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Phiicfng Thanh dich


Text by Jo Gang-Soo
Text Copyright © 2012 Jo Gang-Soo
All rights reserved
Original Korean edition published by Gilbut Eztok, Seoul. Korea
Vietnamese language copyright © 2016 Alpha Books Co.
Vietnamese language edition arranged with Gilbut Eztok through Eric Yang Agency inc.


Ban quyen tieng Viet © Cong ty Co phan Sach Alpha, 2016
Khong phan nao trong xuat ban pham nay duxrc phep sao chep
hay phat hanh diriri bat ky h'mh thtrc hoac phu-crng tien nao
ma khong co sir cho phep truwc bang van ban cua Cong ty Co phan Sach Alpha.
Chung toi luon mong muon niian dtroc nhirng y kie'n dong gop cua quy vj doc gia
de sach ngay rang hoan thien horn.
Gop y ve sach, lien he ve ban thao v,i ban dich;
Lien he hop tac ve npi dung so:
Lien he hop tac xuat ban & truyen thong tren sdch:
Lien he djch vu to van, dal dien & giao dich ban quy6n:

nhAxuat bAn khoa hoc xA hoi

26 Ly Thirong Kiel - Hoan Kiem - Ha Npi
DT: 04,39719073 - Fax: 04.39719071
Website: http://nxbkhxh,

Chi nhanh Nha xuat ban Khoa hoc Xa hoi

57 Stirrng Nguyet anh - Phu-o-ng Ben Thanh - Quan I - TP, H6 Chi Minh
DT: 08,38394948 - Fax: 08,38394948


Chin trach nhiem \ual ban

Quyen Giam doc LE H Q'U THANH

Chiu trach nhiem npi dung


Bien tap npi dung: Tran Le Thu

Stra ban jn; Minh Nguyen
Trinh bay: Vu Le Thu-
Thiet kebia: Manh Ciromg
In 3.000 cudn, kho 16 x 24 cm, tai In tai Cong ty CP In An Du-ong
Dia chi; Khu A2, Phu Dien, To- Liera, Ha Npi.
Soxac nhan dang kyxuat bin: i3O7-20i6/CXBlPH/o4-6i/KHXH
So QDXB: 90/QD-NXB KHXH, cap ngay 19 thing 05 nam 2016.
Ma ISBN; 978-604-944-681-8
In xong va nop liru chieu nam 2016.
Loi noi dau


Nhung kien thiifc co the ap dung ngay vao lam bai thi!
Trong gicf day, toi luon nhan manh vao "kha nang ung dung", bdi vigc hoc cac ly
thuyet khong did ap dung ngay vao lam bai that sii rat lang phi thdi gian. Trong giao
trinh nay, t6i manh dan ho her nhu'ng ly thuydt khong giup ich gi trong thifc td, them
vao nhu'ng Idnh nghiem rut ra ditpc trong giang day citng nhtJng hai tap da dang.

Co the nhanh chong cal thien diem trong thhi gian ngan vdi cac vi du va bai tap
phong phu!
Neu muon nhanh chong cai thien diem, thay vl hoc va phan tich ly thuydt, hay
tint hieu cac dang de thi roi ap dung vio giai de lu6n. Vl the trong giao trinh nay,
da phan cac cau hoi va vi du deu giong cac dang de trong thu'c te. T6i cung danh
mot phan trong sach de day each lam bai thong qua phan tich cac dang de, giup
cac thi sinh tidt kidm thdi gian lam bai thi.

Doc hieu (Reading Comprehension): Tap hop bo de trong 3 nam gan day va phUOng
phap lam phan 7!
Xu lufdng ra dd khong he thay ddi trong may nam gan day, dac bidt d pit an 5, 6.
Chi can nam ro xu htidng nay thi co the dd dang dat diem cao. Tuy nhien, co the
thay ro nhffng bidn hda d phan 7 trong cac bai thi gdn day. HiSn nay co vo so sach
on luyen TOEIC, nhiing khdng sach nao co npi dung phan 7 chi tiet va chuyen
sau nhu giao trinh nay. Dd giai quyd't 200% moi phien nao ma cac thi sinh gap
phai vi phan 7 nay, moi tai lidu nghicn ctfu trong suot thdi gian qua deu dtiOc ghi
chep lai trong giao trinh nay.

Nghe hieu (Listening Comprehension): Cac each tra Idi cau hoi LC theo tdng bifdc
dope phan tich ti mi!
Cac can hoi cua phan nghe can co each ticp can cu the' hon. Giao trinh nay ghi
chep chi tidt each tiep can can hoi co the ap dung tnic I icp vao thtfc te de tlm ra
dap an.

Giao uinli nay lap day nhiing 16 hong trong cac giao trinh on tap TOEIC CO ban khac.
Danh 5 tidng nidi ngay trong vdng 2 thing de hoc theo giao trinh nay, toi tin chac cac
ban co did dupe trcn 700 didm. Chile cac ban may man.
Jo Gang-Soo
Ldi noi dau 3
Xu hifdng ra de thi TOEIC mdi nhat va chien Idcfc hoc lap 6
Bo cue va dac trdng cua cuon sach 12
Study plan 15



Chapter 01
Olu true cau (Sentence structure) 19
01 I Chu ngd (Subject), Oong td (Verb), Tan ngO (Object),
bo ngO (Complement) 20

Chapter 02
Dong ttf (Verb) 29
02 I Phan ioai dong tit (Types of Verbs ) 30
03 I Thi cua dong tit (Verb Tenses) 40
04 I The chu dong (Active Voice), The bi dong (Passive Voice) 48
05 I Thiifc gia dinh (Subjunctive Mood) 58

Chapter 03
Dong tif kh6ng gicfi ban va cau true dac bidt
(Non-finite Verbs and Special Structures) 71
06 I Dong Id nguyen the (Infinitive) 72
07 I Danh dong tif (Gerund) 81
08 I Dong tinh tif (Participle) 89
09 I Cau true so sanh (Comparison) 97
10 ( Cau true song song va dao ngd (Parallel and Inversion) 104

Chapter 04
Td loai (Parts of Speech) 115
11 I Oanh tif (Noun) 116
12 I Dai td (Pronoun) 128
13 I Tinh td (Adjective) 139
14 I Trang tif (Adverb)
15 I Gi6i td (Preposition)

Chapter 05
Li£n tii va m£nh {Conjunctions and Clauses) 175
16 I Lien tit ket hop va lien tii tt/Ong quan
(Coordinating Conjunctions and Correlative Conjunctions) 176
17 I Menh de danh ngO (Noun Clauses) 191
18 I Menh de trang ngQ (Adverb Clauses) 189
19 I Menh de quan he (Relative Clauses) 196


Chapter 06
Cac dang ciu hoi 1
20 I Cau h6i ve chu de 212
21 I Cau hoi lien quan den danh tif rieng 217
22 I Cau hoi ve yeu cau 222
23 I Cau hdi ly do 227
24 I Cau hoi NOT 232
25 I Cau h6i suy luan 237
26 I Cau hoi td dong nghia 242

Chapter 07
Cac dang doan van.. 249
27 I Thu (Le1ter)/ThU dien td (E-mail) 250
28 I Quang cao (Advertisement) 257
29 I Thong bao (Notice & Announcement) 265
30 I ThU bao (Memo) .272
31 I Thong tin hUdng dan (Information) 279
32 I Mau (Form) va cac dang khac 286


Xu Huong ra de mdi nhat

Day khong con la phan de; nhat nhit nhieu ngifofi van nghi. Trong thcii gian
gan day, cac can 8,9, 10 thtftmg xoay quanh mieu ta sii v^t. Dang can hoi nay
chifa tifng xuar hien nen rat nhieu thi sinh lam sai. Cac thi sinh khong nen
nghi rang chi sai khoang 2 cau d phan 1 thi khong anh hitdng gl dd'n viac dat
diem cao. Nd'u cac phan co so diem bang nhau thi moi cau d phan 1 tifong
tfng vdi so dia'm cua 3 cau a phan khac. Du chi sai 1 cau cung se gay tret ngai
ddi vdi vide dat diem cao.

Phan tich xu hitotng ra da

Mua s4m
• Bflc tranh cb 1 ngilffi -• Nha hang
30% Vo
IB' ^—• Oilflng pho
Bile tranh cb ca ngt/fli Mgoai earth va cac
va vat npi dung khac
Ben trong va
20% "Biic tranh cb 2 hen ngoai nha
rgitfli trcl len Ndi lam viec
—• Bite tranh mieu ta trang
thai sit vat (khong co ^ Congly
Phan loai then dang cau hoi Phan loai theo ndi dung cau hoi

Chien lupc on tap va chien lufctc lam bai thi

a. Ti le ra cau hoi hinh anh nhan v^t la 60-70%, vi th5 phai nam ro cac
dong ttf hoac tinh tp li<!n quan d^'n dpng tac hay trang thai cua nhan v$t.
b. Nhin tranh va danh gia dung tinh huong trong tranh. Dii khong nghi ra
dtfpc rit gi lien quan d6n dpng tac hay trang thai, nhtlng neu hieu dting
bifc tranh thi van co the de dang chpn dtfpc dap an dting.
c. Loai bo ngay cac phuOng an mieu ta sai ve sp vat hay nhac den hanh
dpng khong co trong tranh, tdp trung vao cac phifpng an khac.
d. Vifa nghe vifa to luon dap an d^' tift kiem thdi gian.
e. Nhia'u c^u khong co dap an hoan coan chinh xac. Trong tntdng hop nay,
phai chon dap an gan dung nhat.


Xu hiidng ra de mdi nhat

Dii co cung dang cau hoi nhtfng nhilng can hoi tif so 11-21 thifdng de hon,
nhdng can hoi sau se kho din. Dac biat, tif sau cau 35 thifdng co nhilu cau
hoi kho de gianh didm cao, vi vly khi lam bai phli hdt sdc chu y. Gan day,
ti Id ra de vao cac cau tran thult tang len, cac cau hoi co tif de hoi Why, How
cung xuat hidn nhidu.

Phan ti'ch xu hiitVng ra dd

trSr IhuSt

Cau h6i co til de hdi

^ Cau hdi thong thUdrig/
oau hoi phD djnti/cSu hoi dudi
Cau hdi lua chgn ciu
CSu Mi gidn tiep
13 » CSu de nghj

Chu hoi Iga chon til

Phan loai then npi dung cau h6i

Chien luoc on tap va chien hide lam hai thi

a. Dap an chinh xac difpc quylt dmh befi tif de hoi xult hien b dau cau hoi.
Dii co nghe va hii?u ro phan sau di nifa, n^'u khong nghe difpc tif di hoi
thi khong the chon difpc dap an dung.
Gan day, ngay cang co nhieu cau ma khi doc phan cau hoi thi thay de
nhifng khi nghe se rat kho phan tich. C5 phan 2 khong th^ tim them
thong tin th de thi nen phai hdt sdc tip trung lang nghe.
c. Nln tong hop lai cac dang dap an da bi bly nhd tP dong am, tP chia thPi,
thd, tP co cung each vidt. Dac biet, viec tong hpp dppc cac cau hoi ma
ban than hay lam sai, hay nhlm lan se lam tang ti la tra Idi dung.
d. Co nhilu trpPng hpp thi sinh mat nghe ma quen mlt tP de hoi trong ciu
hoi hay quan mat phin md dau. Du co tip trung tha nao di nPa thi vile
era loi lidn tuc 40 cau cung rat de gay cang thang. Trong tritdng hop nay,
thi sinh nen ghi iai ngan gpn nhing npi dung nghe dope vao d^ thi.


Xu hiidng ra de mdi nhat

1 han dau cua phan 3 tu" cau 41--49 bao gom nhifng cau hoi don gian, doan
hoi thoai cua nhifng cau hoi nay thifdng ngan, va co lien quan den lich trinh
tiep theo, dia diem, ngifdi tifofng thuat.
1 han sau cua phan 3 tif cau 62-70 thtfcfng xuat hien cac cau hoi ve thong tin
chi tiet vdi doan hpi thoai dai hon, cac dap an lua chpn thtfcfng la cau hoan
chinh. 'Dang can hoi va" npi dung co ban" thtfdng va chu de, dia diem, ngifOi
tifdng thuat, yeu clu, de nghi va lich trinh tiap theo.
Phan 4 ngay cang co nhieu dang bai lien quan den thong bao va' sif kien, tin
nhan dian thoai.

Phan ti'ch xu hifdng ra da

-Ola diem cu the
—Oat cho, mua v6
cau h6i ve noi dung
b^n ftp /o • Di lam, tan lam, di chuydn.
lim di/dng
177. 10%—*051 van chuyen
-• CSu hoi ve thOng
tin chi tiet (dang • H6ngh6crsiia
tra Idi thanh cau chila, bao trl. nang cap
ho^n chinh) m i Nhan su, nghiep vu
Hop hanh, su kien
26 Cau hoi ve thong • An uAng, Idi mdi
tin chi ttft (dang
tra Idi ngln gon) • Tuytn dung, ttiarg tier
—• Sinh hoat. giai In
Phan loai theo dang cau hdi phan 3 Phan loai theo npi dung cau hoi phan 3

Tin nhin dien thoai

QuJng can, liiam quan.
kien tap
:.r: . f s,,
14 Truyen hinh, phdt thanh

44 % • Thong bao, chi dSn, dien thuySt, phat M'u

Phan loai theo ngl dung cau hoi phan 4

Chien hide on tap va chien ludc lam bai thi
a. Trddc khi nghe phai tim ra va danh diu td trong tam trong de thi.
Phai nhAn biet dddc noi dung cau hoi mdi co the nghe va chon difdc
dap an dung.
b. Phai luydn viia nghe vifa doc cau hoi va dap an. Vi thi sinh catt nam ditdc
noi dung cau hoi va xac nh4n lai trong qua trlnh nghe. Ban dau se rat
khd, nhifng luyen tap nhieu se quen dan.
c. Da phan thil td cau hoi se theo ti&t trinh bai nghe. Vi thd, phai luy^n giai
de theo thd ttf.
d. Co nhieu tntdng hop, thong tin cho dap an xuat hien d ngay dau doan
hoi thoai. Do do, ph^i tip trung ngay tu dau.
e. Tinh huong didn ra theo tdng chu de, vi viy chiing thitdng kha giong
nhau. Vi du: May in bi hong, ngitdi c^n tim da di cong tac. Ndu ban
quen vdi nhiing noi dung thifdng gap do, vide giai d<! se trd nen dl dang
hon rat nhi^u. Khi khong co nhieu thdi gian hoac khong muon lam bai,
ban hay doc noi dung bai nghe (tapescript).


Xu huVng ra moii nhait

Mac dii m6i de thi deu co mot chut khac biet trong cau true nhitng cau hoi lien
quan den ngtf phap va tit vung dang difqc chia deu. Da phan cac cau hoi deu co
cac dang va do kho cO ban. Cung nhif rru'Oc day, co mot so cau hoi kho can trcf
vide gianh difqc diem ruyet doi. Tuy nhien, nhin chung cau hoi va ttf vung dang
dan kho hon. CJ phan 6, ti Id cau hoi tif vtfng cao hon phan 5, va co nhieu cau
doi hoi phai hieu ro nghTa cua doan van mo'i tra Ibi dope.

U Phan tich xu hifdng ra dd

Cau hoi ngil phap
|*5jk • Cau hoi vi
C3u hoi td viing
55 Cau hhi vi
35 ngii phap

Phan l0 lhe0 dang cau h6i phan 6

Phan loai theo dang cau h6i phan 5 ^
Chien liidc hoc tap va chien luoc lam bai thi
a. Phan 5 va phan 6 !a nhffng phan co the tra Idi difpc nhi^u nhat. KJii giai
de1' ban phai luon phan tich nhanh cac dap an cung nhd noi dung tnidc
va sau ch6 trong.
b. Nen danh dau nhffng cau khong bift va ngay lap cdc chuyen sang cau sau.
C.hi nen danh toi da 25 phut cho phan 5, 6 de co du thdi gian lam phan 7.
c. Phai chac chan tra Idi dung hdt phan cau hoi ngf? phap. Cac cau hoi ve
rd vtfng thifdng la cac cau d^ gianh diem cao.
Phai nhd nhffng tif thifdng kft hop cung nhau (collocations). Co nhffng
each dung tif chung ta thay khong sai nhtfng ngtfdi ban dia Jai khong bao
gid dung. Gang bifr nhieu each kdt hop tif cang ti€t kiem dtfOc thdi gian
lam bai va gianh difoc di€rn cao.


Xu hifdng ra nidi nhat

I rang nhdng de thi 1 OEIC gan day, phan nay la phan khd nhat. Cac thi sinh
luon thay vat va vdi nhdng cau hoi khd citng vdi doan van dai. Dit la nhdng
chu d^" don gian nh^'t cung phai nam bat dtfOc y nghla doan van. Viec tim
goi y rrong doan van de tra Idi cau hoi ngay cang khd khan hon. Cac cau hoi
doi hoi suy doan, ly luin ngay cang khd, cau hoi tif ddng nghia cung lien tuc
xuat hiSn.
Hien nay, cac dang thif, email du'dc ra nhieu nhat, cac dang hddng dan, bai
bao cung xuat hien nhieu hon. Dac biet cang v6 sau, cac doan van cang dai
hon, khien cho thi sinh gidi cung khd ma tra Idi dung roan bp.

Phan ti'ch ti le ra dd

Email, the Cau hoi xac (Jinh chii de

8 Lfli nhan thii bao, thong bao Cau h6i td viing
Cong van
< Ljch trinh Cau hoi suy doan
Quang cao
Cau hoi xac dinh
13%- 15°/. thong tin chung
35% »Cau h6i xac dinh
13 thong tin chi tiet

Phan loai theo chu tfe Phan loai theo cau h6i

Chien Itfdc on tap va chien liftfc lam bai thi
N£u ban khong tit tin trong vi^c quan ly thdi gian thi nen lam phan 7
tnfdc, phan 5, 6 lam sau.
Phai luy^n doc can hoi tafdfc, sau do doc nhdng phan can thift trong
doan van. Thifc t^ khi lita chon dap an, nhufng phdn can thift khong co
nhieu trong mot doan van dai. Can phai r^p luyein xac dinh trong tarn
can hoi, sau do chi doc nhrfng phan can thifi't.
Da' dat dia'm cao, tritdc khi khoanh dap an, phai suy nghl lai mot lan.
Trong de thi TOEIC, khong nhieu cau hoi co tha' thay ngay dap an. Co
nhieu trifdng hqp neu suy nghl them se tim ra dap an khac.
Gqi y cung xu^t hidn cf cuoi doan van. Tuy tiing rrifbng hop dap an co
the dope quya't dinh d nhiifng cau cuoi doan van.


Foi da nhaln duac rat nhieu cau hoi trong qua trinh giang day, mot trong nhdng
cau hoi pho bien nh^'t la "Lam the nao de nhanh chong cai thi6ii diem so?"
DtfOng nhien, doi vO TOEIC, cac ban cung phai hoc trong mot khoang tho'i
gian nhat dinh, nghla la phai "co qua trinh tich luy nhat djnh" thi mdi cd the
dat diem cao. Tuy nhien du co citng thdi gian hoc, neu hoc tap co phifomg phap
thi co the dat dtfqe so diem mong muon nhanh hon ngifoi khac. Vay, phai hoc
FOEIC nhit thf nao?
Toi luon nhan manh vao van de "thtfc te" doi voi cac thi sinh on thi. Voi bat ct'f
viec gi, neu hoc khong di doi vdi hanh thi khong bao gicf dat dtfpc kd't qua tot.
Neu chi tap trung vao ly thuyet thi se khong the hinh thanh ky nang lam bai
hi^u qua. Toi da trtfc tiep lam bai thi va danh gia dtfpc chinh xac quy tac ra de
cua ETS (Vien Idrao thi G iao due Hoa Ky), tit do difa ra cac phiiOng phap giai
d^' thi hieu qua cho cac thi sinh. Va giao trinh nay chifa dtfng tat ca nhOng bi
quyet lam bai do.

1. Nang cao ky nang lam bai thitc te thong qua he thong cau hoi miu va vi
du da dang
Muc tieu Ion nhat cua cudn sach nay la hinh thanh kha nang lam bai thifc tc cho cac
thi sinh. Cach giai cac dang can hoi se difpc the hien hieu qua diong qua vi du va bai
dp thifc h;inh thay vi nhufng Irii giai thich dai dong, phiit: tap.
Giao trinh nay cung cap cac bai Hp va vi du phong phti hon nhifng giao trinh
luy£n thi TOEIC l-drac. Cac bai Hp va vi du dtia ra
trong sach dupe chinh He gia vier ra sau khi phan
tich ky cac quy tac ra de gan day.
2. Bai luyen tap phan anh chinh xac cac dang
ra d^ thifc te
U .)| 1 >1^.1 I ifI 1.1,11 ,| |,If. (I
Trong bat cii ky thi nao, de dat du'pc diem cao,
chiing ta dcu phai tiep can voi cac dang etc mdi
■ . I Ml, Iifpl (Itw .i tifnil i.h. phx Jiii^ J.dli 1U.
nhat. Su' khac biet giifa viec nam bat du'pc sii bicn
doi cua de thi cung nhif cac dang de mdi nhat vPi
vice khong nam bar difpc no la rat Ipn. Chinh vi
vay, cac vl du va cau hoi difoc diJa vao giao trlnh nay
deu diioc rnydn chon ky Kfong dc co the phan anh
chinh xac nhflng xu huong ra dc moi nhat. Trong
cuon sach nay, toi da cd gang trinh bay nhiJng bidn
doi dii la nho nhat cua quy tac ra dd trong thdi gian
gan day difa tren kinh nghiem true ticp tham gia thi
va nhhng kinh nghidm rut ra trong qua trinh giang
day cho cac thi sinh.

3. Nhan manh vao trong tam de dat diem cao

Ci phan "Tom tat trong tam", toi se tap trung vao
xu hifdng ra de de diia ra phriong hridng hoc tap.
Cu the, sau qua trinh phan rich chuan xac va toan
didn cac dang de thric td, toi da chi ra nhdng loi
thiidng gap ma cac ban thi sinh sO-trung cap hay
mac phai va gap nhieu kho khan trifdc khi bat tay
vao qua trinh on luyen. Trong phan nay, toi se giai
thich mot each ngan gon, dd hieu cac kien rhifc
can nhd.
Ngoai ra, toi con difa ra con so thong ke tan suat
xuat hidn cac dang de trong 1 nam giup cac ban
thi sinh nhan thifc difoc nhflng noi dung cdn
ifu tidn, tii do xay diing diipc kd hoach 6n tap
thich hop.

4. Kiem tra danh gia viec ap dung kien thiic

da hoc bang Half Test (Bai Idem tra thiif)
Ngoai nhufng cau hoi cua dd thi thrfc te va cac vi
du, giao trinh nay con cung cap them Half Test
(Bai kiem rra thuf). Cud'i m6i chifong se cd bai
kiem tra, Hp trung vao trong tam la noi dung
cua chinh chuong do, dd nang cao ky nang lam
bai cung nhif de thi sinh luyen tap them. Tuy so
liipng cau hoi it hon bai thi that nhung se co cau
true nfong tU giup thi sinh tU danh gia phan kien
thiic con chifa v2ng.
5. Phan 7 chi tiet hcfn bait cii cuon sach nao
kbac cAu nbjv£cMii»f
Iheo xu hiicfng ra de" thi TOEIC hidn nay, phan
dupe quan tam nhat chinh la phan 7, day la phan nr QUV^T 1AM IUI

khien cac thf sinh cam thay kho khan nhat. d phan
nay, mifc do khd tang dan se tao ap life Idn vcfi cac
thi sinh cd ky nang doc-hicu con y^u. Cac dang de
thi se dtfpc phan loai chi tier, qua trinh phan tlch nAm »At hf ijuyfir mm iwi
doan van cung nhif each giai da" thi difdc trinh hay
cu the, de hieu.

cStiidy &>lan

Phil htfp vcri cac thi sinh viia mcfi bat dau on 1OEIC,
Cac thi sinh thi^'u nd'n tang cd ban n^n Itta chon
60 Days
hoach on thi trong 60 ngay va luydn tip giao trinh nay
nhi^u lan. Phai hoc ky tit vitng cO ban, nam dtipc tat ca
cac phifcfng phap lam bai.

Week 1 Dayl Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Chapter Chapter 01 01 Chapter 01 01 Chapter 01 01 Chapter 02 02 Chapter 02 02
Week 2 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Chapter Chapter 02 02 Chapter 02 03 Chapter 02 03 Chapter 02 03 Chapter 02 04
Week 3 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
Chapter Chapter 02 04 Chapter 02 05 Chapter 02 05 Half Test 01 Chapter 03 06
Week 4 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
Chapter Chapter 03 06 Chapter 03 07 Chapter 03 08 Chapter 03 08 Chapter 03 08
WeekS Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25
Chapter Chapter 03 09 Chapter 03 09 Chapter 03 10 Chapter 03 10 Halt Test 02
Week 6 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30
Chapter Chapter 04 11 Chapter 04 11 Chapter 04 12 Chapter 4 12 Chapter 04 13
Week? Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35
Chapter Chapter 04 13 Chapter 04 14 Chapter 04 14 Chapter 04 15 Chapter 04 15
WeekS Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40
Chapter Halt Test 03 Chapter 05 16 Chapter 05 16 Chapter 05 17 Chapter 05 17
Week 9 Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45
Chapter Chapter 05 18 Chapter 05 18 Chapter 05 19 Chapter 05 19 Half Test 04
Week 10 Day 46 Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 Day 50
Chapter Chapter 06 20 Chapter 06 21 Chapter 06 22 Chapter 06 23 Chapter 06 24
Week 11 Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 Day 55
Chapter Chapter 06 25 Chapter 06 26 Chapter 07 27 Chapter 07 28 Chapter 07 29
Week 12 Day 56 Day 57 Day 58 Day 59 Day 60
Chapter 01-05 Chapter 06-07
Chapter Chapter 07 30 Chapter 07 31 Chapter 07 32 ^ ^

Phu htfp vdi cac thi sinh da thi thuf TOEIC vai lan hoac

30 DayS ^ I:r'n^1 trung cap. Cac thi sinh d trinh do nay co

ki5n thiic ngii phap, tii vu'ng tdng the nhifng van con sai
nhieu, khong hi^'u sau va vdn gap kho khan khi hia chpn
dap an. Cac ban n6n doc toan bo sach va phai luy^n t^p
nhieu lan tap trung vao nhifng phan con yfu.

Week 1 Dayl Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 DayS

Chapter Chapter 01 01 Chapter 02 02 Chapter 02 03 Chapter 02 04-05 Half Test 01

Week 2 Day 6 Day 7 DayB Day 9 Day 10

Chapter Chapter 03 06 Chapter 03 07 Chapter 03 08 Chapter 03 09-10 Half Test 02

Week3 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Chapter Chapter 04 11-12 Chapter 04 13-14 Chapter 04 15 Half Test 03 Chapter 05 16

Week 4 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20

Chapter Chapter 05 17 Chapter 05 18 Chapter 05 19 Half Test 04 Chapter 06 20-21

WeekS Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25

Chapter Chapter OS 22-23 Chapter 06 24 Chapter 06 25-26 Chapter 07 27 Chapter 07 28

Week 6 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30

Chapter Chapter 07 29 Chapter 07 30 Chapter 08 31 Chapter 08 32 review

Khoa hoc phu hop vcri cac thi sinh co muc rieu dar diem
cao. Thay vi hoc toan bo giao trinh, thi sinh n6n chon
liJa nhOng phan can rhift va rap trung vao do. Thay vi
hi^'u ly do dap an nay dung, phai nam ro tai sao liia chpn
nay sai, di€u nay se giup ban dat diem cao.
—■■■■■II !■ MM
Week 1 Dayl Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Chapter 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 02 Chapter 02 Chapter 02

Chapter 06 20 Chapter 06 21 Chapter 06 22 Chapter 06 23 Chapter 06 24

Week 2 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Chapter 03 Chapter 03 Chapter 03 Chapter 03 Chapter 03

Chapter 06 25 Chapter 06 26 Chapter 07 27 Chapter 07 27 Chapter 07 28

Week3 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Chapter 04 Chapter 04 Chapter 04 Chapter 04 Chapter 04

Chapter 07 28 Chapter 07 29 Chapter 07 29 Chapter 05 30 Chapter 05 30

Week 4 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20

Chapter 05 Chapter 05 Chapter 05

Chapter 01-05 Chapter 06-07
review review
Chapter 07 31 Chapter 07 31 Chapter 07 32


■ IB
1— 1





ini ^
L if


f)1 Chu npfl fSubiect). Dojib

• o tii (Verb).
Tan nvri (Obiec t), B6 ngu' (Complemen t)


Trong cdc thdnh phdn cdu tht chu ngd, dpng tu\ tan ngit, ho ngii Id nhiing yen to cti
ban nhdt cua ngdphdp, vi the ban cdn phdi ndm rd vi tri cua chung.

1 | V) TRI CHO NGLl'

m Tom tdt trong tdm: Dang cdu hoi dim tii hay cum danh tit lam chu ngd vdo cbd trong.

11 Chi co nhiing th hay cum tii dam nhiem chifc nang cua danh tii mdi co the
diing 6 vi tri chu nguf. (2-3 cau trong de mdi nam)
Danh tii
(nf&fmtng (on shopping ideas) can be found on this website.
(Co the tim thay thong tin ve cac y tudng mua sam tren trang web nay.)
Diing tnioic dong tii (can be found) la chu ngii nen phai dimg danh
tii (information).

Danh dpng tii

Change (the system) requires a big budget and a long time.
(Viec thay doi he thong doi hoi kinh phi Ion va mat rat nhieu thai gian.)
Diing tnidc dpng tii (requires) la chu ngii nen trong tnidng hpp nay,
co the sti dung danh dpng tit (Changing) hoac danh tii (Change),
tuy nhien vi co tan ngii (the system) nen phai diing danh dpng tii.

Quick Quiz 1
new information on the routes is our main task.
(A) Release (B) Releasing (C) To releasing (D) Releases

Dai tii nhan xting

A ring (that them purschased at the jewelry shop) was a bargain,
(Chiec nhan ma ho da mua d cua hang trang site qua la mot mon hdi.)

Dtfng trUcfc dong tif (purchased) la chu ngrf n6n phai dung dai tif
nhan xUng chu nguf (they) chrf khdng phai tan ngii (them).

Quick Quiz 2
The period supplied typewriter ribbons was between 1978-1982.
( ) ^eir (B) theirs (C) them (D) they

M^nh dd" danh nguf:

(Although he analyzed the report) was to revive his company.
(Viec anh ay phan tfch bao cao la de khoi phuc lai cong ty cua minh.)
Dufng trUdc dong tif (was) la chu ngfl nen phai dung m£nh d^' danh
ngd (That he analyzed the report). Khong dimg li^n tif hay mdnh de
trang ngti (Although).

Quick Quiz 3]
you apply for the position is absolutely your choice
(A) After (B) Nevertheless (C) Whether (D) Before

2 I Khong the dung dong tif hay ti'nh tif d vi tn chu nguf
The new employ is very satisfied with her office kitchen,
(Nhan vien mdi rat hai long vdi phong bep d van phong cua co ay.)
Phai ditng danh tif (employee) lam chu ngtf dtfng sau tinh tif (new)
va tnfcfc dong tif (is), con employ la dong tif.

Quick Quiz 4
A special given to him is publishing a company newsletter.
(A) assigned (B) assignable (C) assign (D) assignment

31 O vj tri chu ngii gia, cht co the dung 'There va It. (1 cau trong de mfii nam)
Tlicy are applicants for the position.
(Co mot vai ting vien cho vi tri do)
(here co nghia la co va cau true la There + dong tif (be, remain) +
danh tif + tif bd nghia cho danh tif". Liic nay khong the diing dong
tit" (applied) vao vi tri chu ngii (applicants).

Quick Quiz 5|
remain two possible options in design and color of the product.
(A) There (B) That (C) They (D) We


Tom tat trow tdm: Trong de thudng xuyen m cdu hoi phdn biit dong tii khong gidi
ban (Non-finite) vd dong tdgidi ban (finite).

11 CJ vi tri cua dong tii gidi han khong the dung danh dong tit hoac dong tii
nguyen the co "to". (Gan nhil ky thi nao cung xuat hien)

Vi du:
Information (that damages the system) to detect by the vaccine program.
Was detected
(Thong tin pha huy he thong da dupe phat hien bang chUdng trtnh khoi phuc
dd lieu.)
Trong cau nay, chii ngu' "information khong co tinh til bd nghla
cho no. Vi viy, d vi tri dong til (detect) phai la dong til. gidi ban (was
detected) ma khong phai la dong til nguyen thd' co to (to detect).

The financial status of a group which recruited volunteers .

(A) deteriorating (B) deteriorated (C) are deteriorated (D) to deteriorate

21 Dilng sau dong tii khuyet thieu (modal verbs) phai la dong tii nguyen the.
(1-2 cau trong Se mdi nam)
Marsha cannot gees along with his view on a large-scale restructuring.
(Marsha khong the dong y vdi quan diem tai cau true quy mo Idn cua anh ay.)

Quick Quiz 21
Maids must not us while we are resting in the hotel room.
(A) disturb (B) disturbed (C) disturbing (D) is disturbed

31 Cau menh lenh khong chu ngii bat dau bang dong tit dang nguyen the. (1
cau trong de moi nam)
Please to visit for more career information,
(Vui Idng truy cap trang web de co them thong tin ve viec lam.)
Khong the dung dong tif dang nguyen thd co to, dong tinh tit hay
danh tit vao vi tri cua dong tii dang nguyen the trong cau menh lenh.

Quick Quiz 3l
When you get back to Japan, please kindly our suggestion.
(A) to review (B) reviewing (C) reviewer (D) review


Tom tdt trow tdrn: Cdc dang cau hdi dien danh til hay cum danh til veto vi tri
tdn ngd.

11 Chi diing nhung tit, cum tit dong vai tro danh tit (V vi tri tan ngii.
(Cum) danh tit
Thev delivered inviting to hold a one-day management seminar,
(Ho da gCti di giay mdi tham du mot hoi thao mot ngay ve quan ly.)
Chi co th£ diing danh tit (invitation - giay mdi) d vi tri cua tan
ngit. Khong th^' dung tinh tit, trang tit hay danh dong tit (inviting
- viec mdi).
Quick Quiz 1
The lobby of the Hilton hotel will undergo — next week.
(A) renovates (B) renovations (C) renovative (D) renovated
Dai tit nhan xitng tan ngd
A three-day reward vacation helps himself celebrate his promotion.
(Ky nghl 3 ngay dUdc thudng giup anh ay co thdi gian an milng viec thang chile.)
Chi co thd diing dai tit tan ngii (object pronoun) va dai tit phan than
(reflexive pronoun) vao vi tri tan ngd. Ndu chu ngd va tan ngd la
ciing mot ddi tifdng thi phai diing dai td phan than (himself), con
n&i khdng thi phai diing dai td tan ngd (him).

(D) their

Danh dong tif

Factory workers have discontinued to work for a week.
fCac cong nhan nha may da d'mh cong dugc 1 tuan.)
O vj tri cua tan ngu", dijfng sau ngoai dong tit (discontinued) chi co
thd diang danh dong tit (working).

Dong tit nguyen th^

OPM Corporation promised improving working conditions,
to improve
(Cong ty OPM htfa se cai thien dieu ki$n lam wee.)
O v| tri cua tan ngit, ditng sau ngoai dong tit (promise) chi co th€
dimg dong tit nguyen the co to (to improve).

2! Khong dung dong tit, tinh tit, trang tit d vi trt tan ngit.
You should back up your computer regularly to prevent lose.
(Ban nen sao Iwu dO lieu may tinh thu'o'ng xuyen de tranh bi mat dO lieu.)

Quick Quiz 3
DM company announced of working hours to the factory workers.
(A)changeable (B)changeably (C) changes (D)change

4 | VI TRI B6 NGU"

Sfr* Tom tdt trom tdm: Dang cdu hoi dien tinh tii vdo vi tri hd ngit thiibng xuyen
^ xudt hien trong de.

1 i O vi tri bo nguf, co the ditng tinh tit de giai thich cho chu ngfl. (3-4 cau trong
de mbi nam)
Adding graphs on your report will be (quite) hetp.
(Viec bo sung bang bieu vao bao cao cua ban se giup ich kha nhieu.)

Khong the clung danh i\i (help) vao vi tri bd ngC dilng sau ddng tit be dc
giii thich cho chu ngu! (Adding graphs) ma phai dung tinh tti (helpful).

Please keep him notification on this issue via e-mail,

(Vui long thudng xuyen thong bao cho anh ay van de nay qua e-mail.)
Giai thich cho tan ngd (him) va diing sau "dong tit + tan ngit" (keep
him) phai diing tinh tit (notified - dupe thong bao).

Quick Quiz 1
Some terms of partnership with Letro still remain .
(A) ambiguity (B) ambiguousness (C) ambiguously (D) ambiguous

21 Neu bo ngfl co mdi quan he tiictng quan vdi chu ngii hay tan ngiif thl danh
tit co the diing d vi tri bd nguf.
in 2010, James became superviaofy of music at Disney,
(Nam 2010, James da trd thanh giam doc am nhac cua Disney.)
Chu nguf (James) va bd ngit cung de cap den mot ddi tvfpng nen khdng
the dung tinh tit (supervisory) ma phai dimg danh tit (supervisor).

They will appoint him the manageable.

(Hg se bo nhiem anh ay lam ngudi quan ly.)
Tan ngit (him) va bd ngd titefng ditong nhau nen khdng thi diing tinh
tit (manageable) vao vi tri bd ngh ma phai diing danh tit (manager).

Quick Quiz 2
His former achievements were so great that the company appointed him a .
(A) supervise (B) supervisor (C) supervising (D) supervised

Mini-test Dap an va phan ti'ch xem trang 4 phdn Answer Keys

1. Rodriguez in the engineering team (C) benefit

is saying that the of the digital (D) to benefit
device is simple.
(A) operating 6. If you'd like another name tag to go
(B) operation with the one you were, just the
(C) operated receptionist.
(D) operates (A) asked
(B) asks
2. Many experts recommend investing (C) ask
in mutual funds as the housing (D) to ask
market to take a nosedive.
(A) continuing 7. If all necessary safety precautions
(B) continues , we can prevent such terrible
(C) continually accidents.
(D) continuous (A) take
(B) are taken
3. Beyond the economic situation, -— (C) has been taken
exist many challenges the company (D) taking
faces now.
(A) there 8. The company's recently issued
(B) it of divisional reporting was handed
(C) he in to the president.
(D) that (A) summary
(B) summarize
4. Please note that complimentary gift (C) summarily
boxes and gift wrapping for this (D) summarized
shipment, along with a gift receipt. 9. There have been great of
(A) were selected reducing greenhouse gases by
(B) selecting using these eco-friendly products.
(C) to select (A) achieved
(D) selection (B) achieving
(C) achievements
5. Continued intergration of the (D) achieve
economies of this region may
workers and consumers. 10. the faulty equipment with
(A) benefits new one costs about four to five
(B) benefited thousand dollars.
(A) Replacement 12. He assured us they were
(B) Replaced working around the clock to fix the
(C) Replacing problem yesterday.
(D) Replace (A) even though
II. The copy of low interest rates (B) that
and higher profits - by some (C) until
company attracted investors. (D) therefore
(A) had been posted
(B) were posted
(C) to post
(D) posted

Question 13-15 refer to the following letter:

Dear Mrs. Sanders,

Happy Holidays! As a valued customer, we would like you to be among the first to know
about our sale. The prices of all specialty printer paper and decorative will be
13. (A) enveloping
(B) enveloped
(C) envelope
(D) envelopes
reduced by 40% throughout the month of December.
We will also be having our annual Christmas raffle. This year, the grand prize is a
weekend stay for two at the Stendan Island Inn. The winner will receive a free stay in the
penthouse suite as well as a free dinner af the rooftop restaurant.
Money from the sale of raffle tickets will all be donated to Children Now, an organization
that helps families by food and clothing.
14. (A) provide
(B) providing
(C) provided
(D) provision
We look forward to seeing this Christmas season.
15. (A) yours
(B) you
(C) your
(D) yourselves
Delilah and David Dudley






Phan loai dong tii' (Types of Verbs)

03 Thi cua dong tii" (Verbs Tenses)

0<t The chu dong (Active Voice),

the hi dong (Passive Voice)

05 Cach (Case)

Hall Test 01

Neu khong nam ro 5 cd'u true cua cdu ditn (simple sentence), ban se thdy viic hoc
tieng Anh rat kho khan. Dedat diem cao, nhdt dinh phdi thudn thuc 5 cdu true
cdu nay.

1 | CAU J RUC I: CHU NGLT + DONG Tt/ 12-3 cihi trong demfiinam)

Tom tqt tryng tdm: Trong de thudng xuyen xudt hien dang cdu hoi phdn hiet noi dong
td (intransitive verb) vd ngoai dong tit (transitive verb) dedien vdo chb trong.

Ngi dong rif rhiidfng xny^n di vdi trang tif va cum gidri tif, nhifng khong the
di ciing tan ngh.

go/come di/den proceed tien hanh

arrive den noi fall roi/giam
rise tang ten work lam viec
disappear bien mat happen, occur, take place dien ra
decline rdi/giam/tiJ chdi function chitc nang, van hanh

Unemployment rates in Japan have demoted recently.

have fallen
(T\ le that nghiep d Nhat gan day da giam.)
Vi co trang tit (recently) dhng sau nen can noi dong tit (fall), khong
the diing ngoai dong tit (demote).

The company will eondttet to further test of the product,

(Cong ty se tien hanh kiem tra them doi vdi san pham do.)
Vi co cum gidi tit (to further test of the product) nen din noi dong
tit (proceed).

Quick Quiz
1. If the appliance fails to function - please bring it back to our shop.
(A) proper (B) properness (C) properly (D) propers

2. Lora picked her belongings at the theater, and — to the exit.

(A) accessed (B) went (C) took (D) brought


(1-2 cau trong de moi 2 thang)

Tom tdt trnnv tdm: Dang cau hoi dim ttnh tii vao cho trdng.

0 cau true thil 2, ctrlng sau dong ttf lien ker la tinh tif.

be la/thl remain van con

become trd thanh appear dUdng nhu la
feel camgiacnhula

Providing good benefits is more difficultly than giving a decent salary.

(Viec cung cap phuc loi tot thi kho hOn la tri hJOng hop ly)
Vi co dong tif be (is) nen cSn tinh rtf (difficult).

Quick Quiz
t. If a task becomes increasingly , it is highly likely fo be monotonous.
(A) repeat (B) repetitive (C) repetitiveness (D) repetitively

2. Investors felts , since the company maintained a high level of secrecy.

(A) frustration (B) frustrate (C) frustrated (D) to frustrating


(Ky thi nao cung xuat hien)

Tom tat tronv I am:
1. Dang can hoi dim ngoai dong tit vao chd trdng tntc/c tan ngft
2. Dang cdu hoi dien ngoai dong tit veto chd trdng tntdc hoac sau dai tit tan ngft
3. Dang cdu hoi dim vdo chd trdng tntdc "gidi tit + tdn ngft"

II Cac ngoai dong tif thudng xuat hien trong de thi

contact lien lac accompany di cung

provide cung cap attend tham gia
enhance nang cao access tiep can
implement thUc hien check kiem tra
present trinh bay accommodate thich nghi
forward chuyen tiep consult tra cdu, tham khao

James participated the conference in Beijing in September 1995.

(James da tham gia hoi nghj d Bac Kinh vao thang 9 nam 1995.)
Vi co tan ngif (the conference) n^n phai dung ngoai dong tit (attended).

Quick Quiz 1
The board will 20 policy changes from August 12.
(A) function (B) supply (C) fill (D) implement

21 Dang cau hoi dien dong tit vao trudc "tan ngu + gitii tit'

06ng tit + A to B Dong tif + A (ngUdi) of B (sif vat)

attribute cho rang nguyen nhan cua A la do B notify thong bao cho A ve B
refer de cap d^n A vdi B inform cho A biet ve B
add them A vao B remind nhac A ve B
Dong td + A with B Dong tif + A from B
provide/supply cung cap B cho A
charge giao cho A viec B prevent/prohibit ngan A lam dieu B
distinguish phan biet A vdi B
replace thay A bang B
Analysis reptaeegreaterwealth and increase in leisure time to the growth of economy,

(Cac nha phan tich cho rang nguyen nhan cua ghat trien kinh te la sU gia tang
thdi gian ranh mi va cua cal.)
Vi co "tan ngut + to" nen phai dung ngoai dong tit.

Quick Quiz 2
The plant changed the machine to malfunctions from occurring.
(A) forbid (B) prevent (C) abstain (D) force

3 I Dang can hoi v£ noi dong tit vdfi can triic "n6i dong tii + gidi tif" thu'dng
xuyen xuat hien trong de

account for giai thich cho, chiem agree to (with, on) dong y
contribute to* dong gop, cdng hien add to* them vao
interfere with gay trd ngai ask for yeu cau
proceed to tiep tuc reply/reacUespond to tra Idi
object to phan doi apply to* ap dung
apply for dang ky, xin deal with xd ly, doi xCt
refer to* dS cap, tham khao
*; Noi dong td hay ngoai d6ng td deu dung ddoc

Your phone instantly effects to your commands via Wi-Fi network,

(Dien thoai cua ban se lap tdc phan hoi lai yeu cau cua ban qua mang Wi-Fi.)
Vi co gidi tif (to) nen phai diing noi dong td (react).

Quick Quiz 3
Since we immediately to our customers' requests, the sales are on the rise.
(A) show (B) respond (C) promise (D) designate

TIEP + TAN NGU" TRL/C TI^P (3-4 cau trong de mni nam)

Tom tiit tronv tdm: Dang de dim tii vao chd trdng trUdc "tii chi ngn'hi + tii chi sU vdt"
I'd "ti( chi ngiid'i + that".

II Dong tvi of trtfoto "tii chi ngiicfi + tii chi su" vat".

give dua offer de nghj send gu'i

show cho xem bring mang den

Your colleagues can provide you advice on how to deal with those matters,
(Cac dong nghiep cua ban co the cho ban Idi khuyen de giai quyet nhu'ng van
de do).
Vi co "tii chi ngiidi (you) + tii chi su" v^t (advice)" n^n phai diing
dong tii d cau true 4 (give) - give somebody something: diia cho ai
cai gi.

• Vdi tnidng hop "tii chi sO vlt + to tii chi ngiidi , phai liiu y dung "to tii chi
ngiidi .
if you want to return your sweater, present your receipt to me.
(Neu ban muon tra lai ao ten, vui long cho toi xem hoa don.)
Vi co "tii chi sii vat (your receipt) + to tii chi ngiidi (to me)" nen phai
diing dong tii show - show something to somebody: diia cai gi cho
ai xem.

If you guarantee a minimum order size, we can you a special discount.

(A) supply (B) impose (C) blame (D) offer

21 Dong tii diing trudc "tii chi ngifofi + that"

Inform thong bao notify thong bao assure dam bao

tell ke remind nhac nhd convince thuyet phuc

He mentions me that ail information is updated on their website regularly,
(Anh ay cho toi biet rang tat ca thong tin dugc cap nhat thudng xuyen tren trang
web cua ho.)

Quick Quiz 2
Tuber Inc. will shareholders that there will be a location change.
(A) charge (B) notify (C) comprise (D) notice


NGU TAN NGG (3-4 cau trong de moi nam)

Tom tdt rrony tam:

1. Dang can hoi die'n viio cho trong tnidc "tan ngd + bd ngU tan ngii"
2. Dang cau hoi dim tinh tit vao chd trong sau "dong tit + tan ngii"

Dong tu! trong can co can triic 5 thifrfng xuat hien trong cac can hoi khi di
kem vcVi tinh tit, dong ti'nh tit, danh tit & vi tri cua bd ngit tan ngfl.

Verb + smb/smth + smb/smth consider, make

Verb + smb/smth + adj find, keep, make

Many companies think him the best financial analyst.

(Rat nhieu cong ty coi anh ay la nha phan tich klnh te hang dau).

Quick Quiz
Please him notified about any possible strikes that results from layoffs.
(A) deteriorate (B) expert (C) help (D) keep


Trim tat trunv lam: Dang cdu hoi lua chpn ddng tii dang nguyen the thudng xuyen
xudt hi en trong de.

11 Sau dong tif ve nghla vu hoac tinh td ve trach nhiem, dong tif trong menh
de that phai la dong tit dang nguyen the. (2 cau trong de moi nam)

DpngtC/ve insist khang khang ask/request yet/cau require c?d//id/

trach nhiem order ra l$nh suggest de ngh/ recommend de cu1
imperative/essential mang tinh bat buodcan thiet
Tinh tit ve A ,
necessary can thiet
trach nhiem
important quan trong

They insist that he signs the document to get promoted,

(Ho khang khang rang anh ay phai ky van ban do de dddc thang chdc.)

It is imperative that James finishes the paperwork by this Friday

(James bat buoc phii hoan thanh cong viec giay td do vao thd Sau nay.)

Quick Quiz 1
The consultant recommends that Samuel his aggressive attitude.
(A)changed (B)changes (C) is changed (D)change

2 I Dung dong td dang nguyen the d sau "dong td cau khien/dpng td giac
quan/ help + tan ngd".

Dong tir cau khien make, let, have

Dong tii giac quan see, watch, hear, notice, feel

Dong Id cau khien sd glup d6 help

This recent report helps you realized the importance ot the issue.
(Bao cao md'i nhat nay giiip ban nhan ra tam quan trqng cua van de.)

Quick Quiz 2
He had the team - the discussion concerning marketing strategies for a product.
(A) completing (B) complete (C) completed (D) completion

3 I Dung dong tu" dang nguyen the van chfi trong sau dong tu khuyet thieu
(modal verb).

You must submitted the form that includes your personal financial status,
Ban phai nop mau ddn cho thay ci tinh trang tai chfnh ca nhan.

Quick Quiz 3
A customer who learn that his order was never recorded complained that this kind of
service cannot
(A) accepting (B) be accepted (C) accept (D) acceptance

Mini-test an va phSn tich xem trang 8 phan Answer Keys

1. He should early in the morning 2. To a space for parking his

to greet an account executive at company's shuttle buses, he had to
Sea-Tac airport. arrange it in advance.
(A) reach (A) district
(B) arrive (B)open
(C) provide (C) sit
(D) streamline (D) reserve

An employee in the shipping 8. When you receive a crucial document
department will the expected from buyers, — the document to
delivery date for him. your immediate superior.
(A) provide (A) conduct
(B)send (B) forward
(C) wire (C) detail
(D) transport (D) prolong

Five interviewers will evaluate his 9. The interviews that require a couple
for the position he applies for. of steps can be quite and even
(A) suitable time-consuming.
(B) suitability (A) cost
(C) suitably (B) costly
(D) suit (C) costless
(D) costing
In March, Seres its weekly
subscription rates, it did not seem 10. on the domestic market became
to lose its subscribers. fierce, and it led to sharp reductions
(A) raised in price.
(B) fell (A) Competition
(C) rose (B) Competitive
(D) suggested (C) Compete
(D) Competitively
A group of consultants that he
expand equipment leasing to grow 11. When you a problem while
his business. using this software, please contact
(A) notice the engineering team.
(B) compete {A) remove
(C) proceed (B) encounter
(D)suggest (C) postpone
(D) announce
This will that your resume is
properly sent to a specific person. 12. The conference is on immediate
(A) result expansion into new markets in Asia.
(B) recommend (A) focused
(C) stand (B) released
(D) ensure (C) increased
(D) equipped
Questions 13-15 refer to the following memo,

To: Sales
From: Oscar Velasquez
Subject; Flyer Misprint

I'd like to you aware that there was a misprint in an advertisement for our store
13. (A) submit
(B) regard
(C) host
(D) make
in a local magazine this week. The ad says that all men's formal shoes will be 60% off
rather than 16% off.

If customers come to the store and ask about the sale, please — to them and explain
that there was
14. (A) appreciate
(B) deliver
(C) apologize
(D) postpone
a printing error. Offer them an additional 5% discount to thank them for coming. A coupon
can be given out if the customer decides not to buy anything that day.

Please the manager down to the floor if you meet any customers who bring
15. (A) calls
(B) calling
(C) to call
(D) call
the ad in and demand that they receive the 60% discount. These cases are to be handled
on an individual basis.

Thank you.

^ - T— ^ — —


Ihl cua dang tii co 12 loai cd ban. Diia tren thanh phctn cua dong lii, cdc thi duVc
chia thdnh hien tai, qua kbu, tiiOng lai, dtin gidn, hoiin thanh, tiep dihi.


Tom tat trong tdm: Dang cc'iu hoi kit hop dong vdi trqng tit chi thd'i gian (adverb
m of time) xudt hien d ddu cdu hoqc cudi edit.

1 I Thi hien tai dcto dung de dien ta nhu'ng sit that hi^n nhien du 6 hien tai,
qua khii hay tufefng lai, thu'dng diing vdi cac trang tit usually, often, always,
currently, generally.

The government usually charged high taxes on an estate,

(Chinh phu thadng tjanh thue cao vao bat dong sin.)
Xuat hien trang tif (usually) va tlidn dat mot stf that la viec danh thue
cao vao bit dong san, ta dung dong tit cf thi hiin tai defn (charges).

Quick Quiz 1
Ms. Dumont currently for our largest competitor.
(A) worked (B) will work (C) had worked (D) works

2 I Thi qua khit defn thudng ditofc suf dung de bieu thj hanh dong hay trang
thai da cham diift d qua khiif. Thitdfng xuat hien vdi "yesterday, khoang thdi
gian + ago, last + mdc thdi gian". (3 cau trong de moi nam)

Last week, a new system that reduces your paperwork is HrrptemenT

was implemented
(Tuan trud'e. mot he thong mdi giup giam I Wong cdng viec giay to cho cac ban
da du'o'c dua vao stf dung.)

Quick Quiz 2
He and his colleagues Gerald's retirement party two weeks ago.
(A) will attend (B) have attended (C) attended (D) attend

31 Thi tridng lai drin thu'ring driric suf dung de dien ta suy doan, ke hoach, dri
kien nhufng viec se xay ra trong tricing lai, thiicing di cung "tomorrow, soon,
shortly, next + moc thoii gian". (3 cau trong de m6i nam)
I set up a meeting with Mr. Brown soon,
will set
(To/ se som sap xep mot cupc hen vdi ngai Brown.)

Quick Quiz 3
Diaz -— jn New York to receive staff training until next Monday.
(A) would remain (B) have remained (C) remained (D) will remain


Ak. Tom tdt tronv tdm: Dang can hoi kit hop thi vet trang tii chi thdi gian trUdc hay sau
chd trong hodc d (Mn cdu vet cud'i cau.

11 Ihi hien tai hoan thanh driric diing de chi nhring viec driric bat dau d qua
khii nhring co anh hridng den hien tai. Thi hien tai hoan thanh thridng xuat
hien dridi dang "since + thdi diem trong qua khri, in the last (past) + khoang
thdi gian, for/over the + khoang thdi gian, recently..." (4 cau trong de moi nam)

Return rate increased due to faulty products since last year,

has increased
(T\ le hang hi tra tai da tang tit nam ngoai do san pham bi Idi.)
d cuoi cau co "since + thdi diem trong qua khri (since last year) nen
dong tri phai chia d thi hi^n tai hoan thanh (has increased).

Superstores in number and spread rapidly over the years.

(A) increase (B) increased (C) have increased (D) are increased

21 Thi qua khu' hoan thanh diidc diing de chi nhu'ng vice da xay ra tnuic mot
thdi diem xac dinh trong qua khif, va nhat dinh trong cau phai co dong tii
khac <V thi qua khd. (1-2 cau trong de moi nam)

They announced that he had already been sent out to the branch office
(Ho thong bao rang anh ay da dUOc chuyen tdi van phong chi nhanh.)
Vide chuyen di da xay ra tnfdc thefi diem thong bao (announced)
nen phai diing thi qua khtf hoan thanh.

Quick Quiz 2
He regretted that he the contract without due consideration.
(A) renew (B) renewed (C) have renewed (D) had renewed

31 Thi titdng lai hoan thanh dukic dung de chi nhu'ng sit viec hay hanh dong
se duqc hoan thanh tai mot thdi diem nhait dinh trong tuong lai, thifdng
xuat hien vdi "By the time + chu ngfi + dong tit d thi hien tai, as + tittfng
lai"... (1-2 cau trong de moi nam)
By the time Polokov retires, he had-served for 18 years here.
will have served
(Tinh den luc Potokov nghi huu, anh ay se lam viec dUOc 18 nam 6 day.)

Quick Quiz 3
By the time I talk to you, I to Hawaii.
(A) go (B) will have gone (C) have gone (D) am going


Tom tdt trony tarn: Dong tii cam xuc hay dong tii trang thai khdng diing d thi tiep
diln, dap an thudng la dnng tii co thi phii hap trong 4phtidng an.

1 I Thi tiep dien bao gom qua khii', hien tai, titdng lai tiep didn chi nhfing
viec da/dang/se xay ra.

Most of us are working on the project at the moment

(Hau het chiing tdi hien dang lam cho dU an nay.)

I was attending a staff meeting when you called yesterday.
(To/ dang tham dU mot cuoc hop loan nhan vien khi anh goi hom qua.)

Eco-friendly products will be increasing rapidly within the next decade.

(Cac sin pham than thien vdi moi truing se gia tang nhanh chong trong thap
ky tdi.)

Quick Quiz 1
At present, the board an executive session.
(A) holds (B) is holding (C) has held (D) held

21 Cac dong tit khong the dung d thi tiep diSn

Dong tit trang thai consist gom co include bao gom exist ton tai
Dong tut cam xuc surprise ngac nhien prefer thfch hon shock chan dong

Many Japanese were surprising at the China's rapid growth,

were surprised
(Rat nhieu ngudi Nhat Ban da ngac nhien trade toe dp phat then nhanh cua
Trung Qudc).

Quick Quiz 2
Please let me know which format of resume
(A) is preferred (B) is preferring (C) preferring (D) prefer


Tom tat trony tdm: Ihiidng xuyen xud't him dang am hoi dien vko chd trdng khi trong
cdu co menh de trang ngit chi thcti gian, can dim kien vdi menh de dieu kien ft thi
hien tai, menh de chinh d thi ttidng lai.

11 Neu d dau, cuoi cau co trang ngu" chi thdi gian, thi cua dong tvf phai hda
hpp vdi no.

Next month, I will be back with useful business tips.

(Thing sau, tdi se trd tai vdi nhOng meo kinh doanh hOu ich.)

I attempted to make the blueberry and potato salad yesterday.
(Horn qua toi da cd gang lam salad khoai lay vdi viet quat.)

Quick Quiz 1
1 you all the details about the project three weeks ago.
(A) send (B) sent (C) have sent (D) had sent

2 I Tritrtng htfp khong co trang ngfl chi thcti gian d dau, cuoi cau, thi cua
dong tu" phai hoa help vofi dpng tif con lai.
Ncu dong tif cua menh d6" chinh d qua khif thi dpng tif cua menh de phu
cung phai cf thi qua khif hoac qua khtf hoan thanh.

I found that he is out of town for business,

(Toi phat hlen ra anh ay da rdl thi tran vi cong viec.)

I found that he already finished the project.

had already finished
(Toi biet rang anh ay da hoan thanh dU an.)

Viec hoan thanh du an xay ra trifdc vide biet (found) difpc sif tMt do nen phai
diuig qua khif hoan thanh.
O menh de trang ngii chi thefi gian, hoac mdnh de dieu kien, thi hien tai di vdi
thi ttfong lai.

Lien tif thdi gian when khi while trong khi as soon as ngay khi once mot khi
Lien tir dieu kien if neu unless trdkhi as long as mi§n la

As soon as I will receive the invoice, I will forward it to you.

(Ngay khi nhan dddc hoa don, toi se chuyen no cho anh.)

If you are in favor of this proposal, we carried it out.

will carry
(Neu anh thay thich thu vdi de nghi nay, chung ta se thuc hien no.)

Quick Quiz 2|
When I a problem with my e-mail system, I will respond to your e-mail.
(A) solve (B) solved (C) will solve (0) have solved

Mini-test Dap va phan tfch xem trang 11 phan Answer Keys

1. This year many jobs since the 6. Starting next week, the Public
automated manufacturing system Theater in New York the
was introduced in this company. musical 'Into the Woods.'
(A) loses (A) presents
(B) were lost (B) has presented
(C) have been lost (C) presented
(D) are lost (D) will present

2. Please note that this price -— a 15% 7. Our company two-day camps
service charge and a 10% VAT. including the traditional role-playing
(A) Includes game last week.
(B) is including (A) holds
(C) have included (B) held
(D) include (C) was held
(D) will hold
3. We hope you the promotion, and
believe your future contributions will 8. By the time he arrives in Japan,
continue. they a welcome party for him.
(A) make (A) prepare
(B) receive (B) will prepare
(C)suggest (C) will have prepared
(D) hire (D) are preparing

4. As long as you to pay higher fee, 9. When you confirm it, your order —
we will extend the contract with you. — to Mexico by sea next week.
(A) have agreed (A) ship
(B) agree (B) is shipped
(C) will agree (C) was shipped
(0) agreed (D) will be shipped

5. The efficiency of our work has been 10. His broad experience has provided
improved —- the office purchased for the company to overcome
new computers. hardships.
(A) for (A) leading
(B) that (B) leadership
(C) since (C) leader
(D) whether (D) leads

The cost of living by 15 percent 12. Our company official supplies
befor the government took any that are requested from employees
action. each month,
(A) went up (A) orders
(B) has gone up (B) has ordered
(C) goes up (C) will order
(D) had gone up (D) ordered
Questions 13-15 refer to the following e-mail


Hello, Ms.Eisey,

It is my pleasure to comfirm our offer of part-time employment at Fasten. a research

13. (A) As
(B) To
(C) With
(D) Beside
your role will be to report to Dr. Emily Gardner, who is to be your immediate supervisor.
She will keep you informed of your specific duties and projects. As we discussed over the
phone, you — payment twice a month.
14. (A) receive
(B) will receive
(C) received
(D) had received
Hourly who work fewer than 30 hours a week are not eligible to receive paid holidays,
paid time off
15. {A) connections
(B) efforts
(C) conditions
(D) employees
for illness, or other employee benefits. After six months, yours status at Easten will be

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Chris Webb
Human Resources


Ni'u sau dong tii c6 tan ngU tin can d the chu ddng, neu sau dong tit khdng co tan
ngii tin can /r the hi ddng.


(Xuat hien trong mgi de thl)

Tom tdt trong lain: Thtidng xuyin xud't hien dang cdu hoi dim vdo chd trung diia vdo
m tan ngvi (object).

II Trong trtfofng hop sau ngoai dong tii' (transitive verb) co tan ngu thi dung
the chu dong, neu khong co tan ngfl dung the hi dong.

They were ttseet a new mobile phone technology

(Ho da dung mot cong nghe dien thoai di dong mdi.)

I am sorry to inform you that the position has-ftHed.

has been filled
(Toi rat tiec phai thong bao vdi ban rang vi tn' nay da tuyen dddc ngudi.)

Quick Quiz 1
1-1 All passengers must photo identification when boarding.
(A) is presented (B) present (C) have presented (D) will present
1-2 After the speech, all questions will by the presenter.
(A) be handling (B) have handled (C) handle (D) be handled

2 I The hi dong <V thi tiep difin, the hi dong d thi hoan thanh co the co hoac
khong co tan nguf (object).

A ticket is being purchased through the Internet now,

(Hien gid ve cb the duo'c mua qua mang Internet.)
A survey has been conducted for three months by Larson Research.
(Mot cudc dieu tra da duqc thu'c hien trong 3 thang bdi Larson Research.)

3 I The cua dong th dung sau to va dong th dufng sau dai tu quan he dude
phan biet dda vao tan ngfl.

This meeting is not supposed to be extended to 7 p.m.

(Cuoc hop nay dupe cho la khong the keo dai den 7h toi.)

Please note that the resumes that are submitted will not be returned.
(Xin lUu y rang ho so dng tuyin da nop se khong dUdc tra lai.)

4 I Dang cd ban cua the; bi dong la "Ire + qua khuf phan tit" (past participle)
+ by + ngddi thdc hien hanh dong.

The document was signed by the personnel manager last week.

(Van bin nay dUdc ky bdi giam doc nhan si/ vao tuan trade.)

Quick Quiz 2
Inrerestingly, the company was founded immigrants from Vietnam in 1982.
(A) as (B) by (C) to (D) with


THEO CAU TRUC 4 (1-2 cau trong de mdl nam)

Tom tat trom tam: Dang cau hoi hohn thanh can cd cau true 4, thebi dong.

1 t Trddng hdp ditng sau dong tit la "ngu'di + su vat" thi dung the chu dong,
neu khong thi dixng the bi dong.

give send offer grant show

I he chu dong
An Korean manager is given a Chinese employee feedback.
(Mot quan ly ngUdi Han Quoc gCtiphan hoi cho mot nhan vien ngubi Trung Quoc.)
Drlng sau dong tit la "ngifdi (a Chinese employee) + sd vat (feedback)"
n^n dung dong tif the chu dong (gives).

The bj dong co tan ngiJ la ngitdi
He was given another opportunity, but he blew it.
(Anh ay duoc cho mot co hoi khac, nhung anh ay da bo phi no.)
Dufng sau dong tu' la stf vdt (another opportunity), khong co ngif6i,
nen ditng thd bi dong (was given).

Tlie bj dong co tan ngiJ la sii vlt

A good compensation was given to her for her outstanding work.
(Co ay ddpc bu dap xdng dang nhd nang luc lam viec noi trpi cua minh.)
Dtfng sau dong tif khbng co trt chi ngifdi nen dung the bj dong (was
given). I nicVng hpp tan ngu" tn/c ticp (su vat) chuyen sang vi tri chu
ngif di Item the bi dong cua give, send, grant dung vcfi "to + ngifcii",
buy, make, find, get dung vdd "for + ngudi".

Quick Quiz 1
IT I — an invitation letter to the Distinguished Lecturer Series.
(A) sent (B) will send (C) have sent (D) was sent
2-2 The chart which explains why sales started to worsen will to him.
(A) show (B) be shown (C) will show (D) showed

21 Tntding hoip dong tif di Item "ngifdi + menh d^' that", dung thd' chu dong
truVfc "ngtfdi + that", nhifng neu khong co tif chi ngiftfi trifdc menh di that
thi ditng the bj dong.

inform notify remind convince assure

The chit dong

She informed Mr.Wang that a car would wait for him at the airport.
(Co ay thong bao cho ngai Wang rang se cd 1 chiec 6 to chd ngai d san bay.)

The bj dong
Mr. Wang was informed that the conference was scheduled to start at 9 a.m.
(Ngai Wang dude thong bao rang hoi nghi duoc len Ijch bat dau vao 9h sang.)

Quick Quiz 2
They are that they will win local government approval for a theater.
(A) assurance (B) assuring (C) assured {D) assure


Tom tdt tronv tdm: Dang can hoi hoan thanh the hi dong dia can co can true 5.

11 Suf dung the chu dong tntdc "tan ngu + bo nguf tan ngu", dung the hi dong
tntdc bo nguf tan nguf (tinh tit, danh tit) khi khong co tan nguf. (1-2 cau trong de
moi nam)
His boss considered him the best employee.
(Sep cua anh ay coi anh ay la nhan vien gidi nhat.)
Difng sau dong tit la "ran ngiJ (him) + bo ngii tSn ngif (the best
employee)" nen dimg llie chu dong (considered).

He was considered the best employee by his boss.

(Sep cua anh ay coi anh ay la nhan vien gidi nhat cong ty.)
Dufng sau dong tii chi co bd ngu" (the best employee) ma khong co
tan ngtf n^n dimg the bi dong (was considered).

Quick Quiz 1
The new company will — McDowell starting next week.
(A) call (B) be calling (C) be called (D) have called

21 Neu sau dong tit la "tan nguf + dong tit nguyen the co to" thi dimg the chu
dong, neu chi co dong tit nguyen the co to, khong co tan nguf thi dung the bi
dong. (1 cau trong de moi 2-3 thang)

allow cho phep invite mdi require yeu cau

advise khuyen expect ky vpng persuade thuyet phuc
force bat huge remind gbi nhd prepare chuan bi
permit cho phep ask de nghi encouarage khuyen khich

The chu dong

My American friends invited me to celebrate Christmas together.
(Nhtfng ngUdi ban My cua toi da mdi toi cung dU ngay le Giang Sinh.)
Sau dong tif la "tan ngu" (me) + dong tif nguyen the co to (to celebrate)
nen dung thd chii dong (invited).

The bj dgng
We are invited to discuss the current issues.
(Chung tdi dUac mdi tham gia thao luan ve nhung van de hien tai.)
Sau dpng tif chi co dong tif nguyen the co to nen diing th£ bj dong
(are invited).

Quick Quiz 2
2-1 We are to suffer a slight workforce reduction if necessary.
(A) preparation (B) prepared (C) preparing (D) prepares
2-2 Randolph is expected the lead in the community as her successor.
(A) take (B) taking (C) took (D) to take


Tom th tronv tdm: Dang can hoi dien -ing vci p.p. (past participle) vao chd trdng
sau dpng tii be.

amuse lam cho ai vui astonish lam ngac nhien bewilder lam boi mi

bore lam cho ai buon chan disappoint that vong discourage lam nan long
embarrass lam ai xau ho excite kich thich exhaust lam met mdi
frustrate lam that bai interest lam thich thu please lam vi/a long

satisfy lam hai long shock gay chan dong surprise lam bat ngd

11 Chu ngfl lam phat sinh cam xiic thi dung the chu dong.

Such restrictive regulations are discouraging free trade

(Nhung guy dlnh han che nhu vay dang gay can trd thUdng mai td do.)
Chu ngu' (regulations) !a nguyen nhan gay nen can trd thifctng mai
tii do nen dung the chu dpng.
His negative comment on the labor union is shocking
(Nhdng binh luan tieu cdc cua anh ay ve lien doan lao dong dang gay chan dong.)
Chu ngd (negative comment) gay bat ngd nen ditng the chu dpng.

2 I Chu ngfl cam nhzm hay co cam xiic thi dung the bj dong.

He is discouraged at the news that he didn't get promoted.

(Anh ay cam thay chan nan truac tin m'mh khong dupe thang chdc.)
Chu ngii (He) cam th^fy chart nan nen diing the hi dong.

She was shocked to hear that her rival company went bankrupt.
(Co ay rat bat ngd khi nghe tin cong ty doi thu da pha sin.)
Chu ngii (She) cam thay bit ngct nen dung the hi dong.

Quick Quiz
He is because he has just returned from his long business trip.
(A) exhausting (B) exhausted (C) exhaustion (D) exhausts



Tiim tat trorw tarn: Dang cdu hoi 4 dap an, loai trii the hi dong vd chon thi'chu dong.

Significant development has been occurred in the entertainment industry.

has occured
(Sii phat trien quan trong da di§n ra trong nganh cong nghiep giai tri.)

Sadly, 1.5 acres of rainforest are disappeared every second.

(That dang buon, citmoi giay lai co 1,5 mau Anh rifng mUa nhiet ddi bien mat.)

Quick Quiz
The rescheduled meeting place at ten in the morning.
(A) is taken (B) will be taken (C) takes (D) was taken


Idm tat tronv tdm: Dang can hoi dim p.p ndi vdi gidi tii vao cho trdng.

Be + p.p + gidi tif

be disappointed at that vong vdi be devoted to danh tarn huyet cho

be surprised at ngac nhien vdi be committed to tan tuy vdi
be astonished at ngac nhien vdi be dedicated to tan tarn vdi
be frightened at sd trade be related to lien quan tdi
be interested in thich thu vdi be pleased with hai long vdi
be involved in lien quan tdi be satisfied with thda man vdi
be absorbed in me mii vdi be equipped with dddc trang bi
be skilled in cd fay nghe trong be worried about lo tang vS
be engaged in ban rdn lam gl be concerned about [over] lo tang ve

Our boss is very engaged with our sales performance over the past year,
(Giam doc cua chung tdi rat hai long vdi thanh tfch ban hang trong nam qua.)

Quick Quiz
1 Listening carefully to someone might be related to their lives.
(A) change (B) have changed (C) be changing (D) changing
2 They are about big companies' indiscriminate entry into the market.
(A) stocked (B) resulted (C) admitted (D) concerned

Mini-test Dap an va phSn ti'ch xem trang 15 phan Answer Keys

1. To better — is customers, Seres has 6. She was when she was asked
increased the number of call centers, some complicated questions during
(A) be served the meeting.
(B) serve (A) bewildered
(C) has served (B) bewildering
{□) will serve (C) bewilderingly
(D) be wilderment
2. He should at least three more
workshops to get promoted to sales 7. Fortunately, they were to open
manager, 5 new shops at the site near the
(A) arrive historical district.
(B) make (A) permitted
(C) decide (B) permission
(D) attend (C) permitting
(D) permits
3. For the last six years, Ergo
Electronics has been developing 8. Employees the new fitness-at-
tablet PCs that 100 applications. work program to enhance their health
(A) contain (A) are offered
(B) are contained (B) offer
(C) are containing (C) will offer
(D) will contain (D) have offered

4. This site is to improving 9. Nara Travel is pleased to the

communication skills in English for opening of its branch office in
your business. Vietnam today.
(A) agreed (A) be announced
(B) dedicated (B) have announced
(C) intended (C) announce
(D) received (D) will be announced

5. They —- with regulations set by 10. He will submit a report which

the Korean government to launch key customer requirements for the
their brand in Korea. US market.
(A) was complied (A) detailing
(B) compliance (B) is detailed
(C) complied (C) have detailed
(D) compliant (D) details

Ms. Suzuki is to take a business 12. I am that we should develop
trip to Europe to sign a contract with new ways to produce and use
the supplier. energy.
(A) peaked (A) convincement
(B) scheduled (B) convincing
(C) retained (C) convincedly
(D) conducted (D) convinced
Questions 13-15 refer to the following notice.

Baytown Community College is pleased to announce the addition of a new set of Spanish
courses beginning next August. The courses — from basic Spanish to intermediate
Spanish and will be taught
13. (A) ranged
(B)had ranged
(C) will have ranged
(D) will range
by certified instructors.
Tuition for any particular course will only be $75 and can be paid online registration or
14. (A) for
(B) in
{C) during
(D) at
at the main campus. This is an opportunity for all students to learn a language that - by
hundreds of
15. (A) is spoken
(B) speaks
(C) will speak
(D) has spoken
millions of people all over the world. This course will be especially helpful for business
people who deal with South or Central America.
These courses will be open to all students regardless of their language background.
However, if a student wishes to skip the basic level, they are required to pass a proficiency
exam first.


Thitcgid dinh diln td nhting viec khdngxdy ra trong thiic te. Neu mud'n gid dinh
nhitng viec khong xdy ra trong hien tai hay qua khu tin lid thdi ve qua kbit hoac
qua khit hodn thdnh.



ifi^j Tom tat trong tdm: Dang edit hoi dim dong tit theo thdc gid dinh phu hap vcti menh
de chinh. (1-2 cdu trong de mbi ndm)

II Doi vcfi qua khiif gia dinh (cau di^u kien loai 2), thi cua menh de //va menh
de chinh phai tiidng ling vdi nhau. (nhflng viec khong xay ra (V hien tai)

If + S1 + V1 (past), S2 + could (would, might) + V2 nguyen the

If he renewed the contract, his company could expand its food business.
(Neu anh ay ky lai hap dong thi cdng ty cua anh ay co the md rang viec kinh doanh
thuc pham.)
If I were the CEO of the company, I would invest more in R&D,
(Neu toi la CEO cua cdng ty nay, tdi se dau tu nhieu hon vao viec nghien cdu
va phat then.)

Quick Quiz 1
If the price were reasonable, I it for my daughter,
(A) buying (B) buy (C) would buy (D) bought

21 Doi vdi qua klui hoan thanh gia dinh (cau dieu kien loai 3), thi ciia menh def if
va menh de chinh phai utong ung nhau. (nhflng viec khong xay ra trong qua khii)

If + SI + had + p.p, S2 + could (would, might) + have + p.p

If t had arrived earlier, I could have received a refund for the ticket.
(Neu tdi den sdm hdn, tdi da cd the dupe tra lai tien ve.)

Quick Quiz 2
If the price of oil had not risen, we would production costs.
(A)reducing (B) had reduced {C) reduce (D) have reduced

3 ( D6i vdi titong lai gia dinh (cau di&i kien loai 1), thi cua menh dd' //va
menh d^ chmh phai tifdng ung vdi nhau.
If + S1 + should + V1 nguyen the, S2 + will (can, may)
+ V2 nguyen the/please + V3 nguyen the

If you should need further information, please feel free to contact me.
(Neu ban can them thong tin, dCfng ngai lien lac vdi toi bat cd luc nao.)


Tom tat tronv tdrn: Dang cdu hoi dien should, had, qua khiiphdn tii (pastparticiple).

1 1 Doi vdi qua khu gia dinh, neu lifdc bo if thi dao trd dong tit len tnidc
chu nguf.
If + St + V1 (past), S2 + would (could, might, should) + V2 nguyen the
Were + St + adj/noun, S2 + would (could, might, should) + V2
nguyen the
Were + S1 + to V1 nguyen the, S2 + would (could, might, should) +
V2 nguyen the

If Tom were more cooperative, they could complete the project on time.
Was Tom more cooperative, they could complete the project on time.
(Neu Tom tlch cUc hop tac hdn nua, thi ho co the hoan thanh do an dung han.)

If I had a good idea during the meeting, I would shout it out.

Were I had a good idea during the meeting, I would shout it out.
to have
(Neu toi cd mot y tudng hay trong cuoc hop, thi toi da noi ra toi.)

Quick Quiz 1
they expand their advertising budget, sales would increase.
(A) Have (B) Did (C) Had (D) Can

21 Doi vdii qua kliu hoan thanh gia dinh (cau dieu Idem loai 3) neu liftfc bo ij
thi chu ngd va trO dong tuf bi dao vi tn.

If + S, + had + p.p,, S2 + would (could, might, should) + have + pp2

Had + S, + p.p,, S2 + would (could, might, should) + have + p.p2

If we had bought it on the opening ceremony, we could have gotten 50% off.
Had we buy it on the opening ceremony, we could have gotten 50% off.
(Neu chung fa mua no tCfhom khai trUcfng, chung fa da cd the dUOc giam 50% roi.)

Quick Quiz 2
Had the job frequent business trips, he wouldn't have accepted the promotion.
(A) requires (B) required (C) has required (D) will require

3 I Doi vdi tu'Ong lal gia dinh (cau dicu kien loai 1) neu lifoc bo if thi chu
nguf va trqf dong tit bi dao vi tn.

If + S1 + should + V, nguyen the, Sa + will (can, may) + Vg nguyen the/please +

nguyen the
Should + S, + V, nguyen the, S2 + will (can, may) + V2 nguyen the/please +
\l3 nguyen the

If Mr. Healy should break the contract, he may be charged.

Although Mr. Healy break the contract, he may be charged.
(Neu ngai Healy pha vd hop dong, ngai ay se bi phat.)
TUOng tai gia dinh thUcing di kem vdi cau menh lenh (please
+ dong tit nguyen the).

Quick Quiz 3
Mr. Glenny have any further questions, please let me know.
(A) If (B) Though (C) Moreover (D) Should


Trim tat trnnv tam: Dang cdu hoi hiem khi xudt hien, dien veto cdu thu'c gid dinh cd
m gidi tii without.

1 I Gidi tii without, but for co the diing trong cau thufc gia dinh.

Chu ngQ + would + dOng til nguyen the + without + danh til
Qua khil gia djnh
(without + danh til = if it were not tor + danh til)
chu ngQ + would have + qua khil phan til + without + danh til
Qua khil hoan thanh gici dinh
(without + danh tQ = if it had not been for + danh tQ)

I would not hold a special dinner tef their support.

(Neu Wrong cd su ho tra cua ho, tdi da khong the to chiic btfa tiec tdi dac biet nay.)

The success would have been impossible te his dedication.

(Neu khong cd sU cong hien cua anh ay thi da khong the co dUoc thanh cong nay.)

Quick Quiz
He could not have finished his MBA course flexible working hours,
(A) instead of (B) by (C) in (D) without

Mini-test Dap an va phan tfch xem trang 18 phan Answer Keys

If we our product packaging 5. If you install this CD-ROM, you —

into a more attractive one, sales — more useful information about our
would have greatly increased. product.
(A)changed (A) find
(B) had changed (B) will find
(C) were changed (C) have found
(D) have changed (D) found

2. If I were a team manager, I 6. Robert could studying, had he

various team-building activities for chosen an easier course between
better communication. the two.
(A) offer (A) have been enjoyed
(B) will offer (B) enjoy
(C) would offered (C) have enjoyed
{D) had offered (D) be enjoyed

3. Starting August 10, we a new 7. Mr. Muraz be interested in this

quality control system to eliminate position, he might send his resume
defective products. to us.
(A) adopt (A) Would
(B) are adopted (B) Should
(C) will adopt (C) Can
(D) have adopted (D) Could

Had our company the market Many young professionals to

share in China, we would have the benefits of position for decades.
achieved sustainable development. (A) will attract
(A) increased (B) attract
(B) have increased {C) have been attracted
(C) increase (D) attracted
(D) would increase

9. He would have been prepared for 11. Our new product could not have
the briefing, had he that the been so successful, the
president of his company would be marketing team's efforts.
visiting his office. (A) instead of
(A) informed (B) as for
(B) been informed (C) now that
(C) been informing (D) if not tor
(D) inform
12. The government will the tax for
10. If it had not been for the training small & medium businesses from
session, new recruits such next month.
skilled workers. (A) waive
(A) was become (B) deposit
(B) would not become (C)convene
(C) have become (D) reserve
(D) would have not become

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Thompson,

The survey results about the Gallant desk lamp are in. The Gallant had been planned
as a breakthrough model. There was some hope that it would achieve this because
after the initial launch, it experienced broad popularity. The results explain the in its
13. (A) gain
(B) decline
(C) return
(D) reclaim
As you already know, sales of the Gallant were 90,000 in the first quarter, &4,000 in the
second, and 70,000 in the third quarter. This trend is expected to continue if there is
no action taken to change it.
14. (A) thereafter
(B) instead
(C) ahead
(D) only

On the survey, consumers stated that even though the Gallant is bright enough to
illuminate any space, the light is a bit harsh. Over longer periods, consumers stated that
it actually hurt their eyes.

I recommend meeting with Engineering to see the product can be redesigned.

15. (A) how
(B) when
(C) who
(D) which
I'll come by office with some ideas this afternoon.

Howard Kremer

Half Test 01 Dap an va phan tich xem (rang 20 phan Answer Keys

In the Reading test, you will read variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension question. You are encouraged to answer as many questions
as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers
in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the
sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. He that he can get a full refund, 104. This defective machine will with
because the room was double-booked by the new one without extra charge.
their mistake. (A) replace
(A) is anticipated (B) be replaced
(B) anticipating (C) replacing
(C) anticipates (D) have replaced
(D) anticipate
105. I that his qualifications meet all
102. if you had participated in the of the criteria for the position in your
workshop, you about the most company.
advanced office software. (A) announce
(A) would be learned (B) correct
(B) would have learned (C) ensure
(C) have learned (D) crate
(D) had learned
106. The quality of the restaurant's
103. We — a variety of methods to customer service has fallen ,
eliminate trans fats in our products after they hired a new manager.
since then. (A) significant
(A) try (B) significance
(B) tried (C) signifying
(C) have tried (D) significantly
(D) will try

107. We would like to — you that you 112. All employees are to submit
should reconfirm your reservation their recent photos a new security
by e-mail. system.
(A) remind (A) requirement
(B) announce (B) required
{C) say (C) requires
(D) mention (D) requiring

108. She had booked her flight early, so 113. She is a competent employee
she could arrive two hours before because she has achieved almost
the conference ——. every goals.
(A) starts (A) considering
(B) started (B) considered
(C) has started (C) consideration
(D) wilt start (D) to consider

109. We have collaborated on many 114. They would have entered China's
projects with the company in — the markets, conditions been
new procedures. favorable for them to expand there.
(A) has developed (A) have
(B) develops (B) were
(C) developing {C) had
(D) will develop (D) could

110. If you don't want direct mail any 115. An annual company picnic next
longer, all you have to do is ask week, so please inform us if you
from the list. can attend.
(A) to remove {A) came
(B) to be removed {B) is coming
(C) removal {C) have come
(D) to have removed (D) will be come

111. Customer are to spend their 116. Ms. Ling proposes that James
money on exclusive services such as the balance between work and life
an anti-aging spa. to live a good life.
(A) enticed (A) find
(B) enticement (B) finds
(C) enticing (C) had found
(D) to entice (D)founded

117. her visit to the Beijing branch, 119. Factory workers their working
she gave a briefing on company's hours to receive overtime payment.
marketing strategies. (A) are recorded
(A) As though (B) has recorded
(B) During (C) will record
(C) In fact (D) record
(D) Though
120. Enclose is a letter that you
118. She has for preparing and paid for the VIP tickets including a
serving food and beverage for the limousine service.
company banquet. (A) confirmed
(A) responsible (B) confirms
(B) responsibility (C) has confirmed
(C)response (D) confirming

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best
answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A),{B), (C) or (D) on your answer

Questions 121-123 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Timbert,

I am applying for the position of a marketing with your company as advertised in the
Careers section of the Houston Chronicle.
121. (A) assistant
(B) assist
(C) assistance
(D) assisted

This position seems ideal for my experience, education, and career goals, and I am
eager to contribute to the success of your company. Through my major in Business
Management, I have obtained solid experience in research, writing, and analysis. ,
122. (A) In fact
(B) However
(C) In addition
(D) Therefore
( have had several business-related internships in the areas of marketing, sales, and
finance through which I have amassed a great deal of knowledge about your industry.
My main interest lies in the marketing aspect of the industry particularly in helping
123. (A) both
(B) and
(C) either
(D) yet
your company to expand its client base.

I would be very interested in discussing this opportunity with you futher. i will call you in
a few days to see if we can arrange a time to meet.

Thank you.
Jonathan Edwards

Questions 124-126 refer to the following e-mail.
From: Rob.Brown©
Subject: Thanks

Mr. Nash,

Let me take this opportunity to personally thank you for choosing BoA Bank to handle
your account. ! know that a great amount of care goes into choosing a bank, and
124. (A) my
(B) its
(C) his
(D) your
decision reaffirms my personal belief in the old-fashioned way of doing things.

We believe that our customers enjoy the personal contact they - during each visit to
125. (A) receive
(B) are received
(C) will be received
(D) have been received
one of our branches. While we employ the latest technology, we will never abandon our
personal commitment to our clients, our greatest assets.

I have attached the lastest financial statement for your review, along with a descriptive
brochure of our many services that are available to you. If I may be of any help now in
the future, please feel tree to contact me.
12G. (A) however
(B) or
(D) and
Robert Brown








06 Dong tir nguyen the (Infinitive)

07 Danh dong tu (Gerund)

08 Dong tinh tu (Participle)

09 Cau true so sanh (Comparison)

10 Cau true song song va dao ngu

(Parallel and Inversion)

Half Test 02

Dong tU nguySn the co ro co thidung nhu danh tit, tinh tit, dong ttnh tit trong can,
Vtcdc tinh ndng do, dang can hoi xud't hien nhieu nhdt Id dang ddng tit nguyen thi
co to dong vai tro ddng tinh tit.


Tdm tdt trong tdm: Dang can hoi xud't hien nhieu nhdt Id dien ddng tit nguyen thi
co to vdo vi tri trang tit.

1 I Dufng of vi tri chu ngff, tan ngtt, bo ngu' nhit mot danh tit. [-■ la, -- de]
Chu ngif
To attract tourists to the city is beneficial for the local economy.
(Viec thu hut khach du Ijch den thanh pho la rat co Id/ cho nen klnh te die

Tan nguf
She asked to arrange the company's charity event.
(Co ay da de nghj de dUdc chuan bi sd kien ti! thien cua cdng ty.)

Bo ngif chu ngtf

The goal of the seminar is to discuss the advertising effect.
(Muc dich cua buoi hoi thao la de thho luan ve tac dung cua quang cao.)

Bo ngd tan ngd

He encourages small business to invest in more modern equipment.
(Anh ay khuyen khich cac doanh nghlep nhd de hp dau tu vao cac thiet bi hien
dai hdn.)

21 Ddng sau danh rif va bo nghla cho danh tit. Uphai]

Ms. Ling has a lot of documents to review.
(Co Ling con rat nhieu tai lieu phai kiem tra.)

3 I Diing trutfc hoac sau mot menh d^' hoan chinh va neu ra muc dkh, ly
do... cua menh d^ do. |4 cau trong de moi nam)

Muc dich
To dominating the market, they should invest in R&D more.
To dominate
(De thong fmh thi trudng. ho nen dau td nhieu hdn vao nghien cdu va phat then.)
0> day, dong tit nguydn the cd to neu ra muc dich cua m^nh de chinh,
nhdng dap an sd dung "to -ing, for -ing" ddu sai.

So that build a good relationship, we need to understand each other.

In order to
(De xay dung mot moi quan he tot, chung fa can hieu rd ve nhau.)
Khi muon nhan manh dm quan trong cua muc dich, sd dung in
order to + dong tit nguy^n tht?.

Quick Quiz
The company conducted a survey with its guest information.
(A) to gather (B) be gathered (C) gather (0) gathering

Ly do
He is happy to be given a bonus.
(Anh ay rat vui vi dUOc thudng them.)

She was pleased to buy the product at a reasonable price.

(Co ay rat vui vi mua dUOc sin pham vdi gia hop ly.)
Ly do thddng dtfgfc dita ra sau dong tif cam xiic hay tinh tit cam xiic,
vi, - bdi vi".

2 I CHU NGCr giA va chu ngu" v£ mat y nghia
(1 cau trong de mdi nam)

Tom ten tronv tarn: Dang cdu hoi nay hiem khi xud't hien, dimgidi tii For tniiic dong
tii nguyen the cd to hay chu ngit ve mat y nghia.

1 I Dang can hoi ve dpng tii' nguyen the co to trong cau true co chu ngiif gia.
It is a great idea solicilatioo employees' opinions about the issue,
to solicit
(Viec trUng cau y kien cua nhan vien ve van de nay la mot y tudng tuyet vdi.)
Ngoai vi6c hoi vf dpng rif nguydn the co to, co ca nhdng cau hoi ve
chu ngiJ gia it trong cau trtic co chu ngG gia.

Quick Quiz
It is wise some of your company's manufacturing.
(A) outsource (B) to outsource (C) outsourcing (D) outsourced

2 I I riiAng hpp can chu ngiif cho dpng tii' nguyen the co to, dang cau hoi ve
gidi tit for la phan quan trong, for ditpc sit dung tritdc dpng tit nguyen the co
to theo hai dang "for + danh tit" hay "for + tan nguf".

It is impossible with Mary to work in the sales department,

(Viec Mary lam viec d bo phan ban hang la dieu khong the.)

It is important t© him to gain a good reputation at work,

(Viec anh ay gianh dddc uy tin tot trong cong viec la rat quan trong.)


Tom tdt trong tdm: to have p.p. thwing Id ddp dn sai.

1 I Khi ta co S + V1 + to V2, neu V1 chi hanh dpng dien ra ciing luc hoac sau
V2 thi dung dpng tit nguyen the co to. Neu V2 chi hanh dpng xay ra triidc V1
thi dung to have p.p.

The community promised to participate in raising money for patients.
(To chtic nay da hda tham gia gay guy cho benh nhan.)
Viec hrla xay ra tnfctc vide gay quy nen diing dong tu nguyen the co to
MDI was found to have disposed of its fixed assets without prior consent.
(MDI bi phat hien da tuy y sd dung cac tai sin co dinh ma khong dddc chap
thuan trUdc.)
Thcii diem tuy y suf dung cac tai san co djnh (to have disposed) xay
ra cf qua khtf, trifcfc thdi diem viec do bj phat hidn (was found), nen
diing to have p.p.

Quick Quiz
He managed - a parking area to park his car.
(A) to find (B) to have found (C) finding (D) to be found

4 I dqng Ttf, TlNH tXJ, danh it/ thi/Ong di cung


Tom tdt tronv Lam: Dang can hoi dim dong tit nguyen the co to veto chd trong sau
dong tit. tinh tit, danh tit dele tntng.

11 Nhtfng dong tif thtfdng di cung dong tif nguyen the cd to, (2-4 cau trong de moi nam)

Dong tif + dong tif nguyen the cd to (tan ngO)

ke hoach aim nham muc dich plan len ke hoach decide quyet dmh
[quyet tam]
de nghi
propose de xuat offer de nghi promise hila
td choi
refuse tif choi fall that bai agree dong y
[dong y]
pretend gia vd manage xoay xd dddc. afford du sdc/ tien
khac prefer thich hdn
Odng td + tan ngd + dong Id nguyen the cd to (bo ngd cho tan ngd)
yeu cau
require yeu cau force bSt buoc compel bat ep
(bat bugc)
dong y allow dong y permit cho phep' invite mdi
thong bao, cam, remind gdi nhd/ nhac nhd forbid cam enable cho phep
khuyen advise khuyen
thuyet phuc, persuade thuyet phuc ask yeu cau encourage Khuyen khich
khuyen khich cause sai bao

OOng tt/ dung difdc ca hai dang "dgng td + dpng td nguyen the co to" va "dong td
+ tan ngd + dgng td nguyen the co to"
mong mudn want mong muon need can expect mgng ddi
yeu cau ask yeu cau
Ogng td + dgng td nguyen the co to (bo ngd)
remain van phai seem dddng nhd appear cd vd nhd
The new recycling program aims reducing waste at work.
to reduce
(ChUdng trinh tai chemdi hiidng den mac dich giam thieu rac thai trong cong ty.)
Thifdng xuat hien dang cau hoi phan biet dpng tit di cung dong tif
nguyfin thd co to vdi danh dpng tif trong cdu co tan ngh.

The vice president instructed him to negotiate the details of a deal.

(Pho giam doc chi thi cho anh ay dam phan cac dieu khoan chi tietcua giao dich.)
Lien quan den ca dang cau hoi vc dpng tif gan voi "tan nguf + dpng
tit nguyen the co to".

Uploading pictures to the website appears to be easy.

(Viec dang anh ten trang web nay co ve rat de.)

Quick Quiz 1
He reminded them the overdue reports by the deadline,
(A) submit (B) to submit (C) submitting (D) of submit

2 I Dang cau hoi ve cac tinh tif thiftfng di ciing dpng tif nguyen the co to. (4-6
cau trong fle moi nam)

be (un)able to do co the (khong th6)

be likely[liable, apt] to do co kha nang lam gi
kha nang/chac chan
be ready to do san sang lam gi
be willing to do san long lam gi
be happy[glad] to do vui ve lam gi
cam xiic
be pleased[delighted] to do rat vui long lam gi
be easy to do de dcing lam gi
miic tig khb
be difficult[hard] to do kho lam gi
gdc ao be eager[anxious] to do hao hire lam gi
The waiter was unable to handling (her fussy request),
to handle
(Ngi/di boi ban khong the thJc hien dUOc yeu cau kho tinh cua co ay.)

Dang can hoi lien quan tdi dong tif nguyen th^ co to, thi cua dong
tif di ciing dong tif nguyen rhf? co to, tinh tif di ciing dong tif nguyen
the co to.

Quick Quiz 2
The team manager is eager the progress the team has made.
(A) show (B) showing (C) for showing (D) to show

3 | Dang cau hoi ve dong tif nguyen the co to va cac danh tif thu'rfng di ciing
dong tif nguyen the co to. 12-3 cau trong de moi nam]

thudng gap nhat ability nang life eflorl no life right quyen way phudng phap
khac opportunity cd hoi authority quyen han capacity nang life chance ed hoi

The consultant helped them to choose the way increasing the sales.
to increase
(Ngudi co van giup ho chon each de tang doanh thu ban hang.)

Quick Quiz 3
Ms. Dalton has an ability effectively under disadvantages.
(A) negotiate (B) negotiating (C) to negotiate (D) negotiation

Mini-test Oap an va phan tich xem (rang 26 ph&i Answer Keys

1. Bluepoint Construction made every 6. The personnel director contacted

effort the contract to build a Mr. Chang a job interview.
new bridge. (A) arrange
(A) to winning (B) to arrange
(B) to win (C) arranging
(C) winning {□) that arrange
(D) won
7. The company is planning to offer a
2. The macaroni and cheese will be wide range of choices broaden
able in either the microwave or its target market.
oven. (A) such that
(A) heat up (B) in order to
(B) to heat up (C) in respect to
(C) to be heated up (D) as though
(D) heating up
8. The purpose of the workshop is —
3. This film is full of violent scenes and -- CEOs in developing incentives for
is not for young reviewers. their employees.
(A) intention (A) to assist
(B) intends (B) be assisted
(C) intending (C) assisting
(D) intended (D) assistance

4. Mr. Anderson invited them to dinner 9. Please call us at 555-2341 by Friday,

— collaboration on the project. if you want to renew your —.
(A) to request (A) membership
(B) request (B) member
(C) requesting (C) membered
(D) requested (D) to member

5. It is necessary — a winter coat 10. The mayor proposed to — a new

on with heavy clothing underneath residential area in the suburbs of
when buying it. the city.
(A) try (A) proceed
(B) trying (B) concentrate
(C) to try (C) transcribe
(D) for trying (D) develop

It can be to maintain your hair 12. Employees are ^ to hear that the
style beautifully, if you use our hair- lunch hour will be extended by 20
care product. minutes.
(A) easily (A) delighted
(B) ease (B) released
(C) easy (C) refused
(D) easiest (D) necessary

Questions 13-15 refer to the following advertisement.

It is with great pleasure that we at Thai Silk Beauty Salon announce the addition of Mr.
Eric Roberts to our staff. Mr, Roberts was with Beautiful Day Salon in Arizona, and
13. (A) nominally
(B) ultimately
(C) generally
(D) previously
we feel honored that he has chosen to work here with us.

We would like to take this opportunity you, our customers, of another change that
14. (A) informing
(B) to inform
(C) informed
(D) information
has taken place. If you would like to make an appointment for more than once procedure
on the same day, we are offering a special discount. After the first procedure, customers will
receive a 25% on all other treatments booked in the same day.
15. (A) discount
(B) discounts
(C) discounting
(D) discounted


Danh ctgng tU vUa co nhiing tt'nh chd't cua dpng til (di ciing tan ngil, bo ngil, co the
cd trang lit b6 nghia), viia co tinh chd't cua danh til (co thexudt hien d vi trt cua dm
ngil, tan ngd, bo ngil.)


Tom tdt trong tdm: Dang cdu hoi xud't hien nhieu nhd't Id dim danh dpng til viw cho
trong sau dpng tU/gidi tU.

11 Danh dong tii' 100% la danh th va xuat hien d vi tri cua chu ngfl, tan ngiif,
bo ngfl nhfl danh tfl.
Chu ngu
Collecting (rare books) is his old hobby.
(Suu tim sach hiem la sd thich til lau cua anh ay.)

Tan ngu cua dong tu

The labor union suggests raising (their salary).
(Lien doan lao dong de nghj tang luang cho hg.)

Tan ngu cua gioi tu

They could develop a new product by conducting (a market research).
(Hg co the phat then mot sin pham mdi bang viec tien hanh nghien cdu thi truong.)

Bd ngu
His business trip is arranging (for his company's picnic).
(Chuyen cong tic cua anh ay la de chuan hi cho buSi da ngoai cua cong ty.)

21 Danh dpng tfl 100% la dong tfl, khong the dung mao tfl hhong xac dinh
(a/an) nhflng co the co tan ngfl nhfl dong tfl.
• Mao tfl khong xac dinh khhng th£ dflng trfldc danh dong tfl.
A developing (a new procedure) takes a considerable amount of time and money.
(Viec phat then mot quy trinh mdi ton rat nhieu thai gian va tiSn bac.)

• Danh dong co tan ngC nhif dong t£r. (1 cau trong de mdi 2-3 thang)
Without fequest compensation, the employees worked hard to revive the company,
(Cac nhan vien lam viec cham chl de khol phuc cong ty ma khong yeu cau dUOc
bii dap.)
O vi tri cua tan ngu", ddng sau gidi tif (without) co thtf dung danh tif
hoac danh dong tif deu dtiOc. Tuy nhien, danh tii khong the co tan
nguf, con danh dong tif co thd co tan ngii (compensation), n^n trong
cau nay phai ditng danh dong tii (requesting).

Without pressuring, you can try on anything you want in this store,
(Khong can phai vpi, ban co the thiibat cd thiigi ban mudn d cda hang nay.)
Vi khong co tan ngii ndn khong thd ditng danh dong tii (pressuring)
ma phai ditng danh tii (pressure).

Quick Quiz 1
There are plenty of problems in employees to enter the lab full of harmful chemicals.
(A) allow (B) allowance (C) allowing (D) allowed

3 I Phan biet danh dong tii (da dtiOc danh tii hoa va mang nghia khac) voi
danh tii dOn thuan.
advertising quang cao advertisement bai quang cao
funding huy dong von fund quy
housing cung cap nha d house nha
seating bo tri cho ngoi seat cho ngoi
ticketing phat ve ticket ve
h a n d I i n g xti/y/Od/xt? handle fay nam ciia
marketing tiep thi market chd
processing xd h', gia cong process qua trinh. tien do

They will hold an event to raise funding for the disadvantaged.

(Hp se to chric mot sd kien de gay quy cho nhung ngddi khong may man.)
They are debating over who should be able to get priority seat.
(Hp dang tranh luan xem ai nen dupe ngoi cho Uu tien.)

Quick Quiz 21
We believe electronic is very efficient in issuing travel documents.
(A) ticket (B) ticketed (C) ticketing (D) ticketer


Tom tdt tronv tdm: Si/ hdu each la thctnh phdn quan trong cua chu ngil ve mat y
nghla. (Noi dung nay hiem khi xuat hien trong d^.)

Truang hap danh dong tu lam chu ngu ve mat y nghia, su dung so huu each
cua danh tir hay dai tu truoc danh dpng tu.
He didn't like the decision of Christopher joining (our team),
(Anh ay khong thfch quyet dinh tham gia doi chung toi cua Christopher.)
Chu nguf v6 mat y nghla la danh dong tii n^n d day dimg sd hdu
each cua danh td (Christophers) trifdc danh dong td.

We conserving (energy) is the first step to save the earth.

(Viec chung fa tiet kiem nang lUdng la bUdc dau de cdu Trai dat.)
Chu ngd mat y nghia la danh dong td nen d day dung tinh td scf
hdu (our) co chdc nang nhd set hdu each.


To'm tdt trong tdm: Dqng cdu hoi phdn biet dqng tii nguyin the c6 to vd danh dong
tii d vi trt tan ngd.

11 Danh dong td du'o'c dung nhd tan ngd (2-3 cau trong do mdi nam)

enjoy thfch suggest de nghi

recommend de cCt consider c3n nhac
postpone tri hoan include bao gom
finish ket thuc discontinue ngdng
avoid tranh

The accountant makes every effort to avoid to make (a mistake with figures).
(Ke toan lam moi each de tranh sal sot trong tinh toan.)

Quick Quiz 1
His job includes the advertising campaign for the company.
(A) to creat (B) creating (C) creation (D) created

2 I Hiem khi xuat hien dang can hoi vt? dpng tii dung ca danh dpng tvi va
dong tii nguyen the co to lam tan nguf.
• Forget, remember, regret neu dung vdi V-ing thi noi ve qua kbit, neu
dimg vcfi dong tit nguyen thi? co to thi noi tUOng lai va muc dich.
He remembers developing (a new program for advanced skiers).
(Anh ay nhd da phat trien mot chddng thnh mdi danh cho nhdng ngUdi trddt
tuyet trinh do cao.)
Vide phat trien mot chifdng trinh mdi la viec da lam (xay ra trong
qua khu"), n^n d day ditng danh dong trf (developing).

Please remember to review the itinerary for your business trip.

(Hay nhd kiem tra lai Id trinh chuyen cong tac cua ban.)
Viec kia'm tra lai lo trinh cong tac la vide chifa lam (xay ra trong
tifOng lai), nen & day dimg dong tii nguyen the co to (to review).

Quick Quiz2j
They were requested to pay for the conference fee but forgot for it.
(A) pay (B) paying (C) to pay (D) to be paid

3 I Dpng tii cam xtic (like, love, hate, prefer), dpng tii hat dau (begin, start,
continue, attempt, intend) deu dung vdi danh dpng tii va dpng tii nguyen
the co to v<Vi citng y nghla.
Mr. Anderson is making a second attempt sending (a fax to Milan branch).
Mr. Anderson is making a second attempt to send (a fax to Milan branch).
(Ngai Anderson dang co gu'i fax cho chi nhanh d Milan Ian nufa.)

Quick Quiz 3
A recent study shows that some moviegoers prefer movies alone.
(A) watching (B) watcher (0) watch (D) watched


Tom tdt tronv tdm: Dang can hoi phdn biet danh ddng tU, danh tii, dpng tk d vi tri
tan ngk sau gicii tU.

Cac cum tir co gioi tu

Cum tif co oidi W to (3-A cau trong fle mol nam)

be committed to -ing tan tuy lam gi
be dedicated(devoted) to -ing tin tam lam gi
look forward to -ing trong c/idfdieu gt
object to -ing phan doi dieu gi
be accustomed (used) to -ing quen vdi viec gl
contribute to-ing cong hien
Cum td gian IUq'c gioi td
have difficulty [trouble] (in) -ing gap kho khan trong vipc gi
have a problem[a hard time] (in) -ing gap kho khan trong viec gi
be busy (in) - ing ban ron lam gi
keep (on) -ing tiep tuc lam gi
spend tho'i gian/tien bac (in) -ing danh thdi gian (tlen bac) vao viec gi
Cac cum Id thong dung khac
on [upon] -ing ngay lap titc
be worth -ing dang lam
feel like -ing muon lam
cannot help -ing khong the khong lam
go -ing di lam gi

I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

(To/ mong sd'm nghe tin td ban.)

Quick Quiz
1. I had difficulty —- tricky questions asked by difficult customers.
(A) handle (B) to handle (C) handling (D) handled
2. Employees object to the number of days given for vacation.
(A) cut (B) be cut (C) cutting (D) be cutting

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 28 phdn Answer Keys

T. She was dedicated to the travel 6. I am used to — the latest financial

agency's website with new, useful news on the Internet rather than
information. from newspapers.
(A) updates (A) accessed
(B) be updated (B) being assessed
(C) being updated (C) access
(D) updating (D) accessing

2. The Aramis Travel Agency is proud 7. The images posted on our website
— our customers a one-in-a- cannot be used in any form without
lifetime experience.
(A) that offers (A) permission
(B) to offer (B) permitting
(C) offering (C) permits
(D) offer (D) permitted

3. I recommend through the 8. It —- that the company will not be

manual before operating a new very profitable this year because it
assembly line equipment. is its first year.
(A) read (A) is expected
(B) reading (B) expects
(C) reads (C) has expected
(D) is reading (D) expecting

4. Ms. Yoon at the call center is strong 9. The CEO of our company insists on
enough vicious, wild complaints, a new company bidding despite
(A) to handle the board member's objection.
(8) handled (A) constructed
(C) handling (B) constructing
(D) handles (C) construction
(D) constructs
5. Ms. Dalton was -— to make all
the arrangements for the awards 10. It -— true that the vice president of our
ceremony. company got promoted to our CEO,
(A) agreed (A) showed
(B)responded (B) brought
(C) asked (C) provided
(D) enjoyed (D) became
Mr. Johns is responsible for 12. We anticipate final preparations
several educational programs. for opening several retail outlets in
(A) implementation Europe this month.
(B) implementing (A) to commence
(C) implements (B) commencing
(D) implemented (C) commence
(D) commenced

Questions 13-15 refer to the following notice.

Metla Park Parking Services


Do not destroy or lose this ticket. The loss of this ticket will result in an accumulated fee
from the lot opening. Please this ticket to a lot attendant upon leaving the lot.
13. (A) give
(B) ask
(C) sell
(D) receive

Liability; Management of this lot is not responsible for fire, theft, damge, or - of items
14. (A) purchase
(B) decision
(C) loss
from the vehicle.

Rates: $2.00 an hour or any fraction of one hour. If your parking stub is validated by any
Metla Park office or , you will receive two hours of free parking.
15. (A) contributor
(B) merchant
(C) investor
(0) informer


Dong tinh tii mang nhung ttnh chat cua ddng tit, xudt hien d vi trt bo nghia cho
danh tii, hoac d vi tri bo ngii. Dang can hoi xudt hien nhieu nhdt la phdn biet ddng
tinh tii vd ddng tii.


dBk>. Tom tdt trnng tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biet vd dien ddng tinh tii vdo chd trdng trtidc
hodc sau danh tii. IXual hien trong mgi de thi)
11 Tnidng htfp dong dnh tif bd nghTa diing mfdc danh td, neu dong tinh th va
danh tit diicic bo nghia co quan he chu dong thi dung dong tinh tit hien tai, co
quan he bj dong thi dimg dong tinh tit qua khuf. (hau nhu xuat hien trong mgi de thi)
The supervised manager announced some changes of work-shift policies,
(Ngtldi quan ly giam sat thong bao mot so thay (Joi trong chfnh sach giao ca.)
Danh tit (manager) diltfc bo nghia va dong tinh tit co quan h£ chu
dong nfin phai diing dong tinh tit hien tai (supervising).

He is in charge of educating the newly recruiting employees.

(Anh ay dcim nhiem viec dao tao nhOng nhan vien mdi tuyen.)
Danh tit (employees) dvtpc bd nghia va dong tinh tit co quan hd bj
dong nen phai diing dong tinh tit qua khit (recruited).

Quick Quiz 1
The present economic problems lead to expenditure on music.
(A) reduction (B) reduced (C) reduce (D) reducing

2 I Trifd'ng hop d6ng tinh tit bo nghia dufng sau danh tit, neu co tan ngii thi
dung dong tinh tit hien tai, neu khong co tan ngii thi dung dong tinh tii qua
khd. (1-2 cau trong de moi 2-3 thang)
General Affairs Department hired an assistant ordered office supplies.
(Phong hanh chfnh long hap da tuyen mot trdly de mua sam do dung van phqng).
Sau dong tinh tit co tan ngd (office supplies) nen diing dong tinh tit
hidn tai (ordering).

The sales manager signed up for a conference holding in Japan.
(Giam doc kinh doanh da dang ky tham gia mot hoi thao dUOc to cht/c d Nhat Ban j
Khong co tan ngi? diYng sau dong rinh tiY nen dung dong tinh tif qua
khiJ (held).

Quick Quiz 21
With all the expenses — by the company, they could focus on developing a new product.
(A) covers (B) covering (C) to cover (D) covered

31 Tntong hcfp dong tinh tif du'oc dung nhif bd ngu, neu chu ngu va bd ngu"
chu ngfl, tan ngfl va bd nguf tan ngu1 cd mdi quan he chu dong thi dung ddng
tinh rit hien tai, neu la mdi quan he bi ddng thi dung ddng tinh tit qua khd.
(1-2 cau (rang de moi dam]
The sales (of Mr.Wane's newest novel) become disappointedr
(Doanh thu ban hang cuon tieu thuyet mdi nhat cua ngai Wane rat dang that vong.)
Chu ngd (The sales) va bd ngd cd mdi quan h^ chu ddng ve mat y
nghia; Doanh thu ban hang gay nen sd that vong", nen phai dung
dong tinh td hien tai (disappointing).

She finds herself exhausting (from busy work schedule),

(Co ay thay kiet sdc vdi lich trinh lam viec ban ron.)
1 an ngiJ (herself) va bd ngii' cd mdi quan he hi ddng ve mat y nghia:
"Cd ay bi rut kiet sufc" nen phai dung ddng tinh rd qua khd (exhausted).

41 Dang cau hoi phan biet vi tri cua dong td va dong tinh td. (Xual hien trong
mpi de thi)
He found the program is offered (to employees was not helpful),
(Anh ay nhan thay chddng trinh danh cho cac nhan vien khong hOu ich.)
Vi cd ddng td (found) nen phai dung ddng tinh td qua khd (offered),
khdng cd lidn td ndn trong mot cau khdng thd cd 2 ddng td.
Quick Quiz 3|
Most employees are against the insurance plan by the management.
(A) suggested (B) is suggested (C) will suggest (D) has suggested

2 i cAutruccuadOngtInhtu

Tom tat trgnv tdm: Thui/ng xud't hien dang cau hoi dim dong tinh tii vdo chd trdng
diing sau lien td.

11 Cau true cua dong tinh tit I uo'c bo lien tit (1-2 cau trong de moi nam]
Cau true cua dong tinh td, S + V
va S + V, cau true cua dong tinh tC/
• Neu co tan ngfl sau dong tinh tit thi diing dong tinh tit hien tai, khong co
tan ngfl thi dung dong tinh tii qua khii.
After we finishing the job, we'll meet at the lobby.
(Sau khi kel thuc cong viec, chung ta se gap nhau d sanh.)
Dtfng sau dong tinh tii co tan ngu" (the job) nen diing dong tinh tii
hi^n tai (finishing).

We will close your account^ontacted (from you within ten days).

unless we are
(Neu khong lien lac dupe vdi ban trong vong 10 ngay, chung toi se dong tai
khoan cua ban.)
Dufng sau dong tinh tii khong co ttin ngfi nen diing dong tinh tii qua
khii (contacted).

Quick Quiz 1
Self-service cashiers gain popularity, the customers to save their shopping time,
(A) allowing (B) to allow (C) allowance (D) allowed

21 Cau true cua dong tinh tii di cung lien tii (1-2 cau trong de moi 2-3 thang)
• Lien tii chi thdi gian (when, while, after, before) thiidng xuat hien vcii "-ing +
tan ngfi".
When yeo renting a car, you need to compare prices for current deals.
(Khi thue xe, ban can phai so sanh vdi gia cua nhOng giao dich gan day.)
Sau dong tinh tii co tan nguf (a car) n^n phai dimg dong tinh tii hi£n
tai (renting).

• Lien tif chi dieu ki£n (if, unless; once (thdi gian)) thifdng xudt hi^n vdi
dong tinh tif qua khuf.
Once the company merged (by the conglomerate), it will reduce its workforce.
(Mot khi duac sat nhap vao tap doan, cong ty se cat giam nhan cong.)

Quick Quiz 2
Unless — in the manual, it might not be a good method to solve the problem.
(A) suggestion (B) suggested (C) suggesting (D) suggest



Tom uli irony tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biet dong tinh tit hien tai vd dong tinh tit
qua khit.

11 Cac cum tut co dong tinh tit hien tai. [Gan nhil ky nao cung xuat hien]

challenging task v/ec kho khan emerging company cong ty dang nol
existing equipment trang thiet bi von co growing company cong ty dang phat Irien
growing number con so gia tang leading company cong ty dan dau
missing luggage hanh ly bi that lac opposing opinion y kien phan doi
overwhelming order yeu cau qua mdc preceding years nhCing nam da qua
promising members thanh vien cd then vpng rewarding efforts nhOng no iUc xitng dang
the following day ngay horn sau upcoming conference hoi nghl sap tdi

We are a fast gfown company in semiconductor industry,

(Chung ta la mot cong ty dang phat then nhanh trong nganh cong nghiep
ban dan.)

Quick Quiz 1
Due to global economic slump, even suppliers expect the decrease in sales.
(A) leading (B) led (C) leader (D) leads

21 Cum tif co dong tinh tii' qua khii. [Gan nhu hy nao cung xuat hien]

attached document tai lieu dfnh kem damaged items/goods hang hoa bi hu hai
detailed information thong tin chi tiet detailed schedule Ijch thnh chi tiet
discounted prices gia da giam enclosed brochure tai lieu kem theo
involved tasks cac nhiem vu li§n quan unexpected travel chuyen di bat ngd
motivated employees nhan vien tich cUc revised copy ban sao duoc sCia lai
reduced size kich thddc da giam unlimited access truy cap khong gidi ban

You can find all the details in the attaching document.

(Ban co the tim thay moi chi tiet trong tai lieu dinh kem.)

Quick Quiz 21
We can offer prices, if you make a reservation a month earlier.
(A) discount (B) discounted (C) discounting (D) dicounts
Mini-test Dap an va phan ti'ch xem trang 31 phSn Answer Keys

1. — that their new model oursells 5. The entry fee to the conference
their older ones, they are making was so that there were few
arrangements for its wider applicants in our company.
distribution. (A) highly
(A) Anticipation (B) high
(B) Anticipate (C) higher
(C) Anticipated (D) highest
(D) Anticipating

Due to the costs in shipping 6. -— in our team, Tommy is of benefit

and handling, Jessy Appliances to us.
decided to build a plant in India. (A) Works
(A)rose (B) Worked
(B) risen (C) Working
(C) rising (D) Has worked
(D) rises

3. It is said that regular exercise and a 7. Unless otherwise , I would

healthy diet reduce your risk of -— like you to visit our factory during
cancer. your visit.
(A) development (A) scheduled
(B) developed (B) scheduling
(C) developing (C) to schedule
(D) develops (D) schedule

4. As in the fast meeting, removing 8. Sunny Electronics will unveil a

some harmful ingredients wilf be design for Zet vacuum cleaner that
implemented as of today. corrects some flaws.
(A) have discussed (A) revise
(B) discussion (B) revision
(C) discussed (C) revising
(D) discussing (D) revised

9. — production costs, Jordan 11. We cut down the number of
Chemicals decided to manufacture business trips companywide, thus
their products in China. — our budgets.
(A) To reduce (A) reduced
(B) To reducing (B) reduction
(C) to reduction (C) to reduce
(D) To have reduced (D) reducing

10. Please read through the — 12. We are facing a merge with Dakota,
instructions on applying for but there is disagreement over the
membership on our website. way the problem is .
(A) detail (A) addresses
(B) detailed (B) addressed
(C) details (C) being addressed
(D) detailing (D) is addressed

Questions 13-15 refer to the following e-mail.

Subject: Questionnaire

Hello, Walter.

Could you please do me a favor? There's a questionnaire in the document attached to

this message. Would you mind taking a few minutes to fill it out ?

We need to gather information on the department heads as we can for the new
13. (A) as much
(B) much
(C) as
(D) as more
brochures that we will be releasing next month. Please include any personal information
that isn't confidential. This can include awards, community service activities, and family
news — work-related information.
14. (A) in anticipation of
(B) with respect
(C) in light of
(D) in addition to
Would you iike for me to arrange to have your photo taken? The one on file now seems
to be a bit old,

I've also been put in charge of the company newsletter. I'd appreciate hearing from you If
there has been anything exciting happening or even just gossip in your department
15. (A) interest
(B) interested
(C) interesting
(D) interests

Jane Goodman

cAu TRUC so sAnh

Cdu true so sdnh gom so sdnh ngang hang de so sdnh 2 dni tiirtng nhu nhau, so sdnh
hdn de so sdnh 2 ddi tiiiing xem ben ndo co Uu the hdn, so sdnh hiin nhd't de so sdnh
3 ddi Mdng irii ten xem ddi tugng ndo co uu the nhdt.

1 | SO SANH NGANG BANG (1-2cautrongflem6inam)

Tom tat trong term: Thtidng xud't hi en dang cdu hoi phdn biit tinh tii vd trang tii
gitta as... as.

11 D6i voii dang bai diein tinh tii hoac trang tii vao cho trong giua "as ... as",
khi bo cum as ... as..., neu con lai mot menh def khong hoan cbinh thi dung
tinh tii, neu con mot menh de hoan chinh thi diing trang tii.

(This printer is) as efficient as the one we used previously.

(Chiec may in nay co hieu suat tucmg duong chiec chung ta da dung trade do.)
N5u bo as... as thi con lai mot mdnh ddf khong hoan chinh khong co
bo ngC? (This printer is), vi viy phai diing tinh tii (efficient).

(The new product did not sell) as readily as the older models.
(San pham mdi nay khong ban chay nhd cac mau trUdc do.)
Nd'u bo as ... as thi con lai mot menh de hoan chinh (The new
product did not sell), vi v|y phai diing trang tii (readily).

Quick Quiz 1
The general manager put in a good word for you that you are as as him.
(A) competent (B) competently (C) competency (D) competence

21 Dang can as va as di thanh mot cap.
The two plans suggested by each team are very opposite as two poles.
(Hai ke hoach dupe de xuat bdi cac dpi hoan toan trai ngUpc nhau.)
Very la mot trang tif mang nghla "rat" nen khong the di cung vdi as.

31 Cac trang tit bd nghla cho caiu tnic so sanh ngang bang: nearly, almost, just...
Operating this machine is just as easy as operating your cell phone.
(Vtec sCf dung chiec may nay chi don gian nhu viec sCt dung chiec dien thoai di dpng
cua ban.)

Quick Quiz 2
Ads in the newspaper are as effective as television advertisements,
(A) just (B) well (C) much (D) only

2 | SO SANH HON (V2 tfu trong de mol 2-3 thang)

Tom tat trnny tdm: Dang can hoi ve "so sdnh ban + than", "the + so sanh han..., the
+ so sdnh hdn...

^ I Dauig can hoi phan biet triittng hop them -ervko sau tinh tit va tntdng htfp
dung more tru'dc tinh tit.
• Tntdng hop them -er vao tinh tit
The route we recommend on the brochure is nwe-easy than the other.
(Lp trinh chung toi de xuat trong tai lieu kem theo de dang ban 16 trinh con lai.)
Tinh tit, trang tit co 1 am tiet hay cac tinh tit, trang tit co 2 am tiet ket
thiic bing "~er, -y, -ow, -some"dnpc them -er dc dicn dat y so sanh hon.

• TntOng hop dimg more vdi tinh tit

Preplanned travel packages are exfiensiver than backpacking trip.
more expensive
(G6i du lich dUdc len ke hoach trUPc dat hdn du llch ba 16/ du tich bui.)
Tinh tit ket thiic bang "-able, -ful, -ous, -me" hay cac tit co 2 am tiet
trd len di cimg vdi more.

Quick Quiz 1
The space between seats in a new SUV is two inches than before.
(A) more wide (B) wider (C) more as (D) very

2 I Thifdng xuait hien cau hoi chon than hoac tit ghep vr'yi than trong cau so
sanh ho'n.
Our factory is narrower as your warehouse,
(Xudng cua chung toi hep hon nha kho cua anh.)

Quick Quiz 2
Production of the new models went much faster we expected.
(A) but (B) when (C) if (D) than

31 TrOOng hop diing the tructc so sanh htfn.

• The+ so sanh hcfn... , the + so sanh hon... (...cang ... cang)
The more you practice, the best you will become.
(Cang luyen tap ban cang gidi hon.)
Chu y: khong chon luon so sanh htfn nhat khi nhin thiy the trifdc
ch6 trong.

• The + so sanh hon + of the two (doi tOOng ... hon trong ca hai)
This branch is the most profitable one of the two.
more profitable
(Trong hai chi nhanh thi chi nhanh nay dat ditac nhieu Igi nhuan ho'n.)
N6'u so sanh hon di cung of the two, phai co the trOdc so sanh hon.
Can true "the + so sanh ngang bang" hay "the + so sanh nhat" la cau
trtic sai trong trrfcing hop nay.

Quick Quiz 3
The the prices are, the more people purchase.
{A) lowest (B) low (C) lower (D) most low

41 Cac trang tu much, even, still, far, a lot, by far (rat nhicki)— dung de nhan
manh mufc do so sanh hdn.
The American dollar is many more influential than the Japanese yen.
(Do la My cd site anh hudng Idn hon rat nhieu so voi yen Nhat.)


m Tom tit irony tdm: Dang cdu hoi so sdnh httn nhat diing vcfi of in.

11 Phai nam ro cac each di6n dat thifdng dung vdi cau triic so sanh hdn nhat.
• So sanh hon nhat dung vdi of, in, menh ddi" that.
These 200-watt halogen lamps are the brightest lamps of all in our shop.
(NhQng chiec bong den halogen 200 oat nay la nhtfng bong sang nhat d cila
hieu chung toi.)

Wal-Mart Stores is the largest business in America.

(Wal-Mart Stores la doanh nghiep thUdng mai Idn nhat d My.)

The whiskey is the most expensive one that he has ever bought for a gift,
(Chai mau whiskey nay la this dat nhat anh ay da titng mua lam qua.)

• Dung the most trUdc cac tinh tif co 3 am tift trd len.
The city's commuter train system is the efficientest of all available in Asia.
the most efficient
(He thong tau hda cho ngUdl di lam bang ve thang d thanh pho nay hieu qua
nhat trong cac he thong tren toan chau A.)

Quick Quiz
The -— option now is to take the earliest flight to L.A tomorrow.
(A) more possible (B) possibles! (C) most possibly (D) most possible

2 I TrUofc "so sanh hofn nhat + ctanh tif" co the dixng tmh tit sd hufu/scf hfiu
each thay the.
My most important concern is to meet the production schedule.
(Moi ban tam quan trong nhat cua toi la viec theo kip ke hoach san xuat.)

3 I Cac trang tit by far, quite (chac chan la - nhat) dung de nhan manh mufc
do so sanh nhat.
His newest novel is being considered by far the most successful.
(Tieu thuyet mdi nhat cua anh ay dUbc coi la tac pham thanh cong nhat cua anh
ay til tn/oc den nay.)

Mini-test Bap an va phan tich xem trang 34 phan Answer Keys

1. Newly recruited employees benefit 3. In-house ventures are working

from the advice of their superiors as individually by a close relationship
as the training program. with the parent company.
(A) greatly (A) maintenance
(B) greater (B) maintaining
(C) great (C) maintained
(D) greatness (D) maintains

2. They are promoting their upcoming U. She will replace Mr. Anderson as
seasonal sale in TV -— customers. a senior engineer, for she has
(A) to attract experience as him.
(B) attracting (A) as
(C) attract (B) plenty
(D) to attracting (C) much
(D) as much

5. After reviewing Mr. Jonas's first 9. The more the business satisfies its
draft, his editor persuaded him customers, profits they can make,
the plot of his novel. (A) the high
(A)change (B) the higher
(B) to change (C) the highest
(C)to be changed (D) the more high
(D) changing
10. Koreans are considered as one of
6. Of the two, he is the qualified the workforce in the world.
applicant in educational background (A) most competitive
and working experience. (B) competitive
(A) best (C) more competitively
(B) better (D) compete
(C) good
(D) well 11. The company encourages
employees to come up with
7. With nearly 10,000 participants, innovative ideas, that there will
this year's competition is —- more be considerable rewards.
popular than last year's. (A) encouraged
(A) therefore (B) encouragement
(B) mostly (C) encourages
(C)even (D) encouraging
12. As for the success of a new product,
8. When to Tokyo, Japan, take marketing is important as
a bus because this city is well quality.
serviced by a bus route. (A) as
(A) travel (B) prior
(B) has traveled (C) to
(C) is traveled (D) stilt
(D) traveling

Questions 13-15 refer to the following e-mail.

Subject: Missing channels

Thank you for emailing us and informing us that the cable package you subscribe to no
longer contains many of the channels that it should.

Over the weekend, the facilities in your area an uncommon technical malfunction
13. (A) experiencing
(B) is experienced
(C) experienced
(D) experiment
that caused some of the channels in certain packages to be disrupted.

Our technicians are working hard and insist that they will have the problem fixed shortly.
You will be not notified the services have been fully resumed.
14. (A) as if
(B) now that
(C) in order that
(D) as soon as

Thank you again for telling us about this issue. We you that this inconvenience will
15. (A) ensure
(B) assure
(C) mention
(D) notice
be remedied swiftly.


Mary Beth Watson 1



Trong can trite song song, ede lien tii lien kit ede ctoi tup'ng cd cung tii loai, cung edit
true. Ddo ngvC Id thay dot vi tri eiia chu ngil vd dpng tii, chuyen phdn muon nhdh
manh lin tnietc.


m Tom tdt trong i/im: Dang edit hoi dim cum tii hodc tii veto tnCdc hodc sou lien tii kit
hap hay dang cdu hoi dien lien tii kit hap vdo vi trigida cum tii hodc tii.

1 I Trong can true song song, tri^dc va sau lien tit k^t hctp phai dung td loai
tittfng du'dng.
Danh td
Four presentatives and a number of employment attended the meeting.
{Bon ngiidi dai dien va rat nhieu nhan vien cung tham du cugc hop nay.)
To start their business, they should gel permit and licensor.
(De khdi nghiep, ho nen co giay phep va dang ky kinh doanh.)
Thitdng xuft hi^n cau hoi cafu true song song giifa ngifdi vdi
ngifdi, su vat vdi su' vat.

Dong tit
They must manufacture and delivery office supplies by July 5.
(Ho phai san xuat va phan phoi cac vat dung van phong vao ngay mung 5
thang 7.)
Cau true song song gida eae ctong td, d d^y they must ddcic sd dung
trung lap trddc deliver nen co the gian Iddc.
Trang td
The CEO encourages his employees steadily but not aggressive.
(CEO khuyen khich cac nhan vien mot each deu dan nhu'ng khong quyet liet.)
Cdu true song song gida trang td (steadily) va trang td (aggressively).

Quick Quiz 1
1-1. This package tour to New Zealand is highly attractive and environmentally .
(A) friend (B) friendly (C) friendship (D) friendlily
1-2. A new security system installed last month is expensive but not
(A) effect {B) effective (C) effectiveness (D) effectively

21 Trong cau true song song, lien tir ket hop phai lien ket cac cau true
giong nhau.

Cum danh dong cif

Developing (new products) and provisions (various options) to customers are
their duty.
(Phat trien cac san pham mdi va cung cap cac lUa chon da dang cho khach
hang la nhiem vu cua hp.)

Cum dong tif nguycin the

We agreed to expand (our business) and strengthened (our expertise).
(Chung tdi da dong y md rpng kinh doanh va cung co chuyen mon.)
Trddng hop trung lap dong tu nguyen the co to co the gian lifpc to.

Cum giOi tif

You should handle customer's complaints with rapidity and accurate.
(Ban nen giai quyet cac phan nan cua khach hang mot each nhanh chong va
chinh xac.)

Cum dong tif

Complete (the application form) and submission (it) by next Tuesday.
(Hoan thanh bin dang ky va nop trUdc thd Ba.)

Quick Quiz 2
Let's meet and plans for expanding into Latin America.
(A) discuss (B) discussing (C) to discuss (D) discussion


fvm tdt tronv tarn: Dang edit hoi dim dang dung cua {tnf) dong tie trong can true
ddo ngii.

11 Neu tuf phu dinh dufng tni'dc menh def thi menh de bi dao ngiif.
never nor little hardly seldom rarely

Nor did the president approves our plan to enlarge the sales department,
(Chu tich khong ung ho ke hoach md rong phong kinh doanh cua Chung toi.)

2 I "only + (cum, menh del) trang ngu" diVng tni'dfc menh de thi menh d^ hi
dao ngfif.
Only recently has the ofticial procedure has-been simplified.
been simplified
(Phai den gan day cac thu tuc chinh thOc mdi dUOc don gian hoa.)

Quick Quiz 1
Only recently have they their advertising budget.
(A)expand (B) have expanded (C)expanded (D)are expanding

3 I Neu gian lutfc if 6 cau dieu kien thi phai dao ngif.

Cau dieu kien Should + chu ngO + dong tC/ nguyen the-, chu nguf
loai 1 + will(may) dong tir nguyen the/ (please+) dong td nguyen the
Cau dieu kien j
loal 2 Were + chu ngd-, chu ngu' + would dong Id nguyen the
Cau dieu kien .. . ,
|oaj 3 Had + chu ngu + p.p.-, chu ngd + would have p.p.

Had we have-implemented safety guidelines, the accident would not have happened,
(Neu chung fa thdc hien theo nhu'ng huong dan an loan thi tai nan nay da
khong xay ra.)

Quick Quiz 2
Mr. Kim require any additional information, feel free to contact me.
(A) Although (B) If (C) Moreover (D) Should

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 37 phan Answer Keys

1. Little —- employees know that their 5. Hardly had a new strict safety
company had a new retirement guidelines when the accident
program for middle aged professionals. rate dropped.
(A) did (A) implemented
(B) have (B) have implemented
(C) had (C) implements
(D) does (D) been implemented

2. Carpooling can be as — as 6. The firm believes that customer

unplugging appliances when they satisfaction is — than its overall
are not in use to reduce the carbon profit and revenue,
emission. (A) important
(A) efficiency (B) importance
(B) effective (C) importantly
(C) effectively (D) more important
(D) effect
7. Korean entertainment companies
3. we had portable GPS are beneficiaries of SNS marketing
navigation systems, we could have in fans in and outside of Korea.
arrived at the conference on time. (A) attraction
(A) Had (B) attracting
(B) Could (C) attracted
(C) Did (D) attract
(D) Might
8. The company has forbidden all
4. The more we proofread the employees to smoke inside the
presentation materials, the more building —- in the parking lot.
perfect our presentations will be. (A) and
(A) thorough (B) yet
(B) thoroughness (C) besides
(C) thoroughly (D) therefore
(D) be thorough

9. their recent bills is important in 11. Mr. Turner is responsible for
order to ensure that they were not the advertising for the overseas
overcharged. branches.
(A) Reviewing (A) creating
(B) To reviewing (B) create
(C) Reviews (C) creation
(D) Have reviewed (D) created

10. His previous job a task of 12. hasthe pharmaceutical company

cutting down on every unnecessary announced that their medicine can
expenses in his company. cause serve side effects.
(A) involvement (A) Even
(B) involved (B) Even though
(C) was involved (C) Seldom
(D) involving (D) Because

Questions 13-15 refer to the following article.

Last September, Samuel Jennings, a $700 million dollar women's fashion designer and
merchandiser, spent $300 million buying out Satchel, a chain of stores that
13. (A) near
(B) nearing
(C) neared
(D) nearly
specializes in selling low-prices clothing in small towns throughout the rural regions of
North America.

The took less than a year to pay off, Yesterday, Jennings announced that the chain
14. (A) loan
(B) investment
(C) infrastructure
(D) project
has nearly doubled its second-quarter profits compared to the previous year. The stock
market responded by pushing Samuel Jennings share prices to their in the history
of the company.
15. (A) high
(B) highest
(C) higher
(D) highly

Half Test 02 Dap an va phan tich xem trang 39 ph^n Answer Keys

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions. You are encouraged to answer as many questions
as possible with the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers
in your test book.

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the
sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. This application provides the most 104. It is mandatory for all employees —
way to find good restaurants in — the customer service workshop
your town. next week,
(A) convenient (A) attending
(B) conveniently (B) to attend
(C) convenience (C) attend
(D) conveniences (D) attendance

102. The labor union was encouraged to 105. Had they trained the kitchen staff
meet and the issue of working earlier, they -— their restaurant on
hours with the management. schedule.
(A) resolve (A) could open
(B) resolution (B) could have opened
(C) resolved (C)opened
(D) resolving (D) had opened

103. We are pleased a 106. Only after we read the machine's

complimentary meal voucher for operational manual — we operated
making it up to you. it properly.
(A) offer (A) have
(B) be offering (B) as if
(C) offered (C) efficiently
(D) to offer (D) did

107. -— you one month tree trial helps 112. —- — an advertising division, the
you the opportunity to try the latest firm needs imaginative people and
version of our software. the budget for them.
{A) Give (A) To mange
(B) Have given (B) For managing
{C) Giving (C) In managing
(D) Given (D) By managing

108. Unless you park your vehicle in the 113. visiting the factory, you must
parking area, it can be towed. obtain an approval from the security
(A) designation office.
(B) designated (A) To
(C) designates (B) When
(D) designating (C) Of
(D) So
109. Our service includes -— temporary
employees to major companies 114. The recent closure of our competitor
across the nation. can be an opportunity our
(A) provide sales.
(B) provision (A) increasing
(C) to provide (B) increased
(D) providing (C) to incease
(D) have increased
110. To inspire customers, — and business
partners, the company tries to integrate 115. I have enjoyed working with the staff
innovation into core business. and with the rival companies
(A) skils throughout the years.
(B) communications (A) compete
(C) employees (B) competitive
(D) presentations (C) competitively
(D) competing
111. When Construction firm Zera made
a contract with us, they ensured 116. Only lately have service personnel
both building safety and — in order to offer better service
(A) functional to the customers.
(B) function (A) has trained
(C) functionally (B) trains
(D) to function (C) trained
(D) will train

117. Do not forget prepared with 119. A small fire that broke out in the
your resume, references, and factory surprised workers,
other materials you need for the job assembly line stopped.
interview. (A) renders
(A) coming (B) rendered
(B) to come (C) have rendered
(C) come (D) rendering
(D) have come
120. If you have a specific problem
118. His passion to care about his our services, please send an e-mail
employees was able -— to them to
through the speech. (A) access
(A) to deliver (B) accessing
(B) to be delivered (C) to access
(C) deliver (D) accessible
(D) to being delivered

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 121-123 refer to the following email.

To: Diana Levvy

From: Jacob Poulton
Subject: Package

I need to ask you for a huge favor. Sitting on my desk, there's a package that —- to go
out to the London branch.
121. (A) need
(B) needing
(C) to need
(D) have needed
The manuscript that they from me is packaged and addressed; it just needs to be
sent out,
122. (A) delivered
(B) requested
(D) wrote
If you can go online to the Flashback Delivery Service site, it's very simple to fill out. Just
fill out the destination, weight (1 pound), and speed (overnight). You can pay for it online,
and they'll send someone to pick - up.
123. (A) me
(B) them
(D) him
Make sure you get a receipt and leave it on my desk. I'll take care of having you reimbursed.


Questions 124-126 refer to the following memo.

Hello, everyone.
I am writing to introduce the newest addition to our staff. Alexandra Lambert has come
to us straight from Hanopy Law School, she graduated at the top of her class. As
124. (A) which
(B) whom
(C) that
(D) where
is typical, she will -—— the first six months at the firm working with various people in the
125. (A) announce
(C) receive
(D) report
This month, Alexandra will be working with Carin Jay in the real estate division. Next
month, Lawrence Dean will work with her in licensing. That is as far as her schedule has
been planned. If of you have interesting projects coming up, we may be able to
126. (A) every
(B) either
(C) any
(D) few
arrange for her to work with you.
Please take a moment to stop by her desk and introduce yourselves. Make her feel
Phillip Hartmann






11 Danh tif (Noun)

12 Dai tif (Pronoun)

13 Ttnh tif (Adjective)

14 Trang tif (Adverb)

15 Gidi tif (Preposition)

Hall Test 03


Danh tU cd the chia thanh danh tic dim diCcfc vd danh tic khong dim duac. Danh tic
thiding dimg ding tic ban dinh nhtC mao tiC, tinh tic, tinh tic sd hfdi, dai tii chi dinh
de gidi ban nghia cua danh tic.

1 ] VI TRl CUA DANH TtT (2-3 cdu Irong de mdi hy Ihi)

Tom tat trong tdm: '/biding xudt biin dang can hoi dien danh tiC vdo vi tri tan ngiC
dting sau dong tiC hay gidi tic.

11 Di^n danh th van vi tri cua chii ngfl, tan ngfif, bo ngfl.
Vj tri chu ngQ
Contributions (to the foundation) were asked by the government.
(Chinh phu yeu cau dong gop cho guy.)
Quick Quiz 1
for his support was expressed in her remarks.
(A) Appreciate (B) Appreciation (C) Appreciated (D) From Appreciation

Vj tri tan nguf cua dong td

All of the employees should make proposals.
(Tat ca cac nhan vien nen viet ban de xuat.)

Quick Quiz 2
You should take to shield your personal information.
(A) precautions (B) precautionary (C) precautions (D) precautioning

Vi tri tan ngO cua gidi td

New employees use the training for opportunity of development.
(Cac nhan vien moi tan dung chiidng trinh dao tao nhu cd hoi de phat trlen.)

Quick Quiz 3
Visitors are not able to go into the laboratory without
(A) permitting (B) permitted (C) being permission (D) permission

V| tri bo ngQ
Ms. Hamilon became a manager at the Indian branch of Sopex.
(Co Hamilon da trd thanh quart ly chi nhanh An Do cua Sopex.)
Neu bo ngfl (a manager) va chu ngu' (Ms. Hamilon) la moi quan h6
tifOng ditong thi danh tii xuat hidn d vi tri cua bo ngii.

21 Danh tif dufng san th han dinh.

Mao td + Danh ti/ + Gidi tit
The lack of understanding of the culture caused a conflict.
(Si/ thieu hieu biet ve van hba da gay nen xung dpt.)

Tmh fu1 + Danh tif

There will be a brief interruption in the electrical supply.
(Se co mot gian doan ngan trong cung cap dien.)

Dona tfnh tit + Danh tCf

We are looking for an experienced manager for this position.
(Chung toi dang tim kiem mot quan ly co kinh nghiem cho vj tri nay.)

Quick Quiz 4
4-1 The organization faces a serious of financial support from the government.
(A) short (B) shorting (C) shortage (D) shorten

4-2 Increasing in cost and technology is their greatest weapon.

(A) compete (B) competitively (C) competitive (D) competitiveness

Tinh tit sd hOu + Danh tit:

The service personnel make their appointments to the clients.
(Nhan vien djch vu dat lich hen vdi cac khach hang.)

Danh tiJ + Danh td :

The government suggested the energy planned.
(Chinh phu de xuat phUdng an nang kSOng.)
Truring hrip khdng bid'r danh tif ghep (energy plan) co the chon dap
an sai la dpng rinh tif nen nhat dinh phai hoc thupc cac danh tif
ghep thong dung.
Quick Quiz 5
Your course will be a great help in planning our new curriculum.
(A) evaluation (B) evaluated (C) evaluating (D) evaluate

DEM Dl/OC [Gan nhu ky nao cung xuat hieni

Tom tdt trom tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biet danh tii dem diicfc vd danh id khong
dim diMc.

11 Danh tii dem diftic nhat dinh phai di cimg mao tvf {a/an/the) hoac 6" dang so
iihieu. Danh tii khong dem diiOc khong the d dang so nhieu hoac di cung a(n).

You can get a 20 percent dtseotrnts with this coupon,

(Ban dude giam 20% vdi phieu giam gia nay.)
Discount la danh tii d^'m diioc. Vl da co mao tii khong xac dinh a
nen khong diiOc viet dtidi dang so nhieu.

The workers should keep record of their working hours.

(Cac cong nhan nen ghi lai SO gid lam viec cua minh.)
keep record of co nghla la "ghi chcp lai" va record la danh tii dem
dtipc, khong co mao tii khong xac dmh a nen phai dimg diidi dang
so nhidu.

A car attracted the most attentions at the motor show,

(Mot chiec 6 to da thu hut nhieu su chu y nhat d budi trinh dien xe.)
Danh tii khong dem diicc (attention) khong thd di cimg a(n) va
kliong the viet dudi dang so nhieu.

Quick Quiz 1
Due to unfavorable weather , my flight was behind schedule.
(A) condition (B) conditioning (C) conditions (D) conditioned

21 Cac danh tu dem dude xuat hien nhi^u trong de thi.

refund tra lai tien

price gia ca
benefit Idi ich, tien tra cap
increase tang
profit lai nhuan
rise tang
fund quy
advance phat then
tang/ discount giam gia
hike tang dot xuat tien
giam saving tien tiet kiem
decline giam
bill hda dan
(thddng xuat hien cung vdi
cost gia
wage tien Iddng
(money, cash la danh tif khong
dem dUdc)
standard tieu chuan effort no lUc
step bddc attempt thCl site
quy regulation st/<J/eu ch/nh ke suggestion de xuat
dinh code dieu luat hoach plan ke hoach
procedure tien thnh alternative phuang an
measure phUOng thcfc strategy chien hi do

A funding will be set up for the disadvantage in our community,

(Mot quy danh cho nhdng ngu'di gap kho khan trong cong dong chung ta se
duac thanh lap.)
funding la danh tif khong dem dt/efc. Vi co mao rd khong xac dinh
(A) nen phai Ahngfund.

Quick Quiz 2
They were pleased to hear the news of in salary.
(A) increases (B) increase (C) increasing (D) increased

31 Cac danh tif dem diigfc va danh tu' khong dem diidc thiidng hi nham lan.

Danh tit dem duoc Danh tCf khong dem dUdc

profession nghe nghiep professionalism sd chuyen nghiep

account tai khoan accounting ke toan
permit giay phep permission sd cho phep
furnishing do noi that furniture noi that
fund quy funding viec hd trd von
certificate giay chung nhan certification viec cap giay chdng nhan
notice thong bao notice sdchu y
purchase do da mua purchase viec mua
condition dieu kien condition tinh trang
interest lai interest sd quan tarn

I want to open a bank accountiftgr
(To/ mudn md mot tai khoan ngan hang.)
Co mao tif khong xac dinh a va nghTa cua cau muon noi den la tai
khoan nen phai ditng account, accounting la danh rii khong dem
ditpc mang nghla ke toan.

Quick Quiz 3
Please be informed that the workshop will be postponed until further
(A) noticing (B) notices (C) noticed (D) notice

4 | Cac danh tif dem difpc va danh tif khong dem difoc de nham Idn.
Danh tif dem dupe Danh tif khong dem difpc
a conflict xung dot consent chap thuan
a capability nang lUc, tai nang advice Idi khuyen, canh bao
an opening cho trong, vj tri tuyen dung information thong tin
a discount giam gia approval dong y
a refund tra tai tien mail thit gCfi
a statement tuyen bo access tiep can
a procedure tien trinh luggage hanh ly
a decision quyet djnh processing xd ly, tien trinh, gia cong
an approach each tiep can equipment trang thiet bi

The mayor sought advices from the professor regarding the current issue,
(Ngai thj trudng tim kiem Idi khuyen td vj giao sd ve van de hien tai.)

Quick Quiz 4
The company released an official - of recalling their products and expressing regret.
(A) statements (B) statement (C) state (D) stated



Tom tdt irony tdm: Thuting xudt hien dang cdu hoi chon danh tit dim vdo chd trong
sau tit chi htOng.

11 Tif chi liWng di cung danh tix dem diicfc.
TO chi ludng di cung danh tdso it Tdchi Iddng di cung danh td so nhieu
dem dUdc dem dUdc
one mot (a) lew mot it
each moi many rat nhieu
another khac, ntfa several mot vai
every tat ca (moi every two weeks) various(=multiple1 diverse) da dang

Please let us know if you need other application form.

(Hay cho chung toi biet neu ban can mot mau dang ky khac.)
Other dung tnicic danh tif so nhieu. Vi co danh tit so it (form) nen
phai dung another.

Quick Quiz 1
The supervisor will meet employee to review their progress in December.
(A) almost (B) several (C) every (D) most

2! Tif chi lifging di cung vdi danh tvf khong dem difpc.
much nhieu (a) little mpf/'f \ess it hdn
Many companies sometimes waste their money on too much
(Nhieu cong ty doi khi tang phi tien bac vao qua nhieu quang cao.)
advertisement la danh tif dem du'o'c, advertising la danh tif khong
dem difpc. Vi co much nen phai dimg advertising.

31 Tif chi luong di vdi ca danh tif dem difric va danh tif khong dem dude.
a iot of (= lots of) rat nhieu plenty of rat nhieu other khac, nJa
some mot it, cai nao do any bat cd cai nao all tat ca
no khong co bat cd cai nao more nhieu hdn most nhieu nhat

For more information about the gala dinner, call 1544-1333.

(Hay goi den so 1544-1333 di co them thong tin ve bOa da tiec.)
more dung difpc vcii ca danh ttf dem difpc va danh tif kliong dto
difpc, thifdng dimg vdi danh tif dem du'pc instruction d dang so
nhieu thanh more instructions (nhieu hifdng dan hdn).

Quick Quiz 2
He felt a lot of while preparing for a presentation about the project.
(A) effort (B) pressure (C) capability (D) procedure

{TRt/U TUONG) [Gan nhu ky nan cung xuat hienj

Tom tdt tro?w tdm: Dang can hoi phdn biet danh tti chi nguhi vet danh tie chi sU vat
rSi dim veto ch§ trdng.

1 I Dang bai cho danh th chi ngiidi la danh th dem diioic, va phan lofn danh
th chi su vat (tritu tifrtng) la danh tii' khong dem duoc.

Danh ti/chi nguai Danh tir chi su vat (trifu tt/dng)

collector ngud'i thu tien collection (bo) sUu tap
questioner ngudi dat cau hoi question cau hoi
authority ngudi cam quyen authorization sU cho phep
facilitator ngudi co van facility co' sd vat chat, thiet bi
performer ngudi trinh dien performance sUbiSu dien, the hien
journalist nha bao journal nhat ky, tap chi chuyen nganh
representative ngudi dai dien, nhan vien representation su dai dien
accountant nhan vien ke toan accounting ke toan
contributor ngudi dong gop contribution sU dong gdp
distributor ngudi phan phoi, ngudi ban hang distribution su phan phdi, phan bo
supervisor ngudi giam sat supervision sU giam sat
rival doi thu rivalry sUcanh tranh, doi dau
applicant ngudi xin viec application su dang ky
attendee ngUd'i tham gia attendance sU tham gia
consultant ngudi tu van consultation sU tu van
donor ngudi quyen gop donation su quyen gop
employee nhan vien employment viec thue mUdn ngUdi
creator ngudi sang lap creation sutao ra, su sang lap
technologist kTsu technology cong nghe

Co nhieu tru'Ong hop danh tu' chi ngifdi (sy vat) difpc lua chon du'a vao
mao tif kltong xac djnh (a/an) tritdc cho trong.
He is an outstanding supervision who cares deeply about his staff,
(Anh ay la mot giam sat gidi, ngUdi ludn quan tarn sau sac den nhan vien cua minh.)
Supervision la danh tif khong dem du'Oc. Vi tnfdc do co mao tif
khong xac djnh an nen phai dung danh tif chi ngifcfi dt^'m difOc

Most of interviewers considered him a promising , so he was hired.
(A) application (B) applicant (C) applying (D) applied

• Tnidng hop co mao rif xac djnh (the) difng trifdc, vi6c Ida chon danh td
chi ngddi hay sd vat dda tren phan tich nghTa cua cau.
The attendant of the class for this semester was low.
(So ngUdi tham gia /dp trong ky nay thap.)
Mao td xac djnh the co the dung ddOc vo'i ca danh td so nhieu, danh td
dcm dddc va danh td khong dem difc/c nen phai Ida chon dung danh
td chi ngu'di hay danh td chi sd vat dda trcn phan tich nghia cua cau.

Quick Quiz 2,
Employees requested on the board of directors.
(A) representative (B) represent (C) representing (D) representation.

3 I DANHTt/GHEP [Gan nhu ky nao cung xuat hien]

m Tom tdt tronv tarn: Dang can hoi chon danh tit dung tru'o'c danh tii trong cdc phuting
an tinh tit, ddng tinh td, danh td.

11 Doi vdi danh td ghep (N1+N2), tfnh td, dong tinh td, dong td d trddc N2
deu la dap an sai.

Danh td ghep mang nghia Danh td ghep mang nghia

danh td 2 lam/khien danh td 1 danh td 2 cho/doi vdi danh td 1
building permit giay phep xay dung
fuel cost gia dau
art exhibition trien lam nghe thuat
travel arrangement lich thnh du Ijch
attendance record bang cham cong
application form don dang ki
construction delay tri hoan thi cong
communication skill kinang giao tiep
course evaluation danh gia khoa hoc
delivery company cong ty van chuyen
pay increase tang tien hJPng
maternity leave ngh! thai sin
performance appraisal danh gia hieu qua
production facility thiet bi sin xuat
product availability sin pham sin co
safety precaution bien phap an toan
customer satisfaction sd hai long cua
safety procedure guy thnh dim bio an toan
khach hang
employee motivation thuc day nhan vien
expansion project dd an md rpng

They are planning an expanding project for the Delason Museum,
(Ho dang len ke hoach cho dU an md rong Bao tang Delason.)
Trifcfc danh tif co thd dixng ca tinh tif, dong tinh tif, danh tif, vi vaiy
ndu khong bidt danh. tu ghep thi co th^' chon dap an sai la tinh tif
hoac dong tinh tif nen phai chu y ghi nhd.

Quick Quiz 1
The due date of appraisals for each department is May 10lh.
(A) perform (B) performing (C) performed (D) performance

2 | Khi chuyen danh tif ghep thanh dang so nhieu phai them -efs) vao danh
tif thef hai.
We need to book flights ticket now.
flight tickets
(Chung ta can dat ve may bay ngay.)

Quick Quiz 2i
There are job for managers in Austin.
(A) open (B) opening (C) openings (D) openness

* Co mot so danh tif ghep dac bi<h ma so nhieu difpc chia d danh tif dtfng trvfcfc.
customs office hai quan
savings account fa/' khoan tiet kiem
sales promotion khuyen mai

Mini-test 0ap an va phfin ti'ch xem trang 44 phan Answer Keys

1. Even though he was an experienced 5. This hotel package includes various

, he accidentally touched a such as breakfast and two
power cable during a safety check. tropical drinks.
(A) technical (A) serving
(B) technique (B) service
(C) technician (C) served
(D) technically (D) services

2. Using good eye contact when 6. You should have your lawyer review
you introduce yourself is a highly the contract thoroughly before you
recommended , grant
(A) practice (A) consenting
(B) practicing (B) consent
(C) practices (C) consented
(D) practiced (D) consents

3. Concierge service to do personal 7. We kindly grant a two-week

errands for employees is a great since we are behind schedule due
way to increase employee . to our factory worker's strike.
(A) motivation (A) extend
(B) motivated (B) extensions
(C) motivating (C) extended
(D) motivate (D) extension

4. The customer wanted to use 8. If you have any about the

the ceramic tile by France crowded parking lot, please use
designer Jang for her bathroom. public transportation.
(A) collect (A) concerns
(B) collector (B) concern
(C) coliection (C) concerned
(D) collecting (D) concerning

9. We have no -— to pay further 11. You can applythis face pack two
royalties because we are in days if yoi need deep moisturizing.
compliance with the licensing terms. (A) many
(A) obligate (B) every
(B) obligations (C) several
(C) obligation (D) few
(D) obligating
12. Thanks to —- in technology, you can
10. Finally, we received the building — communicate with your business
-- that the city issued last Friday. partners in a foreign country easily.
(A) permit (A) advancing
(B) permitting (B) advance
(C) permitted (C) advanced
(D) permission (0) advances

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Dear Dr. Martin,

I recently learned that you have an for a professor in your department. I am quite
13. (A) opening
(B) open
(C) opens
(D) opened
interested in moving to Lawson, MO. My background is in archeology, and I am currently
a tenured professor at the Harlen School.

I have teaching and publishing records and have served on several administrative
14. (A) excellent
(B) excellently
(C) excellence
(D) excellency
committees, you will find my CV. If you need any additional information, or if it seems
15. (A) Attachment
(B) Attaching
(C) Attaches
(D) Attached
like I may be a good fit for your department, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your consideration.

William Jones


Dai tit diUic diing thay cho danh tit dctrdnh lap lai danh tit. Dai tit cung diitic diing
nhti Id chii ngvt, tan ngU vd ho ngft. Dai titgom co dai tit nhdn xttng, deli/tinh tit sd
biiu, dai tit chi dinh, dai tit phdn than, dai tit bat dinh.


(Xuat hien trong mpi de thil

Tom tat tronv tdm: Cdc can hoi ve chia dai tit nhdn xttng dude phdn bo di'u, tuy
nhien can hoi ve dai tit sd hitu xudt hien nhieu nhdt.

1 I Dai tit nhan xung 6 vi tri chu ngfl (3 cau trong de moi nam)

Ngoithif soft \ Ngoi thil soft you Ngoi thu soft he/she/it
nhat so nhieu we hai so nhieu you ba so nhieu they

After the training, hts usually writes a thank-you letter to the instructor,
(Sau buoi dao tao, anh ay thud'ng viei thu cam an gCti ngUdi hUong din.)
Diing trifdtc dpng tif (writes) la chu ngii phai diing dai tif nhan
xifng (he).

Quick Quiz 1
Jay Mobile hinted their intention to establish a joint venture, but did not discuss the
specifics yet.
(A) they (B) their (C) theirs (D) them

21 Tinh tii' sd hufu dude dung de bo nghTa cho danh tif nen phai dtVng tnfdc
danh tif. (Can nhu ky nao cung xuat hien)

Ngoi thd so it my Ngoi thu1 so it your Ngoi thif so it his/her/its

nhat so nhieu our hai so nhieu your ba so nhieu their

He has prepared For Frirrr project for ten months,


(Anh ay da chuin bj cho du an cua minh trong 10 thang.)
CKu y: n^'u co gidi til (for) thi khong dixng tan ngd. Di'fng trtfdc
danh tu", danh tif + danh tif, tinh ttf + danh ttf, own + danh tir deu
phai diing dai td sd hdu.

Quick Quiz 2
The charity expressed appreciation to the donors by giving them a T-shirt.
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) themselves

3 I Dai td tan ngif thing sau ngoai dpng td hoac gidi td (2-<l caii trong de moi naitl)

Ngoi thd so it me Ngoi thii so it you Ngoi thd so ft him/her/it

nhat so nhieu ; us hai so nhieu you ba so nhieu them

The travel agency sent hts a copy ot his itinerary,

(Cong ty du Ijch gCli anh ay mot ban sao lich trinh du lich.)
Dai td sd hdu khong ddng trddc alanlthe nen khong th^' vl thay cd
danh td (copy) ma chon dai td sd hdu.

The new team manager shared his knowledge in marketing with them.
(Ouan ly mdi cua doi chia se kien thdc ve tiep thi cua anh ay vdi ho.)

4 I Dai td sd hdu dddc dung thay the cho "tinh td sd hdu + danh td" d vi tri
cua chu ngd, tan ngd, bo ngd.

Ngoithd soft mine Ngoi thd soft yours Ngoi thtf soft his/hers
nhat so nhieu ours hai so nhieu yours ba so nhieu theirs

My opinion is completely different from yetr.

(Y kien cua toi hoan toan khac vdi y kien cua ban.)
Khong dddc chon dai td tan ngd (you) chi vi nhin thay gidi td
(from). Dda vao y nghia, y kifi'n cua tdi (my opinion) khac vdi y
kidn cua ban (your opinion) nen phai dung dai td sd hdu (yours).
Ngoai ra, tinh td sd hdu khong the di cung alanlthe nen khong the
dung a my colleague ma phai la a colleague of mine.

is 10% cheaper than the catering service provided by our rival company,
(A) We (B) Our (C) Ours (D) Ourselves

2 | DAI Tt/ PHAn THAN 15 cau trong de m6i nam)

Tom tdt tranv tarn: IhUting xudt hien dang edit hoi dien vdo chb trong trong mirth
de, thtibng di'ing sau dong tit hay gidi tit.

1 I Klii tan ngu" cung doi Uiofng vdi chu nguf, dung dai tit phan than vao vi
tri cua tan nguf.
The engineers should update them with new technology.
(Cac ky su nen tu cap nhat cong nghe mdi.)
Tan ngif cung doi tu'Ong vdi chu ngfl (the engineers) nen dung dai tit
phan than (themselves). Tru'ong hop nay khong the gian lifrtc dai tit
phan than.

Quick Quiz 1
Many businesses find in deficit as a result of the global economic slump.
(A) them (B) their (C) themselves (D) they

2 I D€ nhan manh chu nguf hay tan nguf trong menh d^, dung dai tii phan
than sau chu nguf hay tan nguf.
The manager himself guided the executives to the factory.
(Quart ly tu minh dan cac lanh dao den xudng.)

The speakers are hidden ins de the computer itself.

(Loa dude cai dat san trong may tinh.)
Cac thanh phan khac trong cau deu xuat hicn ngoai trit dai tit phan
than, vi the phai chon dai tit phan than. Iru'ctng hop nay co the gian
htpc dai tit phan tMn.

Quick Quiz 2
Austin has created the advertising campaign for Next Manufacturing .
(A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself

3 I Cum ti "giort til' + dai tvt phan than".
by oneself mot minh for oneself tU minh, bang stic minh
of itself tU no in itself ban than no

The new employee in our department does fairly well for himself.
(Nhan vien mdi d phbng chung toi tU minh lam viec kha tot.)

Quick Quiz 1
They are proud of completing a significant project successfully for
(A) they (B) them (C) theirs (D) themselves

3 | DAI Ttf CHI DINH (Z-3 cau trong de moi nam)

Tom th irony tdm: Dang can hoi dim those vao cho trong tnidc dpng tinh tk/tinh tk
trong cau da gidn iiMc who are vti trUdc of.

11 Sii dung that/those thay cho danh tit xuat hien trudc no. Danh tu so it dung
that, danh tit s6 nhicu diing those. Liic nay, sau that/those phai la tit/cum tit bo
sung y nghia cho no.
Our company's salary system is the same as this of other companies.
(Che do tien luong cue cong ty chung toi cung giong nhucua cac cong ty khac.)

The wages of permanent employees are higher than these of temporary,

(Tien hJo'ng cua nhan vien chinh thi/c cao ho'n tien iuong cua nhan vien tarn thtii.)

Quick Quiz 1
The price of a 55-inch OLED set will be at (east double of the flat-screen TV of similar
(A) that (B) this (C) them (D) ones

2 I Those mang nghia "nhflng ngitcti phai dufng tritdc who hoac tvt/cum tit
bo sung y nghia.
I would like to thank that who attended the charity fundraiser,
(Toi muon cam On nhdng ngUdi da tham gia budi gay guy tit thien.)

Please ask who responsible for the company's budget,
(Vui long hoi nhu'ng ngUdi chiu trach nhiem ve ngan sach cua cdng ty.)
Sau those nhat dinh phai dung cif bo sung y nghia (tinh tif, dong tinh
tif, cum gidi tif, menh dd" quan h£).

Quick Quiz 2
We assist interested in launching their own business.
(A) those {B)them (C)they (D) one


Torn tdt tronv tdm: ThvCdng xud't hi en dang cdu hoi phdn hiet one, other, another...
12-3 cau trong de moi nam)

11 One du'ric dimg thay danh tit dem ditcfc so it chua xac dinh.
They found a virus with one of the files in your computer.
(Ho tim thay mot con virut o mot trong cac tai lieu tren may tinh cua ban.)
One d day chi mot tai lieu khong xac dinh trong so rat nhicu tai lieu.

Quick Quiz 1
of the difficulties in opening an overseas branch is overcoming cultural differences.
(A) The one (B) One (C) Who (D) That

2 I Another ditdc dung nhit mao tif khong xac dinh trifdc danh tif so it hoac
dimg khi chi mot doi tifdng chifa xac dinh.
• Dung trifdc danh tif dem difqc so it nhif mao tif khong xac dinh (a/an).
Other factor in the success of a new product is branding.
(Mot nhan to khac trong thanh cdng cua mot san pham mdi la viec quang ba
thuong hieu.)

Quick Quiz 2
member has recently joined the marketing team to meet the demand.
(A) Other (B) Others (C) Another (D) The others

• Dung de chi "mot thu! khac" chua xac dinh ngoai thtf da nhac d^'n.
One is the class for children, and another is the one for senior citizens.
(Mot tdp la danh cho tre em, mot Idp khac la danh cho ngddi cao tuoi.)
Khong dung the trtfdc another.

Quick Quiz 3
One is located one block away, and is situated near city hall.
(A) the other (B) another (C) others (D) other

3 I Other(s) ditOc dung tritdc danh tit so nhi£u nhu mao tit xac dinh hoac de
chi doi tuOng ngoai doi titOng da ditOc de cap.
• Other dimg rrrfdc danh tit dcm du'Oc so nhi^u.
Anotttef competitors are increasing their share of the market.
(Cac doi thu canh tranh khac dang gia tang thi phan cua hp tren thi trddng.)
O day other dttOc dung nhit tinh tit.

• Dung vcti nghia "nhieu thd khac" trong so nhiing doi titong ngoai d6i
titong da ditcfc nhac den.
One is made in Thailand, and another are made in the EL).
(Mot thu' dude sin xuat tai Thai Lan, va nhOng thu khac dddc sin xua't tai Chau Au.)
O day others du'ctc dung nhit dai tit.

Quick Quiz 4
We should consider costs such as shipping and handling fees.
(A) other (B) others (C) another (D) the others


MOST/ALMOST (2-3 cau trong de moi naml

Tom tdt tronv tdm: Dang can hoi dim dai tit bat dinh vao chd trong.

11 Some va any ditcfc dimg nhit dai tit va tinh tit mang nghia "mot so, mot it".
• Some thu"hng dttOc dimg trong cau khang dinh. Vcti tntctng hop dtfpe dimg

nhif la tinh tif trong cau khang dinh, some bo nghla cho danh tii dcm duo'c
va khong dcm du'OC.

Some of tourists prefer travel packages.

(Mot so khach du Ijch thi'ch di du lich iron goi ho'n.)

Some employees did turn off their computers.

(Mot so nhan vien da tat may tinh.)

• Any rhu'dng dung vcti cau phu dinh, cau dieu kien, cung co tnfong hop
ditng nhif finh t£f d^ bo nghla cho danh tif ddm difpc hoac danh tif khong
dd'nt difpc trong cau phu dinh, cau dieu kien.

Please let us know if any of your information needs to be corrected.

(Xin hay cho chung toi biet neu co bat cd thong tin nao cua ban can sua tai.)

We will not release any information about a new model.

(Chung toi se khong tiet 16 bat cd thong tin nao ve mau ma mdi.)

Quick Quiz 1
The company does not allow — employees to enter the main office without identification cards
(A) any (B) some (C) every (D) each

21 No difOc dung nhif tinh tif trifotc danh tif, none difOc dung nhif dai tif d vi
tri chii ngif hoac tan nguf.
There will be no major changes to this project.
(Se khong co thay doi tdn nao trong dd an nay.)
No difpc ditng nhif tinh tif tnfdfc tinh tif (major) + danh tif (changes).

None subscribe to CU Daily.

(Khong ai dat mua bao CU Daily ca.)
None khi dtftfc dimg nhtf danh tif Ichong d^'m difpc se d dang so it,
khi difpc dimg nhif danh tif dem difpc so nhieu co the co ca dang so
it va so nhiffu.

Quick Quiz 2
— of the tickets for the musical that won the Best Musical Award are left.
(A) None (B) Someone (C) Every (D) Whom

3 I Most difafc dung nhi^ la dai tif (phan Idn) va tinh (da phan cua), almost
difnc dung nhii trang (gan nhu).
Most of the record shops do not sell old LPs any more.
(Phan I6n cac cCta hang bang dta khong con ban loai dTa LP cu nQa.)
Khong chd' gian lifdc bat cii tif nao trong of the difng giiJa most va
danh td.

Most travelers enroll basic traveler insurance.

(Phan Ion nhung ngudi di du Ijch deu tham gia goi bio hiem du lich co ban.)

Almost all convention attendees departed from the main hall.

(Hau hot nhOng ngUdi tham gia hoi nghi deu da rdi khoi hoi trUdng chinh.)
Trang cd almost thddng di cung all, every, so, anything.

Quick Quiz 3l
of the museums in this country do not charge for admission.
(A) The most (B) Mostly (C) Most of (D) Most


Tom tdt trong tdm: Ihudngxudt Men dang can hoi dien dai til tiidng hap ve so liiOng
cua danh til.

1 I Phai hda hop so it/so nhieu, danh td so it di vdi dai td so it, danh td so
nhieu di vdi dai td so nhi^u.
He submitted their article on Friday,
(Anh ay nop bai viet cua mlnh vao thu Sau.)

Customers will get confirmation of his orders through e-mail,

(Khach hang se nhan dUdc xac nhan don dat hang cua ho qua thu dien td.)

21 Dai td phai tddng hdp vdfi danh td gidi tinh/nhan xdng.

Mr. Nicole said that she had not changed his itinerary,
(Ngal Nicole noi rang ong ay da khong thay doi lich trinh.)

The company decided to recall thelf defective products.
(Cong ty da quyet dinh thu hoi nhCing sin pham loi.)

Quick Quiz
We have had your bag mended, so please pick up at your convenience.
(A) it (B) them (C) their (D) they

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 47 ph^n Answer Keys

Your complaint about our poor Your timely on attracting foreign

service was reviewed and dealt with investment was a great help to our
properly, so please kindly accept company.
—- apologies. (A) advice
(A) we (B) sale
(B) our (C) survey
(C) ours (D) invitation
(D) ourselves
Baby carriers or wraps that help
A number of -— including the parents wear their babies are
European debt crisis are dragging gaining -— in Europe.
exporters down. (A) popular
(A) factor (B) popularly
(B) factors (C) popularity
(C) factoring (D) populate
(D) factored
Donors encouraged to present
Our factory and facilities in a show to raise money for victims of
Western Europe passed the safety the recent hurricane.
inspection. {A) they
(A) another {B) them
(B) others (C) their
(C) the another (D) themselves
(D) other

7. The R&D manager set own 10. — proposal that can improve the
standards, and forced researchers manager-employee relationship will
to follow them, be welcomed.
(A) he (A) Both
(B) his (B) Any
{C) himself (C) Few
(D) him (D) Ever

B. The spending patterns of twenties 11. James in the accounting department

today are completely different from will reimburse with receipts for
of fifties, their travel expenses.
(A) those (A) those
(B) them (B) they
(C) whose (C) someone
(D) this (D) who

9. Local fashion brand JP wants to 12. We were very impressed with

design something which is a far Charlie's enlarged house, so we'd
cry from its classic tine. like to remodel with your help.
(A) casuals (A) we
(B) casual (B) our
(C) casually (C) ours
(D) casualty (D) ourselves

Questions 13-15 refer to the following memo.

From: Jack Freeman

To: Marketing
Subject: New line

Last Friday was the end of the sample program we've been running for our new line of
organic juices. —- customers were given free bottles of one of the juices and a 25%
13. (A) Satisfaction
(B) Failure
(C) Potential
(D) Alternation
discount coupon for any future purchases. They to fill out a survey. Here's a brief
14. (A) were also asked
(B) also asked
(C) also ask
(D) will also ask

summary of what we've found:

— Three of the juices were far more popular: mango, blueberry, and acai.
— Customers felt that the kiwi juice contained a bit too much sugar.
— Most customers did not care for the taste of the tomato juice.

If you have time, let's have a meeting next week to discuss these findings Jeff is
15. (A) besides
(B) further
(C) either
(D) instead
putting together an agenda and will message you all soon.


Tfnh tit bo nghia cho danh tii hay b6 ngii, co vai trd gidi thick tinh chat hay trang
thai cua danh tit.

va vao vi m oo ngu.

11 Ti'nh tit bo nghTa cho danh tvf va diing triKVc danh tii (Xual hien trong mpi de Ihi)
Tinh tif + danh tii
Frequency inspections can reduce defective products.
(Viec kiem tra thu'dng xuyen co the giam thieu luang hang loi.)

Tinh tii + danh tii + danh tii

Our company adheres to a stringently inspection process.
(Cong ty chiing toi trung thanh vcsi mot guy thnh kiem tra nghiem ngat.)

Tinh tii + tinh tii + danh tii'

HFC's tmpressively inew line of phones will be released soon.
(Dong dlen thoai mdi an tuang cua HPC se sdm dUdc ra mat.)
Chu y: khong dixng trang tii tnicfc "tinh tii + danh tii" (new line).

Danh tii + tinh tii

They are the managers respond for customer service,
(Hg la nhUng quan ly chiu trach nhiem vS dich vu khach hang.)
Trong so cac tinh tii, tinh tii ket thuc bang "-able, -ible" dufng sau
danh tii de bo nghia cho danh tii.

Quick Quiz 1
Sri Lanka offers tourist attractions and magnificent scenery.
(A) diversity (B) diverse (C) diversely (D) diverseness

21 Tinh tuf d vi tri cua bo ngfl. IXuat hten trong mgi de thi)
B6 ng3 cua chu ngi?
Power supply is currently unstably due to summer heat.
(Viec cung cap dien dang khong on dinh do cai nong miia he.)

Bo ngQ cua tan ngu1

Many people consider our company progressively.
(Rat nhieu ngud'i cho rang cong ty chung toi dang phat then lien tuc.)

Quick Quiz 2
We have to make something to maintain our influence in this market.
(A) specially (B) speciality (C) specialize (D) special

2 I TINH TU CHI S6 U/ONG (Can nhu hy nao cung xuat hien)

Tom tdt irony tdm: 'Uniting xuyen xud't hien dang can hoi dien thih tii chi so Lip'ng
vao chd trong tnidc danh tit.

1 I Tmh tii" chi so luong di ciing danh tu' dem dbOc.

Tinh tif chi so lu'dng di ciing danh td Tinh tit chi so liidng di ciing danh td
dem dUdc so it dem dddc so nhieu
(a) few mot ft
one mot many nhieu
each mdi several mot vai
every tat ca variousCmultiple, diverse) da dang
'every + danh td dem difdc so nhieu ~ moi a variety [array, range] of nhieu loai
(every two days mdi hai ngay) both ca hai
another khac, nOa a number of nhieu
numerous nhieu

We must broaden our research into a little areas.
a few
(Chung ta phai md rong nghien citu sang mot vai ITnh vUc.)

Quick Quiz 1
senior members said that we should keep our domestic market first.
(A) That (B) Each (C) Several (D) Less

21 Tinh tii chi so liWng di cung danh tir khong dem diidc.
much, a great deal of, a large amount of nh/eu (a)little/'f \essithan

Our website provides evety information about the festival-

(Trang web cua chung toi cung cap rat nhieu thong tin ve le hoi.)

31 Tinh tu" chi so luo'ng di ciutg ca danh tif dent difrtc va danh tu khong dent ditdc
a lot of{=lots of) nhieu plenty of nhieu other khac
some mot it, cai nao do any bat cO cai nao
all tat ca no khong dUdc/co bat crt cai nao
more nhieu hdn most nhieu nhat

I'm sorry to inform you that each positions have been filled.
(Toi rat tiec phai thong bao vdi ban tat ca cac vl trf deu da tuyen duoc ngiidi.)
Quick Quiz 2
Our hotel will offer various services to satisfy business clients.
(A) such (B) more (C) much (D) a lot

41 Khong tht? Itfdc bo bat cii' tif nao trong of the 6 gifla tinh tif chi so Itfdng
va danh tif.
one(each, most, many, several, some, any) + of the + danh Id

One of local shops in Japan has annual sales of 5 million dollars.

One of the
(Mot trong s6 cac cu'a hang dia phUOng d Nhat co doanh thu hang nam ta 5 ty do ta.)

Quick Quiz 3
According to the survey, the repeat customers return dozens of times.
(A) the most (B) most of (C) most (D) almost


Tom tdt iron? tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biet gi(fi tit to vd ctpng tit nguyen the co to
de then tinh tit.

11 Ti'nh tii di cung gioi tit to (3-4 cau trong de mdi namj
be accessible to N cd the tiep can vdi
be beneficial to N cd lOi cho
be equivalent to N ti/dng duang vdi
be vulnerable to N dS ton thuong tnfdc
be comparable to N cd the sanh ngang vdi
be adjacent to N gan ke vdi
be payable to N ddgc tra cho
be subject to N phai chiu
be transferable to N dddc chuyen giao cho
Our company's employee benefits are abte to those of big companies.
(Phuc IcH danh cho nhan vien cua cong ty chung tdi cd the sanh ngang cac
cong ty Idn.)

Quick Quiz 1
1-1. The joint venture with Wilson can be to both of us.
(A) beneficial (B) wide (C) nervous (D) likely
1-2. The leakage of the business plan can be subject to of the contract.
(A) cancellation (B) cancel (C) cancelled (D) cancelling

21 Tinh tii di ciing vdi dong tii nguyen the co to (3-4 cau trong de moi namj

be (un)able to do cd (khdng) the lam gi

be willing to do sin sang lam gi
be happy [delighted] to do rat sin long lam gl
be pleased to do sin long lam gi
be eager to do hao hdc lam gi
be available to do sin sang lam gi
be about to do dinh lam gi
be likely [liable, apt] to do cd ve se lam gi
be reluctant to do mien cUdng lam gi
be ready to do sin sang lam gi
be easy[easier] to do lam gi de (hdn)
be eligible to do cd tdcach lam gi

Dax Appliance is comparable to expand their business,
(Dax Appliance da san sang de md rong viec kmh doanh cua ho.)

Quick Quiz 2
We were to increase target customers thanks to a new marketing strategy.
(A) capable (B) appreciable (C) able (D) reliable


Tom tat tronr tdm: Dang cdu hoi phcin biet cdc trnh tit dua trin nghta ciui cdu.

1 I Tinh tit co ciing tit goc nhung nghia khac nhau

impressive an tuang impressed cdm kich

considerate chu dao considerable dang ke
beneficent thUdng ngudi beneficial cd ich
favorite yeu thich favorable dang men
informative hifu ich informed am hieu
understandable cd the hieu understanding thau hieu dupe
proficient thanh thao profitable cd ich, cd lai
reliant phu thupc vao reliable dang tin
responsible cd trach nhiem responsive phan Png mot each
man dm
satisfied man nguyen satisfactory vda long
successive lien tuc successful thanh cong
sensitive nhay cam sensible cd dc phan doan,
khon ngoan

JS Oil has been a reliant and stable oil refiner,

(JS Oil la mot cong ty toe dau dang tin va ben vung.)

The country is entirely reliable on oil imports,

(Dat nude hoan toan phu thupc vao nhap khau dau.)

Diaz Web Design is an design company that makes stylish websites.
(A) impressively (B) impressive (C) impressed (D) impression

2 I Cac cum tu thucfng gap

be responsible for co trach nhiem vdi
be capable of cd kha nang ve
be proficient in thanh thao trong
be beneficial to cd Id vdi
be ideal for ly tudng cho
be appreciative of biet dn ve
be comparable with sanh dUdc vdi
be consistent with phu hpp vdi
be adequate for thlch hdp vdi
be sufficient for du cho
be aware of nhan thdc dude ve
be desirous of mong mud'n
be compatible with thi'ch hop vdi
be correspond with tUdng xung vdi

She is proficient for changing our product packaging,

(Co ay chiu trach nhiem thay doi bao bi san pham cua chung tdi.)

Quick Quiz 2
The software is of satisfying consumers' needs for fresh content.
(A) liable (B) capable {C) desirable (D) likely

Mini-test Dap an ph^n tich xem trang 50 phdn Answer Keys

1. It is that customers tolerate 5. The supervisor had to deliver

minor inconveniences if a product furniture , as all staff were out
provides emotional satisfaction. for other deliveries.
(A) like (A) he
(B) liked (B) him
(C) likely (C) his
(D) likelihood (D) himself

2. Newly released small buses that fi. After the investigation is , we will
carry 15 adults are extremely — examine the cause of the accident
-— among school students and thoroughly.
kindergarteners. (A) complete
(A) popularity (B) completing
(B) popularly (C) to complete
(C) populate (D) completion
(D) popular
7. events showed that the
3. There was change in the company's decision to move
company policy, which is a two-year production back to China was a
extension of maternity leave. good one.
(A) one another (A) Subsequent
(B) the others (B) Subsequently
(C) others (C) Subsequence
(D) another (D) Subsequent to

4. The factory workers are fully of 8. Rising number of smart phone

efficient ways of saving energy, so users communicate through
there is little power wasted. mobile messengers.
(A) native (A) they
(B) aware (B) themselves
(C) doubtful (C) them
(D) eligible (D) their

9. We ensure that -— information 11. The series of virtual pets will be
like ID, password, or an account through the Talking Friends mobile
number is kept safely. apps.
(A) sense (A) emphatic
(B) sensible (B) grateful
(C) sensitive (C) eager
(D) sensitively (D) accessible

10. All members get free admission 12. The London Motor Show set a
to the amusement park as of new record this year with daily
membership, attendance topping 5,000 visitors.
(A) benefit (A) attend
(B) beneficiary (B) attended
(C) benefits (C) attending
(D) beneficently (D) attendance

Questions 13-15 refer to the following article.

As the cost of fuel continues to rise, many airlines have been reducing the amount of
weight that customers are allotted for their checked baggage. Here are a helpful tips
13. (A) few
(B) periodical
(C) converted
(D) thorough
that will allow you to avoid any unexpected problems at the airport.

First. Check to see what kind of charges your airline has for overweight luggage before
you leave your house. This information can always be found on the airline's website.
When you buy your bags, choosing products that are made of light materials can help.
Some bags will be heavier even when they are
14. (A) stuck
(B) empty
(C) single
(D) final
Finally, avoiding packing more clothing and toiletries necessary is the simplest way
15. (A) probably
(B) therefore
(C) which
(D) than
to avoid unnecessary charges.


Trang tu' ho nghia cho tinh tii, ctong tig trang tii nhiing trong de TOEIC thtibng chi
xud't hien can hoi ve trang tic bo nghia cho tinh tii hay dung tic. Ngndi ra, trang tii
cdn bo nghia cho cd cum tii, menh de vd cd cdu.


Tom tat trong tdm: Thuitng xud't hien dang cdu hdi dim trang tii vdo ch§ trong tniiic
ddng tii, tinh tii.

11 Trang tii bo nghia cho dong tii. (2-3 cau Irong de mfli kv thi)
• Trang tii dtfng tnicfc hoac sau cum "dong tii + tan ngiT.
The landlady unfairly raised the rent.
(Ba chu nha da tang gia thue mot each vo ly.)
Please bring them immediate to the office.
(Vui long lap tu'c du'a ho den van phong.)

Khong diing danh tif sau noi dong tii.

The demand for organic food has increased
(Nhu cau ve thuc pham hCfu cd da gia tang dang ke.)

• Tnidng hop dong tif chia d thi ti^'p diln, the bi dong, thi hoan thanh,
trang tii dtlng sau hoac gida "trp dong tii + -ing/p.p".
We are currently looking for qualified candidates.
(Chung toi hien dang tim kiem nhUng dng vien co kha nang.)
The shareholders have already received their dividend.
(Cac co dong deu da nhan du'o'c co tOc cua minh.)
Make sure that batteries are inserted correction.
(Hay chic chin rang pin da dude lap dung each.)

Quick Quiz 1
1-1 When operating the equipment, please follow the directions .
(A) care (B) careful (C) carefully (D) careless
1-2 We have to decline your order due to inadequate raw materials.
(A) respect (B) respectful (C) respectfully (D) respective

21 Trang tif bo nghia cho tmh ti. (1 cau trong de moi hy thl)
We compete in an increasing competitive market,
(Chung toi canh tranh trong mot thi trUdng co tmh canh tranh tang nhanh.)
Chii y; khong ditng tinh ttf trifdc "tfnh tif + danh tif".

Beijing is one of the most frequently visited city.

(Bac Kinh la mot trong nhCfng thanh pho duoc khach du Ijch den nhieu nhat.)
Trang tif diJng tnidc dong tinh tC( qua khil (visited).

We saw all customers patiently waiting for admission.

(Chung toi nhin thay tat ca khach hang dang kien nhin chd vao cCia.)
Trang tit ditng trticfc dpng tinh tii hi^n tai (waiting).

A free trade agreement is current under way.

(Mot hiep dinh thUdng mai tu do dang dUOc tien hanh.)
Trang tii difng giCia dong tii he va cum tinh tii (under way).

Quick Quiz 2
2-1 Due to high temperatures, the sales of air conditioners soared.
(A) unbear (B) unbearable (C) unbearably (D) unbearing

2-2 The supply of raw materials for this product is dependent on imports.
(A) entire (B) entirely (C) entireness (D) entirety


m Tom tdt trunv tam: Dang cdu hoi xdc dinh trang tiiphu hap vc/i nghia cua cdu.

11 Cac trang tit co cung tu' g6c nhung khac nghla

hardly hau nhu khong hard cham chi, kho
nearly gan nhu near gan
closely ky hJdng/can than close gan
highly rat, d mute cao high cao
lately gan (?ay late mugn
mostly chu yeu most rat

Officials will eteae monitor the restaurants located in downtown,

(Cac cong chdc se kiem tra ky cac nha hang trong khu trung tarn thanh phd.)

Quick Quiz
Sonia Electronics' new handheld computer has proved successful.
(A) hard (B) hardly (C) high (D) highly

3 | 1RANG10 DAG Bl£l

Tom tdt trong tdm: Dang cdu hoi dicn trang tu tfnch help vdi nghla cua can.

11 Still/yet/already (1 cau m6i nam)

• still thifcfng xuat hien trong can khang dinh voi nghla "van/nhif tritcfc",
ngoai ra still cung co the xni't hifin trong can phu djnh va tritdc rif
phii dinh.
Please note that we are still awaiting your reply.
(Xin lUu y rang chung tdi van dang do'i phan hoi cua ban.)

Some employees yet hasn't submitted their weekly reports,

(Mot so nhan vien van chUa nop bao cao tuan.)

I am trying to make sense of all these files given by our suppliers.
(A) already (B) so (C) yet (D) still

• Yet dung trong cau phu djnh vch nghla "van chifa", ngoai ra yet cung co the
xuat hien trong cau khang dinh vcVi cau tnic "have yet to do (van chiia lam gi)".
The schedule of monthly meetings has not yet posted.
(Lich hop hang thang van chit a dude dang ten.)

The company has yet to do anything to resolve the conflict.

(Cong ty van chua lam gi de giai quyet mau thuan.)

Quick Quiz 2
We haven't received the result of the market research requested last week.
(A) never (B) always (C) still (D) yet

• Already dung vcfi dong tif be b thi hoan thanh vdi nghla "xong roi/da .
Corrected documents have already sent to you by email.
(Cac tai lieu da sura da sdm dUdc gui den ban qua email.)

Quick Quiz 3!
Managers have reviewed the agenda briefly before the meeting.
(A) soon (B) never (C) well (D) already

2 I Ever/once
• Ever dung d£ didn dat thdi diem qua khuf md ho, thifefng diing trong cau
true "have ever p.p (da tffng)" va "hardly ever (hau nhit khong)".
No panel has ever changed its findings.
(Chita tifng co ban hoi thim nao thay doi ket qua dieu tra cua no.)

Andrew hardly never stays late,

(Andrew hau nhu khong bao gid ngu muqn.)

Quick Quiz 41
Ms. Kim is one of the best researchers I have worked with.
(A) never (B) even (C) still (D) ever

• Once dung vcd thi qua khuf, mang nghla "da tifng/da mot thdi".
The firm was once ready for fauching their own brand.
(Cong ty da tdng san sang ra mat nhan hieu cua rieng ho.)


Tom tat trom lam: Ihubng xud't hien dang cdu hoi dim trang tii lien ke't phii help
^*3 vdi nghla cua cdu.
Can biet ro nghla va vi tri cua trang tif lien ket difdc dung de lien ket hai
menh de. (7 cau trang de m6i nam)

Doi lap However tuy nhien otherwise mat khac in fact su that la
Bo sung In addition/besides them vao do moreover/furthermore ngoai ra
Ket qua Therefore vi vay consequently do do
Khac For example (instance) lay vidu instead thay vao do

• Trang tif iien ket chi co the lien ket 2 menh de khi co dau cha'm phay, no
phai difpc vi^t sau dau chi'm phay (;).
The customer is calling the store; but, the person in charge is out to lunch.
(Khach hang dang goi dien den cua hang; tuy nhien ngu'di phu trach da di ra
ngoai an trUa.)

• Trang tit lieu k£'t diing cru'Oc dau phay giiia cau sau va cau trtfdc
They decided not to do the work. Instead, they will hire professionals.
(Ho quyet dinh khong lam viec nay. Thay vao do, ho se thue cac chuyen gia.)

• Trang tif lien kei'r khong the lien kei'c 2 menh de khi khong co lien tif
(vd: and).
It rains heavily, and consequently, ail the flights are being delayed.
(Trdi mUa to, va vi the tat ca cac chuyen bay da bi hoan.)

Quick Quiz
Bring your own skates. , you will have to rent some.
(A) Otherwise (B) For example (C) In fact (D) Though


aga*, Tom tat ironv tiim: Dang cdu hoi Ilia chon trang tit nhd'n manh phii hap vdi nghia
cAa cdu.

1 I Immediately, shortly, soon thu'dng diing imdc cum tit dien dat thdi gian
dnut nhan manh (2-4 cau trong de mil nam)
immediately [shortly, soon] + af1er[before] ngay sau (tri/dc) khi

Three songs on the album climbed the charts soon after their release.
(Ba ca khiic trong album nay da leo ten cac bang xep hang ngay sau khi chung
dUdc phat hanh.)

Quick Quiz 1
10,000 tickets were sold after the ticket office opened.
(A) absolutely (B) shortly (C) clearly (D) politely

21 Particularly, specifically, especially diicfc dung de nhan manh cho cum gidi
tit, lien tit, menh del trang ngfl, danh tit, dai tit, tinh tit... (1-3 call trong de mfli nam)
The market for medical devices is particularly small.
(Thj trudng thiet bj y te la dac biet nho.)

Quick Quiz 2
This laptop computer is designed for teenagers.
(A) pleasantly (B) equally (C) specifically (D) immediately


asp*, Tom th trong tdm: Hii'm khi xud't hien dang cdu hoi phdn biet so vd such roi dien
vdo chd trong.

1 I Trong cau triic so - that (qua... nen/den n6i ma), so la trang tit nen phai
dufng trudc tinh tit hoac trang tit khac.
The president is such busy that he canTattend the conference,

(Tong thong qua ban nen khdng the tham gia cugc hop.)
Such khong the bo nghia cho tinh tit nen phai dting so. Tra'Ong hop clifng
sau so la danh rii so it thi viet theo thif tit "so + tinh tii + ^ + danh rii".

21 Trong cau true such - that (qua., nen/den noi ma), such la ti'nh tit nen dung
tritdc danh tii.
It is se an innovative product that a few people can recognize its value,
(Day la mot sin pham qua sang tao nen chi so it ngUdi co the nhan thay gia
trj cua no.)
So khong the bd nghia cho danh tii nhii mot trang tii, vi the phai
dixng such. I hiOng hop such bd nghia cho danh tii so it phai viet theo
thif to "such + a/an + tinh tO + danh tO + that".

Quick Quiz
The sales of special offer products were successful that they were sold in two days.
(A) very (B) such (C) too (D) so


Tom tat trony tdm: Dang cau hdi dien trang tii vao cho trong tnidc so.

11 Trang tii thodng dimg vdi so. 13-6 cau trong de mdi nam)

gan nho approximately, nearly, almost

nhieu nhat [it nhat] up to, over, more than, at least

If you want to cancel your reservation, do it at least two days in advance.

(Neu ban mudn huy dat ch§, ban phii there hien trudc it nhat hai ngay.)

Quick Quiz 1
The Mumbai Resort attracts 100,000 visitors each year.
(A) approximately (B) informally (C) occasionally (D) newly

21 Trang tii phii dinh thiiofng di cung ever va khong the dimg vdi cac tii/cum
tii phu dinh. (1 cau trong de moi nam)
hardly, rarely, seldom, scarcely, barely hiem khi/hau nhu khong

The CEO of Yatt hardly ever pays attention to his employees' opinions.
(CEO cua Yatt hiem khi chu y den y kien cua cac nhan vien.)

Some employees can rarely exercise because they got home from work after ten.
(Mot so nhan vien co the hi em khi tap the due vi ho di lam ve sau 10 gid.)

Quick Quiz 2^
This kind of very aggressive marketing strategy has been used at all.
(A) faintly (B) vaguely (C) dimly (D) hardly

Mini-test 0cip an va phSn tich xem trang 53 phan Answer Keys

1. The project leader arrived at the 4. The advertising leaflet says that
office 9:00 A.M., and almost they will open the store — on
missed the conference call. January 25th.
(A) highly (A) office
(B) shortly (B) officially
(C) previously (C) officially
(D) nearly (D) to office

2. As it hasn't been long since she got 5. These figures are based — on
her driver's license, she drives very information obtained from the
survey on consumer preference.
(A) caution (A) primarily
(B) cautiously (8) formerly
(C) caution (C) allegedly
(D) cautioning (D) radically

3. Please note that we will give a kind G. An art program can have a effect
of penalty point to employees who on people with cancer in helping
are -— late for work. them get through their disease.
(A) consistently (A) considerably
(B) consistence (B) considerable
(C) consistent (C) consideration
(D) consistency (D) considerate

7. Ties and dress shoes are not want to share their private life with
important to men's sense of fashion. their boss or colleagues.
(A) persuasively (A) already
(B) separately (B) still
(C) promptly (C) yet
(D) particularly (D) even

8. It is better that negotiations proceed 11. Unless — noted, you will automatically
, checking all the possibilities. get basic insurance for your rental car.
(A) slowness (A) therefore
(B) slow (B) further
(C) slowly (C) otherwise
(D) slowing (D) afterwards

9. who has been involved in online 12. Most workers prefer to be in long-
safety for more than five years can term —, as they think it is stable,
apply for this position, (A) employ
(A) Whoever (B) employee
(B) Anyone (C) employs
(C) That (D) employment
(D) Others

10. SNShas become so widespread,

but there are some people who do

Questions 13-15 refer to the following e-mail.

Subject: Repairs

Dear Ms. Viratthanant,

Our committee met this morning and discussed several complaints that were received
from our clients in —to your repair crews. Many of them are saying that they have
13. (A) locations
(B) order
(C) regards
(D) invitation
to wait over a week - reporting problems to have a repair crew show up at their
14. (A) unless
(C) because
(D) after

We feel that your team is becoming increasingly necessary. As our client base grows,
15. (A) expanding
(B) extending
(C) preferring
(D) competing
more and more people will need installation and repairs. Because of this, the committee
has agreed to allow you to hire seven new crew members.


, Miko Tanakt


Dting sau gidi tiiphdi Id danh lit hoqc cdc tii/cum co vai tro nhu danh tii.

1 | AT, ON

Tom tdt trgng t/im: Cdu hoi hdi vfzx. vd on xuat hien nhieu nhd't.

\ I At (2-3 cau Irong de moi nam)

Dilng trirdc thdi gian - gid chtnh xac

at 11 o'clock vao luc 11 gid at noon/night vao buoi trua/buoi toi
at the beginning of the month vao dau thang at the end of the month vao cudi thang
Oufng trddc dja diem - dja diem cu the, dia chi difdng, vj tri
ten cong ty (at Juneau) ten tda nha (at Realty Building)
ten doan the (at The Walden Charity) nha ga/tram xe bus (at the station/the bus station)
ten difdng (at Ormond Street)
Oifng trade ti le, toe dd, gia ca
at a low/reasonable price vdi gia thap/vda phai

Quick Quiz 1
Both parties are supposed to meet and sign the contract Nox Enterprises.
(A) at (B) from (C) in (D) to

21 On (1 cau trong de moi nam)

Bdng trade thdi gian - ngay thang, thd cu the

on April 5 vao ngay mimg 5 thang 4 on Tuesday vao thd 3
on Friday morning vao sang thd 6
Odng trade dja diem - vj trf cung day hoac phia tren tiep xiic vdi be mat
on the 5lh floor d tang 5 on the wall d tren tddng on the hook d tren mdc quan ao

* In n^'u dung nhif gicfi tif chi thori gian thi diing tnJdc thang (in October),
nam (in 2010), neu dung nhtf gidi rd chi dia diam thi ddng tnJdc dia diem
(office van phdng, refrigerator tu lanh), tuy nhien tan suat ra de khong cao.

The conference originally scheduled August 15 has been canceled.
(A) at (B) in (C) on (D) from


Tnm tat trong lam: Dang edit hoi phdn biet gidi tii chi moc thbi gian vd quang thdi gian.

11 For (3-4 cau trong de moi nam)

Dung vdi nghla chi muc dich. (de, vi ~)

for further (more) information de co nhieu thong tin hdn for you vi ban
Dung trUdc doi tU0ng (ve/v! ~)
standards for tieu chuin ve respect for ton trong vi
Dung trddc phifdng hddng (hudng ve ~) ..v.
Thudng dung vdi dong td xuat phat nhu leave, depart
Dung tn/dc quang thdi gian eg the (trong-)
for the last two weeks trong 2 tuin trUdc

Quick Quiz 1
Employees asked the company to announce the standards job evaluation.
(A) through (B) along (C) owing to (D) for

21 Gidi tif chi thdi gian during difcfc dung tnfdc danh tif chi quang thdi gian
da difgfc xac dinh (2-3 cau trong de moi nam)
during the holiday season trong sudt miia nghi te
during summer vacation trong sudt ky nghi he
during the movie trong tuc chieu phim

Quick Quiz 2
Mr. Simpson was very busy inspecting the products by hand the day.
(A) for (B) in (C) at (D) during

31 Through (1-2 cau trong de mdi nam)

Dung trudc danh tif chl quang thdi gian (Irong suot-)
through the decade trong suot 1 thap ky
Dung nhd la gidi td ch? dja diem (di qua-)
through the city di qua thanh pho
Dung nhu gidi td chi phddng thdc va qua trlnh vdi nghTa "thdng qua-",
through Mary's latest book thong qua cuon sach mdi nhat cua Mary

Quick Quiz 3]
We could overcome similar problems more easily this time our previous experience.
(A) through (B) besides (C) instead of (D) during

41 Throughout (2-3 cau (rung de mdi nam)

Dung trddc danh td chi thdi gian (trong suot-)

throughout the year trong suot mot nam throughout the day suot ca ngay
Dung trudc danh td chi dja diem (toan-)
throughout the world toan the gidi throughout the country toan quoc

Quick Quiz 4
Male employees are allowed to wear shorts the summer to save electricity.
(A) at (B) throughout (C) across (D) because of

51 Within (2-3 cau Irong de mdi nam)

Dung trade thdi gian (trong v6ng~)

within 24 hours trong vong 24 gid
Dung trudc dia diem (trong-)
within the company trong cong ty
Dung trudc pham vi, gidi han, kholmg each (trong-)
within the limit of his budget trong gidi han ngan sach cua anh ay

Quick Quiz 5
Good communication the organization is key to its success.
(A) within (B) from (C) for (D) alongside


K* Tom tdt trom tarn: Dang cdu hoi phdn biet gitta cdc gidi tii chi thbi diem

1) Since (3-4 cau Irong de moi naml

since diing trUdc thdi diem trong qua khiJ, mang nghTa "ke tCJ ~, ti/ luc
since last year til nam ngoai since its foundation td khi dugc thanh lap

Quick Quiz 1
We've been preparing for opening ten outlets in China last year.
(A) at (B) through (C) since (D) in

21 From dung trndc thd'i diem/dia diem bat dau (2-3 cau trong de mdi nam)

Dung cho thdi diem {- tif)

from 5 o'clock onward til 5 gid trd di
Dung cho phi/ong hUdng (ti/ ~)
from the office tit van phong

Quick Quiz 2
The Public Relations Program at the community college will start a week today.
(A) by (B) without (C) from (D) to

31 By ditdc dung theo nhieu each

• By diidc dung nhii gidi td chi thd'i diem (khong mupn hdn-), thifdng dung
vdi dong tif hoan thanh (complete, finish, submit). (1-2 cau trong de moi nam)
You should finish your delayed reports at least by next Monday.
(Ban nen hoan thanh bai bao cao da tre han muon nhat vao thd 2 tuan sau.)

• Diing vdi each rhile, phddng phap, phddng tien. (1-2 cau trong de moi nam]
JJ Company has increased their growth potential by investing in human
(Cong ty JJ da tang tiem nang phat trien cua ho bang each dau tu vao nguon
nhan tdc.)

41 Until (2-4 cau trong de mfii nam)

• Until dung vcd nghla "cho rdi khi", thifcyng xuA't hi^n ciing dpng tit chi
hanh dpng ciep tuc (remain, stay, open) hoac tri hoan (postpone).
The notice will remain on the bulletin board until next week.
(Thong bao con se d tren bing tin den tuan sau.)

• Ihudfng xuat hien trong cau true "not A until B" (khong lam A cho den khi B).
Sarah will not come to the office until tomorrow.
(Sarah se khong den van phbng cho den ngay mai.)

Quick Quiz 3
3-1 Customers should submit their old devices to trade in for the new ones April 30.
(A) until (B) by (C) from (D) with
3-2 Our business partners will stay here to discuss a new contract this Friday.
(A) by (B) from (C) until (D) near to


Tom tdt trong tdm: Dang can hoi phdn biet giita ede gidi tit chi vi tri

11 Under (2-3 cau trong de moi nam)

under dung chi vj tn hay dja diem d dudi (dudi~)

under the seat di/di cho ngot
under dung trtfdc danh td mang nghla giam sat/chf dao/dieu kidn (dudi su~)
under one's guidance [supervision, leadership] dddi sd cht dao [giam sat, lanh dao]
cua ai
under dung trddc danh td mang nghla can nhac/thi cdng (dang dddc ~)
under consideration [construction] dang can nhac [thi cdng]

Quick Quiz 1
The landlord was told that the water was seeping the floor.
(A) under (B) due to (C) on (D) apart from

21 Gidfi tu vj tri
• Between dung rrong cau true "between A and B" (giiJa A va B)
Our consumers are office workers between the ages 25 and 40.
(Khach hang cua chung toi la nhOng nhan vien van phong do tuoi giOa 25 va 40.)

• Among dung trong cau true "among + danh tif so nhieu". (trong - [tif 3
rrd len], gifla -)
There are some objections to working on Sundays among employees.
(Trong so cac nhan vien co mot so ngudi phan doi viec di lam vao Chu nhat.)

Quick Quiz 2
The domestic soft drinks market has been a two-horse race Ceros and Jino.
(A) both (B) between (C) to (D) either


Tom tat trong tdm: Dang cau hoi phdn biet ly do, nhiiang ho.

11 Gidi tii chi ly do di cung cac danh tii mang nghla deu cvfc nhii suy thoai
kinh te/thdi det khac nghiet/tac diidng/van di! ve may moc.
because of, owing to, due to, on account of bdi vt

He was late for work despite a terrible traffic.

because of
(Anh ay di lam mudn do tac dUdng.)

Quick Quiz 1
Cherman Motors will recall 1,300 vehicles faulty electrical wiring.
(A) because (B) due to (C) instead (D) afterwards

21 Gidi tii chi su' nhiiOng bo diiOc dung khi tinh huong xay ra trai vdi dii dnh.
despite, in spite of, with all mac du

Korea purchased crude oil over 20% dtte-te rising prices.

(Han Qudc da mua hdn 20% dau nguyen chat mac du gia dau tang.)

Quick Quiz 2
Zidia's saies are on the rise unfavorable business conditions.
(A) though (B) despite (C) owing (D) therefore


Tom tit from tarn: Cum gicfi tii gom 2 tii trd ten co gidi tti di vdi gidi lii hodc vo'i
danh tii.
Phai nhof difctc cac cum gidi tif gom 2 hoac 3 ttf. (Gan nhif hv nao cung xuat hien)

according to theo nhu in place of thay cho

as a result of la ket qua cua in charge of dam nhiem
by means of dUa vao in terms of xef ve mat
instead of thay vl in [with] reference to xet ve, ndi ve
in accordance with phu hPp vdi in observance of tuan thu
in addition to khdng chi in favor of ung hp
in response to tra Idi ve in honor of de ky niem/de vinh danh
in light of can nhac on [in] behalf of dai dien fdai bieu]
in comparison of so sanh vdi regardless of bat ke
in compliance with tuan thu theo (luat) with respect to ddi vdi
in conjunction with chung vdi [lien quan tdi] with[in] regard to lien quan den

The firm downsized its workforce tfr-homt^of the weak economy.

in light of
(Cong ty da cat giam nhan luc khi can nhac den tinh htnh kinh te yeu kem.)

Quick Quiz
Shoppers spend less and look for bargains in response economic stress.
(A) to (B) with (C) from (D) on


m Tom uit irnnv tdm: Dang can hdi dien dung tii, danh tu' di cunggidi tii.

1 I "Noi dong tv^ + gidi tif"

account for giai thfch cho depend [rely, count] on di/a vao
add to th6m vao enroll in dang ky
apply for nop dan xin vao register for dang ky
apply for ap dung cho fill in(out) viet vao(ra)
approve of chap thuan interfere with c£n trd
belong to thupc ve interfere in can da vao
benefit from hudng loi t(J lag[fall] behind tut lal phfa sau
comply with tu3n thu refer to lien quan den/tham khio
contribute to cong hien cho refrain [abstain] from han che/tranh
check for kiem tra xem succeed to thifa ke (chu'c, tai sin)
concentrate[center] on tap trung subscribe to dang ky/dat bao..
deal with gi&i quyet, xCt ly stop by [in] ghe qua

He usually handle with customer's complaints,

(Anh ay thudng xuyen phai xd ly cac khieu nai cua khach hang.)

Quick Quiz 1
To for a visa, please submit all required documents to us by Thursday.
(A) order (B) contribute (C) secure (D) register
21 "Ngoai dong tu' + tan ngii + gidi td"
add A to B them A vao B exchange A for B doi A cho B
follow A to B theo A den B obtain A from B nhan A td B
apply A to B ip dung A cho B prevent [prohibit] A from B ngan A khoi B
associate A with B kSt hop A vdi B reimburse A for B fra lai A (tien) cho B
attribute A to B do A cho B replace A with B doi A thanh B
compare A with B so sanh A vdi B return A to B tri A cho B
compensate A for B boi thudng cho A vi B transfer A to B chuyen A thanh B
congratulate A on B chuc mdng A ve B acquaint A with B cho A bidt ve B
check A for B kiem tra A vdi B
We will prevent the copy you submitted with the original,
(Chung tdi se so sanh bin sao ban nop vdi bin gd'c.)

All the staff Mr. Yenson on his rec promotion.
(A) nominated (B) demonstrated (C) congratulated (D) managed

3 I "Danh tif + gioii tif"

access to Hep can vdi dedication to tan tam vdi
advances in tien bo trong dispute over tranh luan ve
confidence in tu tin ve experience in kinh nghiem trong
contribution to cdng hien cho information about(on) thong tin ve
change in thay doi ve influence on anh hudng den
increase [rise] in tang plan for ke hoach ve
decrease [deciine] in giam reaction to phan dng vdi
demand for yeu cau ve regret for hoi han vi

You can find more information about our hotel events on our website.
(Ban cd the tim kiem them thong tin ve cac su kien cua khach san tren trang
web cua Chung tdi.)

Quick Quiz 3
The shareholders expects to see an increase — dividend this year.
(A) at (B) in (C) with (D) to

41 Cac cum tif khac

at one's convenience ngay khi cd the have an effect[impact, influence] on ~
at one's earliest convenience nhanh anh hudng den
nhat cd the in detail chi tiet
at all time thudng xuyen in advance sdm
at the latest muon nhat take ~ into consideration can nhac ~
come to an agreement di den chap thuan take advantage of Idi dung
come(go) into effect phat huy hieu tUc upon request theo yeu cau
for one's convenience de thuan tien cho ai without a doubt khong nghi ngd gi

At the beginning, people bought this cheap product without a doubt.

(Luc dau, mgi ngudi da mua san pham re tien nay ma khong nghi ngd gi.)

Quick Quiz 4
Please review this proposal and give me your comments your convenience.
(A) from (B) by (C) in (D) at

Mini-test Dap an va phSn ti'ch xem trang 57 phan Answer Keys

], The workshop on managerial 5. Restaurants with foreign chefs can

techniques will be held in Chicago be more found at various
September 25. locations throughout the city than
(A) from 10 years ago,
(B) on (A) ease
(C) in (B) easy
(D) at (C) easier
(D) easily
2. Ciaro Chemicals planned to
increase expenditures for R&D 6. Sepia Manufacturing could move to
the limit of their budget. a higher level introducing a
(A) to new management system.
(B) within (A) by
(C) in (B) within
(D) for (C) up
(D) around
3. Some companies started to focus
on emerging markets advanced 7. We request the assistance of every
markets are facing the sovereign employee who becomes aware of
debt crisis. any transaction.
(A) now that (A) confirmed
(B) so (B) dedicated
(C) because of (C) improper
(D) despite (D) manageable

4. Those who want to participate in the 8. While the food section at the store
seminar should submit their is being remodeled, please use the
registration front door the exit doors.
forms 5:30 P.M. today. (A) for
(A) at (B) except
(B) by (C) unless
(C) until (D) instead of
(D) for

9. You can be showered with some 11. Employees were asked to
free gifts body fotion and from eating lunch in the office and
lip gloss just by buying a fashion to use the staff lounge instead.
magazine. (A)take
(A) such as (B) force
(B) so as (C) refrain
(C) in spite of (D) complete
(D) across from
12. Liz has worked hard and achieved
10. Sylbia, an online shopping mall, has many goals for seven years and
a good reputation their items finally planted - in the company.
that are unique and fashionable. (A) she
(A) into (B) her
(B)for (C) hers
(C) of (D) herself
(D) on

Questions 13-15 refer to the following information.

Taggart Warranties are provided for al! Taggart products that are purchased from the
Taggart website or a retailer that is recognized by the company.
13. (A) mildly
(B) promptly
(C) supremely
(D) officially
This service is not available to who have purchased Taggart products from a
third party.
14. (A)anyone
(B) those
(C) that
(D) one

To report a problem or malfunction, please call our hotline at (281 )545-7878 or email
us at If our technicians cannot solve your problem via phone or
email, the given case will be sent to a service center in the customer's home region. This
service is free for products that develop a problem - three years of the purchase date.
15. (A) within
(B) through
(C) behind
(D) around

Half Test 03 Ddp an va ph^in tich xem trang 59 ph^n Answer Keys

in the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different
types of reading comprehension questions. You are encouraged to answer as
many questions as possible with the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your
answers in your test book.

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below, Four
answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete
the sentence. Then mark the letter {A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. If they renew their to English 103. People can post a range of
Club, they will receive a special rare items they want buy or sell on
10% discount. an online auction site.
(A) opportunity (A) secure
(B) subscription (B) sincere
(C) material (C) doubt
(D) version (D) wide

102. We decided to manufacture the 104. One thing we'd like to request is that
finished products in France, the building site should be a
because business partner radius of 30km of the city center.
wanted us to deliver them ASAP. (A) of
(A) his (B) within
(B) her (C) with
(C) their (D) through
(D) our

105. Statistics as well as 110. He is in charge of testing new
information about the survey are program and reporting any
included in this document. problems found in it.
(A) addict (A) all
(B) additional (B) most
(C) addition (C) a little
(D) additionally (D) every

106. If there are any issues that require 111. It is an urgent issue, so I would
immediate , I can be reached appreciate it if you respond in
on my mobile at 345-129-3332. this matter.
(A) attend (A) prompt
(B) attentive (B) promptness
(C) attention (C) promptly
(D) attentively (D) prompter

107. Performance starts 2:00 P.M. 112. Your concern and support for the
on Sunday, and the tickets range disadvantaged can make to
from $50 to $130. their lives.
(A) until (A) difference
(B) from (B) differ
(C) on (C) differences
(D) at (D) differently

108. Among four of them, three were 113. He flew to Africa and took part in
assigned to the sales department, volunteer work a member of a
while — was assigned to the charity last year.
accounting department. (A) with
(A) the other (B) as
(B) another (C) to
(C) other (D) up
(D) each other
114. A joint development might be a
109. Your primary duties are to deal with chance that would help raise
customer complaints orders. their competitiveness.
(A) regardless (A) they
(B) regard (B) them
(C) regarding (C) their
(D) regarded (D) themselves

115. Many people are willing to open 118. Moody's Investor Service said it
their wallets for brand-name items has downgraded the credit rating
their high prices, of Fedit, because it has too
(A) through much debt.
(B)though (A) recently
(C) despite (B) closely
(D) so far (C) quietly
(D) primarily
116. The Dallas building has a small
parking lot, so 10 vehicles 119. Ace Appliances has to decide
can be parked in it. whether they should fire some of
(A) up to the employees to avoid a financial
(B) instead setback.
(C) from (A) already
(D) with (B) yet
(C) still
117. Her workload has become much (D) ever
more since she hired an
efficient assistant. 120. The organization said over 2,000
(A) manageable parents participated in a on
(B) manage baby bottle.
(C) management (A) survey
(D) manageably (B) service
{C) advice
(D) planning

Directions; Read the texts that foMow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best
answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A),{B), (C) or (D) on your answer

Questions 121-123 refer to the following letter.

Dear Ms. Mendoza,

As the head of Hynet Industries, I would like to officially welcome you to the Hynet family.
All of the references that were contacted by our Human Resources representatives
121. (A) confided
(B) completed
(C) idealized
(D) confirmed

that you are a magnificent computer programmer and that hiring you is a wise decision
on our part.
you first start, you will be working with Mai Anh Troc, a senior programmer in our
122. (A) When
(B) Therefore
(C) Otherwise
(D) instead

research and development department. Mai Anh has been with our company
123. (A) within
(B) for
(C) at
(D) with

several years now, and she is a great person to work with. I'm sure that the two of you
will get along quite well.

Congratulations again, and I look forward to meeting with you face to face very soon.

Best wishes,

Kenneth Hammond

Questions 124-126 refer to the following e-mail.

Subject: Outstanding invoice

This is Lindsey Dryver from the Accounts Payable Department at Ninta, Ltd. It is my
understanding that we have an invoice with your company from 01/07/2012.
124. (A) outstanding
(B) preferable
(C) resembled
(D) included

I'd like to request a copy of the invoice ——- we can clear it for payment as soon as
125. (A) as a result of
(B) as well as
(C) so that
(D) whoever


Apologies for the late payment. The accounts team at Ninta has been reorganized, and
this case first came to my attention about an hour ago. The invoice in question is invoice
387569 for a Mr, Kim who stayed at your hotel for a period of 5 days from June 4 until
the 9th.

Once again, you have our most sincere for the delay.
126. (A) apologies
(B) expressions
(C) relations
(D) vacancies

Thank you.

Lindsey Dryver







16 Lien tii ket hcfp va lien tii tuttng quan

(coordinating conjunctions and
correlative conjunctions)

17 Menh d€ danh ngiif (Noun Clauses)

18 Menh de trang ngii (Adverb Clause)

19 Menh de quan he (Relative Clauses)

Half Test 04

Lien tie kit hap duac dung di'lien kit tii vdi tit, cum vifi cum, menh de vdi minh de
mot cdch binh dang. Lien tii tu'tlng quan dtic/c dung de lien kit giita cdc cap tuVng
quan. Dang cdu hoi ve lien tii Uidng quan gdn nhti ky new cung xud't hiin.


Tom tdt trong tdm: Dang cdu hoi dim lien tii kit hap phil hap vdi nghla cua cdu.

11 Phai chon lien tu" ket hoip phii hrip vofi nghia cua cau. (4-5 cau Irong de moi nam)

and va but tuy nhten yet tuy nhien or hoac so vi vay for bdi vi

The consultant provides our company with the expertise btrt advice.
(Chuyen vien tit van cung cap kien thUc chuyen mon va led khuyen cho cong
ty chung toi.)

Quick Quiz 1
1 stayed at the Hampton inn and it was attractive pleasant.
(A)yet (B)and (C)so (D) however

2 I Lien tii" ket hdp khong the tiling dau cau.

Btrt domestic demand is slowing, overseas orders are increasing.
(Mac dii nhu cau noi dia dang giam, cac dan hang dnude ngoai vin dang tang.)

Quick Quiz 2
he is one of the most competent employees, you can trust him to do the work.
(A) So (B) Because (C) Yet (D) Still

2 | IlfiN Ttf TtfONG QUAN

m Tom tit trow tam: Dang cdu hoi dim lien M vdo chd trong.

Lien tvi tiidng quan diidc dung gifla cac cap tif/cum tii tudng hdp. [Gan nhUky
nao cung xuat hien]
both A and B ca A vk B deu
either A or B A hay B
neither A nor B ca A va B deu khdng
not only A but (also) B khdng nhQng A ma con B
B as well as A B cung nhU A

The exhibition is forerther domestic and international buyers,

(Cugc then lam danh cho ca nhOng ngddi mua trong va ngoai nude.)

They are on a rotation to work in the morning or night,
(A) nor (B) or (C) but (D) either

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 62 phSn Answer Keys

1. The joint project between the two 5. Some real estate agents say
companies is expected to enhance subway stations generally not
cooperation create more always increase nearby property
jobs. value
(A) in addition (A) as
(B) furthermore (B) yet
(C) in spite of (C) either
(D) as well as (D) with

2. KTH jumped into the LED 6. The doctor recommended not only
monitor business late, it has rapidly a balanced healthy diet a
increased the market share. regular exercise program as well.
(A) But (A) but
(B) However (B) or
(C) Although (C) besides
(D) Instead (D) either

3. We regret to inform you that neither 7. The personnel director selected

a twin-bedded room a double- promising candidates sent
bedded room is available now. them to each branch office.
(A) and (A) and
(B) nor (B) also
(C) so (C) nor
(D) between (D) therefore

4. Sunshine and Morphia CEOs 8. By reducing unnecessary expenses,

agreed to meet discuss their the company could balance its
joint venture to develop new food budget and - closing down.
containers. (A) avoided
(A) furthermore (B) avoid
(B) however (C) has avoided
(C) both (D) had avoided
(D) and

9. Environmentalists and are 11. I saw him working with his
largely opposed to the building of a team members and — for his
new chemical factory. presentation tor today's meeting.
(A) residential (A) prepares
(B) residence (B) preparation
(C) residing (C) preparing
(D) residents (D) prepared

10. If you want to get a full refund, you 12. We are looking for and dynamic
should present the sales receipt employees who can join our team.
some other proof. (A) experienced
(A) but (B) experiencing
(B) or (C) experience
(C) both (D) experiential
(D) as well

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter

To Whom it may concern

Joe Emperson worked tor me as a Software Engineer from September 1, 2008 until May
23, 2012. His responsibilities included requirements gathering, analysis, and design of
complex web applications using a of technologies.
13. (A) various
(B) vary
(C) varied
(D) variety
the course of his employment, Joe proved himself to be a dependable employee,
14. (A) Within
(B) About
(C) During
(D) Through

and a hard worker, with solid problem solving and technical skills, I was always by
15. (A) impressed
(B) impressions
(C) impressing
(D) to impress

Joe's ability to complete the work assigned to him on time.

Overall, Joe is a talented, hard working employee, and I am sad to see him leave. I
strongly recommend Joe for any mid-level development position.


Mathew Morgan


Menh de danh ngil dting () vi tri chu ngii, tan ngti, bo ngU nhii danh tii. Phdi phdn
biet dutic de khong nhdrn Lin vi tri lien tii trong m.enh de danh ngti vfii lien tii trong
menh de trang ngu.


Tom tat trong tdm: Jhudng xudt hiin dang cdu hoi dim lien tie vdo menh de danh
ngti d vi tri tan ngfi sau dong tii.

11 Cac lien tii cua menh danh nguf nhif that, when, whether (if)... diing d
vi tri chu ngu!, tan ngfl, bo nguf nhii danh tif,
Chu ngii
(What he claims) is that we should set specific target markets,
(Dieu anh ay khang dinh) la chung ta nen thiet lap cac thj trud'ng muc tieu cu the.)

Tan ngii sau dong tif

Experts say (that interviewees should be dressed appropriately.)
(Cac chuyen gia noi rang ngUdi dugc phong van nen an mac phu hdp.)

Quick Quiz 1
It was announced the flight to Milan would leave from gate 11 -A instead of 15-A.
(A) that (B) of (C) who (D) to

Tan ngii sau gidi tif

He asked about (whether he should lead the tour of the facility )
(Anh ay hdi xem lieu anh ay co nen dan dean di tham quan cd sd khong.)

Quick Quiz 2
Recently customers have begun to care about the products contain added chemicals
or not.
(A) thereafter (B) whether (C) which (D) what

Bo nguf
The problem is (who can be satisfied with the work schedule.)
(Van de la al co the hal long vdi lich trinh cong viec.)

21 vi tn cua lien tii khong the diing trang tit, gidi tit, dai tit. (Gan nhll ky nao
cung xuai hien)
Employees hope especially they have a larger staff lounge,
(Cac nhan vien hy vong rang ho se co mot phong ngh! rong hdn.)
Trong cau tren, lien tit noi menh cte chinh (Employees hope) va
mcnh d<! phu (they have a larger staff lounge).

Quick Quiz 3
Employees were informed there would be free investment seminars offered by the
(A) it (B) however (C) that (D) of


Tom tdt troii'/ tdm: Dang can hoi phdn biet that vd what.

Ditng that vao chb trong tntdc menh d^ hoan chinh co ca chu ngff, dong tit
va tan ngii, diing what vao cho trong tntdc menh dt! khong hoan chinh, co
dong tit nhitng thieu chu nguf hay tan ngit. (2-3 cau trong de mhi nam)
They will release that they found (in the research at the conference.)
(Ho se tiet Id dieu hp tlm ra trong nghien cilu d hoi nghi.)
Vi menh de khong hoan chinh, thid'u tan ngh cua dong tit (found)
ndn phai ditng what.
The client admitted what (he mishandled the device.)
(Khach hang thda nhan rang anh ta da lam hong ihiet bi.)
Vi m£nh dd hoan chinh co ca chu ngh (he) va tan ngh (the device)
nen phai ditng that.

Quick Quiz 1
The researchers are studying about makes a new product successful.
(A) what (B) then (C) that (D) how
The service center requested the payment for all repairs should be made by tomorrow.
(A) what (B) as to (C) that (D) it


Tom tilt trow tdm: Dang can hoi phdn hiet whether vd if.

1 1 Lien tvf trong menh dt? danh nguf whether thifong di ciing cap tu!/cum tvi
tuong hdp. 12-3 cau Irong de moi nam)
His colleagues wonder whether he will leave or remain in the company.
(Dong nghiep cua anh ay thac mac lieu anh ay se rdi di hay d lai cong ty.)
Whether co the dung trong cum whether A or B hay whether or not,
tuy nhien khong the? dung if A or B hay if or not.

They inspectthe restaurants whether or not to observe government guidelines.

(Ho kiem tra cac nha hang xem co thuc hien dung quy djnh cua chinh phu khong.)
Whether lam gian lu'Oc chu nguf, co the dung dufdi hinh thiic whether
or not to + dong tif nguyen the, whether to + dpng tit nguyen the. Nei'u
chtfa gian lifpc chu ngu", cau nay se la " ITaey inspect the restaurants
whether the restaurants observe government guidelines or not"

Quick Quiz 1
The director asked him it was accidental or intentional.
(A) whether (B) who (C) that (D) which

21 Lien tu" //trong menh de danh ngiif khong the diVng dvi tri tan nguf sau chu
ngu' hay gidi tit, chi co the dufng d v; tri tan nguf sau ngoai dpng tit.
tf (the discount sates will attract customers) is uncertain.
(Lieu viec giam gia co thu hut dUdc khach hang hay khong thi chda biet chic.)

Students were asked if (they were satisfied with the course.)

(Cac hoc vien da dupe hoi xem ho co hai Idng vdi khoa hoc hay khong.)

Quick Quiz 2
they can attract sufficient capital to complete the project is crucial.
(A) If (B) Whether (C) Which (D) What


(1-2 cau trong fle mol nam)

Tom tAt tronv tarn: Dang cdu hoiphdn biet cdc tU nghi van d vj tri tan ngd sau ctong tii.

1 I Dai tu' nghi van what, which, who dam nhan vai tro chu ngu hay tan ngir
trong can. Theo do, dai tit nghi van diing tritdc menh d^ khong hoan chinh
hi thieu chu ngit hoac tan ngit.
I'd like to know when is currently in charge of this matter,
(Toi muon biet ai dang dam nhan van de nay.)
Nd'u menh de kh6ng hoan chinh bi thicu chu ngfi hoac tan ngu' thi
phai dung dai cit nghi van who.

21 Dai tit nghi van when, where, why, how ditng tntdc menh d6 hoan chinh co
du chu ngit, tan ngit.
Susan asks him who he comes (back from his business trip.)
(Susan hoi anh ay xem khi nao thi anh ay di cong tac ve.)
M6nh de hoan chinh co du chu ngu" (he), dpng tif (comes) nen phai
dung dai tit nghi van when.

Quick Quiz 1
We need to figure out our customers like and dislike
(A) who (B) what (C) when (D) where

31 Dung sau cum "tinh tit nghi vain (what, which, whose) + danh tcf" la menh
d^' khong hoan chinh thieu chu ngit hoac tan ngit.
The survey is about whom product the target customers prefer.
(Cuoc dieu tra la de tim ra sin pham ma cac khach hang muc tieu thich hdn.)
Diing menh de khong hoan chinh thi^'u tan ngit cua dong tit (prefer).

The real estate agent was asked about area is the best place to live.
(A) this (B) regarding (C) which (D) when



Tom tdt iron? tarn: Dang can hoi lua chpn dai tii quan he dudi -ever phii hop vrJi
nghta cua cdu huac phdn biet tU nghi van vd dai. tii quan he dudi -ever.

1 I Dai tit quan he duoi -ever diing tntdc menh d^ khong hoan chinh thieu
chu ngiT hoac tan ngh. (1-2 cau trong de mdi nam)
whoever bat cit ai whatever bat cit thif gi whichever batcticainao

Whenever is (in the office) should answer the phone when it rings.
(Bat cu ai trong van phong cung nen nghe bien thoai khi chuong reo.)
Vi m£nh de)' khong hoan chinh thi^'u chu ngif ndn phai diing dai th
quan he duoi -ever (whoever).

Quick Quiz 1
During a brainstorming session, you can say — comes into your head.
(A) whatever (B) whoever (C) whenever (D) wherever

21 Phan biet tit nghi van va dai tit quan he duoi -ever diia tren nghia cua cau.
Who has an interest in the position should send a resume to the main office.
(Bat cb ai hung thu vdi vi tri nay nen gCii so' yeu ly itch den van phong chinh.)

Quick Quiz 2
has a similar vision to our goals can be our team member.
(A) Whomever (B) Who (C) Whoever (D) Whom

IVImi-test Dap an va phan tfch xem trang 65 phan Answer Keys

1. The technical support team 5. As far as I know, the museum

informed us the staff would contains ancient and
not be able to use computers during contemporary paintings.
the system check. (A) what
(A) what (B) which
(B)whose (C) both
(C) when (D) all
(D) that
6. wj|| transfer to the overseas
2. We have to know Mr. branches is posted on the bulletin
Bingham will arrive at Inchon board at the entrance of our
International Airport so we can pick company building.
him up. (A) When
(A) about (B) Who
(B) when (C) Which
(C) which (D) He
(D) of
7. Merkin Business Gifts
3. When you reserve a movie ticket suggested for their promotional
online, you can choose seat giveaways was approved,
you like. (A) So
(A) all (B) That
(B) sometime (C) Even though
(C) where (D) What
(D) whichever
8. Many companies are well aware
4. Please make a note you apply that parents want to do is best
for the position of a designer or a for their children.
developer on your resume. (A)whosever
(A) then (B) whenever
(B) what (C) whatever
(C) which (D)whoever
(D) whether

9. If you want to reimburse your 11. Experts are unsure as to
business expense, you must make the economy can make a partial
copies of all receipts and recovery in the second quarter.
them. (A) if
(A) submit (B) that
(B) submission (C) whether
fC) submitting (D) then
(D) submitted
12. After showing a client a brochure,
10. It is necessary for the company to the travel agent asked him —
analyze they lost their share - vacation package he'd like to
of the market. choose.
(A) who (A) what
(B)how (B) this
(C) which (C) where
(D) when (D) who

Question 13-15 refer to the following notice.

Mr. Peters

We your purchase order number 277877, dated 03/05/2012. We regret to inform

13. (A) have received
(B) will received
(C) are received
(D) had received
you that said order cannot be filled at this time. Due to the of this particular
14. (A) failure
(B) popularity
(C) demonstration
(D) damage
product and the manufacturing limitations of our company, the item is on backorder.

We assure you that your order will be filled as soon as possible. We look forward to your
future orders and are ready to assist you in any way possible. you care to
15. (A) Would
(B) Did
(C) Though
(D) Should
discuss this future, please contact the Human Resources department or visit our website.


Menh deirang ngti dam nhdn vai trd cua trang ngii trong cdu. Menh de trang ngitxudt
.. hiin nhti mot menh de ho an chinh, tuy nhien nen bien dot thanh tinh tii hay gidn iliac
"chit ngii + be"thi cungxudi hiin nhu menh dechtia hodn chinh.



mep* Tom tit trong tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biet vd Ida chon lien tii thi/i gian pbu hap vdi
right a cua cdu vd dang dien lien tii trong menh de trang ngii chi thai gian hodc dieu
kiin vdi menh de chinh d thi tuang lai.

Neu menh de trang ngfl chi thdi gian hoac dieu kien diing thi hien tai thi
menh dd chinh d thi titrfng lai. (Thiriing xuyen xuat hien Irong fle)

Lien td chi thdi before trade khi after sau khi when khi while trong khi
gian until den khi once mot khi as soon as ngay khi
if neu unless neu nhd khong in case trong trddng hop
Lien ti/ dieu kien as long as mien la provided/providing vdi dieu kien

As if you register, you will be given a key to the locker.

(Khi ban dang ki, ban se nhan dddc mot chiec chia khoa cua tu nay.)
Diing thi hi6n tai (register) d mdnh de trang ngu" thi m^nh chinh
d thi tiicfng lai. Vi sd dung thi nfctng lai (will) nen phai diing lidn tii
thdi gian (when).

Quick Quiz
the editor discovers errors in articles, they will be highlighted and reviewed later.
(A) Once (B) As if (C) But (D) Whether


Tom tdt trong tarn: Thudng xud't him dang can hoi phdn biet lien tii chi sU nhuong
ho vd lien tii chi ly do. •

11 Lien tu' chi si/ nhifdng bo diftfc dung de dien dat noi dung trai vdi mong
doi. (3 cau Irong de mdi nam)
although, though, even if, even though mac du

Because the tenant failed to pay rent fees, he is still allowed to stay there.
(Mac du ngudi thue chUa tra tien thus nha. nhiJng anh ta van dUdc phep d do.)
Lien tit chi su" nhifdng bp rhifdng di cung rrang tif still.

Quick Quiz 1
The hotel price Is quite reasonable, it looks plush.
(A) although (B) because (C) so (D) if

2 I Lien chi ly do ditcfc diing de di6n ta quan he nguyen nhan ket qua ro
rang hoac tin doan, nhan thufc. 11-2 cau trong de mdi nam)
because, as, since, now that w

Mr. Carson exchanged the T-shirt for a new one although it had a stain.
(Ngai Carson da doi chiec ao phong lay mot chiec mdi v) no co mot vet 6.)
Vi cau diln ta nghia nguyen nhan - ket qua (vi co vd't 6 nen doi sang
ao mdi) nen b day dung lien tir chi ly do (because).

Quick Quiz 2,
The outlet is stocked with a wide selection of goods the holiday season is coming.
(A) since (B) if (C) while (D) or


Tom tcit tronv tam: 1 hitting xtidt hi en dang can hoi dien lien tit chi muc dich vao chb
trong tnitic Lrri dpng lit.

Menh de trang ngi3 chi muc dich thcfdng di ciing rrci dpng tii (can, may).
(2 cau trong de mdi nam)
so that, in order that de lam gi

Lab workers should wear protective clothing so that they can avoid injury.
(Whan vien phong thi nghiem nen mac do bao ho de tranh bi thuang.)

Quick Quiz
They worked together they could reach agreement on the issue.
(A) now that (B) in order (C) such (D) so that


Tom tdt trong tdm: Dang can hoi phan biet lien tit trong menh de trang ngfi vdi giiii
tit co dingy nghid.

Phai phan biet dupe lien tii' va gio'i tii co ciing y nghTa. (4-6 cau trong de n)6i nam)

Y nghia Gidi td Lien td

vi because of, due to because, since, as, now that
mac du despite, in spite of although, even though, though
trong luc during, for while
in case of, in case (that),
trong trUdng hop
in the event of in the event (that)
neu nhU khong without unless
loai trd except (for) except that

Many people take out mortgages because of they are easy to get approved.
(Nhieu ngudi vay the chap boi vi no d§ duac chap thuan.)

the sale only lasted for a week, 80 percent of the tickets were already sold.
(A) Despite (B) Nevertheless (C) Although (D) In fact



Tom tdt trontr tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biit trang tti quart he dudi -ever vd. dqi ti(
quart he dudi -ever roi hi a chpn cho phu hop vdi nghla cita cdu.

Trang tif quan he duoi -ever tiling trudc menh de hoan chinh co du ca chu
ngfl va tan ngff.
whenever bat cd luc nao wherever bat cd dau however du the nao

I checked it whichever I use the internet,

(Tot kiem tra no bat cd khi nao toi vao mang.)

Wheever competitive we are now, we should not stop developing ourselves.

(Du bay gid chung fa cd sdc canh tranh di nda, chung ta cung khong nen ngdng
phat then ban than.)

Quick Quiz
good the washing machine is, it won't sell here if it's not competitively priced.
(A) Whatever (B) Whichever {C) However (D) Wherever

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 68 phan Answer Keys

1. Ms. Osborne always books airline 5. The newly recruited employees can
tickets herself she goes on her start their work, they finish
business trips. their training program.
(A) however (A) once
(B) whenever (B)soon
(C) wherever (C) thereafter
(D) whatever (D) then

2. Ecotourism means supporting the 6. Exports increased gradually

local economy and preserving the -- the value of Australia's currency
environment you travel. rose drastically.
(A) considering (A) from
(B) during (B) through
(C) in order (C) before
(D) while (D) with

3. He tries to keep his phone number 7. Mr. Stuart gets back to

private he can avoid annoying Finland, we will reschedule a
calls. meeting for an ongoing negotiation.
(A) so that (A) After
(B) since (B) Whereas
(C) after all (C) Already
(D) for (D) Even though

U. the price of Dubai crude has 8. We need to find various markets

stabilized, domestic oil suppliers and consistently to survive in
haven't yet lowered the price. the competitive globalized'market.
(A) Despite (A) investments
(B) Still (B) invest
(C) Though (C) invests
(D) Therefore (D) invested

9. Fiora Cosmetics shareholders were 11. We provide superior consultation in
given two weeks to think about deciding equipment will best
or not to hand over their shares. suit for your needs.
(A) if (A) which
(B) when (B) this
(C) instead (C) when
(D) whether (D)how

10. Please note that accessories are 12. Expectations are high and many are
not included in the garment looking forward to the movie it
otherwise mentioned. was directed by a famous director.
(A) while (A) despite
(B) unless (B) as if
(C) thereafter (C) except for
(D) moreover (D) now that

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Dear Ms. Kang,

Please this letter as my two-week notice of resignation. My last day of

13. {A) advise
(B) apologize
(C) decline
(D) accept

work will be August 31, 2012,

While I have been very satisfied at Pleez Steel. I have decided to make this move to
advance my career. I have enjoyed working with you and appreciate the opportunities
that I have been here.
14. (A) given
(B) giving
(C) to give
(D) give

I will do my best to hand off my current projects last day of work.

15. (A) prior to
(B) often
(C) neither
(D) in addition

Please let me know if you need my help in any other way.


Patrick Smart


Menh de quan he co hai chiic ndng. Thd nhdt, menh de quan he giic vai trd nhu
tinh tic, bo nghla cho danh tic dung tnidc no vagidi hqn nghia cua danh tic. Thii hai,
menh de quan he dUdc dung de gidi thtch thim cho danh td ddng trUitc no. Dqi tii
quan he di w'/i menh dekhong hodn chinh thieu chu ngit hodc tan ngti, pho tic quan
hi di vcfi menh di' hodn chinh.

1 1 MENH Dfi QUAN H$

Tom tat trong tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biit lien tii trong menh de danh ngd vdi dqi
tii quan hi.
11 Menh de quan he dufng sau danh td. Trong trudng hop nay ci vi tri cua dai
tii' quan he khong the dung dai tii, trang tii, dong tii khong gidi han. (1-2 cau
trong de mdi nam)
He created the software fte adjusts color tones automatically,
(Anh ay da tao ra phan mem ma co the tu' dong dieu chinh long mau.)
Co hai m^nh de (He created., va -adjusts...), vi co danh tii diing
triidc (software) nen phai dung dai tii quan he (which).

Quick Quiz 1
You can download the summary supplements the missed lecture.
(A) that (B) he (C) especially (D) in which

21 Phan biet lien tii trong menh del danh nguf va dai tii quan he.
This business hotel is for people whether plan to stay (on business.)
(Khach san thuong mai nay danh cho nhung ai co ke hoach nghilai vi cong viec.)
Vi menh dc? khong hoan chinh, thid'u chu ngh nen phai diing dai tu
quan he (who). Lien tii difpc diing de lien ket mot m^nh de hoan
chinh vdi mot menh de hoan chinh khac.

Quick Quiz 21
Proactive salespeople usually suggest .Tf roduct meets shoppers' needs.
(A) that (B) what (C) whether (D) when

31 Cf vi tri cua dong tu" trong menh de quan he, khong the dung dpng tu"
khong gidi han, danh tif, trang tit.
Some board members who to-be against the agreement were all concerned.
(Mot so thanh vien trong hoi dong ma phan doi thoa thuan deu da rat to ling.)

Quick Quiz 2
Restrooms which clean and conveniently located make a good impresson to
(A) being (B) to be (C) are (D) is



Tom tat trnna tam: Dang can hoi phan biet dai tU quan he diCa tren danh tii
diing trutic.

1 I Danh tit diing tntdc la ngiidi thi dung uiho(m), la sit vat thi dung which.
(2-3 cau trong de moi nam)
Attractive window display can attract customers which had no plans to visit.
(TrUng bay tru'd'c ciia kinh dep mat co the thu hut nhOng khach hang khong cb
du djnh ghe vao.)

Please review the documents whom I have attached.

(Vul long kiem tra cac tai lieu ma tdi da dinh kem.)

Quick Quiz 1
The cooking class is led by Jessi Jackley is the head chef at Hotel Marriot.
(A) who (B) which (C) of which (D) whosever

21 Phan biet dai tit quan he lam chu ngfl, tan ngit hoac lam dai tit sd hdu.
• Trong mdnh de khong hoan chinh thi^'u chu ngd, sd dung dai ttf quan he
tritdc dong tif.

Danh tir difng trifcic con ngifcJl sifvat con ngifdi/si/vat
Dai tit quan he who which that

Please let me know if there is anything which does not seem clear to you.
(Vui long cho toi biet neu co dieu gi ban chda hieu ro.)
Diing dai ttf quan he lam chu ngd (which) gida danh tit chi stf vat
(anything) va dong tif (does not seem).

Quick Quiz 2]
People can't afford expensive bikes assemble their own bikes.
(A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) which

• Trong m^nh ddf thieu tan ngd, stf dtxng dai tii quan hd trong bang ditdi day
crifdc "chu ngU + dpng tii" de thay cho tan ngu.

Danh tif diing trade con ngcidi sU vat con ngadi/sU vat
Dai ta quan he whom which that

You can see a person whom you're speaking with (on a small screen.)
(Ban co the nh 'm thay ngUdi ma ban dang noi chuyen cung tren mot man hinh nhd.)
Menh d€ cua gidi tii (with) thieu tan ngU cd danh tU diing trUdc la
ngUdi (a person) nen diing (whom).

Quick Quiz 3|
The hotel offers a voucher you can use at the hotel restaurants and cafes.
(A) who (B) whose (C) of which (D) which

• Sd dung dai tif quan he whose/of which trUdc menh de hoan chinh cd ca
chu ngU va tan ngU va thay cho tinh tif sd hdu.

Danh ta dUng trade con ngUdi savat con ngadi/sa vat

Dai ta quan he whose whose/of which

Jane March (whose new novel won several awards) will come to London.
(Jane March, ngddi co bo tieu thuyet md'i da gianh dddc mot so g'ial thudng, se
den London.)
Menh de hoan chinh cd ca danh tii chi ngUdi (Jane March) va "chu
ngii + tan ngtf" nen diing whose.

Quick Quiz 4
Increasing number of people look for a shampoo ingredients are safe and harmless.
(A) of which (B) which (C) whose (D) whom


tdt tronv tarn:

1. Dang cdu hoi dim gi&i tii thtch hap vdo chd trdng trUdc dai tii quan he.
2. Thudng xud't hiin dqi tii quan hi which.

11 "Gioti tu1 + dai tif quan he" luon dung triidc m6t menh d^ hoan chlnh.
• Gidi tif du'ng tnfdc dai tii quan he diiric quytlt dinh diia tten tii difng tnidc no.
This is the store wftteh I bought the pearl necklace
at which
(Bay la cCfa hang ma toi da mua chiec vong cd ngoc trai.)
Vi menh de hoan chinh nen phai dimg dai tii quan h^ di cimg gidi
tii, khong diidc diing which.

Quick Quiz 1
You should enter the time you are able to answer the phone.
(A) that (B) to which (C) which (D) on which

• Gidi tii ddng tnidc dai tii quan h^ dtidc quyth dinh diia tten dong tii
trong mdnh d<!" quan h6.
Let's discuss the problem to which we deal (promptly.)
(Hay thao luan van de ma chung ta phai xdly ngay bay gib.)
Dong tii (deal) trong m£nh dd? quan hd di ciing gidi tii with nen phai
diing with which.

Quick Quiz 2]
The Niler Corporation is the company which Louise applied last year.
(A) in (B) at (C) by (D) for

21 Dai tii quan he diidc dung de giai thich them cho danh tif dufng tnidc. (4 cau
trong de moi nam)
• Diing which, who, whom, whose tnidc menh d£" khong hoan chinh.

Our new company building is located in New Jersey, where is close to New York.
(Toa nha mdi cua cong ty chung toi nam d New Jersey, no'i gin vdi New York.)
Which du'cfc diing giufa danh tii (New Jersey) va menh dc khong
hoan chinh.

• When, where ditoc dung trifdic menh de hoan chinh.

We arrive at the lecture hall, which the guest speaker began to make a speech,
(Chung toi den hoi trudng, ncfi dien gia khach mdi bat dau phat bleu.)
Where dugfc diing gida dia diem (the lecture hall) va menh de
hoan chinh.

Quick Quiz 31
You can find more information about hotel events at, is
regularly updated.
(A) when (B) that (C) which (D)it


Tom tdt trorw tdm: Dang cdu hoi phdn biet trang tti quan be vd dai tti quan he.

11 Trang tit quan he co the chuyen thanh "gihi tu' + dai tit quan he".

thdi gian + when = in [at, on] which

ly do + why = for which
dja diem + where = at [on, in, to] which
phUdng phap + how = in [of,to] which

He went into the building where (= in which) he h5d a job interview.

(Anh ay budc vao toa nha noi anh ay co cuoc phong van xin viec.)

21 Trudng hop gian liftfc trang tit quan he.

• Dang cau hoi vd vi tri cua chu ngvt trong menh de quan hd gian htcic.
Factory workers are asked to record the hours their work (every day).
(Cac cong nhan nha may dtfgc yeu cau ghi chep lai gib cong cua ho moi ngay)
Trang td quan he (when) gida danh tit dang tritdc (the hours) va

m6nh de hoan chinh (they work) da bi gian liidc. Vl viy, work khong
phai danh tif ma la dong til, nen phai dung dai til (they).

Quick Quiz 1
Strangely, I always witness the moment objects to her opinion during the meeting,
(A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself

31 Dang cau hoi phan biet trang til quan he va dai til quan he.
• Dung trang tii quan he tnlhc rn^nh de hoan chinh co ca chu ngil va tan ngff.
1999 was the year which Mr. Mercer founded Bechtel Architectural Firm.
(1999 la nam ma ngai Mercer sang lap nen cong ty kien true Bechtel.)

Quick Quiz 2|
San Francisco is a great city something marvelous is always happening.
(A) which (B) when (C) where (D) what

• Tnlcfc menh de khong hoan chinh thieu chu ngfl hay tan ngii, ta dung
dai til quan he.
He is responsible for the project where was begun (last year).
(Anh ay chiu trach nhiem ve dU an da bat dau nam ngoai.)

Quick Quiz 3|
The hotel conducted a survey was intended to find their weak points.
(A) where (B) why (C) which (D) what

41 Trang til quan he how va cum til the way khong the di ciing nhau nen chi
dude dimg 1 trong 2.
The instructor explained the way hew companies improve their customer service,
the way hoac how
(Ngudi hUdng dan giai thich each cac cong ty nang cao dich vu khach hang
cua ho.)

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 71 phcln Answer Keys

1. To participate in the yearly 5. We mainly produce processed

stockholders meeting, you will need foods raw material is organic
to come to the J Business Center, vegetables and fruit.
is two blocks from City Hall. (A) who
(A) that (B) whom
(B) what (C) whose
(C) where (D) in which
(D) which
6. Right before the takeoff, a flight
2. Mr. Futuro supervises 30 attendant asks all electronic
employees, all of have been devices be turned off.
working for the company for several (A) that
years. (B) for
(A) which (C) so that
(B) whom (D) which
(C) them
(D) it 7. The subcontractor could not arrive
on time for the meeting - their
3. The instructor made managers flight was delayed due to heavy
describe situations in they rain.
failed to communicate with their (A) though
staff, (B) because
(A) whose (C)such
(B) whom (D) in order that
(C) which
(D) that 8. Cooking classes take place at Loria
Community Center, visitors
4. The survey inquires about can learn how to make a traditional
the employees can fully concentrate Greek salad.
on their work in the office. (A) which
(A) when (B) where
(B) what (C) who
(C) of which (D) what
(D) whichever

9. Since our company has plans for 11. A raise in wages by 10 percent in
a manufacturing plant in China, three years is the thing which
employees who speak Chinese employees have yearned.
fluently at an advantage, (A) for
(A) to be (B) at
(B) is (C) to
(C) being (D) during
{□) are
12. ABK Server Repair Services has a
10. AMP Theater has introduced team of - who are highly skilled
measures discourage the and can resolve various server
audience to use their mobile phones problems.
inside the theater. (A) success
(A) they (B) programs
(B) what (C) proposal
(C) that (D) technicians
(D) who

Questions 13-15 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Chris Bloch

From: Melinda White
Subject: Timelines


What is the status of the pilot timelines? Last week you mentioned that you were waiting
for Henry you the development timeline for the pilot, and that you were working
13. (A) to send
(B) sending
(C) for sending
on communication and planning documents for the pilot. Your assistance in this
14. (A) developing
(B) expediting
(C) responding
(D) slowing
information would be appreciated.

I am planning for the pilot in Asia Pacific and need these dates to discussion with
15. (A) attend
(B) initiate
(C) open
(D) notify
the countries. The pilot will be a topic of discussion on our weekly status calls next week



Half Test 04 Dap an va phan tfch xem trang 73 phan Answer Keys

f 1
in the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions. You are encouraged to answer as many questions
as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write answers in
your test book.

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the
sentence. The mark the letter (A), (B), (C), (D) on your answer sheet.
\ - ^

101. On our website, you can enjoy 103. the director nor the actors
listening to the newest songs made this film successful, but the
obtaining useful information about good storyline made it possible.
concerts. (A) Whether
(A) owing to (B) Neither
(B) apart from {C) Which
(C) given that (D) So
(D) as well as
104. Our products are receiving a
102. Our team asked Mr. Johnson positive consumer response
experiences in public relations can the economy is still sluggish.
contribute greatly to our project to (A) since
support us. (B) although
(A) which (C) but for
(B) whom (D) except
(C) who

105. In this matter, the most important 110. Pharmaceutical firms should
thing Is the date on -— you carefully select information
submitted an application for patent. should be given to the customers.
(A) when (A) which
(B) which (B) those
(C) what (C) when
(D) just (D)how

106. The drama running amidst rising 111. the test fails, the engineers
popularity on HBO consists of will try different methods to develop
yet distinct episodes. a new material.
(A) success (A) In order
(B) successively (B) As if
(C) succession (C) When
(D) successive (D) Considering

107. Gerhen Motor's new SUV is so 112. We anticipate the assembly

popular they decided to line issue is going to be resolved by
increase the production lines to June 15th.
double their output. (A) what
(A) whose (B) however
(B) that (C) which
(C) which (D) that
(D) what
113. Though this item is colorful, it is
108. Shopping and travel sites are some not for female customers male
of the places employees may customers.
waste time at work. (A) however
(A) whose (B) but
(B) where (C)though
(C) which (D)if
(D) what
114. Please be advised that you can use
109. A number of contemporary artists the service elevators only you
are still influenced by Monet, have the security pass.
is a French impressionist painter. (A) ever
(A) who (B) by
{B) which (C) so
(C) where (D) if
(D) that

115. We never moved out of our main 118. Employees at Lettore are
office built 18 years ago, large encouraged to work on — they
our company has grown. think is crucial.
(A) whichever (A) which
(B) whatever (B) whatever
(C) however (C) why
(D) whosever (D) those

116, Mr. Landor recently rented an office 119. Many consumers feel satisfied with
which in the former Post Office our courier service an all-in-
Building. one shipment tracking service was
(A) residing implemented.
(B) to reside (A) at
(C) residence (B) on
(D) resides (C) after
(D) within
117. Our new cosmetic line was only
launched last June, topped 120. Dr. Hewing was invited to speak
sales upon release. about the commercial art market
(A) but two weeks ago — is giving another
(B) so lecture at the same university.
(C) neither (A) as
(D) as long as (B) and
(C) for
(D) since

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best
answer to complete the sentences. The mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your
answer sheet.

Questions 121-123 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Evans,

We are unable to deliver the goods — your company ordered last month
121. (A) which
(B) whose
(C) when
(D) what
because of our shipping handler's strike.

some employee's strike extended to the whole workers, delivery for the
122. (A) How
(B) Yet
(C) Before
(D) Since

demanded goods by your company should be delayed.

We are doing our utmost to end this strike as early as possible. We realize this strike has
inconvenienced you and we are willing to compensate you for this.

We you not to change suppliers. As soon as this strike ends, we will be able to
123. (A) supply
(B) announce
(C) urge
(D) serve

serve you as we have in the past.

Sincerely yours,
Clint East Wood

Questions 124 - 126 refer to the following announcement.

In-House Posting
The Personnel Department announces that a vacancy will open due to the retirement of
Faith Adam. Mr. Rix, General Manager Accounting, is looking for a personal assistant.

Applicants should be capable of 80 words per minute, word processing and drawing
statements of accounts. The reports by the assistant will be used by company
124. (A) made
(B) make
(C) are made
(D) have been made

He or she able to speak English since they will often meet foreign buyers.
125. (A) was
(B) should be
(C) had been
(D) would be

Applicants with accounting experience and management ability will be preferred. High
school graduation is essential. Salary will be commensurate with work .
126. (A) experience
(B) experienced
(C) experiencing
(D) experiences
Please contact Mr. Clack for more detailed information.


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- PART 2




1j 0


20 Cau hoi chu dc

21 Cau hoi lien quan den danh lii' rieng

22 Can hoi ve yeiI can

23 Ca u hoi ly do

24 Ca u hoi NOT

25 Cau h 6i suy luan

26 Cau hoi tvi 16ne

n nghla

21 i

20 (7-9 cau Irong del

90% can hoi xdc clinh chu de cua bdi doc cn cdc thong tin quye't dinh nam is phdn
ddti do an van, vl the phdi doc ky phdn ddu.


Thong tin chu de thiidng xuat hien d phan dau doan van. (2-4 cau trong de Ihi)
• What is the main topic of the notice?
(Chu de chinh cCia thong bao la gi?)
• What is the subject of this report?
(Chu de cua bao cao nay ta gi?)
• What does the article mainly discuss?
(Bai bao chu yeu ban luan ve van de gi?)

Thong tin muc dich thifctng xuat hien d phan dau doan van. (3-5 cau trong del
• What is the purpose of the letter?
(Muc dich cua bite thd la gi?)
• What is the main purpose of this notice?
(Muc dich chinh cua thong bao nay la gi?)


Chu d^ thitdng ditofc nhac den d phan dau doan van.

• Doc kl nhifng chd de cap den inform, notify, announce, confirm.

H'mh thifc ra
Refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Kim,

Thank you for applying to TeleBrix Industries. We found your resume to be very
impressive. Unfortunately, we currently have no openings in our Marketing department.
We will keep your resume on file and inform you if we have an opening in the future.
If you would like to apply for another position, feel free to check our website (
for a list of current openings. Should any positions appeal to you, you may contact the
head of that department via the email provided or contact Human Resources by email.
Nathan Lane

Q. What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To schedule a meeting
(B) To thank an applicant
(C) To offer Mr. Kim a job
(D) To provide contact information

Cau hoi v£ muc dich nen phai doc ky phan dau cua doan van. Qua cau
"Thank you for applying to Telebrix Industries." co the thay muc dich
viS't thtf la de cam on. Vi th5 (B) la dap an dting. Dan an (B)

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 78 phan Answer Keys

1 refers to the following notice.

Starting next month, the building will be increasing security measures. The reasons are
not entirely clear to us at the moment, but I'm sure everyone will appreciate the sense of
safety. A security desk will be installed in the lobby soon. In addition, employees of all the
companies in this building will be required to carry ID badges.
Over the next few weeks, employees will go downstairs to the 12th floor to have their
badges made. Each department will be allotted days to take care of this. It will be up to
department heads to schedule whether employees go individually or as a group. The
schedule will be posted soon, so please check the notice board regularly.

Q. What is the main topic of the notice?

(A) Office renovations
(B) Meeting schedule
(C) New policy
(D) An international conference

2 refers to the following letter.

Dear Mrs. Leeles,

If you have time, I'd like to want to meet you soon. It seems to me that our company could
benefit you in many ways. Locknes Driving Co. has proven to be the most reliable delivery
system in the state. Our competition may be able to offer lower prices, but they cannot
compete with our service. At Locknes, we only hire the most competent, dedicated, and
experienced drives.
Aside from this, we also have an award winning customer service center. Afford me this
opportunity to present out service, and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. I
look forward to hearing from, and hopefully meeting, you soon.
All the best,
Michelle Kang

Q. What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To make a contract
(B) To inform customers of a sale
(C) To advertise a competition
(D) To schedule a meeting

Luyen tap Paraphrasing Dap an va phSn tfch xem trang 78 phan Answer Keys

Chon dap an giong nh^c vdi noi dung doan van ngan sau.

^ I'd like to thank Mr, Chang for helping turn an otherwise just another boring stay
at one of our overseas branches into a very memorable time.

(A) Mr. Chang is a long-time business partner of the company.

(B) Mr. Chang has recently worked abroad.

The manager said that with a few more years of experience in the field, you will
have what it takes to be a successful candidate in the future.

(A) The candidate is going to have a job interview soon.

(B) The applicant has not been hired this time.

On the first Friday of each month, we hold a special get-together after work to
welcome any new employees. Please be sure to come this Friday and meet
many of your new coworkers.

(A) The company hosts a monthly welcoming party for new comers.
(B) Only new employees are invited to the meeting.

Service-oriented business are thriving in Nevada now and create 90 percent of

jobs for its working population.

(A) Many workers in Nevada are looking for a new job.

(B)Service industries are the main source of income for most residents.

A series of psychological studies show that the right office environment including
color, lighting, and furniture arrangement can motivate employees and increase

(A) Brighter offices are known to help employees perform better.

(B) Workers find it easy to concentrate in a well-organized office.

The opening of the new subway system was scheduled for last month, but labor
strikes delayed the construction for almost six months.

(A) There was a lack of funds for construction.

(B) The subway was supposed to be operational.

Successful applicants will be provided in-house training, a relocation allowance,

a generous benefits package and competitive salaries.

(A) The company wilt help successful candidates to move.

(B) New employees are allowed to take training classes from home.

Work performed outside of the office may be recorded by the new attendance
system, but employees are cautioned that anyone misusing the system will be

(A) Part-time workers do not need to use the attendance system.

(B) There will be consequences for the inappropriate use of the system.

Cdu hoi lien quan din danh tii rieng thudng Id cdu hoi ve thbi diem (thdi gian, ngdy
thdng, thti), ndm, con ngUdi, cong ty, dia danh. Cdn phdi luyen tdp tim nhanh cdc
danh tii rieng md cdu hoi de cap den trong do an van.

1 | Bl QUYfiT LAM BAl

Thoii di^m - What will happen on August 15?

Chuyen gi se xay ra vao ngay 15 thang 8?
Nam - What will take place in 2020?
Chuyen gi se dien ra vao nam 2020?
Con ngitcti - Who is Austin?
Ai la Austin?
Cong ty - Where is Art Institute based?
Vien My thuat nam d dau?
Dia danh - How will Mr. Choi travel to London?
Ngai Choi se den London bang phddng tien gi?

2 I nAm bAt bi quy£t lAm bAi

Tritcfng hop danh tit rieng diipc d6' c^p trong cau hoi hay dap an Da chon, sau
khi tim thti'y danh tii rieng do trong doan van, thong tin ve dap an se d xung
quanh do.

Hlnh thufc ra
Refer to the following e-mail.

To; Linda Weinbeckflweinbeck

From: Scott Straussman(sstraussman
Subject: Conference
Dear Linda,
I'm sure you're heard by now that there is a conference on October 10th for the North
American branches of Satia. Each branch has been asked to have one manager give a
presentation. I think that this would be an excellent opportunity for you.
You're done very well in the short time that you've been with us. This will be a great chance
for you to make an impression on the CEO. If you're willing, please email me your topic.

Q. What will probably happen on October 10?

(A) She'll have a meeting.
(B) She'll attend an event.
(C) She'll be promoted.
(D) She'll move to a new branch.

Day la can hoi suy doan co lien quan toft danh rif rieng. Trong can hoi cb
October 10th n&i phai tim rhong tin ve b xung quanh cum nay. Trong
cuoc hop ngay 10 thang 10, m6i chi nhanh diipc ydu cau phai cb mot
quan ly phat bidu. Tiep do trong cau "I think that this would be an
excellent opportunity for you", co thd doan rang Linda se tham gia sit
ki6n nay. Vi thtf (B) la dap an dung. Dap an (B)

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 79 phan Answer Keys

1 refers to the following article.

In a very interesting turn of events, two of the major competitors in the technology field
have decided to join forces. The specifics are still being worked out, but this morning
MASCaq and YuNorg announced that the two companies will be merging in the near
future. The two CEOs said that their companies will merge slowly, but they expect to be
fully integrated in 2025.
No one is sure what this merger means for the field, but people expect great things from
this new company. These two players have made great advancements in different kinds
of technology, so we can only assume that combining their great minds will only lead to
inventions and ideas that no ordinary person can imagine.

Q. What will take place in 2025?

(A) The companies will be combined.
(B) The companies will release new products.
(C) YuNorg will take over MASCaq.
(D) MASCaq will intergrate new technolofy.

2 refers to the following notice.

f S
Bid Proposal
The director of The Economic Opportunities Advancement Corporation(EOAC), Mark
Jacobs, is accepting proposals to design, develop, and host the agency's website. The
EOAC currently has a web presence that is outdated in appearance, structure, and in the
presentation of content. An opportunity exists to re-engineer the site to better reflect the
mission of the EOAC and incorporate the latest web technology.
Upon completion of the development of the site, the EOAC will assume full responsibility
for website content maintenance and administration. All content, coding and graphics will
become the sole property of the EOAC. Proposals are due no later than 12:00 p.m./noon
CST, Wednesday, June 13.

Q. Who is Mark Jacobs?

(A) A web designer
(B) An engineer
(C) An economist
(D) The head of EOAC

Luyen tap Paraphrasing Bap an va phan tich xem trang 80 phan Answer Keys

Chon dap an gidng nhat vdi noi dung doan van ngan sau.

^ A new application was developed as a result of people experiencing a great deal

of dropped calls and congested networks in densely populated urban areas.

(A) Phone users in big cities complained about connection problems.

(B) Traffic congestion is common in metropolitan areas.

^ According to our new policy, guests will be ushered to the front desk to fill out
a visitor's application and will be issued a temporary ID before entering secure
areas of the building.

(A) Visitors are required to report before entering certain areas of the premises.
(B) Everyone needs to have an appointment to enter the building.

Kika Motors is recalling all of its 2010 Circa models because of a malfunction of
the air bag on the passenger side of the car.

(A) A company decided to halt production at its Asian factory.

(B) A car maker needs to make repairs to assure safety of certain car models.

Just click on your Departure Station, followed by your Arrival Station to see the
train schedule, quickest route, transfer points, and fare information.

(A) Users can find what time and how often their train leave.
(B) Users can make a reservation of train tickets.

5 Train stations provide convenience facilities like multi-purpose locker systems

and phone-charging stations, as well as a wide variety of attractions including
shopping, exhibitions and performances.

(A) Train stations can also be used for secretary for recreational purposes.
(B) Free lockers are provided for passengers.

Enormous quantities of fresh water are required for the cooling of products and
equipment, for process needs, and for sanitary and potable water supply.

(A) Industrial water use is declining recently.

(B) Many products use water during their production process.

^ The U1T Software Download page provides a variety of software and tools at no
charge to students, faculty and staff.

(A) Professors out UlT can get free software from its website.
(B) Visitors do not need password to access the download page.

There is also the smartphone, which has been embraced by business people
for its powerful computing attributes, but the only downside with one of these is
its small screen area.

(A) Smartphone's computing power is not enough to carry out everyday office tasks.
(B) Smartphone's tiny screen often makes it difficult to use for work.

22 (3 cau trong de)

Cdu hoi veyeu can duoc coi Id cau hoi khd di, daphdn dap an dMc nhdc den d cudi
do an van.

1 I Bl quy£T LAM BAI

• What are the company asked to do?

(Cong ty duoc yeu cau lam gi?)
• What (should) the employees do?
(Cac nhan vien (nen) lam gi?)
• What are the customers requested to do?
(Cac khach hang dugc yeu cau lam gi?)

nAm bAt bI quyet lAm bAi

• Thong tin de tra Irti can hoi thudng nam (V cuoi doan van.

• Hay tim dap an d menh d^ ifhoac can menh lenh.

Hlnh thifc ra
Reler to the following letter.

Subject; Driver complaint
I would like to submit a complaint about one of your drivers, t ordered some beauty
products from your company for my wife. By the time the package arrived, the contents
were broken. The outside of the package showed that it had been mishandled.
Your policy states that if a package has been mishandled, the driver should return the
products. I noticed the damage before the driver left, but he refused to take the goods
back.! would like a full refund for the products that I ordered.

Q. What is Hayat asked to do?

(A) Provide undamaged goods
(B) Terminate the driver
(C) Give Mr. Burgun his money back
(D) Contact Mr. Burgun

Vi la cau hoi v^' yeiu cau nen phai tlm dap an d menh de if trong doan
cuoi. Hayat vcfi tii each la ngitdi nh&n thif, co th(? hid'u la nhan vien cong
ry vsln chuyen san pham, chinh sach cua c6ng ty la "If a pakage has been
mishandled, the driver should return the products.", ndn theo ydu cdu
cua ngUdi tieu diing, Hayat phai hoan tra lai ti&i. Vi vdy, dap an dung
la (C). Dap an (C)

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 81 phdn Answer Keys

1 refers to the following notice,

SoftTech's technical support staff provides free telephone assistance to registered

SoftTech users. To receive this free service, they must first register their product(s)
with SoftTech. To do this, log in on the SoftTech website and fill out a registration form.
SoftTech will then provide a PIN number, which must be supplied to support staff.
Registering a product will also enable SoftTech to send customers timely information in
regards to updates and new releases. Before contacting our support team, please consult
the handbook to find your answer. We recommend that you first check the Frequently
Asked Questions section in the back.

Q. What are customers asked to do?

(A) Contact the support team
(B) Refer to the manual
(C) Change their PIN number
(D) Request updated instructions

2 refers to the following letter.

We would like to welcome you to the ADC Communications Company's third annual
international symposium. As you are aware, ADC employees from all around the globe
gather every year at this symposium to meet their counterparts and coworkers from
various other branches.
Whether you're in Human Resources, Sales, Research, or Management, you'll be able
to meet with colleagues of many backgrounds and discuss any and all topics of common
interest. Don't forget to check the symposium schedule and register for the workshops
and lectures that interest you the most,

Q. What should the attendees do?

(A) Meet employees from their branch
(B) Have dinner with their friends
(C) Learn the languages of other employees
(D) Sign up for lectures

Luyen tap Paraphrasing Dap an va phSn ti'ch xem (rang 82 ph^n Answer Keys

Chon dap an gidng nhat vcfi noi dung doan van ngan sau.

1 The Rainbow Restaurant reopened recently with a new look and ambiance. The
old Rainbow has given way to a relaxed atmosphere more in tune with the new

{A) The Rainbow Restaurant is newly decorated.

(B) The Rainbow Restaurant diversified its menu selections.

Because of this year's sagging world economy, many companies had no choice
but to cut back on investments in technology.

(A) Companies spent less on developing new technologies.

(B) Many firms had to downsize due to the worldwide recession.

^ Successful candidates should possess a baccalaureate degree in English

or communications and significant agency experience (3 years or more) and
positive attitude.

(A) Previous job experience is a plus but not required.

(B) A college degree is a requirement for the position.

Most employees of our company still have full internet access but Sarah's
workstation seems to be one of those experiencing connection problems today.

(A) The problem is not unique to her computer.

(B) She has to update a certain software.

You must be able to substantiate travel details — including time, place and
business purpose — and actual expense amount when claiming travel expenses.

(A) Travel expenses are usually covered by the organizers.

(B) You probably need to turn in travel receipts to be reimbursed.

Using this free WiFi service, you can stay working just about anywhere. Not only
that, you can use internet faster and for nothing too, which really is the icing on
the cake.

(A) The service gives you free access to the internet.

(B) It is like walking on the ice to use free internet.

According to the report, Grove Lane's commercial district is in urgent need of

cosmetic repairs and the streets are narrow and poorly lit.

(A) Its business area must be renovated.

(B) It needs better public transportation system.

In order to prevent injuries or contagious infections to employees, any footwear

considered open-toed are prohibited in the workplace.

(A) Wearing sandals are not allowed at work for health reasons.
(B) Improper clothing is a legitimate reason for employment termination.
23 (tren 3 cau trong fle)

VM cdu hoi ve ly do, sau khi tim duc/c tit trong tdm sail tit de hoi Why, phdi dm
dupe tiigdn nghia hodc ddng nghla vdi lit trong tdm do trong doan van.

1 | Bl QUY^T LAM BAl

• Why does Tom plan to transfer to Japan?

(Tai sao Tom lai dinh chuyen den Nhat Ban?)

• Why might the restaurant receive a poor grade?

(Co the vi ly do gi ma nha hang bi danh gia thap diem?)


• Thong tin ve dap an thifctng xuat hifin d nhifng chd co cum dong tit nguyen
the co to/ so! so that/for.

• Dap an thiidng xuat liicn gan gi6i ttf chi iy do because of hay lien tif because.

Refer to the following letter.

Dear Kathy,
Thank you for taking the time to meet us yesterday. Because of your incredible ideas,
the entire team felt that it was a very productive meeting We look forward to working
with you on the Copernicus project and are very excited about it.
As agreed, let's set up a meeting for November 26, at which time the production team
should have all the samples completed. Call me soon and let me know what time works
best for you.
| Marcus Neeman

Q. Why did Kathy meet the production team?
(A) To set up a meeting
(B) To present her ideas
(C) To call Marcus
(D) To finish the samples

Day la cau hoi ve ly do nen phai tlm dap an d gin dong tif uguyfin the
cd to hay gidi th chi ly do, li^n tif. O doan dau, qua cau "Because of
your incredible ideas, the entire team felt that it was a very productive
meeting", co the thiiy difqc dap an la (B).
Dap an IB)

Mini-test Dap an va phSn tich xem trang 82 phdn Answer Keys

1 refer to the following advertisement.

r \
A word of advice: It's time to clean your computer. If you're like me, you don't delete
documents that you no longer need from your computer. You are never sure when you
will need a file, so don't get rid of them. Does this sound right? Emails can pile up, too,
creating a cabinet full of random file names.
A simple piece of software called 'CleanUp!' enables you to remove the files that you don't
need and keep the things that you need. 'Cleanup!' is a perfect solution for everyone as it
ensures that everything on your computer is related to current projects. Why don't you try
it? We'll send you a trial version of 'CleanUp!' and if you are impressed, send us a check
for $32 at your convenience.
'• ,, , , —

Q. Why should someone try 'CleanUp!' software?

(A) It prints out copies of documents.
(B) It backs up the files on their computer.
(C) It organizes computer files.
(D) It erases unnecessary files.

2 refer to the following memo.

To: IT department
From: Ruth Ebega
RE: New Phone System
Date: May 15
As you all know, we badly need to modernize our communications system. Our current
system is outdated and Isn't able to handle even the most basic of functions that are included
in newer systems. Enclosed in this memo, you can find some descriptions of phone systems.
Please read over the materials very carefully and send your thoughts and feedback to
me as soon as possible. Currently, our office uses twelve phones, and although we don't
have a fixed budget for the new phones, they should be mid-range. Recommendations
should be in my office by the end of the week so that an order can be placed.
^ n— n /

Q. Why does Ruth Ebega want to buy a new phone system?

(A) To update the company's communications system
(B) To organize conferences more efficiently
(C) To contact the IT department more easily
(D) To give feedback more regularly

Luyen tap Paraphrasing Dap an va phSn tich xem trang 83 phan Answer Keys

Chon dap an gidng nhar vdi noi dung doan van ngan sau.

^ Banking regulations require us to contract a third-party auditing firm to check the

accuracy of accounts and confirm the integrity of our funds transfer procedures.

(A) Ail account information should be shared with the gorvernment

(B) Banks must hire other companies to check for errors.

What was new about the art school was its attempt to integrate the artist and the
craftsman, to bridge the gap between art and industry,

(A) Artists and craftsmen never really get along.

(B) The school was previously against the distinction between art and craftwork.

The real cost of terminating the employment of an under-performing or

troublesome employee escalates when you factor in lost opportunity, lost
productivity, training costs, additional recruiting costs, and severance packages.

(A) Bad hiring decisions can cost a lot.

(B) It is better to keep under-performing employees than firing them.

Ask an applicant open-ended questions that cannot be answered with "yes"

or "no" as open-ended questions allow the interviewer to probe how he or she
thinks and solves problems,

(A) Asking good questions is an important interview skill.

(B) Interviewees should answer "yes" or "no" clearly.

While the laptop or even a netbook is often seen as the way forward if you're
looking to carry out business chores on the move, the tablet actually makes a
very viable alternative.

(A) Netbook computers are more affordable than laptops.

(B) You can perform every tasks with a tablet PC.

® It is a physiological fact that men burn more calories than women do while they
exercise as men have more muscle than women per pound and muscles burn
more calories than fat does.

(A) Men work out more regularly than women.

(B) Men burn more calories than women doing the same exercise.

Our state-of-the-art fitness center has three times as many machines as one
normally finds in other hotels and the 24-hour access enables busy travelers to
work out at any time they wish.

(A) The hotel's fitness center offers various classes.

(B) Guests can use the hotel gym throughout the day.

The company updated its third quarter financial guidance to say that consumer
adoption of its products is "taking longer than expected," leading to lowered
volumes for carriers to deliver.

(A) Sales of the new product was lower than anticipated.

(B) The company's financial figures showed a sign of recovery.

24 (4 cau trong fle)
"TrUtng hdp tic viet hoa NOT xud't hien trong can hoi, gidi can hoi hang each tint
cdu Hit ki hay ky hieu trong do an van. Yi dang cau hoi nay I hiding mat tiCring ddi
nhiiu thdi gian de doc ede ItCa eh on nen phdi tim nhanh ky hieu hay cdu hit ke.

1 | Bl QUYfiT LAM BAl

• What is NOT true about this hotel?

(Dieu gi khong dung ve khach san nay?)
* What is NOT true about the Chant Society?
(Dieu gi khong dung ve Chant Society?)


• Tim dap an cf nhOng cho liet ke co ky hieu (*, Sv — ) hay so (1, 2, 3).
• Tim dap an xung quanh tCr co nghTa "them vao" (in addition, also).
• Tim dap an xung quanh td and, but.

Hinh thifc ra de
Refer to the following advertisement,

Sarnia Hotel is the perfect place to stay for the weary traveling businessman. If you
find yourself away on business, you want a hotel with a convenient location that is very
When you stay at Sarnia Hotel, you will be guaranteed the following;
1. Easy access to a central subway station
2. A top-of-the-line gym that is open 24 hours
3. Low prices that won't be burden
4. Wireless access to the Internet so that you can work in comfort

Q. What is NOT guaranteed by the hotel?

(A) Wifi
{B) A convenient location
(C) An airport shuttle
(D) Reasonable prices

Cau hoi NOT nen tim dap an d ch6 li^t ke, thifdng la dddc danh
so. (A) Wifi thuoc muc 4, (B) A convenient location d muc 1. (D)
Reasonable prices ddOc dt? cdp d muc 3. Vi thd' (C) An airport shuffle
la dap an dung.
Dap an IC)

Mini-test O^p an va phan tich xem (rang 84 phdn Answer Keys

1 refers to the following letter.

Dear Peter,
I'd like you to take the lead on the Henderson presentation next week. You're been
attending these meetings for a while, but have been a bit quiet. James Henderson prefers
a closer environment and likes to be very familiar with those he works with. If you are
comfortable with this, please include the following in the presentation:
• The latest market trends
• The budget for the next stage of the project
• A thorough outline for the next stage
• A broad outline of the progress made and expected to be made in the coming weeks

Let me know if you have any questions. Don't be nervous about speaking your mind either.

Q. What is NOT included in the presentation?

(A) A pie chart
(B) Project status
(C) Market trends
(D)A budget

2 refers to the following memo.

From: Jim Watson

To: Marketing
As you are all aware, there's a new campaign coming up. Marcy told me that Frank will
be leading this assignment. I'd like you all to support him and put in 100 percent of your
effort. I'm sure that I don't need to tell you how important this account is to our firm. The
company has sent over an outline of what they'd like to see.
In addition to the outline, they included a few basic design ideas. I've attached both to this
memo. You'll also notice that I've attached a couple old schedules from the last campaign and
a report from the head of their last project. They can be a bit difficult at times, but the report
should give you some tips. I look forward to meeting you all soon to discuss this further.

Q. What is NOT attached to the memo?

(A) Previous schedules
(B) Design ideas
(C) A report with tips
(D) A meeting outline

Luyen tap Paraphrasing Dap an va ph^n tich xem trang 84 phcin Answer Keys

Chon dap an giong nhat vdi noi dung doan van ngan sau.

^ No other battery products can withstand the extreme temperatures, high

vibration, and huge shock as well as those of Kosco do.

(A) Kosco batteries are resistant to high temperature.

(B) More battery products are produced by Kosco than any other company.

We advise more employees to take full advantage of what the gym offers.
Membership will continue to be subsidized and remain at $22 per month.

(A) Employees can use the gym free of charge.

(B) The company pays part of the free for its employees.

^ The committee has passed a resolution prohibiting all gorvernment employees

from using any official vehicles for personal business.

(A) Public officials are not allowed to possess a vehicle.

(B) Public officials cannot use public property for personal use.

4 Nissan anticipates that the construction will require as many as 1,000 workers,
and once the plant becomes operational in a year, it will employ more than 700
full-time workers.

(A) Nissan needs 700 workers to complete the plant.

(B) The company will create hundreds of new jobs.

5 NAND flash memory has been atop growing market segment over the past few
years due to the growth of smart phones, tablet PCs and other mobile media

(A) NAND flash memory has been growing faster than any other fields.
(B) Smart phones are replacing tablet PCs as a mobile device.

In our firm, the boards of directors commonly consist of professionals who are
usually inclined to use email and prefer that to a phone call that may interrupt
their work day.

(A) The directors prefer phone calls when it's urgent.

(B) The directors do not want to disturb others at work.

I don't understand why f would be rejected for my claim as I am just as eligible

as the next person for a cash settlement with respect to this occupational injury.

(A) The person wants to be compensated for an accident.

(B) The person would be paid from his or her insurance company.

The company has shown solid growth and extremely good reputation for the
past decade, which made it one of the most sought-after company for new

(A) The company is hiring only those with experience in the field.
(B) Many college graduates would like to work for the company.
25 (tren 5 cau Irong del
"Khdng phdi tat cd cdu hoi suy ludn den kho nhiing no lai Id dang cdu hoi khien
tht sinh aim thdy ban khodn. Trong cdu hoi suy ludn, ban khdng duac die dodn dtia
tren nhiingphdn dodn chu quan ciia ban than nctm ngodi not dung cua doqn van
vd cdu hoi.


What is implied about the letter?

(Bieu gi duo'c am chi ve btfc thu?)
What can be inferred about the article?
(Bieu gi cd the suy doan td bai bao?)
Where would this notice probably appear?
(Thong bao nay cd the xuat hien d dau?)
Whom is this promotion most likely targeting?
(Chuong thnh khuyen mai nay nham den dol tUdng nao?)


Cdu hoi "suy ludn + dau moi god y" cd dap an d xung quanh dau mfii.
Cdu hoi "suy ludn + loai doan van" phai tim mot, hai dau moi mdi cd the giai
difpc nen ddy la cdu hoi khd.

H'mh thifc ra de
Refer to the following email.

From: chris©marketa,com
Subject; Quarterly meeting
The quarterly meeting is around the corner. Everyone is looking forward to hearing
about your progress with the Jensen account. Before the meeting, I'd like to meet
with you to go over the presentation.
You've been working on this account for over a year now, so I'm sure you know the details
better than anyone. Still, I'd like to have you run it by me so that I can double check to
make sure you've included information that will answer all questions the CEO might have.

Q. What can be inferred about Chris?

(A) He works in Marketing.
(B) He is Han's supervisor.
(C) He is the CEO,
(D) He works with Mr. Jensen closely.

Day la cau hoi suy lu|n. Ngifdi gufi email la Chris, ngiidi nhln la Hans.
Trong Joan van dan tien, anh ay noi muon gap mat doi tac tnfdc khi hop
de kiem tra tru'Oc noi dung phat hieu. Dieii nay am chi v6 noi dung cong
vi£c, tif day cd the suy ra ngtfcfi cd the kiei'm tra phai co chdc vi cao hon
Hans. Theo do, dap an chinh xac la (B).
Dap an (B)

Mini-test Bap an va phan tich xem trang 85 phin Answer Keys

1 refers to the following notice.

This notice from the Missouri Pollution Control Agency is meant to advise the public that
it will be disinfecting the water system on the 5th of this month. We routinely monitor for
the presence of drinking water contaminants. We took eight samples during the month
of June. During August, five of our samples showed the presence of coliform bacteria.
This is not an emergency. If it had been, you would have been notified immediately.
These bacteria are generally not harmful itself. Conliforms are bacteria that are usually a
sign that other, possibly harmful bacteria may be present. We will be adding chlorine to
the water to disinfect it, beginning on the 12th and ending on the 15th.

Q. What is inferred about this notice?

(A) Residents should panic.
(B) Residents must consult a doctor.
(C) Residents must clean their water,
(D) Residents are in no danger.

refers to the following article.

The country's economy met all expectations in the third quarter of the year, according to
figures from the Commerce Department. Economic growth rose by nearly 5 percent in
the months leading up to September. This occurred despite natural disasters, record oil
prices, and a steady rise in interest rates.
Economists around the world were concerned that the typhoons would slow economic
activity. Some business suffered with profits falling about 4 percent. Regardless, spending
by consumers lifted the economic activity. The government reported that consumer prices
have been stable or only increased modestly.

Q. What can be inferred about the article?

(A) it is from a country with a good economic indicators.
(B) It was written by a government official.
(C) It is from a company.
(D) It was released in April.

Luyen tap Paraphrasing Oap an va phan tich xem trang 86 phan Answer Keys

Chon dap an giong nhat vcVi n6i dung doan van ngan sau.

1 Just as we need to consult a doctor periodically for health checkups, buildings

and industrial plants also need fire safety inspections to ensure normal

(A) Factories should comply with government safety regulations.

(B) Regular inspections are necessary to ensure the safety of a building.

The cost of renting office space in the financial district in-the city peaked in
March, forcing NKY Consulting to look for workspace in other areas.

(A) NKY Consulting had to move their office.

(B) It is expensive to rent an office in a commercial area.

Manu Motors is planning to cut production by 15 percent over the next year as
the rising prices of gasoline caused a drop in sales of SUVs and trucks.

(A) The automaker is going to reduce its oil consumption.

(B) The car manufacturer will trim production due to poor sales.

Mogle in Japan has announced that it is in the process of acquiring London-

based CLICK, a search engine company for a price-tag of around $10 million.

(A) Two companies have agreed to develop a new search engine.

{B) Mogle is buying out a technology company.

® Landlords are responsible for exterminating bed bugs if tenants report

infestation; if your landlord refuses to help, form a tenants' union and file a
group complaint.

(A) Landlords have a responsibility for pest control.

(B) Tenants should report inspection to the tenants association.

Please supply a replacement unit for the customer as mentioned at the bottom
of this form, as the electric drill he purchased is clearly defective.

(A) A new product should be sent to the customer.

(B) The customer will get a refund for his purchase.

If you were still in our 30-90 day customer satisfaction guarantee when you
required repair for the dishwasher you bought from us, then there should not
have been a charge.

(A) The dishwasher is still under warranty.

(B) The customer wants her dishwasher fixed.

The economy, while past the deep recession, appears far from the solid
employment and growth days of just a few years ago. Many companies are
cautioned about adding to their payrolls until a clear recovery among consumers
is evident.

(A) Companies are not willing to increase employment.

(B) Consumers confidence is recovering fast.

26 (1-4 cautrong de moi nam)

Cdu hoi tiiddng nghla xuat hien nhieu nhdi Id 4 cdu trongdethi nen Cling rat qiutn
trqng, cd cd nhting cdu hoi kho vd can de nen phdi sii dung thdnh thqo tU viing.


• The word 'appreciation' in paragraph 2, line 5 is closest in meaning to

(TU "appreciation"d dong 5, doqn 2gdn nghla nhdi vdi tu)

2 j nAm bat bi quy£t lAm bAi

• Khi tif duWc h6i la tu* kho thi cd the thay the lan kfctt cac Itfa chon vao can va
chon tit diing, hop nhat vOi nghla cua doan van.

Refer to the following memo.

To: Marketing
From: John Connors
I just left a meeting with the manager. He'd like us to drawn up a design for some flyers.
He's planning to have the interns hand them out and post them around town to attract
business. He'd like it to be simple yet informative.
He would also like to use the same design later on for inserts the newspapers and
magazines. This isn't a big project, so I'm hoping that one of you will volunteer to work on
this. The deadline is 4 p.m Friday.

Q. The word 'flyer' in paragraph 1, line 2, is closet in meaning to

(A) customer
(B) offer
(C) advertisement
(D) invitation
Tif diftfc hoijfyerla td rcfi (quang cao) nen (C) la dap an diing.
Dap an (C)

Tir dong nghia thifdng gap

decline — turn down tCfchdl cargo — freight hang hda

solicit — collect keu ggi, thu hut hire — employ tuySn dung
attorney — lawyer luat sU analyze — evaluate phan tfch
alliance — network dong minh plumbing — pipe ong nude
story — floor tang handbook — manual so fay
charge — bill dot tien tournament — competition cupc dau
assess — critique danh gia successor — replacement nguoi ke thda/ke nhiem
budget — finance quy output — production sin tupng
income ~ revenue thu nhap apparel — garment quan ao
device — quipment thiet bi consult — confer td van

Lga chpn trong 3s

Hay liia chon dap an co nghia gan giong nhar vdi tii difdc cho.

1 decline (a) turn on (b) turn down

2 advantage (a)change (b) benefit
3 solicit (a) collect (F) speak
4, sale (a) mark down @ drop
5. in transit (a) board (E) ship
6. alliance (i) gathering (5) network
7 charge (a) bill (b) carry
8.assess (a) array (b) critique
9. correct (a) change (B) repair
10. hire (a) accept (F> employ
11. at least (a) more (Fi minimum
12. invoice (a) receipt (D mail
13. hold (a) maintain 0 host
14. pass (a) elapse 0 delete
15. preference (a) profit 0 favorite
16.voucher (a)coupon 0 receipt
17. analyze (Devaluate 0 follow
18. affordable (ajcosfh 0 low-cost
19. outlast (Dprominent 0 durable

20. enclose (a) include (b) involve
21. agreement ©condition © contract
22. unsanitary ©unclean © curtail
23. brochure ©suitcase ® pamphlet
24. manual ©assemble © handbook
25, slowly ©gradually © eternally
26. by email ©by computer © mail
27 drop by ©fall © visit
28. cut down © reduce © accrue
29 acquire ©buy out © include
30. unique ©different © sure
31 stock ©launch © share
32. furnish ©divide © provide
33. few ©a lack of © enough
34. output ©production © items
35. input ©expectation © opinion
36. overdue ©outstanding © result
37. more ©eager ® further
38. journal ©periodical ® letters
39 apparel ©garment ® causes
40. fill out ©complete ® disturb
41 flex ©alleviate ® bend
42 extend ©suspend © stretch
43. file ©keep ® dispose
44. consult ©dissolve © confer

Mini-test Dap an v& phdn tich xem trang 87 phSn Answer Keys

1 refers to the following e-mail.

To; w.mathers@surop,com
Subject; Re: Notice
Dear Walter,
It saddens me to hear that you will be leaving all of us here at Suro, but I'm happy that it
is under such good circumstances. First of all, congratulations on your engagement! All
of us are glad to hear that you will be getting married and moving to Denver, On behalf of
the management, we wish you a long and happy marriage.
As for your notice, thank you for submitting it so far in advance. We will begin looking
for your replacement soon, but of course you are welcome to stay as long as you like. If
we find someone before you take your leave, I hope you'll be willing to help in his or her
training. Let me know your thoughts on this matter.
Sarah Phillips
I, i i mi ....... j

Q. The word 'replacement' in paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning to

(A) position
(B) assistant
(C) superior
(D) successor

2 refers to the following notice.

This is notice to the heads of all departments. Over the next couple of weeks, a
representative from Human Resources will be visiting each department to meet with the
director. The director will be expected to report on the progress of all current projects as
well as give an evaluation of every employee in that department.
Following this, the HR representative will meet with each employee individually to assess
his or her efficiency, performance, and personal goals. This is a direct order from the
CEO in regards to recent concerns about efficiency throughout the company. The HD
representatives will be reporting directly to the CEO upon the completion of this process.

0. The word 'assess' in paragraph 2, line 2, is closet in meaning to

(A) promote
(B) support
(C) evaluate
(D) communicate

Luyen tap Paraphrasing Oap an va phan ti'ch xem trang 87 phdn Answer Keys

Chon clap an dung nhat v6i noi dung doan van ngan sau.

1 You are invited to attend a free presentation on Fresh Sub Franchise Opportunities
in the Bristol and West area. Due to popular demand, this seminar is limited to
those interested in developing in Bristol, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire,

(A) The subject of the seminar is marketing strategies.

(B) This seminar is for development in the West region only

Before signing the contract, I was so hesitant to receive the job offer, but for the
six months I've been working here it's been nothing but pleasurable.

(A) The person regrets his decision.

(B) The person loves working here.

3 Globally, the plants and distribution centers that the company uses have been
strategically located to significantly reduce transportation costs, fuel usage and
carbon emissions.

(A) The company is trying to use less energy.

(B) They are looking for global expansion.

^ When Bonbon opened its first shop in 1965, it was clear that it was a new kind
of sandwich bar where sandwiches were not pre-made and you could see and
choose from a variety of ingredients for your sandwich.

(A) Bonbon makes sandwiches on order.

(B) Bonbon offers a variety of ready-made products.

5 Send an email to Better Home tor a home remodelling guide. The guide
features a picture catalogue for every room in your house in addition to home
reconstruction ideas and suggestions. You can also get a free quote on your
remodeling project.

(A) The company offers free estimates.

(B) The guide is free for home owners.

6 Large customers tend to buy more products and services, and do so over a
longer period of time. Many small clients make a single order and are never
heard from again.Yet it often takes just as much time and effort to win their

(A) It's easier to build your business by supplying large accounts.

(B) Small customers can be maintained with less effort.

7 1NWK has been working to beef up its inside telesales team, which targets
small and midsize clients. The company ended 2011 with 60 inside sales
representatives. It has continued to hire about 20 new representatives a month
since then.

(A) The company has increased its sales force.

(B) The company is downsizing its customer services.

8 SliverFlare, the increasingly popular security service, suffered a security breach

last week that allowed someone to hijack SliverFlare CEO Nathan Perry's Gmail
account and gain access to the account of one of their customers.

(A) A hacker breached SliverFlare's security system.

(B) One of the SliverFlare customers proved a hacker.






27 Thu" (letter)/TW dien td (E-mail)

28 Quang cao (Advertisement)

29 Thong bao (Notice & Announcement)

30 Thii bao (Memo)

31 Tbong tin hiiofng din (Information)

32 Man (Form) va cac dang kbac


7hu hay email la van ban chuyen dung lien quart mat thiet den ddi songsinh boat
hang ngdy hoqc rndi trUdng kinh doanh nen moi Lin thi se cd tit 3 bite 11 nil email trd
len, chi/m 42% phd'n doc hieu.

1 | Bl QUY^T LAM BAl

Phan doan chu dd"

What is the purpose of the e-mail?
(Muc dich cua email la gi?)
1 im dap an rrong phan dau rien cua bai doc.

Cau hoi vi yen cau

What is James asked to do?
(James dug'c yeu cau lam gi?)
Tim dap an trong phan cuoi cua bai doc.

Cau hoi tai Ii£u dinh kem

What is enclosed with this letter?
(Cai gl dugc dinh kem vdi bile ihu?)
Tim dap an quanh cac tii enclosed/included/attached trong thd.

2 1 NAM BAT Bl quyet LAM BAI

" Phai xac dinh thong tin cua ngddi ghi (xuar hien trrfdc) va ngiidi nhan
(xu^'t hien sau).
• Trdbc khi doc doan van nh^t dinh phai nam dtfpe de muc.
• Phan dau se d^' cap den chu dc va muc dich vift.

1. Nam viifng mau thii/email
Vice nam vufng mau cau true doan thu: hay email giiip ich cho viec tra lui can hoi.

Merry Graham
Oja chi ngi/di giii. ten
UniCircle Media
ngJcii gili, thong tin
75058 Paris Etoile 25
cong ty
Paris, France
Ngay gili thif August 14, 2011
Thong tin ngifdi nhan Dear Mr, McCarthy
Muc 31ch, de muc, ly As our new letterhead Indicates, we have recently changed the
do viet thd name of our business from Graham Media to UniCircle Media.
There has been no change in management and we will be
Ndi dung chi tiet, phan
providing the same products and fine service on which we
bo sung
i have built our reputation in the industry.
We would appreciate it if you would bring this announcement
Ngi dung dan do va
to the attention of your accounts payable department and
yeu cau
direct them accordingly.
Thank you for being one of our valued customers. We
Ldi chao cuoi thd
appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Ky ten ngUdi gifi, ten, Merry Graham,
chdc vu Director

2. Thong tin trong tam can phai nam vufng trong thii/email
Phan mcf dau
• Thank you for your e-mail of + ngay fhang
(Cam dn ve bde thu ngay ~)
• With reference to your letter of + ngay thang
(Lien quan den nqi dung bite thu ngay ~)

Ly do hay muc dich vid't rhtf, email

• 1 am writing to V {nguyen thl)
(Tot viet bde thu (email) nay de ~)
• I am writing to apologize for
(To/ viet bde thu (email) nay de xin loi ve viec ~)
• I am writing to inquire about
(To/ viet bde thu (email) nay de hoi ve viec ~)
• This letter is to V (nguyfen the)
(Bde thd nay la de ~)

Noi dung dinh kem
• I am enclosing... To/ da dinh kem ~
• Please find enclosed... Vui long tim ~ dinh kem
• Enclosed you will find... Ban se thay ~ dinh kem
• We have enclosed... Chung toi da dinh kem -

Noi dung y6u cau, dan do

• Could you possibly...? Ban co the-?
• I would be grateful if you could... Toi se rat biet o'n neu ban
• (Please) dpng td nguyen the... Xin hay ~

3. Tu1 viTng trong tam theo chu de

1. Kinh doanh
out of employment dang that nghiep incumbent ngudi duong chUc
beneficial co Idi, Uu da\ job fair hoi chd viec lam
beneficiary ngudi hudng Idi job performance hieu suat lam viec
benefit package goi Idi the leave of absence nghi lam
certificate chiing chi, giay chiing maternity leave nghi thai sin
nhan kinh nghiem pay back tra lai
communication skill kha nang giao tiep referral gidi thieu
competitive salary mifc Iddng canh tranh commission tien hoa hong
coordinator dieu phoi vien, discharge sa thai
ngUdi tien hanh dispatch gCii di, phai di
employee of nhan vien Uu tu cua thang pension lUdng huu
the month shift ca tam
flexible hours gid lam viec linh boat leave a job nghi viec
fringe benefit phu cap ngoai take over tiep quin
performance rating xep loal hieu suat probation thu viec
lam viec occupation cdng viec
dismissal sa thai motivate thuc day
administrative thugc hanh chinh pay check tra lUdng
allowance tien trg cap recruit nhan vien mdi
appoint chi dinh pre-tax trUdc thue
aptitude nang khieu be wanted tim
assistant trg ly, thu ky, co van advisor co van
in duty dang lam nhiem vu
dividend co tdc
day shift ca ngay
friction ma sat

Mini-test Odp an va phan tich xem trang 88 phan Answer Keys

1-3 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr.Rodriguez,
It has come to my attention that your company, Rodrihuez and Sons Hardware, has been
late with paying its invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay their invoices before the due date, we have
implemented a new discount policy that will give customers 2% off their invoices if they
pay within ten days of receiving the invoice.
Please take advantage of this new policy and avoid any charges from overdue fees. I
hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are a very important
client, and we appreciate all the business that you have given us over the years. If you
have any questions, feel free to contact me at 081 -2525 or by email at
You may also visit our website to view the details of the policy.
Bob Powell

What is the purpose of the letter? What is Mr. Rodriguez asked to do?
(A) To complain about poor service (A) Use the new discount model
(B)To help people choose (B) Pay for last month's invoice
appropriate tools (C) Schedule an appointment
(C)To inform a customer about an (D) Send copies of old invoices
overdue payment
(D)To provide information on
transportation options

2. What is NOT indicated as a method

of contact?
(A) Telephone
(B) Fax
(C) Email
(D) Online

4-8 refer to the following e-mail and schedule.

To: torn,
Subject: Grand Opening
Dear Mr. Atkins,
Allow me the pleasure of inviting you to the grand opening of Concordia's high-tech
department store. Thanks to the tireless efforts of you and the other employees both at
Prisec and Concordia, the store is finally set to open on Saturday October 11.
Refreshments wiil be served at 2:00 PM, following a short speech from the CEO
of Concordia. The event will be held in the main lobby of the store. Please see the
attachment for a map and directions.
We hope to see you there.
Tony Alvarez
Concordia Customer Service

Day Date Schedule

Monday October 6 Dr. Skeever at 2:30 PM

Meeting with John Stratford 10:30 AM

Tuesday October 7
Tina's piano recital 8:00 PM

Wednesday October 8 Report on Stevenson account due

Last day for vacation requests in November

Thursday October 9
Company dinner at Loula's Bistro 7:00 PM

Friday October 10 Meeting with HR 4:00 PM

Saturday October 11 Concordia event 1:30 PM

Sunday October 12 Golf with the boys 11:00 AM

What is the purpose of the e-mail? 8. By what date should a request about
{A) To inform of an appointment vacations be submitted?
(B) To announce an event (A) October 7
(C) To invite to play golf (B) October 8
(D) To schedule a meeting (C) October 9
(D) October 10
What is indicated about Tom Atkins? 9. What is the main purpose of the
(A) He has a lot of free time. e-mail?
(B) He is an employee of Prisec. (A) To announce a promotion
(C) He is not a fan of sports. (B) To introduce a new writing style
(D) He has met Tony Alvares (C) To offer an internship
In the e-mail, the word 'high-tech' (D) To inform of an employee of duties
in paragraph 1, line 1, is closet in
10. What will suggested about Angela?
meaning to
(A) She will be working as an
(A) compact
(B) primitive
(B) She graduated from a Masters
(D) expensive
(C) She knows Anthony Astair
What will happen on October?? personally.
(A) Meet with a client (D) She is in charge of Marketing.
(B) Visit a doctor
(C) Attend a grand opening
(D) Play golf

9-10 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Anthony.A@newn-Com
Subject: Internship
Everyone here at Newn is very pleased that you are doing an internship at our company
headquarters. One of your duties will be to help Mr. Burns with his daily correspondences.
This may entail dictating or writing letters. We know that your training at Highgrand
Community College has prepared you well for this task.
Remember that the correspondence that our customers receive from us is one of the
ways that they evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and professionalism of our business
Outgoing letters must be as perfect as possible in terms of layout, grammar, and content.
This will show our customers that we have a commitment to excellence throughout our
Enclosed is a sample letter for your review.
Sincerely yours,
Anthony Astair


Do an qudng cdo diidc chia thanh qudng cdo tuyen dung vd qudng cdo thudng mqi
thong thudng. 77 le ra de chiem 8% bdi doc hieu.


11 Quang cao tuyen dung

Danh gia chu de
What position is being advertised?
(Vt tri nao dang duqc dang tuyen?)
Dap an thifofng d phan dau doan van.

Didu ki^n, ydu cau

What is a requirement for the position?
(Yeu cau cua vj tri nay la gi?)
Tim dap an d doan thd 2, 3.

Cach thdc dang ky

How should the candidate apply for the job?
(Ling vien co the ung tuyen cong viec bang each nao?)
Tim dap an d doan cuoi.

21 Quang cao thifofng mai thong thifdng

Hoi ve chu de
What is being advertised?
(Cai gi dang duac quang cao?)
Tim dap an d phdn dau doan van.
Hoi vd doi tdpng
From whom is this advertisement intended?
(Quang cao nay nham den doi tUdng nao?)
Dap an thifdng xudt hidn d phan dau doan van.

Dac tning san pham
What is NOT a feature of the product?
(Dieu gi khong phii dac trdng cua san pham ?)
Dap an rhifcmg xuat hi^n 5 doan thu' 2, 3.


• Quang cao tuyen dung phai xac dinh ro dieu kien tuyfn, nhidm vu, cong
viec ma ngifdi du'ric tuyen phai dam nhicrn, phai dm difpc nhilng tif chi dieu
kifin, y^u c^u.

can thiet (must, necessary, required), toi thieu (at ieast, a minimum of), dieu kien tU
each (qualification, prerequisite), giao due (education), hoc van (academic background),
hoc vi (degree), kinh nghiem (reference, experience), ngoai ngOthanh thao (proficiency,
fluency), biet hai thd tieng (in foreign language, bilingual), ky nang vi tinh (word,
processing, software, computer skills)

Chu y: cac th chi didu ki^n dtfcfc itu tien: dtfpc da thich (preferred), dang
ngtfdng mo (desirable), li tdoing (ideal)

• Xac djnh san pham cua quang cao thifOng mai thong thifdng, dac tnfng san
pham, tfu dai giam gia, phifong thiic thanh toan, dap an thifdng xuat hi^n
trong cac cau so sanh ngang bang va so sanh hefn nhat.

1. Nam vflng mau doan quang cao.

Viec nam viing mau cau true doan quang cao giup ich cho viec tra Idi cau hoi.

Ida de Help Wanted Ads

Cong viec Accounting Assistant
We are currently accepting resumes for a part time accounting
Nhiem vu
assistant position, working approx. 25 hours per week.
Applicant should be familiar with all office duties and must be
computer literate with working knowledge in Microsoft Word,
Yeu cau va dai ngg
Excel, and Publisher. Experience in accounts payable and
payroll are required. Salary based on experience.
Please fax resume to 803-988-0742.
Phudng thQc dang ky
Apply by; July 23, 2012

2. Thong tin trong tam can nam vflng trong ctoan quang cao tuyen dung.

• Cong vide
Cong ty + is seeking + cong viec Cong ty dang tuyen ngUdi cho cong viec

• Nhidm vu
Candidates wll be responsible for... Lfng vien se chiu trach nhiem
Successful candidates wil have responsibility for..
Cac Cfng vien dugc Ida chon se chiu trach nhiem

• Yeu can doi vdi ring vien

Candidates should have + quang thdi gian + experience in + ITnh vdc...
Cac ufng vien nen co ~ nam kinh nghiem trong ITnh vdc
A candidate is required to have.... Ong vien phai co

• Cach thufc dang ky

Interested candidates should.... Cac dng vien quan tam can

3. Thong tin trong tam can nam vflng trong doan quang cao thuong mai
thong thudng.
• Gidi thieu cong ty va gidi thieu san pham
Travel Magazine offers... Tap chiDu lich cung cap
Do you wish you could afford a luxury watch?
Ban co ddc rang minh du tien mua 1 chiec dong ho deo tay hang hieu?

• Dac trdng rieng bidt cua san pham, du did'm va du dai

Designed exclusively for our subscribers.
(Thiet ke ddc quyen cho ddc gid cua chung tdi.)
Products are designed to cover individual homeowners only.
(San pham dddc thiet ke chl danh cho nha rieng.)
Get $15 off your first order.
(Giam gia 15$ cho Ian dau tien dat hang.)
Receive a 20% saving on all products.
(Tie) kiem 20% cho tat ca san pham.)

4. Tu vitng trong tam theo chu dt?

2. Cong ty
accounting year nam ke toan off-limits cam khdng du'o'c lui tdi
assignment nhiem vu, viec dam nhiem outstanding balance so duchua thanh toan
backlog of orders ton dong don hang overhead expense chi phi quin ly
be liable for cd trach nhiem payment option phddng thdc thanh toan
be compatible with tuong thich vdi profit margin bien idi nhuan
be subordinated to dia vj kern hdn, phu prototype nguyen mau
thugc vao remit gdi tien
competitive edge Uu the canh tranh replenish bd sung hang hoa
courier service djch vu chuyen phat revenue thu nhap qudcgia, thu nhap tdthue
nhanh assess djnh gia de danh thue
consumer affairs bao ve ngudi tieu dung boost tang gia
crude materials nguyen lieu thd customized lam theo yeu cau
file for bankruptcy tuyen bdpha san deficit tham hut ve mat ke toan
fill the order xti ly don hang dispatcher ngddl gdi hang
focus group nhom thao luan downsize cat giim quy mo
hallmark dau hieu xac nhan tieu chuan garner bd vao kho
impending sap den (ki han) guarantee dam bao
information material thong tin hang hoa liquidate thanh toan nd
janitor ngudi gac cong, tap vu lucrative sinh Idi
office supplies dung cu van ptd>ng malfunction si/cd
on the receipt of ngay khi nhan payroll bang Iddng
operating expense phi van hanh personnel department phdng nhan sd
affiliate cong ty chi nhanh proceeds tien thu ve
appliance dung cu, thiel bi dien td procrastinate tri hoan
component thanh phin sales promotion thuc day ban hang,
consolidate sat nhap khuyen mai
due date ngay den han thanh toan security alert canh bao an ninh
encase cho vao thung serial number so se-ri
entrepreneur chu doanh nghiep set out bat dau lam vide
niche thi trddng ngach set up a date chon ngay
expense account bdng ke chi phi specialty san pham dac biet
intrucstions hddng dan dung san pham streamline hop ly boa
inventory hang tSn kho subsidiary cong ty con
liability nghia vu surplus thang du
monopoly doc quyen
net profit Idi nhuan rdng

1-3 refer to the following advertisement.

The Development Office at the University of Mississippi is looking for an administrative

assistant to join the team.
The qualified candidate will be responsible for providing clerical and administrative
support in a fast paced, customer service oriented environment to assigned staff in the
Development Office. Anyone who attends the university is welcome to apply.
Duties include:
• Prepare and edit correspondence
• Update donor database and compile monthly and reports
• Assist with fundraising campaigns
• Assist in planning and preparing for special events
• Coordinate travel arrangements and create itineraries
• Answer telephone calls and repond to inquiries from staff, campus community and
general public
• Appointment scheduling
Imagine the difference you can make. Our development team solicits donations from
individuals, corporations, and foundations to promote learning, research, and education
at the University of Mississippi. Our development officers represent each of the units on
campus and provide fund raising leadership to complement, encourage, and support
students, faculty, and staff. To learn more about us, visit our webpage.

Mini-test Dap an va phan tich xem trang 90 phan Answer Keys

For whom is this advertisement 3. What are applicants interested in

intended? the position asked to do?
{A) Job seekers (A) Schedule an appointment
(B) Faculty (B) E-mail the Development Office
(C) Graduates (C) Call the office
(D) Models (D) Visit the school's site

What is a requirement for the What position is being advertised?

position? (A) Economist
(A) Must have a Bachelor's Degree (B) Marketing manager
(B) Must be a current student (C) Sales associate
(C) Must be willing to travel (D) Content editor
(D) Must have prior experience

5. According to the advertisement, 8. How should someone apply if they
what is NOT a requirement? are interested?
(A) Microsoft Office proficiency (A) By email
(B) Problem solving skills (B) By phone
(C) Communicative ability (C) By tax
(D) Customer service experience (D) By letter
9. Who would most likely contact this
6. What is mentioned as a duty of the job? company?
(A) Organizing store events (A) People who live in apartments
(B) Updating site content (B) Home owners with special needs
(C) Reporting on market trends (C) An electronics company
(D) Peaking store sales (D) Marketing consultants

7. According to the e-mail, where was 10. What is mentioned in the

Anthony an intern? advertisement?
(A) A consulting agency (A) A phone number
{B) A pharmaceutical company (B) Examples of their products
(C) A law firm (C) Discounted prices
(D)A bank (D) Quotes from past customers

4-8 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.
Stagnite is looking for people who are motivated, ambitious, hard working and customers-
oriented. As a Sales Representative, you serve to inspire customer understanding
while driving sales. Your confidence in our products and solutions will shine in clear,
knowledgeable persuasive communications.
The excellent candidate;
— You thrive working in a fast-paced, dynamic environment
— Your strong interpersonal and organization skills are complemented by a keen
sense of strategic problem solving
— You're got great communication skills in dealing with a wide variety of customers,
store managers and sales leaders
— You are proficient in basic computer programs such as Windows and Microsoft
— You are target driven, goal orientated and competitive
Your important role:
— Expand and support the Fido Brand while implementing Stagnite's vision of
unrivalled customer service, and profitability
— Work alongside with Sales Managers and coworkers to maximize store sales and
provide excellent customer service
— Ensure accuracy in all transactions, inventory and procedures
A job at Stagnite is a chance to use your knowledge and experience — and get the
rewards you deserve for it. Do you have that drive and confidence that sets you apart
from the rest? Are you ready to join the wireless revolution? If you're interested, contact
us at

To: The personnel department

From; Anthony Turano
As a recent graduate of the University of Virginia, I am excited to begin a career in sales.
I feel that my skills are a perfect match for the Sales Representative position available at
This past summer I participated in a sales training internship program at a large drug
manufacturing company where I gained first-hand sales experience, interacted daily with clients
and learned from other salespeople. I was involved in the entire sales process from gathering
company knowledge to maintaining customer satisfaction after a sale had been completed.
My previous experience and enthusiasm for sales would bring even more success to the
Stagnite. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and the Sales
Representative position.
Anthony Turano

9-10 Refer to the following advertisement.

When we buy or build a house, most of us never consider the difficulties of growing old in
it, and we never pause to ask, what happens if I become disabled? To the elderly and the
disabled, seemingly simple tasks like bathing, entering the front door, or getting a box of
cereal from a cupboard can become daily challenges in a poorly designed home.
Universal access design, also know variously as barrier-free design, open-concept
accessibility, and handicap accessible design, seeks to remove the barriers that impede
us in our own homes, making them safer and more accessible to all.
Most of us would never recognize universal access features as anything other than
convenient and attractive if we saw them. Many homes built today feature some of them
as part of the standard package: open-concept living rooms and kitchens, walk-in showers
with grab bars, higher electrical outlets, and other such things that seem commonplace.
Perhaps your newer home has some of these features already. If not, perhaps it should.
Universal Designs is here to make your home more suited to you.


Doan thong hdo diing de truyen dat nhting thong tin lien quan din phUdng hiifing
thi hdnh va thay ddi quy dinh, co the di dang tii'p cdn trong dbi sd'ng sinh hoqt hang
ngay nen khd di so vdi cdc dang khdc. Mot bdi thi thiictng co khodng hai doan vein
vdi ti li ra de chiem 7%.


Hoi muc dich

What is the purpose of this notice?
(Muc dich cua thong bao nay la gi?)
Tim dap an d phan dau.
Hoi ve doi tifo'ng
Who is Harlan Borden?
(Ai la Harlan Borden?)
Tim dap an d phan dlu.
Xuat xd cua thong bao
Where is this announcement found?
(Thong bao nay dUdc tim thay d dau?)
Tim dap an d phan dau.


• Dau den phai danh gia muc dich cua thdng bao la gl qua doan van
dau tien.

• Phai doc ky doan dau va doan thtf hai.

1. Ndm vflng miu doan thong bao
Vide nam viJng mau cau rriic doan thong bao giup ich cho vide giai can h6i.

Ida de Exhibition: Contemporary Latin American Art Show

This is an opportunity to experience the sophisticated,
international and most distinguished visual art from Latin
Muc dich thong bao
America through excellent works representative of abstract,
concrete, and conceptual art.
June 1 — August 31
Holmes Exhibition Center
Thong tin chi tiet va
Museum Hours: 10:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m (Tuesday through
yeu cau
Noon to 4:00 p.m (Sunday) Closed Mondays and some holiday
Oja chl lien lac va For reservations call us at (919)423-PINTA or visit our
phUdng thUc lien lac homepage (

2. Thong tin trong tam can nam viifng trong doan thong bao
Muc dieh thong bao
• We are pleased to announce... Chung toi rat vui du'Cc thong bao ~
• Please be aware that... Xin hay chu y ~

Ihong bao thay doi dia did'm

• There has been a change in the location... Co sU thay doi ve dja diem ~

Thong tin ydu clu

• is requested to V {nguyen the) phai ~

Thong tin lien lac

• Please contact ngifdi [bo phan, cong ty] at,.. Xin hay lien he vdi ngudi [bo phan, cong
ty] tai ~

3. Tit vvtng trong tam theo chu dc

3. Tai chi'nh
beneficiary ngUdi thy hu'dng remittance gii tien
cardholder chu the shareholder co dong
collateral the chap transact giao dich
corporate bond trai phieu cong ty dividend cd phan
credit to gCli Hen cho premium tien bio hiem
insure bio hiem clear quyet toan
make a deposit gCfi tien credit rating mUc tin dung
money order phieu chuyen tien currency tien te
outstanding chUa tra delinquent khong tri dung ky han
redeemable co the chupc tai endorse chUng thUc dang sau
wire transfer chuyen tien true tuyen ngan phieu
account balance so dU tai khoan equity co phin
coverage pham vi bio hiim insolvent khong tra nd dUdc
credit tin dung promissory note gia'y cam ket
debt nd reach maturity den ky han phai
exchange rate ti gia hoi doai thanh toan
forge lam gii broker ngUdi mdi gidi
pay off tra - policyholder ngUdi dUdc bio hiem
full coverage bio hiem toan dien

4. Nhiem vu
adjourn hoan cupc hop fundraising huy dong von
alternative phUdng an breakthrough vuot qua
resolve giii quyet conclude ket luan
recess ky nghi deadlock dinh tre
preside chu tri brainstorm dong nao
persuasive co sUcthuyetphuc sign up dang ky
compromise thoa hiep settle a dispute dan xep bat hda
convene trieu tap, hop irrelevant khong thich hop
assert qua quyet, khang dinh fall through that bai
unanimous nhat tri keynote speaker dien gia
orientation dinh hudng decisive kien quyet
mediate trung gian charity banquet tiec td thien
b— - - -

Mini-test Bap an va phSn tich xem trang 93 phan Answer Keys

1-3 refer to the following notice.

A new guide will soon be available to all employees. This guide has been prepared to
inform you and to provide answer to most of the questions you may have about the
benefits policies provided by both the company and the local government. This employee
manual shall serve as the basic source of information relating to the benefits policies and
programs the company makes available to all employees. Any regulation or procedure
previously issued not consistent with this Guide is hereby superseded.
We hope this Guide also gives you an indication of the company's keen interest in the
welfare of all who work within our company.
if anything is unclear, please feel free to approach and discuss the matter with your
supervisor, your manager, or any of your Human Resources representatives.

1. What is the main purpose of the 3. What is true about the manual?
notice? (A) It trains new employees.
(A) To announce a conference (B) It explains new bemefits.
(B) To suggest a new process (C) It demonstrates a new process.
(C) To inform of a new manual (D) It lists new products.
(D) To solicit participation

2. According to the notice, what

might happen if someone doesn't
understand the guide?
(A) They will ignore it.
(B) They will ask someone from HR,
(C) They will request a new copy.
(D) They will move to a different branch.

4-5 refer to the following announcement.

The company has been notified that, as of 1st June 2012, WLC had a direct interest in
17,330,000 ordinary shares of 25 pence each, which represents 21.17% of the issued
share capital of the company. This notification has been triggered by an increase in the
holding of WLC crossing above the 21% threshold.
WLC's holding in the company is held through WPP Beans Limited.
The company confirms that its issued capital as of the date of this announcement is
81,854,813 ordinary shares of 25 pence each.
Date of notification: 6th June 2012
Tom Tolliss 7861 8515
Shyme Communications WLC

4. Who is this announcement intended 5. What it stated about WLC's issued

for? capital?
(A) Tom Tolliss (A) It is over 80 million.
(B) Employees (B) It is over 20%.
(C) Clients (C) It is under 17 million.
(D) Shareholders (D) It is 25 pence.

6-10 refer to the following e-mail and announcement.

To: r.amorette@hyone,com
Subject: Grand Hall
Dear Roger,
I'd just like to confirm all the details for the reservations I made on behalf of Buxton last
week. In my notes, it says that the company has the Grand Hall reserved on the evening
of June 21st. It doesn't say if we need to vacate the room by a specific time or if it will
remain open through the evening. If there's a time that the hall closes, could you please
let me know?
On another note, some of the staff will be stopping by that afternoon to set up some
equipment for a presentation. Shelley Long will be among them. I'll tell her to look for you
if she has any problems.
Get back to me soon.

On behalf of the CEO, I'd like to announce that the annual company banquet will be held
on the 21 st of this month in the Grand Hall at the HyOne Resort. I look forward to seeing
you all there and celebrating another successful year for Buxton.
The Grand Hall will be open to everyone at 8 PM. There will be a buffet laid out, so
feel free to help yourselves once you're in. Around 9 PM Shelley Long from Human
Resources will be hosting an awards ceremony. While you are still welcome to partake of
the buffet and bar, please try to be respectful and not disrupt the speeches.
With that said, I hope to see everyone there, and I hope that you all have a great time.
All the best,
Chris Wise

6. Why is Mr. Wise writing to Mr. Amorette? 8. Who probably will meet Roger next?
(A) To check details (A) Buxton employees
(B) To schedule an appointment (B) Chris Wise
(C) To reserve a room (C) Shelley Long
(D) To invite to a party (D) The Buxton CEO

7. According to the e-maii, when will ^ For whom is the announcement

Sheiley be there? most likely intended?
(A) Evening (A) All employees
(B) Afternoon (B) Managers
(C) Morning (C) Marketing
(D) Tomorrow (D) Sales representatives

10. What is true about the event?

(A) It does not have a bar.
(B) It is in a different city.
(C) It will not have dinner
(D) it happens every year.


fht/ bdo khong ihU(!ng xtiyen xuat hi en. Dae tning ctia thu bdo Id ngiibi gdi vd ngiti/i
nhdn ro rang, neu m mi dungyeu can ngUifi nhdn. 77 li ra cte chiern 4% so cdu hoi.

1 | Bf quy£t lAm bAi

Hoi ve chu de
What is the purpose of this memo?
(Muc dich cua thUbao nay la gi?)
Tim dap an d phan d^iu doan van.

Thong tin yen cau

What is the customer asked to do?
(Khach hang duo'c yeu cau lam gi?)
Tim dap an d phan cuoi doan van, menh dd if, cdu m^nh Jfinh.

Hoi ve doi tu'gfng

To whom is this memo intended?
(ThU bao nay danh cho ai?)
Thong tin ve dap an thu'dng xuat hien d phan dau doan van.


• Phai nam ro cau true co ban cua thif bao "chu dd/muc dich - thong tin
tier - yeu cau".

• Fhifctng hoi vdi chu de va y^u cau n^n phai doc ro phin dau va phan sau.

1. Nim vufng mdu thif bao

Vi6c ndm viJng mau cau true doan thif bao giup ich cho vide tra Idi cau hoi.

From: Personnel Manager, Department of Human Resources

Ngifdi gifi, ngUdi
To: All Staff Members
nhan, tieu de
RE: Application Procedures for Promotion

If you would like to apply for a promotion in your department,

Chu de
please complete the signed HR-application form by June 30.

At least two candidates in each department will be invited

Thong tin chi ti6t to perform ten-minute presentations on why they believe
they deserve a promotion sometime in July.

If you have any questions, send me an e-mail at Tim®

Thdng tin lien he or call me at extension 836.

2. Thong tin trpng tam can nam vufng trong thit bao
Muc dich
• We regret to inform you that... Chung toi rat tiec phai thong bao rang ~
• I'm sending this memo to... Toi gtii thu bao nay di ~

Nhiem vu
• The work schedule for + ngi/cii + will change... Lich trtnh lam viec cho ~ se co thay doi
• A (ngUdi nao d6) + is responsible for... A chju trach nhiem

3. Tii viing trong tam theo chu dd

5. Kinh te
allocate phan chia large order dat hang so lUPng Idn
apparel quan ao maximize toi da hoa
balanced on dinh multilateral da phUdng
boost thuc day plunge giam sau
changeable de thay doi rebound tang trd lai
curtail cat bdt revenue thu nhap
default mac dinh shipment chat ten tau, gCfi hang
deplete dung het stipulate quy dinh
downturn suy thoai kinh te valid cd hieu lUc
extract tach ra deduction khau trU
flourishing hung thinh ratio ti le
ups and downs lhang trim advance tang (gia)
impose danh thue back order don hang ton dqng
lavish lang phi on the rise xu the tang len
premises cd sd competitive edge vj the canh tranh
prosperous hUng thinh credit standing tin dung du phdng
recession suy thoai kinh te cutting jobs cat giam nhan cong
setback giam sut deflation giam phat
stimulate kich thich depressed tri tre
volatile khong on dinh embargo lenh cam van
deficit tham hut fiscal year nam tai chfnh
surpass vUdt troi fluctuate bien dong bat thuong
assess dinh gia fulfill thi hanh
auction dau gia infrastructure cd sd ha tang
climb tang initial order dat hang Ian dau
commodity iang phi insolvent khong tra dude nd
consignment hang ky gCfi lift up cUu vdt tinh hinh kinh te
deduct khau trU scale down giim quy mo
domestic noi dia sluggish tri tre
expenditure chi tieu surplus tien lai
extravagant lang phi tenant nguoi thue
frugal tiet kiem retailer ngUdi ban le

Mini-test Dap kr\ va phUn tich xem trang 95 ph^n Answer Keys

1-2 Refer to the following memo.

( — — ^
To: Julie Anders
From: Randall Embrew
RE; Advice

To begin, I would like to stress that in general the management is satisfied with your
performance in fulfilling your duties in the workplace. However, in the interest of making
workflow in the office more efficient, 1 would like to offer to you the following advice;

I have noticed that when you are working, you stay in close contact with your coworkers
in other departments. Even though frequent communication is very important, I'd like
to ask you to refrain from checking your email and text messages throughout the day.
Doing this can be disruptive not only to your concentration and workflow, but also to the
concentration of those around you.
We hope that you understand that this letter does not represent a criticism of you in any
way, but that it is merely offered for the benefit of both you and the company.
Respectfully yours,
Randall Embrew
\ , j

1. What is the purpose of the memo? 2. What is Julie advised NOT to do?
(A) To review a meeting (A) Check personal messages
(B) To criticize performance (B) Contact her coworkers
(C) To give a tip (C) Satisfy her director
(D) To report on progress (D) Focus in tasks

3-7 Refer to the following memo and e-mail.

To: All employees

From: Human Resources
Re: Junior Bowl-a-thon

The 12th Annual Junior Achievement Bowl-a-thon will take place on Saturday, October 2
in the Greater Houston Area and Saturday, October 9 in the Richmond area. This would
be a great opportunity for our company to get together to have fun and help out a worthy
cause. The fundraiser will be raising money for all of Junior Achievement's educational
programs for elementary and middle school students.
It doesn't matter if you're a good bowler. All that matters is how well you can raise
money. All the money our company raises will go to help programs right here in our own
community. If you would like to sign up, let me know. If you can't make it there, but would
like to donate money to the cause, email me and I will let you know how to do just that.

Walter Givens
L ... | .

Subject: Bowl-a-thon

j Dear Walter,
I and several others from my department would like to sign up for the JA Bowl-a-thon, i,
myself, would like to sign up for the October 2 event. Chris Mathews and Dory Stevens
would like to sign up for the one the 91h.
Dennis Simmons and Kathy Wilcox will not be able to attend either event, but they are
very interested in donating money. If you could message them about how to donate to JA,
they would gladly give some money.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Mark Mayer

3. What is the purpose of this memo? 6. Who will address Mr. Mayer's request?
(A) To inform of a new policy (A) Kathy Wilcox
(B) To announce an event (B) Junior Achievement
(C) To organize a party (C) Chris Matthews
(D) To schedule a conference (D) Walter Givens

4. According to the memo, what 7. When will Mr. Simmons go to the event?
organization is the fundraiser for? (A) October 2
(A) Junior Achievement (B) October 9
(B) Naytech (C) Next week
(C) Bowl-A-Thon (D) He won't go.
(D) Walter Givens

5. What is indicated about the event?

(A) It is mandatory.
(B) It is for charity.
(C) It is hosted by Naytech.
(D) It is a monthly event.

8-10 Refer to the following memo.

To: John Hammond

From: Kelly Wilkers
Subject: National Healthcare Personnel Week

National Healthcare Personnel Week will take place from April 1 to April 7. National
Healthcare Personnel Week provides the perfect opportunity to enhance guest relations,
increase hospital morale and improve communication between departments.
The National Association of Healthcare Management has great ideas for programs that
recognize the importance of all personnel and promotional activities. We would like your
support and expertise in planning our special events, especially those involving the entire
If you'd like to get background information on this important celebration, please review
the association's website.
i would appreciate your suggestions for organizing our activities during this special week.
We hope that you can support us in this worthwhile effort. I look forward to hearing from
you soon.

8. Why is Ms. Wilkers writing to Mr. 10. How long will the special event last?
Hammond? (A) For a week
(A) To arrange a meeting to (B) For 3 days
discuss programs (C) Until the end of the month
(B) To solicit ideas for a special event (D) All day
(C) To schedule a medical
(D) To offer some advice for a

9. What happens if John visits the

(A) He will sign up for healthcare
(B) He will gain access to a special
(C) He will see career advice.
(D) He will find ways to celebrate.


Cdc dang do an thong tin hiidng dan thuling xud't hiin trong de thi Id htidng dan
gid'y id dang ky hay thong tin ve tan phdm, hiidng ddn ve thdi ban thue thiet bi cdng
cdng hay mua sdm, hiidng ddn ve viec cdng bd sdn phdm mdi hay sti kien ciia cdng
ty, ti li ra de chie'm 7% so cdu hoi.


Hoi vi xuat xijf

Where is this information most likely to be found?
(Nai nao thong tin nay co kha nang xuat hien cao nhat?)
Thong tin lien quan thifdng xuat hi^n d phan dau doan van.

Hoi ve doi tifpng

For whom is this document intended?
(Van bin nay hiidng den doi tuong nao?)
Dap an thu'dng du'pc de cap b phan dau doan van.

2 j nAm bAt B( QUYET LAM BAl

• Phai danh gia xem doan thong tin hifdng din ve npi dung gi.

• ThifOng ra de ve cac thong tin dang tai tren phifcrng tien truyen thong nen
phai chii y doc phin diu.

1. Nam vung mau doan thong tin hiidng dan
Vice nam vdng man doan thong tin hitdtng dan giup ich cho viec dm dap an.
TUa de Wild Fun Travel
Wild Fund Travel has everything you need for your dream
Gidi thieu cong ty du Ijch
vacation. We are the Africa Travel experts.
If you have any questions or want to make a reservation,
Phdong thdc lien he
email to or call at (253)537-4493
Prices include:
Roundtrip transportation
HiJdng dan djch vu cua Breakfast and lunch daily
cong ty du Ijch Transfer between airport and hotels
Airline taxes, fees, and fuel surcharges.
'There is no additional fee for charging reservations.

2. Tit vitng trong tam theo chu d6

6. Site khde
addiction chat doc exhale thd ra
addictive trung doc fever cam
antibiotic khing sinh heart attack dau tim
breathe thd in shape khde manh
cavity rang sau injection tiem
chronic kinh nien paralysis bai Het
dizzy chdng mat symptom trieu chdng
dosage lieu iMng thuoc fatigue met mdi
dose lieu tUdng thuoc ward phdng benh
health care cham soc site khoe vomit ndn
hygiene ve sinh treat dieu tri
measles benh sdi come down with nhiem benh
obesity beo phi diarrhea tieu chay
side affect tac dung phu digest tieu hoa
blood pressure huyetap disability tan tat
genetic di truyen fatal tri mang
germ vi khuan fill bde thuoc
digest tieu hoa health insurance bio hiem y te
contagious truyen nhiem indigestion chdng kho tieu
checkup kiem tra sure khoe insomnia chdng mat ngu
diabetes benh tieu dudng plastic surgery phau thuat tham my
diagnose chu an doan ulcer cho loet

7. Du Ijch
accommodation chd fro itinerary Ijch thnh du lich
attraction danh lam thang canh remains di tfch
check in nhan phong route tuyen dUdng
check out tra phong refreshment mon &n nhe
cuisine am thdc amenities tien nghi
customs phongtuc cafeteria quan an tU phuc vu
one serving 1 phan an confiscate tich thu
recipe cong thi/c nau an courtesy phone goi dien mien phi
souvenir qua lUu niem excursion chuyen du ngoan
admission fee phi vao cCta guided tour chuyen du Ijch
book dat ve cd hudng dan vien
clear thong qua kiem tra hospitality industry nganh khach san
confirm xac nhan safety box ket
culinary thuoc viec nau nudng travel agent cong ty Id hanh

Mini-test Dap an va phan tfch xem trang 97 phSn Answer Keys

1-3 refer to the following information.

Welcome to Bangkok's Alpha Premier Resort!

The Alpha Premier's restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A poolside bar and a
bar/lounge are open for drinks on the first floor at the pool and lobby respectively. Room
service is available 24 hours a day.
Recreational amenities include an outdoor pool, a health club, a spa. and a sauna. The
property's full service health spa has beauty services. We hope that you'll make time to
enjoy a world-class Thai message from our trained professionals.
This Bangkok property has event space consisting of banquet facilities, conference and
meeting rooms, a ballroom, and exhibit space. The property offers a round-trip airport
shuttle, but we advise that guests do not use this service during rush hour, as traffic
becomes quite heavy.
Wedding services, translation services, and tour assistance are available and can
be scheduled at the front desk. Guest parking is complimentary. Additional property
amenities include a rooftop terrace, a library, and a cafe. The property has designated
areas for smoking, so please respect your fellow guests.

For whom is the information most What is stated about the lounge?
likely intended? (A) it is by the pool.
(A) Hotel guests (B) It is near the lobby.
(B) Gym members (C) It is on the roof.
(C) Hotel employees (D) ft is world-class.
(D) Food service providers

What does the resort recommend

visitors not to do?
(A) Offering language interpretation
(B) Using airport shuttles
(C) Supporting events
(D) Taking a limousine

4-8 refer to the foliowing catalog and letter.

Thank you for looking at our 2012 Spring Catalog. As you may or may not know 2012
marks the 10-year anniversary of Sherund Work Supplies! Because of this momentous
occasion, we'd like to invite you to join us in celebrating. To celebrate, we'd like to offer
you the following specials;

Protective boots
Individual pair - $40.00
Group order - $30.00/pair

Waterproof spray
Individual bottle - $10.00
Group order - $5.00/bottle

Worker jumpsuits
Individual suit - $35.00
Group order - $25.00/suit

— — ^

To Whom it may concern,

I have been ordering work supplies from your company for over 5 years now, and I've
never had a problem. As you may assume, i was shocked when an employee told me that
his boots were falling apart even though they were brand new.
It seemed like a fluke at first, but I heard the same complaint from about half of my
workers. I'd like to request a full refund or replacement of these 10 shoddy products.
I write this to you because I trust your company and hope that this will not happen again.
If it does, I will look elsewhere the next time i am in need of supplies.
Alan Partridge
Partridge Construction
Chicago, IL

What is NOT indicated about Why was Alan shocked in the letter?
Sherund Work Supplies? (A) His employee passed away.
(A) It is their anniversary. (B) He trusts Sherund products.
(B) They are having a sale. (C) He never received his order.
(C) It is a shoe company. (D) His company is bankrupt.
(D) They sell work equipment.
Which word is closest in meaning
Why was letter written? to 'shoddy' in paragraph 2. line 2 of
(A) To make a complaint the second passage?
(B) To order supplies (A)new
(C) To congratulate Sherund (B) sufficient
(D) To request a new catalog (C) low quality
(D) unusual
What most likely Is the target
consumer of Sherund?
(A) Marketing agencies
(B) Law firms
(C) Labor companies
(D) Accounting firms

9-10 refer to the following information.

Welcome to the 12th Samplus Annual Conference. Please refer to the following schedule for
further information about sessions. For special requirements kindly contact the organizer.

Day 1
11:00 a.m. Registration begins
1:00 - 5:15 p.m. Pre-conference workshops
5:15 - 6:00 p.m. Introduction to Samplus for new employees
6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Keynote address from the CEO
8:00 - till late Welcome reception; Plenty of food, tun, and music!

Day 2
7:45 - 8:45 a.m. Breakfast
8:45 - 9:45 a.m. First session (register on day one)
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Roundtable discussions
11:00 - 11:20 a.m. Short break
11:25 - 12:00 a.m. Branch meetings
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch (hotel lounge)
1 ;30 - 2:30 p.m. Second session (register)
2:45 - 3;45p.m. Third session (register)
4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Samplus business meeting
6:00 p.m. Dinner (on your own - organize dinner groups)

9. Who will most likely attend this 10. What is indicated about the
conference? sessions?
(A) Managers (A) Newcomers must sign up for
(B) Employees them.
(C) CEOs (B) They are assigned.
(D) Clients (C) They are for managers only,
(D) There will be prizes.


Cdc mdu thudng xudt hiin trong de thi la nhitng mdu gidy tif thultnggap trong din
song hang ngay nhu thii'p mdi, ho a dan, lich trinh, dan gid... Chi can ndm ro die
tning cua mdu Li cd the dd dang trd lih cdc can hoi. Ti le ra de khd cao, chie'm 20%
trong long so cdu hoi.


Hoi ve chu de
What Is the purpose of this document?
(Mac dich cua van ban nay la gi?)
Thong tin lien quan den dap an thifdng xuat hian d phan dau.

Cac dang van ban

What type of document is this?
(Van ban nay thuoc loai gi?)
hhong tin de tra lefi rhifofng xuat hian d phan d^u.

Hoi v€ sd that
What is NOT true about the invoice?
(Dieu gi khbng dung ve boa dbn nay?)
Tim dap an xung quanh ky hiau hay cau dac trifng.


• Dang cau hoi va' thong tin chi tia't nhu' NOT true thifctng xud't hien nen phai
nam ro cau tnic cd ban cua mau.

• V6i cau hoi chu de, vi trfa de va noi dung van ban ddng nhat vofi nhau nen
phai doc ky tua da".

1. Nam vflng mau
Viec nam viing mau giup ich cho viec tra Idi cau hoi.

Quickpress Technologies
Suite7, 77 Marwood Place
NgJcii gifi hoa hen
Rainwood, B.C., V6T 7Q7
Mike's Computer Bin
8424 Business Plaza
NgUdi thanh toan va ngay thang nam
Vancouver, B.C., V9W 2T2
Date of Invoice: June 19, 2012
Ngi dung vat pham va gia 1 HP OfficeJet Inkjet Color Printer $583.97
GST $29.20
Yeu cau thanh toan Invoice No. 7530
To be paid within 30 days of invoice date.
Submit payment to:
Quickpress Technologies
NgUdi nhan thanh toan Suite 7, 77 Marwood Place
Rainwood, B.C., V6T 7Q7

2. Tii vUng trong tam theo chu dc

_ "
8. Truyen thong
amenity tien nghi quarterly (an pham) theo quy
cater phuc vu do udng rating xep toai
compile bien soan synopsis torn tat
newsletter thJ bao bulletin board bang tin
publication xuat ban (pham) classified quing cao theo
rain check ve dim bio hang muc
khi trdi mUa obituary cao pho
refresh lam tinh tao out of print khong con xua't ban
banquet tiec periodical xuat ban djnh ky
circulation so hJpng phat hanh press release thong cao bao chf
draft bin thio reference tham khio
manuscript bin gdc release phathanh
preview xem tnjdc,
rhiynt tnfdc

9. Luat phap
abolish bai bo forfeit bi mat
accuse bupc toi incumbent dang di lam
campaign van dong bau cCi legislation lap phap
confiscate t/ch thu nominate chi dinh
convention trieu tap petition kien nghi
defendant bi cao provincial thupc tinh
detain cam tu sanction trung phat
enforce thi hanh appeal khang an
file de trinh cabinet npi cic
infringement vi pham compulsory cudng che
lawsuit kien conspire dong pham
mandatory cd tmh bat bupc custody giam cam
oppress dan ap deputy uy quyen
prosecute khdi to dissolve giai tan
release phong thich execute thi hanh
amend cii thien imprisonment tong giam
bureau cpc, bp in session dang hop
clause dieu khoan litigation kien tung
conservative bio thu obligation nhiem vu
convict ket an plaintiff nguyen cao
demography nhan khau hoc rally tap hpp
dignitary ngudi quyen cao trial xet xd
exempt mien thue

10. Giao thong

window seat ghe canh cu'a so launch ha thuy
counter cia ten may bay quarantine kiem dlch
compact car xe cd nhd stopover diem ding
declare khaibio via thong qua
immigration nhap cU car maintenance biodudngxe
overhaul dai tu chauffeur Hi xe
start engine khdi dong dong cd claim area cho nhan hanh ly
vehicle phUdng tien connection chuyen tiep
aisle seat cho ngoi gin loi di embark ten (tau, may bay)
boulevard dai 16 flight check-in thu tuc ten may bay
claim check phieu giu hanh ly ky gCli recharge sac
convey van chuyen used car xe cu
detector may do security check kiem tra an ninh

Mini-test Dap Sn va phSn tfch xem trang 99 phSn Answer Keys

1-2 refer to the following form.

""" -i
First Name:
Last Name:

Street Address;
City, Slate, Zip Code:
Phone Number:

Are you eligible to work in the United States?

Yes No
If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate?
Yes No

Position applied for:
What date are you available to start work?

Name and address of school - degree/diploma - graduation date

Position Title:
From; To:

1. What information is NOT required 2. How can people under age of 18

for the position? apply?
(A) Age (A) By visiting the website
(B) Degree (B) By providing certification
(C) Address (C) By petitioning City Hall
(D) Past work (D) By getting permission from your

3-7 refer to the following invitation and e-mail.

On Saturday, February 8th, 2013
From 5 to 9 p.m.
295 Wescott Avenue
Albany, New York

Enjoy a delicious sampling of the menu

M. Ryan,
You have been a great deal of help to my family and me, so I hope that you'll be able to
attend. The private grand opening will take place on the 8th, a week before our public
grand opening. Feel welcome to bring your family or friends with you. Please let us know
if you'll be attending and how many guests you will be bringing.
Thank you again.
Sanjay Suwalker

Subject: Grand Opening

I would love attend, I would consider it an honor to participate in the opening of your
Bistro. Unfortunately, I have a meeting that afternoon, so I will be a little late. If it's all right,
my family will come before me, and I will join you all as soon as possible.
As for my guests: My wife, son, daughter, and mother will be joining me for the opening.
I'm very happy to hear you've finally made your dream come true. See you there!
All the Best,

Jeff Ryan

3. What are guests being invited to? 6. What does Mr. Suwalker ask Mr.
(A) The grand opening of a store Ryan to do?
(B) The public opening (A) Bring food
(C) The opening of a school (B) Confirm his guests
(D) The private opening of a restaurant (C) Serve the customers
(D) Meet him
4. What is NOT mentioned about the
opening? 7. Why will Mr. Ryan be late?
(A) The date (A) He doesn't own a car.
(B) The time of the event (B) He works far away.
(C) The type of food (C) He has to go to the doctor.
(D) The location (D) He has an appointment.

5. Why is Mr. Ryan invited?

(A) He assisted Sanjay's family.
(B) He is related to Sanjay.
(C) He owns Sanjay's Bistro.
(D) He knows Sanjay's sister.

8-10 refer to the following coupon.

Free information call and 25% off consultation!

TeamPath is an international team-building and professional development-training firm

Our mission is to guide our clients to greater prosperity through energizing team building
programs and professional development activities,

TeamPath specializes in delivering team-building programs for very large groups including
outings, sales meetings, and other company-wide gatherings. These engaging and
entertaining team-building events can be delivered in any location - indoor or outdoor -
across the country.

8. What is the purpose of this coupon? 10. Who is this coupon most likely
(A) To prepare an event intended for?
(B) To impress employees (A) Large businesses
(C) To attract clients (B) Investors
(D) To schedule exercises (C) Consultants
(D) Students
9. Which is NOT a program TeamPath
focuses on?
(A) Meetings
(B) Company events
(C) Fund raisers
(D) Outings




Plufdng Thanh dich




Chapter 01
Cau true cau (Sentence Structure)
011 Chu ngO (Subject), Dong tit (Verb),
Tan ngO (Object), Bo ngQ (Complement).

Chapter 02
Dong tit (Verb)
021 Phan loai dong tO 8
031 Thl cua dong tO 12
041 The chu dong (Active Voice), The bj dong (Passive Voice) 15
051 ThOc gi& dinh 18

Chapter 03
Dong tO khong gidi han va cau true dac biel
(Non-finite Verbs and Special Structures)
061 Dong tO nguyen the 26
071 Danh dong tO (Gerund) 29
081 Dong tfnh tO (Participle) 32
091 Cau true so sanh (Comparison) 35
101 Cau true song song va dao ngO (Paralell and inversion) 37

Chapter 04
TO loai (Parts of Speech)
11 Danh tO (Noun) 44
12 Dai tO (Pronoun) 47
13 Tmh tO 51
14 Trang tO (Adverb) 53
15 Gidi tO (Preposition) 56
Chapter 05
Lien tif va menh de (Conjunctions and Clauses)
161 Lien td ket hdp va lien td tddng quan 63
171 Menh de danh td (Noun Clauses) 66
181 Menh de trang ngd (Adverb Clauses) 69
191 Menh de quan he (Relative Clauses) 71


Chapter 06
Cac dang cau hoi
201 Cau hoi ve chu de 78
211 Cau hdi lien quan den danh td rieng 79
221 Cau hoi ve yeu cau 81
231 Cau hoi ve ly do 83
241 Cau hoi NOT 84
251 Cau hoi suy luan 85
261 Cau hdi td dong nghTa 87

Chapter 07
Cac dang doan van
271 Thd (letter)/thd dien td (E-mail) 88
281 Quang cao (Advertisement) 90
291 Thong bao 93
301 Thd bao (Memo) 95
311 Thong tin hddng dan 97
321 Mau (Form) va cac dang khac 98
suggestion sd de nghj
Cau true cau (Sentence Structure)
3 | Vj tri tan ngu'

undergo duoc cai tao/sda chda
Quick Quiz renovations

1 | Vj tri chu ngQ 2 (D)

consent sd cho phep
1 • (B)
release cong bo, loan bao 3(0)
route tuyen dudng, con dbbng announce thong bao
changeable co the thay doi
period khoang thdi gian 41 Vi tri bd ngu1
supply cung cap 1(D)
terms dieu khoan
3. (C)
Qng tuyen vao partnership hpp tac
apply for
hoan toan ambiguous md ho
ambiguity sd mo ho
4. (D)
assignment nhiem vu 2- (B)
company ban tin cong ty former trdOc day
newsletter achievement thanh tdu
assign giao (viec)
assignable cb the chuyen nhuong

5. (A) I.(B) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (C)

remain van con, con lai 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10, (C)
option Ida chon II. (D) 12. (B) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (B)

2 | Vj tri dong ttf

1(B) 1. Dien danh td vao chd trdng
financial status fmh hinh tai chmh Phan ti'ch
recruit chieu mp, tuyen Gida the va gidi td of la vj tri cua danh td,
deteriorate xau di
nen dap an la (B) operation
2. (A) Dap an (B)
maid phuc vu phong, giup viec operation sd van hanh
disturb lam phien device thiet bi

3- (D)
review xem xet lai

2. Oien dpng tu gidi han vao ch6 trong 5. Dien dpng tdthich hop vao cho trong
Phan lich Phan tich
"lien W + chu ngff (as the housing 0dng sau chu ngd la vi tri cua dpng td,
market)" difng trUdc cho trong nen ch6 do co dpng td khuyetthieu may nen ddng
trong la vj tri cua dgng til. Vi the, dap an sau phcii la dpng td nguyen the. Vi the,
dung la (B) continue dap an dung la (C) benefit.
Dap an (B) Dap an (C)
recommend gdi y/de ctf
integration sd hdp nhat
invest dau tu
region vung
take a nosedive giam/xuong doc
benefit dem lai Ipi ich

3. Dien chu ngiif gia vao cho trong

6. Dien dpng tdthich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Chu ngO that la many challenges, dpng Phai dung dpng td nguyen the trong cau
td la exist nhUng vi trang tit there xuat menh lenh. Trang tdy'usf trddc cho trong,
hien dang trddc nen chu ngO va dpng td dau cau co lien td nen dap an dung la
bi dao vi tri, day chinh la cau dao ngQ dpng Id nguyen the (C) ask.
phd bien.
Dap an (C)
Dap an (A)
another khac/them nda
beyond ngoai, vUdt ra khdi
receptionist nhan vien le tan
economic thupc ve kinh te
exist ton tai
7. Dien the thich hdp vao cho trong
challenge kho khan, thd thach
Phan tich
lace doi mat (vdi)
Bang sau cho trong khong co tan ngd,
chu ngd la so nhieu nen dap an dung la
4. Dien dpng td gidi han vao cho trong
the bj dpng (B) are taken.
Phan tich
"Lien td "that" + chu ngd (that Dap an (B)
complimentary gift boxes and gift safety precaution bien phap phong
wrapping)" ddng tafdc cho trong nen cho ngda an toan
trong la vi tri cua dpng td. Vi the, (A) were prevent ngan chan
selected la dap an dung.
8. Dien danh td vao cho trong
Dap an (A)
Phan tich
note Idu y issued khdng phai la dpng td trong cau
complimentary mien phi ma la dpng tinh td bo sung y nghfa cho
wrapping goi, bpc danh td ddng sau, vi the phai dung danh
shipment viec chuyen hang td (A) summary.
receipt hoa ddn Dap an (A)

issued ddoc dda ra dpng tir khong gidi han. Sau chd trong
summary torn tat khong co tan ngff nen dap an la dpng
divisional bao cao cac bp phan tfnh tif qua khif (D) posted.
reporting Dap an (D)
hand in nop copy ban sao
interest rate ti ie lai suat
9. Dien danh tu vao cho trong profit Ipi nhuan
Phan ti'ch post dang
Tinh tit (great) dt/ng trUdc bo nghla cho attract thu hut
td d cho trong, va difng sau la o/nen dap
an la (C) achievements. Achievementvdi 12. Dien lien tif vao cho trong
nghia "thanh tiiu" la danh tit dem dddc Phan tich
co the Cci 6 dang s6 ft va so nhieu, con Dpng tif assured ddng trudc "ngUdi +
vdi nghTa "su dat dddc" la danh td trifu mpnh de that' mang nghTa "dPm bPo vdi
ti/dng thi dupe dung nhu danh ti/ khong ai do rang". Vi the, dap an la (B) that.
dem dupe. Dap an (C) Dap an (B)
assure dam bao
achievement thanh tuu/sd dat dupe
around the khong ngUng nghi
eco-friendly than thien
vPi moi truPng
achieve datdupe

10. Dien danh dpng tU vao cho trong valued quy bau
Phan ti'ch customer khach hang
0au cau can chu ngiJ, nen phlii dung among trong so, giOa
danh dpng tU hay danh td, sau ch5 trong specialty chuyen dung, dac trUng
co tan ngd (the faulty equipment) nen decorative trang trf
phcii dung danh dpng tif. Vi the, dap an reduce gicim
la (C) Replacing. Phcii nhP cum "replace throughout trong suot
annual hang nam
A with B"
raffle boc tham trung thudng
Dap an (C)
grand prize giai cao nhat, giai nhal
replace thay the penthouse can hp sang trong tren
faulty bj lol tang cao nhat cua
cost chi phi toa nha
rooftop san thupng, mai
11. Phan biet dpng tif gi6i han va donate quyen gdp
dpng tif khong gidi han
Phan ti'ch
Sau cho trong la dpng tif gidi han
(attracted) nen 6 cho trong ph^i dirng

13. Dien danh tdthich hdp vao chd trong
Phan ti'ch
Dong td (Verbs)
Trifdc ch6 trong la ti'nh tir (decorative)
nen dap an se la (C) envelope hoac (D)
envelopes. Trifdc do con co all, thudng di
02 Phan loai dong td
ciing danh td dem dddc dang so nhieu,
envelope la danh td d^m dddc nen dap
Quick Quiz
an la (D) envelopes.
Dap an (D) 1 | Cau true 1: Chu ngd + Dong td +
(trang td chi each thdc)
14. Dien tan ngd vao ch6 trong
Phan tich
appliance thiet bi
Trddc cho trong la gidi td (by) va sau la
fuction van hanh
tan ngd (food and clothing) nen dap an
properly dung each
phai la danh dong td.
Dap an (B) 2. (B)
belongings do dac
15. Dien dai td thich hdp vao cho trong exit loi ra, loi thoat
Phan tich access tiep can
Sau ngoai dong td (seeing) la tan ngd
nen dap an la "you". 2 | Cau true 2: Chu ngd + Dong td + Bo
Dap an (B)
repetitive lap lai
monotonous nham chan

2 Dap an (C)
frustrated nan chi
maintain duy tri
secrecy ti'nh bao mat
frustration sd nan chi

31 Cau true 3: Chu ngd + Dong td +

Tan ngd

implement thi hanh
policy chinh sach
function chdc nang
2(B) 4#■
prevent A ngan chan A khoi vipc gi c hoan thanh
from -ing ( lien quan den
malfunction sp co, hong ( sd hoan thanh
occur xay ra
forbid cam ( phan nan
abstain tiet che chap nhan
i sd chap thuan
immediately ngay lap tdc
yeu cau 1I Mini-test
be on the rise gia tang I. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A)
designate chi djnh 6. (D) 7, (D) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (A)
II. (B) 12. (A) 13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (D)
4 | Cau triic 4; Chu ngd + Dpng td +
Tan ngd gian tiep + Tan nguf trdc tiep 1. Dien dpng tirthich hpp vaochotrong
Phan tich
1(D) Sau ch6 trong khong co tan ngiJ nen phai
guarantee dam bPo dung npi dpng ti/ mang nghTa "den ndi".
minimum lupng dat hang toi thieu Cac dap an ngoai dpng td la sai. V1 la
order size cau co cau true 1 n§n dap an dung la (B)
impose danh thue arrive. Dap an (B)

2(B) account ngddi phu trach khach

notify thong bao executive hang thadng xuyen
shareholder co dong (dac biet cua cac
comprise bao gom cong ty qu^ng cao)
streamline hpp ly hoa
51 Cau true 5: Chu nguf + Dpng td +
Tan nguf + Bo ngd tan ngd 2. Dien dpng td thich hpp vao cho trong
Phan tich
Dap an (D)
notify thong bao Phai xem xet quan he tifdng quan giufa
strike cupc dinh cong dpng td va tan ngO. Bong td phu hpp
layoff viec sa thai vdi tan ngO (a space) phai mang nghTa
deteriorate lam hu hong "dat chd".
Dap an (D)
61 Chi co duy nhat 3 trUPng hpp ma dpng
tddang nguyen the la dap an dung. reserve dat cho
arrange thu xep
1 -(D) in advance trUPc, sPm
recommend de nghi
district quan
aggressive mang tinh cong kich
attitude thai dp

3. Bien dpng tif thich hdp vao ch6 trong expand md rpng
Phan tich equipment viec thue thiet bj
Sau cho trong la "sir vat + for + ngUdi" leasing
nen dap an dung la (A) provide. notice chii y
Bap an (A) compete canh tranh
proceed tien hanh
expected dp kien
delivery date ngay chuyen hang
7. Bien dpng tif thich hdp vao cho trong
wire chuyen, gifi tien
Phan tich
transport van chuyen
Sau cho trong la menh de lam tan ngO
(menh de that) nen can dpng tif cau true
4. Bien tif loai thich hdp vao cho trong
3. Dap an (B) cd nghTa la "cai nay se gdi
Phan tich
y thaf nen khdng dung ve mat y nghTa,
DPng sau tinh td sd hOu la danh tif nen
(A) la ndi dpng tif khdng di cung tan ngO
dap an diing la (B) suitability.
nen la dap an sai. Dap an dung la (D)
Bap an (B) ensure.
evaluate danh gia
Dap an (D)
suitability sp phii hdp
apply for dng tuyen ensure dam bdo
suitable phii hdp vdi resume so yeu If Ijch
suit hdp vdi properly diing each
specific cu the
5. Bien dong tif thich hdp vao cho trong recommend goi y, de cd
Phan tich
Vi cd tan ngp {its weekly subscription 8. Bien dpng tif thich hdp vao cho trong
rates) nen can nhac gitfa (A) va (D). Ve Phan tich
nghla, (A) raised la dap an dung phii hdp Xet tren nghTa cua cau, phai dung ngoai
vdi nghia "tang tien dat bao". dpng tif vdi nghTa "chuyen" nen dap an
diing la (B) forward.
Bap an (A)
raise tang Bap an (B)
subscription tien dat bao crucial quan trong
rate forward chuyen tiep
subscriber doc gia/ngifdi dat bao (thong tin, do vat)
immediate cap tren trifc tiep
6. Bien dpng tif thich hdp vao cho trong superior
Phan tich conduct tien hanh
Dang sau cho trong cd "that + chu ngO + detail dUa ra chi tiet
(should) + dpng tif nguyen the" nen dpng prolong keo dai
tif ve nghTa vu (D) suggest ia dap an dung.
Bap an (D)

9. Oien tir loa? thich hdp vao cho trong 12. Dien dpng tif thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Can co cau true 2 sau dong tif be can Tif co the dung cimg gidi tif on difng sau
Do ngO. TCI loai co thl ddng sau trang tif ch6 trong chi co the la (A) focused.
quite (rat) la tinh td. (C) costless nghla Dap an (A)
la "khong mat tien" khong phu hdp ve
conference cupc hop
nghTa, nen dap an dung la (B) costly.
immediate nhanh chong/ngay lap life
Dap an (B) expansion md rpng
require can d^n/yeu cau release cong bo/tha ra
quite kha equip trang bi
costly ton kem
time-consuming tieu ton thdi gian 13-15.
cost chi phi
flyer tO roi
costless khong mat phi
misprint l6t in an
costing khoan tien djnh gia
aware nhan thifc
advertisement doan qudng cao
10. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong
formal shoes giay da Ijch so
Phan tich
apologize xin loi
Cho trong la vi tri cua chu ngO nen dap
explain gidi thich
an la danh tif. additional dope bo sung
Dap an (A) demand yeu cau
competition canh tranh handle lo lieu, gidi quyet
domestic marker thi trddng trong nude
fierce khoc liet 13. Dien dpng tif thich hdp vao cho trong
sharp reduction gilim gia dot ngpt Phan tich
competitive co tinh canh tranh Sau ch6 trong la "tan ngif + tinh tif (you
compete canh tranh aware)" nen dap an la dpng tif (D) make.
competitively mang tinh canh tranh Dap an (D)

11. Dien dpng tif thich hop vao cho trong 14. Dien dpng tif thich hdp vao ch6 trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Dong tif thich hop vdi tan ngO (a problem) Sau chS trong la gidi tif (to) nen cau
difng sau cho trong la (B) encounter vdi nay phai chpn npi dpng tif. Chi co (C)
nghTa "gap (van de)". apologize la npi dpng to va mang nghTa
Dap an (B) "xin loi ai day".
encounter gap phai/doi mat Dap an (C)
contact li§n lac
announce thong bao

15|Dien dpng tifthich hpp vao cho trong 3.(B)
Phan tfch by the time den luc (ma... )
Dirng trirdc ch5 trong la cau menh lenh
bat dau bang Please nen phai dung dpng 3 | Thi tiep dien (Progressive Tennes)
td nguyen the (D) call.
Dap an (D)
at present hien tal/luc nay
Thi cua dpng ttt executive session cupc hop rieng
cua lanh dao
Quick Quiz
2. (A)
1 | Thi ddn (Simple Tenses) format hinh thdc/ kieu hinh
resume so yeu If Ijch
currently hien prefer Ua chuong hon/thfch hdn
competitor doi thu
41 Hda hop cac thi trong cau
colleague dong nghlep 1(B)
attend tham gia detail thong tin chi tiet
retirement budi tiec mi/ng ve hdu 2 (A)
party respond tra Idi, phan hoi lai
3- (D)
receive tiep nhan/tiep thu Mini-test
staff training hoat dong dao tao
MO 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C)
nhan vien 6. (D) 7. (B) 8.(0) 9. (D) 10. (B)
remain van con/con lai 11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (D)

2 | Thi hoan thanh (Perfect Tenses)

1. Chia dpng tirdthl phu hpp
1 (C) Phan ti'ch
superstore cda hang Idn Since dope sd dung nhd la gidi td/lien tU
spread Ian rpng dan dat menh de hay cum trang tU mang
over the years trong nhieu nam y nghTa lien tuc. Vi co cum "since + chu
ngd + dpng tU qua khU" nen phdi dung
2- (D)
thi hoan thanh cho dpng tU chinh. Vi the,
regret hoi han
dap an dung la (C) have been lost.
renew lam mdi
Dap an (C)
contract hop dong
automated he thong san xuat
due consideration can nhac ky
manufacturing tu dpng hoa
introduce ap dung/dua vao

2. Chia dpng tu 6 thi phu hop la dap an dung.
Phan tich Dap an (C)
Day la m6t stJ that thong thUdng nen
efficiency hieu suat
dung thi hien tai don.
improve cdi thien
Dap an (A)
note Idu y, tham khao 6. Chia dpng tif d thi phu hpp
service charge phi phuc vu Phan tich
(them vao
"starting + cum td chl tuong Iai" nen dap
hoa don)
an la (D) will present.
VAT thue gia tri gia tang
(value added tax) Dap an (D)
present trinh dien
3. Dien dpng tdthich hpp vao cho trdng
Phan tich 7. Chia dpng td 6 thi phu hpp
Dung dpng td nguyen the khong co to d Phan tich
vi tri bd ngO tan ngO ddng sau tan ngO Cudi cau co trang td chl thdi diem qua
you. Trong cau nay can mot dpng td co khd (last week) nen phai dung thi qua
nghla "nhan (sU thang chdc)" nen dap an khd ddn.
la (B) receive.
Dap an (B)
Dap an (B)
hold tdchdc
promotion thang chdc
contribution cong hien, dong gop 8. Chia dpng td d thi phii hpp
Phan tich
4. Chia dpng td 6 thi phu hpp "by the time + chu ngd + dpng td thi hidn
Phan tich tai" phai dung cung thi tddng Iai hoan
Trong cau c6 menh de trang ngO bat thanh nen dap an dung la (C) will have
dau bang as long as, dung thi hien tai prepared.
thay cho thi tddng iai, (B) agree la dap
Dap an (C)
an dung.
prepare chuan bj
Dap an (B)
welcome party bQa tiec chao don
fee phi
extend gia han 9. Chia dpng tp d thi phu hpp
contract hop dong Phan tich
Cudi cau co trang tp chi thdi diem tuong
5. Dien lien tif thich hpp vao cho trong
Iai (next week) nen (D) will be shipped la
Phan tich
dap an dung.
TrUdc cho trdng la thi hien tai hoan thanh
(has been improved), sau cho trdng la thi Dap an (D)
qua khd don (purchased) nen (C) since

confirm xac nhan offer Idi de nghi
ship chuyen hang employment sd tuyen dung/vi tri
by sea bang dbdng bien cong viec
assistant trd ly
10. Dien danh tu thich hop vao cho trong role vai tro
Phan tich immediate cap tren true tiep
Sau ngoai dong tir (provide) la tan ngO supervisor
nen dap an co the la (B) hoac (C). Danh inform thong bao
ti/ chi ngbdi phai dung mao td khong xac specific cu the
duty nhiem vu, nghTa vu
djnh (a), tit chi sir vat khong derm dddc
discuss thao luan
khong can mao til khong xac dinh (a) nen
over the phone qua dien thoai
(B) leadership la dap an dung. payment tien Iddng, ti6n thanh loan
Dap an (B) paid holiday ngay nghf dddc
tra Iddng
broad rong/phong phu
illness dm dan
overcome vddt qua
benefit Idi (ch, tien phuc Idi
hardship kho khan/khd nan
status vj tri, chdc vu
review danh gia
11. Chia dong td 6 thi phu hdp
Phan tich
13. Dien gidi td thich hop vao cho
Viec chi phi sinh hoat tang dien ra trudc
viec chinh phu tien hanh cac giai phap
Phan tich
nen thi qua khd hoan thanh la dap an
Day la cau hoi gidi td. Odng trddc chdc
vu/vai tro (a research assistant) phai
Dap an (D)
dung gidi td as (nhd la) nen dap an dung
cost of living chi phi sinh hoat
la (A) As
take action co hanh dpng/lam gi do
Dap an (A)

12. Chia dong td 6 thi phu hdp 14. Chia dong td d thi phu hpp
Phan tich Phan tich
Cau nay noi ve sd that dien ra trong khoang loan bp cau nay la chi tddng lai. Khong
thdi gian co dinh hang thang (each month) ddpc Ida chpn thi qua khd hay qua khd
nen dong td chia d thi hien tai. hoan thanh chi vi thay xuat hien dong
Dap an (A) td chia d qua khd (discussed) trddc ch6
office supply do dung van phong trong. Thdi diem thao luan qua dien
request yeu cau thoai la qua khd nhimg thdi diem nhan
each month hang thang Iddng la tddng lai nen dap an dung la (B)
will receive.
13-15. Dap an (B)
confirm xac nhan

15. Dien danh ti/thich hcfp vao cho local chfnh quy§r dja phUPng
trong government
Phan tich approval sp chap thuan
Dufng trifdc dai ttf quan he (who) phai la
danh td chi ngUdi nen dap an dung la (D) 31 The bj dpng cua dpng tif trong cau
employees. Dap an (D) viet theo cau true 5

04 Thl chu dpng (Active Voice), starting next bat dau td tuan sau
The bj dgng (Passive Voice) week

2-1, (B)
11 Phan biet the chu dpng va the b| suffer chiu
dpng workforce cat giam nhan Ipc
1-1. (B) reduction
passenger hanh khach
present trinh 2-2. (D)
board len tau take the lead dan dSt
community cpng dong
1-2. (D) successor ngUdi ke nhiem
speech bai phat bieu
handle xCf ly, giai dap 4 | The bj dpng cua dpng td chi cPm
presenter ngddi phat bieu xuc
2- (B) Dap an (B)
found thanh lap
(to chdc, cd quan) exhausted met mdi, kiet sUc
immigrant ngadi nhap cu
5 | Npi dpng tu (Intransitive Verbs)
2 | The bj dpng cua dpng tif trong cau khong the chuyen sang the bj dpng
viet theo cau true 4
Dap an (C)
1-1. (D)
distinguished noi tieng take place tien hanh, diln ra
lecturer dien giS
6 | Trong cac cum tif thong dung lien
1-2. (B)
quan den the bj dpng phai chii y den
sales doanh so ban hang
gidi tU
worsen trd nen xau di, suy giam
2. C)
be related to lien quan dPn/ cd val trd
assure bao dam
win nhan dupe, chien thang trong

2- (D) cung la dap an sai. Vay, dap an dung la
be concerned lo lang ve (A) contain.
about Dap an (A)
indiscriminate bifa bai, mu quang
tablet PC may tmh bang
Mini-test contain chda/bao gom
1 • (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4, (B) 5. (C) application dng dung
6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (D)
4. Dien dpng td thich hdp vao cho
11. (B) 12. (D) 13, (D) 14. (C) 15. (A)
Phan tfch
1. Dien the thich hdp cua dpng td vao Phai chpn dong td di cung gidi td (to) sau
cho trong cho trong nen dap an co the la (A) hoac
Phan tfch (B). Agree khong thl dung d the bl dong
Chu ngO ve mat y nghTa cua serve la Seres, nen dap an la (B) dedicated.
tan ngtf dung sau serve la its customers Dap an (B)
nen phai dien dong td the chu dong vao
dedicate dong gop, cdng hien
cho trong, vi trddc do co to nen dap an
(thdi gian, no luc)
dung la dong td nguyen the (B) serve.
improve cai thien
Dap an (B)
serve phuc vu 5. Dien the thich hdp cua dpng td vao
call center tong dai ch6 trong
Phan tich
2. Dien dong td thich hdp vao cho trong Cum dong td gom "npi dpng td + gidi td".
Phan tich VI the tdy theo tan ngd ddng sau gidi td
Dong td di cung tan ngu (workshop) phu ma quyet djnh thl cua dpng td. Sau gidi
hop vdi nghTa cua cau la (D) attend vdi td (with) la tan ngd (regulations) nen dap
nghTa "tham gia". an la the chu dpng (C) complied.
Dap an (D)
Dap an (C)
workshop hoi thdo
sales manager giam doc kinh doanh comply with tuan thu
regulation dieu le
3. Dien dong td thich hdp vao ch6 set dat ra
trong launch khai truong, ra mPt
Phan tich compliance sd tuan thu
Sau ch6 trong co tan ngd (100 (luat phap, menh lenh)
applications) nen (B) khong the la dap compliant co tinh tuan thu
an dung, dong td contain khong thl (phap luat)
dung 6 thi tiep dien nen (C) la dap an
sai. Ve nghTa, day la chiec may tfnh bang
dude phat trien td 6 nam trddc nen (D)

6. Oien the thfch hdp vao cho trong pleased nen phai chpn giQa (B) va (C).
Phan tfch Thdi diem biet dope thong tin hp se
Dong tO chi cam xuc khi bo nghTa cho md chi nhanh d Viet Nam cung la thdi
danh tO chi ngOdi phai dimg d the dong dilm vui mOng nen dap an dung la (C)
ti'nh to qua khO, khi bd sung ti'nh chat cho announce.
so vat phj-ii dung dpng tinh tO hien tai. Dap an (C)
Chu ngO la ngOdi (She) nen dap an dung
branch office chi nhanh van phong
la (A) bewildered.
Dap an (A)
10. Dien dpng tO thich hpp vao cho
bewildered bi lam cho bdi rdi Phan tfch
complicated phOc tap Sau dai tO quan he lam chu ngO la dpng
tO gidi han. TroPc cho trong la danh tO sP
7. Dien the thich hop vao cho trong ft (a report), sau ch6 trong la tan ngO nen
Phan tfch dap an la the chu dpng (D) details.
Neu dpng tO di cung "tan ngO + dpng Dap an (D)
tO nguyen the co fo" chuyen sang the
bi dpng thl doi thanh "be p.p. + dpng tO detail trinh bay chi tiet
nguyen the co to". Vi the dap an dung la requirements yeu cau
(A) permitted.
11. Dien dpng tO thich hpp vao cho
Dap an (A)
historical district khu pho Ijch sO Phan tfch
permit cho phep Ve nghTa, to phu hpp la scheduled, tao
thanh cum scheduled to ('dp djnh lam gi).
8. Dien the thich hop cua dpng tO vao Dap an (B)
chd trong
be scheduled to dp djnh lam gl
Phan tfch
sign a contract ky hpp dong
The bj dpng cua cau co cau true 4 la "chu
supplier nha cung cap
ngO chi ngOdi + be p.p. + danh tO chi so
vat" nen dap an dung la (A) are offered.
12. Dien the thich hpp cua dpng tp
Dap an (A) vao cho trong
fitness-at-work tap the due d cho lam Phan tfch
enhance cai thien, nang cao Dpng tO trong cPu co cau true 4 (convince)
di cOng "ngOdi + menh de that'. Sau cho
9. Dien dpng tO nguyen the vao ch6 trong khong co tan ngO chi ngOdi nen dap
trong an la the bi dpng (D) convinced.
Phan tfch Dap an (D)
VI co dpng tO nguyen the co to the hien
be convinced that tin rang
nguyen nhan cam xuc dOng sau be

13-15. 15. Dien the thlch hop cua dong tu
announce thong bao vao cho trong
addition sU them vao Phan ti'ch
course khoa hoc Speak la noi dpng tit nhUng xet ve nghTa
intermediate trung cap cua cau nay thi 6 day no dUOc dung nhu
certified diidc chifng nhan ngoai dong tU. TrUdc ch6 trong la chu
instructor giao vien/ ngO (a language) va sau cho trong khdng
ngt/di hudng dan cd tan ngU nen dung the bi dong (A) is
tuition hoc phi spoken.
particular dac biet, cu the Dap an {A)
registration sit dang ky
opportunity cd hoi
especially dac biet la ■ 05 Thurc gia djnh
H (Subjunctive Mood)
helpful giup fch, hay giup dd
deal with lam viec vdi Quick Quiz
regardless of bat ke
1 | Dong tif trong menh de // phai co
however tuy nhien
thi tUdng Ung vdi dpng td trong menh
skip b6 qua
de chinh
proficiency sit thanh thao
13. Chia dpng tif 6 thi phu hpp reasonable hpp ly, phai chang
Phan tich
Day la thong bao khoa hoc tieng lay Ban 2.(D)
N ha mdi td thang 8 va cac khoa hoc td so rise tang
cap den trung cap vdi giao vien co chdng reduce giam (gia)
chl nen dap an dung la thi tUOng lai (D) production chi phi Scin xuat
will range. VI khong co thdi diem hoan costs
thanh nen (C) thi tUOng lai hoan thanh
khong the la dap an dung. 2 | Cau true thdc gia djnh khong cd if
Dap an (D) 1 (B)
expand tang, md rpng
14. Dien gidi tdthich hpp vao cho trong advertising ngan sach quang cao
Phan tich budge
During dupe dung trddc danh td chf
khoang thdi gian xac dinh. VI viec tra hoc 2,(B)
phi dupe thuc hien trong khoang thdi gian require yeu cau, can
dang ky hoc true tuyPn xac dinh nen (C) frequent thudng xuyen
during la dap an dung. accept chap nhan

Dap an (C) 3.(D)

further them nda, sau hon

3. Cau triic without ktiong co If (starting + cum tif chi tUdng lai) nen dung
Dap an (D) thi tuong lai don (C) will adopt.

flexible working thcfi gian lam viec linh Dap an (C)

Mini-test adopt ap dung, thong qua

quality control quan ly chat lUOng
1 ■ (B) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (B) eliminate loai bo
6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (D) defective cb loi, cb sal sot
11. (D) 12, (A) 13. (B) 14. (D) 15. (A) J
4. Dien there gia djnh thich hqtp vao
1. Oien thCfc gia dmh thi'ch hop vao cho trong
cho trong Phan tfch
Phan ti'ch Menh de chinh sir dung qua khb hoan
Menh de chinh co qua khd hoan thanh thanh giS djnh (would have achieved)
gia djnh (would have greatly increased) nen ph^i dung menh de dieu kien loai III
nen dap an la (B) had changed. Day la dao ngQ "Had + chu ngO + p.p." Vi the,
mau cau dieu kien loai 11! (gia djnh dieu dap an la (A) increased.
khdng co thdc trong qua khir). Dap an (A)
Dap an (B) market share thj phan
packaging bao bi sustainable ben vCng
attractive hap dan
greatly rat nhieu. rat Idn 5. Chia dpng tif 6 thi phii hpp
Phan tfch
2. Dien thiiic gia dinh thi'ch hpp vao Menh de dieu kien 6 hien tai nen menh
cho trong de chinh chia 6 tddng lai (loai 1). Dap an
Phan tfch dung la (B) will find.
Cau dieu kien gia dinh qua khb (loai II) Dap an (B)
nen dap an la (C) would offer install cai dat (choong trinh
Dap an (C) mbi tren may ti'nh)

team-building xay difng nhbm

6. Dien thifc gia djnh thich hpp vao
(mot each thCfc de phat trien nhbm;
cho trong
nang cao hieu suat lam viec va doan ket
Phan tfch
nhbm di/a tren vibe xac djnh muc tieu
Sau cho trong la qua khir hoan thanh giS
chung cua nhbm, lam ro vai trb cua Wng
djnh da gian Idpc if, trifdc chb trong la could
thanh vien, cai thien tUdng tac giOa cac
nen dap an la (C) have enjoyed (loai III).
thanh vien .)
Dap an (C)
3. Dien dpng tii thich hpp vao cho trong course khba hoc
Phan tfch
Vi cb cum trang tif chi thdi diem tUdng lai

7. Dien thufc gii djnh thich hdp vao 10. Dien thufc gia dinh thich hop vao
cho trong chd trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Menh de chinh co qua khif gia djnh Menh de dieu kien cd qua khuf hoan
(might), sau cho trong co dgng td nguyen thanh gia djnh nen dap an la (D) would
the (be) nen day la cau gia djnh tUbng lai have not become (loai III).
gictn lUdc if. Vi the, dap an la (B) Should, Dap an (D)
Dap an (B) training session budi tap huan
position vj tri (cong viec) new recruit nhan vien mdi tuyen
skilled worker lao dong lanh nghe
8. Chia dpng tit d thi phu hdp
Phan tich 11. Cau true gian Iddc if
6 cuoi cau cd "for + khoang thOi gian Phan tich
(for decades)" nen dung thi hien tai hoan Menh de chinh chia d qua khuf hoan
thanh (C) have been attracted. thanh gia djnh (could have not been).
TrUdng hop gian IdOc "chu ngO + dong
Dap an (C)
tif" trong "If it had not been for A", phai
be attracted to bj thu hilt b6i
ghi nhd cum "'if not for A" (neu khdng nhd
benefit Uu dal, quyen Idi
vao/vi) da difdc gian IdOc. VI the, (D) if
for decades nhieu thap ki
not for la dap an dung.
Dap an (D)
9. Dien thufc gia djnh thich hdp vao
cho trong successful thanh cdng
Phan tich effort nd tdc
Menh de chinh co qua khif hoan thanh
gia djnh (would have been prepared), 12. Dien dong tif thich hop vao cho
trifdc ch6 trong la had + chu ngU da gian trong
Iddc /f (dao ngU) nen dap an cd the la (A), Phan tich
(B) hoac (C). Dong tif inform la dong td di Chon dong td cd the suf dung vdi tcin ngO
cung "ngudi + menh de that', neu bo tan (the tax) sau cho trong. Ghi nhd waive
ngO ngddi thi dap an la the bj dong (B) the tax la cum tif cd nghia "mien thue".
been informed. Dap an (A)
Dap an (B) waive the tax(es) midn thue
inform thong bao small & medium doanh nghiep vifa
(mot each chinh thdc) business va nhd

survey dieu tra
result ket qua
plan ke hoach

breakthrough dot pha
Half Test 01
achieve dat difdc
initial ban dau 101.(C) 102.(B) 103.(C) 104.(B) 105.(C)
popularity sd noi tieng 106.(D) 107,(A) 108.(B) 109.(C) 110.(B)
111 .(A) 112.(B) 113.(B) 114.(C) 115.(B)
quarter quy
116,(A) 117.(B) 118.(B) 119.(D) 120.(D)
trend xu the 121,(A) 122.(C) 123,(B) 124.(0) 125.(A)
continue tiep luc 126.(B)
action hanh dpng
illuminate chieu sang 101. Phan biet va dien the thich hdp
space khong gian cua dpng tif vao cho trong
a bit mot it Phan tfch
harsh manh Chd trong trUdc (that) cd the dung ca the
period khocing thdi gian bi ddng va the chu dpng. Chd trong trUdc
actually thdc te, thdc sd thi chu ngQ gii (it) va f/iat dung the bj dpng,
chd trong trudc chu ngQ thong thudng
13.Dien danh tuthich hdp vaochotrong va that dung the chu ddng. VI the, (C)
Phan tfch anticipates la dap an dung, (D) sai vi chu
Ve nghTa, tit d cho trong ph^i tao thanh ngU la so it.
cum co nghTa la "gicim su dUdc yeu men". Dap an (C)
0ac biet, sau cho trong cum tU di cimg anticipate mong dpi
vdi gidi tit (in) la danh td co nghTa "gi&m" get a full refund hoan tr4 loan b
thl chon (B) decline. double-book dat trung (chd d
Dap an (B) khach san hay rap)
14. Dien trang titthich hop vao cho
trong 102. Dien thdc gi^i dmh thich hdp vao
Phan tfch chd trong
Ch6 trong trUdc so (70,000) dung trang Phan tfch
tU only. Dap an dung la (D) only. Menh de dieu kien la qua khd hoan thanh
gia dinh nen dap an diing la (B) would
Dap an (D)
have learned (loai III).
15. Dien tif de h6i phii hdp vao cho Dap an (B)
Phan ti'ch
Neu ban tham gia vao budi hdi thdo, ban
Trang td nghi van dUng trUdc menh de
da cd the hoc ve phan mem van phong
hoan chinh, dai td nghi van ddng trudc
phat then nhat rdi.
menh de khong hoan chlnh. Sau chd participate in tham gia
trong la menh de hoan chlnh (the product
the most tien tien nhat
can be) nen dap an cd the la (A) hoac advanced
(B). Ve nghTa, tit phu hop la (A) how.
Dap an (A)

103. Chia dpng td 6 thi phu hpp 106. Dien td loai thich hpp vao cho
Phan tich trong
Cuoi cau co "since + thdi diem qua khd Phan tich
(then) nen phai chia dpng td 6 thi hien tai Trddc cho trong la npi dpng td (have
hoan thanh. fallen) nen cho trong phdi dien trang td
bd nghfa cho dpng td. Vi the, dap an ia
Oap an (C)
(D) significantly.
eliminate loai bo
trans fats chat beo chuyen hoa Dap an (D)
significant quan trong
104. Dien the thich hdp cua dong tif significance sd quan trong
vao cho trong significantly mot each dang ke
Phan tich
Sau cho trong khong cd tan ngO nen 107. Dien dpng td thich hdp vao cho
dpng td phai d the bi dpng. trong
Oap an (B) Phan tich
Sau chd trong la ngddi (tan ngd gian tiep)
+ that (tan ngd trdc tiep) nen dap an la
May moc bj l5i se dddc thay bang chide
(A) remind.
mdi ma khong mat them phi gi khac.
Dap an (A)
remind nhac
defective co l5i
be replaced reconfirm xac nhan lai
dddc thay bang
with reservation sd dat trddc
mention nhac den
extra charge phi phu thu

108. Dien thi thich hop cua dpng td

105. Dien dpng td thich hdp vao cho
vao cho trong
Phan tich
Phan tich
Viec dat ve may bay x£y ra trddc, viec
Ensure dung theo cau true "ensure +
bat dau hpp didn ra sau nen menh de
menh de that", con assure dung theo cdu
chinh la qua khd hoan thanh, menh de
true "assure + ngddi (tan ngd gian tiep) +
sau td before phai dung qua khd ddn.
menh de that (tan ngd trdc tiep)". Vi the,
dap an la (C) ensure. Dap an (B)
Dap an (C) book dat (ve may bay...)
ensure dam bao, chac chan flight chuyen bay
qualification nang luc
criteria tieu chuan 109. Phan biet dpng td gidi han va
crate cho vao thung dpng td khong gidi han roi dien vao
chd trong
Phan tich
Menh de chfnh co dong td gidi han {have submit nop
collaborated) nen cho trong la vi trl cua recent gan day
dong tCt khong gidi han. Sau chd trong cd security an ninh
tan ngQ (the new procedures) nen dap
an la (C) developing. 113. Dien the thi'ch hpp vao cho trong
Phan tfch
Dap an (C)
Opng tdtrong cau cd cau true 5 (consider)
collaborate cpng tac
neu chuyen sang the bj dong thi sau the
procedure thu tuc, phddng phap
bi dong la bo ngO cho danh td. Vi the, dap
an la (B) considered.
110. Dien the thi'ch help vao cho trong
Phan tfch Dap an (B)
Ask diing dong tit nguyen the cd to (am competent cd nang lUc
tan ngQ. Sau cho trong khong cd tan ngO achieve dat dQdc
nen dong td chia 6 th^ bi dong.
Dap an (B) 114. Dien thQc gii dmh thi'ch hdp vao
direct mail (DM) thd quang cao trdc tiep cho trong
ask to be de nghj xda khdi Phan tfch
removed from Menh de chi'nh dung qua khd hoan thanh
giik dinh (would have entered), sau cho
111. Dien the thich hdp cua dong td trong menh de if dao ngO nen dap an la
vao cho trong (C) had.
Phan tfch Dap an (C)
Entice la dong td chi Ccim xuc. Chu ngQ enter tham nhap, lien vao
id ngddi (Customers) nen dap an la the bi favorable tot, thuan Idi
dong (A) enticed. Cum "be enticed to do" expand md rdng
cd nghTa la "bi du d6 lam gi".
Dap an (A) 115. Chia dong td 6 thi phu hdp
Phan tfch
entice Idi keo, du do
Sau cho trong cd trang td chl tddng lai
exclusive cao cap
(next week) nen can nhac thi tuong lai.
enticement sQ cam do
Ngi dong td (come) khong the dung 6 the
bi dong nen (D) will be come la dap an
112. Dien the thich hdp vao cho trong
sai. Hien tai tiep diln cd the dung thay
Phan tfch
Require la dong td di cung "tan ngQ + tddng lai nen dap an la (B) is coming.
dong td nguyen the cd to", ndu chuyln Dap an (B)
sang the bi dong thanh "be required to do
annual thdclng nien
(can lam gi, dQdc yeu cau lam gi)".
company picnic buoi da ngoai cua
Dap an (B) cdng ty

inlorm thong bao serve phuc vu
attend tham gia banquet bda tiec
responsible co trach nhiem
116. Dien dpng tCt thich hdp vao cho
trong 119. Chia dong tdd thi phu hdp
Phan ti'ch Phan tich
Menh de chinh xuat hien dpng td ve Khi giai thich mot sd that thong thddng,
nghTa vu nen d menh de fhaf phai dung ta sd dung thl hien tai dOn. Viec ghi chep
dpng td nguyen the gian Iddc should. VI thdi gian lam viec la do cong nhan trdc
the dap an dung la (A) find. tiep ghi chep nen dung the chu dpng (D)
Dap an (A) record.

propose de nghj, de xuat(ke Dap an (D)

hoach, suy nght) overtime payment tien vdpt gid

117. Phan biet gidi titva lien titdda 120. Phan biet dpng td gidi han va
tren y nghia rdi dien vao cho trong dpng td khdng gidi han roi dien vao
Phan tich cho trong
Cau hoi phan biet gidi tif (during) va lien Phan tich
td (though) diia tren nghTa cua cau. Sau Trong cau "A letter... that ~ is enclosed",
chd trong la tan ngiJ (her visit) nen dap neu bo ngd enctosed ddng 6 dau cau thi
cau se bi ddo ngd. Chu ngd va dpng td
an la gidi td (B) during.
cua cau da xuat hi§n nen cho trong la v|
Dap an (B)
tri cua dpng tinh td, sau chd trong co tan
give a briefing (on) cd budi thuyet thnh ngd (menh de that) nen dung dpng tinh
ngan gpn ve td hien tai (D) confirming.
strategy chien lUpc Dap an (D)

118. Dien td loai thich hop vao cho trong enclose dfnh kern
Phan tich confirm xac nhan
Sau ngoai dpng td (have) la tan ngff. including bao gom
Danh td responsibility ddpc dung trong
cum "have responsibility for (chju trach 121-123.

nhidm cho-)".
apply for dng tuyen vao
Dap an (B) advertise quang cao
Dich ideal ly tddng
Co ay cd trach nhiem chuan bi va phuc vu goal muc tieu
thdc an, nude uong cho bda tiec cong ty. be eager to nong long lam gi
contribute to gop phan, cong hien
responsibility trach nhiem
success thanh cong
prepare chuan bj

through thong qua, qua cho trong va cum dpng td (in helping your
major chuyen nganh company) sau chd trong tUdng duong
obtain co dude nhau nen dap an dung la (B) and.
solid vOng chac Dap an (B)
experience kinh nghiem
viec phan tich 124-126.
opportunity cd hoi
amass tfch luy
personally mot each ca nhan
a great deal of rat nhieu, mot lifpng Idn
choose Ida chpn
knowledge tri thi/c
ITnh vUc handle lo lieu
account tai khoan
particularly mot each dac biet
expand md rong, tang a great amount rat nhieu
opportunity cd hoi of
decision quyet dmh
arrange sap xep lich trinh
reaffirm xac nhdn lai
belief niem tin
121. Dien danh td thlch hdp vao cho
contact sU lien lac, tiep xuc
technology cdng nghe
Phan tfch
abandon bd mac
Cau h5i phan biet danh tif chi ngddi va
commitment to sd cong hien cho
danh tit chi su vat. Vi tri dng tuyen la "trg
asset tai san
ly marketing" nen dap an ta (A) assistant.
attach dinh kem
Oap an (A)
financial bao cao tai chi'nh
122. Dien lien tdthich hop vao cho along with cung vdi
trong descriptive mang tinh chi tiet
Phan tfch be of help hdu ich, cd the giup dd
Noi dung trade chd trong la "I have
obtained solid experience (Toi da co kinh 124. Dien tmh td sd hdu thich hpp vao
nghiem vdng chac)", npi dung sau cho cho trong
trong la "I have had several business- Phan tfch
related internships (Toi da cd mot vai Ngddi gdi email la nhan vien ngan hang,
kinh nghiem thUc tap lien quan den kinh ngddi nhan la khach hang cua ngan
doanh)". Khong chi cau trade ma cd cau hang. Nhan vien dang quang ba de
sau deu cd noi dung tich lay kinh nghiem thu hut khach hang nen trddc decision
nen dap an dung la (C) In addition. phai dung tinh td sd hdu your cua khach
Dap an (C) hang you.
Dap an (D)
123. Dien lien tdthich hpp vao cho trong
Phan tfch
Cum dpng td (lies in the marketing) trade

125. Oien the thfch hdp cua dpng tCf CHAPTER 03
vao cho trong Dong td khong giOi han va cau true
Phan tt'ch dac biet (Non-finite Verbs and Special
6 giua cum the personal contact va chu Structures)
ngQ they da bi gian lUdc dai td quan he
that hoac which lam tan ngU Sau dai td
D^ng td nguyen the
quan he, neu khong co tan ngO phai dung
menh de khong hoan chinh, vi the cac Quick Quiz
lUa chon the bi dong dung trong menh de
hoan chinh la sal, 1 t Vai tro cua dpng td nguyen the co to

Dap an (A) Dap an (A)

conduct a survey tien hanh dieu tra
126. Dien lien tifthich hop vao cho
trong 21 Chu ngd gia va chu ngd ve mat y
Phan tfch nghia
Trang td (now) trddc cho trong va trang Dap an (B)
td (in the future) sau cho trong tuong outsource thue ngoai
dddng nhau. Ve nghTa, "Neu toi cd the manufacturing (nganh) che tao
glup duoc g! du la hien tai hay trong
titong lai, thi ddng ngai lien lac vdi toi," 3 I Thl cua dpng td nguyen the co to
nen dap an dung la (B) or.
Dap an (A)
Dap an (B) manage to xoay xd lam gi

41 Dpng td, tinh td, danh td thddng di

cung dpng td nguyen the co to

remind nhac (de nhd lai)
overdue qua han

2 (D)
be eager to nong long lam gi
progress tien trinh

3. (C)
have an ability to do co kha nang lam gi
effectively mot each hieu
under trong dieu kien
(tinh huong)
disadvantages bat idi

Mini-test 4. Dien dpng tit nguyen the thich hpp
vao cho trong
I. (B) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5.(0} Phan tich
6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (D) Viec dung dpng tif nguyen thl co to dien
II. (C) 12. (A) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (A) dat nghla muc dich "de lam gi" nen dap
1. Dien dpng M nguyen the thich hpp an dung la (A) to request.
vao cho trong Dap an (A)
Phan tich collaboration sp hpp tac
Ghi nhc) cum "make every effort to do" request de nghj, yeu cau
(no luc het sifc de lam gi).
Dap an (B) 5. Dien dpng tit nguyen the thich hpp
win the contract gianh dddc hdp vao ch6 trong
dong, trung thau Phan tich
Dau cau co chu ngQ giP (It) nen ch5 trong
2. Dien dpng tif nguyen the tht'ch hpp ph^i la chu ngQ ve nghla.
vao cho trong Dap an (C)
Phan tich necessary can thiet
Bay la cau hoi lien quan din cum tif "be underneath ben ditPi [trong]
able to do" (co the). Sau cho trong khdng
co tan ngQ nen dap an la the bj dpng (C) 6. Dien dpng tit nguyen the thich hpp
to be heated up. vao cho trong
Dap an (C) Phan tich
heat up lam nong len Sau menh de hoan chlnh la dpng tit
nguyen the co to dien dat muc dfch. Vi
the, dap an dung la (B) to arrange.
3. Dien tit thich hpp vao chd trong
Phan tich Dap an (B)
Dpng td intended thUdng dung trong personnel tntPng phong nhan sp
cum "be intended for" hay "be intended + director
dpng tit nguyen thi co fo"(danh cho). VI
the dap an la (D) intended. 7. Dien dpng tit nguyen the thich hpp
Dap an (D) vao ch6 trong
violent bao life Phan tich
scene cSnh Theo nghla cua cau, cum "de~" la phu
be intended for danh cho hpp nhat. Sau cho trong co dpng tP
nguyen the (broaden) nen dap an dung
la (B) in order to.
Dap an (B)

broaden md rpng residential area khu dan cd
target market thi trUdng muc tieu suburb ngoai thanh
(thi tafdng ban hang proceed tien hanh
hUdng den nhom khach transcribe chep lai, chuyen bien
hang ti^m n^ng)
in respect to doi vdi 11. Dien td loai thich hop vao cho trong
Phan tfch
8. Dien dgng td nguyen the thi'ch hdp Sau chu ngd gia it va dong td be phai la
vao cho trdng tinh td.
Phan tfch Dap an (C)
Phai dien dat dddc nghia "muc dich cua
hoi thao la de" nen dap an dung la (A) to Dich
assist. Neu ban dung sdn pham cham sdc toe
cua chung tdi, tdc ban cd the de dang
Dap an (A) duy tri duoc kieu dang dep.
Dich maintain duy tri
Muc dich cua buoi h6i thao la de giup cac hair-care san pham cham sdc tdc
CEOtich ciic khfch le cac nhan vi§n. product

purpose muc dich

12. Dien dong td thich hop vao cho trong
assist giup dd
Phan tfch
assistance su giup d5
Dong td nguyen the cd to ddng sau tinh
td de chi nguyen nhan/ly do. Cau dien
9. Dien danh ti/thich hdp vao cho trong
dat tarn trang vui mdng (delighted) khi
Phan tfch
nghe tin tot sau that nen dap an dung la
Sau tinh lu sd hdu phai dung danh tit,
(A) delighted.
dua vao nghia cua cau, td phu hdp la (A)
Dap an (A)
delighted vui
Dap an (A)
extend keo dai
renew lam mdi (gia han)
membership tif each thanh vien 13-15.
announce thong bao
10. Dien dong tirthich hop vao cho addition sd them, phan them vao
trong staff nhan vien
Phan tfch honor vinh dd
Dap an dung ph^i dien dat nghTa "phat take place didn ra, xay ra
trien khu vdc dan cd mdi".
make an hen trddc
Dap an (D) appointment
propose de xuat, de nghi more than nhieu hon mot
(ke hoach, suy nghi) one procedure lieu trinh

13. Dien trang tu thich hop vao 3 | Danh dong td lam tan ngd
ch6 trong
Phan tfch 1(B)
Day la bai qu&ng cao. Noi dung quang include bao gom
cao la gidi thieu nhan vien mdi va kinh 2(C)
nghiem cua ong ta trong qua khd nen request yeu cau
phai dung trang td {□) previously. (mot each ton trong)
Dap an (D) fee phi
(hoi phi, phi tham gia)
3. Djch
14. Dien dong tit khong gidi han thich
Nghien cdu gan day cho thciy mot vai
hop vao cho trong
ngdOi yeu thich phim dien anh Ua thich
Phan tich
viec di xem phim mot mlnh.
Danh td (opportunity) trudc cho trong di
cung dong td nguyen thl co to nen dap Dap an (A)
an dung la (B) to inform. recent gan day
Dap an (B) moviegoer ngUdi thudng xuyen xem
phim rap
15. Dien danh td thich hop vao chd prefer thich, da chupng
41 Cac cau true lien quan den danh
Phan tich
dong td
Cho trong la vj trt cua danh td. Discount
la danh td dem ddOc, trddc chd trong la 1(C)
mao td khong xac djnh (a) nen dap an la handle xd ly
danh td dem difdc so ft (A) discount. tricky kho, rac roi
Dap an (A) 2. (C)
object to phan doi
07 Danh dong td
1 ■ (D) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C)
1 | Vai tro cua danh dong td 6. (D) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (D)
11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (B)
plenty of nhieu
1. Dien dong td khong gidi han thich
harmful co hai, nguy hiem
hop vao cho trong
chemical hda chat
Phan tich
2 (C) Gida gidi td (to) va tan ngd (the travel
agency's website) phai dung danh dong
electronic (dich vu) ban ve di§n td
td nen (D) updating la dap an dung. (C)
sai vi la the bj dong.
issue phat hanh
Dap an (D)

be dedicated to chuyen tam 5. Dien dpng til thich hop vao cho
2. Oien dpng til khong gidi ban thich Phan tich
hop vao ch6 trdng Can dimg dpng til phti hpp de di cimg
Phan tfch dpng til nguyen the co to sau cho trong.
Sau be proud co the diing "to + dgng tit (A) va (B) khong the dimg o' the bj dpng.
nguyen the, menh de that, of + danh tif". Neu chpn (D) thi tan ngQ phai la danh
(A) sai v) neu la menh de that thi thieu dpng til. Ask la dpng til di cimg "tan ngfl
chu ngCf. Vi the, dap an dung la dong W + dpng til nguyen the co to", khi chuyen
nguyen the (B) to offer. sang the bi dong se thanh "be p.p. +
Dap an (B) dpng til nguyen the co to" nen dap an la
(C) asked.
once-in-a-lifetime rat dac biet) duy nhat
trong ddi Dap an (C)
awards ceremony buoi le trao giai
3. Oien danh dpng tif vao cho trong
Phan tfch 6. Dien dpng til khong gidi han thich
Recommend la dpng tir di cung danh hpp vao cho trdng
dpng td. Phan tich
Dap an (B) TrUdc chd trong la gidi til to ddpc dung
trong cau true "be used to -irg" (quen
recommend khuyen
lam gi). GiQa gidi til va tan ngiJ (the latest
(phifdng thdc hanh dong)
financial news) phai dimg danh dpng tii
manual sach hi/dng din
assembly line day chuyen lap rap nen dap an la (D) accessing.
Dap an (D)
4. Oien dong td khong gidi han thi'ch
be used to -ing quen vdi
hpp vao cho trong
latest mdi nhat
Phan tich
rather than hdn
Trddc cho trong la menh de hoan chinh
co cau true "chu ngO + dong til + b )
7. Phan biet danh tilva danh dpng til
ngCT. Sau menh de hoan chinh la vi tr(
rdi dien vao chd trdng
cua dong til nguyen the co to nen dap an
Phan tich
dimg la (A) to handle.
Sau gidi tif (without) la tan ngd nen cd
Dap an (A) the dimg danh til hoac danh dpng til.
vicious xau xa, ac y Nhung vi sau chd trong khong cd tan ngfl
complaint than phien nen dap an la danh tif (A) permission.
Dap an (A)
permission sil cho phep
permit cho phep

8. Dien the thich hop cua dpng t£f vao implement thi hanh
ch6 trong
Phan tich 12. Dien dpng td khong gidi han thich
GiQa chu ngO gia (it) va t/iaf phai la dpng hpp vao cho trong
tit 6 the bi dpng. Vi the, dap an la (A) is Phan tich
expected. Dpng tQ (anticipate) trQdc cho trong di
Dap an (A) cung tan ngO la danh dpng 1Q nen dap an
la (B) commencing.
profitable co Ipi nhuan
Dap an (B)
9. Phan biet danh tit va danh dpng tit anticipate mong dpi
roi dien vao cho trong commence bat dau
Phan tich preparation chuan bj
Giifa gidi tit (on) va tan ngQ (a new retail outlet cQa hang ban le
company building) la danh dpng tit nen
dap an la (B) constructing. 13-15.
Dap an (B)
insist on khang khang, 13. Dien dpng tQ thich hpp vao cho
quli quyet (manh me)
construct xay dung Phan tich
despite mac dii Sau cho trong co "sQ vat + to + ngQdi"
objection phan doi nen phai dung (A) give.
Dap an (A)
10. Dien dpng tit thich hop vao cho
trong 14. Dien danh tQ thich hpp vao cho
Phan tich trong
Trddc tinh td (true) la vi tri cua dpng til Phan tich
trong cau cau true 2 nen dap an la (D) LQa chpn danh tQ phu hpp vdi tQ items
became. sau of, va danh tQ fire, theft, damage trddc
Dap an (0) or. Cac danh tQ trQdc or deu mang nghTa
vice president pho giam doc tieu cQc nen ve nghTa dap an la (C) loss.
Dap an (0)
11. Dien dpng tilkhong gidi han thich
hpp vao cho trong 15. Dien danh tQ thich hpp vao cho trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Sau cho trong phai la tan ngQ cua gidi til TrQdc chd trong cd or nen phai chpn
for nen phai chpn danh dpng til di ciing danh tQ tQdng dong vdi office. Danh tQ
vdi several educational programs de tao trQdc or la danh tQ chl sQ vat nen dap an
thanh cum danh dpng tQ. la (B) merchant.
Dap an (B) Dap an (B)

due to bdi vi
08 Dpng tinh tir
global economic khung hoang kinh te
(Participle) slump toan cau
leading hang dau
Quick Quiz
1 | Vai tro cua dpng tmh tii 2- (B)
discounted price gia da giam
1(B) make a reservation dat trddc
present hien lai
lead to dan den Mini-test
I.(D) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (B)
2 (D)
6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (B)
expense kinh phi
II. (D) 12, (C) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (C)
cover du de tea cho
1. Bien dpng tinh td thich hpp vao cho
3, (A)
be against phan doi
Phan tich
management ban quan ly
Can cum dpng tinh td bd nghTa cho menh
de chinh. Sau cho trong co tan ngd
2 | Cau true cua dpng tinh tif
(menh de that) nen dung dpng tinh td
1. Dich hien dai 6 the chu dpng.
Quay thanh toan tu phuc vu nhan dirpc Bap an (D)
sd yeu men vi giup ngifdi mua hang tiet
outsell ban nhieu hdn
kiem thdi gian mua sam.
make an chuan bj, dieu chinh
flap an (A) arrangement
gain popularity dddc chap nhan rpng rai distribution phan phoi
allow cho phep anticipate mong dpi

2 (B) 2. Bien dpng tinh td thich hpp vao ch6

manual sach htfdng dan trong
suggest de xuat, gidi thieu Phan tich
(ngiidi, do vat, each thifc) Sau chd trong co danh td cost nen cho
trdng dung dpng tinh td. Noi dpng td
3 | Bong tinh td hien tai va dpng tinh (rise) khong the dung P the bj dpng nen
td qua khd de bj nham lin dap an dpng tinh td qua khd la sai.

1. Dich Bap an (C)

Vi khung ho&ng kinh te toan cau ma den shipping and phf van chuyen va xd
nhdng nha cung cap hang dau cung du handling ly hang hoa (bao gom phi
doan sd sut giam doanh thu. bud dien, van chuyen,
Bap an (A) bao hiem, dong goL.)
plant nha may

3. Phan biet danh dpng td va danh tir 6. Dien dpng td khong gioi han thich
roi dien vao cho trong hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Sau gi6i tif of phai dung cym td tudng Khong the dung hai dpng td khi khong
dddng danh td, co tSn ngd cancer nen co lien td, vi the ch6 trong la vj tri dpng
dap an la danh dong td (C) developing. tinh td; Work ta noi dpng td nen khong
the chuyen thanh dpng tinh td qua khd.
Dap an (C)
vi the chpn (C).
It is said that Ngdcfi ta noi rang
regular exercise luyen tap thdcing xuyen Dap an (C)
diet che do an kieng media industry cong nghiep
reduce giam [ITnh vdc] truyen thong
cancer ung thd be of benefit giup ich, co Ipi

4. Dien dpng tinh tdthich hdp vao cho 7. Dien dpng tinh tdthich hdp vao cho
trong trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Lien td chi each thdc {as) thddng xuat Sau cho trong khong co tan ngd nen
hien thanh cap vdi dpng tinh td qua khd dap an dung la dpng tinh td qua khd
trong menh de da gicin Idpc chd ngd. Chd (A) scheduled. Unless thddng xuat hi§n
ngd removing some harmful ingredients trong cau true "unless otherwise + dong
cua menh de chi'nh dddc thao luan nen tinh td qua khd" (trd khi)".
dung dpng tinh td qua khd (C) discussed. Dap an (A)
Dap an (C) unless otherwise trd khi, neu khong
harmful co hai, nguy hiem
8. Dien dpng tinh tdthich hdp vao cho
ingredient nguyen lieu, thanh phan
Phan tich
5. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong
Cau hoi Ida chpn dpng tinh td co the bd
Phan tich
nghfa cho danh td sau cho trong. Danh
Day la vi trf bo ngd cua dpng td be nen
td (design) va dpng tinh Id cd quan he
phai dung tinh td high. Ghi nhd "so + tinh
bi dpng nen dap an dung la (D) revised.
td/trang Id + that" co nghfa "qua... den noi
ma". Dap an (D)
Dap an (B) unveil tiet 16 (ke hopch mdi,
san pham...)
entry fee phf tham gia

9. Dien dpng td khong gidi ban thich

hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich
Can dpng td nguyen thl co to dl dien \k

muc dich (dl). Vi the, dap an ditng la (A) 13-15.
To reduce. do someone a giup ai mot viec
Dap an (A) favor
questionnaire bdng cau hdi dieu tra
production costs chi phi san xuat
manufacture san xuat, che tao attached dinh kem
gather tap hop
10. Dien dpng tinh tu thfch hop vao department phdng ban
ch6 trdng release xuat ban
Phan tich include bao gdm
Can dong tinh td qua khd b6 nghTa cho personal ca nhan
danh td (Instructions). confidential cd mat
Dap an (B) arrange chuan bj
read through doc ky in charge of dam nhiem
detailed chi tiet appreciate biet on
instructions hddng dan gossip chuyen phiem

11. Dien dpng tinh tdthich hop vao 13. Dien cau true so sanh thich hop
ch6 trong vao cho trdng
Phan tich Phan tich
Cho trdng sau dau phay la vi trf cua dpng Sau chd trdng cd as nen day la cau true
tinh td. Sau cho trdng cd tan ngd nen dap so sanh as... as. Gida as... as phai co
an la dpng tinh td hien tai (D) reducing. tinh td hoac trang td. Vi the, dap an la (A)
as much.
Dap an (D)
Dap an (A)
companywide toan cdng ty
budget ngan sach
14. Dien gidi tdthich hpp vao cho trdng
Phan tich
12. Dien dpng tinh tdthich hop vao
cho trdng Day la cau hoi chon cum gidi td. Thong tin
Phan tich se xuat hien trong cudn sach khdng chi
Trddc chd trdng cd dpng td gidi han (is) cd awards, community service activities,
nen phai dung dpng tinh td. and family news trddc cho trdng ma con
cd work-related information nen dap an
Dap an (C)
la (D) in addition to.
merger sat nhap (doanh nghiep, Dap an (D)
td chdc)
disagreement bat dong y kien
15. Dien dpng tinh tdthich hop vao
address gidi quyet (van de, tinh
cho trdng
Phan tich
Dong tinh td chi cam xuc bo nghTa cho

danh td chi sU vat (gossip) nen dung 1. Dien tu loai thich hdp vao cho trong
dpng tinh td hien tai (C)interesting. Phan tich
Dap an (C) TrUdc cum as... as la mot menh de hoan
chinh nen phai dung trang tu.
09 C£iu true so sanh
Dap an (A)
newly gan day, tndi
Quick Quiz recruited dddc tuyen dung
1 | So sanh ngang bang benefit from hudng Idi

1 (A) 2. Dien dpng tif khong gidi han thich

general manager long giam doc hdp vao cho trdng
put in a good khen ngoi Phan tich
word Sau menh de hoan chinh can dung dpng
competent tai gidi, co nang luc tit nguyen the co to dien ta nghTa tac
dpng tdi tan ngO (customers) nen phai
2, (A) dung (A) to attract.
advertisement quang cao (= ad)
Dap an (A)
effective hieu qua
promote quang ba, thuc day
2 | So sanh hdn upcoming sap tdi
seasonal mua
1(B) attract thu hut

2.(D) 3. Phan biet danh tif va danh dpng tif

production, san xuat Phan tich
expect dd tmh GiOa gidi tif (by) va tan ngO (a close
relationship) phai dung danh dpng tif, vi
3(0) the, chpn (B) maintaining.
purchase mua
Dap an (B)

3 | So sanh hdn nhat in-house npi bp (cong ty, to chifc)

venture viec kinh doanh
Dap an (D)
individually doc lap
option Ida chpn
parent company cong ty me
flight chuyen bay
Mini-test 4. Dien cau true so sanh thich hdp
vao cho trdng
1 - (A) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (B)
Phan tich
6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (A)
Sau ch6 trdng co as va danh tif khong
11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (D) 15. (B)
dem difdc (experience) nen dap an dung
la (D) as much.
Dap an (D)

replace thay the participant th( sinh
(ngudi khac, sir v&t khac) competition cuoc thi
senior engineer ky su cap cao/lau nam
8. Dien dong tinh td thich hop vao cho
5. Dien dpng tit khong gi6i han thicti trong
hop vao cho trong Phan tfch
Phan tfch Day la "lien tit + cau true dong tinh tir" da
Dong tii (persuade) trade chd trong la gian Iddc chQ ngQ (you). Chu ngd (you)
dgng tit di ciing "tan ngO + dong td nguyen va dpng td (travel) co moi quan he chu
the co to" nen dap an la (B) to change. dpng nen diing dpng tfnh td hien tai (D)
Sau cho trong cd tan ngu1 nen khong dimg traveling.
the bi dong. Dap an (D)
Dap an (B)
service cung cap (djch vu)
review kiem tra
route tuyen
first draft b&n th&P dau tien
editor bien tap vien
9. Dien cau true so sanh thich hop
persuade thuyet phuc
vao ch6 trong
plot cot truyen
Phan tich
VOi cau true "the + so sanh hdn, the + so
6. Dien cau true so sanh thich hop
sanh hdn", dap an la the higher.
vao cho trong
Phan tfch Dap an (B)
Trude cho trong co Of the two nen phdi business doanh nghiep
dung "the + so sanh hdn". Vi the, dap an satisfy lam hai Idng
dung la (B) belter. make profits thu 101 nhuan
Dap an (B)
10. Dien cau true so sanh thich hop
qualified co nang lu'c
vao ch6 trong
applicant dng vien
Phan tich
educational background nen tang hoc
Vdi cau true "one of the + so sanh nhat
+ in + dja diem", dap an la (A) most
working experience kinh nghiem
lam viec
Dap an (A)
7. Dien trang td thich hop vao competitive canh tranh
cho trong workforce luc lu'dng lao dpng
Phan tich
Ghi nhd cac trang tii even, much, still, 11. Dien dpng tinh td thich hop vao
far, a lot, by far nhan manh mire dp so ch6 trong
sanh more popular d sau. Phan tfch
Dap an (C) Phai dung cau true dpng tinh td co the

noi menh de chinh va menh de phu ma 14. Dien lien tit thich hdp vao cho trong
khong can lien td. Sau ch5 trong co tan Phan tich
ngQ (menh de that) nen dap an la dong Trade cho trong la thi tUOng lai (will) va
tmh td hien tai (D)encouraging, sau chd trong la thi hien tai (have) nen
Dap an (D) phii dung lien td (D) as soon as.
Dap an (D)
come up with nghT ra
innovative sang tao
considerable dang ke 15. Dien dong tif thich hop vao cho
12. Dien cau true so sanh thich hop Phan tich
vao cho trong Phai Ida chon dong td trong cau cau true
Phan tich 4 di cung "ngddi + menh de that' sau cho
Day la cau true "as + tinh td/trang tCf + as" trdng nen dap an la (B) assure.
nen dap an la (A) as. Dap an (B)
Dap an (A)
as for noi den Cau true song song va dao ngQ
(Paraleil and inversion)

13-15. Quick Quiz

1 | Cau true song song
inform thong bao
subscribe to dang ky 1-1. (B)
no longer khong con nQa
package tour tour du Ijch tron gdi
facility thiet bj
highly rat
uncommon bat thudng
attractive hap dan
technical ky thuat
environmentally than thien vdi moi trddng
malfunction hong hoc, sU co
disrupt lam gian doan friendly
fix sifa chOa, khac phuc
1.2 (B)
shortly sdm, trong thdi gian nglm
security bao ve
notify thong bao
install cai dat, lap dat
resume tiep tuc, bat dau ial
assure dam bao effective hieu qua
swiftly nhanh chong
2. (A)
expand md rong (kinh doanh)
13. Dien dong tit thich hop vao cho
21 Cau true d^o ngfl
Phan tich
Cho trong ia vi tri cua dong td gidi han 1(D)
nen dap an dung la (C) experienced. advertising ngan sach cho quang cao
Dap an (C) budget

2. (D) portable di dpng
require can navigation he thong djnh vi (cua 6 td)
additional them system

4. Dien trang td vao cau true so sanh
I.(A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5.(0) Phan tich
6.(0) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (B) Cau true "the + so sanh hdn, the + so sanh
II. (A) 12. (C) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (B) hdn". Gida the more va menh de hoan
chinh (we proofread the presentation
1. Cau true dao ngu materials) phai la trang td nen dap an la
Phan tich (C) thoroughly.
Trang ti/ phu dmh little dulng d dau cau Dap an (C)
nen cau da bi dao ngd. VI co dpng td
thoroughly mot each ky cang
know d dang nguyen the nen phai diing
proofread doc ra soat
the phu hdp cua do d chd trong. Chu ngQ
thorough kycang
la so nhieu nen does sai, vi the dap an
dung la (A) did.
5. Cau true dao ngd
Dap an (A) Phan tich
retirement nghi hUu, nghl viec Dau cau co trang td phu dmh nen cau
professional chuyen gia da bi dao ngd. Day la cau true "Hardly
had + chu ngd + p.p., when (before) +
2. Cau true so sanh chu ngd + dpng td qua khd" nen dap an
Phan tich la (D) been implemented. Khong co tan
Cau cd cau true so sanh ngang "as + ti'nh ngd nen the chu dpng (A) la sai.
td/trang td + as" ndn cho trdng la bo ngd Dap an (D)
cua dpng td be, dap an dung la tmh td guidelines hddng ddn, quy djnh
(B) effective. implement thdc hien
Dap an (B) accident rate t^ lp tai nan
effective hieu qua
unplug rut 6 cam 6. Cau true so sanh
appliance thiet bj Phan tich
Sau ch6 trong co than nen dap an la (D)
3. Cau true dao ngd more important.
Phan tich Dap an (D)
Menh de chinh cd qua khd hoan thanh
customer sd hai long cua
gia dinh (could have arrived), vi da gian
satisfaction khach hang
tddc if nen dap an la (A) Had.
overall toan bp
Dap an (A) profit Ipi nhuan
revenue thu nhap
7. Phan biet danh tif va danh dong tC/ cho trong
roi dien vao cho trong Phan tich
Phan tich Chd trong la vj trf cda dong tif. Sau chd
GiOa gidi td (in) va tan nguf (fans) phai trong cd tan ngO ndn dap an diing la (B)
dung danh dong ttf nen dap an la (B) involved.
Dap an (B)
Dap an (B)
involve lien quan, bao gom
entertainment company cong ty gi&i trf cut down on cat giam (kich thudc,
beneficiary ngUdi hifdng Idi lifdng, so lUdng ciia
SNS djch vu cai gl day)
mang xa hoi
unnecessary khong can thiet
{= Social
expense kinh phi
11. Phan bi^t danh tif va danh dong tif
roi dien vao chd trong
8. Cau true song song
Phan tich
Phan tich
Giifa gidi tif (for) va tan ngO (the
Cum gidi tif (inside the building) trifdc cho
advertising) la danh dong tif nen dap an
trong va cum gidi tif (in the parkinglot)
dung la (A) creating.
tuong difdng nhau. Vi the dap an diing
la (A) and. Dap an (A)

Dap an (A)
12. Cau true dao ngif
forbid cam
Phan tich
parking lot bai do xe
Sau chd trong cd menh de dao ngif
"has the pharmaceutical company
9. Dien dong tif khong gidi han vao
announced" nen dap an la trang tif phu
cho trong
djnh (C) Seldom.
Phan tich
Co dong tif (is) nen chd trong la mot Dap an (C)
phan cua chu ngif. Vi tri chu ngif phai seldom hau nhu khong, hiem khi
diing danh tif hoSc danh dong tif nen dap pharmaceutical difdc
an la (A) Reviewing. severe nghiem trong
side effect tac dung phu
Dap an (A)
review kiem tra 13-15.
bill hda ddn merchandiser thifdng nhan,
overcharge ban dat ngudi budn ban
buy out mua lai
10. Phan biet dong tif gidi han va specialize in chuyen ve
dong tif khong gidi han rdi dien vao low-priced gia thap

clothing quan ao Half Test 02
throughout tren khap
101.(A) 102.(A) 103.(D) 104,(B) 105.(B)
pay off co thanh cong/ldi nhuan
106.(A) 107.(C) 108.(B) 109,(D) 110.(C)
nearly gan nhif 111.(B) 112.(A) 113.(8) 114.(C) 115.(0)
profit Idi nhuan 116.(C) 117.(B) 118.(B) 119.(0) 120.(B)
compared to so vdi 121.(A) 122.(B) 123.(C) 124,(0) 125.(B)
previous trdcfc day 126.(C)
respond dap lai

13. Dien t£f loai thich hdp vao cho trong 101. Dien tif loai thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Vi co so nen phai dimg (D) nearly. V6i tinh tif co 2 am tiet trd len, dang so
sanh hon nhat la "the most + tfnh tif", sau
Dap an (D)
ch6 trong co danh tif way nen dap an la
tinh tif (A) convenient.
14. Dien danh tif thich hdp vao cho
Dap an (A)
Phan tich application dng dung (viet tat: app)
Cau trddc cho trong co nghTa la "Samuel convenient lien loi
Jennings da chi gan 300 trieu do la de
mua Satchel, chuOi cCia hang quan ao 102. So sanh song song
gia thap d cac thj tran nho khap khu vuc Phan tich
nong thon Bac My." Sau ch5 trong la y Cum tif "be encouraged to + V" co nghTa
"chda den mot nam da co Iqi nhuan" nen la doge khuyen khich lam gl, Td sau and
dap an la (B) investment (dau tif). phai co td loai tUOng ddOng vdi meet nen
Dap an (B) dap an la (A) resolve.
Dap an (A)
15. Dien cau true so sanh thich hdp labor union cong doan
vao cho trong resolve giai quyet
Phan tich
Co the dung sd hOu each thay cho the 103. Dien dong tif khong gidi han
tru'Oc so sanh nhat. Sau ch6 trong la "in + thich hdp vao cho trong
danh tit ddn" nen phai dung so sanh hdn Phan tich
nhat (B) highest. Sau menh de hoan chinh phai dung dong
Dap an (B) tif nguyen the co to chi muc dfch. VI the,
dap an dimg la (D) to offer.
Dap an (D)

meal voucher phieu an

make it up den bu (thiet hai)

104. Oien dong tif khong gidi han 108. Dien dpng tinh td thich hpp vao
thich hdp vao cho trdng cho trdng
Phan tfch Phan tfch
Oau cau cd chu ngu' gia (It) nen 6 cho Cho trdng la v) trf cua dpng tinh td bd
trong phai diing chu ngu( that (B) to attend. nghTa cho danh td (parking area). Danh
Dap an (B) td va dpng tinh td cd quan he bj dpng nen

mandatory bat bupc, nghfa vu dap an la (B) designated,

Dap an (B)
105. Dien thdc gia dinh thich hpp vao vehicle phddng tien
cho trong designated chl dinh
Phan tfch tow keo di
Oau cau co qua khd hoan thanh gia djnh
(Had they trained) da gian Iddc if nen dap 109. Dien dpng td khong gidi han
an dung la (B) could have opened. thich hpp vao cho trdng
Dap an (B) Phan tfch
on schedule dung Ijch trinh Include di cung V-ing.
Dap an (D)
106. Cau true dao ngO include bao gom
Phan tfch temporary tarn thdi
Menh de "only + (cum/menh de) trang td" across xuydn sudt
bj dao ngd. Oau cau co "Only after we
read the machine's operational manual" 110. Cau true song song
nen bi dSo ngO thanh "have + chii ngO + Phan tfch
p.p." Vi the, dap an la (A) have. Trddc cho trdng cd lien td ket hpp (and)
Dap an (A) nen day la cau true song song, Bussiness
partners la danh td chl ngddi nen trddc
107. Dien dpng td khong gidi han and cung phai la danh td chl ngddi.
thich hpp vao cho trong Dap an (C)
Phan tfch inspire truyen cam hdng
Cho trdng la v) trf cua chu ngd, dong td integrate A into B ket hpp A vao B
chinh la helps nen cho trdng phlii la danh core business hoat dpng kinh
dpng td. doanh trong tarn
Dap an (C)
free trial dung thd mien phi 111. Cau true song song
latest mdi nhat Phan tfch
Trddc chd trdng cd lien td ket hpp (and),
nen td can dung phai taong dddng vdi
danh td (safety).
Dap an (B)

make a contract with ky hop dong vdi song song, trade and la working with the
ensure bao dam staff nen sau do phcii la tit tUdng dUdng
vdi working.
112. Oien dong ttf khong gidi han
Dap an (D)
thich hdp vao cho trdng
Phan tich
Can dong td nguyen the co to de dien dat 116. Caiu true dao ngu
Phan tich
nghla "de lam gi". Vi the, dap an la (A) To
manage. TrUdng hop Only ya trang tU xuat hien d
dau cau, menh de se bi dao ngQ. Vi phdi
Oap an (A)
dao ngtf thanh "Only lately + have + chCi
advertising division phong quang cao ngd + p.p" nen dap an la (C) trained.
imaginative sang tao Dap an (C)
personnel nhan vien (so nhieu)
113. Cau true dong tinh tuf
Phan tich
117. Dien dong tU khong gidi han
Day la tn/dng hop khong gian litdc lien ti/
thich hdp vao cho trdng
ma van dung trade cau true dong tinh ti/.
Phan tich
Lien tif chi thdi gian thadng di cung "-ing
Dong td nguyen the co to va danh dong
+ tan ngO". Co the dung gidi tU nhung
tU cd the lam tan ngQ cho forget Cau
ve nghTa lai khong dung, Vi the, dap an
dien ta nghTa tuong lai "dUng quen lam
dung la (B) When. gi" nen phai dung dong tU nguydn the cd
Dap an (B) to.
obtain nhan duoc Dap an (B)
approval dong y, chap thuan
reference thu gidi thieu
security office phong bao ve
material tai lieu

114. Dien dong tu khong gidi han

118. Dien the thich hdp vao cho trdng
thich hop vao cho trdng
Phan tich
Phan tich
Cau sifa dung cau true "be able to + dong
Danh tU opportun/fy thadng xu^t hien vdi
tU" nen phai dung dong tU nguyen the co
dong tU nguyen the co to. Vi the, dap an
to d chd trdng. Vi khong cd tan ngO nen
la (C) to increase.
dung the bi dong (B) to be delivered.
Dap an (C)
Dap an (B)
closure dong cda
competitor doi thu canh tranh passion nhiettinh
deliver truyen tai
speech dien thuyet
115. Cau true song song
Phan tich
VI xuat hien and nen cau co cau true
119. Dien dpng til khong gioi han 122. Dien dpng td thich hpp vao cho
thich hop vao cho trong trong
Phan tfch Phan tfch
Sau menh de chi'nh khong co lien td nen Ve nghTa, chi co dap an (B) requested
ph&i dung c^u true dpng tinh td. Sau cho (yeu cau) la phu hpp.
trong co tan ngd (assembly line) nen dap Dap an (B)
an la (D) rendering.
Dap an (D)
123. Dien dai tdthich hpp vao cho trong
break out xay ra Phan tfch
render gay nen, dan den Cho trong la vi tri cua dai td thay cho
(tinh huong nao day) danh td dem dddc so it (a package) da
ddpc de cap d cau dau tien nen dap an
120. Dien dpng td khong gidi han la (C) it.
thich hpp vao cho trong Dap an (C)
Phan tfch
Cau sd dung cau true "have a problem
(in) -ing" (gap kho khan khi lam gi). Vi
introduce gidi thieu
the, dap an la (B) accessing.
addition them
Dap an (B)
graduate tot nghiep
specific cu the typical thong thdPng
access tiep c&n, lien quan various da dang
real estate bat dpng sikn
division bp phan
manuscript ban goc, ban viet tay
arrange sap xep
send out gdi di
take a moment danh chut thdi gian
simple don gian
stop by ghe qua
fill out dien vao
destination diem den
124. Dien trang tdquan he thich hpp
pay for thanh toan
vao cho trong
receipt hoa dOn
Phan tfch
take care of xd ly
TrdPc chd trong la td ch? dja diem, sau
reimburse hoan tra
cho trong la menh de hoan chlnh nen
dap an la trang td quan he (D) where.
121. Dien dpng td thich hdp vao ch6
Dap an (D)
Phan tfch
Cho trong la vj trf cua dpng td sau dai td quan 125. Dien dpng td thich hpp vao cho
he lam chu ngd. Trude do co a package la trong
danh td so it nen dap an la (A) needs. Phan tfch
Dap an (A) Sau ch6 trong la td chi thdi gian, ve nghTa

(B) spend (danh [thdi gian]) la Ida chon
phu hdp.
Td loai (Parts of Speech)
Dap an (B)

126. Dien dai tdthich hdp vao ch6 trdng 11 Danh tit (Noun)
Phan tich
Quick Quiz
Cho trd'ng nam trong menh de dieu kien
nen Ida chon phu hdp ta (C) any. 1 | Vj tri cua danh td
Dap an (C)
remark nhan xet, Idi noi

2, Djch
Ban nen than trpng bao ve cac thong tin
ca nhan cua minh.
Dap an (C)

take precautions than trpng, de phong

shield bao ve

3. (D)
laboratory phong thi nghiem
permission sd cho phep

4.1 (C)
face doi mat, dot dien vdi
financial support ung hp tai chinh

4.2. (D)
competitiveness nang luc canh tranh
cost chi phi
weapon vu khf

5. (A)
course khoa hoc
evaluation danh gia

2 | Danh td dem ddpc va danh td

khong dem dupe

unfavorable bat loi

weather conditions dieu kien thdi tiet 5 | Danh tif ghep
behind schedule muon hdn lich trinh
2. (A) due date ngay hit han,
be pleased to vui khi ngay den han
salary li/dng performance appraisal
danh gia hieu qua
3- (D) cong viec
inform thong bao
2. (C)
until further notice cho den khi co thong
job opening cong viec dang tuyln
bao tilp theo
4. (B)
release a statement ra thong bao I,(C) 2.(A) 3.(A) 4.(C) 5.(D)
recall thu hoi 6.(B) 7.(D) 8.(A) 9.(C) 10.(A)
express bay to II.(B) 12.(D) 13.(A) 14.(A) 15.(D)
regret h6i tiec
1. Oien danh ti/thich hop vao cho
3 j Ti'nh tu chi so lu'dng di vdi danh tit trdng
dem di/dc va danh ti/ khong dem dddc Phan ti'ch
Sau an experienced phai la danh tb dem
1(C) dbOc.
2. (B) Dap an (C)
pressure ap Ibc technician kythuatvien
accidentally vo tinh
4. Danh td chi ngddi va danh tif chi sd power cable cap dien
vat (trifu tuOng) safety check kllm tra an loan
technical thuoc ve ky thuat
1. Djch technique ky thuat
Hau het nhOng ngudi phbng van deu da
coi anh ay la rngt bng vien liem nang, vl 2. Dien danh tbthich hop vao cho
the anh ay da dUOc tuyln. trdng
Dap an (B) Phan lich
Sau a highly recommended phai la danh
consider xem la
tb dim dbOc so it.
promising then vong
applicant dng vien Dap an (A)
application viec dng tuyln eye contact giao tilp bang mat
apply dng tuyln highly rat
practice hanh dpng
request yeu cau
the board of directors ban giam doc

3. Oien danh td thich hdp vao cho la danh tif khong dem dddc nen dap an
trong la (B) consent.
Phan tich Dap an (B)
Sau to increase ph&i la tan ngO, nen tir lawyer luat sir
sau cho trong phai tao thanh danh td contract hdp dong
ghep vdi employee. Lda chon phu hdp la grant consent dong y
(A) motivation.
Dap an (A) 7. Dien danh tif thich hop vao cho trong
concierge service dich vu h6 trd Phan tich
errand vlec vSt Sau a two-week phai la danh tir dem
employee dpng Idc cua nhan vien dddc so it, nen dap an la (D) extension.
motivation Dap an (D)
kindly tot bung
4. Dien danh ti/thich hop vao cho grant chap thuan
trong extension sd gia han (thdi gian)
Phan tich strike dinh cong
TO 6 cho trong phai tao thanh danh tif extend gia han
ghep vdi ceramic tile. Lda chon phu hdp
la (C) collection. 8. Dien danh td thich hpp vao cho
Dap an (C) trong
ceramic tile bp sdu tap gach gdm Phan tich
collection Trong menh de if, sau any (bat cd) la
danh td dem difdc so nhieu.
5. Dien danh tit thich hop vao ch6 Dap an (A)
crowded dong due
Phan tich
public transportation phddng tien giao
Sau tinh tir various phai la danh tit so
thong cdng cong
concern lo ISng
Dap an (D)
hotel package gdi khach san 9. Dien danh td thich hpp vao cho trong
include bao gom Phan tich
tropical drinks thdc uong nhiet ddi Sau no phai la danh td nen dap an la
(B) hoac (C), theo nghla cua cau thi td
6. Dien danh td thich hop vao cho obligation phai mang nghTa "nghla vu",
trong tdc la danh td trdu tddng khong dem
Phan tich dddc. Vi vay, Ida chon phu hpp la (C)
Sau dpng tir grant (chap thuan) can tan obligation.
ngO la danh tir. Danh tir consent (dong y) Dap an (C)

obligation nghTa vu 13. Dien danh tit thich hop vao cho
royalty tien ban quyen trong
in compliance with tuan thu Phan tfch
licensing terms dieu kho&n sCf dung Sau an phai la tif co chirc nang danh td.
Dap an (A)
10. Dien danh tu'thich hop vao cho
14. Dien tit loai thich hop vao cho trong
Phan ti'ch
Phan tfch
building permit; giay phep xay ddng.
Can tinh fit bo nghTa cho danh td
Dap an (A)
(teaching and publishing records) sau
cho trong nen dap an la (A) excellent.
11. Dien tinh tit thich hop vao cho trong
Phan ti'ch Dap an (A)

every two days; hai ngay mot Ian.

15. Dien td loai thich hop vao cho trong
Dap an (B)
Phan tfch
apply boi Day la cau hoi ve cau true dao bo ngd
moisturize dddng am hiem khi xuat hien trong Toeic. Trong cau
nay, cau true gdc la ''find + tan ngd + bd
12. Dien danh tit thich hop vao cho ngd tan ngd", khi dao ngd, bd ngd tan
trong ngd dddc chuyen len vi tri cua chu ngd.
Phan ti'ch Bo ngd phd hdp cua tan ngd (CV) trong
advance in: tien bp trong. cau nay la (D) Attached.
Dap an (D) Dap an (D)
thanks to nhd
12 Dai tit (Pronoun)
13-15. Quick Quiz
1 | Cac dang cua dai tit nhan xitng
recently gan day
professor giao sd 1(A)
department bp mon intention y dinh
be interested in co hdng thii vdi establish a joint thanh lap lien doanh
archaeology khao co hoc venture
currently hien tai the specifics thong tin chi tiet
tenured bien che
2. (B)
administrative hanh chinh
charity td chdc td thien
donor ngddi quyen gop,
nha hao tarn

3- (C) 3- (B)
catering service dich vu tiec mifng be located dat 6
rival company cong ty doi thu
4. (A)
consider can nhac
2 | Dai tit phan than

1.(0) 51 Phan biet dai td bat djnh some/any,

in deficit tham hut no/none, most/atmost
as a result of la ket qu^ cua
1 (A)
economic slump suy thoai kinh te allow cho phep
2. (D) main office van phong chinh
advertising campaign chien dich quSng identification card the can cifdc
cao 2. (A)
none khdng (mot ai, cai gi)
3. (D) be left con lai
complete hoan thanh
significant quan trpng 3- (D)
charge tfnh phi
successfully mot each thanh cong
admission vao ctfa

3 | Dai td chi djnh

6. Sdtddng hop ve so IdOng gida
1- (A) danh td va dai td
at least it nhat (A)
similar tdo'ng dUdng mend sua
pick something up lay thif gi
2. (A)
at somebody's luc tien
assist giup d6
launch bat dau, khdi dau
4 j Phan biet dai t(r bat dmh one, other, 1 (B) 2.(B) 3.(D) 4.(A) 5.(C)
another. 6.(0) 7,(B) 8.(A) 9.(8) 10.(8)
11.(A) 12.(C) 13.(C) 14.(A) 15.(8)
overseas mfdc ngoai
overcome khac phuc, vUdt qua 1. Dien tinh td sd hdu thich hop vao
cultural difference khac biet van hoa cho trong
Phan ti'ch
2. (0) Triidc apologies phai la tinh Id nen Ida
recently gan day chon phd hop la tinh td sd hdu (8) our.
join tham gia
Dap an (B)
meet the demand dap ung nhu cau
complaint phan nan
review xem xet

deal with xif ly baby carrier dju (gid tre em len Idng)
accept an apology chap nhan I6i xin loi gain popularity trd nen pho bien

2. Dien danh tit thich hdp vao cho trong 6. Bien dai tdthich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Sau a number of phai la danh td so nhieu Khi chu ngd va tan ngd dong nhat thi
nen dap an la (B) factors. phSi dung dai td phan than, dap an la (D)
Bap an (B) themselves.
Bap an (B)
factor nhan to
debt crisis khung hoang tai chi'nh encourage khuyen khich
drag down keo xuong present tham gia
exporter doanh nghiep xuat khau raise money gay quy
victim nan nhan
3. Dien tinh tdthich hdp vao cho trong recent gan day
Phan tich
Sau cho trong co danh td so nhieu 7. Bien dai td thich hdp vao cho trong
(facilities) nen Ida chpn phu hdp la (D) Phan tich
other. Trddc "own + danh td" phai la tmh Id sd
hdu nen dap an la (B) his.
Bap an (D)
Bap an (B)
facility thiet bj
set dat ra
safety inspection kiem tra an loan
force bupc
researcher nghien cdu vien
4. Bien danh tdthich hdp vao cho
8. Bien dai tdthich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich
Phan tich
We nghfa, Ida chpn phu hop la advice (Idi
Trddng hop nhac lai danh td da de cap,
phai dung that hoac those. VI danh td
Bap an (A) nhac lai d dang s6 nhieu (the spending
timely dung !uc patterns) nen dap an la (A) those.
attract thu hut Bap an (A)
foreign investment dau tu nddc ngoai
spending pattern thdi quen mua sam
completely hoan toan
5. Bien danh td thich hdp vao ch6 trong
Phan tich
9. Bien danh tdthich hdp vao cho
Sau dpng td (are gaining) la tan ngd nen
dap an ph^i la danh td (C) popularity.
Phan tich
Bap an (C) Tuy nguyen tac la tinh td phai ddng
trade danh td, nhdng khi bd nghTa cho

something thl phai diing sau. Vl the cho be impressed with an tuong vdi
trong la tinh tf/ (B) casual. enlarge md rang
Oap an (B)
casual gian d|
run thifc hien
be a far cry from khac xa vdi
organic hQu co
casuals bo thddng phuc
free mien phi
casualty ngbdichetvabithifong
brief ngan gon
summary torn tat
10. Dien tinh tif so Itfdng thich hdp
discuss thao luan
vao cho trong
finding ket qua dieu tra
Phan tich
agenda chUOng trinh thao luan
Sau ch6 trong co danh tit so it (proposal)
nen khong the dimg both va few, ever la
13. Dien danh tif thich hop vao cho
trang til nen khong phii hdp- Vi vay, dap
an la (B) any.
Phan tich
Dap an (B) Ve nghTa, tif phii hop phai tao thanh
proposal de xuat danh tif ghep mang nghTa "khach hang
improve ciii thien tiem nang". Vi the, dap an la (C) Potential
relationship moi quan he (tiem nang).
Dap an (C)
11. Dien dai tii thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich
Ch6 trong phai la tan ngd cua reimburse, 14. Dien dong tif thich hdp vao cho
sau cho trong la cum bo ngO tan ngif, trong
nen day la menh de phu tinh tif gian ludc. Phan tich
Ask thifdng xuat hien theo cau true "ask +
Dap an phii hop la (A) those.
tan ngO + dong tif nguyen the co to", the
Dap an (A) bi dong la "be asked + dong tif nguyen
accounting phong ke toan the co fo". VI the, dap an la (A) were also
department asked.
receipt hoa ddn Dap an (A)
reimburse hoan tra
expense chi phi
15. Dien trang tif thich hop vao cho trong
Phan tich
12. Dien dai tif thich hop vao cho trong
Tif 6 ch6 trong phai bo nghTa cho dong tif
Phan tich
discuss. LUa chon phii hop la (B) further.
Sau dong tif nguyen the co to can tan
ngO. LUa chpn duy nhat phii hop la (C) Dap an (B)
ours thay cho our house.
Dap an (C)

thanks to nhd co
13 Tinhti/
4 | Cac tinh tit can phan biet
Quick Quiz
1 | V| tri cua tinh tu 1- (B)
impressive an tuong
1.(B) stylish thdi trang, ca tinh
diverse da dang
tourist attraction dja diem du lich 2.{B)
magnificent hiing vT need nhu cau
scenery phong canh content noi dung
2. (D)
maintain duy tri 1(C) 2.(D) 3.{D) 4.{B) 5.(D)
influence anh htfdng 6.(A) 7.(A) 8.(B) 9.{C) 10.(C)
11 ,(D) 12.(D) 13.(A) 14.{B) 15.(D)
2 | Tinh til chi so liiOng
1. Dien tinh tif vao cho trong
1- (C) Phan ti'ch
senior member thanh vien cap cao Sau dpng tif be la tinh tif nen ph§i diing
domestic market thi trifdng trong nUdc (C) likely. It is likely that.,.: co khci nSng
2- (B)
Dap an (C)
satisfy lam hai long
client khach hang tolerate chju difng, tha thif
inconvenience battien
3. (B) satisfaction hai long
according to theo
repeat customer khach quen 2. Dien tinh tit vao cho trong
dozens of hang chuc Phan tfch
Cho trong sau are extremely phlii la tinh
tif (D) popular.
3 | Gidi tit fo va dong tit nguyen the co Dap an (D)
to di bi nham lln
released ditdc ra mat
1-1. (A) carry chufa, mang
beneficial co loi extremely rat

1-2. (D) 3. Dien tinh tif vao cho trong

leakage ro ri Phan tfch
be subject to phai chju Sau was va bo nghTa cho danh tif change
2. (C) phai la tinh tif.
target muc tieu Dap an (D)

policy chmh sach subsequent events sd kien tiep theo
extension keo dai subsequent tiep theo
maternity leave nghi thai s4n subsequently sau do
subsequence dieu xay ra sau
4. Dien ti'nh tit vao cho trong subsequent to sau
Phan tich
be fully aware of: nhan thiifc sau sac. 8. Dien dai td thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich
Dap an (B)
Khi chu ngd va tan ngd dong nhat dung
be fully aware of nhan thdc sau sac dai td phan than d vi tri cua tan ngd. Trong
efficient hieu qua cau nay, dai td phan than dong nhat vdi
little ft, hau nhu khong chu ngd (smart phone users) nen dap an
doubtful nghi ngd dung la (B) themselves.
eligible thich hap
Dap an (B)
5. Dien dai tit thich hop vao cho trong communicate giao tiep
Phan tich
Trifdc cho trong la menh de hoan chlnh 9. Dien tinh td vao cho trong
nen chi co li/a chon (D) himself la phii hdp, Phan tich
de nhan manh chu the hanh dong. Co danh td (information) nen dap an phai
Dap an (D) la tinh td. Ve nghTa, Ida chon phu hdp la
supervisor quan ly, quan doc (C) sensitive (nhay cam).
furniture do dac, ngi that Dap an (C)
staff nhan vien
ensure dam bao
delivery van chuyen
sensitive thong tin nhay cam
6. Dien ti'nh tif vao ch6 trong information
Phan tich sense cam giac
Sau is phai la tinh ti/. sensible cd the hieu dddc,
nhan thdc dddc
Dap an (A)
examine kilm tra
10. Dien danh td thich hop vao ch6
cause nguyen nhan
complete hoan thanh
Phan tich
completion sd hoan thanh
Trddc of phai dung danh td, ve nghTa, td
7. Dien tinh tu' vao cho trong phu hop la danh td dem dddc benefit (Uu
Phan tich dai). Trddc chd trong khdng cd mao td
Sau ch5 trong co danh td (event) nen khong xac dinh (a) nen dap an la danh td
phai dung tinh td (A) subsequent. so nhieu (C) benefits.
Subsequent to co the dung nhu gidi td. Dap an (C)
Dap an (A)

free admission vao cifa mien phf nhdng trddc do lai co mao td a, Ida chon
amusement park cong vien giai tri phu hdp la (A) few.
benefits ifu dai a few: mot vai
Dap an (A)
11. Oien tinh tit vao ctio trong
Phan tfch 14. Dien tinh tdthich hdp vao cho trong
Ve nghfa, Iga chpn phu hdp la (D) Phan tfch
accessible (co the ti6p can). Ve nghTa, Ida chon phu hdp la (B) empty
Oap an (D) (trong rong).
virtual ho Dap an (B)
accessible co the tiep can
emphatic manh me, dift khoat 15. Dien cau true so sanh thich hdp
grateful biet dn vao cho trong
eage nong long Phan tfch
Trddc cho trong cd more nen dap an la
12. Dien danh tCf vao cho trong (D) than.
Phan tfch
Dap an (D)
attendance record; thong ke iddt tham
dd. 14 Trang ttf (Adverb)
Dap an (D)
Quick Quiz
set lap
attend tham dd 1 | Vj tri cua trang td

13-15. operate khdi dong

fuel xang dau directions hddng dan, each sd dung
continue tiep tuc carefully mot each can than
rise tang care can than
amount Iddng, so lien careless khong can than
allot phan phoi
1-2. (C)
helpful co fch, hdu ich
decline td chdi
avoid tranh
inadequate khong du
unexpected bat ngd
respectfully tran tmng
overweight qua can
choose Ida chon 2-1.(0)
be made of dddc lam td unbearably khong the chju noi
material chat lieu air conditioner dieu hoa nhiet do
soar tang nhanh
13. Dien tinh ti/thich hdp vao cho trong 2-2.(B)
Phan tfch supply cung cap
Sau ch6 trong co danh td so nhieu (tips), raw material nnuven vat lieu

entirely hoan loan special offer product san pham khuyen
dependent phu thupc mai dac biet
import nhap khau
71 Trang tit va trang tif phu dinh ddng
2 | Trang tQ co cung td goc truoc so
Dap an {D)
attract thu hut
handheld may tinh cam tay
computer 2. (D)
prove chifng minh, cho biet Mini-test
highly rat
I.{D) 2,(B) 3.{A) 4.{B) 5.(A)
6.(B) 7.(D) 8.(C) 9.(B) 10.(A)
3 | Trang tC/dac biet
II.(C) 12,(D) 13.(C) 14,(D) 15.(A)
1- (D)
make sense of hieu 1. Dien trang tif thich hdp vao cho trdng
supplier nha cung cap Phan tfch
TrUdc so phai dung trang td (D) nearly
2- (D)
3 (D) Dap an (D)
4. (D) project leader trddng du an
conference call cupc hop qua dien thoai
highly rat
4 | Trang tif lien ket shortly sap
Dap an (A) previously trudc
rent thue
2. Dien trang td thich hdp vao cho trong
5 | Trang tCf nhan manh Phan tfch
Drive la npi dpng Id, phai dung trang Id
1(B) (B) cautiously.
shortly after ngay sau khi
Dap an (B)
ticket office van phong ban ve
driver's license giay phep lai xe
2- (C) cautious can than
laptop computer may tinh xach tay cautiously mot each can than
design thi^t ke
specifically dac biet 3. Dien trang td thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tfch
6 | Trang tif mdc dp so, such Gida are va tinh td /ate phai la trang td.
Dap an (D) Dap an (A)

penalty point diem phat considerable dang ke
consistently lien tuc get through vddt qua
consistence d6 d§c considerably mot each dang ke
consistent nhat quan consideration sd chu dao
consistency tinh nhat quan considerate chu dao

4. Oien trang titthich hop vao cho trong 7. Dien trang tdthich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tfch Phan tfch
Trddc ch6 trong la menh de hoan chinh Trang td nhan manh thdOng ddng trddc
(they will open the store), nen Ida chpn va nhan manh cho nhdng td loai nhd tinh
phu hdp la (B) officially. td, gidi td, lien td, menh de. Sau ch5 trong
Dap an (B) co tinh td (important) nen dap an co the
la trang Id nhan manh du tien. Ve nghTa,
advertising leaflet td rol quang cao
Ida chon phd hop la (D) particularly.
officially mot each chinh thdc
official chinh thdc Dap an (□)
dress shoes giay da
5. Dien trang tdthich hdp vao chd trong particularly dac biet
Phan tfch persuasively co tinh thuyet phuc
Ve nghTa, Ida chpn phd hop la (A) primarily. separately rieng biet
Dap an (A) promptly ngay lap tdc
figure sd lieu
8. Dien trang tdthich hdp vao chd trong
be based on dda tren, can cd vao
Phan tfch
primarily chu yeu
Dong td (proceed) trddc chd trong la npi
obtain nhan ddpc
dpng td, nen Ida chpn phu hdp la trang td
consumer sd yeu thich cua
(C) slowly.
preference ngdOi tieu ddng
formerly trddc do Dap an (C)
allegedly ddpc cho la negotiation dam phan
radically nhanh chdng proceed tien hanh
possibility kha nang
6. Dien tinh tdthich hop vao chd trong
Phan tfch 9. Dien dai td thich hop vao chd trong
Can tinh td co the bo nghTa cho danh td Phan tfch
(effect) sau ch6 trong. Ve nghTa, Ida chon Trade dai td quan hp who ph^i la td
phu hop la (B) considerable. Considerate chi ngddi nen Ida chpn phu hop la (B)
co nghTa la "chu dao" nen khong phu hop. anyone.
Dap an (B) Dap an (B)
have an co anh hddng tOi involve tham gia, lien quan
effect on safety an toan

10. Dien trang 10 thich hdp vao cho trong repair sda chda
Phan tfch show up xuat hien
Vi la cau khang dinh d thi hien tai hoan residence ndi 6
thanh nen dung (A) already. Vefchi dung increasingly ngay cang tang
d cau phu dinh, nghi van. necessary can thiet
installation lap dat
Dap an (A)
crew nhan vien
SNS (Social mang xa h6i
Networking Services)
13. Dien danh td thich hop vao cho
widespread Ian rgng
colleague dong nghiep
Phan tfch
in regards to; lien quan den
11. Dien trang td thich hop vao ch6 trong
Dap an (C)
Phan tich
unless otherwise noted: trd khi co idu y
14. Phan biet gidi td va lien td roi dien
vao cho trong
Dap an (C)
Phan tfch
automatically tu dpng Sau cho trong la danh dong td (reporting)
rental car xe thue nen khong the dung cac lien td cau
further hdn unless, though, because.
Dap an (D)
12. Dien danh td thich hop vao cho
trong 15. Dien dpng td thich hpp vao cho
Phan tfch trong
Sau tfnh td (long-term) phii la danh td. Phan tfch
Trddc tinh td khong co mao td khong xac Sau khi nhieu khach hang thong bao
dinh (a) nen dap an la danh td sd vat rang hp phai chd hon mot tuan tndi co
khong dem dddc (D) employment, ngddi sda chda, thl de nghi phu hdp la
Dap an (D) them ngddi (md rpng nhom) nen dap an
prefer da thich la (A) expanding.
long-term cong viec lau dai Dap an (A)
stable on dinh
15 Gidi td (Preposition)
employ tuyen dung
employee nhan vien Quick Quiz
1 | at, on
discuss thao luan MA)
lien quan den party ben (kien cao, hop dong)
in regards to
contract hpp dong

2. (C) 3-2. (C)
originally ban dau, von business partner doi tac kinh doanh
scheduled len lich
41 under, between, among
2 1 for, during, through, throughout,
1 ■ (A)
landlord chu nha
1.(D) seep (nude) ro rf
announce cong bo
job evaluation danh gia cong viec
soft drink nddc ngot
2.(D) two-horse race cupc dua chi hai doi thu
inspect kiem tra
by hand bang tay 51 Gidi tif chi ly do, nhifdng bp

3. (A) 1(B)
overcome vddt qua recall thu hoi
similar tddng tu due to do
previous tri/dc faulty loi

4. (B) 2- (B)
male nam
allow cho phep 6 | Cum gidi tif gom 2 tuf trd len
shorts quan dui
Dap an (A)
electricity dien

5. (A) bargain do re
key chia khoa in response to phan dng lai

31 since, from, by, until 7 | Cum td thddng gap

1.(C) 1.(D)
prepare chuan bj register for dang ky
outlet cifa hang submit nop
required diroc yeu cau
2. (C)
public relations quan h§ cong chung 2- (C)
congratulate A on B
3-1. (B)
chuc mdng A ve B
submit nop, dda
promotion thang chdc
device thiet bj
trade in doi 3. (B)
expect ky vong
dividend cd phan

4. (D) emerging market thi tradng mdi ndi
proposal de xuat now that bdi vi
comment y kien sovereign debt khung hoang no cdng
at one's khi tien, khi co thdi gian crisis
4. Dien gidi td thich hdp vao cho trong
Mini-test Phan tich
Trddc thdi diem chinh xac (5:30 P.M)
I.(B) 2.(B) 3.(A) 4,(B) 5,(D)
cd the dung ca at, by, until nhdng do cd
6.(A) 7,(C) 8.{D) 9.(A) 10(B)
dong td ham y hoan thanh (submit) nen
II.(C) 12.(D) 13.(D) 14.(B) 15.(A)
phai dung (B) by.
Dap an (B)
1. Oien gi6i tit thich hdp vao ch6 trong
Phan tich participate in tham gia vao
Trade thd va ngay phai diing gidi td on. registration forms ddn dang ky

Dap an (B)
5. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong
managerial quan ly Phan tich
technique ky nang Gida be va dong td found ph^i la (rang td
n§n dap an la (D) easily.
2. Dien gidi tit thich hop vao ch6 trong
Dap an (D)
Phan tich
foreign nddc ngoai
Dung gidi td within trddc khoang each,
chef dau bep (bep trddng)
pham vi, gidi han. Ve nghia, gidi td phu
hop nhat vdi "pham vi ngan sach" la location dia diem
6. Dien gidi td thich hdp vao cho trong
Dap an (B)
Phan tich
expenditure chi tieu
Ve nghTa, Ida chon phu hop la (A) by.
R&D (research anddevelopment)
nghien cdu va phat trien Dap an (A)
within (the limit of) the budget introduce dng dung
trong (gidi han) ngan sach management quan ly

3. Phan biet gidi td va lien td roi dien 7. Dien tinh td thich hdp vao cho trong
vao cho trong Phan tich
Phan tich improper transaction: giao djch khdng
Ve nghia, Ida chpn phu hop la (A) hoac phu hop
(C). Sau chd trong cd menh de (advanced Dap an (C)
markets are facing) nen (C) sai. assistance giup dd
Dap an (A) improper khdng phu hdp

transaction giao djch 12. Dien dai td thich hdp vao cho trong
dedicated het minh Phan tich
manageable co the quan ly Chu ngu' (Liz) va tan ngQ cua dpng tif
(planted) dong nhat nen phai dung dai td
8. Dien gidi tu thfch hdp vao cho trong phan than (D) herself.
Phan tfch Dap an (D)
Ve nghia, lua chon phu hdp la (D) instead of.
achieve dat dddc
Dap an (D) tim dupe cho diing
remodel cai tao, sfra chCfa
except ngoai trCf 13-15.
unless neu khong, trd khi provide cung cap
instead of thay vi product san pham
purchase mua
9. Dien gidi t£f thich hdp vao cho trong
retailer cila hang ban le
Phan tich
recognize cong nhan
Vi du ve cac s^n pham khuyen mai sau
available co the sU dung
cho trong dddc Net ke bang (A) such as
party ben
hotline dudng day nong
Dap an (A)
solve giai quyet
shower dda cho (nhieu thif) via thong qua
so as de lam gi
in spite of mac dii
13. Dien trang tUthich hdp vao cho trong
across from phia ben kia
Phan tich
Ve nghTa, trang tU phu hop nhat la (D)
10. Dien gidi td thich hdp vao chd trong
officially (chi'nh IhUc [cong nhan]).
Phan tfch
Dap an (D)
have a good reputation for: co danh
tieng ve.
14. Dien dai tU thich hdp vao cho trong
Dap an (B)
Phan tich
unique doc dao
Sau cho trong co who nen phai diing
fashionable thdi trang
dai tU chl ngudt. Dpng tU chia d so nhieu
(have) nen dap an la (B) those.
11. Dien dpng tu thich hdp vao cho
trong Dap an (B)
Phan tich
refrain from: tranh. 15. Dien gidi tU thich hop vao chd trong
Dap an (C) Phan tich
Sau chd trong co quang thdi gian (three
refrain from tranh
years) nen phai dung gidi tU chi thdi gian.
staff lounge phong nght nhan vien

Ve nghTa, Iga chgn phu hdp la {A) within request yeu cau
(trong vong). building site khu dat xay ddng
Dap an (A) radius ban kinh

Half Test 03
105. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong
101.(B) 102,(D) 103,(D) 104.(B) 105(8) Phan tich
106.(C) 107.(D) 108.(A) 109.(C) 110.{D) Statistics va information dddc ket noi
111,(C) 112.(C) 113.(B) 114.(B) 115,(C) bang as well as, phai dung tinh td co the
116.(A) 117.(A) 118.(0) 119.(B) 120. (A)
bo nghTa cho danh td information nen
121.(0) 122.(A) 123.(B) 124.(A) 125.(C)
126,(A) dap an ia (B) additional.
Dap an (B)
101. Dien danh ttf thich hdp vao cho
statistics so lieu thong ke
as well as cung nhu
Phan tich addict ngudi nghien
renew subscription: gia han dang ky. addition ngoai ra
additionally them vao do
Dap an (B)
discount giam gia
106. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tich
102. Dien dai td thi'ch hdp vao cho trong
Sau tinh td (immediate) phai dung danh
Phan tich
td nen dap an la (C) attention.
Ve nghia. tinh ti( s6 hOu phu hdp la (D) our.
Dap an (C)
Dap an (D)
immediate chu y ngay
ASAP cang sdm cang tot attention
(= as soon as possible) reach lien he
(dac biet qua dien thoai)
103. Dien tinh Id thi'ch hdp vao cho trong attend tham dU
Phan tich attentive Idu tarn
A wide range: pham vi rong, da dang. attention chu y
attentively mot each can than
Dap an (D)
post dang len
107. Dien gidi tdthich hdp vao cho
rare hiem
auction dau gia
Phan tich
Trddc thdi gian xac djnh (2:00 chieu), Ida
104. Dien gidi tdthich hdp vaochotrdng
chon phu hop la (D) at.
Phan tich
Dap an (D)
Sau cho trong co pham vi "ban kfnh
30km td trung tarn thanh ph6'" nen phai performance buoi bieu dien
dung gidi td (B) within (trong vong). range from A dao dqng td A den B
to B
Dap an (B)

108. Dien dai tu thich hop vao cho trong prompter ngddi nhSc Idi thoai
Phan ti'ch
Trong so 4 ngifdi xac djnh, 3 ngrfdi dUdc 112. Dien danh td thich hdp vao cho
phan den phong kinh doanh, mot ngudi trong
con lai ddn phong ke toan. TO chi ngddi Phan tich
con lai do phdi la (A) the other. Sau ngoai dpng td la vj tri cua tan ngQ
Dap an (A) nen phai dung danh td. Difference la
danh td dem dddc, khong co mao td
be assigned to dddc phan den
khong xac djnh (a) n§n dap an la (C)
each other Ian nhau
Dap an (D)
109. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tfch concern quan tarn
Sau complaints la menh de phu tinh td the disadvantaged nhdng ngddi
bo nghTa cho no. Menh de nay da bi rut gap kho khan
gon, va vi dien dat moi quan he chu dpng make differences differ tao sU khac
nen dap an la (C) regarding. biet khac
Dap an (C)
113. Dien gidi td thich hdp vao cho trong
primary duty nhiem vu chinh
Phan tich
deal with xd If
Gidi td as ddng triidc dja vj, td each, vdi
regardless khong lien quan
nghTa "nhu la".
Dap an (B)
110. Dien tinh td thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tfch take part in tham gia
Id co the dung vdi danh td so it sau cho 114. Dien dai td thich hdp vao cho trong
trong chi co the la (D) every. Phan tich
Dap an (D) Ch6 trong la vj tri tan ngd cua help, dap
be in charge of co nhiem vu an la them hoac themselves Chu ngd
cCia menh de quan he la a chance, tan
111. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho ngd cua help va chu ngd khong dong
trong nhat. VI the, dap an la (B)them.
Phan tich Dap an (B)
Phai dung trang td bo nghTa cho noi dpng joint development phat trien lien ket
td (answer) sau cho trong nen dap an la raise gia tang
(C) promptly. competitiveness nang Idc canh tranh
Dap an (C)
urgent gap 115. Phan biet gidi td va lien td roi
prompt ngay lap tdc dien vao ch6 trong
promptness sd mau le, nhanh chong Phan tich
promptly ngay lap tdc Lien td (though) va gidi td (despite) co

cung y nghia nen phai chpn mot trong 119. Dien trang tb thich hop vao cho
hai. Sau ch6 trong co tan ngO (their high trong
prices) nen dap an la gicfi td (despite). Phan tfch
Oap an (C) have yet to do something: van chba lam gi.

be willing to s§n sang Dap an (B)

brand-name items san pham co financial setback suy thoai tai chinh
thifdng hieu
high price gia cao 120. Dien danh tb thich hop vao ch6
116. Dien gioi tu thich hop vao cho trong Phan tfch
Phan tfch Ve nghTa, Ida chon phu hop la (A) survey.

Ve nghTa, lUa chon phu hdp la (A) up to. Dap an (A)

Oap an (A) organization cd quan, to chbc

baby bottle binh sba
parking lot bai gut xe
advice Idi khuyen
up to den (toi da)
planning ke hoach
vehicle phbdng tien

117. Dien tit loai thich hop vao cho trong
welcome chao mbng
Phan tich
reference ngbdi de cb
Tb 6 ch6 trong la bd ngfl cua become,
contact lien lac
nen dap an la tmh tb (A) manageable. magnificent tuyet vdi
Dap an (A) wise sang sudt
workload khdi li/dng cong viec decision quyet djnh
manageable cb the quan ly get along hoa hdp
efficient hieu qua face to face doi dien trbc tiep

118. Dien trang tb thich hdp vao ch6 trong 121. Dien dpng tb thich hdp vao cho
Phan tfch trong
Trang tb phu hop di cung lien tb chi ly do Phan tfch
(because) la (D) primarily dung. Ve nghTa, Ida chon phu hdp la (D)
confirmed. Confide: tiet lo bi mat,
Dap an (D)
complete: hoan thanh, idealize: ly
downgrade ha thap
tdbng hda.
credit rating mbc tin dung
Dap an (D)
debt nd
recently gan day
closely gan. 122. Dien lien tb thich hop vao cho trong
Phan tfch
Sau cho trong cd thi hien tai (start) va thi

tuctng lai (will) nen dap an la lien td thdi
gian (A) When. CHAPTER 05
Lien td va menh de
Dap an (A)
(Conjunctions and Clauses)
123. Dien gi6i tif thich hdp vao cho trdng
Phan tich
Dang sau ch6 trdng co khoang thdi gian 16 Lien td ket hdp va lign td
(several years), thl cua dpng td la hien tai tddng quan
hoan thanh (has been) nen dap an la gidi
td thdi gian (B) for. Quick Quiz
Dap an (B) 1 ( Lien td ket hop
124-126. MB)
understanding hleu attractive hap dan
invoice hda ddn pleasant thocli mai
payment thanh toan
late mupn 2. (B)
reorganize tai co cau competent co nang Idc
period khoang thdi gian trust tin tddng
sincere chan thanh
delay tri hoan 2 | Lien td tddng quan
Dap an (D)
124. Dien tinh td thich hpp vao cho trdng
Phan tich rotation iuan phien
outstanding invoice: hda ddn chda thanh either A or B A hoac B
toan. Dap an (A) Mini-test

125. Dien lien td thich hdp vao cho trdng 1 ■(□) 2.(C) 3.{B) 4.(D) 5.(B)
6.(A) 7.(A) 8.(B) 9.(D) 10.(B)
Phan tich
11.(C) 12.(A) 13.(D) 14.(C) 15.(A)
Sau chd trdng co menh de (we can) nen
chd trdng la vj tri cua lien td.
Dap an (C) 1. Dien lien td tddng quan thich hdp
vao chd trdng
Phan tich
126. Dien danh td thich hdp vao cho trdng
To enhance cooperation va to creat
Phan tich
more jobs co moi quan he tddng quar
Ve nghia Ida chpn phu hdp la (A)
Bap an la lien td tddng quan (D) as we
apologies (Idi xin loi).
Dap an (A)
Dap an (D)
joint chung, hdp tac
be expected to dddc ky vpng

enhance nang cao subway station ga tau
cooperation hop tac nearby Ian can
as welt as cung nhi/ property value gia trj bat dpng san

2. Oien lien tifthich hop vao cho trong 6. Dien lien tP thich hpp vao ch6 trong
Phan tfch Phan tfch
Chi co lien ttr (C ) Although mcii co the Vi co not only, nen day la cau true not
dung dau menh de phu cua cau. only... but also. Co the gian li/pc also nen
Dap an (C) Ida chon phu hpp la (A) but.
Dap an (A)
rapidly nhanh chong
market share co phan thi trUdng balanced can bang
regular exercise luyen tap thUdng xuyen
3. Dien lien tit thich hdp vao cho trong
Phan tfch 7. Dien lien ttr thich hpp vao cho trong
neither A nor B: khong A cung khong B Phan tfch
Dap an (B) Selected va sent la hai hanh dpng tiep
noi, vi the dap an la (A) and.
regret rat tiec
Dap an (A)
inform thong bao
twin-bedded room phong co hai giuOng don personnel trdPng phong nhan sp
single bed phong co mot giudng dOn director
candidate Cfng vien
double-bedded phong co mot giodng doi
therefore vi the
available con trong 8. Dien hinh thai thich hpp cua dpng
tit vao cho trong
4. Dien lien tif thich hop vao cho trong Phan tfch
Phan tfch Sau and phai la cum td tuong dUOng
Meet vk discuss tUOng dUOng nen Ida vPi balance its budget nen dap an
chon phu hpp la (D) and. la avoid.
Dap an (D)
Dap an (B)
joint venture hop tac dau td
reduce giam thieu
container hop ddng
unnecessary khong can thiet
furthermore hdn ntfa
expense chi phi
budget ngan sach
5. Dien lien tifthich hpp vao cho trong
close down dong cilia, giii the
Phan tfch
Generally va not always mang y nghfa
9. Dien tif loai thich hpp vao chP trong
doi lap nen phai chon (B) yet.
Phan tfch
Dap an (B) Sau and phai la td tuong dUOng vPi
real estate agent cong ty bat dpng san environmentalists (nha moi trUPng) nen

phai dung danh td chi ngudi (D) residents 13-15.
(ngdcii dan). include bao gom
requirement dieu kien can thiet
Dap an (D)
gathering thu thap
largely rpng rai analysis phan tich
be opposed to phan doi complex phdc tap
residential cd trii/nha 6 {adj) cong nghe
residence nha d
employment viec lam
residing cd tru
dependable dang tin cay
solid cd the tin cay
10. Dien Men ti/thich hdp vao cho trong complete hoan thanh
Phan tich assign giao viec
The sales receipt va some other proof overall toan didn
tddng dddng nen Ida chon phu hdp la or. strongly manh me
Dap an (B) recommend tien cd
full refund hoan trk toan bo
present trinh ra 13. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong
sales receipt hoa ddn mua hang Phan tich
proof chdng cd Gida mao td khong xac djnh (a) va gidi td
(of) la danh td nen dap an la (D) variety.
11. Dien hinh thai thich hdp cua dpng Dap an (D)
td vao cho trong
Phan tich 14. Dien gidi td thich hdp vao cho trong
Sau and phai la cum td tddng duong vdi Phan tich
working with his team member nen Ida Sau ch6 trong co cum danh td chi thdi gian
chpn phu hdp la (C) preparing. xac dinh (the course of his employment)
Dap an (C) nen dap an la (C) During.
team member thanh vien trong nhom Dap an (C)
preparation chuan bj
15. Dien dpng td thich hdp vao cho
12. Dien td loai thich hdp vao cho trong trong
Phan tich Phan tich
Trudc and phai la td tddng dddng vdi Vi co to be (was) va by nen dap an la the
dynamic de bo nghTa cho employees nen bi dong (A) impressed.
dap an la (A) experienced.
Dap an (A)
Dap an (A)
experienced co kinh nghiem
dynamic nang dong
experiential dda tren kinh nghiem

2. (C)
17 M^nh <3e danh tir (Noun Clauses) real estate agent cbng ty bat dong san
area khu vdc
Quick Quiz
1 | Vj trf cua lien tif trong menh de
danh td 5 | Lien tif menh de danh tif - dai tif
quan he duoi -ever
announce thong bao {phat thanh)
brainstorming session
instead of thay vi
buoi hop dba ra y tifdng
2. (B) come into one's head
care about quan tam den nay ra trong dau
contain chda
2. (C)
added them vao
similar tL/dng tU
chemicals chat hba hoc
vision 1am nhin
thereafter sau do
3. (C)
1 (D) 2.(B) 3.(D) 4.(D) 5.(C)
be informed that dUOc thong bao rang
6.(B) 7.(D) 8.{C) 9.(A) 10.(B)
2 | Lien td trong menh de danh tif — 11.(C) 12.(A) 13.(A) 14 (B) 15.(D)
thatva what
1(A) 1. Dien lien tif thich hdp vao cho trong
2. (C) Phan tich
Sau cho trong co m$nh de hoan chinh
31 Lien tif menh de danh tif- whether, if (the staff would not be able to use
computers) nen Ida chpn phu hdp la lien
1- (A) tif (D) that.
director giam doc
accidental tinh cd Dap an (D)
intentional co y systems check kiem tra he thong

2. (B) 2. Dien lien tif thich hdp vao cho trong

attract thu hut Phan tich
sufficient du Trudc va sau cho trong co hai menh d6
capital von hoan chinh (We have to know va Mr.
crucial quan trong Bingham will arrive...) nen Ida chon phu
hop la (B) when.
4 | Lien tif trong menh de danh tif - tif
Dap an (B)
nghi van
pick somebody up don ai do
figure out tim ra

3. Oien tinh tCr quan he duoi -ever transfer chuyen
thich help vao chd trong bulletin board bang tin
Phan tich entrance loi vao
Sau choose phai la tan ngiJ, ma sau cho
trong la co danh td (seat) nen td d ch5 7. Dien lien td thich hdp vao chd trong
trong phai co vai tro nhu tinh td. Lda chon Phan tich
duy nhat phu hdp la (D) whichever. Sau chd trong la menh dd khong
hoan chinh thieu tan ngd cua dpng td
Dap an (D)
reserve dat mua (suggested) nen dap an la (D) what.
online trdc tuyen Dap an (D)
promotional khuyen mai
4. Dien lien tur thich hop vao chd trong giveaway san pham tang
Phan tich approve chap thuan
Sau cho trdng la menh de hoan chinh va
co or, nen cau true sd dung la whether 8. Dien lien td thich hpp vao chd trong
A or B. Phan tich
Dap an (D) Sau chd trong la menh de khdng hoan
make a note ghi lai chinh thieu chu ngd nen dap an la (C)
developer ngiidi phat trien hodc (D). Ve nghfa, chu ngd phai la td chi
sd vat nen dap an la (C) whatever.
5. Dien lien tit tuOng quan thich hop Dap an (C)
vao cho trong be aware that nhan thdc ddpc rang
Phan tich
Ancient va contemporary tddng dddng 9. Cau true song song
va co and, nen cau true sd dung la both Phan tich
A and B. Dang trddc chd trong co lien td kef hpp
Dap an (C) (and) nen day la cau true song song. Td
as far as I know theo nhu tdi biet d chd trong phai tddng ddOng vdi make
contain lifu trij nen Ida chon phu hpp la ddng td submit.
ancient cd dai
Dap an (A)
contemporary hien dai
reimburse nhan lai
6. Dien td nghi van thich hpp vao chd business kinh phi di cong tac
trong expense
Phan tich make a copy lam ban sao
Sau chd trong la menh de khdng hoan receipt hoa don
chinh thieu chu ngQ nen dap an la (B) submission nop
hoac (C). Ve nghTa, chu ngd la ngddi nen
Ida chon phu hop la (B) Who.
Dap an (6)

10. Dien til nghi van ttiich hop vao 13-15.
ch6 trong regret r^t tif;c
Phan tich inform thong bao
Sau cho trong la menh cfe hoan chinh due to do
(they lost their share of the market) nen particular dac biet
dap an la (B) hoac (D). Ve nghTa, Ida limitation giOi han
chpn phii hdp vdi analyze chi co (B) how. backorder ddn hang chda ddpc xd ly
Dap an (B) assure dam bao
be ready to san sang
necessary can thiet
assist giup dO
analyze phan tich
share of the thj phan
13. Chia dong td 6 thi phu hpp
Phan tich
Ve nghia, ddn hang da nhan ddpc nen
11. Dien lien tii thfch hop vao cho trong
cau nay sd dung thi hien tai hoan thanh
Phan tich
(A) have received.
Sau gidi tif (as to) la vi tri tan nguf. Ma
sau ch6 trong la menh de hoim chinh, Dap an (A)
nen dap an la (8) hoac (C), Ve nghla, Ida
chpn phii hop vdi td unsure la whether 14. Dien danh tdthich hpp vao cho trong
(unsure as to whether...: khong chac Phan tich
lieu...) Ve nghia, ddn hang vSn chUa dddc xd ly vi
Dap an (C) kha nang san xuat cd han (manutaturing
expert chuyen gia limitations) va vi mot ly do khac. Lda chpn
unsure khong chac duy nhat phu hdp la popularity. Due to
partial mot phan the popularity of this particular product vi
recovery hoi phuc san pham nay rat ddpc da thich.
quarter quy Dap an (B)

12. Dien lien ttfthich hop vao cho trong

15. Dien trp dong td thich hpp vao cho
Phan tich
Vi tri tfin ngd trdc tiep cua asked phai
Phan tich
la menh de phu danh tif, sau cho trong
Cau tddng lai gia dinh "If + chu ngd +
la danh td ghep chi su vat (vacation
should + dong td nguyen the, please +
package) nen td de hoi phu hop ia (A)
dong td nguyen the" gian Idpc if nen bi
dao vi tri. Vi the, dap an la (D) Should.
Dap an (A)
Dap an (D)
client khach hang
brochure so tay hddng dan
travel agent cong ty du lich

18 M?nh de trang nguf (Adverb
Clauses) I.(B) 2.(D) 3.(A) 4.(C) 5.(A)
6.(C) 7.(A) 8.(A) 9.(D) 10.(B)
Quick Quiz II.(A) 12.(D) 13,(D) 14.(A) 15.(A)
1 | Lien 1C/ chi Ihdi gian, dieu kien
trong menh de trang ngO 1. Dien lien tdthich hdp vao cho trong
Bap an (A) Phan tfch
Sau cho trong cd menh de hoan chinh
article bai bao (she goes) nen (D) sai. Ida chgn phu
highlight to sang hdp ve nghTa la (B) whenever.
review kiem tra Dap an (B)
book dat ve
2 | Lien W chi ly do, sd nhddng bp
airline ticket ve may bay
trong menh de trang ngtf

1.(A) 2. Phan biet lien td va gidi td roi dien

plush sang trong vao cho trong
Phan tfch
2. (A) Sau ch6 trong cd menh de hoan chinh
outlet cda hang tieu thu (you travel) nen Ida chpn phu hdp la (D)
stock dU trO while.
a wide selection of da dang
Dap an (D)
3 | Lien td chi muc dich trong menh de ecotourism du lich sinh thai
trang nguf support ung hp
Dap an (D) local dja phdong
reach an dat dddc th6a thuan preserve bao ton
3. Dien lien tdthich hop vao cho trong
4 | Phan biet lien td va gidi td Phan tfch
Lien td chi muc dich (A) so that thddng
Dap an (C)
xuat hien cung can.
last keo dai
Dap an (A)
nevertheless mac du
keep private giQ' bi mat
5 | Lien td trong menh de trang ngd - avoid tranh
trang tdquan he duoi -ever annoying phien toai
after all cuoi cung
Dap an (C)
competitively du kha nang canh tranh
price gia ca

4. Phan biet lien ti/ va gidi til roi dien hien tai (gets back), menh de chinh la thi
vao cho trong tdOng lai (will) nen Ida chon phu hop la
Phan tich lien td chi thdi gian (A) After.
Sau ch6 trdng co menh de hoan chmh Dap an (A)
(the price of Dubai crude has stabilized)
nen Ida chon phu hop la (C) Though. reschedule sap xep lai Ijch
ongoing dang tien hanh
Dap an (C) negotiation dam phan
crude dau tho whereas ngUOc lai (khi so sanh
stabilize on dinh, lam on dinh hoac dung ddi lap
domestic trong nddc hai sd that)
lower ha thap
8. Dien td loai thich hop vao cho trdng
5. Dien lien tdthich hdp vao cho trong Phan tich
Phan tich Sau and phai la td tdOng duong vdi danh
Sau chd trdng cd menh de hoan chinh. td markets va la tan ngd cua find. Dap an
ve nghTa menh de nay bd nghTa ve thdi la (A) investments.
gian cho menh de chinh, nen Ida chon Dap an (A)
phu hop la (A) once.
various da dang
Dap an (A) investment dau td
newly mdi consistently khdng ngdng
recruit tuyen dung competitive canh tranh
thereafter sau do globalize toan cau hda

6. Phan biet lien td va gidi td roi dien 9. Dien lien tdthich hop vao cho trdng
vao cho trdng Phan tich
Phan tich whether or not: cd hay khdng iam gl
Sau cho trdng cd menh de (the value of Dap an (D)
Australia's currency has risen) nen td d shareholder cd dong
chd trdng phai cd chdc nang nhd lien td. hand over nhdong lai
Lda chon phu hop la (C) before.
Dap an (C) 10. Dien lien td thich hop vao cho trdng
export xuat khau Phan tich
gradually dan dan unless otherwise mentioned: trd khi co
currency dong tien Idu y khac.
drastically manh Dap an (B)
note Idu y
7. Dien lien tdthich hdp vao chd trdng
accessories phu kien
Phan tich include kem theo
Menh de trang ngd sau chd trdng la thi garment ao quan

11. 0ien tinh t£f nghi van thich hdp 14. Dien the thich hdp vao chd trong
vao cho trong Phan tich
Phan tich Trddc chd trong co I have been nen dap
Tif can tim phai la tan ngQ cua danh an la (A) hoac (B). Sau chd trong khong
dong td deciding va bo nghTa cho danh co tan ngd nen dap an la the bj dong (A)
td (equipment) sau ch6 trong. Ida chon given.
phd hdp la (A) which. Dap an (A)
Dap an (A)
superior tot 15. Dien gidi td thich hdp vao cho trong
consultation td v^n Phan tich
suit tien [hdp, dddc] (vdi) Sau chd trong co tan ngd (last day of
need can, nhu cau work) nen Ida chon phd hdp duy nhat la
gidi td (A) prior to.
12. Oien lien td thich hdp vao cho trong Dap an (A)
Phan tich
Sau cho trong co menh de (it was)
Menh dd quan h# (Relative
nen dap an la (B) hoac (D) vi despite Clauses)
va except for chi di cung td/cum td. Ve
nghTa, Ida chon phd hdp la (D) now that. 1 | Menh de quan he
Dap an (D)
expectation ky vong summary torn tat
look forward to mong chd supplement bd sung
direct chi dao
director dao dien 2. (A)
as if nhd la proactive chu dong
except for ngoai trd salespeople ngddi ban hang

3. (C)
13-15 restroom phong ve sinh
notice thong bao conveniently tien Idi
resignation td chdc locate vi In
advance tien bp
hand off ban giao 2 | Td, cum td di cung dai td quan he
current hien tai va vai tro cua dai td quan he

13. Dien dong td thich hdp vao chd trong lead dan dat
Phan tich head chef bep trudng
accept this letter: chap nhan bdc thd nay.
2. (A)
Dap an (D)
afford du kha nang
assemble lap rap

3- (D) 1. Dien dai tit quan he thich hop vao
offer cung cap cho trong
voucher phieu giam gia Phan ttch
Sau dau phay la dai tit quan he gicii thich
4. (C)
va bo nghla cho ti/ ddng trddc. Vdi each
ingredient thanh phan
dung nay, td ddng trudc chl su vat chi
harmless khong gay hai
difdc thay the bang which ma khong the
dung that.
3 | Menh de quan he va dai tif quan he
Dap an (D)
dac biet
participate in tham gia vao
1 • (D) yearly thudng nien
enter nhap stockholder buoi hop co dong
answer the phone nghe dien thoai meeting

2- (D)
2. Dien dai tLf quan he thich hop vao
corporation doanh nghiep, cong ty (viet
chd trong
tat: Corp.)
Phan tfch
3. (C) Sau all of la td thay the cho 30 employees
regularly thifdng xuyen d menh de chinh. Bdi vi hai menh de ket
update cap nhat noi khong co lien td nen ch6 trong khong
dung them ma phai dung dai tit quan he
4 | Trang tif quan he (B) whom.
Dap an (B)
supervise quan ly
strangely mot each kl fa
several vai
witness chifng kien
object to phcin doi
3. Dien dai tif quan he thich hdp vao
2. (C) ch6 trong
marvelous ky dieu, than ky Phan tfch
Trddc cho trong la danh tif chi sU vat
3- (C) (situations) nen dap an la which hoac
conduct thdc hien that. Nhdng trddc cho trong lai co gidi
intend y do td (in) nen khong the dung dai td quan
weak point diem yeu he that.
Mini-test Dap an (C)
1 (D) 2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(A) 5.(C) instructor ngddi hddng dan
6.(A) 7.(B) 8.(B) 9.(D) 10.(C) describe gi&i thich, mieu ta
11.(A) 12.(D) 13.(A) 14.(B) 15.(B)

4. Dien dai tif quan he thich hdp vao 7. Dien lien td thich hdp vao cho trong
ch6 trong Phan tich
Phan tich Ve nghla, menh de trdOc ch6 trong la ket
Dang sau cho trong la menh de hoan qua, sau cho trong !a menh de phu chi
chinh va tri/dc do khong co danh tQ nen nguyen nhan nen dap an la lien td chi
khong the dung cS what, of which va nguyen nhan (B) because.
whichever. LUa chon duy nhat phu hdp Dap an (B)
la (A) when, dung vdi menh de trang ngu" subcontractor nha thau phu
da gian lUdc td ddng trudc (the time). delay lui chuyen
Dap an (A)
inquire hoi 8. Dien td thich hop vao ch6 trong
fully hoan toan Phan tich
concentrate on tap trung vao Td 6 trddc cho trong (Loria Community
Center) la ten dia diem, sau cho trong la
5. Oien dai td quan he thich hop vao menh de hoan chinh nen dap an la trang
ch6 trong td quan he chi ndi chon (B) where.
Phan tich Dap an (B)
Sau cho trong la menh de hoan chinh take place di§n ra
nen phai dimg dai td quan he, trddc ch6 community center trung tarn cpng dong
trong la danh td chi sd vat (processed traditional truyen thong
food) nen day la menh de phu danh td bo Greek HyLap
nghTa cho td chi sd vat, khong the dung
ca who, whom va in which (chi thdi gian, 9. Dien dong td thich hpp vao cho trong
ndi chon). Phan tich
Dap an (C) Td ci ch6 trong phai 1^ dpng td cua chu
processed food thdc an da che bien ngd employees, vi chu ngd d dang so
raw material nguyen lieu nhieu nen Ida chon phu hpp la (D) are.
organic hdu cd Dap an (D)
manufacturing nha may san xuat
6. Dien lien td thich hop vao cho trong plant
Phan tich fluently thanh thao
Sau ch5 trong la menh de hoan chinh advantage Ipi the
nen khong the dung for va which. Sau
10. Dien td thich hop vao cho trong
ngoai dpng td (ask) la tan ngd nen phai
Phan tich
dung lien td menh de danh td (A) that.
Sau chd trong la menh de khong hoan chinh
Dap an (A)
thieu chu ngd va trddc do la danh td chi sd
takeoff cat canh vat (measures) nen dap an la (C) that.
flight attendant tiep vien hang khong Dap an (C)
electronic device thiet bj dien

measure phUOng thCfc nghTa, Ida chon phu hdp la (A) to send,
discourage ngan chan de chi muc dich cua hanh dpng d menh
audience khan gia de chinh.
Dap an (A)
11. Dien gidi td thich hdp vao cho trdng
Phan tich 14. Dien dpng td thich hdp vao ch6
Yearn for: mong m6i. Trong cau nay, gidi trong
td 6 cuoi cau da dddc chuyen len trade Phan tich
dai td quan he nen dap an la (A) for. Muc di'ch cua bdc thd la de hoi ve tien
Dap an (A) do cua viec xay ddng lich trinh, nen ve
raise tang nghTa, Ida chpn phu hdp la (B) expediting
wage tien lucfng (day nhanh [thong tin]).
yearn for mong moi Dap an (B)
15. Dien dpng td thich hdp vao cho trong
12. Dien danh td thich hdp vao cho trong Phan tich
Phan tich Ngudi gdi dang rat can lich trinh, vi ph^ii
Trddc dai td quan he who phai la danh td cd no de bat dau cac thao luan, nen ve
chf ngddi nen dap an la (D) technicians. nghTa, Ida chpn phu hdp la (B) initiate
Dap an (D) (bat dau).
server may chu Dap an B
repair sda chda
Half Test 04
technician ky thuat vien
skilled lanh nghe 101.(D) 102.(D) 103.(B) 104.(B) 105.(B)
resolve gi^i quyet 106.(D) 107.(B) 108.(B) 109.(A) 110.(A)
111.(C) 112.(D) 113.(B) 114,(D) 115.(C)
proposal de xuat
116.(D) 117.(A) 118.(B) 119.(C) 120.(B)
121.(A) 122.(D) 123.(C) 124.(A) 125.(B)
13-15. 126. (A)
status tinh hlnh
mention de cap 101. Dien lien tdvao cho trong
wait for chd dpi Phan tich
timeline lich trinh Can lien td tdong quan cd the lien
assistance giup d5 ket listening to the newest songs va
discussion thao luan obtaining useful information, ve nghTa,
weekly hang tuan Ida chpn phu hdp la (D) as well as.

13. Dien dpng td khong gidi han thich Dap an (D)

hdp vao cho trong obtain nhan ddpc
Phan tich owing to nhd cd
Trddc ch6 trong la menh de hoan chinh apart from ngoai trd viec
nen khdng thl dung sending va sent, ve given that cdn nhac viec

102. Dien dai ttfquan he thich hdp matter van di [viec, ke hoach]
vao cho trong application (don) dang ky
Phan tich patent bing sang che
Trtidcchd trong la ten ngUdi (Mr. Johnson), 106. Cau true song song
sau cho trong la danh tif (experiences) va Phan tich
co menh de hoan chinh, vi vay laa chon Co lien td ket hop (yet) nen dap an la tinh
phu hop la dai td quan he (D) whose.
td (D) successive, quan he song song vdi
Dap an (D) tinh Id distinct.
public relations quan he cong chung Dap an (D)
contribute to dong gop
support ung ho amidst dang
popularity noi tieng
103. Dien Men tu tuOng quan vao cho consist of gom
trong yet nhdng
Phan tich distinct rieng biet
Vi co nor nen co the nghT ngay den cau successive noi tiep
true neither A nor B. succession sd noi tiep
Dap an (B)
107. Dien lien td thich hop vao cho trong
director dao dien Phan tich
storyline cot truyen
Vi co so + tinh td nen co the nghT ngay
den cau true so...that.
104. Dien lien tuTthich hop vao ch6 trong
Phan tich Dap an (B)
Hal menh de truOc va sau cho trong co production line day chuyen san xuat
chieu nghTa trai nguoc (tich ede va tieu double tang gap doi
ede), nen It/a chon phii hdp la lien td din output san IdOng
dat menh de nhddng bo (B) although.
Dap an (6) 108. Dien td thich hop vao chd trong
positive tich ede Phan tich
consumer phin hoi cOa ngddt Sau chd trong la menh de hoan chinh
response tieu dung va trddc do la td chi dja diem (the
sluggish dinh tre places), nen dap an la trang td quan he
but for nhdng doi vdi, (B) where.
ngoai trd vdi Dap an (B)
105. Dien dai td quan he thich hdp site trang web
vao cho trong at work khi lam viec, d ch5 lam
Phan tich
Vdi cau true "gidi Id + dai td quan he", (B) 109. Dien td thich hdp vao cho trong
which la dai td quan he co the di cung td Phan tich
ddng trdOc date. Trddc dau phay la menh de hoan chinh
Dap an (B) ket thuc bang td chi ngddi, nen sau do la

menh de phu tinh tL/ bo nghTa cho tif ch! 113. Dien lien td thich hdp vao cho trdng
ngPcJi, Li/a chpn phu hop la (A) who. Phan tich
Dap an (A) Vt co not, va female customer va male
contemporary dUOng dai customer co vai tro tuong duong nen co
French Phap the nghT ngay den cau true not A but B.
impressionist hoa sf trodng phai Dap an (B)
painter an tifdng
colorful mau sac, rdc rd
female nd gidi
110. Dien tinh tu nghi van vao chotrong
male nam gidi
Phan ttch
Phai dung menh de danh td lam tan ngO
cua dong td (select), trddc cho trong la 114. Dien lien td thich hdp vao chotrong
danh td chi sd vat (information) nen Ida Phan tich
chon phu hdp la dai td quan he (A) which. only if: chi khi
Dap an (A) Dap an (D)
pharmaceutical hang dddc pham service elevator thang may phuc vu
firm security pass the anh ninh
select Ida chon
115. Dien td thich hdp vao cho trdng
111. Dien lien td thich hdp vao cho trdng Phan tich
Phan tich Sau cho trong cd tinh td (large) nen dap
Menh de dau tien chia d thi hien tai (fails) an la (C) however. However dddc dung
va menh de sau chia 6 thi tddng lai (will theo cau true "however + Knh td/trang td
try) nen dap an la trang td quan he chi + chu ngd + dong td".
thdi gian (C) When.
Dap an (C)
Dap an (C)
move out chuyen di
method each thdc main office van phdng chinh
new material chat lieu mdi
considering can nhac 116. V| tri cua dong tdgidi han va hoa
hdp chu ngd va dong td
112. Dien lien td thich hdp vao cho trdng Phan tich
Phan tich Chd trdng la vi tri cua dong Id, trddc dai
Sau chd trdng la tan ngd cua dong td td quan he lam chu ngd (which) la danh
(anticipate), vl co menh de hoan chinh td dem dddc sd ft (an office) nen dap an
nen Ida chpn phu hpp la (D) that. la (D) resides.
Dap an (D) Dap an (D)
assembly line day chuyen lap rap rent thue
resolve xd ly reside d, cd tru d
former trddc day
residence cdtru

117. Dien lien tif thich hCp vao chotrong 120. Dien lien td thich hop vao cho
Phan tfch trong
Tradng hdp chu ngO menh de chinh va Phan tfch
chu ngO menh de phu dong nhat, co the Chu ngd (Dr. Hewing) cua menh de
gian lUdc chu ngQ menh de phu. Trong chinh va chu ngd menh de phu giong
cSu nay, our new cosmetic line bj gian nhau nen co thl gian lupc, va sau ch6
lifdc trong menh de phu, va 2 menh de trong la dong td (is) nen Ida chpn phu
cd nghfa doi lap, n§n Ida chon phu hop hop la lien td (and).
la (A) but. Dap an (B)
Dap an (A) invite mdi
cosmetic my pham commercial art nghe thuat thuong mai
launch ra mat lecture bai gi^ng
top tot nhat, ddng dau 121-123.
release tung ra order dat hang
as long as mien la strike dinh cdng (= walkout)
do one's co het sdc
118. Dien dai tit quan he thich hop utmost
vao cho trong as early as cang sdm cang tot
Phan tfch possible
TiS d ch6 trong ph^i la tSn ngQ cOa work inconvenience battien
on, trifdc ch6 trong khong cb danh td nen be willing to san sang lam gi
Ida chpn phu hop la dai td quan he duoi compensate b6i thddng
-ever(B) whatever. urge nai ni
Dap an (B) prompt nhanh chong
encourage khuyen khich, de nghj
work on lam ve 121. Dien td quan he thich hop vao
chd trong
119. Dien lien td thich hop vao cho trong Phan tfch
Phan tfch Sau cho trong co menh de khong
Sau cho trong la menh de hoan chfnh hoan chinh thieu tan ngd cua dong td
nen Ida chon duy nhat phu hop la lien td (ordered), trddc ch6 trong la td chi sd vat
(C) after. Cac Ida chpn con lai deu la gidi (the goods) nen dap an la (A) which.
td nen khong the dung. Dap an (A)
Dap an (C) 122. Dien lien td thich hop vao cho trong
courier service djch vu giao hang Phan tfch
all-in-one tat ca trong mot Ve nghTa, menh de trddc la nguyen nhan
shipment vpn chuyen cua menh de sau, nen dap an la lien td
tracking service dich vu theo doi chl ly do (D) Since.
implement thuc hien Dap an (D)

123. Dien dong tifthich hdp vao ch6 PART2
Phan tfch
urge somebody to/not 1o do something:
Cac dang cau hdi
nai ni ai lam/khdng lam gi.
Dap an (C) Ciu hdi ve chO de

Hinh thifc ra de
resume ho sd xin viec
retirement nghi hUu
impressive an todng
personal assistant trd ly
currently hien tai
be commensurate tUdng Cfng vdi
in the future trong todng lai
current hien tai, von cd
appeal thu hut
124. Dien dong tit khong gidi han
via thong qua
thich hop vao ch6 trong
Phan tich Mini-test
Ch6 trong la vj tn cua dong to. Sau cho
trong co dong to gidt han (will be used)
nen dong to d cho trdng la dong to cua
starting to
menh de phu tinh to rut gon. VI cd by nen security measures cac bien phap an ninh
chu ngQ va dong to cd mdi quan he bj entirely hoan toan, tat cik
dong, lua chon phu hop la (A) made. at the moment hien tai
Dap an (A) appreciate danh gia cao
allot phan cdng
individually rieng le
125. Chia dong td d thl phu hdp
regularly thifdng xuyen
Phan tfch
Phan tfch
Menh de chi ly do sau since chia d thl todng
Cau hoi ve chu de nen phai doc ky doan
lai (since they will often meet foreign), nen
dau. Oau thong bao la cau "Starting next
khong the chon (A) va (C), ve nghfa, Ida
month, the building will be increasing
chon phu hdp la (B) should be.
security measures" thong bao ve chi'nh
Dap an (B)
sach mdi, do la tang cUdng cac bien
phap an ninh cho toa nha to thang sau,
126. Dien danh tdthich hdp vao cho Vi the (C) dung.
trong Dap an (C)
Phan tfch
Sau with phai la danh to. Work
prove chdng minh
experience: kinh nghiem lam viec.
reliable dang tin
Dap an (A)
compete with canh tranh vdi
competent cd tay nghe

dedicated tan 1am 5.
experienced co kinh nghiem a series of mot chuoi
aside from ngoai ra psychological tarn ly hoc
afford co khi nang study nghien cdu
look forward to trong chcJ environment moi trifdng
Phan tich including bao gom
Cau dau la "If you have time, 1'dlike to arrangement sap xep
want to meet you soon", lien quan den motivate thuc day
viec hen gap. Vi the, dap an la (D). productivity nang suat
concentrate tap trung
Dap an (D)
well-organized sap xep gpn gang
Luyen tap Paraphrasing
1 .(B) 2.(B) 3.{A) 4.(B) 5.(A) opening khai thong
6.(B) 7.(A) 8.(B) be scheduled for dddc len ijch
1. strike dinh cong
otherwise khac, neu khong nhd vay delay dinh tre
boring buon chan a lack of thieu
memorable dang nhd fund kinh phi
abroad nude ngoai be operational dua vao hoat dong
2. 7.
few mot vai successful dng vien trung tuyen
experience kinh nghiem applicants
field ITnh vdc in-house trong nha
what it takes dieu kien training huan luyen
(can de thanh cong) relocation di chuyen
candidate dng vien benefits package goi phuc Idi
hire tuyen dung ».
3. performed thdc hien
hold chili tri record ghi chep
special dac biet attendance di lam
get-together buoi gap mat caution chu y
be sure to nhat dinh phai misuse lam dung
coworker dong nghiep reprimand khi4n trach
host to chdc consequence ket qua
inappropriate khong phii hop
service-oriented dinh hUdng dich vu
121 Cau hoi lien quan den danh tu rieng 1
thrive phat trien manh
create tao ra Hlnh thiic ra de
income nguon thu nhap by now luc nay
resident ngddi dan conference hdi nghj

give a thuyet trinh proposal de xuat
presentation host quan ly
exellent xuat sac currently hien tai
make an gay an tacJng vdi outdate loi Ihdi
impression on appearance dien mao
structure cau true
Mini-test presentation hien thi
content npi dung
opportunity cd hoi
turn thay doi, bifdc ngoat
exist ton tai
competitor ngudi canh tranh
re-engineer thiet ke lai
technology cong nghe reflect phcin anh
join hdp tac, tham gla mission nhiem vu
force sdc manh incorporate ap dung
specifics chi tiet cu the latest mdi nhat
still van technology cong nghe
announce thong bao upon ngay khi
merge sat nhap completion hoan thanh
in the near trong tddng lai gan development phat triln
future assume cho rang
slowly tif td full tat ca
fully responsibility trach nhiem
hoan toan
maintenance duy tri
integrate hdp nhat
administration quan trj
mean y nghTa
coding ma hoa
make tien bo sole duy nhat
advancements property tai san
assume cho rang due han
combine ket hdp no later than muon nhat la
lead to dSn dat, dan den
ordinary thong thudng Phan tfch
imagine tddng tddng Tim td Mark Jacobs dddc de cap trong
cau hoi 6 doan van. Phan md dau doan
Phan tfch
van "The director of The Economic
Day la cau hoi danh td rieng. Phai tlm so
2025 dddc de cap d cau hoi trong doan van, Opportunities Advancement Corporation
(EOAC), MarkJacob", The head of EOAC
0 phan cudi cua doan dau cd y "they expect
dong nghTa vdi director nen dap an la (D).
to be fully integrated, vao nam 2025" nhac
den viec hop nhat nen dap an la (A). Dap an (D)
Dap an (A) Luyen tgp Paraphrasing
2. 1.(A) 2,(A) 3.(B) 4.(A) 5.(A)
director giam dd'c 6(B) 7. (A) 8.(B)
accept chap nhan

1. 7.
application dng dung at no charge mien phi
develop phat trien 8.
a great deal of rat nhieu embrace chap nhan, dung
dropped call cuoc gpi bi ngat powerful manh
congested nghen computing tinh toan, may tinh
densely dong dan attribute dac trifng, dac tinh
populated downside nhupc diem
urban do thi carry out thpc hien
common thong thddng tiny nhd
usher ngUdi hddng dan
22 Cau hoi ve yeu cau
fill out viet, dien
issue phat
Hlnh thiic ra <3e
temporary tarn thcJi
submit de thnh, gdi di
secure an ninh
order dat
be required to phai
contents do chda ben trong
premises khu nha
mishandle van chuyen manh tay
3. state tuyen bd, ndi ro
recall thu hoi notice nhan thay
halt tam ngdng, dt/ng lai damage sd hp hai
4. refuse td choi
followed by sau do, tiep do full refund hoan tra toan bp
transfer trung chuyen
fare chi phi
user ngUdi dung Mint-test

5. 1.
convenience cd sd vat chat tien nghi free assistance hd trp midn phi
facility register dang ky
multi-purpose da nang log in dang nhap
phone-charging sac pin dien thoai registration form mau dang ky
a wide variety of da dang PIN number ma xac nhan
including bao gom {= personal identification number)
exhibition trien lam enable lam cho cd kha nang
locker tu khoa timely kip thdi
6. in regards to lien quan den
cooling lam ngupi consult tham khao
sanitary ve sinh handbook sach hudng dan
potable water ntfdc uong recommend de nghi
decline gidm

Phan tich 2.
Day la cau hoi ve ySu can nen phai tlm sagging suy giam
dap an trong cau menh lenh hoac menh have no choice khdng con Ida chpn nao
de if. Trong cau thCr 2 cua doan 2 cd y but to khac ngoai
"please consult the handbook to find cut back on cat giam
your answer" nen dap an la (B). downsize giam quy md
Dap an (B) due to la do
recession suy thoai

2. 3.
symposium hoi nghi chuyen de baccalaureate hoc vj cd nhan
around tren khdp positive tich cdc
counterpart ngUdi dong cap attitude tu the, thai do
coworker dong nghiep 4.
background ly Ijch, nen tang access truy cap
topic chu de workstation may tram (may tinh)
common chung unique duy nhat
interest moi quan tam 5.
register for dang ky substantiate chdng minh
Phan tich actual thdc te
Day la cau hoi yeu cau, phai tim dap an expense chi phi
6 cau menh lenh trong doan cuoi. 6 cau amount so tien
"Don't forget to check the symposium claim yeu cau
schedule and register for the workshops be covered by dupe tra bdi
turn in nop
and lectures" difa ra yeu cau dang ky
receipt hda ddn
tham gia hot thao hay buoi thuyet trinh
nen dap an la (D). 6.
for nothing mien phi
Dap an (D)
the icing on khong the tuyet vdi hdn
Luy§n tip Paraphrasing the cake
1.(A) 2.(A) 3.(B) 4,(A) 5.(B) free access truy cap mien phi
6(A) 7.(A) 8.(A) 7.
according to theo nhU
1. commercial khu thUdng mai
reopen md lai district
ambiance khdng khl, moi trudng urgent cap bach
give way to nhudng cho cho narrow chat hep
relaxed thoai mai poorly ngheo nan
atmosphere bau khong khi
in tune with phii hdp vdi
in order to de
newly mdi
prevent ngan chan
diversify da dang hda
injury bj thuong you to remove the files that you don't
contagious lay nhi§m need and keep the things that you need",
infection nhiem trung co nghia la "CleanUp!" giup xda nhdng
open-toed hd ngon tai lieu khdng can thiet va giiJ lai nhufng gi
workplace ndi lam viec can thi^t nen dap an la (D),
at work d ndi lam viec Dap an (D)
improper khdng phu hdp
legitimate chinh dang, hdp le
badly need rat can
termination cham dirt
modernize hien dai hda
23 Cdu hoi vi ly do fl outdated loi thdi
description giai thfch
Hinh thtic ra de thought suy nghT, y kien
incredible dang ngac nhien, fixed budget ngan sach cd djnh
tuyet vdi place an order dat hang
entire toan the
Phan tich
productive hieu qua, nang suat cao
Ngay cau d^u tien co viet "we badly
set up quyet dinh
need to modernize our communications
{ Mini-test H system", cho thay ddi hoi cap bach phai
hien dai hda he thong truyen thdng ndn
1. dap an la (A).
clean lam sach
Dap an (A)
delete xda
no longer khdng con nda B Luyfn tap Paraphrasing ]
get rid of bo di 1 (B) 2.(B) 3-(A) 4.(A) 5.(B)
pile up chat dong 6.(B) 7.(B) 8.(A)
a full of day
random ngau nhien 1.
remove loai bo regulation quy djnh
keep gitf lai third-party ben thd ba
current accuracy chinh xac
hien tai
auditing kiem toan
trial dung thd
confirm xac nhan
impress an tUdng
integrity tinh nhat quan
Phan tich transfer chuyen tien
Day ta cau hoi ly do nen co the tim dap share chia se
hire thue
an d( cho co dong tif nguyen the co to.
gidi tC/ chl ly do, lien til. Dau tien, trong 2.
cau hoi co nhac den "CleanUp!" nen tlm attempt co gang
dap an bat dau tit doan thCf 2. Ngay cau integrate hop nhat
dau doan 2 co viet "'CleanUp!' enables craftsman nghe nhan

gap between khoang each gii/a adoption ap dung, Ida chpn
3. order volume Iddng dat hang
real cost chi phi thac carrier cong ty van chuyen
terminate cham diit
under-performing khong hoan thanh tot 24 Cau h6i NOT
cong viec
troublesome rac rdi, kho nhpc
escalate tang, khuech dat
opportunity co hoi 1.
severance gian doan take the lead dan dat
fire sa thai for a while dddc mot thdi gian
4. a bit hdi
applicant dng vien quiet yen lang, tram
open-ended md (cau hoi) closer gan gui
probe dieu Ira, phan doan be familiar with quen vdi
comfortable thoai mai
stage giai doan
carry out thdc hien
thorough chi tiet
chore cong viec, nhiem vu
outline de eddng
on the move khi di chuyen
coming sap tdi
viable hOu dung
nervous lo lang
alternative lua chon thay the
affordable co the chi tra Phan tich
perform thuc hien (B) Project status d muc 4, (C) Market
6. trends la muc 1, (D) A budget la muc 2,
physiological sinh ly hoc tat ca deu da dupe de cap, Vi vay, dap an
burn dot chay la (A).
exercise tap the due Dap an (A)
muscle cd bap
fat md
put in danh
work out tap the due
account khach hang
7. firm cong ty
state-of-the-art tdi tan outline torn tat, de cUdng
normally thong thud'ng attach dinh kern
access tiep can, sii dung Phan tich
at any time bat cif luc nao Day la cau hoi NOT nen tim dap an d gan
various da dang tU mang nghTa "them vao" (in addition to,
8. also). Khong cd de cap gi den A meeting
quarter quy outline nen (D) la dap an.
guidance chi dfin Dap an (D)


Luyen tap Paraphrasing settlement thanh toan
with respect to ve
1 (A) 2.(B) 3.(8) 4.(B) 5.(A)
occupational nghe nghiep
6(B) 7.(A) 8.(B)
injure chan thUOng
1. compensate boi thudng
withstand chju dung insurance b^o hiem
extreme cdc Idn 8.
vibration chan dong solid vOng chac
2. extremely rat
advise khuyen reputation danh tieng
take advantage of tan dung decade thap ky
subsidize h6 trd sought-after Ua thfch
per moi, hang
3. Cau h6i suy luan
committee uy ban
pass thong qua H'tnh thu'c ra de
resolution nghj quyet quarterly hang quy
prohibit cam around the corner sap di§n ra, khong
official chmh thdc, chinh quyen con xa
vehicle xe co progress ti^n do, tien trinh
4. account cong ty doi tac
as many as co tdi go over xem lai
once mot khi detail chl tiet
operational hoat dqng
| Mini-test 1
growing phat trien 1.
segment bo phan public ngudi dan
device thiet b| disinfect khQ trung
routinely thudng xuyen
drinking water nude udng
commonly thudng
contaminant chat gay 6 nhiem
consist of gom
coliform vi khuan
professional chuy^n gia
notify thong bao
be inclined to co xu hddng
immediately ngay lap tdc
interrupt lam gian doan, can trd
generally nhin chung
harmful gay hai
reject tU ch6i
sign dau hieu
claim yeu cau
possibly co the
eligible co du tu each
Phan tich
cash tien mat
Day la cau hoi suy luan hoan toan khong

co gdi y nen co the mat nhieu th6i gian. Luyen tap Paraphrasing
Vcii trifdng hdp nay, mot hay hai ti/ nao do
1 .(B) 2.(A) 3.(B) 4.(B) 5.(A)
co the trd thanh gdi y cho dap an nen phSi
6.(A) 7 .(B) 8.(A)
doc ky. Qua cau dau doan thd hai "This is
not an emergency," co the biet day khong 1.
phai tinh huong khan cap. Nhitng neu bo consult tu van
13 cau nay, co the hieu nham rang day la periodically dinh ky
tinh huong khan cap. Vi the, dap an dung health checkup kiem tra sdc khoe
la (D). fire chay no
Dap an (D) inspection kiem tra
ensure dam bao
normal operation boat dong binh thudng
meet the dap ifng ky vong
expectation 2.
figure so lipu space khong gian
by khoang financial tai chi'nh
nearly gan district khu vac
occur xay ra peak dat dinh diem
despite m§c du force bat buoc
natural td nhien workspace khong gian lam viec
disaster thien tai 3.
record ky luc cut cat giam
steady deu drop giam
interest rate t? le lai suat reduce giam
concern lo lang consumption lieu thu
typhoon bao trim giam
slow cham 4.
activity hoat dpng in the process of dang trong qua trinh
regardless khong lien quan, bat chap acquire tiep nhan
spending ti3u thu search tim kiem
lift tang price-tag mac gia
increase tang
modestly vda phai
exterminate tieu diet
Phan tich
bed bug rep
6 dau bai bao co cau: 'The country's tenant ngudi thue nha
economy met all expectations in the third infestation suf xam nhap
quarter of the year", va doan sau co viet
file a complaint nop don khieu nai
"consumer prices have been stable or only
increased modestly" cho thay nen kinh te
replacement san pham thay the
quoc gia dang tien then tot, vl vay (A) dung.
mention de cap
Dap an (A)

at the bottom of d cuoi ~ [ Lifa chpn trong 3s
defective bj l6i
get a refund difdc hoan ti6n 1. CB 2. ®
3. @ 4. @
5. ® 6. ®
customer khach hang
7. @ 8. ®
satisfaction hai long
9. @ 10. ®
guarantee bao dam
11.® 12. @
dishwasher may rira bat
13. ® 14. @
charge tinh phi
15. ® 16.®
be under warranty trong thdi gian biko
17. @ 18. ®
19, ® 20. @
fix site chda
21. ® 22. @
8. 23. ® 24.®
while trong khi 25. @ 26. @
deep sau 27. ® 28. ®
recession khung hoeing, suy thoai 29. @ 30. @
far from each xa 31. ® 32. ®
solid on dinh 33. @ 34. @
be cautious about can trong ve 35. ® 36. @
payroll bing li/dng 37. ® 38. @
among trong 39. @ 40. @
evident ro ret 41. © 42. ®
43. @ 44. ®
126 Cau hdi tif dong nghTa j
Hinh thiic ra de
draw up soan, lam
sadden lam ai buon
flyer td rdi
under circumstance trong hoan canh
intern thdc tap sinh
first of all trudc het
hand out phan phat
congratulation chiic mdng
post dan
engagement dinh hon
simple don gian
on behalf of thay mat cho
informative nhieu thong tin
management ban giam doc
later sau nay
marriage ket hon
volunteer tinh nguyen
so far cho den gid
deadline han cuoi
replacement ngudi thay the, ke nhiem
soon sdm
of course difdng nhien
Dap an (D)

2. a variety of da dang
representative dai dien ingredienf nguyen lieu
director tracing phong ready-made lam san
evaluation danh gia 5.
individually ca nhan reconstruction cau true lai
assess danh gia suggestion gdi y
efficiency nang Idc quote bang bao gia
performance thanh tfch estimate adc tinh
goal muc tieu
direct trdc tiep cd xu hadng
tend to
concern lo ngai period thdi ky
throughout toan effort nd lac
process qua trinh win one's thac hien thanh cong
Bap an (C) business giao djch
1 Luyen tap Paraphrasing H account doi tac, khach hang
1 (B) 2,(B) 3.(A) 4(A) 5.(A)
beef up md rpng
6. (A) 7.(A) 8(A)
telesales kinh doanh qua
1. dien thoai
free mien phi target nham vao
presentation thuyet trinh midsize quy mo vda
be iimited to gidi han den continue tiep tuc
since then tir luc do
sign ky a.
Iddng It/, do dd increasingly ngay cang
be hesitant to
popular noi tieng
offer de nghi
suffer chju, ganh chju
nothing but chi co
security breach xam nhap bao mat
3. hijack tan cong
globally toan the gidi gain access to truy cap ddbc vao
distribution phan phoi account tai khoan
strategically mot each chien tape breach xam nhap
significantly mot each dang ke
transportation giao thong, van chuyln CHAPTER 07
usage sd dung Giai quyet cac dang doan van
carbon cacbon
emission sd phat thdi 27 Thd (letter)/thd dipn tCf (E-mall)

4. Mini-test
open m6
pre-made lam san 1 (C) 2.(B) 3.(A) 4,(B) 5.(B)
choose Ida chon 6.(C) 7,(A) 8.(C) 9.(D) 10.(A)

1-3. be set to dude chuan bj
It has come to my attention that... refreshment bOa an nhe
dUOc biet rang recital doc tau
go well thuan Idi, tot dep 4.
1. Phan tich
Phan tich Bay la cau hoi muc dich nen tim dap an d
Day la cau hdi muc dich nen phcii doc phan dau thu. Cau "Allow me the pleasure
ky phan dau bdc thd. Dau thd cd viet of inviting you to the grand opening of
"Rodriguez and Sons Hardware, has Concordia's high-tech department store"
been late with paying its invoices for co nghTa la "cho phep toi co vinh hanh
the past three months", co the thay npi ddoc mdi anh den tham gia budi khai
dung thd la de thong bao ve viec tra trUdng bach hoa" nen (B) dung.
hoa ddn mupn. Dap an (B)
Bap an (C) 5.
2. Phan tich
Phan tich Cau hoi nhac den Tom Atkins - ngUdi
Thong tin lien lac thddng d phan cuoi nhan thu. Ci Cclu thd hai doan dau,
bdc thu. 6 cuoi doan thd hai co viet "Thanks to the tireless efforts of you
"contact me at 081-2525 or by email at and the other employees" nghTa la "nhd
b.powell® You may also visit co no Idc khong ngdng cua anh va cac
our website...", chl khong de cap den fax nhan vien khac" ma bach hoa co the khai
trUdng, vi the cd the suy ra Tom Atkins la
nen (B) la dap an.
nhan vien cong ty.
Dap an (B)
Dap an (B)
Phan tich 6.
Gdi y dap an cho cau h6i y§u cau Phan tich
xuat hien d cau menh lenh. Cau menh high-tech = advanced: cong nghe cao.
tenh dau tien doan cuoi "Please take Dap an (C)
advantage of this new policy and avoid
any charges from overdue fees..." dua ra
Phan tich
de nghi stf dung chfnh sach mdi nen dap
Cau hoi nhac den ngay thang cu the nen
an la (A). can tim dap an d gan cac cum tif chi thdi
Bap an (A) gian. Cau hoi ve lich trlnh ngay 7 thang
4-8. 10 nen tim dap an d bang lich thnh. Ljch
grand opening (Id) khai trddng trinh ngay 7 thang 10 la "Meeting with
pleasure vinh hanh John Stratford" nen dap an la (A).
high-tech cong nghe cao Dap an (A)
department store bach hoa
effort n6 life

8. 10.
Phan tfch Phan tfch
Cac lua chon deu la ngay, thang nen c6 Angela la ngifdi nhan va la thyc tap sinh.
the tim dap an 6 bang lich trinh. 6 bang 6 cau thd hai doan thd nhat '"One of your
Ijch trinh, npi dung "Last day for vacation duties will be to help Mr. Burns with his
requests in November" ifng vdi "October daily correspondences" nhac den viec
9" nen (C) dung. giup dng Burns, co the thay day la cdng
Dap an (C) viec cua mot tro li.
Dap an (A)
28 Qu^ng cao (Advertisement)
internship thyc tap
headquarters try sd chfnh Mini-test 9
duty nhiem vu
1(A) 2.(B) 3(D) 4.(C) 5(D)
daily hang ngay
6(D) 7.(B) 8(A) 9 (B) 10.(B)
correspondence thu tin
entail ddi hoi
dictate doc cho ai viet 1-3.
task nhiem vu look for tim
evaluate danh gia qualified dat yeu cau
effectiveness tfnh hieu qua clerical ve van phdng
professionalism tmh chuyen nghiep administrative ve hanh chinh
outgoing gdi di correspondence thy tin
perfect hoan hao compile tap hpp, bien soan
in terms of ve fundraising gay quy
layout bo cue coordinate dieu chinh
grammar ngd phap
imagine hinh dung
content ndi dung
difference sy thay doi
commitment to tan tarn, nd lye, hda
solicit keu gpi
throughout thong qua
donation quyen gdp
9. promote quang cao, thuc day
Phan tich represent xuat hien, dai dien
Day la cau hoi ve muc di'ch nen phai doc
complement bo sung
ky doan md dau cua bdc thd. O phan md
encourage khuyen khich
dau cua email, ngubi gCfi viet rang "rat vui
achieve dat dypc
khi ban sap thdc tap tai try sd chfnh cua
comprehensive loan dien
cong ty", sau do ndi "One of your duties
objective muc lieu
will be to help Mr. Burns with his daily
generate tao ra
correspondences" de giai thich ve nhiem
financial resource nguon tai chinh
vu d cong ty.
Dap an (D)

Phan tich strategic mang tinh chien lUdc
Day la cau hoi ve doi tuong cua doan quang deal with xd ly
cao nen dap an thdcfng xuat hien d dau a wide variety da dang thanh thao
mau tin. Cau dau tien la "The Development of proficient
Officeat the University of Mississippi is
such as nhU la
looking for an administrative assistant to
target driven hudng den muc tieu
join the team" thong bao ve vi$c tim tro li
goal xac djnh dddc muc tieu
nanh chinh nen dap an la (A).
Dap an (A) competitive co nang luc canh tranh
2. expand md rpng
Phan tich support ung hp
Dap an cho cau hoi ve dieu kien, yeu cau implement thuc thi
thiidng d doan thd hai. Cuoi doan thd hai unrivalled khong co doi thu
co cau "Anyone who attend the university profitability co Ipi nhuan
are welcome to apply" cb nghTa la "bat cd alongside ben canh
ai dang la sinh vien dai hoc deu cd the coworker dong nghiep
dng tuyen" nen (B) dung. maximize toi da hoa
Dap an (B) excellent xuat sac
accuracy tinh chinh xac
transaction giao djch
Phan tich
inventory kiem ke
Cau cuoi la "To learn more about us, visit
procedure thu tuc
our webpage", co nghTa la cac dng vien
chance co hoi
quan tam co the truy cap trang web cua
knowledge hieu biet
trUdng de biet them thong tin.
experience kinh nghiem
Dap an (D) apart from khac vdi
4-8. wireless khong day
look for tim kiem recent gan day
motivated nhiet huyet graduate sinh vien tot nghiep
ambitious tham vpng career sU nghiep
hard working cham chi perfect hoan hao
customer- co khd nang djnh participate in tham gia vao
oriented hudng khach hang gain nhan dope
serve phung sd first-hand trOc tiep
interpersonal tUdng tac ca nhan interact tiep xuc
organization to chdc be involved in lien quan den
skill ky nang entire loan bp qua trlnh
complement bd sung process
keen sense giac quan nhanh nhay previous trodc day

enthusiasm nhiettinh
Phan tich
qualification dieu kien, trinh dp
Cau hdi ve cong ty ma Anthony da thuc
tap lien quan den email. 6 doan thu1
Phan tich
hai "This pastsummer I participated in
Cau hoi ve vj trf difpc quang cao nen tlm a sales training internship program at
dap an b phan dau mau tin 6 cau thd hai alarge drug manufacturing company" co
"As a Sales Representative, you serve de cap den viec thuc tap 6 cong ty thuoc
to inspire customer understanding while nen(B)dung.
driving sales." mo tci cong viec cua mot
Dap an (B)
Sales Representative.
Dap an (C) 8.
Phan tich
Cau hoi ve each thifc dang ky nen phai
Phan tich
tim dap an 6 doan quang cao. Cach thifc
Cau hoi dieu kien, td each nen tim dap dang ky thddng difdc de cap ci phan cuoi.
an 6 phan The excellent candidate. Cac
Cudi tin quang cao co viet contact us
yeu cau Ian lUdt dope de cap, (A) difdc
at apply^, nen each thdc
nhac den 6 muc thd tif "You are proficient dang ky la lien he qua email.
in basic computerprograms such as
Dap an (A)
Windows and Microsoft Office," (B) 6
muc thd hai "Your strong interpersonal 9-10.
and organization skills arecomplemented consider can nhac, xem xet
by a keen sense of strategic problem difficulty khd khan
solving," (C) 6 muc thd ba "You've got pause dimg
great communication skills in dealingwith the elderly ngUdi cao tudi
a wide variety of customers, store the disabled ngudi khuyet tat
managers and salesleaders." Lda chpn seemingly co ve
duy nhat khong difpc nhac den la (D). simple ddn gian
bathing 1am
Dap an (D)
front door cda trddc
5. cereal ngu ede
Phan tich cupboard tu bep
Cau hoi ve nhiem vu cong viec nen tim daily challenge thd thach hang ngay
dap an 6 Your important role. O muc thif poorly ngheo nan, toi
hai "Work alongside with Sales Managers access tiep can
and coworkers to maximize store sales," variously da dang
co nhac den toi da hoa doanh thu ban barrier-free khong chddng ngal vat
hang nen (D) dung. open-concept khong gian md
accessibility tinh dd tiep can
Dap an (D)
handicap ngtrdi tan tat
accessible co the tiep can

seek to tim kiem ngdi nha hlen nay "open-concept living
remove loai bo rooms and kitchens, walk-in showers
barrier chudng ngai vat with grab bars, higher electrical outlets".
impede cdn trd Co the thay cac vf du ve san pham dirdc
recognize nhan thdc nhac den trong toan mau qu&ng cao.
other than ngoai
Dap an (B)
convenient tien loi
attractive hap dan
standard tieu chuan 29 Thong bao
living room phdng khach
grab tay nam Mini-test
commonplace thong thUdng
1.(0) 2.(B) 3(B) 4.(D) 5.(A)
perhaps co the
phii hdp 6,(A) 7.(B) 8.(C) 9.(A) 10.(D)
Phan tich
relate to lien quan den
Cau hoi danh gia doi tifdng. Cau dau lien
make available to cung cap cho
"When we buy or build ahouse, most of us
regulation quy dinh, dieu chinh
never consider the difficulties of growing
procedure thu tuc
old in it. and we never pause to ask, what
previously trddc day
happens if I become disabled?" dat ra van
consistent with nhat quan vdi
de ve vi$c li&u mot ngdi nha co con phii
hereby do do
hop khi chiing ta gia di hay trd nen tan tat.
supersede loai bo
Sau do la npi dung chi tiet de xay nha phii
indication bieu thj
hdp nhu cau rieng nen (B) dung.
keen interest in rat quan tarn den
Dap an (B) unclear khdng rd
10. approach den gan, tiep xuc
Phan tich discuss thc>o luan
Hoi ve noi dung dupe de cap trong quang 1.
cao. Doan dau co difa ra vf du "seemingly Phan tich
simple tasks like bathing, entering the Cau hoi ve muc dich cua thong bao nen
front door, or getting a box of cereal from phai doc ky phan dau. Cau md dau la
acupboard," la nhOng viec gay kho khan "A newguide will soon be available to
cho ngudi cao tudi va ngirdi khuyet tat. d all employees" nhac den mot cuon sach
doan thCl hai "barrier-free design, open- hUdng dSn mdi nen dap an la (C).
concept accessibility, and handicap Dap an (C)
accessible design," neu vi du ve nhOng
thu giup loai bo chddng ngai va giup 2.
chung ta tiep can mot each an toan hon. Phan tich
6 doan thd ba difa ra vf du ve nhOng san TrUdng hdp cau hdi co ifch\ can tim menh
pham da trd thanh tieu chuan trong cac de /f trong thdng bao. 6 doan cuoi co vidt

"If anything is unclear, please feel free of this announcement is 81,854,813
to approach and discuss the matter with ordinary shares of 25 pence each," nghta
your supervisor, your manager, or any of la "Cong ty xac nhan rang tinh tdi ngay
your Human Resources representatives." ra thong bao nay, cong ty da phat hanh
nen(B)dung. 81,854,813 cd phan thong thddng vdi gia
Oap an (B) 25 xu moi cd phan."
3. Dap an (A)
Phan tich 6-10.
H6i ve thong tin lien quan den so tay detail chi tiet
hudng dan. 6 cau thir hai doan dau,
vacate rdi khdi
"This guide has been prepared to inform
specific cu the
you and to provide answer to most of
the questions you may have about the through sudt
benefits policies provided by both the stop by ghe qua
company and the local government," cho buffet tiec dUng
thay noi dung cua so tay Co giai thfch ve once mot khi
nhOng phuc Idi mdi nen {B) dung. around khoang
Dap an (B) award ceremony budi trao giai
4-5. while trong khi
ordinary share c6 phan thong thudng partake tham gia
represent tddng dng vcti disrupt gian doan, can trd
issued da phat hanh
notification thong bao Phan tich
trigger dan den Cau hoi ve ly do nen da phan dap an
increase tang thddng xuat hien d cau dung dong tU
threshold ngddng nguyen the co to. Cau dau thU "I'd just
confirm xac nhan like to confirm all the details for the
reservations i made on behalf of Buxton
last week" cho thay muc dich cua email
Phan tich
la de xac nhan thong tin chi tiet ve viec
Day la cau hoi ve doi tdong cua thong bao
dat chd nen (A) dung.
nen phai doc ky phan dau. Phan dau dda
ra cac thong tin ve co phan cua cong ty Dap an (A)
va gicii thich ve so co phieu pho thong ma 7.
cong ly phat hanh, doi tuong quan tarn tdi Phan tich
cac thong tin nay chl co the la cd dong. Day la cau hoi danh tU rieng nen tim
Dap an (D) ten Shelley trong email va tim dap an
5. xung quanh do. C5 doan thU hai. trudc
Phan tich Shelley Long co "some of the staff will
be stopping by that afternoon to set up
6 doan gida "The Company confirms
some equipment for a presentation.
that its issued capital as of the date
Shelley Long will be among them." Cau

nay cho thay Shelley Long la mot trong 1-2.
so cac nhan vi§n se den vao buoi chi6u to begin trddc het
de lap dat mot so thiet bi cho bai phat stress nhan manh
bleu nen (B) la dap an. In general nhin chung
Oap an (B) management quan ly
8. performance thanh tich
Phan tich fulfill hoan thanh
Cau hoi lien quan den Roger nen tim duty nhiem vu
thong tin trong email. Roger la ngddi workplace noi lam viec
nhan thd, ngudi gifi thd Chris d doan thd however tuy nhien
hai co viet "Shelley Long will be among in the interest of vi Idi ich cua
them. I'll tell her to look for you if she has workflow quy trinh lam viec
anyproblems" nghTa la neu co van de gi efficient hieu qua
thi Shelley Long se tim den Roger nen co offer cung cap
the suy luan rdng Roger va Shelley Long
following sau day
co the gap nhau. Vi the, dap an la (C).
refrain from han che
Dap an (C) disruptive anh hddng
9. concentration sd tap trung
Phan tfch represent the hien
Cau hdi ve thong bao. Phan dau cua criticism chi tn'ch
thong bao co viet "On behalf of the CEO, merely chi la
I'd like to announce that the annual
company banquet will be held on the 1.
21st of this month..."nen co the suy doan Phan tich
doi tddng cua thong bao la (A). Day la cau hoi ve muc dfch cua bifc thd
Dap an (A) nen phdi doc ky phan m6 dau. 6 cdu cuoi
10. doan dau '"I would like to offer to you the
Phan tich following advice" cho thay muc dich cua
Cau hoi ve event nen tim dap an 5 thong bdc thd la de dda ra Idi khuyen.
bao. O phan dau co viet the annual Dap an (C)
company banque nen day la bQa tiec 2.
dien ra hang nam. Phan tich
Dap an (D) 6 phan gida doan thd hai co cau "I'd like
to ask you to refrain from checking your
email and text messages throughout
30 Thd biio (Memo)
the day" yeu Coiu Julie han che kiem
Mini-test tra tin nhan va email trong ca ngay nen
(A) dung.
1(C) 2.(A) 3.(B) 4(A) 5(B)
6.(0) 7.(0) 6(B) 9.(0) 10,(A) Dap an (A)

3-7. to the cause, email me and I will let you
get together gap gd, tu hop know how to do just that" di/a ra de nghj
help out giup dQ gdi email de biet each quyen gop neu
worthy xdng dang khong the den tham du, nen cb the thay
fundraiser budi gay quy day la mot su kien tu thien.
raise quyen gop Dap an (B)
matter dieu quan trong 6.
how well tot den mdc nao Phan tich
sign up dang ky Day la cau hoi danh td rieng. Trubc het
donate quyen gop phai phan biet ngddi gdi va ngadi nhan,
3. Ngddi nhan la Walter Givens, ngdeii gdi
Phan tich la Mark Mayer. Vi the, ngddi xd ly yeu
Day la cau hoi ve muc dfch cua thU bao cau cua Mayer la Walter Givens.
nen phai doc ky phan dau thif bao. C&u Dap an (D)
dau "The 12th Annual Junior Achievement 7.
Bowl-a-thon will take place on Saturday,
Phan tich
October 2 in the Greater Houston Area 6 doan thd hai cua email cb viet "Dennis
and Saturday, October 9 in the Richmond Simmons and Kathy Wilcox will not be
area," thong bao thdi gian va dja diem able to attend either event", cho thay
dien ra mot sit kien nen (B) dimg. Dennis Simmons va KathyWilcox khong
Dap an (B) the tham gia sd kien nen dap an la (D).
Dap an (D)
Phan tich 8-10.
Viec quyen gop tien dUdc de cap trong morale tinh than, y chi
thif bao nen can tim dap an d thu bao. improve cai thien
Vt la cau hoi danh tit rieng nen fim cac communication giao tiep
phan cb danh tit rieng xuat hien trong Ida recognize nhan thdc
chon de tim ra dap an. 6 cau cuoi cua importance tarn quan trong
doan dau "The fundraiser will be raising personnel nhan vien
money for all of Junior Achievement's promotional mang tinh quang ba
educational programs for elementary expertise kien thdc chuyen mbn
and middle school students" cho thay entire toan bo
tat ca so tien quyen gop ditdc se danh review kiem tra
cho cac chUOng trinh giao due cua Junior provide cung cap
Achievement nen dap an la (A). celebration le ky niem
Dap an (A) worthwhile dang gia
5. 8.
Phan tich Phan tich
Cuoi thuf bao co cau "If you can't make Ly do viet thd thudng xuat hien 6 phan
it there, but would like to donate money dau thd, tuy nhien cung cb the xuat hien


d ch5 khac nhu trifcing help nay. 6 cudi outdoor ngoal trdi
doan thd hal co cau "We would like your world-class tieu chuan qudc te
support and expertise in planning our professional chuyen gia
special events, especially those involving facility thiet bj
the entire hospital." cho thay muc dfch viet ballroom phong khieu vu
thu la de dita ra yeu cau h6 trd trong viec exhibit trien lam
space khong gian
len ke hoach cho sir kien nen (Bj la dap an.
round-trip hai chieu, khd hoi
Dap an (B) rush hour gid cao diem
9. heavy ddng due (giao thong)
Phan tich assistance ho trd
Neu cau hoi ve mpnh de /Tthl phai tim dap complimentary mien phi
an 6 cau cd menh de if. 6 doan gan cudi rooftop san thuong
cd cau "If you'd like to get background designate chi dinh
information on this important celebration, 1.
please review the association's website," Phan tich
Id do suy ra, neu John truy cap vao Cau hdi danh gia doi tddng. Tieu de (a
website thi se tim thay each thdc to chdc "Welcome to Bangkok's Alpha Premier
budi le ky niem. Resort!" nen cd the suy luan doi tddng la
Dap an (D) khach nghi tai khach san.

to. Dap an (A)

Phan tich 2.
Cau dau lien la "National Healthcare Phan tich
Personnel Week will take place from April V6i cau hdi NOT can tim dap an d cau
1 to April 7." cho biet sU kien se dien ra phu djnh. d cudi doan thd ba cd cau
trong 1 tuan td ngay 1 den ngay 7 thang "The property offers a round-trip airport
4 nen (A) la dap an. shuttle, but we advise that guests do not
Dap an (A) use this service during rush hour," cho
biet du khach khong nen dung xe dda
don ra san bay trong gid cao diem nen
Thong tin hudng dan (B) la dap an.

Mini-test Dap an (B)

1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(B) 4.(C) 5.(A) 3.
6(C) 7.(B) 8.(C) 9.(B) 10.(A) Phan tich
Cau hdi lien quan den the iounge. 6 doan
1-3. dau tien cd viet "a bar/lounge are open
poolside canh ho bdi for drinks on the first floor at the pool and
respectively Ian Iddt lobby respectively" nen suy ra phdng chd
recreational mang tinh giai trt nay d gan sdnh.
amenity tien nghi Dap an (B)

4-8. ddng cua cac cdng ty, nen khach hang
assume doan,nghi muc tieu cua Sherund phai la cac cong ty
tali apart rach, rdi ra cd tuyen lao ddng chan tay. Oap an (C)
fluke tinh cd, ngau nhien 7.
at first luc dau Phan tich
complaint phan nan, bat man
d phan dau bdc thd cd ndi trong sudt 5
request yeu cau nam mua hang khdng bao gid gap van de
full refund hoan tra toar bp
gi, nen cd the thay Alan sdc vi anh von rat
replacement (vat) thay the
tin tddng cac san pham cua Sherund.
shoddy product san pham chat luong kern
Dap an (B)
be in need of can -
4. 8.
Phan tich Phan tich
Day la cau hoi ve Sherund Work shoddy product = low quality product
Supplies nen can tim dap an <3 mlu tin. Dap an (C)
(A) di/dc de cap d cau "As you may or 9-10.
may not know 2012 marks the 10-year 9.
anniversary of Sherund Work Suppliesr, Phan tich
(B) du'dc de cap d cau "we'd like to offer Cau hdi danh gia dd'i tdpng.
you the following specials", va cac sdn Trong khung chuong trinh hdi nghi, ngay
pham dUa ra cho thay hp cung cap cac dau tien td5h15 den 6h chieu la ndi dung
thiet bj lao ddng (D). Vi vay (C) la dap an. gidi thieu Sampius den cac nhan vien
Oap an (C) mdi nen suy ra doi tdpng tham gia hdi
5. nghi la cac nhan vien.
Phan tich Dap an (B)
Cau hdi ve chu de cua bdc thu nen phai 10.
doc ky phan dau thd. Cau thir hai "I was Phan tich
shocked when an employee told me that Cau hdi ve the session. Thong qua
his boots were falling apart even though Ijch trinh ngay dau tien "Introduction
they were brand new" to y phan nan rang to Sampius for new employees" va
san pham cua cdng ty nay bj rach du la "Welcome reception" cd the suy doan
hang mdl. rang cac nhan vien mdi nhat djnh phdi
tham gia. Vi the, dap an la (A).
Dap an (A)
Dap an (A)
Phan tich 32 Mau (Form) va cac d^ng khac
Day la cau hdi doi tUdng. O doan thd hai
cd cau "I heard the same complaint from Mini-test
about half of my workers" cho thay doi 1 .(A) 2.(B) 3.(D) 4.(C) 5.(A)
tupng sd dung san pham la ngifdi lao 6. (B) 7.(D) 8.(C) 9.(C) 10.(A)

1-2. 4.
eligible du ta each Phan tich
1. Dau thd mdi de cap den (A) The date (On
Phan tich Saturday, February 8th, 2013), (B)The
CSu hot ve thong tin khong yeu cau khai time of the event (From 5 to 9 p.m. va
bao. 6 giOa mau dang ky co hoi "Do you (D) The location (295 Wescott Avenue),
have an employment/age certificate?", khong de cap den (C) The type of food
nghla la hoi co giay chdng nhan lam nen (C) la dap an.
viec/tuoi khong chQ khong hoi tudi nen Dap an (C)
(A) dung. 5.
Dap an (A) Phan tich
2. Day la cau hoi vd ly do nen can tim dap
Phan tich an 6 cdu co lien Id chl ket qua. Cau "You
Cau h6i ve ddi tuong dddi 18 tudi. Qua have been a great deal of help to my
cdu 'If you are under age 18, do you have family and me, so I hope that you'll be
an employment/age certificate?" co the able to attend" cho thay Ryan dddc mdi
suy ra rang neu ngddi dddi 18 tudi mudn vi da giup dd gia dinh Sanjay.Oap an (A)
dng tuyln thi can co giay chtlng nhan 6.
nen (B) la dap an. Phan tich
Dap an (B) Cau "Please let us know if you'll be
attending and how many guests you will
3-7. be bringing" cho thay Suwalker hoi Ryan
private rieng td xac nhan viec tham dd va so ngddi di
bring dua theo cung nen (B) dung.
consider can nhac
honor vinh dd Dap an (B)
unfortunately khong may 7.
as soon as sctm nhdt co thd
Phan tich
come true thanh hien thuc Cau hoi ve ly do can tim dap an d cau
co lien td chi ly do. Cau "Unfortunately,
3. I have a meeting that afternoon, so I will
Phan tich be a little late"cho thay ly do den muon la
Cau hoi nay lien quan den thu mdi. 6 vi cd cudc gap ndn (D) dung.
phan dau thd mdi co cau "The private Dap an (D)
grand opening will take place on the 8th,
a week before our public grand opening."
cho biet day la thd mdi tham gia budi khai
free consultation td van mien phi
trddng rieng td nen (D) dung.
international mang tinh qudc te
Dap an (D)
professional chuyen nghiep
firm cdng ty, hang

mission sU menh 10.
guide hudng dan Phan tich
client khach hang Cau hoi danh gia doi tdong. C3 doan thu'
prosperity thanh cong hai "TeamPath specializes in delivering
energize tiep sinh lUc team-building programs for very large
specialize in chuyen ve groups" cho thay cac chddng trinh cua
outing da ngoai TeamPath nham vao cac nhom rat Idn,
cung co nghla doi tUdng khach hang cua
ho la cac doanh nghiep Idn.
Phan tfch
Cau hoi ve muc dfch cua phieu. Trong Dap an (A)
phieu giam gia khong de cap den sd kien
(A), nhan vien (B) hay Ijch cac bai tap
(D), nen dap an chi co the la (C).
Dap an (C)
Phan tich
Cac chitong trinh ma TeamPath hifdng
tdi co (A) Meetings, (B)Company events,
(D) Outings. Chi co (C) Fund raisers
khong ddpc de cap nen (C) dung.
Dap an (C)



Chapter 01
Thanh ph^tn cua ciu 23
01 I Chij nguf, d6ng tif, tan nguf, bd nguf, tir bd nghTa 24

Chapter 02
D n
P g M 33
02 I Cac d^ng dpng tif
03 I Thi cua dong tif
04 1 The chO dflng, the bi dgng 49
05 I Cau dieu kien

Chapter 03
Titloai 09
06 I Danh tif 7q

07 I Dpi td 89
06 ! Tmh td 92
09 I Trangtd
10 I Gidi tif 1^

Chapter 04
Dong tif khdng gidi han 129
11 I Dong td nguyen the
12 I Danh dong td 138
13 I Phan ddng td : 140

Chapter 05
Li^n td va m£lnh di?
14 I Lien td ket hop va lien td tUdng quan 159
15 I Mpnh de danh ngd
16 i Menh dd trang ngd
17 I M$nh de quan h£
Lofi noi dau


Nhfing ki^n thufc co th£ ap dung ngay vao lam bai thl
Trong giO day, toi luon nhan manh vao "kha nang vfng dung", b&i vi£c hpc cac ly thuy^t
khdng thg" ap dung ngay vao lam bai thdt su rat lang phi thdi gian. Trong giao trinh nay,
toi manh dan b6 heft nhung ly thuyet khong giiip ich gi trong thrfc te, them vio nhiJng
Idnh nghiem nit ra drfo'c trong giang day cung n bring bai tap da dang.

Co the' nhanh chong cai thicn diem trong thdi gian ngan vo'i cac vi du va bai tdp
phong phu
Ne'u mudn nhanh chong cai thi^n ditfm, thay vi hoc va phan rich ly thuyet, hay tim hi£u
cac dang d<¥ thi roi Ap dung vao giai de luon. Vi the, trong giao trinh nay, da phan cAc
cAu hoi va vi du deu giong cac dang de trong thrfc te. Toi cung danh mpt phAn trong
sAch de day cAch lam bai thbng qua phAn rich cac dang de, giup cAc thi sinli tiet Idem
thdi gian lam bai thi.

Dpc hiSu (Reading Comprehension): Tap hop b6 de trong 3 nam gan day va
phifOng phap 1km phan 7
Xu hifcfng ra de khong thay ddi trong mA'y nam gan dAy, dac biet d phan 5,6. Chi can
nAm ro xu hridng nay thi c6 rhe' de dang dat die'm cao. Tuy nhien, co the thA'y ro nhiAng
bien hoa d phan 7 trong cac bai thi gan dAy. Hi£n nay co vo so sAch 6n luy^n TOEIC,
nhifng khong sAch nao co npi dung phan 7 chi tie't va chuyen sAu nhif giAo trinh nay.
De giai quyet 200% mpi phien nao mA cAc thi sinh gap phai vi phAn 7 nay, mpi tai lieu
nghien ciiu trong suot thcfi gian qua dAu dtfpc ghi chep lai trong giAo trinh nay.

Nghe hie'u (Listening Comprehension): Cac each tra led cau hoi LC theo tifng btfdc
dup'c phan tich ti ml
Cac can hoi cua phan nghe can co each tiep cAn cu the hdn. Giao rrinh nay ghi chep chi
tiet cAch tiep cAn cAu hoi co the ap dnng trrfc tiep vao thpc dS' tim ra dAp an.
GiAo trinh nay lap dAy nhiing 16 hdng trong cAc giao trinh on tAp TOEIC co ban khac.
Danh 5 tieng m6i ngay trong vong 2 thAng de' hoc theo giao trinh nay, toi tin chAc cAc
ban co the' diipc tren 800 diem, Chtic cAc bam may man!

Jo Gang-Soo
Chapter 06
M6t s6 cdu dac bi^lt 9^1
18 I Cau true so sanh
19 I C^u true song song/dSo ngQ 200


Chapter 07
On tdp theo cac dang clu hoi 211
20 I Cau hoi ve chCi 212
21 I Cau h6i lien quan den danh ti/ rieng 219
22 I Cau hdi v6 yeu cau 225
23 I Cau hoi ve nguy§n nhan 231
24 I Cau hdi NOT 237
25 I Cau hdi suy luan 244
26 i Cau h6i not, problem, it 251
27 i Cclu h6i phan tich 257
28 I Cau hot co gdi y dap an nam S phan dau hoac phan cuoi van ban 263
29 ! Cau hoi tCf vi/ng 270

Chapter 08
On tdp theo cac dang van ban 275
30 I Thd (Letter)/ThLf di^n tif (E-mail) 276
31 I Qu&ng cao (Advertisement) 286
32 I Thong bao (Notice & Announcement) 295
33 I Bao chi (Article & Report) 304
34 I Thong bao n^i bd (Memo) 313
35 I Van ban hudng dan (Information) 322
36 I MHu gidy td (Form) va mot so dang van bJm khac 330
37 f Doan van kep (Double passages) 337

t.TOEIC la gi?

TOEIC laviet tat cuaTestofEnglish for International Communication,

la ky thi danh gia nang Inc suf dung tiefng Anh trong d6i song king
ngay hoac c6ng vi$c, vcfi trong tam la nang life giao ddp, danh cho
nhflng ngito'i thuoc cac quoc gia ma tiAig Anh khong phai la tidfng me
de. Cac chu de xuat hi6i trong TOEIC thifdng mang tinh tfng dung
cao nhrf defi song sinh hoat hoac kinh doanh.

2. NhOfng dac diem va chu de co trong bai thi

Phat tri^n doanh nghi|p nghiSn ciru, phat tri^n s^n ph^m
Vgn d§ lien quan dSn tai chfnh d^u Id, thu^, loan, thanh loan
bda tide co tfnh ch^t c6ng vifec, lidn hoan, tiec toi,
An u6ng
dSt ban
phim anh, am nhac, nghe thuat, bao tang, truy^n
Qi&i tn, van hoa
thdng dai Chung
hpp dong, dam phan, sat nhap doanh nghiSp,
C6ng viqc
marketing, kinh doanh
Sufc kh6e bik) hi^m y t^, tri lidu, nha khoa, benh vien
Nha d/vSn phong xHy ddng, mua, ban, cho thu§, phf sinh hoat
tuyln dyng, tti chCfc, thfing chdc, h6 so xin viec,
NhSn sii
thong bao tuyln dung, IdOng, lUdng hdu
xf nghiep che tao, quln iy x( nghiep, quan ly chat
Slin xuat
lirgng san pham
ban quan trj, uy ban, thu bao, di|n thoai, fax vk thu
H^nh chfnh van phong
didn tt(, vSn phdng phlm
Mua ban mua slm, dat hlng, chuyln ph^it, hoa ddn thanh toan
giao thdng cdng cOng, t^u thuyln, ve tham quan,
Du Ijch
Ijch trinh, phat thanh, khach san, hoan ho$c hCiy
D£ thi TOEIC thifdng tranh de cdp tdfi nhufng chu dd' van hoa mang
tinh ca bi^t, trong khi ten ngifdi d cac quoc gia tr^n thd gidi xuat hien
mot each dong ddu. Ngoai ra, phat 4m va gipng difiu cua ngiibi My,
Anh, Canada, Uc deu xuat hien trong cac bai nghe.

3. Cau true cua bai thi

CSu true Phan Npi dung So cau Thdi gian
tufting ting
1 Mieu hinh 4nh 10
2 H6i dap 30
Nghe hieu 45 phOI 495 dilm
3 Hdi thoai ng4n 30
4 Doan van ng4n 30
Hoan thanh cSu
5 40
{ngO phap/tCf vung)
Hoan thanh
Doc hilu 6 12 75 phut 495 diem
doan van
Ooan vSn dan 28
Dopn vSn k6p 20
Tong 7 phan 200 120 phut 990 dilm



1. Xu hUdng ra de mdi nhat

Day khong con la phan de nhat nhu nhieu ngudi van nghi. Trong
thdi gian gdn ddy, cac can 8, 9, 10 thitdng xoay quanh mi6u ti s\i
vAt. Dang cau h6i nay chiia tifng xuat hi6n n6n rat nhi€u thi sinh
lam sal. Cac thi sinh khong n£n nghi rang chi sai khoang 2 cau 6
ph&i 1 thi khong anh hifdng gi defn vi^c dat di^'m cao. N^'u cac phan
co so diem hang nhau thi m6i cdu & phan I WOng ufng vhi so dilm
cua 3 ciu cf phan khac. Dii chi sai 1 cdu cung kho dat diem cao.

2. Phan tfch xu hudng cau hdi

. - BlTc tranh co 1 nhan v?t

Bifc tranh co cS ngud! v& sg vat

Bile tranh co hai nhan vat tr6 len

, Bile tranh nileu tS trang thai cCia

sy v&t (khong co ngLfcii

Phan loai theo dang cau h6

Ph&n loai theo n6i dung cau hoi

3. Chien ludc on tap va chien li/cfc lam bai thi

1. Id dd bai ra nhflng biic tranh v€ con ngtfcfi chiem 60-70%,

vi the can nam viJng cac dong ttt hoac tinh tif lien quan dd'n
dpng tac hay trang thai cua con ngu'di.
2. Nhin tranh va ngay lap tuc nam bat diipc boi canh chung cua
toan bo buc tranh. Dti khong nghi ra ditpc ttf gl lien quan den
dong tac hay trang thai trong tranh, nhiing nd'u hieu dung bifc
tranh thi thi sinh vin c6 the di dang chpn diipc dap an dung.
3. Loai b6 ngay cac phifdng an mieu ta sai ve sit vat hay nMc ddn
hanh dong kh6ng c6 trong tranh, tap trung vao cac phitong
an khac.
4. Vita nghe vita to luon dap an dd tid't kiem thtti gian,
5. Nhieu cau hoi kh6ng co dap an hoan toan chinh xac. Trong
mtctng hpp nay, phai chon dap an gan dung nhaft.


1. Xu hUdng ra de mdi nhat

Du co cung dang cau hoi nhifng nhiJng cau hoi tif sd 11-21 thifdng
dd hdn, nhufng cdu hdi sau se tang d4n dp kho, Dac bidt, tit sau c^u
35 thifdng co nhieu cau hoi kho danh cho nhftng thi sinh muon dat
didm cao, vi vdy khi lam bai phai hdt site chu y. Gan day, Id ra de
vao cac cau tran thu$t tang Idn, cac cau hoi co tif de hoi Why, How
cung xu4t hidn ngay cang nhidu.
2. Phan tich xu hUo'ng ra de

—■ Cau h6i phd thong, dang phu djnh, cau hoi (Ju6i
—• cau h6f Iga chgn {m^nh de 1 hogc mgnh dd 2)
— Cau h6i gian tiep

Cau h6i chgn (ga (tCf 1 hoac ti( 2)

Phan loai theo n6i dung cau h6i

3. Chien lUdc on tap va chien lUdc lam bai thi

1. Dap an chinh xac difcfc quydt dinh bdi tu de hoi xuat hien cf
dau cau h6i. Dii co nghe va hi^u ro phan sau di nufa, neu kh6ng
nghc duCc tii de hoi thi khong thd chon dtfcfc dap an dung.
2. Gan day, xu hudng ra dd' thi thu'dng la phan cau hoi in sin mofi
doc co ve kha d^ nhifng phan nghc lai co nhieu nhu'ng cum tif
kho phln tich, Trong bai thi d phan II nay can phai hft site luu
y de lang nghe nhuing cau nhu vay.
3. Hi! sinh can phai tlnh tao trudc nhdng bay dap an nhu tit d6ng
am (hoac phat am tUdng tu), rhcfi/the, tif dong nghla,... Doi
khi dap an thi sinh nghi rang khong dung lai co nhidu klia nang
la dap an chinh xac.
4. Co nhieu tnfcfng hop, thi sinh qua tip trung nghe cac dap an
ma quen mat noi dung cau hdi ban dau. Do vay, dii co tip
trung thi' nao thi thi sinh vln luon phai ghi nhd: de giai quydt
tot bai thi, nhat dinh khong du'dc cang thing dii phai tra Idi
li&i tuc 40 clu hoi. Trong trUdng hop nay, thi sinh nfen ghi
ch^p ngan gon nhiing ndi dung can lifu y ma minh da nghe
duoc ra gily.
PHAnIII&IV listening

1. Xu huong ra de mdi nhat

Trong phan dau cua phan III, cac cau tif 41-49 thifo'ng la nhfing cau
hoi dcfn gian, doan hoi thoai cua cac cau hoi nay thifdng ngan, va
c6 lien quan ddn lich trinh ti^p theo, dia diem, ngiicfi hoi thoai,...
Phan sau, cac cau tii 62-70 thifcfng xuat hien cac "cau hdi vd noi
dung chi tidt" vcfi doan hoi thoai dai hcfn, cac dap an Itfa chpn
thndng la cau hoan chinh. "Dang c4u hdi vi noi dung khai quat"
thuctng vd chu dd, dia didm, ngifcfi tham gia cuoc hoi thoai, yen cau,
dd nghi va lich trinh tid'p theo. Phdn IV ngay cang co nhidu dang bai
lidn quan ddn thong bao vd sti kidn, tin nhan didn thoai.

2. Phan tfch xu hitfng ra de

Dia diem eg the

c • CSu Ii6[ nOi dung cd b^n oat ch6, rnua va
Ik • 'am. tan s5, di chuyln,
_ Cau hii vl nOi dung cdl tilt 1 : tim d6
(dang tea Idi Ihdnh cau hodn AOv, hling, v^in chuyln
chinh) »H6ng h6c, siia chaa,
bio tri, nang cap
■ NhSn sd, nghi^p vy
26 — Cdu hdi va noi dung chi tiet T HOi hpp. sy ki^n
{d^ng tra IS)i ngin ggn)
* An ulng, Idi mdi
Phan logi theo dang cSu h6i Tuy^n dung, thing tien
trong phln til * Nghl ngcfi, sinh ho|t
Phln loai theo nty dung clu h6i
trong phan III

Tln nhSn di^n thoai

Qu^ng cdo du l|ch

rv- TruySn hlnh, phdt thanh

ThSng bAo chi d^n, dlin thuylt. phat bihu

Phan loai theo nOi dung c&u h6i

trong ph^n IV
3. Chien liidc on tap va chien lifdc lam bai thi

1. Tru'dc khi nghe, thi sink can phai tim ra va danh dau cac tif Idioa
cua cac cau hoi trong d^' thi. Phai nam dupe noi dung ma cau hoi
dang hifpng tpi thi mpi co th<5' nghe va chpn dppc dap an diing.
2. Thi sinh nPn ten luydn ky nang vua nghe viia doc nhanh va
nam bat trong tam cua cau hoi va cac dap an Ipa chpn. Bdi
muon tri iPi cau hoi, tniPc rien, thi sinh cdn nam dtfpc cau hoi
dang hoi vd van & gi va qua trinh nghe la xac nhdn lai npi dung
do mot lan niia. Ban dau se rat Idto khan, nhu'ng ndu tAp trung
ten luyen, thi sinh se quen dan va trd nen thanh thuc hon.
3. Da phan thtf tif cau hoi se theo ti£n trinh bai nghe. Vi thd, thi
sinh phai luyen giai de theo thii tp.
4. Co nhieu tnfPng hpp, dap an dung xuat hi^n cf ngay dau doan
hoi thoai. Do v&y, thi sinh phii tap trung nghe ngay tit dau.
5. Cac tinh huong diln ra theo tii'ng chu dd, vi vdy chiing thtfPng
kha giong nhau. Vi du: may photocopy bi hong, ngifoi can tim
dd di c6ng tac. NPu thi sinh luyen tdp va quen dan voi nhung
tinh huong thifpng gap do, thi viec giai de se trp nen de dang
hon rat nhieu. Ngay ca khi khong co nhieu thPi gian hoac kltong
muon lam bai, ban cung nen doc npi dung bai nghe (tapescript).

PH An V&VI reading

1. Xu huong ra de m6i nhat

Tuy dd' thi moi thang chac chan se co sp khac nhau, nhifng thong
thtfPng, cac cdu hoi li^n quan d^n ngft phap va tif vpng se dope lap
lai khoang mot nifa. Da phan cac de thi deu khong co qua nhidu sp
thay d6i vi hinh thPc ra d6' cung nhp dp kho cua cdu hoi. Cung nhtf
tnfOc day, co mot so cau hoi Idio cdn tro viec gianh dtfpc dk'm tuyet
doi. Tuy nhifin, nhin chung cau hoi va tP vpng dang dan kho hon,
6 phan VI, ty le cau hoi tP vpng cao hon phan V, va co nhieu cau
doi hoi phai hidu ro nghia cua doan van mPi tra Ipi dppc.
2. Phan tich xu hi/dng ra de

C^u h6i ve ngO phSp

65° Can h6i v4 (Or vyng

Phan loai theo ngi dung can ti6i

trong phin V Kh^c

CSu hdi v6 ti/ vdng

- C^u h6i ngO phap


Phan loai theo nOi dung cSu h6i

trong ph^n VI

3. Chien lUdc on tap va chien lupc lam bai thi

1. Ph&i V va phan VI la nhung phan co tM tra IcJi diidc nhifu nhat.

Khi lam bai thi, thi sinh phai phan tich nhanh cac dap an cung
nhif noi dung tnftfc va sau ch6 trong, de xem do co phai la can
hdi co thg' tti ltd ngay difcfc hay khong.
2. Nen danh dau nhdng can khong bi£t va ngay lap tii'c chuy^'n sang
can sau. Chi nen danh toi da 25 phut cho phan V, VI d£ co du
thdi gian lam phan VIL
3. Phai chac chan tra ltd dung hdft phan cau hoi ng£i phap. Cac cau
hoi vi tii vdng thucfng la cac cau de gianh di£m cao.
4. Phai nho nhflng tif thdcfng k6't hop cung nhau (collocations). Co
nhiifng each dung tu chung ta thay khong sai nhung ngifcd ban
dia lai khong bao gid dung. Cang biet nhieu each ket hop rtf cang
tidt ki^m ditoc thdi gian lam bai va gianh dtfoc diem cao.

1. Xu hU6ng ra de mdi nhat

Trong nhufng de thi TOEIC gan day, phin nay la phan kho nhat,
Cac thi sinh luon tMy vat va vdi nhflng can hoi kho cting vcd do^in
van dai. Du la nhung chu dd don gian nhat cung phai nam bat dope
y nghia doan van. Vi^c tim gpi y trong doan van dl tra lefi c^u h5i
ngay cang kho khan hon. Cac can hoi doi hoi suy doan, logic ngay
cang kho, cau h6i tP dong nghla cung lifin tuc xuS"t hi^n.
Hien nay, cac dang thu, email dope ra nhidu nhat, cac dang hoPng
dan, bai bao cung xuat hien nhieu hon. Dac bi^t cang v€ sau, cac
doan van cang dai hon, khien cho thi sinh gioi cung kho ma tra iPi
dung toan bp.

2. Phan tich xu hudng ra de

s Email, thu tay

8 , Ghi nh6, ban 1,-u y. npi dung Ihdng b^o
Cflng vin
Ljch trlnh
Quang c&o

• Bin hdcfng dnn

13^ B&l b&o

Phan loai theo nai dung can h6t

C^li h6i xac dinh chu •)&

• CSu h6i suy doan

■ • Cat h6i vo ttf v jnc

CSu h6i xdc dtnh thdng lin chung

* cau hdi xac djnh thdng tin chi tiet

Phdn loai thso dang cSu h6i

3. Chien liWc on tap va chien liidc lam bai thi

1. Nefu khong tu tin trong viec quan ly thcfi gian lam bai, thi sink
nen lam phan VII tnfhc, phan V, VI lam sau.
2. Thi sinh dn luydn tap each doc cau hoi tnfdc, sau do doc nhung
phfc can thifit trong doan van. Thu'c t^ khi liia chon dap an,
thong tin can thiet giup chon dap an thuVng khong ndm trong
nhiing cau van dai. Thi sinh can ten luyen ky nang xac djnh
trong tam cau h6i va chi dpc chon loc nhufng phan can thk't.
3. EM dat drfoc diem roi da, tnfdfc khi Itfa chon dap an, thi sinh nen
suy nghi lai mot lan nffa. Trong de thi TOEIC, khong co nhidu
cau hoi co thd thay ngay dap an. Co nhieu tnidng hop ndu suy
nghi them se tim ra dap an khac.
4. Cuoi doan van thiidng xuat hian gqi y de' lua chon dap am Co
rat nhidu tnJdng hop, dap an lai dtfpc quyet djnh bdi mpt vai cau
cuoi cua doan van.
b<5 cue vA DAC trUng cua cu6n sack nAy


T6i da nhdn diidc rat nhiAi can hoi trong qua trinh giang day, m6t trong nhung
ciu h6i phd bidn nhat la "Lam th£ nao dd nhanh chong c5i thidn diem s6?"
Dqung nhidn, doi vdi TOEIC, cac ban cung phdi hpc trong mot khodng thdi
gian nhi't dinh, nghla la phai "co qua trinh tich luy nhat dinh" thi mcfi co thd
d^t didm cao. Tuy nhien du co cirng thefi gian hoc, nd'u hoc Hp co phiiong phap
thi co thd dat dude so didm mong muon nhanh hon ngdhi khac. V^y, phJi hoc
TOEIC nhu thd nio?
Toi lu6n nhan manh vao v£n dd "thu'c tt doi vcfi cac thi sinh on thi. Vdi bat cd
vide gl, ndu hoc kiiong di doi vdi hanh thi khong bao gid dat dtfde kht qud tot.
Ndu chi tip trung vao ly thuydt thi se khong thd hinh thanh ky nang lam bai
hidu quL T6i da trtfc tidp lam bai thi va danh gia dtfoc chinh xac quy He ra dd
cua ETS (Vien khao thi Giao due Hoa Ky), ttt do dua ra cac phuong phap giai
dfi thi hieu qua cho cac thi sinh. Va giao trinh nay chua difng tat ca nhflng bi
quydt lam bai do.

1. Nang cao ky nang lam bai thiic tS' thong

qua h# thong cau hoi mau va vi du da dang

Muc tidu lefn nhat cOa cuon sach nay la hinh thanh
kha nang lam bai thtfc tl cho cac thi sinh. Cach giai
cac dang cau hoi se ddpc the hi^n hieu quS thong
qua vi dq va bai Hp thUc h^nh thay vl nhOng Idi gi^i
thich dai ddng, phtfc tap.

Giao trinh nay cung cap cAc bai tap va vi du phong 9

phu hdn nhOng giao trinh luyen thi TOEIC khac. Cac
bai tap va vi du dUa ra trong sach dupe chinh tac gia
MVAil «C»T»tvjh
vie't ra sau khi phan tich kT cac quy He ra de gan day. CHAi4UMi<K^(bh.|i*i«n nv^Df (iirw

2. Bai luyen tap ph£m anh chinh xac cac dang

ra de thi/c te

Trong bat ctf ky thi nao, de dat dupe diem cao,

chung ta deu phii ti^p can vdi cac dang de mdi
nhat. Slt khac bi§t giOa vi^c nam bat difdc si/ bien
doi cua de thi cung nhu cac dang d6 mdi nhat vdi
vi§c khong nam bat dddc no la rat Ictn. Chmh vl
vay, cac vi du va cau hdi difdc di/a vao giao trinh
nay deu dddc tuyen chpn ky Iddng de cd thl phcin
anh chinh xac nhOng xu hddng ra de mdi nh^t,
Trong cudn sach nay, tdi da co gang trinh bay
nhdng bid'n doi du la nhd nhat cua quy tile ra de
trong thdi gian gan day di/a tren kinh nghigm trdc
ti^p tham gia thi va nhOng kinh nghidm rut ra trong
qua trinh giang day cho cac thi sinh,

3. Vach ra Id trinh on thi theo tifng giai doan

Cach hoc tdt nhat ludn la hoc Ian Iddt theo ti/ng 02 CAC DAWi DOm.TCJ
bddc. 0e thl sinh dl nam bat va khdng cam thay
nang n4 khi on luypn, giao trinh da trinh bay rd O
1 ****** I 18 ^ d*n« Mill til U nthU. '.pat tf,
cho cac thi sinh qua trinh lam b^i thi TOEIC theo
ti/ng bddc.

Trddc tien, tdi phan tich chi tilt nhifng dang de

thddng xuat hien va gidi thieu each lam bai dng
vdi tdng dang. Sau do, tdi se dda ra nhufng bai tap wn
mlu tddng td de thi de thi sinh luydn tap. Gat bd .it tuln 1^ 41 J.IM■ ,it h .hum H Jrtnj rfn Al. u.
phddng phap hoc thuqc long truyen thong, day la
each on luyqn vda nang cao din nang Idc cua thi
sinh, vda cai thien khl nang van dgng kien thdc
vao lam bli thdc te mot each hieu qua.

4. Kiem tra danh gia viec ap dung kien thiJc

da hoc bang Half Test

Ngoai cac vi du van dyng mau va bai tpp thdc

hanh, giao trinh nay con cung cap them Half Test.
Cudi mdi chddng (Chapter) se cd bai ki^m tra,
tap trung vao trong tam la ndi dung cua chinh
chddng do, de nang cao ky nang lam bai cung
nhd de thi sinh luyen tqp thdm. Tuy so Iddng cau
hoi it hdn bai thi th&t nhdng se cd cau true tddng
Uf giiip thi sinh td danh gia phan kien thdc con
chda vufng.
5. Chien thuat trong phong thi

Nhu moi thi khac, neu biet phan tfch cac dang
bai trong de thi TOEIC thi ban se thay c6 khdng it
cau kha ddn gian, Giao trinh nay gidi thi^u nhdng 0 He rKONGCACDiNncAUHiil
11 CJy tiH dtA 41 < lUt if ch4 44 cAa v|n hJr
bi quyet cua rieng tac gil, co the v$n dung de I'M
dang khi tern bai thi. Vdi nhtifng phddng phap va t;lll4r<Al bin baclo U 41;
bi quy^t lam bai hOu ich thay vi nhQng ly thuy^t
til p Jtrt 'i(Mni.M?
asd tn, iU>f Kh>>
dai dong, thi sinh se on luyen h)§u quS hdn r^t Oip nuS.,^1
nhieu de khi lam bai co the chpn ngay dupe dap EnCAa4likuTinm«tbix.dkhli KK> Ibiag tin ,( „11— Ju
Myc Jhllcai U iku U 0' knir-f
an dung sau khi chi Iddt qua vai phan cua de bai. MyrM Mi niib'dla E^.^'
Ngoai ra, bang each ren luyen kha nang lam bai CA. kil I# 4-- Ua Ti ^ J., b,
nhanh, thi sinh cung se hoc dddc each ti^t kiem
thdi gian toi da khi di thi.

(^tudu "SPlan

Day la thdi gian bi^'u phu hcfp vdi cac chi sinh viia mbi bat dan
on TOEIC Cac thi sinh thi^u ndn ting ccf ban n^n liJa ebon
60 Days hoach on thi trong 60 ngay va luygn tip giao trinh nay nhi^u
lln. Phii hoc ky tii vung cd ban, nirn difpc tac cd cac phudng
phap lam bai.

Week 1 Dayl Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day5

Chapter Chapter 01 01 Chapter 01 01 Chapter 01 01 Chapter 02 02 Chapter 02 02
Week 1 Day 6 Day? Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Chapter Chapter 02 03 Chapter 02 04 Chapter 02 04 Chapter 02 05 Chapter 02 05
Week 3 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
Chapter HALF TEST 01 Chapter 03 06 Chapter 03 06 Chapter 03 07 Chapter 03 07
Week 4 Day16 Dayl? Day IB Day 19 Day 20
Chapter Chapter 03 08 Chapter 03 08 Chapter 03 09 Chapter 03 09 ChapterOS 10
Week 5 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25
Chapter Chapter 03 10 HALF TEST 02 Chapter 04 11 Chapter 04 11 Chapter 04 12
Week 6 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30
Chapter Chapter 04 12 Chapter 04 13 Chapter 04 13 HALFTEST 03 ChapterOS 14
Week? Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35
Chapter Chapter 05 14 Chapter 05 15 Chapter 05 15 Chapter 05 16 ChapterOS 16
Week 8 Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40
Chapter Chapter 05 1? Chapter 05 17 Chapter 06 18 Chapter 06 19 HALF TEST 04
Week 9 Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45
Chapter Chapter 07 20 Chapter 07 21 Chapter 07 22 Chapter 07 23 Chapter 07 24
Week 10 Day 46 Day 4? Day 48 Day 49 Day 50
Chapter Chapter 07 25 Chapter 07 26 Chapter 0? 27 Chapter 07 28 Chapter 07 29
Week 11 Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 Day 55
Chapter Chapter 07 30 Chapter 0? 31 Chapter 07 32 Chapter 07 33 Chapter 07 34
Week 12 Day 56 Day 57 Day 56 Day 59 Day 60
Chapter 01-06 Chapter 07-08
Chapter Chapter 08 35 Chapter 08 36 Chapter 08 37
review review

Day la rho'i gian bieu phii hdp v6i cac thi sinh da rhi thifTOElC
vai laii hoac d trinh do trung cap, Cac thi sinh di tritih do nay c6
ki£n thuc ngiJ phap, tu vu'ng tdng the nhung vtn con sai nhidu,
30 Days
khdng hidu sau va vln gap kho khan khi lua chyn dap an. Cac
ban n6n doc toan bp sach va phai luy£n tSp nhldu Ian c4p trung
vao nhu'ng phan con yS'u.

Week 1 Day1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 DayS

Chapter Chapter 01 01 Chapter 02 02 Chapter 02 03 Chapter 02 04 Chapter 02 05

Week 2 Day 6 Day? Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Chapter HALFTEST 01 Chapter 03 06 Chapter 03 07 Chapter 03 03 Chapter 03 09

Week 3 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Chapter Chapter 03 10 HALF TEST 02 Chapter 04 11 Chapter 04 12 Chapter 04 13

Week 4 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20

Chapter HALF TEST 03 Chapter 05 14 Chapter 05 15 Chapter 05 16 Chapter 05 17

Weeks Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25

Chapter Chapter OS 18 Chapter 06 19 HALF TEST 04 Chapter 07 20-22 Chapter 07 23-25

Week 6 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30

Chapter Chapter 07 26-27 Chapter 07 28-29 Chapter 08 30-31 Chapter 08 32-34 Chapter 08 35-37

Day la thcVi gian bi£Vi phu hdp vd'i cac thi sinh co miic tifiu dat
diem cao. Thay v! hoc toin bp giao trinh, thi sinh nen chon Ida
20 Days nhdng phan can thidt va tAp crung vao do. Thay vi hidu ly do
dap an nay dung, phdi nam r6 tai sao Ida chon nay sai, didu nay
se giiip ban dat didm cao.

Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

T,'., T T..'.. ...:
Chapter 01 Chapter 01 Chapter 01 Chapter 01 Chapter 02
Chapter 07 20 Chapter 07 21 Chapter 07 22 Chapter 07 23 Chapter 07 24

Week 2 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

...: :
Chapter 02 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 03 Chapter 03
Chapter07 25 Chap!er07 26 Chapter 07 27 Chapter 07 28 Chapter 07 29

Week 3 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Chapter 04 Chapter 04 Chapter 04 Chapter 05 Chapter 05

Chapter 07 30 Chapter 07 31 Chapter 07 32 Chapter 08 33 Chapter 08 34

Week 4 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20

Chapter 05 Chapter 05 Chapter 06

Chapter 01-06 Chapter 07-08
review review
Chapter OB 35 Chapter 08 36 Chapter 0B 37





01 Chu ngut, ddng tii1, tan ngfl, bo ngfi,

tu bo nghia

■ ■
cm: Nc;r, dong tu, tan ngo;

T rong ngu1 ph^p tieng Anh, th^nh phan c^u tpo nen cau g6m co thanh td chi'nh va thanh to php. Thanh
t6 chtnh bao gom: chij ngu, dong tit, tan ngO, bd ngu. Thanh td phu Id cac td bd nghTa. Day tuy la
nhung yeu td cd bdn nhung het she quan trpng.


1 | Nhffng cau hoi yeu cau chon danh tit, dai tiV, danh d6ng th lam chu ngu
xuat hien kha thrio'ng xuyen.

® (Cum) Danh tii

paid on corporate card will be reimbursed directly to the credit card company.
(A) Expend (B) Expensive (C) Expenses (D) Expending
Chi phi duoc thanh coan bitng the tin dung doanh nghidp se difdc hoan trd trdc
tid'p cho cong ty the tin dung. Dap an diing (C)

© Dai tit
The benefit is only paid for the months worked.
(A) they (B) their (C) them {D) theirs
Phuc lei chi difgfc chi tra cho nhiing thang ho lam vide. Dip in dung (A)
"K" Trang tif quan he when giiJa the months va 6 trong da bi litcfc bo,

® Danh dong th
a firm is a big challenge for him,
(A) Operating (B) Operate (C) Operation (D) Operated
Didu hanh c6ng ty la mot thuf thach Idn vdi anh ay. Dap an dung (A)
★ Danh tit Operation phai thdm mao tif A vao phia trudc hoac -j chi so nhidu
vao phia sau.

® Menh de danh ngii

matters is when to go international.
(A) That (B) What (C) Though (D) As if
DiAt quan trong la bao gid tidn ra qu6c tf. Dap an dung (B)

© Cum "to + dong tif nguyen thC

a program with a positive perspective is desirable.
(A) To starting (B) To start (C) Start (D) Have started

Ai cOng mong muon mpt cWdng trinh diioc bat dau vdi mot quan difi'm rich
CliC. Dap an dung (B)

2 | D6ng tii va tinh tii khong du'dc phep lam chu ngfl.
A final is made by the Executive Council.
(A) decide (B) decisive (C) decision (D) decisions
Quy£t dinh cuoi ciing difoc diia ra bdi Hpi dong quan tri. Dap an dung (C)

3 I /f and Them 14m chu „gf( gU. iHMUMWM

is currently impossible to make a reservation for this hotel.
(A) Theirs (B) He (C) It (D) Someone
Hi£n tai khong chl dat trudc phong 6 khacb san nay. Dap an diing (C)

remain several employees to clean up after the event.

(A) They {B) It {C) There (D) Those
Nhi&i nhan vidn a lai don dcp sau khi sd kiSn ke't thuc. Dap an dung (C)


11 Nhu'ng cau hoi yeu can phan biet vi (n cua dong tu 6' the chu d6ng va d6ng tii
& the hi d6ng de chqn dap an dung dicn vao ch6 trong, IMI
John Quincy Adams by many people one of the most successful diplomats,
(A) consider (B) considering (C) is considered (D) to consider
John Quincy Adams duo'c nhkfu ngdo'i coi la mot trong nhilng nha ngoal giao
tbanh cong nha't. Dap in diing (C)

2 | Cau hoi yeu cau dicn dong tii nguyen the vao cho trong theo sau tro d6ng
tii. 2 cau trong de mm nam)
Never did he to satisfy his client.
(A) fails (B) failed (C) fail (D) has failed
Anh ay chda bao gid lam khacb hang cua minh that vpng. Dap in dung (C)

3 | D6i vdi nliiTng cau yeu cau chia dong tii, edeh nhanh nhat la phan tich
theo thii tii the-thi-so. Kythinao cungxuathien
The famous sculpture on the second floor.
(A) locates (B) is located (C) located (D) is locating
Bdc tdgfng ndi tid'ng dtfOc dat trdn tang hai. Dap in dung (B)

Art collectors of the city art classes in the center.
(A) are taken (B) has taken (C) takes (D) take
Nhfing nha situ tap tranh trong thanh phd tham gia cac l6p hoc my thu^lt 6 trung
tam. Dap an dung (D)

4 1 Cf cau menh lynh khong co cliu ngfi, dong tit dridc gift 6 dang nguyen the.
1-2 cau trong de moi namll
Please out before noon, or you'd be assessed a penalty.
(A) check (B) checks (C) has checked (D) checking
Lara on tra phong tnto'c gib trua, niHi khdng quy khach se bi phat. Dap an ding (A)

Oe duoc hon 900

Khi bai y^u cau phan bi£t giifa dong tif nguyen tM va phan tif d^ dicn
vao 6 trong theo sau "menh d6l + dau phay", neu m^nh de tntdc dau phay
co iidn tif If I When thi chpn dpng tif nguyen the, con n£u khdng co hen
tif thi chpn phan tif.

If you are interested, the following form.

(A) completing (B) completion (C) completed (D) complete
N£u ban quan dm thi hay di6n vao mSu sau. Dap in dung (D)

tan ngu

1 | Danh tif dong vai tro tan ngfl. Nhifng cau ycu can chpn loai tif thich lufp
lam tan ngfl thflflng xuat hien rait thubng xuyen.

® (Cum) danh tif

It will also include —— about our upcoming marketing campaign.
(A) inform (B) informed (C) information (D) informing
Thong tin ve chi6n dich marketing sap to'i cua chung ta cung du'dc bao g6m trong
do. Dap an dting (C)

© Dai tif
Give notice in advance that you plan to resign.
(A) their (B) they (C) themselves (D) them
Hay cho ho bi£t trudc la ban co y dinh nghl hifu. Ddp an dung (D)

(3) Danh dong tii
Management is considering the insurance policy.
{A)changes (B)changeabie (C)changing (D) changed
Ban quan ly dang can nhdc viec thay doi chinh sach bao hi<fm. Dip an diing (C)

@ Cum ddng tif nguyen rhd co to

The company decided the mandatory check-ups tor employees.
(A) implemented (B) to implement (C) implementing (D) to implementing
C6ng ty da quydt dinh tri^n khai vi^c kham silc khde bdt bupc vdi nhdn viSn.
Dap an dung (B)

fle flifec hon 900

Klii trong dap an co cd lien tif lifin k5t menh de trang ngti va lidn rii lien
kdt m€nh dd danh ngfl, thay vi doc hieu, ta nen bidt each phan bidt vi trl
cua chung. Ndu trifdc 6 trong la ngoai dong tit thi dap an dilng chi co thd
la lien tii Udn kd't mdnh dd danh ngfl.

I would ask you come by my oftice tomorrow morning.

(A) that (B) while (C) even though (D) in case
T6i mong anh se ghc qua vSn phbng toi vao sang mai. Dap in dung (A)

2 | Khong dflqc phep chon d6ng tii, tinh tii hoac trang tti dd didn vao 6 trong
theo sau mot ddng tii hoac gifli tii.
We need to enhance between teams.
(A) cooperative (B) cooperation (C) cooperate (D) cooperatively
Chung ta can phai nang cao tinh than hop cac giu'a hai dpi. Dip in dung (B)


1 | Can hoi yen cau chon ttnh tif lam bo ngfl xuat hiyn kha tlniong xuyen.
(3-4 cau trong de mot nam)
® B6 ngfl bd nghla cho chu ngfl
We need additional investment to remain ,
(A) competitive (B) competition (C) compete (D) competitively
Chiing ta cfe thdm vdn dau tti dd gifl tinh canh tranh. Dap in dung (A)

® Bo ngif bo nghia clio tan nguf
A visitor should find the website
(A) excite (B) exciting (C) excited (D) excitement
Ngudi truy cap se thay trang web thu vi. Dip an diing (B)

2 | Can hoi yen cau chon danh tix lam bo ngu hiem khi xuat hien.

® Danh tif
Michael will become in September 2012,
(A) president (C) presidential (B) presidency (D) preside
Michael se trb thanh tong thong vao thang 9 nam 2012. Dap an dung (A)
★ Danh tu vi ngu' president phii tifcing dong vcfi chu ngu Michael.

© Dong tit nguyen thd co to

Our purpose is the damage done by the fire.
(A) minimum (B) to minimize (C) minimize (D) minimized
Muc deu cua chung ta la phai giam thidu thiet hai do vu chay gay ra. Dap dn dung (B)

© IVtenh danh ngd

The more important thing is it is healthy,
(A) that (B) what (C) if (D) seeing that
Dieu quan trpng nhat la no khoe manh. Dap an dung (A)

3 | Tinh tif duoc phep lam bd ngu, nhu'ng trang tii va dong t£f thi khong,
Jessy asked me to keep him of the upcoming merger.
(A) intormally (B) inform (C) informing (D) informed
Jessy nhd t6i li^n tuc cung cap thong tin s\i lign doanh sdp tdi cho anh 3[y. Dap
dn dung (D)

Q TU bo nghia vA su hoa nap chu - vi mmmmmm

1 | Cau hdi yeu cau chpn giofi tif, Hen tu, phan tif, cum dong tif nguyen the
co to lam tif bo nghia.

• Cau hoi y6u cau chon gidi tif, lien tif, phdn tif, cum dong tif nguyen the co
to lam tif bd nghia.
summer vacation, Carla plans to go to Europe.
(A) During (B) In case (C) Now that (D) While
Carla dif dinh di chart An vao ky nghi hb. Dap an dung (A)

Nhtfng cau h6i yeu caiu phan biet rrang tif va Hen tu lien ke't mdnh cfe' trang
ngu' co chrfc nang bo nghia xuat hicn kha thifdng xuy^n.
you have a limited budged, you need a good plan.
(A) When (B) Nevertheless (C) Then (D) Prior
N£'u ban co ngudn v6n Han chd thi ph^i Idn kd hoach dtn thin. Dip an dung (A)

Cau hbi yeu cau chon phan tu, cum ctong th nguyen the co to lam tif bo nghia.
The employees behind must attend the next session.
(A) have remained (B) remaining (C) remained (D) are remained
Nhfing nhSn vidn d lai phit tham gia vao phidn hop sau. Dap in dung (B)

your performance, you must focus on details,

(A) Improvement (B) For improving (C) Improved (D) To improve
De cai thiSn kdt qua cong vide, ban phai tip trung vao cac chi tid't. Dip in dung (D)

\ Sd hoa hop \i s6 gifla chu ngti va dong tif trong cau co tif bo nghta.

Trifcfng hop co trang tif chen giifa chu nguf va (long tu.
Brian frequently questions about the company's business model.
(A) raising (B) raises (C) have raised (D) is raised
Brian thuOng dat can hoi vd mo hinh kinh doanh cua cong ty. Dip in dung (B)

TrtfOng hop c6 cum tif chen gifla chu ngfl va dong tif.
The artists attending the event mostly from the third world.
(A) comes (B) are come (C) come (D) has been come
Nhflng nghd si tham gia sif kidn nay hau hdt ddu dd'n tif cac nude the gidi thif ba.
Dip in dung (C)

TrtfOng hop co menh dd chen gifla chu ngfl va dong tif.

Candidates (who are) qualified for the written examination
(A) have been notified (B) has notified (C) is notified (D) notify
Cac thi sinh du diffu kien tham gia ky thi vidt da difOc thdng bao. Dip in diing (A)

DE THI mid PHONG Dap an v& phSn tfch: Trang 5 phan Answer Keys

1. you have a chance, I would 5. Under previously documented

like you to send the order through plans, the train station was
once again. supposed to have become - a
(A) Even year earlier.
(B) Then (A) operationally
(C) When (B) operate
(D) Instead (C) operational
(D) operated
2. To view a list of the software
is available for you to download, 6. NAND flash memory is expected to
click on the link. post the strongest growth next year
(A) each as demand for most IC products
(B) that
(C) he (A) rising
{D) all (B) rises
(C) risen
3. Always follow the manufacturer's (D) to rise
recommendation, this
equipment. 7. If you have any problem, me
(A) uses as soon as you get to the hotel.
(B) will use (A) contact
(C) have used (B) contacting
(D) using (C) to contact
(D) contacts
4. All the expenses incurred —
your business trip should be 8. There remain significant for
compensated by the company. the future in the field of knowledge
(A) while management.
(B) since (A) challenge
(C) during (B) challenging
(D) then (C) challenged
(D) challenges

8. The company's new product is quite 11. The Air Safety and Transport
from that of its competitors in Authority will enact the revised
many respects. starling from May.
(A) differ (A) procedures
{B) difference (B) proceeds
{C) different (C) procedural
(D) differently (D) proceed

10. We don't need to take for on 12. It takes about a month to obtain a
the benefits package of younger development which approves
employees. the location, size and use of a
(A) actions building.
(B) active (A) permission
(C) action (B) permit
(D) actively (C) permitted
(D) permitting

Questions 13-15 refer to the following article.

Everyone would agree that the sooner you acquire a healthy lifestyle, the greater the
chance you have to keep in shape throughout your life. By starting habits early,
13. (A) to health
(B) healthful
(C) health
(D) healthy
children and teens can enjoy a healthy heart and long life.

Research has shown that diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases -
conventionally adult illnesses - begin developing in childhood. Nearly three
14. (A) consideration
(B) considerate
(C) considerable
(D) considered
out of five adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 exceed dietary recommendations
for total fat and cholesterol intake.

Being aware of these studies and taking steps to decrease the amount of saturated
fats and cholesterol in your diet significantly the risk of heart disease.
15. (A) reduces
(B) reducing
(C) have reduced
(D) are reducing





DONG tl/

02 Cac dung dong tu'

03 Hit cua dong tu

04 Hie chu dong, the bi dong

05 Cau didu kien


Trong m6i ky thi TOE1C, cac cau h6i li§n quart den dgng tC( xuat hi$n kh6 nhieu, thi/dng 6
phan 5 cd 3 cau, d phan 6 co 2 den 3 c§u. C§u h6i ve dpng td dUdc chia ra lam hai lopi:
loai cau h6i ySu c&u phan biet dpng td 6 the chu dgng va ddng tu'd the hi dpng va loai cau :
h6i ve tCr vUng.


1 | Dpng Ui dpng 1 la npi dpng til di kem vdi cac til bp nghia. (gidi til, I rang
til)|(3-4 cau trong de moi nam
godi function hoat dpng occur x&y ra disappear bien m^t
come den arrive den ndi fall rdi take place xay ra
leave rcti di decline giam decrease gitim happen xay ra
proceed lien trien rise tang increase tang work lam viec

Mr. Cabot in third with less than 15 percent of the vote.

(A) came (B) brought (C) rewarded {□) received
Ngai Cabot xep vi tri thu 3 vdi it hdn 15% so phi^'u ban. Dap an dung (A)

The energy facility fell behind on its delivery contracts.

(A) consideration (B) considerably (C) considered (D) considering
Cac thi^'t bj nang Itfctng den mupn hon nhieu so vdi hop d6ng van chuyen.
Dap an dung (B)

2 | Dong tvi dang 2 la dong tii di kem vdi tinh tit. Ky thi naocurg xuat hien
be 1^ ~ stay v§n nhd —
become trcf thanh ~ feel Ccim thay -
remain v§n - appear dddng nhd —

The manager was for the damage caused by the use of the wrong file,
{A) Responsible (B) Response (C) Respond (D) Responsibility
Ngddi quan ly da chin trach nhiem ve nhufng t6n thdt gay ra bdi vice sir dung sai
dfl li£u. Dip an diing (A)

Oe fluoc hern 900
C^u hoi y^u c^u chon dong tif dang 2 dien vao cho trong ddng tnidc bo
ngi3 (tinh tii, danh tii) rhifdng hidm khi xuat hi^n.
Dr. Tuh, a well-known medical practitioner, a succesful entrepreneur.
(A) offered. (B) designated (C) showed (D) became
Ti&i sf Tuh, mot bac si y khoa noi tieng, da trd thanh mot doanh nhan thanh
d^c. Dap an dung (D)

Dong tii feel di kcm vcfi tinh tit dang qua khuf phan tii thvfdng rd't hay
xudt hien.
All these experiences with us wilt leave you feeling
(A) invigorate (B) invigorated (C) invigoration (D) to invigorate
Nhung trai nghiem vdl chung t6i se khitfn ban cam rhay hang hai. Dap an
dung (B)


1 | Chon dong tif dang 3 - ngoai dong tu, de dien vao ch6 tr6ng di trifdc tan
ugii, phu lutp vdfi ngu canh j Ky thi nao rung xuat hien

Ngoai dong tii

contact li§n l^c vdi ~ implement thdc hiPn, thi hanh ~ access tiep can ~
accompany dong h^inh vdi ~ check kiem tra ~ exceed vddt quel ~
provide cung cap ~ present trinh b^y ~ address gi^i quy^t ~
enhance nang cao ~ accommodate chila ~ consult ban bac ~
reach den - forward chuyen tiep ~ attend tham gia ~
gain gianh dddc ~ ensure bao dam ~ follow di theo ~
Cum ngoai dong tif (Npi dong tif + Gidi tii)
object to phan dd'i ~ participate in tham gia ~ apply tor xin vao ~
respond to phan hoi ~ contribute to dong gop — apply to ap dung vao ~
comply with tuan theo ~ agree to(with) dong y vdi ~ search for tim kiem ~
deal with giai quyet ~ inquire about hoi vl - register for dang ky vao -

Please — to Mr. Cho by e-mail for any further questions.

(A) respond {B) inquire (C) notice (D) show
N^u ban con thac mac di^'u gi thi lam on lien lac vdi ngai Cho qua e-mail. Dap
an dung (A)

De duoc hsn 900
Cau h5i yeu cau chpn dong tif tUo'ng ling vdi gicfi tif dufng sau ch6 trong
xuat hien kJia thifcfng xuyen.
The landlord is slow to to their questions or compiaints,
(A)respond (B)say (C)cancel (D) expend
Chu nha phan hoi lai nhiKng cau hoi hay phan nan cua ho kha china. Dip An
dung (A)
★ Dang sau ch6 trong co gioi td to nfin ta phdi chpn dong tif respond.

2 I Chon dong til dang 4 dc dicn vao cho trong difng tnfdc "tif chi ngudi +
tif chi sif vat" hoac "tif chi ngiftfi + that"

tif chi ngiffil + tif chi sii vat give, offer, show, send, bring, grant, award, hand
tif chi ngifdi + that inform, notify, assure, tell, remind, convince, advise
We're prepared to you a special discount of 5%.
(A) provide (B) apply (C) attract {□) offer
Chung toi sSn sang giam gia dac biSt 5% cho quy khach. Dap An dung (D)

Mr. Foley us that the banquet has been postponed.

(A) noticed {B} mentioned (C) notified (D) announced
Ngai Foley didng bao vdi chung t6i nlng budi tide da bi hoan lai. DAp An dung (C)

0e ddgc hen 900

Nhifng dong tif nhif give, offer, show, send, bring, grant, hand thifefng xuat
hidn trong nhufng cau co dang "tif chi v£t + to + tif chi ngifcfi".
Dr. Steven some advice to them.
(A) gave (B) tound (C) reduce (D) inhibit
Ngai Steven difa ra cho ho vai led khuydn, DAp An dung (A)

3 | Dong tif dang 5 la dong tif di kem vdi tinh tif hoac phan tif bo nghia cho
tan ngrf

Chu ngif + Dong tif + Tan ngul + Bo ngii

Dong til yeu cau danh til lam bo ngii (cho tan ngfl) ; call, elect, consider, make, name, select, appoint
OOng tif yeu cau tinh tt lam bo ngd (cho tan ngCf) find, keep, make, leave
The administrative assistant arrived late and the conference room empty.
(A) ensure (B) found (C) invite (D) inhibit
Trd ly hanh chinh dtfn mugn va thay phbng hop trong trdn. Dap An dung (B)


1 | 6 menh (R that theo sau cac dong tiV cau khicn hoac tiah ti( va danh tif
mang nghla can khien, dong tu lu6n d dang nguyen the.

insist nhan manh ask/request yeu cau require yeu cau order/mandate
Dong ttf clu khien
ra lenh suggest/propose gtfi y, de xuat recommend glcfl thieu lien ctf
Tinh ttf mang nghia cau khien imperative/essential tinh bat buoc necessary can thiet important
quan trong
advice ftfi khuyen recommendation stf gicii thieu, tien ctf suggestion
Danh ttf mang nghfa can khien
stf gdi y
I that Mr. Jone Sales include some web material and pictures.
(A) requested (B) introduced (C) reported (D) manutactured
Toi yeu cau ngai Jone Sales cho them m6t so tai lieu web va anh. Dap an dung (A)
★ Vi d menh d£ trade that co dong ttf sai khi^'n requested n^n include phai cf
dang nguyen chf.

It is imperative that the personnel department their response time.

(A) improved (B) improves (C) improve (D) will improve
Phong nhan su can cai thien toe dp phan ting cua hp. Dip an dung (C)

2 | D6ng th cau kliidn, dong tu cam giac, help + Tan ngu + D6ng tit nguyen the.
png tCf Gciu khien, khdi phht
make, let, have
ong ttf c^m giac see, watch, hear, notice, leel
All tour of us noticed the vice president the room,
(A) entered (B) entrance (C) enter (D) enters
Ca bon chung toi ddu phat hi£n ra rang ngai phd chti tjch da vao phong. Dip in dilng (C)

It will help you your concentration throughout the day.

(A) improve (B) improvement (C) improved (D) improves
No se tang stfc dip trung cho ban trong ca ngay. Dip in dung (A)

3 | D6ng tii luon d dang nguyen the khi theo sau trd dpng til.
Traffic will no longer on the major roads.
(A) delayed (B) delays (C) be delayed (D) to delay
Giao rhong se khong con bj dinh tr^ a nhung con difdng chlnh niia. Dip in dung (C)

0ETH1 MO PHdNG Dap an v£i phan tich; Trang 8 phSn Answer Keys

1. We that the class will fill out 5. Mr, Cho's proposal at the
quickly, so early registration is brainstorming session will be
recommended. reconsidereed at the next week's
{A) anticipate department meeting.
(B) react (A) rejects
(C) gain (B) is rejected
{D)launch (C) rejecting
(D) rejected
2. Company policy does not allow
decisions of any kind based 6. Every cent of your donation will
on sexual discrimination. - to Haiti and all of our workers
{A) makes are volunteers and will not receive
(B) has been made payment from the donations,

(C) was made (A) oppose

(D) to be made (B) go
(C) contact
3. Event organizer, Tom Bower says (D) call
that the venue change is needed to
a larger audience. 7. For more information, a
(A) enhance brochure available at the front desk
(B) accommodate of the conference center today.
(C) notice (A) deal
(D) check (B) cope
4. The prices you are seeing here (D) scrutinize
without tax and with no
discounts applied. 8. It did not take long for Matt to
(A) are himself as the youngest and the best
(B) is sales representative.
(C)have (A) distinguish
(D) has (B) convince
(C) confess
(D) indicate

9. Tower Media is looking for 11, js a lot more convenient to
experienced sales people with great sign up for online courses on our
personal skills to our sales website.
team. (A) Mine
(B) There
(A) mention
(C) He
(B) refer
(D) It
(D) join
12, Customers are expected to -
10. You need to Mr, Lee that the shopping cart to the store after
changes have been made to our they unload the groceries.
refund policy and privacy policy. (A) compensate
(A) inform (B) conform
(B)announce (C)show
(C) comply (D) return

Questions 13-15 refer to the tollowing article.

Dear John,

Following up on our last conversation over the phone, we to increase the

13. (A) have decided
(B) decided
{C} will decide
(D) will have decided

number of printer ink cartridges we would like to order from your company. As a result,
we would now iike you to 200 new cartridges to us, not the 150 we originally
14. (A) forward

agreed upon.

Also, I am not sure if you are the person for filling copy machine ink cartridge
15. (A) respond
(C) responsible

orders, but we would like to place an order for some of those as well. To be more
specific, we need 50 XC-35 ink cartridges.

Would you be kind enough to provide me with an electronic invoice at your earliest
convenience? Once again, thanks for your all your assistance and your timely
response to our order.

Vdi nhOng c^u h6i ve thi cua dpng it/, & phan 5 ta ph^i lim gdi y 6 d^u cuoi cau dl co thl
chpn ra ddpc dap an dung, Phan 6 c6 d6i chut tic rdi hdn, bdi thay vi tim gpi y cho dap an
dung, ta can nam dpgc mach vSn thl mdi gi& quy^t dddc yeu cdu cua de b&i. Thudng 6 moi
phan 5 va 6 se c6 2 cau h6i thl cOa d6ng td.


1 I Thl hien tai ddn thifdng duoc dung de ndi den nhung sU that hien nhien,
khong the phu nhan va thifdng di kem cac trang tif nhit usually, often, generally,
each month/year, always, currently (= presently).
Cameron's passport on January 25.
(A) expires (B) expired (C) had expired {D) expiring
Ho chid'u cua Cameron hd't han vao ngay 25 thang 1. Dip in diing (A)

Mr. Walter usually to work around 8:00 a.m.

(A) got (B) have goten (C) will expire (D) gets
Ngai Walter thiio'ng di lam vao khoang 8 gid' sang. Dip in dung (D)

2 | Thi qua khh dcfn diCn ta nhufng hanh dong hay trang thai da xay ra va ket
thiic trong qua khuf, thudng di kem cac trang tif nhu "yesterday, recendy, thcfi
gian + ago, last + thdfi gian, in + thcfi gian trong qua khif". [^^2fflE3SSBE31
The apartment on Madison Avenue out two weeks ago.
(A) has been rented (B) was rented (C) rented (D) is rented
Can hp trdn Dai 16 Madison da dupe thuS 2 tudn trUPc roi. Dip in dung (B)

3 | Thi tiftfng lai dcfn dupe dung de phong doan \i nhfing chuyen trong
tifefng lai, len ke hoach hoac the hi?n y chi, thiidfng di kem vdi cac trang tif
nhif "tomorrow, soon, shortly, next + thcfi gian, sometime + thifi gian trong
tifcing lai". HfflHISOEBS!
The delivery man - to pick up the package next week.
(A) comes (B) came {C} will come (D) had come
Nhan vien chuyen hang se ddn lay gdi do vao tuan sau. Dip in ding (Q

Q cAc THt hoAn thAnh

1 | Tlii hien tai hoan thanh di6n ta nhu'ng hanh dong bat dau trong qua
khu1 nhifng van con keo dai boac anh Huong tefi hien tai, thii«!yiig di kem vdi
"since + moc tlidi gian, in the last (past) + quang thcfi gian, for/over the +
quang thcii gian, during the + quang thcfi gian, recently, already, so far".
The numer of orders since two weeks ago.
(A) increased (B) has increased (C) increase (D) are increasing
Liidng dat hang da tang tu hai tuan tnfdc. Dap an dung (B)

Oe dupe turn 900

Dung "for (in, over) + quang thcfi gian/since moc thcfi gian + menh dd trang
ngfl (lidn tif + chu ngfl + dong td thi qua iditf)" vdfi thi qua khrif hoan thanh.
The company ups and downs for the past two years before they went public.
(A) have expereienced (C) experienced
(B) had experienced {□) expereiences
Cong ty da tnli qua nhidu thang trim trong suot hai nlm tnidc khi co phln
hda. Dap an dung (B)

2 | Thi qua khii hoan thanh dien ta sit viec da xay ra trifofc mot thcfi diem
nao do trong qua khit, thuofng di kem vdfi menh dd chtnh co dong tit cf thi
Mr. Schmidt claimed that the burnt cables extensive secondary damages
to the building.
(A) cause (B) had caused (C) caused (D) was caused
Ngai Schmidt tuydn bo nhilng day cap hi chay da gly them hu hai cap do hai
cho toa nha. Dap an dung (B)
★ O menh dd chinh, d6ng tit diidc chia d thi qua khif defn {claimed) va thco
ngfl clnh, toa nha hi hit hai gian ti^p trvfcfc khi ngai Schmidt tuydn b6 ndn phai
chia cause cf thi qua khu1 hoan thanh la bad caused.

3 | Thi tifofng lai hoan thanh didn ta stt viec hoac hanh ddng se hoan thanh
vao mdt thcfi diem nhat dinh nao do trong titefng lai, chu yeu di kem vdfi
"by the time + chu ngfi + ddng tif cf thi hi?n tai".
By the time he comes back, the staff the revised address list.
(A) had finished (B) finished (C) have finished (D) will have finished
Cac nhln vidn se hoan rhanh ban chinh sua danh sach dia chi khi anh ly den.
Dap an dung (D)

fle diroc hon 900
Ciu hoi y^u cau phan bi^t thi tiiOng lai dofn va thi tuOng lai hoan thanh.
I the remodeling project by Friday, October 5.
{A) will finish (B) will have finished (C) finish (D) finished
Toi se hoan thanh dd an tu sda vao chu San, ngay 3 thang 10. Dap an dung (B)
★ Trong trddng hop khdng co thcfi gian hoan tar cu rh^, ta dung thi tifdng
lai ddn. Nhifng d day co thdi gian cu th^ ndn ta phai dung thi tiidng lai
hoan thanh.


1 | Ihi hien tai tiep ditht, qua khd tiep dien, tuong lai ticp dien didn ta cac
hanh dong dang dien ra, da dang dien ra va se dang dien ra.
At this time tomorrow, our new server system differentiated services to our
(A) is providing {B} is provided (C) will be providing (D) had been provided
Vao gid nay ngay tnai, he thong may chu mdi cua chung ta se dang cung cd'p
nhu'ng dich vu khac bi^t cho khach hang. Dap an dung (C)

2 | Co the dung thi hien tai tiep dien thay cho thi tuong lai.
Mr. Chang for the ground breaking ceremony next week.
(A) came (B) has come (C) is coming (D) had come
Ngai Chang sc ddn le khdi cdng vao ruin sau. Dap dn dung (C)

3 | Hiem khi xuat hien nhfing dong tit khong the dung d thi tiep dien.

06ng ttf trang thai | consist of bao gom include bao gom exist ton tai
Dong t(( cam xuc surprise lam ngac nhien prefer Ihlch hdn shock lam choang, s6c

The pane) of trust and estate practitioners,

(A) is consisting (B) have consisted (C) consists (D) consist
Ban hpi tham hao g6m nhifng ludt sit chuydn vd bat dpng san va tin thac. Dip
an dung (C)

Q dongnhAtvethi

1 | Khi co trang tii chi tliOi gian di'fng of dau hoac cu6i cau, thi cua dong tn1
phai nhat quan vdfi trang uV do.
Last year, we a dozen new computers.
(A) have purchased (B) purchased (C) purchase (D) will purchase
Nam ngoai chung toi da mua 12 may tinh mcfi. Dap an diing (B)

Another sales office in New Jersey next month.

(A) will open (B) open (C) opened (D) opens
Mgt van phong Idnh doanh nu'a se md cda d New Jersey vao thing tdri. Dap an dung (A)

2 | Trong trricfng hop khong co trang tit chi thdi gian, thi cua d6ng tif dang
xet phai nhat quan vdfi thi cua nhiing dong tif con lal trong cau.

• Khi dong tif cua menh de trifcfc cf thi qua khvf dcfn, dong tif cf menh dd
sau chia d thi qua khtf dofn hoac qua khd hoan thanh.
The manager mentioned that he efficient ways for buyers.
(A) provides (B) provided (C) will provide (D) have provided
Ngifcfi quan ly noi rang anh ca da cung cap nhiing each hieu qui cho ngiidi mua.
Dap an dung (B)

Mr. Haines confirmed that he the items from overseas.

(A) sends (B) had shipped (C) will ship (D) shipped
Ong Haines xac nhan rang ong ay da chuy& hang hoa tif nude ngoai. Dap in dung (B)

• Chia dong tif cf mdnh dd trang ngtf chi thdi gian hoac didu kien cf thi hien
tai, dong tif d mdnh dd theo sau d thi tifdng lai.

when khi ~ . if n#u nhif ~

while trong khi - unless neu khong ~
until cho den khi ~ as long as chi khi, mien la ~
U6n tj thcti gian as soon as ngay khi ~ Lien tif diet} kien assuming (that) gia sil rang ~
after sau khi ~ in the event (that) trong tracing hdp
V .j,T .x- xt:;x.:x.: tSff -r • before tniflc khi ~ providing (that) mien la ~
once mpt khi — :ii'illMiil H provided (that) mien la ~
When we the item back, I will arrange another delivery.
(A) got (B) had gotten (C) will get (D) get
Khi chung toi nhan lai san pham, toi se sap x^p vi6c giao hang khac. Dap an dung (D)
As long as you have a serial number information, you free update,
{A} got (B) had gotten (C) will get (D) get
N&l ban cd ma so se-ri thi ban se dticfc ning cap mien phi. Dap dn dung (C)

06' difflc han 900
Khi menh d€ wide co dong tif of thi hien tai don va m£nh dd sau co moc
thai gian toong lai thi chia ddng tu of menh de sau doOi dang will. Nhong
neu m6nh da' trOdc co dong ttt b thi qua khuf defn, chia dong tit b menh
dd sau duo'i dang would.
The CEO announced that the company the office environment next year,
(A) had improved (C) improved
{B) improves (D) would improve
I 6ng giam doc diSu hanh da rh6ng bao rang c6ng ty se cii thi^n moi tnfdng
lam vi& vio nam idi. Dap an diing (D)


Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Anderson,

I am writing to see it you can provide our school with laptop computers. You in
13. {A) mention
{B} mentioned
(C) will mention
(D) will have mentioned

your last correspondence that you had some extra laptops to donate and it would
be wonderful if our school could benefit from this donation. As you know, we have
a limited budget and can use all the help can get.
14. {A} that
(B) we
(C) some

We currently have more than 2,000 students in our school and struggle to
15. (A) signed
(B) enrolled
(C) attended
(D) entered

keep up with the changing demands.

If you could phone or write me back at your earliest convenience it would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you once again for reaching out with your generous offer.

Sheila Wainwright


11 V.ii triiAng hap ngoai dong m. m i] co tan ngfi thi can.(thd chu dong, neu
khong co tan ngu thi can d the bi ddng.
George an online book club.
(A) joined (B) was joined (C) join {D) joining
George da tham gia mot cau lac bp sach rrgn mang. Dap an dung (A)

Volunteers to contribute some old clothing.

(A) have been invited (C) invited
(B) have invited (D) inviting
Cac tinh nguy^n vicn dddc mdi quygn gop quan ao cu. Dap an dung (A)

A charity bazaar is scheduled on May 20th.

(A) to holding (B) to be held (C) to hold (D) holding
Cho tit thten dp kifn se ditoc t6 chdc vio ngay 20 thang 5. Dip in dung (B)

2 | "be + qua khii pban iii + by + chu the cua hanh ddng".
I was informed the representative that the admission was free.
(A) without (B) to (C) by (D) except
T6i dupe nhan vien lb tan thdng bao la vio cda mibn phi. Dap an dung (C)


1 [ Vdfi cac ddng ttf dang 4 (give, send, offer, award), neu sau d trdng la "ttf chi
ngtfdi + tif chi sif vat" thi chia d the chu ddng, con neu khdng thi chia d the
hi ddng.

CD Tht? chu dong
They each candidate five minutes for a speech.
(A) give (B) was giving (C) are given (D) are being given
Hp cho m6i rhi sinh nam phut phar h\iu. Dip an diing (A)

@ The bi dong vdi tan ngu gian tidp

Each candidate five minutes for a speech.
(A) gives (B) was giving (C) is given (D) will give
M6i thi sinh diipc cho nam phut Ai phat bi^u. Dip in dung (C)

CD Th£ bi dong vcfi tan ngiJ trhc ti^'p

Five minutes for a speech to each candidate.
(A) gives (B) was giving (C) is given (D) will give
Nam phut d£ phat bieu difpc danh cho m6i thi sinh. Dip an diing (C)

2 1 Vdi cac dong tif dang 4 {inform, notify, tell, assure, convince, advise, remind),
n^u san cho trong la "ngifbi + that + menh dc" thi chia ci the chu d6ng, ncu
sau ch6 trong chi co "that + menh de" thi chia d the bi dong.

CD The chu dong

You need to the interviewer that you should be hired.
(A) be convinced (B) convince (C) convinced (D) convincing
Ban can thuya phuc difdc ngddi phdng vfc ring hp nen tuyen ban. Dip in ding (B)

CD Th£ bi dong
The interviewer needs to that you should be hired.
(A) be convinced (B) convince (C) have convinced (D) convinced
Ngddi phong v£n can difpc thuya phuc rang hp n^n tuyfti ban. Dip in dung (A)


11 Vdi cac dong tit dang 5 {make, find, keep, consider, call, name), ncu sau 6 trdng
la dang "tan ngfl + bo ngfi cho tan nguf" thi chia 6 the chu dong, con ncu chi
cd bo ngu (tinh tif, danh tif) thi chia (V the hi dong.
CD Th^' chu dong
We him an expert in music programs.
(A) considered (B) were considered
(C) will be considered (D) considers
Chung t6i thng coi anh ay la m6t chuy^n gia v£ cac chdPng trinh am nhac. Dip
an dung (A)

® The bi dong
He an expert in music programs.
(A) considered (B) was considered (C) will consider (D) consider
Anh ay tdng diidc col la mot chuy^n gia vi cac dnlofng trinh am nhac. Dip i
diing (B)

2 | Vcfi nhung dong t{i dang "ddng tu + tan ngfi + dong tif nguyen the co to'
neu trong cau khong co tan ngfl ma chi cd "dong tvf nguyen the cd to" thi
phai chia & the bi ddng.

allow cho phep ask yeu cau urge thuc giyc suppose nghl, cho rang
invite mdi expect ky vpng intend dd djnh schedule len Ijch trinh
require yeu cau persuade thuyet phuc prepare chuan bj instruct chi thi, hddng dPn
advise khuyen force bat ep permit cho phep warn canh bao
encourage khuyen khich remind nhk lai tell noi

CD Th<! chu dong

He the passengers to take the next train going downtown.
(A) will be advised (B) is advised (C) advise (D) advised
Anh ay khuyfin cac hanh khach bar chuy^n tau sau dc vao trung cam thanh pho.
Dap an diing (D)

® Thd bi dong
The passengers to take the next train going downtown.
{A) were advised (B) had advised (C) will be advising (D) were advising
Cac hanh khach ditoc khuyen bit chuyen tau sau de vao trung tam thanh pho.
Dap an dung (A)


(1 -2 cau trong de moi nam

alarm lam giat mlnh distract lam phan thn please lam vui long
amuse lam vui ve embarrass lam x&i hd satisfy lam hai long
annoy lam kho chiu encourage dong vi^n, khuyen khich shock lam cho sdc
astonish lam ngac nhien entice du do, 161 keo surpirse lam ngac nhien
bewilder lam hoang hot excite Icim phan khich tire lam met mdi
bore lam cho ch^n exhaust lam kiet silc trouble gay rac rdi
disappoint lam that vgng frustrate fam that bai, Ihm that vong
discourage lam nhut chi can trd interest gay chu y, khien thich thu

1 I Neu chu 11 gu la chu the gay ra cam xiic thi chia ctong tit 6 the chu ttong.
The management's measures his plans,
(A) were frustrated (B) frustrated (C) frustration (D) frustrating
Cach xir ly cua ban quan ly da pha hong hoach cua anh ay. Dip in ding (B)
★ Vi chu ngd cua can The management's measures chtnh la chu thd pha hong, lam
hoach cua anh ay thdt bai.

2 1 Neu chu ngfl la doi Wtfng ticp nhan cam xiic thi chia ctong tvf <V the hj ctong.
Erica Williams was with the result of the negotiations,
(A) disappointed (B) disappointing (C) disappointment (D) disappoint
Erica Williams (Mt vpng vdi kdt qua cua cu6c dam phan. Dip in diing (A)
★ Chu ngfl Erica Williams cam rha'y that vong nen phii chia dpng tit d th£ hi dong.

De fluoc hem 900

Vdi cac dong ttf cam xiic, cac ban can Ivfu y rang chtnh chu ngfl chu
khdng phai tan ngfl se quyd't dinh xem nen chia dong tii d thi chu dong
hay the' hi dpng.
Ail of our dishes are
(A) satisfied (B) satisfying (C) satisfaction (D) satisfy
Tat ca nhflng mon an cua chung tdi se khidn ban hai long. Dip in diing (B)


Vdi cac cum dong tit d dang "noi d6ng tii + gidi tit", ta difa vao tan ngu di
sau gidi td de chia dong ttf d the chu dpng hay hi dong.

account for + tan ngtf/giai thich cho ~ —> be accounted for + (cliiti) trang ngfl
ask for + tan ngO/yeu cau cai gl - —> be asked tor + (cum) trang ngfl
comply with + tan ngCf/tuan thu ~ —> be complied for +(cum) trang ngfl
deal with + tan ngQ/giai quyet, doi pho vdi —> be dealt with + (cum) trang ngfl
dispose of + tan ngfl/gtei quyet, vuft bh —> be disposed of + (cum) trang ngfl
interfere with + tan ngp/can trd ~ —> be interfered with + (cum) trang ngfl
lay oft + tan ngO/sa thai ~ —> be laid off + (cum) trang ngfl
refer to + tan ngfl/tham khao ~ —> be referred to + (cum) trang ngfl
search for + tan ngd/tim kiem ~ —> be searched for + (cum) trang ngfl

There are some issues to with before proceeding.
(A) deal (B) have deail (C) dealing (D) be dealt
Co mot vai van de dn difdc giai qu)T't tnfdc khi ti&i hanh. Dap An dung (D)

A lack of information with our work.

(A) will be interfered (B) is interfering
(C) is interfered (D) have interfered
Viec thiCi thong tin dang can trd cdng vide cua chung toi. Dip An dung (B)

Be duoc hen 900

Npi dpng tif (occur) kh6ng th^' chuy^n sang th£ bi d6ng nen lu6n dtfpc
dung d th^ chu dpng.
Major cultural events between May and September,
(A) occur (B) are occured
(C) were occured (D) had been occured
Nhi&i sii kien van hoa qttan trong dien ra tif thing 5 ddn thing 9. Dip An
dung (A)

cAn Lu

be + qua klitV phan tu' + gidi tif

be disappointed at that vpng ve ~ be pleased with vui long ve ~
be surprised at ngac nhien ve ~ be satisfied with hii long ve ~
be astonished at ngac nhien ve ~ be associated with lien quan vcii ~
be frightened at sp hai, hoang hot ~ be equiped with difdc trang bi vdi ~
be interested in quan tam tOi ~ be devoted to hien than, cong hien cho ~
be involved in lien quan tdi ~ be committed to tan tuy, tan tinh cho ~
be absorbed in t^p (rung vao ~ be dedicated to hien than, cdng hien cho ~
be skilled in Mnh thyc ve ~ be exposed to bi Ig, bj phdi bay ~
be engaged in bin ron ~ be related to lien quan 16i ~
be ashamed of xau ho ve ~ be worried about lo !ang vi -
be convinced of tin chac ve ~ be concerned about [over] lo lang ve ~
be transferred to di/dc chuyen t6i - be focused on tap tmng vao-
Not many people are in the campaign anymore.
(A) related (B) equiped {C) involved (D) asked
Se khong cd nhi6u ngifdi tham gia vao cuoc chicn nfla. Dap an dung (C)
★ Vi involved tifo'ng ilng vdi gidi tif in dilng sau 6 trong.

DE THI MO PHdNG 0ap va phan ti'ch; Trang 14 phan Answer Keys

I. The NC Animal Group is 1o 5. The number of people leaving the

rescuing dogs and cats in North company has greatly in the
California. past five years,
(A) agreed (A) decreased
{B) dedicated (B) decreasing
(C) urged (C) been decreased
{□} associated (D) decreased

2. Mr. Richardson to join bidding 6. All new employees must the

for Trans Communication sale next first monthly orientation session
year, after starling employment.
(A) has been enticed (A) be attended
(B) has enticed (B) attend
(C) has been enticing (C) have been attended
{D} enticement (D) attendance

3. Investors to keep pressure on 7. If you need interpretation assistance

firms to prepare for climate change. please let us know so that we could
(A) had been urging make
(B) will urge
(C) have been urged (A) arranged
(D) urged (B) arrangements
(C) arranging
4. Steven White had been (D) arrangement
that the transfer of money was
appropriate and legal. 8. This set of tools is supposed ——
(A) assurance your decision making process more
(B) being assured efficient.
(C) being assured (A) to make
(D) assured {B} to be made
(C) to have made
(D) to making

9. For the last 2 years, I - as a 11. AXA expects that profits after
clerk in a law office and would like the last years' earthquake damaged
to find a new opportunity. company plants.

(A) will be working (A) is deteriorated

(B) has been deteriorated
(B) had worked
(C) will deteriorate
(C) have been working
(D) was deteriorated
(D) worked
12. The database of our website lets
10. We are glad to know that Connoco users for books by titles and
Inc., is in distributing our authors.
(A) search
products to the local market.
(B) have been searched
(A) interesting
(C) be searched
(B) interested
(D) being searched
(C) interest
(D) interests

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Dear Sam,

Do you think there is any way you can convince Peter Smith to delay the current
deadline of May 2 for the project outline? I know this is a lot to ask of you, but we
could really use the extra time.

As it stands, we are going to need two weeks to prepare for the project on our
13. (A) at least
(B) too many
{C) as long as
(D) much more

end. Unfortunately, that is going to delay the completion of the project, but it is
necessary at this point if we are to stay committed to the project.

Call me back at extension 456 write to me when you have a chance. Thank you
14. (A) such as
(B) or
(C) so
(D) now that

in advance for making this happen. Things always come up and it is sometimes
difficult to make deadlines on schedule.
15. (A) be happened
(C) happen
(D) to happen



Cau dieu kion nam trong tuyp cac cau yeu cau su dong nhat VQ t h cua dong
Cac ban
hay nha rang khi trong cau ■ cac trd dong tu nhd could, would might nhie kha nang an
xuat men cau hoi ve cau dieu kien


chInh phAi d6ng thuAn vOi nhau;

11 6 ciu tlithi kifn loai 2, di4n ti su that kh6ng c6 tlijt liokc kh6ng xiy ra d
hien tai, menh tl<i if va menh tie chinh cung d thi qua kluV.

If + chu ngii + aonp fifth) quS khil (be chi dticic chia la were), chu ngil
+ could (would, might) + dong tit nguy^n the

If he had time, he the seminar.

(A) have attended (B) had attended (C) be attended (D) could attend
Ne'u co thdi gian thi anh Sy co th6 tham gia buoi hgi thao r6i. Dip an ding (D)

If he the CEO of the company, things would be run differently.

(A) were (B) was (C) has been (D) would be
Nd'u anh ay la chu rich hoi dong quin m cua cong ty thi tinh hinh se khac r6i.
Dap an dung (A)

2 | 6 cau dieu kien loai 3, di^n ta su that khong co that hoac khong xay ra
trong qua klut, menh de if va menh de chinh cung d thi qua khu hoan thanh.
6 cau dieu kien h6n hop, thi cua m?nh de if va thi menh dc chmh khac nhau.

Cau dieu kien loai 3

If + chu ngi? + had + qua khtl phan tif, chu ngfl + could (would, might) + have + qup khtf phan 10
Cau dieu kign hon hop
If + chi) ngO + had + qua khtl phan to, chu ngiif + would + dong to nguyen the

If you the proposal earlier, it could have been selected.

(A) have finished (B) finished (C) were finished (D) had finished
N£u ban hoan thanh bin fed hoach sdm hon thi cd le no da duoc chon rfli. Dap
in diing (D)

De dilgc hon 900
Khi menh d^' if d thi qua khtf hoan thanh ma d cuoi can lai xuat hifin cac
trang tif chl chdi gian hien tai nhif now, by now, today thi ap dung cau dleu
kien K6n hqp. Tuyet doi khong dupe nham vdi cau dieu kien loai 3.
If you had cleaned the conference room, we in such a hurry now.
(A) wouldn't be (B) wouldn't have been
(C) wouid have been (D) would be
N6'u ban don phdng hop r6i thi bay gid chimg toi da khong phdi vq! th^' nay.
Dip in dung (A)

3 | (i cau dicu kien loai X gia dinh tuong lai, didn ta nhung hanh dqng co
th£ xay ra trong tu'o'ng lai, thi cua menh de if va menh de chmh ddng thuan
vdfi nhau.

If + chu nga + should + dpng 10 nguyen the, chu ngO + will (can, may)
+ dong to nguyen the/please + dpng to nguyen the

If you make a payment using this equipment, you will get 5% discount.
(A) should (B) would (C) might {D} had to
Neu ban dung thiet bi nay de thanh toan thi ban se dude giam gia 5%. Dap in
dung (A)

Q cAu dieu ki£n KHONG CO IF

1 | Cau didu kien loai 2 khi bi gian lifoto if se co dang "Were/Did + chu ngtif
+ dpng th nguyen the".

If + chu ngO + dpng 10 thi qud khO (be chi dOdc chia la were), chu ngfl + could {would, might) +
dpng to nguyein the
_> Were + chu ngfl + tinh Wdanh to, chu ngO + would (could, might, should) + dpng to nguyen thd
Did + chu ngO + dong to nguyen the, chii ngO + wouid (could, might, should) + dpng to nguyen tti(S

laptops cheaper, I would buy a new one.

(A) Was (B) Were (C) Have been (D) Had been
Nifu may laptop te hon thi toi co thd' mua ditdc m6t cai mcfi rdi. Dip an dung (B)
★ D4y la cau dieu ld£n loai 2: If laptops were cheaper, I would buy a new one vcfi
if difdc gian ludc.

Did the company the bonus, he would stay at the company.
(A) has offered (B) offered (C) offers (D) offer
Wu c6ng ty & nghj khoan thiidng thi anh ay da of lai c6ng ty roi. Dap in dung (D)
★ Day la cau dieu kicn loai 2: If the company offered the bonus, he would stay at
the company vdi r/ddcfc gian liiac.

2 | Cau di&i kien loai 3 gia dinh qua khu' hoan thanh khi bi gidn irfdc ifsh co
dang "Had + chu ngu + qua Ichu phan tu".

If + chu ngfl + had + qua khff phan to, chu ngif + could (would, might) + have + qua khcl phan tif
->■ Had + chu ngCf + qua khif phan tif, chu ngOl + could (would, might) + have + qua khif phan W
-o...... ^
you talked to your boss, he might have understood your situation.
( ) Had (B) Has (C) If (D) Would
N^u ban noi chuy&i vdi s^p cua ban thi anh ay co le da hi£u hoan canh cua ban
roi. Dap an dung (A)
★ Day la cau dieu kien loai 3: If you had talked to your boss, he might have
understood your situation vdi ifdiioc gian lifdc.

3 | Cau di£u kien loai 1 gia djnh tiiofng lai khi bi gian hide //se co dang
'Should + chu ngfl + dong tfl nguyen the5,
" -
If + chu ngCf + should + dpng tif nguyen the, chii ngQ + will (can, may) + dgng tif nguyen the/please
+ dong tif nguyen thd
-> Should + chu ngCf + dong tif nguyen the, chu ngif + will (can, may) + dong ttf nguyen the/please
+ dOng tif nguyen thf!
V " ' J
the client come back, I will give him a bigger discount.
(A) If (B) When (C) Should (D) In fact
Neu khach hang do quay lai, toi se giam gia nhi^'u hefn cho anh ay. Dap an dung (C)
"A" Day la cau dieu kidn loai 1; If the client should come back, I will give him a
bigger discount vdi r/duo'c gian Idoc.


Can dieu kien co cac gidfi tfl nhri without^ but for, barring hau nhit khong
xuat Kien.

Cau flieu kien loai 2 Chii ngfl + would dong W nguyen the + without + danh tfl (= if it were not for + danh tfl)
Cau dieu kien loai 3 Chii ngfl + would have + qua khflphan tfl + without + danh tfl (= if it had rot beer for + danh tfl)

They would fail your support.
(A) without (B) despite (C) therefor (D) instead
N£u kliong co sil ung hp cua ban thi ho han da that bai r6i. Dap an dting (A)

He her without the phone call.

(A) employed (B) wouldn't have employed
(C) has employed {D) was employed
N£'u khong nhd cuoc dien thoai co le anh S'y da khong tuy£n co ay roi. Dip an

Sfi duoG fiun 900

Gicfi td "without + danh td" co the dude thay thd bdi "if it were not for +
danh td" hoac "if it had not been for + danh td". Were va had been co the
dddc gian Idcfc de trd thanh if not for.
S couldn't have reached the position your support.
(A) as for (B) now that (C) beyond (D) if not for
N6i khong nh6 su gii'sp dd cua ban bin toi da khong the len difpfc dd'n vi tri
nay. Dip an dung (D)

DETHI MO PHONG D^p an va phan tfch; Trang 16 pheln Answer Keys

1. tf we a professional interpreter, 5. to local charities on a regular

the negotiation would have been basis is a good way to connect with
much smoother, the community.
(A) had been hired (A) Contribution
(B) hired (B) Contributing
(C) were hired (C) Contributed
(D) had hired {D} To contributing

2. the tax break, KEN Group fi. If you were unhappy with the results,
would not have made such a big the store a refund,
profit last year. (A) could provide
(A) As to (B) provides
(B) If not for (C) have provided
(C) in order (D) will provide
(D) The fact that
7. the presentation finish earlier
3. Our customers instructions to than expected, the audience may
maintain stable internet connection. have time to ask questions.
(A)send (A) Because
(B) have been sent (B) Should
(C)sent (C) While
(D) had sent (D) Had

4. Had estimated fjrgures , the 8. he been sufficiently prepared

company could have avoided running for his presentation, Mark would
out of cash. have won the account,
(A) have been accurate (A) Has
(B) are accurate (B) If
(C) been accurate (C) Had
(D) were accurate (D) Would

9. If plans had been made sooner, 11. If you - a payment using this
DM Motor would electronic online system, the receipt will be
vehicles by now. e-mailed to your account.
(A) be manufacturing (A) make
{B} have been manufacturing (B) would make
{C) had manufactured (C) had made
(D) have been manufactured (D) would have made

10. If Jerry were satisfied with his 12. We have been about the
current job, he able to make potential privacy issue of the new
a big contribution to the company. customer relations management
(A) was software.
(B) has been (A) pleased
(C) would be (B) concerned
(D) will be (C) astonished
(D) surprised

Question 13-15 refer to the following e-mail.

TO: Tom_Ferguson ©mail,com

DATE: September 25
SUBJECT: Change in order

Hi, Tom.

Following up on our conversation the other day, I wanted to confirm that you can
accommodate our in order #45689.1 know that I requested 3,500 sheets of paper
13. (A) change
(B) contact
{C) delay
{D) deal

from you, but if you were able to send us 5,000 sheets it would be greatly
appreciated. There's also been a change in our delivery address. I had
asked you to send the
14. (A) originally
(B) absolutely
(C) consistently
(D) closely

paper to our Personnel Department, but I'd like you to now send the paper to our
Accounts Receivable Department if possible.

Sorry to make this set of changes on you. Please me if you have any questions,
15. (A) to e-mail
{B) e-mail
{C) e-mailed
(D) e-mails


HALF TEST 01 Dap an va phSn tich; Trang 20 phan Answer Keys


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different
types of reading comprehension questions. You are encouraged to answer as
many questions as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your
answers in your test book.


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given betow each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the
sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. We cannot guarantee that the 103. I asked Brian for help in organizing
current exchange rate will the upcoming office event and
the same after 5 p.m. today. found him very ,
(A) remain (A) hesitancy
(B) host (B) hesitant
(C) purchase {C} hesitantly
(D) manage (D) hesitate

102. I received my utility bill yesterday 104. If you buy two dozen donuts for
and was to see a late fee delivery, the third dozen free.
included. (A) will be
(A) bewildering (B) was
(B) bewilderment (C) had been
(C) bewildered (D) was been
(D) bewilderedly

105. The Fox Research Foundation — 110. Jason that he would be able
— the four-star rating from an to download digital copies of the
independent evaluator, movies free.
(A) has been awarded (A)assured
(B) awarded (B) has assured
(C) will award (C) will assured
(D) is awarding (D) was assured

106. If Helen had nottaken hercoworker's 111, Recently a growing number of

advice to wait, she here now. people is online doctors and
(A) would not have been specialists.
(8) had been (A) inquiring
(C) would not be (B) consulting
(D) will be (C) talking
(D) browsing
107. Auto insurers up to 30%
discounts to driveres who spend 112. If new workers were informed
less time on the road, about adequate safety procedures,
(A) apply accidents
(B) present (A) could be prevented
(C) grow (B) will prevent
(D) offer (C) had been prevented
(D) prevented
108. Please check the relevant information
at our website before you for 113. We you that you put one copy
the course. of this form inside the box and keep
(A) register one copy for your records.
(B) partipate (A) are asked
(C) replace (B) ask
(D) supply (C) are being asked
(D) has asked
108. More than 70% of the employees in
the department had been hired in 114. Karrefour oversears operations
the two years. in the foreseeable future.
(A) last (A) had expanded
(B) next (B)expanded
{C} following {C) will expand
(D) prior to (D) have expanded

115. Kimberly the medical 118. it rain, please be sure to
examination and drug testing by check for changes of time and place
October 15. (A) Should
{A) will complete (B) Because
(B) completed (C) As if
(C) will have completed (D) In addition
(D) completes
119. All trash and other waste material
116. If you have any further questions or shall be of in accordance with
comments, please them to us relevant state regulations.
through the address below. (A) disposing
(A) forward (B) disposed
(B) emerge (C) disposal
(C) complete (D) to dispose
(D) enhance
120. Applicants to submit a resume
117. The new regulations mandate that a as well as one-page cover letter.
company their retiring employees (A)supposed
to continue the same insurance at their (B) supposing
own expense. (C) supposition
(A) allows (D) are supposed
(B) allowed
(C) allow
(D) had allowed

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentence. Select the
best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D)
on your answer sheet.

Questions 121-123 refer to the following letter.

Stacey Michaels
100 Whitehood St.
Sacramento, California
Dear Ms. Michaels,
We are writing to inform you that you have been the recipient of a gift card from
Larry's Warehouse. You submitted a form to enter into our contest and you have
now been chosen as of the lucky recipients.
121, (A) one
(B) the one
(C) some
(D) as neither
You can use this gift card at your own leisure. It does expire on December 31, 2014
so as long as you use it before then there will be no problem. Please - that this gift

122. (A) notify

(B) direct
(C) note
(D) manage
care cannot be exchanged for cash.
We thank you for your patronage and appreciate your support of Larry's Warehouse
have any further questions, feel free to contact us,
123. (A) If
(B) As though
(C) Instead
(D) Nevertheless
AN the best,
David Franklin
Customer Support
Larry's Warehouse

Questions 124-126 refer to the following letter.

To Branden Smith,

This message is to confirm that you will be appearing to speak - Springfield

124. (A) through
(B) on
(C) from
(D) at

Auditorium on April 4, We talked on the phone last week and you mentioned that
you on the aforementioned date.
125. {A) appeared
(B) will appear
{C) have appeared
(D) appear

Should you need anything not specified in the contract, please contact us at once,
either by phone or by e-mail. We will do everything necessary to accommodate
your requests.

Otherwise, we hope to see you at 9 o'clock in the morning on April 4 as

126. (A) plan
(B) to plan
(C) planned
(D) planner

Your talk will be attended by 500 people and everyone is extremely excited. We
look forward to seeing you then.







06 Danh tii

07 Dai tu'

08 Tfnh tii

09 Trang tu

•:fe~ 10 Gi^itif
1 DANH Ttf

Cung vdi trang tif, danh td co mat d<> xu^t hien trong de thi TOEIC kha thUdng xuygn. Cac
cSu h6i v4 danh td hau hgt d4u tddng doi khd vk thddng chi4m den m6t nda so cac cSu h6i
td vdng va ngd phap. Dac biet, phdc tap nhat la cac c&u hoi yeu cau phan bi^t danh td dem I
dddc va danh td khdng dem dddc.

VITRl CUADANHTU 2-3 call trong demoikythi)

1 | Chon danh tu khi chd trong can dicn o vi tri chu ngu, tan ngu hoac bd
ngu. Cac can hoi yen can chon danh tif vao 6 trong theo sau ngoai dong tif
hay gicd tif xruil hien kha thifcfng xuyen.

CD Chu ngii
will not be happy about the change.
(A) Custom (B) Customer (C) Customers (D) To custom
Cac khach king se khong hai long sd thay <16i. Dap an diing (C)

@ Tan ngii diing sau dpng tii

Job applicants can receive on their resume.
(A) advice (B) advices (C) advisable (D) advise
Nhufng ting vi6n xin vific co th6 nhan dddc Idi khuyen v6 h6 sd cua minh. Dap
an dung (A)

© Tan ngii diing sau gidi tii

The following roads are scheduled for
(A) maintaining (B) maintain (C) maintenance (D) maintains
Nhiing con dddng sau day dd kien se dddc tu sua. Dap an dung (C)

@ Bo ngii
Michael recruits people to become
(A) represent (B) represented (C) representing (D) representatives
Michael tuyen ngubi lam dai ditin. Dap an dung (D)

2 | Cac cau hoi yeu can chon danh tif vao ch6 trong theo sau tif han dinh xuat
hien kha thu'dng xuyen.

CD Tii han dinh + danh + gidi td
The of the dishwasher was halted due to a fire,
(A) productive (B) production (C) producing (D) produced
Vide san xuat may rda bat da bj cam difng do mot vu boa hoao. Dap an dung (B)

© Tinh ttf + danh tif

Foreign citizes need proper to work.
(A) authorization (B) authorize (C) authorized {□) authorizing
Ngddi nude ngoai can cd giay phep hop phap de di lam. Dip in dung (A)

© Phan tif + danh td

We will not be able to launch the finished
(A) produced (B) producing (C) product (D) produces
Chung ta se khdng the' cho ra mat san pham da dddc hoan thien. Dip in dung (C)

® Tinh ttf sdf hdu + danh tif

We will consider your
(A) apply (B) apply (C) applied (D) application
Chung toi se can nhac ddn ung tuyen cua ban. Dip in dung (D)

® Danh tif + danh ttf (Danh tif ghep)

Not many employees are expecting a pay this year.
(A) increasing (B) increase (C) increased (D) increases
Khdng nhieu nhan vien vong se ddOc tang lifong trong nam nay. Dip in
diing (B)

De diroc hon 900

Nhung can hoi yeu cau chpn danh ttf dien vao ch6 trong du'ng tnfde gicti
tif of xuat hien kha thifdng xuyen. De tranh nham lan, ta n£n phan tich
"Danh tif 1 of Danh tif 2" thanh: Danh tif I cua Danh tif 2, Danh tif 1
lam Danh tii 2, Danh tif 2 lam Danh tif I,... d^ chpn ra danh tif thich hop.
Mr. Jordan will file for a patent for his recent of a machine,
(A) invention (B) organization (C) accomplishment (D) prevention
Ngai Jordan se dang ky quy&i sd hflu cho mpt chide may ma dng ay mo'i sang
chd ra. Dip in difng (A)

Q danhtudemduocvAdanhtu'khong DEM Dl/OC
{Kythi naocunt; xuathien}

1 | Can Iiiu y cac dang can hoi yen can phan biet danh In1 dcm du'oc va danh
tn khong ddm duo'c.

• Dang cau hoi y6u c^u phan bifit danh td d&n diipc/khong d^'m dupe hay
danh so it/so nhidu khi trong cac dap an Ida chon xu&'t hi^n ca dang
so it va so nhieu cua cung mot danh tif.
No will be taken either online or by phone.
(A) reservation (B) reservations (C) reserved (D) reserving
Chung toi se khong nhan dat tru6c ca qua mang lan qua dien thoai. Dap an dung (B)
★ V i reservation la danh tit ddm diiqc nen chi c6 the ditqc viet dridi dang s6 it a
reservation hoac so nhieu reservations.

Kemex is providing a unique delivery for their customers.

(A) services (B) service (C) servicing (D) served
Kemex dang cung cafp mqt dich vu giao hang doc dao cho cac kliach hang cua
hp. Dap an dung (B)
★ Vi trtfdc ch6 tr6ng cd mao cu* a nen phai chon danh tit s6 it.

• Dang cau hoi yeu cau phan biet danh ttf ddm difdc/kJiong dcm dupe khi
trong cac dap an Ida chon xudt hifin hai danh td khac nhau nhiing co
nghia tifong td nhau,
Jessy has to every piece of information.
(A) approach (B) access (C) changes (D) problems
Jessy cd quydn tidp can mpi thong tin. Dap an dung (B)
★ Vi approach la danh tii dem diidc nen chi cd the ddo'c viet dudi dang so it an
approach hoac so nhidu approachs.

2 | Nil dug danh td dim ddpc thudng xuat hien trong de thi TOEIC.
increase tang refund hoar tra
rise tang price gia ca
advance phat trien benefit thii lao
TSng/ D&i
hike tang dot xuat profit Idi nhuan
decrease giam fund tien guy
decline giam discount giam gia
(+in, hit hay xuat hien) (money, cash la danh tif khong dem dtldc)

standard tieu chuan effort no Idc
step ptiddng sach attempt y dinh
Quy regulation quy che Ke suggestion de an, de nghj
dmh code quy dinh tioach plan ke tioach
procedure thii tuc alternatiwe Ida chgn thay the
measure phddng phap, cacti thifc strategy chien lifdc

The company has made significant in corporate governance.

(A) advance (B) advances (C) advancing (D) advanced
Cdng ty da cd bu'ctc tien l6n trong quan rri doanh nghidp. Dap an dung (B)

3 | Nhfing cau Koi yeu cau phan biet hai daiih tii luong tii nhau nhung co y
nghia khac nhau.
Danh tifffem difp'c || Danh tit
profession nghe nghiep professionalism tinh than chuyen nghiep
account tei khoan accounting ke toan
permit giay phep permission sit cho phdp
furnishing do gia dung furniture do gia dgng
fund von, quy funding sit tai trd von
certificate giay chctng nhan certification giay chutng nhan, chitng minh
notice giay thdng bao notice thong bao
purchase vat mua duoc purchase sU mua
condition dieu kien condition trang thai
interest Idi, lai ; interest sit quan tdm, hitngthu

I was deeply impressed by your company's level of

(A) professionalism (B) profession (C) professionally (D) professional
T6i rat an tifdng bed ding cap chuyen nghiep cua cong ty ngai. Dap an dung (A)

4 | Nhfing cau hoi ycu cau phan bict danh tfi dem dupe va danh tfi khong
dem dfiofc.

III Danh I if khong

a conflict sd xung dot consent sd dong y, chap nhqn
a capability nang li/c, tai nang advice idi khuyen
an opening cho trdng information thong tin
a discount giam gia approval sii cho phep, chap nhan
a refund hoan tra mail thu tin
a statement cau tran thuat access sii tiep cdn
a procedure thu tgc luggage hanh ly
a decision quy£t dinh processing xii ly, gia cong, thu tuc
an approach ctich tiep can equipment trang thiet bj

We need a new campaign focused on
(A) capability (B) capable (C) capabilties {□) incapable
CKiing ta dfri mot chiS'n dich quang cao mo'i tap trung vao nang lu'c. Dap an dung (C)



1 1 Nhtfng tiV chi ludng tuong ufng vcfi danh tif dem ddcfc.

Nhfifng tic chi ItCdng ttCdng ting vb'i Nhflng til chi IWng tifdng Cfng vdi
danh ttf dem tfiCde s6 it danh til Mm dtfdc s6 nhilu
one mot (a) few mot vai
each moi many nhieu
every mpi several vai
another mot (ngildi/vat) khac various(=multiple, diverse) da dang, nhieu

The project requires several new

(A) desginer (B) design (C) designers (D) designing
Dtt an yen c£u vai nha thift kc mdi. Dip an dung (C)

2 | Nhfing tn chi ihdng tudng ufng vdi danh tif khong dem diiqc.
— li'li I I " "
much nhieu (a) little mot chut less it hdn

There will be less in the home electronics market next year,

(A) competition (B) design (C) designers (D) designing
Se it canh tranh hem d thj tnfdng di^n gia dung vao nam tdi. Dap an dung (A)

3 I Nhfing tif chi lu'dng tiiong dug vdi ca danh tu' dem difdc va danh tii khong
dem dtirfc.
—- - —
a lot of Hots of) nhieu plenty of nhieu other khac some vai, mot so
any b® cl( cai nao all mqi no khong more nhifju hdn most nhieu nhat
V — — """"" "

For more , please visit our website.

(A) instruction (B) instructions (C) instructing (D) instructed
Hay ghe tham trang web cua chung t6i de difoc hu'b'ng dSn them, Dap an dimg (B)


Nhflng can hoi yen cau phan biet danh tit chi ngudi dem cliioc va danh tii chi
sii vat/triiu tirOng khong dcm difdc xuat hien kha tluidng xuyen.

Danh til chi i Danh til chi sii vat/triiu

collector ngitdi siiu tap collection bp sdu tap
questioner nghcli h6( question cau hoi
authority ngitcii co tham quyen authorization sd cho phep, giay phep
facilitator trd ly facility thiet bj, cd sP vat chat
performer ngufli thifc h&nh performance mdn trinh dien, nghipp vu
journalist nha bao journal bao chi
representative dai Pien, nhan vien representation dai bieu
accountant ke loan vien accounting ke toan
contributor ngLidi Pong gop, cong hien contribution sd dong gop, cdng hien
distributor ngifcii phan phbi distribution sd phan phoi
supervisor ngi/cli giam sat supervision sd giam sat
rival dot thu canh tranh rivalry sd cgnh tranh
applicant ilng vien application su Ong tuyen
attendant ngddi phpc vu attendance sd co mat
consultant cd van consultation sd ban bac, thddng Upng
donor ngddi cho, hien donation sd quyen tang, cho
employee nhan vien employment sdlhue ngdPi lam
creator ngifdi sang tao creation sd tao thanh, sang tac
technologist ky thuat vign technology ky thuat, cong nghe

Khi tnfdc cho trong xuat hien mao tif bat dinh a/an, chon danh t£f chi ngifdi.
I talked to a new of your company,
(A) representative (B) representation (C) representing (D) represent
T6i da noi chuydn vdi mgt dai didn m&i cua cong ty ban. Dip in dting (A)

Khi trtfdc chd trong xuat hidn mao tif xac dinh the, chon danh tif phu hop vdi
ngif canh cua cS cau.
Many employees are using the of today.
(A) technician (8) technology (C) technical (D) technically
Nhidu nhan vien dang suf dung nhiing cong nghd hidn dai. Dip i„ ding (B)

Khi trong s6 cac dap an xuat hi^n ca dang so it va sd nhidu cua danh tif chi
ngtfdi/sif vat, chon danh tif phii hop vdi ngd canh cua cau.
There are for the disabled in the building.

(A) facility (B) facilitators (C) facilities (D) facilitate
Co nhicii trang thiC bi danh cho ngiioi khuy^'t tit rrong roa nha. Dap an diing (Q

DANHTt/GHEP Gan nhifkythi nao cQng xuat hien

Vdi danh tCf ghep dang "Danh ttt 1 + Danh ttt 2", chpn tlnh tii, phan ttf
hay dong tit vao vi tri Danh th 1 la khong chinh xac.

Oanh ttf ghep mang nghia Danh tD ghep mang nghia

"Danh ta 2 Earn gi Danh tiM" "Danh ti(2vlDanhtif1"
building permit sil cho phep xay dilng company policy chinh sach cong ty
art exhibition trien lam nghe thuat fuel cost gia thanh nhien lieu
attendance record ty le c6 mat travel arrangement l(ch trinh du Ijch
construction delay tri hoan thi cOng application form mau ddn dang ky
course evaluation danh gia khoa hoc communication skill ky nang giao tiep
pay increase tang liJdng delivery company cong ty vdn chuyen
performance appraisal danh gia nghiep vu maternity leave nghi de
product availability sif dung sart pham production facility thifft bj san xuat
customer satisfaction sd hai long ciia khach hang safety precaution bien phap an loan
expansion project kef hoach md rgng safety procedure thii tuc an loan
distribution plan ke hoach phan ph6i employee motivation thiic d^y tinh than nhan vien
retail sales ban le employee[staffl productivity nang suat nhan vien
parking permit giay cho phep do xe job opportunity cd hpi viec lam
building permit giay phep xay ddng safety equipment trang thiet bj an loan
consumer use ngddi lieu dung sil dung job vacancy vj tri (vipc lam) dang trdng

Engineers are gathering data to plan a facility.

(A) productive (B) production (C) producing (D) productivity
Cac ky six dang thu chrip th6ng tin d^ len kd hoach mpt thig't bi san xuat mo'i.
Dap dn diing (B)

DE THI MO PH6NG an va phan tich: Trang 25 ph^n Answer Keys

1. Hotels in Russia have of 5. Her colleague. Richard Rodriguez

room for improvement as so many their own floral business two
of them still provide patchy service months ago.
for high prices. (A) will start
(A) any (B) start
(B) much (C) started
(C) little (D) have started
(D) plenty
6. It is important to look beyond
2. Donald Lewis firmly believes that a fund's past performance and
custommer is the key to consider other factors before
survival in a business. making an investment
(A) satisfied (A) approval
(B) satisfactory (B) information
(C) satisfying (C) decision
(D) satisfaction (D) equipment

3. Using private jet charter is an ideal 7. Mrs. Lord has briefed at the meeting
way to reach destinations and on the of promptly responding
appointments at a correct time. to every customer,
(A) multiple (A) import
(B) fixed {B) important
(C) located (C) importing
(D) growing (D) importance

4. Any information by the instructor 8. Jan Grady is considered the global

needs to be shared with the rest of on PC games,
the group. (A) authorization
(A) was given (B) authority
(B) given (C) authorizing
(C) has been given (D) authorized
(D) is giving

9. If measures had not been taken to 11. One of the major issues to be
enhance security, it a fortune. tacked immediately is a of
(A) would have cost knowledgeable salesperson.
(B) will cost (A) fund
(C) have cost (B) committee
(D) had cost (C) damage
{□) lack
10. He thought that his continued
would largely depend on 12. The following are clinical for
accommodating his boss' requests. medical assistants.
(A)success (A) proceeds
(B) successive (B) procedural
(C) succession (C) procedure
(D) successful (D) procedures

Questions 13-15 refer to the following notice.

Dear Valued Customer,

Please be advised that due to on some of our underground cables, there will
13. (A) maintenance
(B) maintenances
(C) maintain
(D) maintaining

be an interruption in service to our cell phone customers. We plan on carrying out

this regularly scheduled work on March 2 from 9 a.m to 11 a.m.

Your account will be given a $10 credit as a of our apologies for the inconvenience.
14. (A) appreciation
(B) submission
(C) improvement

You will see this credit appear on your next bill cycle statement.

Also, we would like to point out that due to an increase federal taxes on
15. (A) with
(B) through
(C) in

telecommunications, there will be a slight increase in monthly charges for basic

cell phone usage. This increase will be $1.50, meaning the overall charges for
basic monthly usage will now be $25,50.


jii ttr diicic chia ra thanh; d^i nhSn xdng, dai tit chi djnh, dai tif phan than, dai tir bat
djnh. Cung nhu danh td, dai td th^c hien vai tro lam chu ngC, tan ngO va bo ngO trong cau.

DAI Tt/NHANXl/NG Kythi naacungxu<Ethl|n

1 | Dai tit dung tntdc dong tit de lam chu ngu. 2-3 cau trong de moi nam
Michael is a slow worker but writes the best reports.
(A) himself (B) his (C) he (D) him
Michael tuy lam viec cliSm nhdng lai viet dude nliifng ban bao cao t6t nhat, Ddp
an dung (C)

2 | Xuat hien tbudng xuyen nhat la nbung cau hoi yeu cau chon tinh tif so
hflu dicn vao cho trong dii'ng trudc danh tif. If

• Tinh tif sd hifu + "danh tif/danh tit + danh tif/tinh tii + danh tif/own + danh
Mr. Cho has just returned from business trip.
(A) him (B) his (C) himself (D) he
Ngai Cho vifa tret vc tii chuy6'n cong tac. Dap an dung (B)

Trong tnidng hdp tat ca cac dap an deu la tinh tif sd hiin, ta chpn dai tii
ttfdng iing vdi chu ngfl.
The employees are preparing for annual performance evaluation.
(A) his (B) her (C) our (D) their
Cac nhtin vien dang chua'n hi danh gia nghiep vu thudng nien. Dap an dung (D)

Oe cJugc hen 900
Khi dai tU quan he thay the cho tan ngff bi gian lito'c, ta chon dai tit nhan
xting lam chu ngd de didn vao cho trdng gifia danh tit va dong tit cua menh
dd tntdc.
The fund have deposited is pent on building head office.
(A) they (B) her (C) who (D) their
Tifin quy ho dat cpc ddpc diing d^ xay dung van phong chinh. Dap in dung (A)
★ Vi dai tit quan he tfln ngfi that da bi gian litpc nCn khong thd chpn til
quan hd d ddy.

3 D sau ,,g0;ii tir ho c

(2-3' cau^^
trong de moj nam ^ gi6i tl1
dc Iain tan ngff.

Brian will deliver on Monday.

W y (B) themselves (C) their (D) them
Chinh Brian se van chuyfti vao thi'f Hai. Dap an diing (D)

Andrew Hogan's suggestion appealed to for the first time.

(A) himself {B} his (C) him (D) he
Un ddu tien dd' an cua Andrew Hogan kliidn ong ay hai long. Dap an diing (C)

4| Dai tif sd hffu - dang rut gon cua "tinh tff so hffu + danh tit" thudng lam
chu ngff, tan ngff va bo ngff trong cau.
1 tllink
"S more persuasive than your opinion, {mine = my opinion)
(A)me (B) I (C) mine (D) myself
Toi nght rang y kien cua toi thuyet phuc hdn cua ban. Dap an diing (Q
A colleage of told me he would quit soon, (mine = my colleagues)
(A) (B) I (C) mine (D) myself
M6r dong nghiep cua toi noi vdi toi ring anh ay se nghi vigc sdm th6i. Dap an
diing (C)

DAI Tt/PHAN THAN ScautrongddmDinam)

1| Chon dai tff phan than lam tan ngff khi tan ngff theo sau dong tff hoac gio'i
tff va cung doi tfftfng vdi chu
Our suppliers are required to familiarize with our process.
(A) them (B) their (C) themselves (D) they

Cac cfing ty cung c^tp cua chiing ta phai td quen vdi quy trinh cua chung ta. Dap
an dung (C)

Mary Henry sent test e-mails to with the new account.

(A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself
Mary Henry dung tai khoan mdi tif gdi e-mail thfl nghi^m cho minh. Dap an
dung (D)

2 | Neu bo ch6 trong di ma cau van hoan chinh ve mat ngu phap va ugu
nghta thi chpn dai tit phan than de didn vao ch6 trong.
Unfortunately, the consultant is not tamiliar with the subject.
(A) his (C) he (B) him (D) himself
Th^t dang riec la chinh ngUtfi co v^n cung khong qucn vdi vJn d^! nay. Dap dn
dung (D)

You must present your identification badge

(A) you (B) yours (C) yourself (D) your
Ban phii ttf difa ra rhe can cUdc cua minh. Dap an dung (C)

Be dddc hoe 900

Cau h6i yeu cau chon dai tii phan than didn vao cho trong giUa trcf dong
tit can va dong tit nguyen thd deal hieni khi xuat hlen.
He can deal with the problem.
(A) his (B) himsef (C) him (D) his own
Anh £y co the nt minh gkti quyft vin de. Dap in dung (B)
★ Ndu b6 cho trong di, cau vin hoan chinh {He can deal with the problem)
n^n dap an dung la (B).

3 | Cac cum tit dang' gid'i tif + dai tit phan than", by xuat hien kha thitcfng xuyen

by oneself mot minh (W minh) for oneself bt sOc minh

of itself tu dong 'n 'fse'f han than, dich than

Since Mark quit, he's been In charge of the project by

(A) he (B) him (C) his (D) himself
Tit sau khi Mark tit bo, anh ay tit minh dam nhi^m dii an do. Dap an dung (D)

BA1 Tl/ CHI DINH H cau trong ffe tnii nam

1| Dai tu chi dinh thatvk those dtftfc dung thay the Ian Itfdt cho danh th so it
va danh tif s6 nhicu da du'oc nhac den truo'c do. Yi vAy, dai tiV chi dinh kh6ae
the diVng dau cau va thitdng di cung gidi tif of.
The responsibility of this position is a lot bigger than of others
(A) 1hat
(B) this (C) those (D) these
Vj tn nay cb trach nhi$m l6n hcfn so vdi nhbng vi tri khac. Dap an dung (C)

The sales figures of cars are more robust than - of last year.
(A) some (B) both (C) many (D) those
Liiong xe 6 to ban diWc trong nam nay nhia'u hdn nam ngoai. Dap an dung (D)

2 | Dai tif chi dinh those dtfcfc dimg vdfi nghia "nluTng ngifdi" xuat hien hha
rhu'tVng xnyen.

Thifdng di cung vdi dai tif quan ht who.

who fa
'l to register will get another chance next year.
(A) Anyone (B) Those (C) One (D) Everyone
NhOng ai khong dang ky du'tfc se co cd hoi khac vao nam tdi. Ddp an dung (B)
★ Anyone (s6 it) cung cb thl dddc dung tifdng td nhif those (so nhibu).

OS ififflc hon 900

Sau khi Itfdc bd "dai tif quan ha chu ngu + be", con lai anyone!those va cum
bo ngd di sau.
★ "-esponsible for selling new equipment should have technical knowledae
(A) Some (B) Ones (C) Those (D) Them
Nhiing ngddi chili trach nhibm ban thibr hi mbi nfin cb kifn thdc v€ conv
nghe. Dap an diing (C)
★ who are di trdbc responsible da hi Iddc bb.
An one in the
y workshop should contact Amy as soon as possible
(A) interests (B) is interested (C) interested (D) has interested
Bat cut ai quan tarn dffn cuoc hoi thio hay lite lac vdi Amy cane sdm canv
tot. Dap an dung (C)
★ who is di trdcfc 6 trb'ng da bj Iddc bb.
in char
9e of conducting the meeting must contact Mr. Nova,
(A) Whoever (B) Anyone (C) One another (D) They
Bat cb ai dam nhitei dibu hanh cube hop phai lite lac vdi ngai Nova.
Ddp an dung (B)
"A" who is di trudc in charge of da hi luoc bb.

3 I Tinh tit chi dinh {this/that + danh tit so it, these/those + danh tii so nhidu)
liicin khi xuat hien.
The store is open for people who forgot to buy their Christmas presents.
(A) them (B) which (C) those (D) whose
Cifa hang mtV cita cho nhitng ngifdi quen mua qua Giang sinh. Dap an dung (C)
We need to finalize a few matters to prepare for event.
(A) this (B) whose (C) these (D) the one
Chung t6i dm phai hoan thidi mgt vai va'n de A6 chuan bi cho sit kicn nay. Dap
an dung (A)


ANOTHER', 1-2 diu trong fle moi nim

1 1 Dung one thay cho danh tii dcin difdc so it khong xac dinh.
I'd like to sell my old blender and buy a new
(A) it (B) one (C) them (D) ones
T6i mudn ban cai may xay sinh to cQ cua minh di va mua mot cai mofi. Dap an
of the new members is eligible for two days of summer vacation.
(A) The one (B) One (C) Which (D) Them
Mot ngifdi trong so nhflng rhanh vien m6i co du tii each cho ky nghi he hai ngay.
Dap an dung (B)
★ De' di^n ta ring "mot ngilid trong s6 nhiing thanh vi^n mdi", ta phai dimg
"one of the + danh tif so nhidu".

2 1 Dung another de bo nghia hoac thay the cho danh tif dcin diioc s6 it.

• Dung another triicfc danh tii d£m dtfcfc so it nhti mot mao tii bat dinh.
We need to send e-mail using e-mail account.
{A} other (B) others (C) another (D) the others
Chung ta dm dung mot tai khoan e-mail khac de gufi e-mail. Dap an dung (C)

• Dimg another khi mudn de cap tdi "mot ngLfbi/vat/vi& khac" ngoai ngifdi/
v/lt/viec da difpc noi tdi.
One is the best manufacturer in Japan, is a rising company in China.
(A) the other (B) another (C) others (D) other
Mot la xi nghi£p tot nhft b Nhat Ran, con mpt la cong ty dang noi b Trung
Qudc. Dip an dung (B)

^ Can lu'u y the other la dap an sai.

Oe duoc hun 900

Ta con dung another vdi nghia "tham" trifdc danh ttf chi mot khoing thtii
gian cu the.
I will have to work overtime for two weeks.
(A) other (B) others (C) another (D) the others
T6i se phai iam them gio' rh^m hai man nfla, Dap an dting (C)

3 | Dung other dc bo nghia huac thav the cho danh tit dem dude so nhi&i.

• Dung other tnicfc danh tif d^m difpc so nhidu.

This can cause inconvenience to guests.
(A) other (B) others (C) another (D) the others
Dieu nay co thl gay bat tien cho nhifng khach khac. Dap an dung (A)

• Dung otber(s) vcfi y nghia "nhu'ng ngirdi/sif vat khac" ngoai nhflng ngLfcJi/sif
vat da ditdc nhac tdi.
One of the managers is happy. are not happy about the final decision,
(A) Other (B) Others (C) Another (D) The another
Mot trong nbitng qu^n ly thi hai long. NhSng ngitofi khac thl khong vui ve lam
vi quyet dinh cuoi cung. Dap an dting (B)
★ Other la rinh tif, others la dai tu ncn A la dap an sai. Others con co rhd duac
thay the' bed "other + danh tu sd nhidu".

Oe ddoc hen 900

Cung co the dung other de bo nghia cho danh tif khong dem difOc.
We need to determine if it is caused by consumer negligence.
(A) other (B) others (C) another (D) the others
Chung ta can phai quyg't dinh xem co ph^i no phat sinh tif so suat cua khach
hang hay klrong. D;ip an dung (A)

4 | the other(s) la dad tif va co y nghia "toan b6 phan con lai trong mot tdng
the xac dinh".
Of the three computers, two are a desktop and - is a laptop.
(A) the other (B) another (C) others (D) other
Trong so ha cai may tinh, hai cai la may rinh dd ban va cai con lai la may tinh
xach tay. Dap an dung (A)


NONE, MOST!ALMOST 2-3 cau trong tie moi natn

1 1 Some va any co nghia lan luot la "mot vai", "mpt npitiUsii vat nao" va
thuong diidc diing nhu dai tif va tmh tit.

• Chu y^u dung some trong cac cau khang dinh.

of the employees forgot to submit their reports.
(A) Some (B) Any (C) Those (D) Them
Mot vai nMn vien da quen khong nop bao cao. Dap an dung (A)

They have found documents that were missing,

(A) some (B) others (C) this (D) any
Ho vifa phat hi^n ra rang vai tai li^u da bi m^'r. Dap an dung (A)

• Chu yeu dung any trong cac cau phu dinh, c^u didu kifin.
Mr. Walter didn't find staples.
(A) if (B) few (C) any {□) either
Ngai Walter khong tim du'Oc cai dap ghim nao. Dap an dung (C)

Let me know if of the above options are acceptable.

{A} any (B) some (C) every (D) each
Hay cho tbi bibt nbu cd kta chon nao co the chap nhan difdc trong so nhCtng Ida
chpn cren. Dap an diing (A)

Dc auoc tittn 900

Cung cb thb' dung some tnfdc tif phu dinh not trong can phu dmh.
rules have not changed even it they were outdated.
(A) Some (B) Every (C) Each (D) The one
Mgt vai quy dinh vAn dufa dupe thay doi dii chting da i6i tb6i. Dap in dung (A)

Cung co the diing any trong cau khang dinh v6i nghia "bat cd - nao'1.
We regret inconvenience to our customers,
(A) any (B) both (C) many (D) those
Chiing cbi xin 16i vi bat cd sd bat tien nao da gay ra cho cac khach hang. Dip
an dung (A)

2 | Dung no (tmh tit) tviii'ic danh tiV trong cum "tinh tii + danh tunone (dai
tu!) lam chu ngu va tan ngfl.

reasonable person would accept such a proposal.

(A) Not (B) No (C) Both {D) Few
Khdng mot ngitdi biet dieu nao se chap nh^n mot lefi de nghi nhu viy. Dap an
dting (B)

of the members is going to the festival,

(A) None (B) Anyone (C) Every (D) Whoever
Khong thanh vicn nao sc rbi ie hoi. Dap an dung (A)
Khi dung vdi danh khbng dto difdc, none diMc coi la so it, Khi dung vdi danh
t£f dcm dtfcfc so nhieu none co thd la s6 it hoac s6 nhi€u.

is more profitable than its telecommunication business.

(A) Any (B) Not (C) Every (D) None
Khong gi lai lion la kinh doanh viln thong. Dap in diing (D)

3 | Dung most lam dai tti (phan lofn) va tinh tiV (da phan), almost lam trang
tit (hau nhif).
the dishes on the menu were vegeterian.
(A) The most (B) Mostly (C) Most of (D) Most
Hlu het cac nion trong thiic don la d6 chay. Dap an dung (C)
★ "most of the + danh tit" I □on di thanh mot cum,

employees have worked for more than five years.

(A) Most (B) Almost (C) Sometime {□) Mostly
Hau hd't cac nhan vign da lam vific dtYOc hcfn nam nam roi. Dap an dung (A)

a" of the new employees registered for one of our computer courses.
(A) Almost (B) Closely (C) Still (D) Every
H&i nhtf tat ca cac nMn vien mdi deu dang ky vao mot trong nhtTng khoa hoc
may tinh cua chung ta. Dap an dung (A)
★ Trang tu almost thiidng di kern vdi "all, any, so dem, anything".


1 | Can Iriu y phan biet cac dai tii diftfc dung diidi dang s6 it va cac dai tif
diitfc dung dtibi dang so nhicu.[(Xuat hien thitang Kuyen

either, neither, each, another, this, that, the other, much, tittle, someone,
Dai W so rt
something, nobody, nothing

Ogi tif $6 nhifc both, several, few, others, those, these, the others, many

Oai W Vila so ft vifa s6 nhi&J most some, any, all

Memory chips and handsets part are delivered, and are damaged.
(A) both (B) either (C) another (D) much
Chip bp nhcf va may cam tay deu da difpc chuydn tdi va ca hai ddu bi hii h6ng.
Dap dn dt'ing (A)
★ Vi dpng tit sau ch6 trdng dtidc chia s6 nhi&i n^n phii ebon both.

of our important buyers are located in New York.

(A) Much (B) Most (C) Each (D) Little
Haiu h$'t nbflng khacb hang quan trong cua chung ta deu b New York. Dap dn

DETHI MO PHONG D^p an va phan tfch! Trang 28 ph^n Answer Keys

1. Mr. Taylor blamed for not 5. We accept only uncontaminated

accurately recording the inventory concrete, wood, paper and
of supplies, materials.
(A) he {A) other such
(B) him {B) another
(C) himself (C) one another
(0} he (D) others
6. Makro intended the new interface
2. Those for the seminar need to to be user-friendlier than of
download and fill in application form previous versions.
on our website. (A) this
(A) responsibilities (B)those
(B) responsible (C) that
(C) are responsible (D)these

7. You can use the same logo on every

3. the products are exported to item you produce to raise product
countries in Latin America,
(A) Almost (A) recognized
(B) Most of (B) recognizing
(C) Many (C) recognize
(D) Both (D) recognition

4. The profit margin now is so thin that 8. One of the hotles is too far, and —
further reduction would be —- is conveniently located but too
possible. expensive.
(A)one (A) other
(B) no (B) one
(C) few (C) the other
(D) not (D) another

9. Recently, AT & M has as a new 11, Smart phones are known to benefit
medical workers but some think
leader in the mobile communication
they may be too for doctors,
(A) distracting
(A) mentioned (B) distraction
(B) considered (C) distracted
(C) emerged (D) distract
(D) designated
12. After Sarah found out about the
harsh reality of African children, she
10. Kenneth has a reputation as a
the Voluntary Action Fund.
persuasive speaker, but
(A) will join
presentation on Friday was nothing
(B) joins
but disappointing. (C) had joined
(A) he (D) joined
(B) his
(C) him
(D) himself

Questions 13-15 refer to the following report.

With wild fisheries dwindling and low-oxygen aquatic dead zones blooming around the
world's most crowded coasts, oceans appear to be undergoing fundamental.
13. (A) your
(B) his
(C) their
(D) our

changes. Many of these changes are for the worse in ways we can barely understand.
This is due, in part, to the fact that we do not clearly understand oceans work.
14. (A) how
(B) what
(C) which
(D) when

This was the conclusion of a recent report by a global panel of marine experts
15. (A) was issued
(B) has issued
(C) issued
(D) will be issued

at the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO).

Ocean health, they said, is not doing well. According to the authors, the planet is
at high risk for entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in
human history,"

fr, I


So cau h6i v4 t(nh tir 6 m5i ky thi TOEIC: 2-3 cau vS vj tri cua ti'nh tit, 2-3 cau ve tit vt/ng, |
khoang 1 cau cac ngif phap kh^c liSn quan den tinh lit. Tuy cac cau hoi ve tfnh lit tifdng
doi nhifng cac b^n tuyet doi khong difdc lam sai.

Q vitrIcOatInhtU

1| Cau hoi yeu cau chpn tmh lii (ticn vao ch6 tr6ng diing tru'iVc danh td.
Ky nao cung to
Cambodia is the home of tourist attractions.
(A) variously (B) vary (C) variation (D) various
Campuchia la cai not cua nhifiu di6'm den hap dim khach du Itch. Dap an dung (D)
Aurora introduced an new line of cars last years.
(A) impressively (B) operationally (C) impression (D) impress
Aurora da gio'i rhieu mot dong 6 to mcti rat Art tiidng vao nam ngoai. Dap in dung (B)

2 | Cau hoi ycu can chon tmh tut di6n vao cho trong de lam bd ngut cho chu ngu'
hoac tan ngut.

CD B6 ngd cho chu ngit

The tactory will not become anytime soon.
(A) operational (B) operationally (C) operation (D) operate
Nha may se khong drtcfc van hanh ngay. Dap in dung (A)

@ Bd ngi? cho tdn ngfl

Many consumers seem to consider our company
(A) progress (B) progression (C) progressive (D) progressively
Nhieu khach hang cho cdng ty chung ta la tien bp. Dap an dung (C)


1 1 Nhu'ng cau hdi vd tinh tit chi sd htOng tuo'ng ling vdfi danh tit dem duoc
xuat Men kha thudng xuycn
Ti'nh lit chi so lifg'ng tifdng tfng vtji Tfrttl H chi so tifdng dng v&i
danh tif dem difdc so' ft danh tif dgm difdc s6 nhieu
one mot : (a) few mot vai
each moi many nhieu
every moi several mot so, mot vdi

Tinh td chi so lilting tilting ufng vdi Tinh tH chi si) tildng tuong dng vdi
danh tH Hem dddc so it danh tu dem di/dc so nhieu
various {=multiple, diverse) da dang
a variety [array, range] ot da dang
every + danh til so nhieu chi so iddrtg moi ~
a collection {diversity] of da dang
(every two days m6i hai ngay}
both ca hai, these nhdng ~ nfly, those nhilng ~ kia
another khac
a couple of mbt so
that ~ do
numerous nhieu
this ~ nSy
a number of nhieu, mot so nhufng
x the number of so liidng nhufng ~
new brands received similar feedback,
(A) Whose (B) Several (C) Anything {□) That
Nhieu nhan hieu mdi nhan clifdc nhrtng phan h6i rudng td nhau. Dap in dung (B)

2 | Nhufng caa hoi vt tinh tii chi so lii'Ong tuong ufng vofi danh trV khong dcm
difctc liicm khi xuat hien.
much nhieu a great deal/a large amount of nhieu (a) little mot chut less It hhn
^ '
The regulation resulted in competition in this region.
(A) fewer (B) less (C) as little (D) much little
Quy che do lam giim sd canh tranh d viing nay. Dip in diing (B)

3 | Nhufng can hoi yeu cau phan biet nhufng tinh tii chi sd Iiftfng tuong
ufng vdi ca danh riV dem ddot va danh tii khong dcm duOc xuat hicn kha
thitdng xuyen.

a lot of (=lots of) nhieu plenty of nhieu other khac some vai. mot so
any bat cO all moi no khfmg more nhieu hdn most nhi^u nhftt
s J

Our recipes include a lot of healthy

(A) ingredients (B) ingredient (C) of ingredients (D) ingredienting
Cdng thdc cua chung t6i bao gdm iihi^'u nguy^n li^u co loi cho sdc khde. Dip in
dung (A)

For information on our services, click on customer service,

(A) each (B) both (C) more (D) large
Dd bi£t them thong tin v€ cac dich vu cua chung toi hay nhap chupt vao phin
djch vu khach hfmg. Dip in dung (C)

4 | Khong the luttc bo bat cu tit nao trong "of the" dung giufa tinh tit chi so
litdng va danh tit.

one [each, most, many, several, some, any] + of the + danh tif

- the senior staff will attend the conference.

(A) Some {B} Most (C) All (D) One
Tat d nhan vien cap tren se tham gia vao bu6i hop. Dap an dung (C)
★ Ngoai le: co the dung all, both, double ma Ithong can co of

Q cidi ra to va dong rtr nguyen the go to

Nbu'ng cau h6i yen can ebon tinh tit didn vao cho troug hoac yeu cau phan
biet danh tif (danh dong tif) va dong tif de (lien vao cho trdng saw to,

• "Tinh tit + gich tif fo" tliiidng de bi nham la "tinh tit + dong tif nguyen the co to"

be accesihle to N co th^ tiep can vdi ~ be adjacent to N gan ke, sat vdi
be beneficial to N cd Idi cho ~ be payable to N cd the chi tra cho ~
be equivalent to N WOng difdng vdi ~ be subject to N di bj, khd tranh khdi
be vulnerable to N yeu, de bj ton thifdng vdi ~ be transferable to N nhitdng cho ~
be comparable to N cd the so sanh vdi

• "Tinh tif + dong tif nguyen the co to" thifefng de hi nham la "tinh tif + gicd
tif to"

be (un)able to khdng the lam gi be about to do chuan bl lam gj

be willing to do sin simg Idm gi ~ be likely(liable, apt) to do cd the se lam gi
be happy(delighted) to do vui Idng Idm gi — be reluctant to do do dif lam gi
be pleased to do vui Idng lam g) be ready to do san sang lam gj
be eager to do hao hilc muon lam gi be easy(easier) to do de dang (hdn) de tam gi
be avaiable to do cd san, san sang de lam gi be eligible to do cd tif each, du dieu klen lam gi

The partnership is surely to both parties.

(A) unable (B) reluctant (C) eager (D) beneficial
Quan hd hop tac co idi cho cd doi ben. Dap in dung (D)
The plan is subject to by the city council.
(A) approval (B) approve (C) be approved (D) approves
Kd' hoach de difo'c chap thuan bo'i hoi d6ng thanh ph6. Dap an diing (A)
You will be to check your e-mail from anywhere in the world.
(A) cable {B} close (C) able (D) informal
Ban se cb the kiem tra e-mait cua minh tif khap mpi no'i tren the gidi. Dip an diing (C)

It is to store data in computerized databases.
(A) easiest (B) ease (C) easily (D) easier
Vi£c liiu crif dO iieu rrgn cd scf dO ligu d may tinh kha la de dang. Dap an diing (D)


1 ) Nhufng tinh tit de gay nham lan, can phai dita vao ngfl canh cua cau van
de chon dap an dung.
impressive an tLtdng considerable dang ke
impressed bj an ttfdng considerate chu dao
comprehensible co the hieu ditdc persuaded chac chan
comprehensive toan dien understanding thong cam
beneficial cd Idi understandable cb the hieu ditclc
beneficient td tam, hay lam phiic profitable cb Idi
comparable cb the so sanh proficient thanh thao, tai gibi
comparative tUdng dbi reliable dang tin
prospective tri^n vpng, tiem nang reliant dda vao, nhd cay, phg thubc
prosperous thjnh vddng responsible cb trach nhigm
favorable thuan Idi, du dai responsive phan dng nhay cam
favorite yen thich satisfactory chap nhan dUdc
informed am hieu, hieu bitit satisfied thba man
informative cung cap nhieu thong tin successful thanh cbng
appreciable dang ke successive lien tuc
appreciative biet on respectable dang ion trang
persuasive cb sic thuyet phuc respective Ian lilbt

The company posted profits yesterday.

(A) impressive (B) impressed (C) impression (D) impress
Cong ty da dang bao lefi nhudn ddy an Wdng ngay horn qua. Dap am (A).

2 | Nhftng cau hoi yeu can chon tinh tit thich hop dien vao cho trong va
tukVng ilng vdi gidi tif di phia san xuat hien thitcfng xuyen.
be responsible (or chju trach nhiem ve ~ be complete with trpn ven vbi ~
be capable ot cb kha nang - be comparable with cb the so sanh vdi ~
be compliant with phuc tung theo, tudn theo be consistent with thich hbp, phu hop vbi ~
be proficient in th^nh thao ~ be adequate forxdng dang cho ~
be advantegeous for cb Idi ve ~ be sufficient for du cho ~
be enthusiastic about say me ~ be aware of nhan thdc dddc -
be beneficial to cb Idi cho - be desirous of khao khbt —
be inquisitive about to mb ve ~ be mindful of idu tarn tdi -
be accountable for chju trach nhiem ve ~ be commensurate with tddng xdng vdi ~
be convenient for thuan tien cho ~ be compatible with tddng thich, phu hdp vbi-
be ideal for ly tiidng cho — be correspond with tuong dng vbi ~
be appreciative of biet dn ~ be indicative of to ra, hieu thi~
be cognizant of diet ~
Daniel was of dealing with the matter himsett.
(A) liable (B) able (C) capable {D) lucrative
Daniel co th^ nJ mlnh giai quyd't difdc vd'n de. Dip in dung (C)

DETHI MO PHONG Oap an va phan tich; Trang 32 phan Answer Keys

1. The government policy has a 5. The malfunction of the washer

effect on the food industry's cannot be attributed to other
operating prerequisites. form of defect or misuse.
(A) considerable (A) any
(B) respectable (B) all
(C) total (C) each
(D) consecutive (D) every

2. There is a wide of destinations 6. While Barbara away on

to choose from when planning an maternity leave, Joseph will be in
eco-oriented trip, charge of the project.
(A) agreement (A) will be
(B) function (B) have been
{C) array (C) is
(D) negligence (D) had been

3. Our department has been under a 7. The programs on the list are
lot of to meet the deadline and considered roughly to certain
deliver the project on time, popular Windows applications.
(A) effort (A) official
(B) result (B) equivalent
(C) pressure (C) potential
(D) problem (D) respective

4. You can click on the following links 8. The residents can get free cleaning
to get instructions about other service two days,
methods of ordering, (A) each
(A) specific (B) every
(B) reserved (C) all
(C) punctual (D) both
(D) extended

9. The net profit for the period the 11. Websites need to — with web
following two components, which standards to make it easier for
must be disclosed separately. people with special needs to use.
(A) includes (A) be compliant
(B) compliance
(B) was includes
(C) in compliance
(C) have included
(D) complied
(D) including 12. He asked the employees to view the
10. Although Scott is in talks with the recent measures as a safeguard for
management, it's that he will
be sent to the new branch. (A) them
(A) doubtful (B) themselves
(C) theirs
(D) their
(C) doubted
(D) doubtfully

Questions 13-15 refer to the lollowing e-mail.

To: Denise Paul

From: Lofty Automobiles
Subject: New Vehicles

Ms. Paul,

We here at Lofty Automobiles are pleased to announce that we have an impressive

new line of cars coming out this spring. As someone who has purchased a car
from us in the past, we wanted you to be among the first people to learn of this
exciting event.

new vehicle being rolled off the line this April will be more fuel efficient than ever
13. (A) Every
(B) All
(C) Most
(D) One of

before. , these vehicles will be offered at our all-time lowest prices. This
14. (A) Because
(B) Even though
(C) In addition
(D) Nevertheless

includes sedans, SUVs and trucks.

Feel free to drop by one of our showrooms for more information or visit our website
at We thank you for your continued support and hope you will take
advantage of this opportunity.
15. (A) desirable
(B) predictable
(C) common
(D) unique

Lofty Automobiles

k Mx-

Veil tr^ng tif, caccau h6i trong thiTOEIC thL/dng h6i vj tri cua tr^ng tir, ti/ vdng va cac
trang tCrdac bi$t. Trong do, cac cau fi6i ve vj trf cua trang ti/ xuat hien tht/dng xuyen nhal.
Nhufng cSu n^y tuy d§ nhdng neu khfing chu y thi se ri(t dl sat sot, vi v^y ede bgn c&n chu
' khi lam bai.


1| Ky nao cung xuat hien nhfifng cau hoi yeu cau chpn trang tii dien vao cho
trdng de bo nghla cho d6ng tif. JEESEBEIESOSE

• Trang tif diing trifdc hoac sau "dong tif + tan ngif".
The change in the price reflects oil price fluctuations,
(A) directly (B) direction (C) direct (D) directive
Sif bid'n dong vfc gia phan anh rnfc tW!p sif dao dpng cua gia dlu. Dap an ddng (A)

He is going to bring some documents

(A) immediate (B) immediately (C) immediacy (D) immediateness
Anh ay se mang mot s6 tai li^u dfti ngay. Dap an diing (B)

• Trang tif diing tnicfc hoac sau "(trd) dong tif + -ing/p.p"
We are looking for an experienced financial accountant.
(A) current (B) currently (C) currency (D) currencies
Chiing toi hien dang tim kie'm mot k6 coin vi£n co kinh nghi^m. Dap an dung (B)

Such an exceptional offer cannot be found elsewhere.

(A) ease (B) easy (C) easily (D) easiness
Ban khong de dang tim difpc mot Idi d€ nghi tuyflt vdi nhd v^y d bit cii noi nao
khac diu. Dap an dung (C)

They have arrived from Madrid.

(A)late (B) lately (C) later {D} latter
Ho vifa mo'i den tif Madrid. Dip an diing (B)

Each payment must be made , on-time, and for the full monthly amount due.
(A) separately (B) separation (C) separate (D) separable
M6i khoan thanh coin phii diidc tra rieng re, diing ky ban va cho ca mot thing.
Dip an diing (A)

Oe dime hm 900
Tuy thuoc vao d^ng ttt la noi dong tif hay ngoai d<mg ma ttf loai theo
sau no se du'oc quydt dinh.
Their management structure changed
(A) consideration (B) considerably {C) considerate (D) considering
Cd ctt'u quan ly cua Ko da rhay d6i mgt each dang kd'. Dip an dung (B)
★Vi changed la ngi d6ng tif nfin theo sau no phii la trying tir.

Because hand tools are dangerous, use when using them.

(A) caution (B) cautiously (C) cautious (D) cautionary
Cac dung cu dung ray rar nguy hi£m nfin h5y can dutn khi dung chung. Dip
an dung (A)
★Vi use la ngoai dgng td n6n theo sau no phai la danh tir.

2 | Nhflng cau hoi yeu cau chon trang tif dicn vao cho trdng diing trifdc ttnh
tif. ittmrirarem]
AM's latest model is getting popular among women.
(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) increasingly
Ngiid'i m.'m mdi nhat cua AM dang rat noi ti^'ng trong giai phu nu. Dap an dung (D)

The seminar will cover some interesting matters.

(A) high (B) higher (C) height (D) highly
Buoi hgi thao se de cSp tdi mot so van da' rat thii vi. Dip an dung (D)
★ Trang tir diing tnioc hian tai phan tir {interesting). Highly (adv) = very

Please refer to the issued summary.

(A) recent (B) recently (C) recency (D) recencies
Lam On hay tham khao ban torn tat mcfi dtrqe phat hanh gan day. Dap an diing (B)
★ Trang tir dhng tnfdc qua khii phan tir {issued).

De dUOC hon 900
Cung co trifdfng hop trang txi bo nghia cho nhiJng ttt loai khac ngoai dong
tif va tlnh tif.
• Trang tU dtfng giua dong tu be va cum gidi tif (= cum tinh tif)
The building is under construction.
(A) presently (B) present {C} presentation (D) presented
Toa nha hien dang difcfc sufa chOa. Dap an dung (A)

• too di kem vOi far, simply.

The new netbook is too expensive compared to its features
(A)tar (B)very (C) so (D)real
Netbook mcfi qua dit so vOi cac tinh nang cua no. Dip an dung (A)
★ very, so d6ng nghla vOi too n£n khong chC dung ddng chdi cimg too dude.

• Tritdng hop trang tif bo nghia cho trang rif hi^m khi xuat hien.
They rely entirely on private charily.
(A) almost (B) most (C) neither (D) only
Hp g^tn nhd difa ca vao hpi tif thian phi chinh phu. Ddp dn diing (A)

• "to + trang tif + dong tif nguyen thd"

Anderson convinced people to join the campaign.
(A) wiiiing (B) willingness (C) willingly (D) unwilling
Anderson thuyd't phuc mpi ngifdi nhiet tinh tham gia vao chid'n djcH. Dip in

• Trang tif bd nghla cho danh dong tif.

They got the credit for completing the assignments.
(A) succes (B) successful (C) successfully (D) successive
Hp difpc tinh di£m vi da hoan rhanh cac nhi^m vu mot each thanh cong.
Dip in dung (C)


• Nhifng can hoi yeu cau phin bidt nhifng trang tif co hinh thai giong nhau
nhifng nghla khac nhau cung thifdng xuat hi^n.

hardly hau nhd khong hard cham chi, vlt va highly rat highcao
nearly gan nhd near g^in lately gain day late muon
closely ggn gui. gan bd close gan, sat mostly hau nhd mosl hau het

300 people were waiting in line.
(A) Nearly (B) Carefully (C) Doubtfully (D) Extensively
G^n 300 ngiioi dang xep hang chd. Dap dn ddng (A)

NHtTNG trang TU dag biet

11 Nhfing cau hoi yeu cau phan biet still, yet, already tiiy theo ngG canh ctxa cau
(3 cau trong tie moi nam

still co nghia ta "vin, vln con", chu ydu ditdc diing trong cau kliang dinh,
khi diJdc diing trong can phu dinh thddng ddng trddc tit phu dinh. Dac
biet, still thu'cfng hay di cung cac tu chi sit tifdng phan nhtf although, but,
The office party is two weeks away.
(A) already (B) so (C) yet (D) still
Van con nhGng hai tuin nufa mdi d^n buoi ti^c cua van phong. Dap an dung (D)

The model is not available at local store.

(A) soon (B) still (C) almost (D) once
Man nay v3n chiia co sin ci cifa hang dia phiidng. Dap an dung (B)

yet co nghia la "vin", diidc dung trong can khdng dinh difdi dang not yet (van
chifa), trong can phu dinh ditch dang have [be] yet to do (van chita lam gi).
James has not applied for the position.
(A) yet (B) since (C) already (D) always
James van chu a dng tuyen cho vi tri do. Dap an dung (A)

Sarah has to run some errands.

(A) up (B) until (C)yet (D) just
Sarah v4n phii lam vai vi^c vat nua. Dap an dung (C)

already co nghia la "da", thithng ditdc diing vdh thi hien tai hoan thanh ciing
vdfi be, know, have.
I have arranged for a replacement.
(A) already (B) shortly (C) every (D) once
T61 da sap xdp mot sit thay thd. Dap an dung (A)

Christmas is over.
(A) yet (B) already (C) fast (D) hard
Giang sinh da qua rdi. Dap an dung (B)

2 | Nhfifng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet every once, just tuy theo ngfi canh ciia
cau van.

• dung ever khi mudn di^n ta mot moc thdi gian md h6 trong qua khiY hoac
difdi cac dang nhif have ever p.p. (tttng lim gi bao gid), ever since (suot, ki tii do),
hardly ever (= any) (hiftn khi, hau nhu kbong).
This is the most challenging project our division has undertaken,
(A) once (B) ever (C) quickly (D) somewhat
D5y la dn an thil thach nhat ma phong chung toi tifng dam nhi^m. Dip in

Glenco International has strived for perfection since its foundation.

(A) ever (B) yet (C) late (D) rarely
td khi difdc thanh lip, Glenco International van lu6n n6 luc hitdng tdi sd
hoan hao. Dip in dung (A)

They hardly received compliments from the manager.

A ew
( )l (B) never (C) little (D) ever
Ho hidm khi nh^n difdc Idi khen tit ngiidi quan ly. Dip in dung (D)
★ Khong thd diing cac trang tif hardly, rarely, barely trong cau phu dinh.

once mang nghla "tiing, tnidfc kia", thudng difdc dung vcfi thi qua khu va
cung dtfcfc dung de bo nghla cho tfnh tit.
Daniel worked as an assistant for Fox Publications.
(A) always (B) generally (C) once (D) quickly
Daniel tifng lam trd ly cho nha xuat ban Fox. Dip in dung (C)

They used to be fierce rivals but are now partners.

(A) there (B) once (C) rather (D) instead
Ho tifng la tinh dich nhdng gib dang la doi tac cua nhau. Dip in dung (B)

• just thifcfng difbc dung duhi dang have just p.p (vifa mdi lam gi), just before
(ngay tru'cfc Wi), just as - as, (chi nhif -).
Go over this invoice again before sending it,
(A)far (B) just (C) quite (D) then
Hay kidm tra lai hoa ddn nay mot km nfla tnfcfc khi gui di. Dip in dung (B)


Nhttng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet va chon trang tii lien ket thich hdp di di^n
vao cho trong
however tuy nhien
otherwise, or else neu khong thi
Tifhng phan alternatively nhif mot Ilia chpn khac, mot each khac
nonetheless, nevertheless tuy nhien
in fact thiJc ra thi, thifc te la
in addition, besides ngoai ra
I sung moreover, furthermore them vao dh
therefore, hence vi vay
then sau do thi
consequently ket quci Id, rot cuoc la
for example(instance) vi du nhij
Instead thay vl
as usual nhdthiJdng le

• Vl trang ttt li6n k€t khong the lifin ket hai menh de ma kliong co d£u chd'm
phay nfin trang ttt lifin k^t thithng ddng sau dau ch^'m phly.
Lansing has always been just a small company; , this is about to change.
(A) even (B) however (C) though (D) therefore
Lansing tii tnfdc d6n gib chi la mpt cdng ty nho, tuy nhian, sap tttt se co sii thay
ddi. Dap an dung (B)

• Vl trang tii lien k£t khdng thd lien ka hai manh de ma khdng co lien tii di
kem, vi vdy trang tii Ikn k^t thiiting dcing sau and.
First you walk along the street, and you turn left.
(A) also (B) else {C} then (D) in fact
Dau ti£n ban di doc theo con pho, r6i sau do b^n re trai. Dap in dung (C)

• Trang tu lien ket diing sau dau cham can de lien kdt hai cau.
The building is brand-new, , it is right next to the subway station.
(A) As well as (B) In addition (C) Meanwhile (D) In line
Do !a toa nha mdi xay. Them vio do, no hi con bt ngay be'n tau difin ngSm. Dap
an dung (B)


1 I Just, right) immediately) shortly, soon, directly, promptly thiuVnjr (f; (i(\Tn
tii chi thofi gian. 3-4cautrong Sf rmii nam

shortly after (following, afterwards, thereafter) ngay sau ~

shortly before ngay tnfdc ~
* immediately upon arriving ngay khi den ndi

We'd like to meet you after the agreement is signed.

(A) immediately (B) hardly (C) accessibly (D) necessarily
Chung t6i muon gap ban ngay sau khi hop dong dhdc ky kec. Dap an dung (A)

Khoting 1 can trong de moi nam) ^n8 dtSfn8 trii6c c
"m &61 ^ ho
^c cum danh tit.

The village is accessible by boat,

on| B
w y ( ) P'a'n'y (C) closely (D) perfectly
Chi co chd di difac dSn ngoi lang do bang thuy^'n. Dap an dung (A)

3 | wellvdi cac dang 'Veil below (difdi tam), well in advance (r^tt sdm), well ahead
(xa phia tru'dc), weU over (hdn, qua nhi^u)" (Huong ddng tru<k cum gidi tit.
Corporate profitability last year was below the average.
(A) hard (B) well (C) late (D) further
Ldi nhu£n cua cd doanh nghiep nam ngoai kem hdn nhi^u so vdi mtfc (rung
binh. Dap an dung (B)
★ well attended (tham gia day du), be well received {du'dc yeu thtch), be well
deserved (xiing dang) cQng thifdng xuyen xuat hi^n.

4 I Cac trang tit mang nghla "dac bl?t" nhit particularly, specifically, specially,
especially, in particular thitdng ditng tntdc cac cum gicfi tit, lien tit lien k6t
menh dd trang nguf, danh tit, dai tit, tinh tit, m?nh dd. !i HlW.lffUftpi Mff; fi'.'MriBi

H is useful in detecting slow-growing tumors.

(A) famously (B) expensively (C) proudly (D) particularly
No thuc srf co ich trong viec phac hiSn nhiing kh6i u phat tridn chlm. Dap dn dung (D)

5 | even (tham chi, den ca) dude dung dc nhan manh y cda mot tit hay m6t cum.
the largest firms are vulnerable to fluctuation in oil prices,
(A) Even (B) So (C) Very (D) More
Ngay ca nhifng doanh nghigp Idn cQng chao dio bdi nhdng biefn dpng cua mi
dau. Dap an dung (A)


1 1 Cau hoi yeu cau chon so dc dicn vao cho trdng ctiVng triidc "tinh tif/trang
tii + that" (qua ... den mdc ma ,..) :fnuT
Jessica was busy that she had to bring her work home.
(A) such (B) quite (C) so (D) very
Jessica bJn den trnifc phai mang ci vite v€ nha lam. Dip in dung (Q

2 1 ("au hoi yen cau chon such dc diifn vao cho trdng dufng tritdc "(ti'nh tu')
danh tit + that" hicm khi xuat hien.
This is a challenging job that I could use extra support.
(A)such (B) too (C)so (D)very
Cong vigc nay vac va den mile toi co th£ yeu cau giup dd. Dip in dung (A)

3 | very va so cung co nghia la "rat" nhu ng khdng the diing very vdi menh de that.
They started the company with few funds.
(A) so many (B) very (0) much (D) so
Ho md c6ng ty vdi nguon von it di. Dip in dung (B)

4 I Khac vdi so, such, very, trang td too mang y nghia phu dinh.
The city is far to drive to,
(A) so (B) very (C) too (D) such
Thanh pho do qua xa de lai xe tdi. Dip in dung (C)

Qe duoc tion 900

too much ddtfc diing nhii tinh tii, danh tii; con much too dticfc diing nhii
trang tii.
It required courage to ask for an extension.
(A) too much (B) much too (C) so many (D) very few
Phai can rat nbifhi can dam de yeu cau gia han. Dip in dung (A)

The baggage is heavy to be allowed into the cabin.

(A) too much (B) much too (C) so many (D) very few
Cai tui qua nang d£n mtfc khong difdc phep cho Sen khoang cua khach. Dip
in dung (B)


1 | Nhflng trang ti( di kem viSi so (liui (ti'nh ti() lliycmg xxait I,,,.,,
3-6 cau trong 6e mot nam

gan nhit approximately, nearly, almost, around, about, by, roughly

fihleu nhat/it nhi ien den -- up to, over, more than, at least, only

The ship accommodates 500 passengers.

WuPt0 (B) so that (C) in which (D) instead of
Con tiu chef diioc t<W 500 hanh khach. Dap an ding (A)

2 | Cac trang tfif phu (tinh thudng di kem vdi ever, any va khong the dung
trong can phk dinh. (1 cau trong 3e mot nam

hardly, rarely, seldom, scarcely, barely rat it

She ever gets to work on time.
(A) hardly (B) hard (C) high {D) highly
C6 ay- hie11] khi cli lam dung gicf. Dap in dung (A)
★ hardly thudng hay ditoc dung dudi dang hardly ever, hardly any.

few colleagues were invited to the party.

(A) Barely (B) Much (C) Very (D) Either
Rat it ddng nghidp duWc mdi dfe biia ti£c. Dap an dung (C)

0ETH1 MO PHONG Dap an va ph^n tEch: Trang 35 ph^n Answer Keys

1. Dr. Crandall is a renowned 5. Though visible to the naked

economist who will deliver a eye, the small pores of the surface
keynote speech at the Hong Kong make the textile breathe.
Business Forum. (A) hard
(A) nation (B) harder
(B) national (C) hardly
(C) nationally (D) hardest
{D) nationality
6. Alex will consult on projects
2. Stock price are tumbling after on a part-time basis after retirement,
news of the financial crisis made (A) various
the headline. (B) variably
(A) shorten (C) variation
{B) shortly (D) vary
(C) shorter
{D) short 7. They listen to clients and carry out
their work to give them what
3. Unfortunately, we cannot offer they want,
anything right now, , it was (A) diligent
unexpected that you would request (B) diligently
another pay raise after only three (C) diligence
months, {D) diligences
(A) However
(B) In fact 8. He found that of the facilities
(C) For instance were outdated and needed to be
(D) Therefore replaced immediately.
(A) each
k 1 go corporations are expected (B) much
to attend the international exposition (C) some
in Tokyo next year. (D) either
(A) Highly
(B) Shortly
(C) Previously
(D) Nearly
9. The IT semina was unexpectedly 11. Having a and working hard to
successtul and attended by beat them is a good way to boost
the industry representatives. motivation.
(A) well (A) rival
(B) much (B) rivalry
(C) quite (C) rivals
(D) just (D) rivalrous

10. All members are responsible 12. We haven't been able to send your
for observing the provisions of this order because there was a
policy on smoking. delay in the shipment.
(A) person (A) yet
(B) personally (B) ever
{C) personal (C) once
(D) personality (D) ago

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Kyle McPherson
1345 Palermo Dr.
San Diego, CA

Dear Kyle,

Thank you for agreeing to come into our offices next Tuesday to fix our computer
network problem. Your reputation precedes you and we are confident that you will
be able to help us, as you have already helped other corporate clients,
13. (A) so many
(B) such many
(C) much more
(D) too much

I wanted to provide you with instructions on how to find our building just so that there's
no It is best if you travel directly between Lincoln Park and Elms Park because
14. {A) confusions
(B) confusion
(C) confuse
{D) confused

that will save you a lot of time.

Unfortunately, Tower Rd. is presently under construction and there is no other way
15. (A) getting
(B) got
(C) to get
(D) gotten

here. Please call me if you have any questions about these directions or if you
have any other concerns.


Diane Crawford


' Trong cau [ufln phai co tan ngff theo sau gi6i tC^arTt^ZdaTtC/TnVdS?^
danh dong t£r, dai tif,.., d^u co thl lam tan ngCt. Gidi tit ddoc chia ra lam ba loai la gidi til
; cau thanh id mot tCr, hai ICf va ba tU.

0 IN. AT. ON

1 | Nhfing i.u hoi lei. caiu chon in(1c iticn vao ilin
trong Ai thi TOEIC.
Khi lam gidi tii chi thdi gian, in thudng dufng tnfdc "nam (in 2015), thang (in
May) , con khi lam gidi tif chi not chon in thifdng dtlng tnfdc td chi khong
gian hoac dia diem {in the envelope trong phong bi, in the refrigerator trong tu
lanh). Tuy nhien, in rhu'dng ft xuat hien trong de thi TOEIC.

2( Nhfing can hoi yen can chon at de di^n vao ch6 trong dfing trudc danh tfi
chi thofi gian xuat hien thu'dng xuyen nhat.
• Dung at trifdc thdi gian cu thl
at 9 o'clock vao luc 9 gicl, at noon vao buoi tn/a
• Dung at triWc vj tri, Ija diem cu the.
ten cong ty (at Trading Company), t§n toa nha (at Brewer Academy Building) tein doan the (at
The Prostate Charity), ten pho (at Wall Street)
• Dung at trUdc gia ci
at a low [reasonable] price gta re, phai chang

The meeting with his consultant takes place 2:00 p.m.

(B) on (C) toward (D) for
Cuoc hop vdi co van cua 6ng Sy dkn ra vao liic 2 gicf chilu. Dap in dung (A)

William McKinley works Trading Company.

(A) above (B) to (C) against (D) at
William McKinley lam vide c( mot cdng ty kinh doanh. Dap an dung (D)
★ Tuy cung noi tdi dia di&n nhung khi am chi 6 ban trong dia diAn do, ta ditng
in, khi noi tdi dia diem do nipt each chung chung, ta dimg at. 6 cau nay, sau ch6
trong la noi lam vitc, vi vay (D) la dap an dung.

2 | Nhung cau Koi yeu can chon on dfi' didn vao cho trong dung tnuk danh tii
chi ngay thang xuat hien kha thudng xuyen. kholng 1 cau trong tie moi nam
Dung on tnJdc ngay, thfl, ngay dac biet
on March 5 ngay 5 tbbng 3 on Saturday afternoon vao chieu thb Bay
on Christmas Day vao ngay le Giang sinh
Diing on khi mudn dien ta siJ tiep xuc tren be mat hoac mot diem tren mgt dudng thang.
on the 2nd floor tren t^ng 2 on the wall tren Wdng on the hook tren mac bo

He will speak Monday afternoon at the University of Illinois.

(A) m (B) on (C) through (D) for

Anh by se phat bifu vao chidt'u thii Hai b tnidng Dai hoc Illinois. Dap in diing (B)



1 1 Nhfing cau hoi yeu cau chon for de dien vao cho trdng ditng triidc tu' chi
muc dich hoac chi phi xuat hi?n thiidng xuyen nhat.
• Dung for d^ chi mgc dich, phi ton. (de lam gl ~)
goods for sale hang de ban funds for supplies quy von cho hang cung
cap for further/more information d§ biet them thong tin for you vi ban
• Dung for frbdc mpt doi tddng nao do. (ve cbi gi ~)
a coupon for $50 phieu thUdng tri gia 50 do la standards for tieu chuan danh cho
an advocate for ngilPi ung ho cho ~ a cause for ly do cho - respect tor ton trong danh cho -
• Dung for trade til chi phUdng hudng, (hitdng vb ~)
thudng di kem vdi cbc dpng til xuat phat, rdi di nhti leave, depart
• Dung for tnldc khoang thdi gian cu the. (trong ~)
for the last two weeks trong hai tuan qua for the past three years trong ba nam qua

Refer to the attached file further information,

(A) with (B) for (C) over (D) under
Hay tham khao rai li^u dinh kem de bift them thong tin chi tU!t. Dap in dung (B)

2 | Dung during trvLtic danh tii chi mpt khoang thcfi gian c6 dinh, Nhttng cau
hoi yeu cau phan biet during \ cac gidi tit chi moc thin gian hay gidi tit for
chi khoang thcfi gian xuat hien kha thitcfng xuyen. (2-3 cau trong de mot nam

during the holiday season/summer vacation trong ky nghi lei/nghi he

during Mr. Cho keynote speech trong bai phat bleu chinh cua ngai Cho
during the movie trong thdi gian bo pbim diidc chieu
during the day cb ngay

Sarah bought some books to read her summer vacation.
(A)while (B) for (C) over (D) during
Sarah mua vai cuon sach di doc rrong ky nghi he. Dap in dung (D)

3 ( Over hi dm khi xuat hien.

• Diing over vdi khoang thdi gian cu the. (trong suot ~)
over the last two years trong suot hai nam vifa qua
• Mpt so thanh ngp lipn quan
take an advantage over co Idi hdn ~
a dispute over mot cugc tranh cai ve ~

The company has not laid off a single employee the last two years.
(A) over (B) by (C) between (D) below
C6ng ty chua tifng sa thai mpt nhPn viPn nao trong su6t hai nam qua. Dap an
diing (A)

4 I Through thuong (tiing tnioc danh tif chi khoang (libi gian, each thiVc va
qua trinh. T2 tau trong demoi natn
• Diing through tniflc danh tif chi khoang thfli gian. (trong suot ~)
... the decade trong suot mot thap ky through the years trong suot ngan ay nSm
• Dung through nhd mot gidt tt chi dia diem! (khap, di qua ~)
through the office khap van phong
Dung through nhu mpt gidi W chi each thite va quP trinh vdi y nghia "thong qua, blng
"through our efforts [experience, procedures] blng no Idc [kinh nghiem, thu tgc]
through Mary's latest book qua cuon sPch mdi nhat cua Mary
through the questionnaire [process, east entrance] qua bang dieu tra [qua trinh, cPa phia dong]

We gained good reputation many years of efforts.

(A) through (B)for (C) by (D) except
Chting t6i da gay diing dupe danh tiPng qua nhi^'u nam n6 Iiic. Dip an dung (A)

5 ( Nhufng cau hoi yeu can phan biet throughout \3l cac gidi tif chi dja diem,
vi tn xuat hien kha thub'ng xuyen. 2-3 cau trong de moi nam)
Dung throughout tnfdc danh W chi khoang thdi gian (trong suot-)
throughout the year trong suPt mpt nam
throughout the day ci ngay
throughout the summer suPt ca mua he
Dung throughout trdOc danh til chi dja diem, ndi chon. (khap toan
throughout the world toan the gidi
throughout the country toan quoc

Communities hold festivals the year to attract tourists.
(A) for (B) within (C) in (D) throughout
Cac phdcmg hoi da to chCfc 15 hoi dt nam di thu hiit khach du lich. Dap an dung (D)

6 1 Within thudng xuat hien ditdi ba dang dildfi day. Cac cau hoi yen can
phan biet within va cac gidfi tii chi khoang thcfi gian hay dja diem xuat hien
kha thudug xuyen.[(2-3 cau trong de moi nam
Dung within tniflc danh til chi khoang thfli gian. (trong vong -}
within 24 hours trong vong 24 gid
within the next two weeks trong vong hai tuan nCla
Dung within trUdc danh til chi dja diem, (trong ~)
within the company trong cong ty
within the firm trong cong 1y, trong hang
Dung within tnfdc danh til chi pham vi, mile dg, khocing each, (trong vdng ~)
within the city limits/jimit of his budget trong pham vi lhanh pho/trong gidi han ngan sach cua anh ay
within the organization trong to chile
within a radius of trong vong ban kinh ~
There are three hotels the city limits.
(A) for (B) near (C) until (D) within
Co ba khach san trong pham vi toan thanh pho. Dap an dung (D)


1 | Gidi tif since chi mot thefi gian thudng hay dutKc dung vdi thi hien tai hoan
thanh.!(34 tSu trong de moi nam

• since dutfc diing nhii mot gidi tii vcfi nghla "ke td tu khi
The brand has enjoyed market share of over 30 percent last year.
(A) in (B) for (C) behind (D) since
Nhan hieu do da chi6'm gkf 30% co phan thi mfdng kd tif nam ngoai. Dap 4n dung (D)

De dupe htfn uuu

• since ddng tnidc danh tii vcfi vai tro la gidi tii
i have been working on a free-lance basis since leaving the company
T6i lam vice di do ke tif khi red c6ng ty.
• since di kem vdi "chu ngti + dpng tif qua khd" vcfi vai tro la lien tii
Jackson has worked for MNK since he first came to New York
Jackson lam cho MNK kd tif khi anh dy moi de'n New York.
• since cung co the lam trang tii
She has been the project leader since then.
Co ay la tnicrng dti an kd tif khi k'y.

2 | Nhufng cau hoi yen can phan biet from va cac gi(Vi tiV chi dja diem, pHridng
hiidng khac xuat hien kha thuefng xuyen.J(3-4 tau trong de moi nam
• Diing from vdi moc thdi gian. (trf
from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. tif 10 gid sang den 5 Qid chieu
from 5 o'clock onward tif 5 git) chieu trd di
two weeks from now hai tuan nfla tinh tif bay gib
a week from today sau mpt tuan nOa ke tif hom nay
■ Dung from de chi phi/drtg hifdng. (tif dau -}
from Cape Town tif Cape Town
from the office tif van phong
from the central research division tif phbng nghien cifu (rung tam

The documents arrived the Office of International Affairs.

(A) instead (B) from (C) tike (D) toward
Nhdng tai lieu da difcfc gifi den tif Van phong Quan qu6c 16. Dap an dung (B)

3 | Nhfing cau hoi yeu can phan biet byya undlxulx hien kha tlnfdng xuyen.

• Gicfi tif chi moc thdi gian by (d^n liic, trudc -) dign ta sd ho4n t&t cua hanh
dong, chu y^u dtfgfc dung vdi cac rhi hoan thanh. (1-2 cau trong di mdi nam)

Hoan tat complete, finish, finalize

Dang ky enroll in, sign up, register for
Op trinti submit, hand in
Van chuyen remit, send, transfer, deliver, ship
Gtfi lai return, get back to

You need to submit the summary 2:30 p.m.

(A) until (B) by (C) for (D) on
Ban can phai npp ban torn tk trifdc 2:30 chi^'u. Dap in dung (B)

• Con dung by di chi phiftfng phap/cach thufc. Cac cau hoi yeu cau phan biet
by va without cung thtfdfng hay xuat hien. (1-2 cau trong de moi nam)
The department tried to boost employee morale hosting an office party.
(A) without (B) by (C) since (D) plus
Phong do md ti$c dd khich k tinh thin nh^n vien. Dip in dung (B)
★ Van phong do khich k tinh than nhan vi^n bang each md tkc nen ta phai
chpn by.

4 I Nhflng can hoi veu cau phan biet gibi tii chi m6c thcfi gian until vbi gibi
tb by xuat hien kha thiibng xuyen.

• until thbbng di kem vdi cac dong tb mang nghTa ti^p tuc nhif Tewciin, stuy^
open, continue, wait.
The account will stay open 11 A.M. tomorrow.
(A) by (B) on (C) until (D) as for
Tai khoan se dude mb d^n 11 gib sang mai. Dip an dung (C)

• until cung hay di kem vdi cac dong tii mang nghla "tri hoSn" nhif put off,
postpone, delay.
They had to put off the conference next week.
(A) until (B) by (C) without (D) for
Ho da phdi hoan cupc hop sang tu^in sau. Dap in dung (A)

• Cau true "not A until B {khong lam A cho d&i khi B)" cung thiibng
xuyfen xuat hi6n.
That space won't be available to us June.
(A) at (B) concerning (C) from (D) until
Ph^i den tin thing 6 chung ta moi co thl sd dung khong gian do. Dip in dung (D)

5 1 Nhfing cau hoi yeu cau phan bi?t gibi tb chi moc thbi gian before (= prior
to) vbi cac gibi tb chi khoang thbi gian.

• Cac ban can liiu y hai gibi ttt chi moc thbi gian co ciing nghla "trbbc do" la
before va prior to.
The order should be ready September 12.
(A) prior (B) in (C) before (D) for
Don dat hang do can phai difdc chuln hi sin sang tntbc ngay 12 thing 9. Dip
in dung (C)



1 | Nhiing caii hoi V'tu cau phan biet gihi tiV chi vj tri under va cac gi<Ji tif chi
vi tri khac xuat hien kha thiAVng xuyen.
* Dung under de chi vi tri phia dL/di. (dddi -)
untler the floor dddi nen nha under the seat dddi cho ngoi
Dung under tntdc cac danh tdcd nghfa "luat, tang Idp lanh dao, giam doc, chi dao, hdp dong", [dddi sd~j
. one's guidance [supervision, leadership] dddi sd hddng dan [giam sat. chi dao]
Dimg under trddc cac danh td cd nghia "xem xet, tham djnii, xay ddng, ke hoach, tien hanh" fdann
trong quS trinh -)
under consideration [discussion, deliberation, construction, way, warranty] dang trong qua trinh
xem x6t [ban bac, tham djnh, xgy ddng, tien hanh, den bii]
• Dung under trddc cdc danh til cd nghia "cang thang, ap Idc, ap bdc", (dang bj -}
under pressure [stress, suspicious] dang bi ap Idc [cSng thang, nghi ngd]

Professional athletes are pressure to win.

(A) under (B) with (C) from (D) outside
Cac vdn dpng vien chuydn nghidp chju ap liic phai chien chdng. Dap an dung (A)

2 | Cac gidi th chi vj tri between, among hiem khi xuat hien.

• Dung between tnfcfc danh tif chi vi trl/thdi gian, chu ydu dudi cac dang
nhri between A and B, between the two, thifdng chi dhng vdi nghia "giffa 2
Employees the ages of 22 and 30 have the highest turnover rate.
(A) among (B) between (C) at (DJfrom
Cac nhan vidn of dp tuoi tif 22 dhn 30 cb chi so doanh thu cao nhat. Dap in dung {B}
★ Can ghi nhcf cum "clifference(gap)/reladonship between A and B" (sii khac
biec/khoang each, moi quan he giila A va B),

Diing among vdi mot nhom co tif ba ngifcfi, ba sif vdt trd kn difefi dang
"among + danh tif s6 nhieu".
It is important to promote collaboration the employees.
(A) between (B) on (C) among (D) through
Viec thuc ddy hop tac giiJa cac nhan vi^n la r3it quan trgng. Dip in diing (C)

He picked three the best programmers

(O in (B) out (C) among (D) from
Ong ay chpn ra ba trong so nhifng Idp rrinh vicn xuat sac nhat. Dip in dung (C)

3 | Nhflng cau Hoi yeu cau phan biet cac gioli tiV chi dia diem.
beside the building ben canh tba nhb near the hotel gan khach san
alongside one another ben canh nhau around City Hall xung quan tba thj chinh
behind the schedule cham so vbi ke hoach

The opera house is located the building I work in.

{A) toilowing (B) beside (C) on top of (D) in addition
Nha hat opera 6' canh toa nha ndi coi lam viec. Dap an dung (B)

4 | Nhflng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet cac gifli tfl chi phitdng hflflng. Trong do,
along, across xuat hien thuflng xuyen nhat.
• Gibi tfl along chi phddng htlcfng: theo ~
along the street [road, shore] doc theo con phb [con dtldng, bd bien]
• Gibi tfl across chi phiTdng hJclng: ddi dien khap ~
across from the theater doi dien rap hPt
across the industry kh^p nganh cong nghiep
across Australia khap niidc Uc

He traveled Australia to promote his new film.

(A) across (B) despite (C) on (D) out of
Anh Siy di khap mtdc Uc db' quang ha cho bp pbim mdi cua minh. Dap an dung (A)

Gldl TC CHi LY DO, SU" NHUONG BO 3-4 cSu trong de moi nam

1| Gifli tfl chi ly do thflflng di kem vdfi cac tfl mang y nghia tieu cflc nhfl
kliung hoang kinh te, thai tict khac nghiel, giao thong dinh tre, benh tat
nhe, cac vait de ve may moc. Nhflng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet gidi tfl chi ly
do vdfi cac gidfi tfl chi sfl nhu'oiig b6, muc dich cung thflflng hay xuat hien.

because of, owing to, due to, on account of bdi vi ~

v -■
The sports day was cancelled the heavy rain.
(A) to (B) due to (C) despite (D) tor
Dai hoi the thao da bi buy bo bo'i co'n mtfa to. Dip an dung (B)

2 1 Dung gidfi tfl chi sfl nhflcing bo khi sfl viec dien ra trai vdfi mong dcii, ky
vong. Can chii y nhflng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet gifli tfl chi sfl nhfldng bfl
vdfi cac gidfi tfl chi ly do, muc dich.

despite, in spite of, with all mac du, bat chap

Sales has not increased their expensive marketing campaign.
(A) owing to (B) though {C) despite (D) from
Mac du da thdc hien nhdng chi^'n djch marketing ton kem nhtfng doanh thu vin
khong tang. Dip an dung (C)


Nhiing gicfi tii xuat hien khoang 1 can trong dc m6i nam
• Ngoai trie except, except for, excepting, aside from, apart from frit ~
We open every day except Sunday. Chung toi md cda tat ca cac ngay trd Chu nhat
• Gia djnh: without, barring, but for nfju khong cd ~
Without tax, it would be a lot cheaper. Neu khong v) thuethi no da re hdn nhieu roi.
• Thay vl: instead ofthay vl ~
I'll have lemon tea instead of coffee. Toi se uong Ira chanh thay vi ca phS.
• Thdm vao: in addition to, besides, apart from, aside from, on top of, plus them vao ~p ngoai ra ~
Besides writing a proposal, she has several clients to meet. Sen canh viec phai viet mot ban dtt an, cd
ay con phai gap mot so khach hang,
• NhQng gidi til mang nghia about - on, over, regarding, concerning, as to, as for, with[inl regard to,
with respect to, with [in] reference to
I have a question regarding a new policy, Toi cd mot cau hoi ve chinh sach mdi.
• with vdi ~p cung —/ without ~ khong cd
without consent [authorization, a doubt, permission, confirmation, reservation] khong cd sit dong y
[cho phep, khong chut nghi ngd, cho phep, xac nhan, tfat tritdcj
Karl used the information without permission, Karl sd dung thong tin ma khong dtidc sd cho phep.
• as vdi [than phan, tucach] ~
He attended the seminar as an artist. Anh ay da tham dii budi hoi thao vdi td each la mot nghd si,
■ such as nhd la ~
I like to work in big cities such as New York and San Francisco.
Toi thich Idm viec d nhiing thanh pho Idn nhd New York hay San Francisco,
• following sau ~
Following the lecture, refreshments will be served. Sau bai giang, do an se dtidc mang ra phuc vu.
• like/ unlike nhti —, khac vdi —
Unlike last year, he is losing money. Khdc vdi nam ngoai, gid anh ay dang thua 16.
• against chdng lai ~, phan ddi ~
There are various reasons against the proposal, C6 nhieu ly do de phan ddi ban de an do.
• ahead of di Irtfdc ~
We are running 10 minutes ahead of schedule. Chung ta dang bay nhanh hdn 10 phut so vdi Ijch trlnh.

a printer, you ordered two boxes of paper.

(A) In addition to (B) Between (C) On (D) Instead
Ngoai mot chi& may in, ban dd dat thdm hai lipp gia'y. Dap an dung (A)

0 OF

1 1 Dung of dricfi dang "Danh tti 1 + of + Danh tu 2" vdi y nghia "Danh tu
1 cua Danh tif 2".
You need to obtain the ot the president first.
(A) process (B) increase (C) consent (D) feature
Ban phai nhan dddc sii dong y cua giam doc rrtfo'c da. Dap an dung (C)

2 | Dung o/giffa than phan/chiic vu va ten cong ty/bo pban.

Jeff Hall is a new marketing director Alpha Carriers.
(A) to (B) of (C) despite (D) owing
JcffI lall la giam doc marketing mdi cua Alpha Carriers. Dap an dung (B)

DETHI MO PHONG Bap an va phan t(ch: Trang 38 ph^n Answer Keys

1. few technicians are willing to S. Carbon emissions of domestic

work late even though they were companies have grown sharply
promised to be paid overtime. since 2000, growing
(A) Scarcely concerns about climate change.
{B) Very (A)though
(C) Far (B) following
(D) Even (C) if
(D) despite
2. You can see a new line of products
our catalogs and order 6. I am writing your inquiry about
anything you want online. the order you placed on April 3.
(A) through (A) in response to
(B) before (B) in line with
(C) except (C) in place of
(D) over {□} in advance of

3. The house was still under 7. If he does not contact us the

construction the time of the next two weeks, the interview will
purchase. be cancelled.
{A) on (A) for
(B) from (B) after
(C) at (C) over
(D) in (D) within

4. The manager is out of town right 8. Net Rental said they have to
now and won't be back the decide whether or not to offer video
end of May. game rental programs.
(A) until (A) yet
(B) on (B) already
(C) in (C) far
(D) by (D) still

9. Physical activity daily walking, 11. This website can be a great
jogging, or bicycling will significantly resource for anyone for hiring
reduce the risk of heart diseases. copywriters.
(A) such as (A)responses
(B) as for (B) responsible
(C) more than (C)responds
(D) contrary to (D) responsibility

10. We are happy to let you know 12. The names of the new vice
Kitibank ThankYou Points is presidents were mentioned several
to British Airways starting in April. times the chairman's speech,
(A) responsible (A) during
(B) possible (B) instead
(C) affordable (C) after
{□) transferable (D) beyond

Questions 13-15 refer to the followins memo.

TO: All regional directors

FROM: Gerald Morgan
SUBJECT; Staff meeting

Hi, everyone.

Please note that the next staff meeting has been pushed back to 4 p.m. I know we
were originally scheduled to meet at 2 p.m., but Conference Room C is not
13. (A) originally
{B) similarly
(C) reliably
(D) currently

available, As a result, we have to use Conference Room D.

If you could all contact me at your earliest convenience and confirm that the new
time is okay, that would be ideal. Although I understand that this may present a
conflict with other plans, we really do need to meet July 3.
14. (A) at
(B) on
(C) in
(D) until

Also, Ned Stevens has mentioned that he is in over his head with the City Water
Project. Should of you be able to lend him some support it would be greatly
15. (A) any
(B) both
(D) each other

Thanks, and see you all next week.

HALF TEST 02 Dap an va phan ti'ch: Trang 41 ph^n Answer Keys


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different
types of reading comprehension questions. You are encouraged to answer as
many questions as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your
answers in your test book.


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the
sentence. Then mark the letter (A). (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet

101. When she applies for the insurance, 103. She reached out to locals through
she has to give her to the a range of different evens to
background check. enhance the image of the company.
(A) consents (A) wide
(B) consented (B) tentative
(C) consent (C) current
(D) consenting (D) severe

102. Garcia's newest album contains a 104. I suggest you check with your
couple of songs he wrote the lyrics supplier for exact offers as all
are subject to change without prior
(A) herself notice.
(B) ourselves (A) specific
(C) himself (B) specifically
(D) itself (C) specify
(D) specifications

105. Every dental facility is required to 110. When a temporary sign blows out of
obtain the FDA certificate to ensure your vehicle, you need to go back to
with the law, pick up,
(A) complied (A) it
(B) compliant (B) them
(C) compliance (C) him
{D} comply (D) me

106. We are appreciative of all the 111. CooKoo issued detailed for its
support that you have shown us for first quarter including such figures
the past year. as revenues and expenses.
(A) true (A) guide
(B) truthful (B) guided
(C) truthfulness (C) guiding
(D) truly {D) guidance

107. For many professionals, their personal U*. can provide international
fulfillment comes from the hours calling cards at lower prices than
work. ours.
(A) them (A) Every
(B)they (B) No
(C) those (C) None
(D) their (D)Them

108. You must have completed 50 113. Region code 1 to 6 are assigned to
days of employment in the current each area of the world while code 7
position before being eligible for is reserved - future use.
promotion. (A) in
(A) at least (B) for
(B) too many (C) of
(C) as often as (D) with
(D) even more
114. The right office environment can
109. She was taken to the lobby to meet increase employee more than
Mr. Jobs and brought to his banquet you might imagine,
hall shortly (A) productivity
(A) later (B) production
(B) soon (C) product
(C) thereafter (D) produce
(D) next

115. The assembly line of the plant is 118. Please inform us who will be
running fast it has been fixed. attending - you receive our
(A) owing to invitation tetter,
(B) only (A) following
(C) now that (B)round
(D) nevertheless (C) after
CD) by
116. It's important to be specific about
your skills and experience at 119. I've got two proposals from the
job interview. suppliers, but was satisfactory.
(A) applicability (A) both
(B) applicable (B) someone
{C} applicably (C) all
(D) applies (D) neither

117. have agreed to build a pilot 120. Should it rain, the national tennis
power plant next to one of our match will have to be put off
natural gas power plants, next weekend,
(A) Each (A) until
(B) Most (B) as of
(C) Each other (C) by
(D) Much (D) for


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentence. Select the
best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D)
on your answer sheet.

Questions 121-123 refer to the following letter.

Dear Trevor,

You mentioned to me that all of the and the 12 speakers are going to need
121. (A) attention
(B) symposiums
(C) members
(D) sessions

photocopies of the handouts you've prepared. Do you think you could send them
to me by next Friday?

If you choose to have Olivia do it or myself that's fine, just let me know in advance.
I need to take care of several things over the next few days, and that will keep me
away from my desk.

It's funny, but little she know she would have such an important role at our
122. (A) has
(B) is
{C) were
{D) did

company when Olivia joined us last month. However, she's been brilliant so far,
hasn't she? Please pass on my appreciation to her you have a chance,
123. (A) when
{B) because
{C} whether
{D) that

Questions 124-126 refer to the following invoice.

Order No.: 2213

Product Purchase: Silverware and supplies

Dear Mr. White,

We out your order. The silverware and supplies that you ordered are now
124. (A) ship
(B) have shipped
{C) had shipped
(D) will ship

currently on their way. We regret the delay in your order, but we had to place a
special order with our distributor in Austria.

Please understand that long it takes to reach you, we will bear the full burn
125. (A) almost
(B) seldom
(0) nevertheless
{□) no matter how

of the cost of the shipping expense. We apologize once again tor the delivery delay.

in the future, please contact the most person to deal with deliveries, Claire
126. (A) qualified
{B) qualifying
(C) qualifcation
{D) qualify

VoyeraK. I know that you contacted Leonard Phillips this past time, but he does not
usually deal with these matters.

Thank you very much for your business.

Top Silverware






11 Dong tuf nguyen th£

12 Danh dong tit

13 PHeUi dong tit


DOng tCr nguyen the co to mang tinh ch^t cua dflng tit nhhng lai dhdc diing nhu danh tif, tinh
tif vk trang ti/, Trong <3e thi TOEIC, t^n suat h6i vg cac chdc n^ng tren cua d6ng tir nguyen
the co (o Ian liidt xu^t hien theo thil tu tit nhi^u den ft la: trang tit, danh tit va tinh tir.


1 | Nhfing cau Koi yea cau chon dong ti nguyen the co to vdi vai tro cua mdt
danh ti etc lam tan ngfl hoac bd ngi cho tan ngfl thiing hay xuat hien va
rat quan trong.

® Chu ngi
certification is our first priority show,
(A) To obtain (B) To obtaining (C) For obtain (D) Obtained
Vite triicfc tifin nhat chung ta phai lam la lay giay chi'fng nh^n. Dap an dung (A)

@ Tan ngi
I think you want competent employees,
(A) to retaining (B) to retain (C) retaining (D) to be retained
T6i ngbt rang ngai muon giO lai nhilng nhan vifin gioi. Ddp an dung (B)

C) B6 ngi cho chu ngi

The goal of the meeting is instructors.
(A) recruiting (B) recruit (C) to recruit (D) to recruiting
Muc dich cua cupc hop nay la df? tuy£n dung nhing no giang. Dip an dung (C)

® Bo ngi cho tdn ngi

I am writing to ask you at our next meeting.
(A)speak (B)spoken (C) speaking (D) to speak
Toi viet tbu nay dfi' yeu cau ngai den phat bieu 6 cugc hop tdi cua. thing ta. Dap
an dung (C)

2 | D6ng ti nguyen the co to con co the ddng vai tro nhtf m6t tinh ti, ding
sau va bd nghla cho dank ti. Tuy nhien, infong hip nay hidm khi xuat hien.
It is time over a few details.
(A) going (B) gone (C) to go (D) went
Dtfn luc phai xem lai mot so chi ti£t roi. Dap an dung (C)

3 | Xuat Kieu tlni'ong xuyen nhat la nhung cau hoi ve ddng tu nguycn (he co
to vdi vai Ho lam (rang ngff. 7IT!T|ffMI.

• Khi ch6 trong xuat hien trudc hoac sau mot menh de hoan chinh, chon
dong tit nguyen the' co to dien vao cho trong.
(D Muc dich
The manager called a conference the developer's plans,
(A) discussed (B) discussion (C) discuss (D) to discuss
Giam doc da to chdc mot cuoc hop dc ban bac vfi nhffng kg' hoach cua dpi ngu
phat trien. Dap an dung (D)

He needed some help get the business started.

(A) so that (B) in order to (C) by way of (D) as though
Anh Sy da dn ddn stf gulp dS de bat d&i kinh doanh. Dip an dung (B)
★ Dung in order to d^ nhan manh muc dich,

Nguyen nhdn
I am pleased that Michael Smith will be joining our team.
(A) to announcing (B) to announce (C) announcement (D) announcing
Toi rat vui miing thong bao ring Michael Smith se tham gia vao dpi cua chung
ta. Dap in dung (B)
★ Dung dpng tif nguyen the' co to (vi -) sau tlnh tif bpc 16 cam xuc.

4 | Nhtfng cau hoi yeu can phan biet vi tri cua dong til nguyen the' co to va
cac dong til khac xuat hien jkha tlulAng xuyen.
We need an experienced technician the computer.
(A) is fixing (B) fixes (C) has fixed (D) to fix
Chting ta cln mpt ky thu^t vien giau kinh nghiem dd sda may tinh. Dip iu
diing (D)

5 i De dibn ta muc dich ta khong the chpn "for + dong til, for + dug, for +
danh til, to + danh til, to + -ing" thay the cho d6ng til nguyen the co to.

communications easier, please follow the guidelines.

(A) For make (B) To making (C) For making (D) To make
DS' viec giao tiep dtfpc d^ dang hcfn, lam an lam theo nhtfng chi dSn. Dip in
dung (D)

Q chO ngU giA va chu ngO ve mat y nghIa ass

1 l Trong cau co chu ngu gia, dong tu nguyen the co to la phan trong tam va
thiidng duoc hoi.
It is difficult your employees by criticizing them.
{A) motivation (B) motivate (C) to motivate (D) should motivate
Khd ma cd tM nang cao tinh rh^fn cua cac nhan vifin bang each chi trfch ho. Dap
an dung (C)

2 | Trong tru'bng hop can cd chu ngfl cho dong tu nguyen thd cd to, trKdc
dong tit nguyen thd cd foxuat hien "for + danhtd" hoac "for + d^itvt". Trong
do for la phan trong tam va thtfdng ditpc hoi.
It is not easy the division to respond to shifting market trends.
(A) to (B) as (C) within (D) for
That khdng dt cho hg ph^ln nay 6i phan ifng kip thdi vdi nhQng xu hddng thj
tnfcfng dang thay dm. Dap an dung (D)

It was challenging him to start his own business.

(A) tor (B) without (C) in (D) with
Td khefi nghiep kinh doanh rh^t sii la thd thach vdi anh ay. Dap an dung (A)


1 | Neu sau chd trong cd tan ngfi, ta dung dong tii nguyen the cd to, con ncu
khdng cd tan ngtt, ta dung "to be p.p".
The website will help you advice.
(A) to find (B) to be found (C) are found (D) findings
Trang web se giup ban tim ra l6i khuyen. Dap an dung (A)

Vicky helped the proposal

(A) to complete (B) completion (C) to be completed (D) completed
Vicky da giup hoan thanh an do. Dap an dung (C)

2 I Neu ddng td »V vi tri vi ngff va dong td nguyen the cd to diln ta hai hanh
dong xay ra cung mot thdi dicin, ta diing ddng td nguyen the cd to. Ncu dong
td nguyen the cd to dien ra trddc hdn so vdi ddng td d vi tn vi ngfl, ta ddng "to
have p.p."

IBM decided a job fair.
(A) to host (B) to have hosted (C) to hosting (D) hosting
IBM da quy£t dmh to chufc mgc hoi chd viac lam. Dap an dung (A)

★Vi thdi di&n quyft dinh va thai diem md hoi cho vide lam tao'ng daang nhau
neln dung dpng th nguySn rh^ co to.

Mr. Green was relieved numerous career setbacks.

(A) to have survived (B) to survive (C) to surviving (D) for survival
Ngai Green cam thSy nhe nhom sau khi trai qua nhie'u thang tram cua sa nghidn.
Dap an dung (A)
★ Vi stf trai qua nhi£u thang trim xay ra tntdc khi cim thay nhe nhom n^n phai
dung "to have p.p."

Q nhCng dOng ra duoc dung duOi d^ng dOng


1 | Nhfing dong tii thii(Vng di cung dong tu nguyen the co to.

06ng ttf + ddng ttf nguyen th^ co to (tdo ngfl) 'fHjjjjHHHHHHHHMMHHni

Mong muon wish tide ~ hope hy vpng ~ desire tide muon ~
Ke hoach plan Ibn ke hoach ~ aim lay ~ lam myc tieu decide quyet dinh -
Di nghj (hula) propose de xuat ~ offer mdi, de nghj - promise hiia ~
Til chdi refuse til chbi ~ (ail that bai - agree Song y, tan thbnh ~
pretend gia vd ~ afford Su kha nang — manage xoay xd ~
prefer thich hdn ~ prefer benh ~ choose chon ~
Dpng til + tSn nguf + dong id ngttyen th3 c6 to (bti nguf cho tan ngif)
Ep buQc force bat ~ compel bp ~ tell sai, bao ~ require yeu cau ~ instruct chi Sao ~
Cho phep allow cho phep - permit cho phep ~ invite mdi ~
enable lam cho cb kha nbng ~ forbid cam ~ remind gbi nhbc ~ warn canh bao -
Cho biet
advise khuyen ~
encourage khuyen khfch ~ persuade thuyet phuc ~ convince thuyet phuc ~ cause
Xui giuc
bbt lam gi - ask yeu clu ~ urge giuc -
Dong tu + Song tii nguygn the" cb to, tfontj til + tan ngfl + S6ng to nguyen the cb to
Muon want muon lam gi ~ need can lam gi ~ expect ky vgng ~ intend dinh. cb y So lam gi - 1
Yeu cau ask yeu cbu lam gi —
Opng to + Song til nguybn the cb to (hb ngfl)
remain van phai, gib nguyen ~ seem cb ve nhb — appear nhin cb ve ~

Jeremy decided as soon as he finishes the project.

(A) to leave (B) leave (C) leaving (D) to leaving
Jeremy quyft dinh se rod di ngay sau khi anh ay hoan thanh da an. Dap an dung (A)

The rope is long enough to permit you the ground safely.
(A) be reached {B) reach (C) were reaching (D) to reach
Soi day du dai d£ giiip ban xudng mat dat an toan. Dap an diing (D)

It still remains if the heater is really fixed.

(A) seeing (B) saw (C) seen (D) to be seen
V3n phai kiem tra lai xem may siicd da that sii dtfdc sda chifa. Dip in dung (D)

2 1 Nhflng cau hoi yeu cau chon tinh (u de dien vao cho trong diing tnuk
dong tit nguyen the cd ro xuat hien thuirng xuyen.
be (un)able to do (khong) cd the lam gi ~
be likely [liable, apt] to do cd le se lam gi ~
Kha nSng/ Chac chan
be ready to do san sang lam gi ~
be willing to do san Idng lam gi ~
be happy [glad] to do vui Idng lam gi
be pleased [delighted] to do vui mting lam gi
Cam xuc
be proud to do tii hao dddc iam gi ~
be reluctant to do docJ lam gi —
be easy to do lam gi de cteng —
be dilficult [hard] to do lam gi khd khan ~
Op kho
be dangerous to do lam gi nguy hiem
be good to do lam gi cd .di. cd ich -
Khao khat be eager [anxious] to do hao hOc lam gi

I would be happy you my work in person.

(A) show (B) to be shown (C) to show (D) showed
T6i rift vui mung dupe trpc tig'p cho ngai thay tac pham cua t6i. Dap an diing {€)

3 I Nhting cau h6i vc dong tif nguyen the co to va cac danh tti thiidng di cung
dong tii nguyen the co fo thridng xuyen xiuit hien. 2-3 cau trong de moinam

Thitcing hay abi|jt kh^ nang effort ng ^ rjght qUyen way phifdng phap, each thtfc
xuat hien nhat
opportunity ct) hoi authority quyen han capacity rang life chance cd hgi decision
Kh^c quyfl djnh means phddng lien plan kg hoach willingness y chi need nhu du
claiming chu trddng time thdi gian readiness y djnh

My team is making efforts who is best tor the position.

(A) discovering (B) discovered (C) discover (D) to discover
Dpi cfia t6i dang n6 Ipc tim ra ngdPi t6t nhat cho v'\ tri do. Dap an diing (D)

BE THI MO PHONG an va phan tfch: Trang 46 ph^n Answer Keys

1. Changing little things in an office The of the research program

can be a good way employee is to find the best solution to glabai
productivity. warming,
(A) improved (A) goal
(B) to improve (B) reation
(C) improvement (C) rehearsal
(D) for improvement (D) installment

2. When it comes to security it is 7. He needs some equiment to be in

extremely important the right place from home,
measures at once. (A) works
(A) for start (B) has worked
(B) starting (C) is working
(C) to start (D) to work
{□) is staring
8. Jacob does not usually advise his
3. Many prefer online degree courses
clienfs bonds from a specific
as they are extremely to keep issue.
up with. (A) to have bought
(A) convenience (B) buying
(B) convenient (C) to be bought
{C) conveniently (D) to buy
(D) convince
9. Internet access will be available for
4. Unfortunately, we will be unable young aspiring artists their
the order within a week as artistic works,
requested. (A) presented
{A) to be shipped {B} to be presented
(B) to shipping (C) to present
(C) of shipping (D) presentation
(D) to ship
10. The education coordinating board
5- If you to cancel this order, let shall have the authority to a
know as soon as possible. probationary period.
(A)choose (A) establishing
(B) refer (G) establishment
(C)conduct (C) established
(D) receive (D) establish

11. Visionary Object is to announce 12. It remains seen whether
the release ot its brand new database Ziemens will take the issue to the
management application, courts.
(A) proud (A) to be
{B} careful (B) being
(C) comparable (C) have been
{□) beneficent (D)been

Questions 13-15 refer to the following memo.

TO; Ad stafl members

FROM; Human resources

Just to let all of you know, we are going to permit Michael Jameson to enter our
facilities on January 3 to clean the office. He is a licensed cleaner and comes
highly recommended from a number of different
13. (A) source
(B) sources
(C) sourced
(D) to source

However, we are going to postpone cleaning the boardroom the week of

14. (A) until
(B) on
(C) from

January 10, There are several meetings planned between January 3-10 and we
can't afford to cancel any of them.

In an effort to deal with our cleaning requirements in the most effective way possible,
I would ask that you all do your best to keep the office as as possible.
15. {A) cleaning
(B) cleanly
(C) cleaner
{D) clean

Do not leave food or beverages out and please clean up after yourself at every


Danh dpng ti/ co chi/c n§ng va (36ng vai tro nhi/ danh tir. Do do, gidng nhu danh W, danh ^
dpng td cd the lam chu ngff, tan ngiJ, bo nguf trong cau; lam tan ngD cho dpng t£f vh di/pc .
b6 nghTa bfii trang tif.


1 | VI danh d6ng tit la danh tit 100% nen co the lam chu ngii, tan ngfl, bd
ngfl nhit danh tit. Xuat hien thitdng xuycn nhat la nhitng cau hoi ycu tau
chon danh ddng tif di clien vao cho trong lam tan ngfl cho dong tit va gidi tit.
(D Chit ngfl
information about the trip is Andrew's responsibility.
(A) Provision (B) Providing (C) For provision (D) Provided
Cung cip thong tin vtf chuyg'n di la trach nhi^m cua Andrew, Dap an diing (B)

© Tan ngfl cua dong tit

I am considering my bathroom.
(A) redecoration (B) redecorate (C) redecorated (D) redecorating
Toi dang can nhac trang tri lai phong tam cua minh. Dap an dung (D)

® Tin ngfl cua gidi tit

The other members could focus on the factory.
(A) establishment (B) to establish (C) establish (D) establishing
Cac thanh viin khac co the tap trung vao viic thanh lip nha may. Dip in dung (D)

@ Bo ngfl
His job is customer feedback in every way possible.
(A) collection (B) collect (C) collected (D) collecting
Cong viSc cua anh ay la thu thip nhflng phin K6i cua khach hang bang moi each
CO the. Dap in ding (D)

2 | Nhitng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet danh d6ng tu va dank tif cung la nhflng
cau hoi xuait hien nliieu nhdt.GEEHEESEEEEBIBj

• Vi danh dong tif cung la dong tit 100% nen co th^ cd tan ngfl theo sau.
Ndu dang sau ch6 trong co tan ngfl thi chon danh dpng tfl, con neu khong cd
tan ngfl thi chon danh tif.

The board tried everything to succeed in the issue.
(A) resolution (B) resolve (C) resolved (D) resolving
Ban quan tri rim moi each de giai quydt v4'n d<!' thanh c6ng. Dip ^ ding (D)

• Vi danh dpng trf cung la dong tii 100% n^n khong tk€ di cung vdi mao
td khong xac dinh {a!an),
sharp in giving to the community benefited the company.
(A) increasing (B) increases (C) increase (D) increasingly
Y\tc tang manh ddng gbp cho cpng ddng da dem lai Idi ich cho nha may. Dip
an ddng (C)

3 I Ltf u y nhCng danh dong id vh danh td cd y nghla khac nhau sau day.

advertising viec qu^ng cao - advertisement bai quang c^o ticketing sd ban, mua ve - ticket ve
covering cai che phu - coverage pham vi boi thdcfng staffing phan bo nhSn vien - staff nhSn vien
funding buy dong von - fund von handling xfl ly/do1 xff - handle tay n^m cda
housing cung cap cho d - house nha d painting tranh - paint sdn
spending chi tieu - spend sd tide chi tieu marketing si/ tiep th| - market thj trJdng/chg
mailing gdi thU - mail thd tin pricing djnh gib - price gib ca
processing xif ly, gia cong - process qub trinh, tien dp urging yeu cau - urge sg thdi thuc
sealing sap xep cho ngdi - seat cho ngdi

Online is considered a danger to privacy.

(A) marketing {B} market (C) marketed (D) markets
Ti^p thj online bi coi la mot moi nguy hidm cho thdng tin ca nhan. Dap an dung (A)
★ Danh dpng eh hau hft la danh tit khbng tfcfm ditpc, con danh tit chu y€u la
danh tit dem difpc, 0 tntofc cho trong khong co mao tit kh6ng xac dinh (an) ndn
phdi chpn danh tit khong dftn dtipc.


1 ! Khi cdn CO chu ngfi vd mat y nghia cho danh ddng td, tlmctng co dang
sd htiu each cua danh td hoac dad tit ddng tnidfc danh dong tit. Tuy nhien,
(rudng hop nay thiidng Iiicm khi xuat hien.
Everybody looked forward to Jason's in the event.
(A) participate (B) participates (C) participating (D) participated
Tat ca moi ngttcti dCu mong chef sit tham gia cua Jason vao sit ki^n do. Dap
an dung (C)
★ Chu ngif yg mat y nghia cua danh ddng tit participting ia dang sd hitu each
cua danh tit Jason's.

creating a design was the condition our client requested.
(A) He (B) Himself (C) Ours (D) His
Di&i kit-n ma khach hang cua chiing ta da y&i cau la anh ay thiic hien vlec thitft
ke. Dap an dung (D)

2 1 Ncu dang sau ch6 trong co tan ngu, ta dung the chu dong (-ing), con neu
khong co tan ngfi', ta dung the hi d6ng (being p.p.).
Authorities postponed the north bound Little Rock lanes.
(A) being closed (B) closing (C) close (D) closed
Cac nha chtfc rrach tri hoan viec dong cua difdrng Little Rock cf bi^n gidi phia
Bac. Dap dn dung (B)

Several members complained about

(A) being searched (B) searching (C) search (D) searches
Nhi&i nhan vidn da phan nan v6 vi^c b} kham x6t. Dip dn dung (A)

3 | Neu ddng til vi ngiif va danh dong tif dibit ra vao ciing mot thdi diem,
ta dung danh dong tif ddn thudn ( ing), con n&i danh d^ng tuf dien ra sdm
htfn so vcfi dong tif vi ngu', ta dung danh d6ng tif hoan thanh (having p.p.)
I'll let you know when he finishes to the client.
(A) having talked (B) talking (0) talks (D) to talk
Toi se cho ban bib't khl anh ay noi chuybn vcfi khach hang xong, Ddp dn dung (B)
★ Vi hanh dpng ndi chuyen vcfi khach hang {talk) va hanh d6ng kb't thuc (finish)
xdy ra dong thdi nen ta phai dung danh dpng tif.

Kestle admits pollutants illegally last month.

(A) release (B) releasing (C) to release (D) having released
Kestle thii nhin da xa chat 6 nhiem moi tnfdng mot each bat hop phap vao thang
trifcfc. Dap du dung (D)
★ Vi hanh dpng xa chit 6 nhiem (release) xay ra truVc hanh dpng thu nhan
(admit) nbn ta phai diing danh dpng tif hoan thanh.

Q nhOng dOng TO" lAy danh dqng tu lam tAn ngc

1 | Nhfing cau hoi yeu cau phan bier dong tii nguyen the co fo va danh d6ng
tvt of vj tri tan

enjoy tan hddng ~ qive uptif bo -

suggest de nghi ~ postpone tri hoan
recommend gdi y ~ mind phien ~
consider xem xdt ~ deny phil nhan ~
include bao gom ~ avoid tranh ~
finish ketthuc ~ quit tit b6 ~
discontinue gian doan, ditng ~ dislike ghet ~

We d like to discontinue business with your connpany.

A do
( ) (B) have done (C) to do (D) doing
Chung toi muon ch^m dlStt vi^c lam an vdi c6ng ty ngai. Dap an dung (D)

2 | Nhung d6ng tu deu dung d6ng ttV nguyen the co to va danh d6ng tiV voi
ciing y nghla.

Dong til bgc (6 cam xuc like thlch prefer thich hdn
Dong tit dien ta sit khdi dau begin bat dau continue tiep tgc attempt M intend y djnh

He is attempting e-mail to many people at the same time.

(A) sending (B) sent (C) send (D) have sent
Anh ay thif gili e-mail cho nhieu ngu'cfi cung mot lik. Dap an dung (A)


1 | Nhffng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet dong tii nguyen rhc co to va cum gidi tit
"to + danh d6ng tii" xuat hien kha thuong xuyen.

be committed to -ing tan tuy, tan 1am vao -

be dedicatedjdevoted] to -ing cdng hien cho ~
look forward to -ing mong chd ~
object to -ing phan doi
be accustomed [used] to -ing quen ~
contribute to -ing dbng gop vao

He objected to out the company logo from the page.

(A) take (B) takes (C) have been taken {□) taking
Anh ay phan doi vifc bo logo cua cong ry ra khoi trang web. Dap in dung (D)

2 | Nhfing cau hoi yen can chon danh d6ng tii di^n vao ch6 tr6ng sau m6t so
cum cau true thong dung cung thu'dng xuyen xuat hien.
have ditficulty [trouble] (in) -ing gap khb khan ~
have a problem [a hard time] (in) -ing gap van be, khb khan
be busy (in) -ing ban ran ~
keep (on) -ing tiep tuc ~
spend thili gian/tien bac (in) -ing dung thdi gian/tibn bac vao-

She had a problem contacted by the recruiter.

(A) get (B) getting (C) got (D) gotten

C6 a'y gap kho khan trong vi£c liSn lac vdi nha tuyen dung. Dap an diing (B)

3 | M6t so cau true khac.

on[upon] -ing vtfa lam gi ~ cannot help-ing khbng the khbng lam gi, khbng M ngbng lam g) ~
be worth -ing dbng lam gi - go -ing di lam gi ~
feel like -ing thich lam gi ~

One-third of the payment will be made upon the agreement.

(A) signature (B) sign (C) signing (D) signed
1 /3 kho in thanh toan se dupe tii ngay sau klii ky xong hop ddng. Dap an dung (C)

OE THI Md PHONG DSp vk phSn tfch: Trang 50 ph^n Answer Keys

1. The appliance manufacturer 5. The ideal candidate is reguired

is considering into the to have the ability without
consumer electronics industry. constant supervision.
(A) expanded (A) to work
(B) expanding (B) working
(C) expand (C) to working
{□} to expanded (D) worked

2. Its well designed features enabled 6. They use electronic data to

accelerated of a large amount integrate the handicapped into the
of orders. work force,
(A) handle (A) processing
(B) handled (B) process
{C} to handle (C) procession
(D) handling (D) processed

3. The team has met for three hours a 7. The health insurance carrier is
day for about a month to - the urging its employees against
project, reform proposal.
(A)research (A) lobbying
(B) researches (B) for lobbying
(C) researching (C) lobby
(D)to researching (D) to lobby

4. Multinational corporations are — 8. The new venture is dedicated to

—- to the worsening of the global
next-generation security for
environment. firms.
(A) anticipating (A) delivering
(B) promising (B) deliver
(C) refusing (C) deliverance
(D) contributing (D) have delivered

11. Our technical guidelines has
9. We wit) improve our work environment
by a new set ot rules for helped many customers to take
workplace management, care of minor problems themselves.
(A) introduction (A) provision
(B) introduce (B) provider
(C) introdactive (C) being provided
(D) introducing (D) providing

10. The company reduced paperwork 12. Kevin looks forward to finding more
daily tasks more efficiently. investment opportunities with his

(A) to accomplish allowance.

(B) accomplishment (A) retiring

(C) accomplished (B) retirement
{□) accomplishing {C) retire
{□) to retire

Questions 13-15 refer to the following e-mail.

Hello, Todd.

When you are finished going over the lease agreement, would you sending

13. (A) reject

{B} receive
(C) mind
{D) decide

a copy to Valerie? She will want a copy for the company's purpose. You can reach
her through her e-mail at

Upon receiving the agreement, we will then have to make a revised copy for our
client's purpose. We need to do this than December 4, so please make sure
14. (A) no more
(B) less
(C) would rather
(D) no later

you carry out this task by the end of November,

We are going to have to grant unlimited access to our facilities for Michelle Williams
once this is completed. Thus, we want to make sure we are covered legally with
t0 the lease
agreement. Please get back to me as soon as you can.
15. (A) respect
(C) revision


PhSn dgng W mang tfnh chat cOa dpng td nhdng lai d6ng vai tr6 nhd ttnh ti/, lim bo ngQ ™
hoac b6 nghTa cho danh td. 0ac bi^t nhufng can hoi ySu cau phan bi#t vj trf cua phan dpng
td va dbng td gidi hpn xuat hi^n kha thdcing xuyan.


1 | Gi6ng nhu ti'nh tiV, phan dong til co the cliing truck danh tu etc bo nghia
cho danh tit. Neu moi quan he girt a danh tit va phan dong tit la chu dong, ta
dung hien tai phan tit. Neu moi quan he giufa danh tit va phan d6ng tit la hi
dong, ta dung qua kbit phan tit.

We want to hear your ideas about the events of the ceremony.

(A) culminating (B) culminated (C) culmination (D) culminate
Chung toi mu6n nghe y ki^'n cua ngai v€ nhufng sd ki^n be mac cua bu6i 1^. Dip
an dung (A)
★ Vi cac sd ki^n be mac la m6i quan he chu dong, nSn dap an dung la (A).

You are reminded to get a copy from Eric.

(A) revision (B) revising (C) revised (D) revise
Ban hay l£y ban sao da dddc sfla chda tit Eric. Dap in dung (C)
★ B^n sao da diioc sia chila la moi quan he bi dong. nen dap an dung la (C).

2 | Giong nhit tmh tit, phan dong tit cung co the diing sau danh tit de bci nghia
cho danh tit. Neu sau cho tr6ng co tan ngit, ta dung hien tai phan tit, con neu
khong co tan ngfl, ta dung qua khti phan tit. 1-2 cau trong de moi 2 5 thang

There are several candidates a position,

(A) sought (B) seeking (C) seek (D) have sought
Co nhkki itng vien ufng tuy^n cho m6t vi tri. Dap an dung (B)

It is a piece of safety equipment by most cable companies.

(A) is purchased (B) will purchased (C) purchased (D) purchasing
Day la thlft hi an toan ma cong ty cap nao cling mua. Dap an dting (C)

3 | Phan dong tu con co the lam bo ngfl cho chu ngQ hoac bo ngfi cho tan
ngfif. Neu moi quan he giua chu ngiif hoac tan ngu' voi bo ngtt la chu dong, ta
dhng hien tai phan tii. Neu m6i quan ha giua chu ngu hoac tan ngu vtVi bo
ngiif la bi dong, ta dung qua khuf phan tit.
The movie is but distorts reality,
(A) excitement (B) excited (C) exciting (D) excite
B6 phim rat loi cuon nhung hai bop meo sd that. Dap in diing (Q

It is his job to keep his employees

(A) motivated (B) motivating (C) motivation (D) motivate
Cong vi^c cua anh ay la lu6n khich le tinh than cac nhan viSn ciia minh. Dap an dung (A)

4 | Nhung cau hoi yeu cau phan biet vj tri cua d6ng tii gidfi han (Finite Verbs
- d6ng tii hba hop vhi chu ngfl vit ngoi va so, thong thii.Vug bang each hicn
doi phan duoi cua (long tii) va qua klnV phan tii xuat hien kha thitong xuyen.
Gan nhifkythi nao ciing xuat hien
Language institues in online tutoring are increasing,
(A) specialize (B) have specialized (C) specializing (D) are specialized
Cac trung tdm ng6n ngd t|p trung vao giang day online dang ngay cane tane Ian,
Dap an dimg (C)


1_i Cum phan dong tii vdri lien tii diitfc gian liidc. iMlHiil'.llf.f

Cum phan dong td, S + V/ S + V, cum phan dong tit

• Ne'u sau cho rrong co tin ngif, ta dung hien tai phan tii, con nfti khong
co tan ngtf, ta dimg qua khuf phan tii.
equipment, they were able to double their productivity.
(A) Use (B) Useful (C) Used (D) Using
Nhcf sd dung thiet hi do, hp da co the' tang nang suat Itn gap doi. Dap an ddng (D)

He is going to stay at the Grand Hotel, downtown.

(A) location (B) located (C) locating (D) to located
Anh ay se cf tai Grand Hod, nam d trung tarn thanh ph6. Dap an dung (B)

2 | Cum phan d6ng tii co chiVa lien tii.

Lian tii chi rhefi gian {when, while, after, before) thuUng di cung "dng +
tan ngii".

He will be accompanied by his secreaty signing the agreement.
(A) to (B) by (C) with (D) when
Anh Sy se co thu ky rheo ciing khi ky hdp dong. Dap an dung (D)

• Lien tif chi dieu kifin {if, unless; once (mot khi, ngay khi)) thifctng di ciing
qua khtl phan tit.
Unless otherwise discounts do not apply to sale items,
(A) stated (B) stating (C) statement (D) states
Neu khong co thong bao nao khac thi nhiing san pham khuyb'n mai se kh6ng
du'dc ap dung giam gia nda. Dap an dung (A)

• Lien tif trang thai (as) va lien tif chi sii nhifoing bo {although, though)
thiicfng di ciing qua khif phdn tif, tuy nhifin hiem khi xudt hi6n.
As yesterday, I am sending you an e-mail.
(A) discussion (B) discussing (C} discussed (D) discuss
Nhif da ban bac hom qua, toi dang giifi e-mail cho anh day. Dap an dung{C)

★ Lien tif trang thai as co nghia la "nhif da Li in tif nhifung ho although di

kern v6i qua khii phan tif ciing da tifng xuat hibn trong de thi TOEIC.


d6 gAy nhAm lAn

1 I Nhiing cau true chu yeu difofc dung vdi hien tai phan tii. :CTTin^TtHilt7iTT?iT7rr

challenging task/role nhiem vu/vai trb thil thach, vat va opening remark Idl khai mac
closing shift ca cubi opposing opinion y kien phan ddi
demanding supervisor giam s^t vien kho tinh overwhelming order don hang ap dao
emerging company cbng ty dang noi, dang len preceding years nhOng nam tnfcic
encouraging remark Idi dpng vi^n, khich le presiding oficer chu tjch
existing equipment trang bi san co promising members thanh vien tiem nang
growing company cong ty dang trddng thanh, phdt then rewarding efforts no life dddc den dap
growing number/use sb/sif dung tang stalf remaining nhan vien con lai
lasting impression an tudng lau dai standing structure cau true thang difng
leading company [supplier, manufacturer] cong ty [nha the following day ngay hom sau
cung ciip, nha sfm xuat] dan dau upcoming conference cupc hop sap tdi

Biotech is an company in the industry.

(A) emerged (B) emerge (C) emerging (D) emergence
Biotech la mot cong ty dang n6i trong nganh cong nghiep. Dap an dting (C)

IfiSSf c^u t,lic chil y6u (tl, yc diing vdi iluA
- ^ PhAn f"-

accomplished musician nhac si tai rang involved tasks nhdng nhiem vu, viec lien quan
attached document tai lieu dinh k^m unexpected travel cong tac dot xuat
confirmed reservation sit (fyt trddc da diidc xac nhan limited warranty bao hanh han che
complicated problems nhdng van de phdc tap motivated employees nhan vien tich ci/c
damaged items [goods] vat [hang hoa] hi/ hai merged companies cong ty lidn doanh
detailed information (instruction] thong tin [ht/dng preferred means each thiic [pht/dng tien] dddc da
d3n] cu the chuong hdn
detailed schedule Ijch trinh cy the proposed plan [site] ke hoach [dia diem] dddc de xuat
designated parking area khu dd xe da di/gc chi djnh retired manager giam doc ngh] hdu
discounted prices gia da dt/dc giam revised project [copy, contract] dd an [ban sao,
enclosed brochure td quang cao dddc gifi kern hdp dong] dddc xem xdt lai, duyet lai
finished product san pham hoan thien reduced size kfch cd hi thu hep
handcrafted pieces san pham thu cong qualified applicants dng vien du dieu kien
informed decision quyet dinh than trpng unlimited miles dam khong gidi han
unlimited access ra vao td do, khdng hpn che
This card will grant you access to the building.
(A) unlimit (B) unlimited (C) unlimiting (D) unlimitation
Tam the nay se giiip ban vao toa nha khong gicfi han. Dap an dung (B)

DE THI MO PHONG 0ap an va phan tich: Trang 53 phan Answer Keys

1. He quoted the figures from reports

in the medical journal in the 5. I am very pleased about having the
opportunity together.
last six months.
(A) were published (A) work

(B) are published (B) working

(C) will publish (C) worked

{D) published (D) to work

2. I look forward to all of you at 6. Contracts will vary according to the

the next Annual Meeting in Hong estimated value of the site.
Kong. (A) proposed
(A) seeing (B) proposing
(B)see {C) propose
(C) be seen (D) proposition
(D) seen
7. The company plans a number of
3. You mentioned it in the letter events employees every year
your sales approach and marketing and they usually help to boost their
strategy. morale.
(A) description (A) benefit
(B) describing (B) benefiting

(C) described (C) benefited

(D) describes (D) to be benefited

4. We standardized calculation 8. When you visit the musem, to

methodologies, that spend no more than ten minutes in

they account for the special the souvenir shop on the first floor.
circumstances, (A) trying

(A) ensured (B) tried

(B) ensuring (C) tries
(C) have ensured (D) try
(D) ensures

9. In 2011, worker productivity 11. Itispossible to make direct broadcast
increased more than the five of the conference and other events
years combined. w
hile the conference.
(A) preceded (A) held
(B) precedes (B) holding
{C) preceding (C) holds
(D) precedence (D) holder

10. Matthew tried to reduce total daily 12. Your duties as a marketing manager
intake of fat and cholesterol include
advertising and various
recommended by his doctor. administrative tasks.
(A) as (A) has overseen
(B) without (B) oversee
(C) for (C) to oversee
(D) after (D) overseeing

Questions 13-15 refer to the following e-mail.

FROM: Harry Winters

TO: Laura Smith
SUBJECT: Work-related items
DATE: January 14, 2012

Hi, Laura.

I just wanted to keep you up to date as to the situation with Ram. She's on maternity
leave right now, but Todd is doing all he can to keep his employees motivated. He's
been doing a great job.

As in our previous e-mail, I would like you to spearhead a new project on finance
13. (A) discussed
(B) discussion
(C) discussed
(D) to discuss

management. I know this is going to be an extra burden everything you're working

14. (A) in addition
(B) in advance
(C) on top of
(D) regardless of

on, but you're the best person for this job.

If you need any extra help with this project, please get in touch with Frank Williams, He's
an expert in finace and can assist you with the technical aspects. , contact me
15. (A) Otherwise
(B) In case
(C) For example
(D) Customarily

should you have any other questions.


HALF TEST 03 Bap an va phSn tich: Trang 56 ph^n Answer Keys


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different
types of reading comprehension questions. You are encouraged to answer as
many questions as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your
answers in your test book,


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four

answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete
the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. He suggests using social media to 103. It will not be impossible

connect with others to keep the artist additional information after finishing
the body of report.
(A) inspiration (A) attaching
{B) to inspire (B) attachment
(C) inspired (C) to attach
(D) inspring (D) attaches

102, The of this talk is to share best

the work in time, Sandy asked
practices of different companies. her boss to assign two more designers
(A) purpose to her team.
(B) exclusion (A) Have finished
(C) purchase (B) To finish
(D) facility (C) Finished
(D) Be finished

105. I'm used 1o long hours and 110. If you find any errors checking
I don't mind the psychological the receipt that came along with the
pressure that my job puts on me. package, just let us know.
(A) working (A) after
{B) work (B) because
(C) be worked (C) as it
(D) have worked (D) unless

106. Mr, Monty had to postpone 111. He is to get more experience

- meeting customers as the TV before choosing his major and
interview took a way longer than career path.
expected. (A) prompt
(A) he (B) probable
(B) his (C) continuous
(C) him (D) anxious
(D) himseit
112. Making your deadlines without
107. Vou should respond quickly to difficulty that you fully
vacation requests as employees understand each other.
need faster approval -- -— be able (A) have required
to plan their vacations. (B) requires
(A) even if (C) are required
(B) by way of (D) requiring
(C) as though
(D) in order to 113. The company's current approach
for safety requirements has
108. Public libraries are not getting proper been criticized by the employees,
from the federal government. (A) enforcement
(A) fund (B) enforced
(B) funding (C) enforcing
(C) to fund (D) enforces
(D) fundraiser
114. Employees to work on rest
109. The organization will support the days are supposed to be given
most projects serving needy an annual bonus or end of year
children around the world. payment.
(A) promising (A) have agreed
(B) promised (B) are agreed
(C) promise (C) agreed
(D) has promised {D) agreeing

115. Koach is interested in a new 118. In some states teens are banned
store in one of the luxurious areas from the mall — accompanied
of London including Chelsea. by an adult.
(A) establishing (A) but
(B) establishment (B) otherwise
(C) established (C) without
(D) establishes (D) unless

11B. I highly going to this beauty 119. Due to the generally large distances
parlor to anyone interested in getting between major cities, air transportation
a great haircut at a great price.
is 'he means for business
(A) urge people,
(B) recommend (A) preferring
{C) offer (B) preference
(D) announce (C) preferably
(D) preferred
117. the habitats for wildlife is highly
important as all plans and animals 120. The air carrier its flight
depend on a healthy habitat. attendants to wear anything except
{A) Protection the uniform they are given.
(B) To protecting (A) prevents
(C) Protecting (B) refrains
(D) For protection (C) culminates
(D) forbids


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentence. Select the
best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), {C), or (D)
on your answer sheet.

Questions 121-123 refer to the following letter.

Debbie Carmichael
234 Primrose Ave.
Montreal, QC
H4T 1W4
Dear. Ms. Carmichael,
We are to inform you that you are the recipient of a brand-new Polaris watch -
121. (A) pleased
(B) promised
{C) raised
(D) apologized
free of charge! This high-quality watch comes with our standard 10-year guarantee.
As you know, Polaris watches are among the finest in the world.
We have decided to send this exquisite watch to you your entering
122. (A) since
(B) regardless of
(C) despite
(D) as a result of
into our last contest. You wer selected among 256 different people to receive this
reward, so congratulations.
We would be happy to send the watch by courier or by mail, is better for you.
123. (A) whoever
(C) wherever
(D) whichever
Please let us know exactly where we should send this warch and by what means
and we wilt do so at once.
Peter Hay
Customer Relations
Polaris Watch Inc.

Questions 124-126 refer to the following Internal memo.

I am please to to all of you that we have succeeded in resolving the issue

124. (A) announce
(C) speak
(D) inform

concerning the computer terminal problem. The issue will be resolved by Tuesday
I'm told.

With respect to the online marketing issue, we are with it as we speak.

125. (A) dealing
(B) dealt
(C) to be dealt
(D) deal

John Adams is in control of that situation and you can reach him at ext 347

By the way, we are going to discontinue our TyPax line of products. This is a decision
that was reached last week at a board meeting. The last line of products will be going
out on November 3. Past that date, no further TyPax products will be produced
Please make sure you this into consideration with all future business dealings.
126. (A) take
(B) bring
(D) assess






14 Lien tif ket hop va lien tiV tuong quan

15 Menh eld danh ngfi

IB Menh dc trang ngu

17 Menh dc quan he

rl;: vdi mfenh de mfll each

bar I L/d nhOng can


11 Chon lien tii ket hop phu hop voi ngu canh cua cau van. 4-5 cau trong de moi nam

and va but nhUng yet nhung, tuy nhien or hoac so nen for vt

The site sells handmade crafts baked goods.

(A) but (B) and (C) besides (D) in
Trang nay ban nhu'ng do thu cong va cac loai banh tu lam. Dap an dung (B)

We are planning to launch our new product this year next year.
A or
( ) (B) whether , (C) by (D) then
Chung toi dif dinh se cho ra mdt sin pham mo'i vao nam nay hoac sang nam. Dap
in dung (A)

I understand your situation, you must feel free to ask any questions.
( ) so (B) aside from (C) but (D) alongside
Tbi hi&i hoan canh cua ban, vi the ban cd W do hoi bit cd cau hoi gi. Dap an
thing (A)
"fa Libn til kit hop so chi liin ket menh dt? vbi minh dS.


1 | Trong so cac hen to tiiOng quan, both la lien tii xuat hien nhieu nhat.
[Gan nhti ky thi nao cung xuat hien;

both A and B ca A va B not only A but (also) B khfing chi A va B

either A or B hogc A va B B as well as A B cung nhu A
neither A nor B khong phtii ca A va B A and B alike A va B giong nhau
not A but B khong phai A ma B

Visitors must show a valid driver's license or a personal ID card.
(A) whether (B) both (C) either (D) nor
Khach d5n tham phai trinh giay phep lai xe con hi£u Idc hoac the chung minh
thrf. Dap an dung (C)

Not only salaries all the benetits should be considered,

(A) and (B) but (C) however (D) either
Khdng chl litdng ma ca chinh sach phiic Idi cung n^n ditcfc can nhdc. Dap
an diing (B)

DE TKI MO PHONG Dap an va phSn tfch: Trang 62 phan Answer Keys

1. Even if you ordered an item at a 5. It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow,

store through a phone call, I'm planning a picnic lunch
cancelling that order is easier online. with my coworkers.
(A) or (A) therelore
(B) yet (B) also
(C) either (C) so
(D) however (D) nor

2. He finished the environmental B. The benefits from the project should

report six months ago has be derived for the community
not yet published it. and the company,
(A) but (A)between
(B) next (B) both
(C) likewise (C) other
(D) instead (D)those

3, A healthy and nutritional diet is 7. Executives of a big company

important for children and adults generally not always have
better vision about the future than
(A) except average employees.
(B) behind (A) unlike
(C) alike (B) following
(D) therefore (C) next
(D) but
Of all the textures, clays are the
best with an excellent capacity — 8. A lot of employees are to say
— water. what they realiy feel about their
(A) holding boss.
(B) to be held (A) general
(C) held (B) active
(D) to hold (C) advisable
(D) afraid

9. The local government has a plan to 11. He will deliver a lecture not about
restore regional hiking trails sales marketing about
Irom years of neglect. presentation skills.
(A) deteriorated (A) as well as
(B) have deteriorated (B) both
(C) deteriorates {C} but
{□} were deteriorated (D) if

10. McKesson can either stop 12. They decided to try a new
manufacturing now wait until approach instead of the
next spring, same old marketing strategy,
(A) nor (A) use
(B) or (B) using
(C) also (C)sued
(D) and (D) being used

Questions 13-15 refer to the following Invoice.


request, please get back to us about your order of LED lights. We are still
13. (A) As per
(B) Beyond
(C) As for
{D} But for

waiting to hear exactly how many lights you will need. If it's this year or next year
that you need the delivery, it will not be a problem.

Also, can you let us know how you would like to make the payment forthe purchase?
You can
Pay us
through a direct transfer {Account N0.133323) or bv check
14. {A} both
(B) either
(C) before
(D) nor

Again, thank you for choosing ELECTRICAL LIGHTS for your business needs.
Both Sam and I your business and look forward to daeling with you in the
15. (A) appreciates
(B) have appreciate
(C) appreciate
(D) am appreciating

contact us if you have any concerns.


Giong nht/ danh tif, mdnh (J4 danh ngO c6 thl iam chO ngCi, tan ngO, bo ngO. Cac b?n c4n
chu y phan bi^t, tranh nham lln m6nh de danh ngCr v6i mSnh de tr^ng ngCf.


1 | Lien tii cua menh tie trying ngu, tit quan he, dai tif deu khong the dufng d
vj tri cua lien tif trong menh de danh ngfl.
® Chu ngff
James wants is to get more information.
(A) Before (B) What (C) Because (D) However
Di<!u James muon la co them nhi^'u dioug tin. Dap an Jung (B)

® T^n ngfl cua dong tif

Accurate information will ensure the firm doesn't make mistakes.
(A) that (B) it (C) who (D) which
Thong tin ehinh xac se bao dam rang c6ng ty se kliong pham sai lam. Dap an Jung (A)

CD Tan ngii cua gicfl tif

There is a dispute as to your suggestion is acceptable,
(A) that (B) which (C) who (D) how
Co mot cuoc tranh cai ve viec lieu co thd chap nhan dug'c cE nghi cua ban hay
khong. Dap an Jung (B)

@ Bo llglf
The question is established the company,
(A) that (8) which (C) who (D)how
Cau hoi la at da thanh lap c6ng ty. Dap an Jiing (C)

2 1 Trying tif hoac gidfi tif khong the dufng ci vi tri cua lien tif trong menh de
danh ngff.
Unfortunately, it seemed clear the job was beyond his capabilities.
(A) at (B) however (C) that (D) then
That dang tide, ro rang la cong viec nay nim ngoai kha nang ciia anh ay. Dap an


1 | Dung thattrvidc mot menh de hoan chinh co day du chu ngfi va tan ngfl
Dung what triidc mot menh d^1 khong hoan chinh, thieu chd nefi hoac tan
nga. MimMl
They announced anyone can apply for the position.
( ) that (B) what {C) who (D) which
Ho rhong b;4o rang bar ctf ai cling co the ifng tuyfn cho vi tri do. Dap an diing (A)

There is always an exception to is standard policy.

(A) what (B) then (C) that (D) how
Lubn luon co ngoai la chinh sach tieu chuan. Dap an diing (A)

2 | Hiem khi xnat hien cau hoi ve danh tit diing tnuic that\i&n ket hai menh
de dang lap.
truth siiMtla- idea y kien r^ing ~
evidence bang chifng la ~ news tin tile rang ~
fact sjthat la ~ report bao cao rang ~
opinion y kien rang - rumor tin don rSng ~
confirmation xdc nhan rang — statement trinh bay rang ~
claim cho la assurance chac chin rang —

It is my that Jess is the best for the job.

(A) effect (B) connection (C) opinion (D) importance
Tbi cho rang Jess la ngudi phii hop nhat vbi cbng viac. Dip in diing (C)

3 | Nhflng can hoi yen can phan biet that va gi<Vi tii de dicn vao cho trong di
sau cac tmh tif dien ta cam xuc, sit tile nu6i hoac sit cMc chan.
be sure that chic chin rang ~
Chac chan be convinced that chac chin rang ~
be aware that biet rang, y thiic rang -
be sorry that tiec ring ~
Tiec nuoi
be afraid that tiec, e ring —
be glad that vui miing rang ~
Cam xuc be happy that vui mifng rang ~
be pleased that vui miing rang ~

We are aware every customer was treated fairly at all times.

(A) of (B) that (C) on (D) ot which
Chung t6i y thdc difdc rang moi khach hang deu luon luon duoc doi xif cong
b^ing. Dap in diing (A)


1 1 Nhflng tit, cum tii thtf&ng di kem vdi whether. \ 2-4 can trong (Je tnoinatn

• whether di kem vcfi "or not to V".

I thought about or not to upgrade my car.
(A) while (B) whereas (C) whenever (D) whether
Toi da nghT xem cb ncn ndng cap 6 t6 cua minh Idiong. Dap an dung (D)
★ Nhflng cau h6i yeu cau chon "whether + dong tu nguy^n the cb to" hoac
"whether or not to" xuat hien kha thudng xuyen.

• Khi or not bi gian lifOc, whether di kem vdi to V.

They have to decide to expand investment in hybrid cars.
(A) what (B) which (C) whether (D) whom
Hq phal quyet dinh xem cb nen tang von dau tu vao xe oto dien Idiong. Dap an
dung (C)

• whether di kem vdi "A or B" hoac "A or not"

It remains unclear Mr. Evans will step down or not.
(A) that (B) whether (C) whose (D) which
Chuy£n ngai Evan nghl hitu van chtia to rang. Dap an dung (B)

2 | Khac vdi whether, i/khong the dung vdfi or not, ma chi theo sau dqng tit
ma thoi,
I cannot tell it's the printer problem.
(A) it (B) since (C) what (D) which
Toi khong thd chac chin lidu van de cb phai la do may in hay hhong. Dap an diing (A)
★ Trong trbdng hdp klrong co or not, ta chon if.

our store will be open during the holidays depends on your decision,
(A) if (B) That (C) Whereas (D) Whenever
Vi$c cua hang cua chung ta cd md crfa vao dip nghi l<! hay kltong phu thuoc vao
quyet dinh cua ngai. Dap an dung (B)


1 | Nhung cau hoi yeu cau phan biet dai td nghi van va trang tii nghi van.
:i tautrongdemoinam)
Dai tif nghi van {what, which, who) dufng tniofc menh de thieu chu ngi?
hoac tdn ngfl.
I don't know made the decision.
(A) who (B) what (C) when (D) where
Toi khong biet ai da quy^'t dinh. Dap an dung (A)

Trang tif nghi van {when, where, why, how) dung tnidc menh de hoan
chinh, day du chu ngh va t^n ngu1.
My boss asked me Andrew Jackson will be able to finish the report.
W (B) about (C) when (D) what
Ong chu roi h6i khi nao Andrew Jackson se hoan rhanh ban bao cao. Dip in diing (C)

2 I Chon tmh tii nghi van (what, which, whose) de didn vao cho trong ddng
tnidc danh tii.
There are mixed opinions about project is more profitable.
W this (B) how (C) who (D) which
Co nhieu y ki^n trai chi^'u vt " chuygn dif an nao co lefi hdn. Dip in dung (D)
★ Iheo sau "tinh tit nghi van + danh tif" la mdnh di rhidu chu ngS hoac vi ngfi.

3 | "Tif de h6i + dong tif nguyen the co to" difdc dung nhif menh di! danh ngfl.

Nefu sau dong tif nguydn thi co to khong co tdn ngfl, ta dung dai tif
nghi van.
You need to figure out to do in this situation.
(A) what (B) that (C) where (D) who
Ban can tim hieu xem nen lam gi trong tinh Huong nay. Dip in dung (A)

N£'u sau dgng tif nguyen the co to co tdn ngtf, ta diing trang tif nghi vdn.
He doesn't know to convince customers.
Wthat (B) which (C) what (D) how

Anh ay khong hiZt each thuyft phuc khach hang. Dip in dung (D)


11 Nlning cau hoi yeu cau chon dai til quan He duoi -evc/ phix hop voi ngu
canh ciia cau van de dien vao cho trong. Dai til quan he duoi -ever diing
triidc menh de thieu chu nguf hoac tan ngii.

whoever bat cif al whatever bat cil cai gl

whichever bat cil cai nay (trong so nhOng cai da dddc nhac den}

He is willing to do it takes.
(A) whatever (B) whoever (C) whenever (D) wherever
Anh ay san long lam bat cii diAi gi can thiet. Dap an diing (A)
★ Trang tit quan he ghep (whenever, wherever) phai di tnidc mAih de hoan chinh.

2 | Nhfing cau hoi yeu cau phan bi?t dai tit quan he duoi -everva dai tii quan he.
come first will open the gate.
(A) Whomever (B) Who (C) Whoever (D) Whom
Bat cd ai den tnihe se mo' cdng. Dap an dung (C)

3 | Tinh tii quan he duoi -ever whoever, whichever, whatever dung trude
menh de thidu "tinh tii quan he duoi -ever+ (cum) danh tii".
It is the responsibility of company owns the brand.
(A) whichever (B) whoever (C) their (D) those
Do la nhidm vu cua bat ctf cong ty nao sd hflu nhan hieu do. Dap an diing (A)

DE THI MO PHONG Bap an vS phan tfch: Trang 65 phln Answer Keys

t. There is no that stock price

reflect the fair vaiue of the company. 5. Mr. Anderson is devoted to helping
(A) completion others not only by donation by
(B) growth volunteering,
(C) promotion {A} furthermore
(D) evidence (B) but
(C) although
2. Please be aware we will be (D) when
closed for renovations from May 20
to June 19, 2012. 6. The contract is likely to be awarded
(A) of t0
advertising agency offers
(B) that the lowest,
(C) then (A) whichever
{D) which (B) whomever
3. We are a private company we (D) its
are not allowed to put forward a bid
on the city contract. 7. The company will supply you with
(A) so you need to implement the
(B) concerning plan.
(C) over (A) whatever
(D) since (B) whoever
(C) however
4. The government will determine (D) wherever
or not to raise the weight
limits of commercial truck to 8. Cataract surgery is considered
97,000 pounds. as modern efficient medical
(A) whenever procedures.
(B) what (A) in
(C) which (B) both
(D) whether (C) as

9. I'd like to know file I need to 11. A number of studies identified the
download for installing Sunnyside use of tablets by very young
Scheduler Agent. children as well as businessmen.
(A) which (A) growth
(B) that (B) grow
(C) who (C) grown
(D) where (D) growing

10. A great manager should know 12. It's pretty easy to find a system that
to listen to his or her subordinates. matches you're used to at
(A) who home.
(B) when (A) what
(C) which (B) that
(D) where (C) but
(D) when

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Dear Erica,

Hi, there. My name is Curtis Johnson and I've been assigned to handle your
account. Let me begin by asking to you would like to correspond by e-mail
13. (A) prior
(B) neither
(D) whether

or my post in the future.

Next, I'd like to ask about your thoughts on our product line-up. I know that you've
been in contact with Sally Posner about this very subject, but I would very much
appreciate your opinion on our line of lawnmowers and other garden tools.

( don't know to contact about his because you have a longer history with us
14. (A) who
(B) when
(C) where
{D) which

than anyone else. As I said, your thoughts and opinions about our company are
15. (A) simply
(B) extremely
(C) quickly
(D) completely


Zack Johannson
Customer Service
Power Tools Inc.

M6i lien tif trong mgnh trang ngO lai co mgt y nghTa ri&ng nen cac ban can chij 9 ghi nh6.
Tuy li&n td trong m$nh <3^ trang ngQ thitdng di sau mot mSnh d4 hoan chlnh, nhdng chung
cflng co th^ di kem vdi manh d^ khdng hoan chTnh dang cum phdn tii hoSc m§nh de da
dude giSn luoc "to + be dpng tit".


G^nnht/ky thi naocungjtuSthi^n

11 Gicti tit va trying tu1 khong th€ dufng cf vi tri cua lien tu" trong menh trang
ngft. Cac ban hay can than nhufng cai bay 6 cac dap an duoc dtfa ra.
He will quit the job he receives a pay raise.
(A) without (B) except (C) unlses (D) instead
Anh ay se bo vi^c ncu khong dito'c tang lu'Ong, Dap an diing (C)
★ Sau lien tit trong m£nh de trying ngfi phai la mot menh d6 hoan chinh.

Ms. Owen leaves the office, she will go to see her manager,
(A) Before (B) Instead (C) Prior (D) Later
Tnio'c khi tan lam, co Owen se di gap trudng phong cua c6 ay. Dap an dung (A)

pg dUcic htm 900

Nhifng cau h6i vi lifin th trong menh trang ngti da dhcfc lifoc bo "Chu
ngfl + be".
Employees injured on duty should notify their immediate supervisor.
(A) during (B) for (C) while (D) fhrough
Nhffng nhdn viSn bi thiiofng khi dang lam nhjgm vu nen bao cho dtp tren
trdc tiep cua minh. Dip du dung (C)
★ They are trddc gidi tif on duty da hi gian lifcfc.


1 j O nifinh trang ngfl chl thdi gian hoac dieu kien, da' dien ta sif viac se dian
ra trong Wcfng lai, ta dung thdi hien tai drtn.

W,ie11 klli
Lien til thdi qian ~ until ~ cho tfe'n khi ~ once m^t khi ~ while"^Trong suot -
as soon as ~ ngay khi
if neu nhif - unless neu khdng - in case ~ trong tnrtlng hdp ~ as long as vdi
fli u ki n m:gn ld
Lien ffl dieu kiSn ® ^ ' ~ Provide£l/Provitlin9 ~ vdi dieu kien assuming that - gia ;
sl( la ~ only if ~ chi khi ~ on condition that ~ vdi dieu kien IS in the event of ;
that - trong trUdng hdp ~

it arrives, he will open the package.

(A) As soon as (B) Except that (C) However (D) In that
Ngay khi kidn hang rcfi ndi, anh ay se hoc no ra. Dap an dung (A)

Oe duoc hdn 900

• Nhtfng c^u h6i ydu c^u phan biat \itn tif chi thcti gian va lian tit chi sif
nhtfgtng bp xuat hian kha thitcfng xuyen.
she comes, 1 will give her a company tour.
(A) Although (B) If (C) Even (D) Whether
Nati co ay den, t6i se drfa c6 ay di mot vong tham c6ng ty. Dip in dung (B)

• Hia'm khi xuat hkn cau hoi hoi va m£nh da chinh d thl tuong lai.
While you are there, Mary you posted.
(A) will keep (B) kept (C) had kept (D) kept
Khi ban & do, Mary se Ufin trie bao rin trfc cho ban. Dap an dung (A)

2 | Nhufng cau hdi yeu cau cHpn lien tif trong menh da trang ngff chi thdi gian,
diau kien trong cau menh lenh cung thifbng xuat hien.
you find any problem, please refer to the brochure first.
(A) That (B) Whether (C) If (D) Therefore
Na'u ban gap bat of vdn da gi, hay tham khio td quang cao rnfdc. Dap an dung (C)

NHl/ONG BO,LYDO| 3-4 tau trong 94 moi nam

11 Nhfing cau hoi yen cau phan biet lien tif chi ly do va lien lii' chi stf nhtfdng
bo xuat hien kha i Huong xuyen. Dung lien tif chi svi nhiu/ng b6 de tiicn dat
di^u gi xay ra trai vofi mong tloi.f(3-4 tSu trong de moi nam

although, though, even if, even though mac du ~ nlufng

wherease, while trong khi ~

the offer still stands, no one seems interested.

(A) Although (B) But (C) Even so (D) Because of
Tuy Idi nghi vin con hien life, nhiing khong ai c6 quan tarn ca. Dap an dung (A)
★ Cac ban lu'u y rang lien tit chi sit nhifqng bp cung thifbng hay di kem vdi
crang tit still.

2 | Dung Hen tif chi ly do khi muon giai thich m6i quan he nhan qua, hoac
de du' doan hay diin ta sif chac chan \i mot dieu gi do. (1 cau trong de moi nam)

because, as, since vi — now that, seeing that vi ~

_______ in that vi rang -

They accepted the proposal there were no other choices,

(A) that (B) because (C) in order (D) unless
Hp chap nhan Icfi dd nghi vi khbng con sif Ufa chpn nao khac. Dip an dung (B)



1 | Lien tif chi muc dich thudng di kem vcfi ede trcf dong tif {can, may).
rong de moi nam

so that, in order that de ~

They contacted me I could arrange meeting with the VP.

(A) now that (B) in order (C) such (D) so that
Ho lien lac v6i t6i de toi sap xep m6t cupc gap v6i phb chu tick cho hp. Dap an
dung (D)
★ Kbbng the kfpc bo that trong in order that.

2 1 Lien tii chi kcl qua tlnrcnig di kem vdi so va such.

\ so + tinh W/trang tif + that, such + danh ttf + that qua - den n6i la
The area is expensive that he has to get a smaller place.
( ) such (B) too (C) very (D) so
Khu vdc nay qua dat nen anh ay phai dm nha nho hdn. Dip in dung (D)
★ Dung so tnidc "many + danh Hi so nhtoi + that" va "much + danh tit Idione
ddm ddcic + that".

Watson did a great job that Tommy wanted to hire him.

(A) such {B) too (C) very (D) so
Watson da lam vice rat tot nen Tommy mudn tuy&i anh ay. Dip in dting (A)
★ Sau such phii la "a/an + tinh ttf + danh ttf + that + melnh d£".

phAn biet lien W vA Gidi ra

1 ( Nhfifng cau Hoi kiem tra Iden tluVc xem thi sinh co nhd rang before,
after, since, as, until dung duoc nhtf ca lien tii va gidfi tiV hay kh6ng. Trong
do, before xuat Men thtfdng xuyen nhat. 3 cau trong de moi nam

Visitors need to show their ID to the guards they enter the premise.
(A) before (B) besides {C) concerning (D) until
Cac khach den tham phai trinh chtfng minh chtf cho bao ve xem trtfdc khi vao
to a nha. Dip in dung (A)

The company will not release any new products the holidays.
(A) as soon as (B) while (C) afterward (D) before
Cong ty se khong phat hanh sin pham mdi nao trtfdc nhtfng ky nghi \L Dip in
dung (D)

2 | Phan biet nhvifng gicfi tu va lien tii dong nghia. (4-6 cau trong de moi nam]

Y nghia IIv ' Ugn tuf

because of, owing to, due to, because, since, as, now that,
vi - seeing that, in that
on account of
although, though, even though,
mac du ~ nhdng despite, in spite of, with all
even if, while
trong sudt - during, for while
khi ISm gi ~ in, at when
trong trifcing hdp ~ in case of, in the event of in case (that), in the event (that)
phdng khi ~ without, but for, barring unless
neu nhd - except (for) except that
ngoai trd ~ given, considering given that, considering
xet rdng ~ whether
regardless of
hat chap —

Alien's flight has been delayed the snowstorm,

(A) because of (B) in that (C) otherwise (D) in case
Chuyen bay cua Allen da bi hoan vi con bao tuyet. Dap in dung (A)



1 ! except that - (ngoai trit ")

Both are similar, one offers a longer maternity leave.
(A) except that (B) wide of (C) aside from (D) long since
Ngogi trd viec mot b6n cho ngbl thai san dai hon thi ca hai ben dbu tifong tu
nhan. Dip an dung (A)
★ Vi sau chd trong la mot mcnh dtf nen ta phii dung lien tu.

2 1 as if, as though (nhit the -) thdo'ng xuat hien lam cac dap an sai.
He acts he owns the place.
(A) as if (B) even though (C) while (D) in that
Anh ay hanh dpng nhu the mlnh la ong chu chd nay vSy. Dip in diing (A)

De dupe lion 900

• given that, considering (that) (xet rang -)

Lei's finish earlier today is Friday.
(A) furthermore (B) because of (C) up to (D) given that
Hay fcft thuc cong vi& sbm vi hom nay la thuf Sau. Dap an dung (D)

• even as (mac du - nhitng Eleven so (mac du - nhifng van -)

We are not currently hiring for this position we are accepting resumes.
(A)30 if (B) as if (C) even as (D) nevertheless
Mac du hien tai chung t6i khong tuyOn dung cho vi tri nay nhifng chung toi
v5n nhan ho sof. Dap an dung (C)



1 | Chon trang td quan he duoi ever phu hefp vdfi ngu canh cua cau van,
chii f rang trang tit quan he -everdiing trudc menh dc hoan chinh co day
du chu ngii va tan ngu. (1 cau trong fle m6i nam

whenever bat cl( luc nao wherever bat c£( cho nao however tfii the nao (tl nfla

You can come and see me It is convenient for you.

(A) whatever (B) whichever (C) however (D) whenever
Ban co the de'n gap toi bat ci't khi nao ban thay tien. Dap an dung (D)

2 | Vi however thtufng hay xuat hien nen cac ban can luu y.

• Nhifng cau hoi ve no matter how.

many times I went over the numbers I couldn't find a mistake.
(A) no matter how (B) As much as (C) So that (D) In the event of
Mac du da xem lai cac so lieu rat nhieu Hn nhifng t6i van khong the tim ra mot
I6i sai. Dap an dung (A)

• Nhifng cau h5i v6 vi tri cua however.

The work is time-consuming easy it is.
(A) whatever (B) whichever (C) however (D) whomever
Du d^ nhifng cong vi6c nay rtft ton thdi gian. Dap an dung (C)
★ However dutng trifdc "tfnh tif/trang ttf + chu ngif + dong tii". Nhifng cau hdi
yeu clu phan bier vi tri cua tinh tif va trang tif cung thtfdng xult hien.

• Nhufng cau hoi vi however khi dude dung vofi vai tro la trang tu lien ket.
The main hall is full; , I could arrange a seminar room.
(A) almost (B) seldom (C) so (D) however
Phong Ion da kin ngifdi r6i; tuy nhien, toi co the sap xep cho ban mot phong h6i
nghi chuyen dd. Dap an dung (D)
★ Khi difdc dung vdi vai tro la trang th li^n kd't however phai diYng sau dau
chd'm phTy.

OETHIWIO PHONG Dap an va phan tfch: Trang 68 ph^n Answer Keys

1. I hope you will accept my request 5. We have to open the lockers to

we could continue doing clean them some of them still
business with your company in the have personal belongings.
future, (A) nevertheless
(A) so that (B) even though
(B)even though (C) moreover
(C) as always (D) since
(D) in that case
6. I'd like to know if the cost of the
- you get familiar with the job, it lesson includes transportation to
will be easy and natural for you. and from the resort mentioned
(A) Therefore on your website.
(B) Once (A) as
(C) Although
(B) by
(D) Unless (C) without
(D) to
3. The weekly meeting will be
delayed until tomorrow afternoon 7. I am writing to confirm my acceptance
everyone is available then. of your employment offer - to
(A) otherwise inform you how excited I am about
(B) assuming the opportunity,
{0} furthermore (A) and
(D) excluding (B) hence
(C) following
everybody is here, let's get (D) then
started and call this meeting to
order. 3^ You need to be well aware of —
(A) Because of — is mentioned in the terms and
(B) Up until
conditions document.
(C) Now that (A)that
{□) Since then (B) what
(C) when
{□) which

9. Their work schedule was so 11. He always has extra shirts and
tight they could not have socks in his office to prepare for an
conducted the mandatory safety corporate travel.
inspection, (A) unexpected
(A)that (B) unexpection
(B) because (C) unexpecting
(C) when (D) unexpect
(D) if
12. Only this matter is resolved
10. The department has to hold the and I am compensated for my
annual event they could hire time off work, 1 won't be switching
more part-time workers or not. insurance companies.
(A) whenever (A) if
{B) whereas (B) even if
(C) while (C) until
(D) whether {□) because

Questions 13-15 refer to the following memo,

TO: Gerald Price

FROM: Yolanda Kapetyn

Unless we can reach an agreement with our labor union by this Tuesday, I fear
that we are going to experience a strike. At this point, our company cannot afford
another strike, so we need to do everything possible to avoid one.
13. (A) almost
(B) still
(C) recently
(D) moderately

I know that you have a lot on plate right now, but do you think you could handle
14. (A) you
(B) your own
(C) yours
(D) yourselves

this matter quickly? I hate to ask this of you, but there is no one else I trust as much
as you to take care of this matter.

The strike deadline is midnight on Monday, July 18, so we need to this as

15. {A} provide
(B) consider
(C) implement
(D) address

soon as possible. If you can talk to your team so that they can come up with a plan
right away that would be greatly appreciated.




Menh de quan co hai chile nang. Thuf nhat, menh de quan giQ vai tro nhir tinh tCr, b6 p
nghia cho danh W ddng trade no va gidi han nghTa cua danh ttf. ThO hai, menh de quan he
dufdc dung de giii thfch them cho danh td ddng trddc no. Dai td quan h# di vdi m#nh de |
khdng hoan chTnh thi^u ch^t ngd hoac tan ngO, trang td quan he di vdi mqnh de hoan chlnh, i


1 | Dai tii, giofi tii', trang tit khong the dung tV vi tri cua trang tit quan he.
1(1-2 cau trong de moinam)
This line leads to the center of the city, I used to work.
(A) in which (B) together with (C) not only (D) instead of
Con diidng nay dan vao trung tam thanh pho, ndi toi tifng lam viec. Dap an dilng (A)
★ Vi dung tnidc ch6 trong !a mqc m^nh d^' hoan chmh nen ta phai dung trang
tif quan h^.

Se dime imn 900

Nhung cau h6i yeu cau phan bi$t dai ttf lam chu ngtf va dai ttf quan hfi
lam chu ngtf cung thtfdng xuat hien. Dai ttf lam chu ngtf dtftfc dung trong
m£nh dd tinh Itftfc dai ttf quan h^ khi dai ttf quan hfi lam tan ngtf.
Jane had quite the job enjoyed so much.
(A) she (B) which (C) those (D) both
Jane da nghi cong viec ma co ay rar yeu thfch. Dap an ht'mg (A)

★ Mfinh de sau ch6 tr6ng thi6u ca chu nguf va tan ngtf nen ta c£n di6n dai
ttf lam chu ngtf vao ch6 trong nay. O day, dai ttf quan he Itfm tim ngtf that!
which ds dtfdc Itfo'c b6.

So sanh
We need to find a bank offers us a loan.
(A) they (B) which (C) those (D) both
Chung ta can tim nnpt ngan hang cho chung ta vay. Dip an ding (B)

★ Menh dt! sau ch6 trong co ctu dong ttf va tan ngtf nen ta chi didn dai ttf
quan he lam chu ngtf vao cb6 trong nay.

2 | Nhflng cau hoi ycu cau phan bicl (tai W quan he va lien tu trong nienh
de danh nguf.
We need a new position will be responsible for training employees
(A) what (B) which (C) if (D) whose
Chung ta dtn tn6r vi trf mbi dam nhiem vide huan luyen cac nhan vidn. Dap an
dung (B)
★ Iritdc ch6 trong la menh de hoan chinh, sau cho rrong la menh dd tbid'u chu
ngut nen ra phai dung dai tit quan he.

3 | Trong menh de quan he, chi dupe phep dung dong lii gioi ham.
The manager who the firm this March is from Alabama.
(A) joining (B) to join (C) was joined (D) joined
Tnidng phbng se ddn cbng ty vao thang 3 nay dd'n tif Alabama. Dip an dring (D)



11 Khi lii phia t ruoc chi ngudi, ta dung who(m). KM tii' ph/a trn'oc chi vat,
ta dung which.
I'd like to talk to anyone is in charge.
(A) whom (B) which (C) of which (D) who
Tbi mudn noi chuydn vdi nguoi phu trach. Dap an dung (D)

Go over the report was distributed this morning.

(A) whose (B) who (C) which (D) in which
Hay kidm tra lai ban bao cao dtfdc phat sang nay. Dap an dung (Q

2 | Nhfing cau hoi yeu cau phan biet cac dpi tit quan he cung thuVmg xuyen
xuat hien.

fit di tnfflc/Cach Chii ngul Tan ngS

Sfi hifu each
who whom whose
y^ ,, which whose, of which
Ngiidi, vat that that x

• Trong menh de thieu chit ngu, ta dung dai tii quan ha lam chu ngd tnidc
"dong tif + tan nguf/bd ngii".
It is hard to sell a product is in the introduction stage.
A who
( ) (B) which (C) whom (D) who
Kho ma ban difdc san phlm con dang rrong bubc gicfi thieu. Dip in dung (B)

• Trong mtnh chi^'u tan ngfl, ta dung dai rti quan lam tdn ngff tnfdc
"chu ngii + dong ttt/chu nguf + dong tii + gidi tif".
They contacted the applicants they liked.
(A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) which
Ho lifin lac vdi nhQng itng vicn ma Itio hng y. Dap an dung (C)

• Dung dai tif quan he sd hifu each tnfdc menh de cd du chu ngd va tan ngCf.
He is a renowned author work has been published in several languages.
(A) whose (B) who (C) whom (D) of which
One Sy lit rnpc tic gii n6i ti^ng vdi nhieu tac pham difcfc xuat ban ditcfi nhifiu thif
tieng. Dap an diing (A)
★ Can chu y rang "chu ngO + the' bi dong (has been published)'" la mot mfinh de
hoan chinh.

Larry is working on a proposal the deadline is Friday.

(A) whose (B) which (C) of which (D) that
Larry dang rhdc hiSn mot ban d^' an co ban cu6i la thfl Sau. Dap an dung (C)
★ Tnfdc danh tif khong co the, ta dung whose. Tuy nhien, tnfdc danh tii cd the
ta dung of which.
~ a proposal whose deadline = a proposal of which Ihe deadline |


1 1 Cau hoi yeu cau chon "gidi tif + dai tif quan he lam tan ngiT" de dien
vao cho trong duiig trifdfc menh de hoan chinh va can hoi yeu can chon
gidi tif dc dien vao ch6 trong difng trifdc dai tif quan he lam tan ngfi.
• Didn "gicfi tif + dai tif quan h6 lam tin ngfl" thlch hdp vao cho trdng difng
trifdc m£nh dd quan hdj gidi tff di trdcic dai tif quan he lam tdn ngQ difqc
quyd't dinh bed dong tif trong menh de quan he.
There are major issues new managers need to deal.
(A) with which (B) of which (C) which (D) that
Co nhieu van d£ quan trong ma cac nha quan ly can phai giai quyet. Dap an dAng (A)
★ VI dang sau ch6 trong la mpt menh dc hoan chinh va dong tii deal phai di kem
vdi tinh tif with, nen (A) la dap an dung.

• Didn gidi tif thlch hop vao ch6 trong dtfng tnfdc dai tff quan h^, gidi tif
duqc quyft dinh bdi tif difng tnfdc ch6 trong.
This is my first vacation which I will go to Europe.
(A) during (B) for (C) toward (D) with

Ddy la ky nghi dau dtn cua t6i, t6i se tcfi chau Au rrong suot thdfi gian nghi. Dip
an diing (A)
★ Vi tnfdc ch6 trong la danh rtf vacation chi mor khoing thoi gian cu the
ta phai dung during.

2 | Nhflng cau hoi yeu cau phan biet dad td quan he lam chu ngft va dai tu quan
he lam tan ngff dc dieii vao ch6 trong diVng sau "danh td + td chi luong + of".

I all (both, many, much, most, several, some, any) + of + which, whom/them

Khi cau gom hai menh de va cnfcfc ch6 trong da xuat hidn lien td thi ta
khdng tlic dung dai td quan he ddcfc nfla ma phdi dung dai td tan ngd.
There are hundreds of members in the room, and many of are over 60
(A) them (B) whom (C) that (D) who
Co hang rram ngiidi trong can phong, rat nhi&j trong so do la nhflng ngfldi tr^n
60 tuoi. Dap in dung (A)

Khi cau gdm hai m&ih dd va can mot Udn td, ta phai dung dai td quan
he dong vai tro lien ker.
We tound some defective products, all of came from the same plant.
(A) them (B) which (C) that (D) who
Chflng t6i da tint ra nhflng san pham bi 161, tat ci chd sin pham do deu de'n tfl
cung mot nha may. Dip in dung (B)

• Nhflng can hoi yeu cau chpn tfl chi luflng didn vao cho trong va hoa hcfp
vd so vdi dong tfl trong cau.
They suggested many ideas, of which were adopted immediately.
(A) several (B) others (C) that (D) anything
Ho dfla ra nhi€u y rflflng, mot vai trong so do da dfldc chap nhan ngay Up tflc.
Dip an ding (A)

Be duoc Itffn 900

Nhflng cau hoi y6u cau phan biet chi chu d6ng va thl bi dong khi dai tfl
quan he lam tan ngfl bi Ifldc bo.
The man we at the entrance was our new marketing director.
(A) were seen (B) have been seen (C) are seen (D) saw
Ngfldi dan ong chung ta vfla gap fl cfla vao la giam doc marketing mcfi cua
chung ta. Dip in ding (D)
★ Dai tfl quan he lam tan ngfl whom dflng trflflc we da bi Iflqc bo. Dai tfl
quan h£ lam tin ngfl phai di kem vdi m£nh dl thieu ran ngfl, Ciu bj dong la
m6t m^nh del hoan chinh n6n khong thl la dap an dung dfldc.

3 | Trong s6 cac dai tii' quan he diidc dung trong menh dc quart he Idiong xac
dinh nhit which, who, when, where thi which xuat Men llnuVng xuyen nhat.
[4 cau trong tfe rtioi nam]

• Dung which hoac who(m) trudc menh de khuyet rhieu,

MAX will implement the program, they have been involved in for a year.
(A) what (B) which (C) when (D) where
MAX se tri£n khai chifdng irinh ma ho eta thuc hign trong suot mot nam. Dap
an dung (B)
★ Diing which nA'u dr'fng trudc ch6 trong la danh tif chi sif vat. Dung who(m)
ncu dting truo'c ch6 trong la danh tif chi ngifdi.

• Dung when hoac where trticfc mdnh de hoan chlnh.

This is the parking lot, our employees usually park.
(A) that (B) which (C) when (D) where
Day la bai d6 xe ma cac nhan vien ciia chung toi thiiefng d6. Dap an dung (D)
★ Dung where n£'u trtfd'c ch6 trong la danh tif chi dia difim. Dimg when ndu
tru'd'c ch6 trong la danh tif chi thd'i gian.


1 | Nhung cau hoi yen cau phan biet trang tif quan he va dai tif quan he.

thefi gian + when(= in [at, on] which) clja diem + where (= at [on, in, to] which)
ly do + why(= tor which) phiidng phap + how (= in [of, to] which)

• Dung trang tif quan hd trtfcfc mdnh de co du chu ngtf va tan ngti.
This is a situation both parties can win.
(A) where (B) when (C) which (D) what
Day la tinh hu6ng ma ca hal ben deu co thd thang. Dap an dung (A)
★ Vl sau cho trong la m6t mdnh dd hoan chinh n£n ta phai dung trang tif quan
he. Ngoai danh tif chi ncfi tron, trang tif quan he where con diipc ditng vo'i cac
danh tii chi tinh hudng {situation, transaction), giai do an {stage-, point - diem),
tnicfng hdp {case) nen cac ban cdn chii y ghi nhd.

• Diing dai tii quan h£ tnfcfc mdnh de thid'u chu ngti hoac tan ngtf.
We offer an intensive program consists of classes and field-training.
(A) where (B) why (C) which (D) what
Chung thi cung c3p mot chifdng rrinh tang ctftfng bao gom cac lop hoc va huan
luyen thifc td. Dap an dung (C)

2 | Sau khi luoc bo trang t.V quan he, clieu chu ngu vao ch6 tr6ng d.Vng giea
mot danli tii va mot menh khuyet thieu.
The two systems have different periods function independently.
{A) they (B) their (Q rhem (D) those
Hai he thong cd cac giai doan Idiac nhau boat dong doc %> vdi nhau. Dap an
diing (A)
★ 6 day trgng tu* quan he when da bj gi^n hfdc, sau ch6 trong la dong XH function
nen ta phii chon ttf lam chu ngii.

OETHI MO PHONG Dap an va phlin Kch: Trang 71 phan Answer Keys

1, Mr Kamamura is going 1o visit 5. t met Mr. Haroni, will be

the new building, which delivering a lecture on emerging
Fuji Industries has resided for six economic powers in Asia at the
months now. upcoming forum.
(A) of (A) who
(B) in (B) which
(C) from {C) where
(D) by (D) that

2. 1 will let you know where we can fi. It is necessary to know what you
buy paper for the copy machine want to accomplish before deciding
we run out. whether or not your mortgage.
(A) as long as (A) financed
(B) while (B) financial
(C) where (C) to finance
(D) in case (D) financing

We need summary information 7. They are heavy equipment

about the numbers of who manufacturers, all of want to
visit our website. supply their products to us.
(A) locations (A) them
(B) museums (B) which
(C) individuals (C) whom
{D) factories (D)they

well it is prepared, there 8. This section introduces hotels, bed

are always unexpected factors to and breakfast inns, and campgrounds,
consider in giving a presentation, and other locations that pet-
(A) Whichever friendly.
(B) Whoever (A) was
(C) Wherever {B) are
(D) However (C) have
(D) has

9. The project they to finish back 11« ShopCore is a fashion company
in May faced significant regulatory ov r
e 100 stores around the
problems. world,
(A) have been planned (A) is operational
(B) are planned (B) operating
(C) will be planned (C) has operated
(D) planned (D) operates

10. Martha is in a situation she 12. We discussed some and

has to deal with difficult customers interesting problems common in the
all day. modern business environment,
(A) which (A) complications
(B) what (B) complicated
(C) where (C) complicates
(D) of which (D) complicating

Questions 13-15 refer to the following letter.

Dear Chris,

The manager the construction project has taken a sick leave. He wilt be off
13. (A) oversees
(B) has overseen
(C) overseeing
(D) oversaw

from March 21-31. In his place, Derek Flemington has come in. He will now be the
official person in duty of handling all work-related matters.

There are a couple of to address at the present moment, the first of which
14. (A) issue
(B) issues
(C) issuing
(D) issued

is the products which are to be used for the project. Secondly, we need to decide
on a contractor at the earliest possible date.

There are a few companies to choose from. We have worked with Hymltc, INTECH,
Lauren Inc., PRT and Turnstyle Corp. in the past. I don't know whom you trust
more, and of them are trustworthy, but I would like your thoughts on this,
15. (A) many
(B) much
(C) every
(D) both





"i■ ■

1 ?
ii ^



18 Cau so sanh

19 Cau songsong/dao ngff

Cau true so sanh diiOc chia ra lam ba loai la: so sanh ngang bang, so sanh han va so sanh
hdn nhSt; chii yeu la so sanh tinh tif va trang tit. Trong de thi TOEIC tan sugt xuSt hien cua
cac phep so sanh l^n Idbt til nhi^u den it la: so sanh hdn nhat, so sanh hdn va so sanh
ngang bang, Cac cau hoi cung tap tmng vao tinh tit nhi^u hon la trang tit.

SO SANH NGANG RANGIlirftlUlJ.lilll.Unlllil-.l'i'jl

1 1 Neu sau khi hbas-as ch6 trong clung sau m6t menh dc khuyet thicu thi
ta chon tinh tif, con neu cho trong diing sau mot menh de hoan chmh thi ta
chon trang tii lam dap an dung.
Brian is as as my former secretary.
(A) efficiently (B) efficient (C) efficiency (D) more efficient
Brian lam vigc hieu qid nhit tint ky cu cua tot v^y. Dap an dung (B)

We respond to your complaints as as possible.

(A) quick (B) quickness (C) quickly (D) quicken
Chung toi sc tri Idi nhGng phan nan cua quy khach som nhat co the'. Dap in dung (C)

2 I Dimg as many (few) triicfc "danh tif so nhieu + as", dung as much (little)
tnftifc "danh tif khong dcin difclc + as".

They allocated money as possible to the project.

(A) much (B) as much (C) so many (D) more than
Hq phan bd nhieu chi phi nhat co the cho du an do. Dap an diing (A)
★ Khong th£ chi dung rieng danh tif gifla as va as.

3 | Cac trang tif nearly, almost, just thifbng difcfc dung de bo nghla cho cau so
sanh ngang bang.
Tom is as reliable as Scott.
{A} just (B) stili (C) much (D) even
Tom dang tin nhif Scott vSy. Dap an dung (A)

o so sAnh hon ny.iij,i,tiiii',u'»wai

11 Ciiu so sanh hdn luon di voii than, vi vay cdc ban can bin y ky, ncn trong
cau co than, ta phai dung phep so sdnh hon.

• Gan -er van sau rinh ctt/trang tii co mot am tia't hoac tinh tif/trang tit hai
am tia't ket thiic bang -er, -y, -ow, -some.
The magazine gave a economic outlook than expected.
(A) bright (B) brighter (C) brightes (D) more bright
Tap chi difa ra mor tridn vong kinh tff lac quan hon nhi£u so vdi ky vong. Dip
in dung(B)
★ Phia sau ch6 trong xuat hien tif than nen phai dung phep so sanh hon. Bright
la tit co mot am titft nan khong the' diing more.

Th^m tii more di tritdc cac tinh tit/phu tit co hai am tift kdt thiic bang
-able, -fid, -ous, -ive.
The new phone is - than my old one,
(A) usefuller (B) useful (C) more useful {□} usefully
Chiec then thoai nidi cua t6i hflu ich hon so vdi chi^c cu. Dip in ding (C)
★ useful la tit cd hai am tier va ket thiic bang fid n^n ta phii dung more.

2 | Cung co tntdng hop ngoai I?, bat budc phai dung the trong so sanh hrtn.

• So sanh kep thitctng di lidn vdi nhau theo cau true: "the + so sanh hon,
the + so sanh hon {cang - cang)".
The an
application software is, the more RAM memory it requires to run.
(A) biggest (B) big (C) bigger (D) most big
Phln m&n tfng dung cang Idn thi cang can nhie'u bo nhd RAM de chay. Dip in
diing (C)
★ Menh d€ sau c6 sir dung phep so sanh the more RAM memory n^n ta phii
diing so sanh hon da' tao thanh so sanh kep.

• Cdu hoi yeu cau chpn tii loai thich hop dien vao ch6 trong ditng gifta so
sanh hon va chu ngiJ.
The sooner we adopt new technology, the more our company will become.
(A) profitable (B) profitably (C) profit {□) profitability
Ap dung cong ngha mdi cang sdm thi cong ty chung ta cang cd nhidu loi nhuin.
Dip in dung (A)
★ Dong tii become se quyd't dinh tii loai nao dddc phep diing trong menh di so
sanh. Vi dong tii become can tinh tii lam bd ngii ndn (A) ia dap an diing.

• "the + so sanh hdn + of the two" (cai - hon trong hai cat).
The of the two candidates will have a chance.
(A) youngest (B) young (C) younger (D) most young
0ng cu vien tie hon trong s6 hai rfng cut vien se co cd hoi. Dap an dung (C)

3 | Nhflng trang tii tlniong tti kem vdi so sanh hdn: much, even, still, far, a lot,
by far, ever. Trong do much va even xuat hien thu'o'ng xuyen nhat.
The model is more popular abroad than at home.
(A) much (B) many (C) very (D) mostly
Ngddi mau do n6i tieng d mfdc ngoai nhi£u hdn la d que nha. Dap an ding (A)

SO SANH RON NHAT Xuat hien thitdng xuyen

1 | Hay ghi nhd nhiing bieu hien thddng duoc dung vdi so sanh hdn nhiit
sau day;

• Dung the most trrfcfc tlnh trf co nhi^u hdn ba dm ti^'t.

This is the step of the processes,
(A) important (B) most important (C) importance (D) import

Day la bddc quan trong nhat trong moi qua trinh. Dap an dung (B)

• So sanh hon nhat thifdng dtfdc dung trong diu co cac gidl tii difofi dang
"of/among + danh tii so nhieu" hoac "in + danh tii s6 It".
They recruited the among young men between "18 and 30.
(A) tall (B) more tall (C) tallest (D) most tall

Ho ruyi'n nhiing ngddi cao nhat trong so nhiing nam gidi tu6i tif 18 d6i 30. Dap
an dung (C)

Sandy is the worker in our department.

(A) last (B) fastest (C) most fast (D) fasted

Sandy la nhan vi6n lam viec nhanh nhat is phdng chring ta. Dap an dung (B)

• Nhflng cau h5i yfiu cdu didn gidi tii {of among) vao cdu sfl dung so sanh
hdn nhat thfldng hi£m khi xudt hifin.
Brie is the smartest girl all the new employees.
(A) to (B) of (C) wifh (D) by

Brie la co gai thong minh nhat trong tat ca nhiing nhan vi6n mdi. Dap an dung (B)

• So sanh hdn nhft thtfdng di kem vd\ menh de that.
It was the movie that I have ever seen.
(A) funniest (B) funny (C) most funny (D) more funny
00 Is. bp phim hsi Kifofc nhst toi tifng xem. Dap an dung (A)

2 1 On I it 11 y rang ta co the suf dung sd huu each thay cho the tmdc "so sanh
hctn nhat + danh tu1".
1 haven't realized my potential.
(A) fully (B) fuller (C) fullest (D) more fully
T6i van chifa nhan ra tiem nang lofn nhat cua minh. Dap in dung (Q

3 | Nhflng cau hoi yen can chon tinh tu de dicn vao cho tr6ng dung sau the
most, (cac tinh tuf bao gom ca dang -ing, p.p.)
It was the most seminar.
(A) interest (B) interests (C) interesting (D) as interesting
Do la buoi hoi thao thu v( nhat. Dap an ddng (Q
"A" Doi khi the least cd the difOc diing thay cho the most.

4 | Nhufng can hoi yeu cau dien s6 rlui tu vao gifia the va so sanh him nhat
thirfdfng hiem khi xuat hien.
He owns the largest corporation in Korea,
(A) second (B) double (C) two (D) more
Anh ta so hflu 4p doan Idn thd hai Han Quoc. Dip in ddng (A)

5 | Can phai phan biet vi tri cua nhfing trang til diioc diing de' nhan uianh
so sanh hdn nhat.

• Dung by far, quite, only (chac chan la ^ nhat) trdcfc so sanh hon nhat.
Mike is the best sales person I know.
(A) once again (B) by far (C) very much (D) for long
Mike chac chan la nhan vien kinh doanh gioi nhat toi bidt. Dip in dung (B)

• Diing single (duy nhat - nhat), only (chi duy nhat - nhat).
The expo is the most important event in the industry.
(A)far (B) single (C) much (□) many
Cuoc tridn km la sit kkn quan trong nhS't trong nganh cong nghidp Dip in
dung (B)

Oe tliS0c hon 900

So sanh hdn nhSt diitfc di^n dat difdi dang so sanh ngang b4ng va so sanh
hcfn thifcfng hiem khi xuat hifin.
• Chu ngfi phu dinh {Few!Little) + as ngang bang as!so sanh hem than
(khong gi b^Lng -/hon -)
employees are more promising than Beth Lewis,
(A) Few (B) Both (C) Only (D) Every
Khdng c6 may nhan vien tri&i vong hdn Beth Lewis. DAp an diing (A)
★ Chon chu ngu' phii dinh d£ dim vao v| tri chu ngu' co liSn quan d£n phiip so sinli,

• So sanh hem than + any other danh tu so it (hdn bat ch thtf gi)
This booklet is more informative than document.
(A) any other (B) the others (C) other (D) another
Cuon sach nhh nay nhi^'u thong tin hcfn bat cu mot tai lie'u nao. Dip in ding (A)
★ Chon any other dhfn vao gifla danh ti so it va tif so sanh hdn than.


• Ltfu y nhtlng cum tif so sanh thddng dung sau day.

' ' '" N
no later than den tnidc/khong muOn hdn no sooner- than vtfa mdi ~
no longer khong c£m — would rather - than M Icim gi con hdn
other than ngoai cat gi ra ~ more than nhieu hdn ~
rather than hdn l^ ~ less than it hdn ~
v - J

making drastic changes, consumers are buying the same necessities.

(A) Even if (B) Rather than (C) Whereas (D) So that
Thay vi thay doi d6t ngot, ngiidi deu dung mua nhu'ng do thiet yd'u quen thupc.
Dip an ding (B)
★ Rather than co the dupe diing nhtf ca gio'i tif va lien tit. O day rather than difpc
diing vcfi vai tro lim gidi tif.

DE THI MO PHONG Dap an va phan t(ch: Trang 74 ph^n Answer Keys

1. This model is the one we 5. He is convinced we will be able

used for the previous test study. to increase customer satisfaction by
(A) the same providing free technical support.
(B) same (A) that
(C) the same as (B) of
(D) as same as (C) which
(D) why
2. You can even purchase medicines
are sold online without going
B. To my surprise, the chair is much
to the local drugstore, more comfortable it looks at
(A) where first.
(B) which {A) than
(C) how (B)very
(D) on which (C) to
(D) so
3. We are trying our best to deliver our
promise that we will offer the 7. The new desktop screen is as as
internet connection, a large television screen and also
(A) most speed completely flat.
(B) more speedy (A) widely
(C) speediest (B) wide
(D) much speeding {C} widen
(D) more wide
4. SuperChip is known to be the single
computer in the world using fl. Harry Winston creates the most
the Intel) Super 2 processor.
furniture that satisfies every
(A) power customer's needs.
(B) most powerfully {A} prior
(C) more powerful (B) interested
(D) most powerful (C) appealing
(D) single

9. Kim & Gang offers than 11. About40 percentof the respondents
average salary but that doesn't seem said they were more when
much for their grueling work hours. working from home than in an office.
(A) high (A) produced
(B) highly (B) producing
(C) higher (C) productively
(D) highest (D) productive

10. Our beverage line will produce new 12. This year, we expect to supply
healthful fruit vegetable drinks parts as in last year for major car
to respond to the market trend. makers in the world.
(A) and (A) so much
(B) therefore (B) as many
(C) so (C) several
(D) nor (D) plenty of

Questions 13-15 refer to the following notice.

When it comes to fitness, the most important thing is your body. It's all about you
and staying fit. That's why we at Stay Fit are all about you heatthy. So let us
do just that!,
13. (A) keeping
(B) taking
(C) ensuring
(D) restoring

We are offering a one-time promotion right now is unprecedented in our

14. (A) who
(B) what
(C) where
(D) in which

20-year history. If you sign up for a one-year membership with this offer, we will
cancel our usual 50$ fee at our club,

Much a
simple fitness center, we are a wellness center focused on your
15. (A) more than
(B) no later than
(C) rather than
(D) no longer

health. In the end, we want your best. If you're interested in this offer, please
contact us at the number listed below.

(413) 456-9900

C&i true song song dung de lidn k^t hai ICr hoSc hai cym ttf cung loyi. Cau true dao ngO
diing de nhan manh b^ng each d&o npi dung mu6n nhan mpnh len dau cau. Phep song
song, dao ngO tuy kho nhung ph&i nam chac dddc phan ngd ph^p nay cac ban mdi co the
[ ddpc diem cao.

cAutruc song song

11 Lien tif dang lap phai lien k£t nhfing tiV cung loai.
Hundreds of and twelve speakers will join the reception,
(A) auditoriums (B) locations (C) members (D) programs
Hang tram thanh vi6n va 12 di^n gia se tham dti budi don tiep. Dap an dung (C)
★ Dung cau true song song de lien kit ngUoi vdi ngddi, sd vdt vdi sU vdt.

2 | Dung as many (few) trudc "danh tit s6 nbieu + as", dung as much (little)
tntdfc "danh tif khong dem difo'c + as".
I chose to accept the offer and to Canada.
(A) go (B) went (C) gone (D) goes
Toi ebon ch^'p nhan led mdi va din Canada, Dap an dung (A)

Visit our website today and the discount coupon.

(A) reception (B) receive (C) receiving (D) to receive
Hay ghe tham trang chu cua chung toi bom nay va nhdn phieu giam gia. Dap an
diing (B)

Di fluoc Man 900

Nhfi'ng cau hoi y^u cau lien k6t trang tif difcfc cau thanh tif cum gidfi tif (with
interest) vcfi trang tif don thuan cung xuat hiCt.
Many professionals are watching the stock market with interest and
(A) closely (B) close (C) closeness (D) closed
NhUSu chuyen gia dang theo doi thi tnfdng chifng khoan mor each sat sao vi
thich thil. Dip in diing (A)


1 1 Neu tii phu (tinh xuat hien of dau cau thl menh de di ngay phia sau durtc
phep dao ngfi. Phfa sau trang trf phu djnh va trci d6ng tu, dong nV d dang
ngnyen the.

never, nor, little, tiardly, seldom, rarely, at no time

Little did she about what would have been waiting tor her,
(A) knows (8) know (C) has known (D) knew
C6 Sy kli6ng hay bi£t gi v£ nhfrng gi dang don ddi minh. Dip dn dung (B)
★ CQng cd the xuat hien cdu h6i y^u c3iu chon Little va tro d6ng tu did Ai di£n
vao ch6 trong.

2 | N&i "only + cum trang tu'/mcnh de trang tif" xuat hien d dau cau tin
menh de di ngay sau diitfc phep dao ngijf, Cac cau hoi se chu yeu yen cau
chon have + chu ngh + p.p. hoac trrf dong tii + chu ngit + dong tii nguycn
thc^' dc didn vao cho trong.
Only recently has she - her niche and the career she wants to pursue.
(A) finds (B) has found (C) found {□} was found
Phil d£n gin day c6 ay mdi tim dude vj tri va nghe nghiep ma minh mudn theo
dudi. Dap an dimg (C)

Only after the conference was finished did our manager the events.
A oin
( )i (B) joined (C) has joined (D) will join
Phdi sau khi buoi hop da ktft thuc puan ly cua chung toi mdi tham gia cac su kidn.
Dap an dung (A)

3 | Nhflng cau hoi ve cac cau true dong tinh difdfi dang dao ngfi cung xiuit
hien thudug xuyen.

• Dung "So (= and so) + dong tii + chu ngfi" (cung nhtf vay) vdi cau klijng dinh.
Dave has to report his income to the trustee every month, and does Teresa.
(A) same (B) either (C) so {D} rather
Dave phai bao cao thu nhAp cua minh cho ngifdi uy thac ciia minh, va Teresa
cung v%.y. Dap in dung (C)

• Dung "Nor (= and neither) + dong tfi + chu ngfi" (cung khhng nhtf v^y)
vdi cau phu dinh.

John didn't get a promotion; did he get a raise.
{A) and (B) whether (C) which (D) nor
John khdng difdc rhang chile va cung kJiong dude tang luo'ng. Dap an Jung (D)

4 | Dao ngfr theo thiV td "bo nguf + dong (u + chu ngfl" de uhan manh vao
bo ngiif.
will be interactive projects for employees.
(A) Including (B) Included (C) To include (D) Inclusion
Nhu'ng dvf an tudng tac cho ede nhan vi^n cung se ditdc bao gdm. Dap an Jung (B)

BE THI MO PHONG an va ph^n tich: Trang 77 phan Answer Keys

1. Star Gems provide kitchen 5. Full-time employees are eligible for

silverware and other at very our standard package, includes
affordable prices. paid vacation and dick days.
(A) suppliers (A) why
(B) supply (B) which
(C) supplies (C)that
{□) supplied (D) where

2. Only recently have researchers 6. Some business activities are

that environmental factors prohibited until you obtain a
do influence work productivity. or permit issued by the focal
(A) will recognize government,
(B) recognize (A) licensor
(C) have recognized (B) licensed
(D) recognized {C) license
{□) licensing
3. As a succesful businessman I am
sometimes asked to describe the 7. Doogle's service more
most moment I ever had. progress when the operators
{A) challenging struggle with the demands of a
(B) challenge regultory scrutiny,
(C) challenged (A) will make
(D) challenges (B) made
(C) had made
4. The book introduces 250 yet (D) will have made
inexpensive healthy recipes for
students on a budget. 8. Harold has proved to be one of our
(A) to deliciousness most effective sales people and
(B) deliciously a promotion,
(C) deliciousness (A) deserved
(D) delicious (B) deserves
(C) deservedness
(D) deservedly

8. Creativity is an important feature of 11. Malcom released its newest version
any successful candidate, and of messenger software, which was
is integrity, earlier and than expected.
(A) several (A) more interesting
(B) both (B) interested
(C) so (C) most interestingly
(D) then (D) interesting

10. many times I patiently 12. It is necessary that every applicant

explained to the client, I couldn't submit their documents May 15,
make her understand the situation. (A) more than
(A) In order that (B) as much as
(B) No matter how (C) no later than
(C) No more than (D) not more as
(D) Assuming that

Questions 13-15 refer to the following invitation.

Open Invitation to Tour Our New Factory

You are cordially invited to visit our new factory in Hong Kong and receive a guided
tour. As you are well aware, LDF Productions is a leading producer of televisions
and other electronics. Our new factory will allow us to grow like never before

We are without delay and increasing our production capacity. In 2011, we roiled
13.{A) stead
{B) steady
(C) steadily
(D) steadiness

out 1.5 million new TVs. In 2012, we project our capacity to increase by twice as
much, allowing us to get 3 million new television sets on the market.
14. {A} almost
(B) very
(C) far
(D) more

What we are doing and how we accomplish this will be new feats for the electronics
industry. No company has ever produced more than 2 million units when it comes
to televisions. We are ecstatic about the advance and hope you will take this
chance to see a pioneering achievement.
15. (A) so
(B) very
(C) as
(D) such

HALF TEST 04 Dap an va phan tt'ch: Trang 80 ph^n Answer Keys


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different
types of reading comprehension questions. You are encouraged to answer as
many questions as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your
answers in your test book,


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four

answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete
the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), {B}, (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. P&K has had a number of personnel 103. As a seller, you can cancel a
issues they replaced their transaction your buyer does
head of human resources. not pay for a specific time period.
(A) since (A) which
(B) although (B) that
(C) as though {C) when
(D) while (D) of which

102. Jessica will have a Q&A session 104. No one would dispute the fact that
once her presentation is over, — Shiela is the most person for
— time she will respond to your the position.
questions. (A) qualifying
(A) which (B) qualified
(B) at which (C) qualification
{C) by which {D) qualities
(D) what

105. The new system will make it easy 110. I'm letting you know that I lost the
for our customers to make online credit card which the flight
payment as as possible. was purchased,
(A) quick (A) in
(B) quickly (B) with
(C) quickness {C}for
(D) quicken {□) from

106. Companies in the area decided to 111. You can leave the customer card
share the techniques and tool they here or take it with you, you
see it.
{A) used (A) whichever
(B) are used (B) however
(C) were used (C) whatever
(D) have been used (D) whenever

107. Sarah's boss made her call everyone 112. everything goes as planned,
on the list to see will be your order will be delivered no later
attending the party. than May 15th,
(A) and (A) Including
(B) however (B) Nevertheless
{C) who (C) So many
(D) which (D) Assuming

108. Once she adjust to the new 113. They are required to learn two
environment, she able to take different languages than their
care of more responsibilities. native language.
(A) is (A) longer
(B) was (B) later
(C) had been (C) more
{□) will be (D) other

109. BestOne Lighting Service offers 114. Biker commuters can be reimbursed
the latest lighting products and up to the annual limit of 200$, or
equipment top-level technical much your company chooses to offer.
support. (A) however
(A) in addition (B) furthermore
(B) furthermore {C) therefore
(C) in spite of (D)thus
(D) as well as

115. The faster we can improve the 118. - synthetic fertilizers has
quality of our products, the more — expanded agricultural productivity,
— we will be. they can cause serious environmental
(A) profitable deterioration.
(B) profitably (A) However
(C) profits (B) That
{□) profitability (C) Although
(D) Despite
116. Over a hundred people showed up
at the office party, of whom 119. Ms, Laura Angela is the most
were not officially invited. goal-oriented person of all the
(A) much cnadidates we have reviewed.
(B) each (A) by far
(C) many (B) very
(D) either (C) nearly
(D) ever
117. The applicants live overseas
need to take the following visa 120. I only had a $5 bill to tip with, which
application procedures. was too much I had a $10
(A) which dinner.
(B) who (A) consider
(C) whose (B) considering
(D) whom (C) consideration
(D) to consider


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentence. Select the
best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D)
on your answer sheet.

Questions 12M23 refer to the following letter.

Dear Alex,

I want to update you about the situation with Marjorie, As you know, she was
admitted to the hospital on Friday and has not been at work since Friday. Only slowly
did she to learn of her cancer
121. (A) have come
(B) comes
(C) has come
(D) come
Now the most challenging moment is upon us, as we have no one to head the marketing
division. However, I don't want to think that your account with us is any danger.
122. (A) you
(B) it
(C) them
(D) herself
We have a number of capable employees to take care ot all your needs.
123. (A) yet
(B) already
(C) previously
(D) once
Rest assured that no matter how long it takes, we are going to resolve this issue
I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how much we value your
business and will work hard to get things back to normal ASAP,
Linda Thomas
President and CEO
Good Farm Insurance

Questions 124-126 refer to the following notice.

Please be advised that anyone looking to get a licence or permit to fish in Algonquin
Park must fill out an application. You can fill this out online or print the form out and
send it into our offices.

However, looking to file an application must do so no later than June 1 if you

124. (A) anyone
(B) whomever
(C) this

intend on fishing this summer. The deadline is midnight on June 1. The online
application must be sent before this time and envelopes must be postmarked by
June 1 at the
125. (A) later
(B) late
(C) lately
(D) latest

If your application is successfully approved, you will be able to fish from July 1 to
September 1. There is flexibility with this date, so please keep that in mind
126. {A) none
(B) no
(C) not
{D) no one

when fishing. Contact us online or by phone if you have any questions.






20 Cau hoi vc chu tic

21 Cau hoi lien quan den danh tii rieng

22 Cau hoi v£ yeu cau

23 Cau hoi nguyen nhan

24 Cau hoi NOT

25 Cau hoi suy luan

26 Cau hoi not, problem, if

27 Cau hoi phan tich

28 Cau hoi co gdi y dap an nam d phan dau
hoac phan cudi van ban

29 Cau hoi tcf vu'ng

? ... ;1.

i CHU DE (7-9 cau trong de)

heth6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

1 [ Can hoi chu - Thong tin v£ chu de cua van ban xuat hien of pluin dau
van ban. (2-4cautrong de
What is the main topic of the notice?
Chu di chinh cua thong bao la gi?

What is the subject of this report?

Chu cua bin bao cao la gi?

What does the article mainly discuss?

Bai bao nay chu yeu ban ve van de gi?

What is the information about?

D4y la thdng tin vd cai gi?

What is being announced?

Cii gi dang difpc thdng bao?

What is being advertised?

Cai gi dang dtidc quang cao?

2 | Can hoi muc dkh - Thong tin vd muc dich cua van ban thu'dng nam &
phan dau van ban.^OEEEIEEil
• What is the purpose of the letter?
Muc dich cua la thif !a gi?

What is the main purpose of the letter?

Muc dich chinh cua la thii la gi?

3 | Cau hoi ly do - Thong tin ve ly do van ban dupe viet ra thifPng nam 6
phan dan van ban.
• Why was this memo written?
Ly do vid't ban thdng bao npi bp nay la gi?

• Why does Mr. Cho write this letter?
Tai sao ngai Cho ki vift bdc thif nay?

• Why was the letter sent to the resident?

Tai sao btfc rhd nay lai dude giti cho nhflng nguo'i dan?


Chu de cua ca van ban cungco tha nam dphan giifa hoac phan cu6i, hoac co truo'ng
hdp con xuyen suot toan bo van ban. Tuy nhien, vdi thif tin, e-mail, nhac nhd, chu
chuo'ng nlm d phan dau; vdi quang cao va bao cao, chu de thifdng nam d ca phan
d^u va phan cuoi; con vdi cac bai bao, chu da' cd the' nam d phan ddu hoac xuyen
sudt ca bai bao.

★ Chu de thi/dng n^m d nhCfng cau xudt hi^n cac tCf nhu inform, notify, announce,
remind, confirm, following.
★ Chu de cOng thudng nam d nhQng cau nhif / am writing to This letter is to ~
★ Vdi nhQng cau hdi nguydn nhan/mgc dfch, can chu y doc ky nhQng cau cd dpng tQ
nguyen the co to.



To solicit for information De yeu cau thong tin

To provide information De cung cap thong tin
To promote an event De quang ba cho mot SQ kign
To complain about service De phan nan ve dich vu
To inform employees ot changes De thong bao cho nhan vien ve SQ thay dot
To introduce lunch meetings De gidi thigu cudc hop bQa trQa
To offer a discount De dQa ra Qu dai giam gia
To confirm the reservation Dl xac nhan vigc dgt cho
To ask for suggestions De yeu cau gdi y, de dat
To outline regulations De gidi thich ve cac quy dinh
To attract magazine subribers mdi chao doc gia cua tap chf
To advertise a new service De quang cao mgt djch vu mdi
To request help with cleaning up De yeu cau giup dd don dep
To announce award recipients De thong bao ngQdi dogt giai


Refer to the following notice

Chu de The Human Resources department has announced there will be a fire emergency drill
on Tuesday April 3rd at 10;00, Everybody in the building will be instructed to leave
through the emergency exits. All elevators will not operate at this time.
Npi dung cu M Once the alarm is sounded, all those in the building should immediately leave, if you
are unaware of the emergency exit nearest your desk, ask the floor safety manager or
consul the maps posted at the elevators on your floor.

Q. What is the main purpose of this notice?

(A) To introduce a new data system
{B) To explain some building renovations
(C) To announce a building-wide procedure
{□} To request that all employees clean their office

Vl day la cau hoi muc dlch nen ta phai tim chu d^ cua van ban, Trong trddng hop
nay, ta can torn dt roan bo van ban de tim ra cau chu d£. Phan Idn van ban nay
ndi v£ qua trinh huan luyfin phong chay, do do ta co the biet ngay (C) "trinh tit
huan luy^n" la dap an dung. Dip an diing (C)

11,11 rn
W"« Dap an va phSn tfch: Trang 85 phdn Answer Keys

1 refers to the following advertisement.

Too tired to clean your house or apartment? Call JetStream Cleaners and let us take
care of your mess! At JetStream Cleaners, we do all the washing, ironing, dusting
mopping, and anything else you might need. Give us a call and within 24 hours our
cleaners will be at your place, ready to make it look brand new.
If our prices aren't low enough for you, take advantage of our grand opening special.
Our prices are lower than they have ever been. This month only, you can receive
an extra 10% discount on all of our services. Appointments are piling up and time
is flying by! Call JetStream Cleaners today and experience a level of clean you've
never seen before.

Q. What is being advertised?

(A) A vacuum cleaner
(B) A new electronics store
(C) A cleaning service
(D) A new phone application

2 refers to the following report.

Most companies have purchased equipment with cash or financed it with bank
loans. These days, however, many companies lease office equipment. One type
of lease is known as an operating lease. You pay a flat fee, but when the terms of
the lease are over, ownership reverts to the lender. This type of lease allows you to
upgrade at the end of the lease.
With a lease, initial cash outlay is small. If the equipment you require is likely to
become outdated soon, you should lease it. You should lease any equipment that is
too sophisticated or expensive to buy. Equipment such as coolers and audiovisual
equipment may be better leased than bought,

Q. What Is the subject of this report?

(A) Paying for business services
(B) Disposal on old equipment
(C) One kind of rental contract
(D) Renting office space

3 refers to the following article.

An already amazing museum has just become even better. The Smithsonian
received an enormous new display this week. On Tuesday, the space shuttle
Discovery took a piggyback ride on a Boeing 747 airplane to its final home at the
annex of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Virginia. NASA retired
its shuttle program in 2011 and the shuttle is now taking its rightful place.
The museum has been displaying artifacts from all over the world that explain the
development of man's dream to fly. Discovery will replace Enterprise, a satellite
currently on display at the museum that was used for test flights in the 1970s, This
new addition to the Smithsonian will allow children and adults alike to learn all about
man's efforts to reach the stars.

Q. What is the main topic of the article?

(A) A new space program will be offered.
(B) A satellite will be launched.
(C) Some staff members will retire.
(D) A museum will open a new exhibit,

4 refers to the following notice.

The CEO would like to inform all employees that the company will be holding a
weekend-long team building retreat on the weekend of December 9th at the
Claremont Beach Resort on the west coast. All employees should report to the
office by 8 a.m. Saturday morning and be on the bus by 8:20. The bus will leave
promptly at 8:30, so please do not be tardy.
Upon arrival at the Claremont Beach Resort, we will be holding the following team
building activities: tug-of-war, boat-building, and team relay. After lunch, we will do
puzzle-solving exercises in separate groupings. We are doing these exercises to
promote the following skills in the organization; creativity, innovation, flexibility, and

Q. What is the main purpose of this notice?

(A) To introduce a new building
(B) To advertise a new play
(C) To announce a company event
(D) To explain a change in transportation

5 refers to the following letter.

March 3, 2012
To whom it may concern,
This letter is a request to change outdated information in my credit file. I have
enclosed a copy of the report your company provided to me on December 14, 2011,
The mortgage payments to SP Bank were caused by an accounting error that was
not my fault. The payments due have been completed as of January 15, 2012,
which you can confirm in the enclosed statement from SP Bank. I am requesting
that this item be deleted from my record immediately.
In addition, please send a corrected copy of my credit record to me as well as all
the creditors who received a copy within the last 6 months. Thank you for your
cooperation, if you have any questions concerning this matter, don't hesitate to
contact me.
Sincerely, A
Mitchell Dorsey

Q. What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To modify incorrect information
(B) To request a bank loan
(C) To provide a new creditor
(D) To solicit questions from the bank

6 refers to the following memo.

From: Mitch Garner

To: Sales Staff
RE: Monthly Reporting System

I'd like to address some of the recent concerns that staff have had over the new
monthly reporting system using DataVac. There have been some complaints that
the new system is not as fast as the previous one,

I'd like to emphasize that this new system will save everyone a lot of time reporting
sales once they get accustomed to it. Granted, at first, while everyone is getting
used to the new system, more time will be needed for inputting client data. However,
we are confident that very soon everyone will be up to speed and will reap the
benefits of this new system.

Thank you all for your help in putting this new system into place.

Best regards,


Q. Why was thi s m em o w ritte n?

(A) To inform the staff of a system change
(B) To discuss system issues
(C) To request that the staff use DataVac
(D) To complain about the new system

DANH TU RIENG fTmng binh hhoang 1 s cau trong de)

NhOng cau hdi vg thill gian (kho^ng thdi gian, ngay, thtf. nam), ngt/di, cong ty dude gpi la
nhOng cau h6i vg danh t£r riSng th6ng thUcsng. Danh t£f rieng thUdng xu^t hi^n d ck vSn bSn
g^c, cau hdi vd cac dap an, Bdi cdc danh til rieng 6ku bat ddu bang chO in hoa, dd nhin, :
nen (a nhCng dau mdi rat dd nh^n bidt. Vi vay, cdc ban can chu y nhanh chdng tim ra cdc ^
danh td rieng trong vdn bdn r6i tim dap an dung 6 nhifng cdu xung quanh chung. Theo xu
" d gdn day, da sd cac cdu hdi kho deu rdi vao dpng nay.

HE th(5ng cAc dang cAu hoi

What will happen on April 5? (thdi gian)

Se co chuy^n gi xiy ra vao ngay 5 thang 4?

What will lake place in 2015? (nam)

Chuy£n gi se xay ra vao nam 2015?

Who is Mr. Roberts? {ngbdi)

Ai la ngai Roberts?

Where is Maxtec Technology based? (cong ty)

Maxtcc Technology ddoc dat d dau?

How will Mr. Kim travel to Osaka? (dja danh)

Ngai Kim se den Osaka bang each nao?


Neu d cau hoi va cac dap an co xu^t hien danh tif rieng, ta tim dap an dung d nhdng
cau co chufa hoac gan danh td rieng do trong van ban goc.
DSc biet trong trdbng hop hoi ve so, ngoai so san c6 trong van bin goc, cac cau hdi
yeu c^u tmh loan so do vdi mot so khac cung thudng xuyen xuat hidn nen cac ban
can lifu y.

Refer to the following e-mail.

Let me begin by introducing myself, as we have not had the chance to meet. My
name is White Foster and I am a reporter with "The Town MagaEine," 1 was hoping to
meet with you in person and conduct an interview on the record, I'm out of town right
now and won't be back in New York until the last day of May. If possible, I would like
to do the interview as soon as I get back. Please let me know if you have time then.

Q. When will Mr. Foster arrive in New York?

(A) On May 31
(B) On Jun 1
(C) On May 5
(D) On April 30

Day la cau boi vdi cac dap an diio'c diia ra la cac danh tit rieng, nen cac ban can
xac dinh danh tit ridng 6 van bin g6c roi tim dan moi d xung qtianh. Vi trong
van ban c6 won't be back in New York until the last day of May nen (A) la dap an
diing. Dap an dung (A)

DETHI MO PHONG Dap an va phan tfch: Trang 87 ph^n Answer Keys

refers to the following e-mail.

To: All employees

From: Control Telecom Ltd.
Date: October 25, 2012
Subject: Smoking

Control Telecom Ltd. CEO James Buchanan announced that Control Telecom Ltd
will be completely smoke-free zone beginning on the first day of next year. This
will apply to all facilities of the company. Over the course of the next few weeks,
no smoking signs will be posted around the premises to promote the new change
in policy.

The Human Resources Department will help those who are willing to quit smoking
through a comprehensive program, which will start along with the company's
no-smoking policy in cooperation with the local health department. For further
information, please contact Patricia Brown, health coordinator, for assistance.

Q. When will the company ban smoking?

{A) Immediately
(B) In November
(C) Sometime 2013
(D) Starting 2012

2 refers to the following memo.

Prestige Lakeside Autos

To: Vincent Price, Recruitment Manager
From: Raymond Carson, Auto Sales Manager
Date: November 19
Re: George Gray
This letter Is to support George Gray's application for a promotion to workshop
manager. Mr, Gray has been with our company since he began as a workshop
intern six years ago. He completed his training with us and took up his current
position of assistant workshop manager last year.
George is an extremely hardworking individual who always goes the extra mile
for his customers. He is well-respected among all of the staff and the younger
workshop crew look up to him. He suggested and implemented a new customer
rewards program two years ago which resulted in a 20 percent increase in clients.

Q. Who is recommending a candidate for advancement?

(A) George Gray
(B) Raymond Carson
(C) Vincent Price
(D) Prestige Lakeside Autos

3 refers to the following letter.

Sorry for sending this to all the staff in the company, but my list of people who are
planning to attend the Signmakers's conference in Dartmouth is not up-to-date, so 1
thought I'd mail it to everyone just to be on the safe side. The company has agreed
to pay for transport, which means that you won't have to drive there yourselves.
The bus will leave from in front of William's Tower at a time to be announced later.
Hotel accommodation has been booked at the Premium Inn, Dartmouth. The
management agrees that everyone should have his or her own room. All rooms
should be very comfortable. Please sign the form in the board room if you plan to
arrange your own accommodation.

Q, Where is the Signmakers's event taking place?

(A) In the conference room
(B) William's Tower
(C) Dartmouth
(D) The Premium Inn

4 refers to the following e-mail.

To: Shoe Boat <>

From: Rainbow Company <>
Subject: Customer Complaint
To Whom it may concern,
I have trusted Shoe Boat products to protect the feet of my employees for over
ten years now. As director of sales, I recently purchased a few pairs of boots from
your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the boots
the boots began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks. This was extremely
surprising considering they came with a six-year warranty.
In short, the boots are unsafe to wear because my men are working with dangerous
equipment, which makes it necessary for them to wear solid and endurable protective
gear including footwear. Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on
how I can return the boots and receive a refund.
Thank you.
John Trimbaid
Rainbow Company

0. Who is Mr. Trimbaid?

(A) A Rainbow representative
(B) A Shoe Boat salesman
(C) A factory worker
(D) A building inspector

5 refers to the following letter.

December 30
DigiPhoto Service
3289 Sun Avenue
On January 7th, I will be traveling to Osaka via Oceanic Air to meet with a new client on the
following day. Over the course of this trip, we will be negotiating the terms as well as the
length of the client's contract. This new client will be a significant addition for our company,
so I would (ike to request new presentation materials from the Marketing Department.
In the materials, please show a full list of our products, as well as a comprehensive
list of our competitors and the products that they offer, I would prefer that these
pieces of information be presented in both PowerPoint and brochure form. Please
let me know how much time you will need to complete these materials.
Akira Tanazaki

Q. When will Mr. Tanazaki meet his client?
(A) On January 7
(B) On January 8
(C) December 30
(D) December 31

6 refers to the following advertisement.

Are you starting up a small business? Worried about the costs of renting office
space and finding the right employees? Flinnacom Virtual Offices can help you. With
our, Basic Office Deal, we can set up a virtual office for you practically overnight.
Let us give your business a professional image. Our polite, friendly staff will handle
your calls and present your business in the best possible way. Rinnacom can
provide you with: a professional business address, a local phone number, and will
also handle mail. For a more personal approach, with the option of forwarding mail
and messages to your home address, don't hesitate to ask us about our Premier
Office Deals.

Q. What does Rinnacom NOT provide in the Basic Office Deal?

(A) A business address
(B) A phone number
(C) Mail transferring
(D) Mail processing

CAUHOIVtYEUCAU (Tren 3 cau trong del

<ac cau hoi ve yeu c^u thUhng dugc ra tUdng doi de, vi vay cac ban tuyOI d6i khdng dude
lam sai. Du doi khi cung co trdcJng hdp gdi y ddgc nhic den 6 phan dau cua van ban, nhdng
phan Idn cac gdi y dec xueit hien c6 dinh d phan cuoi, dd do cac ban hay chu y phan cu6i
van ta4n de lam bai.

HE th6ng cAc dang CAU hoi

What are the company asked to do?

Cdng ty difdc yeu cau !am gi?

What (should) the employees do?

Cac nhdn vien n^n lam gi?

What are the customers requested to do?

Cac khach hang difdc ygu cAu lam gi?

What are the managers encouraged to do?

Cac quln ly ddqc kliuyen khich lam gi?

What are the employees advised to do?

Cac nhan vien ditoc khuydn lam gi?

What are the workers instructed to do?

Cac cong nhan difdc hudng ddn lam gi?

What are the staff directed to do?

Cac nhan vien ddoc chi dao lam gi?

What are the members told to do?

Cac thanh vien difo'c y£u cau lam gi?


★ Dap an dung oho cau hoi ve yeu cau thifdng xuat hi§n cf phan cuoi cCia van bSn.
★ Dap an dung thdbng xuat hien d menh de if hoac cau m§nh Ipnh. (hau het deu 6
doan van cuoi)
Cung cb trudng hop dap an dung nam d cac cau nhd:
I'd appreciate it if you Tdi se rat cdm kfch neu ban ~
I'd be grateful if you Tdi se rdt biet on neu ban ~

Could you -? Ban cd thl lam dn ~?
You must [should, require] Ban phai [nen, yeu cau] lam gi.

Reler to the following advertisement.

Tax season Is once again upon us, and the tax team at Shoreman Accounting is
once again ready to serve your tax needs. Last year, Shoreman Accounting saved
local businesses over 3 million dollars in tax breaks.

Pleasefeel free to call our office at 555-7871 so that we can schedule an appointment
to discuss your accounting needs. Let us help you save as much as possible.
Shoreman Accounting is here for you.

Q. What is the recipient of the advertisement asked to do?

(A) Cancel an appointment
(B) Pay their taxes
(C) Save money
(D) Contact the Shoreman Accounting

d phan cu6i cua mfiu quang cao cd cau Please feel free to call our office at 555-
7871, tdc la hay goi dien thoai dfo van phong, vi v^y dap an diing la (D). Dap
an dung (D)

DE THI MO PHdNG Dap an va ph^n tfeh: Trang 90 ph^n Answer Keys

1 refers to the following e-mail.

To Whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to complain about the poor service that I have received from
your company. We signed up for your telephone and internet service package two
months ago because your advertising suggests that you are better than Telco
However, in the first month of service you managed to cause me to lose two days
worth of business because of poor administration.
The main problem was that you failed to provide me with the correct telephone
number that you had promised when I completed the contract. This number was
an established business line that I had been using for the last three years. I would
appreciate it if this situation could be resolved and a substantial rebate offered on
my first three month's account,
t look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Charlie Williams

Q. What is the company asked to do?

(A) Give a refund
(B) Call Charlie Williams
(C) Return his letter
(D) Issue a new phone number

2 refers to the following advertisement.

The City Convention Center is looking tor an assistant convention coordinator.

Duties include organizing exhibit and meeting space for upcoming conventions,
overseeing exhibit set-up, and coordinating audio-visual requests of participants,
if you are good with details, enjoy people, and don't want to sit behind a desk, this
job is for you.
Come by City Hall, Room 203, for an application. Please bring a resume and a
letter of reference. Acceptable applicants will have a preliminary interview with the
current assistant convention coordinator. Those who pass this interview will go on
to an interview with the head convention coordinator.

Q. What should the applicants do?

(A) Coordinate an event
(B) Organize an exhibit
{C) Interview the head coordinator
(D) Bring work history

3 refers to the following document.

We would like to welcome you to the XVZ Machinery Company's international

symposium. As you are aware, XVZ employees from over twenty countries are in
attendance at this year's conference. If you would like to meet your counterparts
from other countries on a more personal level be sure to sign up at the registration
desk for special dinners, lunches, or breakfast meetings that are described below.
Whether you are in Personnel, Sales, Management, or Research, you'll be able to
discuss topics of common interest with colleagues of diverse backgrounds.
Find out what your Indian, Japanese, or Moroccan counterpart can suggest for your
department's current problems. Help your French, Colombian, or Russian colleague
with a problem that you've tackled before. Take advantage of this rare opportunity
and come into personal contact with your international partners. All meetings will be
held In Lounge B.

Q, What are the employees requested to do?

(A) Make a presentation
(B) Meet foreign staff
(C) Move to another country
(D) Skip breakfast meetings

4 refers to the following letter.

Hi, Jen.
I'm writing this letter because I really need your help. If you could give a reference for
me, I d really appreciate it. I saw an ad in the paper offering a free journalism course
to successful applicants. I sent in an article I wrote for the student newspaper. They
really liked it, but since there are only five places, they want a reference as well
Is it okay if I send them your phone number'? I think they want to call so that they
can have a proper conversation with you. I know it's been a while but if you could do
it'd really help me out. I've got a new phone number, so you can reach me on that
and my address is still the same.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Q. What is Jen asked to do?

(A) Do an interview
(B) Write an article
(C) Provide a reference
(D) Call a newspaper

5 refers to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Timpans,

Thank you for your e-mail concerning the poor quality of our black leather work
gloves. We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused you and your
crew. Along with five new pairs of work gloves for your crew, we have enclosed
a free year's supply of protector spray. In our retail stores, this spray is always
recommended to buyers who deal with heated materials.
This should have been brought to your attention at the time of your initial order.
Please excuse our oversight. To date, we have had no complaints about these gloves
from customers who have used the protector spray. However, should you use this
enclosed spray and find that you are still unsatisfied with the gloves, please return
the gloves and spray for a full refund.

Stan Mason,

Q. What is Mr. Timpan encouraged to do?
(A) Request a relund
(B) Call customer service
(C) Send another e-mail
(D) Try a product

6 refers to the following report.

If you want to advance in your career, you will have to make some careful decisions
about which jobs you take. Evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your career.
It may mean sacrifices at first. You may have to move to a difterent region or a
different country to get a job that is right for you. You may have to work late hours,
at least temporarily.

But you should never accept a job if it is not related to your career goals. You will
find yourself frustrated in such a position and consequently will not perform your
best. This will have an effect on the people around you, who will not feel as if you
are being part of the team. The best advice is to think carefully before accepting any
position and make sure the job is one you want to have.

Q. What are the readers advised to do?

(A) Accept jobs in other regions
(B) Consider their occupational objectives
(C) Avoid working overtime
(D) Consult their colleagues

V6i can hii nguyen nhan, sau khi tin di/cic Itf khoa quan trqng theo sau tCf nghi v^n Why
ta tim tCr do hoac td dong nghia vdi td do 6 trong van bSn gdc. Cac dap an cho cSu h6i
nguydn nhan hdu het deu d difdi dang dong td nguyen the cd to hole menh de co chu ngd
"h dong td.

he th6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

• Why have prices been reduced?

Tai sao gia lai giam?

• Why did Mr. Salisbury say that he was leaving?

Tai sao ngai Salisbury lai noi rang ngai ay se rdi di?


★ Khi doc van ban c^n tap trung vao nhufng ph^n co ddng tif nguyen the cd to
★ Dap an dung thudng nam gan gidi td chl nguyen nhan (because of, due to, owing to)
hoac lidn td chl nguyen nhan (because, since, as, now that, seeing).
★ Dap an dung cung thddng n^m xung quanh gidi td for hoac cac Iftn td ch( muc dfch/
Ket qua (so that, in order that, so, therefore).

Refer to the following e-mail

Sunshine Autos has been offering the lowest prices in town for almost 10 years.
Come down to our lot and help us celebrate our 10-year anniversary. To show our
appreciation to our customers, we are holding our biggest sale of the year. If you've
been looking at a specific car, now is the time to buy. We'll be offering discounts on
all our cars, trucks, vans, and even our RVs. Discounts will range from 10% to 30%.

Q. Why have prices been reduced?

(A) To clear out old models
(B) To promote a specitic car
(C) To express gratitude
(D) To provide better service

Vi ddy la cau hoi nguy^n nhan nen die ban can rip trung vao phan dau cua van
ban co chua "to + dpng td n guy en thfCu rhe trong mfdng hop nay la To show
our appreciation to our customers, we are holding our biggest sale of the year. (C) la
each noi diSn giai bAng each dung cau true khac (paraphrasing) cua appreciation
nen (C) chinh la dap an dung. Dap an dung (C)

OETHI NIO PHONG Dap An va phan tfch: Trang 92 ph^n Answer Keys

1 refers to the following report.

Food products account for the largest portion of our agricultural exports. The value
of food product exports has increased in recent years, as there is growing interest
among consumers in more exotic food products. Our low nighttime temperatures,
combined with the fact that we have little rain and plenty of sun in the daytime, give
us a competitive edge over growers in other regions.

Our exports of native tropical fruits and root vegetables have increased from less
than 2% to more than 5% of total agricultural exports in the past two years and
growth is expected to continue. We continue to anticipate new food trends and will
be ready to respond as the market changes.

Q. Why has the value of food exports increased?

(A) The demand for new foods is higher.
(B) The weather is changing in other countries.
(C) The prices of imported food have increased.
(D) Consumers are spending more.

2 refers to the following article.

33 surgeons participated in an experiment that had them perform a series of tests

that simulated surgery. The surgeons, who reported that they play video games for
more than three hours a week, made 37 percent fewer errors and were 27 percent
faster than the non-gamers. This remained true even in cases where the surgeon
had much more experience and training than the surgeons who were avid gamers.

The research confirms what the lead researcher, also a surgeon himself had suspected
for a long time: that his non-gaming peers had inferior fine motor control. Now that there
is scientific proof to back up his hypothesis, it will be hard to convince surgeons not to
have a video game console in the break room to help them keep sharp.

Q. Why do surgeons who play video games perfom better?

(A) They have more experience.
{B) They develop better control.
(C) They enjoy their work more.
(D) They participate in more experiments.

3 refers to the following article.

If you do a lot of business traveling, sooneror later you will need ground transportation.
When trips are too short for a rental car and too long for a taxi, it makes sense to hire
a car service. Such services are often called limousine services. They operate in
large cities and in small ones, and even in rural areas where there are few airports
or major transportation centers.

Hiring a car senrice can also be a benefit when you go abroad on business. Foreign
roads and road signs can be very confusing, especially if you're in an area where
English is not the main language. Since most people do not have an international
driver's license, car services make traveling around foreign cities much safer and
more economical.

Q. Why would you want to hire a car service?

(A) Your car often breaks down.
(B) It is convenient and economical.
{C) The service is less expensive.
(D) You are in a large city.

4 refers to the following memo

To: All office personnel being transferred to the Paris Office

From; A. Schneider
Re: Suggestions to prepare for the move
Dear all,
Each day, my e-mail is full of messages concerning this move. Rather than responding
to each of you individually, I am forwarding this memo to all of you.
Please follow the instructions below carefully before asking any further questions so
that you don't omit any steps,
- Pack all of the items in or on your desk in boxes.
I - Label all boxes clearly to make unpacking easier.
- Retrieve and delete all messages in your telephone to clear it for the person who
will occupy your desk.
- Change the outgoing message on your answering machine so that callers can get
your new office number.
- Notify clients in writing of your new location and phone number

Q. Why must they follow instructions?

(A) To remember a procedure
(B) To train the staff in Paris
(C) To suggest ways to use the computer
(D) To introduce a new messaging service

5 refers to the following article.

Business travelers usually find that they have little time to exercise, especially as
their schedules are often suddenly changed by late meetings or late flights. But
everyone should get some exercise. There are ways to make exercise part of your
day, even when you capnot make it to the hotel's gym. Experts suggest stretching
your neck, arms, back, and shoulders while sitting in your airplane seat. At your
hotel, you can stretch your legs and work on abdominal muscles.

Exercise is not just for your body: it is for your mind as well. The mind-body
connection has long been established by professional medical associations.
People who exercise regularly perform more efficiently at work and perform more
effectivelythan their colleagues who don't exercise. So to get ahead of everyone
else, try to exercise every day, even when traveling.

Q. Why is it difficult for travelers to exercise?

(A) They don't want to exercise,
(B) They are too tired to exercise.
(C) Their hotel is tar from a gym.
(D) Their schedules may change unexpectedly.

6 refers to the following report.

This week, Merrymaker Cruise lines has filed a $700 million lawsuit against
Wambum Marine Industries, a shipyard that filed for bankruptcy last November
before completing a three-ship contract for Merrymaker. The suit contends
that Merrymaker suffered $400 million in additional construction costs amid lost
passenger bookings and also seeks $300 million in punitive damages.

In 1987, Merrymaker signed the $600 million contract with Wambum for three
2.600-passenger ships, but all work at the shipyard was halted because of the
bankruptcy. The suit also contends that the yard misrepresented its financial
condition in order to get the Merrymaker contract.

Q, Why did work stop at the shipyard?

(A) Costs of materials were too high,
(B) Passenger bookings had decreased.
(C) The company had financial troubles.
(D) The shipbuilding was completed.


xuat hi$n cSu hdi NOT, trong van b§n thifbng se c6 cac cau dang Ijet
co th^ la li&t
ke ng^n ggn theo hang doc, hogc cung co thl la li$t ke dai theo hang ngang. Ngoai ra, khi
cac dap an dddc ra dudi dang menh de thi cac ban hay ghi nhd r^ng, goi y cho dap an dbng
se dddc r£i rac xuydn suot van b^n.


he th6ng cAc dang cAu h6i

What is NOT stated about the brochure?

Dia'u gi kh6ng ddcfc nhic ddn vd td quiug cao?

What is NOT mentioned in the notice?

Didu gi khdng dhdc de cap dd'n trong ban thong bao?


★ Dap an dung thudng nam 6 nhQng cau li$t ke vdi so (1,2, 3) hoac ky hieu dac biet
★ Dap an dung thi/dng nam trddc hoac sau nhdng td mang nghTa bo sung {In addition,
Also, Moreover).
★ Dap an dung thudng nSm trudc hoac sau nhQng lien tir nhd and, but, or, as well as.
★ Trong trddng hop cac dap an dLfgc ra dd6i dang menh de, goi y tht/dng se rai rdc
xuyen sudt van ban.

Refer to the following advertisement.

Now you can stop worrying about your laundry! Leave it to Lighlspeed Wash! dust
bring your laundry and we'll do all the rest. At Lightspeed Wash, we do all the
washing and the ironing. No need to wait at all! Within 24 hours, we'll deliver your
washed and ironed clothes.

In addition, you can avail yourself of our 5th anniversary promo. You'll get a 10%
discount for every 5 kilos of your laundry, and 25% discount for every 10 kilos. This
promo lasts only until December 30, so hurry!

Q. What is NOT mentioned in the advertisement?

(A) Pick-up
(C) Reduction
(B) Delivery
(D) Ironing

Tim ggi y d tnldc va sau In addition cf ttoan van tlu'f hai. Sau In addition, cd xuat
Men cac tu ironing, deliver, discount, tuc kliong de cSp dfti viSc de'n lay do giat, do
do (A) la dap an dung. Dap an dung (A)

DE THI MO PHONG B^P an va phan tich: Trang 94 phan Answer Keys

refers to the following advertisement.

AVP Marketing, Houston's leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art photographic

equipment and supplies is looking for a qualified professional for the following



> Assist in conceptualizing marketing campaigns

> Provide inputs to the company's marketing plans, programs, and activities


> Must have excellent marketing and communication skills

> Must have a college degree in Business, Economics, or Marketing Management
> Must have at least three years of work experience in a comparable marketing
> Must be forward-looking and innovative

Q. What is NOT needed to apply for the position?

(A) Residence in Houston

(B) Good communication skills
(C) Experience in marketing
(D) A Business degree

2 refers to the following letter,

Ms. Joanna Wallace

Chief Financial Officer
Anderson Trading Corp.
I am pleased to recommend Mr. Alex Kendall for the position of apprentice trader. Mr.
Kendall was my student in Marketing at the University of Chicago. He excelled not
only in academics but also in leadership, particularly as student council chairman.
He was also a chairman of the College Honors Society.
Mr. Kendall has strong persuasive skills and a very positive work outlook that should
make him a valuable member of your organization.
With my best wishes,
Charles B. Kettering

Q, What is NOT mentioned as a reason to hire Alex Kendall?

(A) He studied marketing.
(B) He has been exposed to leadership.
(C) He was very influential.
{D} He earned a scholarship.

3 refers to the following e-mail.

To: j,
Subject: Verification of Order
Dear Ms, Roberts,
About our telephone conversation this morning, I would like to confirm your order
for the following:
- 10kg, Australian Butter
[ - 8kg. Magnus Low-Fat Margarine
' - 6kg. Keaton's Apple Juice
- 6kg. Sora Orange Marmalade
Please expect delivery sometime tomorrow afternoon.
Albert Ferguson
Manager, Prism Foods Store

Q. What is NOT an item that was ordered?

(A) Jam
(B) Margarine
(C) Beverage
(D) Fruit

4 refers to the following report.

For the first time in years. UNDP has teamed up with private sector partners to
improve the quality of life disaster-affected communities around the world.
Some of the water and sanitation proiects are being financed by the United
Nations Foundation, Sunnyside, Brannex, Ochinco insurance, and the Jet Cola
Company have signed agreements with UNDP to fund water supply and sanitation
development projects in the affected areas.
In addition, Sunnyside, a telecommunications company, was the first private
sector company to partner with the UNDP. The MED project is providing capacity
development training and has established a program that reconstructs damaged
schools. The initial contribution of $213,000 from the Sunnyside Relief Trust Fund
will be utilized well.

Q. What is NOT mentioned as a form of assistance?

(A) Distribution of water
(B) Waste disposal systems
(C) School construction
(D) An internet infrastructure

5 refers to the following report.

One of the Mitchell Motor Company's main British plants remained closed today
by an unofficial strike, even though the company's assembly line workers have
accepted a pay increase. About 550 maintenance technicians are on strike at the
High Tower factory in northern England. In response, Mitchell has let go 8,000
assembly line workers there.
Mitchell's 32,000 assembly-line workers voted to accept a 6.2 percent pay increase
this week. But the technicians argued that they were losing against unskilled workers
and threatened to spread their strike to other plants. The strike has forced a halt in
the production of vans at its facility in southern England.

Q. What is NOT a result of the strike?

(A) Assembly line workers were laid off.
(B) New technicians were hired.
(C) The plant remained closed.
(D) Van production was stopped.

6 refers to the following announcement.

Attention Passengers

Only one percent of all luggage is lost, but if the initial on-the-spot search by the
airline representative fails, the traveler should write down a description of the
luggage and hand it in to the Customer Relations Office before leaving the airport
If the luggage is still missing alter several days, the traveler should file a claim
form. Airlines are liable for damages up to $800. For luggage worth more than
$800, "excess valuation protection" is available at rates of 10 per $100 of coverage
Maximum coverage is $25,000, and some policies exclude particularly valuable or
fragile items,

Q. What does the special insurance plan NOT cover?

(A) Very breakable items
(B) Items over $800 in value
(C) Items without personal labels
(D) Luggage that is lost

l uy rvi iv-n >y (ji iw» 7 „ - nhiJng^ cau hdi dang nay thUcfng gSy
nhieu ap li/c cho cac thi sinh. Khi gap nhufng cau hoi n^y, di4u quan trpng la tuygt d6i khong
dddc phan doan mOt each chu quan, xa rdi ndi dung van b4n. NhQng dap an mang tinh chu
quan nhu vay thudng la cac dap an sal.

■• .

heth6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

Nhflng cau h6i suy luAn chl di cap tcfi th^ loai cua van ban la nhflng cAu hoi
y^u c^u suy ludn tim ra dap an dung chi qua mot vki ttt gpi y.
• What is suggested about the article?
Bai bao nay gefi y dieu gi?

• What is implied about the letter?

B0(c thu am ch! di^u gi?

• What can be inferred about the article?

Co ihe! suy ra diiqc di^u gi tu bai bao nay?

Ngoai ra con co nhflng cdu hbi diia ra gpi y va yeu cdu tim gdi y do 6 mot doan
van hoac cau van cu th6'.
• What day's seminar probably will be most helpful to Mr, Cho?
Ngay hgi rhao nao cd tM se hiiu ich nhSt cho ngai Cho?

• For whom is Mr, Garner's presentation most likely intended?

Bai phat bidu cua ngai Garner co vt? hddng cdi doi tiiong nao nhar?

bI quyet lAm bAi

Vdi c&u hdi dang "suy iuan + gdi y", ta tim gdi y trong vSn bin r6i tim dap an dung 6
xung quanh gpi y do.
Vdi cau hoi dang "suy luan + loai van ban", day la dqng c&u hdi yeu cau thi sinh giii
quyet cau hdi chi qua mot vai td gdi y nen tUdng doi phtfc tap. Vdi dang cau hdi nay,
chi cd each ket hop gidi quyet cung cau hdi khac thi mdi tidt kidm dddc thfli gian. V(
dy, mOtvanban cd bdn cau hdi (161 den 164), ndu cau 164 lacdu hdi suy luan thi
cac ban nen ghep cac c&u: 161 + 164, 162+164,163+164 dd lam bai hidu qud hdn.

Hinh thLfc ra de
Refers to the following letter.

To: Samuel White

From: Steven Brandy
Re: Nancy Bradshaw's employment status

Nancy Bradshaw has initiated a meeting with the management to discuss her
employment status, given her ongoing leave without pay as of March 29, 2012. As
her current family obligations do not allow for a full-time return. Mrs. Bradshaw has
requested an extension of the unpaid leave period up until September 15, 2012.

At that time, the management and Mrs. Bradshaw will revisit her engagement with
the company. In the meantime, Mrs. Bradshaw will perform specific job tasks on an
as-needed basis, as requested by the Technical Services Department.

Q. What can be inferred about Nancy Bradshaw?

(A) She is a temporary worker.
(B) She works in the Technical Services Department.
(C) She will transfer to another company.
(D) She is going on a long vacation.

Day la dang cau hoi "suy IulIii + danh ttf rieng", do do ta phii rim danh tif rigng
ditoc cau h6i def c4p den (Nancy Bradshaw) d van ban goc r6i suy luan. O phan
cuoi cua van ban In the meantime, Mrs. Bradshaw will perform specific job tasks on
an as-needed basis, as requested by the Technical Services Department cb nghia la c6
Bradshaw se phai chuc hien mot so nghiep vu dac bidt khi duqc phong djch vu
Cong nghe yeu cto. vi (B) la dap an dung. Dap an dung (B)

OETHI MO PHONG Dap an va ph§n t(ch: Trang 97 phan Answer Keys

1 refers to the following letter

Peter Giamov Inc.

Dear Giamov,

Thanks to the support of valued customers such as you, our company is expanding.
As of Monday, July 1, Kamaki Sales Corporation will be located in our new offices
and warehouse building at 401 Grandiosa Boulevard, Tampa, Florida. The telephone
number for this new location is (813) 555-5428. Our Manufacturing Division will
remain at 2550 Santa Fe Avenue, in St. Petersburg.

I have enclosed our most recent brochure on robotic equipment for your review. I
hope you find it interesting.



Q. What is suggested about Peter Giamov Inc.?

(A) It has a plant in Tampa,
(B) It assembles new office buildings.
(C) It is a technology company,
(D) It employs Peter Giamov.

2 Refers to the following e-mail.

To: Alex,
From: Jeff.E@foresters.corn
Subject: Updates

Dear Alex,

We've undertaken many changes over the past few months, and I'd like to get your
take on how things are shaping up. I'd say we're on track to hit our targets for
the year's end. Where do you think our greatest advantage lies in regards to our
competition? We're taking advantage of the economies of scale. We've been able to
reduce our price point, which gives us the competitive edge in pricing.

The top brass has really been pushing our new supply chain. We're also thinking
about expanding this strategy to other segments of the market. It's been tough on
our competition; they just can't keep up. Not only that, but our uniqueness is finally
being perceived by a wider audience. Our breadth really can't be beat. Marketing's
also been doing excellent job on getting that message out.

Let me know your thoughts.


Q. What is implied about the company'?

(A) It is unwilling to change.
(B) It is doing well in the market.
(C) It has trouble with communications.
(D) It lacks a variety of products.

3 refers 1o the following letter.

Dear Mr. Bachnus,

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to work with your company.

As requested, we have evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of your company's

existing cost system and evaluated the desirability of switching from the existing
cost system to an activity based cost system.

Our analysis uses Products X and Y as test cases to understand how the existing
and proposed systems would compute product costs. Based on our study, we have
reached the following conclusions:

Best regards,

Michelle Rodrigo
Simpson and Lee

Q. What can be inferred about Simpson and Lee?

(A) It is a consulting agency.
(B) It is a law firm,
(C) It is an advertising firm.
(D) It is a wholesale business.

4 refers to the following article.

Lakeview Market Research Institute recently conducted a survey to compare the

top Communications companies around the world. Sekia has held the top spot since
1998 when it overtook Cordonus. Now, in the first quarter of 2012, Shapley has
shipped 93 million phones, compared to almost 83 million by Sekia. Shapley also
reported its highest quarterly profit since 2008.

The firm said that its IT and mobile communications division, which manufactures
the smartphones, made a profit of 4.27 million USD during the quarter, as revenues
in the division surged 86% from a year earlier. Shapley will unveil the latest version
of its range of phones later this year. The range has been very popular and helped
overtake the competition to become the world's biggest seller of smart phones.

Q. What is inferred in the article?

(A) Sekia has been expanding since the 1990s.
(B) Sekia has been leading in sales since 2000,
(C) Cordonus is the biggest manufacturer of smartphones.
(D) Shapley has become the leader in smartphone sales.

5 refers to the following instruction.

Thank you for choosing the ElectroGold Cordless Telephone.

To get the most out at your telephone, please read through the manual to learn
about the dozens of new features. These include a speakerphone in the handset
and the base, a spare battery, and a message display screen. Also included is a
new voice-mail indicator to alert you about new messages. Your new phone is also
hearing aid compatible and comes with adjustable volume for the handset and base

If you are short on time, you can lust look through the Quick Guide, which has easy-
to-follow picture guides of how to set up your phone and can help familiarize you with
some of the most basic functions. If you have any questions about how to usethese
features, you can consult the Owner's Manual or just call our award-winning customer
service representatives toll-free at 1-800-ELECTRO (1-800-353-2970)

Q. Who most likely are these instructions intended for?
(A) A lab technician
(B) A phone operator
(C) The products buyer
(D) A person with bad hearing

6 refers to the following guideline.

I. Workplace Basics
All employees of Quinox Information Systems are expected to know and adhere
to company rules and bylaws. As a representative of Quinox Information Systems,
employees are required to perform tasks promptly and efficiently and to be courteous
and impartial in dealing with clients and co-workers. All employees are entitled
to betreated with respect and are encouraged to speak with a human resources
employee if this expectation is not met.

II. Personal Appearance

Although no company-wide rule exists about personal appearance, Quinox
Information Systems expect that all employees dress in a fashion that is appropriate
to their position, A general guideline is to dress in a manner consistent with good
taste and good personal hygiene. Consult a supervisor in regard to any exceptions
to the normal manner of dress.

Q. When will someone probably read this?

(A) When they get promoted
(B) Before they have an interview
(C) When they join the company
{□) When they resign from a position

Q hethCngcacdangcAuhoi

• Why did not the customer cancel the order?

Tai sao khach hang iai huy don hang?

* What problems did the Sales Department experience?

Phong kinh doanh da gap phii nhflng van de gi?

• Why did the company cancel the event?

Tai sao cong ty lai huy sd kien do?

• Why was this package damaged?

Tai sao kien hang nay lai hi hd hai?

• What might happen if passengers board the train?

Se cd chuygn gi xiy ra n&r khach hang lan tau?

Q Bl quy£T LAM BAI

★ Vdi cau h6i not, problem, nhOng dap an mang sac thai tfch cdc la nhDng dap an sai.
★ V6i cau hoi not, problem, dap an dung thudng nam d nhOng phan co chda ICf vdng
mang nghla tieu cdc hoac cdu phu dinh trong vSn b&n goc.
★ Vdi cau hdi if, dap an diing thddng nam 6 mdnh de if, cau menh lenh {"Please + dpng
tCf nguy§n the" hoac "dong t£l nguyen thl"), shou/d/musf trong van ban gd'c.

Refer to the following report.

In cities throughout the country, there is a new direction in local campaign coverage.
Frequently in local elections, journalists are not giving voters enough information to
understand the issues and evaluate the candidates.

The local news media devotes too much time to scandal and not enough time to
policy. If this continues, the number of voters ignorant of the policies and stances ot
politicians will increase. This kind of ignorance can be very damaging to communities
both small and large.

Q. What might happen if local media don't change?

(A) Voters will make better decisions.
(B) Voters will make uninformed decisions.
(C) The number of voters will decrease.
(D) The number of ignorant voters will increase.

Vi diy la cau hoi if n^n ta can tlm menh de ;/va cau menh Ifinh trongvan bin. If
this continues, the number of voters ignorant of the policies and stances of politicians
will increase co nghla "N£u vice nay con titfp ditn thi so cd tri thieu hieu biet ve
cac chinh sach va Up tnffrng cua cac chinh tri gia se tang Un", vi v$y (D) la dap
an dting. Dap an dung (D)

OETHI MO PHdNG Dap vh phan li'ch: Trang 99 phan Answer Keys

1 refers fo the following letter.

Dear Mr. Samm,

My wife and I have enjoyed eating at Samm's for the last several years. Your
hamburgers are the best in town, in our opinion. We tell our friends. However, last
Friday evening we waited in a line of ten people while we watched a lone waitress
frantically scurry around trying to serve too many tables.
After 30 minutes and not getting seated, we decided to leave and went to another
restaurant. Why not hire a second waiter or waitress? And why not enlarge your
restaurant? You have available space to the east. We wish you the best with your
restaurant, and we hope you resolve the problems we encountered.
Harlan and Char Siman

Q. Why did the Simans not stay at Samm's?

(A) They do not like the food.
(A) They do not like the waitress
(C) They prefer Italian food,
(D) They had to wait too long.

2 refer to the following announcement.

Unfortunately, we had canceled our annual anniversary party this April. The Crisis
that our company faced left us far so busy that we couldn't plan the events. It was a
period of great turmoil for every employee, but, thanks to all of your hard work, we
are doing better than ever.

As a way to thank our valued staff, we invite you to attend an evening full of food,
fun, music and awards. Saturday, May 15 will be a night to remember. After a buffet
dinner catered by Kuri s Specialty Foods, we will all enjoy a rare live perlormance
by jazz legend, Francesca Loretto. The party starts at 7 p.m. in the main ballroom
of the elegant Providence Palace Hotel and at 10 p.m., we'll announce this year's
employee of the year.

This is the employee event of the year!

Q. Why did the company cancel the anniversary party?
(A) There was no money for the party.
(B) There was no venue for the party.
(C) There was no time for the party.
(D) There was no interest in the party.

3 refers to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Landers,

I run 'Snips' hairdressing shop above Mr. Shah's chemist's shop at 24 High Street. I
started the business 20 years ago and it is now very successful. My customers have
to walk through the chemist's to the stairs at the back, which lead to my shop. This
has never been a problem,

Mr. Shah plans to retire later this year, and I have heard from a business acquaintance
that you intend to rent the shop space to a hamburger bar. I have thought about trying
to rent it myself and make my shop bigger but I cannot persuade anyone to lend me
that much money. I don't know what to do. My customers come to the hairdresser's
to relax and the noise and smells of a burger bar will surely drive them away. If there
is anyway you could help me expand my business, please let me know,

Alexis Sanders

Q. What problem is Alexis facing?

(A) Paying rent
(B) Walking through Shah's shop
(C) Raising funds for expansion
(D) Relaxing her customers

4 refers to the following letter.

Dear Sirs,

Your shipment of twelve thousand 'Smart' watches was received by our company
this morning. However, we wish to make a complaint concerning the serious delay in
delivery and your failure to carry out our explicit instructions with regard to this order.
It was stressed from the outset that the delivery date had to be less than six weeks
from the initial order, in order to comply with our own customers' requirements.

While we appreciate that delays in production are occasionally inevitable, we must

point out that the major reason why the order was placed with your company was
because we were assured by you that your existing stocks were sufficiently high
to ensure immediate shipment. If it happens again, it is bound to have an adverse
effect on potential future orders.

Q. What might happen if there is another delay?

(A) They won't order from the company again.
(B) They will complain again.
(C) They will order more watches.
(D) They will go out of business.

5 refers to the following article.

Unemployment was the overriding fact of life when Franklin D. Roosevelt

became president of the United Slates on March 4, 1933. The government did not
systematically collect statistics of joblessness, actually it did not start doing so until
1940. The Bureau of Labor Statistics later estimated that 12,830,000 persons were
out of work in 1933.

Roosevelt signed the Federal Emergency Relief Act on May 12, 1933, A gifted
administrator, Harry L. Hopkins was appointed 1o run FERA. He gathered a small
staff in Washington and brought the state relief organizations into the FERA system.
While the agency tried to provide all the necessities, food came first. Since there
was no cost of living, city dwellers usually got an allowance for fuel, and rent for one
month was provided in case of eviction.

Q, What problems did city dwellers in the 1930's face?
(A) Paying rent for their homes
(B) Buying new cars
(C) Moving into bigger houses
{□} Buying new toys for kids

6 refers to the following letter.

Dear Kathy,

Thank you for taking the time to get together with us yesterday. We have a better
understanding of your project's needs now, and we've started looking at ways to
adapt our software to meet your requirements. I've asked Peter Bodell to prepare
a document for you that indicates when the Training and Consulting Department
could start providing services to you. He'll send this information to you directly.

As agreed, let's set up a meeting for the week of November 26 by which time our
engineers will be able to outline their approaches to your departmental needs, and
we'll have the information we need to put together a contract. In the meantime,
please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



Q. What might happen if Kathy has a question?

(A) She'll set up a meeting.
(B) She'll ask Alex,
(C) She'll change her project.
(D) She'll sign a contract.

f CAU HOI PHAN TICH (Tren 7 cau trong fle mot nam)

Cac cSu hoi co indicate about, mention about, state about, say about chinh la cac cSu h6i
phan tich, moi ky xuat hien khoang trgn 7 cSu, trong do xu^t hien thddng xuyan rMt chinh
la dang cau h6i indicate about. 0^ gi^i quy^t nhOng cSu nay, ta tlm trong van bSn nhOng gai
V xung quanh (cym) danh tit duqc de cSp den say tCr about 6 cau h6i.

O h£ th6ng cAc dang cau h6i

• What is indicated about pricing?

DiS'u diicfc nhac ddn vd djnh gia la gi?

• What is mentioned about Optima Design?

Dieu difcfc dc c4p den \i Optima Design la gi?

• What is stated about UBTC?

Dieu dude noi de'n y€ UBTC la gi?

What does the announcement say about costs?

N6i dung thong bao ndi gi W? gia cA?


★ Tim trong van ban (cum) danh tti hoac tif dong nghTa vdi (cum) danh ttf di sau
indicate (menfton, state, say) about dMc de cap den d cau h6i,
★ Dap an dung thudng se nAm xung quanh (cum) danh t£t hoSc tCt dong nghTa do.

Refer to the following e-mail.

Dear Mr. Fames,

This is to advise you that, for a limited period of time, we are reducing prices on
certain items in our catalog. Take a moment to review the enclosed brochure, I have
circled in red ink the items that are temporarily reduced.

If you wish to order large quantities, give me a call and we will try to work out
mutually acceptable terms and conditions. In any event, get your order in, as these
prices are only in effect until November 25.


Mark Thomas

Q. What is indicated about pricing?

(A) It will be discounted for some items.
(B) It will decrease after November 25th.
{C) It is not shown in the catalog,
(D) It is the same for all quantities.

Vl day la cau hoi vd n6i dung difo'c di cdp ddn vd gia ca nen ta can tim danh tit
pricing di sau indicated about de tim ra daiu moi trong van ban. Thdng qua cau I
have circled in red ink the items that are temporarily reduced, xuac hiSn it phan dau
van bdn ta cd th£ bift ditdc rang chi mot s6 sdn phifm dtfoc giam gia, do do dap
an dung la (A). Dap an dung (A)

DlTHI MO PHta Dap an va phSn tfch: Trang 101 pMn Answer Keys

refers to the following memo.

To: Department Heads

From: Debbie Kim
Subject: Annual Bonus Leave

Starting January 1, we will introduce the following modification in our company policy
with regard to annual leave: every year one employee from each department will be
awarded special annual bonus leave for outstanding performance.

The eligible employees will have five additional days of annual leave. The bonus
leave will be accounted for separately and will remain available until used,
notwithstanding any other limitation on the total number of days of annual leave that
may be carried forward,

Q. What is indicated about the company?

(A) It gives some employees additional leave.
(B) It rewards employees with cash bonuses.
(C) It does not pay people who are on leave.
{D) It will increase its monthly leave time,

2 reters to the following article.

Building an Image
Businesses may use advertising for the objective of building a company or brand
image. Insurance agencies often attempt to position themselves as trustworthy by
guaranteeing that consumers can count on them in their time of need. Car dealers use
advertising to establish a reputation for fairness and honesty. Retailers may attempt
to create an image of always offering the lowest prices or providing the best service
Changing Perceptions
An advertising objective may be to alter the perceptions of the public. A business
that has developed a reputation in the community for treating customers poorly can
use advertising to tout its new customer-service policy. The owner of a restaurant
that is perceived to serve an upscale clientele may advertise new menu choices and
prices to appeal to a wider range ot diners.

Q. What is indicated about advertising?
(A) It is the same for ail customers.
(B) It can change customers' mind.
(C) It is often poorly designed.
(D) it helps reach a broader audience,

3 refers to the following article.

Do you really want to change careers?

! Think about whether it is really your career that you want to change. Be very specific
about what you do and don't (ike about your current work, it may be your role, your
boss, the working environment or your terms and conditions. Think about exactly
what would make your working life more enjoyable. Make sure you explore your
options and don't rush the process. You may find that you can change a job in a less
drastic way, for example:

I - Finding another job in the same sector (i.e. at another University or College if
you are an academic)
- Change sector (for example, move from the academic to the private sector/
industrial research, the charity sector)
- Modify your existing job (by going part-time and pursuing another interest, finding
a second opportunity or getting involved in another project).

Q. What is mentioned about changing jobs?

(A) It is important to like your supervisor.
(B) It is effective to explore other industries.
(C) It is better to study before changing.
(D) It is easier to work in the same sector.

4 refers to the following e-mail.

; To: Managers

I have received numerous complaints from various departmental representatives. I am

concerned about employee relations in our office during this period of restructuring.
Experiencing some difficulty is unavoidable but people should not be discouraged
from expressing their feelings. I believe this requires immediate remediation.

Moving forward, I recommend that an HR representative review all written directives

to employees. Additionally, I recommend that all Halbin managers who supervise
employees attend formal training on discipline, communication, emotional intelligence
and sound management skills for handling challenging situations.

Richard Halbin

Q. What does the announcement say about written directives?

(A) They will be reviewed by the CEO.
(B) They must be read by everyone.
(C) They should be reviewed by HR.
(D) They will not be monitored

5 refers to the following letter.

Dear Mrs. Hawkins,

Im writing to thank you far purchasing our Knowledge + Information System. I'm
confident that you will be pleased with the decision-making information you now
have at your fingertips. It is our pleasure to serve you!
Since you must be anxious to get the most out of your new software, I'm sure
you will be interested in our training services. For $525, our skilled representatives
will be able to train your staff on your premises, over a three-day, two-hour-per-
day intensive program. We will ensure that your staff will be able to operate your
Knowledge + package in order to achieve maximum results. This includes training
in database management, custom report generation, forecasting and querying.
| Thank you for your business.

I Janice Kang

Q. What is stated about the training program?
(A) It is a self-directed.
(B) It takes a week to set up.
(C) It is included with the product,
(D) It is offered on site.

6 refers to the following e-mail.


To whom it may concern,

I read about CreduSend's retail management training program in College Graduate

Magazine and I would like to inquire about the possibility of openings. I am interested
in retail management and am planning to relocate to the New York City in a career
area in the near future. I would be interested in learning more about the company
and about available opportunities.

I have a degree in Management and Business, as well as retail experience as a Sales

Associate. In addition, I completed two internships focusing on retail management.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about
this exciting opportunity.

Geoff King

Q, What is indicated about Geoff King?

(A) He lives in New York City.
{B) He has experience in retail.
(C) He has a Master's in Business Administration.
(D) He included a letter of recommendation

cau we i co (tOI y dAp an nAm or phAn
dAu hoAc phAn cuoi vAn bAn
(Tren 1 cau trong tfe moi nam]

CSu h6i co gOi y dap an nam d^u van bSn thudng la vS phan Ifch doi ti/dng, joai hinh cdng
ty, phan tich dia dilm, Cau h6i co gdi y n^m cudi van bin thudng la vd phuong phap hoac
hanh ddng/sir ki^n xSy ra tidp theo. Nhdng cau h6i dang nay tUdng ddi de n§n cac ban chu
y on tap dd Idm bai cho tdt.

O heth6ngcacdangcAuh6i

11 Nhflng cau hoi co goi y cua dap an diing nam <V phan dau van ban.

Doi tiio'ng
Who would be interested in this advertisement?
Ai se quan lam tdi quang cao nay?

For whom is this advertisement intended?

Quang cao nay dinh hifdng dd'n ai?

Loai hinh kinh doanh

What sort ot business does the company conduct?
C6ng ty nay lam vd linh vuc gi?

What kind of company is Phoenix?

Phoenix la loai cong ty gi?

Dia diem/xuaft xii

Where will employees be during the inspection?
Cac nhan vidn se ci dau khi cupc thanh tra didn ra?

2 I Nhufng cau hoi co gdi y cua dap an dung ndm d phan cuoi van ban.

Phddng phap
How can people set up an interview?
Ngdcfi ca dan ddng mpt budi phong vSh nhd chd nao?

How should interested parlies contact the agency?

Cac bdn quan ram lidn lac vcfi cdng ty chu quan bang each nao?

Vi£c xiy ra tiep theo
What will Sharon do next?
Sharon se lam gi tiep theo?

When will the next events most likely be held?

Khi nao thi cac s\i kien tiep theo se xiy ra?


★ Dap an dung cCia cac cau h6i ve doi tddng, loai hinh kinh doanh, dia dilm, xu^t xir
thUdng nam d phan ddu van ban,
★ Dap an dung cua cac cau hoi phirdng phap, hanh dong hoac sir viec tiep theo
thucing nam d phan cuoi vSn bSn.

Hlnh thifc ra de
Refer to the following e-mail.

Date: November 15, 10:30 a.m.

From: Rebecca Geiger (r.geiger@AMmail,com)
To: Karen LeBlanc (
Subject; Managers' Meeting
I'd like to schedule a meeting for 6:00 this evening, t know it's late, so I thought
we could order take-out and make it a dinner meeting. As you are aware, the new
employees will be coming in tomorrow morning for their training session.
I'd like to discuss the training schedule with you so that we can be aware of what
each department will be doing, I plan to stop in on any session that I might be able
to contribute to, and would like them to be spread out. If you need to change the
time, let me know.

Q. Who are these training sessions intended for?

(A) New employees
(B) Managers
(C) Karen LeBlanc
(D) Rebecca Geiger

Day la cau hoi ve <36i tucfng nen cac ban can doc ky phan dau cua van ban, Vi
d phan dau cua van ban co cdu the new employees will be coming in tomorrow
morning for their training session nen (A) la dap an dung. Dap an dung (A)

OE THI MO PHdNG Oapan v& phan tich: Trang 104 ph^n Answer Keys

relers to the following announcement.

As you are aware, we at Ella will be having our annual conference next month.
Headquarters has asked that employees from every branch participate either by
attending or giving a presentation at the conference. As usual, the CEO wit) be
giving the opening presentation, but there are three spots reserved for our branch's
employees. One slot has been filled by Martin Jacobs, who will be presenting on
Marketing with new technology. Those who are interested in giving a presentation
should contact Anna Choi in Human Resources ( with your
intended topic and desired slot.
The slots still open tor the Boston branch are at 2;00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Last year, Mark Walton's presentation on marketing with social media really impressed
the other branches. I look forward to seeing what our employees can do this year

Q. Who is this announcement intended for?

(A) The CEO of Ella
(B) Human Resources
(C) Potential presenters
(D) Mark Walton

2 refers to the following e-mail.

Subject: New Hires
Dear Mr. Kim,
I met with customer service recently, and it has come to my attention that our
customer base has expanded. Because of this, it seems necessary that we should
also increase the number of employees that deal directly with our customers for
repairs and installations. You have been authorized to recruit five new members,
preferably ones with relevant training and experience so that they can start soon.
Customer service has told me that fewer and fewer of our clients are receiving the
kind of service that we guarantee. I'm sure that the crews are doing their best to
meet the demands and am aware that they are at no fault. The CEO has already
approved the expansion of the installation and repair crews, so we hope that you
can start interviewing new people as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Eric Rivera

Q. For whom is this e-mail intended?
(A) A crew member
(B) A customer
(C) A customer service representative
(D) A hiring supervisor

3 reters to the following advertisement.

The VIP online reward points system enables customers to easily take advantage of
our incentives program and provides the opportunity through one convenient online
portal. VIP provides clients with:
- A flexible online points banking reward system
- Total control and management of their points and choices of reward
- One portal, suitable for both long and short term contracts
- An effective, simple, and easy to use platform
- Incentive schemes for individual participants to earn reward points
i - Thousands of online rewards including gift vouchers, experience days, DVDs, and
electrical items

Our online points system is open to all customers who sign on to an exclusive
contract with our company.

Q. How can customers qualify for the awards program?

(A) By registering with the company
(B) By signing an exclusivity agreement
(C) By managing their own points
(D) By going online

4 refers to the following announcement.

We're proud of our internship program at WGN: Virtually every department at the
radio station has at least one former intern as an employee. Read on to learn what
internships we offer, what requirements we have, what you might expect in a WGN
internship, and how to apply.

WGN News interns get nonstop hands-on experience in a newsroom at the heart
of the Chicago Tribune editorial operation - interviewing reporters and newsmakers;
generating story ideas: editing digital audio; writing scripts; assisting with news
coverage: preparing audio, video and text for; processing network
audio feeds; taking calls from listeners, reporters and newsmakers. News internship
shifts are available 24/7, throughout the calendar year. Students earning credit
preferred. E-mail resume and cover letter to Justin,

Q. How should interested candidates apply for the program?

(A) By going to the studio
(B) By e-mailing Justin Swain
(C) By calling Justin Swain
(D) By mailing their resume

5 refers to the following letter.

To: Chris Reeves

From: Hye-Eon Shin
Subject: Relocation Service

Dear Mr. Reeves,

Thank you for contacting me. I believe that we at Prudential will be able to help
you move your firm as well as help you find and hire accountants once you've
been moved. Prudential Relocation offers flexibility and choice on a wide range of
mobility services designed to maximize your company's investment and ensure the
satisfaction of your relocating employees.

With offices throughout Asia, we provide a full range of mobility services where and
when you need them. Our service encompasses not only traditional home finding,
settling-in, and departure services, but also educational consulting, furniture
rental, WorldQ expatriate employee assistance, global travel intelligence, Meristar
Insurance, MNBA Credit Card, and International AutoSource.

Q. What sort of business does Ms. Shin operate?

(A) A service business
(B) A consulting business
(C) An accounting firm
(D) An insurance company

6 refers to the following letter.

Dear Downtown Business Association,

My name is Jason Thompson. I run a focal market, and I'd like to bring to your
attention my interest in starting a monthly Saturday Market in the downtown area.
There are already a few shops near mine that I know are interested in participating
in such a market.

I think that this market would be of great advantage for all those who participate
in it. It will give them and their customers a chance to be exposed to businesses
from other areas that they might not be familiar with. With your agreement, I'd like
to reach out to more stores around the city and drum up more interest. 1 think this
will be a great opportunity for all involved and look forward to hearing your answer.


! Jason Thompson

Q. What will Mr. Thompson probably do next?

(A) Contact other store-owners
(B) Make fliers for the market
(C) Design booths for the market
(D) Call the Downtown Business Association

PhSn thi doc hieu co nhi4u nhat \k bon cau h6i tit v^ng nen cac thi sinh tuy$t ddi khong
dircfc lam sai nhOng cau h6i nay, C^c cftu h6i ttf vi/ng dUdc chia ra lam ba loai la: W dong
nghra ve nghTa tC/ dien, ti/ dong nghra ve m$t nghia ngiif cSnh tCT dong nghTa da nghTa.

he th6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

The word esfimafedin paragraph 2, line 5 is closest in meaning to

Tit estimated is dong 5 doan 2 gan nghTa nhd't vdi tu nao?

bI quyet lAm bAi

Vdi cac cau h6i ve tCf ddng nghTa ve mat nghTa th dien, thi sinh cSn chpn t£l co nghTa
trong td dien gan nhat vdi tif dddc dua ra.
Vi dp; venue = location, lease = rent, food = meal.
Vdi cac cau hdi ve td d6ng nghTa ve mat nghTa ngO cdnh, cdc thi sinh can chpn tdtuy
cd nghTa trong td di^n khac vdi td dddc dua ra nhung ipi cd th^ thay thd' td do trong
v&n ban goc.
Vi dp: analyze = evaluate, negotiable = changebale, value = bargain.
Vdi cac cau hoi ve td dong nghTa da nghTa, thi sinh can chpn td cd nghTa gan nhat vdi
mot trong so nhidu nghTa cua td dddc dda ra.
Vf du; appreciate = understand = thank = approve = recognize.

Hinh thifc ra de
Refer to the following e-mail.

Sub: E-mail Maintenance

Id just like to remind you all to archive your old e-mail messages and delete the
unimportant messages in your inbox. Doing this regularly will keep your Inbox free
of clutter, which will help you keep track of all important messages, dates, and

Matsui Hatakeyama

Q. The word delete in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) remove
(B) copy
(D) store

Clion tit co nghia trong tit difo gan nghta vdi tvf delete nhat. Dap an dung (A)

OETHI MO PHONG Dap An vA phAn t(ch: Trang 106 phSn Answer Keys

1 refers to the foltowing article.

City Hall announced early this morning that starting this week, it plans to analyze
traffic patterns throughout the city. The reason behind this is that the city will be
revamping the bus routes. An official guarantees residents, those who rely on the
public transit system for work, that the new routes will still be easy to navigate.
The city hopes that these new bus routes will help to reduce congestion in certain
areas of the city. This will be of benefit to all residents in the city as well as the
;; suburbs.

Q. The word analyze in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to

(B) announce
{C) evaluate
(D) modify

2 refers to the following memo.

DATE: June 7th

TO: AH employees
FROM: Joseph Lavigne, SysManagement

The CEO announced earlier this week that we will be using an internet program
to manage projects. This new program will be beneficial to all employees as it will
provide an easy-to-use, easy-to-access schedule and messaging system, using
this program, all employees will be able to see what each department is working on.

This new system will come into effect next month, so all staff members should
prepare accordingly.
Q, The word internet in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to
(A) survey
{B) online
(C) share
(D) secure

3 refers to the following advertisement.

Shred-it would like to announce that it is having its annual sate! Shred-it works
with customers to develop secure shredding services program designed to meet
their specific business needs. This program offers protection from identity theft, and
guarantees an unbroken chain of custody. And, when business needs change, so
do the shredding services - to meet those needs.

Protect your reputation and your information with a shredding service program tftfcrt '
meets your current and changing business needs. These are the advantages of
having Shred-it as your document destruction partner.

Q. The word sale in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to,

(A) business
(B) discount
(C) closing
(D) advantage

4 refers to the following e-mail.

Subject: Feedback

Hey, Tom. I was wondering if you could give me your input on these two mockups I
made for the ad campaign you messaged me about last week.

The first one follows your guidelines more literally and will appeal specifically to
your target audience alone. The second mockup, I feel, wilt appeal more broadly to
a general audience of all people in that age range. Let me know what you think and
if you need something new made up.



Q. The word input in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to
(A) discussion
(B) opinion
(D) poll

5 refers to the following article.

Progressive Business Leaders Network said it is changing its name to the Consortium
for Business Leadership to reflect its new agenda. According to the Boston-based
alliance, its new name underscores its role as a nonpartisan alliance of business
leaders committed to sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all.

In a press release, a spokesperson said, "Our aim is to redefine and revitalize the
role of business leadership in society" and he added that it is focused on economic
development and jobs, health promotion, and responsible government.

Q. The word alliance in paragraph 1, line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) partisan
{C) development
(D) network

6 refers to the following announcement.

The NatuRidge Research Institute will be holding a workshop later this month to
announce and discuss recent discoveries and progress made in salvaging polluted
land. Leading researchers in this field will be giving presentations and holding
smaller group workshops.

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please visit the NatuRidge Research
Institute's website to reserve your seat as soon as possible. Once you've reserved
your seat, be sure to check the schedule and sign up for any of the sessions that
are of interest to you,

Q. The word holding in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) reserving
(B) building
(C) sustaining
(D) hosting





ontAptheo cacdangvAnbAn

30 Thu' (Letter)/Thu1 dien tu (E-mail)

31 Quang cao (Advertisement)

32 Thong bao (Notice & Announcement)

33 Bao chi (Article & Report)

34 Thong bao noi b6 (Memo)

35 Van ban hitong dan (Information)

36 Man giay Ui (Form) va mot so

dang van ban khac

37 Doan van kep (Double Passages)


Thy >/n mail ba van ban tien dung nan quan mat thiel den tj. >1 song smh hoat hang
ngay va cong viec kinh doanh nen moi ky thi thddng co den ba v&n ban dang nay, chiem
42% ph^n thi doc hilu.

h6 th6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

Chu Ai
What is the purpose ol the e-mail?
Muc dich cua e-mail nay la gi?

—> Ngoai trii m6t s6 trudng hop dac biet, dap an dilng chu y£u thiidng nam d
doan van dau tien.

H6i v€ yeu cau

What is James asked to do?
James ditpc ySu clu lam gi?

—> Dap an dting nim 6 irnSnh de if) cau m^nh Itinh, should, must thticmg xuat
hi^n b doan van cudi,

V^t ctinh kem

What is enclosed with this letter?
Cai gi dupe gUi kem vdi la thu nay?

—> Dap an dung thu dug nam quanh nhUng cau c6 cac tU nhu enclosed, included,
attached, sent.


★ X^ic djnh thong tin ngadi gtti (xudt hi0n trudc) va ngUdi nhan {xuat hi§n sau).
★ Dqc de muc trUdc khi doc vSn ban chinh.
★ 0oc ky phan dau co d6 c$p den chu va mpc dich vidt thu.

Ghi nhof c^u true cua mot la thit/e-mail

co th£ lam bai nhanh chong va dl dang thi sinh phai ghi nhd ky cau triic
cua mot bile thif/e-mail.

Oja chi, ten, thong tin Wicks Ltd.

cong ty cua ngddi gii 123 Boston Blvd.
Green bay, Wl 21002
Ngay viet thit June 14, 2012
Ms. Brittney Smith
555 8th Street
Chicago, IL 65430
Muc dich, ly do vietth Thank you for mtervtewmg with Wicks Ltd., for the position of marketing assistant.
We are pleased to make you an offer of employement.
Ngi dung chi hoac Enclosed you will find a contract details - the salary and terms of employment We
tcii lidu dinh k0m ask that you sign one copy and return it to us and keep one copy for your records
Noi dung dan do va Further details are explained in the enclosed relocation agreement, which you
yeu cau should read, sign and return along with your contract. If you have any questions
in the meantime, i can be reached at 234-8849,
Chao cudi thd Sincerely,
Ten, chile vu, chfl ky Paul Battle
cua ngddi gdi Director, Human resources
Wicks Ltd.

DETH1 MO PHONG Dap Sn va ph&n tich: Trang 108 phsin Answer Keys

1-3 refer to the following e-mail.

To; Joanne,
Subject: Renze
I'd like to meet with your team later this week to discuss the future of the Renze tine
as well as brainstorm a few ideas for other products that will be coming out next
year. I'll attach a summary of each product we'll be discussing in the meeting so that
you can review them.
I'd like to personally thank you and your marketing team tor doing a fabulous job
on the recent Renze advertisements. Your use of up-and-coming talent from the art
communities was a brilliant idea. The advertisements worked better than we had
ever dreamed that they would. Everyone in the company is very proud of the effort
that your team put in with this project, I know it couldn't have been easy,
if any of the ideas are half as innovative as your work on the last project, i know I'll
be impressed. Please keep the good ideas coming.

1. What is the main purpose of the 3. What is the marketing division being
e-mail? asked to do?
(A) To describe a new product {A} Think of progressive ideas
(B) To announce a new advertising (B) Develop activities for training
campaign (C) Discuss a consumer survey
(C) To request a meeting (D) Reduce the numbers of new ads
(D) To invite Joanne to a celebration

2. According to the e-mail, why were

the Renze advertisements special?
(A) They were designed by rising
(B) They appeal to a small
(C) They eftectively described the
(D) They were wntten by a famous

4-6 refer to the following letter.
r . -v
Dear Mr. Greensburg,

On June 1 last year you submitted your resume to our personnel department.
Unfortunately, at that time we had no openings relevant to your qualifications.
Regardless of this fact, all of us here at Cybertech were very impressed by your
wealth of experience and outstanding recommendations.

On behalf of Cybertech, I am pleased to inform you that we currently have several

openings at our Pittsburgh branch that we would like to invite you to apply for.
Our current openings are in Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, and Customer
Relations. For more detailed information on the responsibilities and requirements of
each position, please visit our website.

If you are interested in any of the positions, you may apply through the process on
our website. Since we already have your resume, though, you may want to skip this
procedure. To schedule an interview, please call our Human Resources department
at 555-8692. If you would like to send an updated version of your resume, you may
email it to me, and I will update your file.

Please be aware that, since these positions have many applicants, your application
must be postmarked no later than February 1.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Adam McKinney
Human Resources ,

4. What is the purpose of the letter? i 6. What is NOT indicated as a way to
(A) To reject an employment apply?
application. (A) Visiting a website
(B) To schedule a meeting with Mr. (B) Going to an office
Greensburg (C) Sending an e-mail
(C) To announce the opening of a (D) Making a phone call
new building
(D) To provide information on job

5. When is the deadline for applying to

(A) On January 17
(B) On February 1
(C) On May 25
{□) On June 1

7-8 refer to the following letter.

You are all receiving this letter to recognize Regina Kahn's extraordinary achievement
in relation to the brake pad project. No other employee put as much hard work and
dedication into this project as Ms. Kahn did, and the results that she achieved were
a real boost for this company.

Without her on this project, we highly doubt that it would have achieved the same
level of results as it did. Through the feedback from our clients, it is highly evident
that Regina's contributions were the main reason that this project succeeded.

We once again want to thank Regina for her extraordinary effort.

Best Regards,

The Management

7. What is the purpose of the letter? 8. What is indicated about Ms, Khan?
(A) To announce a new product (A) She has been named Employee
(B) To provide feedback on a project of the Month.
(C) To inform employees of a new (B) She has worked on the brake pad
policy project.
(D) To report on a recent outstanding (C) She has been promoted to
accomplishment management.
(D) She has recently joined the

9-10 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Ms. Ichtkawa

From; Matt Morgan
Subject: Feedback

Thank you for your e-mail inquiry. We at Carrey Parcel always appreciate hearing
feedback from our customers and clients. We were very happy to hear that you
were satisfied with your recent purchase.

I am happy to inform you that the designer of the shoes that you inquired about
works for our company. The name of our designer is Marco Santini. If you'd like to
see more of his work, please visit his website. And please keep an eye out for our
line that wilt be released next season. Mr. Santini will be personally designing every

To thank you for your feedback, we would like to supply you with a special offer. If
you present this e-mail to a staff member during your next visit, you will receive a
35% discount on any purchase that you make.

Thank you again.

Matt Morgan
Carrey Parcel

9. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 10. What will Ms. Ichikawa most likely
(A) To express gratitude fake to the store on her next visit?
(B) To advertise new products {A) A picture of the shoes that she
(C) To announce a new designer wants
(D) To acquire feedback from {B} A fashion magazine
customers {C) A copy of the message
(D) A newsletter from the store

11-13 refer 1o the following letter.

Dear Samantha Lopes,

Thank you for your continued interest in our company's literary journals, ! am very
pleased that we will finally be meeting soon. The entry that you submitted recently
is by far the best work that we have received from you. I am very happy to let you
know that you were nominated by one of our editors for the final round of the New
Writers' Award. I am even happier to announce to you and your loved ones that you
have won the award.

Normally, we would hold a press conference in May. Unfortunately, since our staff
has been under a bit of duress of late, that conference has been cancelled. Our
company will be moving to an office building in Phoenix, Arizona.

Please do not worry, as you will still be receiving the award even though the
company is leaving Philadelphia, you are living. I would like to now formally invite
you and your family to join us in Phoenix. The company will, of course, pay for the
trip since it is so inconvenient and unexpected for you.

Please contact my office to make arrangements for the trip. I'm looking forward to
seeing you there.

Best Regards,

Maxwell Pennycake
V. , , , , J

11. Why has the conference been 13. What is Maxwell Pannycake hoping to
canceled? do?
(A) Ms. Lopes cannot attend the (A) Meet with Ms. Lopes in Phoenix
conference. (B) Hire Ms. Lopes as a writer
{B) Mr. Pennycake will be on (C) Have Ms, Lopes rewrite her book
vacation at that time, (D) Obtain more work from Ms. Lopes
(C) Mr. Pennycake's company is
undergoing some change.
(D) Ms. Lopes cannot afford to go to

12. Where is the Maxwell Pannycake

presently located?
(A) In Denver
(B) In Baltimore
(C) In Phoenix
(D) in Philadelphia



1. Qu^ng cao tuyen dgng

Chu 6i
Whal position is being advertised?
Vj tri nao dang diidc tuyen dung?

—> Dap an dung thudng nam cf phan ddu cua van ban.

Didu ki^n
What is a requirement for the position?
Yeu c3u cho vj tri dang dtidc tuyen dung la gi?

Dap an dung thudng njm d doan van thd hai hoac thd ba.

Phtfcmg phap tuyd'n dung

How should the candidate apply tor the job?
0ng vien dug tuy&i cho vi tri bang each nao?

Dap an dung thifdng nam d doan van cu6i cung.

2. Quang cao thtfdng mai

Chu dd
What is being advertised?
Cai gi dang dridc quang cao?

—> Dap an dung nam cf phan dau cua van ban.

D6i tridng
For whom is this advertisement intended?
Quang cao niy dinh htiring trii ai?

—> Dap an dung tbiiring nam ri phan dtiu cua van ban.

Dac difim s^n pham
What is NOT a feature of the product?
San pham khong co dac difi'm nao?

^ Dap an dung thirtmg nim d nhG'ng can co xuaft hien feature, advantage,
benefit, differ, ph^p so sanh.


★ Vdi quang cao tuyen dung, can doc ky vj trf duoc tuyen dung va cac dieu kien, pham
chcit ma cac dng vien can co.
—> Tim cac tu am chi dieu kien, pham chat.

★ Vdi quang cao thUOng mai, cdn xac djnh rd s^n pham difdc quang cao, d^c diem cia
san pham do, du dai gi^m gia, each mua,...
-> Dap an dung thuflng xuat hidn is nhflng cau cd phep so sanh hrfn hoac so sanh
hdn nh^t.

★ Vdi quang cao thddng mai, cac cau hoi v6 diem manh, Idi the (advantage), t/u dai
(benefit), tinh khac biet (different) thudng hay xuat hien.
-> Dap an dung thudng nam d nhflng cau xuat hien cac tif nhif advantage (diem
manh), benefit (du dai), feature (dac didm), different (khac bkt), unique (doc dao).

Ghi nhd cau true van ban quang cao

co th£ lam hai nhanh chong va de dang thi sinh phai ghi nhd ky can true
cua van ban quang cao.

Nhan de Job Opening

Cong vi^c We are a British-owned company looking for a sales specialist for the South
American region.
Nhiem vu This person will be based on Sao Paolo, but will travel throughout the area,
especially to Chile, Mexico, and Peru, promoting new products.
Yeu c^iu va dai ngg A knowledge of foreign languages is prefered, but not mandatory to apply for
the position. Also, experience working overseas is a big plus.
Pht/dng thtfc dSng ky If you're interested in applying for the position, please call (234) 533-1111 to
set up an interview time, or e-mail ust at

DE THI Md PH6NG D^p Sn va phan tich; Trang 111 ph^n Answer Keys

1-4 reler 1o the lollowing advertisement.


Key Information
• Join a specialist in consulting services
" Direct client contact
• Work on a variety of key projects

Company Background R Job Purpose

We at Morgan and Spencer Consulting are a niche provider of specialist consultancy
services in Europe. Our clients come from many countries, though a majority of them
tend to be trom the Netherlands, We are looking to add a dynamic and experienced
Consultant to be part of a small team. The role will suit a person who seeks to be
involved in a range of activities within a boutique consulting services organization.

Duties & Responsibilities

In this role, you will be responsible tor:
• Managing projects and being responsible tor key accounts and markets
• Program and policy evaluation at both the State and National level
Strategic and business planning services

Education & Qualifications

• Degree qualified in Business, Commerce, Management, Economics, or related

Experience & Skills

• Exceptional written and verbal communication skills
" Strong numeric and data analysis skills, with evidence of ability to think logically
& rationally
Excellent client relations track record
• Project and lime management skills
• Strong computer skills (including MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook)
• Flexibility for occasional travel internationally for specific work assignments

If you are highly motivated, professional and passionate, this role is for you! A
desire for a career in management consulting is key, as you will have opportunity
to grow and develop. For additional information, please contact our headquarters in

We took forward to hearing from our future employee soon.

1. What is indicated about Morgan and 3. Which is NOT a responsibility of this

Spencer Consulting? position?
(A) Its clients are mostly based in (A) Accessing policies
the Netherlands, (B) Organizing conferences
(B) It will relocate the main office to (C) Drawing up business strategies
Amsterdam soon. (D) Managing key projects
(C) It mainly provides consulting on
computer software. 4. What does the advertisement instruct
(D) It recently opened a new applicants to do?
warehouse. (A) Submit their applications by the
end of October
2. What is a requirement for the position? (B) Indicate their preferred salaries
(A) A masters degree (C) Provide samples of products
(B) Willingness to relocate they have designed
{C) Strong verbal skills (D) Make a call to the main office for
(D) Human resources experience more information

5-7 refer to the following advertisement.

Why Gowith Groups?

Gowith Groups is one of North America's oldest, largest and most experienced
travel companies. We are members of many professional associations including the
Better Business Bureau and the American Society of Travel Agents. We provide
genuine industry-recognized consumer protection {you do not want to risk the large
sums of money involved in group travel). Gowith Groups is a dedicated division
specializing in only group travel and providing totally personalized service from start
to finish.

Our desktop publishing department can help you create more attractive personalized
brochures than any competitors in the market, as well as a tour guide and your own
tour group website. Our sales and marketing departments can assist with promotion
ideas {e.g. group presentation nights).

Gowith's philosophy is "We want your group to be more than satisfied with our
services so that you will recommend us to your friends and associates, and use our
group services again and again,"


Since we also operate escorted inclusive tours to Downunder, Orient-Asia and
Africa, you should consider selling into one of these scheduled departures.

• You will be selling into an already proven product,
• If your group numbers do not materialize, those booked will still be able to travel.
• If your group is 20 or more, we usually allow one free seat and still provide the
convenience of our own Gowith tour guide.

Our professional Gowith Escort wit! look after the day-to-day details, which allows
the Group Leaders more enjoyment of the tour.

5. What is being advertised? 7. What is NOT an advantage of
(A) A new resort selling into a tour?
(B) A group tour service {A) A Gowith escort
(C) A job opening (B) Personal bodyguards
(D) An advertising agency (C) Proven success record
(D) Guaranteed travel
G. What feature is NOT included in
Gowith Group's offering?
(A) A tour group website
(B) Promotional materials
(C) Free vacations
(D) A tour guide

8-10 reler to the following advertisement.

Hello valued customers! Zoorobic Travel would like to invite you to join us in
celebrating ten amazing years of service. It seems like only yesterday that we first
opened our doors to travelers, and we are happy that we have been able to serve
so many people over the years.

In honor of our anniversary, Zoorobic Travel would like to extend to you these
coupons. Please think of us anytime you want to plan a trip! These coupons will
expire on September 15, so book your trip now!

Individual Coupon
25% off town car service to and from the airport.
Service is available between the hours at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Express Coupon
30% off luxury shuttle service to and from the airport.
Service is available 24/7.

Executive Coupon
35% off limousine service to and from the airport.
Service is available between the hours of 6 a.m. and 12 a.m.

8. For what can the coupons be used? 10. According to the advertisement, what
(A) Airline tickets will happen on September 15?
(B) Airport transportation (A) The customer will receive this ad.
(C) Rental car service (B) Zaorobic will offer further discount.
(D) International travel packages (G) The travel agency will have its
9. What is Indicated about the express (D) The coupons will cease to be valid.
(A) It can be used at any time.
(B) It can only be used from 8 a.m.
- 8 p.m.
(C) It can only be used for night
(D) It can only be used on certain

11-13 refer to the following advertisement.

Specialty Running/Footwear Retail Store For Sale

Rare opportunity to purchase a niche running store with good brand relationships
and strong presence in the booming running market.

• Solid internet traffic flows with online store included

• Great ongoing referrals from health professionats
• Strong account relationships with high profile sports brands
• Close proximity to a number of well-known health clubs
■ Regular clientele
• Continued growth over the past 12 months
■ Post sale support available if needed

The current lease expires mid-June and the price is non-negotiable at a cost of
$35,000. If you are interested, please contact us by sending your Offer to info®

11. What is the purpose of the advertisement? 13. How should interested parties reply to
(A) To announce the opening of a this advertisement?
new company (A) By e-mail
(B) To attract customers to a store (B) By surface mail
{C) To describe the sale of a company (C) By fax
(D) To provide information on an (D) By letter
apartment rental

12. What is WOT mentioned as a strength

of the company?
(A) It has had a steady growth over
the last year.
(B) It is near many popular fitness
(C) It has an online store.
(D) Its products are sold

14-15 refer to the following advertisement.

SG Ventures is looking for career-oriented individuals that are in search of a

supervisory position in a fun yet professional environment with rapid advancement.
We are an award winning marketing firm, renowned for our creativity and innovation.
We pride ourselves on being different, forward thinking and fun.

Our belief in 100% promotion from within gives our people the proper training and
support they will need to be successful in the marketing industry. Here, at SG
Ventures, our biggest investment is in our people. We believe that our people are
our greatest asset. Therefore, we are constantly training, motivating, and grooming
our next generation of leaders.

This position will be responsible for new client acquisition on a consumer-to-

consumer and business-to-business platform. The entry-level element of this
position is highly sales intensive, but critical to the criterion required for further
promotion. Qualified applicants will be subsequently cross trained via classroom
and hands-on training in areas such as: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations,
Customer Service, Human Resources, Administration, Finances, and ultimately
Executive Management.

- Ability to work in a team atmosphere and independently
- Great personal presentation
i - Entrepreneurial Drive
- Excellent communication skills

If you meet these requirements, please apply on our website:
^ - J

14, For whom is the advertisement most 15. What should Interested candidates
likely intended? do?
(A) Retail professionals (A) Call the company
(B) Managers (B) Schedule an appointment
(C) Marketing specialists (C) Visit the office
(D) Human Resources experts (D) Complete an application online

*' HI
spH i

I bao la loai van b^n thong dung, thddng di/dc dung d^ truyen Ol thfing tin lien quan"
den sd thi hanh chmh sach ho$c nhffng thay doi trong quy dinh, r5t de dang bat gap trong
ddi s6ng thddng ngay nen cung khdng quS kho. M5i ky thi thddng cd kho^ng hai van b^n
thong bao, chigm 7% phan thi doc hieu.

O he th6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

Muc dich
What is the purpose of this notice?
Muc dinh cua thong bao nay li gi?

-> Dap an dting rhdo'ng nim is phan dau cua van ban.

Doi titong
Who is Harlan Broden?
Ai la Harlan Broden?

-> Dap an dt'ing rhdcing nam d ph£n dau cua van ban,

Xuat xd cua thong bao

Where is this announcement found?
Thong bao nay duWc rim thay d dau?

-> Dap an dting thdcmg nam d ph^n dau cua van ban.

Npi dung cu th^

What will happen on August 2nd?
Se co gi xiy ra vao ngay 2 thang 8?

-> Vdi cau boi dang What wdl happen + thdi gian/ngay", dap an dting thddng
nam d cau cd thi tifofng lai hoac cd nhac den thdi gian, ngay, thang.

What is stated about the plant?

Didu dtidc ndi de'n vS cdng xtidng la gi?
Vdi cau hdi dang u stated, is indicated about, dap an dting thtidng nim quanh
nhdng cau xuat hidn "(cum) danh tif + about".

Q bI quyet lAm bAi

★ Trirdc tien ph§i xac djnh muc dfch cua bao cao 6 do^n van dau tien cCia van b^n.
★ Dap an diing cho cau hoi ve thdl gian, phddng phap, yeu cau, dja diem, chi phi
thddng nam d doan gida cua van ban.

Ghi nhd cau true van ban thong bao

De co tM lam bai nhanh chong va dang thl sink phai ghi nhef ky c^fu true
cua van ban thong bao.
Nhan de Attention All Employees

Muc dich thong bao Did you know that you and/or your immediate tamily members are eligible to
apply for a scholarship from the ABC Booksellers Community?
Thong tin chitietva yeu cau Each August, the ABC grants scholarships to qualitying recipients. This year
there will be two $1000 scholarships.
A completed application form and related additional paperwork needs to be
submitted prior to the deadline of June 1st.
Dja chi lien lac hoac If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity to apply for one of the
phddng thiic lien lac | scholarships, please see a member of the management

OE THI MO PHdNG Oap an va phSn tfch: Trang 115 ph^n Answer Keys

1-2 refer to the following notice.



From: Brenda Santana
Date: March 25
Subject: Thefts in Office

There has been an increase in the number of thefts in the office recently. Athough
we have in place extensive security measures to prevent unauthorized access to
our premises, we must all take preventive measures to ensure the safekeeping of
company property and personal belongings.

Please observe the following guidelines:

1. Do not leave any valuables unattended at your workstation,
2. Before leaving each day, store away any belongings that might be of interest to
a would-be thief,
3. Keep your filing cabinets and drawers locked in the evenings.
4 Immediately report to your manager any person whom you feel does not have
authorization to be in the office.
5. Do not provide anyone else your passwords or security access codes.

If we all work together and observe these measures, we can reduce the incidence
of theft in the office.


1. What is the purpose of this notice? 2. Which is NOT mentioned as a guideline?

(A) To announce new security cameras (A) Lock your storage cabinets
(B) To locate a missing item (B) Report suspicious visitors
(C) To provide a new procedure (C) Do not leave anything alone
(D) To prepare for an office move (D) Use an easy-to-remember

3-6 refer to the following announcement.

Date: July 13
To: All Employees
From: Walter Marcson
RE: New Recycling Program

Did you know that up to 70% of the trash from an office like ours is paper that can be
recycled? Our recycling efforts are important because Houston must meet a State-
mandated goal of recycling 50% of its trash by the end of 2012, or face fines of up to
$10,000 per day. Since businesses produce over 50% of the city's waste, it is critical
that we do our share to help meet the recycling goal. Recycling has an additional
benefit of reducing our waste disposal expenses, which helps lower the building's
operating costs. And of course, recycling helps preserve natural resources - every
ton of paper recycled saves 17 trees!

With this in mind, we are implementing a new recycling program in our offices
beginning on July 21. I encourage you to actively participate in our company's
recycling effort. The enclosed flyer describes what can be recycled in our paper-
recycling program. The custodial staff can collect the office paper from centralized
containers located throughout the office. In addition, you can contact Patricia
Whalton in Human Resources to obtain desk-side containers should you need one.
These containers make it very easy for employees to recycle paper at their desks.

With everyone's participation, 1 am confident that we can do our part to help the
city's recycling efforts. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your assistance and participation.

3. What is the purpose of the 5. What is the main reason for
announcement? implementing the new program?
(A) To promote the use of new (A) Legal requirements
products (B) Demands from cleaning staff
(B) To inform employees of a new (C) A documentary
policy (D) Tax deductions
(C) To announce the promotion of
an employee 6. What will happen on July 21?
(D) To advertise the opening of a park (A) New employees will be trained
(B) A new law will be enacted.
4. What is indicated about Patricia Wharton? (C) Patricia will be promoted.
(A) She works in the Marketing {D) The program will start.
(B) She is in charge of the recycling
(C) She can provide recycling
(D) She works at the main office.

7-10 reler to the following notice.

Hello, all!
I am Ms, Patricia Goh. I am both the financial manager of Capitus and the organizer
of this workshop. On behalf of the Small Business Association of Michigan, I would
like to welcome you to our first annual workshop.

We have a lot of great seminars and lectures that you will be able to attend this
weekend. For a comprehensive list of all the events of the weekend, please see
the welcome packet. Among our lecturers, we are happy to have Dr. Juan Riviera
holding a lecture on the importance of communication in the office. On July 25, CEO
Gary Martin is hosting a lecture called Advertising on a Budget.

On July 26, Jeff Walters is holding a seminar on how to be a better leader in the
office. And, personally, i hope you all attend my financial management lecture.
Thank you for attending our workshop! We are happy to be hosting and look forward
to your feedback.


7. Who most likely is attending the 9. When is the seminar on leadership?

workshop? (A) On July 25
(A) Capitus employees (B) On June 26
(B) Owners ot private enterprises (C) On June 25
(C) Financial managers (D) On July 26
(D) Advertising agencies
10. Which is NOT true about the workshop?
8. Who is holding the lecture on financial (A) There will be an advertising seminar.
management? (B) The instructor teaches a second
(A) Dr. Riviera lecture.
(B) Gary Martin (C) The organizer is hosting a lecture.
(C) Ms. Goh (D) The CEO of a company will speak.
(D) Jeff Wallers

11-13 refer to the following notice.

Position Summary
The Marketing Specialist's role is to support the Ad Sates Marketing team in the
development and execution of marketing campaigns and advertisements.

* Work with National Sales Managers, regional Account Executives, external clients
and agency contacts to identify and execute national sponsorships.
Manage all aspects of the internal Sponsorship database for assigned network,
including development of sales presentations and pricing sheets.

Requirements (among others) include

3-5 years of relevant experience (such as advertising agency, media sales/
event marketing, production, client side marketing).
* Bachelor's Degree in business, communications or a related field.
* Detail oriented and comfort working with numbers.
* Ability to complete projects accurately and in a timely manner.
* A clear understanding of client service and professionalism.
* Strong written and oral communication skills,
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
* Must have the legal right to work in the United States.

We will stop accepting applications for this position on March 1

11. What is indicated in this 13. When is the last day that employees
announcement? can apply?
(A) It requires very little experience. (A) March 30
(B) It may include qualifications other (B) March 1
than those listed. (C) May 1
(C) The job opening is at an advertising (D) April 1
(D) The office is located in England.

12. What is NOT a requirement of this job?

(A) Legal residence in the United States
(B) A degree
(C) Time management skills
(D) Experience in computer
databases can apply?

14-17 refer to the following job announcement.

Powliss has been highly rated in the industry and is currently seeking a level 3
Engineer to join their team on a permanent basis. The candidate must be Mid to
Senior in level and must come with very strong skills - this is essential.

The successful candidate will be responsible for small-size projects and managing
employees across specific IT IL disciplines, including Service Desk, Incident
Management, Problem Management, as well as Report and Proposal Management,

Further job requirements:

1. The Level 3 Systems Engineer should have a very high level/advanced expertise
in operating systems installation and monitoring, networking and/or software
: development and testing
2. Certified or have in-depth knowledge of Virtualization technology
3. Proven ability in administration functions of Microsoft environments and in
diagnosing highly complex technical issues
4. Good knowledge of networking and security
5. Experience in providing systems support, technical documentation, strong client
,! focus, interpersonal, coordination and communication skills
6. High level of technical expertise, specialization, and trouble shooting skills in
relevant technology stream

This is an excellent opportunity to join a very large organization that can offer
excellent career growth. If you feel your skills and experience meet the above,
please apply today through the company website.

14. What is NOT suggested about Powliss 16. What is suggested about Level 3
Engineering, Inc.? engineers?
(A) It plans to move its headquarters. (A) They do not manage projects.
{B} It is amongst the leaders of the (B) They are not required to have
engineering field. certification,
(C) It is a very large engineering (C) They work very closely with Sales.
company. (D) They lead small scale plans.
(D) It is looking for high-level
employees. 17. What does the job announcement
suggest that an individual interested
15. What is mentioned as a requirement in the position should do?
for the position? (A) Schedule an appointment with the
(A) ITIL certification head of Engineering
(B) A Bachelor's Degree (B) Send an application to Human
(C) Proficiency in Microsoft Office Resources
(D) Ability to manage others (C) Submit an application through
the company's website
(D) Contact the CEO of Powliss


Trong de thi TOEIC, van bSn bSo chi thiidng dirge ra dUdi dgng bai b^o cao, nh&m mgc dtch
Ian truy^n Ihdng tin d^n dai da s6 mpi ngi/di nen c6 tinh khach quan cao. VSn ban baochf
chiem 7% ph^n thi dpc hieu.


Chu cte
What does the article mainly discuss?
Bai bao nay chu y£u ban luan t6i di^u gi?

—> Dap an dung thitdng xuSit hicn cf phan diu hoac ph&i cudi cua van ban.

What is the main purpose ot the article?

Muc dich chinh cua bai bao nay la gi?

—> Dap an dung tlufdng nam d pban dau cua van ban.

Thong tin chi tiet

What is NOT stated about gifts?
Dieu khong ducfc dc cap den cac mon qua la gi?

-> Dap an dung thdcmg nam d nhflng cSu liet kt hoac ciu co cac ky td dac bi^t,
trang id bo sung.

Suy luqn/am chi

What is suggested about Mr. Khan?
Didu ddg'c am chi v^ ngai Khan la gi?

^ Vdi dang can hoi "Suy lu^ln/am chi + danh td ri^ng", ta tim danh ttt rieng
trong van ban r6i tim dap an dtlng quanh danh td do.


★ Phan I6n cac van ban bao chi la cac bai bao cao, nham truyen tii thong tin tdi dai da
so mpi ngddi v6 chfnh s^ch thanh phd, sCla chOa he thong giao thong, cac sir kien
hay tai nan,... Cac ban c^n li/u y de tranh bj bS ng6 khi lam bai.
★ Doan van d^u tien va cudi cung thudng la cac doan van co chda chu de cua ca bat
bao ndn cac ban can tdp trung doc ky nhdng doan nay.

Ghi nhdf cau triic van ban bao chi

Dd' co the lam bai nhanh chong va de dang thi sinh phai ghi nhcf ky can true
cua van ban bao chi.

Chit de Telly Motors, a leading car manufacturer of Japan, recently announced a safety recall
on selected TeOy car models that we claimed to have sticking accelerator pedals.
Thdng tin chi tiet Experts welcome the news saying that Telly is making the right decision to get the
cars out of the road before casulng real damage.
The Telly Recall scheduled this August 2012 does not apply to all Telly cars. Look
at the short list below if your car falls under any of the categories qualified for free
check-up of problematic parts involved.

DE THIM0PH6NG Dap an va phan tfch: Trang 120 ph^n Answer Keys

1-5 reler to the following article.

SkyNef has made a great leap in its The company's second move only
new direction. Ever since the company bettered its reputation. The company
moved into South America, it has seen announced that it would be opening a
increasingly good times. The move second South American branch in Lima.
in this direction first started when the Within hours of this announcement,
company opened its branch in Caracas, SkyNet was met an overwhelming
SkyNet was so well-received by its new number of applicants from all around the
home that it began to see profits almost globe.
What will be the company's next step?
With offices now on the continent, CEO Derek Rainer was asked to make
SkyNet was able to lower the price an announcement, but declined to make
of its products in South American any official statements. It has been
countries, A move that made their new rumored that officials from the company
Latin customers very happy. SkyNet have been meeting with manufacturing
products have always been popular in businesses in Brazil.
South America, but with the high costs
of exporting the goods from their home
offices, not many residents of the South
American continent could afford them.

What does the article mainly discuss? 4. What has Derek Plainer been asked
(A) South American interests to do?
(B) The success of a company (A) Hold a conference
(C) A company's products (B) Meet with government officials
(D) The city of Lima (C) Give a statement
(D) Open a new branch
Where is SkyNet's first South American
branch located? 5, What is likely to occur next?
(A) In Caracas (A) A branch office will be opened in
(B) In Lima an Asian city.
(C) In Santiago (B) A new software system will be
(D) Buenos Aires released in South America.
(C) The purchase of a production
What is implied in this article? branch will be finalized.
(A) Lower costs (D) Latin customers will buy less
(B) No exporting fees products from the company.
(C) Better employees
(D) Employee relocation

6-8 refer to the following press release.

NEW YORK/PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 28, 2012 - Sometimes it's not what you know, but
who you know. And with the entertainment industry, that saying can definitely prove
true, as indicated by the glowing success of VIP Talent Connect's recent networking
event. The program, which took place Oct. 18, 2012, at New York's Caroline's On
Broadway, featured a day packed with industry-achievement stories, career tips
and seminars, offered by a sampling of entertainment's most notable superstars
and insiders. This included comedian Nick Lamanna, runway model Lea Rannells
director/producer Sam Borowski and casting director Stephen DeAngelis, among
many others.

Since launching the first VIP Talent Connect event in January 2012, the company
has already held four events in Philadelphia and New York, Expert participation from
the entertainment industry has increased 300 percent, and is projected to be even
greater at the next VIP Talent Connect event on Jan. 17, 2013, and will feature such
talents as hip hop legend Kangol Kid, recording artist Santalina, casting director
Robert Russell and music producer Eric Cui.

As the momentum behind the networking events continues to grow, so too does the
company behind them. VIP Talent Connect is expanding from its Philadelphia base
to new locations, such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Miami.

6. What is the purpose of the article? 8. Which is NOT offered at an event?

(A) To inform readers of a product (A) Career tips
(B) To announce a job opening (B) Seminars
(C) To promote an event to potential (C) Achievement stories
clients (D) Auditions
(D) To provide readers with a guide

7. According to article, how many new

locations will VIP Talent Connect have?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(D) 10

9-11 refer to the following article.

In the depths of the recession, it seemed that department stores were going out of
business. But then, slowly, customers returned. Comparable-store sales began to
rise, even at previously struggling luxury-end department stores such as Charlotte
Ross. Earlier this month, both LL Nickel's and Marcy's turned in sales higher than
their estimates.

Now, the once unthinkable is occurring - chain after chain is announcing plans
for new stores. It appears that America isn't done with shopping these old-time
department-store brands.

A local department store, now holding only a single store, has announced that it
plans to open a second store in the downtown area. Ever since the company began
to perform better than the Finetine Brothers department store chain, Bergmann's
has been becoming bolder and bolder. Where will this new-found boldness take the
company? Customers are excited to find out.

9. What is the article mainly about? 11. What is implied about Finetine Brothers?
(A) The recession in America (A) It is a marketing agency.
(B) The downfall of department (B) It is a competitor of Bergmann's.
stores (C) It is a major department store chain.
(C) Customer preferences in America (D) It is a local restaurant.
(D) A department store's expansion

10. How many stores does Bergmann's

currently operate?
(A) 1
(C) 3
(D) 4

12-16 reter to the following newspaper article

A local resident has been causing quite about the city with the Center's guided
a stir in the community recently. Maria tours and walkabouts.
Gallahan and her family have been living But Maria had a problem: The guidebook
in ourfair city all their lives. In fact, they can that tells tourists about what they can
trace their lineage back to the founding find in Green Lakes hasn't been updated
of the city. It seems that Ms. Gallahan's since it was first released about a decade
father was among those who first settled ago. Well, Maria took this directly to the
in Green Lakes, and his descendants publishing agency and it seems that they
never stopped playing important roles in will be releasing a new edition of the
the city in many different ways, including guidebook this summer. The updated
developing the hiking trails. guide will include descriptions of local
Maria Gallahan has been so taken with business, times and dates of tours, and
her family involvement in the city as reviews of local restaurants. I don't know
well as the history of the city itself. Two about you, readers, but I can't wait to see
years ago, Gallahan opened the Green what comes out!
Lakes History Center. Since opening the
Center, it has flourished. Tourists passing
through the city love to stop to learn

1Z. When was the first edition of the 15. What is indicated about the Green
guidebook released? Lakes region?
(A) 8 years ago (A) It was developed recently.
(B) 5 years ago (B) There are many hiking trails.
(C) 10 years ago (C) There is a thriving downtown
(D) 2 years ago business area.
(D) The city organized a green
13. What is implied about the Green recycling program.
Lakes History Center?
(A) It was built before the first edition 16. What can be concluded about Maria
of the guidebook was published. Gallahan?
(B) It has been open for over a (A) She wants to move her family to
decade. a new city.
(C) It cannot accommodate more (B) She works for a publishing
tourists. company.
(D) Tourism will decrease without a (C) Her family moved to Green
new guide. LakestO years ago.
14. What is NOT included in the new (D) Her family members are longtime
edition? residents of the area.
(A) Introduction of Restaurants
(B) Local business descriptions
(C) Tour schedules
(D) Color maps of the region

17-20 refer to the following article.

Money may not grow on trees, but for a time it appeared to grow on bushes -
specifically, a tropical shrub called jatropha curcas. Over the past decade, jatropha
was planted on millions of acres across China, India, and sub-Saharan Africa after
research showed that oil from its crushed seeds makes an excellent biofuel.

Because jatropha can tolerate dry, rocky soil unsuited to agriculture, boosters said,
subsistence farmers could grow it as a cash crop without denting food production.
And with governments worldwide pushing renewable fuels, investors in jatropha-oil
ventures looked set to win, too.

So far, the jatropha boom has produced more losers than winners. Many projects
have foundered as seed production has failed to meet expectations, and India,
China, and other countries have scaled back plans for additional planting.

Farmers have discovered that while jatropha can indeed grow on barren land, it
doesn't flourish there, says Promode Kant, director of the Institute of Green Economy
in New Delhi and co-author of a report titled The Extraordinary Collapse of Jatropha
As a Global Biotuel. Says Kant: "Without moisture it does not seed."

17, Where were jatropha seeds NOT 19. According to the article, what is NOT
planted? true about the jatropha plant?
(A) Sub-Saharan Africa (A) It is a renewable source of energy.
(B) China (B) It can grow on rocky surfaces.
(C) South America (C) It doesn't interfere with food crops.
(D) India (D) It doesn't require much water to
grow well.
18. What is indicated about jatropha?
(A) It has been a very successful venture. 20. What is implied about Promode Kant?
(B) It has caused companies to lose (A) He is an environmental activist.
money, (B) He is knowledgeable about biofuels.
(C) It has grown naturally in many {C} He is an Indian subsistence farmer.
countries. (D) He works as a professor in Beijing.
(D) It has flourished in barren soil.


Th6ng bao ndi bg trong cflng ty khbng ph^ii ky nao cung xuat hi^n trong thi TOEIC.
0$c diem cua lo^i van bdn nay la co ngddi gC(i va ngudi nhan ro rang, n6i dung thbdng la
ngi/di gdi ydu cau ngddl nhan ISm gi. Thdng bao ndi bp thbdng chiem khoSng 4% phan
thi doc
' hi^u.

51 h£ th6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

Muc dich
What is the purpose ol this memo?
Muc dich cua rh6ng bao noi bo nay la gi?

—> Dap an dung najn cf phan dau cua van bin.

Y^u c^u chi ti£t

What is customers asked to do?
Cac khach hang dude yeu cau lam gi?

-> Dap an dung rlufbng nam of phln cuoi cua van ban, menh de if, cau menh lenh.

D6i tiicfng
To whom is this memo intended?
'Ihdng bao noi b6 nay ddpfc nham d^n ai?

—> Dap an diing thudng nam a phan dflu cua van ban.

Suy ludn
What will be announced next?
Cai gi se difcfc thdng bao ticp theo?

—> Dap an dung thiidng nam d phan cu6i cua van ban,


★ Ghi nhd ky cau true "Chu d^/muc dich - thong tin chi tiet - y§u cdu" cua van bcin
nhac nhd,
★ NhOng cau hdi ve chh de va ygu cau xuat hien kha thudng xuybn nen cac ban cfin
doc ky phan dau va cuoi cua van ban.

Ghi nhc( can true van ban nhac nhef

De co the lam bai nhanh chong va de dang thi sinh phai ghi nhd ky cau true
cua van bin nhac nhd.

NgKcli nh$n, ngiifll gift TO: 3Tech Shop, Management and Sales Staff
ngay lhang, tieu de FROM: Paul Macperson, Director of Customer Support
DATE: August 3, 2012
Chii de As of August 15, 2012, all 3Tech Shop will be implementing a 30-dav return
policy for the home electronic products including dishwashers, blenders,
microwave ovens, and televisions.
Thong tin eg the The new return policy is effective for purchases made on or after August 15. All
previous purchases are NOT subject to the 30-day policy.
Yeu cau If you have any questions, feel free to send me an e-mail at paulM@3Tech.
com or call me at extension 333, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

BETHI MO PHONG Bap Sn va phSn tfch: Trang 125 phan Answer Keys

1-3 refer to the following memo.

To: All employees

From: Kris Stevens
Re: Congratulations to Mary Brown

I'm pleased to announce that effective May 26, Mary Brown has agreed to lead
the Ovations Human Capital organization in addition to her current responsibilities.
Mary has been a valued part of our leadership team for the past two years, serving
as Ovations general counsel- In addition, her work with the Communications Task
Force has been successful in identifying ways to improve areas addressed in our
recent employee survey,

Mary is very knowledgeable about ail Ovations businesses and has also had
experience with Human Capital management during her career prior to Joining
Ovations. Mary will continue to report to me and work from our Minnesota
headquarters. If you have questions about the Human Capital organization, feel free
to contact Mary by phone or email or contact her assistant, Marsha Ross.

Mary's strong core values and leadership skills will definitely ensure success in
these important areas. In order to create additional capacity for the Human Capital
role, Mary will be expanding the legal team. Please join me in congratulating Mary
and forward this message to your employees.

1. What is the purpose of the memo? 3. What will Mary do next?

(A) To inform employees of a promotion (A) Move to a new office
(B) To announce a new organization (B) Find an assistant
(C) To provide details on how to (C) Hire new staff
reach Kris (D) Request a meeting with Kris
(D) To solicit applications for new hires

2. Which is NOT mentioned as one of

Mary's qualities?
(A) Leadership skills
(B) Company knowledge
(C) Strong values
(D) A law degree

4-6 refer to the following memo.

To: All AARP employees

From: Charlie Masters
Subject: Name Change of AARP Divisions of Holonics

Effective immediately, the AARP Divisions of Holonics are adopting new internal
names. The three divisions will be known collectively as Holonics Partner Solutions,
and each division name IS changing as follows.

. xhe AARP Insurance Division will be called Insurance Solutions.

• AARP Pharmacy Services will change its name to Pharmacy Solutions.
• Our catalog business will become Consumer Health Products.

We're making this change because, at times, the placement of AARP in our division
names has caused confusion for external audiences. This change will clarify to
regulators, policymakers and other businesses that we are part of Holonics and
while we serve AARP members, we do not work directly for AARP, To ensure
continuity and avoid any concern, we will stilt use our AARP marketing names with
AARP member and customers.

Please begin using the new names immediately for internal and corporate
communication. More details will follow as we develop anew layout for business cards
and letterhead using the Holonics logo. If you have any questions, please feet free to
contact me.


What is the purpose of this memo? 6. What problem brought on this change?
(A) To provide a new catalog (A) Consumer confusion
(B) To announce new division titles (B) Legal complications
(C) To explain changes in management (C) Lack of approval
(D) To increase productivity (D) A change in policies

5. Which department is NOT changing?

{A) Insurance
(B) Pharmacy
(C) Catalog
(D) Marketing

7-9 refer to the following memo.

To: All employees

From: Jack Aporo
Date: June 5
Subject: Meeting

Good morning, everyone. I would just like to remind you that we will have a company
meeting in Dargaville. In case you don't remember, the bus will leave Omanu on
Sunday at 11 a.m. Please be outside of the building at 10:30 to make sure that
everyone is aboard the bus before it departs.

i he meeting will take place Monday morning, but Sunday night we will be having a
company dinner. Please refer to the information that you received at the gathering
we had on Wednesday to check the schedule and be sure that you know where you
need to be.

If you have any questions, please ask Maria at Human Resources, and she will be
able to clear everything up for you. See you all on Sunday,

7. What is the purpose of the memo? 9. What does Mr. Aporo ask employees
(A) To confirm plans for a company to do in the memo?
meeting (A) Check the information attached
(B) To announce a conference to the memo
{C) To inform employees of a new (B) Read information from a
policy previous meeting
(D) To solicit feedback on a meeting (C) Schedule individual
transportation to the meeting
8. When will the bus leave Omanu for (D) Prepare a presentation for the
Dargaville? meeting
(A) On Monday
(B) On Wednesday
{C) On Saturday
(D) On Sunday

10-13 reler to the following memo,

I To; All employees

From: Jason Banks
Date: November 20
Subject: Move

As you all know, Lyden Furniture Company first started back in 1963, When it first
opened, the main office was right here in the Anderson Building, For decades,
people have been working in this office. All the major moments in the history of our
company happened here in this building.

It is with great pleasure, and a tinge of sadness, that I make this announcement.
Due to the great success that our company has seen in recent years, as well as the
continued rise in demand of our product, we have outgrown the amount of space
that the Anderson Building has to offer.

Starting January 3, we will be moving to the Presser Mill Building, which will enable
us to meet our production demands. Soon, all employees will receive moving packets
from Human Resources, Included in this packet you will find a layout of the office,
atimeline, and a list of suggestions on how to prepare for the move. Employees will
also be able to take tours of the new office building on the 13th of December.

Thank you all for making our company the success that it has been, and I look
forward to seeing you at the new office.

10. Why is Lyden Furniture Company 12. What is NOT mentioned as being
moving to a new location? included in the packet that employees
(A) tt needs special technology. will receive?
(B) It needs a more energy efficient (A) A moving schedule
building. (B) Directions to the new location
(C) It needs more space to {C) Moving tips
accommodate growing demands. (D) The office plans
(D) It needs fewer staff members.
13. On what date are employees invited
11. What is suggested about the to tour the Presser Mill Building?
Anderson Building? (A) November 20
(A) It is the new building that Lyden (B) December 13
Furniture Company will move to. (C)January 3
(B) It is where Lyden Furniture {D) December 20
Company first started doing business.
(C) It is where Lyden Furniture
Company sells all of ifs products.
(D) It is big enough for Lyden
Furniture Company to meet
production needs.

14-18 refer to the following memo.

To: Jessica Watson

From: Jerry Sprigg
Date: May 6
Subject: Travel requests

Good afternoon, Jessica. Marcy in Human Resources messaged me about your

travel requests. You may have been out of the office when the last memo went out,
but the new policy concerning travel requests requires all employees to submit
their requests to a manager, who will then process everything. I've gone ahead and
processed your request already.

From your request, i saw that you will be heading to Dayton on the first day of the
week to meet a client of yours. I'd like to talk to you about your schedule and plans
for Dayton. We've recently received information on a potential client.

If you have time, I'd like you to meet with Patricia Shin at Milton Cars. She is looking
to start a new promotional campaign. Through a connection, I was able to set up a
meeting, but we need someone down there as soon as possible. You should be able
to sign them to a contract and pick up the speculations for the ads that they want. I'd
like you to call Ms, Shin soon to confirm the details.

What is suggested about travel requests? 17. In the memo, the word pickup in
(A) They must be approved by a paragraph 3, line 4 is closest in
superior. meaning to
(B) They must be processed by the (A) sign
employee. (B) approve
(C) They must be submitted to (C)grab
Human Resources. (D) obtain
{□) They are reviewed quickly.
18. What is Ms. Watson asked to do?
When does the flight to Dayton leave? (A) Phone Ms. Shin
(A) Sunday (B) Cancel her trip
(B) Monday (C) Submit the request again
(C) Friday (D) Meet with Mr. Sprigg
(D) Saturday

What is NOT mentioned about Milton

(A) !t is located in Dayton.
(B) It needs new advertising,
(C) It is a prominent business in its
(D) It has a meeting scheduled.


Van bhn hiiflng dSn thLfdng la cac van bSn cung cap thfing tin, tiLMng dan ve mua ban s&n
pham, dang ky, tham gia cuoc hpp, cac sd ki&n cua cdng ty. Loai vSn ban nay chigm 7%
phan thi doc hilu.

heth6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

Xu£t xU
Where is this information most likely to be found?
Thong tin nay co the dude tim thay d day?

—> Dap an dung nam d ph^n d4i cua van ban.

D6i tiicfng
For whom is this document intended?
Tai lieu nay difdc nham tdi doi tUdng nao?

Dap an dung thitdng n^m d ph^n dau cua van ban.

Tti6ng tin cu thd

What is NOT sold at Suburban Motors?
Cai gi khdng difdc ban d Suburban Motors?

-> Dap an dung thiibng nSm d cau lidt ke trong van ban.


★ Xac dinh xem day la bai hddng d&n ve cai gi.

★ Cac cau hdi ve ndi dang tai, ndi xuat hien bai hddng dan thLfdng xuy^n ducc dat ra
nen cac ban can chu y doc ky phan dau cua van ban.

Ghi nhof can true van ban hi^efng ddn

co the lam bai nhanh chong va di dang thi sinh phai ghi nho' ky cau true
cua van ban hitdng din.

GiOi thieu ve san pham Thank you for your purchase of Max Transistor inverter FREQ, ROL-2200 This
inverter is a variable frequency power supply unit used to control an induction
Hil^ng din sif dung Instructions
1. The inverter automatically becomes ready for operation when the power is
turned on
2. Press PM key to make operative the parameter unit.
3. After the inverter is installed, make sure it is held in position securely
Thong tin danh oho Your purchase also includes a standard 90 day warranty should a problem
ngtWinhan aside.

Clnh bao Caution

1. Do not attach the front cover to another invertor.
2, Never install the parameter unit to the inverter with the front cover removed

OETHI MO PHONG Dap an va phSn tich: Trang 130 phdn Answer Keys

1-3 refer to the following information.

Team Leaders Guide (TLG)

The TLG is a "guide" for conducting weekly sales meetings. Each meeting is
designed to reinforce sales skills as they relate to the specific products of your
credit union.
The TLG is the perfect companion piece to the Management Network Handbook.
While the handbook contains important resource information, the TLG provides a
way to use this information to its full potential.
A series of sales meeting guidelines, quizzes, games and skill practices delivers
product knowledge in an effective and interactive way. This ensures retention
and the successful application of the sales skills in member service. In addition,
managers have the format and content for months of weekly sales meetings.
The Team Leader's Guide is unique. It is the only delivery system that provides
over one year of ongoing sales culture development, and aii in the hands of the
people who must implement the change — your management staff, not an outside
consultant. In addition, everything is tailored to your products and services.

1. Where is this information most likely 3. Who leads the development of sales
to be found? culture?
(A) In an employee packet (A) A consultant
(B) In an office memo (B) A supervisor
(C) In a programming manual (C) Human Resources
(D) in an employee evaluation (D) A salesman

2. What is NOT used to retain product

(A) Meeting procedures
(B) Interactive drills
(C) Assessments
(D) Quizzes

4-6 reler to the following information.

Using Shortcuts to Find an Order Quickly

When viewing the Order List or while visiting the home page after login you will
see an "Order Lookup" entry box. Enter a known Order ID click the "Jump" button
and you will be directed to the order preview page for that order. A non-existent or
inaccessible order will cause a redirection to the Order List with the appropriate
message specifying the problem with that order.
Using the Order Explorer to locate an order
The Order Explorer organizes all avalable orders in an easy-to-manage tree-view
listing. The Order Explorer allows for two tree listing arrangements for Orders: Show
by Order Date, and Show by Project ID/Site. When viewing Orders by Date they will
be arranged as follows: Customer Name then Order Year then Order Month. When
viewing Orders by Project ID/Site they will be arranged as follows: Customer Name
then Project ID then Site. To preview an Order in the Order Explorer simply click on
the Order link on the desired branch.
To show and hide the Order Explorer to make more room available to view data
click the arrow button on the divider bar. If you want to resize the width of the Order
Explorer, just click in the background of the tree-view and drag left or right to make
the width larger or smaller.

4. Where can this information likely be 6. What will happen if you drag the
found? background?
(A) In a product catalog {A) The orders will be listed
(B) In a user's guide (B) The program will close.
(C) In an order form (C) The size will change.
(D) In an advertisement (D) The view will change.

5. What is NOT something you can do

with this program?
(A) Look up an order
(B) View orders by project number
(C) Place an order
(D) View orders by date

7-9 refer to the fotlowing information.

1. Skyward Sates

Skyward call center representatives are required to be familiar with the product
lines and offers of Skyward in as much detail as possible. For full descriptions of our
products, sales representatives should visit the Skyward Employee Database Site.
After logging into the site, a full list of products and their technical descriptions will
be available to the employee.

2. FAQs
Does your contact center support 24/7 operations?
Yes we have facilities that operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week including ail

What is the current workstation capacity and call volume?

The current number of workstations and PCs is over 1,000. We have the ability to
expand rapidly to meet clients' growth needs. The current annual call capacity is
over 100 million calls a year.

Where are your contact centers located?

Our headquarters is located in Burnsvilte, Minnesota. Our four call centers are
located in Jamestown, New York; Olean, New York; Rockford, Illinois and Burnsville,

What industries to do you support?

Skyward has extensive experience with industries including broadband, cable,
! wireless and telecommunications, internet retailers, catalog, utilities, healthcare
and pharmaceutical, and financial services.

7. What would the information most 9. Who most likely would be giving the
likely found? answer to the question in part 2?
(A) On a public website (A) The Board of Directors
(B) In a financial journal (B) Sales representatives
(C) In a conference schedule (C) Experienced call-center employees
(D) In an employee handbook (D) Marketing consultants

8. According to the information, what can

be found on the Skyward's website?
(A) Company employment policies
(B) Detailed technical information
(C) Position requirements
(D) Company procedures

10-11 reler to the following information.

The CEO of our company, Marcus Spielding, has very generously welcomed all
interested employees to join him on a trip through India on the MS Express line that
will open next month. As you all know, the tracks will spread from Western Europe
and across Asia into China.

The opening trip will begin with Mr. Spielding starting his trip off in New Delhi
Employees who are interested in joining this trip should sign up with Human
Resources as soon as possible. It will be first come, first serve, and the 75 open
spots are bound to fill quickly.

The inaugural departure will take place on Saturday May 15 at 2 p.m. Be sure to
arrive at the train station an hour prior to departure. The train will depart from New
Delhi, and Mr. Spiedling will be riding the train through to Vienna, If employees plan
to be away during work days, they should discuss vacation days with their manager.

10. What is true of Mr, Spielding? 11. What is NOT indicated about
(A) He will not travel outside of India. the passengers traveling in MS
(B) He is the manager of the Sales Express?
Department. (A) They should inform a manager if
(C) His train trip will begin in New they travel on the weekend.
Delhi. (B) They should register for a spot
(D) He is usually prompt. with Human Resources.
(C) They should arrive at the station
an hour before departure.
(D) They should schedule vacation
days if they plan to leave India.

12-13 refer to fhe following information.

We would like to ask you and your family to attend "Robotics Park", the 21st annual
spring event of the School of the Future. Student-created robotic presentations and
demonstrations will be open on Saturday, April 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m at
Koniak Park, Touring the park is open to the public and free of charge.
This annual event is our celebration event for National Science and Technology
Month and a time for students, educators, parents and the community to appreciate
and celebrate student inventiveness.

The mam activities of the day include student demonstrations from the Robotic
Animal Design Challenge, the Robotic Interactive Challenge, the Chain Reaction
Machine event, the Robotics Park Parade, and Junior FIRST ROBO League. The
Park events also Include Robot Jewelry Design Activities.

Robotics Park is located near downtown Koniak City and is filled with student
designed and built robotic creations. Students of all ages will be exhibiting an array
of interesting robotic inventions that they have created in school or in after-school

12. What is the purpose of the information? wnat is stated about the park?
(A) To provide information on a (A) It is near a middle school.
company retreat (B) A fee is required to enter it,
(B) To advertise the opening of a (C) It is near downtown Koniak City
new park (D) It hosts this event every three
(C) To announce a corporate years.
recruiting event
(D) To invite the community to a
regular event


iAytO (form)vA
MOT so dang van bAn khac

Mau dan tif (Form) xu^t hien trong d^ thi TOE1C chu y^u la nhOng loai van b^n thadng gap
trong dfli song hang ngay nhu giay mdi, hoa don, Ijch trlnh, b§ng gia; chiem 20% ph^n thi
dpc hieu. Chi cdn nhd dac diem cCia tdng loai mSu giay W la cac ban cd the gi&i quy^t de
bai mot cAch de dang.

h$th6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

Muc tlich
What is the purpose of this document?
Muc dich cua vau ban nay la gi?

Dap an dung thifdng nam d phan dan cua van ban.

S6 Hcfng
How many boxes of books were ordered?
Bao nhi&i rhung sach da diMc dat hang?

-> Dap an dung thddng nam cf nlnlfng cau cd chiia so lucfng trong van bAn.

Loai van ban

What type ot document is this?
Day la loai van ban gs?

Dap an dting thiicmg nam 6 phan dAu cua van ban.

Sd th^lt
What is NOT true about the invoice?
Di&i khbng dung ve hoa don nay la gi?

-> Dap an dting thuo'ng nam d cau co chda ky ni hoac ky hieu dac biet trong
van ban.


★ NhOng cau hoi dang NOT true ve thdng tin cu the thu/dng xuyen xu^t hign ngn vi^c
nam chac can true cua cac mSu giay td la het sufc quan trpng.
★ Vdi trifcing hdp tin nhan thoai, cac ban can phai xac dinh ro ngi/cJi goi dien, ngudi
nh$n dipn, ngddi thd 3 cu the la nhOng ai.
★ Vdi triidng hop van ban, vl de muc Wdng d6ng vdi npi dung vgn b&n nen cac ban can
doc ky phan de myc.

Ghi nho' cau true mfiu giay tct

Dc co thd lam bai nhanh chong va de dang thi sinh phai ghi nhef ky cau true
cua mdu giay td.

Ngitdi gtli hoa ddn Seko Security Services

432 Fleetwood Drive,
Des Moines, IA
Ngay chi tra khoan thanh toan Dick Herald
Firefox Telelmarketing
322 Brewster Rd.
Minneapolis, MM
Date: July 16
Danh sach hang hoa va gia Invoice for:
1 Security camera system $195.66
4 Main entrace locks $13.96
5 Security lights for parking area $59.33
10 Office lamps $54.25
So lien can thanh tocin lotal Payable: $863.20
NgdtJi nh^n thanh toan Submit payment to:
Firefox Telelmarketing
P.O. Box 55555
Minneapolis, MM

OE THI Wlfl PHdNG Dap va phan tfch; Trang 133 phan Answer Keys

1-3 refer to the following parking permit.

Resident's name in full: Mr. / Mrs. _ _—/ Miss Ms. —_——

Telephone number daytime:. —-—Mobile — — —
Address within controlled parking zone: —.
Zip code: „ —_ ——— —
Email address: .—_ — — —-— ————
Total books required {Each book contains 5 daily permits);. —-— —

Daily visitors parking permit important information:

1 A new form must be completed for each application. A maximum of 6 books (30
days) will be issued in each calendar year.
2, Non-residents are not eligible for visitor permits.

Residents' parking permits will only be issued to persons: whose usual address lies
within the controlled parking zone.

The permit will enable the holder to park in any vacant Permitted On-Street Parking
Space, within the Zone to which the permit relates, as indicated by the letter of the
Zone logo, which appears on the permit and is repeated on the signs controlling the
permitted parking place. These spaces are indicated by white markings, and all 4
wheels must be located within the space to avoid receiving a Penalty Charge Notice.

1. What is indicated about this permit? What is NOT required on the form?
(A) It is reusable, (A) Number of books
(B) It is unlimited by quantity. (B) Personal phone number
(C) It is restricted to residents. (C) Postal code
(D) It is available to anyone in the city (D) Social Security Number

2. Where are daily permit holders

allowed to park?
(A) Any space on the street
(B) Parking lot C
(C) In front of City Halt
(D) A numbered space

4-5 refer to the following receipt.


Date; February 20th

Order Number: 18405481
Description Unit Price Quantity Total
6640844 4x4 LUMBER $27 3 $81.00
5668011 POWERDECK DRILL $10 5 $50.00
5335817 SCREW $1 23 $23.00

SUBTOTAL. $154.00
SALES TAX @7.75% $12.01
TOTAL DUE $168,76

Payment received in full March 3rd.

INV#: 18405481 MON APR 04 15:31 2011


k. What is Driscoll's? 5. What is NOT indicated by the receipt?

(A) A hardware store (A) The customer will build something
(B) A supermarket (B) The office is located in Florida.
(C) An Italian restaurant (C) Tax was deducted from the purchase,
(D) An accounting firm (D) The invoice was paid for.

6-7 refer to the following refund receipt.

Amenity Shoe Store

1134 Courier Street, Chicago, Illinois

Name: Chandra Liu
Address: 1570 E. Colorado Blvd.
Amount paid: $75.00

Reason for returning the item{s)

I changed my mind and have decided to go with a different style as the event I will
be attending calls for something in white.
Item{s) being returned: Zoe Devoe flats (black)

Refund policy
Purchases made in store may be returned within 14 days of purchase if they are:
• Found to be in UNWORN and in ORIGINAL BOX with the SALES RECEIPT for
in- store credit only.
• The Store credits issued are in the form of a paper gift certificate and do not expire,
if you lose your certificate, you can still use it because we keep a hard copy on file
in our store.
• Returns of handbags, jewelry & accessories must be made within 14 days of
purchase with original receipt and in new condition for store credit or exchange.
• No returns or exchanges for opened hosiery or socks.

This means, if you buy an item that is considered "clearance", we cannot take this
item back for exchange. However, if you buy an item that is temporarily marked
down or "on sale" during our annual FALL SALE or ANNIVERSARY SALE we do
make an exception for these purchases and can gladly make an exchange.

We appreciate your business and understanding of our store policies! If you have
any questions or concerns we are only happy to help!

6. Why did Ms. Liu return the shoes? 7. What is suggested about Mr. Liu's
(A) She requires different shoes. return?
(B) She doesn't think they're (A) She bought the shoes on sale.
comfortable. (B) She will buy white shoes.
(C) She doesn't like the leather. (C) She wore the shoes.
(D) She can't afford the shoes. (D) She lost the sales receipt.

8=9 refer to the following catalog.

Welcome to Our 2012 Spring Catalog

• 4 Piece Stainless Steel Kitchen Package

• 2.0 OTH Microwave - MMV5208WS (Reg, $369}
• 5 Burner Self-Clean Gas Range - MGR8674AS (Reg. $899)
• Stainless steel Side By Side Refrigerator - MSD2572VES (Reg. $1,199)
■ Jetclean Plus Dishwasher - MDB6769PAS (Reg, $599}

• 4 Piece Stainless Steel Upgrade Kitchen Package

• 1,000 watt 01R Microwave - KHMS2040WSS (Reg, $519)
• 5 Burner Self Cleaning Convection Gas Range - KGRS206XSS (Reg, $1,149)
• Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerator With Water& Ice Dispenser - KFIS25XVMS
(Reg. $2,299)
• Fully Integrated Control Dishwasher - KUDC 10FXSS (Reg. $849) While Supplies Last.

Prices are subject to change dependent on availability and sales. Don't see the item
you want? Let us know what you'd like to see in the next catalog.

8. What is indicated about the catalog? 9. What are the customers asked to send?
(A) Items listed are always available. (A) Feedback on the catalog design
(B) It does not offer rebates. (B) Ideas for new company logo
(C) It may not list current prices. (C) Suggestions for new products
(D) It only shows what customers (D) Pictures of products they use

10-12 refer to the following form.


Downtown Parking Lot Only

■ Name: Kelley Graham

• ID/SSN#: 123-45-6789
• Department: Marketing
• Phone#: 555-1234
• Email:
Permanent Staff
Returned Form to Jenny Siha - Marketing Supervisor
Submission deadline
Spring: 12/01/2012
Summer: 03/01/2013
Fall: 08/01/2013
Submission date: February 27, 2013

ID. Why will Ms. Graham submit the form? 12. What is indicated about Ms. Siha?
(A) To receive parking access (A) She is Ms. Graham's manager.
(B) To request a deadline extension (B) She is in Human Resources.
(C) To schedule a meeting with Ms. Siha (C) She is the head of parking
(D) To provide emergency contact details administration,
(D) She is the CEO of SkyTen.
11. What is the deadline for returning the
form for the summer?
{A} February 27
(B) March 1
(C) August 1
(D) December 1


Doan van kep la ph^n ma thi sinh phai doc hai van b&n r6i tr& Idi nam cdu h6i ve hai van
ban do, vi vay dfiy la phan thddng gay ap lye ve mat tSm ly cho thi sinh. E-mail va thd la hai
lo^i van b^n xu^it hien thddng xuyen nhat, moi loai chiem Ian idot la 25% va 22%,

h£th6ng cAc dang cAu hoi

E-mail/thi/: e-mail + e-mail, e-mail + may giay tcJ, thu + e-mail, e-mail + th6ng bao
C&l xac dinh ro ngudi nhan, ngudi gdi, bdn thd ba.
Quang cao: quang cao + e-mail, quang cao + mau giay Id, quang cao + bao ch(.
Nhdng cau hoi ve didu kien pham chit rhu'dng xuyen xuat hien nen cac ban can
ctqc ky nhdng cau co dd cip tdri nhdng td chi dieu kien pham chit.

Thong bao; thong bao + e-mail, thong bao + mau giay td.
Vdi van ban thong bao, nhdng cau hoi ve sd kien thddng xuyfin xuat hign ncn cac
ban can doc ky Uch trinh, phi tham dif d doan van thd hai cua van ban.

Bao chi; bao chi + e-mail, bao chf + thd, bao chi + bao chi, bao chi + mau gidy td.
Vdi van ban bao chi, nhdng can hoi suy lu3n thddng xuyfin xuat then nen cac ban
can phan doan dda tien sd tong hop nhdng thong tin cd san ttong van ban, tranh
suy diem vdot ngoai pham vi van bin.

Mlu giay t6: mau giay td + e-mail, mau giay td + thd.

Vdi van ban mSn giay td, nhdng cau hoi thddng yen can giii thich thdng tin td
thd hoac c-maii r6i tlm thong tin cu the' cf mau giay td. Vi vay, de lam bai co hieu
qua, cac ban nen doc thd trddc khi doc mlu giay td.


★ Khi con 20 phut cuoi gid cac thi sinh da phai lam den cau 181 roi,
★ Doc hai cau hoi d^u tien trong so nam cdu hoi trddc, vda doc van ban thi? nhat vda
lam bai.
—> Nen khong tra Idi ddoc mot trong hai cau h6i, cac ban ncn tarn de' day, doc
tidp van ban thd hai de tim cau tra Idi.

★ Trong ba cau hoi con lai, doc hai cau hoi cuoi trddc, vda doc van ban thd hai vda lam bai.
—> Ndu khong tri Idi ddoc mot trong hai cau hoi, cac ban n&i cam de day, doc
lai van bdn thd nh£t dfi' giai quyet.

★ GiSi quy^t cSu h6i d giQa sau ciing,
Gdi y cho cau hoi nay co thS' xuaft hi^n d van b;ln thd nhfl't hoac van ban thtf
hai, hoac cung cb trdbng hop phai lien h^ ca hai van ban <3^ giai quy^t.

Ghi nho' can true cua do an van doi

De co the lam bai nhanh chong va dl dang thi sinh phai ghi nho ky cau true
cua doan van doi.

Quang cao + E-mail

If you are looking for a special venue to hold an event for your company, Winner's
Resort is a perfect place for you. A lot of people choose Winner's Resort for office
parties, team building, and small conferences.

We offer a range of rooms from small conference rooms to a banquet room. Special
company packages and rates for groups of 10 or more are available. For further
infomation, email

Subject: Reservation

To who it may concern,

I am Cindy Lee and I'm writing to make a reservation for your banquet room on
Friday, June 21 at 7 p.m., if it is available. The reservation should be under my name
and is for Mountain Promotion Inc.

Please get back to me as soon as possible. Although June is still two months away,
we need some time to plan this party. Thanks you in advance.

SETHI MO PHdNG 06p vh phan tich: Trang 136 phan Answer Keys

1-5 refer to the following e-mail and schedule,

... - ;

Dr. Parker,
Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice. I know you are very busy,
especially since it is now flu season. I believe that the two of us will be able to do
business together for a very long time.

The products and equipment that you need are exactly what my company wilt be
able to provide at a cost that will be most beneficial to your practice. I've attached
a catalog to this e-mail that will show our products and give a detailed description
of each one.

If there are any specific products that you would like to see, please let me know and
1 will bring in samples.

See you soon!

Alex Ritey

. ,
A Day of The Week Date Schedule
Saturday October 1 Golf game with Zimmers
Monday October 3 Meeting with Alex Riley
Tuesday October 4 Cancer Symposium
Wednesday October 5 Cancer Symposium; Presentation
Thursday October 6 Medical Equipment Conference
Friday October 7 Equipment ordering deadline
Sunday October 9 Family reunion

1. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 4. What is Dr. Parker planning to do
(A) To provide product information October 9?
(B) To schedule a meeting (A) Play golf
(C) To inform of a date change (B) Meet with Alex
(D) To attract customers (C) Go to a family event
(D) Attend a symposium
2. What is indicated about Alex Riley?
(A) He is a doctor. 5. By what date should requests for
(B) He has known Dr. Parker for a equipment be sent?
long time. (A) October 1
(C) He sells medical supplies. (B) October 4
(D) He is a pharmaceutical sales rep. (C) October 6
(D) October?
3. In the e-mail, the word notice in
paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in
meaning to
(A) conference
(B) schedule
(C) announcement
(D) invoice

6-10 refer to the following memo and e-mail.

To: Andrew Kim

From: Sasha Grey
Subject: Paralegals

It has come to my attention that we are in desperate need of a new paralegal service.
If you're having trouble finding applicants, an old colleague of mine recommended
that we try Hewitt Paralegals. It seems that the paralegals we have been hiring on
our own have not been working out. Either they turn out to be unfamiliar with any of
the processes or they are unable to handle the fast-paced environment that you and
I have been working in for quite some time now,

I'm in no way blaming you for these unsuccessful hires, but we really need to find
paralegals that will be able to stay with our company for a while.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I agree wholeheartedly that these latest hires have been unacceptable. We've been
using Jackson Paralegal Services for a long time, and they used to send us only the
best people. Since August, though, there has been a decline in the quality of those
they've sent.
I will look into Hewitt Paralegals and try to find out as much as I can. Hopefully they
will be able to help us out. I'll make this my top priority and get this taken care of as
soon as possible.

6. What is the purpose of the memo? 9. According to Andrew Kim, what
(A) To announce a conference happened in August?
(B) To inform of new guidelines (A) Mr. Kim was hired,
(C) To request a meeting (B) There was a decline in quality.
(D) To recommend a service (C) Ms. Grey was promoted,
(D) They started using dackson
7. What is indicated about Hewitt Paralegal Services.
(A) They are trustworthy. 10. Who most likely is Mr. Kim?
(B) They are unreliable. (A) A sales representative
(C) They are expanding. (B) A hiring supervisor
(D) They are unsatisfying. (C) A consultant
(D) An engineer
8. What is suggested about Ms. Grey?
(A) She works in a hospital.
(B) She is Mr. Kim's boss.
(C) She works in marketing,
(D) She is a paralegal.

11-15 refer to the following announcement and article.
- i
Caffrey School of Design staff member, Rod Wiley, was named 2012 Employee of
the Year at an awards ceremony on Friday, while 21 staff were recognized for their
length of service In presenting the Employee of the Year Award, Dean Ian Cowie
commended Rod Wiley and recognized his exemplary service to the school.

"Rod's role is integral to the structure of our school's community both in preparation
for and during times of duress. His skill in liaising with people during an urgent crisis
comes from his calmness and inner strength, white his leadership style inspires our
many employees to work together in progressing our school."

"The 2012 Employee of the Year Award is a fitting recognition of Rod's work, and
I speak on behalf of the school and Rod's colleagues when I thank Rod for his
dedication and outstanding contributions," said Dean Cowie. At the Staff Awards
and Recognition Function the Dean thanked all staff for their work during 2012, and
reflected upon the many achievements and successes of the year.

Length of service awards were also presented to staff who had achieved milestones
of 10, 20, or 30 years service with special mention to
* Anne Forsyth, Infrastructure Support Officer - 20 years of service, and
• Geoff Edwards, Manager of Building Services - 30 years of service.

Everyone in the city is talking about Caffrey School of Design these days. Ever
since Dr. Aejandro Morales joined their staff, the school has seen an unbelievable
increase in fame.

Dr. Morales is well known for his unique style of printmaking. His innovative subject
matter and distinctive way of combining his art in collaborative efforts with other
artists have made him a treasure in our city.

Every citizen of this city is proud of Dr. Morales's for his high number of achievements
after breaking into the art world only a short time ago. Caffrey School of Design is
sure to see a boom in applications in the coming semesters as students scramble
to be taught by this great artist.

11. Whal is the purpose of the 13. According to the article, what feature
announcement? is typical of Dr. Morales' artwork?
(A) To commend one of the award (A) Complex brushwork
recipients (B) Simple subject matter
(B) To provide information on a new (C) Cooperation with others
policy (D) Use of unusual media
(C) To announce a promotion
(D) To inform of a conference 15. What is indicated about the Caffrey
School of Design?
12. What recognition will Mr. Wiley probably (A) It is known around the world.
receive? (B) It was founded by Dr. Morales.
(A) A job promotion (C) It hired Dr. Morales as a teacher.
(B) An employee performance award (D) Its students become famous.
(C) A cash bonus
(D) Relocation to another branch

13. What is indicated about Dr. Morales?

(A) He has only been an artist for a
short time.
(B) His artwork is plain and
(C) His artwork is mainly sculptures.
(D) He only works by himself.

16-20 refer to the following e-mail and information on a Web page.

Dear Loyal customer,

To thank you for your longtime subscription to the Dale Gazette, we will be awarding
you a free subscription to our new magazine, Gazette Entertainment,

Our new magazine, as you may have guessed, will focus on news and happenings
in the Entertainment industry. Reviews of movies and music, written by acclaimed
writer Henry Pang, will also be included. This magazine will be replacing the
entertainment section of the Dale Gazette. While we will still have an entertainment
section In our newspaper, it will be scaled down considerably.

We hope that you enjoy our new magazine, which will be launching this June. If you
have any feedback, please contact us at anytime via mail, phone, or email.

Best regards,

The Dale Gazette

Hello, and welcome to my online portfolio.

My name is Henry Pang and I've been working as a writer for nearly 20 years. Most
of you are familiar with my articles in The Dale Gazette. You may have seen some
of my short stories in literary journals or magazines.

I have self-published several novels as electronic books. These are available for
purchase on this site.

If you go to the Samples page, you will be able to see several examples of my
writing ability. Samples are provided both on the page and via links to sites that I
have written for in the past.

To see a complete resume, you can navigate my Experience section, which gives
a comprehensive list of the companies that have written for as well as details in
regards to my education and qualifications.

It you are interested in hiring me to write as a freelancer, you may email me from
this site.

tfi. What is NOT mentioned as a feature 19. What is indicated about Mr. Pang?
of the Gazette Entertainment? (A) He is an experienced writer.
(A) Entertainment news (B) He has not been writing long.
(B) Movie reviews (C) He is only interested in being
(C) Editorial articles published
(D) Music reviews (D) He only wants an office job.

17. When will customers receive a free 20. What will Mr. Pang receive via e-mail?
copy of the Gazette Entertainment? (A) Invitations to conferences
(A) When it launches in June (B) Advertisements for newspapers
(B) When they renew their (C) Information on available work
subscription (D) Requests for meetings
(C) When they buy a copy of The
Dale Gazette
(D) When they win the contest

18. How will the Daie Gazette change

its newspaper service?
(A) By only having the newspaper
(B) By making the entertainment
section smaller
(C) By releasing a smartphone
{D) By changing it to a weekly

21-25 refer to the following letter.

Dear Ms, Pitzel,

I'm happy to let you know that you have been offered a position at Wynne Publishing.
You'll be working in the education publications department under Matthew Peterson.
Matthew will be your supervisor and will be meeting with you upon your arrival to
the Office. We understand that you will be moving here from Buffalo, New York, so
please inform us of when you will be available to start.

You will be working with a group that is a mix of both permanent and temporary staff.
In this group, your main responsibility will be to handle several projects related to
Mathematics, English, Social Studies, and Science. The group will be able to you
up to speed on all the projects, so I recommend that you take some time to become
familiar with everyone and what they do, as well as the specifics of each project.

I look forward io seeing and working with you soon.

Patricia Hanson
r-- *yr*.' - HWtW'A'rV'


As you know, Sandra Pitzel will be starting on September 2. I recommend that

iyou take some time to meet with her in the morning to discuss the specifics of
her responsibilities in your department. She has a background in Education, so
hopefully she will fake to it rather quickly. Please keep me updated on her progress.

On another note, you may have heard that the Stat Times that we release is
expanding. The Stat Times team is a little overwhelmed at the moment due to one
staff member becoming ill at a crucial time and a temporary employee finding a
permanent position elsewhere. Because of this, I'd like to request that you delegate
some of the work to a couple of your team members.

The employees that are unavailable currently were working on pieces concerning
local art galleries, so I'd like your team to pick up where they left off. Marcy is
putting together notes on their articles for you now and should have them ready this
afternoon. I apologize for this last minute request, but it is rather urgent.

Thank you.
Patricia Hanson
21. What is indicated about Ms. Pitzel? 24. What is suggested about Wynne
(A) She is a former employee of Pubtishing's Stat Times?
Wynne Publishing. (A) It is a monthly publication.
(B) She will be a Human Resources (B) It is fully staffed.
representative, (C) It is an educational publication
(C) She will change her abode. (D) It will include topics on the arts.
{□) She is a marketing consultant.
25. What is suggested about Matthew?
22. Which is the word handle in paragraph (A) He joined the company recently.
2, line 2 of the first letter the closest in (B) He is an experienced employee.
meaning to? (C) He is senior to Patricia Hanson.
(A) hold (D) He specialized in art and culture.
(C) grab
(D) extend

23. What type of publication is Ms. Pitzel

expected to work on?
(A) News
(B) Education
(C) Marketing
(D) Literary journal





Ha Linh dich




Chapter 01
Thanh pMn cua c^u 5
01 I Chit ngO, dpng t£r, tan ngO, bo ngO, tif bd nghTa 5

Chapter 02
0ng ttt
02 I Cac dang dong td g
03 I Thi cua dpng td 1 ^
04 I The chu dpng, the bj dpng ^
05 I Cau dieu kipn

Chapter 03
Tifloai 25
06 I Danh td 25

07 I Dai td 28
08 I Tmh td 22
09 I Trangtd ^ 35
10 I Gidi td 38

Chapter 04
Dpng td khong gidi han 46

11 I Dpng td nguyen thd 4g

12 I Danh dpng td 5C|
13 I Phan dpng td 5g

Chapter 05
LiPn td va menh de
14 I Lien td ket hdp va lien td tddng quan 62
15 I Mpnh de danh ngd gg
16 I Menh d6 trang ngd gg
17 I Mpnh de quan he 71

Chapter 06
Mot so cSu dac biet
. , 74
18 I Cau so sanh 74

19 I Cau song song/dao ngd 77


Chapter 07
On tAp theo cac dang cdu hoi 85
20 I Cau hoi ve chu 85
21 I Cau hoi lien quan den danh tit rieng 87
22 I Cau hoi ve yeu cau 90
23 I Cau h6i vS nguyen nhan 92
2k I Cau hoi NOT 94
25 I Cau hoi suy luan 97
26 I Cau h6i not, problem, if 99
27 I Cau h6i phan tich 101
28 I Cau hoi co gdi y dap an nam d phan dau hoac phan cudi van ban.... 104
29 I Cau hdi tC/vUng 106

Chapter 08
On tap theo cac dang van ban 108
30 I Thd (Letter)/ThLf dien tif (E-mail) 108
31 t Quang cao (Advertisement) 111
32 I Thong bao (Notice & Announcement) 115
33 I Bao chi (Article & Report) 120
34 t Thong bao noi bp (Memo) 125
35 ! Van ban hdcing dan (Information) 130
36 1 Mau giay td (Form) va mot so dang van ban khac 133
37 I Doan van kep (Double passages) 136
PARTI 3. Dien tuf bd nghTa vao chd trong

CHAPTER 01 Giai thich: Vi cd hai dong th (follow,

THANH PHAN CUA CAu use) va theo sau cho trong la tan ngfl

01 GhCi nguf, d6ng tCf, tSn figff, this equipment iVn phan th hien tai
ngufi tOf bd nghTa (D) using la dap an chinh xac. (A),
(B), (C) da'u khdng cd phd tif li6n
be thi m6 ph6ng kdt, ncu chpn cac dap an nay cau se

I.(C) 2.(B) 3,(D) 4.(C) 5. (C) sai vi cd hai dong tif.

6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (C) 10. (C) Dap an dung (D)
II. (A) 12. (B) 13. (D) 14. (D) 15. (A) TCf vifng:
follow di theo, lam theo
1. Dien tif bo nghTa vao cho trong
recommendation chi dSn, hudng dan
Giai thich: Vi theo sail ch6 trong lit
mot m£nh de nen pho tif lidn kdt 4. Gidi tuf va lien tif
(C) When la ctap an chinh xac. Giai thich: Vi theo sau chd trong la
Dap dn <Jung (C)
tdn ngif (your business trip) nen gidi
.TO vilng:
tif (C) during lii dap an chinh xac.
chance cd hOi
Ddp an dung (Q
send gCri
order through gCfi. chuyen ddn hang qua Tif Vifng;
once again mot Ian nOa expense kinh phi
incur phatsinh
compensate boi thudng, chi tra
2. 0ien ttTbd nghTa vao cho trong
Gidi thich: Vi cd hai dong tit (is,
5. Dien tinh tufvao cho trong
click) nen can sif dung menh de
Giai thich: Vi theo sau chd trong la
quan he. Ndu chpn that thi is -
dong tif dang 2 (become) nan (C)
download bao gdm ca that se la
operational la dap an chinh xac.
mdnh dd quan lie vdi that la dai tit
Dap an diing (C)
quan ha lam chu ngff. Do do, (B) la
TCf vyng:
dap an chinh xac. previously tnfdc do
Dap an dung (B) documented ghi chep lai
TO viing; be supposed to do
view xem difpcdjdjnh lam gi
"st danh sach, muc luc
be available for co san

6. Hoa hdp ve s6 giufa ddng tCf va 9. Dien tinh tif vao ch6 trong
chu nguf Giai thich: Vi trtfcfc cho trong la
Giai thich: Chu ngu demand la dong tif be n^n ta phai chpn tinh ttf
danh tif so it n&i (B) rises la dap an cUf dien vao cho trong. Nhtf vay (C)
chinh xac. different la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (B) Dap an dung (C)
Tif vi/ng: Tdvdng:
be expected to diroc ky vong product sSn pham
post datmtlc quite rat, kha nhi^u
growth tang trddng competitor doi thu canh tranh
demand nhu cau in many respects b nhi§u mat

7. Hoan thanh cau menh l?nh 10. DiSn danh tif vao cho trong
Giai thich: Ta phai dien dong tif Giai thich: Sau dong ttf ta can co mot
dang nguyen the vao cho trong sau tan nguf, action la danh tif khong
dau phly. Sau menh dg trang ngff dfi'm difo'c ndn (C) action la dap an
co lian tif chi dieu kifin la cdu mfinh chinh xac.
l6nh nfin (A) contact la dap an chinh Dap an dimg (C)

xac. Tdvdng:
Dap an dung (A) take action hanh dong
benefits package phiic Iqi
Td vdng:
problem v^n de
11. Dien danh tif vao cho trong
as soon as ngay khi
get to d^n ndi Giai thich: Sau tinh tif (revised)
ta c&i mot danh tif. Xet v£ mat y

8. Hoa hcfp ve so nghla "thu tuc dupe stfa d6i" thi

Giai thich: Sau there se la thif ttf dap an chinh xac phai la (A).
Dap an dting (A)
"dong ttf + chu ngtf + ttf b6 nghTa".
Vi remain la dong tif chia 6 dang so Td vpng:
enact thi hanh, thdc thi
nhi^u nfin (D) challenges la dap an
revised dupe stfa d6i
chinh xac. starting bat dSu tit
Dap an dung (D)
proceeds ti$n lai, loi nhu^n
Td vdng:
significant cd tam quan trqng 12. Dien danh tif vao cho trdng
field ITnh vdc Giai thich: Ta phdi chpn danh tP
knowledge tri thdc tifo'ng ifng vdi danh tif development

difng tnfcrc ch6 trong. Vi tnfdc dietary thuoc ch^ d6 an uong
development co quan rtf bat dinh a, va recommendation y#u cau
intake nap vao
xet ve mat y nghla se phai la "dat duo'c
be aware of nh&n thtfc difpc
giay phep phat trieiV nen (B) permit
take steps thqc hien, hanh dong
la dap an chinh xac. decrease giam
Oap an diing (fi) saturated bao hoa
Tif viing: significantly met each dang ke
obtain dat difdo
development phat trien 13. Dien tinh tif vao cho trdng
permit gigy phep
Giai thich: Vi phai chpn tif bd
approve dong y, ch§'p thu$n
nghia cho danh tif habits di dien

13-15. vao ch6 trdng nen ta can can nMc

gida hai dap an (B) va (D). Tinh tif
Tit vifng: healthful co nghia la "lanh manh,
agree dong y
co lefi cho she khde, tang cudng sifc
acquire cd dupe
healthy khoe va thifdng difpc dung difdi
khoe manh
lifestyle phong each song. dang healthful food [exercise]. Con
loi sdng healthy mang nghia "khoe manh"
chance co hpi va thtfdng difpc vidt dtfdi dang
keep in shape giO dang
healthy teeth [body, society]. Do do,
throughout trong suot
research (D) la dap an chinh xac.
nghien cifu
diabetes benh lieu dupng Dap an dung (D)
high blood pressure
cao huyet ap 14. Dien dfing tif vao ch6 trong
heart disease benh tim
Giai thich: O cau nay, chu ngu la
conventionally thong thi/Png
adult toan bo cum diabetes, high blood
nguPi IPn
illnesses benh pressure, and heart disease va dong tif
develop phat then la begin. Ta phai dien qua khu phdn
childhood thdi nien thieu tif considered vao chd trdng.
nearly gan nhu
Dap an diing (D)
out of trong sd
considerate chu dao, quan tam
considerable dang ke 15. Hoa hop ve so
adolescent tudi Ire, thanh nien GUi thich: Ta phai dien dong tif vao
exceed vifpt qua cho trdng. Chu ngtf cua cau nay la

Dip an dung (D)
cum "danh dong ttt + and + daiih
TV vUng:
dong tii' (Being, taking). Hai danh
policy chinh sach
dong tii difcfc lien k£t btfi and se di
allow cho phep
vdi dong tif so it. Do do (A) la dap decision quyet djnh
an chlnh xac. sexual discrimination
Dap an dung (A) phan biet gidi tfnh

3. Bi^n dong tii thich hop vao
cho trong

02 Cac dang d6ng tii Giai thich: Chi co dap an (B)

accommodate vdi nghla "chtfa diipc"
DE THI MOPHdNG la tiiOng dng vdi tan nguf theo satt chd
trong (a larger audience). (A) enhance
1. (A) 2.(D) 3.{B) 4.(A) 5. (D)
6. (B) 7.(C) 8. (A) 9,(D) 10. (A) cd nghla la nang cao, (C) notice la
11. (D) 12, (D) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (C) thong bao, (D) check la Idem tra.
Dap an dung (B)
1. Bien dong tii thich htfp vao cho
Tif vilng;
organizer ngi/di td chdc
Giai thkh: Bdi theo sau cho trong venue dja diem
(that the class will fill out so quickly) change thay doi
la tan ngtf nen ta phai dien dong tii, audience khan gid

trong so hon dap an thi (A) anticipate

(dti doan) la thich hop nhat. 4. Bien d6ng td thich hop vao ch6
Dap an dung (A) trong

TO vi/ng: Giai thich: N&i bo phan bo nghla

fill out ddy, kin ddng trifdc chd trong (you are seeing
registration dang ky
here) thi ta se de dang th^fy The
recommend gdi y, y^u cau
prices chinh la chu ngu, do do (A) la
dap an chinh xac. Vi have la ngoai
2. Bien dong tii thich hop vao cho
dong tit ndn la dap an sai.
Dap An dung (A)
Giai thich: Bdi tnidc chd trdng la
Tif vifng:
dong tif gidi han (allow) nfin chi co without khong cd
dap an (D) to be made la thich hop tax thue
d£ dien vao chd trong. apply ap dung

5. £>ien dong t£r thich hdp vao cho Tir viing:
trong information tbfing tin
available s&n co
Giai thich: Sau chfl trong la dong
tif gidi ban (will be considered), lai
8. Dien dong tir thich hdp vao chd
kbong co tan ngfl nen qua khrf pMn
tit (D) rejected la dap an chinh xac.
Giai thich: Vi theo sau chd trdng la
Dap an (tiing (D)
dai ttt phan than myself nen chi cd
TCf vi/ng:
proposal de an, IcJi de xuat dong tit (A) distinguish la thich hop
brainstorming di/a ra y tirdng de dien vao chd trong, distinguish
department phong ban oneself cd nghia la "the hien tai
nang, khidn ban thdn ndi bit, kliac
6. Dien dong tuf thfch hop vao
biet." (B) convince la thuydt phuc,
cho trong
(C) confess la bay to, (D) indicate
Gidi thich: Vi tbeo sau ch6 trong la
la chi ra.
cum gidi tif (to I laid) nen ta phai dien
Dap an diing (A)
dong tu vao chd trong. Tbeo do, (B)
Tif vUng:
go la dap an chinh xac. (A) oppose
take {thefi gian) mat, ton
co nghia la phan ddi, (C) contact lien representative ngUcii dai dien
lac, (D) c;iJl goi dien thoai.
Dap an dung (B) 9. Dien dong tCrthich hdp vao cho
Td vitng: trong
donation quyen gop Giai thich: Chi cd dap an (D) join
volunteer tinh nguy^n vien
(gia nhlp) la thich hop vdi tan ngtf
payment chi trS, khoan tien
our sales team ddng sau chd trdng.
7. Dien dong td thrch hop vao (A) mention cd nghia la de cayp,

ch6 trong (B) refer la tham khao, (C) cause

Giai thich: Chi co dong tit (C) take la gly ra.

Dap in dung (D)
(lay, mang di) la tiiOng ung vdi rfln
TtT vUng:
ngfl brochure difng sau chd trong. (A)
look for tim kiem
deal la ngoai dong tii nen phai cd with,
experienced co kinh nghiem
(B) cope vdi nghia "dtfong dau" cflng skill nang luc
can cd with di cung, con (D) scrutinize
co nghia la nghien ciiu can thcln.
Dap an dung (C)

10. Dien ddng tif thich hdp vao thdcfng, (B) conform la lam cho
ch6 trong phii hdp vdi, (C) show la cho thdy.
Giai thich; Vi theo sau cho tr6ng la Ddp an dung (D)

"ngu'di + that + menh d^" nen (A) Tif vifng;

inform la dap an chinh xac. (B) unload d6 d6
grocery hang tap hoa
announce co nghla la thong bao,
(C) comply vdi nghla "tu^n theo" 13-15.
can co with di cung, (D) face la
ddi mat. TU vUng:
Dap an dung (A) follow up on them vao, theo sau
as a result k^t qua la
T£r vifng:
originally dau tidn, von le
change tin ay doi agree upon dong y
refund hoan tra place an order dcit hang
to be more specific
cu thl hon
11. 0ien ddng tif thich hdp vao
electronic invoice
cho trdng h6a don dien tif
Giai thich: Vi theo sau ch6 trong la at one's earliest convenience
sdm nhdt co the
dong tif nguyen the co to nen dap
timely dung luc, kjp thdi
an chinh xac phal la chd ng2 gia
(D) it.
Ddp an dung (D) 13. Thl cua dong tif
Giai thich: Vi phai chon dap an
Td vifng:
a lot nhi^u de diln ta y nghla "sau cupc nbi
convenient tien Idi chuybn dien thoai lan trifdc, chting
degree bang cap t6i da quybt dinh tang so lifdng
mtfc may in muon dat" nen dap an
12. Di^n dong tif thich hdp vao cho
(A) have decided b thl hicin tai hoan
thanh la dap an chinh xac.
GUi thich: Vi theo sau cho trong
Dap an dung (A)
la "tan ngfl + to" niin ta phai
chon ngoai dong tif de didn vao
14. Diin dong tif thich hdp vao
cho trong. Dap an (D) return
cho trong
vcfi cau true "return A to B" (tra
Giai thich: Vi theo sau ch6 trong la
A lai cho B) la dap an chinh xac.
"tif chi vdt + to + tif chi ngdcfi" (200
(A) compensate co nghla la boi

new cartridges to us) nen (D) send la cau cb t^n ngfi nen the bi dong (D)
dap an chinh xac. were followed la dap an sai.
Dap in dung (D) Dap in dung (B)
Tif vyng:
15. Cau rut gpn attendee ngudi tham do
staff nhan vien
Gidi thich: Vi who is giifa tit person
reception tiep don
va ch6 rrong da dude lifdc bo nen
floor t^ng
(C) responsible la dap an chinb xac.
Dap an diing (C)
3. Menh de trang ngO chi diiu kien

Thi cua d^ng tit Gidi thich; Vi dong tif of mbnh dd

chinh b thi titdng lai (will) nen

0ETHI MO PHONG dong tit b mfinh d€ trang ngfl chi

dieu kien phai difpc chi a b thi hkn
1 ■ (A) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. {□)
tai (confirm).
6. (B) 7. (B) 8, (C) 9. (C) 10. (B)
Dip an dung (B)
11. (A) 12. (B) 13. {B) 14. (B) 15, (B)
Tif vyng:
confirm xac nhan
1. Cau m&nh lenh install lap dal
GisU thich: Vl sau "thdi gian, menh schedule len Ijch trinh
dd trang ngif chl dieu kien + dau technician ky thu$t vien
phay" la cdu menh Idnh vdi chu ngiJ
ditdc gian lifdc nen (A) let la dap 4. Vj tri cua dong tit
an diing. GuU thkh: Vi tnfbc cho trong la lien
Dap an diing (A) tit (before) va chu ngff (you) nen ta
Tif vitng: phii dien dong tit vao cho trong.
reply tra Idi Dip an dung (C)
terms (Jidu ktioan (hop dong}
payment thanh toan
implement thi hanh, thifc hipn
discount giam gia
suggest gOi y, de ra
5. Gong tit sai khien

2. Thi qua khuf Giai thich: Vi tntbc chb trong la

Giai tKkh: Vi d cuoi can cb tii dbng tit sai khidn (had), moi quan
chi qua kliii (yesterday) n^n (B) he giita tan ngfi (all the applications
followed la dap an chinh xac. Vi forms) va bo ngu cho tin ngfi (fill)

la moi quan h(! bi dong n&n (D) ngdn) thi chi co dap an (C) will la

filled la dap an chinh xac. thich hop de dien vao cho trong.
Dap an (tung (D) Dap an dung (C)

Tii vUng: Tif vpng:

application form ddn dang ky representative dai dien
fill out dien base can ctf tai
drop off mang d§'n cho
9. Thi hien tai hoan thanh
6. Thi qua khif Giai thich: Vi tnicfc ch6 trong la
Giai thich: Vi 6' menh d6 chinh dong khoang rhtfi gian (Over the past
tif d thi qua khvf hoan thanh (had decade) va sau ch6 trong la "since +
hoped) va sau cho trdng co cum tii chi mdc thcd gian" nen (C) has organized
ttto'ng lai (next month) nen (B) would la dap an chinh xac.
be replaced la dap an chinh xac. Dap an dung (C)
Dap an dung (B) TCf vUng:
Tit vifng: decade thap ky
department bp phSn organize chuan bi, to chdc
old cu establish thanh lap
patrol car xe tuan tra promote xuc ti^n, quang ha
replace thay the support h6 irp
investment dau tu

7. Thi hi$n tai hoan thanh

10. Tif vUng dong tif
Gidi thich: Vi theo sau cho trdng la
Gidi thich: Vi theo sau cho trong la
"since + tif chi qua khif" nen dong
b6 ngii tmh tif (competitive) n6n
tif of thi hifin tai hoan thanh (B)
dong tif dang 2 (B) remain la dap
have soared la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B) an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)
Tif vilng:
soar tang nhanh TCf vifng:
order dat hang advertisement qudng cao
help giup dd
product san pham
competitive cd sijfc canh tranh
recognition nhan thflc, nhan biet
8. Thi tiidng lai
obtain dat dupe
Giai thich; Xet ve mat y nghia ciia allow cho phep
tif shortly (sdm, trong thdi gian

11. Thl hien tar hoan thanh budget von, dqtoan
Gidi thfch: Vi sau ch6 trong co xuar currently hien nay
hicn tii recently nen dap an dung co more than nhieu hdn
th^ la dong tif b thi qua khuf hoac enroll dang ky
keep up with khong bj tut lai,
hien tai hoan thanh. d day (A) has
theo kip vdi
fallen la dap an chinh xac.
demand yeu cau, nhu cau
Ddp an dung (A)
at one's earliest convenience
TC/viing: sdm nhat co the
contrary to doi lap, ngitdc, trai vdi generous hao phbng
prediction du doan
expert chuyen gia 13. Cau ve thi cua dong tif
product san phim
Giai thich: Vi sau ch6 trong co moc
a lot nhiea
thdigian (in your last correspondence)

12. Vj tri cua phan tCf nen (B) mentioned la dap an dung.

Giai thxch: Vi tnfo'c ch6 trong la Dip an diing (B)

d^ng tif gidi han (established) nfin 14. Dai tif quan he

cac dap an la dong tif (A), (C), Giai thlch: Vi tnfdc cho trong co
(D) ddu sai. Qua khuf phan tif (B) uat hien hai dong tif (can use, can

followed mdi la dap an chinh xac. get) nen ta phai dien dai tif lien ka
Dap an dung (B) vao ch6 trong, Q cau nay, m£nh de
Ti/ vi/ng: quan he chi co the dtfpc gian lifpc
establish thanh lap chu nguf hoac tan ngfl, nhifng neu
manufacturing plan
chon that thi menh de se thieu ci
xtfdng san xuat, che tpo
chu ngfl va tin ngfl va vi th^ sai
followed by dupe theo sau bdi
ve mat ngfl phap. Nhif vay, day la
13-15. menh dd co dai tif quan hd lam tan
TO vifng: ngfl that da dflpc gian lupc nen (B)
see if xac nhan, hoi Itii we la dap an chinh xac.
provide cung cap
Dap aii dung (B)
mention de cap
correspondence trao doi thu tif
15. TifvUng dong tif
extra thtfa
Giai tlu'ch: Dap an (B) enrolled flng
donate quyen gop
benefit difpc Idi fch vcfi gidi tif in theo sau cho trong
donation sif quyen tang ndn la dap chinh xac.
limited han che Dap an dung (B)

join tham gia
04 Thl chQ dpng, thl bj dpng bidding dau thau
sale ban
3. Dpng tit dang 5 the bj dpng
I. (B) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (A)
Giai thich: Vi theo sau cho trdng la
6.(B) 7.(8) 8.(A) 9.(C) 10. (B)
II. (C) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (C) dpng tii nguyen thl co to (to keep)
nln ta phai dien dpng tii dang 5 thl

1. Cau true thUdng gap cDa the bi dpng vao cho trdng. Do do (C)

bj dpng have been urged la dap an chinh xac.

Giai thich: Vi sau cho tr6ng la gidi Dip an dung (C)

ttf (to) ndn chi co qua khil phdn TOvUng:

investor nha dau tU
tti (B) dedicated la thick hop de
urge thuc giuc, yeu cau
didn vao cho trong. (A) agreed di sdc ep
vcfi dpng tCf nguyen thl co to, (C) firm doanh nghipp
urged di vdi "tan ngfl + ddng tif prepare chuln bi
nguyln the co td\ (D) associated climate change bien doi khi hau

di vofi gidi tU with nen day dlu la

4. Ddng tif dang 4 the b| dpng
cac dap an sai.
Giai thich: Vi sau ch6 trong la menh
Dap an dung (B)
dl co that nen ta phai chon dpng
Tif vifng;
giai cCfu tii dang 4 (assure) thl bi ding dl
urge thuc gigc, yeu cau diln vao chd trong. Nhif vay, (D)
associate kithpp,cong tac assured la dap an chinh xac.
Dip in dung (D)
2. Ddng tiic^im xuc the bj dpng TO vOng:
Giai thick: Vi cac dap an ciing la mot assure cam doan, dam bcio
dpng ttf chn xuc entice va chu ngif transfer chuyen tien
appropriate thich hdp
cua cau la ngiicfi (Mr. Richardson)
legal hdp phap
nln dpng ttf thl bi dpng hoan thanh
(A) has been enticed la dap an chinh 5. Npi dpng tCf the bi dpng
xac. Giai thich: Vi npi dpng tif decrease
Dip in dung (A)
khong thl difpc chia is thl bi dpng
TO vyng:
nen (A) decreased la dap an chinh xac.
entice du dfl, loi keo
Dip in dung (A)

T£f vi/ng:
tif bi dpng se la dpng tif nguyen thd
the number of so lacing nhOng
co to. Vi truVc cho trong co tin ngCf
leave b6. rcii di
greatly Idn, rat nen (A) to make la dap an chinh xac.
past trade, vita qua Dip an dung (A)
TC( vUng:
6. Tr^ dpng tCfth^ bj dpng fool dung cu
Giai thich; Vi theo sau did trong la make decisions quyet djnh
process qua trinh
tan ngS (the first monthly orientation
efficient hieu quS
session) nen dpng tif the chu dpng
(B) attend dap an chinh xac. 9. Thi hipn tai hoan thanh
Dap an dung (B) Gidi thich: Vi trUcfc ch6 trong co
Tif vyng; xuat hipn Idioang tlnfi gian (For
employment viec lam, sp (am cdng the last 2 years) nen (C) have been
attend tham du working la dap an chinh xac.
Dap in dung (C)
7. Vj trf cua danh tCT
Tir uyng:
Giai thich: Dpng tif (make) xuat as nhu la
hi(!n sau ch6 trong nen ta phii chpn law office van phong lu$t

danh tif dd dien vao cho trong. would like to do muon lam gi
opportunity cd hoi
Arrangement la danh tif dehr dupe
nen (B) arrangements la dap hi chinh
10. Dpng tif dim xuc the bj dpng
Giai thich; Neu chu ngif gAy ra cim
Dip in dung (B)
xuc thi ta dung the chu dpng, nhifng
ne'u chu ngtf cim nhln difpc thi
need can
ph^i dung the' hi dpng. 6 cdu nay
interpretation thong djch, phien dich
assistance trd giup chu nguf (Conoco Inc.) cam thay
make arrangements quan t4m de'n viec phan phoi sin
chuan bi, sap xep pham nen the bi dpng (B) interested
la dap an chinh xac.
8. Dpng tif nguyen the co fo the bj Dip in dung (B)
dpng TU vUng:
Giai thich; Dpng ttf di kem vpi "tan be glad to do vui mtfng vi
distribute phan phoi
ngif + dpng tif nguyen the co ft?" khi
product sSn pham
difpc chia cf thd hi dpng, sau dpng
local khu vUc

11. Npi dong tiTthe b| dpng really thiic su
use sC( dung
Giai thkh: Ngi dgng tu deteriorate
prepare chuan bi
khong tM diipc chia cf the bi dong tren lap trUdng cua
on one's end
nen (C) will deteriorate la dap an unfortunately that khong may
chinh xac. completion hoan thanh
Dap an dting (C) necessary can thiet
call gpi dien thoai
TC( VLfng:
extension md rgng, keo dai
expect ky vong
chance cd hoi
profit lefi fch
such as nhu la
earthquake ddng dat
in advance trade
damage ton hai
happen xSy ra, phai sinh
plant cong xudng
always ludn luon
deteriorate ]^m ha h6ng,
difficult kho khan
lam gi&m gia trj
on schedule dung Ijch

12. Npi dong tir+ gidi tdthe bj dong

13. TCf vting pho tii
Giai thich: "Noi dong tit + gicfi tit
Gidi thich: Vi sau cho trong la so tii
(search for) diipc coi la mot cum
(two weeks) nen at least la dap an
ngoai dong tii nen thco sau cho
chinh xac.
trong co tan ngu hooks, do do dong
Dap an dung (A)
tii thd chu dong (A) search la dap
an chinh xac.
14. Lien tifdang lap
Dap an dung (A)
Giai thich; Khi cho trong diing gifla
Td vifng;
cd sd dU lieu hai dong tii va cau mang y nghTa liia
let cho phep chon thi ta phai diing li^n tii dang Idp
tittle de muc or, nhii vay (B) la dap an chinh xac.
author tac gia Dip an diing (B)
search for tim kiem

15. Npi dong tii the bj dong

Tit vUng: Giai thich: Vi happen khong the diipc
convince thuyet phuc chia d the hi dong nen (C) happen la
delay trl hoan dap an chinh xac.
current hien t^i, goc Dap an dung (C)
deadline han chot
outline phac th&o
ask yeu cau

3. Dong tCf dang 4 the bj dpng
05 Cau dieu kien
Giai thich: Sau dong tif dang 4
(send) co xuat hi^n mot danh tif
0E THIMO PHONG nen ta phai chia send 6 thi bi dpng.

I. (D) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (B) Nhtf vay, (B) have been sent la dap
6. (A) 7. (B) S.(C) 9. (A) 10. (C) an chinh xac.
II. (A) 12. (B) 13, (A) 14. (A) 15. (B) Dap an dung (B)
Tif vung:
1. Cau dieu kien loai 3 customer khach hang
instruction hifdng dan,
Giai thich: Vi ra&lh d6" chinh cf rhi
each suf dung
qua khif ho an thanh nen (D) had
maintain duy trl
hired la dap an chinh xac. stable on dinh
Dap an (ti'ing (D) connection ket noi
TCi vi/ng:
hire thue 4. Cau dieu ki£n khdng co if
professional chuySn nghiep Giai thich: Vi Had dii'ng dau can
interpreter phien dich vien
va menh de chinh of gia dinh thdc
negotiation Ihifdng lapng
qua khd hoan thanh (could have
smooth suon s§
avoided) nen day la cdu didu kien
loai 3 gidn lupc if Theo do, (C)
2. Cum tif thay the trong cau dieu
been accurate la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (C)
Giai thich: Vi menh d6 chinh sau
ch6 trong gia dinh thifc qua khii
estimateed ifdc liidng, dp doan
hoan thanh (would not have made) figure sd lieu
nen (B) if not for la dap an chinh accurate chinh xac
xac. If not for la dang rut gpn cua avoid tranh
run out of - hfSt, cgn
If it had not been for, thuo'ng ctifpc
cash tien mat
dung vdi without irong cdu gia dinh.
Dap an (ti'ing (B)
5. Danh ddng ttf
TCf vilng:
Giai thkh: Phai dien danh tit vao
tax break uu dai thue
profit Idi nhuan ch6 trong de lam chu ngff cho
dpng tif gioi ban (is). Vi tnfdc cho
trong khong co mao tif va dpng

tu diicfc chia 6 dang so it ncn (B) m^nh d£ chinh d dang gia dinh qua
Contributing la dap an chinh xac. khd hoan thanh n^n day la cSu dieu
Dap an dung (B) kien loai 3 dao ngG gian lifdc if. (C)
Tlf vUng: Had la dap an chinh xac.
local dja phiidng
Dap in dung (C)
charity hOilirthien
TP vUng:
on a regular basis
thadng xuyen, dinh ky enough du

community cdng dong prepare chuan bj

presentation phat bieu
contribution dong gdp
account khach hang
6. Cau dieu kien loai 2
Giai thkh: Vi d m^nh d^ iydong tii 9. Cau dieu kien hon hop

d thi qua khtf nen (A) could provide Giai thkh: Vi d menh de fb dang

la dap an chinh xac. gia dinh qua khti hoan thanh (had
Dap an diing (A) been made) va d cuoi cau lai cd moc
Ttf vifng: thdi gian (by now) nen day la cau
be unhappy khong hai long difiu kien hdn hop. Nhtf vay, (A) be
result ket quS
manufacturing la dap an chinh xac.
provide oung cap
Dap an diing (A)

7. Cau dieu kien loai 1 dao nguf TPvUng:

Giai thkh: Vi sau chd trdng la dong plan k^ hoach

manufacture che tqo
tif nguyen the (finish) va d menh d6'
electronic vehicle xe 6 to dien
chinh co trp dong rtf (may have) nen by now bay gib
ddy la cau dieu kien loai 1 gian lucfc
if. (B) Should la dap an chinh xac. 10. Cau dieu kien loai 2
Dip an dung (B) Giai thkh: Vi menh de fb dang gia
TP vilng: dinh qua khd (were) n6n (C) would
presentation bai phat bieu,
be la dap an chinh xac.
thuy^t trinh
Dap an dung (C)
finish kel thiic
expect dp doan TPvPng:
audience khan gia be satisfied with hai long
current hien tai
be able to do co the lam gi
8. Cau dieu ki$n loai 3
make a contribution to
Giai thkh: Vi sau cho trong xuat
dong gop vao
hien qua khd phan tif prepared va

11. Menh de trang nguf chl dieu kien confirm xac nhan
Giai thich: Dc dien ta thi tucing lai accommodate chda, dieu chinh
trong m6nh de trang ngff chi dieu order dat hang
know biet
kien ta phai dung thi hi£n tai. Vi
request yeu cdu
tnfdc cho trong co li6n tit (if) va sau
sheet id
ch6 trong, of menh dd chinh lai xuat
paper gigy
hien thi tifcfng lai (will be emailed) be able to do co the lam gi
n6n (A) make ia dap an chinh xac. send gCfi
Dap an dung (A) greatly rat, Idn
TCt vi^ng; appreciate cam dn
payment lhanh loan delivery van chuyen
use sif dung address dia chf
receipt h6a ddn ask yeu cau
email thu dien tft Personnel Department
account tai khoSn B6 phan nhan sp
Accounts Receivable Department
12. Cau true b| dpng thi/dng gap Bp ph$n quan ly mgc

Gidi thich: Vl sau chd trong la giol tai khoSn phai thu
possible co the
tif about nen chi co qua khuf phan
tif (B) concerned la thich hop d£
13. TCrviing danh tCt
dien vao cho trong.
Giai thich: Vi sau ch6 tr6ng la gidi tit
Dap an dung (B)
(in) nen chi co danh tif (A) change
Td vUng:
la phii hop de dien vao cho trong.
be concerned about
quan tarn tdi (B) contact co nghla la lien lac, (C)
potential tiem tang delay tri hoan, (D) deal giao dich.
privacy ddi song ca nhan
Dap an diing (A)
issue van de
relation lien quan, quan fie
management quan ly 14. Tif vifng trang tif
astonish ngac nhien Giai thich: Vi y nghla, ca cau nay
co nghla la "Ban dau toi da yen cau
anh gufi ve Bp phan nhan sii cua
Tit vi/ng:
chung toi nhifng gid niu co the, toi
conversation d6i thoai
the other day hom trade mong anh hay ghi ch6 giay do toi
want muon B6 phAn quan ly muc tai khoan phai

thu." Vi vdy, (A) originally la dap cam xuc (bewilder) va chii ngu chi

an chlnh xac. (B) absolutely la hoan ngitdi (I) nfin dong tii phai dqqc

toan, tuy£t doi, (C) consistently chia d thd bi dong.

Dap an dung (C)
lien tuc, (D) closely chat che, mdt
Ti( vitng:
thi5t n6n deu la cac dap an sai.
receive nh$n
Dip an (tiing (A)
utility bill phi dich vu cong cong
bewilder lam cho sCfng sot,
15. CSu menh lenh nggc nhien
Giai thkh: Sau please sc dong tti late fee nd chua trJi
include bao gom
nguyfin thfi' nen (B) email la dap an
chinh xac. 103. Dong tit dang 5
Dap an dimg (B)
Giai thich; Vi trifdc cho trong xuat
HALF TEST hien dong tit dang 5 (found) nen ta
101 ,(A) 102.(C) 103.(B) 104,(A) 105.(A) phai dien tinh tii (B) hesitant vao vi
106.(C) 107.(D) 108.(A) 109.(A) 110.(D)
111.(8} 112.(A) 113.(B) 114.(C) 115.(C) tri cua bo ngfl cho tdn nguf,
116.(A) 117.(C) 118,(A) 119.(B) 120.(D) Ddp an dung (B)
121.(A) 122.(C) 123.(A) 124.(D) 125.(B)
126.(C) Tit vitng:
ask yeu cau
help sU giup d8
101. Npi dong tii dang 2
organize id chdc, chuan bj
Giai thich: Khi chu ngfi (the current upcoming slip t6j
exchange rate) va bo ngfi (the same) event sii kien
dong nhat vdi nhau thi ta dung dong hesitant Iddng Iq, do dd

ttf dang 2. Thco do, (A) remain la

104. Menh de trang nguT chi dieu
dap an dting. (B) host co nghia la
chu tri, (C) purchase la mua, (D)
Giai thich; De diin ta thi tiidng lai
manage la qiAn ly, quin tri.
Dap an dung (A) thi menh dd dieu kien (if) phai 6'

Tit vi/ng: thi hien tai (buy), va menh dd chinh

guarantee dam bio phai b thi tiidng lai, do do (A) will
current hiin tai be la dap an chinh xac.
exchange rate gia hoi doai Dap an diing (A)
102. Dong tii cim xuc the b| dong buy mua
Giai thich: Vi xuat hi6n dong tit delivery v$n chuyen

dozen 12 chiec, 1 ta
tuy^n, (B) present la trinh di6n,
free mien phi
trlnh bay, (C) grow la trtfdng thanh.
Dap an diing (D)
105. Dong tif dang 4 th^ bj dong
Tit vitng:
Giai thich: Khi dgng tif dang 4
insurer cong ty bao hiem
(award) d th5 bi dong, sau dong ttt
up to len dd'n
th^ bi dong phai co t4n ng^ (the discount giam gia
four-star rating), do do (A) has spend danh (thcfi gian)
been awarded la dap an chmli xac.
Dap an (tiing (A) 108. Cac loar dong ttf
Tit vi/ng: Giai thkh: Chi co duy nhat noi dgng
foundation to chtfc ttf (A) register la ttfcfng tfng vo'i gioi
award trao thudng
ttf (for) xu& hien sau chd trdng. (B)
rating danh gia, xep hang
participate la tham gia, (C) replace
independent doc lap
evaluator nha danh gia la thay th£, (D) supply la cung cS'p
nen deu la cac dap an sai.
106. Ciu dieu kien hon hdp Dap an dung (A)
Gidi thkh: Vi menh dd ifd thi qua Tit vitng:

khuf hoan thanh (had not taken) va check kiem tra

relevant lidn quan
d cudi ciu xui't hifin trang ttf chi
information thong tin
thcfi gian (now) nen day la cau dieu course khda hoc
kian hon hop. Hieo do, (C) would
not be la dap an chinh xac. 109. Ttf vtfng tinh ttf
Dap hi dung (C) Giai thich: Vi day la can hoi yeu cau
Tit vifng: chgn tinh ttf thich hop vtfi dong ttf
coworker dong nghiep thi hi£n tai hoan thanh (has been
advice Icfi khuyen
hired) nen gitfa in + khoang thtfi
wait ddi
gian" ta phai chgn tWhoacpast. Nhtf

107. Cac loai dong tif v4y, (A) last la dap an chinh xac.

Giai thkh: Vi sau chd trong xuat Dap in dting (A)

hidn "ttf chi vit + to + ttf chi ngtfdi" Tit vqng:

more than hdn
(up to 30% discounts to drivers)
department bo phan
nen (D) offer la dap an chinh xac. following tiep theo
(A) apply co nghia la ap dung, tfng prior to trUdc

110. Dong tirdang 4 the bi dong 113. The bi dong va chu dpng cua

Giai thich: Khi dong tif dang 4 can npi dong tii

"tCf chi ngddi + that + menh de" theo Giai thich: Tnidc lien tii lien ket

sau d th(! bi dong thi sau the bi dong m6nh dti danh ngii (that) ta co the

se la "that + menh de . Nhvf vay, (D) dung ca noi dong tif va ngoai dong

was assured la dap an chinh xac. tii. CJ day vi chu ngij la chu ngff gia
Dap an diing (D) it n6n ta phili diing thd bi dong,

Tl/ vungi nhiing ndu la chu ngii thiicfng thi ta

assure dam bao, cam doan se diing the chu dong. Do do, (B)
copy ban sao
ask la dap an chinh xac.
free mien phi Dap an diing (B)

Ti( vi/ng:
111. Cac loai dong tif cat, dat
Gi4i thich: Ta phai chgn dong tit copy b&n sao
tiidng ting vdi tan ngtf diing sau cho form dcfn, mau
keep Cch giuf
trong (online doctors and specialists).
(A) inquiring la noi dong tvi nen can
114. Thi cua dong tuf
co gidi tii (about/into) then sau. Nhii
Giai thich: Vi cudi cau co moc thcii
vAy, ngoai dong tii (B) consulting la gian (in the foreseeable future) nen
dap an chinh xac. (C) will expand la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B) Dip an diing (C)
TCT vUng; Td vUng:
recently gan day expand md rpng
a number of nhieu overseas midc ngoai
growing tang len operation cPng ty, van hanh
browse tifdt qua, xem qua

115. Thl cua d6ng tuf

112. Cau dieu kien loai 2
Gidi thich: Vi d cuoi cau co trang tii
Giai thich: Vi menh de ifd thl qua
chi moc thdi gian (by October 15)
klii'f (were informed) nen (A) could
n^n dong tii d thi tiidng lai hoan
be prevented la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A) thanh (C) will have completed la
dap an chinh xac
Tl( vifng:
Dap an diing (C)
adequate tUdng xdng, day du
safety procedure bien phap an loan Tif vilng:
prevent phong trif complete hoan thdnh

medical examnication employee nhan vien
ki^m tra silc khoe continue tiep tyc
drug testing thif nghiem thuoc insurance bao hiem
at one own's expense
116. Cac loai dpng td bang chi phi cCia
Giai thich: Ta phai ebon ngoai dong
t£f tifdng ung vdi tan ngu' (them) 118. Cau dieu kien loai 1

dnfng sau cho ttong. Tan ngu them Giai thich: Vi dong tif dtfng san chd

nay chi questions and comments. Can trdng b dang nguyen the (rain) va

nay co nghia la "Ndi ban co can hoi mdnh de chinh la cau mdnh Idnh

bay binh knui gi them hay giii chung (please be) ntn day la can di&i kidn

clio chimg toi qua dia chi ben diidi." lo^i 1 vPi if dtfpc gian hipc. Do dp,
nen (A) forward la dap an chinh xac. (A) Should la dap an chinh xac.

(B) emerge la xuat hien, ndi Ida, (C) Dap An dimg (A)
Tir vifng:
complete la hoan thanh con (D)
be sure to do nh^t djnh lam gi
enhance la nang cao.
check for kiem tra
Dap an ttung (A)
change thay doi
Tit vtfng; as if nhuthl
further question cau hdi them in addition ngoai ra
through thdng qua
address dja chi
119. The bj dong "npi dong tif +
below ben dudi
gidi tif"
Giai thich: "Npi dong tif + giPi tif"
117. Dong tif c^u khien
Giai thich: Vi 6* mdnh de chinh xuat (dispose of) la ngoai dong tif nen ta

hien dong tif ydu cdu (mandate) ndn se difa vao tan ngP sau giPi tif (of)

6 mdnh de that should se dupe gi5n di quyet dinh the cua dpng tif. Vi

hipc va chi con lai dong tii nguyen sau giPi tif (of) Idiong co tan ngff
thd. Do do, (C) allow la dap an nen thd bi dpng (B) disposed of la
chinh xac. dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (C) Dap an dung (B)
T£( vitng: TCfvUng:
regulation quy djnh trash rac
mandate ra lenh, uy nhiem waste material chat thai
allow cho phep disposed of ti6u huy cai gi
retire nghi hdu in accordance with
thuan theo

relevant lien quan 121. Dai tit bat djnh
regulation quy dinh Giai thich: E)e difin dat y nghla "mot
trong nhifng ta phai dung hinh
120. Vi tri cua ddng tCr va the bi dpng thifc "one of the + danh tu so nhieu".
Giai thich: Vi trtfcfc va sau cho Do do, (A) la dap an chinh xac.
tr6ng kh6ng xu^Ct hien dpng tit gidi Dap an dung (A)
han nen ta phai chpn dpng tit
didn vao cho trong. Sau ngoai dpng 122. Tit vifng dpng tit
tif (suppose) khong co tan ngfl n^n Giai thich: Sau that la menh de (this
thd bi dpng (D) are supposed la dap gift card cannot be exchanged for
an chinh xac. cash), di difin ta y nghia "hay ghi
Dap an diing (D) nhh rang chu y rang thi chi co
Tifv^ng: (C) note la dap an chinh xac.
applicant ifng vien Dap an dung (C)
submit npp
resume so y^u ly Ijch
123. Lien tif chi dieu kien
as well as khdng chi ma con
cover letter ban gi6i thipu ban than GUi thich: Vi mt)nh dd chinh la can
121-123. mdnh lenh (feel free to contact us)
Tif vifng: nen ta phai diing lien tif chi didu
inform thong bao
kidn hoac thcfi gian. Do do (A) If la
recipient ngUdi nh$n
warehouse kho dap an chinh xac.
submit nOP Dap an dung (A)
form ddn, may 124-126.
enter into bat dau, thC( van may TOvUng:
choose ebon confirm xac nhan
use sC( dung appear xuat hien, tham gia
leisure nhOn roi speak dien thuyet
expire bet ban on the phone qua dien thoai
as long as vdi dieu kien la mention de cap
exchange chuyen doi
aforementioned doqc nhac den trUOc do
notify thOng bao
date ngay
patronage sir bao trd,
specified chi ro, ghi ro
khach hang quen
contract hop d6ng
appreciate cam ta, cam On
at one ngay lOp tifc
support dOng vien
by phone qua dien thoai
feel free to to nhiOn lam g)
necessary can thiet
contact NOn lac

accommodate dap dng
request yeu cau

124. Gi6i tit chi dja diem 06 Danh t£f

Giai thich: Trdcfc dia diem cu the
(Springfield Auditorium), ta phai Di THI M6 PHONG

dung gidi ttf at. Do do (A) at la dap I. (D) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (C)
an chinh xac. 6. (C) 7. {D) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (A)
Dap an ttting (D) II.(D)12. (D) 13. {A}14.(D)15. (C)

1. Tmh tiftUdng ufng v6i danh tit

125. Thi cua dong tit
Giai thich: Tfiih tif plenty of se b6
GiaitJuch: Cum tit the aforementioned
nghla cho danh tif (room) ndn (D)
date xidft hien sau ch6 trong am chi
plenty la dap an chinh xac. (A)
ngay 4 thang 4. Budi diin thuyet
khong the dufng tnfdc tif mang nghla
van chiia didn ra ma dit dinh se
phu dinh, (B), (C) phai difng tnfdc
didn ra vao ngay 4 thang 4 nen chia danh tif khong dem difpc nen deu la
dong tif thi titong lai nhu (B) will cac dap an sai.
appear la chinh xac. Dap an diing (D)
Dap an (tting (B) TU vifng:
improvement cai thien
126. Lien td + thanh ph^n cau co patchy chat ludng kem

chua phan tit

2. Danh tif ghep
Giai thich: Ta co thd dung thanh
Gidi thich: Vd mat y nghla cau phai
phln cau co chcfa phan tif vdi chu
diib dat y "s\i hai long cua khach
ngii drfpc gian hfpc sau lidn tif as
hang" nan (D) satisfaction la dap
(nhif -). Vi sau ch6 trdng kliong c6
an chinh xac.
tan ngfl n^n qua khuf phan tif (C)
Dap an tiling (D)
planned la dap an chinh xac. Tit vyng:
D:ip an dung (C) firmly chacchan
believe tin tifdng
key chia kh6a
survival sinh t6n
satisfied hai long
satisfactory vifa y
satisfying larn hai long

3. Tinh tir tUdng ifng vdi danh tif 5. Thi cua dpng tif

so nhieu Giai thich: Vi cuoi cau co moc thpi

Giai thich: Chi co tinh tif (A) gian (3 qua khO (two months ago)
multiple (da dang) la tiidng dng vdi nen (D) started la dap an chinh xac
danh ttt so nhieu diing sau cho tron g Dap an diing (C)

(destinations). (B) fixed co nghia la Tir vpng:

floral business cila hang kinh doanh hoa
co dinh, (C) located la difcfc dat d,
(D) growing la phat trien, tnidng 6. Danh tif dem dope va danh tif
thanh nen ddu la cac dap an sai. khong dem dope
Dap an dung (A)
Gidi thich: Vi trOPc cho trong co
Til vgfng: mao tif bdt dinh (an) ndn ta phai
private jet charter
di^n danh tif dthn dope vao did
may bay dbbc thue rieng
ideal way phUbng phap ly tdbng trong. Chi co (C) decision la danh
reach den n6i, d^t tdi tif dem dope n£n (C) la dap an
destination dich d^n chinh xac.
appointment cupc hen Dap an dnng (C)

Tir vUng:
4. Dong ti/ gi6i han va dpng tif bat important quan trong
djnh beyond vddt qua
Giai tliich: Vi sau ch6 trong xuat perfomance thanh tlch,
cong di§n, tlnh nang
hien dpng tif gicd han (needs) nen
consider can nhac
dpng tif bat dinh (B) given la dap an
other khac
dung. Trong tnfifng hop nay which is factor yeu t6
diing truOc given da dope gian hfpe. make a decisionquyet dinh
Dap an dung {B} investment dau tu
equipment thi^t bj
Tit vpng:
information thong tin
instructor giao vien, 7. Vi tri cua danh tif
ngUdi hodng dan Giai thich; Giifa mao tif (the) va giPi
need can lam gi
tO (of) la vi tri cira danh tif nfin (D)
share chia se
importance la dap an chinh xac.
rest phan con lai
Dap an dnng (D)

TCr vifng:
brief gi^i thich ngSn ggn
importance tfnh quan trong
promptly nhanh ch(ing tif de dien vao ch6 trong. Ve mat y
respond to tra Idi, dng dap
nghia, chi co success (thanh cong) la
important quan trpng
phu hop vo'i tinh tif continued nen
(A) la dap an chinh xac.
8. Danh tuf chi ngufdi va danh tif
Dap an diing (A)
chi vat
Giai thfch: Tdn ngu Jan Grady da
largely chu ydu
difoc chuyen sang thd bi dong va depend on phu thudc vao
lam chu ngCf cua ca can. Jan Grady accommodate dap dng, cung cdp
va authority (chuyen gia) dong nhat request yeu c^u

vdi nhau n^n (B) authority la dap

11. Tif vifng danh tif
an chinh xac. Tit authority chu yeu
Giai thich; Dc didn dat y "Mot trong
co nghia la "quyen han" nhung
nhufng van de Idn can dtfqc giai
cung co the diicfc dimg vo'i nghia
quyet ngay do la thieu nhan vien
"chuyen gia".
Dap an dimg (B) kinh doanh co kidn thifc." thi chi co
(D) lack la dap an chinh xac.
T£f vUng:
consider dude coi la Dap an dung (D)
gtobal toan cau Tt( vUng:
authorization sd cho phep major quan trong
issue van dd
9. Cau dieu kien loai 3 tack them vao
immediately ngay lap tifc
Giai thich: Vi inenh de if of thi qua
knowledgeable co tri thufc
khii hoan thanh (had not been taken)
salesperson nhan vien kinh doanh
nfin (A) would have cost la dap an fund vdn
chinh xac. damage thipt hqi, tdn hqi
Dap an dung (A)
T£f vting: 12. Danh tirdem dufdc va danh tif
take measures xtf ly, cd bien phap khong dem dUdc
enhance nangcao Giai thich: Vi tnfdc cho trong la tinh
security bao an, an ninh
tif (clinical) nen ta phai chon danh
cost tdn nhidu chi phi
tif dc dien vao ch6 trong, procedure
(thu tuc) la danh tif dem difqc ndn
10. Vj tri cua danh tif
Giai thi'ch: Vi tnfcfc ch6 trong la tinh (D) procedures la dap an chinh xac.

tif (continued) nen taphdi chon danh Dap an dung (D)

Tl( vUng: danh th kh6ng dPtn difoc nen (A)
following sau
la dap an chlnh xac.
clinical lam sang,
Dap an dung (A)
thugc dieu tri lam sang
medical thupc y te
assistant trp ly 14. Tif vdng danh tir
proceed Ipi (oh, tiep tyc Giai thich; De diPn ta y nghia
nhii mot siJ biPu thi cho", ta phai stf
dung as a token of,Ao do (D) la dap
Til vUng;
valued quan trong an chinh xac.
be advised tham khao, thong bao Dap an dung (D)
due to vi, bdi
maintainance duy tri, b^o tri 15. Tuf vUng gi6i td
underground ngam
Giai thich: Danh tif chi stf gia tang
interruption gian doan
plan ke hogch increase phai di kem vcfi gidi tif in
regularly dinh ky nen (C) la dap an chinh xac.
account tai khoan Dip in dung (Q
token bieu thi, tUdng tnJng
apology tor xin loi vi 07 Dai ttf
improvement tien triln, cSi thien
inconvenience sd bat tien
appear xuat hien THI MO PHONG
statement bao cao, ban ke
I.{C) 2.(B) 3.(B) 4. (B) 5, (A)
increase tang len
6. (C) 7,(D) 8.(D) 9, (C) 10.(B)
federal lien bang
II, (A) 12. (D) 13. {D} 14. (A) 15. (C)
tax thue
di dong thong tan
1. Dai ttf ph^n than
slight mot chut, nhe
Giai thich: Sau dong ttf (blamed) la
monthly hang thang
charge chi phi, phi ton ch5 trong nen ta can nhac gifla hai
overall toan bp, loan the dap an (B) va (C). Vi chu ngfl va
basic usage phi sif dung cd ban tan ngfl la cung m6t doi ctfo'ng nen
dai ttf phan thin (C) himself la dap
13. Danh tC/ dem dufdc va danh tuf
an chinh xac.
khong dem dufdc Dap an diing (C)
Giai thfch: Sau gidi ttt (due to) la
vi tri cua danh tif, maintenance la

TCTvifng: tif, (C) phai difng tnfdc danh tif so
blame A for B trach A v) B
nhieh, (D) khong thd bo nghla cho
accurately mat each chfnh xac
"tinh tif + danh tif", nhif v^y (B) no
record ghi chep
inventory hang IJu kho la dap an chinh xac.
supply hang hoa, linh ki^n Dap an dung (B)
Tir vifng:
2. Dai tif chi djnh profit margin bi^n loi nhuSn
Giai tlnch: Vi who are dang le dung sau thin g^y, nh6
further hdn nOa
Those nliung da diWc giiin lucre nen (B)
reduction stfgiSm bdt
responsible la dap an chinh xac. possible co khS nSng
Dap an dung (B)
Tir vi/ng: 5. Dai tif bat djnh
those nhiJng ngirdi ma
Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong co danh
responsible for chiu trach nhigm ve
tif so nhia'u (materials) nen (A) other
fill in dien, dang ky
such la dap an chinh xac. Dai tif
application form
ddn dang ky, dng tuyen tifdng h6 (C) one another chi difng
responsibility trach nhiem cf vi tfl tan ngfl.
respond ifng dap Dap drt dung (A)
Tu( vyng:
3. Dai tif bat dinh accept chap nhan
Giai thich: Vi san cho trong la "the uncontaminated khong bi 6 nhiem
concreat xi mang
+ danh tif" nen trang rtf (A) Almost
material v^t lieu
la khong chinh xac. Ta khong th£
kroc bo r?/hoac the khi cluing dung
6. Dai tif chi djnh
sau dai tif bat dinh. Nhif vaiy, (B) la
Giai thich: Cho trong cnfcfc gidi tif
dap an chinh xac.
bo nghla (of) phai la tif thay thff
Dap an dung (B)
cho the new interface nen (C) that
TCt vifng:
la dap an chinh xac.
product sSn pham
Dap an dung (C)
export xuat khau
Tir vulng:
intend y d6. y dinh lam gl
4. Dai tif bat djnh
new mdi
Gidi tluch: Theo sau chb trong la
interface giao di^n
"tinh tif + danh tif" (further prodect). to be user-friendlier
(A) khong the bo nghla cho danh than thien vdi

ngudi sii dung consider la c^n nhac, (D) designate
previous trade ctd la chi dinh nen d^u la cac dap an sai.
Dap an dimg (C)
7. Danh tifghep TUvUng:
Giai thich: Dc tao nan danh rif ghep recently gan d&y
mang nghla "nhan bidt san pham" emerge noi len, xu^t hiqn
communication industry
tiicfng ung vo'i danh tit product difng
cdng nghiep truy§n thong
tntdc chd trong ta ph4i chpn dap an
(D) recognition.
10. Tinh tit sdhCifu
Dip an diing (D)
Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong la danh
Ttr vUng:
tit (presentation) n£n tinh tit so'
use sir dung
item hang muc hang hda hitu (B) his la dap an chinh xac.
produce sSn xuat Dap an dting (B)
raise tang Idn, nang len Tii vUng:
recognition nhan thCte. do nhan biet reputation danh tieng
recognize nhgn ra persuasive co silc thuyet phgo
nothing chi la, khong gi hdn ~
8. Dai tit bat djnh disappointing dang th^t vong

Giai thich: Ta phai chon tit mang

11. Phan tit cua dong tit Ccim xuc
nghla "mot cai khac ngoai cai da
diipc nhdc d£n" de dien vao cho Giai thich: Vi chu ngft (they =
Smart phones) la sit vAt nfin hien
trong, do do (D) another la dap an
tai phan tit (A) distracting la dap an
chinh xac.
Dap an dung (D) chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A)
TU vUng;
too far qua xa TU vUng;
conveniently thucin tien be known to dadc biet tdi
locate nlim 6, dat d benefit co Ipi, co (ch
expensive dat do distract gay phan tan

9. Cac loai dong tif 12. Thi cua dong tit

Giai thich: San cho trong co gidi Giai thich: Vi dong tit cua m6nh

tit (as) nen chi co noi dong tit (C) de trang ngit 6 thi qua kbit (found)
emerged la dap an chinh xac. (A) nen dong tit ciia menh de chinh

mention co nghla la d6 c^p, (B) phai ditoc chia d thi qua kbit hoac
qua khtf hoan thanh. Cau nay cb marine h&i dt/ang
nghia la "Sau khi Sarah bift difqc expert chuy§n gia
International Programme on the State of
hien thrfc tan nMn cua rr^ em chau
the Ocean ChL/Ong trinh trang thai
Phi, c6 Sy da gia nhdp quy boat
dsi duong quoc t6 (IPSO)
dong tit thidn." nen (D) joined la according to theo nhu
dap an chinh xac. author tac giS
Dap an ttung (D) planet tr^i dat
risk nguy hiem
Tif vuTng;
extinction tiet chung
find out bi§'t, phat hien ra
species chung, loai
harsh tan nhan, khac nghiet
unprecedented chua co tien le,
reality hien thuc
join trddc day chua tufng co
tham gia, gia nh§p
13. Tmh tCfsd hufu
13-15. Giai thich; Ve mat y nghia, cho
TirvUng: trong nay khong chi dinh mot doi
wild fisheries danh bat, khai thac ca
tiicfng dac bier nao ma la mudn diln
dwindle thu nh6 lai
iow-oxygen dat y nghia dai difcfng cua chung
oxy thap
aquatic thubc hai ditcing ta co ve nhu' dang trdi qua nhflng
dead zone vung chet (dia diem thay ddi can bin nhaft", do do (D)
hoac thdi ky khfing xay our la dap an chinh xac.
ra bat ky hoat dong nao)
Dip an dung (D)
around the world
loan the gidi
crowded dong due, phifc tap 14. Td nghi vS'n
ocean dai dUOng Giai thi'ch: Tnfdc menh de hoan chinh
appear xu^t hien, co ve ca dung trang ttt nghi van, tnfdc
undergo trai qua, kinh qua
m£nh de khong hoan chinh ta dung
fundamental mang tinh cO b^n
dai ttt nghi van. Vi sau ch6 trong la
change bi^n doi
way phUdng phap m^nh de hoan chinh co day du chn
barely hau nhd khong ngif va dong tif (ocean works) nen
understand hi4u ta can can nhac guia (A) va (D). Ve
fact su that mat y nghia, cau phai didn ta rang
clearly rd rang
"vi chung ta khong hi^u ro each boat
conclusion ket luan
dong cua dai dtfong" nen (A) how la
recent gan day
report bao cao clap an chinh xac.
Issue phat bieu, trlnh bay Dip an dung (A)

15. Dong tCf bat djnh va dong t£i operating thudc van hanh,
dieu khien
gidi ban
prerequisite dieu kien tien quyet
Giai thich: Vi truo'c cli6 trong la dong
tii gicd han (was) ncn ta phai dien
2. TCivi/ng danh ttr
qua kliii' phan tif dudi dang dong tu
Giai thich: Chi co danh tii (C) array
bat dinh (C) issued vao cho trong.
la co th€ dtipc bo nghia bdi tinh tii
Dap an dung (C)
wide dong thbi bo nghia cho danh
08 Tinh tif tii so nhieu (destinations) diing sau
cho trong. Array thuefng dtidc dung

DE THIM6 PHONG dtio'i dang a wide array of (rat da

dang). (A) agreement co nghia la su
I. {A} 2, (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (A)
6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (A) dong y, (B) function ta chifc nang,
II. (A) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14, (C)15.(D) (D) negligence la su lo la nfin day
diu la cac dap an sai.
Dap an diing (C)
I.Tuf vtfng tinh tif
Tif vUng:
Giai thich: Chi co tinh tit (A)
wide rong
considerable (dang k£) la thich destination diem den
hop vdi danh tii (effect) diing sau choose - Ida chon
chd trong. Ta dung considerable plan len ke hoach

khi muon didn ta sti vat hay dicu trip chuyen du Ijch

gi Icha Idn va quan trong, dac bi<h

3. TCi vUng danh tii
considerable thiidng diipc dung de
Gidi thich: Danh tii diing sau a lot of
bo nghia cho cac tii bonuses, cost,
phai mang nghia so nhieu. (A), (B),
gap, effort, advantage, amount. (B)
(D) deu la danh tii dem etiide nhtfng
respectable co nghia la dang ton
d day lai dtipc vid't dtipi dang so it. Do
trong, (C) total la hoan toan, (C)
do, (C) pressure la dap an chinh xac
consecutive la co tinh lien cue, lien
(A) effort co nghia la n6 hie, (B) result
tidp nen deu la cac dap an sai.
Dap an dung (A) la ket qud, (D) problem la van cte.
Dap an dung (C)
TU vUng:
government chinh phCi Til vUng:
policy chinh sach department bg phan, phong, ban
have an effect on co anh hudng den under pressure chiu ap luc

meet the deadline 6. Wlenh de trgng nguf chf th6i gian
dung han
Giai thich: Vi menh eld chinh d thi
deliver chuyen tSi
tuong lai {will be) ndn ta phai chia
on time dung thdi gian da djnh
dpng tU d thi hietrf tad trong mfinh

4. TCt vUng tfnh ttf de trang ngU chi thPi gian. Do do,

Giai thi'ch: Vi tinh tu bo nghia cho (C) is la dap an chinh xac.

danh tif nen ta phai dien danh tU Dap an dung (C)

TU vUng;
vao chd trong. Ve mat y nghia, can
white trong khi
nay trinh bay each de co the nhan
be away vang mat
dito'c nhiing hddng din cu the ve materniy leave nghi dp
cac each dat hang kliac, do do (A) be in charge of dim nhiem
la dap an chinh xac. (B) reserved
co nghia la de danh, du bi, (C) 7. Tif vUng tfnh tif

punctual la dung glcf, (D) extended Giai thich: Chi co tinh tU (B)

la dtfpe keo dai nen day dfi'u la cac equivalent la tuong Ung vpi giPi ttf
(to) dUngsau cho trong. be equivelant
dap an sai.
Dap an dung (A) dupe dung vPi nghia "tuong duong
vPi", (A) official co nghia la chinh
TU viing:
click nh^p vao thUc, (C) potential la co tiem nang,
following sau day (D) respective la lan lupt nen deu la
instruction hUdng dan cac dap an sai.
method phddng phap Dap an dung (B)
TU vi/ng:
5. 0ai tif bat djnh list danh sach
Giai thich: Vpi cau phu dlnb (cannot) consider can nhac, coi nhu la
ta phli ditng dai tU bat dinh any do roughly n6i chung
certain nhat dinh
do (A) any la dap an chinh xac.
popular pho biPn
Dap an dung (A)
application Ung dung
TU vitng:
malfunction true trac, hoat dpng sai
8. Tmh t£r ch? so lUdng
washer may giat
be attributed to do loi cho Giai thich; TrUPc "so d^m + danh

defect khuyet diem tU so nhiaV ta phai dung every de

misuse sC( dgng sai di^n td y nghia "moi Do do, (B)
every la dap an chinh xac.
Dap in dung (B)

Ttfvtfng: (lam theo, tuan theo -) ve mat cau
resident cif dSn
true la dung nhtfng ta can didn mot
free miin phi
dong tif vao cho trong nen ta phii
cleaning don dep
service djch vu chon "need + dgng tif nguyen the co
to" chif kh6ng phai in compliance.
9. Hoa hdp ve s6 cua dpng tif Dap an dung (A)

Giai thfch: Vi ta phai di6n dpng tCf TO vifng:

gicfi ban vao cho trong nen khong need can lam gi
be compliant with tuan theo
the chon (D) including. Sau cho
standard tieu chuan
trong co tan ngu" n6n (B) & thd hi
easy de d^ng
dong cung la dap an sai. Chit ngif
special dac biet
(The profit) d dang so it n6n (A) use sif dung
includes la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A) 12. Dai tif phan than
TO vUng; Giai thick; Vi tnfo'c cho trong co
net profit Idi nhuan rdng gidi tif (for) nen ta can can nhac giifa
component yen to
(A) va (B). Chu ngii (employees) va
disclose phat bieu, trinh bay
tdn ngi? dong nhat ved nhau nen dai

10. Vj tri cCia tinh tif tif phan thAn (B) themselves la dap

Giai thick: Vi tinh tCf dung sau dong an chinh xac.

Dap an di'mg (B)
tit he ncn (A) doubtful la dap an
TO vifng:
chinh xac.
ask yeu cau
Dap an dung (A)
employee nhan vien
TO vOng: recent gan day
although mac du - nhirng measure phudng phap
management quSn trj safeguard phifcing tien bSo ho
doubtful dang nghi
branch chi nhanh 13-15.
TO vifng:
11. Tif vifng tinh tif be pleased to do vui mirng iam gi
Giai thick: Dong tif needdtfng tnid'c annouce thong bao
impressive an tifdng
cho trong can dong tit dang dong
come out ra mat
tif nguyfin the c6 to theo sau nen
purchase mua
(A) be compliant la dap an chinh in the past trong qua khif
xac. Tuy cum tif in compliance with want muon

among glOa 15. Tif vifng tinh tif
exciting dang ngac nhien,
Gidi thich: Vl cac can xuai hian
bci't ngd,
tniofc do co noi dung la: cac san
event sp kien
fuel nhien lieu pham xe 6 to mcfi sap dtfoc ra mat,
efficient hieu qua it tieu hao nhi6n liau, dtfcfc ban
offer cung cap vdi gia thap nhar tif tnfdc dah gicf
all-time tif trade den nay
nan chon dap an (D) de di&a ta noi
include bao gom
dung "tdn dung co hoi dac biat nay"
nevertheless di) vay di nufa
feel free to c(l Id nhien lam gi la chinh xac. (A) desirable co nghla
drop by ghe tham la dang mong ucfc, (B) predictable la
showroom phong trdng bay co the dtf doan ttifoc, (C) common
hang hoa de ban
la thong thifdng.
information thong tin
Dap An dung (D)
visit ghe tham
continued lien tuc
09 Tr?ng tif
support ting hp, h6 trd
take advantage of
tpn dung DE THt MO PHONG
opportunity cd hpi
I.{C) 2. (B) 3.(8) 4.(D) 5. (C)
13. Tt'nh tif chi so lufdng 6. (A) 7.(8) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (B)
II. (A) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (C)
Giai thich: Vi sau ch6 trong la danh
tii d6m difo'c so it (new vehicle) nfin
(A) Every la dap an chlnh xac. 1. Dien trang tif vao cho trong
Rap An dung (A) Gidi thich; Vl sau cho trong la tinh
tif nan (C) nationally la dap an
14. Trang tit lien ket
chinh xac.
Giai thicli: Lien tif because, even Dap An dung (C)
though khong the diing tnfdc dan Tif vifng:
phay nfin (A), (B) la dap an sai. Khi nationatly loan quoc
mudn bo sung them noi dung mdi renowned ndi tifing
economist nha kinh tg' hoc
hoac them dieu gi mdi mattg tinh
deliver a speech dien thuyet
dang lap, ttftfng dtiong, ta dung in
keynote speech bai diln vSn quan trqng,
addition. Do do (C) In addition la then chot
dap an chinh xac.
Dap An dung (C)

2. Dien trang tCf vao cho trong 5. Dien trang tif vao ch6 trong
Giai thkh: Ta pMi di6n tii cifcfng Giai thkh: Ta phai didn trang tif

ling vdi tii after diing sau ch6 ttfdng ilng vdi tlnh til (visible) xud't

trong, do do (B) shortly la dap an hien sau cho trong. Ve mat y nghia,
c^u phai dkn dat y "hau nhil khong
chinh xac.
Dap an tiling (B) nhin thay" ncin (C) hardly la dap an
chinh xac.
Ttf vifng:
stock price gia 06 phieu Dap an dung (C)
tumble d6 nhao TCf vufng:
financial crisis khung hoang kinh te visible nhln thay
naked eye mat thucing, mat tran

3. Dien trang tif lien ket vao cho pore 16

surface be mat
textile sgi
Giai thkh: Ta phai lien ket vdi cac breathe thfl
can van tru'dc va sau dd chon dap an
dung. Su dung cum tif in fact d dau 6. Dien tinh tCfvao cho trong
cau khi muon difa ra cau kdt luan Giai thkh: Vi sau cho trong la danh
ndn (B) in fact la dap an chinh xac. til (projects) n^n (A) various la dap
Dap in tiling (B) an chinh xac.
TCf vUng: Dap an dung (A)
unfortunately that khong may TCf vvftig:
offer de nghj consult dam phan, til van
request yeu cau basis cd ban, nguyen ly,
pay raise tang lUdng can cil
retirement nghi hifu
4. Dien trang tCf vao cho trong
Giai thkh: Vi sau ch6 trong la so dem 7. Dien trang tif vao ch6 trong
nen (D) Nearly la dap an chinh xac. Giai thkh: Vi dilng sau "dong til +
Dap an dung (D) tan ngii" (carry out their work) se la
TCf vUng: vi tri cua trang tit nen (B) diligently
corporation tap doan, c6ng ty Idn la dap an chinh xac.
attend tham gia Dap an dung (B)
international quoc te
TCf vUng:
exposition then lam
listen to lang nghe
diligently m6t each thanh thuc
give dua cho

8. 0ien dai tCf vao cho trong be responsible for
Giai thich: Danh tii (facilities) va chju trach nhiem ve
dong tif (were) difng sau cho trong observe tuan thu
provision guy djnh
deu b dang so nhieu nen (C) some
policy chinh sach
la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (C)
11. Oien danh ttf vao cho trong
TCf vUng:
Giai thich: Vi tnfPc cho trong co
find biet, nh$n thay
mao tif (a) nfin danh tif so it chi
facility thig't bi
outdated cu ngifPi (A) rival la dap an chinh xac.
replace thay the, doi Dap an dung (A)
immediately ngay lap tCfc TCr vUng:
rival ddi thu, canh tranh
9. Oien trang tCf vao cho trong hard cham chi
Giai thich: Chi co trang tit (A) well la way phddng phap,
each thdc
thich hop voi attended, well attended
boost tang len, dda len
dope dung vPi nghla la "ty !p tham motivation dong luc
gia cao". (C) quite ve mat y nghla
thi khong sai nhifng phai dope dung 12. Oien trang ttf vao cho trong
trtfpc tinh tif d dang so sanh ucn day Gia thich: O can phu dinh ta phai
la dap an sai. dung yet sau tif phu dinh (haven't)
Dap an dung (A) do do (A) yet la dap an chinh xac.
Tif vUng: Dap an dung (A)
seminar budi hoi thao Td vifng:
unexpectedly ngoai mong ddi be able to do co kh^i nang, co the lam gi
successful thanh c6ng order don hang
industry ngOnh, ngh6 lam an delay tri hoan
representative dai bleu, nhan vien shipment van chuyln

10. Oien trang tif vao ch6 trong 13-15.

Gidi thich: Vi difng sau ch6 trong la Td vdng:
agree dong y
tinh tCf nen trang tif (B) personally
fix sCfa chula
la dap an chinh xac.
problem van de
Dap an dung (B)
reputation danh tidng
Id vUng: precede di tnfdc
member hdi vien, thanh vien confident td tin, chac chan

help gwp
already da 10 Gi6i tit
corporate thupc tap doan, cdng ty
provide cung cap
instruction chl thi, hudng dSn
sC( duing hang hoa
I. (B) 2.(A) 3. (C) 4.(A) 5, (D)
travel di du Ijch, di 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (D)
directly tryc tiep II. (B) 12. (A) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (A)
save tiet kiem
presently hi§n tai
under construction 1. Tit vifng trang tit
dang sCfa chQa, tu sCfa
Giai thich: Ta phai difin trang tit
way phUdng phap
thich hop co kha nang bo nghla
direction hddng dSn
concern ban t&m, van de cho tinh tit (few) difng sau ch5
trong, W\few la tinh tif mang nghla
13. 0ien trang tit vao cho trong phu dinh n^n (A) sai, (C) Far, (D)
Giai thich: Vl saa cho trong Li danh Even la trang tit nhan manh dung
tCf so nhieu (clients) nen (A) so many khi so sanh nen cung sai. Nhii vay,
la dap an chinh xac. (B) Very la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an d iing (A) Dap an dung (B)
TCf vifng:
14. Dien danh tit vao ch6 trong few vai, hau nhit khong
technician ky sa
Giai tlikh: Vi tnidc ch6 trong la
be willing to do san sang lam gi
tinh trf (no) nen ta phai difi'n danh
even though mac du
ttf vao ch6 trong. Vi confusion la overtime lam viec qud gid
danh tit kh6ng dem duo'c nen (B)
la dap an chinh xac. 2. Dien gi6i tit vao cho trong
Dap an dung (B)
Giai thich: De dien ta y nghla "co
the xem ctifdc san pham thong qua
15. Dien trang tit vao cho trong
(through)'1 + tan agfl (our catalogs)
Giai thich: Danh tit (way) dtfng
thi chi co (A) through la dap an
trrtcfc ch6 trong yen can phai co dong
chinh xac.
tit nguyfcn the co to di kem phia sau. Dap an diing (A)
Do do (C) la dap an chinh xac. Tit vifng:
Dap an dung (C)
a new line of product
dong san pham mdi

catalog ca-ta-16 grow tang len
order d$thang sharply nhanh chong, gap gap
want muon concern about quan tam. lo ngai t6i
climate khihuu
3. Dien gi6i tufvao cho trong change bien doi
Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong co cte
cap dd'n thdi gian mua hang (the 6. Dien gi6i tit vao ch6 trong

time) nen (C) at la dap an chlnh xac. Giai thich: W mat y nghia, can phai
Dap an dung (C) dien dat y "de tra l6i can h(M vd
TlT vifng: ntn (A) in response to la dap an chinh
still van xac. (B) in line with - co nghia la thco
under construction
nhif, (C) in place of - la thay cho, (D)
dang stfa chCfa
in advance of la tritdc, di tnfdc.
at the time vao luc
purchase mua Dap an diing (A)
TU vitng:

4. Dien gj6i tt^ vao cho trong inquiry about hoi ve, thSc mac vd
place an order dat hang
Giai thfch; Vi sau cho trong xuat
hien moc thdi gian va tritdc cho
7. Dien gi6i tit vao ch6 trong
trong la tit phu dinh (not) nen (A)
Gidi thich: Sau cho trong la khoang
until la dap an chinh xac.
then gian (the next two weeks) va
Dap an diing (A)
ve mat y nghia can phai diSn dat y
TCr vi/ng:
"trong vong hai tuSn nfia" nen (D)
be out of town dang cong tac
be back trd v§ within la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (D)
5. Gi6i tit va lien tit Tif vung:

Giai thich: Day la can hoi yen can contact lien lac
interview phdng van
phan viet gioi tit despite va lien tit
cancel huy bo
though. Vi san chd trong co danh dong
tit (growing) lam tan ngfl nen gioi tit 8. Dien trang tif vao cho trong
(D) despite la dap an chinh xac. Gidi thich: Giiia have va to la vi tri
Dap an dung (D)
cuaycr. have yet to do nghia la Mn
Tif vitng;
chua lam gi". Do do (A) la dap an
carbon cac-bon
chinh xac.
emission sit thSi ra
domestic trong nude Dap an diing (A)

Tifvi/ng: 11. Dien gidi tit vao chd trong
decide quy^t dinh Giai thich: Vi tnidc chd trong la
whether or not co hay khong thanh phan can vcfi "dai tit quan
ofter cung c^ip, dUa ra
he lam chit ngu + be (who are)" da
rental thue
ditpc gian htpc n6n (R) responsible

9. Dien gidi tit vao cho trong la dap an chinh xac.

Dap an dung (B)
Giai thich: Danh ttt dufng trifdc ch6
Tif vUng;
trong (activity) va cac danh ttt dutfc
resource nguon, tai lifeu
lifit kfi sau ch6 trong (daily walking,
hire thue, tuyen dung
jogging, or bicycling) ddng nhdt
response ifng dap
vcfi nhau nen (A) such as vdi nghTa respond tra lOi
"nhtf la" la dap an chinh xac. (B) responsibility triich nhlem
as for nghla la ve, (C) more than
la nhidu hcfn, (D) contrary to la 12. Dien gidi tit vao cho trong
ngtfpc vdi. Giai thich: Vi sau chd trong la danh tit
Diip an dung (A)
chi khoang thdi gian nhat dinh (the
Tit vitng: chairman's speech) nen (A) during la
physical thugc the ch^t
dap an chinh xac.
activity heat dong
Dap an dung (A)
signiticantly mot each dang ke
reduce giam thi^u TCf viing:
risk nguy cd vice president pho giam doc
heart disease benh tim mention nhac tdi
chairman chu tich
speech bai dien van
10. Qien tinh tit vao cho trong
GiiU thich: Chi co tinh tit (D)
transferable la utong ttng vdi gidi tit Tit vUng:
(to) dtfng sau cho trong. note chu y
Dap an dung (D) staff nhan vipn, lanh dao
TCt vUng; meeting hop
be happy to do vui mdng lam gi push back dbl, lui lai
starting bat dau t£f be scheduled to du kien lam gi
responsible co trach nhiem originally von le
possible cd kha nang available co the sit dpng
affordable co the chi tra duoc, as a result ket qua la
du dieu ki$n have to do phSi lam gt
use sir dung

contact lien lac I vdi if da dupe gian liipc. Vi phdi
at one's earliest convenience
dung any of m6nh de if nen (A) any
s6m nhat co the
confirm xac nhan la dap an chinh xac.
ideal ly tUcfng Dap an diing (A)
understand hieu, thfing cam
conflict trung, doi lap HALF TEST
other khcic
101 .(C) 102.(C) 103.(A) 104,(D)105.(C}
plan hoach
106.(0} 107,(B) 108,(A) 109.(C) 110.(A)
really thpc stf 111.(D)112.(C) 113.{B} 114.(A) 115.(C)
mention nhac tdi, de cap
116.(8} 117,(B) 118. (C) 119,(0) 120.(A)
over tren 121.(C) 122.(D) 123,(A) 124. (B) 125.(D)
be able to do co 1h^ lam gi 126, (A}
support ho trp
greatly rat, fdn
appreciate cSm on, cam kich 101. Danh tL( dem dupe va danh tU
khong dem dupe
13. Dien trang tU vao cho trdng Giai thkh: Sau sd huu each phai la
Giai thkh: Thong qua lien ttf (but) danh tif nen ta can can nhac gifla
difng trppc cho trong ta co the bidt dap an (A) va (C). consent la danh
c^u nay mang nghla doi lap. C^u tif khong dem dtfpc nen (C) la dap
nay phai dien dat y nghla "rang ban an chinh xac.
dau chting ta dp kie'n hop vao luc 2 Dip an dung (C)
gicf chieu nhtfng phdng hop C hkn Ti( vUng:
apply dang ky
khong tlk' sff dung dtfpc" do do (D)
insurance bao hilrn
currently la dap an chinh xac.
give one's consent to
Dap an dting (D)
ddng y ve
background lai Ijch
14. Dien gi6i tC/vao cho trdng check dieu tra

Giai thkh: Vi sau ch6 trdng la ngay

va thing (July 3) nen (B) on la dap 102. Dien dai tU phin than vao chd

an cbinh xac. trdng

Dap an dung (B) Gidl thkh: Chu ngfl diing trUPc cho
trong (he) va tU can dien vao cho

15. Oien dai td vao ch6 trdng trdng ddng nhat vdi nhau nen (C)

Gidi thi'ch: Day ia can dieu kien loai himself la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (C)

Tif virtng; change thay doi
contain bao gom without prior notice
khong co thong bao trufdc
a couple of mot so
specific chi ti^t, cu the
lyrics Idi bai hat
specifically cu the la
specify chi ro ra, tudng thuat
103. Oien tmh tifvao cho trong
Giai thich: Ta phai chon tinh tit
105. Vj tri ctia danh t£f
tifcfng ifng vcfi danh tif dufng sau
Gidi thich: Vi trifdc ch6 trong la
ch6 trong. wide thuo'ng dupe vidt
ngoai dong tif (ensure) nen danh tif
diicti dang "a wide range of + danh
(C) compliance la dap an dung.
tif so nhieu" (da dang) nen (A) wide Dap an dung (C)
la dap an chlnh xac. (B) tentative Tir vdng;
co nghia la tarn thPi, (C) current la dental thudc nha khoa
hidn tai, (D) severe la nghiem trong facility thiet bi
be required to phai lam gl
ndn day deu la cac dap an sai.
obtain dat dddc
Dap an diing (A)
certificate chdng chi
Tit vitng: ensure dam b&o, xac nhan
reach out to tiep can, den gan
local ngUdi dan dja phudng
106. Vj tn cua trang tif
different da dang
event sit kidn Giai thich: De b6 nghia cho tinh tif
enhance nang cao (appreciative) difng sau cho trong ta
ciln mot trang tif. Do do (D) truly
104. Vj tri ctia danh ttf la dap an chinh xac.
Giai thich: Diing sau tinh tif (all) Dip an diing (D)

phai la danh tif dem dupe so nhieu Tif vi/ng:

nen (D) specifications la dap an be appreciative of
cam bn, cam kfch vd
chinh xac.
support ring hp
Dap ad (tung (D)
show cho thay, bay to
TtfvMng; truthful chinh trifc
suggest gdi y, de an truthfulness sU chinh trifc
check kiem tra, xac nhan lai
supplier nha cung cap
chinh xac 107. Dai tif
specification chi tiet cy the Gidi thich: Triftfc ch6 trong la menh
be subject to la d6i tddng, de hoan chinh da diicfc lifo'c bo trang
cb the lam gi

tu quan he (when). Do do dai tu lam 110. Dai tif
chu ngif (B) they la dap an chinh xac. Giai thich: Dai ttf du'pc dien vao
Dap an dung (B) cho trong se la tif dtfofc dung thay
TCI vUng: the cho danh tif xuat hien ci menh
professional chuyen gia
di trang ngff (a temporary sign), va
personal ca nhan
fulfillment thfia man, hai long vi day la danh ttf chi so vat so it nen
work lam vi§c (A) it la dap an chinh xac.
Dip in diing (A)
108. 0ien frang tiT vao ch6 trong Til viing:
Giai thkh: Vi sail chd trong la so temporary tarn th6i
sign bien bao
nen (A) at least la dap an chinh xac.
blow baytheogio
Dip an dung (A)
vehicle xe d td,
Til vitng:
phtfdng tien di chuyen
complete hoan thanh
pick up nh$1 len, thu hoi
employment lam viec, vi trf lam viec
current hign tai
111. Danh tif chi ngifdi va danh tif
position vj trf
be eligible for du dieu kien, td each de chi vat
promotion thang tien Giai thkh: Vi trtfdfc cho trong la tfnh
ttf (detailed) nan ta phai difn danh
tif vao cho trong. Vi tnfcfc ch6 trong
109. Dien trang tit vao cho trong khdngxuft hian mao ttf bdt dinh (a)
Giai thkh: (C) thereafter luon di nan danh ttf khong da'm dtfpc (D)
kem vdi trang tif (shortly) di'fng guidance la dap an chinh xac.
triidc cho trong nen day la dap an Dip in (fling (D)
dung, shortly thereafter co nghia la Til vung:
"ngay sau khi issue phat bieu
Dap in diing (C) detailed chi tiet, eg the
quarter quy 1
Til vifng:
including bao gom
lobby sanh
figure s6 lieu
banquet yen tiec
revenue thu nhap
later sau do
expense phi ton, chi phf
guide ngddi hudng dSn
guidance chi ddn

112. Dien dai tCr vao cho trong increase tang
more than hdn
Giat thich: Vi cho trong la vi trl cua
chu ngC nen chi co dai tif co the
115. Vi tri cua lien t£t
lam chu ngut (C) None la dap an
Giai thich: V i sau cho trong la menh
chinh xac.
Dap an diing (C) di (it has been fixed) n^n lidn tif (C)

Tit vitng; now that la dap an chinh xac.

provide cung cap Dap an dung (C)
internationalize qu6c te hoa Tit vifng:
calling card the gpi dien thoai assembly line day chuyen san xuat
run hoat dpng
113. Diin gidi tit vao cho trong fix sCta
nevertheless mac dii nhii vay
Giai thi'ch: Yd mat y nghla, cau nay
phai dilhi dat noi dung "d^ sif dung
116. Vi tri cua tinh tif
trong tifong lai/ve sau" nen (B) for
Giai thich: Vi sau chd trong la danh tif
difoc dung di the hien doi Ufdng va
(experience) n£n tinh tif (R) applicable
muc dich la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B) la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)
Tit vitng:
Tit vitng:
region khu vifc
important quan trong
be assigned to dUdc chi dinh
specific cu the
reserve du trO, giiJ trade
skill ky nang
experience kinh nghiem
114. Danh tCTghep
applicability kha nang itng dung
Giai thich: Ta phai chgn danh tit applicably mot each co the
thich hop vdi danh tif difng trrfdc img dung
cho trong (employee) va difin ti y
nghla "nang suat lam viec cua nhdn 117. 0ien dai tif vao ch6 trong
vifin" nen (A) productivity la dap Giai thich: Cho trong nay la vi tri
an chinh xac. (B) production la san cua chu ngtf. Vi sau ch5 trdng la
xuat, (C) product san pham, (D) dong tif du'o'c chia b so nhieu nen
produce nong san.
(B) Most lit dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A)
Dap an dung (B)
Til vitng:
TCr vitng:
right dung dan
agree dong y
environment hoan canh
build xay dung

power plant nha may nang li/dng 121-123.
next to gan TCf vung:
mention de cap
118. Lien tif va gi6i tif need can
Giai thi'ch: Vi sau ch6 trong la m^nh attention sir chu y, quan tam
symposium hdi nghj
da' {you receive) nen (C) after diioc
photocopy ban sao
dung nhif ca gidi tit va iien tif la dap handout tai li^u truyen tay
an chinh xac. prepare chuan bi
Dap in dung (C) send gdi
Tii vung: choose chpn
inform thong bao, cho biet in advance trade
attend tham dif take care of lo lieu, xif ly
receive nhan important quan trong
invitation mdi role vai tro
join gia nhpp
however tuy nhien
119. Dien dai tif vao cho trong
so far tdi gid
Giai thich: Sau ch6 trong la dong tif pass chuyen
difpc chia dtidi dang so it (was) va appreciation Idi cam an, khen ngai
dai tif difo'c dien vao ch6 trong phai
co kha nang thay the cho danh tif 121. Cau true song song theo

dufng tnfdc do (two proposals) nen tifng loai

(D) neither la dap an chinh xac. Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong la and
Dap an dung (D) nen ta phai chon dap an tdcfng
Td vifng: ifng vdi cum danh chi ngifdi tif
proposal de nghi, de an di'fng sau and (the 12 speakers).
supplier nha cung c^p
Xet vd mat y nghla va ddng thdi
satisfactory vifa y
cung la cum danh tif chi ngifdi
thi chi co (C) memberes la dap an
120. Oien gidi tif vao ch6 trdng
chinh xac.
Giai thi'ch: Chi co gidi tif (A) until
Dap an diing (C)
la thich hop vdi dong tif (put off)
di'fng tnfdc cho trong.
122. Cau dao nguf
Dap an dfing (A)
Giai thi'ch: Vi tnfdc chd trong la trang
Tif vUng:
national thupc quoc gia ngif phu dinh (little) nan day la can
put off tfl hoan, lui lai ddo ngif. Vi sau cho trong la dong tif

dang nguySn the ndn xet vi mat ngfl 124. Thi cua dpng tif

phap (D) did la dap an chinh xac. Giai thkh: De difhi ta y nghla "da
Dap in Aung (D) chuyen don hang da dat" ta phai
chon (B) have shipped.
Dap an diing (B)
123. 0ien Men tifvao chotrong
Gidi thi'ch: Lien tif chi thdi gian va
didu kicn thtidng xuy^n xuat hLn 125. Dien trang tif thi'ch hdp vao

trong can mdnh lenh. Theo do, xet cho trong

ve mat ngCi phap thi (A) when la Giai thick: Sau trang tu no matter

dap an chinh xac. how (= however) ta phai dung c3lu

Dap an dung (A) true "tinh tO/trang tp + chu ngu! +
124-126, dpng tit" n^n (D) no matter how la
TCr vi^ng; dap an chinh xac.
order dan dat hang Dap an Aung (D)
ship out chuyen hang di
silverware do bac
vdt pham cung cdp 126. Dien tif loai thich hop
currently hien tai Giai thich: Chfl trong dung sau tu
on one's way dang tren difdng chi so sanh hon nhat the most la vi
regret hoi tiec
tri cua tinh tif nen (A) qualified la
delay tri hoan
dap an chinh xac.
place an order dat hang
Dap an Aung (A)
distributor nha phan ph6i
understand hi^u CHAPTER 04
take mat thdi gian DONG Til BAT BINH
bear chju dung
almost hliu nhU 11 Dbrtg ttf khbng gidi hen
brunt ganh njing chu yeu
shipping chuyen hang oiTHIMd PH6NG
expense chl phi
apologize for xin l6i vi 1 - (B) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (□) 5. (A)
delivery van chuyen hang 6. (A) 7. (D) 8.(0) 9. (C) 10.(0}
in the future trong tUdng lai 11. (A) 12. (A)13.(B) 14. (A) 15.(0)
qualified du nang lUc, tu each
deal with xC( ly vdi
matter van de

1. Danh tifthudng di kem v6i dong Tir vyng:
tu nguyen the co to many nhieu ngudi
prefer thich hdn
Giai thkh: Vi trudc chd trong la
degree hoc vj, bang cS'p
danh ttt (way) nen (B) to improve
course khoa hoc
la dap an chinb xac. extremely cifc ky
Dap an tiling (B) convenient thuan Idi
T£r vUng: keep up with theo kjp
change thay doi
little nh6 4. Tinh tif di kem vdi d6ng ttf nguyen
office van phong the co fo
way phifOng phap
Gidi thich: Vi unable la tinh ttf di
improve cSi thien
employee productivity kem vdi dong ttf nguyen thd co to
nang suat nhan vign nen (D) to ship la dap an chinh xac,
improvement su cai thipn, nang cap Vi sau chd trdng la danh tif (the
order) ndn (A) b the bi dong la dap
2. Cau co chu nguf gia
an sai.
Giai thich: Vi truo'c cho trong la Dip an dung (D)
chu ngfl gia n6n chu ngfl thdt (C) Ttf vUng:
to start la dap an chinh xac, unfortunately that khong may
Dap An dung (C) be unable to do khfing the lam gi
Ti( vUng: ship van chuy^n hang
when it comes to khi/neu nh^c tdi order don hang
security bao an, an ninh within trong vong
extremely cl/c ky as nhu
important quan trong request yeu cau
right dung dSn, thich hdp
measure phUOng sach, each xCf ly 5. Dong tif di kem vdi dong tif
at one ngay lap tdc nguyen the co fo
Giai thich: Vi sau chd trong la dong
3. Tinh tif di kem vdi dpng tif nguyen
tif nguygn thi co to (to cancel) nan
the co fo
(A) choose la dap an chinh xac.
Giai thich: Sau dgng th he phai la Dip an dung (A)
tinh tif va ttf loai co thd bd nghia Ttf vtfng:
cho trang tff cung chinh la tinh ttf choose lua chon
n^n (B) la dap an chinh xac. order ddn hang
Dap an thing (B) cancel huy

electronics industry
dpng tCf (postpone) nen chi co the
nganh dien tCf gia dung
chon untilde di^n ta y nghla "hoan
lai cho tdi khi
2. Danh dpng tif dupe danh tif hoa
Dap an dung (A)
va danh tif
Giai thich: Vi sau ch5 trong la tinh
15. So sanh ngang bang
tif (accelerated) nen ta can can nhac
Giai tluch: Vi gifta as va as la vi trl
giifa (A) va (D). Vi tnfcfc cho trong
cua tinh tit nen ta can cdn nhac gida
kh6ng co mao tif bat dinh (a) nen ta
(B) va (D). Vi tnidc cho trdng xuat
phai chpn danh tif khong dem dtfpc.
hien dong ttt dang 5 (keep) nen ta
Dip an ddng (D)
phai dien b6 ngu cho tan ngu vao
TCf vifng:
cho trong. Theo do chi co tinh tif designed thiet ke
(D) clean la thich hcfp. feature tmh nang, dac tinh
Dap an dung (D) accelerated nhanh chdng
handling xl( ly
12 Danhddngtit a large amount of
rndt Iddng Idn
order ddn hang
handle tay cam
I. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (A)
6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (A) 9. (D) 10. (A) 3. Dien dpng tCf thich hpp vao
II.(D) 12.(B)13.(C)14. (D)15. (A) cho trdng
Giai thich: Vi day la menh db hoan
1. Dong tuf lay danh dpng td lam
chinh nen d^ di£n ta muc dich ta can
tan nguf
diing dpng tif nguyen the co to do
Gidi thich: Vi tnidc ch6 trong la
do (A) research la dap an chinh xac.
dpng tif (considering) n£n danh Dap an dung (A)
dpng tif (B) expanding la dap an
Tif vifng:
chinh xac. meet gap
Dap an dung (B) about khoang
Tit vifng: research nghien cdu
appliance dung cu, do trang trf
manufacturer cong ty che tao 4. Gi6i tCf to va dpng ttf nguyen the
consider can nhac co to
expand md rpng Giai thich; Vi sau cho trong la gidi
consumer ngifdi tieu diing
tif (to) nfin (D) contributing la dap

an chinh xac. Cac dap an con lai ngtf phap thi (A) processing la dap an
ddu la ngoai dong tif hoac dong tif chinh xac.
lay dong tii nguy^n the co to lam Dap :ln dung (A)
t^n ngfl nen ddu la cac dap an sai. Tirvirng:
Dap an dung (D) use stl dtmg
Tifvifng; electronic di^n tcf
multinational corporation data dOli§u

tap doan da quoc gia integrate thong nhat, gop

worsening lam x^u di handicapped ngUdi tan tat
environment hoan c&nh work force nhan Idc
anticipate ddtn/cic, lirdng trudc
promise hda 7. Dong tif + tan ngd + 'dong tif
refuse tit choi nguyen the co fo'
Dap an diing (D)
5. Danh tuf thifdng di kern v6i dong Tif vilng:
tif nguyen the co fo health insurance bao hiem stfc khbe
Giai thkh: Vi trtfdc cho trdng la urge thiic day
lobby van ddng hanh lang
danh tif (ability) nen ta phai chon
reform cSi each
dong tif nguyen the co to do do (A)
proposal de an
to work la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A) 8. Danh ttfva danh ddng tif
TU vifng: Giai thich: Vi trudc chd trong co
ideal ly ttfdng
gidi tif (to) nen ta can can nhac
candidate dng cifvien
giifa (A) va (C), Vi sau cho trong co
be required to do phai lam gi
constant thifdng xuygn xu^t hien tan ngtf (next-generation

supervision giam sat security) nen danh dong tif (A)

delivering la dap an chinh xac.
6. Danh dong tif difcfc danh tif hoa Dap an dung (A)
va danh tif Tir vifng;
venture §c mao hiem, Ii6u linh,
Giai thkh: Ta phai chon danh tif
dif an kinh doanh
ttfdng ifng vdi data difng trifdc ch6
be dedicated to tap trung vao
trong. Processing (xif ly, gia cong) la next-generation the h? tiep theo
danh tif khong dem du'dc, process security bao an
(qua trinh, cong trlnh) la danh tif firm cbngty
deliver chuyen phat, thUc hien
dcm difdc. Xet vd mat y nghla va

9. Danh dong tC( va danh til cung cdp van ban hiidng din ky
Giai thich: Gifla gidi tii (by) va tan thudt se co ich", danh dong tii (D)

ngfi (a new set of rules) la vi trl cua providing la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (D)
danh dong tii n6n (D) introducing
Td virng;
la dap an chinh xac.
Dap dn dung (D) provide cung cap
technical thupc ky thudt
Ttf vUng;
guideline van ban hudng dan
improve cli thien
help giiip
work environment moi tnj&ng,
customer khach hang
hoan canh lam vigc
take care of lo lidu, xuf ly
workplace ndi lam vigc
minor nhd, khong quan trong
management quan ly
problem van d^
introduce gidi thieu

10. Dung d6ng tii nguyen the nhii

trang tii
12. Danh dong tii va danh tii
Gidi thichi Vi sau cho trong la menh
Gidi thich: Chi co (R) retirement
di hoan chinh n^n ta phai chon
la ttiong ting ved danh tii diing sau
dong tii nguyen the co to dien ta
chd trong di tao nln danh tii ghep
muc dich. Do do (A) to accomplish
vdi y nghla "lifdng hiiu".
la dap an chinh thtfc. Dap an dung (B)
Dap dn dung (A)
Tir vifng:
Tit vi/ng: look forward to mong chd, mong dqi
reduce giam find tim kiem
paperwork c6ng viec giay tci investment dau ta
daily hang ngay opportunity cd hdi
efficiently mSt each hi^u qua retirement nghi hiiu
allowance tlln luiong
11. Vj tr( cua danh dong tii retire nghi hiiu
Gidi thich: Vi tnidc ch6 trong co
tilth tii scf hifu (Our) va yi mat y 13-15.
Id vyfngi
nghla dong vai tro lam chu ngii,
finish ket thuc
n6n ta phai didn chu ngii cho hanh
go over kiem tra lai
dong (has helped) vao ch6 trong. lease agreement
Xet vi mat y nghla (A) kha gtidng hdp dong cho thue
gao. DI can diln dat y nghla "Viec copy ban sao

purpose muc di'ch (with) va sau (to) ch6 trdng. Ve mat
through thong qua
7 nghia, cdu phai dian dar y \i
upon -ing ngay sau khi lam gi
have to phai lam gi dtfdi dang cau true with respect to
revised da sifa chifa, xet duyet nan (A) respect la dap an chinh xac.
no later than khong mu6n hdn Dip an (tiing (A)
carry out thifc hien
task nhipm vu 13 Phan dong til
unlimited khong gidi han
access tidp can, sd dung DE THI MO PHONG
facility thiet bj
once ngay khi 1 - (D) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D)
complete hoan thanh 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (C) 10, (A)
cover xCf ly 11, (B) 12. {□) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (A)
legally thupc phap luat

1. Dien phan tifvao cho trong

Giai thich: Vi tnidc ch6 trong co

13. Dong tCT lay danh dong til lam dong til gidi ban (quoted) va sau

tan ngd ch6 trong kh6ng co tan ngfl nen

Gidi thich; Vi sau ch6 tr<5ng la danh qua khil phan til (D) published la

dong til (sending) ndn (C) mind la dap an chinh xac. Trong cau nay

dap an chinh xac. Cac ban nen ghi which were dang le phSi dilng tnldc

nhcf cau true "Would you mind -ing". cho trong nhting da dtiqc klpc bo.
Dap an diing (C) Dip an dung (D)
Tit vting:
quote tn'ch dan
14. Cau true thiictng dung
figure s6 lieu
Giai thich; Ta phai chgn til thich publish dang, xuat bSn
hop vcfi than dilng sau cho trong. medical thupc y
Vi sau no later than luon phai co journal bao/tpp chf
thoi diem cu the nen (D) no later la
2. Dien danh dong td vao cho trdng
dap an dilng,
Dap in dung (D) Giai thich: Vi trildc cho trong co
gidi til (to) va sau ch6 trong co tan
15. Ttf vtlng gio'i til ngff nen danh dong til (A) seeing la
Giai thich: Ta phai chon danh til dap an chinh xac. Cac ban can ghi
tiiOng ufng vdi gicfi til dufng tnfdc nhd can true thueing diipc sif dung

5. Dien dpng ttf nguyen the vao
look forward to -ing (mong ddi, chd
cho trong
ddi vi^c gi).
Dap an (tling (A) Gidi thkh: Vi danh tit trifdc cho

TlT vilng: trdng (opportunity) di kcm vrti

look forward to -ing dong tit nguydn thd co to n^n (D)
mong chd lam gi to work la dap an chinh xac.
next sap Wl Dap an diing (D)
Tir vUng:
3. Dien phSn tit vao cho trdng please vui mtfng
Giai thich: Vi tnidc cho trong co opportunity cd hpi
together cung nhau
dong tif gidi han (mentioned) va
sau ch6 trong co tan ngfl nen (B)
6. Dien phan tCivao cho trong
describing la dap an chinh xac. Trong
Giai thich: Vi danh tif sau cho trong
can nay, which was da ditdc luo'c bo.
Dap an diing (B) (site) va propose co quan he hi dpng
vdi nhau nen (A) proposed la dap
Tit vitng:
mention de cap an chinh xac.
describe mieu t&, giai thich Dap an diing (A)
sales kinh doanh, ban Tir vUng;
approach tig'p can contract hpp dong
marketing strategy vary da dang, bien hoa
chien lUdc according to tiiy theo, phg thufic vao
estimated ddc lifdng, dd tinh
4. Dien phan tif vao chd trong value gia trj
proposed dirdc de ra
Giai thich: Vi chd trong ddng sau
site vi tri, dia diem
dSu phly va sau chd trong la tan ngfi
(that + mfinh d$) nen hi^n tai phan
7. Dien phan th vao cho trong
tif (B) ensuring la dap an chinh xac.
Giai thich: Vi trifdc ch6 trong co
Dap an dung (B)
dong tif gidi han (plans) va sau chd
Tuf vUng;
standardize chuan hoa trong co tan ngif (employees) nen
calculation thanh to6n, tfnh toan hifin tai phan tif benefiting la dap an
methodology phUdng phap luan, chinh xac.
thtf tu Dip an dung (B)
ensure dam bao
special dac bi§t Tir vUng:
circumstance tinh huong, hoan c&nh plan dd dinh, l§n ke hoach
a number ot nhieu

event sit kipn phan tif (recommended) dOng sau
benefit giup ich
cho trong.
employee nhan vi^n
every year hang nam Dap an dung (A)
usually thuOng Td vitrg:
boost tang len, thuc day reduce gi&m
morale tinh than total tong, toan the
daily hang ngay
8. Cau menh lenh va phan tif intake nap vao
Giai thich: Vi mfinh de trang ngtf fat chat beo
cholesterol cholesterol
co lien tif (when) nen day khong
phai can co chifa phan tif ma la cftn
11. Thanh phln cau co chifa phan
m6nh l^nh. Do do (D) try la dap an
tCf va bao gom lien tif
chinh xac.
Gi^i thich: Lien tif chi thcfi gian
Dap an dung (D)
(while) dtfng tnfcfc cho trong di
Td vilng;
visit ghe tham k^m vhi "-ing + tin ngtf" nen (B)
museum bao tang holding la dap an chinh xac.
spend dung, ti^u ton Dip an dung (B)
(thOi gian) Id viTng:
more than hOn,qua possible co thl
souvenir do lUu niem direct trite ti^p
broadcast phat song
9. Dien phan tCf vao cho trong conference hoi nghi
Giai thi'ch: Chi co hien tai phin ttf while trong khi
hold chu tri, to chtfc
(C) preceding !a thich hop dung vhi
danh tit (years) dvfng sau cho trong.
12. Bien danh dpng tuf vao cho
Dap an dung (C)
Ti( vufng:
work productivity nang suat nhan vi^n Giai thich: Vi tnfdc cho trong la

increase tang dong tif (include) nen ta phai dien

combine cpng lai, ket hdp lai danh tCf vao cho tr6ng. Theo do (D)
overseeing la dap an chinh xac.
10. Thanh phan cau co chufa phan Dap an dung (D)
tiTva bao gom lien tiT Id vitng:
Giai thi'ch: Chi co lien tif trang thai duty nhiem vu
(A) as la thich hop vOi qua khu include bao gom
oversee giam sat, quan d6c

advertising quang cao va de di^n dat y nghla "viec nay se
various da dang tang them ganh nang bgn canh tat
administrive thudc hanh chfnh
ca nhu'ng viec ma ban dang phdi
task nhiem vu
lam" nfin (C) on top of la dap an
13-15. chinh xac.
T£r viing: Dap an dung (C)
up to date cap nhat
as to v6, lien quan tdi
15. Dien trang tCtvao cho trong
situation tinh hinh
maternity leave nghi d§ Giai thich: Ta phii ctien trang tit

right now ngay bay gid, hien tai vao chd trong dd dien dat y nghla
motivate khich le tinh than "Anh ay la mot chuyen gia trong
previous trudc linh viic tai chinh va co thd trd
spearhead cht buy tien phong
giup ban cac vd cac van dd ky thu^t.
finance tai chfnh
management quSn ly Hoac khong thi hay lidn lac vdi toi
extra them, phy ndu ban co them bat ky thac mdc
burden ganh nang nao khac." ndn (A) Otherwise la
on top of ~ ngoai ra, them vao do
dap an chinh xac.
everything mqi thd
Dap an dung (A)
get in touch withlidn lac vdi
expert chuyen gia
assist ho trp 101.(C) 102.(A) 103.(C) 104,(B) 105.(A)
technical thupc ky thu|d 106.(B) 107.(D) 108.(B) 109.(A) 110.(A)
aspect phddng dipn 111.(D) 112,(B) 113.(C) 114.(D) 115.(A)
116.(B) 117.(C) 118.(D) 119,(0) 120.(D)
121,(A) 122.(0) 123.(0) 124.(A) 125.(A)
13. Thanh phan cau co chufa ph&n 126.(A)
tCf va bao gom lien tif
Giai thick: Lien tit trang thai dung 101. Dien phan tit vao ch6 trong
trudfc cho trong di kem vo'i qua Idiif Giai thich: Vi tru'oc cho trong la dong

phan tit, sau cho trong lai khong cd tii dang 3 (keep) ndn ch6 trong se la

tan ngd nen (A) discussed la dap an vi tri cua bo ngu cho tan nguf, nhu
vay ta phai chon phan tii dd dien vao
chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A) ch6 trong nay. Vi tan ngfl ta ngiioi
(the artist) ndn qua khif phin tif the'
hien quan hd hi dong (Q inspired la
14. Dien gidi td vao cho trong
dap an chinh xac.
Giai thich: Sau cho trong co tan ngtt
Dap an dung (C)

Ttf vUng; finish hcan thanh
suggest gdi y the body of report
social media truyen thdng dai chung phan than bao cao
connect with lien ket vdi attachment sit gan, dinh vao
others nhQng ngddi khac
artist nguldi nghe sT
104. Dien dpng tif nguyen the vao
inspire truyen c&m hCfng
cho trdng
inspiration cam htfng
Gidi thi'ch: De dien ta muc dich "de
hoan thanh cong vide dung han" ta
102. TlT vUng danh ti/
can dung dong tit nguydn the' co to do
Giai thi'ch: Vi day la can h6i yeu can
do (B) To finish la dap an chinh xac.
dien danh tif (goal, purpose) di kern
Dap an dting (B)
vdi "be + dpng ttf nguyfin the cb to"
Tit vdng:
diing sau ch6 trong nen (A) purpose
work cong viec
la dap an chinh xac. (B) exclusion in time dung gid
co nghia la loai trtC, (C) purchase la ask yeu cau
mua, (D) facility la thi£t bi. boss s^p
Dap an diing (A) assign bo nhi^m

TCr vUng:
talk tro chuy§n 105. Cau true thudng dung cua
share chia se danh dpng tif
practice thong le, tap quan Gidi thi'ch: Ta phai chpn dap an
different khac nhau co kha nang ket hop vdi gicfi tit to
dufng trdrtc cho trdng dc tao thanh
103. Dien dong tif nguyen the co fo "be used to -ing (quen lam gi)" nen
vao cho trdng (A) working la dap an chinh xac.
GisU thich: Vi tnfdc ch6 trong la Dap an (tung (A)
chu ngfl gia (It) n6n ta phai didn TCTvUng:
chu ngif that la dong tif nguyen the iong dai
hour gid
co to vao cho trong. Nhrf vay (C) to
mind ngai, ban tarn
attach la dap an chinh xac. psychological thuoc tam ly
Dip an diing (C) pressure sdc ep
Ti( vitng:
impossible khong the
attach dinh, gan kem theo
additional them, phu
information thong tin

106. Chu ngCT ve mat y nghia cua dein dppc (B) funding la dap an
danh dong tCr chinh xac.
Giai thich: Dong tit postpone difng Dip in dung (B)

trUdc cho trong dn co danh dong TiT vUng:

public library thUvien cong cqng
lam tan ngif di kem theo sau. Do do,
proper thich hdp
ta phai chon dai tit lam chu ng3 ve mat
federal government
y nghia cda meeting nhiing dupe viet chinh phu lien bang
duPi dang tinh tif so' hftti (B) his de
dienvao tnidc danh dong tP (meeting). 109. Dien phan tP vao ch6 trong
Dap in diing (B) Giai thich: Ta phai di6n tP bo nghia
Tii vpng: cho danh tP vao did trong, promising
postpone tri hoan la hien tai phan tP thien ve tinh
customer khach hang
tP dang phan tP nen (A) la dap an
interview phdng v^n
chinh xac.
take ton (thPi gian)
Dip in dung (A)

Til vilng:
107. Cau true nhan manh dong td
organization to chPc
nguyen the co to support ho trp
Giai thich: Vi sau ch6 trong la dong promising then vong, hPa hen
tP nguyen th6 (be) nen (D) in order needy khdn cting, kho khan

to la dap an chinh xac.

Dip in dung (D)

Tif vpng:
respond tra IPi, Png dap 110. Gidi tPva lien tP
vacation ky nghi Giii thich: Vi sau cho trong la danh
request ypu cau dong tP tan ngp (checking) ndn
approval sU dong y
gidi tP (A) after la dap an chinh xac.
be able to do co the lam gi
Dip in dung (A)
by way of di qua
Til vUng:
error 161
108. Danh tP dem dupe va danh tP
check kiem tra
khong dem dUpc receipt hba don
Giai thich: Cho trong sau tinh along with ciing vdi
tP (proper) la vi tri cua danh tP, package bUu pham

trpdc cho trong khong co mao tP

b^it dinh (a) men danh tP khong

111. Ttf vUng tmh tQ T£( vifng:
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi yen cau current hipn tai, san co
approach each tiep can
chon tinh tif di kem vdi dpng tif
enforce thi hanh, tien hanh
nguycn die co to dting sau ch6 safety an loan
trdng nen (D) anxious la dap an requirement yeu cau
chlnh xac. "be anxious + dpng tif criticize phe phan

nguyen the co to" difpc dung vdi

114. Dpng tif gidi han va dpng tif
nghia la "mong muon lam gi". (A)
bat djnh
prompt co nghTa la nhanh chong,
(B) probable la co kha nang, (C) Gidi thich: Vi sau cho trong la dpng
tif gicd han (are) nen ta phai chpn
continuous la lien tuc.
Rap an tiling (D) dpng tif h&t dinh (D) agreeing d€

Til vUng: di£n vao cho trong. who are dang le

experience kinh nghiem d if rig tnfdc cho trong nlnfng da bi
choose chpn lifpc bo.
major chuySn nganh
Dap an dving (D)
career nghe nghiep
work lam viec
112. Hoa hdp ve so cCia danh dpng tif be supposed to do
Giai thich: Vi danh dpng tif dp dinh lam gi
(Making) la chii ngfl nen ta phai annual hang nam

chia dpng tif d dang so it, do do (B) payment luong

requires la dap an chinh xac.

115. Danh dpng tifva danh tif
Diip in dung (B)
Giai thich: Vi ch6 trong difng giifa
TU vUng;
deadline han cuoi gidi tif (in) va bo ngif (a new store)
difficulty kho khan nen danh dpng tif (A) establishing
fully hoan loan la dap an chinh xac.
Rap an dung (A)
113. Danh dpng tifva danh tif Tirvyng:
GiiU thich: Vi ch5 trong d giifa be interested in quan tarn tdi
gicfi tif (for) va tan ngff (safety establishing thanh lap, xay dpng
luxurious xa xi, xa hoa
requirements) n£n danh dpng tif
area khu vifc
(C) enforcing la dap an chinh xac.
announce thdngbao
Rap an dung (C)

116. TtrvUng dpng tiT Tii vijfng:
Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong co danh state bang
teen trl vj thanh nien
dongtif (going) nen (B) recommend
ban cam
la clap an chinh xac.
accompanied di ciing
Dap an diing (B)
adult ngirdi I6n
Tif vijfng:
highly rat, cao 119. Dien phan tif vao cho trong
parlor cila hang
Giai thkh: Tifo'ng ifng vdi danh tif
interested In quan tam tdi
urge thuc giuc means (phifdng tien) dtfng sau ch6
ofter cung cap, mdi chao trong chi co the la qua khif phan tif
announce thong bao (D) preferred.
Dap an dimg (D)
117. Vi trf cua danh dpng t£/ Tii vung;
Giai thkh: Chd trdng nay vda phai due to vi, bdi
la chu ngfi cua dong tu (is) vifa generally thbng thifdng
distance khoang each
phai la danh dpng tii chu ngfl lay
major chu yen
the habitats lam tan ngif. Do do (C)
transportation giao thdng
Protecting la dap an chinh xac. preferred difdc thfch hdn
Dip an dung (C) means phddng ti^n
TU vUng: preference sd thich, ua chuong hdn
wildlife sinh vat hoang da
highly rdt, lam 120. TCfvifng dpng tif
important quan trpng
Giai thich: Vi day la can hoi yen cau
depend on phu thupc, dda vao
chon dong tif di kem vcfi "tan ngff +
healthy khoe manh
habitat moi trifdng sdng dong tif nguyfin the co to" difng sau
ch6 trong nen (D) forbids la dap an
118. Lien tif thudng di kem v6i chinh xac.
phan tu Dap an dimg (D)

Giai thich: Qua kht( phan tif TU vUng:

air carrier hang hang khong
(accompanied) dung sau cho trong
forbid cdm
thifdng di kem vdfi lien tif chi dieu kien
flight attendant tiep vien hang khong
nen (D) unless la dap an chinh xac. except ngoai trt/
Dap an dung (D) refrain kiem che, nhjn
culminate len den cifc di^m

B) nan (D) whichever la dap an
TCf vilng:
inform thong bao chinh xac.
recipient ngucfi nhan Dap an diing (D)
come with cung vdi 124-126.
standard tieu chuan TU vUng:
exquisite thanh tu be pleased to dovui mCrng lam gl
enter into bat dau succeed in -ing thanh cong lam gi
be happy to ~ vui mi/ng lam gi issue van de
courier concerning lien quan den
bull pham
terminal cuoi, tftn cung
exactly chinh xac
problem van dg
at once tdc thi
resolve gi&i quyet
with respect to lien quan tdi
121. Dien dong tif thfch hdp vao deal with xl( ly
cho trong ext (= extension) nhanh npi bo
by the way them vao, tien the
Giai thkh: Xet ca mat ngil
discontinue ngitng lai
phap va y nghia, dong tif di kem line of product dong san pham
vdfi dong tif nguydn thd co to difng decision quyet djnh
board meeting cudc hop hoi dong
sau cho trong chi co the' ia (A)
quan trj
pleased. produce san xuat
Diip aii dung (A) dealing lam an

122. Dien gidi tCf thich h^p vao 124. Cac loai dong tif

ch6 trong Giai thich: Vl sau ch6 trong co "to +

Giai thichi De diln ta y nghia tif chi ngirtfi + that + menh de" (ail

"Chung toi da quyet dinh gtfi chide of you that) nen ngoai dong tif (A)

dong ho thanh tu nay cho c6 dtia announce la dap an chinh xac.

tren kdt qua cuoc thi gan day ma co Dip an dung (A)

tham dif.' chi co (D) as a result la

thich hop. 125. The b| dong cda cum ngoai

Dap an dung (D) dong tif

Giai thich: Vi "ngoai d6ng tif + gidi

123. Dien dai tifquan he ghepthich tif (deal with) la mot cum ngoai

hop vao cho trong dong tif nfin thi cua dong tif se difpc

Giai thick: Tafcfc ch6 trong co xuat quyet dinh bdi viec co tan nguf theo

hien ddi tifpng dd Ida chon (A or sau hay khong. Vi sau gidi tif (with)

2. Chon lien tit dien vao ch6 trong
CO tan ngft (it) nan the chu dong (A)
dealing la dap an chinh xac. Giai thich: Vi cac cum dong tii song
Dap an dung (A) song vdi nhau va mang y nghla d6i lap
nhau nen (A) but la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A)
126. Dien dpng tit vao cho trong
Giai thich: Sau dong ttt co into Tif vUng:
finish hoan thanh
consideration nan (A) take la dap an
environmental thuoc moi tracing,
chinh xac. take A into consideration
hoan canh
la can true thifoTig gap co nghla la report bao cao
"cdn nhac A". publish c6ng bo
Dap an dung (A)

3. Dien trang tit vao ch6 trong

CHAPTER 05 Giai thich: Vi can nay diln tiA and
B alike (A va B giong nhau) nen (C)
alike la dap an chinh xac.
Lien ti( ket itpp v& lien tCt
Dap an diing (C)
JUdng quan
mm healthy khoe manh
nutritional thuoc dinh dudng
I. (A) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (C) diet bQa an
6. (B) 7.(D) 8.(D) 9.(A) 10.(8} important quan trong
II. (C) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (C) adult ngadi Idn

4. Danh tdthUdng di kem v6i dong

1. Dien lien tit vao cho trong tit nguyen the co to
Giai thich: Vi trifdcva sau dong tu la Giai thich: Vi danh tit (capacity)
cac cum gidi tif tuong duong nhau diing tnfdc cho trong chuo'ng di kem
nen (A) or la dap an chinh xac.
vdi dong tit nguyen the co to nen (D)
Diip an diing (A)
to hold la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (D)
even if mac du
dat hang Tir vyng:
m$t hang texture id chile, cdu tao
thong qua clay dat set
huy bo excellent vagi trfii, xudt sac
capacity nang Igc
hold giQ

5. Dien lien tif vao cho trong, TCr vUng;
Giai thkh: Vi phai lien ker hai menli executive ban chap hanh
d€ vdi nhau ndn (C) so la dap an big company cdngty Idn
generally nhin chung
chinh xac.
always ludn luon
Dap an dung (C)
future titdng lai
TCi viTng: average trung binh
be supposed to do unlike khong gid'ng nhit
dir djnh lam gi following theo sau
plan |gn ke hoach
coworker dong nghi^p
8. Chon tmh tit thUdng di kem v6i
dpng tit nguyen the co to
6. Dien tit thfch hdp di v6i lien tit
Giai thich: Tinh tit (D) afraid di
dang ISp vao cho trdng
kem vdfi dong ttf nguyen the co to
Gi4i thfch: Chi co dap an (A) hoac
n6n (D) la dap an chinh xac.
(B) la thich hop vdi lidn ttf and
Dap an diing (D)
xuat hien sau cho trong. Ve mat y
Td vifng:
nghia can nay phai diin dat noi
a lot of nhieu
dung "Nhffng Ipi ich tit dtf an nen be afraid to do sd lam g]
dttcfc hoan lai cho ca cong dong dia really thpc sp

phitong va c6ng ty." ndn (B) both la general thong thitdng

advisable ddng theo
dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)
9. Dong tit giOi han va dong tit bat
benefit igi ich, ifu dai
derive dat dUdc, dan dat Giai thich; Vi tritOc cho trong la
community cdng dong dja phi/dng dong tit gicd han (has) ncn ta phai
chon mot trong nhttng d6ng tit bat
7. Dien lien tuf vao cho trong dinh la (A) deteriorated dc? dien vao
Giai thich: Tnfdc ch6 trong xuat hien cho trong. Can chu y lAng trong
hai trang tit ditpc lien ket song song de thi 1OEIC, deteriorate thitdng
voi nhau la generally va always, va can ditoc ra dttdi dang noi dong tit
mang nghia doi lap nen (D) la dap nhttng cung co mot so tntdng hop
an chinh xac. xuA't hien ditdi dang ngoai dong tit.
Dap an diing (D) Dap an dung (A)

Tir vang: same -) n£n danh dong tif (B) using
local thudc dja phddng
la dap an chinh xac.
plan ke hoach
Dap an dung (B)
restore khoi phuc, phuc hoi
regional thudc dia phudng Tit vifng:
trail dddng di bp decide quy^t djnh
deteriorate lam hd hong, lam xau di approach each tiep can
neglect thd d, bo be instead of thay cho

10. Dien lien tit vao ch6 trong
Tit vitng:
Giai thich; Trifdc va sail ch6 trong billing invoice hba don hang
xuft hifin song song cac cum dong as per theo nhu (dieu da ditdc
tti va dien dat nghia I if a chpn giifa quygt dinh)
get back to quay lai (6 day cb nghia
bdy gicf hoac sang nam nen (B) or la
la lien lac)
dap an chinh xac.
still vlin
Dap an dung (B)
exactly chinh xac
Ttf viTng: delivery van chuyen
stop difng lai payment thanh toan
manufacture san xuat, che tao purchase mua
pay chi tra
11. Bien Men tif vao ch6 trong transfer chuyln khoan
Giai thich: Tnfdc va sau cho trong check sec
look forward to -ing
xitA't hifin song song cac cum gidi tif
mong chd, mong dpi
va can mang nghia doi lap nen (C)
lam gi
but la dap an chinh xac. Hinh thifc
not A hut B cung tlnfong hay xuat
13. Dien gidi tif vao ch6 trong
hien trong de thh
Giai thich: De dien dat noi dung
Dap an dung (C)
"thco nhif yeu cau cua chimg toi"
Tii vdng:
thi (A) As per (theo nhif -) la dap
deliver a lecture gicing bai
sales marketing marketing kinh doanh an chinh xac. (C) As for - nghia la
presentation thuy^t trinh wi, lifin quan tdi, (D) But for - la
skill ky thupt, ky nang ndu khong vi.
Dap an tiling (A)
12. Danh dpng tif va danh ttf
Giai thich: Vi ch6 trong difng giifa
14. Hoan thanh cap lien ttf
gidi tif (instead of) va t&n ngtf (the
Giai thich: either A or B la cau true

di lidn vofi nhau nen (B) either la di hoan chinh nin (B) that la dap
dap an chinh xac. an chinh xac.
Dap an (tilng (B) Dap an dung (B)
Id vUng:
15, Hoa hdp ve so cua dpng tuf be aware that/of bidt
Giai thkh: Both A and B yen cau close dong ccfa
renovation sCla chOa
dong ttt difpc chia b so nhiad n^n
(C) appreciate la dap an chinh xac.
3. Dhln lien tCfvao cho tr6ng
Dap an di'mg (C)
Giai thkh: D£ lien ket hai menh de

M#nh de danh ngQ dang Bp vot nhau ta phai chpn (A) so.
Dap an diing (A)
TO vifng:
Di THIMO PH6NG private ca nhan
be allowed to duoc cho phep (am
1 ■ (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B)
put forward trtnh, nop
6. (A) 7.(A) 8.(D) 9,(A) 10. (B)
bid dan th^u
11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (D) 14. (A) 15. (B)

4. DiSn lien tif vao ch6 trong

1. Menh de danh nguf Giai thkh: Vi sau ch6 trong la or not
Gidi thi'ch: Vi day la can hoi yeu can nen ta phai chpn dap an (D) whether.
chpn danh ttt trfdng drfOng vOi lien Dap An dung (D)
tii (that) n6n (D) evidence la dap TCrvUng:
an chinh xac. (A) completion la s\i goverment chinh phu
determine quyetdinh
hoan thanh, (B) growth la tnfdng
whether or not lam hoac khong lam gl
thanh, (C) promotion la qudng ba,
raise tang len
thang tien. weight limit gidi h^n trong ludng
Dap 4n dung (D) commercial thuang mai
Tii vi/ng:
stock price gia co phi^u 5. Dien lien td vao cho trong
reflect phan anh Giai thkh: Vi trifdc ch6 trong xuat
fair cong bang
hifin not only nen (B) but la dap an
value gia trj
chinh xac. Can ghi nhd dht true not

2. Dien lien tif vao cho trong only A but (also).

Dip an dung (B)
Giai thkh; Vi sau ch<5 trong la menh

TCr vUng: xudt hien song song hai tinh tif
devote cong hi^n (modern va efficient) nen (D) and la
others nhQng ngirdi khac
dap an chinh xac.
donation quygn gop
Dap an dung (D)
volunteer tinh nguyen vien
Tit vitng:
cataract benh due thuy tinh thi
6. 0ien tinh tuf quan he ghep vao surgery phlu thuat
ch6 trong consider c^n nhac, coi la
Giai thick: Vi cau co hai mcnh di va modern hiqn dai
efficient hieu qua
ta phii dien tii bo nghla cho danh
procedure thu tuc, trinh tp,
tif (advertising agency) nen (A)
phddng phap
whichever la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A)
9. Dien tinh tif nghi van vao cho
Tif vyng:
contract hop dong
Giai thich: Chi co tinh tif nghi van
be likely to do co le se lam gi
award trao gi&i, tang (A) which la co the bo nghia cho
advertising agency danh tif (file) difng sau cho trong.
c6ng ty quang cao Dap an dung (A)
offer cung cap, difa ra Tit vqng:
know biet
7. Dien lien ta lidn ket menh de file van bdn, file
download tai ve
trang ngil vao cho trd'ng.
install cai dat
Giai thich: Vi sail cho trong la menh
de khong hoan chinh, chieu tan ngu
10. Dien tif nghi van vao ch6 trong
cua dong tii (need) nen ta can can
Giai thich: De diin dat y nghla "khi
nhac giiia (A) va (B). (B) phai dijfng
nao thi phai lang nghe y kien cua
d vi tri chu ngu nen (A) whatever la
cd'p difhi" nen (D) when la dap an
dap an chinh xac.
chinh xac.
Dap an (tting (A)
Dap an dung (D)
Td viing:
Tit vUng;
supply A with B cung cap B cho A
great tuyei vdi
implement thi hanh, thUc hiqn
manager ngdOi quan ly
subordinate thuqc ha,
8. Dien li&n td vao cho trong ngudi duOi quy^n
Gidi thkli: Tnfdc va sau cho trong

11. Bi4n phan tif vao ch6 trong product san pham
Giai thich; De bo nghla cho danh contact lien Ieic, tiep xuc
(use) difng sau cho rrong ca can can appreciate coi trong, cam on
opinion y kidn
nhac giua (C) va (D). Vi growing
lawnmower may cat co
thi^n vd hi6n tai ph^n tif hcfn nen tool dung cu
(D) growing la dap an chlnh xac. important quan trong
Rap An diing (D)
Ti( vUng: 13. Dien lien tifvao cho trd'ng
a number of nhieu Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong co or nen
identify xac nhan, l^m ro (D) whether la dap an chinh xac.
use sl( dung
Dap an (King (D)

12. Dien lien tCf lien ket m^nh de

14. Dien tif nghi van vao cho trong
danh ngufvao cho trong
Giai thi'ch: Vi dong tif nguyan the
Giai thi'ch: Vi sau ch6 trong la menh
co to (to contact) khong co tin ngii
de khong hoan chinh, thieu bo ngff
va phai dian dat y "T6i khong bia't
cua gicfi tif (to) nen (A) what la
phii lien lac voi ai.", nen (A) who la
dap an chinh xac. Cac dap an con
dap an chinh xac.
lai diu phai di vdfi m^nh di hoan
Dap an (tung (A)
Dap an (tiing (A)
15. Dien trgng tif vao cha trdng
Til vUng:
Giai thi'ch: Vi phai chon trang ttf
pretty kha, dang ke ttfdng ling vdi tinh tif (important)
easy de
de dian dat y "y kien va suy nghi cua
find Dm
match hdp, khdp ban ve cong ty chung toi thifc si/ rat
quan trong." ndn (B) extremely la
13-15. dap an chinh xac. extremely co the' bo
Td vUng: nghia cho tinh tif. (A) simply nghia
assign bd nhi^m la dcfn gian, (C) quickly la mot each
handle xCf ly
nhanh chong, (D) completely la
account tai kho^n
correspond trao doi hoan toan.
post thirtin Rap An dung (B)
in the future trong tddng lai
prior to trUd'c do

3. Dien lien tif vao cho trong
16 M#nh de trang nguf Giai thich: O menh dd chinh, dong
tif difpc chia d thi tifong lai (will
be delayed), cf menh dd trang ngu
I. (A) 2.(B) 3.(B) 4.(C) 5. (B) dong tif lai d thi Kidn tai (is) ncn
6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (D) lidn tif chi didu kidn (B) assuming
II. (A) 12.(A)13.(A)14. (B)15. (D)
la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)
TU vi/ng:
1. Dien lien t£r vao ch6 trong weekly hang tuan
Giai tliich: Ta phai chon lien ttt phii meeting gap mat
hop vdi trp dong tif mang nghla tan available co the sir dung,
co thdi gian
ngu (could) dung sau cho trong, do
then khi do
do (A) so that la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A)
4. Dien lien tif vao ch6 trong
TC( viing:
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ydu cau
hope hy vpng
accept chap nhan phdn bidt giifa gidi tif va lidn tif. Sau
request yeu c^u cho trong la mdnh dd (everybody is)
continue tiep tuc ndn lidn tii (C) Now that la dap an
do business with
chinh xac.
l^m an vdi
Dip an dung (C)
in the future trong tirong lai
TCr vUng:
meeting hop. gap mat
2. Oien lien tif vao cho tr6ng
order thina
Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong xuat hien
dong tit thi hien tai (get) va tu'Ong lai 5. Dien lien tif vao cho trong
(will be) n6n lien tii chi thcfi gian (B) Giai thich: Trang tif (still) xu^ft hidn
Once la dap an chinh xac. sau chd trong thifcfng the hien y d6i
Dip dn dung (B)
Idp hoac nhtfpng bo. Vi tnfcfc va
Tif v^ng:
sau ch6 trong cau mang nghla doi
get familiar with
lam quen v6i Hp ndn (B) even though la dap an

easy di dang chinh xac.

natural Id nhien Dap an dung (B)

TCr vifng: 8. 0ien lien tif vao cho trong
have to do phai lam gi Giai thich: Vi sau chd trong la menh
open m6
di khong hoan chinh thieu chu ngfl
locker tu dpng do
still van ntn (B) what la dap an chinh xac.
personal thupc ca nhan Dap aii dung (B)
belongings cua cai, do dac TC( vUng:
need can
6. 0ien lien t£/ vao ch6 trong well tot
be aware of nhan thdc dddc
Giai thicli: Vi phai chpn lien tit trang
terms and conditions
thai phu hop voi qua khuf phan ttf
dieu kien hdp ddng
(mentioned) difng sau cho trong ncn document tai lieu
(A) as la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an (tiing (A) 9. Oien lien tif vao ch6 trong
TP vdng: Giai thich; TruAc ch6 trong la "so
know bi^t + tinh tif" nfin (A) that la dap an
cost phi ton
dung. Day la cau true "so - that"
lesson Idp hoc
include bao g6m (qua ... dg'n noi ma ...),
transportation giao thong Dap an dung (A)
mention de cfip, nhac tdi TCf vUng:
work schedule Ijch trinh lam vigc
7. Di4n lien tit vao cho trong tight day dac
conduct thpc thi
Giai thich: Vi truo'c sau cho trong
mandatory thupc nghla vu
deu la menh de, confirm va inform
safety inspection
dtfcfc dung song song vdfi nhau nen kiem tra an toan
(A) and la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (A) 10. Dien lien tiT vao cho trong
TCf vdng; Giai thich: O cuoi cau co or not nen
confirm xac nhAn (D) whether la dap an chinh xac.
acceptance ch^ip nhan
Dap an diing (D)
employment tuyen dung, thug lam
offer dg nghi
department bp phgn
inform thong bao
hold chu tri, to chirc
excited phan khich
annual event sq kien hang nam
opportunity cd h6i
hire thug, tuyen

11. Dien phan tCr vao cho trong have a lot on own's plat
co rat nhieu viec phai lam
Giai thfch: VI danh tii (corporate travel)
right now ngay bay gid
va dgng tit unexpect co moi quan he
handle xCi ly
hi dong nen qua khut phan ttf (A) r/ * A
matter van de
unexpected la dap an chiuh xac. quickly gap, nhanh chong
Dap an dung (A) hate ghet, khong muon

Tit vUng: trust tin titdng

!u6n luon take care of lo lieu
phu, them deadline ban chot
prepare chuan bj midnight nda d§m
unexpected ngoai du kien, bat ngd address xCr ly
as soon as possible
nhanh nhat co the
12. 0i^n lien tit vao ch6 trdng
so that de co thl lam gi
Giai thich: Sau only ta co thd dung come up with nghi ra, nSy ra
if hoac when. Xet \i mat y nghia plan ke hoach
(A) if la dap an chinh xac.
Dap in tiling (A) 13. Oien trang tif vao chd trdng
TCf vitng: Giai thich: Tii everything diing
matter van de sau chd trong thifdng dl kem vdi
resolve gi&i quyet
almost. Do do (A) almost la dap an
compensate boi thitdng
chinh xac.
time off thdi gian nghi l^m
Dap an dung (A)
switch doi
insurance bao hiem
14. Tlnh tif sd hOfu
Giai thich: Vi sau ch6 trong la danh
TCr vitng:
ttf (plate) nen tinh tif sd hifu (B)
unless neu khdng
reach an agreement your own la dap an chinh xac. Have
dat ditgc thda thuan a lot on one's own plate la thanh ngii
labor union lien doan lao dfing co nghia "co nhieu viec phai lam/
experience trai qua, kinh nghiem
viec phai lam nhieu nhii nui".
strike dinh cdng
Dap an dung (B)
cannot afford khong du di6u kien lam
gi, khong the cang
dang dude 15. Dien dpng tif vao cho trdng
another mot oai khac Gi4i thich: Dai tif (this) difng sau
avoid tranh
chd trdng thay thd cho danh tif

du'o'c nhac den triidc do {The strike se cho ban bidt noi co the mua gify
deadline). Nhii vay, de the hien y cho may photo trong trUPng hop
nghia "giai quyet van de dinh c6ng chung ta bi hdt giay" thi (D) la dap
nhanh nhdt co the" nen (D) address an chinh xac.
la dap an chinh xac. Dap an diing (D)
Dap an diing (D) Tif vyng:
copy machine may photo
Menh de quan he run out het, can

0ethim6ph6ng 3. Dien danh td vao ch6 trong

1 ■ (B) 2.(D) 3,(0} 4.(D) 5. (A) Gi^i thich: Vi sau cho trong la dai
6.(0) 7.(0) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (0) ttf quan ht nen danh tif chi ngupi
11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15, (A) (C) individuals la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (C)
Tuf vifng:
1. Dien gidi tuf vao cho trong summary torn tat
Giai thich: Xet v6 mat y nghia, ndi information th6ng tin
Fuji Industry cit ngti la the new visit ghe tham
building nen gidi tif chi dia diem museum bao tang
factory nha may, cong xiibng
(B) in la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)
4. Dien tien tif lien ket menh de
TCr vtrng:
visit trang ngQ vao cho trong
ghe tham
reside cU tru, ctf ngu Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong la trang
cU (well) nen (D) However la dap
2. Dien lien tii vao ch6 trong. an chinh xac.
Giai thicli; (A) as long as va (B) while Dip an diing (D)
co nghia la trong khi lam gi" va Til vung;
dtfpc dung khi di&i dat dieu kien prepare chuan bi
unexpected ngoai dudoan
rien de cho menh de chinh. (C)
factor yen t£)
where dupe diing nhu la trang tif
consider can nhac
quan he chi dia diem hoac trang ttf give a presentation
nghi van nen la dap an sai. (D) in thuyet trinh
case co nghia la "trong trUPng hpp",
Nhu vay, de the hien y nghia "T6i

5. Dien li&n tCf vao cho trong Ti( vitng;
heavy equipment
Gi^i thich: Vi dtfng triidc ch6 trong
thi^t bi nang
la danh tif ri^ng chi ngiidi va sau
manufacturer cong ty san xuat
ch6 trong la menh de kh6ng Koan
supply cung c^ip
chlnh, con thidu chu ngff nen (A) la product san pham
dap an chlnh xac.
Dap an (liing (A)
8. H6a help ve so cua dpng tif
Ttfvilng: Giai thich: Vi difng trifdc cho trong
deliver a lecture giang d^y la danh tif so nhieu va sau ch6 trong
emerging noi Ign, khan cap la bo ngif (pet-friendly) nfin (B) are
economic thudc kinh te
la dap an chlnh xac.
upcoming sap tdi
Dap an diing {B)

Id vUng:
6. Dien dpng td nguyen the co to
section phan, doan
vao cho trong inn quan trp
Giai thi'chi whether or not chu yen di campground dja diem c^m trai
kem vcfl dong tif nguyen the co to nen location dia diem

(C) to finance la dap an chlnh xac.

Dap an dung (C) 9. Lien tif bj gian lupc

Ttt vitng: Giai thich: Dai tif quan he lam tan

necessary can thiet ngif (which) dtfng gitfa danh tif (The
want mudn project) va chu ngtf (they) da difpc
accomplish Inoan thanh
Itfpc bo. Do do, theo sau chfi trong
before trade do
quyet dinh phai la mfinh dS khong hoan chlnh,
mortgage viec cho vay thieu tan ngtf nen dong ttf the chu
dong (D) planned la dap an chlnh xac.
7. Dien lien tif vao cho trdng Dap an dung (D)

Gidi thich: Trifdc ch5 trong khdng TO viJng:

finish hoan thanh
co lien tif, ca c^u lai co hal dong
face doi mat
tif gidi Iran (arc, want) nfin ta phai
significant Idn, trong dai
didn lian tif vao cho trong. Vi dtfng regulatory thudc quy che
tnfdc ch6 trong la danh tif chi ngifofi
nen (C) whom la dap an chlnh xac.
Dap an dung (C)

10. Dien lien tifvao cho trong 13-15.
Giai thkh: Vi sau ch5 trong la Id vUng:
manager ngtfdi quan ly
mdnh hoan chinh, dtfng trtfdc
oversee giam sat
cho trong la danh tit (a situation)
construction x^y dung, thi cong
nen (C) where la dap an chinh xac. take a sick leave nghi 6m
Dap an dung (C) in one's place thay vi trf cua ai
TCi vitng: official chinh thtrc
situation tinh hinh, tlnh huong duty nhiem vu
deal with giai quyet, doi dau handle xl( ly
difficult kho khSn work-related lien quan den cfing viec
all day cS ngay matter van de
a couple of mdt so
address xtily
11. Oien lien tif vao cho trong
present hien tqi
Gidi thkh: Trtfcfc cho trong which
moment tuc, khoanh khac
is da hi hfpc bo va xuit hien dong secondly thtf hai
tif gidi han (is) nen (B) operating la contractor nha th^u
dap an chinh xac. possible cd the
choose It/a chpn
Dap an diing (B)
trust tin tudng
Tif vifng:
trurstworthy dang tin cay
fashion company cong ty thdi trang
around the world tren loan the gidi
13. Dien lien tif vao ch6 trong
GUi thkh: Trong cau co xuat hien
12. Cau true song song
Giai thkh: San lidn tif dang Idp dong tif gidi han (has taken) va tnfdc

(and) la tinh tif interesting nen ta ch6 trong who is da difpc kfpc bo,

phai chon tinh tif tifdng dtfdng dd sau ch6 trong lai co tan ngCf, do do
dien vao cho trong. Theo do, (B) (C) overseeing la dap an chinh xac.
complicated la dap an chinh xac. Dap an dung (C)
Dap an dung (B)
Tif vdng: 14. Hoa hdp ve s6
discuss thao luan Giai thkh: Vi tnfdc ch6 trong la a
interesting thu vj
couple of nen ta phai chon danh tif
problem van de
so nhieu dien vao ch6 trong, do do
common chung, pho bien
environment hoan canh (B) issues la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)

15. Dien dai tif vao cho trong Ti( vifng:
even tham chi
Giai thich; Ta phai chpn dai tii thay
purchase mua
the cho bon c6ng ty dupe nhac tdi
medicine thufi'c
Hymlic, INTECH, Laren Inc., sell ban
PRT va Turnstyle Corp, do do (A) without khong co
many la dap an chinh xac. drugstore hieu thud'c

3. Hoan thanh cau so sanh

MOT SO CAU DAC BIET Giai thich: Vi tritdc cho trong co the
nen ta cdn can nhac gitfa (A) va (C).
18 CSusosanh speed la tinh ttf 1 tidt n^n (C)
speediest la dap an chinh xac.
DE THIMO PH6NG Dap an dung (C)

I.(C} 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (A) TirvUng:

6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (A) try c6 gang
II. (D) 12, (B) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (A) deliver one's promise
offer de xuat, cung c^ip
connection lien ket
1. Dien lien vao ch6 trdng
Giai thich: Cau true the same as cd 4. Dien cau true cau so sanh vao
nghia la "gidng nhif same phai cho trd'ng
luon di cung the do do (C) la dap Giai thich; Vi trudc ch6 trdng co the
an chinh xac. single, ta phai chon tloh ttf de bd nghia
Dap an dung (C) cho danh ttf difng sau cltd trong nen
T£f vUng; (D) most powerful la dap an chinli xac.
use sl( dang Dap an dung (D)
previous tnJdc
Tif vUng:
be Known duoc biet den
2. Dien dai tCT quan he vao cho powerful manh me
5. Dien USn ttf vao cho trdng
Gidi thich: Vl tnto'c cho trong la
Giai thich: Vi sau ch6 trdng co mfinh
danh tu, sau cho trong la mpnh de
de nen (A) that la dap an chinh xac.
thieu chu ngu" nen (B) which la dap
Xet vd mat y nghia (D) why khdng
an chinh xac.
ttf nhidn ndn la dap an sai.
Dap an diing (B)
Dap an dung (D)

Ttf vi^ng:
interested phai bo nghla cho ngifdi
convince thuyet phuc
nen la dap an sai. (D) single phai
be able to do co the lam gi
increase tang len dtfng trudc danh ttf dem dupe so it
customer satisfaction difpi dang a single nen cung kh6ng
sit hai long cOa khach hang chinh xac. Nhtf v^y (C) appealing
free mien phi la dap an diing.
technical thudc ky thuat Dap dn dung (C)
support hotrg, ung hp
Td vUng:
creat fam, tao ra
6. Hoan thanh cau so sanh satisfy lam hai long
Gidi thi'ch: Vi trifcfc cho trong co need can
much more nen (A) than la dap an
chmh xac. 9. Hoan thanh cau so sanh
Dap an dung (A) Giai thi'ch: Vi sau chd trong co than
TiT vifng: n&i (C) higher la dap an chinh xac.

to one's surprise trUdc sir ngac nhign Dap an dung (C)

cua ai TCrviTng:
comfortable thoai mai offer dUa ra
at first dau tien average trung binh
salary Iddng thang
grueling kho khan, gian kho
7. Hoan thanh cau so sanh
Giai thi'ch: Vi ch6 trong du'ng giua
10. Oien lien t£r vao ch6 trong
as va as nen (B) wide la dap an
Giai thtch: Vi tnfPc chd trong co
chinh xac.
cum danh tif (healthful fruit) va sau
Dap an dung (B)
danh ttf co cum danh tP (vegetable
Tuf vpng;
screen man hlnh drinks) ttlong dpong vPi nhau nen
large Idn (A) and la dap an chinh xac.
completely hoan toan Dap an dung (A)
flat phang Til vUng;
beverage do uong
8. Dien ti'nh ttf vao cho trong produce san xuat
Giai thkh: Sau can trtic so sanh ho'n respond to tra Idi
nhat ta phai chgn mot tlnh th dd trend xu the, xu ht/Ong

dien vao ch6 trong. (A) prior, xet ve

mat y nghla thi khong phu hop. (B)

simple ddn gian
11. Hoan thanh cau so sanh
focus on tap trung vao
Gidi thich: V i cho trong dung giua more
in the end cudi cung
va than nen tinh tu (D) productive la interested quan tdm den
dap an chtnh xac. contact lien lac
Dap an dung (D) below ducfi

TCt vUng:
respondent ngiicii tra I6i 13. Dien dong td vao ch6 trong
productive nang suat, Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong la "tan
thuoc san xudt
ngif + bo ngif cho tan ngu" nen
dong ttf dang 3 (A) keeping la dap
12. Hoan thanh cau so sanh
an chinh xac.
Giai thkh: Chi co dap an (B) as
Dip an dung (A)
many la phii hdp vdfi "danh tif ghep
+ as" difng sau cho trong.
14. 0ien lien ttf vao cho trong
Dap an dung (B)
Gidi thich: Vi tnfOc cho trong la
TC( vqng:
nam nay danh ttf chi vat va sau chd trong la
this year
expect mong chd menh dd thieu chu ngfi nen (B) that
major chu yeu la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)
TCI vUng:
15. Hoan thanh cau so sanh
when it comes to
neu la lien quan den Giai thich: Vd mat y nghia, cau
fitness the due tham my nay phai di^n dat difpc y "ICiong
important quan trong chi la mot trung tarn the due thCtn
stay tit duy tr) sdc khoe
my thong thifdng, chung toi la
keep giuf, duy tri
khoe manh mot trung tarn sufc khoe tap trung
promotion quang ba vao srfc khoe cua ban,", do do (A)
unprecedented trade gid chaa tifng co, more than la dap an chinh xac. (B)
chda tdng co tidn ie
no later than chi dung trifefc moc
history Ijch sd
thefi gian. (C) rather than co nghia
sign up for dang ky
membership thanh vien la "tha... hem con (D) no longer
offer mdi chao, dda ra la "Ichong con... nQa" nen ddu la cac
cancel huy dap an sai.
usual binh thadng Dap dn dung (D)

3. Dien tinh t£r vao cho trdng
19 Cau song song/diio ngO
Giai thich: Tnfdfc cho trong la so sanh
hon nhat (the most) va sau ch5 trong

oi THI MO PH6NG la danh tif chi sq vat (moment) nan

ta phai chqn tinh tif (A) challenging.
I.{C) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B)
Dap an diing (A)
6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (B)
Tit vyng:
II. (A) 12, (C) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (D)
successful thanh cong
challenging thach thcfc, kho khan
1. Cau song song
moment luc, giai doan,
Giai thich: Vi tru'cfc ch6 trong co
khoanh khSc
danh tu (kitchen silverware), lien
tri (and) va other nen ra phai chon 4. Cau song song
danh tu dem ditcfc so nhidu. Do do, Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong xudt
(C) supplies la dap an chinh xac. hidn lien tu dang Up (yet) nen ta
Dap an (Iting (C) phai chon tinh tif tuo'ng duOng

TCi vung: vdi tinh tif inexpensive. Do do, (D)

provide cung cap delicious la dap an chinh xac.

supply cung Ccip, hang hoa Dap an dung (D)
affordable hdp ly Tit vitng:
introduce gidi thieu
2. Cau dao ngu yet nhang (= but)
Giai thich: Vi Only recently dung dau healthy khde manh
recipe cong thifc nau an
menh de nen day la can dao ngii. Tntdc
budget dqtoan, tien
ch6 trong la cau tnic dao ngCf "have +
chii ngfl + qua kliu phan tu" nen (D)
5. Dien dai tifquan hq vao ch6 trong
recognized la dap an chinh xac.
Giai thich: Trifdc chd trong co dau
Dap an dung (D)
phay nfin ta phai chon dai tq quan
TiT vitng:
recently ha dung trong cau menh de quan
gan dSy
researcher nha nghien cufu ha khong xac dinh dd dien vao cho
recognize nh$n ra trong. Danh tif difng tnfcfc ch6
environmental thupc mOi tracing trong la danh tif chi ngifofi va sau
factor yeu to
cK6 trong la menh de thiau chu ngCf
influence anh hadng
work productivity nan (B) which la dap an chinh xac.
rang suat lao d6ng Dap iin di'mg (B)

Tii vi/ng: Tirvdng:
full-time toan thdi gian, make a progress ti^n bp, tien trier
chinh thdc operator ngi/di dieu hanh
be eligible for co to each, dieu kien struggle duong dau, n6 li/c
lam gi regulatory thugc quy che
standard tieu chuan
paid vacation ky nghl v&n dddc 8. Cau song song
tra Iddng Gidi thkh: Vi trixdc chd trong cd
sick day nghi 6m cum dpng ttf (has proved) va lien
td dang Idp (and) nen dd diln ta y
6. Cau song song
nghla "Harold da chdng to minh la
Giai thich: Sau lien trf (or) cac danh
mot trong nhdng nhan vidn kinh
tu phai co n ghia nfcfng dticfng vdi
doanh hieu qua nhat va xdng dang
nhau, do do (C) license la dap an
difpc thang tidn." thi (B) deserves la
chinh xac.
dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (C)
Dip an dung (B)
Tif virhg;
Td viing:
business kinh doanh
prove chLfng minh
activity hoat dpng, hanh vi
effective hieu qua
prohibit cam
sales people nhan vien kinh doanh
until cho den tan khi
promotion thang tien
obtain dat dddc
license being, chdng chi
9. Cau d^io ngCf
permit giay phep
issue phat hanh Giai thich: Vi sau chd trong la cau dao
local thupc dia phddng ngif ndn (C) so la dap an chinh xac.
Dip in dung (C)
7. Thl cua dpng tcr TCT vUng:
Giai thkh: De di£n ta nghla tifofng creativity tinh sang tao
important quan trong
lai d menh dfi1 chinh, ta chia dong tit
feature dac tinh, dac trdng
d menh de trang ngfi chi thdi gian d
successful thanh cong
thi hi^n tai. Trong cau nay, vl menh integrity tinh thanh thpc
di trang ngd chi thdi gian (when)
da d thi hkn tai r6i (struggle) ndn 10. Dien ttf quan he vao cho trong
dong th thi tiidng lai (A) will la dap Giai thich: Vi sau cho trdng la tinh
an chinh xac. tit (many) ndn (B) No matter how
Dip an dung (A) la dap an chinh xac. (A) In order to

CO nghia la "de (am gi (C) No visit ghetham
more than la "khong qua, chl", (D) factory nha may
receive nhan
Assuming that la "gia dinh la
guided tour tour co hudng dan
Dap an dung (B)
aware biet
Til vufng: leading dan dau
patiently mot each ki^n nhan allow chophep
explain giai thi'ch grow phat trien, trudng thanh
understand hieu without delay lien tuc, khong tri hoan
situation tlnh huong steadily vDng vang
increase tang cudng
production capacity
11. Cau song song va cau so sanh
kha nang san xuat
Gial thi'ch: Vi tnfcfc cho rrong la tlnh roll out xuat xudng
tif d dang so sanh hdn (earlier) va project len ke hoach, du djnh
twice ga'p ddi
lien tit dSng Idp (and) n<Sn (A) more
on the market tren thj trudng
interesting la dap an chinh xac. accomplish hoan thanh, dat duoc
Dap an dung (A) feat
chien cdng, chi^n tfch
TCf vUng: produce san xuat
release ra mat ""it cai, s6 luong
earlier when it comes to
sdm hon
expected neu la lien quan tdi... thi
diroc dij doan trade
ecstatic r^t vui mUng, phg'n khdi
advance tien bp, phat trien
12. Hoan thanh cau so sanh take a chance nam l^iy cd hpi
Giai thi'ch: Vi sau cho trong co moc pioneering tien phong

thai gian (May 15) n&i (C) no later

than la dap an chinh xac. 13. Cau song song

Dap dn dung (C) Giii thkh: Vi trudc cho trong la

Tir vi/ng: trang tif (without delay) va li6n tif

necessary can thiet dang Idp (and) n^n ta phai chon
every mpi trang tif tifrtng ufng la (C) steadily.
applicant ifng vien
Dap an dung (C)
submit nop
document tai lieu
14, Dien trang tif vao cho trong
13-15. Giai thich: Tnfcfc so lidu ta phai dien
Td vifng: almost, do do (A) Almost la dap an
cordially chan thanh, than mat
chinh xac.
invite mdi
Dap an dung (A)

15. 0ien tinh tir vao chd trong Td vttng:
once ngay khi
Giai thich; Vi sau cho trong la dfu
be over het, ket thuc
true "a + tinh tif + danh ttt" (a
respond to tra Idi
pioneering achivement) nfin (D) presentation phat bieu, thuyet trinh
such la dap an chinh xac.
103. Dien trang tit quan he vao ch6
101.(A) 102.(B) 103.{C) 104.(B) 105.(B) Giiii thich: Vi sau chd trong la menh
106,(A) 107,(C) 108.(D) 109.(0} 110.(B)
111.(A) 112.{D) 113.(0) 114.(A) 115.(A) dd hoan chinh ndn (C) when la dap
116.(0) 117.(B) 118.(C) 119.(A) 120.(B) an chinh xac.
121.(0) 122,(A) 123.(B) 124.(A) 125,(0) Dap an dung (C)
Tif vUng:
seller ngiibi ban
cancel hdy bo
101. Dien lien tit vao cho trong
transaction giao dich
Giai thich: Vi trtfcfc ch6 trong xuat pay for chi tra
hien dong tit thi qua khii hoan specific cy the
thanh (has had) va sau cho trong
xuat hign dong tif thi qua khu! don 104. Dien tinh tit vao cho trong
(replaced) nen (A) since la dap an Giai thich: Sau tit so sanh hefn nhji't
chinh xac. the most la vi tri cua tinh tit, do do
Dap in dung (A)
(B) qualified la dap an chinh xac.
Til vting: Dap an diing (B)
a number of nhieu
Tif vifng:
personnel issue van de nhan sd cudc tranh luan
replace thay the sq that
human resource phong nhan sp du dieu kien
position vi tr(
102. Dien titquan he vao cho trong
Giai th/ch: Vi sau cho trong la menh 105. 0i4n trgng td vao cho trong
de hoan chinh nen ta can can nhlc Giai thich: Ditng sau mot mdnh de
giua (B) va (C). Vi tnidc chd trong la
hoan chinh (make online payments)
time nen ta phai ditng gidi tU at, do
se phai la mot trang tit, do do (B)
do (B) at which la dap an chinh xac.
quickly la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B)
Dap an dung (B)

Tir vi^ng: 108.0ien tif nghi v^n vaochotrdng
system he th6ng Giai thich: Vi Once she adjusts xuaft
easy de dang
hidn 6* menh da dieu kien nan dong
as ~ as possible co the
tif thi tfldng lai (D) will be se la dap
quickly mot each nhanh chong
an chinh xac.

106. Cau rut gpn Dap an dung (D)

Giai thich; GiCta cum danh tif (the TCf vifng;

adjust thfch flng
techniques and tools) va chu ngfl
environment moi trudng, hoan canh
(they) la vi trl cua dai tif quan he be able to co the lam gi
lam tan ngfl, nhting dai tff quan he take care of lo lieu
nay da hi gian luq'c. Theo do, tntdc responsibility trach nhiem, nghta vg

cho trong la menh de thieu tan ngu

vi v&y ta phai chon dong tif tM chu 109. Dien lien tif dang lap vao cho

dqng (A) used. trong

Dap an dung (A) Giai thich; Vi sau ch6 trong co tan

Ttf vUng: ngfl nen cac dap an la trang tif nhfl

area khu vdc (A), (B) khong tin! la dap an diing,
decide quy^t dinh Ve mat y nghta, de dkn ta rang
share chia sd
"khong chi ho trq ky thuat hang dau
technique ky thuat
tool dung cu ma con cung cap nhflng san phfin
va thiet hi anh sang moi nhat" chi
(D) as well as la dap an chinh xac.
107. 0ien tif nghi van vao cho trong Dap an dung (D)
Giai thich: Vi tru'dc ch6 trong khong Td viTng:
xuat hien danh tif va sau ch6 trong offer de ra, cung cap
lighting den
la menh dc thieu chu ngfl nen (C)
equipment thiet bi
who la dap an chinh xac. Xet ve mat top-level hang dau
y nghta (D) khong phii hop nen day technical thupc ky thuat
la dap an sal. support h6 trd
Dap an dimg (C)
Tif vufng; 110. 0ien gi6i ttf vao ch6 trong
boss 6ng chu,sep GiiU thich: O cau nay ta phai dfla
list muc Igc vao danh tif difng ttuoc cho trong
attend tham du
dd quyet dinh gidi tif nao se di kem

vcfi dai tti quan h6 lam tan ngff. Clu 113. Hoan thanh cau so sanh

nay co y nghia tin dung ma toi Giai thkh: Dd didn ta y nghia "hai

dung de mua ve may bay" nen gidi ngoai ngff ngoai trd tid'ng me de" ta

tif (B) with la dap an chinh xac. phai chon (D) other.
Dap an dung (B) Dap an dung (D)

TiT vyng: Id vyng:

let you know cho biet different khac nhau
lost mat other than ngoai trd
purchase mua
114. Dien dai td quan he ghep vao
111. Dien tuf quan he ghep vao ch6 cho trong
trong Giai thkh: Vi. sau chd trong la cau
GiAi thkh: Khi lua chon co gidi han true "tinh td/trang td + chu ngfl +
ta dung whichever, con khi Ida chon dong td" nen (A) however la dap an
khong cd gidi han ta dimg whatever. chinh xac.
Vi trddc chd trong co 'A or B' nen Dap an dung (A)
day la Ida chon cd gidi han, va vi the Td vVngi

(A) whichever la dap an chinh xac. commuter ngdeii di lam

D:lp an dimg (A) reimburse hoan Igj, tr& lai
annual hang nam
Td vUng:
limit gidi han
leave rdi di
up to den tgn
take dem theo
choose chon lua
tit vda, khdp

115. Dien tt'nh tifvao ch6 trong

112. Diin lien td vao chd trong
Giai thkh: Vdi cau true "the + so
Giai thicli: Vi sau chd trong la
sanh hdn, the + so sanh hon", dong
mdnh dd ndn (A) Assuming la dap
td xuat hien sau chd trong se quyd't
an chinh xac.
dinh tinh td ta phai chon dd didn
Dap an dung (A)
vao chd trong. Trong ciu nay vi sau
Td vUng:
everything t^t ca chd trd'ng xuit hidn dong td be ndn
as theo nhd ta phai chon (A) profitable lam hd
plan hoach ngd cho be.
deliver chuyen phat Dap an dung (A)
no later than khong mudn hdn, trdctc
Td vyng:
improve cai thien

quality chat lUdng
nen (C) Although la dap an
profitable co ItJi
chinh xac.
Dap an diing (Q
116. Dien dai tCf chr so lufdng vao
Ttf vyng:
cho trong
synthetic fertilizer
Giai tKich: Dai tCf chi so liicfng ditoc
phan bon tdng hop
di€n vao cho trong phdi thay the expand mff rPng
cho Over hundred people nen (C) agricultural thupc nong nghiep

many la dap an chinh xac. Vi dong productivity nang suat, hipu sudt
serious nghiem tuc,
tit cua can cf so nhieu (were) nen cac
nghiem trong
dap an con lai d€u sai. environmental thupc moi tmbng,
Dap an dung (C) hoan canh
TCf vifng: deterioration stl lain cho hong, xau di
show up xuat hien
officially mot each chinh thQc 119. Dien trang tif vao cho trong
invite mcfi Giai thich: Dd nhaii manh cho tff so
sanh hffn nhat the most ta phai chon
117. Dien tifquan he vao cho trong
(A) by far.
Gidi thich: Vi diing trifdc ch6 trong
Dap an diing (A)
la danh tit chi ngtfcfi (Hie applicants)
TCT vUng:
va sau ch6 trong la menh di thicn goal-oriented thien ve ket gua,
chh ngff nen (B) who la dap an muc tiSu
chinh xac. by far hien nhien
Dap an dung (B) review kidm tra lai

Ttf vi/ng:
applicant 120. Dien li&n tff vao cho trong
tfng vien
overseas ntfdc ngoai, hai ngoai Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong la menh
following sau, tiep dd nen lien tff (B) considering la
application dang ky dap an chinh xac.
procedure thu tuc, the l§,
Dap an diing (B)
phaong phap
Tif vpng:
only chi
118. Dien lien tif vao cho tremg
too much qua nhieu
Giai thich: Vi sau cho trong co consider c§n nhac, coi la
hai menh dd, mfinh dd thco sau
ch5 trong la mfinh di trang ngff 121-123.

Tir Vifng: 122. Di€n dai tu vao ch6 trong
want muon Giai thich: Vi ngoai dong tit y£u
update cap nh&t
cdu phai co tan ngtf di kem nen
situation tinh hinh
thu nhan, cong nhSn dita vao ngit canh (A) you la dap an
only chi chinh xac.
cancer ung thd Dap an dung (A)
challenging kho khan
moment giai doan, khoanh khac
123. 0idn trgng tit vao cho trong.
division bp phan
tuy nhien Giai thich: Day la cau hoi yeu cau
account tai khoan didn trang tif thich hop vao ch5
be in danger g$p nguy hiem trong. Ngoai cac dong tif be, know,
a number of nhi^u have thi (B) already chu ydu dtfoc
capable co khS nang
dimg vdi cac thi hoan thanh. Vi
take care of !o lieu, gi&i quyg't
can trifo'c cho trong co xuat hien have
Rest assured that... nfin ta co the dung already trong can
hay y§n tam ring nay. (A) yet thtfcfng xuat hien trong
no matter how du co the nao di nda cau phtt dinh. (C) previously va (D)
resolve giai quyl't
once thtfdng di kem vcfi moc thoi
issue van d$
take opportunitygianh, nam lay cd hpi gian trong qua Iditf nen la cac dap
value coi trong an sai. Nhtf vay xet ve mat y nghia,
get thing back to normal (B) already la dap an chinh xac.
drfa moi viec trd l^i
Dap an dung (B)
binh thudng
TU viing:
121. Cau d^o ngfl
Please be advised that...
Giai thich: Vi Only slowly xuat hien hay ghi nh6 rang
b d^u cdu nen theo sau phii la mot licence bang, chifng chl
menh de dao ngfl. Trtfdc cho trong permit giay phep
fill out dang ky, dien
lai co trcf dong tif (did) n6n dong
application ddn dang ky
tit ngtiyfin the (D) come la dap an print out in ra
chinh xac. file an application
Dap an dung (D) nop don dang ky
no later than khdng muon hdn
intend du dinh lam gi
deadline han chot

midnight nifa d#m
envelope phong bi
postmark dau bdu dien CHAPTER 07
at the latest mupn nhat ON TAP theo CAC DANG CAU HOI
successfully mot each thanh cong
approve chap thuan, dong y
flexibility tmh linh dgng, linh hoat Cau h6i chu de

keep something in mind

hay ghi nhd dieu gl

124. Dien dai tif vao cho trong 1.(C) 2.(C) 3.{D) 4.(C) 5.(A) 6(B)
Giai thich: Vi who is dang le phai
dufng sau ch6 trong nhifng d cdu
nay da dtfcfc lu'o'c bo nen (A) anyone
Tif vyng:
la dap an chlnh xac.
tired met moi
Dap an diing (A) clean don dep
take care of lo, giai quyet
125. Cau true thudng gap washing giSt giu
ironing la ui
Giai thich: De di^n ta y nghia "muon
dusting quet, phui byi
nhdt la... ta phai dung cau true at
enough du
the latest, do do (D) latest la dap an take advantage of
chinh xac. tan dung
Dip an diing (D) special dac biet
extra thSm, phu
discount giam gia
126. Dien tinh tCf phu djnh vao cho
experience tr5i nghiem
Giai thich: Vi cau hoi hoi vi chu
Giai thkh: Cdn phai chon mot di cua doan quang cao nen ta phai
tinh tif de bd nghia cho danh tif doc ky ph^in d^u. Thong qua ceUi
(flexibility) dtfng sau cho trdng ndn hoi Too tived to clean youv house ot
(B) no la dap an chinh xac. apartment? a phan dau ta co thd dt
Dap an diing (B) dang doan ra dap an.
Dap an dung (C)

2. annex phong khac, toanha phy
Ttf vUng: retire nghi hdu
purchase mua rightful dung ddn, chinh dang
equipment thi^t bj artifact do nhan tao
cash tien mat replace the cho
loan vay satellite ve tlnh
lease tbue currently gan day, hien tai
office equipment addition them vao
thiet bi van phbng alike nhu nhau
be known as dUdc biet tdi la
operating lease thue tai san van hanh Gidi thich: Day la cau hoi hoi ve chu
flat fee phinhatdjnh dd cua bai bao. Chu de cua bai bao
term hdp ctong, dieu kt§n bao trum toan bo bai bao, vi vdy
be over bet
ta phai doc ky cdu "Hie museum
ownership quyen sd hQu
revert trd lai has been displaying artifacts from
lender ngifcii cho thue all over the world that explain the
initial ban dau development of man's dream to fly.
outlay chi ph(
Discovery will replace Enterprise
be likely to co kha nang
outdated Idi thdi, cu b doan van thrf hai.
sophisticated cao Ccip Dap an dung (D)
such as vi du
copier may I.
photo aduiovisuat
Td vUng:
thupc nghe nhin
inform thPng bao
Giai thfch: Vi can h6i hoi ve chu hold to chdc
de cua bao cao n6n ta can doc ky weekend-long trong cu6i tudn
cau xuat hi6n sau tit however "many team building hudn luyen dong dpi
retreat khoa tu nghiep
companies lease office equipment.
tardy mupn
One type oflease V. iug-of-war tro keo co
Dap an dung (C)
excercise hoat dong
promote ndng cao
3. creativity tfnh sang tao
Tii vting: innovation each tan
already da flexibility tfnh linh hoat
amazing tuyet vdi Giai thfch: Vi day la cau hoi hoi
enormous to Idn, khong to
vP chit dP cua thbng bao nen ta
display trien lam, trUng bay
take a ride on di bang can doc ky cau co chu a tif inform
piggyback cong, cifdi b phan dau cua doan van dau, do

la "The CEO would like to inform sav
e tiet kiem
all employees that the company will get accustomed to

be holding a weekend-long team quen vdi

confident tqtin
building retreat raa
P thu hoach
Dap an diing (Q
benefit |qi fch
Giai thich: Cau hoi hoi ly do viet
thong bao n6i bo cung chinh la hoi
Tit vtrng;
ve chu de. Chu de cua thong bao
outdated cu
enclosed dfnh kem nfii bo thifefng xuaft hi^n d phln
mortgage the chap ddu, do do ta phai dpc ky ph^n
error sai sot nay I d like to address some of the
faiJ't loi, khuyet diem
recent concerns that staff have had
as of vao
over the new monthly reporting
statement bao cao, ban k§ khai
delete xoa b6 system using DataVac."
immediately ngay l$p Wc Dap an diing (B)
corrected da dUdc sifa chOa
credit record h6 sd tin dung
creditor chu nd 21 Cau h6i lien quan den
cooperation sd hop tac danh tir rieng
hesitate chan chCt DE THI MO PH6NG
Gidi tln'ch: Vi cau hoi hoi ve muc dich
1.(C) 2.(B) 3,(C) 4.(A) 5.(B) 6.(C)
cua la thif nen ta phdi doc ky phan
dau cua la th ii Jhis letter is a request
to change outdated information in 1.
my credit file."
Td vUng:
Dap an diing (A)
announce thong b^o
completely hoan toan
6. smoke-free zone khu vqc cam hat thud'c
TU vUng; apply to ap dung cho
address XLf ly facility thiet bj
concern quan tam, van de post dan
complaint ba't man premise trong toa nha
fast nhanh promote quang ba
previous trade do be willing to do sSn long lam gi
emphasize nhan manh quit bd

comprehensive tdng hdp 3.
along with ciing vcfi TirvMng:
in cooperation with attend tham du
hdp tac vdi up-to-date cap nhat
coordinator di6u phoi vifen to be on the safe side
dl da phong,
Giai thich: E-mail diicfc viet vao de cho chac chan
nam 2012. O phin dau cua c-mail transport giao thong, di lai
mean nghla la
co cau will be completely smoke-
in front of phia trade
free zone beginning on the first day later sau do
of next year.", qua do ta co the biet accommodation chd trp
dap an dung la vao dau nam 2013- book dat trade
Dap an dung (C) management ban giam doc
comfortable thoai mai
sign ky ten
2. board room phdng hop
arrange chu^n bj
T£r vijfng; Gidi thich: Cau hbi hoi ve vi trf dien
support ung hp
ra su kien Signmaker, vi vay ta can tim
application ddn xin
dau moi quanh ttt Signmakers xuat hicn
promotion thang chtrc
intern thqc tap trong bhc thu. Chuy doc ky phan dau
take up nam giO cua bflc thrf "attend the Signmakes'
current hipn tai conference in Dartmouth".
assistant trd ly Dap an (tung (C)
extremely cdc ky
go the extra mile
n6 life, co gSng dac biet 4.
well-respected dUdc nhieu ngiicSi
kfnh trpng Tl( vang;
trust tin tadng
look up to ton ktnh, noi theo
implement thi hanh protect bao hp, bao ve

reward boi thudng feet ban chan

result in dan den ket qu& la director giam doc

recently mdi day, gan d&y
Giai thich: Vi cdu hoi hoi ai la ngrfhi
crew nhan vidn
tife'n ch ring vien thang chtfc ndn ta initially ban dau
din xem ky phan ngitbi gufi. be satisfied with hai long vdi
Dap an di'ing (B) fall apart hong, ha hai
extremely ci/c ky, rat
considering xet ring

come with cung v6i Air to meet with a new client in a
warranty bao hanh
day." the vao ngay I thang 7 ngai
in short noi ngan ggn
unsafe khbng an loan Tanazaki se den Osaka de gap khach
dangerous nguy hiem hang vao ngay hom sau. Do do, (B)
solid chac, cdng la dap an dting.
endurable co the chiu di/ng Dap an dung (B)
gear trang b|
including bao gom
footwear 6.
giay dep
refund hoan ti6n
Giai thich: T6ng ho'p lai tu phan
start up bat ddu
ngudi gtfi Rainbow Company dct'n
cost chi pht
pliait ky ten dudi cimgjohn Trimbald, set up x§y dung
Rainbow Company va cum As director virtual gia tudng, ao
of sales xuat hien d phan dau thu', ta practically thuc te
co the bie't rang John Trimbald la dai overnight qua ddm
dien cua cdng ty Rainbow. professional chuyen nghiep
polite lich su
Dap an diing (A)
friendly than thien
handle xCi iy
5. approach tiep can
TCf vifng: forward chuyen tifSp
travel du Ijch, di xa hesitate ng^n ngai, ludng lu
via thdng qua
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi hoi
course qua trinh
dich vu khong bao gom trong goi
negotiate thi/dng Iddng
term dieu kien hdp dong Giii phap van phong cd bin cua
as well as cung nhu Rinnacom. Ta phai tim cau co
significant quan trpng Rinnacom va doc that can than
addition bo sung
"Rinnacom can provide you with; a
request yeu cau
material tai lieu professional business address, a local
comprehensive long hdp, toan dien phone number, and will also handle
competitor dd'i thu cpnh tranh mail." Vi handle mail co dupe nhac
present trinh bay, dUa ra
d<?n sau cung nen mail processing la
Giai thkh: O ph&i dau btfc thtf
dung va mail transferring la sai.
co cau "On January 7th, I will be Dap an diing (C)
traveling to Osaka via Oceanic

22 C&u h6i ve y§u cSu Id vi/ng:
look for tim
assistant trO ly, thu ky
coordinator dieu phoi vien
1 .(A) 2.(D) 3.(B) 4.(C) 5.{D) 6.{B) duty nhiem vu
include bao gom
organize to chdc, chuan bj
1. exhibit then lam, trdng bay
upcoming sap tdl
TW vUng: oversee giam sat
complain phan nan coordinate dieu phdi
poor toi 1e detail chi tiet
sign up dang ky come by ghe tham
advertising quang cao application ting tuyen, dang ky
cause gay ra bring mang theo
lose mcil letter of reference
worth gia trj thu gidi thieu
administration dieu hanh, quan ly acceptable co the chap nhan dUOc
established co djnh preliminary sd bo
appreciate cSm kich Giai thich; Vi day la cau hoi hoi
situation tinh the, hoan canh
ve y6u cdu n6n ta phai doc ky cau
resolve giai quyet
m£nh lenh xuat hien d doan van
substantial nhieu, kha
rebate hoan tra cudi "Please bring a resume and a
account tai khoSn lerter of reference." Dap an (D) la
Giai thkK: Vl day la cau hoi hoi ve each noi khac cua resume nen la dap
sii yen cau nfin ta can tap trung vao an dung.
phdn cuoi din. Cau cuoi cung "if Dip dn dung (D)

this situation could be resolved and a

substantial rebate offered on my first 3.

three months account" yeu can hoan Id vUng:

symposium hSt nghj chuyen de
tra tien, do do (A) la dap an dung.
aware biet
Dap an dung (A)
be in attendance tham gia
counterpart dong nghiep,
ngudi tuong nhiem
sign up dang ky
registration dang ky
describe mieu ta, giSi thfch

common interest moi quan tam chung
appreciate it." De bai nay da cho
colleague dong nghigp
thay ddu moi dd tra itfi clu hoi cung
diverse da dang
current hien tai co the nam cf phan trtfcfc cua mdnh
tackle giai quyet, khac phuc de /
take advantage of Dap an dung (C)
tan dung
rare hiem co
come into contact with 5.
ti^p xuc vdi TCf vifng:
Gial thi'ch; Vi day la cau hcM lioi ve e-maii gifi thif dien tCf
concerning v6 viec
yeu can nen ta can doc ky can menh
poor kem, toi
lenh xuat hien of doan van cudi "Take
leather da
advantage of this rare opportunity and apologize for xin loi vl
come into personal contact with your inconvenience bat tien
international partners" (B) la each noi along with cung vdi
enclose gdi kem
khac cua come into personal contact
supply cung cap
with your international partners nc!n la recommend gidi thieu, khuygn
dap an dung. heated material v§t lieu nong chay
Diip an diing (B) bring to one's attention
lam ai chu y
at the time of vao luc
initial order dat hang ban dau
TCf viing:
excuse thif 161
reference bao lanh nhan than,
oversight sd suat
tien cl(
to date tCf trUdc d&i gid
successful applicant
unsatisfied khong hai long
nhCfng ufng vien dddc
full refund hoan tra toan bp ti6n
thdng qua
article bai bao Giai thich: Vi d^y la cAu hoi h6i
as well cung nhif vd yeu cau nen ta phai tim menh
so that de, vi the de if cf doan van cudi "should you
proper thich hpp
use this enclosed spray and find
conversation tro chuyqn, d6i thoai
that you arc still unsatisfied with
while trong khi
the gloves, please return the gloves
Giai thich: Vi day la can hoi hdi
and spray for a full refund." 6 day,
vd yen can nen ta can tim dau
should duo'c dung thay if vcfi cau
mdi cf menh de //"If you could
dio ngii nen dap an (D), mot each
give a reference for me, I'd really

portion ty le, phan
noi khac cua use this enclosed spray,
agricultural thufic nong nghiep
la ctap an dung. xuat khau
Dap an dung (D)
value gia tri
in recent years nhulng nam gan day
6. as vi
TiT viing; exotic ngoai lai
advance tien trien, phat trien nighttime ban dem
careful can trgng combined with ket hdp vdi
take Ida chpn plenty of nhldu
evaluate danh gia edge over Uu the hdn
value gia trj tropical thuoc nhiet ddi
sacrifice hy sinh anticipate dU doan
work late lam vide den tan khuya trend xu hddng
at least [1 nhat be ready to san sang lam gl
temporarily mot each tam thdi respond phdn Cfng
be related to lien quan tdi Giai thich: Vi day la ctiu hoi vd
frustrated ndn chf
nguyen nhan nen ta phai doc ky
consequently cuoi cung la
cau chi nguyen nhan cf phan dau
have an effect on
co anh hUdng tdi ban bao cao "as there is growing

Giai thkh: Vi day la cau hoi hoi ve interest among consumers in more

yeu cau nen ta dtn tlm doc ky phan exotic food products." Dap an (A)

dlu cua doan van cuoi "But you new food chinh la each noi khac cua

should never accept a job if it is not exoticfood, do do (A) la dap an dung.

Dxip an dung (A)
related to your career goals." (B) la
each noi khac cua career goals nen
ddy la dap an dung.
Dap an dung (B) Tit vifng:
surgeon bac sT phau thuat
participate tham gia
23 Cau h6i vd nguydn nhan experiment thi nghiem
perform lam vi^c, thUc hien
simulate mo phong
more than nhieu hdn
1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(B) 4.{A) 5.(D) 6.(C) even in case tham chi trong ca
tradng hdp
1. avid nhiet huy^t
Tit vitng: suspect nghi ngd
account for chiem

for a long time trong mot thcii gian c(£ii
car services make traveling around
peer dong nghiep
foreign cities much safer and more
inferior kem hon
fine tinh, chi tiet economical." 6 dau cau co nhac toi
scientific thudc khoa hoc nhieu tieu Icfi cua viec su dung
proof bang chi/ng dich vu 6 t6 va d cuoi cdu co tif
back up Cing ho
economical (kinh hon) nen (B) la
hypothesis giS thuyet
convince thuyet phuc dap an dung.

Giai thkh; Vi day la can hoi ve Dap an dung (B)

nguyan nhan nen ta can tim goi y

cho dap an dung d quanh tif now 4.
Tii vifng:
that. I lay doc ky phan giiia cua
each day mot ngay
doan van thuf hai, cau trndc tif now. be full of day
"that his non-gaming peers had concerning ve viec
inferior fine motor control". rather than hdn la
Dap an dung (B) respond to tra Idi, h6i dap cho
individually mpt each ca nhSn
forward chuyln tiep
carefully mdt each can than
Tit vi/ng:
bo qua, bo sot
business travelling unpack 09 do
di cong tac retrieve tim ki§m
sooner or later sdm hay mupn delete xoa
transportation giao thong occupy lam viec (d day),
make sense hieu dUdc, kha dr dam nhiem (vj trf nay)
operate van hanh outgoing message
rural vung nong thdn Idi chao ghi am
benefit Igi (ch khi may ban
go abroad ra ni/dc ngoai notify bao
in writing tren giay td
confuse gay boi roi
especially dac biet la Gidi thkh: Day la cau hoi ve nguyen
economical kinh te nhan. Goi y cho dap an dung xuat
Giai thfch: Vi day la cau hoi ve hkn quanh lien tif chi muc dich (so

nguyen nhan nen ta tim doc ky that) b phan cuoi ciia doan van dau
tif phan sau tif since b doan van tien. Ncu doc ky can "Please follow
cuoi "Since most people do not the instructions below carefully before

have an international drivers license, asking any Rirther questions so that

bankruptcy pha san
you don't omit any steps.", ban se bide
suit to tung, ddn kien
day la led yeu can "cac ban can doe ky
contend tranh cai
cac chi din ducd nay de khong bo booking dat tnfdc
sot bit k^ btfdc nao." Vi viy, (A) la seek tim kiem
dap an dung. punitive damages
Dap an dung (A) ti^n phpt, boi thUdng
thiet hai
sign the contract
5. ky hpp dong
Td v^ng: halt di/ng lai
exercise tap the due, van ddng
misrepresent bop meo,
suddenly dpt ngpt
noi khdng dung sU that
change thay d6i
in order to d^ lam gl
abdominal thupc vung bung
muscle cd Giai thich: Day la cin hoi ve nguyen
workout tap the due nhan vif)c cf xtfdng tau bi ddng lai.
as well cung nhU O phan sau doan van cuoi co ciu
connection m6i lien quan,
"all work at the shipyard was halted
sp lien k^t
establish chdng nhan, chdng tninh because of the bankruptcy." do do
professional chuyen nghipp (C) la dap an dung.
association hiep h^i, lien hiOp Dap an dung (C)
regularly thiidng xuy^n
etficiently co hifeu qua
get ahead ot vtfPt len phi'a trUcfc 24 Cau hdi NOT
Giii thicli; Day la can hoi ve n guy en
nhan khbng the tip the due. Ta DETHIMO PHONO
can chu y doc cau co de cap den
1 ,(A} 2.(0) 3.(0) 4.(B) 5.(B) 6.(A)
ly do (as) xuit hi^n 6 phln dau bai
bao "as their schedules are often
TlT vUng:
suddenly changes by late meetings
leading dSn dau, ndi trpi
or late flights." state-of-the-art mdi nhat, tien tien
Ddp an dung (D) qualified co du kha nang
following sau day
responsibility nhiem vu, cong vi§c
assist giup, hp trd
Tii vUng:
conceptualize khai niem hoa
file a lawsuit dam dun kipn
activity boat dong
shipyard xudng dong tau

communication skill
phai tlm dan moi of quanh tif nay.
ky nang giao tiep
Qua van ban ta co thi thay was my
degree hoc vj
work experience kinh nghiem lam vi^c student in Marketing ditpc nhac den
comparable tifdng daong cf dap an (A), in leadership dupe
innovative each tan nhac den b dap an (B), a chairman
competitive canh tranh
of the College Honors Society b dap
Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi ve
an (C), vAy (D) la dap an dhng.
didu khong can rhiht khi ifng
Dip an diing (D)
cuyen vao vi td nay ncn ta can doc
ky doan Requirements. Theo van
ban thi excellent marketing and TCf vUng;
communication skills chinh la dap contirm xac nhgn
an (B), at least three year of work Orange Marmalade
mift cam
experience in a comparable marketing
Giai thich: Day la can hoi vi mat
organization chinh ia dap an (C), a
hang khong dtfpc dat mua. Xec
college degree in Business chinh la dap
theo van ban, 8kg bef thpc vdt it beo
an (D). Theo do, (A) la dap an dimg.
Magnus co cf dap an (B), 6kg mfpc
Dap an diiiig (A)
cp tao Keaton cd b dap an (C),
6kg milt cam Sora co cf dap an (A).
TW vifng: Theo do, (D) chinh la dap an dung.
be pleased to rat vui mpng lam gi Dip an di'mg (D)
recommend tien cCf
apprentice hoc nghe, kien tap 4.
excel thanh thao
TO vUng:
not oniy A but also B
tor the first time Ihn dau tien
khong nhufng A ma con B team up with hop tac vdi
particularly dac biet la
improve cii thign
persuasive co khh nang thuyet phuc
disaster-affected chiu anh hudng
positive tfch cifc
IP tai hga, tai Udng
outlook quan diem,
community cpng dong
nhan sinh quan sanitation he thong vq sinh
Giai thich; Vi day la cau hoi ve dieu sign and agreement
khong phai la ly do de tuyen Alex ky thoa thuan
Kendall. C phan gida doan van capacity life IdOng, n§ng Ipc
establish thiet lap, gay dpng
dan rien cd nhac den cif also, vay ta
reconstruct xSy dung l^i

initial ban day cuqc dinh cong. Cac dap an ddpc ra
contribution khoan dong gop difdi dang menb de nen cac ban can
utilize si/dung ghi nhd rang gdi y se nam rai rac d
Giai thich; Vi day la can hoi ve khap van ban. Xet theo van ban thi,
npi dung kh6ng difpc nhac d€n One of the Mitchell Motor Company's
trong van ban nen ta can tim gdi main British plants remain closed
^ d quanh tit In addition xuat hicn xudt hien d dau van ban ditpc nMc
d dSu doan van thif ba. Xdt theo den d (C); Mitchell has let go 8,000
van ban thi, have sign agreement assembly line workers there xuat hicn
with UNDP to fund water supply d phan cudi doan van dau tien dupe
chinh la dap an (A); Sunnyside, a nhac ddn d (A); has forced a halt in
telecommunications company la (D), the production of vans xuat hi6n d
reconstructs damaged schools la (C). phan cudi doan van thtf hai dupe
Theo do, (B) la dap an dung nhac ddn d (D). Theo do, (B) chinh
Rap an dung (B) la dap an dung.
Dap an dung (B)
TCr vdng:
plan cong xadng 6.
remained closedtrang thai bi dong cda TdvUng:
unofficial khong chfnh thifc lose thdt l^c
strike dinh cong on-the-spot tai hien trUPng
assembly line lap rap day chuyen representative nh&n vien

pay increase tang lifOng write down viet

technician kythuatvien description mieu ta

be onstrike dang trong hand in nPp

qua trinh dinh cong missing mat, that lac
let go sa thai file a claim nop defn yeu cau, doi
accept chap nhan be liable for chiu trach nhiPm ve
pay increase tang lUdng up to len tdi
argue tranh cai worth c6 gia trj
unskilled worker cPng nhan khong co coverage ph^m vi boi thifdng
chuyen mon exclude khong bao gom, loai trU
threaten de doa valuable co gia tri
force ep huge fragile de v3
halt ddng Igi, ngiing lai Giai thich: Day la can h6i vd hang

Giai thich: Bay la cau hoi ve noi muc khong dupe dp dung. O

dung kh6ng phai la kdt qua cua phdn cudi van ban xud't hien cau

van co dung cac tii liet ke and, or 2.
"Maximum coverage is $25 >000, and 15 vUng:
undertake Ihtfc hien
some policies exclude particularly
shape up lien tridn
valuable or fragile items", tut mot
be on track dung hudng
so do dat tien va dl vd nhat dinh se hit one's target dat muc tieu
khong diipc bao gdm, do do (A) la advantage Ipi the
dap an diing. lie nam d
in regards to ve, lien quan tdi
Dap an dung (A)
competition canh tranh
take advantage of
25 CSu h6i suy luan tan dung, van dung
scale quy mo
0^ THi MO PH6NG reduce gi^m
price point diem chi gia
1.(C) 2.{B) 3.(A) 4.(D) 5.{C) 6.(C)
competitive edge
du the canh tranh
top brass gidi chdc cap cao
strategy chie'n lupc
support ung hp
segment bp phan
valued quan trpng, quy trpng
uniqueness su dpc dao
such as v( du nhu
perceive nhan thdc
expand md rpng
breadth dp rpng, chieu rpng
as of tir bao gid tr6 di
beat thang, danh bai
locate chuyen di
excellent xuat sac
warehouse kho
location dja diem Giai thich: Day la cau hot yeu cau
enclose dtnh kem suy luSn. Xet cau van "I'd say we're
recent gan d&y on track to hit our targets for the
brochure Id bi/dm, 15 quang cao year" b dau but thd va "they just
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi yeu can can't keep up" b phan cuoi, ta co the
suy luan. O cuoi thii co cau "I have
phan doan difpc rang cong ty nay
enclosed our most recent brochure
dang chiem tfu the titn thi trppng.
on robotic equipment for your
Nhif v^Ly, (B) ia dap dap an dung.
review" tuc to' quang cao ve robotic
Dap an diing (B)
equipment da dupe ghi kem theo de
ngtfpi nh;in tham khao, qua do ta co
suy ra rang day la c6ng cy ky thuat.
15 v5ng:
Nhif v^y, (C) la dap an dung. as requested nhd dupe yeu cau
Dap an dt'ing (C) evaluate danh gia

strength di§m mgnh surge tang nhanh
weaknesses diem yeu unveil tiet lo, cong bo
existing hien tai, dang ton tai a range of mot dong, mdt pham vi
desirability tinh hinh Giai thich: Day la cau hoi yeu cau suy
dang mong mu6n
lu|n. Qua cau "Sekia has held the
activity hoat dong
top spot since 1998 when it overtook
analysis phan tfch
proposed diTOc de dat Cordonus", ta co thd bid't rang Sekia
compute tinh loan da gift vi tri din dau ttf nam 1988.
based on dda tr§n Do viy, (D) la dap an dung.
reach the conclusion
Dap an (ti'mg (D)
di den ket luan
Giai thkh: Day la cau hoi yeu cau
suy lu&n. Difavao cau "As requested,
TC( vyng;
we have evaluated the strengths get the most of tan dung tri^t de
and weaknesses of your company's read througli doc ky
existing cost system A' vdi nghia manual hifdng dan sl( dung
feature tinh nang, dac dilm
"Nhif ngai y^u cthi, chung t6i da
include bao g6m
danh gia nhu'ng diem manh va yefu
spare them
cua he thong dinh gia hicn nay ciia indicator dung cu chi,
cong ty ngai", chung ta co the phan bao cho biet
alert ccinh bao
ctoan rang day la cong ty tit van.
compatible ttfdng thich
Dap an diing (A)
adjustable co the dieu chinh
easy-to-foiiow d§ lam theo
4. familiarize A with B
TCf vitng: giup A quen vdi B
conduct thdc hien consult tu van, ban bac
compare so sanh
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi yeu cau suy
top spot dinh cao
lu|n. Chi can doc ky can cuoi cua
overtake vUdt qua
ship giao, v&n chuyen thong bao "If you have any questions
compared to so vdi about how to use these features, you
almost gan nhu can consult the Owner's Manual or
profit Idi fch
just call ta co the de dang tlm ra
division bp phan
dap an dung.
manufacture che tao
make a profit thu Ipi Dap an dung (C)
revenue thu nhap

6. alone mot rninh
fLtvUng: frantically mpt each dien cuong
adhere to bam chat vao scurry chay tdi chay lui
rule quy djnh serve phuc vu
bylaws nbi quy enlarge m6 rpng
promptly nhanh nhen available co sSn, sin sang
efficiently mbt each hieu qua dl dude sd dung
courteous lich sd resolve giai quyet
impartial cdng bang, encounter bat gap, di/dng day
khong phan bi^t
Giai thi'ch: Vi day la cau hoi co not
deal with doi xCf vdi
co-worker dong nghiep nan trtfcfc tien ta can loai trif dap
be entitled to co quyen an mang sac thai tich cUc nhif dap
respect t6n trong
an (C). Sau do, ta phai tim can phu
encourage khuy^n khich
company-wide rong rai trong dinh hoac co sac thai tieu ctfc trong
loan cdng ty van ban goc. Thong qua cau dau
exist ton tai
tifin cua doan van thii hai "After
appearance ngoai hinh
appropriate phu hop 30 minutes and not getting seated,
consistent with nhlt quan we decided to leave and went to
hygiene ve sinh another restaurant", ta co did biet
in regard to A
exception ngay (D) chinh la dap an dung.
ngoai le
Dap an dung (D)
Giai thi'ch; Day la can hoi yeu cau suy
luin. Vi day la loai van ban hiidng 2.
Td vUng:
dan va d din moi doan van deu co de
unfortunately that khdng may
muc I. Workplace Basics, 11 Personal annual anniversary
Appearance nen (C) la dap an dung. ky niem thddng nien
Dap an diing (C) crisis khCmg holng
face doi mat
26 Cau h6i not, problem, if period khoang thdi gian
turmoil sg hdn logn, nao dong
DE THIMOPHdNG valued quan trong, quy trgng
cater phyc vu, cung cap
1 ■{□) 2.(C) 3.(C) 4.(A) 5.{A) 6.(B) (thdc an)
rare hiem co
1. performance man trinh dien
T£f vUng; ballroom phong khieu vu
enjoy -ing thich thu lam gi elegant cao cap, thanh Ijch
opinion employee of the year
y kien
wait in a line nhan vien cua nam
xep hang chcJ

Giai thick: Caa hoi hoi ve ly do buy effa hieu. Theo do, (C) chinh la dap

bfla tide. Ih6ng qua cau "Hie crisis an diing.

Dap an dung (C)
that our company faced left us far
so busy that we couldn't plan the
event." cf ctoan d^u cua van ban, ta 4.
TCI viJng:
bi£t rang vi cong ty qua bdn rpn
shipment van chuyen, giao hang
nen da khbng th£ len ke hoach make a complaint
chuln bi cho stf ki^n. Nhu vdy, (C) phan nan
la dap an dung, serious nghidm trpng
Dap an dung (C) delay trl hoan
failure that bai
carry out thi hdnh, thqc hien
3. explicit ro rang
Tii vifng: with regard to -lien quan tdi-
run dieu hanh outset bat dliu, khdi sU
hairdressing lam toe, lam dau initial order ddn hang dau tien
successful thanh c6ng in order to - de lam gi~
lead to lien k^t tdi, dSn tdi comply with - lam theo-
acquaintance ngUdi quen appreciate cflng nhan
intend to co y dinh lam gi production san xutit
persuade thuyet phuc occasionally thinh thoSng, doi khi
relax thif gian inevitable khong the tranh khoi
point out chi trich
surely mgt each chac chan
sufficiently du
drive someone away
immediate ngay lap tdc
khien ai do tranh xa,
be bound to - chac chan lam gi ~
khong muon den nQa
have an effect on -
expand m5 rgng co anh hudng den ~
Giai thich: Vi day la can hoi ve van adverse ngtidc, doi lap
de nen ta phai tim cau phu dinh. potential tiem nang
Thong qua cAu "I have thought Giai thich: Day la cau hoi co mfinh
about trying to rent it myself and de if Qua cau van o doan cuoi "If it
make my shop bigger but I cannot happens again, it is bound to have
persuade anyone to lend me that an adverse eff ect on potential future
much money." cf phan giffa doan orders.", ta bifi't ribg neu vi^c giao

van thvf hai ta co thi bi€t rang hang bi trl hotin hoac cham trl lan
Alexis khong co du tien dc mo rong nfla thi se co anh hddng xau tdi cac

ckm hang trong tiidng lai. Nhif vay, 6.
(A) la dap an dung.
Dap an dung (A) Tit viing:
take the time danh thdi gian
understanding hi^u
5. adapt lam thich ting,
Ttf v un g:
thich nghi
unemployment that nghiep meet one's requirements
overriding quan trqng nhat, Lfu tien dap ting nhQng
systematically ttnh he th6ng
yen cau cua ai do
collect thu thap Indicate chi ra
joblessness that nghiep directly m6t each true tiep
out of work that nghiep outline phac thdo
appoint chi dinh approach each tiep can
gather fy tap in the meantime trong khi do
relief cQu trd
Giai thich: Day la can h6i co menh
organization td chile
necessity nhu yea pham dd if. O phan cuoi cua van bdn co
dweller ngitdi dan cdtru cdu please feel free to contact me if
allowance tidn trd cap you have any question." tut yen cau
in case of - phong tnfdng hdp
Kathy (ngudi nhan thtf) hay lidn lac
eviction sif dudi di
vdi Alex (ngudi gufi thif), do do (B)
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi vd van la dap an chinh xac.
dd. dhong qua phan cuoi cua van Dap an dung (B)
ban Since there was no cost of
living, city dwellers usually got an 27 Cau h6i phan tich
allowance for fuel, and rent for
one month was provided in case of BE THiMO PHONG
eviction." ta co thi bid't rhig ngifdi
1.(A) 2.(8) 3.{D) 4,(0) 5.(0) 6.(8)
dan thanh pho durtc uhan tien tro*
cdp phong tnfdng hqp bi dudi ra
klidi nha, tut Idiong co tien trd tien
TCr vdng;
nha la mot trong nhffng van de ma starting bat dau tCt
ho phai doi mat. introduce gidi thi^u
Dap an dung (A) following nhd sau
modification sifa doi
with regard to lien quan tdi
annual leave ky nghf thddng nien

award thifcing tout lam noi bat diem m^nh
outstanding xuat sac perceive nhanthcfc
performance ket quS cong vi?c upscale rntfc dp cao
account coi la, cho la clientele khach
separately mot each rieng re Giai thich: Tim danh tu advertising
notwithstanding bat ke
xuat hien sau indicated about roi tim
limitation han che
gpi y b gfc tif do trong van ban goc.
forward sau nay
Dap an (B) chinh la each noi khac
Giai thich: Tim cum danh trf (the
cua cau van dau tien cua doan thif hai
company) xuat hien sau indicated
"An advertising objective may be to
about r6i tim gdi y 6 gan tif do
alter the perceptions of the public.",
trong van ban goc. Cdu dau tien
do do (B) la dap an chinh xac.
cua do an van thu hai "The eligible
E>ap an ttting (B)
employees will have five additional
days of annual leave.", co nghia la
"Nhung nhan vien du dieu kien se
Tif vUng:
dupe thu'dng them 5 ngay vao ky career ngh^ nghiqp
nghi thitdng nien." Nhu vay, (A) la whether li§u
specific cu th^, chi liet
dap an dung.
working environment
Dap an (1 ting (A)
mdi trudng lam viec
term khoang thpi gian
2. condition dieu kien
TU vUng: exactly rndt each chinh xac
building xay dung explore nghi^n cdu
advertising qucing cao process qua trlnh
drastic quyet lipt
objective muc dich
sector bo phan, linh vqc
attempt thif
modify bien del, thay doi
trustworthy dang tin cay
get involved in tham gia
guarantee dam bao
count on dUa vao Giai thich: Tim cum danh tif changing
establish a reputation jobs xuat hien sau mentioned about b
g^y dung danh tieng van ban goc. Clu cuoi cua doan van
fairness su cong bang
dau tien "You may find that you can
create sang tao, lam ra
change a job in a less drastic way, for
alter bien doi
perception nhan thUc example: Finding another job in the
treat d6i dai same sector" co nghia "ban co did
poorly toi te

tim cong viec khac 6' cung llnh vifc 5.
hoac bo phan", do do (D) la dap an Tif vUng:
purchase mua
chinh xac.
confident tirtin
Dap an dung (D)
be pleased with hai long vdi
4. fingertip trong tarn tay
TCf vUng: be anxious to nbng long lam gl
numerous rat nhi^u skilled thanh thuc, tai gioi
complaint I6i phan nan, bat binh representative nhan vien
various da dang premise Ida nha
departmental thugc phdng, ban intensive tap trung
be concerned about operate v^n hanh
in order to de lam gi
quan tarn, lo lang
maximum tbi da
relation quan he
forecast da bao
period khoang thdi gian
query hfii, chat v^n
restructuring cd cau, to chufc lai
difficulty khb khan Giai thkh: Tim trong van ban goc
unavoidable khong thl tranh khbi cum danh tif the training program
discourage lam nhut chf, xu£t hien cf sau stated about, roi
khong khuyen khich
tim gpi y cho dap an dhng b gan
immediate Wc thi, ngay lap tifc
cum tif do. Qua phan dau cua doan
moving forwardtiep theo nOa
review danh gia, tham djnh van thti hai, "For $525, our skilled
additionally them vao representatives will be able to train
supervise giam sat your staff on your premises ta
situation tinh huong
co the bict rang cac dai dien se tnfc
Giai thkh: Tim trong van ban
tiep den noi dc huan luyen cho cac
gdc cutn danh tif written directives
nhan vkn. Nhu v^y, (D) la dap an
xuat liien sau say about roi tim
chinh xac.
dap an dung b gan cum tuf do. 0
Dap an (lung (D)
doan van thd hai co can "Moving
forward, I recommend that an HR
representative review all written T£f vUng:
directives to employees.", nlc "y^u retail ban le
can phong nhan stf xem xet. Idem management quan ly
inquire about hoi ve
dinh lai nhung van ban hudng dan".
possibility kha nang
Nhif vdy, (C) ia dap an chinh xac.
relocate chuyen ch6 d
Dap an dung (C) in the near future trong tddng lai gan

degree bang cap Giai thich: Day la cau hoi phan doan
as well as cung nhi/ doi tifdng nfin ta can doc ky phan
in addition ngoai ra
dau cua van ban. Phdn giffa cua doan
complete hoan tbanh
van rhu nhat co cau "but there are
focus on tap trung, chuyen ve
consideration xem xet three spots reserved for our branch's
Giai thich; Tim trong van ban danh employees", ttfc ho dang tlm kiem
tu rifing Geoff King xuat hifin sau nhiing nguch se thuyet trinh.
indicated about, roi tim dap an dung Dap an dung (C)
quanh tit nay. GeofFKing day chinh
la ngifdi gifi e-mail. Thong qua 2.
doan van thif hai "I have a degree Tit vyng:
in Management and Business, as come to one's attention that...
nhan ra rang
well as retail expereience as a Sales
base nen tang, cd ban
Associate.", ra co the bifit rang
expand mc! rdng
Geoff King co kinh nghifim trong
deal with xCf ly
kinh doanh ban le. directly mot each trite ti^p
Dap an <tutig (B)
installation lap dat
authorize Ciy quyen
Cau hoi co gdi y dap nam d recruit tuyen dung
phan day hoac phan cuoi preferably Uu tien
van bdn
relevant lien quan
so that de
oi THI wio PH6NG
guarantee dim bao
1.(C) 2.(D) 3.(B) 4.(B) 5.{A) 6.(A) be sure that chac chan rang
approve dong y, tan thanh
1. expansion sy md rpng
Tif vUng: repair crew nhan vien stfa chQa
aware nhan thifc dupe Gidi thich: Day la cau hoi ve doi
headquarters try sd chinh
tuctng, vi vay ta can tlm go'i y b phln
participate tham gia
dau cua van ban. C( phan giua b
give a presentation
phat bieu, thuyet trlnh doan van dau tien co cau "You have
as usual nhu thifcJng le been authorized to recruit five new
spot dja diem members", neu cac ban doc ky va
slot thdi gian trong
Idtong bo sot phan nay thi co the bifit
intended dy dinh
desired mong mu6n ngay (D) chinh la dap an chinh xac.
impress gay tddng Ddp an dung (D)

3. shift sap xg'p ca lam
n :
Tl^ vM 9 preferred dUOc uu tien
reward phan thaflng cover letter don xin viec,
enable khuyen khfch gtdi thieu ban than
take advantage of ~
Giai thich: Day la cdu hoi vi each
sd dung
dang ky. Cach dang ky dupe dS
through - thong qua
convenient lien Idi cap den p phan cuoi cua van ban.
flexible linh hoat N^u doc ky cdu "E-mail resume
management quan ly and cover letter to Justin Swain at
suitable phu hop" P phdn
effective hieu qua
cudi ta se bidt difpc ngay (B) chlnh
scheme hoach
la dap an chinh xac.
exclusive contract
hop dong d6c quy^n Dap an ddng (B)

Giai thi'ch: Vcfi nhflng cdu hoi v6 5.

phuong phap thi dap an dung thudng Id vi/ng:
move di chuyen
nam cf phan cuoi cua van ban. Qua
as well as cung nhu
cau van cudi "Our online points once ngay khi
system is open to all customers who flexibility tinh linh hoat
sign on to an exclusive contract with choice SU lua chon
a wide range of rat da dang
our company", ra bift rang "tat ca
mobility tinh di dong,
nhflng khach hang ky hop dong doc de di chuyen
quy&i vfli c6ng ty se difoc cung cap maximize l6i da hda
satisfaction su hai long
he thong nay", tflc (B) chlnh la dap
throughout xuyen su6t
an ctung.
encompass bao gom
Dap an diing (B) expatriate ngudi cu tru
6 mfdc ngoai
4. Giai thkh: Ms.Shin la ngupi gfli thfl
TCf viingr cho Mr. Reeves, vi ddy la cdu hoi ve
be proud of td hao
linh vflc cua cong ty cua Ms. Shin
radio station dai phat thanh
ndn ta can tap trung vao phan dau
at least it nhat
hands-on thuc te, hien trudng cua bflc chu. Phdn Ipn npi dung
editorial thuoo bien tap bflc thfl co lien quan den cac djch
assist trd ly vu ma cPng ty Ms. Shin cung cd'p,
news coverage dda tin
tuy nhidn chi can doc ky tieu de va
audio feed am thanh

starting bat dfiu tCl
phin dau biic thif "I believe that we
analyze phan ttch
at Prudential will be able to help you revamp sC(a sang, tan trang lai
move your firm as well as help you rout \t> trlnh
rely on dua vao
find and hire accountants ta co
transit van tai, thdng hanh
the biet ngay (A) la dap an chinh xac. navigate dieu chinh, vddt bien
Dip an diing (A) reduce giam
congestion tac nghen
6. be of benefit co Idi
Tit vifng: suburb ngoai 6
run van hanh, di6u hanh Giai thich: Day la chu hoi tim tu
bring mang den, difa d^n
dong nghia dua vao ngfl canh. Vi
attention sit chu y, quan lam
tU evaluate co thfi' thay the cho ttf
participate in tham gia vao
advantage Idi ich, diem manh analyze trong hoan canh nay nen
be exposed to duoc tiep xuc vdi (C) la dap an chinh xac.
be familiar with quen thupc vdi Dap an dung (C)
reach out lien lac
drum up thu hut sp chd y
all involved cac b§n lien quan
Td vUng:
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi next nen manage quan ly
ta can doc ky phan cuoi cua bde be beneficial to co Idi ich cho
thtf. 6 cuoi buc thtf co de cap ring come into effect co hiqu luc
accordingly theo do, phu hdp (vdi
"I'd like to reach out to more stores
dilu da dude nhac den)
around the city and drum up more
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi tim tii
interest.", tUc ngUhi ghi thu se U6n
dong nghia dtia vao ngfi canh, Trong
lac vdi cac cda hang khac.
Dap an dung (A) so cac dap an diia ra chi co dap an
(B) la co the thay the cho tix Internet.
Dap an dung (B)
29 CSu h6i tUvUng

oiTHl iwib PHdNG 3.

TlT vi/ng;
1.(C) 2,(B) 3.(B) 4.(B) 5.(D) 6.(D) announce thdng bao
annual thudng ni§n
1. develop phat trien
Tii vdng; secure an toan
City Hall Ida thi chinh shredding nghiln, xe
announce thong bao

designed to duoc thiet ke de lam gl 5.
meet dap dng TU vitng:
specific cu the, dac biet progressive tien b6
identity theft an cap thdng tin ca nhan reflect phan anh
custody bao ve, quan !y, giam sal agenda vdn de can ban bac,
meet one's needs muc lieu an
dap ifng nhu cau cda ai according to difa theo
reputation danh tieng alliance dong minh, lien hiep
advantage Idi the underscore nhdn manh
destruction sa pha huy nonpartisan doc lap,
Giai thicfa: Day la cau hoi rim tu dong khdng dang phai
nghla dua tren nghla ttt dicn. Tii co committed to cdng hien, Ian tuy cho -
sustainable ben vOng
the diay the cho sale la dap an (B).
prosperity thjnh vuong
Dap an dung (B)
press release thdng cao bao chf,
hop bao ra mat
4. spokesperson ngifdi phat ngdn
TCr vifng: redefine djnh nghla lai
input y kien revitalize tai sinh
mockup mo hinh, thf nghiem focus on - tdp trung vao
guideline hudng dan Giai thich: Day la cau hoi tim tii
literally thee nghTa den,
dong nghia dtfa vao ngfi canh. Trong
theo tdng chOf
appeal cudn hut, hap dan so cac dap an diia ra chi co dap an

broadly rong rai (D) la thay the dticfc cho tii alliance.
general audience Dap an diing (D)
cong chung noi chung,
thong thLfdng
age range khoang dd tudi
Giai thich: Day la cau h6i tim tit Tit vyng:
dong nghla cua ttt da nghla. Tu' institue vien nghien cufu,
input co cac nghia la "thong tin hoc vign
hold to chOc
nhap, dfl lidu, nhdp, du'a y kien".
discuss thio lugn
Trong so do, nghla "y kid'n" gdn vhi
discovery phat kien, kham pha
dap an (B) nhat. progress tien trlln, phat trien
Dap in dung (B) salvage cufu trd, ctfu hp
polluted land dat bj d nhtem
field linh vuc
attend tham gia

reserve dat trade btfc thtf. Qua cau dau ti^n "I'd like
sign up tor (Jang ky to meet with your team later this
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi tim tit week to discuss the future of the
dong nghia dua tren nghia tu dien. Rcnze line "" ta co the bift ngay
Trong so cac dap an difa ra chi co dap (C) la dap an chinh xac.
(D) co the thay the cho tu holding. Dap an (tiing (C)
Dap an dung (D)

ON TAP THEO CAC DANG VAN BAN Giai thich: Day la cau hoi dang
"nguyen nhan + danh tif ri&lg", do
30 Th a (Letter)/
ThU dien tif (E-mail) do ta phai tim tif Renze trong bifc thtf
rdi tim dap an dung d quanh tif do.
Phan gitfa cua doan van thuf hai co
I.(C) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4.(0) 5. (B) nhac tdi Renze advertisment, sau do
6. (B) 7.(D) 8.(B) 9.(A) 10. (C) la can "Your use of up-and-coming
II. (C) 12. (D) 13,(A)
talent from art communities was a
brilliant idea." ttfc "y ttfdng stf dung
nhan tai noi tieng tif cac cong dong

Tif vifng: ngh£ rhuat la mot y ttfdng tuyet vdi".

discuss thao luan Nhif vay, (A) la dap an chinh xac.
brainstorm ddng nao, daa ra Dap an (tiing (A)
y tadng
attach dinh kem
so that de
review xem xet Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve yen cau,
personally mat Cci nhan vi vdy ta phai tim gpi y 6 ph^in cuoi
fabulous tuyet vdi, xuat sdc cua bile thtf. Tltong qua cau "If any
recent gan day
of the ideas are half as innovative
up-and-coming noi tieng
tuyet vdi d cuoi doan van cuoi ta biet difpc
innovative mang tfnh each tan, rang (A) la dap an chinh xac.
doi m6i Dap an dung (A)

Ti/ vi/ng:
Giai thich: Day la can hoi v£ chu de
resume sd yeu ly lich
nen ta phai doc ky phan dau cua

personnel department
vdi ngai rang hi6n chung t6i co
phong nhan sU
unfortunately mot so vi tri trong of chi nhanh
that khong may
at that time vao luc do Pittsburgh ma chung tdi mong ngai
openings vj trf trong se tham gia Ung tuyen". Do do, (D)
relevant to co lien quan tdi
la dap an chinh xac.
regardless of bat ke
impress Bap an tiling (D)
gay an tddng
outstanding ndi bat, ndi trdi
recommendation ggj y, tidn cU 5.
on behalf of thay mat cho Giai thich: Vi cac dap an dupe difa
inform thong bao
ra la cac ngay thang cu thd nen ta
currently hien tgi
apply for Ung tuyen vao phai tim danh tif rieng trong van
current hien tai ban roi tim gpi y cho dap an dimg
detailed chi tiet b quanh danh tif rieng do. Cudi
through thong qua
bifc tbu co cau "your application
process qua trinh
procedure must be postmarked no later than
bade, thu tuc
be aware that Idu y February 1ttic ngay nop don Ung
since vi luydn phai spm bun ngay I thang
applicant Ung vien 2, nhu v^y (B) la dap an chinh xac.
postmark dau bUu dign
Dap an diing (B)
no later than khong muon hdn, trade

4. 6.
Giai thich: Vi day la cau hbi ve
Giai thi'ch; Day la cau hoi rim chu
phuung pbap, each thUc nen dap
nen ta phai doc ky phan dau
an dung thuPng se xuat hien b phan
cua bifc thu. Chu dc thudng xuat
cuoi van ban. Khong chi vay, day
hifin nhifiii d do an van dau tien, tuy
con la cAu hoi NOT ndn ta can tim
nhien ta can chu y ilu tien nhflng
cac cau dang bet ka. Doan van thU
cau van co tif inform hoac announce.
ba co dc cap den each Ung tuyen la
Cdu van dau tien cua doan thd
our website, please call, email, do do
hai On behalf of Cybertech, 1 (B) la dap an chinh xac.
am pleased to inform you that we Dap an diing (B)
currently have several openings for
out Pittsburgh branch co nghia 7-8.
"tdi rdt vui mifng difpc thong bao Tif vUng;
recognize cong nhan

extraodinary xu^t sac TCr vi/ng;
achivement thanh tich inquiry h6i, chat van
in relation to co lidn quan t6i appreciate tr&n trong, de cao
dedication sU tan tuy be satisfied with hai long vdi
achieve hoan thanh inquire about hoi ve
boost tang len, keep an eye out chu y theo doi, gt^m sat
dly manh, tang gia personally true tiep, mot each
highly rfit ca nhSn
doubt nghi ng6 present trinh, nop, difa ra
feedback phSn Ling, phan hoi make purchase mua sam
evident ro rang
once again mot Ian nQa 9.
extraordinary dac biet, viidt trpi Giai thich: Th6ng qua hai can van
bifi'u thi thai dp tran trpng, cam
On "We at Carrey Parcel always
Giai thich: Vi day la c^u hoi muc
appreciate hearing feedback from
dich ncn ta phai doc ky phan dau
our customers and clients" va "To
cua bifc thu. Phln dau bi'ic thii co
thank you for your feedback, wc
di cap rang "to recognize Regina
would like to supply you with a
Kahns extraordinary ahievement in
special offer", ta co the bidt rang (A)
relation to the brake pad project",
la dap an dung.
do do (D) la dap an cbinh xac. Dap an diing (A)
Dap an diing (D)

Giai thich; Vi day la can hoi next
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve Ms.
nfin dap an dung thiicmg se nam
Kahn. Ci phan dau cda biYc thtf co
of phan cuoi cua van ban. Dap an
cdu "to recognize Regina Kahns
(C) chinh la each noi khac cua c^Lu
extraordinary achievement in relation
"If you present this e-mail to a staff
to the brake pad project", ttJc khen
member during your next visit"
ngpi thanh tich noi bdt ma Regina
nen (C) chinh la dap an chinh xac.
da dat dtfpc. Do do, (B) la dap an Dap an dung (C)
chinh xac.
Dap iin dung (B)
9-10. continued lien tuc

interest quan tam Thdng qua cau "even though the
literary fhufic van hoc
company is leaving Philadelphia,
entry tac ph^m xual ban
by far chac chan where you are living" d phan cuoi
nominate tien cCf, de cCf btfc thif, ta bi£t rang c6ng ty nay sap
editor bien tap vien sha chuydn di khoi Philadelphia,
normally thong thadng
nhuf vdy (D) la dap an chinh xac.
hold to chiLfc
press conference Dap an dung (D)
buoi hop bao
unfortunately that khong may la 13.
duress ap Idc
Gidi thich; Day la cau hdi ve hy vong,
move chuyen di
formally mot each chinh thifc mong muon cua Maxwell PennycaJce.
of course dT nhien Vi phan cudi bi'ic thif c6 cau "I'm
inconvenient bat tien looking forward to seeing you there."
make arrangement for
nen (A) la dap an chinh xac.
sap xep, chuan bj cho
Dap an dung (A)

11. 31 Qudng cao

Gidi thtch: Day la cau hoi v€ ly do {Advertisement)

buoi hop bao bi huy bo. Buoi hop

Di thim6ph6ng
bao nay diio'c de cap tdi d doan van
thuf hai cua bufc thif, sau cau co lien 1- (A) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (B)
6. (C) 7. {B) 8, (B) 9. (A) 10. (D)
tif chi nguyen nhan since "since our
11. (C) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (D)
staff" has been under a bit of duress
of late, that conference has been
canceled" la cau didn rd nguyen TCf vitng:
nhdn trtfc tiep "Our company will specialist chuyen gia
be moving to an office building in contact lien lac
a variety of da dang
Phoenix, Arizona". Do do, (C) la
niche vi trf, phu hop
dap an chinh xac.
provider nha cung cdp
Dap an dung (C)
consultancy I6i khuydn
a majority of dgi da so cua
12. add them vac
Gidi thich; Day la cau hoi ve vi trf dynamic nSng no
experienced co kinh nghiem
hien tai cua Maxwell Pennycake.
suit phu hop

be involed in tham gia, co lien quan the Netherlends.", ta se bi^'t ngay
a range of da dang (A) chinh la dap an dung.
activity hoat dong Dap an diing (A)
boutique cong ty nhd chuyen
v6 ITnh vuc nao do
role vai tro 2.
evaluation danh gia GiSi thich: Day la cau hcM ve nhnng
degree bang cap dieu kien can thiet cho vi tri dang
qualified thich hdp, co du dieu kidn
du'o'c tuydn dung. Doan van cuoi
related lien quan
noi tr^i Experience & Skills co de cap den
communication skill Exceptional written and verbal
ky nang giao tiep communication skills tuc "ky nang viet
strong manh, lot
va giao tidp xuat sac", do do (C) la dap
numeric thuqc so lieu
an chinh xac.
analysis phan tfch
Dap an dung (C)
logically mot each
logic rationally m6t each hop ly
record thanh tfch 3.
flexibility sU linh hoat Giai thkh; Day la cau hoi NOT nen
internationally quoc te
ta phai lan loot loai tnf nhung dap an
specific dac bidt, cu the
assignment nghiqp vu Ichong lien quan den cong vide dang

highly rat tuyen dung. Xct phan Responsibilities

motivated nhidt huyet, tham vqng ta thay Program and policy evaluation
professional chuyen nghiep
chinh la (A), Strategic and business
passionate nhiet tinh
planning services la (C). Xet phan
Experience & Skills thl Project and
time management skills chinh la (D).
Giai thkh; Vi day la cau hoi yS
Vay (B) la dap an chinh xac.
Morgan and Spencer Consulting
Dap an dung (B)
nen ta phai tim dap an dung d
doan van thrf hai. Ndu doc ky
nhifng c^u xung quanh danh
Giai thkh; Dap an cho cau hoi ve
tvf ri^ng Morgan and Spencer
ydu cSu thiicfng xui't hien d ph^n
Consulting: "Our clients come
cuoi cua van ban. O phan cuoi cua
from many countries, though a
bifc thif co cau "For additional
majority of them tend to be from
information, please contact our

headquarters in Amsterdam", nhw du lich theo doan. Nhtf v^y, (B) la
vay (D) la dap an chinh xac. dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (D) Dap dn dung (B)

5-7. 6.
Tit vUng:
experienced co kinh nghiem Giai thich; Vi day la cau hoi NOT
association higp h6i
ve dac diem nen ta can doc ky can
genuine dich thuc
industry-recognized so sanh va co clu'fa as well as d
dude nganh cong nhan doan van thit hai sau "Our desktop
dedicated cong hien, tan tuy publishing department can help you
specialize in chuyen v6
create more attractive personalized
personalized danh rieng, ca nhan hda
create brochures than any competitors in
tao ra
attractive hap dan the market, as well as a tour guide
associate hiep hoi, dong nghiep and your own tour group website."
operate di^u hanh, hoat dong Vi Free vacations khbng ditpc de cap
inclusive trpn gdi, bao gom tat
den n£n (C) la dap an chinh xac.
ca cac khoan
Downunder Dap an dung (C)
chi Australia va New
materialize cu the hda, 7.
thanh hi^n thUc Giai thich: Vi ddy la can hoi ve
look after chju trach nhiem, nhflng Iqi ich nfin ta phai tim dap
trong coi
an b doan van advantage. (A) diipc
nhac den la Gowith tour guide trong
van bin, (C) la You will be selling
Giai thich: Vi day la ciu hoi vi
into an already proven produc
chu de nfin ta cSn dpc ky phan
va (D) chinh la If your group
ddu cua bite thif. Toan bo biic thu numbers do not materialize, those
co noi dung lien quan tdi du lich booked will still be able to travel,"
va thong qua cdu cudi cua doan Nhif viy, (B) la dap an chinh xac.
van dtiu tien "Gowith Groups is a Dap an dung (B)
dedicated division specializing in
only group travel ta co the bi6t 8-10.
ring ddy la quang cao chuyen vdf Tif vi/ng:
valued quy trong

serve phuc vu,cung cap 11-13,
in honor of ~ ky niem TirvMng:
extend keo dai, md rOng niche vj tri thich hdp,
expire het han ndi phu hdp
book dai trade relationship quan hp
strong mgnh
presence su t6n tai
solid on dinh, chac chan
Giai thich: Day la can hoi ve cac dang dien ra
ifu dai. d phan sau cua quing cao, referral uy thac, gidi thi^u
Individual Coupon, Express Coupon, a number of nhieu
Executive Coupon deu la cac uu dai regular thudng xuyen, quy tac

yi giao th6ng di lai n^n (B) la dap

an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (B) Giai thich: Vi day la can hoi ve muc
dich cua quang cao nen ta pfuli doc
9. ky phan d^u ti6n cua van ban. Qua
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve the cau "Rare opportunity to purchase
express coupon. Diia vao phan a niche running store" b phan dau
Express Coupon "30% off luxury cua quang cao, ta co the bide rang
shuttle service to and from the (C) la dap an chinh xac.
airport. Service is available 24/7", ta Dap an dung (C)
biet rang co the sii dung dich vu nay
vao bat cut luc nao, do do (A) la dap
an chinh xac.
Giai thich: Vi d4y la cau hoi NOT
Dap an dung (A)
nen ta can tim dap an dung b doan
van Idt k^ co ky hdu (*). (A) chinh
la each noi Ichac cua Continued
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi dieu
growth over the past 12 months, (B) la
se xay ra vao ngay 15 thang 9. Phan
Close proximity to a number of well-
cuoi cua doan van thif hai co dd cap
known health clubs. (C) clu'uc de c4p
r^ng "These coupons will expire
den b Solid internet traffic flows with
on September 15, so book your
online store included. Nhii vay, dap
trip now!" ttfc do la ngay cac phidu
an chinh xac la (D).
giam gia se h^'t h^n, nhif v^y (D) la Dap an dung (D)
dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (D)

13. subsequently sau nay
Giai thkh; Vl day la can hoi vi via thong qua
hands-on thuc tien
phiiong phap n6n ta can doc ky
ultimately cuoi cung
phan cuoi cua van ban. Ndu doc
executive management
ky cau "If you are interested, please quan trj cap cao
contact us by sending your Offer atmosphere bau khong kh(
to" cf cuoi
quang cao, ta se biet (A) chfnh la 14.

dap an chinh xac. Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi ve doi

Dap an dung (A) tupng cua quang cao nen ta cin doc
ky phan dlu cua van ban. Phan gifla

14-15. doan van dau tien cua quang cao co

Til uiing: de cap den advertising firm va day
look for tim kiem la quang cao tuyen dung nen (C) la
in search of tim kieim
dap an chinh xac.
yet nhdng
professional Dap an dung (C)
chuygn nghigp.
thupc nghe nghi^p
environment moi tracing, hoan canh 15.
rapid nhanh chong Giai thich; Day la cau hoi ve yeu cau.
advancement phat trien, ti^n bo,
Thong qua cau cuoi cimg cua quang
thang tien
renowned noi ti^ng cao If you meet these requirements,
creativity sif sang tao please apply on our website: www.
innovation sq each tan", ta co the thay (D) la
within ben trong dap an chinh xac.
asset tai sSn, ta siin
Dap :in dung (D)
constantly lien tuc
motivate thiic day, tang dpng cd
32 Thdng bao
groom tla tot, chuan bj
(Notice & Announcement)
be responsible for
chiu trach nhi^m ve
acquisition tiep nhan, thu dadc OE THI Mb PHdNG
element yea to
I.(C) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A)
highly rat
6. (D) 7.(B) 8.(C) 9.(D) 10. (B)
intensive tap trung
II. (B) 12.(0)13, (B) 14. (A) 15. (D)
critical quan trong
16. (D) 17. (C)
criterion tieu chuan

1-2. kh£u d$ nhd" nfin (D) la dap an
TCT vdng: chinh xac.
increase tang Dap an (tting (D)
theft trpm cap
extensive rpng rai, bao quat 3-6.
security measure bi&nphapbaoan TU vitng:
prevent ngan chSn trash rac
unauthorized khong difdc phep recycling tai che
access ti^p can, ra vao meet dap Cfng
premise bfen trong toa nha mandated belt bupc
preventive ngan ngtfa, phong ngi/a by the end of den cudi
ensure dam bao face doi dien
safekeeping bSo quan, bSo hp fine ti6n phai
guideline hudng dan waste rac thSi
unattended khbng dupe trbng coi critical quan trong
workstation ndi lam viec share chia
of interest quan tam benefit Idi fch
keep c^t giQ disposal ti§u buy
immediately ttfc thi operate van hanh
authorization quy$n ban preserve bao ton, duy tri
incidence sU viec natural resource
tai nguygn thien nhien
1. implement thqc hien, thi hanh
encourage A to B
Giai thich: Vdi cau hoi muc dich, hay
khuyen khich A lam B
nho' rang chu de cua van ban thifdng mot each tich cue
diioc de cap den a nhffng cau dang enclosed gifi kem theo
"Please observe the following flyer td buOm
Dap an diing (C) obtain lay dupe
do one's part thqc hien vai tro,
nhiem vy
Giai thich: Vi cum as a guideline
difpc nhac ddn sau mentioned
Giai thich: Vi day la van ban quang
n&n ta se phai tlm dap an diing
cao va co phan tieu de la RE: New
of phan Please observe the following
Recycling Program nen (B) la dap an
guideline. (A) ditpc d^ cap ddn
chinh xac.
of muc 3, (B) 6 muc (4) va (C)
Dap an dung (B)
cf muc 1. Kh6ng co noi dung
nao mang nghla "Stf dung

4. 7-10.
Giai thich: Ta phai tim gcd y 6' quanh Tir vyng:
danh tif rieng Patricia Whalton. organizer ngifdi to chile
on behalf of thay mat cho
Th6ng qua cau "Patricia Whalton
annual thitdng nien
Human Resources to obtain desk- comprehensive toan dign, bao quat
side containers should you need among giQa hold to chdc,
one." b phan cudi doan van thuf hai, tig'n hanh
importance sit quan trong
ta thfy rang (C) la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (C) chu tri, dSn chitong trinh
look forward to mong doi
5. feedback phSn hoi

Giai thich: Vi cf phan dau cua doan

van dau tien co xuat hi^n lien tit chi
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi dang suy
nguyfin nhan nen ta phai tim dap
doan doi titpng. Phan dau cua thong
an dung of doan nay. Thong qua
bao co de clp rang "On behalf of
cau "because Houston must meet
the Small Business Association of
a State-mandated goal of recycling
Michigan. I would like to welcome
50% of its trash by the end of
you to our first annual workshop."
2012", ta bidr rang nguyen nMn la
titc "thay mat cho Hiep hoi tieu
bed Houston co nhRm vu phai dat
thitdng chao don mpi ngifdi den
difOc chi tieu d6 ra.
vdi hoi thao" nbn ta co the suy ra
Dap an ddng (A)
doi utpng b day se la "Chu cac

6. doanh nghiep tit nhan". Do do, (B)

Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi What la dap an chinh xac.

will happen nen ta can tim tu difo'c Dap an dung (B)

nhac den sau happen & trong doan

van, sau do tim dap an dung b
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi ve ngifdi
quanh tit do. Phan dau cua doam
van thuf hai co de cap rang "With se diin thuyet ve quan ly tai chinh.
Qua phan ctau cua thong bao ta co
this in mind, we arc implementing a
the bidr ngttcfi dang thong bao la Co
new recycling program in our offices
begining on July 21", do do (D) la Patricia Goh, va thfing qua phan
cuoi "And, personally, I hope you
dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (D) all attend my financial management

support ho trd
lecture", ta co the nhan th£y Patricia
execution thuc hanh, chap hanh
Goli chinh la ngufti se diing buoi
regional dia phtfdng
dien thuyet vi qu4n ly tai chinh. external thupc ben ngoai
Dap ati dung (C) identify xac nh&n
execute thi hanh, chap hanh
aspect khia canh
assigned dUdc chl djnh
Gidi thich: Day la cau hoi ve thM
relevant lien quan
gian diln ra buoi hoi thao chuyen eld such as vi du nhu
yi kha nang lanh dao. Phan cuoi cua degree being cap
thong bao co de cap ddn ve ngay 26 oriented thien ve
comfort theai mai
tbang 7 nhif sau "On July 26, Jeff
accurately mot c^ch chinh xac
Walters is holding a seminar on how
in a timely manner
to be a better leader in the office.", dung han, khong cham tr§
do do (D) la dap an chinh xac. professionalism tinh than chuyen nghiep
Dap an diing (D) profiency thanh thao
legal right quyen hdp ph^ip
accept nhpn
application ddn dSng ky
Giai thich: (A) va (D) dupe de cap
den d phan cuoi doan van thil hai 11.
"CEO Gary Martin is hosting Giai thich: Day la can hoi ve n6i dung
a lecture called Advertising on a cua thong bao. O phan Requirements
Budget.", (C) diipc nhac den 6 (among others) include co de cap rang
doan van thtf ba "And, personally, "among others" (ngoai cac yeu cau
I hope you all attend my financial khac), tifc co the se con nhfing ctieu
management lecture." Nbu vay, dap kien khac,
an (B) co npi dung kli6ng dung ve Dap an dting {B}
hoi thao. 12.
Dap an dung (B)
Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi ve yeu
cdu nen ta phai tim dap an dung
b phan Requirements (among others)
included. (A) ditpc de cap d6n b
Tit vUng:
summary torn tdt Must have the legal right to work
specialist chuyen gia in United States, (B) dtfpc nhdc
role vai tro den b Bachelor's Degree in business.

communications or a related fied, 14.
con (C) of Ability to complete projects Giai thich: Day la cau hoi vd npi
accurately and in a timely manner. dung khdng lien quan tdi Powliss
Dap an tiling (D) Engineering, Inc. (B) dtfpc de alp
den of phan dau cna quang cao
13. Powliss has been highly rated in the
Giai tluch; Day la can hoi ve thcfi gian industry, (C) d phan cuoi cua quang
ma cac nhan vien co the ling myen. cao This is an excellent opportunity
Phan cuoi cua thong bao co de cap rang to join a very large organization, (D)
"We will stop accepting applications tuy dtfpc nhac tPi xuyen suot qudng
for this position on March 1nen (B) cao nhtfng dac biet ro rang o* "6!
la dap an chlnh xac. High level of technical expertised (A)
Dap an dung (B) kbong dtfpc de cap den n6n la dap
an chinh xac.
14-17. Dap an dung (A)
TC( vilng;
currently g^n day
seek tim kiem 15.
on a permanent basis Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve yeu cau
vTnh vien cho c6ng viac. Ngoai phan Further
strong manh.tdt
essential quan trpng job requirements (nhifng yeu can
manage quan ly khac vi c6ng vific) thi P doan van
specific cu the, chi tiet thif hai co da' cap dd'n "managing
discipline huan luyen, quy dinh
employees", do do (D) la dap an
including bao gom
chinh xac.
as well as cung nhu
monitor quan ly, giam sat Dap an dung (D)

certified cdng nhan

in-depth ti mi 16.
administration quan ly, hanh chinh Giii thich: Day la cau hoi y&i can
diagnose ch^n doan
suy doan ve cac ky sif trinh dp 3-
security bao an
Doan van thu hai co de c;lp rang will
focus tap trung
he responsible for small-size projects,
interpersonal quan ha doi nhan xtrthe
coordination dieu chinh, dieu phdi (D) co cung npi dung nay nto la
expertise hieu bietchuyen mon dap an chinh xac.
relevant lien quan Dap an dung (D)

17. all around the globe
loan cau
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve yen
decline to chdi
cau n6n ta can tim dap an dung d
statement Idi phat bieu, trinh bay
mfinh de if xuat hien d phan cudi
cua quang cao. Phln cudi nay co de 1.
cap rang please apply today through Giai thkh: Day la cau hoi ve chu
the company website ncn (C) la dap dd. Ttiong qua cum has made a
an chinh xac. great leap (da cd bnoc tien Ion)
Dap an dung (C)
va has seen increasingly good times

33 Bao chi (ngay cang phat dat, thinh vifcfng)

(Article & Report) cf cau "SkyNct has made a great
leap in its new direction. Ever since
the company moved into South
I. (B) 2, (A) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (C) America, it has seen increasingly
6. (C) 7.(A) 8.{□) 9.(D) 10.(A) good times." thudc phdn dau bai
II.(B)12.(C) 13. (A)14. (D) 15.(B)
bao, ta cd thd' thay (B) la dap an
16. (D) 17. (C) 18. (B) 19. (D) 20. (B)
chinh xac.
1-5. Dap in dung (B)
TU vi/ng:
make a great leap
ditctc thanh cdng lefn
Giai thkh: Day la can hdi ve danh
direction phuefng hiMng
suot ke tb td rieng. Cau "The move in this
ever since
move chuyen, don di direction first started when the
increasingly ddn dan, ngay cang company opened its branch in
well-received rat dUdc don nhan Carascas." b phan dau bai bao de cap
profit Idi ich rang cdng ty bat dan md chi nhanh
almost gan nhd
b Carascas. Nhu vay (A) la dap an
immediately ngay l^p tifc
chinh xac.
continent chau luc
Dap an dung (A)
lower giam
resident cd dan
afford du kha nSng, 3.
dCi dieu kien lam gi Giai thkh: Day la can h6i vc dieu
reputation danh ti^ng
bai bao am chi. Doan van thit hai
overwhelming choang ngdp,
mang tinh ap dao co d£ cap rang "With offices now

on the continent, SkyNet was able don rang cac lanh dao cong ty da
to lower the price of its products hop ban vdi cac cong ty che tac d
in South American countries. A Brazil," Tong hop lad ta co the thay
move that made their new Latin rang (C) la dap an chinh xac.
customers very happy." tile "Vdi Dap an diing (C)
nhidu van phong 6 Nam My,
Skynet da co the giam gia cac san TCr vhng:
pham d cac nttdc Nam My. Mot saying (trong ngd canh nay)
bifdc tien khien cac khach hang thanh ngh, each ng6n
Latin mdi rat hai long," Do do, (B) definitely chac chan, ro rang
chinh la dap an dung. indicate cho thay, chi ra
Dap an diing (B) glowing rife rS
success thanh cong
take place difdc to chhc, dien ra
4. feature ndi bat
Giai thkli: Vl day la cau hoi v6 yen a sampling of mau cua, mot phan cua
c^u n6n ta phai doc ky ph;tn cuoi notable noi tieng
insider ngudi trong cupc,
cua van ban. (C) chinh la each not
hoi vien
khac cua can CEO Derek Rainer launch bat dau
was asked to make an announcement be projected to dh djnh,
nen ctiy la dap an chinh xac. co ke hoach lam gi
Dap an diing (C) hip hop nhac hip hop
legend huyen thoai
momentum khi the
behind dang sau
Giai thkh: Doan van thii' ba co de such as v( du nhu
Cclp rang "The company announced
that it would be opening a second
Giai thkh: EMy la cau hoi ve muc
South American branch in Lima."
dich cua hai bao. Noi dung cua
the "Skynet thbng bao se md mot
toan bo bai bao la vd sh thanh cong
chi nhanh Nam My thh hai d
cua mot sh kien ve cac nghdi ndi
Lima", trong khi doan van cuoi
tieng va mang tinh qu^ng ba khi
cung ndi rang "It has been rumored
she hut cua sh kkn ngay cang Idn
that officials from the company have
thi sh kinh doanh cung Idn manh
been meeting with manufacturing
nen (C) la dap an chinh xac.
businesses in Brazil." the "Co tin
Dap an dung (C)

7. announce thong bao
Giai thkh: Tli6ng qua phan cuoi perform thifc hi^n, thi hanh
bolder and bolder
cua bai bao "VIP Talent Connect is
ngay cang Idn manh
expanding from its Philadelphia base
to new locations, such as Los Angeles, 9.
Chicago, Atlanta and Miami." aic sit
Gidi thich: Day la cau hoi vd chu de
kien nay se du'pc to chiic d bon dia cua bai bao. Vdi cac bai bao thi chu
diem thanh pho mdi nen (A) la dap
de thudng rai deu toan bo noi dung
an chinh xac. Philadelphia la noi da
va cau chu dc thifdng nam d doan
dien ra sit Iden nay.
dan hoac doan cuoi. 6 tru'dng hop
Dap an dung (A)
bai bao nay, thong qua "chain after
chain is announcing plans for new
stores" b doan van thu hai ta co the
Giai thich: Vi day la can hoi NOT
thdy (D) la dap an chinh xac.
nen ta phai tim cau liet ke trong
Dap an dung (D)
van ban. Phan giufa cua doan van
dan tien co de cap den industry-
achivement stories, career tips and Giai thich: Day la can hoi vd so cda
seminars, offered, (D) khong co trong hang ma Bergmanns hi^n co. Phan
so nay n^n la dap an chinh xac.
dan cua doan van cuoi cimg co de
Dap lin dung (D)
cap rang A local department store,
now holding only a single store tut
sieu thi cao cap nay hien chl md
Ttf vUtig;
recession suy thoai kinh te duy nhd't mot diem sieu thi nen (A)
department store la dap an chinh xac.
sifeu thi ban le cao cap Dip an dung (A)
go out of business
pha san
comparable-store sale
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve dieu
doanh thu ban hang
co the so sanh dope bai bao am cht ve Finetlne
struggling g$p kho khan Brothers. Phan cuoi bai bao co de
luxury-end hang hieu c^p ring "Ever since the company
estimate dp doan, danh gia
began to perform better than the
occur dien ra
Fine cine Brothers department

store chain, Bergmanns has been 12.

becoming bolder and bolder", tile Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve thofi

"Suot ke til khi Ml dau boat dong gian cuon sach diWc phat hanh iSn

t6't lion cac sieu thi cao cap khac nhtf dau tien. Doan cuoi van ban co de

Finetine Brothers, Bergmann's dang cAp rang "it was first released about

ngay cang trd nen lefn manh", ta co a decade ago", voi each noi til decade

thd bi5t rang Finetine chinh la mot thanh 10years ago, (C) chinh la dap

cong ty canh tranh cua Bergmann's, an dung.

Dap an dung (B) Dap an dung (C)

12-16. Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve dieu
dupe am chi ve Trung tam lich sd
local thupc dia phuong
resident cU dan Green Lakes, ta can doc ky phan xung

cause a stir gay chu y, gay tranh cai quanh til Green Lakes d doan van
all one's lives ca ddi thil ba de suy doan,. Qua cau "The
in fact thUc ra
guidebook that tells tourists about
trace Ian theo dau vet
what they can find in Green Lakes
lineage dong giong, dong ddi
founding thanh l§pp ra ddi hasn't been updated since it was first
settle on dinh released about a decade ago,", ta co
descendant hau the the biet (A) chinh la dap an dung.
play an important role Dap an dung (A)
dong mot vai tro quan
hiking trail dadng mdn leo nui
Gidi thkh: Day la cau hoi ve dieu
involvement li§n quan, quan he
as well as cOng nhil khong dtlpc bao gom trong an ban
flourish phat dat, thjnh vupng mdi cua cuon sach hildng din.
pass through di qua, thong qua Qua ciu cuoi cua doan van thil ba
guided tour tham quan co hildng ddn
"Tlie updated guide will include
walkabout di bp tham quan, du lich
descriptions of local business, times
release phat hanh
decade thpp ky and dates of tours, and reviews of
publishing agency local restaurants.", ta tliay rang (D)
nha xuat ban khong dilpc de cap tdi, nhil vay (D)
edition an ban
la dap an chinh xac.
guidebook saoh hudng dan
Dap an diing (D)

15. loser k5 that bai
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve dieu fail that bai
meet expectations
difrfc bai bao nhac tdi ve vung
dap ifng ky vong
Green Lakes. (B) chinh la each noi scale back giam
khac cua cum "with the Center's indeed thUc sgf
guided tours and walkabouts" xuat barren hoang da, can cfli
hi^n d phin cuoi doan van thti hai co-author dong tac gia
moisture do am
nen (B) la dap an chinh xac.
D:tp ail dung (B)
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi ve ndi khong
trdng cay dau mt. Ta chay cf phln dau
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi v& Maria
cua bai bao co doan "was planted on
Gallahan. Doan van dau tien co de
millions of acres across China, India,
cap tdi have been living in our fair city
and sub-Saharan Africa" nhiing trong
all their lives, can trace their lineage
do kh6ng co (C) nen day chinh la dap
back, his descendant nen (D) la dap
an dung.
an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (C)
Dap in dung (D)

Giai thich: Ddy la can hoi ve nhCfng
TCf vyng:
grow mgc, tn/dng thanh dieu bai bao de cap tdi cay dau
appear nhin co ve me. Thong qua dosin van thiJ ba
specifically d&c bi§t vcfi the jatropha boom has produced
tropical shrub cay bui nhi^t ddi
more losers than winners, ta thay (B)
plant gieo irong
chinh la dap an dung.
crush pha v8
seed hat Dap an dung (B)
biofuel nhien lieu sinh hoc
tolerate chju dung 19.
rocky nhieu da, map mo
Gidi thich: (A) difpc nhac den b
unsuited khong thich hdp
phan cuoi doan van thtf hai with
subsistence sinh ke, sinh hoat
dent cho lorn, giam thieu governments worldwide pushing
renewable co thl tdi tao renewable fuel, (B) b cau dau doan
so far den tan bay gid van thu hai can tolerate dry, rocky soil
produce san xuat

umuited, (C) b can dau doan van thii counsel khuyen
tif Farmers have discovered that while in addition them nUa
identify xac nhan
jatropha can indeed grow on barren
knowledgeable am hieu
land, it doesn'tflourish there. Nhu vay, prior to tnldc do
chi co (D) la khong difp'c de cap tofi create sang tao, tao ra
nen (D) la dap an chinh xac. capacity sdc chda,nang iuc
Dap an diing (D) expand md rpng
assistant thu ky, Ird ly
core quan trpng, cot loi
definitely chac chan
Giii thtch: Day la can hoi li^n ensure dam bdo
quan tofi Promode Kant. Qua ket forward gdi chuyen tiep
ludn difpc dna ra b phan cuoi bai
bao "Without moisture it does not 1.

seed.", ta co the suy ra day la ngucd Giai thick: Vi day la can hoi ve muc

hieu hiet sau rong ve Ilnh vuc nay. dinh cua thdng bao n^i bo nen ta

Dap an diing (B) phai doc ky phan ddu cua van ban.
Cau chu de cua van ban nhac nhd
thifdng se la nhfing cau co cac tif
34 Thdng bao n^i bp (Memo)
announce, inform. Vi thong bao noi
bo co tieu de la Congratulations va
Di thim6ph6ng co cau dau den la "announce that
effective May 26, Mary Brown has
I. (A) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (D)
6. (A) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (C) agreed to lead the Ovations Human
II. (B) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (B) Capital organization", tifc "da ddng
16. (C) 17. (D) 18, (A) y dSn dSt them to chifc Von con
ngifcfi Ovations" nfin day la thhng

1-3. bao noi bo chuc mifng thing chifc.

TU vpng: Dap an diing (A)
effective cO hieu Ipc
lead dan dat, lanh dao 2.
organization to chifc
Giai thick: (A) difpc nhac den b
in addition to ngoai ra
phdn giua doan van thif nhat has
current hien tai
valued quan trpng been a valued part of our leadership
serve lam vigc team. (B) dtfdc nhac ddn b doan

van thtf hai had experience with nha quy che
policymaker nha xay difng chinh sach
Human Capital management. (C)
continuity sit lien tuc
xuat hi^n b doan van cuoi Mary's avoid tranh
strong core values. NW viiy chi co concern quan hp, quan tfim
(D) la kh6ng ducfc nhac to'i trong detail chi ti§t

thong bao ndi bo. layout thiet ke

Dap an dung (D) letterhead phan tieu de thil

Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi ve muc
Gidi thich: Vl day la can hoi next
dichviet thong bao ndi bp ndn ta phai
(se lam gi tidp thco) nen ta phai doc
doc ky tieu de va phdn dau cua thu.
ky ph^n cuoi cua van ban. Cau "In
Thdng qua tieu dc (Name Change
order to create additional capacity
of AARP Divisions of Holonics) va
for the Human Capital role, Mary
cau dau tkn (Effective immediately,
will be expanding the legal team."
the AARP Divisions of Holonics are
b doan van cuoi co nghla la "Dd
adopting new internal names.) ta co
tang cticmg thdm lite kipng va vai
thd bict rang thoitg bao npi bp nay
tro cho Von con ngrfcfi, Mary se md
co npi dung vd su thay doi ten cua
rong dpi phap ly.", do do (D) la dap
mot bp phan c6ng ty.
an chinh xac.
Dap an tiling (B)
Dap an tiling (D)

Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi vd bp
Ti( vUng:
effective co hieu lUc ph;)n khong dupe ddi ten nen ta
immediately ngay lap trie cln tint dap an dung b phan lidt ke
adopt ti^p nhan co chifa ky hieu (...), Doan van dau
internal ngi bp tien co lidt kd cac bp ph;tn phai thay
collectively mOt each nhat quan,
ddi ten, trong do khong nhac den
doan ket
bp phan marketing ndn (D) la dap
division bp phpn
an chinh xac.
at times doi khi
confusion boi rdi Dap an tiling (D)

external ben ngoai

clarify lam sang tb
regulator nha lanh dao,

6. thong bdo noi bp nham xac nhdn
Giai thich: Vi ddy la cau hoi v@ vd'n lai lich trinh cua cudc hop.
di nen ta can tim dap an dung 5 Dap an tiling (A)
nhflng can cd sac thai phu dinh
hoac tieu cue. Can van tint nhat 8.
cua do an van thif hai cd de cap rdng Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve ngay
"because, at times, the placement khdi hanh, phan giQa cua doan van
of AARP in our division names thiS nhdt co dS cdp rdng "the bus
has caused confusion for external will leave Omanu on Sunday at 11
audiences", trie, "da gay hoi roi cho a.m." tufc se khdh hanh vao 11 gicf
khach hang", do do (A) la dap an sang chu nhat, nhtf vdy (D) la dap
chinh xac. an chinh xac.
Dip an dung (A) Dap an tti'mg (D)

7-9. 9.
TU vtfng: Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi ve yeu
remind nhac nhd cdu nen ta can tim dap an chinh xac
in case phong trUcfng hdp
of cdu menh lenh hoac cdu co menh
make sure chac chan
de if. Cum "refer to the information
be abroad di, len (xe)
take place thanh lap, diln ra that you received" dtfpc nhac
refer to tham khao d6i trong cdu "Please refer to the
gathering cuoc hop, cuoc gap information that you received at the
gathering we had on Wednesday V
7. da dtipc nhac lai d dap an (13). Do
Giai tKich: Vi day la cdu hoi ve muc do, (B) la dap an chinh xac.
dich cua thdng hao noi bo ndn ta Dap an dung (13)

phai doc ky phan ddu ti^n. Doan

dau cua thong hao noi bo co de cdp 10-13.
tdi mot cuoc hop cua cong ty "I
major chu y^u
would just like to remind you that
moment khoanh khac
we will have a company meeting a tinge of - mot chut
in Dargaville.", tidp theo do, sadness noi bu6n
thong qua cau "In case you don't make announcement
ra thong bao
remember V', ta co the biet day la
due to bcii, vi

in recent years trong nhQng nam 12.
gan cJSy Giai thich; Vi day la cau hoi ve the
continued lien Igc
packet nfin ta can doc ky doan van
demand yeu cau, doi hdi
outgrow vUdt qua thu ba co nhac den tti nay. Nhu doc
enable tao dieu kien ky dm "find a layout of the office,
meet one's demand atimeline, and a list of suggestions
dap Ofng nhu cau
on how to prepare for the move",
include bao gom
ta se thay ci (A), (C), (D) ddu dope
layout thiet ke
suggestion de an di cap ddn nhtfng (B) vPi npi dung
move chuyen di htldng din den toa nha mdi khong
dope nhac tdi.
10. Dap an diing (B)
Giai thkh: Vi day la cau hoi vi'
nguyen nhan nen ta can tim dap an 13.
chinh xac d doan van thd hai, noi Giai thich: Ddy la cau hoi ve thdi
xLi^t hifin ttt due to. Cau "Due to gian co thd den the Presser Mill
the great success that our company Building dd tham quan. Thong qua
has seen in recent years cho hiet phau cuoi cua doan van thO ba "take
rang "Nhd thanh cong Idn ma cong tours of the new office building on
ty chung ta dat dtfdc trong nhtfng the 13th of December.", ta co thd
nam gdn ddy nen (C) la dap an hiet rang (B) la dap an chinh xac.
chinh xac. Dip in dung (B)
Dap in (lung (C)

11. TU vUng:
message gCfi qua tin nhfin
Gidi thich: Vi day la cau hoi ve toa
concerning lien quan tdi
nha Anderson nen ta can doc ky
require y^u cau
phln dau cua doan van thu nhat. submit nop, dp trinh
Doan nay co de cap rang "When process xCf ly
it first opened, the main office was head hudng tdi
potential tiem nang
right here in the Anderson Building"
connection lien ket
nen (B) la dap an chinh xac.
set up sap xep
Dip in dung (B)
as soon as possible
cang scfm cang t6t

speculation nghien ngSm, y kien 6 doan van thh hai "I saw that you
confirm xac nhan
will be heading to Dayton on the
detail chi tiet
first day of the week to meet a client
of yours", (B) difpc nhac den d doan
van thif ba "She is looking to start a
Gidl thich: Day la can hoi ve yeu
new promotional campaign." Nhit
dhi cong cac. Qua phan giifa cua
vdy, (C) chinh la dap an dung.
doan van ctau ticn "the new policy
Dap an dung (C)
concerning travel requests requires all
employees to submit their requests to
a manager", ta co the biet rang cac
Giai thkh: Tif pick up xuat hien
y6u cau xin di cong tac phai dupe su'
trong van ban co nghla la "dat
chap thuan cua cap tren. Do do, (A)
difpc, nhan dtfpc". Nhu'ng xet theo
la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (A) nguf cdnh, cdu van co nghla la "Ban
hay ky hop dong voi ho va lang
nghe nhftng y kifi'n vd quang cao ma
ho mu6n." Nhii vdy, (D) la ctap an
Gidi thich: Day la cau hdi ve lich
chinh xac.
trinh khdi hanh cua chuydn bay
Dap an dung (D)
den Dayton. Doan van thu' hai co
de cap tang "I saw that you will
be heading to Dayton on the first
Gidi thkh; Vi day la can hoi ve yeu
day of the week to meet a client of
cau nen ta phai doc ky phan cuoi
yours", the "se den gap khach hang
cua van ban. O cau "I'd like you to
vao ngay dau tien cua tuan" nen (B)
call Ms. Shin soon to confirm the
la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an diing (B) details.", ngtfdi viet y^u can ngtfdi
nhdn goi dien cho co Shin de xac
nhan lai nhtfng thong tin chi tiet,
do do, (A) la dap an chinh xac.
Giai thkh: Vi day la cau hoi lien
Dap an dung (A)
quan tcfi "NOT + Milton Cars" nen
ta can tim Milton Cars trong van
ban roi tim dap an chinh xac quanh
tif do. (A) va (D) da du'dc nhac den

35 VSn ban hU6ng din
(Information) Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi co
NOT nan ta phai tlm dap an dung d
cau liet ke "A series of sales meeting
1.(A) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C) guidelines, quizzes, games and skill
6. (C) 7. (D) 8, (B) 9. (C) 10. (C)
practices delivers product knowledge
11.(A) 12. (D)13.(C)
in an effective and interactive way."
(A) chinh la sales meeting guideline,
(B) la an effective and interactive way,
Til viing:
guide giay hitdng dan (D) chinh la quizzes. Nhu vay (C)
conduct thdc thi, ht/dng dan chinh la dap an dung.
weekly hang tuan Dap in dung (C)
reinforce cung co,
lam cho tang len
related to lien quan tdi
specific chi tiet Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve doi
contain bao gom ttfdng. Vi cau hoi hbi vf ngifdi chl
potential tiem nang dao the development of sales culture
effective hi^u qua n£n ta can doc doan van thtf tit. Phan
interactive tac dong qua lai giufa doan van thh tit co de ciip rang
ensure dam bao chac chan
"all in the hands of the people who
retention duy tri, bao ton
must implement the change - your
application ap dyng, tfng dqng
unique doc dao, dac biet management staff, not an outside
ongoing li#n tuc consultant." trie, tat ca nhufng ai nam
implement thitc hien, thi hanh gift nhi&n vu - nhung ngtfcfi quan ly,
be tailored to ditdc lam cho khdp vdi chif khong phai b6n tit van thtf ba,
do do (B) la dap an chinh xac.
D;4p an dling (C)
Giai thich: Qua can "The TLG is a
guide' for conducting weekly sales
meetings." cf phan (Mu cua van TiT vUng:
ban ta bi£t rang TLG la mot cuon shortcut dudngtlt
htfofng din ve chl dao cac cuoc hop while trong Khi
enter nhap
ban hang hang tuin. Do do (A) la
be directed to dude gili tdi
dap an chinh xac. preview xem trucic
Dap an dung (A)

inaccessible khong the tiep can Site, (D) la Show by Order Date nen
cause gay ra (C) chinh la dap an dung.
redirection chuyen doi
Dap an dung (C)
phddng hddng
appropriate thich hdp
specify chi ra, giai thich 6.
locate tim kiem {vi tn) Giai thich: Nd'u cau hoi co mdnh
easy-to-manage de //thi ta phat tim dap an dung 6*
de dang quan ly
rnenh de if. Mcnh de //thdcfng di
tree-view (danh sach, thd muc)
hinh cay kem vdi yen can nen thifc/ng xuat

arrangement chuan bi, sap xep hidn b phan cuoi van ban. Qua cau
hide giau, In "If you want to resize the width of
make room tao khong gian, cho trong
the Order Explorer, just click in
divider thanh phan chia
the background of the tree-view
width chieu r6ng
and drag left Or right to make the

4. width larger or smaller", tdc neu

Giai thich: Day la can hoi ve ndi co nhl'p chuot vao phong ndn cua

tM bat gap thong tin nay. N£u doc danh sach cay thd muc va keo sang

ky phan dau cua thong bao, thong trai hoac phai thi krch c5 se to len

qua clu "When viewing the Order hoac nho di, do do (C) la dap an

List or while visiting the home page chinh xac.

Dap an diing (C)
after login you will see an 'Order
Lookup' entry, box.", ta se bict ngay
day la tcf hiidng din sd dung.
Dap in (king (B) Tif vitng:
representative nhan vi§n
be required to dude yeu cau tam gi
5. detail chi tie!
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve vile description giai thich, mo la
technical thuOc ky thuat
ban khong thd sd dung vdi chudng
facility thiet bi
trlnh nay. Ta phdi tim dap an dung
operate van hanh
d doan van thd hai "Using the including bao gom
Order Explorer to locate an order." current hien tai
(A) chinh la organizes all available over hdn
ability nang Igc
orders, (B) la Show by Project ID/
expand ml rong

rapidly nhanh chong 9.
meet one's needs Giai thich: Day la cau hoi doan
dap ifng nhu cau
doi tppng. Ban htfcfng din nay la
headquarters tru sd chmh
locate dat d (vi tri nao) "HpPng din nhdn vi^n ttf van". Do
extensive pham vi rong do, nguPi se tra Ipi cau hoi se la (C).
broadband bSng thong rpng Dip in dung (C)
wireless khong day
pharmaceutical di/dc hoc,
thudc di/dc pham
generously mot each hao phong
7. welcome chao don, hoan nghenh
Giai thich: Day la can hoi ve no'i co the interested co quan tarn
tim thay huo'ng dSn nay. Vi d hang spread trai ra, truyen ba
sign up dang ky
muc thi'i nhat, noi dung cac c6ng viec
be first come, first serve
ma nhan vien uf van phai lam dupe li6t
theo thP tp Ian Itfdt
ke nen ta co the biet rang day chinh la inaugural le khanh thanh
td htfPng dan nhan vien. Do do, (D) departure xuat phat
la dap an chinh xac. take place dien ra, dupe md
Dap an dung (D) prior to trade
depart khdi hanh
vacation ky nghl
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi ve thii 10.
co the tim thay tren trang chu cua Giai thich: Dly la cau hoi lien quan
Skyward nen ta can doc ky hang tPi Mr. Spiclding. 'IK6ng qua doan
muc ddu tien. Doan cuoi cua muc van thif hai "The opening trip will
nay co de cap rang "After logging begin with Mr. Spielding starting
into the site, a full list of products his trip off in New Delhi.", ta co thd

and their technical descriptions will bidt ngay (C) la dap an chinh xac.

be available to the employee,", tuc Dap an diing (C)

"Sau khi truy cfp, nipt danh sach

day du cac san pham va micu tH ky 11.

thuat se hien ra" nen (B) la dap an Gili thich: Dly la cau hoi NOT.

chinh xac. Trong trpPng hpp cac dap an dppc

Dap an dung (B) ra dtfdi dang menh de, gpi y cho
dap an dung se nam rai rac khap

van Mn. (B) nam of "Employees of the Future.", ttfc yeu cau ngifdi doc
who are interested in joining this hay tham gia chifofng trinh. Do do,
trip should sign up with Human (D) la dap an chinh xac.
Resources as soon as possible.", (C) Dap an diing (D)

dupe d£ Calp d£n of "Be sure to arrive

at the train station an hour prior to 13.

departure.", (D) dtfpe nhac tdi d Giii thich: Day la cau hoi ve c6ng

"they should discuss vacation days vifin. Theo cau d^u tien cua doan

with their manager." Nhu vdy, (A) van thuf tU "Robotics Park is located

la dap an chinh xac. near downtown Koniak City", ttfc

Ddp An dung (A) C6ng vien Robotics nam g&i khu
trung t&fn thanh phd Koniak.
12-13. Dap an dung (C)
ask yeu cau 36 Mlu gi^'y t6 {Form)
presentation phat bi4u vk mot so dang v^n bSn khac
demonstration Irtnh dien
free of charge miln phi BE THiMb PHONG
celebration sU ky ni^m
I.(C) 2, (A) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (C)
community cdng dong 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (6) 9. (C) 10. (A)
appreciate cam dn II,(B)12.(A)
celebrate chuc mCfng
inventiveness tinh sang tao,
tai sang che
activity ho^l dOng 1-3.
near TiTvitng:
daily hang ngay
creation tac phlm
complete hoan thanh
an array of da dang
application ddn dang k^
maximum tdi da
12. issue phat hanh
Giai thi'ch: Vi diy la cau h6i vi muc controlled bj khdng chd
parking zone khu dd xe
dinh cua tP hifPng dan nen ta phdi
holder ngUdi n^m giO
doc ky phan dau tien cua van ban.
vacant con trdng
Phan d^u cua huong ddn d€ cap rang indicated dUdc nhac, de cap tdi
"We would like to ask you and your avoid tranh
family to attend 'Robotics Park, the
21st annual spring event of the School

1. tif Zip code. Do do, (D) la dap an
Giai thich: Day la cau hoi vi giay chinh xac.
cho phep d6 xe nen ta can doc ky Dap in dung (D)
phdn gi2a cua van b^n. Phan nay de
cdp ring "Residents' parking permits 4-5.
will only be issued to persons: Ttf vi/ng:
unit price gia mot san pham
whose usual address lies within the
quantity s6 lifdng
controlled parking zone/', tifc giay
lumber go
cho phep lai xe chi diftfc cap cho screw dinh 6c
ngUcfi thifdng trp trong khu vpc. total due t6ng tiln
Nhu v^y (C) la dap an chinh xac. in full tra day du
Dip an dung (A)
Giii thich: Day li cau hdi vi Driscoll.
Giii thkh: Day la cau hoi v£ vite Dua va phln md ta co nhac den

ngudi co gidy phep do xe hang ngay cac tin LUMBER POWERDECK

difpc d6 xe d dau. Phan cuoi cua DRILLSCREW, ta nhdn ra (A) chinh la

van ban dd clp rang "The permit dap an chinh xac.
will enable the holder to park in any Dip in dung (A)
vacant Permitted On-Street Parking
Space, within the Zone to which the 5.
permit relates", ttfc co the dd xe d Giai thich; Day la cau hdi vi thd
b^t cd cho trdng nao d khu viic cho khdng cd trong hda don. (A) dupe
phep dd xe. Do do (A) la dap an nhac ddn d phan Description vdi
Dap an diing (A) SCREW, (B) dupe dd c4p ddn d phan
3. chinh la Payment received in fall
Giii thkh: Day la cau hoi vd didu March 3rd. Vi gia trong hda don

ma dcfn dang ky khdng ydu cau. (A) cd bao gdm thud nen (C) la dap an

dtfoc nhac tdi d ph^n cuoi doan van chinh xac.

dau Total books required, (B) d ddng

thu hai doan van dau tien Telephone
Td vitng:
number daytime, (C) d ddng thii amenity ti^n (ch sinh boat

change one's mind 7.
lhay ddi y dinh
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi suy doan,
call for yeu cau
ta phai doc ky titog tit mot. Can tra
In the form of dirdi dang,
thudc hinh thdc Idi da n&m ngay 6 nguyen nhan hoan
gift certificate phieu qu^ tang tri "as the event I will be attending
expire het han calls for something in white.", ttfc
hard copy bin sao difdc in ra
bed su kien ma toi sap tham gia y6u
original receipt boa ddn gdc
condition trang thai cau phJi co d6 mau trang", do do
exchange ddi (B) la dap an chinh xac.
hosiery cac loai tit Dap in dung (B)
mean ^ nghTa, am chi
clearance thanh ly
temporarily tam thdi
Tir vyng:
mark down giim gia
additional them
annual thdctng niin
dishwasher may giat
make an exception
microwave lb vi sOng
ngoqi IS
be subject to la doi tupng cba
gladly \u nguygn, vui ve
dependent on phu thuoc vko
make an exchange
appreciate cim on 8.
understanding hieu Giai thich; Day la cau hoi ve catalog.
Phan cuoi cua van ban cb dd cip
6. rang "Prices are subject to change
Giai thich: Vl day la cau h6i vd ly do dependent on availability and sales",
tri lal sin pham nen ta can tim dap ttfc "Gia cua cac san pham se thay
an dungcf phan dau van ban "Reason ddi tiiy thuoc vao khuy£n mai va so
for returning the item{s)". Thdng hang hi£n co trong kho." Nhii vdy
qua cau "I changed my mind and khi ha hang, gia cua sin pham co
have decided to go with a different the se khong difdc ghi, do do (C) la
style as the event" ta thay (A) chinh dap an chinh xac.
la dap an dung. Dip an dung (C)
Dap in dung (A)

Gi4i thich: Cau m£nh knh cf ph^ln
cuoi cua catalog Let us know what

you'd like to see in the next catalog." vdy Graham lam vide b bp ph^n
co nghla la "Hay cho chung toi bi£t marketing con Co Siha la quart
ban muon xem gi 6 catalog ti^'p ly cua bo phin do. (A) la dap an
theo.", do do (C) la dap an chlnh xac. chinh xac.
Dip in dung (C) Dip in dung (A)

10-12. 37 0oan van kep (Double pasages)

Tit viing:
request form ddn ydu c^u
position vi trf BE THt MtO PHONG
submission date
han nOp I.(A) 2.(C) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (D)
6, (D) 7.(A) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (B)
II. (A) 12. (B) 3. (A) 14. (C) 15. (G)
16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20, (C)
Giii thich: Day la cau h6i vd ly 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (B) 24. (D) 25. (A)
do nop don. Hiong qua tieiu d^
Downtown Parking Lot Only ta cb 1-5.
Ttr vi/ng:
th6 bidt rang day la don y^u cdu
such short notice
duqc do xe.
Dip an dung (A) especially dac biet la
flu c^im
for a long time trong
m51 thdi gian dai
Gidi thich: Day Id cau hbi vd ngay equipment thiet bj
hdt han nop don. Ndu doc phdn exactly chinh x^ic
provide cung cap
Submission deadline ta se bidt ngay
be beneficial to co loi cho
(B) la dap an chinh xdc. attach dmh kem
Dip in dung (B) detailed chi tie't
specific cu the
Giai thich: Ddy la cdu hbi vd Ms. 1.

Siha ndn ta phai tim dap an dung Gidi thich; Muc dich vid't email

b phan cuoi van ban, ndi cb dd cdp hdu hdt ddu nam b phan dau cua

rang 'Returned Form to jenny Siha van ban nhiing cung cb trubng hop

- Marketing Supervisor". Nhif xudt hidn b cac phht khac, vl vdy

cac ban can het siic chii y. 6' bufc 4.
thu nay, doan van dau tien chu yen Giai thi'chi Vi day la cau hdi vd lich
la chao hoi. Dogm van thtf hai co trinh nen ta din tham Ichao van ban
dd cap rang "Toi da ctinh kem mot thd hai. O bang nay ngay 9 thang
catalog kcm theo e-mail nay de 10 dtfpc ghi la Family reunion (Tu
gidi thieu cho ngai cu the tifng san t^p gia dlnh) ndn (C) la dap an
phdm." va diy cung chinh la muc chinh xac.
dich chinh cua email. Nhif viy, (A) Ddp in diing (C)

la dap an chinh xac.

Ddp ai) diing (A) 5.
Giai thich: Vi day la can hoi ve ban
2. cudi dat thidt bi nen ta can rim
Gidi thfch: T6ng hop lai phdn cudi ngay cu thd b bang lich trinh, muc
cua doan van thtt hai "I've attached a Equipment ordering deadline. Theo
catalog to this e-mail that will show do, (D) la dap an chinh xac.
our products and give a detailed Dap an dung (D)

description of each one." va doan

van cudi "If there are any specific 6-10.
products that you would like to see,
please let me know and I will bring
it has come to my attention that
in samples." ta cd thd nhan ra day la tdi diroc bidt rang
ngUdfi kinh doanh thiet bi y td. Nhif be in desperate khan thiet
v£y, (C) la dap an chinh xac. need cdn
Dap an dt'mg (C) paralegal nhan v!§n hd tro
phap luat
have trouble -ing
gap kho khan
Giai ilncii: on such short notice dtfpc trong vtec gi
dung vdi nghia la "dupe thdng bao colleague dong nghiep
be unfamiliar with
gap". Nhif vay, (C) la cd nghia gan
khong quen vdi
nhat vdi ttf notice.
handle xtf tr(, gi&i quyet
Dap an diing (C)
blame trach, loi
tor a while trong mot thdi gian
wholeheartedly hoan toan
latest mdi nhat

unacceptable khong the ch^p Qua phan cuoi cua van ban thp
nhan dUdc
nhait: "Pm in no way blaming you
top priority h^ng dau
for these unsuccessful hires, but
take care of lo li$u, gi^i quyet
we really need to find paralegals

6. that will be able to stay with our

GieU thi'ch: Vl day la cau hoi ve muc company for a while." va phln dau

dich cua th6ng bao noi b6 n^n ta cua van ban hai "I will look into

phai doc ky ph&i dan cua van ban. "" ta co thd hieu Hng c6ng ty tam

PhSn nay co dd c^Lp tdi "an old thdi dang tuydn nhan vidn ho trp

colleague of mine recommended phap lu^lt t6t. Nhtl v^Ly (B) la dap

that we try Hewitt Paralegals", tiic an chinh xac.

Dip in dung (B)
mot ddng nghidp da gibi thidu
dich vu ho trp phap lu^t Hewitt
Paralegals. Nhd vfiy, (D) la dap an 9.
Giai thich: Day li cau hdi vd vide da
chinh xac.
Dip in dung (D) xiy ra vao thang 8 ndn ta can tim
dap an dung d pMn cuoi van ban

7. thP hai. Thong thudng, vPi cau hpi

Gisli thich: Vi day la cau h6i vd bat dau bang According to, dap an

dich vu h6 trp phap lu^t Hewitt dung thtfdng didn dat noi dung y

Paralegals nen ta can tim dap an nhii trong van bin. Vi van ban thP

dung d doan van d^u tidn. Vi ngtfdi hai co dd clp ring "Since August,

vidt tidn cif dich vu ho trp phap lu^t though, there has been a decline in

Hewitt Paralegals ndn han nhidn ho the quality of those they've sent."

phdi dang tin c&y, tiic (A) chinh la ndn (B) la dap an chinh xac.
Dip an dung (B)
dap an chinh xac.
Dip in dung (A)

8. GUi thich: Diy la cau h6i "suy ludn

Giai thich: Day li cau hoi yeu cdu + phan doan doi ttipng". Vi van

suy doan. Vi van bdn dau tidn co bin thrf hai la do Kim vid't ndn ta

dd c^p ddn ngifPi gdi Sasha Grey pMi suy doan t£f van bin thii hai.

ndn ta can tim gpi y & van ban nay. PhSn dau cua doan van d^u tidn dd
cdp rang "We've been using Jackson

Paralegal Services for a long time, achieve th^nh dat, dat duoc
special dac biet
and they used to send us only the
mention de cap tdi
best people.", tiic hp da sd dung gan day
these days
dich vu cua Jackson trong suot join gia nhap
mot thcfi gian dai va Jackson chi cti fame danh tieng
nhdng ngiidi lam viec tot tdi cho be known for dude biet tdi vi
unique ddc dao, dac bipt
hp, nhd v&y ta co tM suy ra Kim la
printmaking do hpa in an
ngiihi phu trach tuy^n dung. innovative c6 tinh edeh tan
Dap an dung (B) distinctive dac bipt, khac biat
collaborative hdp Ipc
11-15. treasure bao vat
be proud of td hao ve
TC( vitng: achievement thanh tpu, thanh tich
name ten application dSng ky
service dich vu semester hoc ky
commend khen scramble do xd
recognize nhan ra, cdng nhan
exemplary mdu mac 11.
role vai tro Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi vi
intergal rdt cAn thi^t,
muc dich cua thong bao nen ta
khong the thieu
can doc ky phan dau cua van ban.
structure c^u true
in preparation for C^u "Caffrey School of Design staff
de chuan bj cho member, Rod Wiley, was named
liaise bat Ii6n l^c, giuf lien lac 2012 Employee of the Year at an
urgent khan cap
awards ceremony on Friday," didn
crisis khCing hoang
sU binh tTnh tA sd khen tang danh cho thanh
leadership khA nSng lanh d?o tich cua Rod Wiley, ngurii difpc
inspire tao cam hifng vinh danh la Nhan vien cua nam
recognition cbng nh^n
ndn (A) la dap an chinh xac.
on behalf of thay mat cho
Dip an dung (A)
dedication cong hien
outstanding vupt trpi
contribution dong gop 12.
reflect upon phin anh tren Glai thtch: Day la cau hoi yeu cau
achievement thanh tich suy luan ve Wiley. 0 phan cuoi doan
success thanh cbng
van dau ti&i cua van ban thd nhat

co ctoan "recognized his exemplary thanh mot nhan vi.t hie'm co cua
service to the school," co nghia la thanh pho chting ta." Nhp viy, (C)
"khen tang cho thanh tich doi vdi la dap an chinh xac.
trrfcfng" nen (B) la dap an chinh xac. Dap dn dung (C)
Dap an dung (B)
13. Gidi thich: Day la cau hoi ve the
Giai thich: Day la can hoi ve Dr. Caffrey School of Design nen ta can
Morales. Phan ddu doan van thtf hai doc va suy doan tif phin dau cua
cua van ban thu hai cho biet "Every van ban thtf hai, ncfi the Caffrey
citizen of this city is proud of Dr, School of Design xui't hien, Phan
Morales's for his high number of nay de cap rang Morales joined their
achievements after breaking into staff, ttSfc Morales da trdf thanh giang
the art world only a short time vi^n cua tnfPng, nhu viy (C) la dap
ago." tdc "Mpi ctf dan trong thanh an chinh xac.
pho deu tif hao ve Tien si Morales Dap an dung (C)
bed rat nhieu thanh tuu ma anh da
dat dupe sau lehi dan thin vao lang 16-20.
ngh£ thudt each day khong liu." Tif vpng:
longtime lau, thcii gian dai
n^n (A) la dap an chinh xac.
subcription dat mua dai han
Dap an dung (A)
award thifdng, t§ng
guess dif doan
14. focus on t$p trung vao
Gidi thich: Day la cau hoi ve nhung acclaim hoan h6, khen tang
replace thay the
dac tnfng trong tac pham cua Dr.
scale down giam xudng
Morales difa thco bai bao. Doan
considerably dang ke
van thtf hai cua bai bao cho hay launch ra mat
"distinctive way of combining his feedback phdn hoi
art in collaborative efforts with other anytime bat cuf khi nao
artists have made him a treasure in via thong qua
portfolio ho sd nang luc
our city." titc "Nhdng chu de mPi la
nearly gan nhu
va n6 life ket hpp cac tac pham cua
be familiar with quen vdi
minh vdi cac nghe si khac mot each article bai bao
that khac bEt da Idiidn rien si trd literary thuoc van hoc

self-published ti/ xuat ban
this June.) ta thay (A) chinh la dap
electronic thupc dien td
an dung.
available co the sCf dung, san cd
ability nang luc Dap an dung (A)
complete hoan toan
resume sd yeu ly [jch 18.
navigate dilu chinh Gidi thich: Day la cau hbi ve Dale
comprehensive tong hdp
Gazzette n6n ta phai tim dap an
as well as cung nhd
detail chi tiet dung cf van ban thtf nhat. Phan cuoi
in regards to lien quan tdi doan van thtf hai dd cap rang: "While
qualification dieu kien we will still have an entertainment
section In our newspaper, It will
be scaled down considerably.", ttfc
Giai thich: Vi day la cau hoi ve dieu
"Mac dil chung t6i vdn gitf muc giai
khong phai la dac tru'ng cua Gazzette
trl nay nhtfng muc nay se bi thu hep
Entertainment nen ta can phai tim lai dang ki", do do (B) la dap an
dap an dung a doan vSn rhif hai cua
chinh xac.
van ban thtf nhat. (A) ditcfc nhac dfe Dap An dung (B)
cf focus on news and happenings in the
Entertainment industry, (B) va (D) 19.
difcfc dd cap den o* Reviews of movies Giai thich: Vi day la cau h6i ve Mr.
and music. Nhu* vdy, (C) la dap an Pang nfin ta phai tim dap an dung d
chinh xac. van ban thtf hai. Thong qua phan dau
Dap in dung (C)
"My name is Henry Pang and I've
been working as a writer for nearly
20 years.", ta bidft rang Mr. Pang la
Giai thich; Day la cau hoi ve the
tac gid co 20 nam kinh nghiem.
Gazzette Entertainment ncn hien Dip an dung (A)
nhien ta phai tim dap an dung d
van bin thu" nhat. Tong hop doan 20.
van dau (wc will be awarding you Gidi thich: Vi ddy Id cau hoi vd Mr.
a free subscription to our new Pang n^n ta phdi tim dap an dung d
magazine) va dogn van thtf ba van ban thtf hai. Phan cuoi cua van
(We hope that you enjoy our new ban co cau If you are interested in
magazine, which will be launching hiring me to write as a freelancer,

you may email me from this site." an (C), cum be moving vi£t thanh

tufc "N6'u ban co nhu cau thu^ t6i change her adobe nen day la dap an

lam ngtfhi vid't tif do, ban co thd gill chinh xac.
Dap an dung (C)
e-mail cho t6i tit trang nay.", do do
(C) la dap an chinh xac.
Dap an dung (C) 22.
Giai thich: (B) la dap an gan nhat vcfi tif

21-25. handle co ngliia la "giii quydt, xif tri".

Tif vifng: Dap in diing (B)
offer de nghj
under difdi
upon vda mdi lam gi
Giii thich; Nha xuat ban ma Pitzel
permanent vTnh vi§n
temporary lam thdi sap ted lam viec difpc nhdc tdi of
responsibilty trach nhigm doan van thil hai cua bite thif ddu
handle gi^ii quyet tidn "handle several projects related
related to lidn quan d^n to Mathematics, English, Social
recommend gdi ti^n cif Studies, and Science", nhu v|y Pitzel
familiar with quen vdi
se lam vi^c v€ link vifc giao due.
background lai Ijch, hqc life
Dap in dung (B)
progress phal trien, ti^n bd
release phat bilu, ra mat
overwhelmed ap dao 24.
crucial quan trpng Gidi thich: Day la cau hoi yeu cau
temporary tarn thdi
suy ludn ve Wynne Pubishing's Stat
permanent vTnh vien
Times. Npi dung lien quan tcfi Stat
delegate dai diqn
currently hien tai Times difqc nhdc toi d doan van thif ba
concerning lien quan tdi cua van ban thif hai, "are unavailable
apologize tor xin loi vi currently were working on pieces
urgent khan cdp
concerning local art galleries, so I'd
like your team to pick up where they
left off", tdc la ngifdi gtfi ytu cau dpi
Giai thich: Day la can hoi ve Ms.
cua ngifdi nhatn viit bai ve cac phong
Pitzel. Phan cuoi cua doan van
trien lam dia phuong. Nhif vdy (D)
thil nMt d bijfc thif dau ti^n co de
la dap an chinh xac.
cS-p rang you will be moving here
Dap in dung (D)
from Buffalo, New York. Trong dap

Gidi thich: Doan van dau ti^n cua van
ban thuf nhat co de cip rang "You'll be
working in the education publications
department under Matthew Peterson",
ttfc Pitzel se lint vkc d bp ph^n xuat
bin giao due dithi quydn cua Matthew.
Hay n6i each khac, Matthew Peterson
la dip tr£n va co nhidu nam kinh
nghi^m. Nhii vdy, (B) la dap an diing.
Ddp an dung (B)

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