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Definition of ethics
 Ethics is defined as a set of moral principles or values that govern the actions and
decisions of an individual .Hence, it guides the society in determining right and
wrong or ethical and unethical behavior to maintain a civil society or orderliness.

2. What is the basic purpose of a code of ethics for profession?

 To provide employees or members a general idea of what types of behavior and
decisions are acceptable and encouraged at a business or organization.To promote
professional behavior, integrity, impartiality, objectivity, professional competence,
confidentiality, avoidance of potential or apparent conflict of interest.

3. Name and explain the characteristic and values associated with ethical behavior.
 Integrity – the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral
uprightness.honorable, upright, courageous,
 Honesty- a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes
such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of
conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves
being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.
 Trustworthiness and promise keeping- a man that honor covenants, agreements or
any promises made, a man worthy of trust and fully commited with what he does.
 Loyalty(fidelity) – a man that is faithful and loyal with his family , friends, employers,
client and his country
 Confidentiality- good practice in handling patient information,never share or disclose
confidential matters to safeguard the influences and conflicts of interest
 Fairness and openness-being fair, equal,and open minded to all and willingness to
accept corrections for good and admit error or mistakes done.
 Caring for others- being caring, kind and compassionate by sharing , givng and helping
those people that is in need and most importantly avoiding harming others.
 Respect for others- showing respect for every individual, for their dignity, privacy and
rights . Being promt, courteous and decent in providing services or information that
other people need.
 Responsible citizenship- a just law abiding citizen and know when to exercise his or
her democratic rights for example freedom of choosing his/her president, cooperate
with the authorities for whatever requirements required from him/her.
 Pursuit of execellence- competent with what he/ she does, diligent , reliable,
committed, well informed and prepared, and do not settle with mediocrity for
example the idea of “wiining at any cost”.
 Accountability- accountable and responsible for the consequences of actions and

4. Explain why ethical behavior is necessary.

 Ethical behavior is necessary because it maintains peace and order for our society.
Some of our ethical standards were formalized by making it a law . These law requires
ethical behavior or avoiding unethical behavior from the people and once they
disobey they will face an equivalent punishment and on this way orderliness has been
promoted for the welfare of everybody.By behaving ethically, organizations can derive
huge advantages for example customers favour those organizations, which are known
for their ethical practices and better staff attraction and retention.Ethical behavior can
increase employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, trust
and organizational citizenship behaviors. The absence of ethical behavior would lead
to chaos and unfavorable scenarios.

5. What are some of the reasons why people act unethically?

 There are two main reasons why people are acting unethically :
(1) the person’s standard are different from those of society as a whole ,an example
for this are drug dealers, bank robbers,larcenist and more which violates almost
everyone’s ethical standard. Those people never feel remorse for what they have
done because for them its normal as opposite to what ethical standards are.

; or

(2) the person chooses to act selfishly , e.g. the Pork Barrel Scam and political
scandals due to greed for power,cheating on tax return because of financial greed, cheating on exam
because of laziness, they knew it’s wrong but because of personal interest then they still act
unethically.People who feel a sense of power, which often comes along with wealth and fame, tend to
be less likely to believe they are vulnerable to the detrimental consequences of unethical behavior.

6. Describe some the principle and or values that are related to

a. Personal ethics
 Basic justice, fairness- fair and provides equal treatment for all,attainment of that
which is just .
 Respect for the right of others - do not take advantage in any form or abuse the
right of other people ,understanding someone else's feelings by imagining yourself
in their situation.
 Concern for the right of others – being considerate for the right of others and
respects the rights, needs, feelings, and perspectives of others
 Concern for the well-being on welfare of others – principle or practice of unselfish
concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to egoism),showing
compassion and kindness for other people.
 Benevolence, trustworthiness, honesty- an act of kindness or an inclination to be
kind;actions and words are showing sincerity, honesty and worthiness of trust
 Compliance with the law – conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy,
standard or law,aspire to achieve in their efforts to ensure that they are aware of
and take steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations imposed by
government as long as it was just and for the welfare of everybody.
b. Professional ethics
 Integrity, impartiality,objectivity- principle of justice holding that decisions should
be based on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice, or
preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper reasons. He/she is
honorable, upright , courageous , fair to everyone and avoid being subjective in
making decisions or actions
 Professional competence- well trained, equipped , effective and efficient.
 Confidentiality- knows how to keep confidential documents, data or information
to safeguard from conflicts of interest.
 Professional behavior- showing professionalism in his/ her work , comes to work
on time, finish work on time, no scandalous actions outside the company that
puts the name of the company at disgrace .
 Avoidance of potential or apparent conflict of interest- limit him/herself from
actions that may lead to conflicts of interest,take whatever action is requested by
the Company to resolve any such conflict, do not engage in any other business
activity which conflicts with Employee’s duties to the Company.
c. Business ethics
 Fair competition – fairly and seek to obtain competitive advantage only through
fair and lawful means .Never steal any information from the competitor , and the
 Global as well as domestic justice - demands equality of well-being for all human
beings on the planet,provides fair treatment in terms of goods and services it
provides to customers whether domestics or non-residents.
 Social responsibility- act for the benefit of society at large, dutifully perform so as
to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems,accountable and
responsible for the consequences of a decisions or actions been done
 Concern for environment – respect creation ,showing care towards the
environment, promotes waste minimization and proper disposals of it.
7. Explain why ethical behavior is necessary in the practice of one’s profession.
 Ethical behavior is necessary for one’s profession because it is what the Code of Good
Governance for the Profession in the Philippines under Executive Order No. 220, JUNE
23,2003 required from them. In case this professionals do not act ethically, plus do
not have ethical awareness and competency then probably they will fail the principles
of professional conduct which are the following(1) service to others,(2) integrity and
objectivity, (3) professional competence,(4) solidarity and teamwork,(5) and social and
civic responsibility.A strong ethical culture within your business is important in
safeguarding your assets. Employees who abide by the workplace ethics would be
able to protect and respect the business’s assets. Workplace ethics is integral in
fostering increased productivity and teamwork among employees. It is also integral in
fostering increased productivity and teamwork among employees and it also enhances
accountability and transparency when undertaking any business decisions.

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