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related to agile software development

to celebrate 1000 quote milestone
for AgileQuote
Agile Quote provides you with inspirational quotes
on Agile software development delivered to you

Quotes are from on-the-ground practitioners and

speakers of the Agile community and contain links
to resource and how-to-find more information.

Some quotes are not directly connected to agile

software development, but somehow related ;-)
October 30, 2013

1 quote posted!
July 28, 2016

1000 quote posted!
To celebrate 1000th quote milestone,
we gathered top 20 most popular quotes
to share here.

Full disclaimer: a choice made by our audience, we

just sorted by popularity, no editorial filtering.

A group full of T-shaped people is
more flexible about the kind of work
they can take on than a group made
up of specialists.

-Esther Derby

In any given moment we have two
options: to step forward into growth
or to step back into safety.

-Abraham Maslow

ScrumMasters, please don’t touch the
task board. It (and the items on it) do
not belong to you.

-Michele Sliger

… the Agile movement in software is
part of a larger movement towards
more humane and dynamic
workplaces in the 21st century.

-Rowan Bunning

Big egos have little ears.

-Robert Schuller

I remind myself every morning:
Nothing I say this day will teach me
anything. So if I'm going to learn, I
must do it by listening.

-Larry King

Listen, really listen to people who
disagree with you in order to fight
confirmation bias.

-Linda Rising

Alignment enables

-Henrik Kniberg

it's not a testing problem, it's a design
problem manifesting as a testing
problem. usually.

-Kent Beck

If you adopt only one #agile practice,
let it be retrospectives. Everything
else will follow.

-Woody Zuill

Rather than say “requirements”, say
“deciding what to build.” The verb
phrase works, the noun phrase

-Alistair Cockburn

Education is the most powerful
weapon which you can use
to change the world.

-Nelson Mandela

My advice is to stop emphasizing the
process frameworks and start
focusing on the company culture
and mindsets.

-Selena Delesie

Every retrospective
should be unique.

-Esther Derby

Failure really just means that your
system is trying to tell you something
– so you’d better listen.

-Henrik Kniberg

When the manager plays the role of
ScrumMaster, it’s highly unlikely the
Team will ever begin to self-organize.

-Pete Deemer

If the code isn’t clear, it’s an odor that
needs to be removed by refactoring,
not by deodorizing the code with
a comment.

-Joshua Kerievsky

Trying to speed project schedule by
reducing testing is like trying to lose
weight by donating blood.

-Klaus Leopold
“ Software development is not
a rational process. It's a process
made by people with feelings with
bodies and with thinking. And by
putting all those together I can be a
more effective software developer.
-Kent Beck

TDD creates consumption awareness:
when you create a unit test, you are
creating the first consumer of the
code under development.

-Neal Ford
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