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Published on 07 November 2013. Downloaded by St. Petersburg State University on 23/01/2014 10:14:01.

Electrochemical artifacts originating from nanoparticle

contamination by Ag/AgCl quasi-reference electrodes†
Cite this: Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 602
Alexey Yakushenko,a Dirk Mayer,a Johan Buitenhuis,b Andreas Offenhäusserac
and Bernhard Wolfrum*ac
Received 6th September 2013,
Accepted 7th November 2013
Electrochemical techniques rely on the stability of a defined reference potential. Due to the need for
miniaturization, electrochemical lab-on-a-chip platforms often employ Ag/AgCl quasi-reference electrodes
DOI: 10.1039/c3lc51029h
for this purpose. Here, we report on electrochemical artifacts resulting from nanoparticle–electrode collisions originating from standard chlorinated silver wires.

Introduction electrodes are made in different forms, for example, as

pressed Ag/AgCl pellets, chlorinated silver wires (widely used
Electrochemical techniques have been widely used in the in electrophysiology), and on-chip Ag/AgCl reference electrodes
lab-on-a-chip community for biosensing applications.1–10 The fabricated via chlorination of silver15–18 or printable Ag/AgCl
range of electrochemical methods applied for chip-based pastes.19–21 Their small size and the possibility of on-chip
devices is very broad and a significant number of investiga- integration in microfluidic devices render them perfect
tions focus on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, candidates for reference electrodes in lab-on-a-chip biosensor
cyclic voltammetry, and amperometry. All these techniques or μTAS platforms.
usually employ either three-electrode (working, reference, For example, extracellular potential changes, caused by
and counter electrode) or two-electrode (working and action-potential generation in cells, have been measured on the
combined reference and counter electrode) configurations. working electrodes vs. the quasi-stable potential of the refer-
The most commonly used reference electrodes in the biosensor ence electrodes.22–24 Small potential drifts over longer times,
community are Ag/AgCl electrodes. In a conventional Ag/AgCl associated with quasi-reference electrodes, thus, do not
microelectrode, the Ag/AgCl wire is usually isolated from the significantly affect the results of such experiments, as the
solution by a nanoporous ceramic or glass frit and kept in a signals are rapid compared to drift with much longer time-
KCl solution of defined concentration. Owing to the frit, large scales. Nevertheless, the electrochemical properties of the
molecules or ions cannot pass through this barrier, which electrode material and its chemical reactivity may play a
establishes an ohmic contact between the reference electrode significant role in the shape of acquired voltage signals.25 As
and the sample solution, restricting chemical exchange. opposed to electrophysiological voltage measurements,
However, quite often, the so called quasi- or pseudo-reference electrochemical experiments require the measurement of
electrodes are used for on-chip biosensors due to convenience faradaic currents. These can result from electron transfer
and the need for miniaturization.11–14 Unlike conventional caused by redox-active enzymatic reactions or direct oxidation
Ag/AgCl reference electrodes, these electrodes are not isolated or reduction of chemical or biochemical molecules at the
from the sample solution and, therefore, present certain electrode. To actually oxidize or reduce the molecule of
disadvantages regarding potential stability. Quasi-reference interest, the working electrode has to be biased to a certain
potential higher or lower than the redox potential of that
molecule, respectively. This, in turn, leads to oxidation or
Institute of Bioelectronics (PGI-8/ICS-8) and JARA—Fundamentals of Future
reduction of all species having redox potentials in this
Information Technology, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany.
E-mail:; Fax: +49 2461 61 8733; Tel: +49 2461 61 3285
range, which eventually contribute to the overall current.
Institute of Complex Systems (ICS-3), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Electrochemical signals may manifest over a broad range of
52425 Jülich, Germany timescales. Sometimes, very rapid signals are detected in
IV. Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany real time, which last for only several milliseconds or less.
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Amperograms of
Release of redox active neurotransmitters from synaptic or
uncontaminated MEAs; ICP-MS analysis of a liquid sample from a MEA
exposed to an Ag/AgCl wire, EDX analyses of a MEA exposed to an Ag/AgCl wire
dense core vesicles is one such example. On-chip detection
and of an uncontaminated MEA; DLS measurements of a liquid sample of dopamine release via oxidative faradaic currents showed
exposed to an Ag/AgCl wire. See DOI: 10.1039/c3lc51029h electrochemical spikes with a duration of less than 1 ms.26

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Hence, real cellular signals may be compromised by interfering +1.5 V vs. a Pt counter electrode for 60 s and then washed
electrochemical events having similar temporal features. thoroughly with deionized water.
In this work, we report on a phenomenon associated with Amperometric experiments were performed to detect
the use of Ag/AgCl quasi-reference electrodes, which, as we oxidation/reduction events of Ag/Ag+ nanoparticles upon
have observed, can interfere with the electrochemical measure- impact with the MEA microelectrode surface over time. For
ments and cause non-negligible artifacts. The artifacts are parallel measurements across all 64 microelectrodes at high
attributed to the redox reactions and adsorption/desorption temporal resolution, we used a low-noise current amplifier
system, PicoAmp64.26 Measurements were conducted on
Published on 07 November 2013. Downloaded by St. Petersburg State University on 23/01/2014 10:14:01.

processes of Ag/AgCl residues of quasi-reference electrodes that

dissolve in solution on top of a microelectrode array chip. chips that had not been previously exposed to an Ag/AgCl
Having performed a range of investigative experiments, we electrode. The potential of the working electrode was
come to a conclusion that these signals come from direct switched every 10 s between reducing (−0.3 V) and oxidizing
oxidation/reduction of Ag/Ag+ nanoparticles at the microelectrodes. (+0.6 V) potentials. A piece of chlorinated silver wire was
placed into the reservoir on top of the MEA, and the testing
Experimental protocol was repeated several times.
Microelectrode arrays (MEAs)
In the present study, we used previously described micro- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS)
electrode arrays (MEAs).26 The working microelectrodes In ICP-MS experiment, 1 mL of PBS solution was placed on
were made of either Pt or Au (150 nm). The whole chip was a MEA chip previously exposed to an Ag/AgCl wire. After 24 h
passivated with a stack of five alternating SiO2 and Si3N4 layers incubation, the liquid was withdrawn from the chip and
(200 nm/100 nm, respectively). There were 64 individually subjected to ICP-MS analysis (ELAN 6100, PerkinElmer Inc.,
addressable electrodes on every chip (see Fig. 1). Electrode Waltham, MA) for the detection of metal residues in the
radii were identical on the same chip (apart from two large solution.
electrodes with a radius of 75 μm) but varied between different
chips (from 1.5 to 10 μm). Typically, we use these microelec- Scanning electron microcopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive
trode arrays (MEAs) to detect the release of neurotransmitters X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)
from dopaminergic cells growing on the chip using either
amperometry or fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV). SEM images were taken with a Magellan XHR scanning elec-
tron microscope (FEI, Hillsboro, OR) equipped with an EDX
Electrochemical experiments detector. Voltage and current were set to 20 kV and 0.4 nA,
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments were conducted in a
3-electrode configuration using a platinum counter electrode
CHI 1030B potentiostat (CH Instruments Inc., Austin, TX). Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements
The experiments were performed in phosphate buffer saline Dynamic light scattering measurements were performed on
(PBS) and a platinum counter electrode was used in all an ALV/CGS-8F goniometer system with a 632.8 nm HeNe
CV experiments. Quasi-reference electrodes were prepared laser and an ALV-5000 multiple tau digital correlator (ALV,
using standard electrochemical chlorination.27–29 Briefly, a Langen, Germany) at 25 °C. Samples were prepared by soni-
silver wire (Ø 0.008′′, A-M Systems, Sequim, WA) was cating a chlorinated silver wire in PBS solution, after which
immersed in a 1 M HCl solution applying a potential of they were filtered through a syringe filter with a 5 μm average
pore size. Measurements were performed for scattering
angles from 30 to 150 degrees in steps of 15 degrees with a
measurement time of 150 s per angle. Contin fits were
performed using the standard ALV software. Note that con-
sidering the irregular shape of the particles (as observed in
SEM), the average radius given here is only a rough estimate,
because the analysis assumes spherical particles and, further-
more, the average value of the radius is the scattering inten-
sity weighted averaged radius.

Results and discussion

In CV experiments, the potential was swept at a rate of 50 mV s−1
Fig. 1 64-channel microelectrode array. A.) MEA with a reservoir
from −0.3 V to +0.6 V, first in positive direction and back.
formed by a glass ring (20/5/1 mm: diameter/height/thickness) glued
on top of the chip. B.) Zoom into the active electrode area with
Fig. 2 shows two cyclic voltammograms on one of the MEA
62 microelectrodes of 12 μm diameter and 2 larger electrodes of microelectrodes with a commercial Ag/AgCl reference elect-
150 μm diameter. rode (RE-6, BASi, Kenilworth, United Kingdom) (Fig. 2A) and

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then with an Ag/AgCl wire as a quasi-reference electrode appeared on almost all 64 channels of the MEA. Fig. 3 shows
(Fig. 2B). a trace of a single microelectrode recorded 5 minutes after
Before exposure to the chlorinated silver wire, using a com- the exposure to the chlorinated silver wire. As one can clearly
mercial conventional Ag/AgCl reference electrode, a clean distinguish in the representative amperometric trace, there
voltammogram was obtained (Fig. 2A). There were no faradaic are only a limited number of peaks before the switch to the
peaks or other peaks suggesting adsorption/desorption effects, negative cathodic potential. This was indeed the picture on all
and only the capacitive current due to the electrode–electrolyte other electrodes across different chips: very few rather small
Published on 07 November 2013. Downloaded by St. Petersburg State University on 23/01/2014 10:14:01.

interface and the onset of oxygen reduction are present. After peaks (amplitudes of approximately 0.1 nA) appeared at the
the chips were exposed to the chlorinated silver wire by using it anodic potential of +0.6 V. Immediately after switching to
as a quasi-reference electrode or by just placing it into the solu- the cathodic potential, multiple peaks with a wide range of
tion on the chip, clear peaks manifested on the voltammograms. amplitudes from under 1 nA to over 10 nA appeared.
Different types of reference electrodes were tested in the study, The cathodic peaks almost vanished 5 to 10 seconds after the
yet the strongest artifacts were observed when using chlori- switch to the potential of −0.3 V. The peaks across different
nated silver wire quasi-reference electrodes. As can be seen in channels were temporally uncorrelated, which indicated that
Fig. 2B, there is a distinct sharp peak at +112 mV on the these were indeed independent electrochemical events. After
forward scan and a wider peak on the backward scan covering performing amperometric experiments, single microelectrodes
potentials from +87 mV down to −26 mV. The forward scan were investigated using CV and peaks similar to those seen
peak reached amplitudes of up to 0.8 nA, whereas the back- in Fig. 2 were recorded. The transient peaks described above
ward peak had amplitudes of around 0.1 nA. We performed were not observed on chips that had not been exposed to the
the experiments with approximately 20 chips and reference chlorinated silver wire. Comparative amperometric measure-
electrodes and observed peak locations during the forward ments from an uncontaminated MEA with a reliable conven-
scan distributed from +67 mV to +130 mV. While the peaks on tional Ag/AgCl reference electrode or a calomel reference
the forward scan had a prominent sharp form, peaks on the electrode are shown in the ESI,† Fig. S1 and S2.
backward scan were broader and presented their highest ampli- We used ICP-MS as a method to verify the chemical com-
tude in the potential range from +42 mV to −94 mV. We varied position of the nanoparticles observed using electrochemical
the sweep rates in the CV experiments from 50 mV s−1 to 200 V s−1 techniques. Liquid from a MEA chip previously exposed to
and observed a linear increase in the peak's charge as a func- the chlorinated silver wire was analyzed. High concentrations
tion of sweep rate (1.32 ± 0.13 pC V−1 s−1). This suggests that of Pt and Ti were found (see the ESI,† Table S3), which were
the measured charge consists not only of the faradaic currents the base materials of the electrode and the adhesion layers.
due to oxidation of steadily adsorbed silver atoms/ions. The element with the second highest concentration on the
To further investigate this phenomenon, we recorded list was silver, which strengthens our hypothesis that the
amperometric traces monitoring the contamination process measured signals were caused by nanoparticles originating
over time. Approximately 1 min after placing the wire inside from the Ag/AgCl quasi-reference electrode. Other elements
the MEA chip and initiating the amperometric protocol, a could be attributed to the contaminants coming from either
few characteristic peaks during the cathodic phase were the target or target holder, or the walls of the physical vapor
clearly observed in the trace. After several minutes, the peaks deposition chamber used for metal deposition.
Uncontaminated MEAs and MEAs that had been exposed
to an Ag/AgCl wire were subjected to additional surface analy-
sis using SEM while elementary analysis was simultaneously
performed with an EDX detector. We analyzed three chips
with different exposure times to the Ag/AgCl wire: long (more
than 5 h and additional washing steps), short (10 minutes),
and no exposure. All chips had been subjected to multiple
CVs but only the first two exhibited the characteristic peaks.
Elementary analysis of the contaminated microelectrode
surface using EDX revealed the presence of silver among
other expected elements constituting the microelectrode and
passivation surfaces (see the ESI,† Fig. S4, S5). SEM images
of the contaminated electrodes with Ag deposits can be seen
in Fig. 4; a clean uncontaminated electrode is shown in the
ESI,† Fig. S6.
We attribute the peaks observed in our experiments to
Fig. 2 Cyclic voltammograms on a single MEA microelectrode and a
redox reactions as well as adsorption/desorption processes
proposed chemical equation taking place at the peaks. A.) Cyclic
voltammogram measured with a commercial conventional Ag/AgCl
of a Ag/Ag+ pair emerging from the Ag/AgCl nanoparticles
reference electrode. B.) Cyclic voltammogram measured with a originating from the chlorinated silver wire, after it was
chlorinated silver wire as a quasi-reference electrode. Scan rate 50 mV s−1. inserted into the solution. Most probably, the dissolution of

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Fig. 3 Amperometric measurement of a MEA exposed to an Ag/AgCl wire. Switching between the anodic and cathodic potentials. A.) Trace with
3 anodic/cathodic cycles. B.) Zoom into the anodic part at +0.6 V. C.) Zoom into the cathodic part at −0.3 V. Inset: example of a single
amperometric peak.

nanoparticles were on the order of 0.1 to 1 nA, similar to

what was observed in our work. A wider range of anodic
potentials seen in our experiments (+67 mV to +130 mV) was
most probably due to the oxidation of different sizes of the
silver nanoparticles originating from the Ag/AgCl wire.35,36
If we assume a spherical form and a complete oxidation of
the nanoparticle upon contact with the electrode, the radii of
the particles can be calculated from the measured charge
using the following equation:

Fig. 4 SEM images of individual MEA microelectrodes (Ti/Au/Ti) 3 Ar Qmax

rnp  3 (1)
exposed to Ag/AgCl wire. A.) Microelectrode after prolonged exposure. 4 F 
Inlay: zoom onto the aggregates of particles. B.) Microelectrode after a
short 10-minute exposure. Inlay: zoom onto individual particles.
where Qmax is the measured charge, F is the Faraday
constant, ρ is the bulk density, and Ar is the relative atomic
the Ag/AgCl wire is caused by the chemical gradient of ions mass. Based on eqn (1) and the data acquired from 10 different
and mechanical instability of the wire surface, as this process chips, the average equivalent radius of the detected
was also observed when the wire was not a direct part of the nanoparticles was 104 ± 7 nm (n = 76, error is standard
electrochemical set-up (passively inserted in the solution). error of the mean). The smallest detected particles had a
The peaks demonstrated in our research are similar to those radius of just 3.0 nm (probably truly single nanoparticle),
recently reported from silver nanoparticle–electrode colli- whereas the biggest particles or, probably, aggregates37 had a
sion events. This phenomenon is gaining increasing interest calculated radius of 250 nm (most probably multiple particles
in the electrochemistry community and is extensively investi- or aggregates). The particle size was also analyzed using
gated by the Compton group and others.30–33 For example, dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements, showing a
in the work of Zhou et al.,34 silver nanoparticles were oxi- broad size distribution with the peak radius ranging from
dized using glassy carbon microelectrodes at a potential 148 to 190 nm depending on the scattering angle (ESI† S7).
of approximately +100 mV. Current amplitudes of the single The assumption of the spherical shape of the particles is

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not entirely accurate as aggregates of the nanoparticles can be microelectrode contamination, either not all the particles are
observed on the SEM images of the extensively used chip desorbed or the desorbed particles do not diffuse far away from
(see Fig. 4). Additionally, SEM images support the assumption the electrode and are drawn to the surface again, probably
that the measured charges represent not only single but also due to electrostatic interaction on the backward scan. The
multiple particles or particle aggregates. Hence, when com- ICP-MS analysis revealed an evident presence of high amounts
paring the detected signals in our experiment, we also use the of silver in the solution that has been exposed to a chip
measured number of electrons, which is proportional to the contaminated with Ag/AgCl nanoparticles. Moreover, SEM
Published on 07 November 2013. Downloaded by St. Petersburg State University on 23/01/2014 10:14:01.

number of the oxidized/reduced silver atoms/ions, and can be images showed aggregation of silver deposits after continuous
directly derived from the measured charge: exposure to an Ag/AgCl wire.

In this work, we have shown electrochemical artifacts
The average number of electrons or, presumably, silver resulting from collisions of silver atoms/ions from the chlori-
atoms/cations per detected event according to eqn (2) was nated silver, employed as a quasi-reference electrode wire,
5.73 × 108 ± 0.97 × 108 (n = 76, error is standard error of with the surface of MEA microelectrodes. Future investiga-
the mean). The smallest detected particles contained mere tions of this phenomenon are required to completely under-
6.3 × 103 atoms, whereas the bigger particles or aggregates of stand the redox reactions and adsorption/desorption
particles had 3.79 × 109 atoms. processes taking place in the studied system. Nevertheless,
Summarizing all the findings from different experiments the message we would like to convey in this work is
performed within the scope of this study, we conclude that that special care has to be taken when employing Ag/AgCl
the most probable explanation of the documented peaks on quasi-reference electrodes for electrochemical detection.
the microelectrodes during electrochemical measurements Especially for on-chip applications, where the quasi-reference
is collisions of Ag/AgCl nanoparticles with the electrode electrode is integrated on the chip or in a microfluidic
surface. The particles originate from the Ag/AgCl wire from a system, a direct contact between an Ag/AgCl electrode and
quasi-reference electrode exposed to the solution. It seems the test solution should be prevented. Alternatively, stable
that, when the electrode is held at cathodic potentials, the non-brittle compositions of Ag/AgCl materials have to be
particles diffuse towards the electrode, come in contact with used to avoid the release of such particles into the solution.
the surface of the microelectrode and are first reduced from Besides, due to the possible release of silver nanoparticles,
Ag+ to Ag0. Frequent reduction peaks, regularly observed probable toxicological effects on the biological system in
at the cathodic potential on an amperogram in the first question have to be considered.39,40
5–10 seconds, support this argument. After this initial period,
the solution layer closest to the electrode surface is depleted Acknowledgements
of the cations and the frequency of the reduction events dras- We thank Marko Banzet for the fabrication of MEAs, Elke
tically decreases. We also believe that after the reduction, Brauweiler-Reuters and Gregor Panaitov for assistance with
most particles are adsorbed at the electrode surface.35 This the SEM images, and Elmar Neumann and Andreas Everwand
is supported by a rather broad cathodic peak on the CV, which for help with EDX measurements. Additionally, we would like
represents a combination of a reduction reaction and an to acknowledge Enno Kätelhön and Jan Schnitker for helpful
adsorption process manifesting in the increase of the elec- discussions. This work was funded by the Helmholtz Young
trode capacitance over time. Another aspect confirming the Investigators program.
adsorption hypothesis is that only a few oxidation peaks are
detected when the potential is switched to +0.6 V. In case the Notes and references
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