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Emission of organic compounds from mould and core binders used for casting
iron, aluminium and bronze in sand moulds

Article  in  Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering · December 2010
DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2010.520595 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Niels Skat Tiedje Niki Bey

Technical University of Denmark Technical University of Denmark


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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A

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Emission of organic compounds from mould and core binders used for
casting iron, aluminium and bronze in sand moulds
Niels Tiedjea; Rudolf Crepazb; Torben Eggertb; Niki Beyc
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark b
Danish Technological Institute, Høje Taastrup, Denmark c Institute for Product Development, Kgs.
Lyngby, Denmark

Online publication date: 13 October 2010

To cite this Article Tiedje, Niels , Crepaz, Rudolf , Eggert, Torben and Bey, Niki(2010) 'Emission of organic compounds
from mould and core binders used for casting iron, aluminium and bronze in sand moulds', Journal of Environmental
Science and Health, Part A, 45: 14, 1866 — 1876
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2010.520595


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Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A (2010) 45, 1866–1876
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print); 1532-4117 (Online)

DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2010.520595

Emission of organic compounds from mould and core

binders used for casting iron, aluminium and bronze in sand


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Danish Technological Institute, Høje Taastrup, Denmark
Institute for Product Development, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
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Emissions from mould and core sand binders commonly used in the foundry industry have been investigated. Degradation of three
different types of binders was investigated: Furfuryl alcohol (FA), phenolic urethane (PU) and resol-CO2 (RC). In each group of
binders, at least two different binder compositions were tested. A test method that provides uniform test conditions is described.
The method can be used as a general test method to analyse off gasses from binders. Moulds, containing a standard size casting,
were produced and the amount and type of organic compounds, resulting from thermal degradation of binders, was monitored when
cast iron, bronze and aluminium was poured in the moulds. Binder degradation was measured by collecting off gasses in a specially
designed ventilation hood at a constant flow rate. Samples were taken from the ventilation system and analysed for hydrocarbons and
CO content. It is shown how off-gasses vary with time after pouring and shake out. Also the composition of off-gasses is analysed and
shown. It is further shown how the composition of off-gasses varies between different types of binders and with varying composition
of the binders as well as function of the thermal load on the moulding sand.
Keywords: Binder, emission, casting, degradation, mould production.

Introduction sand (green sand). When hollow castings are produced,

the cores that shape the internal geometry are produced
Production of castings in sand moulds is the most wide with one or more of the organic binder systems mentioned
spread route to production of cast products. The majority above. Large castings weighing more than approximately
of all castings and almost all types of alloys are cast in 100 kg are commonly produced in furan moulds.
sand moulds.[1] Large castings in cast iron and Cu-based Over the past 10 years new binders have been developed
alloys, as well as many aluminium castings are commonly that improve the working environment on the moulding
produced in sand moulds where the sand is bonded us- line and in the core shop. Serious improvements have been
ing organic binders.[2] Only very few binder systems exist achieved in the later years with regard to toxicity and smell
that contain negligible or no organic materials, and these of binders in the part of the foundry where moulds and
systems are not suited for modern high productivity manu- cores are produced.[3−7] However, it is not clear from these
facturing of castings.[2] The most commonly used binder investigations whether the use of new binder systems have
systems are: the so-called furan binders (based on fur- reduced the type and level of emissions in the pouring,
furyl alcohol, FA), Cold box binders (based on phenolic cooling or shake out areas in the foundry.
urethane, PU) and resol-CO2 , RC, binders. The most com- Work has been done to describe the pyrolysis products
monly used binder system for mass production of small and arising from the thermal degradation of binders under lab-
medium size cast iron and copper castings is clay-bonded oratory conditions.[8−10] Typically, sand mixed with binders
has been heated to a specific temperature in a laboratory
furnace and the off-gasses have been analysed. But these
Address correspondence to Niels Skat Tiedje, Department
investigations do not describe the off-gasses and concen-
of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,
Building 425, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; E-mail: nsti@
tration levels of pyrolysis products found in foundries. Here evaporation, pyrolysis and condensation of organic mate-
Received March 26, 2010. rial in the mould takes place at all temperatures ranging
Organic compound emissions from sand mould metals 1867

from room temperature to the temperature of the metal Experimental setup

poured into the mould. Further, very few of the investiga-
tions provide information on how pyrolysis products de- Binders
velop over time when the heat from the casting penetrates
Combinations of alloys and binder systems that are com-
into the mould.
monly used in foundries were selected for the experiments.
The investigations have focused on individual combina-
It was not possible to test all binders on the market, but
tions of binder systems and cast metals. It has not been
some commonly used binders were selected to represent the
possible to find studies that compare several binder sys-
following types of binders:
tems and metals, and where both total emissions and evo-
lution of degradation products over time is analysed under 1. types of furan binders (FA) with two different catalysts
conditions resembling those found in the foundry. 2. types of cold-box (PU) binders
From previous investigations a few general conclusions 3. types of resol-CO2 (RC) binders
can be drawn: Serebro et al. finds that water evaporates
from core sand at 130 to 140◦ C and that the organic ma- Table 1 shows the chemical composition of the binders
terial degenerates from 350 to 480◦ C.[9] This is confirmed
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based on information from data sheets provided by the sup-

by Wang et al.[11] who compares three phenolic urethane pliers. Table 2 lists the individual experiments and shows
resins and among other show how binders degrade at dif- experiment number, binder type, alloy cast, pouring tem-
ferent temperatures. They describe and quantify the degra- perature, sand to metal ratio (kg sand per kg metal) and
dation products of the binders they investigate. And they the content of binder and other additives in the moulds.
find that emissions are very different from core shop to pro- The Table also shows the time during experiments where
duction line. They also conclude that more comprehensive samples were taken for chemical analysis.
studies are necessary to compare the many binder systems
Kauffmann and Voigt[12] mention that emission of ben- Fume analysis
zene is reduced when the sand to metal ratio is large, in- The key point in the analysis is to make sure that all
dicating that off-gasses condense in the cold areas of the fumes are properly extracted from the moulds, and that
mould. But there is no detailed description of the chemical the gasses extracted are not contaminated by foreign pro-
processes that take place there. cesses. For that purpose, a special exhaust hood was de-
Only very few investigations distinguish between emis- signed that covers the mould completely, but allows flow
sion of fumes and toxic gasses in the different parts of the of fresh air through the ventilation system. The hood has
cooling line, such as: in the pouring area where liquid metal a door through which the freshly poured mould can be
is cast in the moulds, in the cooling area where the castings placed under the hood; see the sketch in Figure 1. The
sit in the moulds while they cool before they are extracted, moulds were cast next to the exhaust hood and inserted
and at the shake out where the moulds are opened.[12−14] immediately. The hood was connected to a ventilation duct
In a study by Westberg et al.[14] it was found that emis- with a ventilator (at the end) providing a constant airflow.
sions are very different from core shop to production Along the duct, before the fan, samples were extracted for
line. They too conclude that more comprehensive studies chemical analysis.
are necessary to compare the many binder systems avail- In most of the experiments the moulds were kept un-
able. It has generally been assumed that when the binders der the hood for 30 min, while samples were taken every
are kinder to the environment in the core shop or when 5 minutes. Though, in experiments 5 and 12 (see Table 2)
moulds are made, they would also improve the environ- the moulds remained under the hood for 90 minutes to
ment in the casting zone but this has not been verified in investigate the extent of fume emission over longer time.
practice. In experiments 4 and 11 the emissions during shakeout
At present there are no standard methods for mea- only, was measured. In all experiments the extracted fumes
suring emissions from casting processes. Some methods were analysed for CO and total hydrocarbons using a CO-
have been proposed in individual projects, but they have meter and photo- and flame ionisation detectors. Thus a
not found widespread recognition.[15,16] In the present in-
vestigation a method for measuring emissions from sand
casting processes is proposed and used to test emissions
from a range of commonly used binder systems and al-
loys. Emissions from three types of binder systems are
analysed when cast iron, copper and aluminium alloys are
cast in the moulds. Emissions are monitored as function of
time during cooling and shakeout, and total emissions are Fig. 1. Experimental setup for measurements of emissions from
measured. sand castings.
1868 Tiedje et al.
Table 1. Binder systems and their chemical composition according to the supplier’s safety sheets.

Binder code Binder type Composition according to supplier [wt%]

A Furan, FA Binder:
Furfuryl alcohol 50–55
Nitrogen <0.7
Free Phenol <1
Free Formaldehyde 0.2–0.5
Para-Toluenesulfonic acid (PTA)
B Binder:
Furfuryl alcohol 50–55
Furan, FA Nitrogen <0.7
Free Phenol <1
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Free Formaldehyde 0.2–0.5

Benzenesulfonic acid (BSA)
C Furan, FA Binder:
Furfuryl alcohol 75
Nitrogen <5
Free Phenol <0.2
Water <8
Para-Toluenesulfonic acid (PTA)
D Cold Box, PU Part I:
Phenol 2–5
3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyklohexene-1-on 3–10
Aromatic Carbohydrates C6 ,-C14 18–30
Formaldehyde <0.3
Part II:
Diphenylmethane-4-41 -diisocyanate >0.7
Solvent naphtha 10–30
E Part I:
Phenol 2.5
Cold Box, PU Formaldehyde <0.6
Methanol <0.25
Part II:
Diphenylmethane-4-41 -diisocyanate 70–90
Solvent naphtha 10–25
F Cold Box, PU Part I:
Phenol <5
Formaldehyde <1
Solvent naphtha 30–35
N-butanol 10
Part II:
Diphenylmethane-4-41 -diisocyanate 70–80
Aromatic Carbohydrates 15–20
Aliphatic Carbohydrates 5–10
G Sodium hydroxyde 10–20
Resole/CO2 , Phenol <1.5
RC Formaldehyde <0.2
Ethylene glycol <5
1-hydroxy-3.6-dioxane 5–10
H Sodium hydroxyde 14–18
Resole/CO2 , Butyl glycol 4–7
RC 2-fenoxiethanol <3
Phenol <0.3
Organic compound emissions from sand mould metals 1869
Table 2. Expermental plan.

Samples taken

Experiment Binder Pouring temperature Sand – metal Binder content During cooling During
number code Alloy [◦ C] ratio [kg/kg] [wt %] [min] shake-out

1 A Fe 1400–1420 3:1 1.0/0.4 0–30 –

2 A Cu 1180–1200 2.8:1 1.0/0.4 0–30 –
3 A Al 700–720 8.1:1 1.0/0.4 0–30 –
4 A Fe 1400–1420 3:1 1.0/0.4 0–30 Yes
5 A Fe 1400–1420 3:1 1.0/0.4 30–90 –
6 B Fe 1400–1420 3:1 1.0/0.4 0–30 –
7 C Fe 1400–1420 3:1 1.0/0.4 0–30 –
8 D Fe 1400–1420 3:1 0.8/0.8 0–30 –
9 D Cu 1180–1200 2.8:1 0.8/0.8 0–30 –
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10 D Al 700–720 8.1:1 0.8/0.8 0–30 –

11 D Fe 1400–1420 3:1 0.8/0.8 0–30 Yes
12 D Fe 1400–1420 3:1 0.8/0.8 30–90 –
13 E Fe 1400–1420 3:1 0.8/0.8 0–30 –
14 F Fe 1400–1420 3:1 0.8/0.8 0–30 –
15 G Fe 1400–1420 3:1 2.5 0–30 –
16 H Fe 1400–1420 3:1 2.5 0–30 –
The table shows binder code, alloy used, pouring temperature, sand-metal ratio (kg sand pr. kg metal) and binder content (wt%). Alloy type codes
are: Fe – grey cast iron (EN-GJL 200), Cu – Sn bronze (EN CuSn6), Al – aluminium alloy (EN ABSi12). Where the binder content is given as two
figures (X.X / Y.Y) it relates to the ration of binder to catalyst for Furan binders or Part I and Part II for Cold box binders.

time-dependent analysis of the fume composition was ob- that were used for the experiments were grey cast iron (EN-
tained. These data are presented in Figures 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and GJL 200), tin-bronze (EN CuSn6) and an aluminium alloy
9. Pyrolysis products were also extracted on filters for the (EN ABSi12). These alloys were chosen because they rep-
full duration of the experiments. These were analysed in the resent alloys that are normally used in the industry with
laboratory to give a more detailed description of the types the binders analysed. The melt was transferred to a 1.5 L
of hydrocarbons emitted. The data gave detailed, accumu- hand-held ceramic ladle, which was used for pouring. Cast
lated distribution of pyrolysis products for the duration iron was poured at 1400–1420◦ C, bronze at 1180–1200◦ C
of the experiments. In Figures 4, 7 and 11 these data are and aluminium at 700–720◦ C. The pouring temperatures
showed in main groups: Aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols (Table 2) are temperatures that are normally used for cast-
and aldehydes. More detailed compositions are presented ing industrial components so that the thermal load of the
in Tables 3, 4 and 5. With this combination of methods it moulds is similar to that of an industrial environment.
was possible to compare the more detailed analysis of prod-
ucts found on the filters with the on-line measurements of
CO and total hydrocarbons. Results
In all experiments the air velocity in the duct was
4.9 m/s (± 0.1 m/s), which corresponds to 140 m3 /h. The Emissions from Furan (FA) binders
air temperature was monitored; it varied between 20 and
30◦ C, though in experiments 5 and 12, it shortly rose to Two different FA binders were tested. Binder A was cured
40◦ C immediately after shake out. with para toluenesulfonic acid (PTA) and castings were
made with cast iron, aluminium and bronze, see Table 2
experiments 1 to 3. In these experiments emissions were
measured for 30 min.
Moulding and casting An extra experiment was performed in which emissions
during shake-out, after the casting had been sitting in the
The casting geometry used in the experiments was a block mould for 30 min, were measured, experiment 4 in Table 2.
of 125 by 125 by 50 mm fitted with a suitable gating system. In an additional experiment emissions were monitored for
The mould was designed to give a sand-to-metal ratio for 90 minutes, experiment 5 in Table 2. Binder “B” is equal
cast iron of 3:1. For aluminium and bronze alloys the sand to “A”, but was cured with benzenesulfonic (BSA) acid.
to metal ratio was 8.1:1 and 2.8:1, respectively. One experiment was made with this binder, experiment 6 in
Binder content for all batches is given in Table 2. Cast- Table 2. Cast iron was poured in the mould and emissions
ing alloys were melted in an induction furnace. The alloys were measured for 30 minutes.
1870 Tiedje et al.

Fig. 2. Emission of hydrocarbons as a function of time for FA-

bonded sand.
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As an alternative, FA binder “C” cured with PTA was

chosen; see experiment 7 in Table 2. Emission of hydro-
carbons and CO is shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. Fig. 4. Pyrolysis products from FA-bonded sand as a function of
When iron is cast in the moulds, the concentration of hy- time.
dro carbons in the off-gasses reaches the maximum value
(250 to 350 ppm) within 1 to 2 minutes after pouring. From
thereon, the concentration decreases continuously. After The detailed results of the analysis of pyrolysis prod-
30 minutes it has fallen to about 10% of the maximum. ucts collected on filters for the FA binders are shown in
Over the following hour the concentration of hydrocar- Table 3, which Table shows the amount of each pyrolysis
bons falls to a level that cannot be measured, cf. experiment product collected during the experiment. Data are collected
5 in Figure 2. in groups of related pyrolysis products: Hydrocarbons, phe-
The metals with lower pouring temperature (Cu- and nols, aldehydes and CO.
Al-alloys) have less thermal impact on the mould and it is It is clear that there is very little difference between emis-
seen that the initial level of emissions of hydro carbons is sions from binder A and C. However, the composition
relatively low but it reaches a peak after 4 minutes and 6 of the off-gasses changes considerably by changing cur-
minutes, respectively for Cu- and Al-alloys. For CO emis- ing agent. The PTA cured binder primarily emits toluene
sions, the picture is similar, only the maximum concentra- and some benzene while the BTA cured binder primarily
tion is higher varying from approximately 60 and 30 ppm, emits benzene. In the latter, emission of phenol and cresol
respectively for the two metals. So, when the thermal load is increased tenfold, but emissions are minute compared to
on the mould is reduced, the emission of CO is also reduced benzene emissions.
considerably. Total emissions of CO from experiment 6 is The data in the table shows that in all experiments there
less than in the other experiments where iron is cast in the are two components that constitute that largest part of the
mould. It indicates that furan binders cured with BTS emit total emission, namely benzene and CO. Figure 4 shows
less hydrocarbons and CO than is the case when PTA is that emissions are highest when iron is cast in the moulds,
used. but there is quite a difference in the emissions between the
types of binders used in the experiments. The binders used
in experiments 1 and 7 develop less benzene than the binder
used in experiment 6.

Emissions from cold-box (PU) binders

A series of experiments similar to those for the FA binders
were conducted for PU binders. In experiments 8, 9 and 10
castings were made with cast iron, bronze and aluminum,
The results are shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7. All data from
the filter analysis are shown in Table 4. From Figures 5 and
6 we see that there is some delay in the breakdown of PU
binders. The maximum level of emissions is not reached
Fig. 3. Emission of CO as a function of time for FA-bonded sand. until about 20 min after pouring. After 30 min, where most
Organic compound emissions from sand mould metals 1871
Table 3. Detailed analysis of off-gasses from moulds made with FA binders.


4-A-Fe 5-A-Fe
1-A-Fe 2-A-Cu 3-A-Al Shake out 90 min 6-B-Fe 7-C-Fe
Pyrolysis products ↓ [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg]

Aromatic Benzene 32.9 17 1.2 1.2 2.2 78 27

Toluene 63.1 66 27.8 6.5 12.1 6.1 61
Xylene + ethylene benzene 1.8 1.9 0.4 0.05 0.05 0.4 1.8
Other aromatic hydrocarbons 0.2 1.1 1.2 0.3 0 0 0
Total aromatic hydrocarbons 98 86 30.6 8.05 14.35 84.5 89.8
Phenols Phenol 0.1 3.7 0.1 0.05 0.05 1.4 0.1
Cresole, o-, m-, p- 0.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.2 1.2 0.5
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Xylenol 0 0.9 0 0 0 0.3 0

Total phenols 0.3 6 0.1 0.25 0.25 2.9 0.6
Aldehydes Formaldehyde 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.2 0.4
Acetaldehyde 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4
Acrolein 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Acetone 2.3 2.2 1.7 0.6 0.7 2.6 2.9
Propanol 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0
2-Butanone 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0.05 0.2 0.2
Butanal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Benzaldehyde 0.1 0.2 0 0 0.05 0 0.1
Pentanal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hexanal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 3.3 0 0 1.5 1.8 3.2 3.8
Total aldehydes 6.7 3.35 2.2 3 3.6 6.5 7.8
CO (integrated) 487 65 24.2 188 368 258 578
Data is grouped in aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, aldehydes and total CO.

of the experiments were finished, there is still considerable In general, the total emissions are approximately 20%
emission of pyrolysis products. Experiment 12, which lasted higher for PU binders than for FA binders (Table 4). This
for 90 min, shows that for iron castings, emission levels drop is a result of a much higher emission of phenols when the
quickly after 30 min. But it appears that for the lower melt- PU binders degrade. In the pyrolysis products from FA
ing alloys, bronze and in particular the Al-alloy, emissions binders phenols are hardly found, but in the PU binders
have not peaked yet after 30 min. Regarding the effect of emission levels range from 11.2 to 52 mg/kg mould sand.
the metal poured, the general trend is similar to that found This is to some extent, but not completely, compensated
for the furan binders: that when the thermal load on the by lower emissions of CO. CO emissions vary between the
mould is reduced the level of emissions per mould is also 3 binders analysed, binders E and F emit less than half as
reduced. much CO than binder D.

Fig. 5. Emission of hydrocarbons as a function of time for PU

sand. Fig. 6. Emission of CO as a function of time for PU sand.
1872 Tiedje et al.
Table 4. Detailed analysis of off-gasses from moulds made with PU binders.


8-D-Fe 9-D-Cu 10-D-Al Shake out 12-D-Fe 13-E-Fe 14-F-Fe
Pyrolysis products ↓ [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg]

Aromatic Benzene 70 48 0.6 4.8 11.6 63 83

Toluene 10.4 11.8 0.6 1.1 5.3 6.5 10.7
Xylene + ethylene benzene 5.7 8.1 0.5 1.4 5.6 2.2 9.1
Other aromatic hydrocarbons 294 334 241 193 351 214 429
Total aromatic hydrocarbons 380.1 401.9 242.7 200.3 373.5 285.7 531.8
Phenols Phenol 46 47 11.9 35.7 34.2 52 32
Cresole, o-, m-, p- 9.3 4.6 2 5.9 8.2 5 5.4
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Xylenol 1.1 0.7 0.05 0.5 1.1 0.7 1

Total phenols 56.4 52.3 13.95 42.1 43.5 57.7 38.4
Aldehydes Formaldehyde 0 0 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3
Acetaldehyde 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3
Acrolein 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Acetone 0.2 0.4 0 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.05
Propanol 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1
2-Butanone 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3
Butanal 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.5
Benzaldehyde 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pentanal 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0 0
Hexanal 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.1 0
2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 2.5 3.4 1.7 6.2 9.3 4.2 4.9
Total aldehydes 3.45 4.9 2.65 8.2 11.5 5.5 7.45
CO (integrated) 501 55 1.7 60 9.4 230 181
Data is grouped in aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, aldehydes and total CO.

As shown in Table 4, the variation in emission of other which part I contains significantly less hydrocarbons the
hydrocarbons resulting from change of binder is not large, emission of CO is reduced considerably.
though binder E emits only half the amount of aromatic
hydrocarbons than D and F. But by choosing a binder in
Emissions from resole-CO2 (RC) binders
Two experiments were done with RC binders. The differ-
ence in the binders is that “G” contains 5–10% 1-hydroxy-
3,6-dioxane and “H” contains 4–7% butyl glycol.

Fig. 8. Emission of hydrocarbons as a function of time for RC

Fig. 7. Pyrolysis products from PU sand as a function of time. sand.
Organic compound emissions from sand mould metals 1873
Table 5. Detailed analysis of off-gasses from moulds made with
RC binders.


15-G-Fe 16-H-Fe
Pyrolysis products [mg/kg] [mg/kg]

Aromatic Benzene 45 48
Toluene 8.4 16.5
Xylene + ethylene benzene 4.5 0.05
Other carbohydrates 11.3 13.30
Total aromatic 69.2 77.85 Fig. 9. Emission of CO as a function of time RC sand.
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Phenols Phenol 9.8 0.05

Cresole, o-, m-, p- 8.6 41.40 The total amount of hydrocarbons measured was similar
Xylenol 7 13.10 to that of the PU binders, (Fig. 10). It should be noted
Total phenols 25.4 54.55
that when the experiments were stopped, there was still
Aldehydes Formaldehyde 1.7 0.1
Acetaldehyde 9 0.4 a relatively high rate of hydrocarbon emission. Thus, it is
Acrolein 0 0 possible that the total amount emitted will exceed that of
Acetone 0 0.5 the PU binders.
Propanol 1.9 0.1
2-Butanone 0.6 0.1
Butanal 3.5 0.1 Comparison between analysis methods
Benzaldehyde 0 0
Pentanal 0.3 0.2 The total emission of hydrocarbons and CO from all ex-
Hexanal 0.3 0.1 periments is shown in Figures 11 and 12. In the graphs,
2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 0 1.5 the results acquired using filters are compared with the in-
Total aldehydes 17.3 3.1 tegrated data from the time-dependent analyses. There is
CO (integrated) 487 65 some variation between the exact results obtained by the
two methods. Qualitatively, the two methods give equal re-
Data is grouped in aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, aldehydes and total
CO. sults. Both methods show high and low emissions for the
same experiments. In the hydrocarbon analysis it appears
that filter analysis gives lower values than integration of the
time dependent curves especially when the concentration of
Cast iron was poured in both moulds and emissions were CO is low. However with 5 minutes between each sample
measured for 30 minutes. taken, the integration over time becomes relatively crude,
There was very little difference between the emission and will to some extend also explain the difference in the
of total hydrocarbons and phenols from the two types of results.
binders (Figs. 8, 9 and 10). Emission of hydrocarbons (Fig.
8) was generally lower than from FA and PU binders. Ini-
tial hydrocarbon concentration was approximately 50 ppm,
which after 5 min was reduced to 35 ppm. This level of con-
centration was constant for the remaining 25 min, and there
was no indication that emission levels were falling at that
All data from the filter analysis are shown in Table 5,
which shows that less aldehydes and CO is emitted from
binder H than binder G. This is to some extend compen-
sated by a higher emission of phenols and cresol, so that
the total emission of hydrocarbons is the same for the two
Emission of CO (Fig. 9) was similar to that found when
iron was cast in FA and PU moulds. The highest level (275
– 300 ppm) was found immediately after pouring. After
30 min the level vas reduced to about 20 ppm. Fig. 10. Pyrolysis products from RC sand as a function of time.
1874 Tiedje et al.

degradation products from FA and PU binders at 750◦ C

Dungan and Reeves[16] found that the most important
pyrolysis products from both binders were benzene and
phenol. In addition to that the FA binder created some
cresol and the PU binder created toluene. Their analysis is
not quantitative, but only points to predominant pyrolysis
products at the particular temperature. The results are in
good agreement with the analysis done under similar con-
ditions by Wang et al.[11] who finds that the main pyrolysis
products from degradation of a PU binder is phenol, cresol,
benzene and toluene. Though these experiments were con-
ducted at constant, high temperature in the laboratory, the
Fig. 11. Total carbohydrate emission per kg. mould sand for each results also compare well with the findings in this work.
experiment. Black bars are results from analysis of filters and grey The experiments show that of the many compounds anal-
Downloaded By: [Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark (DTIC)] At: 09:52 4 November 2010

bars are integrated values. ysed, it is few that make up the bulk of the total fumes
emitted. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the test proce-
dure considerably by only measuring these key components
Discussion of new binders to create a simpler bench marking test of
binders. The key components are: benzene and CO for fu-
Quality of the analyses ran binders, benzene, phenol and CO for cold box binders
A part of the present work was aimed at developing a and benzene, total phenols and CO for Resol-CO2 binders.
method to analyse emission from degradation of core and Since the phenol binders were cured with PTA or BSA it is
moulding sand binders so that they can be compared with very likely that emissions from those will also include SO2 .
respect to their impact on the working environment. It was not possible to test that in the present analysis.
Figures 11 and 12 shows the correlation between integra-
tion of the time-dependent measurements and the accumu- Emissions while cooling in the mould
lated values from the filters, this proves a good agreement
between the two types of measurements. Both methods For FA binders emission of CO and hydrocarbons follow
show that the same binders have high, medium or low lev- the same mode in all cases when iron is cast in the moulds.
els of emissions. The relative difference in the results is Almost immediately, within 1 to 2 minutes after pouring,
largest for compounds with very low emission levels. This the maximum amount of fumes is emitted. The level of
is because low concentrations are more difficult to measure emissions falls exponentially, and in most cases emissions
correctly since fluctuations in air flow around the tube, are very low after 30 minutes. The picture is the same for
through which samples are extracted, has the highest influ- emissions of CO from the other types of binders.
ence on the results. When alloys with lower melting point is poured in fu-
The chemical analysis compare well with laboratory ex- ran moulds, it takes 5 to 8 minutes before the emission of
periments found in the literature. In a laboratory study of fumes reach its maximum, after that emission levels also
fall exponentially.
Since pyrolysis of the binders is determined by the local
temperature in the mould,[8,9] it seems logical that emis-
sions are high when the pouring temperature is high and
just after the casting has been poured. As the heat from the
casting flows into the mould the casting is cooled. The max-
imum temperature falls as the thermal field spreads into the
sand. As a result the binder in the sand close to the casting
degenerates quickly. Further from the casting temperatures
are lower, and degeneration of binders is slow. Fe and Cu
based castings are poured at temperatures above 1000◦ C
and will as such have a high impact on the sand binders.
Al alloys are poured at much lower temperature, typically
650 to 750◦ C. In the literature it has been found that the
organic components in binders degrade in the temperature
range from 200 to 600◦ C, with the largest amount of fumes
Fig. 12. Total CO emission per mould for each experiment. Black emitted from 350 to 480◦ C.[9] The sand around aluminium
bars are results from analysis of filters and grey bars are integrated castings is quickly cooled to temperatures within that range.
values. As a result binder degradation is reduced too.
Organic compound emissions from sand mould metals 1875

Emission of hydrocarbons from PU binders is postponed As it is shown in Figure 11, PU binders emit the highest
almost 20 min. As a result, emission levels are still high after total amount of hydrocarbons. This trend is emphasised
30 min. It takes approximately 70 minutes before the levels by the fact that the present investigation is most likely to
are reduced to below 10% of the maximum. This means that underestimate the total level of hydrocarbons emitted from
in foundries where cold box moulds are opened manually, PU and RC binders. In the working environment it is in-
it will be advisable to wait more than an hour after pouring, teresting to note that the amount of off-gasses from FU
before moulds are opened. binders is reduced to a very low level after approximately
The reason why emissions from PU binders take rel- 30 minutes. Emissions from the two other binders continue
atively long to reach the peak is not immediately clear. for a much longer time. Thus the need for ventilation in
But a study by Dungan and Reeves[16] showed that PU the work place is very different depending on the type of
binders emit a large amount of volatile compounds (ben- binder used.
zenes) which are produced early in the process. It is possible With regard to CO emission the three types of binders
that light components evaporate from the hot parts of the seem to behave in the same way: immediate high emission
mould and then condense again in the outer, cold layers. As that gradually fades within 30 min. It is interesting to note
Downloaded By: [Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark (DTIC)] At: 09:52 4 November 2010

heat travels into the mould the condensed material evapo- that some of the RC type binders have been marketed as
rate again and is emitted together with the heavier pyrolysis “greener” than other binders, primarily because they are
products. better for the environment in the core shop than PU type
Emission of hydrocarbons from RC moulds is different binders. But the present analysis indicates that the improve-
from the other binders. Initially emissions are high, though ment in working environment does not necessarily extend
considerably lower than for the other binders. After 7 to to the casthouse. Emissions immediately after pouring are
10 minutes, the level has fallen to approximately 60% of low, but the total emitted compounds are the same.
the maximum. This level of emission remains constant for
at least 30 minutes. There is nothing that indicates that
Emissions during shake-out
emission levels will fall shortly after 30 minutes. This means
that also in this case it will be advantageous to postpone When moulds are opened, trapped gasses are released to the
shake-out for some time. environment. The concentration of hydrocarbons increases
immediately to a level equal to the maximum level emitted
after pouring. After 7 to 8 min it is reduced to half the max-
Effect of binder composition on emissions
imum value but emissions continue for at least 30 min. Cold
Generally, there is very little difference between the com- box binders emit almost 3 times as many hydrocarbons as
pounds emitted from binders within the same binder sys- furan-bonded moulds.
tem. It is only the FA binders where curing with BSA in- CO emissions also increase rapidly at shake out but max-
stead of PTA reduce the total amount of toluene signifi- imum concentration only reaches half the maximum level
cantly. This is at the expense of an increase in the level of after pouring. Emissions decrease very rapidly and after
phenol and cresol. Though the latter compounds are still 20 min almost no CO is emitted.
only emitted at low levels. In the PU binders it seems that The result is that in the shake out, the level of emissions
changing the binder composition and the curing agent can is very high. In foundries where there is continuous opening
lead to a reduction in CO emission whereas binder compo- of moulds, the level of emissions will permanently be very
sition has little effect on the hydrocarbons. high, especially when cold box binders are used.
In the literature ithas in one case been shown that the
composition of PU binders affect emissions. Wang et al.[11]
Effect of casting wall thickness and sand-metal ratio
studied degradation of three PU binders in the labora-
tory: Conventional, biodiesel and collagen based binders. The gasses emitted are formed inside the mould, very close
They found that the collagen based binder emitted lower to the surface of the casting. Then they travel through the
amounts of CO and hydrocarbons, particularly benzene, mould to the surface. Mass transport in the mould is a
phenol and cresol over a wide range of temperatures. complex process driven by thermal conditions, concentra-
Toluene, however, was emitted in large amounts over a very tion gradients, casting geometry, etc. As the fumes flow
small temperature range compared to the other binders. through the mould, they are cooled. Some components of
This indicates that it, to some degree, is possible to op- the gas will condense on the sand grains depending on lo-
timise emissions from organic binders through a correct cal temperature and dew point of the gas. Looking at the
choice of chemical components. Between the three differ- results of the time-dependent analyses, we see that the emis-
ent types of binders studied here, there are clear differences sion is high immediately after the mould is filled. Emissions
in the organic compounds emitted. Where emission of hy- fall approximately exponentially with time, which is to be
drocarbons in FU binders is immediate and fades relatively expected.
quick the other two binders are more sluggish in their degra- In some cases, especially where the thermal load on
dation and tend not to fade in the same way. the mould is small, the maximum emission of pyrolysis
1876 Tiedje et al.

products is found after some min. This is also understand- VII. The most important compounds emitted from all the
able since it will take some time for the fumes to travel binders are benzene and CO. In addition total phenols
through the mould and because some of the products emit- play an important role for furan binders.
ted will condense in the sand as long as it is cold. When the
mould heats up, the gases evaporate again and are emitted
to the atmosphere. Acknowledgments
If the sand-metal ratio is increased total emissions will
be reduced, but the time for when the maximum level of The project was initiated and funded by the Danish Min-
emissions are reached will be delayed. With increasing sand istry for the Environment, and run by the Danish Foundry
to metal ratio it is to be expected that the amount of organic Association. Experiments have been carried out at the Tech-
compounds that condense and is absorbed in the sand will nical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical
increase. Some of this will be emitted to the air in the Engineering in collaboration with the Danish Technologi-
shake-out while other compounds will remain dissolved cal Institute. Chemical analysis was carried out at Danish
in the sand. Compounds that remain in the sand are later Technological Institute.
Downloaded By: [Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark (DTIC)] At: 09:52 4 November 2010

removed as the sand is regenerated.

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