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Finding Happiness

1 Who are you?

In finding happiness, you have to know yourself both your good and your bad. This is your
preparation stage. Determine what gives you joy, contentment, satisfaction. Know what keeps
you engaged on something. You don´t have to overcomplicate things. Maybe this is as simple
as a cup of coffee or hot chocolate in the morning or clean sheets on your bed when you sleep.
It may be listening to music. It may be your work. It may be money. It may be the people you
love. Also be honest with the seemingly negative things about you. Determine what makes you
sad, guilty, angry, frustrated, uncontented. Do not judge yourself. These are ¨feelings¨. You
have to understand your feelings and accept that they exist for these are not something you can
totally control. Do not be guilty for feeling ¨guilty¨. Do not feel bad if you feel these negative
emotions. That´s what makes us human. That makes the unique you.

2. What could be the problem?

When you accept who you are, even if you undestand only partially of yourself, ou will be able to
identify your problem. What´s keeping you from achieving happiness? Do you let your negative
feelings dominate your life? Do you get angry easily? Do your frustrations from failures stop
you from trying and moving forward? Do you aim to be successful finacially or prefessionally but
seems unable to achieve it? Or let´s look at it the other way around – are you afraid to do
something for fear your feelings? Do you avoid facing a situation or people because it hurts
you? Do you avoid confrontations because you might hurt others? Determine the problems you
encounter everyday that keeps you unhappy. There are no right or wrong answers. There are
no judgements. Write them down if you must. When you get over that problem, put a mark on it
and take pride of it!

3. Be yourself and let go.

You might be thinking, ¨So I can hurt somebody if I am angry?¨ Of course not. As I said, accept
your feelings but be rational.
Open yourself up. Welcome opportunities to be successful. Embrace your failures and let go of
your inhibitions. No one is perfect so be yourself along with your strengths and weaknesses.
Entertain people of who you are — or be entertained of who they are.

4. Be in control.
Although part of happiness is predetermined by our biological make up – genes and
environment, almost 50% of it is still under our voluntary and conscious control. Be the boss of
yourself. .

Learn to forgive. It is hard to forget but once you accept that things has been done and there´s
no way to take it back, you can learn not to waste your anger or sadness over it.

Don´t worry too much of the little things. You are in control. Always remember that. You can fix
things. You can fix mistakes. Don´t exhaust your energy worrying. Find happiness in being in
control of your life.

5. Keep your resolutions

Believe that it is possible to make yourself happier. Do it without being harsh on yourself. Don´t
compare your source of happiness. Finding happines in a grand thing such as winning is just
the same in finding happiness in the littlest thing such as the fresh air you are breathing today.
No calculations needed. You don´t have to be good at everything. You just have to enjoy the
process of doing itself.
Savour your journey.

6. Get involved.
Make time for meaningful volunteer activities. You may join a group or organization that serves
or does charity. If being a regular member of an organization is too much for you, you also don´t
have to. There may be random activities in your community, school or work. That may be
enough. If that is still too much for you or you are not that extrovert you may offer help in kind –
monetary, old but usuable goods, food, whatever is needed and you can wholeheartedly give
away. Again, it is not the amount that matters but your willingness to be open. This is finding
happiness through helping other people.

7. Mind your own business

Don´t compare your source of happiness from another person. To each his own. Sometimes,
this comparison of what others have and what you don´t have is the main thing that puts you
down. If you are happy with a simpler life so be it. If you are happy of getting the finest things in
life so be it. Do not listen to other people asking you to be more than what you are contented
with. Be careful with people branding you as someone selfish for wanting more in life. If that is
what you want to be happy, go and get it.

Don´t also get other people´s misery weigh you down. Do not act like a sponge that absorbs
other people´s negativity. There are some problems of other people that is beyond our control.
There are people who will drag others down when they are suffering. Stay away from these
people. If it does not concern you and you cannot help them. Stay away from them. Do this
kindly but negativity may sometimes be contagious.

8. Form quality relationships.

You´ve probably heard of quality over quantity. The number of people around you is not
correlated with your level of happiness. As human beings, we are born to have attachment with
other people. Love and care are basic human needs. We find happiness in people with form
relationships with. This is why we strive for quality. This means being with people who sincerely
understands you. It means being with people who you for mutual love and understanding with.
These are people we can openly communicate the most mundane events of our lives. These
are people whom we can share our darkest secrets. Be consistent with empowering your
relationships. Be open in receiving and be generous in giving back without losing your own
personality and your own life. This is what a quality relationship is.

9. Be grateful
Express gratitude in the things that you have. Appreciate your everyday.

10. See things in another perspective. In every situation, be positive. When faced with
problems, try to look for ways to conquer them. Look at your dilemma in a problem solver point
of view. Life isn´t meant to be perfect. Life is not always just. However, you can look for a
perspective that will help you find happiness despite adversities.

Take a break. Life can be overwhelming sometimes. No matter who you try doing everything
right, you also get tired. Your body gets tired. Give your body time to rest. Get adequate amount
of sleep. Take naps within the day. Take a breather by going away for a while from an
environment that weighs you down. During your break, start by letting go again. You can
meditate. You can do your favorite sports or leisure activity. Do something that can clear your
mind. When you´ve regained your energy, reassess your problem and your role in that problem.
Resting can give you a brighter perspective on life in general. When you can make time for
break and relaxation, you can find happiness within you.

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