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Interpretasi hasil autoanamnesis dan observasi stimutaneous Mrs.

Examiner Mrs.Sorrowati Interpretasi
 Verbal baik (selamat pagi)
Good morning ma’am, how may  Kontak mata minimal
Good morning
I help you? (memandang mata tapi
(Glanced the eyes brieftly then face
(looking at the eyes, offering to sebentar)
turned down; accepted the hand)
shake hands)  Kontak fisik (salaman)

I’m the psychiatrist here, what is  Sikap kooperatif (menjawab

your name ma’am? ketika ditanya)
 Hypothymic Mood appropriate
affect ( dalam keadaan
murung/depressed/suram dan
I feel very bad, doc
How do you feel today? sesuai dengan keadaan yang
(suddenly she cried)
dialaminya sekarang 
menjawab pertanyaan sambil
Why are you crying? I’m sinful, so much sin had I commit
Yes, and i’m very sure that I may not
Are you sure it’s that much?  Ide berfikir/gagasan yang
be forgiven
berlebihan  perasaan berdosa
But God’s mercy is above all... (bukan termasuk delusi)
I don’t know
I ran away from home, talk to
May I know what are they? everyone about the evil of my
husband’s , and I enjoy it so much
 Pernyataan yang benar (merasa
Of course not. Why should I felt
Is it right to do so? kalo apa yang dilakukannya itu
guilty if it’s right.
salah/tidaklah benar)
Do you love your husband? No way
 Terjadi pertengkaran dengan
Why? She hit me at my head
(talking to husband) (husband answering)
Is it right sir? Yes, I lost control.
(Husband answering)
How many time it happened? Twice, the first was before she turned
mad a year ago.
(talking at Mrs.Sorrowati)
Have you any hallucinatios
ma’am?  Tidak ada halusinasi pada
I mean voices of which you don’t No
keadaan ini
see the source or something like
a shadow only you can see?
Okay, I think it’s enough for our
initial interview. I except to see Thank you.
you again next week.
Excerpt of the following interview
Good morning Mrs.Sorrowati,
Fine, actually I feel good today.
how are you feeling today?  Euthymic mood (perasaan yang
I felt very easy, now that I’ve lost the
Could you explain it? normal)
burden on my shoulder
If I’m not mistaken, you’ve tried  Dulu punya pemikiran untuk
to swallow a large amount of I was considering suicide. I can’t mengakhiri hidupnya / bunuh
pills that day. What do you hold on with the burden. diri
intend to do?
My mother caught me before I
What made you cancel the act? commence it. But I also think about
my children.
 Fungsi yang berhubungan
I can do many things normally again.
How are you doing now? dengan pekerjaan (misalnya
I can cook again.
memasak masi normal)
... I don’t attend school right now, I
What about your job?
still think I’m a disgrace.  Masih ada sedikit pemikiran
A little, but I think I’ll recover in
So, you’re still feeling sinful bahwa dia berdosa
Now, do you still feel No. I realize my husband’s fault is his
unforgivable? to consider, not mine.
What are your plans afterwards? I want to divorce my husband.  Mampu membuat sedikit
And then? ... I don’t know next rencana kedepannya

Pemeriksaan fisik Mrs.Sorrowati

 Vital sign : Blood pressure (110/60 mmHg) ; pulse rate ( 62x/mnt);
respiration rate (15x/mnt) ; Axial temperature (36,9 oC)
 Physical examination : Normal
 Neurological examination : Normal

Kesimpulan hasil pemeriksaan psychiatric ( psycopatologic, alloanamnesis, autoanamnesis, dan

 Main condition : verbal adekuat, dan ada kontak
fisik, kontak mata minimal, menunjukan sikap kooperatif
 Keadaan affective : hypothymic mood,
appropriate affect (sikap yang tepat)
 Kehidupan emosional : Labile
 Proses berfikir : pemikiran dan merasa berdosa,
berkeinginan untuk bunuh diri, tujuan yang pesimis, sering
bertengkar dengan suaminya
 Persepsi dan sensasi : normal
 Fungsi intelegensi : normal
 Instinctual dan perjalanan hidup :perbuatan ingin
mengakhiri hidup, hypobulia, kehilangan berat badan, sulit
 Anxiety : tidak ada gejala cemas yang terlihat
 Tes kemampuan realita : perasaan, pemikiran,
tingkah laku mengalami gangguan

- perawatan di RS dg indikasi  resiko bunuh diri / membunuh, penurunan kemampuan
mendapatkan makanan / t4 berlindung, riwayat gejala yg berkembang dg cepat &
hancurnya sistem pendukung pasien.
- Terapi psikososial  terapi kognitif, interpersonal, perilaku.
- Terapi keluarga
- Farmakoterapi  antikonvulsan (carbamazepine 200-600 mg/hari & valproate 20 mg/kg
sehari) u/ episode manik, awal terapi (clonazepam 1mg setiap 4-6jam, lorazepam 2mg
setiap 4-6jam & haloperidol 5mg setiap 2-4jam)

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