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INGLÉS- 6to Año Sociales Surname:______________

Date: 28/04/2020


El examen escrito será recibido por los alumnos 7.30 hs vía mail, deberá confirmarse su recepción, tanto
para alumnos y docentes. El mismo deberá ser entregado con copia al docente y a los directivos
Para la aprobación del examen escrito obligatorio se consideraran los siguientes criterios de evaluación:

• Comprensión lectora y análisis de consignas y situaciones particulares, con su posterior observación

y resolución.
• Manejo adecuado de los diferentes tiempos verbales, estructuras gramaticales y contenidos.
• Coherencia y cohesión en la producción escrita. Aplicación de contenidos trabajados en la misma.
• Comprensión lectora y análisis de situaciones. Utilización de vocabulario específico a trabajar.
• Ortografía.
• La aprobación del examen se obtiene con la resolución de todas las consignas mediante el correcto
dominio de los contenidos nodales de la materia.

1- Follow the link below. There is a video and a newspaper article. Watch the video, read the article
and complete the tasks. Take into account structures and tenses used in the questions and sentences
to do the activities. 30 p.

a. What connections can you make between the video and the article and the situation in our country?
Have any of the things mentioned in the article happened in Argentina? Answer using YOUR opinion
and any facts you can add.
b- What aspects are mentioned in the article as the most difficult in terms of emotions and feelings?
What do doctors/attendings and nurses express? What unusual things have they done for their
c- Choose 3 words or phrases from the article that indicate doctors’ and patients’ emotions. Why did
you choose them? How would you feel in that situation?

2- Complete the sentences. You can use your own words or information taken from other sources (e.g:
the article). Identify which structures are used to complete the task (They may relate to passive
voice, conditionals I, II or III, present or past perfect or any other basic tense) .20 p.

a- A month ago, people used to……

b- If doctors and nurses didn’t work as much as they do…………….…
c- Politicians have been making…….…………..
d- Coronavirus has spread all over the world. This disease will stop if we …………….……
e- If people had taken care of themselves before,………………………………..
f- This disease is said to be…………………………..
g- If we get better equipment for medical centers,…………………………………..
h- Many adults and children have stayed at home since…………………………..

3- Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Use the reporting verb between brackets. 10p.
a- “You should take care of yourselves” Doctors people (ADVISE)
b- “Don’t go out during this period” The president citizens (ORDER)
c- “We’ll do our best” The doctor the patient (TELL)
d- “Can you please write a message for your dad?” The nurse the girl (ASK)

4- Writing. 40p.
Write a short paragraph (min. 60 words) about what how you are living during the quarantine. Mention
things you have done, new habits that your family has acquired and how this time has changed you
and your routine. Have you done anything weird or strange? Do you maintain a routine? How do you
organize your day? Do any of the things mentioned on TV and the newspapers make you feel afraid?
Have you got any predictions for the future?
You can add any other information that you want.
Use linkers, appropriate punctuation, and held structures required in the instructions.

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