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POP Cycle Semester 2 Lesson Plan

Analyzing Techniques that Influence Readers’ Perspective

Abagail Penksaw
Lesson Objectives:

Students will analyze the use of various techniques in ​Hatchet​ to provoke the emotions of
the readers. Students will share their opinion and respond to classmates’ opinions
respectfully to engage in a class discussion.

CA Standard:

5.ELA.3.7 ​Evaluate the author’s use of various techniques (e.g., appeal of characters in a
picture book, logic and credibility of plots and settings, use of figurative language) to
influence readers’ perspectives.

Lesson Introduction (about 5 minutes):

I will introduce our lesson by recalling our conversation about how the first few chapters of
Hatchet ​made us feel. I will then instruct students to use “I noticed…” or “This part made
me feel…” statements to share what they noticed in our reading that invoked an emotional
response from them.

Lesson Body (15-20 minutes):

I will model what I would like students to do by pointing them to various parts of the text
that provoke emotion. I will call on students individually to share parts of the text that they
either noticed were supposed to make them think or feel a certain way or parts of the text
that made them feel a certain way. Students will have the opportunity to respond to one
another. I will utilize chat on Google Meets to share instructions and procedures. I will also
moderate the conversation by reminding students that they can agree or disagree, but they
must be respectful. I will model ways to respectfully disagree such as, “I liked that you
brought up that part, but I felt … when you felt …” or “I don’t agree that the author wrote
that way to make you feel a certain way.” Each student will have a turn to share their
findings and many opportunities to respond to peers.

Lesson Closure (5 minutes):

I will close by summarizing parts of our discussion and sharing how authors use certain
literary devices and craft to provoke feelings in their audience. Great authors use various
tools to help readers experience the story in their own minds.

Progress Monitoring:

Throughout our discussion I will monitor students’ answers and responses to other
students. I will assess their understanding of the topic by evaluating what they say.
Summative Assessments:

Students will be informally assessed in their understanding of the novel ​Hatchet​ and the
author’s use of literary devices to provoke emotion.


I will accommodate all students by providing written instructions in chat, providing

examples of what I am asking, and moderating the discussion and providing input when

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