Sie sind auf Seite 1von 71


Input data

A. Railing dimension

Width, brailing = 200 mm

height, hrailing = 200mm

Effective depth, d = 142mm

Length, L = 2000mm

B. Materials data

Compressive strength of Concrete, f’c = 28 MPa

Yield strength of rebar, fy = 276 MPa

Diameter of MainBar, dMB = 16 mm

Diameter of Stirrups, dst = 10 mm

C. Load design data

Self Weight, w = 0.942 kN/m

reduction factor, ϕ = 0.90

P(NSCP Highway Design Load ) = 44.5 kN

Depth, h = 0.85

Cc = 50 mm

C=1+ - ≥ 1 (NSCP pp. 2-19)

C=1+ - ≥ 1

C = 1.01

Mu = 0.1wL2 + [ ]C (NSCP Sec.

Mu = 0.1(0.942)(2)2 + [ ] (1.01)

Mu = 7.868 kN-m

Reinforcement Required

Minimum Steel Ratio, ρmin

ρmin =

ρmin =

ρmin = 5.0725 x 10-3

Maximum Steel Ratio, ρmax

ρmax = 0.75Pb

Balanced Steel Ratio, β=0.85

ρb =

ρb =

ρb = 0.0502

ρmax = 0.75 (0.0502)

ρmax = 0.03765

Steel Ratio, ρ

Coefficient of Resistance, Rn

Rn =

Rn =
Rn = 2.168 MPa



ρ = 8.250 x10-3

Area of Steel, As

As = ρbd

As = (8.250x10-3)(200)(142)

As = 234.300 mm2

Number of Bars, N

N = As / Ab =


N = 1.165 ≈ 2

Therefore use 2 -16 mm diameter longitudinal bars @ both faces O.C.

Check for Shear Capacity

Actual Shear, Vu

Vu = 0.5P / 2

Vu =

Vu = 11.125 kN

Shear strength provided by the concrete, Vc

Vc = λ bd

Vc = (0.8) 5) (200)(142)
Vc = 21.29 kN

Vu < ϕVc

Therefore, provide stirrups at spacing S = Avfyt / 0.35bw


S = 619.343 or 619 mm o.c.

Smax = 600 or 0.75 H

Smax = 0.75(200)

Smax = 150 mm o.c

Therefore use 10mm diameter stirrups @ 150 mm o.c.

Design of Post

Input Data

A. Post Dimension(square post)

Width, bpost = 250mm

Height of Post, hpost = 800mm

Post Spacing, Spost = 2000mm

Effective depth, d = 192 mm

B. Materials Data
Compressive strength of Concrete, f’c = 28 MPa

Yield Strength of rebar, fy = 276 MPa

Diameter of Main Bar, dMB = 16mm

Diameter of Stirrups, dst = 10 mm

C. Load and Ultimate Moment

P = 44.5 kN (NSCP Sec.2.7.4B)

Ultimate Moment, Mu = (44.5 / 2 )(0.75) + 44.5 / 2 (0.85)

Ultimate Moment, Mu = 24.475 kN-m

D. Design Data

Φb = 0.90

Φs = 0.85

Cc = 50mm

Required Reinforcement

Minimum Steel Ratio, ρmin

ρmin =

ρmin =

ρmin = 5.0725 x10-3

Maximum Steel Ratio, ρmax

ρmax = 0.75ρb

Balance Steel Ratio, β = 0.85

ρb =

ρb =

ρb = 0.0502

ρmax = 0.75*0.0502

ρmax = 0.03765

Coefficient of Resistance, Rn

Rn =

Rn =

Rn = 2.951 MPa

Steel Ratio, ρ



ρ = 0.01145

Area of Steel, As

As = ρbd

As = 0.01145(250)(192)

As = 549.722 mm2

Number of Bars, N


N = 2.73 ≈ 4 pcs.

Therefore use 4 - 16 mm diameter longitudinal bars @ both faces

Provide 10mm Lateral Ties

Spacing 1 = 48dt = 48(10) = 480 mm

Spacing 2 = 16 db = 16(16) = 256 mm

Spacing 3 = 250mm

 Use 10mm Lateral Ties Spaced @ 250mm O.C.

Design of Sidewalk

Input Data

A. Sidewalk Dimension

B. Materials Data

Compressive Strength of Concrete, f’c 28 MPa

Yield Strength of Rebar, fy 276 MPa

Diameter of Mainbar, dMB 16mm

Diameter of Temperature Bar, dTB 10mm

Concrete Cover, Cc 50mm

Effective depth, d 0.192 m

C. Load & Moment

Dead Load
Post = 0.25(0.25)(0.9)(23.54) = 1.32 kN

Railing = .2(.2)(2)(23.54)(2) = 3.77 kN

P1 = DL1+DL2 = 5.09 kN

Moment DL (Analyze as Cantilever Slabs )

Distribution Width ( Sec. )

E = 0.8X + 1.143 (equation 3-11;NSCP)

X = 1550-250/2 = 1425mm or 1.425m

E = 0.8(1.425) + 1.143 = 2.283

@Rail Post Section

MpostDL = PX / E = 5.09*1.425 / 2.283 = 3.177 kN - m


W1 = 0.25*1.6*23.54 = 9.416 kN/m

W2 = 0.2*1.55*23.54 = 7.297 kN/m

M1 = 9.146(1.60/2)(1) = 7.533 kN-m

M2 = 7.297(1.55/2)(1) = 5.655 kN-m

MsidewalkDL = M1 + M2 = 13.19 kN-m

MDL = MpostDL + MsidewalkDL

MDL = 3.177 + 13.19 = 16.367 kN - m

Live Load ( Sec3.14.11;NSCP )

For Bridge with 30.5 m span or more

P = (1435+43800/L)(16.7-W/15.2)

P = (1435+43800/45)(16.7-1.25/15.2)
P = 2447.94 Pa

Pmax = 2870 Pa

Therefore use P = 2447.94 Pa

P2MAX = 2447.94(1.25)

P2MAX = 3.06 kN

MpostLL = 3.06(1.25/2)

MpostLL = 1.9125 kN-m

Curb Loading ( Sec. 3.14.21 )

Curb Loading = 7.3 KN/m

Pcurb = 7.3(0.25) = 1.825 kN

Mcurb = 1.825(.25/2) = 0.228 kN-m

Railing Loading = CP/2E

Railing Loading =

Railing Loading = 9.843 kN/m

Mrail = 9.843(0.25+0.25+0.1)

+ 9.843(0.25+0.25+0.2+0.2+0.1)

Mrail = 15.749 kN - m

MLL = MpostLL + Mcurb + Mrail

MLL = 1.9125 + 0.228 + 15.749

MLL = 17.890 kN/m

Combination of Loadings
Mu = 1.25(MDL)+ 1.0(MLL+5) ( Sec. 3.22.1)

Mu = 1.25(16.367+1.0(17.890+5))

Mu = 49.071 kN - m

D. Design Data

ϕb = 0.90

ϕs = 0.85

Required Reinforcement

Minimum Steel Ratio, ρmin

ρmin =

ρmin =

ρmin = 5.0725 x10-3

Maximum Steel Ratio, ρmax

ρmax = 0.75Pb

Balance Steel Ratio, B = 0.85

ρb =

ρb =

ρb = 0.0502

ρmax = 0.75(0.0502)

ρmax = 0.03765

Steel Ratio, ρ

Coefficient of Resistance, Rn
Rn =

Rn =

Rn = 0.925 MPa



ρ = 3.420 x10-3

Therefore use ρmin

Area of Steel, As

As = ρbd

As = (5.0725 x10-3)(1600)(192) = 1558.261 mm2

S = (π/4)(162)(1600) / 1558.261

S = 206.448 or 200 mm O.C.

Therefore use 16 mm diameter RSB @ 200mm o.c longitudinal


Input data

A. Dimensions

Girder Spacing(O.C) = 2625 mm

Thickness of Slab, tslab = 200 mm

B. Material Data

Compressive Strength of Concrete, f’c = 28 MPa

Yield Strength of Rebar, fy = 276 MPa

Unit Weight of Concrete, ϒc = 23.54 kN/m3

Future Wearing Surface, ϒwear = 1.05 kN/m2

C. Design Data

Reduction Factor for Bending, ϕb = 0.90

Reduction Factor for Shear, ϕv = 0.75

β = 0.85

λ = 0.85

Concrete Cover, Cc = 50 mm

Live Load(NSCP Sec 3.24.3) = M18 Loading

Diameter of Mainbar, dMB = 16 mm

Diameter of transverse Bar, dTB = 10 mm

Effective Depth, d = 142 mm

Width of Slab(1m-strip), bslab = 1000 mm

Load Analysis


Self-weight, w1 = ϒc * tslab * bslab

Self-weight, w1 = 23.54 * 0.2 * 1

Self-weight, w1 = 4.708 kN/m

Wearing, w2 = Ywear * bslab

Wearing, w2 = 1.05 * 1

Wearing, w2 = 1.05 kN/m

Total Deadload, wDL = w1 + w2

Total Deadload, wDL = 4.708 + 1.05

Total Deadload, wDL = 5.758 kN/m

Deadload Moment, MDL =

4.708(2.625) 2
Deadload Moment, MDL =

Deadload Moment, MDL = 4.96 kN-m


P18(NSCP Sec. 3.24.3) = 72kN

3.28S  2
Liveload Moment = ( P18)

3.28S  2
Liveload Moment = (72)

Liveload Moment = 23.873 kN-m

Impact Load

Impact Load, I =
S  38

Impact Load, I =
2.625  38

Impact Load, I = 0.375

Maximum Impact percentage = 30%

Use Impact Load, I = 0.30

Design Ultimate Moment, Mu

Mu = 1.25MDL + 1.75MLL(1+I)

Mu = 1.25(4.96) + 1.75(23.873)(1+0.3)

Mu = 60.511 kN-m

Required Moment for Deck Slab

Rapture Modulus, fr = 0 .7 f ' c

Rapture Modulus, fr = 0.7 28

Rapture Modulus, fr = 3.704 MPa

bh 3
Centroidal Moment of Inertia, Ix =

1000(200) 3
Centroidal Moment of Inertia, Ix =

Centroidal Moment of Inertia, Ix = 666666666.7 mm4

Cracking Moment, Mcr =
(tslab / 2)

(3.704)(666666666 .7)
Cracking Moment, Mcr =
(200 / 2)

Cracking Moment, Mcr = 24.693 kN-m

Minimum Moment for Deck Slab, ϕMn = 1.2Mcr

Minimum Moment for Deck Slab, ϕMn = 1.2*(24.693)

Minimum Moment for Deck Slab, ϕMn = 29.632

Compare Actual Moment to Minimum Moment for Bridge Deck

Mu > ϕMn

60.511 > 29.632

Therefore, Use Mu = 60.511 kN-m

Required Reinforcement

Coefficient of Resistance, Rn =
0.9bd 2

60.511x10 6
Coefficient of Resistance, Rn =
0.9 * 1000 * 142 2

Coefficient of Resistance, Rn = 3.334 MPa

0.85 f ' c  2 Rn 
Actual Steel Ratio, ρ = 1  1  
fy  0.85 f ' c 

0.85 * 28  2 * 3.334 
Actual Steel Ratio, ρ = 1  1  
276  0.85 * 28 

Actual Steel Ratio, ρ = 0.01307

1 .4
Minimum Steel Ratio, ρmin =

1 .4
Minimum Steel Ratio, ρmin =

Minimum Steel Ratio, ρmin = 0.00507

Maximum Steel Ratio, ρmax = 0.75ρb

0.85 f ' c 600
Balance Steel Ratio, ρb = [( )* *( )]
fy 600  fy

0.85 * 28 600
Maximum Steel Ratio, ρmax =0.75* [( ) * 0.85 * ( )]
276 600  276

Maximum Steel Ratio, ρmax = 0.0377

 Use ρ = 0.01307

For Main Longitudinal Reinforcement

Area of Steel Bar, As = ρbd

Area of Steel Bar, As = 0.01307 * 1000 * 142

Area of Steel Bar, As = 1855.94 mm2

1000 * Ab
Center-to-Center Spacing =

1000 * ( ) * (16) 2
Center-to-Center Spacing = 4

Center-to-Center Spacing = 108.334 ≈105 mm

Minimum Spacing, Smn = 25 mm C.S.

Maximum Spacing, Smax = 450 mm C.S.

Therefore, Use 16mm Diameter RSB Spaced @ 105 mm O.C.


For main reinforcement perpendicular to traffic,

Percentage of Distribution =
Percentage of Distribution 

Percentage of Distribution = 74.065 %

Maximum Percentage Distribution = 67%

Therefore use 67 %


Ad = 0.67 As

Ad = 0.67(1855.94)

Ad = 1243.480 mm 2

Using 16 mm Diameter Rebar

(16) 2
Ab = 4

Ab = 201.062 mm 2

1000 * Ab
S =

S =

S = 161.693 mm ≈ 160 mm

Use 16 mm  @ 160 mm center to center distribution bars

Shrinkage and Temperature Bars

Spacing1,S1 = 3tslab = 3(200) = 600 mm

Spacing2,S2 = 450 mm

Spacing3,S3 = (π/4)(102)(1000) / 240 = 327.25 or 325 mm O.C

Therefore use 10mm diameter RSB @ 325 mm o.c temperature bars


Design Data

Unit Weight of Concrete =  c  23.54 KN / m 3

Steel Yield Strength = Fy = 248 MPa

Thickness of Slab = t s  200mm

Width of Flange = b f  178.8mm

Compressive Strength of Concrete = f ' c  28MPa

Diameter of Stud = d s  19mm

Modulus of Elasticity of the Concrete in MPA

E c  1.34( c ) 2 f 'c
(NSCP Vol2)

Ec  1.34(23.54) 2

Ec = 809.83 MPA

Force in the Slab

P1  As Fy

P1  17871(248)

P1 =4432008 N
P2  0.85 f ' ct s b f

P2 = 0.85(28)(200)(253.7)

P2 = 1207612 N

 Use smaller value of P

Ultimate Strength of the Shear Connector

SU  0.0004(d s ) f ' c( E c )

= 0.0004( 19 2 ) 28(809.83)

= 21.74 KN

Number of Connectors Between Points of Maximum Positive Moment and

Adjacent End Supports

0.85SU (1000)

N = 66 - 19 mm stud connector

Design of Steel Girders

Steel Girder Properties

Wide Flange Section Designation : W24x62

Width of Flange, bf : 178.8 mm

Thickness of Flange, tf : 15 mm

Thickness of Web, tw : 10.9 mm

Depth of Section, d : 603 mm

Cross-Sectional Area, Asteel : 11742 mm2

Weight per meter, Wsteel/m : 92.36 kg/m

Moment of Inertia Along x-axis, Ix : 645159x103 mm4

Radius of Gyration, rx : 204.54 mm

Section Modulus, Sx : 1337000 mm3

Span of Girder, Lgirderspan : 6000 mm

Yield Strength of Steel, Fy : 248 MPa

Slab Properties

Thickness of Slab, tslab : 200 mm

Spacing of Girder, Sgirder : 2625 mm

Unitweight of Concrete, ϒc : 23.54 kN/m3

Modulus Elasticity of Concrete, Ec : 24870.062 MPa

Load Analysis


Weight of Slab, wslab = ϒc * tslab * Sgirder

Weight of Slab, wslab = 23.54 * (200/1000) * (2625/1000)

Weight of Slab, wslab = 12.359 kN/m

Self Weight, wgirder = (Wsteel/m) * (9.81/1000)

Self Weight, wgirder = (92.36) * (9.81/1000)

Self Weight, wgirder = 0.9061 kN/m

Total DeadLoad, wDL = Wslab + Wgirder

Total DeadLoad, wDL = 12.359 + 0.9061

Total DeadLoad, wDL = 13.265(1.25) kN/m

Total DeadLoad, wDL = 16.581 kN/m


P18 (NSCP VOL 2, Section 3.24.3) = 72 kN

Lane Load, WLaneLoad = 9.4 kN/m

Impact Load

Impact Load, I =
( )  38

Impact Load, I =
( )  38

Impact Load, I = 0.346

Maximum Impact Load, Imax = 0.30

Use I = 0.30

Take 1 span(6m) of the Girder and Assume simply supported

wslab = 23.54 (0.2) (2.625)(1.25)

wslab = 15.448 kN/m

wgirder = 92.36 kg/m (9.81/1000)(1.25)

wgirder = 1.133 kN/m

Lane load = 9.4(1.25) kN/m

Lane load = 11.75 kN/m

Impact Load = 0.3

Factored Uniform load,wu = 15.448 + 11.75 ( 1.3 ) + 1.133

Factored Uniform load,wu = 31.856 kN/m

Load Analysis(Moving Loads)

`Trial 1

Take Summation of moment about R2

ΣMR2 = 0

6 R1 = + 90 ( 6 - 3.416 )

31.856(6) 2
6 R1 = + 90(1.75) ( 6 – 3.416)

R1 = 163.398 kN

Take Summation of moment about 72-kN load

ΣM72 = R1(x) - 18(x) - [w(x2)/2]

ΣM72 = 163.398(4.27) - 18(1.75)(4.27) - [31.856(4.27)2/2]

ΣM72 = 272.791 kN-m

Trial 2

Take Summation of moment about R2

ΣMR2 = 0

31.856(6) 2
6 R1 = + 90(1.75)( 0.854 )

R1 = 117.986 kN

Take Summation of moment about 18-kN Load

ΣM18 = R1(x) - [w(x2)/2]

ΣM18 = 117.986(6 - 4.27) - [31.856(6-4.27)2/2]

ΣM18 = 156.4444 kN-m

Trial 3
Take Summation of moment about R2

ΣMR2 = 0

31.856(6) 2 0.854
6 R1 = + 72(1.75)( 3 – )
2 2

R1 = 149.601 kN

Take Summation of moment about 72-kN Load

ΣM72 = R1(x) - [w(x2)/2]

0.854 2
31.856(3  )
0.854 2
ΣM72 = 149.601 ( 3 + )-
2 2

ΣM72 = 325.619 kN-m

Trial 4

Take Summation of moment about R2

ΣMR2 = 0

31.856(6) 2
6 R1 = + 90(1.75)(0.854 + 0.865)

R1 = 140.692 kN

Take Summation of moment about 18-kN Load

ΣM18 = R1(x) - [w(x2)/2]

ΣM18 = 140.692(0.865) - [31.856(0.865)2/2]

ΣM18 = 109.781 kN-m

Take Summation of moment about 72-kN Load

ΣM72 = R1(x) - [w(x2)/2] - 18(4.27)

ΣM72 = 140.692(0.865+4.27) - [31.856(0.865+4.27)2/2]

- 18(1.75)(4.27)

ΣM72 = 167.954 kN-m

Ultimate Moment Due to Loading

Ultimate Moment, Mu = 325.619 kN-m

Required Section Modulus, S = Mu/0.66Fy

Required Section Modulus, S = (325.619 x 106) / 0.66(248)

Required Section Modulus, S = 1989.363 x103 mm3

Checking of Section Properties

Compact - Non Compact Criteria

1. Flanges are Continuously Connected to the Web - True

2. The Section must have the following flange width-thickness ratio :

bf 170

2tf Fy

178.8 170

2 * 15 248

5.96 < 10.795 - True

3. The Section must have the following depth of web - thickness ratio :

d 1680

tw Fy
603 1680

10.9 248

55.32 < 106.680 - True

4. The laterally unsupported length of compression flange Lb does not

exceed the Value of Lc

Since it is Fully supported with Shear Connectors

Lb = 0


Lb < Lc - True

Therefore, the steel section selected is a Compact Section where

Fb = 0.66Fy

Section Modulus

Fb =

325.619 x10 6
0.66 * (248) =

S = 1989.363 x 103 mm3

Section Modulus of W24x62 must be greater than the required


Sx ≥ S

2140 x 103 mm3 ≥ 1989.363 x 103 mm3

Therefore, it is Safe

Moment Capacity of Steel Section

Mcapacity = Fb * Sx
Mcapacity = 0.66 * 248 * (2140 x103)

Mcapacity = 350.275 kN-m

Mcapacity ≥ Mu

350.275 kN-m ≥ 325.363 kN-m

Therefore, it is Safe

SPLICING ( For Flange )

Design Data

Diameter of Bolt(A490 bolts) d b  18mm

Allowable Shear Stress Fv = 193 MPa

Thickness of Splicing Plate t sp  20mm

Width of Flange b f  178.8mm

Thickness of Flange t f  15mm

Steel Yield Strength Fy = 248 MPa

Ultimate Strength of Plate Fu = 400 MPa

Allowable Shear of Bolt (ASTM A490) fvbolt  193.0 MPa

Area of Flange A f  2682mm 2

Number of Bolts Required at Flanges

Net Area of the Plate

An = Af - Ab

An = 2682 - 1176

An = 1506 mm 2

Allowable Stress on Tension Net Area

Ft = 0.5Fu

Ft = 0.5 (400)

Ft = 200 MPa

Allowable Tension Force

T  Ft A f

T = 200(2682)

T = 536.4 kN

Shear Capacity per Bolt

Vbolt  Abolt ( fvbolt )

Vbolt = 254.47(193)

=49.113 kN

Number of Bolts Required (per side of connection)

N 2
V bolt

N  2

N = 5.46 say 6 pcs per side of connection

Check Bearing on Bolts

Allowable Stress on Bearing of Plate

Fp  1.2 Fu

Fp = 1.2(400)

Fp = 480 MPa

Actual Stress on Bearing of Plate

fp 
Nd b t f

=536.4 / 6(18)(15)

fp = 331.111 MPa

 It is Safe.

SPLICING ( For Web )

Diameter of Bolt(A490 Bolts) d b  16mm

Thickness of Splicing Plate t sp  20mm

Width of Web bw  573mm

Thickness of Web t w  10.9mm

Yield Strength of Plate(A36) Fy = 248 MPa

Ultimate Strength of the Plate(A36) Fu = 400MPa

Allowable Shear of Bolt (A490) Fv  193MPa

Area of Web Aw  6245.7 mm 2

Number of Bolts Required at Flanges

Net Area

Abolt  4(d b  1.6)(t w )

Abolt = 4(16+1.6)(10.9)

Abolt = 767.37 mm 2

An  Aw  Ab

An = 6245.7-767.36
An = 5478.34 mm 2

Allowable Stress

Ft  0.5 Fu

Ft = 0.5(400)

Ft = 200 MPa

Allowable Tension

T  Ft Aw

T = 200(6245.7)

T = 1249.14 KN

f sp  T

f sp
= 1249.14 / 5303.94

f sp
= 235.512 MPa

Shear Capacity per Bolt

Vbolt  Abolt ( fvbolt )

Vbolt =  (16 2 ) (193)


Vbolt =38.785 KN

Number of Bolts Required (per side of connection)

N 2
V bolt
N  2

N = 16.1 say 17 pcs per side of connection

Check Bearing on Bolts

F p  1.2 Fu

= 1.2(400)

= 480 MPa

Fb 
Nd b t w

=1249140 / 17(16)(10.9)

Fb = 421.323 MPa  It is safe!


Coping Beam Properties

Width of Flange, bf : 400 mm

Thickness of Flange, tf : 40 mm

Thickness of Web, tw : 40 mm

Depth of Section, d : 900 mm

Cross-Sectional Area, AsteelCB : 97600 mm2

Weight per meter, WsteelCB/m : 249.17 kg/m

Moment of Inertia Along x-axis, Ix : 59.74x108 mm4

Radius of Gyration, rx : 544.35 mm

Section Modulus, Sx : 8533.76x103mm3

Span of Girder, Lcopingbeam : 6000 mm

Yield Strength of Steel, Fy : 248 MPa

Steel Girder Properties

Wide Flange Section Designation : W24x62

Width of Flange, bf : 178.8 mm

Thickness of Flange, tf : 15 mm

Thickness of Web, tw : 10.9 mm

Depth of Section, d : 603 mm

Cross-Sectional Area, Asteel : 11742 mm2

Weight per meter, Wsteel/m : 92.36 kg/m

Load Analysis


Self Weight, wcopingbeam = (WsteelCB/m) * (9.81/1000)

Self Weight, wcopingbeam = (249.17) * (9.81/1000)

Self Weight, wcopingbeam = 2.444 kN/m

From the Figure below:

w = 31.226 kN/m

Steel Girder

Take Summation of moment about R2

ΣMR2 = 0

31.856(6) 2
6 R1 = + 90(1.75)( 0.854 )

R1 = 117.986 kN

By Summation of Forces Vertical equals zero

R1 + R2 = w(L) + 90(1.75)

117.986 + R2 = 31.856(6) + 90(1.75)

R2 = 230.65 kN

Load Analysis
For Calculating the actual Moment Carried by the Coping Beam

Using the Analysis of Vertical Loads, the location of zero Moment in a Beam

is at 0.1LCB from the support.

Length of Coping Beam, LCB = 13m

Distance from support to Zero-moment, 0.1LCB = 1.3m

Length of the Middle Section, 0.8LCB = 10.4m

First we analyze the middle section as Simply Supported

Get Vertical Reaction

Take Summation Moment about V11.7

ΣMV11.7 = 0

V1.3(10.4) = (2.444(10.40)2/2) + 230.65(L-1.263)

+ 230.65(L-1.263-2.625) + 230.65(1.263+2.625)

+ 230.65(1.263)

V1.3 = 474.009 kN

By Summation of Forces Vertical

V1.3 + V11.7 = 2.444(10.4) + 230.65(4)

V11.7 = 474.009 kN

Maximum Positive Moment

Since it is Simply Supported, Maximum Moment Occurs at midspan

Mmax = V1.3(5.2) - (w(5.2)2/2) - 230.65(5.2-1.263)

- 230.65(2.625/2)

Mmax = 1221.006 kN-m

Transfer the loads from the Mid Section to the Side section of the beam

By Summation of Forces Vertical

R1 = V1.3 + w(1.3)

R1 = 318.447 + 2.444(1.3)

R1 = 321.624 kN

Negative Moment at the End of Coping Beam

M1 = V1.3(1.3) + [w(1.3)2/2]

2.444(1.3) 2
M1 = 318.447(1.3)+

M1 = -416.046 kN-m
Load Analysis(Summary)
Checking of Section Properties

Use Allowable Bending Stress equals to:

Fb = 0.6Fy

Section Modulus

Fb =

1221.006 x10 6
0.60 * (248) =

S = 8205.685 x 103 mm3

Section Modulus of Box Section must be greater than the required


Sx ≥ S

8533.76 x 103 mm ≥ 8205.685 x 103 mm3

Therefore, it is Safe

Moment Capacity of Steel Section

Mcapacity = Fb * Sx

Mcapacity = 0.60 * 248 * (8533.76 x103)

Mcapacity = 1269.823 kN-m

Mcapacity ≥ Mu

1269.823 kN-m ≥ 1221.006 kN-m

Therefore, it is Safe
Check for Shear

fv =

fv =
800 * 40

fv = 14.912 MPa

Fv = 0.4Fy

Fv = 99.2 MPa

fv < Fv

14.912 < 99.2

Therefore, it is Safe.

BOLTED CONNECTIONS ( Stringer to Coping Beam )

Design Criteria

Diameter of Bolt d b  18mm

Thickness of Splicing Plate t sp  20mm

Width of Flange b f  178.8mm

Thickness of Flange t f  15mm

Steel Yield Strength Fy = 248 MPa

Allowable Shear of Bolt (ASTM A325) fvbolt  93.0 MPa

Area of Flange A f  2682mm 2

Number of Bolts Required at Flanges

Net Area

Abolt  4(d b  1.6)(tf )

= 4(18+1.6)(15)

= 1176 mm 2

An  A f  Ab

= 2682-1368

= 1314 mm 2

Allowable Stress

f a  0.55 fy

= 0.55 (248)

= 136.4 MPa

Allowable Tension

T  f a Af

= 136.4(2682)

= 365824.8 N

Splicing Plates Net Area

Abolt  4(d b  1.6)(t p )

= 4(18+1.6)(20+20)

= 3136 mm 2

Anet  Asp  Abolts

= ( 6376-3136)

= 3240 mm 2
f sp  T

=365824.8 / 3240

= 112.909 MPa

Shear Capacity per Bolt

Vbolt  Abolt ( fvbolt )

= 254.34(93)

=23653.62 N

Number of Bolts Required (per side of connection)

N 2
V bolt

 2

= 7.73 say 10 pcs per side of connection

Check Bearing on Bolts

Fa  0.8 Fy

= 0.8(248)

= 198.4 MPa

Fb 
Nd b t f

Fb = 365824.8 / 10(18)(15)

= 135.491 MPa

Steel Casing------------

Design Data

Tensile Force on Cable T = 477.186 KN

Yield Strength Fy= 1570 MPa

Diameter of Steel Strand d s  9.5mm

Load Analysis

Allowable Tensile Stress

f a  0.45 FY

f a = 0.45(1570)

= 706.5 MPa

Area Required

Areq 

Areq = 675.423 mm2

Area of Steel Strand

 2
Astrand  d

Astrand 
 9 .5 2

= 70.88 mm 2
Number of Steel Strand

Areq 'd

N  675.423

N = 9.53≈10 pcs.

Check for Allowable Stress

f actual 
As (N )

f actual  477.186(1000)

f actual
= 673.21 MPa

Actual Stress must be less than the Capacity of the section

673.21 MPa < 706.5 MPa

Therefore it is Safe


Rectangular Tubular Steel Section

Width of Box Section : 200mm

Depth of Section : 200mm

Cross-Sectional Area, AsteelCB : 7600 mm2

Moment of Inertia Along x-axis, Ix : 45.85x106 mm4

Radius of Gyration, rx : 77.67 mm

Yield Strength of Steel, Fy : 248 MPa

Effective Length Factor(NSCP Vol.2 Sec10.54.1.2) K  0.75

Unsupported Length of Column L= 1420 mm

Modulus of Elasticity of Column Material E=200,000MPa

Concentrated Load in Column Pu  477.186kN

( Euler’s Critical Load in Column )

 2 EI
Pe 
(KL ) 2

 2 (200000)(45.85 x10 6 )
Pe 
(0.75 * 1420) 2

= 79793.932 N

Actual Load must be less than the capacity of the Section

477186 N < 79793932N

Therefore safe for buckling

Design of Rib Arch

Design Data

Box Section Properties

Width of Section = 800mm

Depth of Section = 1000mm

Thickness of Box-Section = 40mm

Cross-Sectional Area,AArch-rib = 137600mm2

Moment of Inertia, Ix = 19.95x109mm4

Section Modulus, Sx = 39890773.33mm3

Radius of Gyration, rx = 380.726mm

Modulus of Elasticity of steel,Es = 200GPa

Load Analysis

Transfer the loads from the reaction in the coping beam at is transmitted by

the cable and spandrel column.

Each cable and spandrel column carries a load of 477.186kN

Vertical Reaction of Arch Rib

Taking summation of moment about point B equals zero.

ΣMB = 0

0 = -VA(90) + 477.186(90-6) + 477.186(90-12)

+ 477.186(90-18) + 477.186(90-24) + 477.186(90-30)

+ 477.186(90-36) + 477.186(90-42) + 477.186(90-48)

+ 477.186(90-54) + 477.186(90-60) + 477.186(90-66)

+ 477.186(90-72) + 477.186(90-78) + 477.186(90-84)

VA = 3340.302 kN

By Summation of Forces Vertical

VA + VB = + 477.186(16)

VB = 3340.302 kN

Horizontal Reaction

Taking summation of moment about point C equals zero.

ΣMC = 0

ΣMC = -VA(45) + HA(y15) + 477.186(45-6) + 477.186(45-12)

+ 477.186(45-18) + 477.186(45-24) + 477.186(45-30)

+ 477.186(45-36) + 477.186(45-42)

HA = 5344.483 kN
By Taking Summation of Forces Horizontal equals zero.

HA - HB = 0


HB = 5344.483 kN

Using Beam-Column Analysis for members subject to Compression and

Bending Moment, Check the Capacity of the Section to Resist Buckling and


Actual Moment acting on the Arch

Sample Computation:

1) Summation Moment @45m from A

ΣM45m = VA(45) - HA(y45) - 477.186(45-6)

- 477.186(45-12) - 477.186(45-18)

- 477.186(45-24) - 477.186(45-30)

- 477.186(45-36) - 477.186(45-42)

y45 = 2
( Lx  x 2 )
y45 = 2
(90(45)  (45) 2 )

y45 = 15m

ΣM45m = 3340.302(45) - 5344.483(15) - 477.186(45-6)

- 477.186(45-12) - 477.186(45-18)

- 477.186(45-24) - 477.186(45-30)

- 477.186(45-36) - 477.186(45-42)

ΣM45m = 0 kN-m

2) Summation Moment @42m from A

ΣM42m = VA(42) - HA(y42) - 477.186(42-6)

- 477.186(42-12) - 477.186(42-18)

- 477.186(42-24) - 477.186(42-30)

- 477.186(42-36)
y42 = 2
( Lx  x 2 )

y42 = 2
(90(42)  (42) 2 )

y42 = 14.933m

ΣM42m = 3340.302(42) - 5344.483(14.933) - 477.186(42-6)

- 477.186(42-12) - 477.186(42-18)

- 477.186(42-24) - 477.186(42-30)

- 477.186(42-36)

ΣM42m = 358.08 kN-m

Axial/Normal Thrust acting on cross-sectional Area

Sample Computation:

1) 45m from A
Free-Body Diagram

Angle θ of Normal

tan θ = dydx

y = 2
( Lx  x 2 )

dy/dx = ( L  2 x)

dy/dx = (90  2(45))
90 2

θ = tan-1 [ 0 ]

θ = 0 deg

Normal Thrust

NT45m = HA

NT45m = 5344.483 kN

RS45m = VA

RS45m = 3340.302 kN
2) 4m from A

Free-Body Diagram

By Rotating the Axis:

Angle θ of Normal

tan θ = dydx

y = ( Lx  x 2 )

dy/dx = ( L  2 x)

dy/dx = (90  2(4))
90 2

θ = tan-1 [ 0.607 ]

θ = 31.258 deg

Normal Thrust

NT4m = HAcosθ + VAsinθ

NT4m = 5344.483cos(31.258) + 3340.302sin(31.258)

NT4m = 6303.15 kN

RS4m = VAcosθ - HAsinθ

RS4m = 3340.302cos(31.258) - 5344.483sin(31.258)

RS4m = 82.171 kN
Table of Value for Moment, Angle(θ), Normal Thrust, Radial Shear

Checking Rib Arch in Buckling(By Euler’s Critical Load in Column).

Actual Axial Compressive Force(Normal Thrust)

(Take the Highest Value of Normal thrust for the Design)

Normal Thrust, NT = 6303.15 kN

Check the Capacity of the Section

 2 EI
Fe = (Euler’s Critical Load Formula)3
( KLu ) 2
K = 1.16

(NSCP Eq. 10-45)

 2 (200000)(19.95 x10 9 )
Fe =
Larc 2
(1.16( ))

 (rarch )(arch )
LArch-Rib =

θarch = 90 deg

rarch = 75m

 (75)(90)
LArch-Rib =

LArch-Rib = 117.81m = 117809.724mm

 2 (200000 2
)(19.95 x10 9 mm 4 )
Fe = mm
(1.16(58904.862mm)) 2

Fe = 8434.404 kN

Actual Load must be Less than the Critical Buckling Load

Fe > NT(Actual Normal Force)

8434.404 kN > 6303.15 kN

Therefore, it is Safe
Check the Rib Arch in Bending Moment

Actual Bending Moment

(Take the Highest Value of Bending for the Design)

Mu = 358.08 kN-m

Check the Capacity of the Section

Allowable Bending Stress, Fb = 0.6Fy

Allowable Bending Stress, Fb = 0.6(248)

Allowable Bending Stress, Fb = 148.8 MPa

Allowable Bending Moment, Mall = FbSx

Allowable Bending Moment, Mall = 148.8*39890773.33

Allowable Bending Moment, Mall = 5935.747 kN-m

Actual Bending Moment must be Less than the Capacity of the


Mall > Mu

5935.747 kN-m > 358.08 kN-m

Therefore, It is Safe

Check the Rib Arch in Shear Stress

Actual Shear Stress

(Take the Highest Value of Radial Shear)

RS = 3340.302 kN-m

fv =
2( d * t w )
fv =
2(1000 * 40)

fv = 41.754 MPa

Check the Capacity of the Section

Allowable Shear Stress

Fv = 0.4Fy

Fv = 0.4*248

Fv = 99.2 MPa

Actual Radial Shear must be less than the Capacity of the section.

Fv > fv

99.2 MPa > 41.754 MPa

Therefore it is Safe.

Design Data

Width of Footing Slab = 8100 mm

Total Height of Abutment = 9380 mm

Diameter of Mainbar, dMB = 25 mm

Compressive Strength of Concrete, f’c = 28 MPa

Yield Strength of Rebar, fy = 415 MPa

Surcharge, Q = 204.21

Unit Weight of Soil, ϒs = 20.27 kN/m3

Angle of Friction(Soil) = 17.42 deg

23.54 KN
Unit Weight of Concrete,  c =

Load Analysis

Transfer the loads from the Super Structure:

Each Rib Arch carry horizontal load of 5344.483 kN and a

vertical load of 3340.302 kN. It also carries the one coping beam

with a load of 2 - 477.186 kN

A. External Stability of Abutment

Forces that causes a Righting Moment about the toe

Weight of Abutment

W1 = ϒc * V1

W1 = 23.54 * 1 * 0.8 * 3 *1.4

W1 = 79.09 kN

W2 = ϒc * V2

W2 = 23.54 * 1 * 2.3 * 1.32 * 1.4

W2 = 100.05 kN

W3 = ϒc * V3

W3 = 23.54 * 1 * 1.4 * 3.2 * 1.8

W3 = 189.827 kN

W4 = ϒc * V4

W4 = 23.54 * 1 * 1.5 * 2 * 1.4

W4 = 400.415 kN

Weight of Soil

W5 = ϒs * V5

W5 = 20.27 * 1 * 7.88 * 2 * 1.4

W5 = 447.24 kN
W6 = ϒs * V6

W6 = 20.27 * 1 * 1.3 * 1.4 * 3.2

W6 = 118.05 kN

Loads from Superstructure

Since there are two rib arch and one coping beam with two

concentrated load,

Varch = 3340.302(2)

Varch = 6680.604 kN

Harch = 5344.483(2)

Harch = 10688.966 kN

RCB = 477.186(2)

RCB = 954.372 kN


Forces Arm Moment

W1 = 23.54(0.8)(1.4)(3)= 79.09 KN 5.7 450.813 KN-m

W2 =23.54(2.3)(1.32)(1.4)= 100.05 KN 4.15 415.22KN-m

W3 =23.54(3.2)(1.4)(1.8)= 189.827KN 3.9 740.33 KN-m

W4 = 23.54(1.5)(8.1)(1.4)= 400.415KN 4.05 1621.68 KN-m

W5 =20.27(7.88)(2)(1.4)= 447.24KN 7.1 3175.4 KN-m

W6 =20.27(1.3)(1.4)(3.2)= 118.05KN 5.45 643.37 KN-m

W7 =DL 954.372 4.15 3960.64 KN-m

W9 = RA 6680.04 1.5 10020.06KN-m

8969.1 KN RM=21027.51KN-m
Arm Moment

P1= (1.7)102.605KN 3.13 m 545.96Kn-m

P2= (1.7)205.21 KN 4.69m 1636.14KN-m

Ha 10688.97KN 0.75 m -8016.735 KN-m


The location of Ry from the toe,

x =

21027.51  (5834.06)
x =
x = 2.99


L __
e = x y

e = 3

e = 1.05 <

B. Design of Base

1. TOE
Ry 6e
q = [1  ]

8969.12 6(1.05)
qmax = [1  ]
8.1 8.1

qmax = 1968.53 KPa

8969.12 6(1.05)
qmin = [1  ]
8 .1 8 .1

qmin = 246.06 KPa

y qmax  qmin
3 8 .1

(1968.52  246.06)(3)
y =

y = 637.95 KPa

F1 = 0.5(3)(1968 .52  246.06)

F1 = 2583.69 kN

F2 = 637.95(3)

F2 = 1913.85 kN

F3 = 176.4 kN

P4 = 6680.04 KN

Load Combinations

M = F1 (2) + F2 (1.5) - F3 (1.5) - 6680.04 (1.5)

M = -2246.505 KN-m

Effective Depth

d = 1500 – 75 = 1425 mm

M u  f ' cbd 2 (1  0.59 )

1451.171x10 6  (0.9)(28)(1000)(1425) 2  (1  0.59 )

  0.0288

f 'c

 415
0.0288 

  0.00195

Minimum Steel Ratio

1 .4
 min 

 min = 0.0034

Balanced Steel Ratio

0.851 f ' c(600)

b 
fy (600  fy )
0.85(0.85) 28(600)
b 
415(600  415)

 b = 0.0288

Maximum Steel Ratio

 max  0.75  b

 max = 0.022


As  bd

= 0.0034(1000)(1425)

As = 4845
mm 2

1000( Ab )

1000( )(252 )
S = 4

S = 101.31 mm or 100 mm o.c


Service Loads

P1 = 205.21 KN
P2 = 102.605 KN

P3 = 10688.97 KN

P4 = 6680.04 KN

P5 = 954.372 KN

W1 = 79.09 KN

W2 = 100.054 KN

W3 = 189.27 KN

W4 = 400.415 KN

W5 = 447.24 KN

W6 = 118.05KN

Ry 6e
q [1  ]

8969.12 6(1.05)
q max  [1  ]
8.1 8.1

q max
= 1968.53 KPa

8969.12 6(1.05)
q min  [1  ]
8 .1 8 .1

q min = 246.06 KPa

y q q
= max min
3.3 8.1

(1968.52  246.06)(3.3)
y =

y = 701.74KPa

F1 = 246.06(3.3)

F1 = 811.99
F2 = 701.74(1.65)

F2 = 1157.87 kN

F3 = 447.24 kN

F4 = 118.05 kN

F5 = 79.09 kN

F6 = 163.132 kN

F7 = 21.

Load Combination

M = [447.24(2.3) + 118.05(0.65) + 79.09(0.9) + 163.132(1.65)

+ 21.75(0.25)] - [811.99(1.65) + 1157.87(1.1)]
M = -1162.2697 KN-m

Effective Depth

d=1500-75= 1425 mm

Mu =
f ' cbd 2 (1  0.59 )

1162.269 x10 6  (0.9)( 28)(1000)(1425) 2  (1  0.59 )

  0.023

0.023 
f 'c

 415
0.023 

  0.00155

Minimum Steel Ratio

1 .4
 min 

 min = 0.0034

Balanced Steel Ratio

0.851 f ' c(600)
b 
fy (600  fy )

0.85(0.85) 28(600)
b 
415(600  415)

 b = 0.0288

Maximum Steel Ratio

 max  0.75  b

 max = 0.022


As  bd

= 0.0034(1000)(1425)

As = 4845
mm 2

1000( Ab )

1000( )(252 )
S = 4

S = 101.31 mm or 100 mm o.c

C. Design of Bridge Seat

P1 = 954.372 kN

D = 1800-75

D = 1725 mm

Mu = 954.372(1.15)

M u  f ' cbd 2 (1  0.59 )

1097.53 x10 6  (0.9)( 28)(1000)(1725) 2  (1  0.59 )

  0.69

0.69 
f 'c

 415
0.69 

  0.047

Minimum Steel Ratio

1 .4
 min 

 min = 0.0034

Balanced Steel Ratio

0.851 f ' c(600)

b 
fy (600  fy )

0.85(0.85) 28(600)
b 
415(600  415)

 b = 0.0288

Maximum Steel Ratio

 max  0.75  b
 max = 0.022


As  bd

= 0.022(1000)(1725)

As = 37950
mm 2

1000( Ab )

1000( )(252 )
S = 4

S = 12.93 mm or 10 mm o.c

D. Design Of Stem

D = 1800-75= 1725 mm

F1 = 205.21 KN

F2 = 102.605 KN

M = 1.7[205.21(3.94)+102.61(2.63)]
M = 1833.27 KN-m

Effective Depth

d=1800-75= 1725 mm

M u  f ' cbd 2 (1  0.59 )

1833.27 x10 6  (0.9)( 28)(1000)(1725) 2  (1  0.59 )

  0.0248

0.023 
f 'c

 415
0.0248 

  0.00167

Minimum Steel Ratio

1 .4
 min 

 min = 0.0034

Balanced Steel Ratio

0.851 f ' c(600)

b 
fy (600  fy )

0.85(0.85) 28(600)
b 
415(600  415)

 b = 0.0288

Maximum Steel Ratio

 max  0.75  b

 max = 0.022

As  bd

As = 0.0034(1000)(1425)

= 4845 mm 2

1000( Ab )

1000( )(252 )
S= 4

S = 101.31 mm or 100 mm o.c

Using 25 mm RSB for Vertical Reinforcement at Front Face of Stem and at Rear

Face Vertical Using 16 mm (NSCP Vol. 2 Section 414.4.2 )

As = (0.0015)(1000)(1725)

As = 2587.5 mm2

S = 77.71 mm or 70 mm o.c

For Horizontal and Vertical Reinforcement code has the following

recommendation and requirements ( Section 414.4.3 NSCP Specs)

For Horizontal Bar:

As = (0.002)(b)(d)

As = (0.002)(1000)(1725)

As = 3450 mm 2

At front face: Use As

As = (3450)
As = 2300 mm 2

S= 87.42 mm or 80 mm o.c

At rear face( which is expose to earth): Use As

As = (3450)

As = 1150 mm 2

S = 174.84 mm or 170 mm o.c

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