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20/05/2019 Seeds of Destiny 16 May 2019 Devotional – Effective Guide to a Solid Prayer Life | Flatimes

Topic: Effective Guide to a Solid Prayer Life [Seeds of Destiny 16 May

2019 Devotional]
Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor Paul Enenche

A prayerful person is one who has realised that he is hopeless and useless without God.

SCRIPTURE: And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence. Exodus 33:15.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A prayerful person is one who has realised that he is hopeless and useless without

Prayer is the expression of human helplessness and insufficiency without God. Prayer is the channel for the
realization and the actualization of the promises of God. This means that promises remain unrealised when
prayer is not in place in a person’s life. A prayerful person is one who has realised that he is hopeless and
useless without God.

The opposite is true of a prayerless person. Prayerlessness is a declaration of independence and self-sufficiency
from God.

When a person does not have a quality and solid prayer life, he is declaring his independence of God.
Prayerlessness could be an expression of pride and arrogance. And the worst thing that can happen to anyone is
living independent of God. Your prayerfulness is the strongest confirmation of your helplessness without God.

Now, what do we do to have a solid prayer life? What are the guides to a solid prayer life?

1. Never be too Busy to Pray (Mathew 6:33). Being too busy to pray is a product of inverted or up-side-down
priority. To be too busy to pray is to be too busy to live.
2. Never Delegate your Prayer Responsibility (Matt. 6:9). Prayer is not a delegable responsibility. You must pray
for yourself because you are not another person’s responsibility or priority.
3. Never Push Aside the Burden of Prayer (Matt. 26:36-41). Whenever you have the burden to pray, make sure
you pray until that burden is lifted.
4. Maintain a Regular prayer Schedule (1Thes 5:17). Let your prayer schedule be regular and not haphazard
(Daniel 6:10).
5. Never give up on God (Phil. 4:6). Never become too discouraged to pray. Your situation cannot make God a
liar. It does not matter what you are passing through; others passed through it and came out successfully. You
too are coming out if you refuse to give up.

REMEMBER THIS: A prayerful person is one who has realised that he is hopeless and useless without God. 1/1

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