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Problems in the Republic of Moldova

As a small, post-soviet country, the Republic of Moldova has a large variety of

social and economic problems.
The infrastructure is one of the most common problems. The soviet government
encouraged the rural population to move to cities and their number of residents
quickly raised, the well-known panel 5 floor houses being built. It was a fast and
secure decision then, but now these buildings are inefficient in terms of human per
square meter and are pretty ugly. Destroying these and building more modern
houses is less profitable for building companies, so all the free space like parks,
stadiums and so on are being turned into tall, thin buildings, making the capital a
true maze. Another part of the infrastructural problem are the roads. Urban and
rural, international and inter-cities, all the roads are of low quality. Even if the
amount of money allocated to road development is pretty big, somehow they are just
patched up or in a short amount of time holes appear everywhere, like mushrooms
after a rain. It all happents because of corruption, companies buying the tender and
stealing most of the money, poorly repairing the road.
Speaking of corruption, it devours the country from the inside. It is the main fraud
that takes place between public agents and businessmen. Construction agencies pay
bribery to get the permission to build false projects. For example a sport complex
was demolished to make a multi-level parking, but overnight it became 11 floor
house. Maaaagic!!! Deputies are bribed to adopt laws that support business and not
population, raising the pollution, noise and smell raise. Patients bribe doctors to get
health vacation or faster treatment. Even bribers bribe the judges not to be sentenced
with bribery. These are only some of the examples that can be seen every day in our
country, causing economic and life quality decline.
Another problem is the medical system. This problem shows up during epidemics
like the corona virus one. Hospitals and doctors are clearly not ready, to consult the
doctors, the patient needs to go to the hospital or policlinic by himself, infecting
quite a few more people on their way. Even if the foreign media is exaggerating,
Moldovan authorities just don’t worry, keeping everything just the same.
The Republic of Moldova is a small, poor country, but this is not an excuse for all
those lots of problems named and not named above. Try to make the country better
by yourself and don’t count on the careless authorities.

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