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Creating an OMR Quiz:

1) Log in to Moodle as an administrator or any user who has privileges to manage quizzes.

2) Under “available courses” section click on the course in which you want to create a quiz.

3) click on “turn editing on” button if it is not done already.

4) click on “add an activity” in desired week/topic and select “quiz”.

5) Now a quiz editing form will open. It will have following fields that are relevant for OMR quiz.
Enter the information based on this table.

Field Description
Name(mandatory) Name of the quiz.
Note: Quiz name should not contain the following characters
1 single or double or back quotes.
2 back or front slash.
If these characters are used for quiz naming then the uploaded answers file
to Moodle's files area will not be retrievable.
Introduction This is the introduction of the quiz. Text entered here will be used as
instructions for the offline exam and will be printed on the quiz paper.
Type of quiz Select “omr” to create the omr quiz. Selecting “default” makes it a normal
online quiz.
Open the This is the time from when quiz will be available to attempt. The date part
quiz(mandatory for omr) of it is used as the date of the offline quiz and will be printed on the quiz
Close the For online quiz this is the time after which user cannot attempt the quiz. For
quiz(mandatory for omr) offline quiz the scanned omr data files should be uploaded before this time.
After this time answer file upload will not be allowed.
Time limit (mandatory This is the duration of the quiz. It will be printed as duration on the quiz
for omr) paper.

→ After creating the OMR quiz you will be able to shuffle the questions even if you selected “No” for
“shuffle questions” in the quiz editing form.
→Negative marking is not supported by Moodle. The “apply penalties” option does not correspond to
negative marking and is related to “adaptive mode” only.
→For offline attempts, adaptive mode does not make any sense so it can be set to “no”.

Rest all the fields can be ignored or filled as per requirement.

6 ) To save the changes click on “save and return to course” or “save and display”.
Adding questions to the quiz:
1) Click on the quiz in the course page and then click on the edit tab.
If you submitted the quiz by clicking “save and display” button the edit tab is automatically selected.

2) In the right side frame of the web page select the desired questions “category” to select questions
from OR click on “create new question” list and choose “multiple choice” to create a new multiple
choice question.

3) Now select questions that you want to include in the quiz and click “Add to quiz”.
This way questions are added to the quiz.

Uploading OMR configuration file:

1- Structure of configuration file-

name_of_the_parameter : value_of_the_parameter

2- Contents of the configuration file:

following are the contents of the configuration file(order does not matter):
rollnoposition : Position of roll number in scanned omr file.
rollnolength : Length of the roll number.
ansposition : position of the answer string in scanned omr file.
variantposition : position of the variant number in scanned omr file.
variantlength : length of the variant number.
variantcount : number of variants required for the OMR quiz.

3- Example of configuration file:


4- Process
1) Click on the OMR tab. System will ask for OMR configuration upload if the configuration file is
not already uploaded.

2) Click on “browse” under “import from file upload” section and click “upload this file” to upload the
configuration file present on your file system.
Click on “choose or upload a file” under “import from file already in course files..” section and click
“import from this file” to import the configuration file that is already present in files area of Moodle.

3) If you are re uploading the OMR configuration file involving a change in the parameter
“variantcount” then a warning will be shown that:

“if you change the OMR configuration then all the existing answer data and user attempts made on
that data for this OMR quiz will be erased”.
Click “yes” if you intend to do so. Click “no” otherwise.
After the file upload, contents of the file are displayed on the screen.
Click on the “continue” button to decide the variants of quiz.

Creating variants:

1) Generating Variant Numbers:

a) Click on the OMR tab and then variants tab.

b) If not created already, based on the OMR configuration parameter “variantcount” that many number
of variants will be created automatically with empty “variant number” field and a default question
sequence in “question sequence” field. This is the sequence of the questions as present in the master
Note: in the question sequence field each question is represented by its unique id.

c) enter the desired variant number for each of the variants if not done already and click on “save
changes” button.
Note: variant numbers are unique for a quiz

2) Deciding Question Sequence for each variant:

There are three options for deciding question sequence for a variant.
a) change sequence directly from the text area by placing the question ids at desired place. The
sequence should be comma separated with a 0 at the end of the sequence.

b) Automatic Shuffle: For shuffling the question sequence click on the “shuffle” button.
Click on the “save changes” button to save the changes made by shuffling the questions.

c) Manual Shuffle: For shuffling questions manually click on the “manual shuffle” button. Use up and
down arrows to move a question up and down.

3) Adding page breaks:

A page break after a question means the next question will appear on a new page. Page breaks can be
added in the question sequence by two ways.

a) Page break in “question sequence” text area:

add a '0' in the “question sequence” text area at the desired place and click on “save changes” button.

b) Page break using “Manual Shuffle”: click on “manual shuffle” button then click on “show page
breaks” and use up arrow present against last page break to introduce a new page break. Then place it
at the desired place using up and down arrows.

Printing variants:
If variants are already created then the variants can be viewed and printed.

1) Click on “preview” link present against the variant that you wish to preview. A printable version of
the variant will be presented on the screen.
2) Now click on your browser's print preview option to see the layout of the questions along with page
breaks. You can go back and adjust the question sequence or page break position if layout is not proper.

3) Click on your web browser's print button to get a hard copy of the quiz paper.

Attendance in OMR quiz is not compulsory. But if you upload attendance for an OMR quiz then you
have an option to test the validity of the students against this attendance also apart from regular
validation against enrollments for the course.

1) Structure of the attendance file:

Attendance file have roll numbers one at each line like

2) Uploading attendance:
1) Click on the “omr” tab and then click on attendance tab.
2) Click on “browse” under “import from file upload” section and click “upload this file” to upload the
attendance file present on your file system.
Click on “choose or upload a file” under “import from file already in course files..” section and click
“import from this file” to import the attendance file that is already present in files area of Moodle.

Structure of the scanned OMR answers file:

roll number, name, variant number, answer string.

Sample contents of the scanned OMR answers file:



Upload Scanned OMR Answer sheet file:

1) click on the “omr” tab then click on answers tab. Now an upload form will appear on the screen.

2) Click on “browse” under “import from file upload” section and click “upload this file” to upload the
scanned OMR answers file present on your file system.
Click on “choose or upload a file” under “import from file already in course files..” section and click
“import from this file” to import the scanned OMR answers file that is already present in files area of
Answer files uploaded earlier can also be uploaded again.
Refer to section “Retrieving earlier uploaded answer data”

Note: The uploaded answers are automatically saved in Moodle's files area in a directory named
“answers” under another directory having name as the name of the quiz for which the answers are
So do not use the characters as mentioned in the section “creating an OMR quiz” for naming the quiz.

Answer data analysis:

Answer data analysis is done for detecting problems with the uploaded records. There are two types of
analysis available for uploaded answer data.

a) Record wise analysis: When you upload the answer data then the system automatically performs the
analysis and shows it record by record. If answers were already uploaded then just click the “upload
answers” tab to see the record wise analysis of answer data.

b) error category wise analysis: under the “upload answers” tab click on the “diagnostics:” list and
choose “category wise” and click on “show” button.
Diagnostics will be shown based on error category.

Corrective actions on answer data:

After seeing the diagnostics the user should manually change the problematic records in the scanned
answers file and re upload that file to system.

For re uploading an answer file go to “upload answers” tab and click on the “change” button present at
the bottom of the page and follow the procedure as described in “Upload answers” section above.

NOTE: Do not change original scanned OMR data file. Always make a copy of it and do the changes
on that file.

Processing of offline attempt data:

For processing the answers data
1) Click on the OMR tab then click on “process attempts” tab. A list of correct and incorrect records
will be displayed.

2) Click on “process” button to process the correct records. System will process the correct records and
will navigate to results page.

Item analysis:
When results are processed you can analyze the results using Item Analysis.

In the results tab click on the “item analysis” sub tab. System will show you the analysis using various

Detecting ambiguous/erroneous questions using Item analysis and correcting them:

Using item analysis we can find out for each question that how many students answered that correctly,
how many opted a particular incorrect option etc. Based on these parameters user can detect
ambiguous/erroneous questions.
Refer to Moodle's documentation for item analysis.

After detecting the ambiguous/erroneous questions
1) go to Moodle's question bank.

2) Correct the ambiguous/erroneous question by editing the question.

3) Store the description of corrective actions taken on the question along with that question as
described in the next section.

Storing the corrective actions:

For storing the corrective actions follow these steps:

1) go to the “edit” tab and under the actions tab click on the edit icon for the question for which you
want to store the corrective action.

2) In the text area for general feedback add the corrective action in the following format
correction number:
correction date:
corrective action:

correction number: 1
correction date: 2-2-09
corrective action: changed the option third from “earth” to mars.
correction number:2
correction date: 14-6-09
corrective action: question canceled.

Canceling a question:
If a question is canceled, nobody is graded for that question. And weightage of rest of the questions
increases. For example if there are 10 questions of 10 marks each and a question is canceled then there
will be 9 questions of 11.11 marks each.

For canceling a question

1) Click on the quiz.

2) Click on the edit tab.

3) In the text area under the field “grade”, set the grade as 0 against the question you want to cancel and
click on “save changes” button.

4) Now regrade the attempts by clicking on “results” tab and then “regrade” tab.

5) Store the description of corrective actions as described in the section “storing the corrective action”;
Providing alternate answer:
If the number of students selecting a wrong option is greater then the number of students selecting the
right option then that wrong option can be made as alternate answer for that question. That way the
students selecting that alternate answer will be awarded full credit.

For making an option as alternate answer of a question:

1) go to the quiz by clicking on the name of the quiz.

2) click on the edit tab

3) Under the “actions” field, click on the edit icon in front of the question for which you want to
provide alternate answer.

4) Set the grade as 100 % for the choice that you want to make as an alternate answer.

5) click on the “save changes” button.

6) Now regrade the attempts by clicking on the results tab and then on regrade tab.

7) Store the description of corrective actions as described in the section “storing the corrective action”;

Retrieving earlier uploaded answer data:

For retrieving the answer data file already uploaded to Moodle's files area:
1) go to the course under which this quiz is present.

2) click on “files” present in the administration block.

3) click on folder with the name as the name of the quiz of which you want to access the uploaded
answer data file.

4) click the “answers” folder and select the file that you want to retrieve.

Note: If a file is uploaded more than once using OMR system's answers upload then these uploaded
files are renamed as given below.
File name answers
1st upload:- answer
2nd upload:- answers_1
3rd upload:- answers_2 and so on
so detecting the latest uploaded file becomes easy.

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