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Background of the Study

Absence now a day’s cannot be separated from an individual who

was called student since it became their habitual pattern. This

absence of phenomena has been viewed as an indicator of poor

performance of individual in school and even in work place.

Occasional absenteeism in school may not be problematic, but

excessive has shown to have negative effects to student’s

performance. Absenteeism causes poor attendance records to

student’s and found to be a disadvantage to their academic


There is no treatment for this problem, since every school is

facing absenteeism in some of the student’s. This became a nature

in each student. It is not surprising anymore since even the

young or the older one’s in the school is doing this. We are not

facing this problem not only in the school but even in a work


Ankileng national High School, at Sagada Mountain Province is

facing the same this kind of problem it should not be

happened, because as a student they already know how to think and

to differentiate the good thing and the worse. Besides they know

the cause and effect if they absent from class.

Absenteeism has been a huge problem because of the negative

effect of it. Teachers and student must help each other to avoid

and prevent this problem.

Student needs to get motivated in order for them to continue

their studies. They need to engage in school activities and add

some teaching techniques so that the students don’t get bored.

That will encourage and pull those absentee students to go to


Marburger states that the difficulty inferring the effect of

absenteeism in performance because, once a student is absent in

class, he or she may miss the opportunity of learning other

techniques. He found out that missing in class progresses the

likelihood of missing examination material covered that day

compared to the students who were present in class.

Therefore we feel that this problem is very serious. As such, we

take responsibility to investigate and find a solution to this

problem from continuing to happen. At the same time we will know

what to do to cope with the problem.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to identify the most common reason of student’s

absenteeism. The study seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the profile of the teacher and student respondent in

terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

c. Civil Status

2. What are the common reasons of absences done by the students

in terms of:

a. Personal problem

b. Family problem

3. What are the reasons of absenteeism as group according to:

a. Students learning performance

b. School

4. Study the factor that affects student absenteeism.

5. To measure what kind of gender that is most captious in

absenteeism issues.

6. To give suggestions and solutions for further improvement

towards absenteeism.
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Students are the greatest contributor of the school. An

individual who are always absent in class may have lost the

chance of learning. He/she might have low school

performance. If absenteeism may continue, the attendance of

an individual can be affected.

“A constant doing may lead to a constant result, just like

domino” (Asia child Data Trend, 2008).

Coping is never easy especially for those students who

missed their class. Some teachers are also affected, they

slow down the run of class discussion for the absent student

to cope.
Review of Related Literature

Students attending school regularly is a great factor for

the schools performance. The impact of the student’s

absenteeism is usually leads to the schools poor academic

achievement, so the teachers and students attendance plays

an important role for the success and educational

advancement of any institution and all students enrolled.

Without the physical present of the student’s, successful

schools cannot survive.

According to the “Excessive absences Intervention” research

study by Author Linda L. Williams, Excessive Absenteeism by

students may result to unlearned course material from fewer

hours of instructions, and a disruption of class instruction

for teachers who have to administer remediation for the

absent student when he returned to schools.

Students are not receiving instruction on a consecutive

basis that’s why excessive absenteeism by students may

additionally result in poor academic achievement. Absentee

students may have the big chance to fail and may have low

standardize test scores because they are not present to

learn key concepts and skill that are being taught on

standardized exams.
Continues absenteeism leads to increasing dis interest in

school and academic performance. According to Author Jason

A. Schoenbeurgers “Longitudinal Attendance Patterns”

excessive absenteeism increases the chance of a student

eventually dropping out of school, which can lead to long

term consequences for these students, such as lower average

income likelihood of incarceration.

Shchoenbeurgers asserts that students who drop out of

students face is a higher risk of poverty because of their

in ability to secure quality paying employment due to their

lack of education and resources.

The dropout students who has stock knowledge and resources

are the ones who likely to commit criminal activity that

leads someone in prison.

According to Center of comprehensive school reform and

improvement, attendance rates effectively predicted whether

a student would fail course or not and surprisingly,

attendance rate trumped grade point averages in predicting

whether a student would fail in class or not. In other

words, a student could perform very highly academically, but

would likely still fail if he missed too much class.

Additionally, the more a student missed a school over the

course of several subsequent years of school, the more his

GPA declined and the further behind he became in all

subject. According to the study of DE Dios 2010, it showed

that being absent for three days in a month strongly

correlates with poor performance. As educators, it is

important to know threshold drawing policies on school

intervention regarding absenteeism requires guiding

information on where to draw the line. Policies cannot be

simply drawn out of a thin air. Three days in month, that

number result of research, is a useful guide for teachers

and school administrators. The study as describe by the

article is only an initial analysis of the data. Ongoing

research will continue to unravel further the underlying

factors that result into absenteeism. This is an important

task since this information likewise is necessary to design

the interventions that are relevant.

Decreasing the rate of student truancy and absenteeism has

been and continues to be the goal of school district across

the nation for over a century. Little research focuses on

what schools can do to increase and maintain the students

daily attendance and even fewer studies explore how

families, school and community can build a partnership to

work together towards this goal.

“Despite the long history of concern over student

attendance, the issue has received relatively little

attention from educational researchers.” States (Corville

and Smith1995). Teachers have mainly focused on students who

drop out of high school before receiving their diplomas

instead of focusing on student attendance. ( Finn, 1989,

Welage and Lamborn 1992) “Dropping out school, although

defined by a single event reflects a long process of

disengagement and withdrawal from schooling and educational


Researchers should first investigate the early warning signs

in students behavior before it escalates to students

actually leaving school, in order to understand and reduce

the problem of students dropping out of school. Studies if

students who drop out of school shows long term patterns of

students who may be having difficulties at home or in school

at a very early age. Research has shown that students who

drop out of school are absent more often than other students

beginning as early as the first grade.

It is a fact that poor attendance predicts dropping out of

school; chronic absenteeism can have a negative impact on

the student and school. students who are not in school are

not learning and are not being adequately prepared to be

successful in school and in life. Research on truancy and

absenteeism suggest that “ students with better attendance

score higher on achievement tests than their more frequently

absent peers”. (Lamdin 1998)

Historically schools have always held the student

accountable for truant behavior. Corville- Smith (1995)and

Hayle (1998) state that “Truant and chronically absent

students were considered deviants”. Frequently schools did

not contact families until the problem was so severe that

the students was failing their courses. Also research shows

that the learning environment of an entire school can be

affected by an individuals students school, family and

community partnership ( Epstein, Coates, Salinas, Sanders

and Simon 199: Sanders and Epstein, 2000)in conclusion,

research reveals a lot of important information about

student attendance. Identifying students early on who show

signs of absenteeism is the predictor of warning signs of

students dropping out. Even though truancy is a major issue

in middle school and high school, perhaps student should be

identified and monitored early in on elementary school.

educators need to continue to find innovative ways to bridge

the gap between home and school to communicate with parents

the need for a strong partnership so students can find

success. Students need to know that coming to school on

time, everyday is important. Educators when faced with

schools that have attendance problems may need to venture

out beyond the wall of the school, into the community to

involve families and work together.

Local Studies

Students in various gender groups, school levels and

locations are at risk of dropping out for various reasons.

Some of these factors are common to all dropouts, while

others are more keenly associated with specific groups. The

adverse effect of absenteeism on children participation in

school is dearly manifested in all drop outs and in many

different ways depending on whether they are male or female,

in elementary or secondary, in on lower or in higher school

level, in urban or even in rural areas. Those who come from

rural areas are most vulnerable in two days. First, because

their parents have little and irregular income, they often

lack money for school related expenses such as school

allowance, transportation, uniforms and class requirements.

Families with limited schools across the nation are being

met with the challenge of making adequate yearly progress,

which is a state mandate, then more programs need to be

funded in school to address the issue of absenteeism.

Research Design

The study used descriptive method to determine the reasons

of absenteeism. We used descriptive method because it’s

objectives is to know the causes of growing rate of

absenteeism the effect of absenteeism and how to avoid it.

Scope and Limitation

The study is carried out in all Grade level (grade 7- grade

12) of Ankileng National High School of Sagada District

Focusing on the reason of absenteeism.

Data gathering Instrument

The study used questionnaire as a survey to be distributed

to the students (Grade 7- Grade 12) student of Ankileng

National High School of Sagada District.

Objective of the study

The study aims to:

a. Identify the most common reasons of the students


Significance of the study

The study we are conducting is about absenteeism.

This study would be a great help to students to prevent

them from absenting. In this study, it would help the

students to balance and manage their time especially on

their studies and limit them from absenting.

The study will help and encourage schools to

provide more good guidance to student, that would pull

them to stay at school during school days.

In this study, there will be a large involvement

coming from the parents who also provide and give

guidance and counseling to their children. This study

would make the students understand and to be

knowledgeable of the factors affecting their studies.

Through study, it will help the teachers the

school to provide information about giving importance to

their studies that plays a very important role about the

students studies.

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