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 4 & 9 : 1 & %*" 

1 ) " 4& 4  0 '  " 3 0 6 4" -

Compared to
% 6 3 * / (  * / 5 & 3 $ 0 6 3 4&
Phase I: Excitement
masturbating, sex
releases 400% higher
blood flow increases in and
prolactin (hormones around your sexual organs.
that give you the feeling t:PVHFUBTFYnVTIPOUIFVQQFS
of satiety)—that’s why bodies and face.
you end up deadbeat t:PVSIFBSUCFBUTGBTUFS 
and snoring right after breathing rates increase, and
all that excitement. your blood pressure goes up.
and gets lubricated.

  Phase II: Plateau

rise and your muscle tension
increases a notch.
urine won’t mix with your jizz.
shows signs of outer swelling,
tightened muscles, and
decrease in diameter size.

Phase III: Orgasm

muscles begin a
During sexual intercourse, By this time, your sperms cycle of rhythmic
the penis fills with blood and wake up from their long sleep contractions, also
becomes erect, ready to send and start kicking. The semen causing uterine and
off your new batch of DNA- would be moving at around vaginal contractions
carrying crafts. Your sperm 28 mph or 45kph, carrying an in your partner.
now exits your ampulla where average of 120 million sperms t:PVSCSFBUIJOHSBUFTQJLFT
it combines with seminal fluid and when it’s out of penis
from the seminal vesicles, world, the flow slows down to Phase IV: Resolution Phase
then passes through the about 0.0011 mph or 0.0017 t:PVSCMPPEQSFTTVSFESPQBOE
prostate gland to add milky kph. And just like astronauts muscles relax as your bodies
prostatic fluid into the magical exploring unknown worlds, try to settle and enter the
mixture, and then boards the your semen, carrying all your resting phase.
ejaculatory ducts for take-off. sperms, leave one urethra t:PVSCPEJFTHPJOUPBSFGSBDUPSZ
and arrive at another (that’s if period post-coitus, when both
you don’t have of you can no longer reach
rubber on). another orgasm (Sometimes not
Welcome to true for lucky women who can
the arena, reach multiple orgasms). This
boys! period can last from minutes
to days—usually longer for men
than women.

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