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Crossword Maker

The Crossword Maker helps you make crosswords for your students. These
crosswords can be completed by students individually, or can be used for pairwork.
Making a crossword is quick and easy. Read the instructions below. 

Use an existing New English File or English File third edition crossword

1. First choose an existing crossword from a unit of New English File or English
File third edition.
2. Next choose to make either a single crossword, or a pairwork crossword.
3. If you have chosen a pairwork crossword, decide whether you want to give
the students the clues or not.
4. If you wish to change the clues provided, click on the Edit Clues button.
5. Print out and use the crossword.

Make your own crossword

1. Select 'I want to make my own' and type in the title of your crossword.
2. Choose to make either a single crossword, or a pairwork crossword.
3. If you have chosen a pairwork crossword, decide whether you want to give
the students the clues, or hide the clues so students have to make up their own.
4. Next type in your own clues and answers.
5. Print out and use the Student A and Student B crosswords.

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