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Title: Compose and simulate VHDL code for Mealy machine sequence detector. Give sequence
is “1011”.
Software: Xilinx ISE 14.7

Implementing Finite State Machine in VHDL
Sequential logic systems are Finite State Machine (FSMs). As FSMs, they consist of a set of
states, some inputs, some outputs, and a set of rules for moving from state to state. When doing
digital system design, it is very common to begin by defining how the system works with a finite
state machine model. This design step allows the designer to think about the design from a high-
level point of view without having to think much about what kind of hardware the system will be
implemented on or what design tools will be required to implement the design. Once the FSM is
fully designed, if it is designed well, it is easy to write out the design in a hardware description
language (such as Verilog or VHDL) for implementation on a digital IC (integrated circuit).
Types of finite state machines

There are many fsm(finite state machines) in existence. The two most popular used in digital
combinational and sequential circuits are 

 Melay Machine
 Moore Machine

Difference between melay vs moore machine

The main difference between melay and moore is the computation of the next state. In melay
machine the output depends on the current state and the input variables. Where as in moore
machine the output depends on the current state only. There are also other differences which are
hardly highlighted any where.

Moore Machine 

1. More number of states in moore compared to melay for same fsm. 

2. States changes after 1 clock cycle. Latency = 1.
3. Synchronous output. Because the states are determined in a process.
4. States are output.

Mealy Machine 

1. Less number of states in mealy compared to moore for same fsm.

2. State transition on the same clock cycle. Latency = 0.
3. Asynchronous output.
4. Transition are output.

Melay vs Moore machine difference

Note: Using below vhdl code write code for given sequence.
Mealy state machine require only three states st0,st1,st2 to detect the 101 sequence.

State Diagram:

VHDL code for Sequence detector (101) using mealy state machine
library IEEE;
entity mealy is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
din : in STD_LOGIC;
rst : in STD_LOGIC;
dout : out STD_LOGIC);
end mealy;
architecture Behavioral of mealy is
type state is (st0, st1, st2, st3);
signal present_state, next_state : state;
syncronous_process : process (clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (rst = '1') then
present_state <= st0;
present_state <= next_state;
end if;
end if;
end process;
next_state_and_output_decoder : process(present_state, din)
dout <= '0'; case (present_state) is when st0 =>
if (din = '1') then
next_state <= st1;
dout <= '0';
next_state <= st0;
dout <= '0'; end if; when St1 =>
if (din = '1') then
next_state <= st1;
dout <= '0';
next_state <= st2;
dout <= '0'; end if; when St2 =>
if (din = '1') then
next_state <= st1;
dout <= '1';
next_state <= st0;
dout <= '0'; end if; when others =>
next_state <= st0;
dout <= '0';
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
TestBench VHDL code for sequence detector using mealy State Machine

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
ENTITY tb_mealy IS
END tb_mealy;
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_mealy IS
-- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT)
clk : IN std_logic;
din : IN std_logic;
rst : IN std_logic;
dout : OUT std_logic
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal din : std_logic := '0';
signal rst : std_logic := '0';
signal dout : std_logic;
-- Clock period definitions
constant clk_period : time := 20 ns;
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: moore PORT MAP (
clk => clk,
din => din,
rst => rst,
dout => dout
-- Clock process definitions
clk_process :process
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2;
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2;
end process;
-- Stimulus process
stim_proc: process
rst <= '1';
wait for 100 ns;
rst <= '0';
din <= '0';
wait for 20 ns;
din <= '1';
wait for 20 ns;
din <= '0';
wait for 20 ns;
din <= '1';
wait for 20 ns;
din <= '0';
wait for 20 ns;
din <= '1';
wait for 20 ns;
din <= '0';
wait for 20 ns;
din <= '1';
end process;

Procedure: Write steps for creating project using Xilinx ISE14.7, create Testbench VHDL
program for source code and simulation steps. (Copy from your practical notebook)


Note: attached printout with this write up (vhdl code,RTL/Technology schematic,Testbench code
and waveforms)

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