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Work from Home Tricks and Tips - Slack channel

Noise canceling -

● Limit meeting time - Limit your sessions 25 and 40 minutes respectively so you have 5-
10 mins in between sessions
● Take short breaks - Take a break and do some physical activity every 90 mins.
Stretching, yoga, indoor exercises to improve your mindfulness and energy levels.
● Daily check-in - Attend the team DSM or schedule a daily 10-15 mins check-in with
your manager. This helps in focusing the day by getting clarity on the top priority items.
● Video Conference - Video chat is a great way to stay connected with your team. Make it
a point to chat with your team as humanity must not be lost in working remotely.
● Communicate - Keep in touch with your colleagues across all time zones to promote
teamwork and to avoid complete isolation. Meet regularly, and don’t forget to relax and
have a little fun.
● Challenge other Aera Employees - Post some interesting challenges on the slack
channels. Ex - Fitness challenge, Photography challenge, etc

● Setup the proper work environment - Reorganize a part of your home to create an
office environment - this will help you slip into work mode. Even if you don’t leave the
house, dress for work as if you were in the office. Work in a room/area that you’re least
likely to be distracted.
● Eat healthy meals and snacks - If you are an avid snacker, then make it a point to
make yourself a healthy lunch, just as you would if you had to go into an office.
Research has shown that eating fruits and vegetables has a direct link on overall
productivity levels.
● Stay Vigilant Against Security Risks - Complete the Annual Security training.
Understand how to protect yourself from common security threats.

● Optimize your workflow - Divide the largest and hardest tasks into stages with small
breaks in between. Thus, you will keep up with your workload without exhausting
● Use your calendar to schedule tasks - Use the calendar to block off time each day for
your important tasks.
● Stay productive - Don’t let your chores/social media steal your focus.
● Productive time - Use your most productive time of the day (ex. are you an early bird or
night owl?) to do the most important task of the day.
Helpful articles

● 4 Tips For Creating a Work-From-Home Station That Won't Bother Your Back
● 11 of the Best Work-From-Home Tips
● 3 Hacks to Focus When Working From Home

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