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Academic Language in Early Childhood

Erica M. Barnes, Jill F. Grifenhagen, David K. Dickinson

Exposing young children to academic language may facilitate later academic

success. This article presents methods for identifying and teaching academic
language across the school day in pre-­K–3 classrooms.

cademic language is the talk primarily used at home (Leseman, Scheele, Mayo, & Messer, 2007).
and valued in classrooms in the United However, families engage with their children in
States. Current trends in education are en- different ways, and many children may have early
couraging teachers to teach, use, and evaluate aca- language experiences different from those they will
demic language. Indeed, the introduction of the experience in school.
Common Core State Standards has placed increased In particular, children who are English learners
emphasis on using academic language across the may have greater variability in their experiences
grade levels (Neuman & Wright, 2013; van Lier & with English academic language. Although English
Walqui, 2012) and provided specific goals focused on learners may be proficient in conversational English,
academic language. There is plenty of support for the their understanding and use of academic language
need to d­ evelop academic language beginning in the may be less developed, thus inhibiting their ability
first few years of school. to describe complex ideas or concepts (Cummings,
Research shows that academic language is tied 1980; Westby & Hwa-­Froelich, 2010).
to success in literacy and the content areas in ele- Children with less experience with academic
mentary school and beyond (Schleppegrell, 2004, language outside of school may benefit from explicit
2012; Townsend, Filippini, Collins, & Biancarosa, and direct instruction of academic language in
2012). Additionally, children who are proficient in school, especially in the early years. Being explicit
academic language may have a better understand- includes helping children identify when academic
ing of content area textbooks (Schleppegrell, 2004), language is used, when it is valued, and how to
which may facilitate long-­term academic achieve- develop it in their reading, writing, and speaking.
ment (Townsend et al., 2012). Many of the individual All children are capable of learning academic
features of academic language have been associated language with the right support. Fostering academic
with later academic achievement, including decon- language in early childhood classrooms (pre-­ K–3)
textualized talk (Dickinson & Smith, 1991), complex
syntax (Share & Leikin, 2004), and academic vocabu- Erica M. Barnes is an assistant professor in the
lary (Dickinson & Porche, 2011). Department of Literacy Teaching and Learning at the
Children enter school with varying degrees of University of Albany, State University of New York, USA;
familiarity with academic language based on their e-­mail
experiences at home (Heath, 1982; Michaels, 1981). Jill F. Grifenhagen is an assistant professor in the
Children who hear more academic language are Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences
likely to use and understand it, which may help at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA; e-­mail
them experience greater success in school.
Not all children will have experience with aca- David K. Dickinson is the Margaret Cowan Chair of Teacher
demic language prior to school entry (Schleppegrell, Education in the Department of Teaching and Learning at
Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, Nashville, TN, USA;
2012). Some children become familiar with academic
language through shared book reading experiences

The Reading Teacher Vol. xx No. xx pp. 1–10 1 doi:10.1002/trtr.1463 © 2016 International Literacy Association

may help all children achieve greater degrees of aca- conversation, such as analysis, specific, and percent.
demic success. Here, we discuss the components of These words tend to appear frequently in written text
academic language, provide strategies for identify- and are therefore linked to reading comprehension.
ing academic language, and discuss ideas for using They appear across a variety of academic domains,
and promoting academic language in early child- but the meaning of the term may vary depending on
hood classrooms. the context (Baumann & Graves, 2010).
Silverman and Hartranft
(2015) recommended that teach-
What Is Academic PAUSE AND PONDER ers select words that are use-
Language? ful for comprehending texts
N ag y a n d Tow n s e n d ( 2 0 1 2 ) in a variety of content areas,
n How often do you point out or
defined academic language as teach words that children do
“translate” complex syntax to your
“the specialized language, both not already know but will need
oral and written, of academic to know for school, and teach
n How do you teach academic words that will create a depth
settings that facilitates com-
vocabulary and provide child-friendly and breadth of vocabulary.
munication and thinking about
definitions? Teachers may wish to refer to
disciplinary content” (p. 92). It is
characterized by the inclusion of n How do you discuss the differences word rating systems for select-
sophisticated or academic vocab- and similarities between academic ing Tier 2 words, such as Words
ulary, including precise terms language and casual conversation Worth Teaching (Biemiller,
with your students? How might you 2010), the Academic Vocabulary
not commonly found in casual
incorporate these discussions into List (Gardner & Davies, 2013),
conversation; extensive use of
your instructional routine? or Word Zone (Hiebert, 2005).
complex syntax and embedded
clauses; specific discourse func- n What spaces and materials in your Townsend and Kiernan (2015)
tions; and decontextualized talk. classroom could you use to promote recently developed a tool that
Whereas casual conversa- academic language? can identify academic words
tion may involve interaction from digital texts (see the More
between two or more people in to Explore sidebar for additional
a shared space, academic language assumes that information about this tool).
the speaker and listener (or reader and writer) do Words considered Tier 3 are domain-­ specific
not interact directly (Schleppegrell, 2001). Therefore, and may be associated with academic disciplines
academic language contains decontextualized talk, (e.g., hypotenuse, conifer, hypothesis). These may aid in
which relies on language rather than gesture or con- reading informational texts and building semantic
text to develop meaning. Although much emphasis knowledge that will support content area literacy.
is placed on academic vocabulary, academic lan- For example, the word hypothesis would be highly
guage also includes complex syntax and specialized useful for reading, writing, and engaging in dis-
discourse functions. course about the scientific method.
Additionally, words that are specialized and
essential to understanding a text should be taught.
Academic Vocabulary Otherwise, children’s comprehension of that text
Academic vocabulary is defined by the Common will be greatly hampered. For example, if children
Core as “words that appear in a variety of content do not know the words vegetarian and predator, they
areas and have different meanings in different aca- will likely have difficulty comprehending Linus the
demic contexts” (Conley, 2014, p. 9). It may be specific Vegetarian T. Rex (Neubecker, 2013). Additionally,
to a domain such as math, science, or English lan- children should be taught words that will help them
guage arts, or it may be general and used across mul- understand the structure of books—particularly
tiple disciplines. Academic vocabulary also includes informational texts—such as table of contents, figure,
symbols found in textbooks and printed materials. and glossary.
Selecting academic vocabulary to teach may be a The context in which the words appear is also
complicated process. Frequently, teachers are encour- important. For example, conjunctions such as and
aged to select Tier 2 words for instruction (Beck & may carry different meanings depending on the
McKeown, 2007; Kucan, 2012). Tier 2 words are spe- discipline. In mathematics, and can imply an addi-
cific, domain-­general, and not commonly used in tion sequence, such as in “6 and 4 are 10.” Although

The Reading Teacher Vol. xx No. xx Month 0000 2


children may understand and in common conversa- ages of 3 and 8 produce sentences that have an MLU
tion, they may not understand that it means addi- of three to five words (Rice et al., 2010). Teachers may
tion in mathematics. Teaching children how word wish to use an MLU that is just above the MLU of the
meanings can change based on the context or disci- children they are teaching. For example, if children
pline may help them better attend to the nuances of are producing six words per utterance, the teacher
academic language. may wish to select a text with an MLU of 7 or 8.

Complex Syntax Discourse Functions and Registers

Academic language is different from conversa- Academic language is a register that contains spe-
tional lang uage in organization and str ucture cific lexical and grammatical features of language
(Schleppegrell, 2004), which is conveyed through the that may differ based on setting and purpose
use of complex syntax. Syntax refers to the manner (Schleppegrell, 2001). These include narrative, discus-
in which sentences are constructed from particu- sion, questioning, explanation, and argument. Each
lar grammatical c ­ ategories (noun, verb, etc.). Some features language norms, decontextualized language,
­examples of features of complex syntax are provided and specialized discourse patterns (Peets & Bialystok,
in Table 1. Syntax is deemed complex when it includes 2011; Schleppegrell, 2013), as well as specific phrasing
embedded clauses and phrases that clarify meaning. and discourse markers (e.g., consequently, is ­similar to,
Sentences with complex syntax contain higher densi- for example, in conclusion; Snow, 2014).
ties of information and are longer than simple sen-
tences. These factors may make academic language
challenging for students.
Language-­Rich Early
One way to identify complex syntax in texts is to Childhood Classrooms
look for embedded clauses (Snow, 2010). Embedded All of this points to the need for language-­r ich early
clauses expand meaning by inserting additional childhood classrooms, where quality conversations
information and may include words like that, as, and embedded linguistic support have been linked
when, who, or which. These clauses may be marked to vocabulary growth (Beck & McKeown, 2007; Wasik
by commas; for example, “My grandmother, who is & Hindman, 2011), acquisition of complex syntax
91, has never used a computer.” (Huttenlocher, Haight, Bryk, Seltzer, & Lyons, 1991;
One method for determining the complexity of a Huttenlocher, Vasilyeva, Cymerman, & Levine,
sentence is to calculate its mean length of utterance 2002), and future reading achievement (Burchinal
(MLU). This may be done by selecting a body of text, et al., 2008; Curby, Rimm-­Kaufman, & Ponitz, 2009;
then counting the number of words in each sentence Dickinson & Porche, 2011). In fact, the early child-
and dividing this by the total number of sentences hood years represent a “critical period” for vocabu-
(utterances). For example, in a passage containing lary learning (Farkas & Beron, 2004). Teachers in early
140 words in a total of 20 sentences, the MLU would childhood classrooms play a crucial role in strategi-
be 7 (140 ÷ 20), indicating that the average sentence cally supporting children’s language development.
contained seven words. Typically, a larger MLU would In spite of years of research identifying mark-
indicate more complex syntax. Children between the ers of language-­ rich classrooms, the teacher–child

Table 1 
Features of Complex Syntax

Term and definition Example

noun phrase: A phrase with a noun at its head Those six leatherback turtles…
attributive clause: A clause that classifies objects and is A square is a rectangle.
nonreversible; changing the order of the clause would
change the meaning
identifying clause: A clause that defines a technical term Informational books are books that give facts about
by creating a bridge to a less technical term real life.
nominalization: A verb changed into a noun The destruction of the rainforest… (destroy becomes

The Reading Teacher Vol. xx No. xx Month 0000 3


interactions related to language learning are still l­ocated in the southeastern part of the United States
relatively rare in classrooms serving young chil- (Dickinson, Hofer, Barnes, & Grifenhagen, 2014). We
dren (Dickinson & Brady, 2006; Dickinson, Darrow, & were interested in identifying features, settings, and
Tinubu, 2008; Neuman & Dwyer, 2009). In order for materials used in these settings that might promote
children to become proficient speakers and compre- academic registers related to later academic success
henders of academic language, they must first expe- (Townsend et al., 2012).
rience it. Academic language may be taught through Teachers were videotaped in the fall of the pre-
content areas such as math, English language arts, school year in three instructional settings: book
science, and social studies (Nagy & Townsend, 2012). reading, whole-­g roup content lessons, and small-­
These content areas may involve different settings group content lessons. Videos were transcribed
and materials that promote the use and instruc- and analyzed using tools from the Child Language
tion of academic language, with each setting poten- Data Exchange System (MacWhinney, 2000).
tially contributing in different ways. We hope to help We analyzed teachers’ language for struc-
teachers best use each setting to foster their stu- tural components such as sophisticated (aca-
dents’ academic ­language development. demic) vocabulary, complex syntax as measured
by the MLU in words, diversity of words (Malvern
& Richards, 2002), and word count as measured in
Understanding Academic Language types (number of different words used) and tokens
in the Classroom (total occurrences of words). We examined the
content of teachers’ talk to determine the num-
Our Recent Study ber of utterances that were concept-­focused, skill-­
In a recent study, we collected and analyzed data focused, or vocabulary-­focused. Findings from this
from 52 Head Start prekindergarten classrooms study are summarized in Figure 1.

Figure 1 
Study Results Summary: Average Teacher Language Use by Instructional Setting

3 Book Reading
1 Whole Class
0 Small Group

+ Actual values of D were re-scaled (/10) to fit the graph.

* Per-minute counts
Note. D = diversity of words; MLUw = mean length of utterance in words.

The Reading Teacher Vol. xx No. xx Month 0000 4


Book Reading. Book reading was performed as a affordances and limitations for supporting academic
whole-­class activity in which the teacher read aloud language. When planning instruction, consider the
a storybook and engaged children in conversations strengths and affordances of the instructional set-
before, during, and after reading. Teachers selected ting and the available materials. In this section, we
the text, primarily reading narrative or predictable provide some suggestions for encouraging academic
texts. Teachers used rich language in this setting language using settings and materials common to
and demonstrated use of the academic register. In early childhood classrooms.
book reading, teachers talked most about vocabu-
lary words, used a wider variety of words, and pro- Focusing on Language During Book Reading. Large
duced the longest utterances. bodies of research indicate that children who are
The type of text teachers read was related to the read to more frequently have larger vocabularies
amount of academic language they used. Teachers and demonstrate better reading comprehension
who read narrative texts such as The Lion and the Little over time (cf. Hargrave & Sénéchal, 2000; Mol, Bus, &
Red Bird (Kleven, 1996) used longer utterances with de Jong, 2009; Wasik & Bond, 2001). A more nuanced
more complex syntax and talked about vocabulary view of book reading can examine which compo-
more frequently than teachers who read predictable nents of the interaction can be helpful for enhanc-
books. Teachers who read predictable books such ing children’s academic language understanding
as The Terrible Tiger (Cowley, 1987) used more skill-­ and use in terms of lexical diversity and syntactical
focused and concept-­ focused talk than teachers comprehension.
who read narrative books. The text also contributed Purcell-­
Gates (1988) found that “well-­ read-­
to the total amount of academic language children kindergartners and second graders produced more
encountered. Narrative texts had more different participles, attribute adjectives, adverbs, literacy
words (types), more total words (tokens), more aca- words and phrases, direct quotes, sound effects,
demic vocabulary, and a greater diversity of words and formulaic openings in their readings of word-
than predictable texts. less picture books than children who had been read
to less. This indicates a greater understanding and
Whole-­ Group Content Lessons. This instruction use of a written register that is typical of academic
contained thematic content related to science, language in both vocabulary and syntax. Using
­social studies, or socioemotional skills such as self-­ books to point out specific features of academic
regulation. Whole-­g roup content lessons were char- language such as descriptive language (adjectives
acterized by the most frequent use of academic vo- and adverbs) and formulaic openings (“Once upon
cabulary. Teachers’ language in this setting included a time”) may help children better understand how
more different and total amounts of academic vo- academic language is different from casual conver-
cabulary than other instructional settings. Teachers sation. Suggestions for teaching academic vocabu-
talked most and used diverse vocabulary words in lary through book reading may be found in Snell,
this setting. Hindman, and Wasik (2015).
Small-­Group Content Lessons. Teachers were trained Selecting high-­quality texts may help children
to work with groups of three to six children engaging develop stronger understandings of academic lan-
in activities focused on science, social studies, uses guage. Children benefit from hearing vocabulary
of print, and numeracy skills. In our study, this set- terms presented in well-­ formed sentences, which
ting featured the least academic language used by may be found in children’s books. The text may
the teacher, in terms of talking about vocabulary and serve as a rich model for complex syntax that the
concepts, use of sophisticated words, and complex child may not otherwise hear. Price, Van Kleeck,
syntax. Teachers used shorter utterances containing and Huberty (2009) found that the MLUs of texts
less diverse vocabulary in this setting. More amounts read aloud to young children were nearly double the
of skill-­focused talk were used in small-­g roup con- length of adults’ utterances, indicating more com-
tent lessons than other instructional settings. plex syntax and embedded clauses.
Once an embedded clause has been identified
in the text using the guidelines presented here, the
Promoting Academic Language teacher may wish to “translate” the complex syntax
in the Classroom into child-­friendly language. For example, the fol-
Our research indicates that teachers talk differently lowing sentence from the picture book Chicks and
in different instructional settings. Each setting has Salsa (Reynolds, 2005) involves multiple embedded

The Reading Teacher Vol. xx No. xx Month 0000 5


clauses that clarify meaning: “As everyone knows, being a domain-­ specific academic vocabulary
when a passion for southwestern cuisine takes hold term (exoskeleton). Some terms may be synonyms
of farm animals, and so many sumptuous, spicy, for already-­known words (bugs, casing), but others
savory scents collide in the barnyard air, it can only may represent new concepts (exoskeleton). Children
lead to one thing…. Fiesta!” (n.p.). Here, the teacher unfamiliar with any of these terms, especially the
may wish to help students identify how the pieces domain-­ specific academic term, may struggle to
fit together by translating the complex syntax into comprehend the academic content.
more simple utterances: “The farm animals loved Helping children understand how words are
the southwestern food because it smelled delicious. related to each other and represent concepts can be
They were so excited, they had a party!” Teachers useful. Neuman, Newman, and Dwyer (2011) found
may also wish to model similar complex syntax with that teaching academic vocabulary in the context of
translations in other settings for reinforcement. semantically related categories (e.g., healthy foods,
It may also be helpful to explain how the lan- wild animals) produced strong linguistic and con-
guage of books (academic language) differs from ceptual learning. In the example from The Best Book
casual conversation. The teacher may explain that of Bugs (Llewellyn, 2005), children are learning about
the reader cannot directly ask the author a ques- the parts of bugs’ bodies used for protection. Linking
tion, so the author must provide enough informa- each term to the overarching concept of protec-
tion for the reader to independently understand tion may help children understand the relationship
the story. Authors often use descriptive language between the words and their definitions. Including
such as adverbs and adjectives to paint vivid pic- other informational texts discussing the concept
tures and may include clauses to describe events, of protection may further enrich children’s under-
people, and ideas in ways that cannot be achieved standing of the words and concepts. For additional
by single words. Children can work on “translat- ideas about teaching and selecting vocabulary from
ing” or code-­switching from one register to another. informational texts as well their importance, please
Consider having students translate a published text see Wright (2014).
into child-­friendly language to share with a younger
child or translate their personal writing into aca- Scientific Language. Science textbooks include many
demic texts to share with classmates or older stu- ideas within a single clause (Schleppegrell, 2001).
dents. Conversations about differences in language These texts frequently include expanded noun
use may also be accomplished during author’s chair. phrases (e.g., “the sponge that absorbed the water”)
rather than nonspecific pronouns (e.g., it, you). An
Building Language During Content Instruction. In our expanded noun phrase uses more than one word to
study, whole-­group content instruction was an ideal form the subject, such as “igneous rock” or “the third
setting for teachers to engage in conceptually-rich method.” Young children may be unaware that these
conversations that contained sophisticated and
­ longer subjects must be processed as chunks rather
diverse vocabulary. These lessons may serve to intro- than individual words. One way to help children
duce children to content and tap into their existing conceptualize this is by linking longer subjects to
funds of knowledge. This setting may also be ideal students’ names. A teacher may model this through
for the integration of informational texts. the following instructional talk:

We have two students named Lena in this class: Lena

Informational and Content Area Texts. Science, social
Abbott and Lena Luis. In order for us to know which
studies, and math texts contain large amounts of
Lena we’re talking about, we need to use her full name,
domain-­specific academic vocabulary. These texts may such as Lena Abbott. We do the same thing in science.
be particularly challenging for young children as they Here we have two types of rocks. If we just say rock, we
have high proportions of nouns (Vande Kopple, 1994). won’t know which one we’re talking about. Instead, we
This means that children will need larger funds of aca- need to use a more specific name, like igneous rock or
demic vocabulary in order to understand these texts. sedimentary rock. Using the full name and giving more
For example, the following sentence from an information lets us know exactly which rock we’re
informational text on insects includes six nouns: talking about.
“All bugs and spiders have a hard casing on the
outside of their bodies called an exoskeleton” Mathematical Language. The language of mathemat-
(Llewellyn, 2005, p. 6). More than one-­third of the ics may also contain complex syntax and embedded
words in the sentence are nouns (35%), with one clauses. Embedded clauses help create precision

The Reading Teacher Vol. xx No. xx Month 0000 6


in mathematical language, but they are not com- may be helpful in building academic language for
monly found in casual conversation. Therefore, young children who are still mastering decoding
children may not understand the meaning of text and encoding. Sharing time encourages children to
due to a lack of familiarity with the structure. tell a narrative in sequential order, use decontextu-
For example, an attributive clause helps define a alized language and precise terminology, and adjust
term—”a square is a rectangle”—but children must their language based on the knowledge level of the
understand that they cannot reverse the order of audience. The following exchange between a teach-
the nouns in an attributive clause because this er and a student shows how a teacher may scaffold
will change the meaning: “All squares are rectan- a child’s use of academic language during sharing
gles, but not all rectangles are squares.” This type time (Michaels & Collins, 1984):
of language is commonly found in mathematics
Mindy: When I was in day camp we made these um
textbooks; hence, it is important to help children
identify how these types of clauses work.
Teacher: You made them?
Using Small-­Group Instruction. In our study, small-­ Mindy: and uh I-I tried it with different colors with
group lessons were typically skills-­based (e.g., rote both of them but one just came out this one
counting, letter identification) and featured less just came out blue and I don’t know what
academic language. The small-­ g roup setting may this color is
lend itself to skills instruction that allows a teacher Teacher: That’s neat-o. Tell the kids how you do it
to closely monitor children’s learning on discrete from the very start. Pretend we don’t know
tasks. a thing about candles, OK? What did you do
However, this space also provides the opportunity first? What did you use? (p. 431)
for high student engagement, extended teacher–
Here, the teacher uses explicit prompts to focus
student and peer conversations, and hands-­ on
the child’s attention on the audience and guides
­exploration of content and materials. The teacher
the child to consider what the audience does or
can engage children in extended conversations
does not know. She encourages the child to tell the
through which she models complex language and
story sequentially, which may necessitate the use
recasts and expands children’s contributions to
of ordinal words (first, second, finally). She encour-
enrich vocabulary and enhance syntax. This teacher
ages the use of precise vocabulary by asking the
does so skillfully during a scientific exploration of
child about the materials used. This opens the door
objects that sink or float:
for the child to name parts of the candle (wick, wax)
Teacher: Do you predict the Styrofoam will sink or and to talk about the tools and actions used (mold,
float? trim). When necessary, the teacher can expand or
Shahim: It will float! It’s too light to sink. recast the child’s speech to include this precise
Teacher: Do the rest of you agree with Shahim? Why
do you think so?
Alice: It’s going to float because it’s light, just light
Language Lessons. An additional strategy for fos-
like the leaf. Also, it’s airy. tering academic language in early childhood class-
rooms is to have explicit instruction focused on
Teacher: OK, Alice’s hypothesis is the Styrofoam will
float because it is as light as the leaf. She’s
language awareness. This goes beyond vocabulary
also noticed it’s not very dense. instruction to teaching about the types of discus-
sions, words, syntax, and conversational norms
Shift away from using small groups as a time to appropriate to various social and academic con-
drill math facts or phonics skills. Instead, use this texts. In a science lab, the teacher can explicitly pro-
time to model and practice talking about how chil- vide sentence starters for “talking like a scientist”
dren solved a problem or telling oral stories about (e.g., “My hypothesis is…” when presenting a science
children’s shared experiences in preparation for experiment). In a writing minilesson, the teacher
writing. can introduce the concept of “power words”—com-
plex, precise vocabulary that makes writing more
Practicing Decontextualized Language During Sharing clear and interesting. While introducing norms for
Time. One setting that may promote the use of aca- discussing books in literature circles, the teacher
demic language is sharing time (or show-and-tell). can contrast social language to academic language
Using oral narratives, rather than reading or writing, (e.g., citing evidence from the text; introduce the

The Reading Teacher Vol. xx No. xx Month 0000 7


sentence frame “I know because on page XX, the au- NOTE

thor wrote…”). The research reported in this paper was funded by grant
All young children can benefit from more “talk R324E060088A from the U.S. Department of Education,
about talk.” Children who speak nonstandard dia- awarded to Ann Kaiser and David K. Dickinson, and by
lects benefit from explicit instruction on code-­ Vanderbilt University’s Experimental Education Research
switching between home and school language. Training Grant from the Institute of Education Sciences
The widely used Sheltered Instruction Observation (grant R324E060088) and the Department of Teaching and
Learning at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College.
Protocol (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2004), guides
teachers to include language objectives in all les-
sons for English learners. We suggest that this is REFERENCES
good practice for the academic language develop- Baumann, J.F., & Graves, M.F. (2010). What is academic
ment of all students. For example, a mathemat- vocabulary? Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(1),
ics lesson on problem solving could also include a Beck, I.L., & McKeown, M.G. (2007). Increasing young
language objective such as “Students will explain low-­
­ income children’s oral vocabulary repertoires
to a peer their strategy for solving the subtraction through rich and focused instruction. The Elementary
problem.” In addition to teaching strategies for sub- School Journal, 107(3), 251–271.
traction, the teacher could model explaining her Biemiller, A. (2010). Words worth teaching: Closing the vocabu-
lary gap. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill SRA.
problem-­ solving process step-­by-­step, then have Burchinal, M., Howes, C., Pianta, R., Bryant, D., Early, D.,
students practice this with a peer. Clifford, R., & Barbarin, O. (2008). Predicting child
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Early childhood classrooms are full of opportunities stance. Social Policy Report, 28(2), 1–15.
to foster children’s academic language development. Cummings, J. (1980). The construct of language pro-
Teachers can begin by thinking about their day and ficiency in bilingual education. In J.E. Alatis (Ed.),
choosing one or two activities ripe for high-­quality Georgetown University round table on languages and linguis-
interactions that incorporate academic language. tics 1980: Current issues in bilingual education (pp. 81–103).
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
When teachers can be strategic, there can be huge Curby, T.W., Rimm-Kaufman, S.E., & Ponitz, C.C. (2009).
payoffs, both in terms of building a rich linguistic Teacher–child interactions and children’s achievement
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Patterns of teacher–child conversations in Head
1. E xamine your classroom library to find examples of Start classrooms: Implications for an empiri-
texts rich with academic vocabulary and complex cally grounded approach to professional develop-
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2. Identify several academic vocabulary terms you could Dickinson, D.K., Hofer, K.G., Barnes, E.M., & Grifenhagen,
teach, and create child-friendly definitions. J.F. (2014). Examining teachers’ language in Head
Start classrooms from a systemic linguistics approach.
3. Find examples of complex syntax (see Table 1). Early  Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(3), 231–244.
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