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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Practice session of IIS Administration.

Do the following steps for creating a new web sites.

1. Logon as a user in the Administrators group.

2. Create home directories for Web

sites, such as labsite1 and

3. Launch the Internet Services

Manager snap-in by pointing
Tools…Internet Services Manager.

3. To start Web Site Creation

Wizard, right click on the server
(or computer) icon, then New…Web

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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Web Site Creation Wizard starts.

Click Next to continue.

4. Enter a description for the new

WEB site, such as Myweb.

Click Next to continue.

5. IP address needs to be specified

for users to reach the Web server.
Click the drop-down box to select
the available IP address, which
should be the IP address of the
current Windows 2000 Server.

For example, 192.168.0.x is the

available IP address, where x will
be your cabin NO.

6. You can enter 991 as the TCP

port, but remember the standard port
is 80 for HTTP.

Multiple Web sites can be created on
the same physical machine. Usually,
the best way is to create a Web site
with a unique IP address. However,
different combinations of IP
address, Port number, and Host
Header allow multiple web sites
created as well.
However, when SSL is configured in
one of the web sites on the same

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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

machine, modification of Host Header

is not applicable to create
different website
Click Next to continue.
7. Enter the path for the home
directory of this new Website site
by doing one of the following:
Typing the local path of the home
directory if it is located
physically in the same machine, such
as C:\labsite1.
Click Browse to locate the directory
Typing the UNC path of the home
directory if it is located somewhere
on the network, such as
\\w2ksrv\labsite1, where labsite1
must be a shared folder on the
machine: w2ksrv.

When Web clients or users initially
connect to this Web site, they will
be placed in the home directory. The
home directory is the “root”
directory for the web site. From the
root directory, subdirectories
including the real subdirectories
under the home directory and the
virtual directories can be created,
in order to organize the files
available for upload or download.

8. Check Allow anonymous access to

this Web site.

After the path is entered, click

Next to continue.

Click Next to continue.

Training Division,NIC 3
Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Read, Write or both access

permissions can be set to the home
directory by checking the options.
Other such as Execute, Browse can
also be chosen.

Click Next to continue.

Web site should be successfully


Click Finish to continue.

Repeat the above steps; different

websites can be created.

As shown on the right, multiple

sites are created with different
Port numbers.

Last but not least, the homepage of

each Web site should be saved in the
corresponding home directory.

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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Modifying Web Site Properties

Web Site Creation Wizard allows

simple configuration of a Web site.
However, properties of the Web site
can be modified to meet different

1. Launch the Internet Services

Manager (or Internet Information
Services snap-in).

2.Right click on the Web site for


3. Point to Properties.

Web Site
Web Site Identification
You can change the description, IP
address and TCP Port here for the
Web Site. Advanced setting for the
IP address and Host Header can be
starting by click the Advanced
The number of connections to the
system can be limited.

Enable Logging
This allows administrators or site
operators to keep track of what is
happen on the system by logging
different activities. There are
different log formats can be used:
Microsoft IIS Log Format, W3C
Extended Log File Format, or via
ODBC Logging.

Operators Properties
Windows 2000 accounts can be used to
define and authenticate users as
operators of the IIS. When users
become the operators, they can:
modify Web server access permissions
and logging; modify default Web
documents and Web site footer, and
modify page content expiration, HTTP
headers and content ratings.

Training Division,NIC 5
Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Performance Tuning
Three different performance turning
can be selected depends on hits
expected per day of the Web site.

Bandwidth and process throttling

could be enabling in the Performance
panel in order to limit the
bandwidth, processing power, and
other resources of the system.

Home Directory
The configurations including the
location path, access control and
other settings for the home
directory can be modified.

The list of default documents can be
modified here. Default.htm and
Default.asp were the two default
documents for browser to open the
default page. In many case, the
default page may have a different
name, such as index.htm or
index.html. Thus, those filenames
must be entered to make the browser
to open the default page of the Web

Click Add to start adding a new

document name.

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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Enter the document name, such as

index.htm, index.html, welcome.htm
and etc.

The order of listing the default

page can be changed by using the up
and down buttons.

Directory Security
This allows you to control who
accesses the Web site based on
authentication, client IP addresses,
or access control list (ACL)
settings on files. Secure
communications can also be specified
when clients connect to the Web

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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

4. Click Edit of Anonymous access

authentication control will bring up
the Authentication Methods window.

The default settings should work for

most cases. Changes can be made
based on specific needs.

Click OK to close the window.

5. Click Edit of the IP address and

domain name restrictions.

Administrators can control who

accesses to the Web site based on
client IP addresses.

7. Check Granted Access.

8. Click Add button to add the


9. Select Single computer.

Enter an IP address, which will be

denied to access the Web site.

Click OK to continue.

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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Then, all computers (or IP

addresses) will be able to access to
the Web site except those listed in
the bottom panel.

Start, Stop and Restart a Specific FTP/Web Site

Launch the Internet Services Manager
(or Internet Information Services
snap-in) as show in the figure on
the right.

A full reboot of IIS requires a
system reboot. However, normally,
you can just start, stop or pause
different individual Web or FTP site
by selecting the site without
affecting other sites.

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Configuration & Modification of a Web Site

Testing a Web Site

1. Launch the Internet Services
Manager snap-in by pointing
Tools…Internet Services Manager.

Right click on a Web Site, and point

to Browse.

Internet Explorer should open the

Web site as shown in the figure on
the right. The URL of the site in
this example is:

You should realize the port number

was specified and must be specified
in order to get access to the Web
Site. Therefore, you can try the use
the URL to access to Web site from
Windows 2000 Professional.

Training Division,NIC 10

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