Sie sind auf Seite 1von 1

• Kdy přijeli? When did they arrive?

• Přijeli včera. They arrived yesterday.

• Viděl ten film? Did he see the movie?

• Ne, neviděl. Ale viděl jiný film. No, he didn't see it, but he saw another movie.

• Nekoupil jsem si modré auto. Koupil jsem si červené auto. I didn't buy a blue car. I bought a
red car.

• Koupil si auto? (on) Did he buy a car?

• Včera jsem přišel domů v 17:00. Uděl jsem si večeři. Vzal svého psa ven. Koukal jsem se na
televizi. Nečetl jsem. Šel jsem spát pozdě. I came home yesterday at 17:00 (5p.m.). I made
dinner. I took my dog outside. I watched TV. I didn't read. I went to sleep late.

• Co jsi včera dělal ty? What did you do yesterday?

• Odpověď na č.8: I cooked lunch and I was on the walk with my dog. I walked my dog (is better
:) or I went for a walk with my dog. It was nice weather.

• Šeli jsme do kina. Nešli jsme do divadla. Bylo zavřené.We went to the cinema. We didn't go to
the theater. It was closed.

• Byl nemocný, ale už je zdravý. He was ill, but he is healthy now.

• Byl jsi včera v páci? Ne, nebyl. Nepracoval jsem. Were you at work yesterday? No, I wasn't. I
didn't work.

• Byl na dovolené. He was on vacation.

• Vrátil se minulý týden. He came back last week.

• Neviděl jsem ho, ale viděl jsem jeho ženu a děti. I didn't see him, but I saw his wife and


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