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Shapes and objects are ALL around us.

As your child embarks on their shapes journey, they will need to begin learning to
name, describe, and organise 2D shapes and 3D objects. You have the potential to
engage your child in learning about mathematics in everyday experiences and to
increase their confidence in their mathematic understandings. Below are some
helpful tips to help you on your way!

Expose your child to

mathematical language!
It is important to Promote comparison
remember ‘shapes’ refers and sorting of shapes
to two dimensions and and objects.
‘objects’, refers to three
Can you see:
dimensions Play with your child and have
Some other circles.
them describe shapes they have A shape with 4 corners.
Mathematical language
made from playdough.
square circle triangle Can you find:
Does the shape have curved or Things that can roll.
rectangle oval hexagon
straight sides? Some pyramids.
octagon sides corners
shapes 2D equal Is this side longer or shorter than
same longer shorter this side?
straight curved open
cube close sphere

Encourage your child to find

shapes around them. English
Look for rectangles in buildings,
six-sided dice as cubes. Art
and more.
You can do this while:
Going for a walk
Cooking a meal
Driving in the car
At the park
In the home
Doing the shopping

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