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Riley Lathrop Unit: “My Body” Lesson 2 Date Taught:

June 5th, 2019

Lesson Overview
Lesson Description/Overview

To begin, students will sign in on the attendance sheet, and I will pass out the name tags from the previous
day that I collected. We will play the same name game we played yesterday, and then return to their seats to
finish labeling the body parts we began yesterday. Next, we will return to a circle and I will say a body part
and students will move that body part. I will then prompt students to explore that body part on the low level,
mid level, and high level. Next, with a deck of cards and body part words on each card, students will each
have a turn to choose a body part for the person next to them to move. They will show the body part and
vocalize it for the group. Next, each student will have the opportunity to choose a body part, vocalize it, and
lead the class around the room moving that body part. We will then sing head, shoulders, knees, and toes yet
add different words and body parts to the same tune. Students will receive a word search to work on, and
then will answer what their favorite part of the day was.


We will repeat the name game so students can build confidence in speaking and moving together. Since class
will be based in speaking and moving together, playing this game is the most basic level and can help build
students in their own empowerment to make movement choices. I am repeating not only so I can learn
names, but I noticed yesterday that many students were not confident in speaking and moving together.
Many students wanted to speak and then move, and many copied others’ movements. I will introduce level
to class today because this can add difficulty to movement while reinforcing the same concepts of body part
vocabulary. Students will be given the opportunity to vocalize a word on their own so I can assess where
students are in their learning and reading/vocalization. We will move around the room with a body part to
introduce locomotor movement, and we can work to move safely around space. Here, I can see where
students are in safely communicating with others in personal space. Singing will be integral to class because it
is when students are most confident in their vocalizations of words. A word search will provide opposition to
the other activities in movement, and I can see how students are in recognizing words from sight. I am asking
students their favorite part of the day to have them remember back to class, rather than leave without
reflection. This may give me insight into learning styles as well.

Critical Essential Question (s)/Focus Questions

How can you demonstrate vocalization and movement of vocabulary words?

How can you evaluate what your favorite part of the day was?
Why was this your favorite part?

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Corresponding National Core Assessment Methods for
Arts Standard(s) (NCAS) Outcomes

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1. Students will demonstrate 1. 2. DA:Pr5.1.K c. Move body 1. Each student will have the
movement and vocalization of select parts in relation to other body opportunity to choose a
vocabulary words parts and repeat and recall vocabulary word card and vocalize
movements upon request. the vocabulary card, as well as
move that body part.

2. Students will evaluate their

learning through choosing and 2. I will collect as an exit slip, the
remembering their favorite part of prompt from the board asking
class. students what their favorite part
of the day was.

Prerequisite Knowledge/Experience

“My name is _____”

introduction to:

Key Concepts/Vocabulary/ Terms

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Can you move your...

Where is your...

Resources/Materials/Technology/Tools/Pre-Preparation Needed

vocabulary cards

Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Description of Content, Pedagogy & Practice Time
(Vary order & repeat or add
transitions & components as
1. Focus and Review Name Game: We will repeat the name game we played in the 10 mins
Warming up previous class. I am making this choice because some students
were comfortable and some were not. Also, the cohesiveness
of class was not as strong as it could be. It was not clear when
students were repeating and students would repeat the
movement at various times. It was unclear when they were
embodying one another’s movement and when they were
performing their own movement. I also will repeat this
because this was a part of class that brought much joy. I also
need to have the names repeated so I can learn them
consistently. It will be interesting to see how students become
more confident with their names and speaking with confidence
over time.

Transition Breathing together until everyone is quiet and ready to move

“Daduk (sit)” “Sit please”
2. Statement of Objective Finish Body Drawing, Labeling, and Moving: Yesterday, we 10 mins
Exploring the Concept began to write body parts and draw body parts together. We
will have students get their drawings out to finish. We got
through: head, eyes, nose, mouth, shoulders, arms, and hands.
We will add ears, elbow, knee, leg, foot, toes, fingers, breath,
and heart. We will have students stand up, review body parts
by asking them to move each body part. After each body part,
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we will write it down, have them write it down, and have them
continue their drawing.
Transition Let’s make a circle

3. Teacher Input All Together Body Part Moving (With Levels): I will have cards 10 mins
Developing Skills with each body part listed. As a class, we will explore how we
can move each body part through low, middle, and high level.
Here, students are choosing how they are moving their own
bodies and using level to explore new ways of moving their
Choosing Body Parts for Peer to Move: We will pass the set of
cards around, and each student will choose a body part from
the pile (that will be strung together for flipping and will not
fall out), and the person to their right will move that body part.
Here, we will practice reading the vocabulary words to prepare
to do this exercise again with individual vocalization.
Moving Body Parts: Locomotor/Circle around the room: Each
student will choose a body part and we will move with that
body part around in a circle in the room.
Transition Let’s make a circle
and clapping pattern

4. Guided Practice Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes: Most students have sung 5 mins
Creating- Interconnecting- this song before and know at least most of the words in it, so
Responding we will try different body parts to the same tune.
legs and
legs and
fingers and arms and hands and ears
Smaller group singing:
We will go back to singing head, shoulders, knees, and toes
and break into smaller groups. We will have three students
sing at a time so they are still comfortable in a group, and still
standing in a circle. This way, I can assess better who is
speaking and who is less confident.

Transition “Daduk” “please sit”

5. Independent Practice Word Search: to practice reading their vocabulary words, I 10 mins
Creating-Responding- have made an easy level word search. With the same words, I
Interconnecting have more difficult word searches for later in the week. A word
search will be an opposing exercise to the movement we are
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doing for most of the class. This may bring focus and breath to
students, or some students may still be restless.

Transition Can everyone find a circle?

6. Assessment for Student Choosing Body Parts for Peer to Move: We will pass the set of 10 mins
Outcomes, cards around, and each student will choose a body part from
NCA Standards the pile (that will be strung together for flipping and will not
Performing-Responding- fall out), and the person to their right will move that body part.
Interconnecting This exercise will be repeated again, however now, students
will vocalize the body part they are giving a peer to move. The
first time this exercise is done, it will not be set who reads the
word, as a class we will read the word and vocalize it.

Transition “Daduk”
“Can you please find your seat?”
7. Closure/ Evaluation/Summary What was your favorite part of today? 5 mins
Cool down-Centering written on the board in Indonesian
*as an exit slip to break!

Ending circle (after Thao teaches second half):
“Thank you, Thank you” song that we will repeat everyday.
If we have time, we will have each student thank the person
next to them. Yesterday, we have an abbreviated ending song
because parents were there at the door to take students home
(students do not have school directly after class so they get
picked up for a break after English this week).

Back up activity/for next day: Intro to locomotor movement: red light green light with body parts. Beginning
on one end of the room, we will move each body part while travelling. To begin, we will simply play red light
green light without body parts. This will explore locomotor movement and stillness. Next, we will add body
parts. On green light, “can you move your legs?” “can you move your elbow?”

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