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Education Updates

"Waiting for Superman" is a great propaganda documentary. I was almost manipulated

by it. Its propaganda will benefit hedge funders. The goal of the documentary is to
promote the private market for profit educational services (that can be traded on the
stock market and bet on derivatives). Barack Obama promoted this film's privatizing
project. It's a bait and switch deception of a film. The corporate media, billionaires from
the Wal Mart family (made up of reactionaries), Bill Gates, and even President Barack
Obama are ones in favor of the wrong side of this issue. They desire to have this public
educational market (worth possibly to be trillions of dollars) to aided in the funding of
more charter schools. Propaganda is shown in order to convince people to make public
school change into privately exploited markets (under the guise of Wall Street and hedge
saying that they wish to save public education). "Waiting for Superman" is one of the
slickest films on education in human history. Predatory capitalists funded the film and
they exploit the poor in Washington D.C. too. The reason is that they use a lottery
system to give only a few kids a chance to go into the 24 hour boarding charter place
called the Seed School. This school has dorms like a college or university (to fit 12 to 15
students). There are only 15 students for each teacher. The film callously promotes
the deception that replacing public school with a 24 hour prep school camp is a
possibility in inner city communities. One thing that the film has right is that public
schools are in bad shape. There are draconian educational cutbacks today. Teachers are
being fired by the thousands, curriculums are being scaled to the bone, and the film
promotes a prep school as a solution. Not to mention that many charter schools perform
worse than traditional public school counterparts than those that test better nationwide.
Bill Gates spent $2 million in a marketing plan to promote charter schools. Profiteers
love a hybrid publicly funded school system where corporatists control it. Democrats
and Republicans love this idea as both parties are the same wings of the same hawk of
nepotism. That is why finance capitalists have recently used Democrats (given left wing
cover like on the war on terror) in order to promote this new war on teachers and the
very idea of public education. This exploits the historical grievances of numerous Black
parents. The covert agenda of the elite to infiltrate and destroy public education is
apparent for anyone to see. If charter schools are more common, poorer communities
will suffer when public schools die off. Some have accuse charter schools of spreading
segregating (or de facto segregation) and undermining unions. An University of
California–Los Angeles (UCLA) Civil Rights Project study entitled, “Choice without
Equity: Charter School Segregation and the Need for Civil Rights Standards,” reported
that charter schools, particularly those in the western United States, are havens for white
re-segregation from public schools. “The charter movement has flourished in a
period of retreat on civil rights,” stated UCLA professor Gary Orfield, co-director
of the project. We don't need the corporate takeover or privatizing of public
education (as been promoted by Bill Bennett and the Heritage Foundation for
decades). In a bigger level of thinking, this agenda is the continuation of the neo-
liberal/ neo-con free market plan that desiring to privatize as many institutions as
possible. Arne Duncan earlier this year had the GALL to say that Katrina was the best
thing to happen to New Orleans Schools. That was wrong. Katrina killed thousands of
people and devastated New Orleans. The mainstream media can talk about Van Jones,
but not Duncan. The great Erasmus wanted education to be great without a lust for
profit (in response to teacher, Johann Witz, had written Erasmus, explaining that he was
considering quitting teaching and moving instead to a higher paying and more influential
position, perhaps at court. This was written in 1516). He wrote that:

"...To be a school master is an office second in importance to a King. Do you think it a

mean task to take your fellow-citizens in their earliest years, to instill into them from the
beginning sound learning and Christ himself, and return them to your country as so
many honorable upright men? Fools may think this is a humble office; in reality, it is very
splendid. For if even among Gentiles it was always an excellent and noble thing to
deserve well of one’s country, I will not mince my words: no one does more for it than
the man who shapes its unformed young people, provided he himself is learned and
honorable—and you are both, so equally that I do not know in which of them you
surpass yourself. ... An upright man who is above all temptation is what that office
needed, a man devoted to his duties even if he is paid nothing..."
There have been a lot of discussions about education. People want to follow the model
of Finland in order to improve the education system in general. People know about the
problems in the school system from poor quality schools, low test scores, bullying, and
other problems. Now, folks want independent solutions to solve the problem. Even
D.C. has little political power or its own statehood. Now, more Democratic individuals
want to find more corporate solutions to solve educational issues. Some of the reforms
that the mainstream media loves are corporate and foundation sponsored school reform.
Even Washington, D.C. residents don't want a voucher program. “It's not the first time
we've sent that message,” DC native Marian Douglas-Ungaro told Black Agenda Report.
“The last time they let us vote on a voucher plan was back in the eighties. DC
voters rejected it by a nine to one margin. We have a real anti colonial mentality
here because we've been treated like a colony for so long.” She isn't exaggerating
about Washington, D.C. being treated as a colony. The reason is that D.C. is deprived of
a real tax base. D.C. wasn't even allowed to elect its own mayor until the seventies. The
Republicans used slick tactics to get vouchers in Washington, D.C. when many
people opposed it in 2003. The Republicans made a meeting in the dead of night
to pass the voucher bill by a single vote when the entire Congressional Black
Caucus was away at a presidential debate in Baltimore. Democratic Senators Robert
Byrd and Diane Feinstein voted with the Republicans for the voucher program, but
Feinstein hypocritically opposed vouchers in her home state of California. Mayor Fenty
and chancellor of DC schools Michelle Rhee support charter and private schools. Rhee
fired hundreds of experienced teachers (most of whom were black and female). Rhee
used abuse as a means to justify her action. Of course, the corporate media, even CNN,
the rich, and the Washington Post love her. Rhee was shocked that voters voted Fenty
down. The Waiting for Superman is a popular pro-privatization film too. The legitimate
grievance of problems in public schools is used in the film as a slick excuse to promote
school, corporate privatization (Rhee addressed Bill Gates, John Legend, and people
from Congress with corporate and foundation elite ties). The elite want to infiltrate and
dismantle most if not all public schools to be replace with charter and private schooling.
There is nothing wrong with private or homeschooling, but public schools
shouldn't be killed in the process. DC's incoming mayor Vincent Gray had the
support of teachers unions and many residents who vehemently opposed the
Rhee-Fenty agenda of privatizing education. Gray can't afford to openly dismiss
and disregard the opponents of privatization. I do agree with Michelle Rhee
though that the children’s well being educationally should take precedence above
the interests of teachers or unions. Frankly, education is all about helping
children in a paramount fashion.

More Democrats support the privatization agenda like the Secretary of Education. That is why
tons of people are legitimately fighting against gentrification, privatization, etc. as found in some
in the Freedom Party. They want DC Statehood, which I have no problem with whosoever. The
Democrats like the Republicans are 2 heads of the same hawk of nepotism (with their house
slaves of many races running around supporting both parties like they are the "Master" when God
is my only MASTER). Independent educational solutions include smaller class sizes, more
funding for modernizing equipment and supplies, group plus peer learning, better phonic
techniques, focus on the arts, focus on math plus science (including technology), better parent
and student intervention, allows the federal government to fund education where it's needed
(while have some local control in educational services), student centered projects, etc. You don’t’
have to starve public schools out (under the guise of attacking unions) and replace them with
charter schools in order to achieve this plan. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is
an enemy. He wants to cut wages, get rid of tenure, cut pensions, and cut
public education by millions of dollars, etc. He's going after teachers and
unions. He's an union buster and Republicans are known for being against
organized labor for decades. He supports tax breaks for the top 2 percent
of income earners and restricts benefits from teachers.

Many scholars like John Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Samuel Blumenfeld, John Gatto,
and others have exposed how the establishment used tactics to manipulate the
educational system in order for people to be malleable to the elite’s goals of
globalization, extreme conformity, and a lessening of intellectual curiosity (that
glamorizes anti-intellectualism. It’s this anti-intellectualism that is one of the reasons
why we are in the straits that we’re in now). It’s not a secret that Secret orders like
Freemasonry have infiltrated much of our educational system. Immortality and
falsehoods promoted in the classrooms have lowered test scores as well. Some
Freemasons promoted the agenda of making public schools compulsory for all
students (in places like Oregon where many of its Governors have been Freemasons).
This act is a violation of the freedom of conscience and the freedom of association
among students to voluntarily choice either public or private schooling. Some of the
Freemasons didn’t want the Bible to be taught in public schools either not
even as an elective (for comparative religion). William F. Woodward, a Mason
and a long-time school board member, in a talk entitled "Our public schools as a
Masonic objective." given to the Unity and Mt. Hood Lodges (Feb. 24, 1936)
reported that, "It may interest you, my Brothers, to know that in this District over
forty-three per cent of teachers, supervisors and principals are members of our
Masonic Body." Woodward mentioned that: "Now having thrust the Bible from our
public schools as a textbook we must depend upon untaught, though accepted,
principles of conduct resting largely upon home influence and training, too often in
these chaotic days, lacking...This must not be a Protestant, Jewish, Roman Catholic,
Seven-Day Adventist, or any other particular type of religious nation." The Scottish
Rite promoted other extreme policies like fighting against release time programs by
public schools for religious education. Conversely, the Papacy wanted the
government to fund its parochial schools explicitly, which is against the establishment
clause of the Constitution. JFK opposed these plans. Religious freedom historically
was opposed by the Papacy, some Protestants (like Anglicans) and the Monarchs of
Europe. This is why the Framers of the Constitution wanted people to have the right
to worship God without oppression. Thousands of people came into America to
escape repression against individual liberties over in Europe. The Constitution was
formed in the late 1700’s, which is similar to the England Law.

The Left Gatekeepers in the religious debate want suppress as much religious freedom as
possible publicly, which is wrong. The Right Gatekeepers want to merge religion and
government as much as possible (which is wrong too increasing the risk of a theocracy).
Shills like R. J. Rushdoony used Dominionist theology in order to use the Silent Majority
rhetoric from Richard Nixon (he had a speech on it from November 3, 1969) to evolve
into the establishment’s “Religious Right.” Rushdoony promoted Christian
Reconstruction via his book called, “By What Standard.” He was a so-called Reformed
Presbyterian theologian. The book promoted the false idea that the United States is just a
pure Christian nation. Rushdoony was called a radical even by Fundamentalists back in
the day. Gary North and other Dominionists (including some in the Charismatic
Movement like Pat Robertson) supported his views, while real Christians rejected them.
The neo-theocrats’ goals are similar to the edict of compulsory church attendance by the
ancient Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great. Some Charismatic/Dominionist leaders
(like Kenneth Copeland, Bill Hamon, Pat Robertson ,and Malcolm Smith) want to allow
Christians to take over the government to form a new Kingdom of God on Earth, which is
immoral and unscriptural. In a speech in 1984, Robertson declared, “I want you to
imagine a society where the church members have taken dominion over the forces of the
world…the people of God inherit the earth…and they are going to because I am
persuaded that we are standing on the brink of the greatest spiritual revival the
world has ever known.” These Reconstructionists reject an immanent, Premillennial
Coming of Jesus Christ. They believe that the coming of Christ’s Kingdom ought to be
forced by the implementation of their version of Biblical Law. The deal is that
mainstream religion is just as much an instrument from the establishment to strife true
spirituality (as as political and economic tactics). False religion is truly the opiate of the
masses. When you get older, you will realize this. It isn’t just one religion. I don’t need
worship Nature or idols as God. I don’t need some bowing down to idols or statues, I
don’t want to share power with some slave traders, I don’t need some Nicean, pro-
Constantine faux Christianity, I don’t need to embrace Muslim imperialists butchering
brothers and sisters in Africa, I will reject the notion that God is non-Personal, I don’t do
Ave Maria, and I don’t wish to take some wafer to increase my spiritual state either.
Foolish rituals yield no real connection with the Creator at all. We should have balance,
worship of the one true God, help to the poor and disadvantaged (among males & females
since both genders are suffering today), and follow legitimate moral principles to benefits
our souls. That’s true manna and true power.

The elite (using the Rockefeller Foundation to infiltrate much of the public school
system in the USA) love the dogmas of Hegel and John Dewey. Dewey falsely
believed that man existed for the state. He said that: “…The State is the absolute
reality and the individual himself has objective existence, truth and morality
only in his capacity as a member of the state." The reality is that man has
supremacy over the state and ought to control it to benefit the general welfare of the
people. Dewey signed the anti-Christian 1933 Humanist Manifesto. The Humanist
Manifesto I of 1933 states that a new religion must be created, and the Manifesto
describes a picture of their desired New Age religion that is "synthesizing", and for
"the complete realization of human personality", etc. Many other educators then and
now promoted a world educational system that is similar to the new world order
agenda among the establishment.

Today, we have Wall Street controlling the functions of American government. This can
make real, comprehensive economic recovery difficult to achieve. The elite financial
class refuses to invest in production of real resources and they promote raids on society.
A real recovery allows decent jobs to exist with decent wages. There is real employment
and this is a part of real economic growth. Ironically, with President Barack Obama in
office, the instrument of Wall Street has conquered the economic system in America.
Trillions of dollars have been used to bail out financial institutions. This is much more
than the $700 billion TARP bank bailout system. So, the government was giving the
banks 20 times as large a bailout as the Congress had voted for. Then, a year later, in
July of 2009, Neil Barofsky dropped another bomb: the total federal bailout of the
financial class could be $23.7 trillion, about 34 times the TARP bailout and approaching
twice the gross domestic product of the United States. But it gets worse. This is why
Congress people from across the political spectrum want the FED to submit an audit.
Wall Street don’t just steal money. The FED lends banks money at no interests. The
banks then use their power to buy U.S. Treasury bonds for which the banks paid
interests. This gives daily taxpayer subsidy to Wall Street in trillions of dollars. There are
derivative casinos too. This system is worth at 600 to 1,000 trillion dollars – many times
more than the real economy of the planet – and they spend a portion of their stolen loot
to buy politicians to help them steal more money from the government. Wall Street’s five
biggest banks have had the 2nd highest revenues on record. They put aside some $90
billion for yearend bonuses.

Finland has education benefits. They have studied algebra, geometry and statistics since
the first grade. They are ranked #1 in many categories as it relates to student education.
That is why American educators and researchers want to use the Finland model (and
influence from Singapore, Australia, South Korea, Switzerland, etc. to help end the
educational crisis in America). Finland used actions that help them to adjust in the 21st
century economy. Finland has people learning Finnish, Swedish, and English. They have
governmental support for parental leave, day care, and healthcare in exchange for
high taxes. Finland has a culture of trusting teachers (and requiring all new
teachers to have master degrees if teachers want to teach in primary or secondary
schools since 1979). Finland has an abundance of high quality teachers to improve
student achievement. Each school in Finland supports a national curriculum. Yet, the
testing allows students to be critical thinking and problem solving. The national board
samples students' skills periodically and gives feedback to schools (not the public) so they
can see how they compare with the national average. So, Finland has a single,
straightforward curriculum for all students. They expect great results from all students
and use strong extra teaching resources to get those results. The teachers are well trained
and they love to have the freedom to teach. The teachers are given more independence
to have control over how they ran their classroom. So, these lessons and more can
improve American educational system (along with learning art, design, economics,
engineering, math, science, etc.).

By Timothy

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