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Readiness of Engineering Students towards E- Learning courses

offered by Digital shark technology in South India.

Demographic Factors:
1) Name:
2) Age:
3) Gender:
4) Branch in Engineering:
5) I joined Engineering course through
a) CET b) College Entrance c) Any Other mode ___________
6) How familiar are you with e-learning websites?
a) Very familiar b) Familiar c) Neutral d) not familiar
7) I have heard of the following e-learning platforms
a) edX b) Udemy c) Course era d) Udacity e) LinkedIn Learning f) Lynda
8) In a week on an average, how many hours do u spend on e-learning platforms?
a) 2hours b) 4 hours c) 6 hours d) 8 hours e) more than 10 hours
9) I have approximately completed ______ number of online courses till now
10) I take up online courses to
a) Upgrade my skills
b) Accumulate my credits
c) Necessitate for my higher education courses
d) Placements
e) Display my achievements on social media portals

Choose the most likely statement SA= Strongly Agree, A=Agree, N=Neutral, DA=Disagree
SDA= Strongly disagree

Performance Expectancy:

SL No. Factors SA A N DA SDA

11) Using E learning courses improves my
12) Using E-Learning increases my motivation
to learn
13) I Find E-Learning platforms useful for
technical studies which involves hands on
14) I would like to improve my skills by
extracting information from online
resources like Wikipedia rather than
taking up E-Learning program
15) E-Learning is flexible as I can access it
anytime and anywhere
Effort Expectancy:

SL No. Factors SA A N DA SDA

16) I find E-learning easy to use
17) My learning activities with E-learning
platforms are clear & understandable
18) I find it very easy to access different
resources using E-Learning platforms
19) I think excessive mental efforts is needed
for using E-Learning platforms
20) I have necessary skills needed for using E-
Learning tools
Social Influence:

SL No. Factors SA A N DA SDA

21) My peers and teachers motivates me to
take up E-Learning Courses
22) I think using E-Learning platforms is
23) Using E-Learning platforms helps me
command respect among my classmates
24) Students using E-Learning platforms are
considered to be more smart as compared
to those who don’t
25) Using E-Learning tools help me get more
weightage in my university compared to
those who don’t use it

SL No. Factors SA A N DA SDA

26) My College has all the facilities to support
27) If I have a problem using E-Learning tool
I could solve them very easily
28) I have lot of support from my college in E-
29) My college provides benefits in the form
of learning incentives to the students using
30) There is sufficient training facility
available in my college towards how to
use E-learning tools

31) I Intend to use e-learning tools in my

future learning activities
32) I would use E-Learning platforms to
improve my Knowledge
33) I plan to use E-learning platforms in next 2

34) After Covid-19 Breakdown what learning platform did your college provide:
a) Pre Recorded Videos b) Live classes c) Video Conference d) Group Chat & messaging

35) I was able to use E-Learning system after

the COVID-19 outbreak
36) My institution provided me all support
through E-learning during Covid-19
37) I didn’t face any technical issues while
undergoing online lectures provided by
my institution
38) Online lectures helped in my studies
during covid-19 lockdown

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