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Task 2 - Skills for Teachers

Manuel Fernando Tenorio Asprilla Group 6

Teacher: Angie Xiomara Pinto

Popayán, April 2020

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Didáctics of English

importance currently given as pedagogical strategies promoters of learning to

communicate authentic messages, interaction in pairs and in small groups and the
pedagogical adjustments that facilitate attention to the form within genuinely
communicative activities. The theories interactionist and cognitive, together with the
creation of the concept of communicative competence, which will be discussed in the
next section, have crystallized in pedagogical proposals for the classroom that, based on
the focus communicative of the 80s, they continue to the present day and take shape in
task approaches.


- What method or approach from the ones explained in the VIO do you consider
is shown in the parody?

The method that I consider to be in parody is gramma translation since the method
is derived from Greek and Latin.

- What characteristics of that method are reflected in the parody?

The characteristics that are reflected in the parody of this method is that the soldier
gives him Latin grammar classes and the gramma translation method as I said
earlier is derived from Latin.

- Do you consider there is an ideal method to teach English, or it is better off to

be eclectic?

I believe that for each person there is a different method to teach since everyone
does not learn in the same way.

- Which aspects of those methods do you stand out and which one you think are

For me all methods are important since we have to keep them in mind when
teaching or learning and none is disadvantageous
Any syllabus is a plan of what is to be achieved through teaching and learning. It is
part of an overall language curriculum or course which is made up of four
elements: aims, content, methodology and evaluation. The syllabus identifies what
will be worked upon by the teacher and students in terms of content selected to be
appropriate to overall aims. Methodology refers to how teachers and learners work
upon the content, whilst evaluation is the process of assessing outcomes from the
learning and judging the appropriateness of other elements of the curriculum.
A syllabus may be formally documented, as in the aims and content of a national
or institutional syllabus for particular groups of learners or (less explicitly perhaps)
in the content material of published textbooks. Every teacher follows a syllabus,
but it may vary from being a pre-designed document to a day-to-day choice of
content which the teacher regards as serving a course's particular aims. In the latter
case, the syllabus unfolds as lessons progress.
Any syllabus ideally should provide:
• a clear framework of knowledge and capabilities selected to be appropriate to
overall aims;
• continuity and a sense of direction in classroom work for teacher and students;
• a record for other teachers of what has been covered in the course;
• a basis for evaluating students' progress;
• a basis for evaluating the appropriateness of the course in relation to overall aims
and student needs identified both before and during the course;
• content appropriate to the broader language curriculum, the particular class of
learners, and the educational situation and wider society in which the course is
The components of the study plan are as follows:
- Pedagogical and administrative organization.
- Time structure.
- Ways to assess student learning.
- Resources to be implemented.
The characteristics of a study plan are:
- Competency-based approach.
- Approach based on learning.
- Curricular, academic and administrative flexibility.


Grammatical Syllabus has been defined as one It is easy to follow and easy • requires little set up
which consists of a list of
grammatical items selected to assess. Such a syllabus can time
and graded in terms of be very transparent, so by • requires minimal
simplicity and complexity going through the steps, teacher L2 competence
(Nunan, 1988) - Wilkins
(1976:2) defined this. kind there may be a strong and fluency
of approach as synthetic. - feeling of achievement. • is safe for the teacher
Language rules are learned Progress can be easy to • is easy to assess (with
in a linear fashion and
learners measure. In short, such a multiple choice tests,
syllabus is easy to manage for example)
because of its pragmatic • is easy to explicitly
approach. It is also probably focus on (discreet)
familiar to most teachers points
from their own L1 learning, • can be mostly taught
so it would be relatively easy in the L1
to implement for novice • requires no higher-
level (meta-cognitive)
teachers. thinking/assessment
Notional-Functional A notional-functional It can implement more some functional
Syllabus syllabus is an approach
where the organization of realistic learning tasks based exponents are just
the material is determined on real-world single items- we cannot
with notions or ideas that communication. It provides a use them to generate
learners expect to be able
to express through the means for contextual more language as we
target language and the understanding and can with grammatical
functions acts learners realization before structure.
expect to be able to
accomplish performance because it linguistically complex
grasps onto cultural needs forms could appear in
(Finocchiaro & Brumfit, more basic and
1983, p. 17). But perhaps essential functions.
most importantly, the lack of The absence of a
assessment protocols specification of
discussed as a disadvantage conditions which limit
on the previous page allows or determine the
for more flexible teaching, interpretation of a given
such as cyclical pedagogic functions means that
practice, and naturally there is at best, some
allows for the addition of ambiguity, and, at
socio-cultural components. worst, total
Regardless of the actual misunderstanding over
what is meant
learning outcomes, it can
also be motivational for the
students because the
syllabus, or the to-do list, is
transparent; students may
gain a healthy feeling of
completion after each item is
crossed off the list.
Lexical Syllabus It’s a form of the The lexical syllabus is a novel The use of the inflected
propositional paradigm that forms of the base-form
takes 'word' as the unit of approach to of words un words list
analysis and content for language teaching, based on does not correspond to
syllabus design. Various research. It is therefore natural language use.
vocabulary selection
more scientific than other
studies can be traced back designs. Perhaps the biggest A high precentage of
to the 1920s and 1930s words of high frequency
(West 1926; Ogden 1930; advantage of the lexical are in the function
Faucet et al. 1936), and syllabus from the pragmatic words which are not
recent advances in point of view is the lack of that the useful ti
techniques for the negotiation the
computer analysis of large guesswork; the syllabus is intendet message
databases of authentic text not based on writers’
have helped to resuscitate assumptions. With the focus Grammar seems to be
this line of wor dealt whith intuitively
on lexical items and usage by the words use.
that is based on real-world
usage, the learning content If learnes need discrete
thousands lexical items,
tends to be more natural each of which need to
and may even foster deeper be taught, it is
impossible that every
processing (Schmitt & item ve formally taught
McCarthy, 1997, p. 3). But in language classroom.
even more importantly, the
introduction of the
generative lexical concept
was ground breaking. Doing
away with the grammar
vs vocabulary dichotomy,
and viewing word/phrases as
having their own generative
grammatical qualities based
on context was a significant
step forward.
Task-Based Syllabus is based on task-based There are several, some on No guidance on how to
learning, an approach combine the
where learners carry out the theoretical level and grammatical items with
tasks such as solving a some on the pragmatic the communicative
problem or planning an level. For one, it skills.
activity. The language learnt
comes out of the linguistic acknowledges the No guidance provided
demands of the activity. A inadequacies of all product on the selection of tasks
task-based syllabus is syllabi; it takes into account and how tasks might be
structured around a series related to the real-
of these tasks human cognition and world language needs
cognitive development by of the learner.
being a process-based Difficult to degree tasks
syllabi. It is also procedural. .
It builds and relies on learner Teacher-training
autonomy—something very
real and important when the
student leaves the
classroom. Also, students
will inevitably be at different
levels of competence and
motivation in any classroom.
By consistently using group
work in the beginning: (1)
learners of different levels
may feel less pressure
because of the smaller
number of eyes
on them at any given
moment, (2) learners
implicitly and explicitly
motivate each other and
help negotiate meaning with
each other at a group level,
and (3) no matter how
intuitive a teacher/writer
may be, their predictions
regarding teaching order
cannot replace real-time
language usage during a
realistic task
(Cox, 2005).
Content-Based Syllabus According to Brinton, Snow, The biggest two advantages Teacher's lack of
and Wesche (1989, p. vii), it of CBI must be: (1) the knowledge about the
is the “integration of motivational topic.
content learning with aspects that coincide with - Limited time for
language teaching aims. empowerment and students to achieve
More specifically, it refers meaningful goals and (2) the adequate academic
to the concurrent study of fact that student are no level.
language and subject longer only focused on - Little material
matter, with the form and studying about the L2, but available in the market
sequence of language using it as needed, naturally. toteach the different
presentation dictated by Furthermore, CBI is easy to topics in the specific
content material.” implement. In fact, it does language.
not need a specialized -Teachers need to learn
course book—any book how to integrate
written in English could academic language and
serve as the center content better in
piece of a CBI course their classrooms.

[Animi]. (2016, April 1). Monty Python's Life of Brian - [April Fools'] 'Romans go home' [Video File]. Retrieved from

Breen, M. (2001). Syllabus Design. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to
Speakers of Other Languages (The Cambridge Guides, pp. 151-159). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Retrieved from

Murphy, R. S. (2018). The Concept of Syllabus Design and Curriculum Development. In Faravani, A., Zeraatpishe, M.,
Azarnoosh, M., & Reza, H. Issues in Syllabus Design. Sense publisher. The Netherlands. Available in

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