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Consolidation and Permeability Properties of Singapore

Marine Clay
J. Chu1; Myint Win Bo2; M. F. Chang3; and V. Choa4

Abstract: The consolidation and permeability characteristics of the Singapore marine clay were investigated by laboratory and in situ
tests. The coefficient of consolidation and the coefficient of permeability of the soil in both the vertical and horizontal directions, c v and
c h and k v and k h , respectively, were determined by oedometer, constant rate of strain, Rowe cell, piezocone 共CPTU兲, flat dilatometer,
self-boring pressuremeter 共SBPT兲, and BAT permeameter tests. The c h value of the clay was also back calculated from field monitoring
data. Comparisons of the results obtained by different methods indicate that the c h value determined by CPTU is generally in good
agreement with that by Rowe cell tests, and the c h value determined by SBPT is often the highest among all the measurements. The back
calculated c h value is lower than that measured by other tests, which could be possibly due to the smear effect incurred during the
installation of vertical drains.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2002兲128:9共724兲
CE Database keywords: Permeability; Singapore; Marine clays; Consolidation.

Introduction men is small. On the other hand, in situ tests can cover a much
larger soil mass. However, the data interpretation is not always
The existing Changi Airport of Singapore was constructed on straightforward as the stress and boundary conditions imposed in
about 700 ha of reclaimed land in the early 1980s. In order to an in situ test are not always well defined. A prudent approach
allow for future expansion of the airport, an additional 1,500 ha of may be to conduct both laboratory and in situ tests and to obtain
land is currently being reclaimed at Changi East next to the ex- design parameters based on the synthesis of results from both
isting Changi Airport. This offshore land reclamation has been types of measurement.
carried out by first placing sand fill on the seabed marine clay and In this paper, the permeability and consolidation properties of
then consolidating the clay using vertical drains and surcharge the Singapore marine clay as measured by laboratory and in situ
loading. As vertical drains are used to accelerate the consolidation tests are presented. The laboratory tests included oedometer,
process, the permeability and consolidation properties of the soil constant-rate of strain 共CRS兲, and Rowe cell tests on good quality
in both vertical and horizontal directions become important de- undisturbed samples. The in situ tests included the BAT per-
sign parameters. meameter, piezocone 共CPTU兲, flat dilatometer 共DMT兲, and the
Although various laboratory and in situ testing methods have self-boring pressuremeter 共SBPT兲 tests. In addition, the consoli-
been used to determine the coefficient of consolidation, there are dation parameters were also back calculated from the field moni-
uncertainties in each method. In laboratory tests, the stress and toring data. Comparisons of the results from different types of
pore water pressure changes can be monitored under well-defined tests and from back calculations are made. The selection of these
boundary conditions. However, the test results are affected by parameters for the design of vertical drains for reclamation
sample disturbance. Furthermore, the measurements may not be projects is also discussed.
representative of in situ properties as the dimension of the speci-

Associate Professor, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Geological Conditions and Basic Soil Properties
Nanyang Technological Univ., Blk N1, 1A-29 Nanyang Ave., Sin-
gapore 639798.
Executive Geotechnical Engineer, SPECS Consultants Pte. Ltd., The Singapore marine clay at Changi is a quaternary deposit that
#08-00 PSA Building, Alexandra Rd., Singapore 119963. lies within valleys cut in the Old Alluvium. It is locally known as
Associate Professor, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, the Kallang formation. A typical soil profile at Changi East and
Nanyang Technological Univ., Blk N1, 1A-29 Nanyang Ave., Sin- the basic soil properties are shown in Fig. 1. The soil profile can
gapore 639798. be divided into three layers, the upper marine clay 共from 0 to 10
Professor and Dean of Admission, Office of Dean of Admission, m in Fig. 1兲, the intermediate 共from 10 to 15 m兲, and the lower
Nanyang Technological Univ., Admin. Building #05-10, marine clay layers 共from 15 to 30 m兲. The thickness of each layer
Singapore 639798. varies with location. The upper marine layer is generally overcon-
Note. Discussion open until February 1, 2003. Separate discussions solidated. An overconsolidation ratio 共OCR兲 value as high as 8 is
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
sometimes found at the top of the upper marine clay layer prob-
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- ably due to desiccation, aging, and other effects. The upper ma-
sible publication on February 14, 2000; approved on January 21, 2002. rine clay is usually very soft to medium stiff with its undrained
This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental shear strength values ranging from 10 to 30 kPa. Marine or or-
Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 9, September 1, 2002. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090- ganic materials are often found in the upper marine clay. Some-
0241/2002/9-724 –732/$8.00⫹$.50 per page. times, a peaty clay layer may also be found at or near the bottom


Fig. 1. Typical soil profile and basic properties of Singapore marine clay at Changi East

of the upper marine clay layer. The intermediate layer is a dense were also conducted using a CRS cell with dimension equal to the
sandy silt or silty clay layer. Its formation is believed to have oedometer ring. Rowe cells 共Head 1986兲 with diameters of both
occurred during the lowering of sea level, which was subse- 75 and 150 mm were used to determine the coefficient of consoli-
quently followed by a sea level rising and further deposition of dation in the horizontal direction c h . With the 150 mm diameter
the upper marine clay layer. The lower marine clay is lightly Rowe cell, lateral drainage to either the side or the center drain
overconsolidated with an undrained shear strength varying from could be accommodated. A direct measurement of the horizontal
30 to 50 kPa. It is not homogeneous, but occasionally interbeded permeability was made using a constant head method described
with sandy clay, peaty clay, and sand layers. Below the lower by Head 共1986兲.
marine clay layer is a stiff clayey sand locally known as Old
Measurement of c v
The c v versus depth profiles as measured by oedometer tests on
Laboratory Measurements samples taken from five locations, FT1, FT2, FT3, FT4, and 1C,
are presented in Fig. 2. These locations were 30–90 m apart along
the proposed runway. As c v is dependent on the vertical stress and
Sampling Methods
the OCR, only the c v values in the virgin consolidation range are
Large diameter thin wall samples used for this study were taken presented and used subsequently in this paper. For Location 1C,
from an offshore pontoon. For the upper marine clay up to 7 m the data obtained from two boreholes, which were only a few
below the sea bed, 180 mm diameter samples were retrieved in meters apart, are presented in Fig. 2, and a good agreement is
order to minimize sample disturbance and enable Rowe cell tests evident. The variation in the data from samples at different loca-
to be conducted on 150 mm diameter specimens. Below 7 m, 100 tions reflects the natural variability of the soil properties and the
mm diameter thin wall stationary piston samples were recovered. differences in the soil profiles at the reclamation site. Generally, it
All the samples were carefully sealed on site immediately after can be seen from Fig. 2 that the c v values are in the range of
sampling. The fresh samples were carefully wire trimmed into 0.5–1.7 m2/year for the upper and 0.5–2.3 m2/year for the lower
specimens for testing in the site laboratory. marine clay.
The c v values were also derived from the CRS tests using a
procedure detailed in Lee et al. 共1993兲. The c v values were cal-
Types of Consolidation Tests
culated using the pore water pressures measured at both the
Oedometer tests 共ASTM 1996兲 were used to determine the coef- drained and undrained faces of the CRS cell. The strain rate used
ficient of consolidation of soil in the vertical direction c v . in the CRS test affects significantly the c v measurement. The c v
Oedometer rings of 19 mm height and 63.5 mm diameter were versus log ␴⬘v curves obtained from two CRS tests conducted on
used. To accelerate the testing process, CRS tests 共ASTM 1989兲 the same sample but with different strain rates are shown in Fig.


Fig. 4. Comparison of c v and c h measured by Rowe cell and oedom-
eter tests
Fig. 2. c v profiles at five different locations as measured by oedom-
eter tests
presented in Fig. 4. All three tests were conducted using speci-
mens prepared from the same tube sample. As shown in Fig. 4,
3. The average strain rates used for the two tests were 1.25%/h for the c h value obtained from the oedometer test with vertically
CRS1 and 4.49%/h for CRS2. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that for trimmed specimen is similar to the c v value, but smaller than that
CRS1 the c v values calculated from the drained and undrained from the Rowe cell test, which in theory, should measure c h . For
boundaries are more or less the same, whereas for CRS2 the c v the Singapore marine clay, the c h values are normally larger than
values calculated from the drained and undrained boundaries are the c v values. Therefore, the c h values measured by oedometer
different. This is indicative that the pore water pressure within the tests on vertically trimmed specimens are underestimated.
specimen in CRS2 had not reached the final equilibrium because The c h and c v values measured by oedometer and Rowe cell
the strain rate used was too high. Using a normalized strain rate tests on samples retrieved from Location 1C are compared in Fig.
defined as 5. As shown in Fig. 5, the c h value measured by the Rowe cell is
␤⫽␥h 20 /c v (1) generally about two times larger than the c v value for the upper
marine clay and is about 3– 4 times larger for the lower marine
in which ␥⫽strain rate and h 0 ⫽initial thickness of the specimen, clay. The c h value appears to increase with depth.
Lee et al. 共1993兲 suggested that the suitable strain rate should be The permeability of soil was mainly determined indirectly
␤⭐0.15 for the Singapore marine clay. The ␤ values correspond- from the c v or c h values. Direct measurements of k h were also
ing to tests CRS1 and CRS2 are 0.12 and 0.43, respectively. made using a 150 mm Rowe cell 共Head 1986兲 in consideration of
Therefore, the data presented in Fig. 3 support the study of Lee the importance of k h to the design of vertical drains. A compari-
et al. 共1993兲. son of k h measured by both methods for an upper marine clay
sample is presented in Fig. 6. The k h measured by both methods
Measurement of c h agree with each other.

As the conventional oedometer cell only permits drainage in the

vertical direction, it is therefore not suitable for c h measurement. In Situ Tests
Although it is suggested that an oedometer cell can still be used to
measure c h if a vertically trimmed specimen 共i.e., with the cross The c h values of natural soils can be affected considerably by the
section cut parallel to the axis of the sample兲 is used 共Head 1986兲, stratification or the fabric of the soils which are too costly to be
the c h measured by this method may not be reliable. A compari- characterized by laboratory tests. As an alternative, in situ tests
son of the data obtained from two oedometer tests, one with hori- including CPTU dissipation tests, DMT and SBPT holding tests
zontally trimmed and another with vertically trimmed specimens,
and one Rowe cell test with radial drainage to the boundary is

Fig. 3. Influence of strain rate on c v measurement in constant rate of

strain tests Fig. 5. c v and c h profiles at location 1C


Fig. 6. Comparison of k h measured by direct and indirect methods Fig. 7. c h profiles measured by piezocone dissipation tests at four
using 150 mm Rowe cell locations

were conducted to evaluate the c h values of soil. In situ perme-

ability tests using the BAT permeameter 共Torstensson 1977兲 were The c h versus depth profiles interpreted from CPTU tests at
also conducted to determine the in situ permeability in the hori- four different locations are presented in Fig. 7. The rigidity index
zontal direction k h . for Singapore marine clay was taken as 200 based on SBPT re-
sults. The c h values shown in Fig. 7 have been converted into
those corresponding to the NC state. It can be seen that the c h
Piezocone Dissipation Test generally increases with depth and the data from the four different
The piezocone used had a standard cone tip area of 1,000 mm2 locations generally fall within a range of 2– 4 m2/year. It should
and an apex angle of 60°. The pore pressure filter was located just be pointed out that the c h obtained using Baligh and Levadoux’s
behind the cone tip. CPTU dissipation tests were conducted at 共1986兲 method is typically 40% higher that using Teh and Houls-
various depths in conjunction with the CPTU sounding tests. The by’s 共1991兲 method. This difference is mainly because the rigidity
method proposed by Teh and Houlsby 共1991兲 was used to calcu- index I r is considered in Teh and Houlsby 共1991兲 but not in
late the c h values based on the following relationship: Baligh and Levadoux’s 共1986兲 method. The c h value obtained
using Teh and Houlsby 共1991兲 agrees better with laboratory mea-
T 50R 2 surements in general. A similar conclusion has also been made by
c h⫽ (2) Danziger et al. 共1997兲. Therefore, Teh and Houlsby’s 共1991兲
t 50
method is used in this paper.
where R⫽radius of the cone; T 50⫽dimensionless time factor; and
t 50⫽time elapsed to reach 50% degree of consolidation. The time
Dilatometer Dissipation Test
factor T 50 is affected by the tip geometry, the porous element
location, and the rigidity index of soil I r . The rigidity index is A Marchetti type flat dilatometer with a blade 96 mm in width,
defined as G/s u , where G is the shear modulus and s u is the 230 mm in length, and 14 mm in thickness was used in the study.
undrained shear strength of the soil. A 60 mm diameter membrane with a sensing disk behind was
As postulated by Baligh and Levadoux 共1986兲, c h obtained attached on one side of the blade. In the DMT test, only the total
from early stages of dissipation corresponds to the c h values in lateral stress (␴ h ) but not the pore-water pressure is measured.
the overconsolidated 共OC兲 range. Therefore, a conversion has to According to Marchetti and Totani 共1989兲, for tests in soft clays,
be made to obtain the c h values in the normally consolidated a significant proportion of the measured total lateral stress against
共NC兲 range. One method suggested by Baligh and Levadoux the blade is the pore-water pressure. The decay of ␴ h corresponds
共1986兲 is to use the following relationship: largely to the decay of pore-water pressure generated from pen-
etration of the blade. An approximate relationship can be estab-
c h 共 NC兲 ⫽ c 共 CPTU兲 (3) lished between the rate of decay of ␴ h and the c h of the soil. The
CR h c h of the soil can then be estimated from a DMT dissipation test
where using either the A reading 共DMTA兲 or the C reading 共DMTC兲,
proposed by Marchetti and Totani 共1989兲 and Schmertmann
Cr 共1988兲, respectively.
1⫹e 0 The DMTA method 共Marchetti and Totani 1989兲 adopts the
following relationship:
Cc c h ⫻T flex⫽ 共 500– 1,000兲 mm2 (5)
CR⫽ (4)
1⫹e 0
where c h is in mm2/min and T flex⫽time 共in min兲 which corre-
RR and CR⫽recompression and compression ratios, respectively; sponds to the point of reverse curvature on the A reading versus
C r and C c ⫽recompression and compression indices measured log time curve. For Singapore marine clay, a constant of 500 mm2
from the e – log ␴⬘v curve; and e 0 ⫽initial void ratio of the soil. is commonly used 共Bo et al. 1998a兲.


Fig. 8. c h profiles measured by dilatometer dissipation tests: 共a兲 at four locations, and 共b兲 at two locations using A reading and C reading

In the DMTC method 共Schmertmann 1988兲, the c h of soil is During a SBPT holding test, the dissipation of pore-water pres-
estimated using Eq. 共2兲. As R 2 ⫽600 mm2 for standard Marchatti sure was measured by a pore-water pressure cell. The c h values
diatometer, Eq. 共2兲 can also be written as can be calculated using Eq. 共2兲, taking R as the radius of the
SBPT probe. For SBPT tests, T 50 depends on the pore-water pres-
T 50
c h ⫽600 (6) sure generated at the wall of the probe and its value can be esti-
t 50 mated based on the relationship given by Clarke et al. 共1979兲.
where c h is in mm2/min and t 50⫽time 共in min兲 corresponding to Similar to the CPTU and the DMT, the c h values determined
50% dissipation from the C reading versus t curve. T 50 is affected from SBPT tests correspond to the unloading/reloading range and
by factors such as the E u /s u ratio 共E u and s u ⫽undrained Young’s a correction based on Eq. 共3兲 is required in order to obtain the c h
modulus and shear strength, respectively兲 and the pore water value for the NC range.
pressure parameter at failure A f . The value of T 50 can be esti- The c h versus depth profiles obtained from SBPT tests at four
mated according to Gupta 共1983兲. different locations are shown in Fig. 9共a兲. These values have been
Similar to CPTU tests, the c h values determined from either converted to those corresponding to the NC state. It can be seen
DMTA or DMTC correspond to the unloading/reloading range. from Fig. 9共a兲 that the c h values obtained from the four test lo-
Corrections have to be made to obtain the in situ c h value. One cations range from 2.5 to 20 m2/year. These values are calculated
relationship suggested by Schmertmann 共1988兲 is based on the pore-water pressure change measured by the pore
pressure cell. Like the DMT, the c h values may also be obtained
c h 共 in situ兲 ⫽c h 共 DMT兲 /K (7) indirectly using the total stress change measured by the total pres-
where K⫽OCR dependent parameter. The value of K ranges from sure cell. A comparison of the two measurements is made in Fig.
1 to 7 for OCR ranging from heavily OC to NC states. However, 9共b兲. The differences between the two measurements appear to be
when converting the c h (DMT) value into the c h value at the NC insignificant, in general.
state, c h (NC), a conversion similar to Eq. 共3兲 provides more con-
sistent results and is adopted in this study.
The c h versus depth profiles as derived from DMTA dissipa- BAT Permeability Test
tion tests at four different locations are presented in Fig. 8共a兲. The The BAT permemeter developed by Torstensson 共1977兲 was used
c h presented have been converted to the values at the NC state. It to determine directly the in situ k h values. The BAT filter was 30
can be seen from Fig. 8共a兲 that the c h values obtained for the four mm in diameter and 40 mm in thickness. The tests were carried
locations are mainly within the range of 1–5 m2/year. The c h out as an ‘‘inflow’’ test. As water flowed into the probe, the air
values obtained from DMTC dissipation tests are also plotted in pressure in the chamber changed. The value of k h is determined
Fig. 8共b兲 together with the those from DMTA tests for compari- from
son. Generally it is observed that the c h values obtained from C
readings are higher, although a good agreement is seen for Loca-
tion 1C. k h⫽
P 0V 0 1

Ft P 0 U 0 P 0 U 0 U 20

Self-Boring Pressuremeter Holding Test

A special version of the Cambridge SBPT M KX(D) was used in
⫻ln 冉 P 0 ⫺U 0
P t ⫺U 0 冊册 (8)

this study. The probe was 83 mm in diameter and 1.4 m long. where P 0 ⫽initial system pressure; V 0 ⫽initial gas volume; F


Fig. 9. c h profiles measured by self-boring pressuremeter dissipation tests 共a兲 at four locations 共b兲 using total pressure cell 共TPC兲 and pore
pressure cell 共PPC兲

⫽shape factor; U 0 ⫽static pore-water pressure; and P t back calculated. At Location FT2, the c h values back calculated
⫽pressure at time t. All the pressures are absolute. from settlement measured at different elevations are in the range
The k h values measured by BAT permeameter and obtained of 0.7–1.2 m2/year 共Bo et al. 1997兲. In the back calculation, the
from other in situ tests at FT2 are compared in Fig. 10. The ultimate settlement was estimated based on Asoka’s method
comparison shows that the k h values measured by BAT per- 共Asoka 1978兲 using the settlement data of up to 15 months, which
meameter are lower than the other measurements. The same ob- corresponded roughly to 90% of degree of consolidation.
servation was made at the other locations within the reclamation
site, as reported by Bo et al. 共1998a兲.
Comparisons of Different Measurements

Back Calculation based on Field Monitoring Data A comparison of the c h values measured by various methods at
Location FT2 is presented in Fig. 11. In Fig. 11, all the in situ
The settlement and pore-water pressure response during consoli- tests and the Rowe cell test measure the c h values, whereas the
dation under the surcharge were monitored at several selected conventional oedometer test measures c v . It should be pointed
locations. These monitoring data enable the field c h values to be

Fig. 10. Comparison of k h profiles measured by different methods at Fig. 11. Comparison of c h profiles measured by back calculation and
location FT2 other methods at location FT2


calculated c h values were also lower than the c h values adopted in
the design 共see Fig. 11兲. A comparison of the c h values obtained
by various methods at Location 1C is also presented in Fig. 12. It
is seen again that the back-calculated c h values are lower than the
c h values measured by either laboratory or in situ tests. Similar
cases have also been reported by Balasubraniam et al. 共1995兲 and
Chun et al. 共1997兲. It can therefore be concluded that after the
installation of PVDs in soft marine clay, the overall c h value of
the soil will be lower than the c h value of the parent soil.
Comparisons of the c h values measured by different methods
at other locations are shown in Fig. 13. Based on the results
presented in Figs. 11–13, the following observations can be sum-
1. The c h of marine clay determined by the Rowe cell test is
generally 2– 4 times larger than the c v by the conventional
oedometer test, indicating the anisotropic nature of the soil.
2. It is observed from all five locations that the c h value derived
from the CPTU dissipation test agrees well with that from
Fig. 12. Comparison of c h profiles measured by back calculation and the Rowe cell tests, but is generally lower than that from
other methods at location 1C
other in situ tests.
3. The c h value obtained from the SBPT holding test exhibits a
out that all the laboratory and in situ tests presented in this paper larger variation in comparison with that from other tests. In
were conducted for the intact soil, i.e., before the installation of general, the c h value measured by SBPT is much larger than
vertical drains. At location FT2, prefabricated vertical drain those obtained from other in situ or laboratory tests.
共PVDs兲 were used. The drain spacing was designed to achieve an 4. The c h deduced from the DMT dissipation test is usually
average degree of consolidation of 90% within 18 months. The c h larger than that from the CPTU dissipation test, but smaller
values used for the design were 1.0 and 2.0 m2/year for the upper than that from the SBPT holding test. However, there are
and the lower marine clay layers, respectively. Compared with the other cases where the c h from the DMT is smaller than that
data shown in Fig. 11, these design values were on the conserva- from CPTU 共see Fig. 13 for FT3兲 or larger than that from
tive side. In principle, the monitored consolidation rate should be SBPM 共see Fig. 12兲.
faster than the predicted value. However, the monitored consoli-
dation rate was actually slower than that predicted. The back-

Fig. 13. Comparison of c h profiles measured by different methods at locations FT1, FT3, and FT4


Discussions 500 and 1,000. Unless the selection of this constant is verified, the
DMT method is not recommended. The SBPM test does not ap-
pear to be desirable as far as the measurement of c h for soft
Smear Effect
marine clay is concerned, as the c h values obtained from SBPM
One of the major factors that accounts for the lower c h values tests are normally too high to be directly used for design.
back calculated from field settlement measurements is the smear Second, if the soil is very sensitive to the smear effect, the c h
effect incurred from the insertion of the mandrel during the in- values measured from laboratory or in situ tests will have to be
stallation of vertical drains. For soft marine clay, the smear effect corrected for the smear effect before it can be used for design.
can be quite significant, as the spacing of the drains is normally
small, typically 1.5 m. A study made by Bo et al. 共1998b兲 showed
that the permeability of the soil in the smear zone could be re-
duced by 1 order of magnitude or to the k h of the remolded clay The consolidation and permeability properties of the Singapore
as a result of the smear effect. The smear zone effect was found to marine clay were studied using laboratory, in situ, and field mea-
be 4 –5 times the equivalent diameter of the vertical drain. When surements collected from a large land reclamation site in Sin-
drains are installed at a close spacing, the back-calculated c h val- gapore. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study:
ues will be greatly influenced by this smear zone. 1. The c v value of Singapore marine clay at the NC state ranges
The smear effect could also affect the CPTU and the BAT from 0.5–2.0 m2/year as obtained using oedometer tests. The
permeameter measurements for k h or c h . In both the CPTU and c h value of the soil at the NC state is in the range of 2.0–5.0
BAT tests, a penetrometer has to be pushed into the clay, and a m2/year as determined by the Rowe cell or the CPTU dissi-
smear effect similar to the insertion of a mandrel could have been pation test. The value of c h generally increases with depth
introduced prior to the measurements. The smear effect for BAT and is typically 2–3 times higher than that of c v .
permeameter could be greater than that for the CPTU, as the BAT 2. The coefficient of permeability of Singapore marine clay is
in the order of 10⫺8 – 10⫺10 m/s. Generally, the permeability
permeameter had a filter with a larger surface area. This may help
decreases with depth. The k h measured directly by a 150 mm
to explain why the k h value measured by the BAT permeability
diameter Rowe cell agrees well with that calculated from c h .
test is normally lower than that by the CPTU, although the work-
The k h measured by the BAT permeameter is generally lower
ing mechanisms of the two tests are very similar 共see Fig. 10兲.
than the k h measured by the Rowe cell or other in situ tests,
The SPBT test should not be affected by the smear effect due to possibly due to the smear effect incurred when the per-
its self-boring mechanism. This may be part of the reason why the meameter is pushed into the soil.
c h 共or k h 兲 value measured by the SBPT holding test is generally 3. Oedometer tests provide reliable c v measurements. If CRS
higher than that by BAT permeability or the CPTU test. tests are used to measure c v , the strain rate used should be
The above finding also indicates that when vertical drains are smaller or equal to 1.25%/h to ensure the equalization of the
used in soft clay, the smear effect on consolidation properties of pore pressure in the specimen.
soil has to be taken into consideration in the design. 4. The method of measuring c h using the oedometer test on a
vertically trimmed specimen is often not reliable as the c h is
often underestimated.
Practical Implications 5. The c h value deduced from CPTU tests based on Teh and
Based on the study presented in this paper, the following two Houlsby’s 共1991兲 method is about 40% lower than that using
the method by Baligh and Levadoux 共1986兲, and is in good
points related to the use of laboratory and in situ methods in
agreement with those obtained from Rowe cell tests. For
assessing the consolidation properties of soft clay for soil im-
Singapore marine clay, Teh and Houlsby’s method, which
provement projects can be made.
takes the rigidity index into consideration, should be used.
First, laboratory tests using Rowe cell and in situ tests using 6. Between the two methods for the interpretation of DMT dis-
CPTU appear to be the most suitable methods for the determina- sipation tests, the c h derived from A readings 共DMTA兲
tion of c h . The advantages of using the Rowe cell test are: 共1兲 the shows a better agreement with the results of CPTU and
variation of c h with stress level can be assessed directly; and 共2兲 Rowe cell tests than that from the C readings 共DMTC兲 when
the permeability of the soil can also be determined directly. How- a constant of 500 is used.
ever, good quality samples are required for the tests. It is also 7. For SBPT holding tests, the c h values estimated from the
time consuming to conduct Rowe cell tests. The CPTU holding pore-pressure reading and the total pressure reading are com-
test has the advantages over the Rowe cell test in that it can be parable. In general, the c h determined from the SBPT hold-
done relatively quickly over the entire profile. However, the c h ing test is 2–5 times larger than that by the CPTU dissipation
value directly measured by the CPTU holding test is normally too test, and cannot be used directly for design.
high to be used directly for the design involving the use of PVDs. 8. For soil improvement schemes involving vertical drains,
A conversion would have to be made to convert the direct c h Rowe cell tests or CPTU dissipation tests are recommended
value into the value at the NC state. For soft marine clay, Teh and for the determination of c h . However, when vertical drains
Houlsby’s method 共Teh and Houlsby 1991兲 should be used in the are installed at a close spacing in soft marine clay, the smear
interpretation. The c h measured in this way from the CPTU test effect to the soil can be considerable. As a result, a design c h
agrees well with the c h by Rowe cell tests in all five cases studied. value lower than the c h value of the intact clay should be
For DMT dissipation tests, the c h derived from A reading used.
共DMTA兲 shows a better agreement with the results of CPTU and
Rowe cell tests than that from the C reading 共DMTC兲. However, Notation
the method based on A readings needs to be calibrated before its The following symbols are used in this paper:
use as it involves the selection of a constant between C c ⫽ compression index;


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