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Lucius Apuleius, a student of Plato’s philosophy wrote Eros and Psyche almost 2,000
years ago. Lucius Apuleius brilliantly conveyed the awakening of the soul, to achieve
union with the Divine by the support of a spiritual love. Eros and Psyche have been
depicted in art, both in painting and sculpture, by the likes of William Bouguereau,
Auguste Rodin, and Antonio Canova to name a few.

Eros and Psyche represent a love that is beyond this world, an exalted bond of love; a
love that requires an understanding of the immortal soul. Eros and Psyche are the exalted
ethereal connection; the ultimate soul mates known today as twin souls/twin flames!

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Eros and psyche meet in heaven

On a fluffy cloud, young Eros, the true spiritual connection that binds soul mates
together, gives Psyche, who represents our soul, a kiss. The soul’s home is in heaven. We
first meet our spiritual mates in our eternal residence. At the deepest level, our identity is
imprinted on each other forever.

Eros and psyche connect on earth

A divinely cool, gentle breeze comes over the mountains and wraps Psyche together with
Eros. When you take a look at this painting, you know immediately that Psyche is totally
fulfilled. She has been abducted by Eros, the ultimate spiritual connection. This abduction
is not a negative, but a positive reaffirming of Eros’s love for Psyche. They are a purely
spiritual couple both wrapped in deep purple, symbolizing royalty. After their long,
arduous time apart from one another, the twin souls are now reunited on earth. Clearly,
they have never lost their heavenly bliss.

What the Goddess of love can show you

Eros’s mother Aphrodite, the goddess of love plays a big part in the story of Eros and
Psyche. Gods and goddesses of the ocean are welcoming Aphrodite onto the earth.
Poseidon’s tritons are blowing charismatic music into the air, creating a sound the world
will know as love. Aphrodite is unashamed of her body. She exudes sensuality, and is
welcomed by angels who want to show her and the world that true love is within our

However, we need to know the difference between heavenly love and common love.
Heavenly or common love

“As we all know, love and Aphrodite are inseparable. The duality of Aphrodite is

undeniable: One Aphrodite, the one we call celestial is older. The other, the younger one

is called common.” –Plato

Common love is our everyday traditional relationships. Celestial love would be our
modern-day equivalent of a soul mate/twin flame because the soul transcends the here
and now. Plato knew birth was not a creation of an immortal soul, but a transmigration of
a soul from one body to another. Therefore, we cannot make someone a soul mate/twin
flame, either we’re connected or we’re not. As the western world fluttered into the dark
ages, the story of Eros and Psyche went into obscurity. The renaissance lifted the veil, and
the wisdom of Plato. Plato’s students and their intelligence came into the light; as a result,
five hundred years later, we can put their knowledge into practice.
Eros and Psyche first meet in heaven, but they learn their connection requires a love of
self before they are to be reunited on Earth. They must travel into the depths of their ego,
and then transform to be worthy of each other. Eros means an exalted bond of love and
Psyche, the soul. To have a connection with someone at the soul level is an exalted bond.
The Goddess Aphrodite is a symbol of love and requires her son Eros and her future
daughter-in-law, Psyche to be worthy of this exalted love. Aphrodite sends Psyche into
the underworld to achieve that worthiness.

In other words, you have to travel into your unconscious mind and come back into the
light of day, with an ego and soul full of worthiness. When Eros and Psyche conquer the
difficult task of bringing their ego and soul into the brightness of worthiness; together
they can ascend towards the Divine.

Eros and Psyche would like you to aspire to their story:

1 What kind of inner work are you devoting yourself to for a deeper love? If you are on
a spiritual path or would like to be, and would love to experience a soul mate/twin flame,
it’s paramount you know the difference between the ego and soul.
2 Do you know the difference between your ego and soul? We expect our lovers to
love us like our caregivers loved us. Instead of getting angry, resentful, or sad that our
partners didn’t respond as we would have liked, we can understand our attachment styles
that hinder us from connecting with our lovers.
3 Do you know if you have an anxious, avoidant, or secure attachment style?
4 Do you know how to tell the difference between common vs. celestial love?
5 Are you worthy of an exalted bond of love?
6 Is your third eye open? The only way to recognize your soul and someone else’s soul
is through the sixth sense
7 Are you aware that ultimately the quest to connect with an exalted bond of love is to
achieve union with the Divine?

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Satisfaction, content, joy, delight… this is the purpose of anything we do in life. Think
about it! Anything you seek in life is aiming to make you feel good. The Greek word
containing every nuance of these words is “hedone” (meaning pleasure), although its
meaning is mostly restricted to erotic pleasure in modern languages. But that’s no
coincidence at all.
The myth you’re about to read describes how pleasure can be achieved. It doesn’t tell us
about the temporary and easy to get pleasure, but aims for the long-lasting inner pleasure.
This kind of pleasure can be born only when the soul (psyche) seeks Eros (love) at any
cost. Eros for the body, for art, for science, for thinking. Eros for something that can
uplift it. And this is a big, yet charming, adventure you will read about in a beautiful myth
of the 2nd c CE.

A sad soul
Psyche was the youngest of a king’s three daughters and she was so beautiful that people
living in her area started believing she were goddess Aphrodite herself. The worship of
the goddess started fainting, her temples desolated and the statues were left unadorned.
No longer would people go to Paphos, Knidos or Kythera to worship the goddess, but
instead everyone was praying to Psyche. The goddess got furious and took on bringing
things back to order. “I shall soon ensure that she rues the beauty which is not hers by
rights!” the goddess said and asked her son, Eros the god of love, to make the girl fall in
love with the most repulsive, unworthy and unlucky man there was.

Psyche already was very unhappy as she was feeling horribly alone. As everyone thought
she were a goddess, she was treated like statues. They’d honor and respect her, but no one
would dare asking for her hand. And so, while her sisters were happily married, she
would fall into depression all alone in the palace.

Her father asked Apollo of Miletus for an oracle, and received the following answer: “O
king, dress up your daughter for wedlock dread and take her up to the mountain to meet
her husband. But don’t hope that your son-in-law will be of mortal stock, because she
will marry a ferocious, barbaric snake-like beast. He can fly high with his wings and
attack anything and anyone with arrows and torches. Even Zeus and all other gods show
their terror for him. Rivers and dark realms below tremble.”

The prison of love

The whole city escorted the royal family on this terrible route to the mountain top.
Wailing and anguish heard everywhere, while Psyche, adorned bride, waited trembling
with fear for the strange groom. But suddenly, wind Zephyrus blew gently and carried her
carefully to a beautiful garden. Among colorful flowers, green trees and flowing waters, a
fabulous, divine palace emerged! Psyche was walking around in the palace astonished by
the countless treasures when she suddenly heard a voice she didn’t know where it came
from. “All of it is yours” the voice said and encouraged her to enjoy a bath or do anything
else she’d like.
When night fell, Psyche lay down in the beautiful bedroom the girls at her service had
prepared for her. And then in complete darkness, the groom entered the room and made
her his. But he left before daybreak and she did not get to see his face. The same thing
happened every night for a long time and Psyche felt great every time she felt him close
and heard his voice.

One day after a long while, her sisters heard that their sister might have died and they
took off to find her. Psyche’s husband warned that if her sisters would arrive, she would
have to completely ignore anything they would have to tell her. “Otherwise, you will
bring unspeakable misfortunes upon me and yourself”. Psyche promised to follow his
advice, yet still she could not help but feeling sad knowing that her family will be
grieving for her and that there was nothing she could do to comfort them. She persuaded
her husband to let her see her sisters to let them know she is doing well and give them
beautiful jewelry as present, and repeated she would not let anything change the status of
this marriage. “I’d rather die a hundred times than lose the supreme joy of our marriage.
For I love and adore you – whoever you are – like my life, and I esteem you more than
god Eros himself”, she said affectionately.

When the soul succumbs to fear

Then, he sent Zephyrus once more to the mountain top to find Psyche’s sisters who were
breaking down and crying out loudly searching for their sister. And so did Zephyrus and
carried the sisters to her. Psyche was overjoyed! She consoled her sisters and showed
them around the marvelous palace and took good care of them. And when they asked
about her husband, she made up a story to avoid the truth. “He is a wealthy, good looking
young man who likes hunting and that’s why he is away most of the day”, she said and
gave them countless presents of gold and precious gem. And the sisters got really envious
for their sister’s good luck. They came back to visit her once more when she got pregnant
and they tried out all kinds of tricks trying to find out more about the husband. Psyche
had forgotten her made-up story and this time she told them that her husband was a
middle-aged merchant. The sisters realized she had never seen his face and suspected that
he is a god and the child to be born would be a god, too.

During their third

visit, the sisters
Psyche that her
husband is in fact
a terrible monster
who would kill
her right after
childbirth. She
got so terrified that she got convinced she should kill him. At night, when her husband
fell asleep, Psyche approached holding an oil-lamp in one hand and a sharp blade in the
other. But as she was coming closer, she saw his face for the first time and realized she
had married the most beautiful and loveable of all gods! It was Aphrodite’s son, Eros
himself! Still standing all amazed by the bed and staring at the beautiful young man, she
saw his quiver and arrows nearby. She took an arrow and as she was contemplating it in
admiration, the sharp head pierced her hand. And then the poor girl lost her mind
completely! She fell in love with Eros passionately! Agitated as she was, she tipped the
lamp and a drop of hot oil spilled on his shoulder. Eros woke up, got mad that she hadn’t
trusted him and disappeared.

Punishment and Fall

Psyche went from town to town searching for him desperately, while in Aphrodite’s
kingdom Eros was fighting to stay alive. His burn wound had begun to fester causing him
enormous pain. A servant told his mother all that had happened and she got furious,
imprisoning Eros in the room and handing Psyche over to her two maids, Melancholy and
Sorrow, to punish her. Worn out by all the tortures, Psyche now has to face Aphrodite
who imposes a number of humiliating and wicked trials on her!

But the whole of nature helps her perform the trials. Ants helped her arrange the different
kinds of seed from an enormous pile of mixed seeds. A reed showed her how to take a tuft
of the golden fleece from some wild sheep with deadly bite. Zeus’ sacred eagle brought
water from the sacred Styx, a spring no mortal could ever come close to.

“Now I know that you are a witch” said enraged Aphrodite when Psyche came back,
“because no mortal can perform these tasks”. And then she thought of something even
more difficult. Psyche would have to go to the Underworld and ask Persephone for some
of her godly cosmetics. Aphrodite gave Psyche a box and said: “Tell Persephone that
Aphrodite wants a small supply of her cosmetics because she has used hers all up,
rubbing it on her son’s wound”. But who had ever gone to the Underworld and come back
alive? That was simply impossible! Exhausted Psyche made for a very high tower
determined to throw herself headlong from it and get to the Underworld once and for all!
But then, the tower spoke. It gave detailed instructions how to get to Hades and reach
Persephone avoiding all the traps. It also warned her to not open the box in any case.
made it and
came back
just fine, but
as soon as
she saw the
light of the
world of the
living, she
focused on
the box.
shouldn’t I
take just one
drop of the
use, to
pretty for
she asked
herself and
opened the
box. But
there were
cosmetics in
the box; just
the breath of
and life was leaving her body bit-by-bit. And she would have died, if Eros hadn’t
recovered in the meantime.

…and pleasure is born

The winged god could not stand another moment apart from his beloved. As a soon as he
got better, he took off to go meet with the king of gods, Zeus, and asked him for help.
Zeus summoned all gods and told them they should help the young god, forgiving his
mischiefs which had troubled all of them in the past. He sent Hermes to bring Psyche,
and for the marriage to be among equals, he gave her ambrosia, the food of the gods. A
few months later, a little girl was born and they named her: Hedone.

Both being immortals now, Eros and Psyche lived together forever, loving each other

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