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(CE 370)

Analysis of Singly Reinforced Rectangular
Beams- Examples


CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017


 Objectives of the present lecture

 Nominal Moment in RC Beams
 Steps in determining the design moment capacity
 Problems
 Further reading

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Objectives of the Present lecture

 To illustrate how to calculate nominal moment

capacity of singly reinforced rectangular RC beams
through examples.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Analysis of RC Beams
Determination of Moment Capacity

• Analysis of existing RC beams is somewhat different from the

analysis and check involved in the design stage.
• For new beams to be designed, all code provisions must be
enforced. If any condition is not satisfied, the design must be
• For existing beams, the analysis must be completed and any
deficiencies reported. If for instance the section is not tension
controlled or not satisfying minimum steel condition, its
nominal and design moments must still be determined using
appropriate strength reduction factors.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Strength Reduction factors  for Beams

• Tension control condition is required in all beam design

problems, with a strength reduction factor ( = 0.90)
• In analysis problems however, other cases may be met.
• The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the
tensile steel strain at the extreme (bottom) layer:
If  s  0.005  Tension control :   0.90
If ε y   s  0.005  In transition zone :
εt  ε y 250
  0.65  0.25 ; For Grade 420 :   0.65  ( t  0.002)
0.005  ε y 3
If ε s   y  Compression control :   0.65
(If  s  0.005 : Not tension controlled, Rejected by SBC)

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Nominal Moment in RC Beams

 The main difficulty in analysis

problems is that it is not known
whether steel has yielded or not.
Existing beams may have been
designed as over reinforced with steel
not yielding at failure.
 Yielding case is much simpler as the
steel stress is then known and
constant fy
 It is usually first assumed that steel
has yielded and if it turns out that it
has not, then a different method is

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Nominal Moment Strength: Tension Steel Yielding
0.85 f c'
 cu  0.003

1c  a C c  0.85 f c' ab

Axis a
h d d
T  As f y

s   y
(a) Beam section (b) Strain distribution (c) Stress distribution and internal forces
As f y f y d As
For equilibrium, Cc  T  0.85 f c' ab  As f y  a   
 tensile steel ratio.
0.85 f c' b 0.85 f c'
The reinforcing steel is
 a  a limited to an amount
Nominal strength : M n  T  d    M n  As f y  d   that it will yield well
 2  2 before the concrete
 a reaches its ultimate
Design strength : M n  As f y  d   strength
 2
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 7 May 28, 2017
Nominal Moment Strength: Tension Steel Not Yielding
0.85 f c'
 cu  0.003

1c  a C c  0 .85 f c' ab

Axis a
h d d
T  As f s  As E s  s

s  y
(a) Beam section (b) Strain distribution (c) Stress distribution and internal forces

d c d c
T  As f s  As Es s  As Es  
 cu  A E
s s 0.003
 c   c 
Cc  0.85 f c'ba  0.85 f c'b1c

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 8 May 28, 2017


 d c d c '

Cc  T  0.85 f b1c  As Es   cu T  As Es  0.003; Cc  0.85 f c b1c
 c   c 
T  Cc  Take average of the two as T
 d c
 0.85 f c'b1c  As Es cu  0
 c 
 a
  0.85 f b1 ;   As Es cu
Nominal strength : M n  T  d  
 2
 d c
 c    0
 c 
  c 2   ( d  c )  0  c 2   c  (   d )  0
    2  4 d )
c  (Take positive solution)

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Steps in Determining the Design Moment Capacity
As  f ' 1. 4 
1. Find stee ratio   ,  min  Max. c ,  If   
min OK. Go to the next step.
bd  4f fy 
 y 
As f y a
2. Assume tension steel yielding; find a  and c 
0.85 f c' b 1
d c d c
3. Find strain in tensile steel  s  (0.003) T  As Es  '
0.003; Cc  0.85 f c b1c
 c 
 a T  Cc  Take average of the two as T
4a. If  s   y  OK yielding : M n  As f y  d  
 2  a
Nominal strength : M n  T  d  
 2
4b. If  s   y : Steel not yielding. Then

    2  4 d ) 5. Design moment capacity  M n

c (Take positive solution)
  0.85 f c'b1 ;   As Es cu

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017


Determine the design moment capacity M n of the beam section shown in Figure below
if f c'  30 MPa and f y  420 MPa.

4   28 All dimensions are in mm.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

 
4    28 2 
A 4   2461.76  0.0109
Stee ratio   s 
bd 375  600 225000

 f ' 1. 4 
 min  Max  c ,   Max  30 , 1.4   Max 0.0033,0.0033  0.0033
 4 fy fy   4  420 420 
   

    min OK

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Assume that the tension steel is
yielding, so fs = fy. Then
As f y
4   28
2461.76  420
a   108.12 mm
0.85 f c' b 0.85  30  375 75 s
a 108.12 375
 a  1c  c    127.20 mm All dimensions are in mm.
1 0.85
d c
s  (0.003)  a  a
c  M n  T  d    As f y  d  
 2  2
600  127.2
 s  (0.003)  0.0111  108.12 
127.2  M n  2461.76  420 600  
  s  0.0111  0.005  2 
Section is tension controlled.  M n  564.46  106 Nmm  M n  564.46 kNm
   0.90  Design moment capacity M n  0.9  564.46 kNm
 M n  508.0 kNm

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 13 May 28, 2017

Lumping of Tension steel layers at Centroid

 If tension steel is arranged in two or more layers,

these can be, in the calculations, replaced by a single
steel area at their centroid. This Layer lumping
(assembly) simplifies analysis and design equations.
 Standard beam design cannot in fact deal with more
than one tension steel layer.
 As layer strains are different, lumping is only
Notation details :
justified if all tension layers have yielded (and have
d min , εmin : At minimum depth layer
the same yield stress).
 Tension steel depth d must therefore be computed at dt , εt : At max.depth (bottom) layer
the centroid of the layers. d , εs : At tension steel centroid
 Yielding must be checked at the least tensioned layer
with minimum depth dmin Required steel-strain checks:
 It is therefore unsafe to check yielding at the centroid One layer :  t  0.005
 Performing tension control check at the centroid is εmin   y
Many layers : 
uneconomical. It should be performed at the most  t  0.005
tensioned extreme bottom layer (dt).
One layer : εmin   s   t
Many layers : εmin   s   t

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017


Determine the design moment capacity M n of the beam section shown in Figure below
if f c'  30 MPa; f y  420 MPa; Clear Cover  40 mm; and Size of stirrups  10 mm.

6   20

All dimensions are in mm

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Calculation of dt and d

dt d
d 500
d t  h  Clear Cover  d s  b
2 6   20
 d t  500  40  10  20 / 2  440 mm 30 g
300 40  10  20 / 2  60
Distance of tension reinforcement centroid
All dimensions are in mm
from the bottom of the beam ( g ) :

A ysi i

As1 y1  As 2 y2
A si As1  As 2

4   / 4  20 (40  10  10)  2   / 4  20 (10  30  10  60)
2 2

4   / 4  20   2   / 4  20 
2 2

1256  60  628 110

g  76.7 mm
1256  628
 d  h  g  500  76.7  423.3 mm

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Solution (Contd.)
 
6    20 2 
A 4   1884  0.0145
Stee ratio   s 
bd 300  423.3 126990

 f ' 1. 4 
 min  Max  c ,   Max  30 , 1.4   Max 0.0033,0.0033  0.0033
 4 fy fy   4  420 420 
   

    min OK

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Solution (Contd.)

Assume that the tension steel is  a  a

 M n  T  d    As f y  d  
yielding, so fs = fy. Then  2  2
 103.44 
As f y 1884  420  M n  1884  420 423.3  
a   103.44 mm  2 
0.85 f c' b 0.85  30  300
 M n  294.02  10 6 Nmm  M n  294.02 kNm
a 103.44
 a  1c  c    121.7 mm  Design moment capacity M n  0.9  294.02 kNm
1 0.85
 M n  264.6 kNm

Let us perform tension control test at the steel centroid

d c
s  (0.003)
423.3  121.7
 s  (0.003)  0.0074
  s  0.0074  0.005
Section is tension controlled    0.90

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017


Determine the design moment capacity M n of the beam section shown in Figure below
if f c'  30 MPa; f y  420 MPa; Clear Cover  40 mm; and Size of stirrups  10 mm.

Note: Problem-3
and 2 are the
500 same; they differ
6   32 only in the area of
30 tension steel.

All dimensions are in mm

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Calculation of dt and d

dt d
d 500
d t  h  Clear Cover  d s  b
2 6   32
 d t  500  40  10  32 / 2  434 mm 30 g
300 40  10  32 / 2  66

Distance of tension reinforcement centroid All dimensions are in mm

from the bottom of the beam ( g ) :

A ysi i

As1 y1  As 2 y2
A si As1  As 2

4   / 4  32 (40  10  32 / 2)  2   / 4  32 (32 / 2  30  32 / 2  66)
2 2

4   / 4  20  2   / 4  20 
2 2

3215.4  66  1607.7  128

g  86.7 mm
3215.4  1607.7
 d  h  g  500  86.7  413.3 mm

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Solution (Contd.)
 
6    32 2 
A 4   4823.04  0.0389
Stee ratio   s 
bd 300  413.3 123990

 f ' 1.4 
 min  Max  c ,   Max  30 , 1.4   Max 0.0033,0.0033  0.0033
 4 fy fy   4  420 420 
   

    min OK

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Solution (Contd.)
Note: If section is not tension-
Assume that the tension steel is controlled at the tension steel
yielding, so fs = fy. Then centroid. Then find the strain at
bottom most layer of tension steel
As f y 4823.04  420
a   264.8 mm to calculate the .
0.85 f c' b 0.85  30  300
a 264.8
 a  1c  c    311.5 mm
1 0.85

Let us perform tension control test at the steel centroid

d c
s  (0.003)
413.3  311.5
 s  (0.003)  0.0009
  s  0.0009   y ( 0.002 for Grade - 420 steel)
Tension steel is not yielding  Over reinforced section

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Solution (contd.)

Calculation of c, T and Cc d c

T  As f s  As Es  s  As Es   cu
 c 
Since the section is over reinforced,  413.3  260.7 
T  4823.04  2 105    0.003
tension steel stress is not equal to fy  260.7 
 T  1693,891 N  1693.9 kN
    2  4 d
c Cc  0.85 f c'ba  0.85 f c'b1c  0.85  30  300  0.85  260.7
where,  Cc  1695,201 N  1695.2 kN
  0.85 f c'b1 ; and   As Es cu  T  1693.9 kN  Cc  1695.2 kN

  0.85 f c'b1  0.85  30  300  0.85  6502.5

  As Es cu  4823.04  2 105  0.003  2.89 106

 2.89 10 6  2.89 10 6 2
 4  6502.5  2.89 10 6  413.3
2  6502.5
 2.89 10 6  6.28  10 6
2  6502.5
3.39  106
c  260.7 mm (Taking positive sign)

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Solution (contd.)
1693.9  1695.2
An average value of T  Cc   1694.6 kN will be used to calculate M n .
Then, using a  1c  0.85  260.7  221.6 mm
 a  221.6 
 M n  T  d    1694.6  103   413.3  
 2   2 
 M n  512.6 10 6 Nmm  M n  512.6 kNm

dt  c
t  (0.003)
434  221.6
 t  (0.003)  0.0029
  t  0.002  0.0029  0.005
Section is a transition zone section.
250 250
  0.65  ( t  0.002)  0.65  (0.0029  0.002)  0.73
3 3
 Design moment capacity M n  0.73  512.6 kNm
 M n  374.2 kNm
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017
Effect of Tension Steel ratio

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Further Reading

Read more about the Flexural analysis of an RC beam

1. Reinforced concrete, Mechanics and Design by
James K. Wight and James G. Macgregor, Fifth
Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
2. Design of Reinforced Concrete by Jack C.
McCormac and Russell H. Brown, Eighth Edition,
John Wiley & Sons.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Thank You

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

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