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Teaching Sequences 1 and 2


TEACHER: Juliana Moreira


TEACHER TRAINEES: Germán Sanz, Emiliana Rinaldi, Mariana Ponce

SCHOOL: EP N°22 “Jose Hernandez”

CLASS: 5th form

TIMETABLE: 1st Module: Wednesdays from 12:45 to 13:35

2nd Module: Wednesday from 13:45 to 14:35

CONTEXT: This teaching sequence will be carried out with students of 5th form at EP n°22 School, formed by 8 boys and 9 girls between 10 and 11 years old.
They use the book “Our discovery island 2” by Pearson, but they have it loaded on the school netboooks, so we think we will print the pages we need to give as
homework or extra activities.
All of them work properly and some students are more eager to take part of the lesson than others, who are shy or with low self-esteem. We think that if they are
stimulated, they will participate as well. They are used to sitting in groups, so we won't change the seating arrangement; but they will be conducted to work
individually and in pairs as well.

By the end of the unit, which will be delivered in 4 modules of around 45’ distributed in the 2 following Wednesdays, the students are going to act out a weather
forecast in groups. T will record them and edit the separate forecast into one video he will then distribute to the school to be shown in the community.

Learning outcomes: By the end of this project, students will be able to:
- Identify weather types and clothing items.
- Describe what they are wearing.
- Describe what someone else is wearing.
- Use language to provide information.
- Recognise paratext elements.
- Use the online tool, WordArt.
- Locate Canada, Mexico, England, France, Russia, Australia, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, China and the USA on a map.

- Content recycling, such as colours.
- Description of the weather: “What’s the weather like?”, “It’s…” and weather vocabulary.
- Description of clothes: “I’m wearing…”, “She/he is wearing…” and clothes vocabulary.
- Paratext elements analysis.

- Recycling and recalling content from previous classes.
- Identifying and selecting weather types and clothing items.
- Describing the weather and what someone is wearing.
- Matching drawings with words.
- Analysing paratext.
- Understanding a weather forecast, a story and an Instagram post.
- Illustrating themselves and someone else.
- Creating a collaborative word cloud.
- Applying prior and new knowledge to design and act out a weather forecast.

- Appreciate the importance of respecting people’s choices as regards clothes.
- Encourage a respectful attitude in students towards other’s perspectives and opinions.
- Develop students’ ability to empathise and work collaboratively.

a) Language of learning
- Vocabulary: weather types, colours and clothes.
- Present continuous (first and third person singular).
b) Language for learning
- Reading strategies: image and text associations, language related to paratext analysis, scanning, skimming, keywords and inferring.
- Related to the writing process: describe (“It’s…”, “I’m wearing…”, “She/he is wearing…”).
c) Language through learning: anticipated emerging language (transparent words), language use to describe and dictionary work.

Assessment of learning, for learning, and through learning

a) Teacher assessment: it will be formative and summative. It will be carried out through daily observation of students’ work in class (group work,
preparedness, responsibility, cooperation and respect) and evaluation of the final task (correct use of language when describing the weather and clothing
items the character is wearing, required elements, students’ creativity and product’s attractiveness).
b) Peer assessment: students will read thecollaborative book and briefly comment on each part.
Self-assessment: students will complete a self-evaluation table.

1. To help children to understand cultural diversity through an authentic text (video).

2. To guide children to understand a text.
(teaching objectives)
3. To deliver the necessary tools for the Sts to be able to produce a speech telling about the weather, place and clothes they are wearing.

Materials -Notes for the families (17)

-Name tags (with different colors) and seating arrangement poster
-Flashcards of the weather
-Worksheet 1,2 3 and 4 (19 copies)
-Chalks and markers (different colours)
-TV or projector.

Mi familia y hogar
Expresarse en inglés para describir el lugar en donde viven.
Context: Culturas y sus vestimentas
Expresarse en inglés para describirse a sí mismos, sus identidades, los grupos familiares y de pertenencia, los hogares y, el entorno


Colors: Blue, brown, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, black.

Countries: Japan, Mexico, Australia, Argentina , USA, China.

Linguistic New:
exponents Nouns: weather, world, forecast.
Countries: France, Canada, Russia, England, Brazil, Spain.
Weather: Sunny, cold, hot, rainy, snowy, cloudy, foggy.
Clothes: Hat, pants, jeans, shirt, shorts, shoes, socks, T-Shirt, coat.

What is the weather like in _________ ?
It's ___________ in ____________
_______ is wearing a ___________

Functions: Anticipating
Class 1 Reading Comprehension
Surveying textual and paratextual elements that generate a thematic framework.
Scanning for information to complete a chart

Aims Procedure Time

Pre-task To deal with classroom -Trainee Teacher starts the lesson by saying Hello and introduce himself I am Germán and
routine and introducing tell them, in
ourselves and the Spanish, we are going to be there for 4 classes, that at the end of the project they are going to
project deliver a world weather forecast.


To locate countries on a -TT will then write the date and title of the lesson
map. Tim Tiger's weather forecast, instructing SS to copy on their notebooks ( give SS 2
minutes to write).

To scan the text for

information. -TT gives SS a worksheet which includes the names of different countries and drawings and
words related to the weather. He shows SS a map and some students will locate those places.

-He introduces Tim Tiger (toy) who works for a television news programme. He provides the
To understand the text weather forecast.
by recognising recycled

To elicit information
-Students watch a video
from the text in order
( and match the countries with the
to complete charts.
drawings and words related to the weather. They have to write the correct numbers next to
the drawings and words. Some students mention the answers in order to check. (Worksheet

Core task To create a forecast for T- gives SS another copy with some countries and 2 different rows (worksheet 2)
selected countries.
To locate countries on a - T shows students a map for them to locate the countries mentioned in copy. 5'

To interact in a simple
- SS complete their own weather forecasts on the “My weather forecast” line.
- Once everyone completed their line, T will ask for two volunteers to roleplay. T
will write “What's the weather like in...?” and “It's … in …” on the BB and instruct
To roleplay and
one of the volunteers to ask the other by selecting a country. The one who answers 10'
practice the target
language. checks what he wrote for that country. After that, they will switch roles until they
have completed the “my friend's weather forecast” line.

To promote peerwork. - In pairs they have to ask and complete their friends’ weather forecasts by

following the example given by their peers (if there is an odd number of SS, T will
work with the one left out)

Follow-up To respond according -Students play bingo with the weather vocabulary. 5’
to what we have
learnt through a
-They have to choose four words and cross them out when the teacher mentions
To build self-esteem
them. If they cross them all out, they have to say “bingo”.


Class 2

Aims Procedure Time

Pre-task To analyse who is -TT shows students the front cover of a book. He asks for the title (“Blue Hat, Green
behing the text. Hat”) and the name of the author (Sandra Boynton). T explains that Sandra Keith
Boynton (born April 3, 1953) is an American humourist, songwriter, director, music
producer, children's author and illustrator.
To introduce new
-TT will write the names of the four animals starring the book (elephant, bear,
vocabulary through an
moose and turkey)
artistic way.
To elicit information
from the text in order
to complete the task. -SS listen to and read the story called “Blue Hat, Green Hat” by Sandra Boynton.
After the first read, TT will ask “What is the elephant wearing?” and write it in the 10'
BB. (“una remera roja, sombrero azul, etc”).

-TT will hand out copies for SS to write True or False. We will watch the video a
second time in order to complete the task. (Worksheet 3)

To practise the needed


Core task To build confidence. -TT will take out a handbag and ask for three SS to come to the front. The
rest of the students will have to face away from the front. 5'

-The three students will be wearing clothing items provided by the teacher in
To describe
what my peer is order to practise the vocabulary.
- A forth student will be giving clues for the rest of the class to guess. For
example, “______ is
To recycle wearing a hat.” , “ ________ is wearing something blue” etc.
(colors) - When they guess the first three, we will do another round with other SS.

To reinforce the -After the second round, TT will hand out some copies for them to complete
spelling of new with the missing vowels. (Worksheet 4)
-Students will spell the words in order to check the answers.

To respond according
- To round up the lesson, TT will ask and write “What do we wear when it’s
to what we have
hot and sunny?”
learnt through a
game. (shorts, T-shirt, hat)

“And when it’s cold, cloudy and windy?” 5’
(pants, socks, shirt)

“And when it’s rainy?”

To practise the learnt
vocabulary and
combine it.

Note to parents:

Queridas familias,
En las siguientes clases estaremos realizando actividades con cámara de video. Si autorizan que el alumno sea parte de los videos marquen la
casilla SI, y al concluir la actividad compartiremos con ustedes el resultado. Si no autorizan, marquen la casilla NO.


Worksheet 1.

Write the correct numbers next to the drawings and words.

2. MEXICO ___ ___ ___ ___
___ COLD
___ HOT

___ ___ ___

Worksheet 2

What’s the weather

like in…?
My weather forecast
My friend’s weather

Worksheet 3

Write T (true) or F (false).

The elephant is wearing a blue hat. _____
The bear is wearing a red shirt. _____
The moose is wearing green pants. _____
The bear is wearing a pink coat. _____
The elephant is wearing red socks. _____
The elephant is wearing red shoes. _____
The moose is wearing black shoes. _____
The turkey is wearing purple socks. _____
Worksheet 4

Write the missing vowels.

H __ T SH __ RTS

P __ NTS
J __ __ NS
S __ CKS T-SH __ RT
SH __ RT

SH __ __ S

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