t spot ~.000 words. In the past, duldrc n leamt it frorn their parentS
There is a lot to read in both the General Training and Academic but as fewer and fewer adults were teaching their c hildren.
Reading Modules (between 2,ooo and 2,750 words) and you only
it becallle nccess;u·r for the govcrnmcm co takt· over.
have one hour, so you may need to improve your reading speed.
By the end of this course, you should be able to read up to 300 According ro Eugenio Darias, a teacher of Silbo Comero
words per minute. Time yourself and use the approximate word ;15 and directOr of thc islalld's Silbo programme. 'There arc few
count given with this symbol 0 to work out your reading really good silbadorcs, fluent whistlers of the l:wguagc. so
speed, dividing the number of words by the time taken. Keep a f.1r. but lot~ of smdcnts ar(' learning to use it and understand
record, so you can see what progress you are making.
it. We've bct'll wry pleased with the results:

2 Read the text opposite as quickly as you can and

say where you wouJd find this tex-t. This type of
reading is called 'skimming'. We skim a text in
order to get a general idea of what it is about. Don't
worry too much about words you don't know.
0 about 500 words
3 Read the text again to find the following
information. This is ca11ed 'scanning'. We 'scan' a
text to search for specific information.
1 the year schoolchildren started learning Silbo
2 the countries Gomerans went to live in
3 where Sil bo Gomero came from originally

~ UN IT 1
t spot
True I False I Not given tasks test understanding of factual information, and the
quest ions are always in the order in which the answers occur in th e reading
passage. It's a good idea to underline the part of the text where you find the
answer. This will help you to see if an answer is Not given ....;:· TF 1 (This means:
Look at Test f older 1 for more information.)

An importallt step towards s:wing the 4 Scan the text to do the following task.
language was the hrsc lntc rnation:Jl JO
Congress of Whistled Languages. w hich Read the article about Silbo Gomero. Do the following statements
was held in L1 Gomcra in 2003. Silbo-likc agree with the information in the reading passage? Write
whistling has been fim nd in pam of TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
G reece, T urkey, China and Mexi co, but FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
none is as developed as Silbo ( ;omero. x• NOT GIVEN i f there is no information on this
R esearch will now be carried out in t=xample:
Venezuela, C uba :md Texas - all places to
0 Silbo Gomero was only used face to face.
w hich Comt'ntns have crad i ti o n :~ll y
Answer: False (The information giving the answer is underlined in the text.)
e migrated and wh e re traces o r the
bngttage srill surviw. .~o 1 Silbo Gomero began to disappear with the introduction of more
modern technology.
Dr Franc isco R ivero is ;t researc her at La
2 Schoolchildren in La Gomera enjoy learning Silbo Gomero.
Laguna Un iversity in Sa111..1 C ru z de
3 Schoolchildren on the island have a 25-minute lesson in Silbo Gomero
l i:nerifc. 'Historicall y, fron t the earliest
once a day.
settlers up nnril qu ite recentl y, rhe Silbo
4 Eugenio Darias is the best teacher of Silbo Gomero on the island.
Comero Jangttagc was the mobile pho ne .:s
5 Having an international conference on the island is believed to be a
of the period . It allowed peo ple to
c om ntun it::ltt' across g rc:lt dista nces good thing for the future of Silbo Gomero.
because its freque ncy allo wed t ht• sou nd 6 It would be impossible to adapt Silbo to English.
to be transm itted .· Al t houg h S ilbo
5 In the IELTS Test, the questions often do not repeat words from
pro b;tbly o r ig inated 111 t he Atlas
t he text, but say the same thing using d iffe rent words. Th is is
Moun tains o f North AtTica 2 ,500 years
called paraphrasing. It is important to be able to recognise and
ago. it was adapted to La G om e r:~ by
understand paraphrasing.
ado pting Spanish spe ec h patte rns. ' It
relics 011 vowds rathe r t han consonan ts; Find words or phrases in the text which have the same or similar
explains Dr Rive ro. 'These are whistled " meaning to t he words or phrases below. Use an English- English
at d iflc rcm frcqu t•nc ies, using Spanish d ictionary to check your answers. The relevant paragraph number
grammar. I f. we spo ke English, we'd usc is given in brackets.
an Eng lish str ucwre for w hislling. It's not
the summit or top (1 ) 6 im migra nts (5)
just di:~joi n ted words it flows, and yon
2 to begin to disa ppear (2) 7 came from (5)
c an q ui te easiJ y have :1 pro pe r
conv<.'rsation with someone.'
3 the essentials or 8 was changed to suit
ftmd<tmentals (2) d ifferent cond itions (5)
'Silbo Go mero is tht· most important 4 consists of (3) 9 depends on (5)
prc-H ispa'nic cul tura l heritage we haw. 5 some evidence of (4) 10 not well connected (5)
It is un iq ue and has many v:tlues -
histo rical, linguistic, antltmpo logical and •
:testlwtic,' says Mo iscs Plasenc ia, Director Part 1
of th e Ca na ry Isla nds' I listorical
Heritage department. Seiior Plasencia
t spot
has b q~un wo rking to pt'rs uade
The first part of t he Speaking Module t akes about four to five m inutes. It is t he
U N ESC O to suppo r t La C o mna's same wh ether you do the General Training or t he Academic M odule. You will be
d forts to save t he island's lang mgc. asked general quest ions about yourself, your home and fam ily, your j ob or studies
or your interests. ••.;:. TF 9

6 With a partner, ask and answer these questions. Make sure you don't
just say Yes or No. Always ex11and your answer.
Do you have a la rge o r small famil y?
2 Who do you talk to most in you r family? Why?
3 What problems do you have when you talk to someone in a
second language?

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