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V Sharing the Good News

: Mark 16: 9-19 (Teacher¶s reading)

 Hot air balloon, kite, or pictures of airplanes, Wordless Airplane
book. Use cutouts made from flannel for airplanes, or you can make cut
outs of a large hot air balloon (white, black, green, gold, red). Sugar cookie,

      : Recently, this past summer I had an
invitation to go on a trip to Florida. We would get on a hugh (show plane)
plane for a flight to Fort Meyers - staying in Naples, Florida. I was excited to
go on a trip! I was going with some family members.

If you have never flown on a plane before, it can be just a tiny scary, yet
exciting at the same time. The first time I had ever flown on a plane was
when I was about 10 years old, and I went with my grandmother to
Mississippi to my grandfather¶s funeral.

In order to fly on a plane, you have to make preparations. First, you

schedule your flight, then check all the flight regulations for traveling, then
pack your suitcases making sure that you keep within these guidelines for

When you schedule a flight, there are special different seating

arrangements from which you can choose. There are regular seats at a
minimum cost, then there are the exit seats which cost a little more, and
last there are the best seats for passengers who want to pay a lot more
money. These people get extra snacks, and hugh seats with lots of space. I
selected the middle grade that put me right by the exit doors. These seats
have a responsibly to them that you have to agree to. You must work for
the air fight in case of an emergency, and help others get off the plane.
Certainly, I did not what to do that, but purchased the seat agreeing to the

It was a good flight, except on the way back it did get rather bumpy toward
landing. I admit, I got just a little concerned (scared) for a while.



One day long ago, Jesus took a flight. After Jesus had risen from the grave,
he appeared first to Mary Magdalene. He told her to go and tell the others
that he had risen. Mary hurried to tell the others, but they did not believe
her. That would be hard to believe if someone came to you and told you
that your loved one came back to life ± wouldn¶t it? That could happen
though if Jesus decided to keep them longer here on earth. Some people
get really sick and the doctor thinks they will not make it, and then to the
surprise of everyone, they get well and begin a new life again.

King Jesus appeared to all the disciples after he had risen from the grave.
He appeared to them all in the upper room where they were having dinner.
King Jesus has a special message for them. He told them to preach the
Gospel and share the Good news to everyone - all over the whole world.
Wow! What a job! He told them that he would protect them from all harm,
and that he would help them pray for those who were sick making them

After King Jesus gave them this message, he took a flight to heaven. He
did not go in a parachute or a large airplane. He did not even ride a hot air
balloon. King Jesus just rose up in the clouds and ascended into heaven.

One day, He will come again the same way in which he went and take all
those who have trusted in Him as their Savior to heaven.

In the meantime, King Jesus has a job for us to do. Remember what he
instructed the disciple to do? Right. He told them to tell others about his
Great love ± the Good News.


 lack stands for our sins that Jesus will forgive. (Romans 3:23)

Red stands for the blood of Jesus that He shed on the cross. (John 3:16)

White is for the sinless Lamb of God who is pure and holy. He makes our
hearts while as snow when we ask King Jesus to forgive us for all our
sins.(I John 1:9)

Gold stands for the streets of gold in heaven that we will see one day. King
Jesus is preparing us a beautiful home in heaven where there will be no
more tears and no more sin. (John 14:3)

Green stands for growing in Jesus as we read our  ible and pray. Green
stands for us sharing the Good News that King Jesus instructed us to
share. (Mark 16:15)

! "

«´ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature´. Mark
16:15 (KJV)

Notice the word ³GO´. Jesus departed to heaven and left us with a special
message. We are to ³GO´ tell others the Good News of Salvation. Look at
the word ³WORLD´. This includes all humans on the whole globe (show a
globe and name all the continents. Names different states in the United
States of America). The whole human race is included in this message of
HOPE for all. The word ³EVERY´ means ALL. We are to tell everyone that
Kings Jesus loves them and gave His life that they may have peace and
joy. Christmas peace and joy are wonderful and makes us all happy;
however, we can have God¶s peace and joy all year long if we belong to

# ! 
Terri: Look at this new model I got for my birthday.
John: Cool! What model is that?

Terri: This is an A-10 Thunderbolt. I got it from my Uncle Tom.

John: Was he in the service?

Terri: Yes, he served for about 20 years then retired.

John: Wow! Where did you get this?

Terri: My Uncle John kept it as a souvenir from the service. He fell out of it
on a mission. This is just a small copy of the one he jumped out of.

John: What happened?

Terri: They were in the helicopter when he jumped, and it was a windy day.

John: I bet that was scary.

Terri: He fell on patch of trees and slid down many trees tops landing hard
on the ground. He hurt his back badly and had to retire.

John: I have never gone up in a parachute; it must be fun!

Terri: He took me up once, and it was fun.

John: I bet we look like midgets down here.

Terri: You sure do, but I like the freedom that you feel up there in the air.
You can see everything.

John: That must be what it was like when Jesus went up in the clouds.

Terri: What was that?

John: Oh never mind, just a story we heard this week at church. Want to
come sometime?

Terri: Sure, why not. My mom thinks I should go, so I¶ll give your church a

John: Ok, we¶ll pick you up Sunday morning. Got to get home to get my
homework done.
Terri: So long (both exit)

 : Sugar cookie decorated with icing. Add a string of licorice for the
tail. Serve with apple juice.

© Rev.Jeanne McIntosh December 23, 2010. All rights


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