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Discernment in Prayer

Br. Mariano Franco Mendez, OSB

Review of a Prayer Experience
September 4, 2019

BEFORE Description of your internal condition as you entered into prayer(Emotions,

physical sensations, thoughts)

I got some discomfort in my stomach, like burning and some sensation of acid reflux. I’m
still sleepy because I did not sleep well the night before. I am still dealing with coughing
and I am struggling with some anxiety and some tremor because the current issue that I
am passing through. My thoughts are about: “What I am going to do?” “Am I going to be
focused in my prayer?” “I need to pray but I do not know if I am going to make it” “Why
this happened to me?” “When this is going to stop?” “Help me God, please! I need your
peace and determination to act and to say”

DURING Description of your interior movements during prayer (Emotions, physical

sensations, thoughts)

I like how the incense smells, it helps me to get some peace and relaxation but I am still
dealing with my physical discomfort of my reflux and I got some nauseas. Being in my
recliner is one of my favorites spots to prayer and do my Lection Divina, and I like to
contemplate my holy icons and the light of the candle. I am sleepy.

As long I breathed deeply I experienced some peace and relaxation, and happiness for
being alive, being in the presence of God, so I experienced a kind of protection and

My thoughts are related on the previous one, however, I emphasized on the peace and
healing that I need, and I asked God to help me for getting them. I prayer to the Blessed
Mother and the saint that they intercede for me and for my mom who is celebrating her
birthday. I tried to keep my mind silenced to let the Divine Healer heals me. I felt the
need of sleep and I said internally: “God you are giving me rest.”

AFTER Reflection on your overall prayer experience

Since I was in Mexico for a month and a week, I did not follow my rule of prayer, as I do
when I am at the monastery. When I come back it has been hard to get it back this rule or
routine of prayer, because I have been trying to get up early as I used to do it before going
to Mexico.

I have focused my prayer on getting peace and healing of mind and body. I felt protected
when I was before my icons while the candle is light and the incense is burning. I felt like
the Transfiguration event, when the disciples wanted to be there with Jesus forever,
however what I have learnt that I cannot possess or keep Jesus just for myself and the
Discernment in Prayer
Br. Mariano Franco Mendez, OSB
Review of a Prayer Experience
September 4, 2019

peace that he gives me it is just a piece, a taste. It is like He is telling me: “Do not get use
to, because you need to get ready for the good fight but there you have some peace.” And
I think/feel He is asking me to trust in Him, to do not be anxious but take courage. I need
to be more able or open to receive the grace of healing, but the first thing to do is to trust
but also to be more committed and organized to my prayer life.

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