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Gold Experience A1 Progress test 6

Name Class

1 Put the words in the correct order.
1 are / potatoes. / There / some

There are some potatoes.

2 any / bread? / there / Is


3 some / got / We’ve / apples.

We’ve _____________________________________

4 hasn’t / cheese. / She / got / much


5 many / aren’t / carrots. / There


6 got? / you / bananas / How many / have


7 sandwiches. / They’ve / a lot / of / got


8 some / is / milk. / There


9 isn’t / There / apple / an / kitchen. / in the


10 any / Are / chips? / there


11 a / pizza. / is / There



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2 Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.
1 There are some (some/any) bananas.

2 There’s __________ (a/any) lemon.

3 Is there __________ (an/any) egg?

4 We haven’t got __________ (any/some) sweets.

5 Jenny’s got __________ (any/some) ice cream.

6 They’ve got __________ (any/some) chicken.

3 Choose the correct sentence, A or B.

1 A John’s got a lot of seeds.
B John’s got many seeds.

2 A Have your parents got any car?

B Have your parents got a car?

3 A We haven’t got many crisps.

B We haven’t got much crisps.

4 A Are there a lot of students in your class?

B Is there much students in your class?

5 A There’s much salad in the fridge.

B There’s a lot of salad in the fridge.

6 A Have you got many cheese in your sandwich?

B Have you got much cheese in your sandwich?

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4 Write these words in the correct group.
apple bread crisps milk orange water
Drinks: ____________________________________________________

Fruit: ____________________________________________________

Other: bread, _______________________________________________

5 Complete the words for health problems.

1 stomachache

2 c__ld

3 c__gh

4 h__d__ch__

5 t__th __ch__

6 s__r__thr__t

6 Write these words in the correct group.

beans bread carrot cheese fruit juice grape pasta potato
rice sandwich tomato
Countable: beans, ___________________________________________________
Uncountable: _________________________________________________________


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7 Listen to Penny and Adam talking outside the cookery classroom. Match the people (1–6)
with the activities (A–H). You do not need two of the activities.

1 Penny and Adam D A are making a drink.

2 The Chinese students ___ B are cooking rice and chicken.

3 All the students ___ C is cutting fish.

4 The Mexicans ___ D are standing outside the kitchen.

5 The Japanese girl ___ E is making a fruit salad.

6 The German boy ___ F are cooking potatoes.

G are wearing their school uniforms under their jackets.

H is cleaning the kitchen.

8 Listen again and complete the sentences with have to, has to or don’t have to.
1 The students don’t have to study today.

2 Penny and Adam ______________ stand outside the kitchen.

3 The students ______________ wear white jackets in the cookery classroom.

4 The Japanese girl ______________ be very careful with the knife.

5 The students always ______________ clean the kitchen.

6 The students ______________ clean the windows.

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9 Complete the conversation with the correct form of have to.
A: There’s a cooking competition at school.

B: 1) Do you have to (you) be a good cook?

A: No, you 2) __________________ . But you 3) __________________ make something you like.

B: 4) __________________ (you) make something English?

A: No, you 5) __________________ . But the food 6) __________________ be fantastic!

10 Complete the conversation. Use these words.

can I have I’d like an like some what would you like would you like a
would you like some
1 A: Hi, Wendy. Would you like a biscuit?

B: Yes, please.

2 A: _________________________ some fruit juice, please?

B: Of course. Here you are.

3 A: _________________________ ?

B: A pizza, please.

4 A: _________________________ apple, please.

B: Sorry, I haven’t got any.

5 A: _________________________ bananas?

B: No, thanks.

6 A: I’d _________________________ milk, please.

B: How much would you like?

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11 Read Min’s blog about food. Choose the correct words.
Hi! My name’s Min and I’m from Beijing in China. I’m writing this blog about food because I’m doing
a project for my school.
School meals
Here at my school in England we have breakfast, lunch and dinner. 1) That’s/There’s/They’re because
we live at school. Most of the food is delicious, but I don’t like breakfasts here. In China we have rice
or noodles for breakfast. I prefer that. Here, we have 2) some/a/any bread, 3) a/an/any egg and
4) much/some/a lot tea and coffee.
International food
A lot of students at my school are from different countries – Thailand, France, Mexico and Germany.
So we often have food from these countries. 5) It’s/It/It delicious. I love Mexican food, but my
favourite food is fish and chips from England! We have it every Friday.
International day
Every year we have one day called International Day. All the students wear clothes from their country
and make food from 6) here/their/there country. It’s fantastic! I usually make vegetable noodles. All
my English friends love 7) they/this/there.
8) In/The/At the weekend my friends and I usually go into town. We go shopping and then we eat lunch
9) to/in/on a different restaurant each week. I love going to fast food restaurants. My favourite
restaurant is called Smokey’s. We always have a hamburger and chips 10) there/their/here. We often
meet a friend from another school and have lunch with her. Her name’s Serena. She loves English tea
with milk. She always drinks 11) it/its/it’s with her food.


12 Find these things in Min’s blog.

1 a city in China Beijing

2 two breakfast foods in England ______________________________

3 two breakfast foods in China ______________________________

4 one meal from England ______________________________

5 one day of the week ______________________________

6 one girl’s name ______________________________

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13 Put the information in the order of the blog.
a Min’s friend Serena ____

b the Chinese food Min cooks ____

c where Min is from 1

d Chinese breakfasts ____

e English breakfasts ____

f the countries the students come from ____

14 Read the article and complete the second column in table. Then complete the third
column with information about a drink in your country.

Drinks around the world

Do you like different drinks? In Japan people drink a lot of green tea. It’s often free in restaurants.
Japanese people drink it with their food. English children sometimes make a coke float – that’s a glass
of cola with some ice cream on the top. They drink it with chocolate. It’s not very healthy, but it’s

Country Drink With?

Japan green tea
My country (________________)

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15 Write a short article about a drink in your country. Write 35–45 words. Use the table in
Exercise 14 to help you.


Total: 100

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