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Learning to Love

Who You Are

Empowering People to Be

Learning To Love Who You Are
Empowering People to Be

Love Wisdom Soul

You and I are unique expressions of Source energy that has taken form in the
world to experience life through our Body/Mind and Soul. Our soul is our true
nature; a higher level of consciousness that wants to remember kindness,
contentment and peace. It is through an active participation in the present
moment and the choices we make that determine the quality of our experience. If
we can work at remembering ourselves, not fruitless thoughts that serve the
mind or something that punishes another human being and delivers only pain,
but truthful things that serve our soul, we feel better. In those moments of
wholeness thanks to our inner work, we have insight and clarity. We are flooded
with a kind of happiness and peace that is part of that wholeness. We do not have
to become something to have this insight. We already are that. It has always been
a part of our Being.

“In any given moment you are only confined to the size of the world you remember”

It is our mental blocks that prevent us from seeing our pure nature.
Who wants to remember something that punishes another human being? Who
wants to remember something from one’s past that happened a long time ago
and is no longer relevant to the present life? Who wants to remember a path that
is filled only with pain. This lower nature wants to remember such things because
it thrives on conflict. Our minds will source the past again and again. But our true
nature wants to remember spaciousness and kindness, contentment and peace
not as qualities of thought but through an active participation in the moment by
remembering our-self and loving our-self.
(re-sourced from Freedom From the Ties That Bind; Guy Finley)

Thomas Merton, Monk, Mystic and Author, during his spiritual discovery of his
true nature, ‘seeing light emanating from all people everywhere’ while walking in


downtown Louisville Kentucky, said in awe and delight; “they are all shining like
the sun”. Later he wrote in his book, The Seven Story Mountain, “when you know
the truth of your identity, no longer will you see strangers in your midst, you will
know the world as yourself”. Oftentimes we judge people too quickly or too
subjectively. We tell ourselves stories about them without thinking it through.
Our perceptions and biases get the best of us. When you look at another person
you never know what their story is or what’s truly going on in their life.
What we tell ourselves about others, what we think we know is so often far from
a higher truth. There is a wise saying that we don’t see people as they really are,
we see them as we are. We don’t see the world as it really is, we see it as we are!
Is it possible to stop assuming we know anything about others and look inward at
our own subjective experiences and give others the space to be themselves?

We are the light in our own darkness!

Our lives are that journey into total freedom. The freedom to just be; Being whole
and free from anything in our present or past that binds, limits and shrinks Us.
Sadness and fear and unworthiness are “smaller self-limiting emotions” that we
work to heal from some past experience. These experiences and lower emotions
are not meant to be overcome or pushed away or judged. All the experiences in
our lives that were less than happy, and uncomfortable can only be transformed
through our willingness to love and support the one who is afraid, sad or lonely.
Each of us is a unique vibrational frequency of consciousness, that is ours alone
and that only we can bring to the world. The quality of our encounters with
others and life is through our ability to transmit our energy through our words
and actions. We all feel emotions through communication and through
interactions with one another. The spiritual purpose of complimentary words
reminds others how much they are valued.

A Personal Experience

I do believe in the ability to communicate with a higher power through questions

and through prayer as a medium and have those both answered. I believe in the
power of intuition which is the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to
conscious reasoning. So, when I asked my Higher Soul-Self what my purpose for
being here in this lifetime was, I immediately heard the answer as,


‘Learning to love who you are’. Without hesitation I eagerly asked, “How do I
know if I love my-self?” The answer came through for me just as effortlessly
the first answer.

“When you love the world unconditionally!”

Many years have gone by since I first began this quest to understand the spiritual
implications in our very human lives. What I learned for myself is applicable for
everyone regardless which path one follows. I traveled East to study Science and
Esoteric traditions, hoping to find answers about life that I felt would be helpful
and deeply fulfilling in all ways. I now know that which is really important for us,
which we feel deeply and passionately and transforms us in a way that touches
and inspires other’s lives too. Love is the key. It is significant and essential for
each of us to reach the ultimate unconditional love.

Learning to love who “YOU” are.

For all the pain and misunderstanding we endure during our lives, it is so
important to find a way to replace our anguish and guilt with higher truths that
overwrite our childhood trauma with feelings of love, worthiness and belonging.
What will it take for each of us to love one another and this world
unconditionally? Begin right now and make a choice for love. It is the most
powerful healing force there is.

I Am Worthy!

Let this become Our spiritual assignment every day.

Today is the day you can love yourself totally for no other reason or
expectations; love is what we are. The outer-wear is temporary, the Spiritual
Heart is forever!

“What will it take for Me to love myself today”?

If any thoughts come to you, write them down. You may even want to write a
letter to your “Self”, ask questions, listen for what you feel deeply. If you make
this a habit, you might be surprised to see what is underneath your conscious
thoughts about yourself and the answers to your questions as problems solved.


With or without our conscious consent, life happens! The choices we

make are individual for each of us yet congruent and in alignment with our unique
‘inner space’. This inner-space is made up of our personal experiences. It is
within each of us as thoughts and beliefs about Our self, Others and Life. It is
accumulated from childhood as our brains were developing and being wired
through our external environment and our reactions to it. It is through our inner
space as beliefs, senses and experiences that life happens for us. No two people
are alike. In a family of 10, each person will have a unique blueprint for their life.
We might share the same parents but the road we travel, and our experiences of
this life-path will be individual for each one and help shape who we become.

Whatever happens in life, at the level of our ultimate self, we are not victims. We
each have an opportunity to change the impact of our ‘selves’ and our ‘life’ on
others and in this world. We don’t have to wait for the other to change. There are
people who you enjoy and who love and appreciate each one and who encourage
You and I to improve in healthy and exciting ways. Each of us can change how we
express ourselves, how we share our experiences of life and our thoughts with
others. We can Change how we feel about our-self. When we are honest with
our-self about everything including what needs to change, we will know as we
search our soul for the truth that change is the law of life and we are the one
person we can count on forever. We will have a better understanding of where
we are now and how we got there. We will be better equipped to identify where
we want to go and how to get there. Each of us, can chose a happier and healthy
outlook rather than an emotional charge we have not yet dealt with.
“Be honest with every aspect of your life.” Search your soul for the truth so that
you truly know who you are. This moment, this Now is a miracle. It is the only
moment you are guaranteed. Learn to be here now. Experience and honor this
moment at the peak of your capacity for the beauty it holds right now.

Interactions with others provide a space for our own awareness and multiple
choices to love, to listen and to be generous, Or, to be bitter, to complain and to
gossip. How we show up every day is a choice. Nothing can make us “Do or Be”
one way or another without our consent. Our choices depend on how conscious,
aware and present we are, that we chose one way over another. At times it will
be helpful to remember this life is temporary. This too shall pass. With practice
we can all hold a space for whatever arises in our lives. Practice listening, not


reacting. Let go of the story in your mind you tell yourself about others. Drop the
past and complete with the painful memories.


Forgiveness for others does not make right what someone did that was hurtful or
painful. Forgiveness means you are no longer willing to carry the story or the
emotional impact. You are dropping it. We are 99+% space, and each one of us
can tap into the “power of space”, emptiness, quietness and peace within,
anytime. Our minds will either heal us or kill us. Since where you focus, energy
follows, be mindful, be aware, and create space to listen for life as it happens.
‘Sometimes it’s not about doing something but allowing a situation or yourself
in a situation, to just be’ as opposed to acting on thoughts that may be hurtful,
misguided, small and disturbing. When we lose our way and our peace, emotional
reactions get triggered which are painful and most always lowers one’s energy. If
we are not able to have clarity we suffer. When we give our-self and others
“space”, we have a chance to be present with what is, to witness what fulfills us
and another rather than going into a negative spin in our minds. With awareness
and listening, there is always something more we can offer ourselves and others
that together would fill our happy quotient. When we can spare for others the
kindness and goodness we wish for ourselves, we change the paradigm and open
our life up to miracles. Acceptance is not so much about another person or
allowing bad things into our life by having tolerance, but it says a lot about our
ability to keep flowing and not get stuck in mental-quicksand.

“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are
worthy. That is not our business, and in fact, it is nobody's business. What we
are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our
neighbors worthy.”
― Thomas Merton

Below is a Centering and Grounding process for each One to do daily. This can be
done anywhere to connect to one-self, one’s body and the world.

YOU CAN BEGIN by Centering and Grounding with your breath.

Breathing Exercise:


Breathe in slowly and fully in through the nose, hold it ever so slightly and then let
it out through your open mouth with medium force, exhaling “PAHhhhhh”. At the
same time, focus on moving your energy deep into your body down to your feet.
Do this until you feel solid and anchored into the body. Relax for a few minutes.
Every day commit to calling back all your energy from the people, places and
spaces you have been and entangled with through your physical presence and
even your interactions audibly with others or in your mind alone. Take all your
energy “out-there” to “right here” where you are now. Breathe in through your
nose and out through your mouth mindfully as you re-call ALL of yourself, in your
thoughts and in your Words shared and spoken. Take a big long breath in through
your nose…and then slowly exhale through your mouth until you have expelled all
the air in your lungs. Do this process again for 3-5 more rounds. This will help you
ground into your body and center. Any energy that has been scattered in your
JUDGMENTS, will become centered through your breath down into your body. As
you keep focusing on your breath through your body, choose one of the following
affirmations from Louise Hay’s collection (pg,,7,8,9) to align you with what is
important for you on this day.
This is a practice that supports Who you want to be and How you want to show
up. You can gauge what this is for you through your feelings anytime. Be aware
and be present as you breathe and repeat these affirmations. Feel your energy
inside your body as it becomes full or heavier. This is important. Try not to let
thoughts disturb you. Just focus on your affirmation, on your breath and on your
body. Find a quiet place to sit if you are not already doing so and close your eyes.
Now you are going to specifically call back any aspect of yourself from any
problems you have been stewing over or people with whom you have had
interactions, relationships or altercations. Recall all of your energy and your
emotions back to your body – your-self. All of you can Be here now. Breathe as
you do this and “FEEL” into every limb and everyplace on your body, all the way
down into the soles of your feet. Keep breathing and grounding sending your
energy down through the bottom of your feet and into the earth. Visualize your
energy now going down deep through several feet of dirt and into bedrock.
Anchor yourself firmly and keep breathing. You can say a quick prayer of gratitude
for all people and experiences in your life and then release them. Once again
focus on your body and affirm with gratitude this “presence” as You. When you


are ready, come back to the present moment. Throughout your day remember to
stop, focus and take a few conscious deep breaths and ground yourself.

Once you feel heavy and fully embodied go ahead and start affirming that which
is most important for you during this grounding process and practice.
It is helpful to remember to be grateful and to affirm in this way every day.

Thank you, Louise Hay, for the following Affirmations.

1. Life loves me!

2. All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this
situation only good will come. I am safe!
3. It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.
4. The point of power is always in the present moment.
5. Every thought I think is creating my future.
6. I am in the process of positive change.
7. I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, “I love you, I really love you.”
8. It is safe to look within.
9. I forgive myself and set myself free.
10. As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.
11. I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations.
12. I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.
13. I claim my power and move beyond all limitations.
14. I trust the process of life.
15. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.
16. We are all family, and the planet is our home.
17. As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.
18. I am willing to let go.
19. Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.
20. I prosper wherever I turn.
21. I welcome miracles into my life.
22. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.
23. I am loved, and I am at peace.
24. My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.
25. Life supports me in every possible way.
26. My day begins and ends with gratitude.
27. I listen with love to my body’s messages.
28. The past is over.
29. Only good can come to me.
30. I am beautiful, and everybody loves me.
31. Everyone I encounter today has my best interests at heart.
32. I always work with and for wonderful people. I love my job.

33. Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health.
34. I am healthy, whole, and complete.
35. I am at home in my body.
36. I devote a portion of my time to helping others. It is good for my own health.
37. I am greeted by love wherever I go.
38. Wellness is the natural state of my body. I am in perfect health.
39. I am pain free and totally in sync with life.
40. I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.
41. I know that old, negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.
42. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.
43. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.
44. I am willing to ask for help when I need it.
45. I forgive myself for not being perfect.
46. I honor who I am.
47. I attract only healthy relationships. I am always treated well.
48. I do not have to prove myself to anyone.
49. I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens all doors.
50. I am in harmony with nature.
51. I welcome new ideas.
52. Today, no person, place, or thing can irritate or annoy me. I choose to be at peace.
53. I am safe in the Universe and All Life loves and supports me.
54. I experience love wherever I go.
55. I am willing to change.
56. I drink lots of water to cleanse my body and mind.
57. I choose to see clearly with the eyes of love.
58. I cross all bridges with joy and ease.
59. I release all drama from my life.
60. Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
61. I balance my life between work, rest, and play.
62. I return to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor.
63. I am in charge, I now take my own power back.
64. My body appreciates how I take care of it.
65. I spend time with positive, energetic people.
66. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.
67. Today is a sacred gift from Life.
68. I have the courage to live my dreams.
69. I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future.
70. I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.
71. I only speak positively about those in my world. Negativity has no part in my life.
72. We are all eternal spirit.
73. I act as if I already have what I want—it’s an excellent way to attract happiness in
my life.
74. I enjoy the foods that are best for my body.
75. My life gets better all the time.
76. It is safe for me to speak up for myself.
77. I live in the paradise of my own creation.

78. Perfect health is my Divine right, and I claim it now.
79. I release all criticism.
80. I am on an ever-changing journey.
81. I am grateful for my healthy body. I love life.
82. Love flows through my body, healing all dis-ease.
83. My income is constantly increasing.
84. My healing is already in process.
85. There is always more to learn.
86. I now live in limitless love, light, and joy.
87. I become more lovable every day.
88. It is now safe for me to release all of my childhood traumas and move into love.
89. I deserve all that is good.
90. I am constantly discovering new ways to improve my health.
91. Love is all there is!
92. My life gets more fabulous every day.
93. Today I am at peace.
94. Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
95. I have the perfect living space.
96. I have compassion for all.
97. I trust the Universe to help me see the good in everything and in everyone.
98. I love my family members just as they are. I do not try to change anyone.
99. There is plenty for everyone, and we bless and prosper each other.
100. I love and approve of myself


Everyone has a Story. Write and Share your story with others. It
enriches our connection and shared humanity. This is my story.

Returning home from Ireland after 7 years I was free to choose my next path.
What was I going to do next? Nothing was obvious at the moment. I decided to
ask for help and found a book by Orin and Da Ben and instructions for Channeling
in the “How To” at the back of the book. I sat quietly and listened. What I really
wanted to know was If there was something specific to my birth I was actually
here to do? Was there a particular lesson I came to learn or an experience of life
in work or more schooling I was to get involved with? First of all, I was hoping my
attempt to channel was successful and if it was then the answer I receive might
bring me clarity or at the very least an idea I had not yet considered to pursue. I
closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths and settled my anxiety down and
tried not go so deep that I fell asleep and missed the answer completely. I had no


idea whether this would work or if I would even hear anything. This was a first
time for me even though I was familiar with this type of practice. I got
comfortable in a chair, took some deep breaths, closed my eyes and continued
focusing on my breathing until I relaxed even more and then I asked my question.
“What is the purpose for my life?” To my surprise, a voice answered immediately,
“learning to love who you are”. That was it! There was no explanation or
conversation, just this. I was really hoping they or it would reference some kind of
work for me to get involved in. I was not looking for an esoteric answer. I wanted
some physical and tangible idea of what it was I should be “doing” in my life. This
answer was beyond my ability to translate into some action I could take that
would allow me purpose and income. I called my Father thinking he might be able
to help me. I did not make small talk or the usual Father daughter conversations
we had in the past. I called him and got straight to the point and I said to him,
“Dad, how do we know who we really are?” I will never forget his answer and my
reaction which was not a patient one at all. As far as I was concerned, He
circumnavigated my question and the answer I was hoping for. My Father
suggested I read a book by Daniel Gilbert called “Stumbling on Happiness”.
Impatiently I responded that I was not interested in happiness. I wanted to know
who I was! At this point I was panicking. It felt like my world had shattered into a
gazillion pieces and I would never be able to put “Me” or my life back together
again. I was impatient as I kept searching for the answer day after day.
I dove into a library of books from the spiritual to the transformational along with
the philosophy of Advaitha, or Oneness, which was new for me and I included
psychology and self- help books in the mix. I learned from many authors and texts
too numerous to name. I specifically remember Wayne Dwyer, Joel Goldsmith
and Paramahamsa Yogananda. I walked in the woods every day. I had nothing
but time to follow my inner guidance. There were days I attributed my confusion
to being in the wrong religion. I became a born-again Christian over the phone
from some woman who told me she had the power to declare it. I tried
everything to find out who I was and where that energy I experienced at the
retreat came from. I wanted it to come back. I felt supported by this living
presence so much so that never would I forget. I have since come to understand it
is a part of who and what I am, what we all are, at the level of our Soul. I wrote
God a letter and I told him I really wanted to come home. The answer I received
immediately as if he was actually standing right in front of me and looking at me is


It is now 14 years from those days when I was first experiencing and awakening to
something more. Travel, Study, the Mystical and Meditation have changed me in
my life. For all the gifts I have received through direct experiences on my journey
the greatest gift of all has been coming home to myself and feeling that I am OK. I
belong wherever I am, and wherever I am is home. Neither you nor I can go
anywhere in life or death that we would be without Our Self. We will never lose
the truth of who we are except suffering in our own unconscious thoughts and
ideas. Wherever you and I go, however far or away, we are always “Home”.
Right now, We each have a choice to “Fall in love with life at a higher level”. Think
more of Your-self than You ever have and see the gift YOU are just by being here.
Be aware of your thoughts and words. They carry vibrations. Be kind. Love and
Serve where you are. And wherever you are is perfect. I am writing you to let you
know you are loved unconditionally just as you are! It is never what we do that
shouts out our greatness to the world it is who we are Being that makes the
greatest difference for life where we are. You, your presence, heals!


Change is good! It allows Us to experience life to the fullest. Without change, life
would just become dull, repetitive and routine. Change brings new experiences to
one’s life and brings new challenges. Some people thrive on change. There is one
guarantee in life and that is Change. We learn a lot about our self when we are
faced with changes in our lives. Change often asks us to go to places we might not
feel comfortable with because it’s new and unfamiliar. We don’t know ourselves
in new spaces and places. We are after all creatures of habit and it takes time to
integrate into new energies and new social environments. With change also
comes ‘a first time’ or new beginnings. We can listen to our heads OR feel into our
hearts and take a chance to let our ‘soul’ lead the way. Our “Soul” is the deepest
and highest love of truth we embody. The Soul expresses what it absolutely
knows and loves. This doesn’t mean change, or a new path is going to necessarily
be easy or comfortable for us; but it is Our job to pay attention to our inner voice,
to our feelings and to have presence in mind and heart for what is being
presented to us. Using both “discernment and listening” for an answer to any
question that is on one’s mind- you may ask … ‘what brings me joy’ and ‘how can I
take what I have learned and what I love most and integrate it into something
meaningful for my life right here, right now.


“Be desperate to live an authentic life. One that is fulfilling, rewarding and
Unique. Be willing to be different. Don’t forget to Ask, “Is this right for Me?”

What I appreciate the most out of all the ways we have been given to experience
life is the gift of ‘listening’ as people share their own experiences and stories in
their lives of achievements from both the miraculous times and the not so good
times such as not knowing how to physically keep up or how to have emotional
stability to get through situations that are personally painful and difficult. I
appreciate the vulnerability we all experience when disclosing aspects of our self
and our lives that may have been less than satisfying and even embarrassing for
us. I think this is more common for people than not. When we take small steps
and have appreciation for all of our feelings and experiences- no judgments- no
belittling and no berating- no matter what those are it really makes a difference
for our-self in our lives in the long run. Having been an avid reader and interested
in a variety of subjects through both Science and Spirituality there are great
teachers who impact all our lives and understanding of this human experience
through their own genius and gifts.
David Hawkins is one of my all-time favorite authors. David is a renowned
spiritual teacher and author and developer of the map of Consciousness. The
uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of
spiritual awareness known as Enlightenment or Self Realization. In his book Power
vs. Force he maps for us a scale to measure emotions and ways of being that we
take on that correspond to behaviors, attitudes and the corresponding energy
whether its positive, neutral or negative. You can choose what you want to
experience in this life and how you want to feel. This map of consciousness will
show you energetically what that looks like as well as give you other answers such
as feelings, or emotions that might be what you are in attunement with now and
the level of energy you hold that corresponds to this specific way of being that
you are experiencing.

Richard Rudd wrote a book called Hologenesis & The Sacred Wound. This is a
deeply profound book. This is not your average transformation book.
It is a structure for the inner search and our unique Hologenetic Profile that fits
into the story of our own evolution and awakening. It begins by telling of the circle
of perfection as this unbroken silence of eternity into the rupturing of this
Quintessence, single celled organisms that each contain a minute fractal map of
the whole which is the genetic code, the 64 fold matrix found a way to animate


itself. With animate life came the foundation of awareness. As this genetic code
continued to evolve and adapt to its environment the time gave way to human
beings following the same fractal evolutionary patterns and with human beings
came Presence. Presence afforded life the chance of self- awareness. But the
wound or the fracture from the original rupture/big bang brought fear and to
escape the fear this quest for pleasure and power through violence. Humans gave
their lives to find another direction other than fear. We have a higher nature and if
we had the courage to dive into the sacred wound or the original rupture there
were other possibilities for us instead of violence and greed, self-hatred, and
corruption. Throughout history the presence and the words of the wise rang out to
remind us of other possibilities. If we have the courage to dive into this sacred
wound therein lies a promise and a certainty of achieving wholeness. Thus, great
spiritual teachers have guided us towards our higher nature through sacred
writings and texts. All have been in an attempt to decipher the code to our higher
nature so that we might find a universal path to awakening. It is imperative that
we each go through a deep process of transformation through which we come to
accept our own shadows and transcend them. It is through the spectrum of
consciousness we each become the architect of our own evolution. -R. Rudd

Dr.Joe Dispenza is a Chiropractor turned international lecturer, researcher and

educator who is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for
greatness and unlimited abilities. He has educated thousands of people detailing
how they can rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting
changes. Meditation is the name of the game and he creates some of the best
sound tracks with certain tones that affect the brain for rewiring through sound
which produces various brainwave states which affect consciousness. Dr. Joe
healed his broken back in spite of the Doctors telling him he needed Harrington
Rod surgery after he was struck by a large semi-truck while racing in a bike
competition. He told God that if he could get help from above doing this healing
on himself, he would teach this work to people and help them learn how to love
and heal themselves. He did heal himself one vertebra at a time through
visualization and he completely put his spine back together again. Today He is
opening hearts and helping people to heal through the science he teaches. I have
witnessed personally, healings happening through the work he shares, and lives
transformed. Becoming Supernatural is Dr. Joe’s latest book. He conducts week
long workshops throughout the world.


(Other authors I encourage you to read are Wayne Dwyer, Joseph Murphy, Joel
Goldstein, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Bruce Lipton, and Matt Khan.)

It was from a library of hundreds of self-help type books that I found one book I
was intrigued by and it was written by a spiritual ‘entity’ known as “Orin and Da
Ben”. It is a book on how to channel. If you are at a crossroads in your life and are
ready for something new this book will help you source information for any
question you may have about anything in life. Try a few practice sessions first as
per the instructions in the book and when you feel comfortable that you have the
hang of this, then ask some purposeful questions about you or your life and see
what speaks for you! The question burning in my heart this particular day was
‘why was I here now and or for what purpose?’ At least I was willing to ask and
listen for an answer. If I didn’t try, I would never know if there was an answer or if
this was all hocus-pocus. “Who really knows”, I thought to myself; ‘I just might get
an answer that would surprise me’.
You too may have fears and self-doubt about yourself and your life or in your
relationships. If so I want to encourage you to ask yourself questions ‘for
inspiration or ideas’ that will help, comfort or assist you with whatever is
distressing you, or on your mind and needs resolution. Make sure you take the
time to “listen” inside you. Listening is a powerful tool for transformation. It is the
only way to receive life. It is the way you can truly relate to yourself and others.
When you listen to yourself, all unconsciousness in you drops away. When you
listen to others, you will transform them just by your listening. When people
come to you they almost- always do Not want solutions. They just want your

If You and I are not THRIVING, WE are stuck in SURVIVING

Each of our life experiences are unique. What I was searching for may not be what
you have ever thought about or even cared to find out. We each have “soul
contracts” that require us to lean into our life whole-heartedly so we can learn
how to love full on. There is a “theme” that engages with us that we came here to
learn and grow with others by our side. This theme or idea becomes your
personal path to follow so that you can heal, love and unite into a more authentic
version of your-self. When we love ourselves, we meet and greet the world from


a space of confidence and awesomeness. We live our lives in a space of Oneness.

All form is deeply connected, and nothing is separate at the level of Pure
Consciousness. Instead of looking at life through the lens of 1 person, 1 person, 1
person, which has value and a place, it is not the deepest spiritual truth. Oneness
is. All form is energy. And just because we can’t see energy doesn’t mean it has no
spiritual value. At this level, we as life are all connected! Energy as we all know
entangles and once one part has connected with another part, wherever those 2
parts travels, however far or wide they go, they will always be entangled because
that is the nature of the quantum field!

Everything is Energy. Energy can be measured in units of consciousness.

“ Consciousness : ‘Awareness PLUS Content’ in Time and Space”. That’s You and
Me!! We all have awareness and I see a lot of stuff here in my space both inside
and outside. I’m sure you do to. Everything counts as “content”.

In order to understand “Spirituality” I integrate these two parts: Human+Being,

We spend a lot of time in a day being active, busy and doing things, wouldn’t you
agree? “Doing” is the key word here. Human beings do a lot of stuff!
The “Conscious function- aspect of Us” is the other half of Us and what we are
besides 6’2 Joe Lawyer. Consciousness is awareness. With awareness we have this
way of “Being”. It is a way of life we take on in accordance with our beliefs we
hold about our-self, about life and about other people. We enter into the process
of “living our life as we do” by making a decision that “X” is what we will do.
Nothing happens without a decision first. Someone who decides to become a
Lawyer has a way of ‘being’ that define their skills as a lawyer. A lawyer might also
be a Father. When they are not busy being a lawyer and instead are at home
playing with their child, we know they are not interacting with their child in the
same way they work with their clients . They are being “Dad”. Fathers have their
own way of doing and being. Who we are being is always entangled with an
emotion or a belief and perhaps a past memory. “You can have the personality of
a jokester or a comedian or be labelled insecure or quiet and that is your human
wiring. However, your Being can be a more authentic version of your “personal
reality”. Who you are being determines the level of consciousness or the level of
awareness you have in any role or situation. When one isn’t in the best frame of
mind and emotionally disturbed, one might notice that “who you are being” for


ex; on a conference call is very judgmental in someone’s opinion and that is not
an authentic version of your best self. Who you are being in life or in any
situation for that matter, really does matter! It affects our energy, health and
well-being and other people too!! “Being” is a state of consciousness that can be
named. We all want to function at the highest level we can for our own
happiness, to stay healthy and balanced and to attract what we need in life and
maintain our relationships.


“Spirituality, Being and Consciousness.

*Who we are capable of Being determines the level of consciousness we are able
to hold.

*Since everything is energy, and all energy can be measured in units of

consciousness, it is a good idea to start practicing who you want to be in your life.
For every moment as that “being” that which you chose to be, determines the
quality of your energy!

*Life will always show us what we are “energetically” communicating by the

attraction of people, events and situations that come into our lives.

*Life will also show us where we are functioning from energetically by the
responses we have in any situation.

*Life is always flowing from inner to outer. Our level of consciousness determines
a lot about our life and what we are capable of manifesting in this lifetime.

Life is a journey to wholeness.

Wholeness envelops Love. “What if each of us actually came into this world
with a “Personal” theme for our life-time that is unique and includes our very own
adventure. Yours is exactly right for “YOU” and mine is exactly right for “ME”!


It’s not better or worse than another, but it’s necessary for each One individually.
We all are part of and contribute to life and the collective consciousness.

Oneness = Good + Ordinary + Divine

What we each contribute impacts both ours and other’s lives. It is how we expand
consciousness here on Earth and we grow in this collective paradigm. Each one’s
contribution, what you have learned and share with others opens up a possibility
for another to understand something they too may be curious about or have
questioned in their life or failed to understand. Stepping into our soul signature is
unique for everyone. It gives one permission to be who they are and contribute to
life in a way that feel right and comfortable. Life is also meant to be a
collaborative process. When we learn how to listen for another, especially in
sensitive areas such as religious beliefs, and food choices, vegan versus Burger
King, we will quit listening with a black and white attitude and listen with our
hearts from our Being, that space inside us, through its generosity of spirit, that
allows for another’s passion and choice to be here too. It never is about right or
wrong. Life, I believe is meant to be all-encompassing. At the deepest level an
expression of Oneness; the all that is.

Love is Inclusive. It comes through a Spirit of each. People who have Love-
understand. People who understand and live with love, leave others feeling
happy. They leave life around them whole because they see the whole through
love. Love is a way of being. Love sees and knows the truth in all. Don’t settle for a
slice of life, go for it All. Go for love!

The Gift (A personal story)

When I lived in Panama, I had an occasion to travel into a rural community to be

with a young boy who was 8 years old and offer him a healing that I was initiated
into from my Guru in India. This child was dying from Leukemia. I did not speak
Spanish and the family had no English. Fortunately, there was an interpreter
present. The people in the neighborhood, if one could call it that, were all
standing around and waiting. My heart went out to this little boy and his young
Mother and siblings. This family was no different from your family and my family.
They loved and lived and shared life within a community. They had hopes and
dreams too. They were also vulnerable to the conditions in their life, not having
the stability and municipal structures and guarantees people in the Western


world have available today. This is why it is so important we cultivate awareness

for others’ lives and needs. Love is what we all have in common at our core. It is
the key that unlocks our lives for others to come in where we are and for “US”, to
be where they are, without our thoughts, beliefs and judgments shutting out the
gift of another’s life. The love that we have for our-self, expresses as the love we
give another whatever form that takes. This is why it is important to love yourself,
so you can express yourself in a way that is unique and supportive for others too.

Our experiences in life are not personal. They are for sharing and expanding life
around us. This gives others permission to rise up and out of old habits. We need
to support one another in our respective relationships and community to stay
committed to positive actions, supporting another from one’s authentic self and
letting people know they are seen and appreciated.
No one ever said it would be easy. It might require that we change a habit or an
attitude or give something up to grow up. We might have to “Be Willing” in our
lives and there are no guarantees; so be prepared and allow for the unknown. Get
comfortable being uncomfortable and know this too shall pass.

Whatever it takes;
Be Authentic!
Honor your thoughts and your words!
Mean what you say and Say What You Mean (once and for all)!

Let nothing from your past impact you in the present moment!
Stop procrastinating!
Give up being a victim!
Show up! Again, AND Again!
Take responsibility for life happening through your eyes.
Share your life!
Share your food!
Forgive your Family!!
Love your Co-workers J
AND “Just plain ole quit listening to your pitiful “Small Mind”!



What we love to work at and share with others is for our soul growth and it is
what gives meaning in our lives. At the end of our life, people know what that
meaning was for Us and how it helped them too.
We leave them with not only shared experiences and interactions but a chance to
reflect back what that meant for them in their own life. This alone gives them
permission to be themselves and take on or contribute what is right and good for
them. People know us by our words, actions and choices. They might not always
know why we chose a particular thing or why we chose to live the way we do but
they see that choice has fulfilled us in both our human and our spiritual self.

Today do one thing you never thought you would or could.

I dare you to make that difference for yourself and someone else today.

Happy people witness happiness all the time. You might experience aliveness for
the first time in your life and this radical experience shifts your firm beliefs and
judgments about life. Suddenly, everything you have wanted to change in your
life starts changing; it’s happening. Money starts flowing! People you haven’t
heard from in years are calling you! Others look at you in a way they have never
before and Wow, they acknowledge you! No one would have ever believed this
was possible. Did they change, or did you change? Your energy has most
definitely shifted. How does one know? You feel energized! “On the ball”. Joyful.
Satisfied and looking forward to the day or the evening or wherever you happen
to be. You are not arguing with life and others. Happiness does not depend on
anything outside of our self. Happiness is the decision to be in a space of
completion, where nothing from the past is impacting you now because you let it
go and now all you want to do is share this time with another person and enjoy
their company. It’s not unusual to want to give away something you love because
you want to someone else to enjoy it as much as you. You actually become this
extraordinary person with this wide-open heart-space for another, something
that no one has seen you capable of “Being” before Now! Is that Kindness?
Attentiveness? You mean you are actually listening to her? When we initiate
kindness, anywhere and anytime, we are the one feeling GREAT!

When I was studying in India I was initiated as a healer for others and ordained a
spiritual teacher. What I have since discovered is I do not heal anyone. Healing
happens when One is ready and willing. One of my teachers in India spoke about
our hearts and this path to awakening through the heart. Healing is the same
thing. When we are ready to be whole again, to open our hearts to life, then
healing is possible. As a conduit for healing, energy flows from an open
connection or space called the Ananda-Gandha and through this space the energy
is transferred to another. This was a gift given to my Guru from his Guru and
which he now initiates others. The Healing happens not by any single person but
through this awakened space inside One who has been ‘touched’ or ‘initiated’.
There are many modalities of healing through different energy practices today.

Whether we know it or not we are all on this path of self- love. Its natural in the
beginning of our journey to compare ourselves with others. We may see others
and think about them more profoundly than we ever see or think of ourselves. If
we hide from ourselves we will never know who we are or what we want to feel
or what we even want. We experience the love we are when we help people to
love themselves. We help them to stop hiding out. I encourage all to tune into our
feelings and to start making choices about simple things first. Once we get use to
saying “Yes” to ourselves on the small things of life, we feel better and are more
able to expand into the areas of their life that require more responsibility. This
requires each person to be Authentic and to “know” who (We) they are at our
core. Life is the time to discover who ‘you’ are. I hear so much about
enlightenment today. I love this simple idea that Louise hay offers. “To be
enlightened is to go within and to know who and what we really are and to know
we have the ability to change for the better by loving and taking care of
ourselves.” If we don’t love our-self how can we love and help others? Don’t wait
to love yourself. If you are reading this, know that it’s your turn now. My friends
“our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are
worthy. That is not our business, and, in fact, it is nobody's business. What we are
asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors
― Thomas Merton

*A note to the readers.

We are in the Age of Aquarius…. meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy
water that is the work of Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap of


the tree that rises and nourishes all parts of the tree and does not get stuck
at one flower (religion).
Kundalini is our life force that sits at the base of the spine. When it rises and
pierces each chakra, if it makes it through to the crown chakra it sits up there like
a thousand petal lotus. You will know you ARE the One, the power you have been
seeking. No religion is going to give this to you although it will point the way for
you to discover what you have always been and will be forever.

I hope you enjoyed this “taste of enlightenment” and that you come to fully
embody ALL the love that You are. That you accept yourself and your life
graciously so others too can learn from your example and together we can be the
change we want to see in our world.





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